- , ' , ' ' ' I I . . ' . , . . . " , " ' . I 'i g l' : - - . . . . - - - TI1E 01\rAIIA \ . DAILY BiE : TUISDAr ! , T.AN'tT.ARY : : 15 , 1S ! ) , , t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' _ _ _ _ _ I ' 'Oneo ! ! ilere's a New Oilo0 . . Some men are self-made- < Some men are school-mndo- Some men their start made- Through little want's aid- - . Wally. . 17 words or less for 25 cents , one time , alter that it's only n cent n word. > Published i the morning as well a in the evening editon , ! ! . - SPBOI L NOTIGBS , , AllcrtAelcnt" for IheAe ( llull" Will he lulern until 1210 p. in. for the o\'ellll and unt I I p. in. fur the turlllJ and ! llduy ell lUl , AIl'crIAurA , by rC11lcAtII n tltherCl rhrck CUl hint , IUIAworA Ihlrrsoed to n hlmhcrCI Jotter II cart of 'I'ho Icn , ' An- "Cr AU Ihln'MAcl "II ho Ilel'urml UIIOI lrcsl'ltutul of the check only. HlltCM , 4 , : 1-2c. word , fIrst In.urtun , , Ion word IllUFCftttlJl. : othhll tukel for les than 2lc . or IIrlt lIlNurtlull. ; . Ir.t InHertul. ' lice Rlherthelumls IISt run COISCCU- UvtIy. . WANTED-MALE ILELP. . \"ANTIU-O MEN AND' TgAMS TO SIL our feed grIMei. Salary 175.0a to 130.0 per fl1)flLll. aceO'lln to abllly , The LItciflrld ) Llehnpll Mf ! Cd. , Websler City , lzt. U-I G8JI. " COOK W.\NTI : MUST 1II I"IUST.CI.ASS : : lUST 11 nl " elllletenl In .hol orl'r work. C'ntInlitil . , - I &IltllT . Grand I.lnml , , Neb I-IU08 Calahnl : WANTIt ' ) . 3 lmN : J1 SS OOODS SAI.I'S 111:10 : . 101"10 anl , linen MilesInun. trhnmpr nnd .anI w.ller. AhIeS8 , I' . O. box 4t. ( nnl . Ia. II-Mso7 15" " 'ANTI'IAN : ' . . 'ANTI'/ : 'r HANDI.F A HTATF leley ur I.rnch hURlnl" for U rcular iuanu . ! fael11nJ houRc nOd In'c.1 "lal cIRh .alllal In Icl'hnnI" , In h' "ILTlp,1 : , iL his ) llCoIIqLll , r- lerR. ' \PI.lelll . luol give bushles" eIn'rlelict' . I mnonnl of 10np ) ' ho can In\.I anlI references. FII Ir Mlm' ' IUII . In I tllIl . I.'llr ) ( eplll.slon sulnhl. PartY. - A(1dlCl3 lanufaclurer. < J' 27. le" . - 1111) Ir" : I ( L'NTID. : A COMI'T1Nr MN 'ro 'rAKE I . chalc of agency for I IIrst.cILK4 , COKII register ; II1II1 With . , , ' , , ' a lan wih 1)U11 ! eXllellenc anti references required. Cal today I"tween 8:30 : nnI , 12. rom 10. thu MCICIILIUIII . ' " I 1101 ehall. holel. 1-:181)1 1 : WANTED-FEMALE HL . . WANTED. YOUNG LADY FOR OL'FICi worll ; luot write plain. buick hand and be accurate In n.'res : 811tO salll expected In own ilanIwriting. I' . O. box 2. C-I.2 10" LDlS WANTING I"IUST-CI.ASS GIRLS OnLS L cal II Scanllna'an Y. V. ' . home.- ISI3 CI" " ' " - . , q-Mc2 1"7" . ' ; wANrL't 'GHIL I.'OI OtEItAL' HOUSEwork - work : maII family , 1IG N. , 8mll flmly 110 26Ih''trC C3 " : , . . " ' 26Ih''trC&I I .WANTI D. AN JI.IEItL.Y LADY TO .C AS nursc. AI'Ily at 203 South 24th , . . C-M81 I. ' , WANrFD- : \ OItL FOR OIIItAL HOUSE. Dolle work In s1 . family. AIrs. I. Newman C7J-I5 , Z09 , " NTgD. A GULL I"I G NgIAL HOUSI- yoi1c. Dane or German no other iieed apply ; ola'r nee nplly god roferencea reittlired. 2 : 101lplelon & \ . C-75-I5 C-7J:15 . ; . WANTED. A GERMAN I.ADGO TO GO YEAIS . of ale : a good hous'keepor. Al.llcs. I' . 0. : box 21. , LouivIIk Neb. . " ' Ix 15. Loule\'I. C-JSI3 lr" . % V4NTRI / I.ADmS'rO 10 PANC\ WORK AT hOfe : 10.0 10 110.0 ; experience unnecessary ; 14it'fliY work ; Ill ) eal'IR.III ; en,1 , sLailip. DeI ray Needlework Co. , Deiray . Mid , . C-MS03 10" LA oms. ) YOU WIAn BMPLOYlmN1' AT ' yOir homes. send self'I\llre5ed ' emelol' , for our de erlllve circular nnl commence work al once : Iool w I"f l > ll. 'rhe Alfred Knitng , V. . ( Jo. , 'Wlllhml' , 111,035. , C-MSfl : " . WANTIm GIRLS I'OI O NEnHOUSE. . worlt. ' 1 Howard. CISH I. " FOR REN'-BOUSEB. ' i utis. ; 1' . It DARLING , DA1CBn m.CK . D-52 lOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF TIlE CITY. Tum . _ 2:2. 1' : Davis comJany , 1 > Farnatn. D-3 > I , JOUSEH ; DENAWA & CO. , IOS N I.TH ST. . D-3. . . FOI IENT-JOUSE 01" 9 100MB AND BARN JAJN on l'arle ave. inquire ot 42 S. ISlh HI. D-3.5 FOI flINT-liOUSS NINI ROOMS : l'un. flare , bAth . elc. , at 3M and lenrnaln. $2.0 allo cheap houses. , ' . .0 < and $10.00. different nnl $0.0. Jarts city. Dexler L Thomuz. 401 flee bulhUng. D-3 FOI RENT-6.ILOOM C01'AOE. IN OOOD HE. Jalr , city wnler $0.0 per monlh to good Ilartiell. liD N. 311h. 1 block from lurnam , geol car tine. Inqulro 01 Hloelzl'a atove store , net 10 POstulilte. D-3.8 . i.nom'l MOOEIN HOUSn FIVE MINUTRS walk Iron . court I1ouse. vacant December 21t1 , . 21h. ; Q. I. Oreen. rom 28. Barker blode. D-168 . FOR nBNT-S.HOOI COTTAO : At4 MOP. er convenlpnees. 112 Calforia at. Milton ' - Hogera & Son. Ulh and Furnain. D-198 , . 'Ol RUNT- CUEAI I"OI TIE WINIm. one 8'100m houH" . $0.0. three G.rool cottLige , 15.0. J. A. Scot , Omaha Nnl'l cOlnges . bank.DI13 , , IOUSI S. WALLACE , BROWN JLK.I6 & D-4S7 Doug. I El11' nOOMA HATH. I.'IIN.\CI . (1.S. I-'C. : ; I " . .7 near Jan eel , I'allc ' ; on car I" . I ) . 'Vel\l. IGth nail , IotlglaL D-110S3 . FOIL Im , ' 10mH AND mon'r ACI.S : OF II nIl on Military a\'pnue. inquire of " 'llal .IulIiaiI . 2.:4 10111eon avenue. i-MG9 3 I. " Ll.IIOOM 10\81 . ISIRS. . Tm.I.pnONI : 61 , , Houlh Omaha , n.el hOlel , i-MCil i' FOIL ltlN't' : , F1iVt.H A NoItTll1ASr COlt. : FOi IN'I' I.'I.AI.t Ar NOITnlMHT COl. ncr of Ilh anll howard Blr'ls In good , ronil . tioti . un rcasonnbht triiw. Inquire gel rOOn 31 . 1'irML , National lml : , 111. i-Mb1 6 ' , , ' rOi i ILRNT. 1 ; , ( AI'I'O. A'LNtIt. I I I roollIl . modern. 'fhe . O. I" . 1.\'ls COlpln DO ) ' . J 1 . - FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS , J NltUIY IUINISIED SQUTH ILOOM. I. j quire 1919 Dodge. E-3G - ONI l'IJNI5Hl. } 1.10 : ' t0OM . WIT AI. . J con' I .IJ ) , D01 ) it. Olh. 1--731 IS" q I F1IWi' 1'1.01 I'HON'r I.'IINIlm 10LHIJ , \e"I'lnl roomr . I Ht Maiy'i. U-Miss : Ii' FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD , - &Llm.\NT ROOM AND BOARD ItUASON . ' a\le : O Ct't. ' , F-MRIJIS' , il"OAI ) OmlAN i'nI'A'rU FAM . : ly fur Z II' 3 le.I . cllllo purtea41 N. 1.10.1' I91h. ; i - NIcU I WAIM loMI . WITI GOOI 'iJOAltU : ; . t rateH reaJnalle ; moder cun\'cnlcne Thi * itobe , IVi ham. ) ' . L-Mil2 I'3' rley. , 2 : NIC : I.y FIJNISIJD 100)15 AND BGAILD . 1n N. nh bIrcet F-M4l 1"3" . 1'1 mNT. 10\IJ ANU HO 1 1"01 ONt 4 or . Iwo ; private taml ; down town. Adlre.s 1' I : : ' ) - LIt - . unle. ) V-MGSL - NICil.Y l'UnNIHIED STIAM IIEATItI ; . IO.t1 wIth or wlblul baN , 601 So Ulb at. p l 1'-73. . : * .7 , l'UIINISIUU 1100918.VITII ItOAlti ) , ANn for lgh liuueckeeping. IeO Vavnlltr street - F-M773 19' l' J.n I"LOI ; IKMHU I ) ; : mun : . \ ; . two Im.1 ! ums. ZIOS 1)ougIa , . " ' - : > IS" , O UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT , 4 1 J FlON' : itOOM3 . 11 LEAVENWORTH U-4S0.11' ST. - G-I" . p 4 ILOOMS . 1SULTAIILUFOII JIOUSUIRRI'INQ ' . , - low ruI , N. \V. cor. Ilh ald VebmWr a-1ml . ' ! WO UNFUINIUED Jlot8 wrru HEAT - tor 110 lutel l. ' U , Deii. U-itS-it' 4. . , . FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES , 1'01 ILUN"i'-TiIIt 4.STOIY mucI BULDING , 910 I.'lrnnm Street. This building his a lire- proof cement basement complete slenm hent- Ing tixture. , waler on nit tloora , gas , elc. Ap- ply at till office at Tbe lIce. 1-10 l'OI ILflNT HTOnE HOOI tOxll2. IIItOWNRI.1. block 13 10 139 South 11h street . 1.lncoln. Net , . : best location In city : cannot he IJcnl for. gen- erl dry goods slorel' Ha. \vater. eti'aliitieit : wi rent ciienp Oi lOlIg lense. 11. 1' . Young , ehen\1 agent 137 Soul \ lilt , Blr.el. I.lneoln. Nel I-ISIO - 21' AGENTS WANTED. S AI.1SiiIN on AGUNTS : IAID IONEY easy selling suits 10 order 113.GO , pants $3 , shirts $1 . maeklnloshe I. . Hunter Tailoring Co. . Cln. cmnnati . O. J-M9G1F14' I. GI" _ AGI'TS WANTUD TO SRLL THI CBI.D- brlell California corset. Sent for culs 11lces and lerms. California Corset Co. . lirooblyn - N. Y. J-i8 ! " \NI } ! AO N1'S FOR Dit. MONTOM- ery'R spedilce . tile "o\'er.l n remedIes of tie , worll : liIR lone ) ' . AiI1s Montgomery Chem. teal CtS . Cincinnati . O. .J-MSl2 I : " \ VANTUI ) . lmN AND WOmN TO 1NGAUR In an easy la'lnl buslnes9 nt hOle , : cal work daytime or e\lln nll make Soc to $ .OO Ior hour : euro thing : "a I , pie anti instructions sent for lIe. World Supllly Co. , Itutiand . VI. J-MSL1 21" - WANT ED-TO RENT. "ANTI : TWO FUnNISI I nOOMS. ' WITh bLlh : nnl "onrl. for Inn an.1 wife ani Iwo cliii- all anl chl- dran . aged r nod 1 ) ' .ars ; references given aol . Address F' . lIce. " rlulred. < lr.ss I 31. lec. Jj l I" A I'UnNISllm ltOThL. IN A GOOD COUN- try town hy ell hotel men ; county seat pie. ferred best of references . Aldrei.s ferro ; b.sl given. AllreRs I" 20. Bee. K-74 I : " STORAGE. . JEST ATOIAGJ BUILDING IN OMAHA. U. S. goy. onled warehous Householl goods slored. Lowest rates. 101-101 Leavenworlh. : 1-162 STORAGE FOIL HOUSEHOLD OOODS : CLEAN and cheap mle. it. Wells . 11 l'oram. 1-0i STOILAGIG. FJANK EWERS. 11 IIARNIGY. M-363 WANTED-TO BUY. . WANTED 3 SICOND HAND UlI0IT , pianos . please state prce , take and where It , can be 8een. H. D. Scot room 420 Ramge block. N-20 CITY & CO. CLAIMS. PITCIIHD 112 FAR'M. . N-63 WE BUY AND SELL HOUSES ( TO DE moved ) . if. W. Darnum & iton lilt N. l8th. -521 12" WANTED TO hUT I0US11 AND LOP I.rO ' 10 $3,0 spot cash. Address with toUt descrlp- _ tton. 1 21. Bee omce. N-i-U WANTBD , TO BUY A ml.LIAnD TABLIG . 4X8 : must be In nrsl.la.s condition and complele ; ; conltton nnl state mnke 111 price , for cash only. Aclress P 37 , lice. N-MT70 J5 II YOU HAVE ENCIMm IgD INSIE PHOt- ely which you cannot hold t wilt pay you to call on Neb. and Iowa Trust Co. . 201 N. Y. Life building. N"101 .IG" , FOR SALE-FURNITURE FURNITUIE AUCTION AT 11 l'AINAM ST. : aturdaya . 10 a m. RoLt Wels 0-3GO FOR SAI.I CHEAP , I.'URNITUtE. STO\'NS. , dlshe. shades , carpets. V , ' . GGlh ant Cenler streel. O-M5G iS' oMi.G Ir" . FOR SALE-MISUELLANEOUS. WEGMAN PIANOS. nIDOEPOn'l ORGANS WOObrlge lImo. , 11 So. 171h. Q-308 HOG AND CICKEN FENCE : hARD WOOD "Icltets. C. it. Lee . 901 Douglas. lARD Q-0 A FINE I.IVmtY OUTFIT. CONSISTING OF ; 1 Keen I Lyons landau , 1 M. & It. coach , 1 brougham 1 BUre ) ' , 1 "haeton. 3 buggIes. 5 I sleighs , 8 sets harness , 1 Minder "oarl , but little , for sale & . Ille use very cheap by Day hless _ _ 3 9 I'earl Blreet Council Bluffs. IJ-GS3 it 1"OR ' SAI.B A STANDARD MAKE PIANO famiy leaving city ; I great bargain. No. 304 MeCigus bil ! Q-797-l6' CLAIR VOY ANTS. MRS. Dn. 11. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT , nE- liable business meolum ; 7b year at 10 N. 161h , 870 M.SSAGE . BAThS . ETO. - MADAM SMITn , 53 S. 13TH , 2D l"LOOI. , room 3 ; maBsale'al'0r , alcohol. steam stit : Ihurlne and sea baths. 1-177 it' - 2.IASIJAOII. MADAME DEnNARD , 12 DODGIG T-MStl 15' _ 1IAIAM LAILUIO . MASSAOE , 410 S : wrn slreel. ' ' . ' " T-M07. ) MISS ItomG : IASSAOI J.I 1.0 lS. 100:1 13 308 : North IGth Btroet T-ISI2 17' : TURKISH BATHS. . TUmlRI BATIS : ONLY I'LAC IN CITY exclusively for 111 le. Suite 10 .10 nee 1311g. 3.1513 11.U 7 FEHSONAL Dit. T. W. STONE , 610 N. Y. I.U'E , TEl. . 64 I U-37 TIt } U1GII.1G IWI'ILY COhtSIT , IADU TO order from Plca.ure. 1913 laral .treet.U313 U-313 \IASSAO ULE"IO Th1IGItMI . ilATilt . IATHS. chiropodist. Mine. I'u&I , 319r I. Hlh , U-37G , t. COMI'OUND OXYOgN CUlLEd CON1UMI'TION . CON Jn"l'JN. uidttna. bronchitis anl catarrh . Home treat neid 16.0 per month : 3 tiay' trial free treat merit HUOI no N Y. Life bldg. , Omaha. U-316 MA'l'ILIMONlAI. I I'AI'ml wn'l 1.0 ADVIGII . Uselenla anti lhotOH of m.rrle g.ablu peopit . many neil mlled tl ee. Addreu box ' 245. llrook . > N. _ ! . U-MIUJO" IIATJS alOUND , JOLI.OW Ol i'L.UN , AT A. L Unlclanl'H , lOG Li. IUh street U-UO . VIA "I CO. , Itt 1m JILDU. JE.LTH UOOK ( ree. . U-H - \VRD1tG1I 3.IOVUSIIGNT CUI FOIL I.AIIUtI lU6 Chicago . at . : cunUliation. Iclenllle FOI I.AIJt , und obesity treatment free Aon I's. January , U-51316J2' . " U. UAAS I'I.RIST , l'I"Hhs , CUT FLOW er IJiiluiUet. lieu . r.loene. Ild grave dect rations. IU3 Vlnlon street , lelellhune 70.U63 U-63 NEWLY 1"111 : > IA'rl 1.\I.Olt. Turkish 'nl electric baths for ladles and genti , . men. Aidam lluweii . : ' I. 15th street , 2d llooi r. U-Ml IG' MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE , . : ANTHONY LAN 6 TRUST CO. , SI N.Y. I.U'E. 10.1 ut low rate for cholct security In Ni . Ir.aka and Iowa Larnhs Ir Omuhn .curly cly Jrperly , \-37 LIII INSUIANCF FO3.ICIIGH I.OANlm ON JLICmS - or oUihl 1" . O. Chesney , Ian.n Cly , - Mo. MONEY TO LOAN ON iM1'1tOyI1) 0MM ! , A - - real ulale. JreDUn Love . I Co. . * ' oi'AIr W37 MONPY TO LOAN AT LOWIGST . ' -I MONIY LOWiST RATES. Ti ! O. F. Do\'ls Co. , 151 1..rpam at - 'Iii VIJY LOW htATNt BADE ON 0001) LOAth LW IAT MADE J. W. SquIre , :1 Jo. Ild. oN W-3 MON\ TO LA" ON SMI'ItOyllL ) OM/.IA ; property , Fidelity Trust COI\UY , li1.'lrllm. . . MONEY TO LOAN-REAL RSTATE Continued . I CITY LOA $ . C. A. STAnR , GI N. T LIFf ! W-8 : LOANS ON 15tl'flOVIGD&U13.tPhibV10D CITY property , $ ,0 and upwards 6 to 7 per ( : no delaYL W , Farn.m Smith & Co. , 1:0 Farnam. W-1 CITY ANn FAIlS LOANS AT Lo\viST \ ralea. I'uNey & Thomas , First Nal'l Uk. W-5 bldg. MONIY TO I.OAN ON OM.\IA nRA ! lST.\T at 6 per ctnl. W. Ii. Sleikie 1t Nal. bank bid . ' W-8 10NI Y TO LOAN ON IRlm 1110':1 : : Irol'ertyclnl ; attention 10 large lonns on business properties nt ver low rnle . No' hru.kt and Iowa Trust company . Z'H ' N. y , life hul < lnK. Jnn W-iG 15" - - MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. IONEY TO LOAN ON FUnNITUm- . , horses. " aguns . elc. , nt lowest rates In cly : no remo-aI of goods : strictly cot'fldentIal ' retoVal 10Os slrlcty ccnlental : you can 11 Iho loan off at any time . cr In any OMAhA MOnTGAOr LOAN CO. . lot a. I61h Ureet. X- MONUY TO LOAN ON IIOUSEIIOLD FURNI. LAN lure. pianos . horse , , wagons . or any kind or chattel security nl lowest possible rates which iou can pay hock nt any time and In any nmounl. \mnLITY LOAN UUAl0ANTItI to . , lom 4. Wlhnel I.AN OUAIANTIE C. J. 11. HADDOCK , IoM 41 , n.\lli ILOCIC 3.IONIIY TO LOAN ON FURNITUILII . PIANOS and nil kinis of security. Fred Terry room - 40 Ramg , ' block X-313 BUSINESS CHANCES 'lVANTIGD A MAN WITH A STOCK OF DIY goods or money to loin with I stock of goJ Jin 11. eerie , . Gael location nni trade estnblishcd. John J.l'lch , . \\'ocn. town , Y-131 INCIEASE YOUR INCOME : SENn FOIl FIE11 book. "how to Trade Successflly In GraIn alI < Small Ilnrglns. " l'erkins & Co.1 214 flifulto. & \ 15RJ : I ! ! -Ii1i5 J29' J'OI HAI.n OIL ' 'IADE , A NI\SIAIEn outfit : 10 other . In the county : only I small Capital necessary . Address I" 18 . hoe. Omnha. . Y-ICG6 15 F OIL SAI.I . ( IIGNII1AL IIAI1NIGSS STOCK OF about 1.0.0. " IAL JA/NESS niliress Bol 3SI. Seward . Net Imrlculars Y-MC . IG" F OIl HAI.I . A COMP1.1GTIG IUAT MAJn T al Fremont Cut West Sixth sll'.rl. I.'r.monl. Neb. y-3.t71O is'L A LWLTIIWS : ' J ST ANI ! ONLY CIANCI for a good manaer. With $0' ) caRh. Address Box 870 loDlulce. Omiulia . : eb. Y-171 IS" Om1AT JAnOAIN , 18.0 STOCK OENEnAL inoiohuunclise . welt afsortel nod In good .hnp. anl In best town and county In northeasl Kansas : doing cash oount' , $2.0 : lusl be qulclc. Address 1' 21 , Omaha lice. 1-171 IS" PAnTY l WITh / 1m CAN SECURE OOOD IOUSI- ness ol'enlng. Owner going 10 'rexuM. A"lress J . 21. Bee. > -i2-1 : FOR HALl ? . A 1/IG STOI ? IN YOHK. N1013. ; consideration. $3,0.0 FJ1 ash : tiii5 includes hullln ! and I bargain. Address 11. . F. 11. Dorr , York , Net Y-ISI7 21" FOR EXCHANGE. . $20.0 IllnOYED PROII/TY : IAI.1 IN trade : genuini' bargain . Wiiams & ' Milton , McCage blocle. Z-M7iC IS AN gI.GANT Jom IN LYONS iOWA , AND ash to exchange for a good modern house In Omaha , Fidelity Trust company . , 1Q : l'ar , nan .1. ) 51-Ill WANTI D. A $1.0).0 ) STOCK 01" G N. MDSE. for choice property nild cash. Address 1) . .1. A. Jlrks , Wmor. all . 7.M800 19" FOL EXIANGI . A DIGStItAlII.10 SIX.ROO house. barn . full lot on paved street. Will lake clear lot as frt payment. No cash reo quired. Address P 39. Hee. 7-3.tS0U1T' FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. DAROAINS , nOUSES LOTS AND FARSIS . Bale or trade. P. K. Darling , Drller IL-39 block. Foil SALE. N11\V 4.IOOII COTTAGE : CElr lar. cistern . city water : cor. 13th and Sahler : 11.2:0.0 : long time. Inquire 1318 ] i'arnam. . Sam- - uol Porno. RE 3n EXCHANOES AND SALES : CITY IROII ITY , ( arms , mencliandise. Olrvln Bros. , 210 N. Y. Lfe. 1110-393 JUUOATED FARMS NEVER FAIL : FRUIT potato. grain and slack farms for sale on easy terms ; eOlseponlence solicited. E. D. l'almer rom 306. l'cople'a bunk Denver Colo. 1110-3.1930 - nE-1130 ' Fort SALE. ; 12ACnE PARIS , 15 MILES northwest Of Omaha. Address E 3. .31cc. _ ltE-31339 ,3l1' IE-II39 ,2"1 $ Z.O.O CASU AND $15.00 'l'En MONTh ' WUL ; $5.0 buy cozy home. large lot , on 2th street boule. yard , near two . car lines and onlY 91,100.00. In ordinary times tills property vili sell tar tlC Jroperly wi sel $ ,50.0 easy. 1850.0 ' will buy nice cottage and 101. $ 0 wIll buy a tine vacant 101. , , 'Ve otter nothing but genuine snaps. ] 1o11sus and Stores for renl. Clear. Improved land lanl for trade. II. E. Cob Co. , 10 N 151h. . R E-I.15 TWO LOTS IN NOt1'U SIPS : 6.IOOI fOilS ! ? . 12.0 ; 8-rom hous" $3QO.0 down , Charles U. Ibarnum . 121 North 1811 & 10wn . HE-II : ' 3& . WILL YOU BUY S on 10 FEET I"nONTAOF In Hanscol Place at 60 Cents on the dOlar'/ I R CIO anti see us. Fidelity Trust coin. iiany , 102 Frnnin. IF-72' ' } SPECIAL lIICFS ANt ) TEIMS ON nEES I'laco lots for len days. 1'ldelY Trust cam- patsy , 1702 Farnam. 11 -720 EXTHA JNDUCElmNTS IN AVONDALE PARK for a few dn ) ' . . Come In and tale , ) 'ou deal and gel ready for I home In the spring. VI- deily Trust cmpany , 102 I'arnam st . 1111-721 LOOK AT 3r21 V.'IOIOSTIGII. Oil LET US SHOW I to you : 11.0 for GOxH5 feet lot ; house tulane cost $1.2.0 : owner must sell. 11. E. Cole Co. , 100 N. 15th. 1310-3.1761 10 nEAL ESTATE BOUGHT. IMPROVED IN. side property only. Neb. and In . : rusl Co. , . 204 N. Y. Life. anl nJ-117Gr 15" ELECTRICAL SUFFLIES. AIUIA'UUgS AND CNVUITFIS REWOUND : storage batteries recharged electrical and laterles rehared ; general - oral machinIsts ; superior work gun.anteed. . Omaha Electrical Works , 67 and 619 S. 161h Sl. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 412 IGLECTRICAF. . ENONgEIS AND CONTJAC _ tars for electrIc light and molar plants nnd aU kinds of electrical construction. Western 131cc. trlcal supplY Co. , 48 and 420 H. I.th sl. 43 LEATIEn 1911L'I'ING. CIt/S. A. SCIIIIG13IN & Co. . 1Ug. 30 a. Uth et . sn UNDERTAKERS AN ) . EMBALMERS I. I { . BUIIKIOT . FUNEIAL DIllUcrolt AND embalmer , 161 Chicago 51. , COn 9 333 SWANSON & VALIN , UNDEITAKElS AND embalmers , 1701 Cumlng 8t. , telephone 1060. _ _ _ _ _ _ 301 lut. O. MAUL UNDgnTAKEI AND EMbalmer - balmer 11 l'arlm sl. . telephone .ND . E1- C.V. . IIAKIIIt . UNDIORTAIIER . GU S. 151h RT. 390 - COAL 1) . T , MOUNT lAS HEMO\ED IUS COAL office 10 % S. IGlh sl. , Brown block 401 SlmlDAN COAL. EXCIGbLENT SUUSTITUTE nan for hard street coal ; snain , and entr4ncu $3.50 ton Board cheaper. of Trade. lUll I'ur- { : ALt. ' RINDS 0' lIMO ! ) AND somr COAL I. Levi , 1. S. 131h street ; lelephoneI51 M-ZS .924 ! LOST. I.OS1' . ONI I.AIOE ST. J lN.\HU nee , , owner's lama 01 collar. Return aol recelvo reward 10 1131 H. 90th . 'eworl 131 3th avnue. Lost-Mill J5 htltO'l'NVTlGlt SI'/uNlRt. PUI' ; JtIGTUILF , : 10 Walico Cole , room 1. dowry flst. IGlO ; Chicago street ; , ewiird. I.osl-ll8 1" 1.081 1''WEI : N JAHNAM , DTH.NV lIAR . lIe ) ' , 21h. elvelop" containIng law In".r. . Ito . turn 10 law dCIlarlmenl Union Paclo heall'ulr- IeI' 1.ost-M116 . ! I. " . LOST I.AY'I GOII'ATCIIVITII J : heart chain Reward ( or return Iobt-MSlS 10 Lice ollice IG" . - MUSIC , eU.1' : , " .N. ! LANGUAGE. O. I' . GELI.ENUFCI BANJOIST AND guitar teacher , 191 Cass street. lIt JOI11011. hl'lfttTOi : E ANI TIOACI1SIL : oll.elllol II lone Ilrlll lon ald 1laclng. Is i I'repared 10 receive Ilupla In vocal culuro an' Blnl1nl lie hno hud lCe.n ) ears exp.rten. . , OH a singer und lelclur anti hno studied In Europe and Amerlcn. VoiCes tried 8tulled . Cal at northwest corner ChIcago anti 1lh Cul 111 1 ? ' 2 HOi'rli4I. 10'r L 1IKII3'rn AND JONCS bTB 15 rooms II . > per day. 5 roms at $ .0 per day. Special rates . 10 commercial traveler. . Hoom and board by week or monlh. Frank IItlilitch . manager . : / ALOTNA nOUm ( EUHOI'IMNI ) , NI W , COIl . 131h and 1olle. 100ms by day or week. COi. l93 - BUILDING & LUAN A UCIATIO JOW TO UL' A nOM on s5tiiut GOOU interest 01 aavlnga. Apply to < UJt L. . & U ; . . A'n. , 101 leo bldg. O. M. Nalnser , Sec. 1. 39' SIAIUI IN MUTUAL I. AND 13. ASSN I'A 7 f , 7 1 , 8 per cent when . I , a , 3 years .jS'N , " ) , S . fedeennaLt. Q.lrama\.Nalljur. \ 41 tJ. . - - - USINE : iOTIO1S. IJA3.iAGilD , MJuOnH JElii D , 719 N. 41 it ; . . - - I DICYCr , t" . 51 . O. DAXON , 4 N. 16TH1 m OMAHA JICrCLE CO. , U N. 1611 ST. . , tOil A L DUANE & CO. , I3ICC.ES . 16 FAnNAM : : ' 1 1 JU D 1tIGSSMAIIN0 IN FA.3.ILLIIS. roT AND style ! nrnle . A"drc.s 1 _ J ' t9. lIce. 3.1704 1 2" A UCTIO ? , . JUSINISS SOI.ICITlm "NJfgWI I.t ANI mArhanlloe of all desclpUyna : twenty 3'ears' eJel.nce ; satisfactIon I ( 1mnlee : best ot refreflCeS : pales made In and out of city. cly. Cal on or aIMr J. 1) . -1.e"'IM. once 21 5. 161h 8rrl , with John lsumer , Omaha. 1. 156 1 HORSES WIN'RED , 1 WILL CAlm FOR A PlOW filIAl ) OF horses for thc wInter at S per hrnd per month. horses Sent fet and returned at $ nch. None but healthy horses taken. and only from re- sponlbie lartics. I can Rive best Of references. &ln.1118 paries. Address . 3.1. J. 'elch , Oretna Net reerences. ' m JI ' I STOVE REI'AlRS , I STOVE nEIAJS POll 40.0 D1'FImENT makes at stoycs. Water hUachment and con- II nnl nelons n specialty. 1207 Douglas street , , Omaha Slave nctalr 'olles. tOO j CARPENTERS AND DUILDERS. c II. MOItIOII.L . CAIIINTEI AND lUl.jI t paper hanging and signs , bride work and plash terlng. Olco 40J S. Htl al. , telephone 409. 40. ' - WHOLESALE COAL JOHNSON 111105. . WIIOI.ESAI.1 ? DIALL'ltS IN null Farnam kinds streel. of coal. Core.ponlenco solicIted . 407 1008 HAY AND GRAIN. NEltASKA HAY CO. . WHOLESALE IAY , BraIn and mill stuff. We are always on the market to buy or selL 102-.0 NIcholas st. 44 DUE 3SMAKING. DnESS IAKNG IN FAIULICS , 4316 GI1ANT. 3.1-165 JIS' COSTUMES. L ADIIIS' AND : mN'S 1.\SI SUITS FOR rent al Oollen Eagle elore 11 S. I61h slreel. 58 1- , SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. 'AN SANT'S SChOOL OF SIOIT HAND N. Y. I.lc. Omaha. Ask . for circular. 41 JOB PRIN'ING. REED JOB I'fllN'TINO CO. , FINS lJNTING of all kinds. 171h it. . lIce bldg. 43) ELOCUTION. ELLA DAY R 9 , COM'L NAT'L DANK 131.1)0. 6GI-P i" DENTISTS. DR. PAUL. DENTIST , 220 BURT ST. US ' DOCTOR i'\h 11 SEABLES . Iw r. & " , SEARLES. , ' " ' A' ' ' ' . ' , lJ 'i' 1 Chrolljc , rotc " t \ { ; , 1 , rl\'OlSI \ f 'h + t 1\I1I\\\ \ ) a. " ' 1 " , . \ I , ' i I : ot , Prvate I : ' j . \ \ ; & : iC ; : ) Diseases 'ruEAT.UINT BY JIAlr C , lsulnIOU Free. We cue Catarrh , ail diseases of the Nos , Throat , ChestI.Stomacht Liver , Blood , Skin and Kidney Diseases , Fe- : male Weaknesses , l6 st' Manhood , and ALL PRIVATE DIStES OF MEN WEAK ,1EN Mill VIO $ . TO NERVOUS DebIlity or Exhluslon , 'V8tng 'Veakness In voluntary Losses with Early Decay In young a nd middle aged : lack of vtm. vigor Indweakened anl "remaurely In apprqachlng ell age. All yellS roadlY to our new treatment for los nf vital powor. Cal on or address with stamp for elr- culars. free book and receipts. Dr Searles and Searles 1410 Farnain. 3)1 , tJULLLLJJ UUU UtttiU.3j , 14 I ; , Nob. 'I i 0IWW f t L rr-EI : 1B. E. a. WE'C l1EBVE AND Bum ' ! E'UEN Is sold unlor positive written guarantee , by authorized agents only , to cue Weak Memory ; Loss of Brain and Nero I'ower : Lost lanhoodj qllckneM : NiHhtLossts ; Evil Dreams : Lackor Confdonce ; Nervousness ; Lassitde ; nit Drlusi ; Lose of l'owor of the ( onorlivoOrjanR in either Fox . Censed hyovor.rixortion , Yonthtul Errore , or E1COSbO'VO Use of Tobacco Opium or Liquor , which lends to Misery , ConsumptIon , In.nniy and Death. 'IF snail . $1 a box : six fur 8 : wih written uarantho t < cur or refund monoy. Weal aLive wrten Jonrnnto Live ? 111 eurO SIck headache. 110uRlessl $ Liver CumplaiDt Hour Stomiucli DspeJsia anti cpstipatiou. GUAHANTEE Issued only by Goodman Drug Co. Omah& , : . "EJ ' 'BUREAU. ' SUES & CO. , Molclors Dee ; lJuldlng , OMAhA , Neb. Advice Flt . , RAILWAY TIIE CARD . . Leaves IBURI.INGTON I MO. itIVIlit.lArrlu'es Omall UnIon Depot , 10lh & 110n Hls.1 Omaha 10:15ul. : . . . . . . . . .Denver Bxpre8. . . . . . . . ,9 :3.am : 4:3.pm.Wk. : hills , Aont I l'ulet Snd. Ex 4:10pm : 4 : . . . . . . Exp ' , " " " ' " ' ' 4:10pm : 5.pm.Nelraskl : Local ( except Sunday ) . 7:65116 ! 8ISam.Llncoln : Local ( except Suniday.it2aa : SUlday 2:45pm..I.'asl : Mail for ( Lincoln ) Daily. . .la . . . . : . : I.elveo ; ICIICAGO , BURLINGTON . & Q.IArrlvu - OmahalUntoil ilepOt 10lh I Mason Sls.1 Omaha 4:41pm..Chicago : VesUbule. . . . . . . . . . : pm. . . . . . . . . 9:5am I 9 : & 5am. . . . . . .Chlcolo I.xprcs. . . . . . . 4 :20pr : 7tGpm..Chlcngo : and Iowa Local. . . . . . 8:00am : . . unt . . . . . . . , . , . ' , , . , . . 1:3.&n..lacllo : : Junction Local . . . CIOI'm : : I LCI'es IC/CAGO , 11L t ST. lAUL.IArrJ" Omaha Union Depot IOlh & Mason IIH.I Omaha I 60)pifl..Chicago : Limited. . . . . . . S :30\1 ; 1:0al..Chleago Ilaplees I ( ox. _ Sun . ) . . UOJm ; I - Leaes ICIIICAGO & NOILTJIWIISTNIArrives ; CICAGONOITJVESTN Laves \CICAGO \ i Omahl U. P. Depot . 10lh & Mason Bla.1 Omaha I ' . . . . . . . . . . . Ei , . : - . . . . : . . . 'temFxprC . . . . 5I0pmr : I i:5am. : . . . . . . . 'temFxprC:5 S:40al I GGoO. : . . . . . Mo. Valley I.nctl. . . . .10:3011 : I 5:41pm ; . . . . Omaha Chicago SpecIal. . . . . . 2:15PI : l.eaVe I CIC' O. n. I. & I'ACIFIC . IArrh'u - Omaha Union DeJol. 10t\ & , Mason t.j Omaha I . . . J AS' 'S. ' llOOam..Atlaqtic ; EPr' ' ( . .SundaYI , , . : ) ; ) 6:0'pm 6:2511. : . . , . . . . .Nllht ExpriSI : s. . . . . . . 9 :501 : 4SCI..Clcalo : Velbule LimIted. . . 1:05pm 1m.Oklahoma : . Exp. (106.3.13. ( " ; : un..1 ) :3upm : I & _ _ _ _ - - - 6JSam.Okiahioma : &Texaii7iJ < ( : ) m30 : : a C . . ' . 4Otila : : ' : . 'b , I.I'a\'es I C.Hl'.l'3.1 . ' 1 Or U. IArrh"'s Omaha Depot 1th and IWH"ler Sla. I Omaha B:30am : . .Nebrnska i'assnt tlaly.8Hpl ) : a . 4Epiii.Sioux : City i1xurkes'ex. ( SUnll5)orr ) : EIOp' : . = Ciy _ Paul ( I.lmle'I. . Sun..lGlln . ! _ : Leaves - F. , 10. : I . ' ; % JI.flY. ; lArrhves - Omaha 1epot I51h and WeIster Sts. I Omaha ifO ; m = . .I'ast Mal We\ter . . . , . . . 4S5pna 2ICpm.ex. ; ( Sat ) Wo. anll x iox. 3.toi. :4:651m ) : 9:03am. : . .Norfolk Ixllrea ( n.lunlaYI..I0:30al ) : 4:55pm. : . Fremont la8. ( ex sunday ) . . 7:50pI . . . Llaul I . . . . . . . . . , , Leaves I I 1' - C.,5T. . . A . C. U. IArlves Qi1lah1aIUfliOn1)pEt , 10lh & 11ason At'.1 Omaha 9:15am..lOansas : lol - Day - Ixpre.i.GIOpm ; 9:5I'm.I' : " C. Night Ix.1. . U. I' . Trana. 6Iljim : I.ean's ) llSSOlJltl PACIICIC. IArrh'u I MISSOUII IACWI. : . Omaha Depot IS.h and Webster SI. . I Omaha ti5uin ; = , , , , , : Sl - l.o41j lxllre8 . . , , . , , , , 6OOan : 9iipin ; . . . : . Louis ExIrea. : ; 8OPI : t:1tpmNebraSkaLocaljeLSun..9Wan : ) : . ! ! 1. - av"l SIOUX CITY I PACIFI. Arrives Omaha Uell Ih and Web.ler SIL I Omahl ' ; IOpl. . . . . .St. Paul Limited. . . . . . : 9:0am Leaves - , I - SIOUX CITY & IACIFf7 lArrive . ; rlve. .0Iah'nl" ' Delict 10th I Mason at I Omaha G5'ana..Stc.ux : . . Cily ' . , . , , , , . : , ClOpiii.t : . Paul I'aaenler..IOPI . I : : . . . . . : . . - - - - - l.e3ve I I UNION I'ACW lArrives Omahn . Union . Depot . lOll & Mason 81'.1 Omah 39O0iin : . . : . , . Icsriicy hlsprts5. l . . . . . . . . . 1:45p.a oJm. . : ] . .Kerey . . . % dCs'm..Ocerland : 1'1).1. xJre.s. . . . . . 5:351'nl : IL llQpna.Lleatrlce k , . ' . . . ' Slrom.b'g Ill : ( ex.Suii ) 3' $ ' IOpm.Ueatrlce pff 7topin. . : . . . . . , . . . .I'aelno 10xprees . . ex.Sull. . . . . nl'l a G.IIJ. 7:111 . . . . . . Fast Mail. . . . . . . . . . .IO.al . . 4'IOpl Leaves I WAUARJ nAII.WAY. - TArsives Omaha UnIon 1)ci.'I. 10lh & Meson RI..I ! Omaha : ' Moa..tOt. . . Louis . Cannon v . - : : -3 ; TiEY , CUT ThEIR - TIIR OATS Tmgody Near Patn Proves a Most DistressIng - . tressIng Afair , SAD SUICIDE or A NEBRASKA COUPLEf ; 1r flint 3.lzIlarris of Holth County 1111 Their UveA Under 11n loU 1lMtreu- ) tug cit ( .iirculnslniices-1.nst . Letter to Their l'arelts. PAXTON , Neb. , Jln , H.-Sllcclal ( Tele- graI-l ) has dcvelollel that the Ilelth at .3 . n. harrIs ant wIfe , on account of which was telegraphed to The Dco last nlgh ( , was a 10st distressing Iragedy At the coroner's Inqust hell this morning at the homo of the Ileal couple the jury found that they cale to their death by their own hd hanls , a razor beng uel to cOlllt the d eed . The body of lrs. larrls was found lt 1)'lng l on the beth , partly clothed , with her Ihroat t cut frol ear to car She had taken her own life. She hail eXIlret In the throes ot chllblrlh , ler husband was fouut at the t fool or the bet near the door wUh his tt Ihroat t cut clear around After cutting his tbroat 1.0 had crawled nit over the house and outside a few feet from the door , comIng bacl , Into the house al his hands and Imees. 10 I hat evidently die tr'lng to open the door again , his arm bllg slretchell to reach . Ihe t door hnndle. The couple had only moved to theIr present Pl lace I 10nth ago. The house ill which they Ps 1\'od l was a sod dugout , sltlatod seven Iles sonthwest of here. The surroullngs of tI the t Place welt to elbow that the Pair were In I very poor circumstances-In fuct It looked as If starvatol was staring them In the af face , II seaching the house the coroner could not Oml an.thlng lint would indicate that thc wife hul : beel prepared for the birth ot f her ctittd. No motvo cal be given for the t deed except lint ( she was expectIng 8001 10 t lecomo 1 10ther Itll was on lie verge ot starvatloni . stan'aton and suIerlng. The followIng leter l was found wrItten . by the hUBband In a clear Ill steady build : Dear OIl . Parents : 'aVe ' have decIded to eld our lives together. ida took Hick he- fore daYlght aunt It Is now 7 o'clocl lila cut her throat old 1 cut mine. 1 woull gl\e the world 10 see nay pOO' old flther lmd i mother. I ReOIS lIke I year Hlnce 1 saw nny of m % ' folks . I . YOUt ! ELO\.ED GlLDHEN , I Short ! ! Call ) of Ogalaln acted as coroner anti conducted the examlnnUon or wititesses Itl everybody In this vIcinIty Is satsOed that the jlr"s , 'crdlct was the ( correct one. Mr. Harris' parents arrIved from -Nichols. Neb. , this evening and took charge or the bodies . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ! ATE I.\J OF' 1 I.n\ Cl.OSIOD (010 Intn Voluntary .lqnhlnUon 111 lIe- 1)n.lto ! l'itht II lull. LNCOLN , Jan , 14.-Special.-Thio ( ) state lanklng l bond has receIved nolce that the State bank or Elba , Elba , Neb. , has gOle into voluntary lIquIdation. A. E. Cady Is president - dent of the institution. The capital stock was $10,000 f ull. ; deposits , ,000 . , which are paid In Charles Qrh ! , released yesterday from the penitentiary , after serving out I : ferm for robbing the "Two Charlles' " saloon , was met at the door by P.Qlee CaptaIn Mason who rearrested him on'l charge or grand larceny Detectve John DeLong of the Missouri PacifIc charges him with . , tIne theft : or I grIp or cutlery lelonglng to" .tr\elng bali from the NorthOeld Knife : company : valued at $250. The Church of Christ corer of Fourteelth and K streets . was yesterIay the scene Of n. mysterious daylight robbery. A cot cUon or $ IS' had been tnlcen ' 'X and carried into the * ! lr. lstucY : ' , .DufJng hIs temporary ab sncereole sneak thief entered and carried ol'the'enttoblecton. ' . "TIIB Is not [ lie Orst : tmo' this' church has suffered from sImilar depredations. slmllr The , Alcazar shoe atom Is closed under chattel - tel mortgages given to the Merchants banlt for $2,000 and W , O. Dundy of Lineavllle . , l a. , ' : r $800. Kelly - & Tyrel have charge of winding up the affairs. , Lydia G. Seal asks Judgment In district : , court' against the Farmers amid Merchants Insurance com pan ) ' for $1.800 , the aniount of . " polIcy ' ol 'a house In Pranlln : heights , : She . says thio house burned on October 13 . , but the company refuses to pay. She wants o $500 attorney fees. Tomorrow evening an adjourned session , or the nIneteenth annual meetIng of the Ne- : braska. State "Historical society ! wi bo held I in the unlverBlty ' chapel. Secretary J. Ster- ling . Norton . 11 her and wl deliver the president's arnual adtress : "Thc Pioneer Pop lsts ar ' 1'adr Finances In the ' 'erriory of Nebraska In 188S , 188G and 1857 , and the Result-A Parallel Detween Past and Present . Fallacies. " ' . . Usceola O. A. n. Ilstals Oillcor. OSCEOLA , Neb. , Jan. 1.-Speclal.-The ( ) ofcers of J. E. neynolds post , Grand Army of the RepublIc , Uw Woman's Belle ! corps I and this Sons ot Veternns held a Joint install - ton ( Saturday nIght. Past Commander George w. Greg Installed the pOBt officers , Mrs. Dr , 'haley tue Wpiiaan's Relief corps , and John I I Mickey the Sons of Veterani. Folowing ant ; lie installatIon an oyster supper and cnmp I Ore were enjoyed. Remarks were naade hy Ir nevs. E. C. Horton and A. B. Whitmer ant I the new commander. J. 11. MIckey , Morgan a James and otherB. MusIc concluded the pro gram of a splendid entertainment. I The InstallatIon at officers of the Daughters , ot Hlbekoh was held Friday evening. The I ceremonies were In charge 0' Past DCllty Cr : DistrIct Grand Master S. D. Molfett . Aftel r Ater lie Instalaton ceremonies were over a nlco Bupptr was provided by the latles , old the banquet refusetl to break up until afuld - night _ _ _ _ _ _ 1IO\\ , W'iiero. In I'lnll tine NOWA. \ 'ALLENob. " , Jan. 14.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-TIio ) Omaha Daily lieu was at I premium In this town this muornimbg . al It L wal lie only paper that gave I 'spiritual IBlc" report of what went on In this city Ia t nhht. The lIen was also the only paper which gave I report ot Sherl Ilanaiiton'i a visit to Valey Saturday n'erno n. There urn I new do\elopments : revealed by the "spirits" 01 this place concerning lie Barrel - rel Scott case The first information wi C/l from Sheriff hamilton . which Ii looked for tomorrow , The len who were sup Iosetl tl ho here t'.r the purpose ot munler- Ing J. U. 1'erree. cnn ot the splritualists . lalt evening are believed by many citizens to bc residents or Valley , The citIzens of thll town arc eager to ham this mYltery salvo and 10Jk for I Onal end tomorrow Haiti 'lllnw ! C nun I ) heat Ilattor . INDANOLA' , Neb , Jan 14.-Speclal ( Tel egram.-A ) Ilcclslon fIl lie supreme cour : L on tll ( county seat t ? ston Is looked for . this week. DistrIct court convenes tomorrow The assessed . aossed voluation or lied Willow vlluaton 'llow county tor : 18 ( Is $1,330,183. Ten per cent ot that amount Is tim limit for which the county Call lie bonded for aced and feed , according tJ house roll No , I , ( ) hlll 1"111(1) Jnrel' ' . S'IWMSnUlG , Neb. , Jan H.-Speclal ( Telograns.-A ) child of Gust Anderson Telerram.-A chid , a I prominent farlor ; lIving two mlcs west of 10w' , WIS probably fatally burned today 711 chili by sino nicans set fire 10 It : S meZns fro Is clothes . anti before assistance came the skin on Is armI antI . face was burned to a , - - - - - - - - - - - - UG9 . .G. . & ee& ' Cures I MOTH ERSt , hIMOThERSI fi . - - FREND R- . . . Is tbo greatest . 6 ? iSUJg b1slu ever Oleredi tt chuid ' bearing woman. 3 4 Breast cbld'barlng wHo lor many'ears. . . . ) t j - - - - - - - , - - - , - anti in each cast f C' where ' ' 7dOTISIORS' FJUENV" was used : ctR accomplished wonders 111 relieved : ( is much suIerlng , It Is Ihu best remedy ton 'b rising of the Ir alt known , tnd worth ( lie I ( ; . prIce tor that ulonu. L rdtts. M. 01. BnEStI . Montgomery , Ala ! Stnt by Express or m'l 01 Tee.lpt of prIe , Si hook per "Toliotlers" tattle. b.l walled ( ty au lrornnl'I' , i i DIAVYIELO IEOULAOl CO. , ATLANn , GA. & . a.Qe .s Q .4.S cr risp , anti ( Itlo hope Is entertained for its r ecovery. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . \Sll\SI $ P11411 lIlRiOIID , In ln" fop thn I'RBL Year Not fL AU lOis. ( ourRllnl to 1Irchl"\ ) . ASII.UW , Jan 1.-Slecla1)-Tht ( ) cii- . zens of Ashland have always insIsted . thM he business was nbo\'e the average western t own of Its size , 1111 give as evIdence tIle fact that there . has not been I business tail. ore In tht city within the year halt. : 0011. grnbber's Boston store was In Ashland for 0\0 weels anti If just In ( lIne to save her f air record from a blot , A the faIlure or that t Orm occurred within 1 week otter the store heft the tOWIb sl This afternoon I representatIve of The leo 1110 n llorsolal hl\'uthlllou of the business .101e here IUrln ! the year just closed h ) ' calling UIOU busIness len , In\1 nllio Inquiry II to how their busllosl for sol would compare : wIth what they did the ( year previous , nlul as a result found that Olt of thlrt'.nlle len engaged ill the ( boler's cnntle business enl ) ' eight hall slferNl I s light tlepressloib . whlo three saul they hind no conilihahlit whatever COIllllut whlte\'er to Ilke of their yenr's blslness ns I whiole. Six of thel were gllll to say they hall done 1 IIyln ? buslmiess There were three who Mll theIr busIness for thl first six lonths of 18tH was equal to any year , but the last half of the twelve was I little deficient. meven of the nllbtr Mil , wlh emphasis . that theIr btisl. neBS hail been fully as goal ns aiiy Jre\lons 'ear. One rellortc1 liii tales equal anti his collections bettor than lit ln , Tlrere were five who were 1\lelel to say that their In- voIce and bank aeconut sho\tli better : C sull from 18tH than they did fruI 1893. The two bauks MY very Itlo ono way or the other , their hulnoss cOIJelllg ttiein to t be very consen'atl'e , anti for this rtISOI t hey did I slller busiless , hit on I much slfer basis than ever hefore. The 10st laterlng i statcment Was received frol Latiti. lorl l Parker or the Columercial hotel , who stltell that slnco January ) ' I , 1893 , his busi- ness h had been continually al the Increase 'l'ecntiit'lt's % 'ter SIII.ly , 'gCUlSml Neb. , Jan 1 1-Special ( Telegramii.-An ) cnthuslnstc leltng or bls' Ine8s I len all taxpayers WS held loire tonight . night to suggest to than el ) ' councIl all ftaslble lethols to adopt wih a view of increasing - creasing thin water HII'1 ! , A comlitpt vas selected to II\estglte two p1aiis ono of ItlzlnJ u I I louleous shrinK which lies about two mies west or the cIty , anl the other cf digging I large well near the Nemaha river ' allah depending on the ( river to SUIIII ) ' this ochi . allowing lie ( water to pass throuA'h t about thirty feet of sand from the ( river to the ( well to properly lilter. At an ) cost the city IUSt have more water , as the Present ! ) stem but little better than ( halt SUl1111e8 the ( tax ulJen it. 1"1111cchlrlt Near IlnlR Clt ) . . FALLS CITY Neb. , Jan 14.-pecial ( Tel. esram.-A ) very serious accident occurred near this cIty tonight In which Jack Jones ot Shubert lost his life. lIe antI Lmso : Jones I frlelll , started ( home from Ihls cIty about . 7 II. m. In I drunken contiitlon . ami when near the farm of Saluel ; Lichty the buggy WI Upset and the occupants thrown otit Lame Jones walked to the hOlsc and Lichty throve them 10 this city and the body was talel to the Bau Claire hotel. I ) found that he hal all his ribs broken a litl anl his sl\l liansliod . His folks were tele , graphed at Shubert 011 arc expectell tonhht. Coroner Shiver of Salem was notIfied and wi [ hold an Inquest tomorrow. lintel It 'urlnl Burnml. PORTAL , Neb. , Jan 14.-Speeial.-Thie ( ) hotel operated here by J. F. ' Ihlldebrand' destroyed by Ore last night. The Ore caught from tht kitchen rangto Loss , $2.600 on building arl contents ; Insured for $1,000 In Omaha Fire of Omaha. In endeavoring to save 1 portion or his household goods Mr. Iltebrnd narrowly escaped suIoaton by smoke. ' Thllk" lOIUI"tR Ungrateful , . onn , , Neb , Jan. 14.-Speciai ( Tolegram.- ) The ' Ord Joural , Populist paper Fore , has changed hands again. A. W. Jackson has sold out to J. L. Claln , the former pro- Priotor. Jaclson now wants I column In' ' some republIcan paper In which to roast the pOlmlsts ' [ or their IngratItude. Jaclcs7n has I had control or the Journal . for two months. . 'OUEUl7'S. . Jl- 'OU-EUl - - ( -7'S. ' - The distinguIshed actor and drmatst , Mien Nobles and 1 powerful supportIng company \1 bo the attractIon at the ( Boy this evening ; ; ' only , presentlg Mr. Nobles' famous piny "From Sire to Semi . " In which he has made so declde a hit. MIlton No- lies as AUIM Armltage . under the asstimeU assumc name or colm Oaldey , molcs J truthful L westerner of the GOs. Ho lakes the part ot a Calornl . gambler , whose life Is a lart ot lie history of the days of the gold fc\.er. Dolhio Nobles whose sweet taco amiil Doiio all smpa- thetc voice make her holB of fremads as Mabel % Armloge , wife of Alfred , and later I Mabel . tile ) daughter , alt Is especially acceptable - ceptablo In her mlndoln solo of "Home , Sweet Homo" at the close of tw ( last act , and In the salJle song II her character of the daughter , label , In the third act. The plot or tIm play "From Sire t6 So.n" IB II teresting. ami the Interest Increases from the munler scene to the culmination In the ( interior or I lhenlsh castle , II which some very realstc actng IB done. Miiou Nobles I not only sustaining his past reputation , but Is addIng 10 It by slrengthenlng ! the cast t and improving the stage setting . Two nets : ot " 1"rom Sire to Son" are located at Yuba , Ca ! , ( luring the days ot the Argonauts. The greatest complment that the drama has received IB Its en\huslastc \ roceptpn II Cal- tornla , anti Its cordial praise by tll entire press or San I.'rancIBco. . One able critic : there Ilronouncel I tIle ablest play yet writ- tu by an American denllng with Calror- nla life all character Another mal\s note : ot the fact that Mr. Nobles Is tile only play- wright to date who has been able to write a CalIfornIa play without drarglng In I Chinaman as a prIncIpal character. 011 favorItes are always sure of a hearty welcome . anti WI know no actor who Oeel- Illes n warmer lilacs II the offectonB anti . eBleem G't our theatergoers than Mr. J. K. 11111. I . met , the ( "I.'rltz" ' or Pleasant . mcmorles , who cOles to this loy(1 ( on Wednesday and 'l'hurs- day next This ho will season wil present Ihe lovable Gcrman hero II Ills new play , c lell I " 1.'rlz In I Math blouse. " Mr. Immet will L bo slpportell by nn excellent company of well Imown anti popular players. 'he play wilt ho produced on l teals jf Ienoral ex- eehlenco. The cast Includes : Jf MIss hinmil Lytton Baby Spencer Sllnot , Florence mly ter ( , Miss Germaine , Miss Ware , ! essrs. 11(1. ( SOil 1.lstOI. ( Francis I Kiibgtiolh ] . George 11ttlo. toll , Hatry I Cofn , avhl ) Rivers anti others . The lale ot seals wilt open at ! o'clock to- : lorrow 10rnln ! . - Mr. Alrcll radlry , the wail kno\m luslnesH manOK of Alexander Halvlnl , arrlvecl frol San Francisco l yeslerdny Snlvlnl appeart IPlears at tho' lloyd on Monday , Tuesday Ott Wonestay of nexl week Mr. Alfred Hrodley , the lushness nianagoj ref at the Hal'lnl company , arrived from Denver last evening. 'fho popular romantc actor II now on his way east from a Ilhenollnal ) ' successful tour ct the Iacilc 2Jope. The pro IlucUon of thuD new romalUc cOlpoll ehutillet enltell " " ) the "Htudent Salolnanca of Salamalca , which lirved th\ sensation of lie ( IIHagclontln Ran I'rnn- clsco wIll be Ilrefented , for the frt tlmo In Omaha 01 Sal'int's forthcomilg aPllourunco at lloyd's Ollra house. 'i'iie entugelcnt la I for three nights. corlcnclJJ next 10ndoy Ilght , anti Mr. Bradley Is able tQ allOUICC the following repertoire ot plays : Monday , "Uon Caesar de hiazalu" Tue hue " , Casa Bazn" ; Tuesday "Slu- dent of Salamanca , " anti \Veiiiiestiay the "Three Ouiantiernen" ArQIg the more Iui portunt productions during'thie conllng eprilli . there are Perhaps few that will aIrne ( that 3 attentIon WhIch will undoubtedly be aceordc I Mr. SlviiaI'e lint uplesraneo frI hIailliL't , to : r which his representative says ii Is liluldeil 0 very elaborate preparations. 311 Issotiri 1..gi.liunr ( llhi-i , JIOFFERSON CITY , Mo. , Jan , 14-Allen 3 I ) , Itichiards , republican representative ( ruli I Carroll county , tiled at ( he Central hotel hiert' hiert'I 'i'onuiilltis , which was iaggravoted Iy ii ovouni I recelvtul imu ( lie ateck durIng the over , caileet lila death , io was liorti lq Z'ennsyhvania I' 5 % lS3. fought. through ( ho war In theNlncty - ninth Ohio infantry , wilhi whIch hi made i Li good record , atid caine to Missouri In liGO lie was a lrOOiiIbellt ) Masoiu , Otlti Fellow lint , KnIght of I'ythlas. 4 NOT 1CL1NEI ) TO GIVE iN Union Pafio Receivers Will Not Lot Go ThoirGrip. \ VILI STILL hANG TO THE SHORT LIN T1107 'aihI lteel.t Alt Allhiii'Stiotie for thus Alipointmnent ( it II Sotsrioto Iteceiger to 1.utlt .tticr thni , ( Ireguta 1.iiie.-ltatitvioy ( loilp. TIme receIvers or thbo Union Pacific lta'o do. c ide'tl to resist the applicatIon of the consohi. t hted mortgage trustee for a sehinrate i-c. c elvor for ( Ito Oregon Short 1Ame & Utah Northern , The lilies tlpoii hilohi the i-c. s istaluco will be made are still thia subject. of d ebate wlthu ( lie receivers , but liuntters are s liapliug tlieiuusclves so ( lint lii a few thays s oimiothaing tietinito nay be leartbeil relative t o the brief of the receivers , Jtudgo 'rhaurs. t on goes vest to look after oilier Union l'a. c hile interests whalelt will eoitio uip before J udge lhehhiiiger Jaiitiary 22 , awl Iil reibbaill i n I 'ortla 11th 1111 1 I 1 t lie Ii ca ni um g cit t lie ubplll lea. ( loll for a receiver for ( hue Short Lhw , wiiichi I s set fur trIal January 30. Mr. Tiuuriuton 1 i3 eludeavoring to liao ( lie Oregomi Itatlway & NavIgation coiiiiaiy limatter litislieti along' ' s everal tha-s so thiitt lie vlll loot have to re- 1 110111 iii I'ortlnmitt nioro than a eelo. Ila wtll Probably ltvo tom- tIm vest January 20 , a hioiahl lie lou to have . ( ho first hat'antng c hunibged , . AUlILhil ) ON lIMlOltiNi' CO9LMISSION8 , Alt tue l.iaic'i itlga , lIst , ijuairet hixCt'ia ( thio . ci ritual lruank , CIIICAGO , Jami , 14.-Tiu western , Ilties h iavo finally reachicil an agreeiiieuit on the c ilaigrant conblbllssloil ( hilestloll , anti thiat trotiblesonie obstacbo huas been removed f rent the erIc of forming ( Ito asoclation t o Cover the westenli multI traibscolathibental p aasoiiger biisluueas. 'lIun agreenielut , which goes 111(0 ( effect Jaiiuary 20 , Iirovllcp , that a ll roatis shall iay a comiluuilsslili Cf 10 11cr e dit eu cOda tIcket. 'rue Catiauhlnma l'aclilo , h tas signed ( lie agreement , auth every road is I ii It wIth tlut' cxcelitioii of ( lie ( I rnntl Triutik. I t Is not believed ( lint any adIeu by ( hue Gralld Trtilik call upset ( Ito ogre0010lut , Tue gelueral lioceting of wosteria lines au- j otmniiol nftema. . short sessiOlb , atitl thi Atch i son-Sotithierit l'acltic colbilullttee took till tlio balance of tli tht' uirguallig eu the trpils- COlltlilelbtfll rbte9. latr' in the tiny thi coni' nalttee .reportetl "lirogress , " but votuld loot SiedlfY as to 'lhint ( lie ' 'progress' ' coin- l wised , 'l'lic' ahihiroxlnbate gross earnings ci the Atchison aysteiii for tue first v0oic Ito Jaiiuary were $ G1'J,129 ' , ala iuocreitse of $27,135 over the saii'o week of 1831. ill ii y ( 'Ins , , t ii ii ( iii p. There seems to be colbsiilerable groubiti fat believing ( hint th Missouri PacIfic , Rock Island anti Sniito Fe viht unite in buhidliog a hlmio of road [ rein Ilast , 'ttchilsoib , Mo. , to St. Jose1ihi , a distance of twcnty.ono 1111105 , 'I'iio Saute Fe Is entirely cut elf from an entry iLo ( Atelullfoib frona ( lie cast on accoilnl of ( ho river havIng washed away all its tracks , Except. ( ho Kitiisas Cty , it. Joe & Council llluffs no road 'a entt'nir : AtchIson. Tue Missouri I'aclflc , however , gets In through the use of the iCaiisas City tracks. Tin , Itock Iitlan,1 , Is cut. ott although It 1105 lceli ushiig ( lie Ilissoiri , l'aclflo tracks from Pierce Juliction to AtchIson , 'rlueso tempo- nary arrahugements , however , necessitate a great deal of tnoilble , anti ( ho general Inan- agers of ( lie roads iioentioned have had soy- eral coilferellces with a view (0 chiangln present conditIons. \Vreattttaig wIlls than : uaiiiias l'ncitlc Boycott. Transcontinental lines are still wrestling witbi the UnIon luacilic b6yeott and wIth very little success , as tiio interests are too vflah for aiiy hasty actIon , Mr. Lonoax contInues S I to , stand hy hIs ultimatum printed in The Flee last Week , In wliell ! lie refuiseil to joIn any association ao long as ( lie boycott no- nialneti in force. Mr. Crpsby , general freight agent of ( lie I3urhliugton , loft for the seat of war Sunday and vill take it luaiod In bolt. itig after the freight Interests of lila line. Mr. lluchanaii of the Illhiliormu Is also oii ( Ito ground to see that his company Is tabeia care of shictIhti an agreement Ijo reached , Them Is lIttle iioIlo expressed In railroad cIrcles that an agreenoemit will be neaclieui unless concessIons are onatlo by both sides to tIe Uiiloii Pacific boycott , and these are not looked for. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ p Elltlaorii l.ity Off a TraIn. S Today the Elkhiorn will ahatidon st'bat is known as ( lie Frelluont-Omibahia local traIn for the reason that businesa dols iIOt warrant its further continuance. Thtl train Is known as Nos. 23 anti 24 , No. 23 leaving Omaha for - Fremnont at 1:55 : p. ni , and returning orrtv. ing in Olibahia at 7:50 : p. na. Tiil ( rain Illado no COiInectlofls wIth any train fromil Fremont alid wait Intended to take care of ( ho business between Frenbont amid Onualia. hut all tin- perativo demand to cut expenses hiss nectssl- tateti pullIng oft thIs train , ilitilvt3 ; Note. , Master In Chancery Cormilehi has gone to liii hioiime in St. Paul , Vi' . 1) . Sanbonli general agent of thie jOur- hlngon ( In San Francisco , is in Onoahia en. routis vest S A.V. . Drock. duet clerk lii thie freight ( le. PartIllolat or thio lltlrhiumgtoma vent to Icnn. sas City last Iblghit to attend thin regu'ar quar. terly ineothii of tIle Traiusmuulssoari freIght rate comabmulltteo whIch coiivtumies today. Colialianmi Situ. , , Sluouid be Ilsed in attemptIng to dIre ( list vely dlssgreealiio dIsease , catarrii. As catarrit origInates in Impurities In tlmo blood , local applIcation. can do no Iorlnanent good , 'fho comnliuon eons. method of treatlnomit is to purity ( Ito blood , and for ( lila iurpozo there lit lot preparation superIor to hoed's t3arsapariilu. Ilcoul's Pills cure colistiluation by restoring peristahtlc actioif to the allintllitory canal , . _ _ _ LAST SAD RITES , Ilouly fit ( ; Imrlo. . ( . , ; , ( itiisigiaiuil , to the Oriatu' , The funeral of C. F. Uoouinouur took Place yesterday afteniloolu froiia habi residemico at the cornier of Tenth annul iorcas itreets , It. oiit of thu largest ftlnerala that hans been hold In Omaha for a RoOd hIlliPy years , ( its streOte lii the s'Icliilly behllo fai Ii block- - ailed with vehilcles , Iuirlng tile cercanoiiies the Spucloils resIdence na crowded wIth thus frienila of ( lie deceased , ( lucre bitug hardly ohti famIly In Olalaha ( lint. iioa naut represented - sented at these last sail rItes , 'I'hio services , uiider ( lie itusphces of the iCulights 'rejilpIar. rero ctimuliicted , by Rev , Turhlo : , aiistet1 by 11ev. LIpe , and o'ero at once llibhtreasl'l'e and 'VIm hall bearers veio : hlynon Mttimibarry , Sanbuel hums , W' . 8. StrawmiV , 'i' . itoIlil- , soil , Gustave Alldcuraoli , Ii. I' . 1)11011. ) Chris bIarinulu ( , antI I ) . If.Vhioeber. . 5. K. I.huiS wait colninantler and JanIce \V. Mayiiutrd , S prelate , 'flie remains otere laid at rest In Forrest I.awiI celultltery. 'lucre oera many beautiltil iloral olferituge , nuiiong which was ii , pIece ( foul Capital bilge , the MasonIc orguni. zatioli of wlulehi Mr. Ocoilniabi scat a antloilbOr , This COlbSlatCtl of a Master Mason's emaliltin , a floral trIbute In thin 511010 of a square anti cttliihhisl , wIth ( lie letter " 0" in colors , iOdine. ut tue ilglit , Jon Itieves , It yctunat olth , tind lluldto Ryan , aged 12 , tere both nru'Mted last night on hue COlnlilailit of F , F' , itottute , slio charged thoena WIth stealing. 'i'hlu hiu'a went to Ihu Omitiati iItlttiiitCaI college 'cster'lay ufternoon lintl ( rum ( lii' wroiis iii the tloalC room till tel II P ektbcoic which they Sm It : .own. stuire , tutu ut5iiropniittetl tie conitenta , tlliiotiilting to II ! . to iii' In own also , A uigtltit , iohiiustiil , at I 'roep.'cL 1 1 III roslulent eii horn it wuiton nit iDxttomltli ulail Caplto utvenuo last iilgbt. unil ic-elyeuh sonie aaoert , bruIses , lIe SVIIN t'iarrieah laitu U eiolglbonilig ) ihiug etoic , where restoiotlvc were admita. lst ereil. Fnid Slilipitoll 111111 Fratuk FrIsic got tangled UI ) lit Foul I. entla and 1"aariunnn threets , 3.1 ran hauulaeracil , uloaig iinuI , they ocre locked up. Joliaa Snyder refusel to give OiIIet'r Morali it siullstuetory cecoulat of hilinarlt. Judge lid ka. 'viiI hear iiiil VXlliinUtlOIli this ilIum- ing , I