, . ' I - " _ . * . - . . , : ' I''r't" - . . . , , - , , . - ' ' . . . : . THE OMAHA ; DAILY BEE. . 4I ' . , - , , ! , , . . . H . . , S'l'.AJJLISnDD ) JUNE 19 , 1871. O r.A1LrUESDAY MOR.NflG , JANUARY IG , 1895. SINGLE COPY JnVE CEN'I'S 1 THREW TIlE BOIB l OUTDOORS Portr's Presence of Mind Doubtes Pre- vented n Oatstropbe , - DD GREAT DAMAGE TO PROPERTY - l'oHco or the Opinion tim nomb Wn Intended - tended for the llngltmto Who ( on- dueted flavachnt'i Trai - No View to the J'orlletraton. ' rAmS , Jan. H.-A - bomb explosion o - ) tured abut midnight In front or C5 flue Monccau It Is beIeve ) have I bele\'CI to been the ' work or anarchsts. ) ! Nobody was killed , but . % consderablo damage was Ilone In the vi- : , eLnify. The bomb Is described as being or the : reversible sari , chiefly charged with clyna- - . mil packcd In gunpowder anll concealcil ' In an English tin cracker box strengthcnell hy n thick band or alumlnnm. In other respects the bomb Is said to have been charged and prepared In a manner simiar to the one used by VaIlant In the Chamber or Depu- ties. The Ilolcc , at present , have no clew to the man , although some poLicemen on duty In adjacent streets saw a man running swiftly ' away a short tmo previous to thc explosIon. The police are malntalnlnl theh usual reticence as to the facts In the case. I appears that a porter on duty at 65 flueo 110nceau. just bcrore midnight , was Informed by a passerby that a suspicious looking parcel - cel hall been place on the wIndow ledge or the ground Iloor. The Porter In alarm rushed to the spot and ! seizing the parcel hurled I Into the middle or the strel. A terrific ex- IJloslon rolowed , and showcrs or shot were hurled In all directions , breaking all the win- Ilows In the vicinity , although they were Ilrote'ctcd by strong wooden shutters. Following the explosion there was a panIc In the neighborhood , particularly among the . people lving In the Immediate vicinity. No. 65 was formerly the residence or PrInce VIctor - tor Napoleon , and Its front was terrIbly damaged. The explosion cauEclI I strong force or police to gather from all sources , all the flue Monccau was soon the center or atrac- , . _ ton for large crowds or IJeople. But order , % va5 loon restored , the Inhabitants surrounded by the police guard , and a number of news- paper men remained about the spot. The explosion or the bomb threw several large paving stones Into l the area way , tore up the pavIng all strrell up the street In an I , amazing manner. Holes were made In the i stone work or several or the houses. The ' porter , It appears , was warned by a valet who was returning homc and who noticed the parcel on ( the window ledge. In an Inter- view published In the Iatn this morning . . the valet Is quoted as saying that when he saw the tin box on the window Ledge ho hur- D" riedly entered the house alI informed the porter that there was an extraordinary par- cel on the window. The porter hastened out . Into the street , took the box and threw I as - far as he could. The two men then entered the house and closed the door. ' moment later there was a tremendous report , asioud ns a cannon. Neither or the men notced a fuse attached to the bomb. The police cx- press the opinIon that the explosion was dIrected against M. Alhaln , the magistrate ΒΆ . who conducted the Inquiries In the outrages committed by Iavachol and other anarchIsts - Ists , who lIves In the flue Verselay , racing ? the scene of the explosion. ' During the morning the chIef of the mu- nicipal laboratory was engaged In examining the scene or the explosIon and'it Is saId that he Is inclined to think that the explosion was u more In the nature of a dangerous joke than an 'anarcbisL trage. 'le' Is reported to have ascertained ' that the bomb contained i cntaind no pro- jetes and that It was apparently qnly charged with gunpowder. The windows I br ken ro also said to have ! been broken hy con usslon and by fragments or the box and 10t by shot or bullets. The machine ; It Is I I added , was made to explode on contact with I the ground . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - WIhECKtI ) IN Ti1I. IAY OF IIIW.tY. Drltsh Steamer nowun l'ol\lers anl , So\'erul LI\es Inat-Uther 'rl'cls. LONDON , Jan H.-The Drllsh steamer . n wan has foundered In the Bay or l3iscay , ; $ - One or her ' bats , containing six men alve and two dead , bas been picked up. " The other boat , which was launched with s-even I men , Including the first , officer , has been lost The Italian bark Theresa , from LIverpool I for Trlesle , has been wre ked near Strang- rord. ThS captain and seven or the crew we're rescued , three others were drowned. ' - The brigantine Sails , from Rochester to Sunderland , has been stranded at Donnanook , Llncolpahmire. The creW were rescued . by ; the rocket apparatus. An unknown brig has foundered off halo The crew perIshed. romilroll o Iii tll Im : ; I isis Cublltt. LONDON , Jami H.-Tho Drmlngham Post ( Joseph Chamberlain's organ ) asserts that the dissension reporred to exist In the cabinet In regard to the carrying out or the naval i program Is said to have been smoothed over by a compromise by which a loan has been " issued to provide the neeessary funds for tha navy instead , Qr taking the surplus of the budgct for 1895 , to which Sir William lIar court chancellor of the exchequer , was op - \ posed , , as he desires to do' what Is popular 01- this connection. I Is believed tbat the IMn will be Issued by means or termlnablo ennui . tel ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sixteen . \Ilrchl 11 ot Trial. LIEaE , Belgium , Jan. H.-Tho trial or Ilxtcc annrchlts , Including the notorIous : . - Jagolchowshl alias naron Sternberg ( who ' . , . fa'Led to allllnr , its lie II now In a Huslan 41 ; plon ) was commenced hero today. The prisoners arc charged wIth being concerned In the dynamite outrages In Liege In the Eprlng or 1891 , the most serious being the e at the rcsl.lence or Ur. ) flensoim large numbers or gendarmca nill other pOlce were stationed In curt and cualell the ap Ilroaehes to time law. courts as a pecauton ogalnst anarchist outrages. Ucrllny Nc'c , IK \Inro " 'ur hlp . UEIIN , Jan H.-In the Helehstag Hcrr Uuse , national LLbetii , questioned the . natonal lberal questoned gov- enHnent respecting the inadequate : protecton given by thu governmenl to Oermans abroa Uurlnc the course or his remlt ho rererreJ to Iho ( statrment mate by Count von Capri , _ .1 - . ( lie chancellor , upon the occasion or the Ils I. frturbance In Chii , that Germany wan led more war bbills. ) I'umld tn the Arlbllllt 1U'IIIr. LON nON , Out , Jan H.-David William ii " 'elt'r , end John A. Hendershot have been at - rOJlel ) to stand trial at Si . Thomas ror the murder of Wilam Henderhot In the woods near that place The " crown charge 8 chartes that Henderhot Illacell 11 insurance poiic Ion I on the ( life or his nephew or $1 1,000 , and , , _ . # hired Weler to h\ him In order to secule the mOI' ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Iurolrll : Jlicu l'rclHHln ! to Mcer . ' vm : : . , Jan ,1i.-Fmnpcror WllJm ii I- tends to meet ICing Uumbert or Italy turlng the year to arrange for niodiflcstiomms In the : Trlille Alliance before I II renewed. I I Ilmost certain the czar will mcet both I m- peror rancls - Josellh . and ltnperor'itilan 1. . . - , Illrlt'.1 time 11111J huh . . ; - UOONtVU.LB : , Io. , Jan. H-Tho dining bail or time tate reform school was lestroCl by lIre this umornimig. This .buiithlnm ; anll contenta arc a total loss , nmouuthl to $10 , - ; . 000. No Ilsurlnce , The origin of the fro - Is UnlllWl , No - cite . \I'1 , bur ' - . , " " ! llr' . l"rh'IHI II lie ( 'lhlntl. / t _ , DON , J:1 : I I -'Thc Chircnicbu says I . ' ' _ _ _ .e regrettable to find ' i'gretable I the Sugar trust lar - f lends In Jruldtnt ( . 'iveIammd's cabinet bul I cannot be woudereJ ai , when Atorney G\ueral Olney rcflls to let In 10101 ta I : M organ trust law. Time almighty ; dollar imp- ) ears 10 be still a much more formidable potentate than the president. , . Mlf : ' TlllWI WILL Tl l.T" Jmportant TMtmony for OrAnd jury 01 New York l'oiico Cotrmiption. NEW YORK , Jan. H.-Tbe oyer and ter- mIner grand Jury will today continue to hear eve idence lookIng toward the Indictment of ofclals who have been Implicated In alega- tons of corruption before the Lexow committee - tee , The jury has been In session three chya anll during that time Important witnesses have h been Superintendent Byrnes , Secretary M lanlln , Captains Creedon , Schmltberer and hiw auglicy. I Is probable that Mrs. Thurow , who returned from fiurope on Saturday , wi go before that body and tel why she left thll country. It II mll she wu. paid $ to leave and not appear at the trial or ex- 'Captain ' Doherty , five sergeants and two wardmen , who were dismissed from the force anll subsequently Indicted. She Is said to bin e willing 10 tel about this , and It was said In the district attorney's ofce that she I bo taken before the proper jury , when , Ir any Ilaw has been violated , Indictments will fol- lo w. . LlJS OI'EL ( JIt.l.TEI ) IJl'OWl . . SClsutonul i Trial Emmdod-1)ociiou Agnln.t the % 'ommiaii. ST. LOUIS , Jan. H.-Jllgo Valiant In the circuit court hero today handed down a decision In the dIvorce suit or Opel against Opel , granting time husband , Louis Opel , an absolute divorce upon the grounds alleged II his h cross bill. The original suit or Mrs. Mna Opel was tilsmisse(1 The case , which has occupied the court nearly a month , attracted conshlerablo atenton because or the salacious character of the allegations against Mra Opel and the co-respondent Frank D. Drown , all also because of the wide range or their alege hiason. Irs. Opel was a Miss Hester of Cblcago. Judge VaIlant awarded to LewIs O. Opel the custody or his two muter children. This was a formal matter only , the plaintiff having withdrawn her lmand for theIr custody. Neither plaintiff nor defendant was In court whel the decision . was handed down. CO.IT I/AIlB J'11Wl UJ. Crew hind . ' 1 Dluppcured When the uro- h"lt Jcurrlved oa Uoard. FnEEPOHT , L. I" . Jan. H-Last night time coal barge Seth Low , bound from Phmilafa delphia to Doston , ran Into Ynch's Inlet near Jones beach , An attempt was made to shoot the life line over the barge , but It did not reach An attempt was then made to reach the barge with a surf boat , but time sea was running so high that time boat could not be launched. Three men could bo seen. At daybreak Captain Philip Chichester or Zaeh'a Inlet , Captain Edwards or time Shore beach life-saving staten alI Captain Ketchum of time Olboa staten succeeded In Teaching time barge , but 10 trace or time crew ' Was to be round. The meadows were searchel without avail alI It Is supposed the men were drowned. The barge will undoubtedly - doubtedly be a total loss. - . CAShIER KiLLED JIflISEEF. Hover Natolul flank Defaulor EndS lila I.lto wih" Jutct , DOVER , N. H. , Jan. H.-A notice was posted on the doors of the Dover National bank today announcIng that the institution had suspended , and that by order or the directors the hank's affairs had been talten In i charge by Bank Examiner C.1. Dorl' . Examiner Dorr said that Cushier Isaac F. Abbott's accounts were , badly mixed ant t imer& was a Hhortlg which mlht amount to between GO ; and $ OU ; could not say .defimmitely how much the defalcaton would amount to as the books have not as yet been thoroughly examined , Cushier Abbott . who has been under sur- veiance silica Saturlay , shot and killed himself this afternoon ' after the shortage hat I been covered. This morning the bank vault was opened and soon after the notice was posted on the door tat the Institution had suspended. Bank Examiner Dorr immediately tele- Irphed for a United States man111 Ito comp here anti take charge of AbbOtt. ' Abbott Is treasurer of tie city of Dover and Is nio connected with the Dover l lve- cent savIngs bank , which has olces In the slme building with the National banlt , but It Is saId that neither the city nor. the savIngs - Ings hank wi suffer ) y the , tlefalcatlon. United States Marshal Campbell arrived In the city this afternoon and a warrnt for Abbott's arrest was at once issueti 'Ih defaulter - faulter heart that the marshal wus coming to arrest him , ant going to his room he deliberately "hot himself through the hcad. He wus thud befera the mar3hl reahed the house end the olcer dld not enter. I Is believeui bank directors. that Abbott left a statement for the . i'EEL " SOUThERN . CO.1I1'ETITJOX . Eastern Cotton Mltl4Eorced to 1ovo Soulh tol'roduco Hcavy Goods. NASHUA , ' N. II. , Jan. 14.-The southern movement of cotton industries , which has affected laesachUets , Is also felt In New hampshire. On Tuesda nerCentatve 'rhurber of this city will introduce 1 bill In the legislature nt Concert similar to those t introduced In Massachusetts In the Interest or the I.owel mills. I will ask thut the Jackson Munufacturlng company he per- mited to Increase ItK , capital Kloclt from $ GO to $1,30,0 , and that the Nashua company be allowed to Increase from $1.0.- 0 to $ , OCO. Time bill also Isltl the right to built mills In any state In the tmniomm These companies hove been manurncturels or heavy gods that have como In ome- ttan with southern mills. I II understood thut with the additional enllltll umlils are mis Il'e to bo nt Once built In the south to munu- : facture shootings , etc. 'rime mills herp will I chauge their IITIluct to line 'arns. These , mis are virtully IHler one ownerhip arid when the action of their 0lch11s 18 mtlle ont IIUblO I will create conslierubl excitement lit time 1errlnmc river . vnle ) ' . IJI l'.Unm , V.HUm .IItREST. Creole County , . , " , 'omlll Treasurer Sllhl to 10 a Uetllllr. CIEYENNg , Jan li.-Special ( Tlegram ) -A telegram was received front SUllance , the county seat or Crook county , today , statimmg that 1)r. nalter , time county treasurer of thut county , had been Illace under arrest because or un alleged shortage dlscoverecl In his necoumits lie was gh"en n prelmlnar ) ' exumlnaton anti bound over to the district court. State Examiner Hellerson left for Sun- dance this morning uld wilt make u thor ough . eXlmlnatnn ! or time affairs of the couut ) . Dr lul.er was his own 8uec.'SSOI' In the oilce. ( I Is understood thut hll Elmort - uge nmounts to about U,8o. lnhlHu 1.1110 . I I liol ; t \ lieu IU nimoy. nAWI.INS , W'o. , Jan 1l.-Speclui ( Tell gamn-After ) holding UI SUlellntel'lent ' I John lcDolmld at time Nlobrlr Stage corn $ ami's homl statol 01 the Sweetwater yes llal"s tertiay mOlnlng , the robbers ) roblcrs jnoeeLhed to the tore , where they secured $ : . being I to tulte no checks or goods from time store which might IIIOVO embarrassing Hhoull theY he found in Iwlr Iss's lOl , rclonlll 1 \IS.'S ; welt uncle from Iolgll , fully urmed , ICCOI- IUI1et II two men , hut when they Irrlve,1 i lt the .llton time rubbers had led , gollg north. The luthorlles at Lander ! Iavo beet im notled its eOlsldeablo gold II let out frm time South l'an mines IJY reglsh'ICI 1 mmmii. I Is sOlowhlt or a surprise that thp mol was 10t molested. . SugIr i'lamuiors . Amuk htohlvf. WASINOTO , Jan. H.-The entre Louiliana delegntlol In congress , senators and congreumen , lllpeared before the baum e aplrOIJrlatou committee tea ) ' tl urge that some \ ' be made for time provisIon relef or time Immediate 10.les bufrlll by the mugs producer and planters cut r that state rauled bY the repeal or the bounty pro'lde,1 , 101 II ) iciCiuley Ja"J act. Arguments In Ca - vor or reler were made by ih'\esltatres Boatner lalcb Ird cud Prlet , and Sentor Carer ) und I _ _ . "lluallo l'alcmmt Irhl In nit 11\11111. CHICAGO , Jan . H.--.fulc , GIO . CUP dc- ciled In favor etC the Wl'itel l l ctlc coin \.11) ' today them .ult of * hmo 'l'hmornbomm-Huus I- ton rOlltHI ) ' ' 111111t that conteme Time tie . I CI81"1 iirmmcticaIIimivimliuialts / patent on r 1 tlUhlHllc ; ; reRu'utorl . f .1)111" d' cHic maim - I hUll Case has whIch been ( was In the 'ulut-ti CIUltU a IlN $ 2rJV.0u0. < 1SiQ. Tim 0 ' AFTER ANOTHER OFFICIAL South Dakota's Legislature Gets a Third Man in the Great Oonspiracy PUBLC EXAMINER MEYERS SUPECTED : - Ho hInd Knowledge of raJlor' ( llscondnct 1& Well al thnt or Uuth , hut Matte No Effort to BrIng Either to au Accouitthimg . Accountig. lInnE , S , D. , Jan. 14-Spclal ( Tote- gram.-As ) the case or defaulting ox-Tress- ' uer Taylor Is being probed more and marc , allional evldenco Is coming to light that his acts involved , \ a decp-seated and longeon- tnued robbing of the state and n conspiracy among Taylor all other prominent men to prof by the state funds with immulmummity . To- i lay time investigation brought out the facts ' that Public Examiner Meyers , to whose careT , lesness or Incompetency Is largely due time he\'y h loss or the slate , secured his present positon through the hnmeliate work or Tay- he r. Two years ago , when Governor Shehlon took time chair Taylor , who had been trensc urer for two years , and who had been Ilrl sumably using time state funds In the way ex- Ilosel , made a strenuous effort to secure the appointment or a particular friend or hl@ The governor refused. John Krouse of Yank0 ton received the place ngalnst Taylor's effort eIorl and protesl. lint when the legislature refused to submit time prohibitory law , Mr. Krause , who Is an ardent prohibitionist , resigned the place and refused to serve. That was Tay- lor's b opportunity. The session was drawing to n close. Time executive was overwhelm wih worl. . There was no tiumue to investigate tme Investgate the qualifications or any candidate. Some ti re years ago Meyers , time present publc examiner - miner , was n candidate for congress Ito lved In Taylor's home town , Hefeld , anti TaYlor , who' at time time was pulling the strIng to secure the nominaton as state trcas- urer , and knowing that two prominent om- clals could not come rrom time same town , made every effort to get Me"ers out or the w ay. Flnal ) when Meyers withdrew , Tay- lor promised him that at any future Hme he would do anything In his power to retur time fa vor. When Krause reslgne therefore , Ta- lor sent a mutual friend to time goveror amid secured Ie'ers' appointment. Time nomina- Ion was a great surprise to everyone , and e specially to the Johlticians , amid It encountered - tered t strong opposition before the senate , but Taylor antI some of his rrlends went Into the lohby and succeeded In gaining the confirmna- confrma- ti oim. ton.IYEHS KNEW O THE CnOOKEDNESS. r'ers' conduct In thc office has presumably : justfed j the expectation or the treasurer. ( Whlo It Is not stated that Myers had any part In time corrupt dealings In wlmidhi nuth anll Taylor were concerned , ho neglected or rerused to malt such examination or the , ' treasurer's omce as would detect time croolted- ! ness and bring the criminal to terms. I Myers himself has admitted durIng time ' tme when , In defiance or all law and against 'I the t protest or the governor and the other tate officials , amid despite the angry demand or the people oC time state , the treasurer and the land commissIoner held In their own hands for sIx months $300,000 belonging OWI to the school fund of time state , that he saw the lelr l from Major Ruth to Treasurer Taylor ' Idmlttng that the two were using time public t money for theIr own beneft and ' , vero de- rrauilng time state to ballast theIr own for- tunes. t lint Myers , whlo ho toll some per- sonals friends or this occurrence at the time , did not do what the plain emergency or time case demanded , namely , mnko an Investga- ton and see that the officials enforced the t la\\ l ' . . Myers also admits that thirty days age ho l tried to make an examination or time treas- urer's accounts , and that when the later refused to make a showing ho expected that there was a shorlage. His dear dut ' waste I to promptly take possession or time . ofco and brIng time treasurer to terms. Had he done so time $300,000 gobbled by Taylor durIng December would have been saved to the ; s tate . Ills account In these two Instances convicts him or either Incompetency or corrupt - : 'i- rupt knowledge anti the officials have dc- " ermined to investigate his office ant ] I prompty to Impeach Ir not to prosecute hmimii This acton by time legislature Is expeCted In 0 day or two. There Is no question In the mInds of the public officials that Tnylor's allvocacy or Myers was based upon his know edge l or the public examiner's charactcrlstcs , ali while the ofcials are Inclined to the belief that Myers was sImply guilty or gross neglgence and Incompetency , they propose to slt the mater to time bottom. DETIII1MINED TO PIOSECUTE TAYLOR . The legislature meets today In secret sessIon : sIon to hear the report or the atorney general on time Taylor case. They agree to pronmpthy pass bills authorizing him to employ - ploy counsel and detectives , anti not only to t search for thc fugitive , but to brint i attachment and suit against time bondsmen ii outside or time stat or South Dakota . There has l been a strong suspicion In time minds or the officials that Taylor led from the country ] last l week upon the tramp steamer , PersIan Monarch , which Is capta'C by Taylor's brother-In-law. The Inrormaton on which : m this belief Is basel came to hand only rifLe r time ship had sailed , but Ilrecltons : have been made to have her searched Immediately : on her arrlveal In Ilort. A resolution was Introduced - troduced In tie legislature offering an od- ditional reward or $20,000 for the apprehension - sion or the criminaL TAYt.oR'S BONDSMEN IN ChICAGO. ChICAGO , Jan. H.-A meeting or the bonJsmen or w. W. 'faylor , the deraultng treasurer or South nalota , was held today In this city. x.Oovernor Melete or South Dakota , J. T. McChesney or New York ) , Will - Iam Taylor or Lafayette , Ind. , amid C. II r Vinton all C. T. howard or Iedfcll , S. D. , were In time city , time two former being regis : tered at time Great Norther hotel Time cart rereneo of the bondsmen was a mysterious one , It was rnmored that Taylor was In the city and was . 10 meet hla bondsmen , but this was emphatcaly denied , All the Intercslel turtles made every effort to escape newspaper ' reporters and profesmeti Ignorance reglrdlng the proposed meeting. IN fll n : 01 , ' v.u.uu'rY clm1l : ' , ( oHrnor lorrll I'oiimts Out time 1inlorlni l'roJrca 10 lmiimmtii. TOPEKA , Ian. , Jan. H.-The miLl , brIght : weather today male possible the Inaugural i Ilarde which had been Ilrojected In connec- ton with time ceremonies which at noon re- i tired Governor I.eweling and his administra- ton , arid Illaced at the head or the state affairs or Kansas Governor Morri and a complement or relJbulcan officers which con h- sttute the state cabimmet Governor 1,01elng \ and Governor Morn ii led the ( parade In a carriage and were drive mm to time house or representatives . At high nao mu time oalh or olce was admlnlstcret , the ( 1t1ugural address was dlI\"ered and nothing ' remained to complete the ceremonies but the : grand bal tontgimt The address or Governor Morri waa directed against calamiy imowlers He aclt : "Yellow ciizens : A thlrl or a century has : I ( ass ell 61nce Kansas entfred the ( sIsterhood or atales. I Is an approprIate ( line to revIew Hs history and to mark its progress. "The meuure or dIgnity nnd Btrength In I statehood attaimmed by u commonwealth wi ever be found coequal with the measuri or f love and devotion b.rne tl H by its cllnn ; . I Is au unworthy , unmsnlf , Ip1lecen\ zen that wi maglly , expose aM parade abos ad the ( faults or Ills father and It Is . equaly um i. patrIotc and disgraceful for a citizen to go ; ! before tie world In 1 like exposure or the i faults or his state. l -.en wrngs can nlv r be rIghted nor weakness strengthened Ly such ameamix. I do not mean by this thai wrongs : are to bQ dereJIrd nor actusi 1 IhrtCmlngl : dtnied limit I do mean that the ( arerma for their discussion .lcuN be limited to the as : f- . ' I ro west possible boundnries ot nn honest effort ' Cor theIr correction . I "The life and experlNlce or Kansas hns faa irly \'erlfe the legend upon 11 great seal a s an InslllrCl prophecy. 1 hl Indeed cl imbed 'UII to the stars thfommgim ( dUtlcumities. ' In its progress It hl met nhd mastered ob staelcs that would haVe uhed anti con- querC ton , a less forceful ahd selfrelant cl'\lz Governor Merrill reviews the part taken hy i Cansas In the civil war all ( continues : Since that date time state has hid n strange , almost weird history and experience Pros ' perly anti adversity have followed cacti other In quick succrsslon. Wo have hall 'Itherlng druths all devastating Insets ; 'booms' or prosperiy and phenomenal speculation rol- lowe by 'boomcran of adversity all stag- toh ation. But from the worst ot 11 these we h ave suffered far ices than rrom the virus of unrest , discontent and disloyalty Injected Into our blood by the hand of nn evil genius to polson manly curage anti self-reliant en.I I ergy nt time fountaIn of Its sommrce We have been tempted to despIse the melhos alI i look l with contempt upon the Ic ltmate fruits or hone"t Industry amid Indl'ldlal enterprise ; to lean upon time government and demand C ream It that which can alone be obtained through t personal Industry nM rigid economy. The leon taught In the rrahllng or our muont lJternal goverment , that 'a people governed east l Is governed hest' seems to have re- Illned unlearnC still. "It Is sate to say as , a trulh that so large a measure or prosperity , 9) rapid an nc- cumulaton or wealh and surrolllng lulm3'alo cal comrorls has never beCqro been realized f rom a like Investment Dr Inoncy and labor In i the history or human enllewor as has been nccomplshCI In Kansas sInce her admission Into i time tmmmion 'fhen wo hl1 scarcely 100- 000 people : now \e imav'3 1,400.000. Time en- t ire wcalh or thc state was less than $60- 000.000 then : In 1890 tIme wealh of time state , as shown by time United States census re- ports . , was about $1,800,000,000. Then there was not a mie or operated railroad wihin the slate : now wo have 8,908 mies , only Illinois anll Iennsylvanla or all the states exceedIng this In nmileage. "The elllowmenl of our educational insti- tutona has been immanagemi by wise legislation and prudent admInistraton Imown In the experience of no' other state Int we have a grand total of all funds ' sacred to education of f $10,467,852. There have been constructed 9,088 public Ichool lmouses.l' " Time governor places Kansas In the rQreCrol In the edu- ctonal sphere and quotes rrolh statistics to how that time slate debt Is practcaly wiped o ut. He protests against Wo efforts made to t damage the state's creit and concludes as follows : "If wc are faithful to ours lvea nnd live up to our opportunities , the average l ife of existing farm mortgoges will find le existng IIorgages wi fnd abundant money seeking Inyeshnent In their renewal. But to accomplsh this ) \0 must cease talking about repudiation ; and we must show an honest IJrpose ti' pay 'our ' obligations b ) striking from our stat to uooks every law that has been enacted ti t delay and hInder the collection of Just debts. " . _ . - - . 13.1 .KEfl .1) . I Knitis 1FII . , I UJS. Snit of a 11rookiyn'l1fmltrW to Recover Thl'co ' 'holslnid : li llr,4 , NEW YORK , Jan. H.-SophIa Zemmel , a widow of Drooklyn , has bgumm suit to recover $3,000 , against Amelia F. Baker , as executrix or the estate or George Dibr , who was 1m- pleated with Seeley I.n Jhl.\Shoo : \ Leather , bank steal. I Is claimed that Baker gave Mrs. Zemmel a mortgage'whrcim ho held on a house In West One hItiridrd and Twenty- thIrd street , New York , In I consld raton or $2,100 , alHI later he Induced' ' rJpaccept his' otTer . to transfer her mortglge ' to other prop- crty on limo same street , ' ' % 7i1cii . lie cainiell he owned. The mortgage Is dated July I , 1883 , but was noted unt , January 1. 1884. Time register's date has In sOle mysterious way been almuidSi- complet1y erascd. This mortgage Is slgnel by Daker and hs ! \ \ ' \ . In 1884 Irs. Zemmel gave Dalton $650 more , for which he gave her a bond , also signed by his wlro. Interest on the mortgage has always been paid semlannualy up to July I , 1894 , but on January I , 1895 , default was made. Diligent investigation has Investgton revealed that the property descrIbed In Mrs. Zemmell's second mortgage consisted or one house alI half another adjoining - joining ! , neither or which Baker owned. When the facts oC the caso' were brought to Mrs. Oaker's notice she denied ab'solutely having signed either of , time docuinents. Both signatures arc very much . alike . II'OJIE.V . IJl TilE J"JLSJTINU. . Famiy 1'\ull In ( eorgimi for WhIch a Mother mimul Two ) - ' . . 1111 luuhlor Arc In .Jal. I DOUGLAS , Oa. , Jam H.-News has just ! reached here or a serldus difficulty between L i two families , the Rhymes ! anti the Roberts , who live about two or three miles from this t lulace. , Dad feeling has cxlstet between the members or these ramlcs for some tme , , caused by a lawsuit. Friday afternoon the female portion or the nhymes family decided to submit their ce to time arlllment or force ant arms. Mrs. Na'ncy ' Hhrmes and her two daughters , Marthq anti Adela , met Mrs. Roberts and her daughters , Nancy , Jane and Ilmmmia , on the road. : They proceeded to the atack with their fits , and ailo with sticks , , and during tIme entpgement Martha t \hYles drew a knife and , succeeded In In- mctng serious , Ir not malal wounds upon ; the three Roberts girls , SabbIng them In : several places. Time sherlf and a doctor were i sent for at once , and Mrs ; Hhymes and her : daughters wiLt be arrested upoil a charge of r assault with Intcnt to murder. . IWiTl1 lJ lIEU .1T'lm.'Jl . lrs. Curios " ' . \Vhlnry Ircoles Allie Chlcll Otmet , ; lnre . OKLAHOMA CITY , 0(1" " , Jan H.- Irs. Annie Chids Whitney , 'a prominent nnd wealthy society woman or Now York Cit ) , and a niece or the late George W. Chids or u Phladellhla , has been grantv,1 , a decree uIf divorce In the district tourt In this cit ) train Carlos W. Whitney , P fcon ! of time celebrated : - brated Whiney ramly or New York and a elubman or that city. The grounds were marital neglect , hlcompatlbUly or temler3' merit anti constructive aba donmmment , 'h : couple were married In New \ York cn FeL ruary 8 , 1889 , the weddn being a most brilant affair . Whlney' miade no tiefemisu No ulmony was asked . She Is restored to I her maiden nama or Annie . Chids , Stole thl llono ] ) mmudtimo ! ] lll , ChICAGO , Jaim H.-W O. Wed , n wealthy railroad contractor of Portand , Ore. , Is In Chicago for time l1rloe or learning , t I Ilossible , what became oC Thol9S Morris , also a welhy- land owner and contractor or Petersburg , N. n. I Morris irma robbed or all his money , about ' 500 , whie In Chicago and then disappeared In th : 105 mysterIous manner after writing a letter to his fatally In which time robbery was referred to and more homey was asked for ' wIth which to continue hl9 journey . ' . , 'rumo Illumted 10 8Ivc.,7ht'nurhc's. S" A''IE , Wash , Jan. 11.-Time sleamer pious , whie coming tQ this , city from Saim Juan Islands and while running from De- cepton pass , passed a submerged Ichooner , the I.ly and Maud , off Deception Island , ant saw two len clnglpg .Q the stenm . 'fhe steamer was brought around und when withIn twenty feet or tIme wreck Captain O'Brien anti enl or Limo crel threw two lines with life buoys atacwd , but the paean relows , evIdent - dent ) ' too benumbed with cold and exposure to take them weT .ashed ciT ammJ drowned. . . , of : C.mm rl I us' Tlurn'llput II ; 11auc'c' I I , MIWAUCm , Jan.H.The . thrd ! annual bonsplel or the Northmwejtern turlng asocI - Iton ! will begIn this Arterno'n and cnthluo until this 19th ' In addition 10 tIme prom . 1- rent curlers rrom all ilrtJ cr the \ "leJ ; States , there wi be " rumher ur ocpeu t maui ( 'ammada , aUra "n by th' e.nl".t fur th ! Walker tankard Time Ir , , ? ' 011 tr 'pheA aN worth UO IU I h i 001" : 1" " 'at ' ut least lureni-llVe / rll."s wl t i.1 IJUI. " - - , \ - I vile WILL \ GET - TIlE . BLOCKt Queston that Is Agitating Some Twenty Thousand Minds nt Prsent , - SHREWD SChEME - OF I LINCOLN MAN Ho Is i Working ' I l'lnn to Matte Severl Tholsnlic Iulnra Clear \il but Little Husk to Ihnsclf or Ills Ilcker ! LINCOLN , Jan H.- ( peclal.-A ) lottery enterprlso under tIme misleading ' style or " Traveling Men's Iluslness leek Coniparmy" , hns h been clammtlcstinei3' caned on In this city ror limo past few monlhs. Efforts to get at the Insile workings or the questionable concern were only ) partially sueessful UI ) to a rew lays ago. Early In December The Dee was placed In Possession ; of Inrorma- ! ton to the effect that a scheme or chance I was being worked under cover In this amid anl neighboring states , with hCRiquarters In this , c ity. It was also Iatcd thnt there was but , ono capital prize , a largo store building on one or the Ilrlnclpal business streets or Lln- c oin . Time sale or tickets was chlefy In the I hands or commercial travelers , who canleil : bunches or blank certificates , each bearing cnrlel a i number , amid upon which the minnie or the purchaser i was written by the seller. The " certificates" bear a plcturo or time store } ulling offered lS ito ( capital . or only prize , anl purport to bo a share , worth $1 , or the cnplal stock or time alleged Traveling ' Travelnt Ien's Duslncss Dock Company or Lincoln , Nebraska . Digent Investgaton revealed the fact that hrnneh omees or thc jug-handlel gift enter- prlso h were maintained also nt Chicago , Denver - ver , Kansas ely , Seneca , 1cm. , Des Moines and at hastings and OrlHI Islanl , this ( state , but I has been Impossible to learn the namcs or Its agents In every instance I Is known that conlmerclal travelers having their head- quarters In Hastngs have sold many or time lotery l tckets , or numbered certificates , as wi bo explicitly shown later on At Denver the business Is In the hands of a relative or imo principals In this ' ' relatvo city , but 'ho Bee rep- resentntvo could only Ind that limo lottery tckets had ben sold by traveling agents' running In and out or the Colorado capital . Every city In Nebraska wlch Is In greater or less degree a headquarters for commercial travelcrs harbor an agency for this lottery swlndlc. POUND BUYERS IN PLENTY. The prime movers In this city started out to sell GOOOO tickets and announced that the drawing would take place In Lincoln emi New Year's dny. When that date arrived , however - ever , It was fOUHI that less than 20,000 tickets had been sold , alI the drawing was therefore postponed until such tme as the rul quota or GOOOO tickets could be shoved off upon gullible suckers. Since New Years ! day time ChIcago and Kansas City offices have bren reinforced antI time "business" Is being ' pushed to the uwnost limit . Anxious pur- ' chasers who arc disposed to queston the In- 'tegrHy or , .le concern , arc assured that time nssurel drawing will be conducted strictly on the square and that the wheels of the Loulsana lottery \\,1 be ; borrow for that purpose A Mr. Hlnlty , who I' said to travel for Hlbrr Spencer & Co" , of Chicago , with li qartds here , 'Is credited wllr having I the active manageme 1t 01 , the whole scheme , arid It ISlho who supples the blank cer- tfcates to any person who wishes to sell hem. One statement Is that ticket sellers get 10 per cent commission on sales , but It Is known that some agents receive as high as 40 cents on each dollar ticket sold. nemltances l1st ) be made on the 1st and 15th or every month. SOIO of the agents have failed to remit for tickets sold , which has caused a great deal or trouble. To this fact , as much as anything else , was due the postponement or the date or drawing , as time management dlscovererd a great many tickets had been sold upon which no returns had been mamie ) malc to the head office ! ere. A HOHDE OF DSCO SOLATES. Upon the recent date which hnd been Rlver- Used for time drawing 'r the munificent prize , no less than 200 dupes gathered In thIs I ' city , full or hope and fond expectancy. Each I br them , fell morally certain that ho held the wInnIng number and Impatenty awaited the supreme momcnt when he would walk out or LIncoln with : warmly deed for the coveted L stone property In his Inside pocltet. Time appointed - pointed hour came , but the prize building on o street , known as time Harvey Bell block , , was closed and temmantless. A processlou or suckers came to the door , sought almltnnce , but Invariably round thc door loclted. I was Grantee. I Grantor. Holert D. 1ul' . . Charles Loweth , ngrfcment . . . . . . Robert D , MuIr. . Charles Lowzth and w dead . . . . . . . . . . " Charles JAweth. D. 1 _ . limbo , release . . . . . . . . I. D. lathawu ) ' Robert 1) . 1ulr nnd w . ( mortgage 020.000) ) . . . an Interestng study to watch the varying expressions of countenance as each crellulous I ticket , holder approached anti then departed . lie would step up to time door briskly anl ' cheerily , wIth the air or a proprietor , and upon finding I barred against him , his face showcd disappointment , indignation , and In some Instances , despnlr. lie knew that he hlm80lf was In questonuhle business and ror that reason ho was not dlsPosCI to alto ( any : b ) lander Into his confidence. There was ono exception to time rule , howevr. One or the victims was seen to leave the buiding post- haute , wih limo air of a man bent on revenge lie unuttered nn epithet that Illcated his milled rrale or mntnmtl A representatve or C The lea edgell UII to him and engaged him : In conversation. The leI man pretended to bo a victim also , and In a few moments 1 the ( two mcn commlsernted together. I wns. . not long l before the Indignant genteman wit Inducell to exhibit a ticket , which he said his employer had given him with Instructons to attend the lra ( wing anti see that everything was conducted on lie ( sIUare. Time Boa man ; borrowed It for a few hours In order that It I might bo photographed. hero Is a Lao shnlo or the icheet : Icltet . . J A " .4 ik i n the First National bank , In Lincoln , I kinsman or H. 1) . . Hathaway , 'preshlcnt or the Lincoln Stall Journal company recently bcamo seized with a desire to purchasQ I Inrge l brick store bulling In Lincoln , known as time Harvey lieU block , sluatel on 0 street , but having little or no money hhmel aa alI there being a mortgage on the bulhln anl several iechmnmuics' lens agnlst It , tins mcchanles' i lens alone nmounthlK 10 $5,31.01 , Mr. Muir'er ' very naturally applied naturaly appled tI to t his rich rather.ln.law , Mn Hathaway tI , for tIme necessary funtls Ho got time monc ) ' and \ lieu gave Mr. Hathaway I n mortgage on time building ns security , time consideration being $20,000. Mn . Iulr , by the woy , was fortunate enough to bu ) ' UII all time tuecimamuicims' lens at quito a Ilscount , da The following Is a copy or tIme morltnge decds as recorded : In tIme office or tIme register or Mortgage Delll , Robert Iulr nn.l wire , to I I. I ) . Hnthaway , IIll Cur recorI , Jumly 25 , IS3. : It 3:05 : p. imm. Jobu I ) . Inlgllt . , legllter of .lleeds ; J. B. I n\\el , deputy : tee $ I. . ] now mill mel hy thl'le hsresemits , 'hat we , liniment I ) . : lul' a 11 1.110 i i. Muir . him wlf , of I.unen r count , m tlte of Nrhrlln , In conlhlerlon ? or time sum of $ 0.0 In hnll liuthi . do here- h i ts ) ' sell IIHI com'e . unlo I. n. I Inthnwa I lo ) ' of Inleaster cOlnt ) 1111 state of Nl'hrl lt the rolowlnl Ile cllb1 II'emlsel. slultld In i Lauicaster count ) , NI'hlllltl. to-wi : 'rhe east hlif of lot 13 , In S. W' . i.lttle's ub. 1lvlllon of Iul"lvllon m , In S , \ \ ' . Little's sullvl lon of the Vu' . ti of tIme S. V. . ' 4 of secton 21 , townshll 10 ) north , . flange G , east G hi'iiieiiinl ) IW rllt I , COUlt ) of harm- castel' . state of Nhrl , kn. nM shown au of pint Fifeenth of : ui. I Irwin's "trcet. 1IIIt of Lincolmm , lS Part 'ruts mort"nle Is "Ivel to hllemll ) ' anti sccure the lJrl ' ur the lecolll past IgnllRt tlY lose or InLlt ) ' hy retlRou or hits list'c mh h Imeretofore certnln negottmmblo II Ilretufore "lgnllI leJotlble JrOmlMlory notes with the Inlr Robert D. , Muir. 'rimis mortgage lu hu valid nun ! Mub- slstlg lel UIII the above descllhell Ilroll- crt ) ' In fll\'nr of the IU\t or the seconll Jart for the slime nml the amount . anti to the extelt of any 111)'lllt8 that'a the snll part of the secol11 hurt ha nl- ready muntie , or unity hereafter 111(1. upon any or staid holeS 811Ieli jointy by Robert D. Muir 1111 I. I ) . IItmwl ) ' . The Intenton being to convey hereb ) ' nn absolute title In fee simple , IICludllg all riFhmt of home tead. rlfht have mind to hold the promises above descriheti , witim tmil the appumrtenmammces there- desclllell wlh ni unto belonging Ulto tl n\\UrtelnlC09 I. ihtmthmat way nnI 10 hut heIrs sitU IsslgIS ftrever , JrovllnJ Ilwa9 multi the preRents mire UIIOI time express comlton that If the sall Robert - ert D. Muir , his heirs , executors or nuinmmin- \ abnhl ' cruise to he haiti time Istrators shal imaY or ! said notes ito jointly executed by the Mall Mllir and lnthawlY , then these presents to , be void , otherwise to be and remain In fmmhl force. Signed the 2Hh day of Jul' , A. D. 1893 ItOIiltmt'I' 1) . MUIR. I.ILIH1 11. MUIR In presence of Frantic I. Hltha" ) ' . . The State of Nebrosko , Lancaster count , r'1 ; this 21h day or icily A. D. 183. be- Core me , Frank I , . Iatmwa ) ' , n notary ; ubiic In amid for said county , personnl ) ' came nohert n. MuIr and hAlite . 11. ! Ulr\ personallY to me lown to be time Identca \ Ilersonal 4mersons whose names ure nlxell to the above tieetl as grantors , anti acknowledgell the executon oC tie same to le their vol- untal' act anti Iced Witness my hand and notnrlal senl ( Signed IY ) FHANK L. UATHA\\'AY. ( Notnrlul Seal. ) JUST A SHREWD ENTEUPRISE. Mr . MuIr Is evidently a man or wonderful - rul resources and his brain conceived of I little plan whereby ho could make a few Itto dollars , besides pa'lng off his In- debtcdness to his father-In-Inw , I he felt so inmchin d. it was briefly this : lr , Muir's first operatloni In thud carrying out. of liii ingenious - genious selmenmie wait to have 60,000 ttekets printed , a fpc simIle of whicih appears pbvo , As lurid imeretofoto been sot forth , this in- iiocent looking document Is nothing more or less 'thrurru' lcttery ticket. - I Aside from tIme fact that this lottery 'sehmenme Is an infraction of time state anti- lottery law1 it. is a barotaced scheme to ob- tam nimoney under false pretenses , as , in case a ticket holder. shmoulml win time Ct5lit1 prize , time Harvey Bell block , bcu could oh- Lain a deed fo time property onmly after lie imad paid oil time $20,000 mortgage , There is also a first mortgage cf $16,000 ant tIme property - erty that is yet unpaid , A careful examnination of time lncarporation records of tIme secretary of state , the recorder - corder of deeds arid time county clerk of Lancaster county utterly 'fails to disclose tIme fact. that amiy suclmt corhtoranion as Time Tray- cling Men's ihtishness Blccle company hitS aver flicti Its articles of incorporation in time offices of aims' of time olilcials named. Time traveling men represemtimig various firms who sold theSe tickets to their cos- tomers iii a great mmmauuy cases guaranteed to their dupes final timts lottery scheme was an imonest and square one , and that the pmmr- chaser of a $1 ticket had a chance to acquire - quire a $60,000 block by ( ho Investment Cf $1. Thmmit there call. be no qtmestion as to time ownership of time irize property , The lice presents tins ' ( oliowimmg pariai abstract of title to lot 13 , block 63 , of Samuel \V. Lit'I the's subdivIsion to Ohio city of Lincoln , no 'I appears ( romn time nummierical immilices of saiti ounty of record in time 0111cc of the regis- tmtr of docile : I . . When Filed. K 137 Aug. 13. 1892 , at 2:111 : p. m , ife , 70 103 Aug. 20 , 1892 , at 4 p. en , 03 226 Jan , 28 , 1&i3 , at 2:40 : p. en. ife , . _ . ] _ _ 2 _ July 25 , 1893 , at 3:05 : p. m Time above docuimmemmts , Couimlet.l with thu (5 ( "certifIcate , " fac simmmile of wimich is give , leave rmo doubt as to thmo promoters of limit S urmiqiio gift. enterprise. Just how tIme remnittammceiu are being niadu 5 could not be ascertaimmod , but time presmmmmup . tion is that most of time mnanoy is itelni transmitted by express , yet thmero is litti S doubt tlmat a portion of it line been goimmi timroumgim time emmails 1mm spite of all time nigh i laws against using tIme mails for such ihllch t htnrposes. Time lice would smiggest timat nil parties wit 0 have been victimized semmd time hiarticmmlars it 0 that time perpetrators ummay be brought t m jtistico and the pubhic generally wamncu I against it. ( J.l TJIULJC $ .11 015 1' hl'l TJII)1L4 fl , Ilhimoj ) Tiorimey Ib'ciartis it to lIe arm un' ' Imeruitivo NEW LONDON , Comma. , Jan , 14-Time id lowing circmmlar was reati without commmmnon . at three mnasres In St. Mary's Star of lb 0 Sea cburch last rmigimt. It wau sent. to tim 0 imastors of time tilcct'o in accordance with ( it e recent Vatican decisiomm toniiddinig Itonia mm c / q 4 U "o I "d- - 4' 1 2) f 4'72 dpIk - ' . . , , mm - , , 3 \ 4 : ' A # . 1i L , eitcem44f///iq/ ? ( j' , ( ' ' , ' I G4e4e'r// ' uf4 e'I twr-- -1 ! ' - ' /hil// f4ie' , , , , , , , UdrUeJn4f//k'firdku/7n p"p t4 _ s Viiis ticket was sohil Novennber 23 , IBIh , Li ) ' C. B. Morrison. lnasnmmuchm am a iiubllc drawing imad been ad- ventibed to occur on a gtvemm date , and no one was vresent to expiain why it hind been tieI dared all , tins mmatumral iticsunmmptiorm was that a conciommiess swindle was being perpetrated and that time munich vaumiteil drawing wotilti ; nsteriaiize only iii time fertile hraimm of time inirlculiies in time lottery echmenmmo , But tvimo uvcro thoss Itnineiples That was a heading question just at timal tUne iii tIme minds of several hundred ipnmo- gemits abroad , \'iIEIti : TIlE SCIIEI'lE OIIIGINATII ) . Thu Hoe amen isursmmed hula investigations along tba line , lie faummd ( list one it , I ) . Mutr , ube is emipioycih : as receiving teller Catholics to hc'ln'ng to certain secret societies , and is as toltowe : "Episcopal ltesdeace ] , hanford , Coon. , Jan. 0.-Itey , Dear Sir : You are imeieby I liistrucld that by u'irtue of a decree of ( lit iiiy 0111cc , whmich imasm neon approved amid ratiflcml by lila holiness , i'oimO Leo XIII. , emil luttly received through time mmioit reverenil apostolic t.heleg.mte \'utahmiimgton , all atimo. 11cm are hmroiuiiltecl Irons joining time soclettes of Othi Veiiow , lfnmigimts of l'ytimias anti 'Saris of 'l'emnperarmcc. ' 'rml iviii remInd all those already bnionging to tim" aforesaid societies .imat it is tbmetr Imni'eratlvo dimly to wit hidraw frommi tbenu Umitien pemmalty of being tlerm'eti ( tie sacrammienmt , I or , , , reverenti dear sir , yours truly , "Ml'iIAEb T1EiON1Y , 'IJilmop or IirtforU , I . L OCATiNG TIlE STATE FAIR T hrco Oornoraa Fight for the Plum Now li * Active Progress at Lincoln , O MAHA , 1ICOLNAND GRAND IEI.AND C ities Iictwm'cn ' , 'hmlchi thin Clmott'o I.as itn time Order in Which timey Appturoimtiy Jtitimk with tIme State ltomirtt of Agniemmiture , LINCOLN , Neb. , Jan. 11.-Specini ( Teis. g rmumn.-lnterest ) in tiio legislative situations i s entirely overshadowed here tonmigimt. t ( ito first prelimmuinary skinrmmisim for time reloca. ( 10mm of time state fair for time ensiming five y ears. Time State Iloarti of Agniculimmre nmectml h ere tommmorrow aftermmoomt at 4 o'clock anmd ii l arge lmrcportioui of ( ho uitemmibersimli , ium already reported at hmentiqmiarters at time L incoln hotel. W'ithm thmo macnumbers of tim b eard Imave conic thin lobby , anti iictweemm time f rientis of tito competing cities , time miiemuiber o f tlmt board are itavimug an tritcrestlng thins ' o f it , There are but three coniihuetitore O maha , Lincoln amid Ciramiti lslamuml , anti on t he surface of time tthtmmation Oiimahia's cimance f or success are iiictmmrctl iii time brigimtes c olors. Tins general inmupressiomi SCemnim to buS t imat time iigimt is aiready settled in favor ef O zmmahma , anti timat mmctiiing renmains to be done b ut tar time State Hoard of Agnicmiitmmro to f ormtiahiy ratify the rustler. limit time final s election iihl not b mmmad mmmmtll We(1me5tiay ( ! , a nti there is the Po'ibLiiiy or nmucim suc b. c cssfimI intrigue betweemm tommigimt anti \Vetinea.i d ay umoonu , Time frlcmmds of Oumiaima mmow emi t ime grommnil anc quietly confltlent of mmmccess . Tue big delegation of Onmaima citizeums vlmo a re coining to limislm for time fair will mmot be h ere tummtii teniorrow , and therm moore ( liars a nmtmmimber tune expecteml ant a special ovet , t ime Ehitimornu. Timose wino are hero tonight workimmg for Omnmahma have be mt irm it Crequermt t elepimonmic consmmiiatiomi with time uumeeting beinmg iieid tormiglmt at thmo Comnnmmercimul chili r oommi mu time muetroltohis. anti tIme limmal details i mave been arramigeti over time umietailic circult BETWEEN OMAHA ANI ) LINCOLN , y Oranmi Ishmimud is confidenmt anti iroitomes ( ml s tay' in time fight to thmo ilmmishm , bunt slut is omuly a ccortiemi fifteen rates to start wIth , Time bi fight will come botweemi Ommmnha antI Ltn- c oin , Of time three propositions submmmittetf I t Is geumeraily conceded that Omnaima has imiadu t ime best. Limmcolmm's Proposition is commattlereti no iroposition at all , Time capital city simmuiiy 4 agrees to ( tim over time flresont fair grounmls amid buildinugs vitim a few ailuieti fmtcihlties armm a new coat of umaimmt , ieavlnmg time board atE time expenmses for repairs for tIme next five years. Lincoln realizes tins weakness of lien ' proposition , and is tonight mmmakimig a frammttil effort to aumiend it by prommilshmug a 'great variety of mmow , useful mmd ornaumuorital structures. TIme most perslstemmt lobby Is workimg for Limicoimm anti it iimchmidcs time . enmtire IL & M. local iniluenees. ( I Joimmi M. Thmurston amid wife arrived fronj' ' Otmmahma this evening anti tonmuorrow Mr. Thurston will realize the ambItion mi ha cherished for mmianI years , altimougli liii wit ) _ . , not reami his title clear to a seat In time United States semite until actor' time joint convention - vention to be lucid by the two houses ott Wedoesday Time two hmoumeswilivate separ steW tomorrow and tonnbeow overmimmg MrI Timurstoo will be tendered it non-partisaim reception - . ' ception at the state house , time senate cimammibe having been decided upon as the scone upon which lie will receIve limo congratuiations oC lila friends , . , . FEt'ruItnis ou I'ICINTINU CONTILtcr. Figures timit 1)o Not Mlsreprcetmt tb Cbtlimt of Coihumalomu by Ititlilumrs. LINCOLN , Jan. 14.-Special-Time ( ) con. tract by which acob North & Co. iiavo tIme prirmting of time Itemise rolls' 'atud ' senate filets for the present session is already time subjecti Of unfavorable conirnent , 1mm fact , tIme house committee on pnimmting is prepanimmgmt report eta time contract that promises to produce a general - oral tirughimmg of time ears iii several different : quarters. 'limo State Pnimmting board as it cx- Isted isnior to January 1 , of time hiresent year/ consisted of Secretary of State Alien , Audltoni Moore and State Treasurer Bartiey , In Do-I comber time boanil opened bids , for pnimmting , including proposals to lirint titmi imommsmcs rohiuf mmmiii senutmte files. Tins tubulutlomm showed that. Jacob North & Co. mere time lowest bid tiers and time records show that time firnu wait awartled tIme contract , time firma mmgreeing to furmilsim 500 eduCe of each bill at $1.67 pei * page , extra copies to be iattl for at. the rat of 8 cents per ptmge , . A gianmee at tIme bids of time several printing houses will reveal a surprising fact. Time - figures were so nearly alike that ( lucy muug1 gest , if tlfey do not itreve , a perfect unmmlerJ stanimling letweeim time alleged comnpetitorc , Two yearn ago time same printers comnupeteit for time same work. 'Fimen time figures provei boris Ildo competitiosm. Time foliowimmg tabuha- lieu sinews tIme bids of 1893 and 185 side bZ shut ; t FIGURES THAT DON'T LIE. Iliddermi , 1893. 1895. I State Jemnmmnnl company.$0.85 $1.69 hltmnter I'riniting conmsany . , . , , 1.15 1,69 ? Lirmculn I'rintimmg comnutany . . . , , 1.11 1C8 CaiimoummVoodntmff. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,52 1,6 ? , I'nce , Whiliamns & Nortim. . . . . . . 0.81 1,67 1mm 1805 l. 1) . Woodruff ntmmcceeda Cahimommn S Wootiruif , who blil in 1893 , and Jacob North & Ca , , ueceed l'ace , Vu'iiliaunmit & North , Time prirmtirmg houses are tIme ernie , the style of firm narmmu alomme being chmnmmgeti , In 1898 but 300 copies ivere pnimmieti , html this ycar time contract calls for 500 , A referemuco te time tabuiated statommient simowa that two years ago tIme imitlit of thu several competitors rangeti fromni St cemmts to $1.52 per iinge. Timimi year time lowest bull was $1.67 per page , antI time highest $1.09 , Two years ago time lirmim of Pace , \'ihhinmn & North received tIme contract for biii itriimt- trig mmmmder luecuilar circunmmtitmmmmces. 'Flue urig- irmal contract mirawmi In theattorney's uiilctm diii not hermit time commmpany to cltargtm full price ( or 'necctuaary blank Images. " When time commtract- had becim signed ammil tiled witl tInt secretary of state it was toumici by a little investigation , immmtltutemi by a representative - tative of 'flue lice , that one itiiect of Lbs original contract imad beemi renies'ed mmrmd new itimect substituted , giving l'ace'ti1iamn & Nortlm full pay ( or necessary blauik pages. 'l'iitm 1mcet substituted was a ery clever mu- Itation of time style anti size or iutiun'r , immkj etc. , of time original , but time dcc'mtlttii was' ' easily iurovemm. Vitim1rm thirty miuimmutea allots 'Vito lice's repmeaemilativa discevereui tIme do- cuptiorm amid amunoummceii iilmi detcrsmmimmnmttori tim print time Whole story time next mnormmliig , the Imtt ( t'riimtimmg hoard mutt mmmiii ItamsOd a hmnsty rcsoitloo ummmmmimiiiumi : time contract , amid re- qulnlimg l'aee'iliiammimu & North to alumni th : contract tint orbginmmmiiy hireimared in time at , tommie ) ' geumcrei's oflici' , cmii execute a nowi boqti icr its faithful execution , Thio hew contract - tract tvmus signed time mmcxl mmmunmmlnmg , Thu dm54 ti l'.mec' , Wmiilammms Ce Nvrtb baa becim , * 1