Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1895, Image 1

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    . . " . . . . , . . . . F : . J . . " , Jl. , .ll . _ " " " " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'V'7' ' , ' ' ' - " ' . . . . . 'T' " : ! ' . , 1.J' 7f1 " , . " ; . w ' " " _ R" ' ' " , : _ ' - " ' < ' " ' ; ' ; : ' ; ; ' ' ' ' ' ' 'A" ' . , . ; : . . . . " . . , . " . 'rH" . . . " " ' 'iIi' ;
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] S'l'.AJU.ISJE ] JUXJ In , 187. . OllUI. , SA'rUUDAY llOltNmG , J.NUAUY 1 , isoo. sixci . J COpy JI'IYJa CEN lS.
What it Coat the Oelestnls t Undertake
an Ofensive Demonstration
Chlle e Were lirlven Toward New Ch"nu
\hcru 'hcy Arc lecchln Idn-
10rcelcnt.-lnl-I'IIIWnt : Cnll-
turel ly the Invldcr.
\.QIAMA , Jan 1.-Dlspatches from
JIrchow ) , received this morning say that
Japanese scouls report that I largo force .r
Chlneso I. moving down to support the KnI ) .
. Ping force , which has retreated toward New
. 4 Chwang.
An ofcial Ilspatch snys that Injor Gen-
oral Nodzii'a dlvldol legnl the attack upon
the Chinese Ilosllon nt 1:30 : o'dock yester-
day e\'eling nll ) at 0 p. m. Knl-Plng was
takes The Chinese Inmellntely led toward
IiaI-liiik-al with the Japanese In pursuit.
The Chlntse lumbered 3,000 men and they
hall twelve gui.s. About 200 Chinese were
Idled ; the lumber or wounded Chinese Is
unknown ,
About 10 Ilrlsoners were talen. The Jap-
anese casunltes are not stuted.
The first army was welcomel , by the Inhabitants -
habitant whIle moving Its headquarters to
Shen Yin with mnnleslntons or strong desire -
sire to remain under Japanese rule.
l'OI.I' : All Nln' SOd .tLtSS.
l'lel of OlO 1101101 II the Uelmln Belchs-
tag 1)eItte
BERLIN , Jan 11.-When the debate on the
antl.rcvolutlonary bIll was resumed In the
I Helchstag today Herr von " 'olszlegler , a
- I'ohlsh member crltclsel the socialIst conception .
cepton or the functIons or the state on the
ground or Its Irrrlhlous character. He tie-
cared that the PohIhL workmen up to the
present were not affected by socialism , and
urged that the authorItIes In strugglIng In
defense of relIgion , morality and order should
treat the Poles as ales and protect their
natIonalIty and lelIgIon.
' , . ' . Herr von Wolszleclen concluded by lIe-
J. during that the Poles regarded the measure
. I I wIth solicitous misgivings , I they them-
( j selves lied had frequent experiences In re-
gnrd to the rigor or the law.
Herr von Koeler , the minister oC the In-
terior. denIed that DIe l'rlehelt was In the ,
payer the polIce. The socialists , he added ,
were agitating daily both In the press amid at
meetings the glorltcaton oC crime which
was on the Increase , and even revolution was
openly I extolled . At the socialist congress
at , Altoona , Herr von Koeler continued , n
delegate named Ilrtwlg said : "When the
: , . . outbreak comes , give me a revolver or even
- : "
: a bomb.
According to the minister of the InterIor , '
time present penal code did not suffice for
. such offenses. He concluded with calling on
. the various parties to unite for the protec-
ton or relhlon. ( l.oul allplause )
Herr von Sonneburg urged that Increased
, protectIon le given to military discipline , as
: time army constituted tbe most effectual
. barrier nnlns ( socialists.
Von Hedenburg , alluding to the annexation -
ton or hanover , declared Prince Dsmarck
hind provoked the greatest revolution. This
; - ' remark elicited a storm or Indlgnnnt protests
. Sigh , amid Inughter cried that I the bill
. ' was adopted the Opposition would be con-
11emned to death. He nlled : "You cannot
. figHt i Ile : ' by legislation. The present bill
, - has contributed to add 80,000 to the socialist
votes lu Davarla. ' I nm riot a socialist now ,
but If maters do not change I bhnl be a
foclalst In five years time. " The debate was
. again adjoimrned.
LOUI sTsivflNso's : IITn ,
: " Dispatch from ConsulGemmermil Mulligan ut
' \ 111tf time State 11'11'lrtment ,
WASHINGTON , Jnn n.-Tho Department
or Statl has received a dIspatch front Consul
Genernl 1ulgan at ApIa reporting the death
I or Robert Louis Stevensbn. Under date or
December G t ; he writes :
, "It Is with profound sorrow and a sincere
sense oC dIrect personal loss that I report the
: ; C suddel and wholy unexpected death or the
distinguished author and great novelist
Robert Louis Stevenson , which took place at
Ils resiIence , Vnlma , nt this. place at 8
p. m. on 10nllay , the 3d Inst. . rrom n stroke
or apoplexy received nbout an hour and n
\ half table. before while seated at his own hospluble
"AsJ e from his world wide reputation In
literature , Mr. Stevenson was easily the fIrst
. citzen or Samoa um ) the center or its social
" 'he last manifestation or his great hos-
pluly was , peculiarly enough , as a dining
celebration or our American 'fhunksglvlng
. tlay , which occurred exactly four ( lays before ,
' his Jeath , and at which , In response to a toast
to his health , ho spoke at length oC his nd-
miratlon or the American festival or Thanks-
giving anti proceedell In a spirit oC religious
. sentiment to recount the many blessings he
I had been grateful Cor.
, "His remains were Interred on the very
4 summit or the mountain overlooking his late
r : hOlc .t 1 o'clock yesterday , whither they
F : were borne with Infinite lfculy by the
I willing hands of a gent number or
ammioanu. "
Dlrol ) . lltll Near ' 1lmltlVO : antI a 10Iw ) '
. . , , '
1.0M fur the Niitiv4' .
. TAlATAV , Dec. 28.-'he French have
bombardel ura-I"utra , about tour mies In-
'pnl ' train Tanmatave The Hovas answered
' with seven guns , but the rench were fUC-
. cessfui und the Uo\'as retired with heavy
i At 8 o'clock In the lernlng tIme French
'J cruisers Prima Ouet , ) u Pet Thuars amid
I I'oilln , supported ly two guns lu a shora hit-
tory , ollened Ire upon the Hovas' positions
. outsldo of 'umatave , At 1 o'clocl In the
morning time 10ys wllHlrew the seven guns .
I mentolC1 , but they were badly aimed and
their pl'ojecles eld nat reach ) the 1rench
, .hlpl , 'fho firing ceueel about un hOlr later ,
. the Hova having t'uffcreti u serious loss.
'fhe cruiser Prima Ouet called away later In
{ i order to occupy Mojac1.
/ ; !
i d\\NI"C : s.\.rl : ' 1'lml 'rl lnS ,
li. ' , , 11ull Iul' 1"Ul'\U/ II" 'hl\ " . limo l'lnt Clllm8
( I.ONDON , Jnn. n-The Standard's nerln ,
¼ , correspondent telegraphs that he hears that
fr , , Japan has rormuJuted ' her conditons for peace
I with Cbiimmmi . , \ \pproxlmatel , time condiions
are the Illeplllelco or Corea , under Japa-
, nose suzernlnty : the cession or certain Chi-
Ileso Islal1 : the razing or the Taku foits :
. the Ikprlvaton or Port Arthur and Vei.llai.
" 'II or their character ns naval ports : thc dls-
mantling and demolton ot eli forts In the
t why trol Corea to China ; the nlllulol er
10hlna'i right 10 prebcrlbe time number and
. 1)116 or Cbln"'s men.or-wnr : the PaYment or
& heavy Indemnlh' , amid I possible , time nege-
, tnto ! ! or a CllncseJalancsB alliance.
- - - - - - -
) l'ickIcmmI I'mmIcr'j 11111101.
' LONDON ; Jon. n- 4 11ltch to time
m . Dally Ncws trem larl ! Eaym ! that lt the (
grand diplomatic dimmer gl\en 'fhuUell ) nllh\ \ 1
# , - . t ) lt this 1:1aco or .ho E se' 1) ' l'rceldent
, ' -.t Caslmnlr-l'crler , ninety-live . guests were Ifl'
cnt. Time .
auembldge WIS a brilliant one.
I Lady Du/el'ln , wife ot time 11'Ithh ammlbabsa
ui ' dor , sat lt the right ot the ( ( Iresldent , anti \
r' Mrs. l utt" , wife or the American II1al 1-
h tier , sat "I his ioU.
ts Must &ulmU tu ni JIIIII' , . )
, LONDON , Jan. n-Tbe Chronlelo fX ,
' . - . . . . ' \ presses deep \ sympathy with tie Bt n'11g
, NewtuundlauIshrrmen ( , but ad(11 ; "I II
. folly (0 expect I\CI a return ot ( Qf.llence liS
fl brinG relef $ to the colony until she sub-
mitt her " accounts to a full and impartial
Inquiry _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
No , , Uovernor ff Ilerliti.
DEIU.tN , Jan. n.-General Pape , governor
or nerln , hns ben relieved anti General
Baron von Lleb lies been appointed to RUC-
ceel 1dm. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Inrol 11\I1 ommI11Ioneel : ,
nUDA JESTI , Jan n.-Emperor Francis
Joseph Ins requested Haron nanry to form n .
cabinet for Hungary.
OJUWI .I.n ) TJIW1m8 ,
Cardhl,1 nbbon UClclte time Initial
Number of the Clthnlo Ilutiotili .
1iALTlMORF , Md. , Jan. H.-Cnrdlnal Gilt-
bens will have the fIrst article In the first
number or "Tho Catholic University l3tille-
tin. " Thus spoke a professor or the university
who came to this city today 01 a special
mission from \Vaslmlngton. The Buletn will
be I quarterly conducted by the professors
In the Interest or the university. The sub-
ject whl h Cardinal Gibbons treats Is "The
Church amid the Sciemmces " I Is , In part ,
as follows : "The ' ollell'l or nn Amerlcnn
Catholc universiy was sllnlncant In many
respects I was entIrely In accord wih the
traditions oC that church , which after en-
ilowing barbarian Fimrupe I with Chrlstnnlty
amid civilization , roundel out this double
progress by estnblshlng I congress oC learn-
In ! I was also the worthiest movement
which the eplscol'ate or this country could
ha\e raised lS the seal or the first century
or time Catholc hierarchy In these Unied
States. Hopes have been realized In nn
Insluton whose purpose It Is to give the
Catholcs of America , clergy anc laity ale ,
the fairest oppoltunly to bring forth and
enjoy the rruls of higher emhtmcatlomi.
"The mmieasuros adopted ly Pope Leo for the
restoratou or Thomistc phiosoph ) anti the
promoton or scientific Pursuits are due not
to Impulsh'e enthusiasm , but rather to a
protracted , far-Islhtel IJrtHlence. He realizes
ruly the actual needs or Catholicism. We
cannot longer content ourselves with n knowl-
edge or what Is being done In the various
depnrtments of science : we must contrIbute
and share In time worl Otherwise our
Catholc 'outh , oblIged to seek elsewllre the
scientific education , will Insensibly come
to look upon the non.Cathole tenchers ns the
sole representntves of Ilrogressl'o lmowledge.
Nor can we com pIn In If. throulh lack or
prOller exertion on our part , the honor which
shoull belong to the church Is given to
others Time world , protest ns It may. still
bows to authority , ant the might or aUlhorly
In time domain or scIence belongs to these who ;
acquire the right to speak by personal ra ;
sea rch.
"As Catholics , we Imow or I certainty that
no real conflict can arise between the truths
of religion and those which science has so
loudly demonstrnted But this convIction
mnst le lrou ht home to those who arc out-
side the church and who judg her rather by
what her members do thnn by what they
write or say In favor or , science. Such critics ,
if they truly deserve the name , must recognize -
nize merit whever they dud I , and at least
respect Catholicity , though they may not ad-
limit its supernatural clnlms. Only this re-
spec Is compele b)1 tIme work of Catholc
scsclentsts , and polygetcs , In the usual
sense of the term , will be needless
" 1mm order that time honor or the church may
be completely vIndicated It Is necessary ,
above all , to do away with the mistaken Idea
that Catholcs are not free to pursue sclen-
tnc researches. After what had been saId
concerning the relations between the' church
and science It may appear superfluous to
Insist on the liberty which she allows her
chidren , However , there Is , In many candid
people , 0 lurking suspicion that Catholics arc
kept In constant fear oC running up against
barricades oC some- sort , to bo checked , so to
speak , by theological inhIbitIons. And , I ly
thisI _ ! , meant thnt time church Is ever vigilant
for the Preservation and priority or faith , we
not only admit that such Is the case , but wo
Insist moreover that this Is time only course
which an institution founded by Christ to
spread his doctrine could consistently follow.
On time other hand we deny that In Its solc-
tude for the ralh once delivered to the
saints tIme church Interferes with the lelt-
mate action or science. A conclusion which ,
though apparently based on fact runs counter
to dogmmtic truth , Is net the verdict or
science IseI Is the Intlng
of certain scIentists who go out or their
prcper sphere Into thnt of speculation on
matters beyond theIr rench. Time church
does not ask science to furnish proof oC her
tenents nor docs & hmo pretend t ! fix the
principles and methods which science shall
follow. limit In return she claims the right
to use her authority concering things
which properly pertain to her mission ns
teaclmer. " ,
"Tho church , for from neglecting scmeimtmsts
or time nlvallco sect , places n higher valno
upon them titan the e who arc swept to and
fro by every new current or opinion. She
makes more allowance for real progress
titan those who arc now its loudest cham-
pions. I Is her purpose. declared so oren
l'y the voice of Leo XII , that Catholcs
should male time lest use or their treetom
to further the Interests or science and thereby -
by 10 honor to her anti help her amid help
her to glorify the Father or Light. To oil
of us she says : Per this YOI ; wlslom and
undertanding In the . sight or nations. . ' .
I'OI'll 1.18 _ U' J' R.I LEI TU.
Circular Which ( 'lloel Forth the Iln
' \lllnst Secret locloties .
NEW YO iK , Jan 11.-At the reception to
Mgr. Satol last night one or the priests ,
whlo walcng past the reporters' table ,
showed n circular which he said was the
cause or the recent crusade against secret
socIeties In this coumitry Time priest re-
fused to give his name. lie only saul that
Father Peter Rosen or St. Paul , Miun , who
Is mentonell In the circular as its author ,
has just returned rrom Home.
The crcular , which Is In Latin , recites
that there exists la time United States various
clandestne societies , the chief or which are
the boil Templurs , Odd I elowi and Knights
of Pythlas. I then goes on to say that as
these socetes ! begin their meetings wih
IJrayer and the show or fraternal love and
good wi , anti no eXllr,1SS vow Is exactel to
abjure Ioman Catholic teachmimmgs man )
priests absolve the memher unhesiatngly ,
while others absolutely refllso to do so ,
Time cIrcular then professes to show that
beneath time amiable outer trappings of time
societies Is a ritual entrely antagonistic
to Ioman Catholc doctrines. References are
gh'en to images and paragraphs In time \ ritual
or tch of the societes ,
The circular conclules by praying that "his
holness , hal deign to decide whether or not
alcordln : , to the laws of the church these
societies may bo tolerated alli their members
sacrameltaly absolved "
Time circular Is dated on the calends or
November , )8tH
11.1111 mllur Stmitt'N the CIIO ur Jnlrllet-
lug " "lrIIHulloto" ,
CINCINNATI , Jan li.-Arcimbishop 1itlar
hal Iml'olmitmiiatetl the order nlulnst Odd
Fellows , Knights oC 1)lhlas anti Sons of
Temperance , ant acron.llnl ( ll time text of
the order with I statement of reasons why
good CaimuiIcs4aiiomiIi ( ole ) ' . The tact that
the r.ulons for time unleT are not understood
Is I ito excuse for otsobetihence , any J < re
thln It Is for violation of cl\1 \IW when the
r'uoon for time enactment Is not imtmdcrstuoi.
Just us time state must enforce its laws for
time Ilreben'uton of order , 10 Ilu t tie I
hurch Enforce such rules I ! are t'ssemmtlimi
for the welfare ot souls. lie went on . however - '
ever , II state Ilml of the relsons In this
casc. On was that to belong to these orders
muel l'atimoilea more tolerant or Free Ma-
sommry . which hael long been declared Inlm-
! 'ol to thi church. Anulher was that In
the ! lle , Jf time "night of I'thlal I I1dgun
i. . : tItct\d to le treated , , I ! a snlnt
: lhu } ' , "r's "rrlmll lt EiII. Islands ,
.IUW YORK , Jan 11.-John E. Moore ,
landing agent at Ellis island , has completed
liii report for 1i91. 1 shows that during
thl year 0,6Gl cabin passengers arrived ucd
11SS.ltt Itetragc passengers lauded lt Ellis
Ceremony Attnded by a Great Demonstration -
ton of Party Friends ,
00 Toiimmg's } 'rlelis Ch\lm time CluClS
WhIch Nlmlnalcil L'crimmims Wns ,
n 1lccllJ nr time Senator's I'rlcmls
-A 1' , 4t. 1'ghtll 10OUIS
SACRAMENTO , Cal , Jan. 11.-A tremel-
deus crowd ntendeel the Innugurlon or oov-
ernor BUlll nt noon today , preceded b ) a
large parade or miltary amid unlformel Pout-
Ical organizaticnmm. Time assembly chamber i
was crowded when Govtrnor llrlham was
escorted to the spenler's chaIr amid IntrOlucel
by Speaker Lynch. The retiring governor
gave n brier lpecb er rar wel und thanks
with ' n good word for his succcssor. Dodd
vas 'then introduced amid loud cheering
The oath of once Was Idmlnlstcrell by Jus-
tlo lens haw , of the stlte supreme bench.
Immcdlntely cannon gave the gubernatorial
salute of nineteen guns. Then Governor '
Build delivered his lunugurnl address , specl-
rylng a number or Insltulons anel state
boards In which retrenchment Is advisable
throlh "nn nlltlnn. i almi I sit memm t nll dsira. ,
- -.m. , . _ - . . . - . . c - - . -
jii legislation. :
Now that Governor Dodd has been Inuu-
rated , nld all talk or a contest Is nt an end ,
the Interest or time politicians centers 01 the
contest for Unltel States senator. Senator
George A. Perkins all M. II. DeYoung still
remain the tlO most prominent calthlates ,
and bth are confdent that they wi receive
the nonmination . Perlcns last night received
the republican cnucus nominaton , forty-five
out or slxtr-seven In time caucus endorsing
him ns their candidate . The DeYoung men
contenl It was not a caucus , but simply a
meeting or Perkins men , ali that the lat-
wr's wealmess Is tms dlspla'ec , us forty-five
votes will never elect him. The A. I' . A.
his taken I hand In the contest , by wnrlng
time legislators I that DeYoung Is a reputed
Homlnlst , and that thy must not vote for
him. Mr. DoYoung says that he Is not a
CatholIc . and that he Is not I member or the
A. 1' . A. lie says ho would not accept the
senatorship I In doing so he would have to
discriminate against auy tect.
GO\'BISOIt , I\TTH - g\ ' . US\U .
I'art that JIIIIII J'immycti In the Two
Grllt Strikes.
INDIANAPOLIS , Jan. n.-Governor Mat
thews delivered his message to the Indiana
legislature today.
Governor Mattimeivs' message was very long
and deal wih many topics. The message
contained about 1GOOO words.
Time first subject discussed Is the finances
or the state I Is shown thnt time state 'has
left un era or dcbt-maklng and gone Into an
era or debt-payIng. lie expresses the opllion
thnt I reducton or 2 per cent In the school
tax levy might le made amid says that In the
Past two yenrl no money has been borrowed
by the state ; all pa'ments have been
prompty mct and $1,310,000 has been paid
on the state debt.
The Roby Columbia Athletc club Is referred -
ferrel to und the enactment or a , moro
stringent law governing prize fightimig Is
urged. This law should make It a felony to
act either a' principal or ' cond. The advertising -
vertslng oC a fight should 'be made punish-
able by flue.
The goverlor gives I brier review or time
coal miners' strike last year all defends his
acton In quelling the riots wih state troops
or the Pulmnn strike the message says :
"A strike orlglnntng ut 1ulhnan , I" , was In
sympathy jelled In by time American Hal-
way union In Chicago and from there 'spread
to towns and cites In IndIana. As Is often
true , a vicious clement , unable to appreciate
time Institutions or n free people , whose only
Idea of liberty Is license and respecting no
law save that or force , avnlec themselves
or , the opportunity to commit depredations. "
The 750 Indiana troops In this strike cost
the state $ 2,807 and this amount the legis.
lature Is asked to provide Time message
commends the support or the Loyal Legion I
and time Grand Army or the Republic In : '
their prompt offer or service to suppress the
strike truubles. An Increase or the gov-
ernor's contngent runll Is asked for. Section
,4G "shoulel be amended , " the message says ,
"so that n military officer command would
have more discretion In giving time order
to fire when It becomes necessary , In order
to leave him entrely at the discreton or the ,
civil officer. "
civi ofcer :
I Is recomlenl1el that n law be passed
giving the governor authonty to Instute
ncton In the courts to prevent tl com-
mlHlon or acts against property , plblc
peace , public morals , public poHcy , etc , with
time anthorlty In proper cases to appoint I
receiver for the property where the illegal
acts are beIng committed. The governor and
other lnmbuic officers should be
IJllc ofcers shoulc empowered
to Institute and mantaln ! ncton against railroad -
road companies : to restrain them rrom carryIng -
Ing passengers for the purpose or engaginG
In unlawful enterprises and makng time
carrying for such purpose I cause for ror-
telure or franchises.
WInter racing Is deplored by the governor
and I law forbidding meetlls between the
first day or November und the first day of
April Is urged Whleenllsm Is decreasing
mind belief Is expressed that strIct enCoree-
ment or present laws will Inoly eradicate I
Relative to ship canals time messnge recol-
mends tat lulana representatves In con-
gress be urgccl to secure from the general
government n survey for n ship canal con-
nectng Lake Michigan with time Ohio river
Time legislature Is also asked to pass n
Joint resolutIon caln ! upon Indiana United I
States senators to contnue to advocate time
election of Unied States senatols by a
direct veto or the Ileoplo ) ,
CUlnot 01 l"hlll time lotnrnR ,
SALT I.A\ , Jan 11-Judge Bartch to-
mlay rendered . decision In San
cuy n the Sln Pete
count election cases. ThE opinion defInes
the powef ; anti duties oC the U\nh \ commission -
sion amid Is an elaborate review of time law
relating 10 the concuct oC electons arid
canvass oC'oles , lie says imo luthollty anc If
found In In ) ' CIS ( to gO behind the returs
Inel Ollen lulot boxes for the 111'010 of
clnvalllnJ the ballots to decinre time result
of 11 election , 'fhe malulnte IK f'nteel nnll
time c'omntmmisiomm Inltlletll to ISSUE certili-
elites of election UA Hhown I ' time flco of
the returns , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
C a ri i'm' Nmlhml"11 t I fur Srnllur.
hELENA , Mont . Jan. n-Thomas. n ,
Carter was nomlnateel tonllht for senutol'
ly time republican caucus , Time caucus was
hell In time court house. When Curter Wil
nOllmteel he was lifted on lime bhoulcell of
the men IIHt carried tlun1hnnty thr ugh
the corrldol' . Carter Is a Catholic. nnii his :
electon Is IL lefelt for the A. I' . A" , which '
his been \\'orklnl to drfcat him ,
Em lklnK Nuimmi limit cml fur 11"lllur ,
CIAIII'S'ON , W' . Yn" , Jan. 11.-Time
joint rpublcal cnuels tonight nominated
lon , S. n , glklns for United Stales senator
to succeed J. N. Cmmnitien. lon , NtlsOI 10.
WhlUnler oC Wheler was pluclHl before the
caucus , hut lilt name was wltulrwn und
11ln ! watt nominated wllhout OP110sllon" ,
\1111 Snlrll" i'mmqiet t hit i mla lie 1'11' '
BOISI , Idaho , Jan 11-A resolution for
nn amendment to the consttuton granting
suffrage to women Putted the senate tommy
wihout I dissentng vote . 'fher Is no
chang In tIme senatorial situation. Anothel'
effort to hold mtcatmeus ilIl be mnde tommlghmt.
11"llrlat I for I'ruo lull'.telI. ,
GL'TIIIIIE , Okl" , Jan. n.-Tho senate to-
mlay memorll17.ell cOngress to grant free
hometeads 10 strip settlers , anti Rellre-
tentative rcnorl' ' Intloducl In time house a
bill providing for the caln of / stutthoo
convention. _ _ . _ _ _ _ _
J'lcturr Nu" Ihlll bide 11 Slle ,
JEFFERSON CITY , ? . , Jan. -Consld- -
eralle feeling wa aroused about the capitol
today over an attempt of More or Stone
county to remove from its place lehlnl
Speaker lttmaseil's desk the palntnl oC
'lhomtl 1. Uelton and place II its stead
onO of Generl Nathaniel Lyon. A reMlu-
tou to have Genera I I.ron' picture removed
to the hOUM and hiung tn an appropriate
; plac hind been pl1sl1 laM 'tfk , nnll today
Mr. More aplleareel with sonic workmen
and bean to make th change notell. 1'- :
claitmations of imuiignntiomi rolowll the attempt -
tempt amid Dr. Pettjohn pC 1Inl county
started an agitation whIch Iw to the l1lc-
tures btlnS hun ! side b } ' sIde
( ovorlnl . ' , Inrrl Irrlou1lr imi.
TOPEKA I , Jan 11.-Governor : ( orrl Is
quie Ierloully I with intermittent rcver.
His friends are much worrlelnnd \ Car he
many not be nble to take' uai-t In the In-
aU/urnl ceremonies Monday par , lut the gO\-
ernol' himself hns no fear.
A hot row between factions on the p pulst
side oltnlnCl Iii the e"cculv session of the
senate tll" nterlon over time appointments
of Governor I.ewelinsent tn that body
toell ) ' . The polee eommlsKloner nmpointetl ;
for Atchison amid Fort Sol anti " 'n \ tel N.
. \ len ns n membcr of the State Bonrl or
Charities wert confrmeel , 'rho light centered -
tered on N , : I , Iln"hnw , for memherhll )
on the Inme bOlil , Adjournment wn.\ taken
before time rcmummuimim1r oC the
. . 1hO rlmlllulzr Illpolntmcnts
w.e ( dlllolcl of , nnel . the lght will oubt-
less be renewed tomorrow . I
- - - - -
Ir3'In nl'IJIICe CI"'ollll.
" ' . \SIINGTON , Jnn. 11.-ltepresentntI'o
" ' . J. . ' oC Nebraska , In .
UI.'an Nebrlm ncch to-
night before the YlrgIlht Democratic alqo-
elation . , Ilenouncl Jre"hlenl Cle\ellll. He
.Iechu.eel the 11I''hlent was mit 11 ( democrnt
thut his cotmtlmmct wn not dmocrUc. that
he WIB wl ck\lg time Ilemocrutc party , amid
thnt hO wus time Irt 11elCrnte JreRllent
who hUl been unulle tn control hits IJrt ) .
Mr. 133'an also criticized Secretar' Carlisle.
TrnlORcn ( ub'rI11nrl,1 Cmmnvus , 1'lRtllllll ,
NASlVILI.I , : , Jan 11-Time state senate I
by u vote oC 19 to 1 todmiy t110pted I resolu- I
tiomi POQtllonlng the cnl'uIsll/ the re-
turns for gOVI'rIO' until In investIgation oC
charges or fraud In time . electon can le imimmi . S1OEJf 7'llIU ) I'EU.
Three hays Suffocated While "eelln ald
\\'nlehllg fur UlrllrA ,
NEW YORK , Jnn 11.-Two men and a
boy who were on the lookout for burglars
were suffocated by gas this morning In n
reel on time third floor of the tenement
house , 343 : Grand street The dead arc :
JACOB nOSgNDEHG , aged 13.
AURAl lAM DOHSAN , 23 ) ' ars.
JOSEPh JACOBSON , 25 years.
An overtnrnCl gas stove caused time trag-
cd ) Time lat In whIch time men were su/o-
catel whie asleep Is occupied by Jacob
Rosenberg , time father or the dead boy. le
Is a butcher , wIth a shop In Hester street.
Some tmo ago time lat was robbed and
Iosenberg decided to have his workmen ,
nersan and Jacobson , sleep there to guard
against burglars. Young losenlerg slept
, vlh thmem. -A row minutes before 4 - o'cloel (
this morning when another ellllo'e from
the butcher shop came to wake Hosenberg ,
ho smelel gaa coming from the room where
the three slept. The door was burst open
and all were found dead In their brs , The
gas stove In the room had been overturned
anl the pipe by which It : was connected with
time jet hal len broken . ,
IHU .N02' lU ; _ ! lEJ'J . . 'T.I : :
One of Two Negroes ilminged l'romlsCI to
. nuunt th SImerliT.
CHATTANOOGA , Jan. 11.-George Mapp
and Buddy Wolr , twolyoung negroes , were
hanged In the execution room of the county
jail a few minutes nIter S o'clock this morn-
ji '
Ing woolr died I Roman C tlolc , and Hev.
Father Walsh was wih , him on the scaffold.
Mapp however , refimmemi to have a minister
wIth him amid aleut imis1ast - words wete : '
"This Is what' an Innocent man gets , by
Jes ! ,
_ s _ _ _ .u' _ ' , , L . L L " - - . _ L
uo requesleu llaL 18' ; oe 'UJOWl I
time river and he ! all ho would be back to
night t haunt the 1herl and others who
had anythIng to do with his conviction. Time
two negroes murdered Marion L. Ross , an
aged saloon keeper , on Saturday night , December -
cember 1. 1802. Robbery was their intention
In committing time crime. 'Woo confesded ,
implicating ! app. . .
URGES . .ur.l OJIEIE.0
Blhol ) Iiorstnmmumm' " CrCllalSelt Out with
time Encyclical.
CLEVELAND , Jan. 11.-Bishop Horstman
of the Cleveland dIocese has Issued a
circular , which Includes time recent decree or
the pope on secret societies , to be read at
all or the diocese churches next Sunday I
moring , The bislmopstlmltter l calls for prompt I
I' obedience to time pope's ' decree and concludes '
us follows :
"This decision should settle time question
sete queston
for every true Catholic. I makes no matter
what his own private judgment may be
concerning the nnturo or such socIeties or
whnt temporal advantages they may offer , or
for any other reason he nifty have had for
becomIng a member thercof. The vicar of
ChrIst has spoken Inc a prompt and loyal ,
obedience Is time only answer to be given by '
a Catholic. " fnswer )
. .
11Ixlcln l'riemts ligiit 1 Duel ,
PAlLA , Mex. , Jan. 11.-News comes from
Parras or a duel with knives between two
Ioman Catholic priests. Pnrras has two par-
Ihes , one administered by Flther Brlonel
and time other by Father FlorIs. Jealousies
" have for a long time Ixlsted between them
over their relgious Iutes , TIIY met amid
Immollately engaged In deadly combat ,
Drloneu Is cylng amid jorls Is In prIson To
add to the sensaton It IS said a woman . was
the cause or the tragedy.
-o -
HIIll on time ICOIA If lilt trcltet Femit
nmSTO. Tenn" , Jan. 11.-J. Walace' '
Hyams , Imown all over the world as the
Baleunel ) , 'N. C. , rIot fakir , die at the scene
or the sUPJose riot several days ago or pnel-
nioni lie leaves a wle and child. The
miter ) ' lyams started two years ago was that
ICy men hall been Ile ! In a riot at the
little town In time North Carolina mountains ,
It was telegraphed everywhere. Its falsity
was not discovered for several days
< .
( hll lItter ' Is I Very , flight .
IAIKEISIUHG , W.'a. " , Jan. n.-The
sltuaton here today I mrmord alamlng than
at any tmo dnrn ! the 100d , 'fhe Ohio Is
tllrtr-se\'en } feet above low water mark at
noon , amI rising rap11Iy. ! \ mills , and Cac-
torles on the south side Ire sUbmergell
, Lcckimort. Newport and Ilverslle , suburbs ,
are 100ele < , anti many families have been
driven , to higher grounds 1.umbermen cati.
mate their losses at 250:000 : ,
lulll' ; I Slt him tile TJID trh'nl 1 IIAlls I
NgW YORK , Jan i1.-4Ieorge Gould was i
seen today In reference to'the telegrat stnt-
big thut a memher or his ramly was try-
ing to lease I theater In ) .onlon for time
Ilrelentaton of burlesque.
: Ir. Gould denied the report so far as' his
fammmiiyvcre eoncernL' , 111 said : "Our
family , Is not going Into the theatrical buel-
nest' . . - .
l'I "III'rA Were Jimmlil ) ' Slmikemm ; .
KANSAS CITY , Jan jj-Iittween 7 and . 8
o'clocl this morning a switch engine In the
Hannllnl yards colldel iiiitl 1 nn incoming
Wubash passenger train' and Engineer C.
Woolman was 1lel , unl J. H. Nettles , time
freman , was fatally Imurt Time passengers
on the Wabash were badly Ihalen up , but
non were hurt.
- . '
Wnr 11 1.1\ \ lug' i'mcttmres.
IENVlMt , Jan n-The Arapahoe county
Womun's Christian TClperano , union has
adopted resolutions lenounclng the ' xhthlton
or "iivlng ! Illctures" now being given In thi
city , and a committee , has \Iecn appointed to
abk the city council to suppress such specta-
ces. - .
ces.1 mIl I nf "ollll : : . : Ve"st'ls , . imimtmmmry ; II ,
At New York-Arrived-filbe , from lire-
At San Franicisco-Depamted-tTiiitemi
StateS steamshll : lohlc3l , for Iuet
Soumid. ;
At New YorkArrIv'dParis , from
Soumtmamnpton ,
\1 Jnvlc-Arrlved-lmamul from New
Oriemimni ,
allot of Polce of Memphis Thinks le las
South Dnkota's ' Robber ,
Uevelollients Show tmt time Stnto'n' : lt
Only " , 'steIRlenly 10bhl , blt
Jondsllnero lnnbIC\ l'ut
l'ropory ( Out of Iteaeh ,
PIERRE , S , D" , Jan 11.-Special ( Tele-
gramn.-Time ) chief or police has reeeiveel a
teltram rrom Iemlhls statng tmt he has
undtr arrest n man nnswerln the 11cscrlpton
or w , W. Taylor , the leraultng state treasurer -
urer , anti asking for irmstructiomia. Attorney
Generl Crawford wired to hell time prlsoncr
for llentfcton ,
The leglslntlre today appoint a joint com-
mlssloll to Investgnto time deralaton In the
treMurer's omce. Time commission consists
of Senators Pease , Bo'co nll McGee ' amid
Hepresentatves OOll , liarron , Dc cto\'cr ,
Holnqlist anl I.ucas. They will nt elide
begin n thoroulh Investgaton. The legislature -
turo called on time auditor anl Public exnm-
liter to report at once on their omcea.
'Tho Taylor Incdent now bids fair to In-
volvo some or the other state onclnls , Inl
there are wol Ilefned rlmors or some revela-
tons to ba made which will show a condition
only less shocldng titan the treasurer's ele-
flicatons , 1 Is understood that another of-
clnl , having the custody ) or very larS sums
of state mmiommey , was concernel with Taylor
In the bglnnln , antI that he has mlsusCI
the runels In ni t'lal ) Illegitimate iminmimmer
I Is likely that R condition of rotenless will
be discovered which wi shako the state ns
oven the story of Ta'lor's downfall has not
I Is now Imown that during the panic
the state flnds were used to bolster UI the
private affairs or various state offIcials
and that thereby IOt only were the stlte
amid school boards deprived of the use or the
, mmommey which the statute gave them , but
time state lost a large sum In Interest , anti
as a result or this legltmnte conduct has
now lost thin OOOOo .
I Is rumored'tini the public exnmlner will
le arrested lnl his bent men slcd for the
Taylor loss. Time statute provltes thnt time
examiner shal examine the various county
and state trensurers' affairs nt stated Inter-
vnls anti Ir he fnd them nt all out of the
way ho shnl nt once proceed to take
possession or the office , and bring about an
accotmnting . nnl shll hold the olellng
officIal unt the irregularity Is mnde gOOl ,
When It was frst Imown that Taylor had
been I defaulter Mr. Myers , the public ex-
nmlner , was very talkative and discussed
time mnter In detail with many people , one
or whom was The Dee correspondent. He
declared that about I month ago he examined
the treasurer's ofce and having balanced
time books called on Taylor by letter for
his certIfIcates or deposits , tub funds being
In time solo custody or time treasurer and
there being no books In the omce to show
where they were deposited . Taylor wrote
an evasive reply anti treated the repeated
reports tC the examiner In the same way.
Myers state that he at th tt " likame
strongly suspicious oC a shortage , but sup-
posed It was comparatively smul , and that
the treasUrer would to mise enough
money to male I good before the expiration
of hIs term , which' would come In three
weeks lie , therefore dM notimng lut was
surprised when the default became public.
Had he , at time time he conceived this suspicion -
picion , prompty brought Taylor to book , time
state would have saved fully $250,000. At
that time all the money sInce. stolen was In
the treasury , and Taylor was given tIme . to
draw Into his own hands and get awa)1 with
it , 1yers , having thus neglected his plain
duty , and time state hnvlng , by his acton , lost
$250,000. good lawyers believe that ho .Is
crIminaly liable , amid that his bondsmen can
le held for time amount oC their bonds I
Is rumorcd thal ho wi 11 arrested In a
few days.
'fho theory or Tnylor's course has changed
fomewhaL sInce 'estenlny. I was expected
by all Limo officials thnt when ex-Governor
: Ieleto arrived last evening , he would bring
a propositon from time bondsmen to sete ,
Time day the default was discovered , Melete ,
who ws on the bonl for $ 5OOOO , wired rrol
Lafayette , Ind" , tlm. homo or Taylor's fmmtimer
tmt he was on his way here , and not to
attach any property until he arrived that he
woull turn over every thing anti would fix up
the shortngo. le arrived this morning , but
It appears that he represents himself ulone
'le , however , tells some Interesting tales ,
which throw considerable light on the acton
or Tlylor.
-About two years ago Taylor loaned Melele ,
then governor of t.m state $ [ ,000 , und
1elelo gave him as securiy I warranty
deeel for nIl or his property , real and per-
sonul to time Imount oC $ OOOO. This was
not ihimicovered. A few months ago Tlylor
asked for the money , nnll stated that le was
hard pressed and must have It. Melele
went to Boston anti secured the money by
making a new but simiar deed to parties
there , anti was about to turn over the money
to Taylor when the crash canoe , Yesterday
ho learned that Taylor had recorded the deed
anti hnd mortgaged the property for its ful
value . and the two leeels were placed on
record Wednesday nIght , time day after time
deCalcaton became known This bankrupts
1elete and dellrlvos the state of any chance
of recovering from him as bonilsinan lie
has , however , given time nlornty general a
ful list oC his property , and the state has
already n\aehed and wi contest the dced
ulven hy Taylor
Meleto hut a conference wlh Taylor In
Chicago on the )2th oC December , and they
were nt time seine hotel with I.eppelman or
Gettysburg , In whoso bank Taylor lost most
or his money , anti one or time heaviest bondsmen -
men , who ! ' now believed to have been
cognizant oC the neton ut the tme , 1elotto
also states that Taylor Informed him that
time real cause or his troubles began wih
his connecton wlh ) .eppelman's banl at
Gettysburg early In )89 : .
DurInI the panic Taylor was besought to go
to time aid or the bammk Ho was urred to do
so In order to avert Its closing nnii therely
prevent I general breaking or banks In the
state and a ruin or a people. lie 11ll so , but
some tmo afterwards dlbcovrell tlat the
bank was In much worse condition than lie
hall slpposed , 0111 II order to save what he
had limit In hI Ilut , up GOOOO more hut even
this dl not prevent the failure , which came
three months ago . All or this was state
money Taylor received a large amount or
real estate , merchandlso stock amid other
property anti a short time ago alempt'11 to
organize a fYllcate In , IllinoIs to sel It
Short hfore the bank closed he had ur.
ranged ) to sell time property for UO.OOO , but
the deal fell through. Iclng unable to get
help , he found himself lhort $100,000 , and ,
seizing everything III sight . feel , ills losses
on other deals during th3 past two years have
cost hln flly al mnucim Before lIe heft lie
Illacell a full 110rtgs on /I oC his properly
or all kinds , fO that the state cannot recover
anything from It. I Is also understood no\
that most or his hO'd men mire free , ha\'lnl
received R tip or what was to halJen , Ex.
Governor Melete believes that ho will 110
able to break the deed by which Taylor
rraullulentiy sold his proprlY , amid will Ilay
the stats about $20,000.
\\'uruel : lilt : I' York : 1'\111. .
U'IC.N , Y. Jan. 11.-The defaulting
treasurer of South Ialota. " ' . W' . Taylor ,
hal been a frEquent visitor to thlK city , and
marrIed the sister ot t1.8herJ nlnell\t ot
Verona A large numller of P ' ( 'llio In this
vl III ) ' Invett-d through Taylor In South
Dakota securities.
Execution : iga'mmsI ' 'yllr'A Ir iperly ,
NEWTON , m" , Jan , 11.-Executions and
attachments aggregating lMrh' $ , ( ) were
levied on tw ( 'hiemugo \nnte t : Inll-
fnturn rompntl1 1IIInt her todal " . The
com\nny IR 1 coportQn orgmuimizetl unlr
the InwR of South Jakotn , W. " ' . Taylor ,
holder. time defntmltlmmg treasurer , lelng u stock-
holler.I.S IlaN : I O\\'N 1UI A \ 'tn ,
Clllton of lakot&Treatim.v SI NewR
. \rolnd the Stntl 111' (
SIOUX CITY , Jan 11.-fl . \ \ ' . Miller ,
UnReil States district ntore ) ' for time tilt-
trlct or South lakota II aim Interview hero
concerllG ox-State Treaaumrcr Tn'lor's short-
age . , . said : "I have learned thnt Taylor has
verr little , I al ) ' , or time mon y talel rrom
the state by lmlmmi Taylor Is not the only
mal to blanme It was Iown II slate hOlse
circles ns Ion ! as a year or two ago , whcl
his accounts were 10t what they shol\l be ,
cud there was n celermllell effort 11110
first to renomilate him 1111 thou to secure
the 10mlltol or a mll frleldly to hlil
II order to cover hIs tracks , "
hl\rl"1118 nt 1111011.
ngDFn ) , S , n. . Jmtmi l1-Atlvieeu . ! cc-
ceh'eel here II 1 Ilrl\Ite letter frm New
York would 1)lcatc that a Ilnrt ) rl'11rc-
seltn Taylor' RIJICRt ! I meetnJ or honelK-
men nt the (1l'cmtt NOlothern hotel II lhll'IIO
Jnlunr ' 17 to consider 11 settletmiciut. 'i'ime
llhmhireSSiOmi 11'e\lls helo thnt ' 'ii'Ior I" not
omit of this countr ) ' , hi Is In imimhlmig , vmmit-
InJ 11 comllroll e which iu'lli relIeve hi"
wi \
Ionlpmen , 'rho lelloRlol1 IC time batik hel.1 .
I meetng tonight to ellpIPS whlt action 10
tithe In reglrd to time - closed banl
V.I T2'I.lil.v2' - J'JfOlZ.1tl.VICO. - '
O"er I'lt ) . 'I'imn.mttimmi : Crlooetl time Inrdcr
lit Three Mummmtims .
KANSAS CITY , Jan 11-Thin cattle trade
between Mexico I and time United States Is
fully Ute expectations as to time nlmber of
cale comln lien , . Colonel Albert 1)timim ,
agent or time bureau oC animal 11lustr ! ) ' for
the southwest , has just comillet his report
of the number of catUe that has crossed the
border lute the United Stats from Se\ttm-
ler 28 , when the shl.Jments Ir.t commencell ,
to ecember 31. I shows that 45S90 cattle
were atmltel from Iexlco Al or those
hun. were from time state or Senor amid Chlhua-
Prom time state of Ccahula ( an affected
district ) 21,0i cattle crossed time border.
Deoldes this It Is thought GOOO more Immure
como II since tIme first or the year , maltng
time number oC Mexlcnn cattle aelmllOI Into
the country over 50,000.
ASK AN I.11I'.tIfl'I.tL fliWIIrFJf.
Colorado Legisimutmiroltjortms to time Hoard
Control un II time Dii I'ael lie ,
DENVER. Jamm , ll.-I3otim branches of the
legislature have adopted time joint relolutiomm
'hmich originated in time house imistrmmctimmg
time state senators anti representatives hi
congress to resist tiny legislation lookimmg to
time reorganizattomm of the I'aclflc rQads and
tlemnamiduiig an immilependent receiver for time
Union Pacific railroad on time ground timat
time present board of receivers represents time
interests timat , wrecked the lJnlomm Pacific.
.fl.lIfIXJ IRItT S1TTLEI ) ,
LlmlUltlatiOmm ] lmms lit i.mtat lIven Formmalmy
Coiiciuled lii Londuim.
NEW YORK , Jan. 11-TIme Evening Post's
financial cable from London says : Time Bar.
ing liquidation lmas been fornmally and finally
concluded. A circuiar will be issued tommigimt
thanking tha guarantors and rehii'eimmg thorn
from all further hiabhllties.
' ' - - . , "a ' " ' ? . . , , ,
viLl Sticaut hll 1.1Cc km jail ,
'VINSflOltO , Tex. , Jan. 11.-Peter Hall ,
colored , who was to have been imanged today
at Quttnman , time county seat. of timis ( Wood )
county. was respited by Govermmor Iiogg , amid
time penalty comnniuted to life imprIsonment ,
Hall anti several prisoners broke jail. Jailer
Wagner hmursued hall amid wimbn overtaken
hall struck time jaIler over time head with a
stick of wood amid killed lmhmu , lie iu'as tried ,
commvlcted , nimul imis case appealed to time su-
preflie court. The court nfllrnmed time case , an ]
Ito was sentenced to be hmamiged Jammuary 11.
SocIety Iacliet VmImI bit time I'imper.
ATLANTA , Ga , , Jan , 11.-TIme Atlanta
Journal imas teimdereml Its issue of time l4tim of
February to time womuan's board of time Cotton -
ton States and International exposition anti
time tender has been acesmitemi with timamiks
and enthusiasm , Time ladies will take entire
chmarge of the paper timat day. Mrs. Jotepim
Timomupsomm , president of time woman's board
and mm ocla1 leader In Atlanta , will be inan
aging editor and her assistammts wIll ho time
niost promInent socIety ladles of time city.
l'rcsldt'mmi , ' .Vmms Sot Fi'eo.
PhILADELPhIA , Jan. 11.-In time case
of Mortimmier II , Miclceley , prosidemit ; Fred-
ericlc habit , manager , and Joimn 'F. Antler-
semi , formnean of time Pennsylvania Steel Cast-
lug and Machine comnpany ci Chester , cimarged
wltim conspriacy anti fraud in smipimlying gumm
castings to time governiiitnt , Commissioner
iblil decided that time cimarge against Presi-
demit Mickel y had mint. imeen , naile omit and ime
was discharged. Ilaldt. and Anilerson mucre ,
imowever , e.ich hiciti 1mm $10,000 bali for trial.
Lmnmnimt ; immtertnminms , ln , , , Jmffersoo ,
WASHINGTON , Jrmn. lI-t3ecretnry of
War Lmmmnommt gave ii. dinner tonight 1mm
honor of Joseph Jefferson , anti time nmumsern-
bingo of gumemits is lIkely to create as nmmmcim
surprise as timeni emmiorimbie dimmer at time
wimile imomise 0. iveclc since. b'emator , hill ,
ex-Spealter 'I'imomas Ii. Iteemi and Itepre-
semitmmtive9lsomi wemim hmm'eemit , Time other
gmmemmtm4 were Seimators Simem'mun anti hawley ,
Secretary Cmirhisle , A ttornmmy aenermul Olney ,
time' Mexicami mninmimtter , Itepmemsentative Everett -
ott of Aimmsaaahmusetts , Joimim 13. henderson
and 'rimonnats Nelsomm ,
- *
Sour Yurlc Piii'aiitiire Imouso liurimemi ,
NE\\ ' YORK , Jan. 11.-Time fmmrnltmmre ca-
tmmblisimmnent of Jordan & Morlrity , extendummg
fromn 20 to 211 Park 110w , wes imatlhy ulamnageti
by fire today , W'hiemm time Iianmmes lied beemm
extinguished time damage was eatlmmmateil at
$75,000 , Time Imiaze started in time basemnemmt
of time maimm buildlmmg , Mr. Moriarity says hilt
loss wait snore thou $75,000 , timougim It is ca-
tlmrmuteii' that a timirti of hum lost was on time
buildimmg. 'l'ime domingo was fully insure-i ,
vi lhimuimm I loiimi of I I milton limutl.
1cEAhtNEY , Nob. , Jmmmm , 11-Speclmmi ( 'role-
gram-Williamo ) hone of GIbbon , one of time
oldest settlers of time coummty , tiled sumitieniy
of heart failure last , miglmt wimile attending
uniomi immeetirig in the Uimitc'mi l'rcmtbyterl'an
cimtircii , Mr. blame has broim a rmronoimment
lmrolmibitionizt , and was a candidate for coim.
gross omm timat ticket last fell , lie was one
of time beet known alit ] hIghly respected mien
in time county.
Cars , tr , , httiiimming mu , IJgmal ,
FOIIT WAYNE , Intl. , Jan , 11-Owing to
milasatisfaction whim one of time forcmoemm at
thmo barn antI time discimarge of four mmmen , a
general strike on all time street car lines of
limits cIty iu'as ordered at it immeetimmg or time
mtreet car eimmlmioyes ummion last mIghmt , , to go
Into effect at 4 o'clock timis iimorimimmg. Only
thmrc-o looms obeyed tito order of time union
timis , niornlmmu , amid all time cars are rummriing
as usual.
'ngc4 itt 'rum I'iuuI. , % % 'mmrmtermm.
l1IT'i'HiIIJIIQ , Jan. 11-A commferemmco of time
tin iilato mmmammufacttmrers anti vorkers wiil be
hold at time Moaongmimela hmouso in this city
hmlonmd.iy , at wliehm ; an attempt um'iil ho immatie
to imetlle tima wLme ( iuestlomi , 'rime chmammces for
a settlement are fmtvoraimle , hut it is under.
stood time uirclsiomm reacimeti will oimly affect
( hose mnantmfacturers amid workers wimo at.
teimtl time mneetimmg ,
'tried to 'miIht emi ii itotten 1101mm. .
VIOTOII1A , B. C. , Jam , . 11-Alfred Iugay ,
a ligiit rope walker , attemnhmtemi to walk fronts
topniabt to topmimammt omm time steammier Islander
iii time presence of several tlmousand people ,
'i'hme gmmy ropes were rotteim and gave way , lie
is etiii unconscious amid may die ,
Senatorial Rebe's ' Led by Crane Overtbrdv
the Dictatorial Qnartet.
.i liitmri t y ' .V Ii I I I mute , oimmo Simour I it Sima iii ii r
] .egimmitl.iiCommmmmmlttco icimcultmIe .tlso
itetited ImOrtirt , ltuiiig itoportcui
for Flimat Actiummi.
LINCOLN , Jan. h1.-Speoial.-Time ( ) dig.
Imity of time semimite , wimlcim ivas tuommmewimmtt
rumflieil ) 'esterdmmy aftermmoomm hI' time revolt ol
eluveim republican semmatmrs ammd time temmilmor-
nmry remIt of time l'olme.MdICessoim.\'jit.
50mm commmbitmtutiomm , resimmimeti its accmmstommmcd
seremmity this forcmmoomm'imemm time sensate ad.
jouirmmeti last e'emmiimg time tu o semmatorlmul
factlomms faceil each otimer vitim tveimty seima.
tort lmmmtier ( lie lead of C'rmumme , mmmiii timirteomu
tiimtier time bnmmmmer \\'atsomm , McKessoim timid
I'epo. Time tlmlrteemi left time Eoiiate cimmutmiber
commfiulemmt timutt before limormmimmg time ) ' woumiml
s'iiilt time rebellious repuiblicamma back lute
hue , miepri'o Crane of nimy elmmuirmmmammsimip to
\i'hmicim Ito iiiigimt aspire , and resumimme control
of immatters gcmmermiliy ivimemm thin sommato ro-
comuvemmeti timis mimorimtimg. As time imigimt wore 4
nivmmy , however , time task of wimipiiimmg time
obstreperoums rcimmmbllcamms back imito time cmummmp
Provetl iimtmcim mimore forimmitiabio timmmmm imimit
beemi aniticipated. Every Imostiblo imilimiemico
ivzus brotmgumt to imear umpoim time uliammffecteti
repubhicmumms , ' trusty emimissary wmmmm evemu
cmmt to Asimlamd omm mu stock traumi nut 1
o'clock timis mmmoriming to oxplaimi time situma.
tiomu to frlemmtls of Semmator heimr of Smitmntlera
coummityvltim imistrimetiomms to lirimig back to
Limmeolmi sonm a mmmimm , vimo commid limmi I a strimm
attacimetl to Lelmr , lii time mmmeammtimmmo two
relmumbiicmmms of time bzuckbommo stripe u'cmmt
o'er to tIme emmeimmy , ostemmsihmly mutt recruits ,
buit really nit ageimts to report back to time
anti-ring imemmtiqmmarters at time Llncolmm ,
Vm'lmemm oIl imimti beemi tiumm thmo two Imuctions
ttooti it ; to ic , nccordummg to time \Vnmtsomi
cotmmit. lii reality there were still eigimtcen
senators tmmmder Crmmmme's lemutiersitip , with
Senator Gray Iii iii imis roomu , Fiimtiimig timeir
case imolteless. tIme Vm'atson-MciCessoui-l'opo
comnbimmo requmesteti three ommtsitlerm to no-
gotitmte witim Crane for peace , Time diplo-
inatic task uu'us emitrmmstod to 13111 l'mmxtomi ,
Casper Yost ar d Tonmm itemmtoim. Timeso mmmii-
imassatiors anti imiimilsters lmieimtlpotonitiary
asked for time terimma amid Crane stmbmmmittcml time
following lrolositlomm :
1. Thmrmt Dommglnmu cotmmitv siioimltl lm given
tIme places Ins time mhistribuuioii of tIme stmmmmdlmmg
committees timmit her Immmliortmtrmce mis mm relimib-
licmmmi cotimity In time Inst elec'tloiu emmtitieil imer
to. lie left time dimtribumtlomm cmmtim-c'iy lit time
imttiuht of time ciii cumnmmiittce.
2. 'fimat three imew rules simutmld be added
to thmosC m'ecornmmmenuletl by thai comimimmittee omm
rtmlem4 ; that one of these m-mmie3 slmomild be offered -
fered by Crrmmie mummd simotiltl prou'hlo that a.
call of time hmoumte mimight be orJcred wimemi
ntecoimtled by mmlmme mmmemmmhem't ntid not rmtim'eth
as 101mg ItS term mmiemuirnrs oimjecteui : timmit. time
otimer two cities imotmlui Ito offered by s -
Sprechmer , omme providing ( em' Palm-a and thu
other for recording the mmatmmes of senators
absent tmpon ceiimmiimttee work.
S Time , terms were finally agreed to by time
old ' &mnbine. not. witimQhmt a protest over time
pm'opositlomm for a call of tIm hmouiso. 'tlmis '
proposition was oxtrenlely olmnoxious to time
commimnittee on ruies , It imad iiumrposely do.
dimmed to report a rule provliilng for a cimli
of time house , timereby Intending to take away ,
the Inst vettige of protectiomm imifordeti to the
mnummorlty. fbi Cramme Immssteti ! anti mmii of imims
torimis were acceptemi. 'rime agreeimmemmt , uvas
carried into effect when time semmate convened
timla forenoon. 3
Timero was one itiiffiit evitiemmee of a dispost-
tion to kick cmi oimo of time ruica offered by
Sprecimer , relatIng to Paira. A roil call was
denimmmmtled amid time rule atiopteti by a vote - '
of 16 to 15 , with Limmtisay ( rclmmmimhlcan ) and.
Gray ( populist ) absemmt. Evcmi aulmmmittlmmg time
claim that himmulsay would have voted agmminmst
Crane , tIme fact. yet renmains that Semmator
Gray was reauly to commie to time tomato Iii a
closed carriage u'itimimm ten Jimimmutes If lilt
presence ivmms needemh ,
Crimmimi clalmmms to immure time immntter immmtler lilt
owls control frommi timis timmie omm. lie usmorts
timat lie can urork time seine combination at
any timmie dumrlnmg time session , Under thm mmouv
mule governIng time call of time house time
eight popuiistmu mmliii two repmmbllcammmm czmmm ii.
ways tlmrow time semmato Into a dentiloclt unless -
less time oppomsitiomu lit Present at all timimes tea
a hmmamm , At time very btst time Watson-Pope-
McKesson counhhmme cmmt emily commtrol sixteen
votes. ummless it cami win over an extra mmmamm 4
from time other attic.
Followimg tim time list of stanmlluig commm-
immittees reported to time miemmate mmmiii adopted
today :
.Jumilcinmry-l'ope , 'fefit , Cramie , hitchcock ,
Sloan , Llmmdsay , Cahtiwoil , Alters , Watson ,
Finmamico , W'ays cmiii Mennms-Graimmmnn , Teift , 4
\Vrlghmt , iiitcimcoclc , Iltilmim , Black , DressIer
Caimiwell , hmmle. )
Pmmbilc Lanmls amid flhmlidings-Teift , Mc-
lCeeby , MclCcssomi , 'Simmithm , imhack , iiressler ,
Sioamm , Saumitlerns , Itatimbun ,
Agriculture-Li mmtismmy , Sloami , Rmmtimbmmn ,
Ihrc'ssler , Mitchell , Noyes , Jettrles ,
I iigimways , Ilrldge mind Ferriea-Lehmr , Telfi ,
Cross , Noyes , Gray ,
Accommmmts timid Expemulitmmres-SteuferJIaimm ,
Lindsay , Smmmmntiors , Cahulwoii ,
Military A ffmmirs-lmVatsomm' Cross , flinch ,
Smimltlm , Sliredimer.
Mtiiiiclpai Affairs-liahmim , Cramme , W'rlghmt ,
Ihitchmcock , McKeeimy.
immtermmmml immmprovcmmment-Noyemm , Rathmbmmn ,
holbrook , hutch , Stewart ,
Scimool iammis mmmiii Fummilmm-ltatiibmmmm , 2mlitcim.
oil , Graimammi , holbrook , Jeffrleut ,
. l'mibhie i'rimmtimmg-Crosmm , MclCostuomm , Mc.
Kechy , lhitcimcock , l3lmrecimer ,
Etmrolietl ummmml Emmgrossemi Iilils-Caltiwoll ,
Sloan , , ihresuler , Crane , Mckossot , , Stouter ,
himmimim ,
Commmmtk's amid County hiomimmilurlos-Lehir ,
hinibronk , hirmmsier , Noyos , hummer ,
Ed ucatlon-Noyeiu , 1immmlsay , a n'aimam ,
Cross , Sloan , 'S
Library-Gray , Stewart , W'atsonm , Iolmr , -
holbrook ,
Cimmlmsms-lireT.mmler , ilitcimcock , Mckesson , ,
Crane , l'ohio ,
ilnmmmks ammml Curremmcy-Saminmders , Steimfer ,
ilinck , VrIgimt , ( 'ramme ,
italiroamlt-Mchcemmsoim , Pope , Tefft , Grmimanmi : ,
Ilaimmm , Alters , htatlmbumm Mciceoimy , Stouter ,
Misceiianeoumt Corporations-Cramie , Ilaimn ,
hlrcssier , l'oitoVmmtison ,
Stmm.o i'rimmom-hiiaclc , , MclCeeby , Crmmimaimj ,
himmlmmm , itcimell ,
University mmmmmi Normal Scimouml-W'rigimt ,
Watsoim , hhltciicock , Teift , itlcKeeiiy.
Commstltutiomialumnenmdmmmemmtms imnmm.i Federal
Itciutlons-Sloarm , Linulsay , 'rsfft , w'ntson ,
Wrigimt , l'ope , Crawtormi ,
Public Chmarltles-itnmthminmn , ? mlitcimehl ,
flinch , Steuler , Siewart.
i'rivlleges amid Eiectlonmmr-Sloon , Alters ,
Cahiweli , Cross , Lindsay ,
Live Stock and Grazimmg-tatimbumm , Much-
cli. , Alters , Leimr , laie ,
Misceiinimeotmmm Subjects-Mitcimeil , Stouter ,
Noycs , hlltchmcock , Smiiitim , I inhitrook , Leimr ,
Medical Socioties-McKeeby , Cross , Wright ,
Lirmmlumay , ilauer.
iimmmnigrutlomm-haie ) , Akers'rigimt , Mitch.
oil , flamier.
Mutes anti uiinerals-Canmimbell , Stewart ,
Crawford , Simredimer , Jefiries ,
Mmiimutacturers anal Cojmmmmerco-lioiiirocmk , ,
Crtmime , Cross , hfaimmm , Akers.
I.u.bor-iirnltht , Saummtlers , Sloami , ? mlcKceby ,
Lelmr ,
ltevemiue-ul ehfeelmy , Wrigim I , St outer ,
llnmitim , b'mummntlers ,
ituies-\'atsomm , l'ope , MeKessop , Gralmarmm ,
Soldiers' iiomno-Caitwehi ] , hilack , ( irnimam ,
Akers , Cross ,
lrrlgutlonm-Aimers , Black , Sniltim , Caidwehi , m
h'oe , Noycs.
Standlmig CommmimmIttees-Iopo , MeKessomi ,
hlmmbmtm , litcufer , liressier ,
Asylums , Immnlmtmmtritsi homes , Reform
ici'coit ' , home fo time Frlemmdieea aimml irmsti-
lute for Feeblt Minded Youth-hitchcock5