Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1895, Image 1

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    ' ' - ; -7 - - - - - -
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: ' , . . THE. OMAHAr DAILY BEE. . S ,
L . ' ,
] S'r.AJn.JiSIIjJD JUNE :10 : , 1871. . OMAhA , \VJJDNESDAY [ OnINC : : JANUARY 16 , 18U & . SINGJ : : COpy 1'lym oiiti's.
Ontome of the Downfall of the Ministr
" , in the lhnmbor Ycsterday
Tired or A tuIU Which Ils ( 'ositon Utvo
11m N. I'owcr 10 Icselt-VlaVII-
111 l'rcBqtlrfl to Imluco 1111
. to 1tCcOUltcr.
IAIS , Jnii to.-I was announced thIs
C\'enIDg M. Casimir-l'crler. president o [ the
t.'rench rellulle , had resiged omco. During
the evening ho conferred with the president
fk.\f or the senate and , then summoned : . Ouerln ,
' . mInister or Justice , M. LeYllues , mInister of
public Instruction , : i. Polncarre , mInister of
nnnc and the perfect of the Solne. M ,
I.oyques hml a long conversation with N.
Perlol the result of which Is not known A
sccond official nato was issued at 1 o'cloclt
tonight announcing the resignation of the
President and forecasting the Ileas ho intends
. - to develop In his farewell address to the
Chamber of 1)cputics. The note says that in
the eyes of the prcsldenl yesterdny's ! sitting
b the chnmb and the vote which overthrew
the cabinet were only secolllnry incidents
of the struggle which Is proceeding against
the pnrlamentnry regime and , Public Iber-
tieL M. Casimir-PerleI had hoped the prcs-
Idenl ( of the republic , who Is llep"ved of
means of action , would have ben exemptcd
from party attacks nnd the especial congra
denco of the I'ellblcnns would have nc-
corded hIm power and , nUlhorlly. Ic I had
also hoped those who , despIte himself , had I
1 placed him In a position where he was unble
r 10 defend hirnc1f , would have undertaken the i
defense of the first maJlslrate , Continuing ,
the note says the prcsldent has requested thc I
ministers to temporarily withdraw their res- :
Ignatons In order to facltto the necessary
Prime Minister Dupuy imparted Presldenl
Caslmlr-Perler's decIsion to the presidents 01 [ r
. the Senate and Chamber of Deputies , who
wi rorthwlh cal urgency sittings of lhoso
'I ) bodies 'fhe greatest IJerplexlty reigns In al I
political circles.
' The long coure'ence , whIch : . Caslmlr-
h PerleI had with " . ChalemelLacour , Ires-
ideaL of the vuate , Is now explained. He
had already resolved to resign. M. Chalc-
met-Lacour elllloyed his Ul103t eloquence
In I vain endeavor to Persuade the preslde"1
10 reconsider his decision , und quitted the
palace or the my/seo under u sense of deep I
dlstr.'ss. . Ail the membHs of the cabInet ,
from Prime Minister Dupuy down , folowed 1
Ciiahieniot-Lacour and exhaustell
Chalemel-Lncour every ar-
gumenl to Induc" Casimir-PerleI nol to re
sign. After him eama 1 Spuler , whose
eloqunce , It wi be remembered , overcame
. ' - on a former occasion M. Casimir-Perler' 8
scruples 10 , accepting the PoSition or prima
minister All Iha peident would concede
to these allpeals was to delay the pUblcalcJ I
of his intentions until tonight
As Dupuy and Spuler were leaving the
palace together they met In tile corrIdors
the president's mOlher , who Is 80 years of C
nge They begged her to entreat her son :
to remaIn In olce and silo promised she
would do her utmost I Is stale,1 the Inler-
view between mother anti son was very affect :
Ing. Nevertheless at'9 'o'clock , Cassimir -
PerleI sent a short letter to DUIJ ) ' inform
Ing hIm thaI his ieclslon was Irrevocabla !
and begging him to notify the president
of the Senate and Chamber of Deputes and
to , nnnounce the act 10 the Journal , Offlciei.
Dupuy accepted the task thus Imposed upon
him 10 seemed to be completely over
whelmed with the of his
wlh sense responsibihi -
ties , , but speediy recovered anti with lhe
energy coolness and foresight that he displayed -
played , on the occasIon or , the Isa slnnton :
3 or M. Carnet . 11roceelled to take th" measure
whIch the occolon , demanded. '
" 'ASIIN TON , Jan 15.-Iiplomatic circles -
cles hero were astonished lonlght by the :
flows of thin resignation of lreshlent Caslmlr-
Peeler of Prance So unexpected was the
announcement whIch was first convoyed Itt I
them through tim Associated press lhat
many officials \ero nol inclined to bcleve
I Neither the seretary of state the :
French ambassador nor any of the members
or the foreign relations committees of the :
house , and senate had any intimations 10f
such a thing or tiny reason to expect II ,
Ambassador Patornolro said ho hind
* ri a-
eeh'e,1 no news on the subjecl. "Tho rcsii ; -
nation must have been on account of the t
failure of the president to form a ministry , "
ho saId , " but II Is entrely nnprecedented
that a president should resign for such a
' caIS8 " . _ _ _ _ _ _ _
J'Iti I'OI 'riei i'it&i.
Opinion iM I ( enorai that Hue las noel
CrnRhfi In the len Oi tim Harl Sea.
LONDON Jan. 15.-Tho Pal Mal Oazela
says thaI the grave fears for the safety of lhe
Nausea Arctic expedition are general ! among
Arctic voyagers or Great Britain and Scand I -
navia Llententall 10vgaard of the Dmphna
expedition , which was wrecleed In Ihe Kala
sea has expressell the opinion of the Danish
Geographical Bocely ! that there I no queston
but the I.'ram has been ,
crushed In the Ice and
thaI Dr. Nausea and his 11arly are retreat-
'he opinion Is lucid by other travelers , the
Pal Mall Gazette says , that Ur. Nansen aft Cr
a 'ear's cruising around , Is returning by the
nearest route In expectation of meeting I r C-
lie ! expedition . lie left Norway II the l ram
In June 1893 , and on July 24 of the same
year , a telegrlllJh message from Borlavag , on i
L the north coast of Norway reported his proGram -
' Gram as follows : To the new SiberIan Islands
and thence directly north until the Frm
should be embedded In the Ice Inll thrift along
with I , following the \es I coast of any lald
thaI might be met wih Il0rthwar,1 ; , On
August 23. 1S3 , Dc Nausea senl u dispatch
from Vnrdo , which he bath written al Char a-
bow" In the Yngorhl strls ! , the 2d of Iho
sauna month announcing that he was abc t1t
to sail Into the Inra sea , nnd that the l ral
bad behaved EiilCfltlidiY.
splelldly. , _ " , .
, \CCUSIW 01 , ' TiLF.ChhlltY : , .
. ,
A Corrc811ndf'nl 1'lntll\glln5t the uro era
a 11\11 al 1'01'1 Arthur .
VICTORIA U. C. Jan. 15.-The Empress
or Japan arrlvel this afternoon. She lel
Yokohama January . and has no war news
- of slcclal interest Frederick I "llers , war
,4 correipondent , has returned. lie ' r
correlpondell ( le says Do
auenvlo of the Herald 1loted , against thl
lie of Jlmes C"celuln " or the \VorlI ( Hill say& l I
he will drive him from the New York Press , ,
club an,1 , the city , Vllers confirms Crcel ,
I. ' mati's story about the butchery nl Port
Arthur and , IYs thaI after the winter Is
over ho looks for the interference of Itus ala
and IJerhnls 1iialanul ,
When Vlien an,1 , Creelman were laken
1 prlsonfr I ) the Jalane1 they were liberal Oil
b ) Englsh Intervention.'iiiiers says the I I
NOOs [ lira c'ear ' that D3 Qer/vle tried to
betray Creelman Into the hands of the Jap un.
ese and have huimkiiied usa .
II\e _ u Iled lS _ s1IY.
flUt . HUUot'1" " hut Clrm'1.
. ' . flIflLlN . Jaui ll-I : ! Jeror Wllnin'Is , ,
Itci Chancellor von Hohenlolle , who gave 10
his majely all tie details of huts YIla yebl t . r-
. , day to Prince llisinarck . 'fhe Ilress I I P. l
; " , or rumors , especially II r gard 10 Count I ful
! bert Ismaolt , who Is given oil srtl of [ eminent :
nent hosts hy GOSSI\ !
The Cologne Gazatto lnnune s that Prince
Usmack , t he Is wel enough h , 'wiIslt
Iniperor'Ihhiani on the anniversary of the
latter's , birthday , January 22 , when hla
, majesty wIl bo 31 years old ,
I'is'iuuJIlr ) _ Ir ( & 'hJc' lr.
, L\lmIOOI. , Jaui. 15.TheViuhte Sial
flute steamship Majestic , whIch ta'll for New
York tomorrow . wilt take autoug her lass eu-
. drs . J. 1) . 110Ul Iuel- ,
Kcn Ar. Hula May . Mci . A. J. Foci es-
' : ' -
I.elth , Me . and Mrs Deerhohm Tree and Mr.
LIe nel Drough . , , the comedian .
TJlC.Tl TlIUM.lFOI - T.f'I.OI.
South Dakota Offers n Large liawaril for
the . \001111 Treasurer.
pmnnE , S. D. , Jan 10.-Speclal ( Tele-
gra m.-Tiiero ) are no new developmenls In
the Taylor case. A large number of lele-
grams are daily received describing suspects
but none or them have been shown to ba
the mnn. Today the governor Issued the
fell owing proclamation :
A reward or $2,0 wilt be pall for the IP-
11rehen lon nnl , rendition to the nuthoritleil
or South laltl or \V. W. ) ' nutholls ,
flultnl treasurer or this itate. lie Is al'ut
Iva feel six Inches In height . hoo\ ! icc .
welht from 10 to 2 pounds , Molln" ,
she uiulerp , wlar I light . short mustache
rud dy complexion blue ' .
Iudlly cyca rather large
mouth , with hnnglll unulorhlp . slightly bald
hILII tinged with gray , walks with IL sort or
1 tnfed , gait.
CIAII.ES I SIEDON , ( overnr , ,
The senalo has also passed anti the house
wi t pal ! tomorrow n hilt granting to the
att oruny general $10,000 to bo used In employIng -
ployIng detectives for Taylor's apprehension
and In prosecuting his bondsmen and recoverIng -
lug their property
' aylor's bondsmen have hell I meeting
In Chicago and II Is expected that they wi
In a Ilay or two malt a proposItion 10 settle
wih the state
Colonel Hnth , the commissioner of public
lands , who Is charged , with divesting the
fun ds or his departmenl and with being In
colusion with Taylor Is expected to arrive
hero from Desmelln the morning.
l'lr t IOUlt for Hc.ublb lon Easily Wtm
In tile South Uulol" IOU50 ,
pmHRE , S. D. , Jan 15.-Spcia1 ( Tele
gra ni.-Tho ) ght flr resubmlsslon Is over
so far as the house Is concernell. Until a L
few days ago both sIdes were Iualy conf-
dent , but the prohIbItonists nt their meetIng !
las evnlng found thai they had a two
thirds majcrly agaInst them , and they Irae-
tlc ally abandoned the fight In the house. Te
day the temperance committee promptly ro .
perlell ( back the resnbmlslon bill after only
two hours' consideration , and the trIal of f
strenglh came on the mlcolon of the minoriy
re port , whIch was against I This report
was dereated by a vote of 49 to 31 : , three
Idng ah300t. The speaker voted against lho
bi l , but II will certainly pass tomorrow ,
The bill wi then go to the senate , and wi ;
be reported about Monday nexl
. IOR08 WIll Fight Iu the Court Before 10
nh'os Up
SAN FRANCISCO , Jan to.-Ooveror
Budll receive this afternoon nn opinion from
Alorney General Fitzgerald , stating that lha
governor had the poweI 10 remove from omce
any member of the board of San Francisco
po lice commissIoners Thereupon he promply
moved Moses A. Gunst , appointed by cx : -
Go\ornor 1arkham , two weeks ago nnd
placed the abnoxlous appointee by Stewart
M euzia. The nnnouncement created a seam -
ton , but the removal Is commented upon
favorably by a majority or lho politicians of
bolh parties. Ounst wi not relinquish his
olco without a stubborn light , and Is conhl 1-
dent thaI the courts will sustain him 1en-
zla Is the leader of the non-partisan part ,
which has been working for munIcIpal reform :
form for three years
Cuu 'ro\'o Fifteen luudled Fulso "ole
NEW YORK , Jan 15.-John Murray Mitci I-
el i has served notice of contest by mal on
Congressman-elect James JValsh , his opponent -
nent In the Eighth dlstrlcl. Mitchell charges
wholesall fraud and bribery and claims his
ablly to prove that nol less than l.lOO i I 1
legal votes were cast for Wnlsh. He has es-
tablshed headquarters In the Astor house nnd
wlh 11 assistance of Austin E. Ford and ; ,
H . Jewel Is collecting evidence
dmlslon Aplllntclt Olt Inspeelor.
LINCOLN Jan. n-Speclal ( ! Tolegram.- )
G vernor Holcomb today appoInted 3. H.
Edmiston , recent chaIrman -or the Independ-
enl state central commltle chief oil In-
epector , vIce L. F. Hilton or Blair . removed ,
The appointment Is to e lake effect February 1
IT UPRXII . ) l'JWI'Ll . ' RYE.
neo's EXloso of the Travclno Jlou' " Shoe I-
l'olllny u l'flhJIIO Surprise.
LINCOLN , Jan 15-Speclal ( Telesram.- )
The story In The Dee this morning , ! Ivlng
the detaIls or the lottery scheme thaI has
been worked In Lincoln for the past few
weelts , has attracted no little comment here :
In i the capital city tonight Robert : Inlr
the chief promoter ot the enterprise , Is tel II.
Ing I the 1lneoll people that the alegcd
T raveling Men's Business Dock compar my
would have been duly incorporated COmran ic
atorney ot the "aisociatioit" not forsoten
to tIle the papers with the proper authioi u-
t ! ei. "I gave the allcles of Incorporattu ,
to my attorney mYfelf , " says Mull He' '
asserts that L C. Burr WIS given the O't- I
cOI to le on lasl September 23 , and that
Ir i they have nol been 1 ell the nttorn y
has forgotten 1 I. C. UUIT Bays Mull
came to hIm II Deccmhel and asked him to
d raw up articles of Incorporaton , et lIe ti pe
10 dll
s o. Mr. BUM' maltes the following statement -
ment : " "I naked , :1111 what lnduceme lit
wal heM out to the purchaseI of the thck ta
or cerllcates He said that the purchasers
would share In the rents and prolts or the I
b uilding. I any other Inducement was lie ( I
oUl In the nature of I collie or a hell
WIS kept In Ignorance or the fIt , If this
prves h true I 1 wIll at once wIthdraw from i
11 connection with the compaiiy " I
Since the ( allure or the drawing to con
or on January 1 the property his cOle
p laced In the hands of u trlstoe , Mu hr
claims that tim Jull
c organizing stockholders
organl7lns stocltholdell can-
s isted or himself as Ilrlnclpal and I.'mnlt ;
larlts as Iccondll ) ' , . Int
\Vom'li : rU.R oa Unsuccessful , \\olill to
10 ( 'ullturc U 1'lrhll. ,
Mrs. I" B Iaton , 1 wlduw living nt 2 : : jO ;
Spauhlng street hall a hard struggle wIth a
bll lal lost night about 10 o'eloclt .
! I'S. 1 lton Is In the habll or Inolelng
throuSh t the house each nigh hefore rctirh : rig
10 see It e\er'thlnl Is all rich
Last night as site was mll"ng her nc-
customed rounds Bile went to the pantry
but she was unable to open the 1001' . A
burglar who haul secr tel himself on the
Inside I wal holdIng the door rind as soon
al Mra Eaton rell7ell the situation site rn
to the dining reel dool' and attempted to
lock the burglar In the house Itemjted lati
Wl9 too swift for her and .he , mrllar
getting to the door beoJ . the got It lucke,1
a 11 I struggle emiie/I / , Mrl iatoii I liria fly
succeclell , In locltno the door nod ran out
the front way , where she ant nei' : : b. .
hOI' . who came to her 1'llslunce. 'I 'lie
Ilrllal' wus too fo"y 10 he cittihtt la a trp 'Ihe
1\ this and while : III. Iulon was cahll mig
for assistance he succeeded In making his
eclile out the back dee , ' of the hou e.
11 ! , 1 lton waR Ilmost prostrate frm
the ( right , and was unable to gIve a 110-
IcrlpUol of the thief.
'I'hiO burllul' Is supposed to he some one
who Is acquainted wlh the affairs of ! M as.
l : ton. She lund just receIved her I.enslon
Ytlterday nod t II I thought this was the i
object or the burglar's vISIt. NothIng was
taken from the house.
' , IU'I . eve , . ' lu'dr-1 : ! or the ( 'arncgie "I
, IIII'IS i.t out
10mSTEAU , Pa. , Jan , IS-Bxclement I
Is al the hlghesl Illch over the dls- :
charge of cllos of the Carnegie St eel
works who attended the coiled
atend'd culcl meetIng Sl ;
day tQ try all effect 1 labor oranlzlton
among themseh'o3 Nearly 10 men hn\o
already heads been diicllarg . .1. I and I II said in ore
wi COlI OlC The men
elplo(1 ot tHe works hud been warc,1 by
thc company that : any nlclpl ut olClnlza-
thou . ' , i
lon on their II.U't would rlul In a whole-
hue ( iliehargt' , and 10 thIs move WIHI not
al'Hclhcl' unexiie'tetl 'Ih\ 10cllab)1 1(111-
trl 11' ready 10 admit that I mistake was
mad In holding I 1)dtllL' meeting . An or-
'Hlnlzaton ' \ \ ill still s'lotnu' , tlouHh I vihl
110 eluhwte secretly In the future jtni wi
thc ionic p.mlreut Inca discliargeij ' \nl,11 ! :
Iaa 11
. .lohn'il hums ( orem'tti J the t w nt.eI lre -
1:1h mi f"I' twelve y "lr , ant Jo 1) cllhl- : , .
laater In the this . UIdjI's.
attr Ihl tr-lhrle.llch mi for
thirty ) CUI'S.
Ono Hundred and Fifty saved by the Heroic
Efforts of Their Comrades.
Hush or Wntell front Old " 'orktuigu Likely
to no Par More Serious In Is no-
stilts Thnl W 1 itt l'lrt
' LONDON , Jnn to.-Throughout the night
re'lays or men have worked desperately 'at
the Dlglako celery , Auiler , North Slaroll-
shire , where a large number of miners were
entomued , about noon yesterday , by 0 sudden
rush orlers front the old workings , ns
already cabled to the AssocIated press.
BY)5 o'clock yesterday 15 nlen and boys
employed In the mine had been rescued. or
these who remained below It was though
thnllwenly were In the I ' werorldngs when
Ihe mlno was flooded and thaI they were i
dr owned . From the time the disaster was
signaled the .
, rescuers have been doing their
ulmost to save these who may remain alive i
anll 10 recover the bodIes of the drowned
Tha work of rescue , however , has not made i
much progress and It Is now believed there
arc still between ninety and 120 men and boys
In the mine , and , I seems Increasingly doubl-
ful l whether any of them can be reached In ;
lmo , The sorrowslrlcken wIves , dnughters I
and other relatives of the Imprisoned miners I
have been gathered orotund the pllhead ever
sltte tim news of time disaster reached them
' mere they have been patiently facing the m
bilerly cold wind since shortly after noon I
yeslerday ali many of theta have been with -
oul rood for twenlY-four hCirsAI or them I
br ought dry clothes for the men and they
st and In groups hoping aii1 pryIng for tin
sarety of their loved ones.
TIme wnter so constantly fluctuates thaI Iho
rescuers Bro well nigh dIscouraged. They
fo und time bottom or the shaft clinked wlh
ples of Imbrrs swept there by the torrenls
or water . All of [ this timber must be remove -
move before the entombed men cnn bo
re ached . Dul the ceaseless pumpIng does bit
seem to materIaly affect lhe contnuous food I
of water . The greatest fear was expressed
Ihat the waters wi so undermine the gal
leries that there with bo a cave-In. The res -
cu ers work wlh dlmculty . standing In four :
feet or water and only fifteen yards progress
was made during the night Hundreds or
miners have arrived nt the Dglalc Cliery :
[ rom other celeries and they nil volunteer
to go down and assIst In the work of rescue ,
Fresh gangs or men are thus supplied to go
down every hour i
K4tISEIC ! O1'IINS ' .
Tnlts of the " 'orl ito Wil 10 for tic
( ioniC or ills P0.11)10.
DERI.IN Jnn to.-'fhe Prussian Diet was
opened at noon today by Emperor WIhliamm I .
His majesty read his cpeech from the throat
Ho began by saying that the Pruss Ian budge i
showed a deficit which ho hoped would disappear I-
appear on the accomplshment of the proposed I-
posed financial reforms by time flelchista .
Afer nnnounclng bills for tim extension of
state railways and other domestic measures
thl t emperor drew attention to the fact that I
the heavy gales and foods of tIme last few
weeks had caused great devastation on lho
P russian Islands on the const and In lhe
North sea adding that the necessary steps
would bo taken for lhe adoption or measures
to repaIr the damage
Regarding husbandry hIs majesty regreled
t hidt ItS condition continued to be unfavorabli
saying : "To counteract thl& will be the 01 I-
ject j or my unremitting paternal solcllude
and the most pressing duly of iY govern-
ment. "
In conclusIon the emperor appealed to al
patrIotc men for concord and unanimous ci 3-
opernton against the growing attacks upon
the functions of lhe state
Consensus or Opinion In Paris that Ito Nut t
Succeed UU\uy its l'rcmor. !
PARIS , Jnn t5.-The newspapers wlhoul
e xception of the opInion thaI
excepton are the soluton I
o f the ministerIal crIsIs will be a long nnd
dlfcul matter. The radical and socialst :
organs , thougl } jubilant at the fail or lbe
cabllet , show anxiety In regard to the a I-
polnlmenl of their successors
The monarchist organs assert that the r C-
pUblc Is passIng through a perIod of diflicu 1-
tes t which may assume grave proportloi is
and which may even Involve the Eyse ,
The moderate republican press pays unanimous I-
mous trIbute 10 the
correctness and clearness -
ness of the atiUde of ex-PremIer Dupu
who has fallen , It is asserted , only because
he l was delermlned , to safeguard constlti U-
tonal t principles. Many persons blame M.
Barlhou , time ex-minister of Juble works , for-
nol havIng shown the same reserve ns M.
Dupuy , and they reproach N. Barthou wil Lii
having h caused the cabinet's downfall . The
consensus of opinIon Is that the only possible 1-
ble solution or the dlfculy Is a repubhic In
concentrnton under N. Bourgeois republcan
Lord Urlssoy ( ovcrllr at Victoria.
LONDON , Jan. lo.-I.ord Drassey has a C-
cepled the governorship or VictorIa , Aus-
trala , In succession to time carl of Hopeloun : ,
Foreign 1'llhlS ,
'fhe empress of Austria arrIved al Mentone
and proceeded to Cape Martin .
M. Ieron has been
: en nomlnaled vice consul
o f France al Galveslon , Tex , replacIng I I .
Gianduio' . I 1.
A proposal has been submlted.o the cou : n-
ci of the Husslan empire to establish
establsh a Russian -
ian legation to the Vatican. .
, "U. 7' 1',11 UI' TU JtRPJ1I .
f. : : Il'lHCUr.
. : . _ . .
, J. Honnedy Todd & Co. Entitled to 'n , mot I.-
101 l"foro Securities Are IeIettetI.
DtJIIUQUE Ia. , Jan. .
" Ju Ih.-Juelge Shlraa or
the t United States court tOday hnldct do in
I lengthy decision II the Ilroceclng , ot t0wn . p.
lubblrd , assignee ot the Union Loon ai miii
Trust company , against J. Kennedy , Todd
& Co or New Yorlt , whoreln Hubbard
sought to reCGver from the defendants the
Sioux City & Northern stock and the Sioux
City. O'Neill , \\'cstcrn
O'Nei bond" held b ) '
them lS coluteral for I loan or he1 , , 0 oi3 ,
The court sustained the ' , $ ,60,0
' sustalnet artier an,1 tie com-
pany' right 10 the coiiiteraIg
and ! orulo
colatel'all 1 $
that unless they ha redeemed , h Inl ) payment
Of the loan In full vith interest .
ful ' , Ohio ) ro.
wih pi
eeedings wi be t\lsmlN \ ed , 'Flue lleclslon
means thou work on the iirltlgt& over the I
Missouri river wIll not he resumed . unless C
I more satisfactory decision I/ secured In
the court or alllwnl8 to which the
he takemi , The $1,60.0. which Judge case Situ wi
holds must he P01(1 ( whim Interest befors .
IJnl1 wih befol Ihe I
securities Cult Ie redeemed Is Iii full thc I
Imonnt claimed by Todd & Co. ful an
eetriier decision the .
curler decsion company '
Creltt wits i a.
fused the right Ie redim. so that the de. 1'1-
Cubit Is voll to this xttnt ,
Sioux Captain 'J' p , ( lore , Ir t Il'csilent of th- I
City & Northern saiui he believed
rhl Ileleved th I
decision virtually meant that the ( .
Noi'timermt \'lrlull ) melnt Orlat
Northerl would secure control of the SIoux
City & North'rn.
.IXSI'ICltW : J/Tl .1 l'IS7'UL.
. _ _
. " 'h1u or UI lows 'ual , llor lelent 11
DES MOINES , J."II. 15-(81.eclnl ( To Ic-
gram.-lrs. ) Etlial , wife of I coal Ilner ,
living In time western Part ' of town , thIs
mOllng shot Fred Barber , who lesum(11
upon acquaintance prevIous
acqullnlance to the lad I a
marriage a short time ago . and made I nt-
proper advances.
wounded mami disL
mal ii-
Ilcart,1 wih 1 confederate amuti has not '
IUII hal yet
Leel located. Mrs. l lhnlurrendH , d to the (
11 lce Ind was released on her own recosnl _
zance I Is not lel0wn how . badly liar ltei'
Is hurt The ) ' came recent ) from Wa\II : l.
ha _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \ )
Sons uf I 110 " lute ri , ii , Ii , , ( tulol Meel. l
DES MOINES , Jan -Speclal ( ' ( le-
gram-The Iowa SocIety of Sons of the
AmerIcan Revolution 1e1 1 meeting tOday
wit good attendance. JdlUne business was
trlnslctell and thle. onlcers elected :
President , I. U , nn.tnoill , Hampton' vice
pre sident , Albert \ V. iwoim , oskmifoosa ! ;
tre asurer . 1cIman Knil' ' . Ames : secretary ,
C.tra II. E . lhonrtlinnfl . : lnNhnltown ; regis.
tra r . Dr B n. Inenj De 2doiume : histoRe
rian , Judge George W , Wukfl1tI . Sioux Cit3'
challlnll , IeB. ! . 1 Vllum felt. Grinnel : Ciy'
of malnger ! thc abo\o mclr all ii. E.
. .1.1)e Boardman , Marsh allow % ; N. 4\ . . Merrell ,
DeWit : .lmimnes Ii. Strong , Des Ioiles : Ierel : .
H. Sage Des Moines , anti lion . W. 1 lIep130
burn , e arlnda.
Del ( nles 10 the national society are Cap-
tamer : lellel or DeWit amid JUdga Sprague
' nnl
ot \'apelio.
H ( olutons were aloptl.l , favol'ln the or-
fnll7aton of cIrcles or compatrIots , together
wih h 1)atighters or the American ! tofethel
atHl thus create Interest In matters pertain-
IIA 10 Amellcnn Insttutons maters , lext
meetll will he hell In this city about Feb-
run ) ' 2 189. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
May thus /'rol.erl '
SIOUX CITY , Jan. 15.-(8peclal ( Telegram. )
-J udge Slums has decided the luvoic-
-ucc Shlrs cases luvoicele
Ing the ownership ) or time collterls of the
Sioux City & Northern and Sioux City ,
O' Neill & " 'esler roads . lie holds thaI
Ihe ' can be redeemed b ' the
thniu ) by Credits Coin-
mutaton compan for $1,50.0 ThIs the
com flpaii3' will nol do. ' ' 'hl roads wi iirob-
abl ly Tnts Inlo the control or Jim Hi 1111
the O'Neill'eatern wilt ba extended to
the vest or soulhwest.
nrllll alllnbbt1
SIOUX CITY , Jan -Slleclal ( Telegram. )
-A. D. I'ostel a rich farmer who lives nt
Se rgeamit's BUff , was I'obbet last -nl/hl by
two \en who miemirly killed him The ' at-
tacled hIm wih Iluh ! anll , biles amid left
hll Insenslbl When he wes foulll by ler I
fa uilly I I was Incertaln whether ho would
Ieovcr , lie hot three or four rIbs brolecl
end his skull crushld In. His ns allnis
tool n few dollars he hitci mund escaped with-
out lelvlng I clew. ,111 nnl
Sllrmno Court Uechlous
DES MOINES . Jan. . 1-Speelal ( Tele-
! ram.-The supreme court logan the regu-
Ins sslon today. There were thlrlY-lve '
'tplllcanls for permIssion to practice beCore ;
. 'ti e courl. One was n lady Two declslon9 I
\ , ore Icdas folowl : \\'IlIIam I A. Jones , miii -
Ilelant , agalnsl John \ \ ' . Foreman , al-
chanln district reversed : \Y. J CUlherhln
aPllelant , mugnhuist John Nelson , COmcl L
Blull supnlol' court , . n 1 11 cd ,
Interosthl , \ddreu Jeort the Nobraslm
Slate ihlstom'IcuI Society
LINCOLN , Jnn. 15.-Speclal ( Telegram.- )
'l'i ie l\t meetng d the Ilneteenlh annual I
session or the ! ebraJm ] SLate Ilstorlcnl so
clely was held tonight nt the Funk open t
ho use . Time audItorium was well filled long
b > Cure 8 c'cloI Secretary J. Sterling 101- :
tJ , hti'e'Ciit ) oC the loclH ) ' , read n strilc -
\1 ( 1111 forcible paper : emi "The Pioneer Pop
Ilsts and Their Flnln es In the 'clrllor of
N ebrslm In 1S5 : . 1S6 and 1857 , and time Re-
su F allacies. its : 1 Parallel " lIu'tween Past and Present
)1' , Iorton presented in his introduction I
plctule of the early finances of the world
In long ages before the lzaton or gaIt I
Iml sliver as lelul or exchange , when
ca ttle . sheep and , other animals were employed -
pl eyed as Interehangeablol commodities emf
bnl'tel He dIrected aUenOon to time fonda
ment'll 1I'1nclpic even ' thIemLinyplved In these
1I'IIllvc trnsnctom , thlt alt such me-
chun of ex < hanlc possessed "alue , Bartel
ex isle'l In I barbaric etate but there were
then no visionaries with iimxiuent tongues
to proclaIm that 11 act fpttrhiamnent or
congress added value to the medium or
exchanre , Four liundreti years before :
Chllft , Aristotle , "TIlng : on the subject or i '
fi nance . had elncd money as "u Inter- I'
medlatc commodity to facihituto excimang a '
fncllat" exchang'
hetween other commodities , ! There had
been no better dehIntlommgLvon since his
tay , Xenophon ; , had , demonstrltc that i :
money must possess 0 tarchmasing . ewer r ;
el e It was valueless IU A medium of X- I ,
chanse , Adam Smith hIm declared the :
vllue consists In tn erchange\lt ) ' , I wns :
tme thaI the wOIhhhad gone through what
wns termed progression , IQne the people aOl 11 I
brtat\e the same air ' mitt , drink the stl
' watel' , The same fundamental principles oC
'vnlue for value remained today anti 'would
ever remain In the system or poltcal econ-
omies. In depressed Inanclal condition Is
money circulates slowly becaus cOlltons
mOul for money Is' not active. Where there ?
110 no commodities not b bought there Is I
no necessity for values with whIch to bu ) : p' ,
Then follows the hoarding procef Kur I-
S itS . Nebraska and
Nelraskn the Dakotas had seen
dul times because oC a scarcity hat ) -
saiy comlo-
dtes with which to Invite time lmitiow or ,
m oney , Silver-tongued orntor Infow '
Slvel-lonlued 0110rd )
tc telni time people that time hard times wet .t
clused by an inadequate fuppl ) ' oCmoney : ,
bul with 1 legitimate , circulation I perKon ;
could acquire 'ossession of money by ha , -
Ing l somethlnA to sell , something In , the :
shnpe of labor or produce :
11 'ilorton described the condItions of
onrl' Nebraska , and alluded to the demami
< et
for an Increased per qapita. ' temand ,
told the story oC qapla ontenele bank . 10
B ellevue . Doulas county . In 186 , and read
the legislative nct authorizing II and ii La
charter. H was but ono , or six others , Is
with a capital stock or HO.O and ech eac ii
the Instrument or dIsaster to the terrltor ' ,
l ) :
10 depositors and bi holder terrier : :
tve power had defined econ mlc laws , end
Oc people suffered Icrdlngt' . As the
credll money came the supem'Ioimont y
wlnsc,1 itself IWIY , After I short season of :
psello l prosperity , come thia crash.
"PosslI , ' said the speakel' . "we star id
on lie verge or another em or flatism . A
r eturn to 16 to 1 free ' latsm.
retur sllvdr coimmage viii
Ilvcl' pni a-
clpllte I A SUllcllol' al11 Inferior cUITency
cannot Sleet in , he
loat I same market al the
tme . " slmo siLo ) C
11. , Morton a4vanc'ed alt l idea that , Is ,
\nlrJ new ,
bul one which wel deserves attention from
all students of leono\lc lubJeclp He
s hewed that free trll and tree nvO' could
never go hand In Imanil :
IO hlnl , for the reason that
tha situaton was ParadOxical. Whemievu
the \\henevel
free sliver 11rovo OI gold ] , vhmhie the ;
A 101 whie
AmerIcan might POSSlbIY
At Sell his comnmod I-
lCK for 1 greater amount mr 5Ih'el" , commoll- :
ho oblIged to pay twice time amount un foreign -
eign Importations . 'l'hu3 free ,
Imlloltalons. 'ea silver debate ti
the anti sought .y its KI\er . lefeate.1
ls a : r-
gument that the debtor ! ( class
having ho
rowed tebtor lS havlnA : r-
r sliver , must iiay ' gold vas couitru ) -
verlcil by nn ihiustrntjomj of eQltro-
lu31rntoi I man who ,
having Irrowed COO bust es of corn when
I i WIH worth 30 cents eoi
a ushel ,
offering to I
PIY f bushels of oats worth . 30 cents when
corn wes worlh f0 cents . :
5 clnts.
Genral I. I Cell ) ' oC nentrlco read a
paper ' ' on the "Sioux Indian \Yal of 1891 , "
'J'omol'row flight at the ( university chap ci
papel wi be read by Moses II. b'ydenhai
) m
Of , ' 10ges I S'tenltm
henrney F' ,
W IIele ) ' . Ontahmit . ar ul ,
J Omahl. In,1
Jamel Iiarrett . 1lncoln , after which wi Iii
f ollow the wi
folow elccton o ( 014er3
.1I\T J'1JfJli1Jf' - ICifjRI ) ,
Three Curs or Iynlllle l Explode lit the
IIUral'Irlll lt iIutt .
BUT'FE , Mont. , Jun. i" , .
nUTE 10nt. Jln 5.-.FIre broke o tit
In I time Montana Central yards tunil soon '
- /nll le\-
cars loaded with pTdlem ' caught ( it a.
Just as the firemen yel' caulht lre
as Iremen werd closing In arQund
the bla7lng cars ito expldll oceurlod , ki II-
Ing l n number of' Illef ( ' n Ind Fpectltors
nn,1 maiming others 'rime
'J'Ie trmen who Iii md
escaped Immediltely raJlti1 and were he- I
ginning another attack .
when a second
atock. secolll e ix-
Illoslon more vlolenl flIILti the ( lrt. tooll
plact ' I lie Ilfple In ) (119 vicInIty we ie
thl viciniy wee
mown town lS with a.grat scythe , and the
Streets for h/lf n block arOU11 hooked ii ke
n great battle leld , Uils was thrown
hhh In the air ,
III coming down half
comlnl a iii
/\\1) ' . 1any people om tite streets In mie
o.nll'l Of the city were ' the / Injured. ¶ 1' he
uueis'euu few remaining Iremen werr gathering tIme in-
eel\es together anti a.ttegtptlng to
" escape to
nt <
"pIJg elcalle
I pl/ce of safety when the third anti Ii
explosion occurred. 'fhls : too. kIlled antI , Il/t I -
Jurelf many peolilo. Thqrc were sevel nil
cars of the pOwdel' and oil f them
explOded ,
' ' anllll
'Ihe whole heuVt:1 were Illhtet tip mud the
city shook as If In earthquake si'as In
' \llual.e wnl
IlrUr'els , Ilnomediatehy zutir $ the first
Immetlatly ex-
plorlon the entire hosplll liorpe and p01 ;
force were lummoneI , mud many polce I
atlwhes of these dfllrtments are rime mug
those lelednd InJul'et In the \ubselluent amolg
( ' \
explosIons , Fifteen dead bodies have II _
ready been 'ltherell together nnll there are
doubtless a great muimy more In paris Of
the ) 'ald that no many to npproach ,
Ivery : house for blockmj turound hat heen l
bloclll urounc hac
turlld Into In 1111\omlu hospital \ . Es'i try
member of Ohio hIre clepartmont has lit icli
f1her kied or - wouneu1. _ ,
-t--- -
, \11 , .1 char Hrl,1 " Crlrro I tn : " .
TOIB O , Jan 15.-Tho United States d is.
trlet court todayanumtd I decree ordenl InK
Ihe ( sale of Oh' TTedo , Ann Arbor & . Nor tim.
ecu 1tchl an lalroad ut pu lc. aucti loti
aCer the requisite fou weeks' lc.nucton
tiient. The debt. Iq meet * hlcht the sale Is
ordered , Is about $ ! JO
. , -
Puli n . ii ' ; II s I ( tui 1 I " " 111111 ,
An unknown man took two otinees of
lullanum In herman Sehi.tff'r's f.loon ,
' ' .
L'hiirt'emitim and ilowarI strCc's last ' imli ,
. , Jownl.1 stree'l 1lt { nilg
J. Wll taleen to the fol c taul ' : : , wh"rl II
died about 2 o'cloc this 101In" .
Re publicans in the Legislature Ratify the
Choice of the New Year's Caucus .
Ir1an 1lclh'c ! O\'cltren \'ote , 0)110 ) Lea
' 'hRn 1rnt , JOIIS , Ito ( l'OIuU Canll-
dntc-lalIRtory Rllleche 1 , Ito
1oulnl County icnibera .
I.INCOLN , Jan. 15-Speclal ( Telegrm.- )
At noon today Joln : . Thurston was
electd United States senator by the two
houses or the legislature slUing In their re-
Sec , l\o halls . Both houses were densely
packell , but tl'o senate was 1ho scene or the
greatest Interest for tIme reason that Mr.
Tit urston OCCUlllc a pomlnenl neat with
time Douglas county senalors. Mr. Thurston
was nCCOIp1nled by : Irs , Thurston antI hIs I
sister , Irs. Angle p Newman or Lincoln
Su pende" Over the prlsldenl's chair was n
handsomely framed portrait of :11 Thurslon ,
wlh the stale lag of Nebraska and - the na-
tie nal colors on either side.
Prompt ) ' nt 12 o'clock Lieutenant Governor
Mo ere rapped for order In the state senate ,
the lme ( hnvlng arrived for time first ballot .
for United Stales senator The lieutenant
governor , on motion or Graham oC Gage ,
sec ended by Pope of Saline , directed lhe i
secretary to cal the roll . The senators reg-
Istelal their preferences as folows : For John
M. Thurston or Omaha , 25 votes ; for Wilam I
J. Bryan of Lincoln , 4otesj ; for William A.
Jo nee or hastings , 3 votes
Senalor Gray was unable 10 reach the sen-
nto on account of illness and consequentl .
did not Yote. )
When time name or Senntor Crane of Doug
las was cale : , ho asked perlls lon 10 explaIn -
plaIn his vote He saId : " :11 Ircsllenl , :
At the November ballot boxes time people of r
Nebrasle expressed theIr wish for a return
of republicanism. In that campaign then
were but two natonal Issues discussed-re-
publcanism and nnt-rcpublcanlsm , Tin
polical complexion or this legislature cheanh : ,
at tests who were the \Ictors , In that campaign -
paign , from every slumll In the stale. was
heard the voice or n man svlio abler than
lhem all , met amid vanquished the ablest ant I
m est distnguIshed of the opponents of lhe
republcan party The people or the state
expecl us hero 10 elect that man to lhe
Unltod Stales senate , and I gives mo greal
pleasure to cast my vote for Hon. John :
'Thurslon. "
Senator Noyes also said : " 11 President :
I believe It the duty or every senator to
repreent the wIshes of tint people , when
made leown nt n general election. Mon a
llan 3.000 years ago I nation desired a
ki ng. Its people cast lots anti the choice
fel upon Saul , who stood head
ant shoulders In ability nnd atalnmenls
ab eve all his fellows. But wo find In readln !
that this Bema Saul had already been
.elected , and annolnted king by a higher
Jower titan time people , who merely reglslered I
th te' .cholce. I believe
thelo belevo that I express the
wlsh'.br'the people ot Nebraska when I casl
m y vote for Hon. John M. Thurston " '
Senator Smith - 1)nesened to each republican :
senator a hanllsome white slt badge , em- I
.b Qed with lho , Amerlon flagand bearIng
a pendant'portnalt of John M Thurton ,
Folowh tIme debate In committee Qf the
whole In ( time house on relief measures the
spealer animounuied the speclal'order or bud I-
n ess-a Vote nt 12 o'clock for United Slates
s erlator. He remnrked further thaI he hoped
H ward of Sarpy would have his candldalo
PI esent at time proceedings. Howard rephic ( 1
that his candidate was now al the trout In I
th hal or time national legislature alent ng
to the business of the country The speaker
expressed the opinion that ho had hut hittl e
to do , i , Ile
The entrance of Hon. John N. Thurston'
late time house was receIved by prolonged and
e nthusiastic . applaule. DurIng lho vote Ii te
'y es vIsIbly ] affected . and especially al lhe
tme or Dr hticicett's speech The vole was
Immediately proceeded svitlu . the result beIng .
as follows : Thurllon , 72 ; W , A. Jones 15 ;
W , J. Dryan , 13.
When the name or ncltets or Douglas
was called ho arose and asked the Indulgence :
of f the house whie he paid time tribute of n
colored man 10 IJe h\elgenco ant ablly
0 Ohio candidate front Douglas county He ]
I said that ho si'ac one of the purest types o [
I Americanism , He was n man WJh had
always been ready al alt times 10 champIon !
lhe colored man and to Iemand his riglm : Os
lhrough the medium or the force bill. Upon
these lutes ho had never wavered and II
should nol be forgotten that In the dark das
o f the civil war when lhe north sough to
strleo.lw shactes ] from lhe limbs of human
chatels ant set al liberty 4,000,000 human
b eings . time colored man came 10 the frol itt
200,000 strong. amid when the union flag ft ill
In i the tusl they raised II wllh brawny arm
to tim blue.
azure I was the proudest moment -
ment or his life when he now cast hil vote
for United Slates senator for John M. Thurs-
t on. ,
Those who voted for Mr. Thurston were :
Alan , DavIes . Monger ,
Ashtw. ) ' : Iy. Orton
Il aeon . Grlllh , Iltlclns.
n eciter . Hnltro\e , Pohlmnn ,
Blee , hater Hlchanlsn ,
lce , Hltk.on , Itickotts ,
ii ene'ilet . . , ) lekels < lll. .J nlls Robertson ,
B ernard , I fuir'nIsn , ) ol'nson ,
Urni ' , Harle , UouIdy ,
UrockmRn , Hlnels. Haul" ,
hi iiYmihi . Jenkins , ' Sctmiclcedantz ,
Uurl , , .Jtnneuue . Ikhldeciantz ,
Uureh , .John.lon ot Sleson
il urns of LenIotmglas , Spencer ,
Caster .ioncuu Smitten or
B urns or DoII. Jude ] , Hulon .
Cain , iiiup Sutton of
l'nmlbel , , Iamhor Pawnee ,
Carlmn , ) , II'1018t ; , 'hnml' .
C lump , 1nll.on ' , . 'holns.
Chapman , Mc'"lel , 'I'b.r ,
Cole , MeNlt , Wllier , . '
Conl \ ' Y , J"ITlele , \'Ilcr. Jnli'mio mm ,
coI'y , Jlyers , Jll Speaicer- r.
Crmb , aloeti roman ,
C row . _ '
' ;
Those who voted for W. J. Bryan were :
Barr ) ' . Outline Itotuerteon .
1111IW , HowurI , lohcrlRon. .
Csper 1cVlekpr. ' tunltousemi ,
Dean"y , Icmlnllon , 'unlouscn ,
Those who vote for W. A. Jones.were :
) ( - -mpse , Johnson of Nc- Hmlh , ( '
iour maIm. ' Hodel man ,
11\lk , McBrIde , HUler , 011
i itgi'Cnuu , Ithocles . Zink lr Shier
floret lothleutner , ' man-IG ,
Hul , Scott , '
At the conclusion or the ballotIng lie
speaker announced lhe result oath , said tha I
Iho t joIn Eenlon 'of the house and sent tie
would meet tomorrow noon and complete the
worl The house then molt a recess umi I
: p. I , unll
There was nn Immense lurn-out to lho i ' 0-
cellton tendere,1 , to Senator hunton nl the
semite chambers this evening , The recepton
was an enlrely nonpartsal affair and the
newly elected senator wits conuratulatell by
men of al lmarttes . An excellent band of
music was In atendance , but beyond this
there was no special reatur Senator Thui rs-
ton and wle ( swore Introlluced to the liuiudrc ills
who called to pay theIr respects , and ns rar I
as outward appearances ) was cOlcerne ! there (
was Ilnty or evIdencEs to show that tll
people were all heartily glad thaI the lis.
tngulshell Ctzol ! of Omaha and Nebralka
had received' tue cal to represent hIs stit\
In the highest deliberative body In ito
world .
IclJrerentatve Barry or ( iretiCy county ha I
been the recipient of many warm congralula ,
for the craceul 'manner In which he put
his colleagues of the populst party to shame
h ) Inllstlg ! thaI the houie cOlhl well sift intl
10 he cOlrleOIS enough to adjourn o\el time
day In order 10 give the
oller republican mnenmb era
an opportunity to visit Omaha and attend the I
receptIon to the newly elected senator
stated II his brIef cements In the ( house thlt
lie' felt sure thM hall a populst been den LI ,
under 1IIIIar clrlllHlnCes the rllublcal .
would vote r'l the courtery or an adjourn ,
ment Thpre was nothIng ostentatlous In
Mm , Darry's remarks and he has added to the I f
hlCh regard In which ho Is 1 already hell by
r"publenn members or time iiotise
John Mellon Tlitim-ton . time '
: lelel Thlrlon. new Ienalol
frm Nehrslt COI S of the coimimmtolm lleo-
PlC. horn lit "ellont ( , Ausu 101101 t , ? or
rev oltitioumary aumccatr ' descenulaimts , eight
Tvolltllal ) ancstl ) , ! lelcenlantl of ellhl
gen eratIons oC farler , at 16 he Wlq ol"ell
to worl his own wny tlmroumglm college . the
throulh ( olpge.
death or hIs father 11 Ism mis a Private in
the FirstVisnomiaiui cavalry lS , throwing time
boy 01 hIs 0\1 m-cuoumrces. lul time in-
domlnble spirIt of his sires was nol lutekimig
II young 'huntol. anti 1tnl IICkllg II'
Irldlatcli from " ' 0)11111 utmiveralty , ilemiver
\am , \VImu. , wlmithmt'r the Illvel'81) fllll haul \ -
10\11 front \111011. t'poui his gnititintion
:11. 'L'iuurstoim detelllled 01 /llluatol 11
voc mttlon . Ofteum coumipehleul to gIve' tip ettuuly
\ocntol. oren (011Iel(11 ! Ivl 111 Mlily
for bread he Imlo but little headway ) ' ivithm
law , cutting ! \all nld folowlll tIme \low wih
hell ! moore 1'lltahla ; titan WIIII for \ itui-
Ilp lol to the bal' ACer Se\'ll'll years'
55,0 1 king 'round nmnomig tIn' mmelglmboriumg
fnrmell :11. 'hlrslol declde.1 to try oIlier
heI di' nuid
, mis Oummahma. sviis thami a luroummise
for it. young attorumi'y hmo coat lila fortiumies
siit lm limo yommmig tuna elm ( lie' svest imimle of
tlmt i Mii''ouuni , with less ( lmmtmi $10 itt lila
poc ket , muuoui sy sv hi 1dm ii a iuutd aim iimeul Iii us
\Vi scomui'iui liotuici workimig as ii hmaIvest humid
iiiyou mu wlmea t held. Foi' time IlCat part of mu
you r 'uhr. Thmuirstomi slept out lila 0(11cc ( 11mw
lila beddhumg being mi hitiffmilo m-olui' , utmiti heel
( lii I I ( mu ivhich lie hail hrougii t ivi tim It I iii fromim
\S'i scoumaiui , iii' sins leer hi tltoae clays , ntid
Oh iiiiiii occasions lie wuttu couuipeihtel to
he el ) hotly antI soul together emu crackers
inu rchmnau-'tl by tIme box ,
A fter a year or ts'o of this lmmsmiui-to-montim
exl steuic tluiiuga hegnmm , to luiighitemm a bit.
'i'hm cre wits miot Ii I n g ucuon m lmible 1mm I lie tIcs
cri sc' lie tried hefeimO it Nciui'iitulcmt jtuulge cx-
cel it that im svtta tlumiiiort'Ifuhy Silmippeul by
tim e opposiumg conuisel , time jury giving a
ve rdIct ulgahmist Mr. 'riiuuuutomu'ue 'hieuit ivithi-
Ou t leas'imig the box. Little by little hi
pr actice grew , mmiii him ? becmumne a. connniluniuum i
ami d subaequuu'umly for soiuio years lucid the
lie sitioti of city attormicy for Ouuinlmut.
I us iirst m"mtl cmmtr ) ' Into hOIitiC $ svriq Iii
187 2 , at a. titto comuvcumtioui. lucid to elect
( Icl eg010s to time i eiitmblicamm imatioumal coum-
ve mitlon , Ito was chmatnmnmsmi of the Douglas
cot inty tleli'gmmtioim , timid sins sehe'cteul to lire-
cu mt mu resolution to ( lie' conveumtioui iumatruuet-
bi g time deiogmttes to cast tlmeiu- votes for
Gr ammt nmtd'heeler , Thiete swert' a great
iil auiy au ti-C m'ut ii 0 muieui I ii those dial's , mt tid
tim e light which the veolUtiomi IIVCCIIitatOti
wa s of ( liii
. omie hottest which Nt'biakmu
ev et. saw iii a Political SVfli' . lit ISD , wliemi
th e great fnctionh light spioumg imp hum tlmc
re pumblicuuii ltuum'tY , lie leei tIme foiceut of hula
fa ction n uid suits lutetium uimeuit mu I I ii umomnuumat I um ,
wh at ss'auu culled time 'boy's ticket , " E. C
Va leuttimie fat' eoulgmi'su' , Ahbiumim'u N utuice fem :
go vernor atiul the wiucule state tlckeL Nemmrl
ev ery mami imomiumated was uumuiem 33 yeara ;
of ulge.
1 mm 1(75 Mr. Thuunstoui wnme electeul a macma
be u' of 11w Nebroulca. legislature maul Imk I
th e positioum of ehmnirimiamu of thm' jtmdlcinr .
co mmumnlttee. Iii time uiatiohial cauis'u'titiomm 01
los t lie svues selectel ( by time illume mann
uig era to take cimitige of ( lie lIght eu timi .
ho ur for thuo uutljourummmicuut of the comivemitiom I
af ter time muomnimiuttiuig Sileeclies luau ieeu i
co mpleted nod before mi vote eunilul he tuikeu m
lip omm which combinations might be mantle
Ti me light. for uttljatunniimcnt lcgmun mtbout I
o'c iochc Iii ( lie niormiiuig , the mimiumonity mtgahns 0
(11 0 mmiajority , for Ihiumiut swami 1)5' ) no mimemimit C
tIm e favorite foi ( lust place dtmmhmig time firs L
ilit , ' of time comivemitiomi lii ISSI. Tue hlitm'iiut .
mn emitmiry struggle was kupt imp for live hours
an ti mill tIme known rulea czuu'ening such
lIg ht for supremacy were brought huito tote
It was r o'clock lmi tito inottiitmg witen thu a
an tl-Illane ( lL'oPlO criplttihateul , leaviuug Mr
lim bo master 01' lImo rettuatloui , Time miec i
da y Jamnea G. lilaimie was itomiumated ci 1
tli thIrd ballot. lii thmis couis'emitlon Mi
' '
'I'I mUratomi also seconded ( lie noumiimmatiout o f
G eneral Jogmuii for
Vice Presidemit , antI wa mu
recogmuizeth force on the ( bar. lit lOSS hu
iv us temporary chmairmaum of time couivcnliom
th at namneul Iienjamnhui IIumrrison fomtIm D
iur esidenc. During tIme caniptlguu timat you r
li e cumnvesseul tIme muoithierui states 1mm coin -
w'hth time PartY's leadenui ,
Probably ito public mnmmn iii America toela : I .
is so rarely gifted Iii voice nqtn. . Thiuuatoui I
It hiatt a vibrant quality wirlehu , hut ordinar : :
co miversatloum , titrills thia ilatemier lute Oh e
muo tunds made by the teiegrapL wlrrs mimi
w imiter's day , and o'imen pitolteel fot' carryimtI
ef fect it ia almost tenor in timbre , resonuam
am id far reachIng , In its rare tmahity I
often been compared'to the voice o f
H enry Clay , whose ability to 'nialce thou I-
s omalia iiCar every siord of his utterances I a
h is to H cut ! .
In 1St ? Mr. Thtirston was a strong eandi -
d ate for time Uuiiteut Stntea seriatorsitip froii Ft
N ebraslqm , but lui connection as gemmura 1
s elicitor of t1ir Union I'ucitT 1lmtIliviy cool -
P atty was a stlipbihmig bloclc In lila 1)uttliSVa r.
I n 1113 Ime received time republicamj caucu
n onuhutatiomi far' that 0111cc , amid dUring tit '
c ontest before time legiutiature received hi S
em mtlro party S'Ote , lacking hut live of hiii
el ection. He was flmuahlv defeated tlmroug ii
a. combinatlomi of hOPUhiSt8 iteid ulemocrrutm u ,
t he present senior senate ( from Nebrasici I'
W lhlians V , Allen , beIng elected.
Wlmilo Ito uicver Posed OS a criminal lass - -
y er , John N. Thitmistoui dum'imig ( lie gencri ul
mi mactico of hula professiomi , iuum'ticlpateui I n
utiiy murdem- trIals in Nebraska , ruatd im C
e mijoys tIme remarkable record of hmvin ; ;
a cquItted every chlonfr of Iii chmurgeul wit I
n muuder , hiaviui cleated fourt'en on trial fe m
tj i4lr hives , At the time lie became neuter : ;
s lcitor for titct Uuuicn Pacific the firm c if
T iiurstous & I-loll haul ( Ito largest goner cii
n ractice of any lass' firm in Neturashmu.
limit Mr. Timurston dpes umot owe all lii Is
s uccess to his own effortat by nov memiuu
b ut Is never so lmnphy as when recitluig ho'
mn i-ich of sympathy , how much of emicourngt ' _ -
m acnt anti how much of analytical critlclsu n
o f lila efforts hie has received from hmhme wif a ,
it larthua poland Thmmrstomi. Airs. 'flmursto 'ii '
h as always takcui a strong interest In poh
t ies , mind has couutrilnmteil nucIi to lien litit :
h and's political preferment , She is a scuD I-
o nly woulmami. amid will add matt'rinhlv to tl : IC
b eat of W'ashlngloui ociul life when iii : IC
t alce up Item' icaidenco there ate Mrs. Sent t-
t or Tiumratomi. Shut Is aim excellent can 1.
p aigner , and svna liar littuelrmnd's cotinseic : ,
mm miii friend uluring tIme hiitter'ii recent can 1-
p aign In Nebraska , and out of seventy-al Lx
n hpointmenta ) she svas present at meeveust : I'-
f o
Thurston ivail married to Alias MartI in
, , Polaiuul , a daughter of Coloumel and Mr q
L uther Polnhld , miow of Omaha , formerl
o \'ermammt 1)ecember 21 , 1872. As it rewu I
o f that uniout thmm'ee cliliciremi am'e now llvimi m- ,
oO tto itOfl , ageul II , being already Imi hIS tumult r
s 'ear iii the Omaha high school , mind tMiae ,
il aughiteta , 11 and 9 , They Imave burled Olin iae
E ons. _ -
htaccptouu ( tc , Snumuitor 'i'lpurs'ohl ,
Time executive committee of the comnmnmitti ne
i n charge of time rcception to Iicu accordi u7
S enator Thurston lhutg eveutitig has deeldi .1 1
t huit the reception tehmall be Imeld In time r 0F
t uuuula of the city hmitli , huieteaul of at tI me
r oems of time Conuunornial chub , as mi iiM
n otmnced yesteruhmiy. 'rime clmmiumge in pin Ce
s wan 'decideul on late last evemiluig after humfo u-
mutiomi 110(1 hucen revolved of ( ii lninuu'mi se
t hrongs that attended ( lie t'veeiitiou at 1.1 ii-
c oIn. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ituui I a r Nouuml limit ad by I lie ( 'ii tunic ,
RALEIGh , N. C. , Jam1. 5.-Machon Bull ci.
s yuis unanimously miomluiated 1' the nopuuhl at
c atmctms 10(101' ( to ifimeceeul Genrii Itminsomu its
0 1 imi I t'ul Stit I nut scitat or. 'Phie rejmuibl lea
i vere huivlteti to hit presemit , muuiul they ii ii
tc ended in force. 'rite poluiihimeta mtutl re'pub ii-
c alms thmeu jointly ratitheel bath limo nnmnlmi a-
t iouiii of J. C , l'iiIclmutrd runt Ahniloii Ihutl
( or UnIted States senators for North Cat
h imma , _ _ _ _ _ _
( it rm a r lt'ohvt'g a 1111 I Vom a , .
1IEIENA , Mouit. , Jon. 15-Both hmoimmues os.f
t he legislature titillated seicar000hy or
Un tech States saimator today. 'rite republic : umi
c aucus mmounlmitccs , Les' Mantle for tIme iic tnt
t u'rmn anti Timomnus II. Carter ( or tIme ho : tug
t erm , ru'celvei , thu i'ohitl repulmhhcamu vote
both hotim'euu , utnd tomorrow their elect ! t
s'lll be ratified iii joint utasenibly ,
No Scuits I omiuu I h t' I I u , 'I I ii I da Ii II.
l3OIfih , hulaumo , 3mm , 1h.ballot I 'or
l 3uuited States seiiiilor toulay reatulteul in I Ito
h ouse : Shotip. ufltuluhlcan , II ; I3ss'aet , repu 1
i ican , 13 ; Itobert Ilrosvne , repulilloan , :
I I CII to rn , re pUhhicmu n , 2 ' , Chmu gael t , Pohull
Satiate. Simoup , 2 ; Sweet , 8 ; Cimtggett , c. ;
l'hili Itegurm , democrat , 1.
Mlciiiguttt ileetd ' 1 tyt , Hoitaturut ,
IANSlNG , Audi. , Jan. lh.-Unuteti Stal ms
Senator McMiilitn was re-electeul by time Ii
Islatufu In joint scmeslcmi this uiftenmmoomi , :
celrhuig a uumnimimnouun vote.
Julitis C. hiurtowui received till ( lieu s'oi
( or short term senmttom' , except that of iJoi lt
van of flay ( dem ) ,
aliuuuireotmt ltopuuhllcctuuuu Bill Cumiiclio Erlulmi cy.
I'AU11 , Jan , I&-'fhie rejublicua ) cc uu-
cus committee of tlue legislature this aft tar-
ilecluleth to Iiohui tue tuenuttorhul cour :115
IrIuO ) ' veimhmuic itt K cu'cluelc. There is I tilt
lithe elmonge lii thus situation anti p10th ic-
lions are uncniruiii ,
ritumnullet' 11r iic'lath i-'timtor : ,
CONCO1OI ) , N. If. , Jan. 15-'l'iue heglehati Lire
today rutilleth liii republican imomnumialioum of
Wlhhiiini II , C. Chamuhlei' for United Stu lemi
scOuter ,
ltIat'keiuuth % , halide Missluig ,
'Fime nolice swere notIfied yesterday aft or-
tuoon of limo mnyuulerious tliuuulupearaflee of
John lic'lliie , a hluckmumlih ivlmo lies lim I a
htop lit i30i13 ilowitrd tutu-eel , Itellule , svit t iii
lnmlustrlcus , lmarul uvoiking unun , has hi
missIng sluice Moilday unariuimig. No roast
utere assigned ( or his thlsuppeararice and his
friends are impprehmeiusive ,
Cas h Balance as Shown by the Books oa
November 30 , $1,121,387.34 , , ,
cc'rit e Total huiuIeluteiuiuiut of the Stlo at tmut )
Tluiuti S is I * I , Ii7H0. Iii , Of SIuiclt
tet ; I , uH I , 0 $ % Viis iii Oumtatmuumtl-
himg ( letiermil I'tttitl 'hVutrrnuuta ,
L INCOLN , Jaii , 1l.-Spcial.-Tlte ( bien
mmm l report of State 'h'reisuircr hlartlel' wal
rec eived froumi the nrlntcr uunl hunimiteul cohmici
iiitI t'Cul on tiuc desk of each mmmcmii-
bar of time legishuuttiro this imiorim.
lug , Tue report sins Perused ssltli u
gre , it. tlotil of imitereat by thi lass immakerul
Iii \'ioti' of ( lie fmuct tlunt a umtimmmber o
mmia asmmrea nffecthumg tutu sImiLe treasury ard
hlic ely to coimie tip for uletmuileul coimsideratioum be.
for e the close of the sessiomi ,
Time report closes with ( ito cml of thmd
sta te fiscal year , Novemmiber 30 , iStli. 1mm huiu
ge neral prellimmiitary stateuncuit time treasurer ,
imma kes tiu fohiowimig brief observatiamme :
lla haiice time ver lmtst ' . . . . . . . . . . , , .
lte ceivi'd sluice Noveumiber 30 , iSi2. . 4IOSGll.5S
Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dhu ehtmm'eui tiTmice Nov. 30 , . . . . . . . $ , : th.17.
llut lmtumcc , Nos , 8u ) , 1531 . . . . . . . . , . . . , , . hi,12iIST.34
Frommm time above baiaumco the trvuiueurefl
sm ( ttes that the
numieimmmt of state fuummtls re
nta immimmg 1mm suspendeel state ulepasttonles- .
$2 i1,3131.83-mmsust ho tieduicteel , leavluig the
ac timal miet bahmuimce $ SSO,025fil. 1rouui Ohio
ac tual balance time baiaumce lim time tCuimhIorAr
ach tool ftmmmtl , $2ia,069,02 , sins apportlotmemi aumul
ull strlbtutemi to the s'evcral ccumiitlcs , titus
tlii tulmushuing ( ( Ito general biilammco to $064-
95 6. ID ,
In that part of tIme neport witiclu refers o
th e hiomtimmg : Indebtetlimass of the state , thu
re port says : "
' Flue gcuierah ftmumml , whult'im lmna beau strug'-
gli uig with us flomithmig uieht of $ iS7M3 , In-
cr eased greatly by excessIve uippropuimttioimms
imi IbIl , mud hmmuvlng no m chef iii it courespoulil.
in n increase iii levy of tnxe , hmtta received '
imn ttenimtl aid fi'oumm the I loapital for the ho-
liii ii 1 ? ( mimmul nnuh fuomu iii I scel in ii count iced 11(5 (
fr ont state ohiiceis' fees , United States alit' '
fo m' Suiuitun's' anti Suilors' Ilommie , etc. , to thm
mtm nommumt of $ iiO,00d. Timis , toguatiter s'IIlm thmo
co hiection of ulchlnqtmeuit state taxes swill uio
(10 01)1 clear this ftiuiui fromum the Iuiulehitc'ulncsmt
in mu few imiomithut. I ntis utlumiost eommlimlent
th at time' cloUt swill be sviied ottt iii Julie , ISI.
l'u trt of time liottI lumg delut is to the mutitte , I , a , ;
Sl ,22.G9 , which i ( Ito huaiamtce of hut' imis'est-
imm emmt hI' tIme State liotrd : of Fulmicntlouiat
La nuls aumui ftund 1mm gemieretl fund warrauits.
There are outstantiing at time lmrescmit tunA
ge mmeral fund warraumts to time nunoummt of
5 47,2S1.1S. i large portiomi of thi tax ot
18 93 , and all of time tax of ISihI , is still to be
co llected , thmtms showing that is'Ithi ortiimmary
pn omhtmmess In the paymmmemmt of taxes the 110eV'
lo g lmmdebtedneas of time state wIll soomm b
thiiimg of time past.
The total Imidebtedness of the state I
st e-toil as follows :
G eumenni fuumid warramits. . . . . . . . . . . . . $ tU7,2St.1
In sthttute for Feeble Ahimmuicul . svar- .
raumts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . .
1 tmnthuig ] bonfimu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Gl,2.W..iiI .
B elief bonds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100,000.00 ,
' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ , , .
or tue above auiieunts tlto4undltmg bctmds-
I$4 49,267.35-are due and payable April t
Time Permanent school fund hohcl
3 2G,2r,7.35 wortim of Ohio bomuds , The relIef
b outuhe arc , duo antI payable April 1 , 18901
'l' iiims , time entire beumded huudebtedmtes of tb
d itto of Nebraska will be due and payable
t wo y4Irs from this let of April next. To
ma ceL tIme. payumieumt of these bonds the state
lm as two fumudu-time , shuuhcimig fund , Sto macct
tI me refumnduuug bonds , amid a relief tumid to
m eat the relief bonds. The siuthlmig fund
o n Novtxnbr 30 , 1894 , amounted to 232-
04 0.03 , aumd tIme relief foliO , $ lSli2.di ,
Time treasurer also shows by a tabulateul
st atement the workiumguu of tIme stte ulepas-
lO ony law , lie prefaces time table with tIme
f ollowing statement :
I have ito desire to make very extendeet
re initilcit lii this report , as the atatememutu
w hich follow tell their os'rm story. 'I'imo stf.tQ
il eltoaltory law is btmrulenaoune rumuul men fur , mauu
b een artythulmig btit hiOiitflbie to the mute.
'r ime difference betweeui current fmuuj' ! , and
tr tut ftumiuis watt a. dlapimteul ( UetttiOui uttli. -
s ettled by a case smihmttteul to Otto stipreuno
c ourt , uvhuichm sins decided F'dhJruuuurl' 20 , 1891 ,
mui mice which tinue thme eurutings of the current
fu nds Imave lucemi collected aumul crditcd t
tI me severimi accotimits.
This total nmnaitnt of cuirreuit fuuud as de
f umed by the miupremue court , In tina treatmrcr's
h ands at time enui of tInt fiscal year , was
$ G27,027.18. TItle aumicurmt was deposited In
t svent'.four ilesignateul depoiltonies , tue list ,
t ogether with Ohio aunommnts 4Zmi each ivitim tIme
t otal iuiterest received frommi each , being us
f ollows :
Aunt. DChit. .
D epositorIes. iuoslteui. Rue .1. .
A uumeiicuum National , Omnrtha. . $ 3,70L5'i $ . , . . , . ,
M acrican Ixciuammo National ,
llncolum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,157.01 li3.h
A ttains Coiuutty iimilc , , hlmmuutlnra 5,0)1,0' ) )
I t o ratio Ccumuty Nat Iommuul ,
iu'nrumey . , , , . . , . . , , , , , . , . , . ' ' , , , 5,000,0' ' ) , , , . , .4
C imultal Nuttlomial , lincuuhut . . . . . . . 236tllt.1
C oltmmiulutut Nutiloniml , blnecuiui. . . , gcoI.r.G easl
C omumereini National , Otmialuut. , 10i4Liuii 149.45
F irst Nuutionutl , Onialimu , . , , . . , . , , 13.1)23.13 ) 270.09
F ir Notional , Colmumnbuuut. . . . . . t.ICa.aI . . , . , . .
F Irst Nuuttcuiuui , Ahuunt. . . . . . . . . . . . 10,15)0) ) ) 111,00
F Irst National , iului' Hill . . . . . . 5,0HCO
F irst National , lier4rico. . . . . . . . r'Oti 00,15
F ltmut Nuutloinl , Itiuttltiga. . . . . . . . C.iu2).mO -
V iri.t Natloimuui , Aiilutrut. . . . . . . . . G.tTl.71 ( 74t
F Irst National , Crete . , , . . . . . . . , 9,0S ) 4h,55
( m ermnan Nttiioflil , hltmittiumg $ . , , , i02,5i IOI&t
M eucluuuuttH ruutlonuuh , ( ) muuluut. , , 12,004 .14i 124.51
N eiunuka Nntiouual , Oumumlma. : aa,415,28 'J01,1L3
N elumitiulcut ( 'It ) ' National . . . . . . . . . 13,079.21 . , , . , ,
N ational ilanlC of ComuimneiCe ,
Otaniuci . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,3)3.57 ) 104,15
fl inalma National . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00,920,50 971.03
b' aumuuleus County Nmtttonuml ,
Svuuluou , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2)Ohi0.flui 207,04
U mmton l'hitlonal , Onucutuui , , , 00,009.00 2O07,4
t 'uulte'i States National , Omaha 4,63S,67 , , . . .
A , hul I ( iou iii icrelptut it inn ttm -
Al'ri ' ( 5 , 11.11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 017,23
Totals ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , hC'21ii27.i3i,5&3,70
'l'iio uutispemmded oceotmmmt. Immelmudes hue $230-
3 411.iV3 1mm ( lie tieftuumet Capital Nutiommal Iiaimi
Cl' IAmicolim anti ,000 iii the hhuffalo CountZ
Natioutmil batmic at ICeartiey ,
1ivi'it' Iumui ) New Nututucu 1'rro ilulvui 1'.sd
I t'rmu y , : ttut let us r ii ii iveut I I imuiti mutt ,
LINCOLN , Jan , ( . ) ' enato
t ook another switirh mit ( hue slate treasury thtiui
f oremmoon. A comnumiiuiuication was received
f rent Secretary of State PIper askIng for ( Ito
a hPOimitimmeIlt ) of a carpenter to do the nec.
essary worhc around the state hottea while
the legislature is itt sessIon , ? uIcKes3flI _
i miot'cei that time request of thue secretary estate
state be granted , anti Wright of Iauicaste
i irommiptly secondeul the motion , But the senate -
ate sat upon the propcsltlon withu an enthiu
uuiaemmm that haul a tendency to make the treael
ury exliamuul with iuicasure , Ifcmlmn said thia
lie was imot In favor of lulling UP ejrmployems '
who slinpl stooui around in each othmer'
Tefft saul that It was not the senate'
duty to provide a carpenter for lime state "
hmiu2' , ammml so silmen lie moved thitmt ( lie ac
retafy of state's conurumunicalion be laid 0th
tite tat'le ' thus eatO arose as omit , maim smut
voted "Yea , " , '
Time carpeitter svlio Is so ol'ireinely anxious
to berve the state is Ab Caruler of iinoln4
Timmee tIumiqs .fueforo his fricadu have en-
uieavored to naddlo huitmi mite thus state treas
ury by lumtroduchmig resolutions In bile behalf
iii the luoue , sail ( lures tImne the house
bias ktmocked luiiii out. lie renewed thus at.
tack through thiD senate tItle , iiormmhng , smut
sulfercil Ide fourth couteeciltiVo defeat.
11111 u. few iuuimiutes later Ihto senate's newly
foiitieI rnrlutiomm ef t'rnoumiy siam scatereul (
to hue whnmlo , Secretary Setlgwicle rureeentt j
a camuuinuimuicIlomm saying that lit , neuied lctuml ,
b0mo p" pie lit lms ! eftiec , mmml op umiuliori of
( ( 'stein his requesO was rauted , Tb. 11.4