Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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, B . TIED OMAhA : DAILY ' BEE : 'ftJfUllSDAY ! , , TANlTARY 10. l8nG. . _
t _
The Mahoney Block Totally Destroye by
an Early Fire ,
Gnatlln , ratnhldtmcnt Suddenl1 Clulet
Wihout the AII ot the I.R\-lanka
; , J\ Their Ofcer ! tor the
1'cnrow ! ant ( ; llp ,
- Yealerlay morning an erIy fire totally de. I
stroyed the Mahoney block near the northwest
corner oC Twenty.Courth and N streets. I
Is estimated that the total loss wi be about
$8,00. The occupants oC the bllhing were
' J. Donnvan , paints and wall paper : , Thomas
Lamb , restaurant , and George leaver , sloon
and gllnblng rooms. '
From the beat accounts obtainable I seem
that the fire started In the restaurant from
the explosion ) of a gasoline stove , which was
placed ( lear the dumb walter shaft. The
flames shot up the dummy shaft and Inside of
r two mlnltes smoke was pouring from the iii > -
- stairs VIfldOWS Al alarm was sent to the
engine house and In an Incredibly short space
.1 . . of tme both hose companies responded anti
hal strCms of Water on the blaze. At first
c- Chief Smih directed his efforts to the fire II
the chop house , but seeing that the flames
: 'were spreading rapidly upstairs and breaking
. ou\ at the rear the chief at 6 o'clock sent for
. .tho lammon,1 , packing hOle lire company
Wih this udlltonal stream statIoned In the
t4 tear Chief Smith hoped to confine the llamas
' : to the Mahoney block , and In this ho was
- Tll building was an 011 Iwo.story frame
l . structure and was erected a good many years
George Dea\er , the gambler , occupleJ rooms
above the saloon and was In bed Isleep when ,
l the lames burst through Into the becon,1 , floor.
. lie was awakened by the racdns tmber !
. J ' und the smoke and had barely tle to es
cape before fire broke through the windows I
or the room ho had been occupying.
. As the wel dried \\001 caught great CIOI(18 ( I
L ot dense black ] smoke arose and then fell , ,
c mnldns It ( Ircult for the fremen 10 get
l about , as they could hardly see one another
' . When the fro fnaly ate its way througl ;
the roof and the supports fell there was a II I
crash and a great shower of sparks a 111 : I
' ; flames shot UII fuly fifty feet above the i
, buiMing. A gallant elort was made to 1
t pour enough water Into Dona\'an's paint shop
f to prevent the oils stored there from catchIng -
, lug fire , but the building was doomed Crom I
the start , nothlg could have savell It. 'ho 3
sccond floor soon fell , and It was then that t
; great apprehension was felt for surrounding
buidings , for hugo coulls of sparks , sOle
as large as a man's haml , fled the all and
1. ; , fell Upon the Ironic cottages to the north
ortunately none of these caught fIre , though
, to bo 01 the sato side the familIes Occup'lng
them hastily moved their goods to a place of
: The whole outh front of the buiding fell .
. - and the firemen holding the nozzles had a t
( narrow escape : from being struck by the
' burning timbers. HUndreds of men on their
. way to , worle In the stock yards and PacIc -
houses stopped to watcl the pacIng t
; . the fire , and for a tIme N street and the ,
west 81O ! of Twenty-ffh street were blac\ \ c
with people. Mayor Johnston and Council -
man Meis were on the scene early and remained -
mained until the fire was tinder control
Between the burned buIlding on the north
. anti the adjoining structure was a stairway :
and a heavy double plank wall . Chic
Smith placed a line ot hose at this stairway ,
and by hard work the fIremen prevcnted the
adjoining building from catching lire . though '
, It was hard work Dre\er & Sloan the
undertakers , occupied one ot the storet
, . Their stock or caskets and undertakers' sup ,
. . pl s was damaged by water and smoke , lmt
their loss Is fully covered by Insuranec
Next to the Mahoney building on the cast
stads a three.story brIck structure , the
McGnness blocl and the store room on the
J I west of this block Is occupIed by the Drover 'S
Journal. A slight loss by wnter was : the
, only damage done to the Journal office. The
basement ot the ( ltcGuness block rapidly
; ' fled with water. Donavan carried a stocle
' , worth ubout $4,000 and $ lOO Insurance.
, . Tom Lamb the restaurant keeper , wi
. lese about $ 00. Dcnver carrIed $1.000 Insurance , L.
. ' suranco on his saloon stock and fixture s
. and wi lose about $1,000 The fixtures In I
- the gamblIng rooms and In Deayer's apartments L.
ments were not Insured
In speallr.g about the fire thIs morning
. Chief Smith said : "This Is the third fix
In this building In the , last three years Each : ;
. other tIme we caught It before any great
. dan'age was done The building was an old
rattle trap and when the flames got a start ]
c I knew we could not save it. "
! I. Mahoney carried $3,000 Insurance on
. the building , which Is a total loss
Innlr8 Elect ( Ocor .
, ' An election of officers of the South Omaili
' National bank was held yesterday afte r-
noon. The result was as follows : J. I.
? ihillard . president : Truman Buck . vice itres I'
dent : II. C. Bostwlcl , , cash lor : If , C. Mier : ,
I assistant cashier Directors : J. II. Millari t1 .
Truman Buck , I. C. Iloetwbck . Guy C. Ila r-
1 ton , Ed , \ . CudallY , A. C , Foster and Charles
. I. hirown
t e , ! fhe Union Stock Yards
" National bax tic
. elected the following ofcers : John A M Ic-
" Shane , president ; \V. A. Paxton , vIce utrea 1-
, : dent : Thomas D : , McPherson , cashier : John )
I' ' . , L Carson , assistant cashIer Director 8 :
. John A. lcShane , , Philip Armour , jr. , J. A.
Creighton herman Kountz , 1" . II. Davis ,
I , \V. N. Babcock , W. A. Paxton , W. H. 1eg- :
: quler , Thomas n. McPherson.
- -
Magic CRy : ( iOI5II ) .
'Vllam Bauer left for laran ] , Ia. , yester-
A day. .
. r east W . N. Babcock heft last evening for the
. Councilman llcnry lels has gone to Silv er
- City , la" , on bus In oS. . SI\'cr
rliss Sarah Martin has returnC1 from a
: ten days' visit wih friends In Chicago.
I . Oregon Ildnoy ' 'ea cure alt kIdney trout
j r bios Trial size , 25 coats . All druggists.
Hayden Dros' . ad Is on page 5.
. . .
dtx..t ) U.vJIxIl.viw.
, . -
I "Tho Country CIrcus" wi be the attra LC-
ton lt the 10yd this evening , , and Toe lie
three succedll' ' ; eYtnlngs , with mathlo Sat-
urday This organization , behhles givIng an circus Ilerformance nixil at
anc a 10st
' , Plusing and refreshing rural epuiedy , gives ,
.c' n most mar\cloll Parades salt ) to bo over
, hal a tulle In length This parade has ci re-
atell a great deal of discussion as to how It Is
- managed , for It seems that ther arc more
I , . pcille and horses 3111 chal'lots , elephants and
. , Qthcr animals that pan In view oC the cix ill-
$ cnce than can , 11csslbl ho gotten on the . tai , , o.
Itl thIs IH done , 111 as to thc inodus op r-
auth. sro shall 'still have to keep . guessii is.
Beltles the herds of Shelanl Iioniel tutu the I
funny donkeys , doge , tile , they have addel : I u
troupe of gelulno Arab thletes under the I
dIrection ot SIc lasFan lieu Al , This troupe
' or Mcorxx was the out that crt'atetl such I
: aenlatln at the \Vorhtl's fair Iuclana : Tate ill ,
the lyllg serpent , Is another foreign attn : mc :
ton that hal Just becix brought to this count ) , .
' ' 'I'Jio whlenedfueel ) ! clown of our bo'hood
ta)1 will b . exemplified br Wiy ! Conr iii.
Muldoon , the wrestling IIOIY , who creates 5U
' Ilch nuuselncnt , . Is still wih thu "Cuuntr ) '
Clrcu " and IIs Its saute fotlr.ttll.bol Utmt
with the ' . Cour.fal.boutl
wih iboixy.coluredgexitlejxxan , Juno ,
In the IHut of Jell ) es1011 In Ihe play ,
"A True American " which Is now bplnH
played by John I. . SullIvan , Mr. Sullivan his I
. pn o\ol'lunly 10 show how much adl'alee.
' . ment ho hai ' ) mettle In hil dramatic 'al e r.
The part , that of u gentle maul ) ' land cv er-
seer . ivhto h ) ' his quick tJoujht onll act Ion
I critical 10ments , proves himself to bo the
true frIend In neel who Is a friend hittleed .
calls for qillct , forceful actIng , the entire ab-
tenCe of bluster or ran being P marked
chal\cterltc ) , ,
The four.nlght engagement at the Jlplr (
cOlmendn ! Suntlay matinee , Jaluor' 13 , wi
be Mr tIUhiiVttfl'd - last - ' - apparance In thlla elt3.
' JIt u flros' , ld , Is . on page . .
_ _ _ _ _ -
' , , ' .
l'UI1 l "nlluIItrh.
Sanlu\1 , , Jeweled wutch ( , valued at ' 2,50
I which IP stolen at the Millard hotel In
this $ city iabt t week , bas been reconred.
, It wait found In n pawn shop In Chicago
. and the smttei' was rel1orte\ aL once tl tM I
i:2 :
local police authorities . Snndow has also
been notified . al0
beeM - ,
M r . J. D. Foster , who has for several years
been connected with the well known Insurance
agency of ii. E. Palmer & Son , has become a ,
Inembr _ of the firm , which will b known In :
the future as 11. E , Palmer , Son & Co. '
The Inrlntol lonte l'craonatly Contluetct
senrslonl ,
To California leav Omaha every Thursday
moT rning.
Throlgh to San l'"rnnclsco and Los Angeles
wit hout change.
Cheapest anti best way of reaching any
point In Colorado , Utah or California .
Tickets anti advertising mater at 1324 Far-
nam street. M. J. fOWLING ,
City . Passenger Agent
layden Dros' . ad , Is . on page G.
C.nlrnl I.nlor Vnlon Will Not Ask for n
"I'eelnl 1.air ,
The .Omaha Central Labor union hell a
regular locating last night In Paterson hal ,
and trnnMcted cOsldcrable busIness of I
publc nature.
Chairman J. n. Schupp called the meeting
to order anti the
following new delegates
were admltel anti given the usual obhiga.
ton : Fred Shubel and Hobart Mel'ttnnor of
Carpenters al1 Joiners Inlon No 421.
The commlteo on arbitration submltell a
report showing aU the business In Its hands
beln settletl. Is
The following delegates ] were electel ( to reple
re sent Omaha Central Labor union at the
meetn of the State Federation of Labor ,
which convenes at Lincoln on Saturday January -
uary 1hV. : . S. Sebring , M. J. lcCarty anti
i. I H. Overall. .
A eOllunlcaton was receIved Crom the
American Halway union aclmowledglng the
receillt of $ [ 0 from the Central Labor union
donatell for the Debs defense fund , AccompanyIng -
panyIng the acknowledgment was a state-
mcnt of tIm cases now being handled by the
A. H. U.
Sonic tIme was spent In a discussion of
the various new hulhlngs now being Pro-
posel , and a special committee was appointed
to , see these , who contemplate erecting build-
eectng buid-
Ings and try to persuade them to employ
union labor In the construction . cm1110)
A protest was orlerell sent to the county
commissioners against allowing the county
printng to the South Omaha Printing cotuli
Ilan ) ' on the grollls that the nrm eml110ys :
nonunion c01osltor8.
The following resolution was discussed for
some tmo and finally voted down. :
Heoh'ed , That the Omaha Central Labor
union favors the pnsslge of nn arbitration
hil by Ito Nebraska legislature. arbiraton
The ralro:1 telegrxsphters through a com-
tit ittee , asked the assistance of the Central
Labor union tl hell them secure the pas-
sale oC a bIll Introduced by their unIon
Arer a brief statements ot time facts the law
co mmittee was Instructed to render all assistance -
si stance possible to the telegraphers union I
In securing the passage oC their measure.
The following resolution was Introdueell I
hy E It Overall anti unanimously adopted :
Resolved That the Omnhn Central Labor
union Is In favor of the passage or n law b '
the loglslatlre In favor of the county ant t
mlnlellll owner8hlp of water worIcs , dcc.
trlc lightIng Illants and the constructiot I
of cauals for said Imrposes
Sl'PPcl UII I I Is Iit.
The many fl'len,19 of Edward Walsh ,
who hal been for a number of
y ears past employed as travelng
a gent . for the National Life In -
surnce company of Vermont will be glut
to lear that Mr. \Yalsh has been promoted I
to the positon of malinger of the western
department of that compal ' , the appoint
ment tnltng erect on January 1 , 1S95. Mr .
\Vllsh has nit his Issoclnte In the manage -
rent of the conipany's business here
Georgp P. . PUlpel ' , the former cashier ot
the t concern . _ _ _ _ S _ _ _ _
I"ntor CClulotCrs flamice.
Ehes'ntoe' Concuctors union No. 51OS gave
Its second nnnual bal at Patterson's hal I
last I night and enjoyed a pleasant evenIng
at tlanclng The committee on arrange
ments was I if. Boyles , Gcrg Austi a '
and Charles 1 , . larte ; master of ceremonies I ,
H. II. J3oyles. The hal was well hIlled wIth
danccrs und nIl seemell to enjoy the sporl
' .ho program consisted of twenty-four choice ;
. elections and fInished with "Home
selectons Inlshed , Sweet
h ome. " .
. p
Veteran ( . 'Iromen Elect litllcprs. '
The Veteran Flremen's association hell Is\
annual meeting last night and received ant1
d xamlned the reports ot the secretary IHl
treasurer. These reports were referred to' '
the board of trustees , and . owing to the
smal attendanc . the election or olcers for
the ensuing year was postponed untIl In I
Apri C. H. ) Courtney was elected to 1
membership _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ ' _ _ _
l'ElI80X.IL l'.tI.1 Gl.1 1'18.
James Bergman leaves for New York to-
day .
D. G. Spencer or Kansas City Is a Darker
suest. _
n , B. Richardson ot Hannibal Is at the :
F. Klrkpatrlelt of alrbury , Neb. , Is at the
Barker .
Adolph Pentz , a Chicago knight ol the I
gip. Is at the BarJcr.
IL.V. . Drlnlley , manager ot J , IC. Emmot , ,
Is quartered at the Darller.
Dr. E. D. Ard left last night for u ten
days' trip to Chicago and New York.
At time Mercer : G. Gallagher , Ilnsas
City : A. M , hendrick , Toculseh i W. L. Pat il ,
Lincoln : II , ii. Ochaborg , Lincoln : I. C.
Cot ] , Sioux City ; L. L. Buchanan , Sioux
City : I I. Chopin , Sloan Ia. : J. 1 , V.
Murphy , Sloan , la ; ( lrs. H Taylor. Wulnut ,
la , : O. J. Hclarl , Lincoln ; C. E. Axle II ,
Hastngs : J. M. King , Duo Springs : N. n ,
Treat Fremont ; D. 1' . Demont. LIncoln ; T. H :
Whlttulcr ' , I.arton , Neb. : W A. Woodson ,
Peoria Ill , : George F. lelno , 100pers :
Gorge Mauel Milford : Hoary Asp , Bonnln t-
ton ; 1. F. Hedmon , Osceola , Ia : Wilam
Juthehon , Auburn ; \Vllilam nngge , I als
City ; B. S. Barrington. Oakland ; J. W.
Ancerson , Oakland ; J. G. Ilililobrantl. Ci a-
clnnat : J , C. Edmnumidsoti . Cuncl Dufs :
D. C. Schder. Corning . 10. ; F. P. Gay ,
Cornlnl Ja : I. Bnford , Lincoln : F. M : ,
hale , Chicago : I. F. Gilbert , Calhoun : I. ,
Clahen , Calhoun ; II , C. Stayer St. 1,0uls :
0. I. Swingley Beatrice : C. F . Osbor 'ii ,
Darlngton : O. l , Iluston . Shlcltbcy : Thomas
1,111lncot , Blair : C.V. . EntItle , Genwo d.
la. ; B , 'loller . Clyde : I flrlfllth , . Chlcagoj ) ;
C. W. Sprout Creston Ia. : Fretl Echtehlmmp : ' ,
Arlington : larry McDonald Chicago ; It.
Col en , Chicago : B. 1 Wlosy , Chicago ) : :
I ) . S. Borland , Clra , Fia. : n. J. Quean ,
Auburn ; C. C. Campbell . Iangdon : J. T.
Johnson : Hoclport : J. F. Myer and wlCe : ,
Portland , Ore. : D , L Crcwlcl' , Beloit , Jan : t. :
larry Schilckatlantz . St. Paul ; E , L. M'ers ,
Ncwllort ; Mathison , Piger.
Nuhnii'.Ittmii , nt lie IIotIt. '
At the Puxton-S , M. Nevins and Georuo
\ \ Frank , jl' , Kearn1) ' .
At the Murmaiy-A. G. Wolfenbarger , Lincoln -
coln ; J. U , llthesln , Piger.
At the llhl I-I ) . : Iiiler , Norfolk ; r. C
Ielh ) , North Plate ; S. ( Norfolq \Iex/nder ,
Charles t. . llgoonnd J. J. Pershing / , 1. ' in.
coin Frank . '
: l. Northrup , \\1)1
At the Merchxunts-E. Il. 11mm , Iasse it :
W. B , iasethmitmn. 110iton I. Irlln : , Ba8Rct : ,
l 'telslmr ( : Jolt1 ! ' "llltlll , O'Neill : 1nl .
Ulhson I , 1lncoln ; SlnR' I ' , \.lsl I , . \ Iblun ,
At the Dehlone-\Vhllianx '
- 'ilatIiesaon , Sonth I
DelonoWliam Juthewson
Auburn : \ \ ' . I I. Un'.m , ( Iellhton : J. iii ,
Cmsgel' , Norfolk ; . I. / B , Norton , Ilmittet : I :
1 lrlght Nl'taka l'ltr : J. H. ( Bile , 'i' ci.
mag ; ; J. M. Cox , 1alllton : p. Ii , Bench em. ,
lIutnihmrey .
. \ time Mercer-\V . J. harris. Dl
SII'lnRH ; W. lathewson , Plgel' lurrls. : l : , . Iue L
era , Newport : I larry Schtmocleeilttntz Mer.
Patti : e. c ( ] Citnilibehl . . Schrlluntz : , I 'lcare ,
Auburn ; I' ' gehlenllo , A ihlmigtmni ; Thou
' P. 1.lplllncot. lalr ; f : i. Ihtistoti . Slut ] k.
I lt' ' : u. I SwingIe . Beatrice ; I. Ciaxx Lilt ,
Calhoun ; I. lufo\l , 1lneoln.
At the \rcutle-John ClementI , Elmuwot ) ( l
O. ii. lalsen , lollln'Hc : Herman \ \ 'etbieg Cr : ,
Hnder ; \ \ ' . U. licker , ' ' \\'I\lcjcr : .
Ias'tmulatmger , leledlcl : DavId Ppton , ' I. :
bias : .1 , 'r. 1'Ilu , emil ( 1lv11 , Jlichmttr ut' .
' 1
\'uyime : John Hhuler , Fnls City JUehurtp. ; , .
' hittlier , Jensen : John ' /IJllln In(1 ( J. J ,
1IUIIln , , J W-knHI I ' Ora I , IOn litit . St run -
burg ' : t' 1 Iavnlng ! , David CImy ; StIIIK-
' ! CI GeUrN
' \ ale , jlneohl. )
I' -
Talks Plainly t I Gathering of Members
ef the Firemen's Brotherhood
Ornnd Jlnster Maier Woul Exhaust Al
lonortlo Means In Securing tIght ne-
tore l. orlnJ to Jxtreml Je"auru
In Helln/ wIth trikes ,
A meetIng of engine men was held Tuesday
c\nlng lt Ancient Order of UnIted Workmen
hal , Seventeenth one ! I.'arnam , streets , called
for the purpose of listening to the objects of
the Brotherhood of Locomoth'e lrem'ep , as cxsy
pounde by C. W Maier , third vice grand
master or the organization , whose healquar-
ters are lt PeorIa , Ill. In the audience were
the members ot the Joint Protective , 10arl oC
Locomotvo Firemen on the Union PacIfic ,
now In annual session In this city , and a
nu mber or ohl.tme engineers who were out
to hear Mr. Mnier . For twelve years Mr.
M Ialer held the position d fireman and engineer -
tie er on the Miesouni , Kansas & Texas rail.
road and two weeles ago secured a rear's
leave or absence to take lp the worl for
which he was selected by the con\enton.
Columbia Il ls tcrnltory and includes Mexico. eighteen &tntes , Drllsh
Mr. Ialer Is an Interesting talker and has '
the facilIty ct making himself ' perfectly un'
cle rstood. lie stated that the brotherhootl was
organlzel December 1 , 18i3 , at Port Jen'ls ,
N , Y. , with eleven members Today the or- :
ganizaton numbers 25,000 and through Its ;
Intuenco with railroad managers It has been '
able to rise the wages or Its members front '
40 to iO per cent " ' 'ho object of our or-
gnIzaton , " 3afl : lr. ller , "Is to make men '
b etter . We bele\ absolutely In arbitration I
nnd wIll exhaust all honorable means to s > ,
cure our Just rights before resorting to extreme -
tremo mtasUrO3 , which ot course means I ,
st rikc. That wo have had only two etrles I
In twnty.ono years , the Chicago , Dur- :
Ington & Quincy and the I.ehlgh
V alley , shows how conservatively our
organizaton Is cOllucted , Wo firmly
bele\o men should study the social and eco
nomic questions In order that not only them-
s elves . but their families may be better In L
every way. And wo also teach sobriety and I
Industry. In fact they are part of the moUe t
oC our organizaton , The public , I mn sorry
to say , believes that tIme money wo collect
Crom our members Is used to further the Interest -
terest ot strikes. There uscl Is nothing farther
from the truth In the last thirteen ycars I
we have paid out $1.000,000 on deaths anti I
disablt ) . claims I ant pleased to say that
olr relations with railroad companies are ex- :
t remnely pleasant \Yo teach our xnembcx I
that an agreement between a railroad coin '
any and our organization means somothlng
more m than the paper It Is written on.V
ask from railroad companies our rights , and i
having once secured them , we see that the
concessIons arc not violated. My' business
ch .y
hero h Is to Instruct inca In order that they '
may be better morally . socially and InteI- :
l ' and that wherever tltc
lectual ) , they go they I
w Ill bo able to reflect the best thought of
our organizaton , , Yo believe It to bo for the
b oat Interests or labor to organize , but that '
organIzaton must bo tempered wIth con
s ervation. " ,
Mr. Maler was emphatic In his statement
that the saloon was not the place for labor
Ing l men and ho looked ] to time ballot as the
readiest weapon to.rlght tIme wrongs of labor ,
" As for the other labor organizations lila a
the engineers and trainmen and conductors ,
they are doIng much the same work as we
are and arc materIalY assisted In raising the
standard oC labor throughout the country "
Mr Moist loft yesterday for North : u
Plato and will meet members of his organI-
zaton at Cheyenne , Laratnle Pocatello , Qg" :
d en . Salt Lake , en route to San ranclsco.
The firemen at their meetng last evcnlng :
elected thn following officers for the Union
Pacific systom. ,
Charles A. M. PetrIe , Ellis , Kan" , chairman : '
' Fred Lehman Denver. vice chairman : S. I. ] :
'Donehowcr treasurer. , North Plate , secretary ard
During the oventag a large number of
them paid a visit to The Bee und took 1
lok l through time building.
Remember a pint oC Cook's Extra Dry
, ,
ImperIal Champagne "after I night . or It"
makes the new day bright.
Hayden Dros' . ad. Is on page 5.
e .
0\1 , , , UlU CHIOAGO l'\8T E X'IESS
Tnlte the ( hle\o : , : lh\ltrcc S St. 1ant ny. I
For Chicago and all poInts cast. Vestibule d
sleeper leaves the UnIon laele depot t ,
Omaha , at 6 p.m. , daily . reachIng I-
lug Chicago at 9 a. m" , the following day : ,
In ample time for all eastern connection : S. .
Supper and breakfast served In dinIng cars
a la carte Passengers for Freeport , Hocltori : ,
Elgin and all points In Wisconsin cami . by takIng -
log this train reach their destnaton twelve
hOlrs In advance of all other lInes. laggage
checked through from resIdence to
your tie ; a-
tnn lon , For lellets and further Informa-
tln apply to
C. S. C/tItTUER City Tkt Agt.
G. D. HAYNES , City Pass. Agt.
F. A. . NASH , Gen. Agt" . , 104 Faram St.
\'Ia tIle Hocl Is1timut-hmurto5t Line arm ' ci
Vastest Tlmo.
To all points In Kansas , Oklahoma , Indian
Territory , Texas arid el ! poInts In southern :
Callfortula . Only one nIght out to all pain ta
In Texas. Tll "Texas Limited" leaves Omaha ]
at 5:15 : a. 1. daily except Sunday , landing
passenger/ at all poInts In Texas 12 hours In
advance or all other lines. Through tourist
cars vIa Ft. Worth and EI Paso to Los A a-
geles. For full partclars. maps , tablet : ,
ctc. , cal at or address Rock Island tcltet
olco , 1602 Faram St. .
. - -
Hayden Dros' . ad Is on page 5.
\'In time \1h"h itiuilrottml.
Our next excursion wi heave Omaha January -
nary 1 [ at 4 p. I. For tclets and further
Inforlaton or a copy of the Souther ibm me-
seekers' guide cal at the new Wnbash chit e ,
115 I aram street or write G , N. Clayton ,
N. \V. 1. agent.
- - . - .
1/01 < 1111 ( , nl\ anti SItTer Output .
SIOUX FALI.S , Jan. G-Speclal-The ( )
output of gcsicl and silver from the mIne
of the 1ncl. lulls In 1&9 Is 15 folews : Goll ,
221,675S5S ounces , wih a colnag value of
$ IllO,0S3.27 : silver , 131.015.20 OUlcrs , with a
coinage value of $96,540.64. The output for I
I/Ot Is placell by conservatIve mlnlll men
at : Gold , 44,3 lilG ounces ; coinage value ,
$8,238,101.54. Silver , 112,391 ounces : coma go '
value $ i2dO75.SO. I
January 1 [ , 1895.
One fare Illus $ : , for Ionnl hip t from
Omaha to the Back hills via F. , B. & M. V.
H. It. ; limit of tcktt/ twenty dlYs ,
J. 11. IUCIAN\N ,
General passenger , . agent , Omaha , Neb ,
Iledel Institute of 1alr , Neb" , Is thus ' best
and only guaranteed cure oC the liquor , nit or.
phlno and tobacco btatiit.
. .
1ullen Brc& ' . ad 10 on page 5.
) . - _ _ _
( lohlp :011UInnrer. . .
Ishop Newman has 1(111) ' consented to
answer luutols on the bible . buch : us may
ho naked b ) ' ) 'ounr len who are fntlng
dilhlculttes In believing In its ' .
dlmclites belc\lnl Is ixusplratit
lie will talle the chair pt time young len'l
meeting lt the \'oung lcn'8 Cbrlitan assoncim .
- - - - - . - - - - - . - - _ =
. . - . . ' - - " -
Highest of all in Leavening Power.-Latcst U. S. Govlt Report
1 ? V Bakiri
i I
) !
' u---
- - -
- -
at ion Sunday at li\1 \ . 1" , when the ques-
tons will be read , and answered. Questions
are Invited anti -y b left addresse(1 to
IIRho Newman af..tb.'oung Men's Christian
Ascclaton office : ' 01 mailed , care Young
M en's Christian ' ssoclation , at any time .
'uolaton tme.
The question boxj'iihl be closed at 8 p. m.
Saturday Qvenln , tEi'ery (
! fE ery young man Interested -
es ted I invited flo ' to present Sunday at
3 : 45. - _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
Oregon Kidney Tf : cures all kidney Irou.
bl es. Trial size. ' 25 - cenls. All druggIst. .
Hayden Bros' , adi Ii . on page 6.
The Slate Reler commission have c9tab.
Ishc headquarters at 109 Frenzer block ,
where all contributIons of proviions antI
clothIng should bersenf , Instead of 407 Brown
block , a9 heretof re. All corresponlence (
should bt addressed to me at 401 Brown
bl ock . W. N. . NASON , President.
liomneeckr' . Iselulons.
On January. 15th , 1895 , the Union Pacific
sy stem wi sell tckets from MIssouri ricer
points and stations In Kansas alll Nebraska
to points south end west In Nebraska and
Kanss , also to Colorado , \\'yomlnl and
Uah , at a rate ot one nrst-class fare for the
round trip , plus $2,00 Minimum rate $ .00.
See your nearest Union Pacific ticket agent.
E I. . , LOMAX ,
General Paenger and Ticket Agent ,
Omaha , Neb.
IS OuST ; .VJ.t JI'l'UCllITJ.1
W. s. Strnwn UI81I\IlS : tt" NIU0 nld
( ' 1110 lt the Orllt Eli gltiiluiiiIi.
O IAIA , Jan 1-To the Editor of The
lee : In a recent editorial upon Gladstone
The leo deprecates the tone In which the
court organ referred to him and the cele-
b ration oC his 85th annlversar
Arc you aware that the organ spoke the
truth of hm and estimated time man at his
true value ] ?
10ltcaly , he has ever been a failure , all
his blunders In PolitIcal life have been as
nlmerous as his opportunities. There has
hardly bcen n question In the politics of tIme
n'ahn upon which he has not one or more
lmes changed front. TIme Ilrebent govern.
mont In England ] Is composed oC men who
comblncd with him for the saIto of office
only , and lacks tIm confdence of the greater
part h of the best people ot the nation , I
mi ever had any principles for a basis. anti IIe
the mmhroom bodies that senll Perers to
the senate , has imo other foundaton than
that of oppositIon to the estullshell order
or timings. The talk about abollhlng the
10lse h ot Lords Is the sheerest nonscnse ,
amI the extreme or political ( lshonest-
mere catch-penny efforts for the votes ) of
the Ignorant-tho Incipient communists and
anarchists ot the country. I Is 10 secret
that len like Bryce regretted the neces-
sit ) ' oC taking ofco under I , Ild that liar.
court has repented of It and 18 intone than
restvo under the false position In which
ho Is so often placed-that he made the
ruinous mistake of his life In Joining wIth
It ; while the political sagacity of Cham-
hcrlln lel him to refuse any endorsement
or the government's political plans and
'determined Hartngton to Join actively ] In
o pposition.
I Is with no small regret that a sincere
friend or The flee sees It lauding him under
his h fraudulent name ot time Grald Ol1 Mamu ,
A pretended lover of liberty and opponent or
slaver he bent lila energies to breaking
up the union and establshing a slave Ilower
In I the rebellious states : so that no true i
lover l of our country cn properly think sveh ] I
of him or regard his pretensions to be wel i
friend or the people as anything hut a part
or his often exposed hypocrIsy. So let nol
The flea lend 10t
Its aid to glorifying
ls ) one ot r
the greatest or political frauds , and not
Ilways a consistent fraud at that.
or course. we do not del1reclato his abihl .
t ics as a literary character , but even those
abites have never been directed In a chun ,
nel to benefit the mass ot the people. Dut
side from his literary
lterary abites. the man
Is i n political failure , his " " ,
poltcal frlure "polcy" line S
swing In thc'etreme and score disastrous to
humanity h long before as well
wel as since the
sacrifces or Gordon hi Soudan and the In _
terests or ArmenIan Christians
to preserve
the sultan . a a peer In Europe. I 0
. W. S. STUA WN. '
- - - .
'I '
" 'Il Icvoto ThNr Attenton to lnUcrs
J'crlnlnluJ . to the Trade.
TIm Nebraska Impcment ! Dealers assocIa-
ton met at the Commercial club yester .
J. 1f Buries , president of time organizatiot ;
called the delegates to order , and W. T.
Deisher or 10ldrego officiated as secretar I' .
There was a good attendance from various
Portions of the state and a few visitot .5
fl'om Illinois and Iowa vlslors
Ilnois The morning sessIon -
sIon was mostly devoted .to routine bushnee S.
Among tIme prominent delegates were II. P I' .
Van Shekel of Citicago n. W. Fisk ot I. Lii 5-
coin W. T. Deisher of Holdrege , P. . A. Smith
and J. 1f Durls oC LIncoln.
This association Is formed for tIme purpose
of fostering the Interests oC the Implement ;
business In Nebraska , and Is said to possess
lan ) ' benefits to those who engage In this
line or commercIal inirsult. .
At the morning session today C. A. Stacher
of Chicago and LucIus Wells at Council flu ? ma
wIll delIver addresses oC particular interest to
Implement dealers.
At the afternoon session the president
named the following committees :
rtesniutlons-G. Babsen , J. A. McLauglthi a ,
stene Gus Groff , W. S. Grafton and L. 11 Hone :
Auditing-John Tromper , Newel South , t.
Lieblng ,
Jobbers and Traveling Men-C. D. Edward is .
Frank Haler , W. hi , Fetzer . C , D Stanic . \ V.
S. Benty , Ned Shepard , J. S. Sheldeman , C.
I.V.1ner , James Fisk.
Executive-C. 0. Slmumeway J. A. M C-
Laughln , H. N : . Bronson , D. F. HarrIngton ,
Wiiam Mathews , A. I. Lunburg F. Fry er
anti Gus Croft.
Time balance of time , .
was devoted to cor a.
mittee reports and discussion.
mltee _ _ _ _ _ _
hayden free' . ad. Is on G.
_ _ _ . _ _ page _
CUIJht by the l'otel
James Tirudy . ot
one the soldiers who was
arrestl(1 ( a few Ila 's ago and charge(1 sci thu
the offense of gambllg and keeping gam fl-
blng devices sync bound over to the dlHtrlct
court In the stats of $ G Braly , Was held
on two churges. One
svuis for keeping
WIS got Lu-
glng devices 1111 the ( other for Iteeiling a
gambling roonm His confederates who were a
Irrestell ut the same time , were tllsciutcrgc iii ,
there Ilschlrgell
not being sulclent ) evidence to malc
I case against them ,
Joe . InwltltH. n colored lad Ibout 12 yea rim
old , ssaui II'eSlec II few days ago on m'es'er 'tl
pety ehUI'ge , but WIH tlischnrgeml ( ) 'estlrdl pcverl , )
Ifteloon on promlHln/ ) 10 keel ) oni the
/ keel
streets. lie haiti not been of .
le ) out or Jail long 'Ct.
jai Ilnt't.
than two !
hours when he wal again arrested
for stealng some bottles from I Seventeenth
street saloon. An effort wi he mlde to
have him semmt to th reform
selt _ tbl . _ _ Hchool.
( lly II 1(111)tnh' .
George Ciamk , ttlls hush . and his wlfQ
were hoth arrested ( last night chnrel wi
( lstlrllll : the pluce , 'he Clarle ! ( wih
lives lit 205 CalIfornia strpe ! . George wus
out seeing the slght1. anti In his wanlerlngH (
he ucceeilei ( In gathmerimig a gooii.aizet
( .
' atherlnl I gOIII.
'hen he Irrl\(11 homu 11 WIH tn I humll'
to imitike
thlngH lively mmnd '
lult proceeticml
1'0 by mobtishmug suite ! unc Ilroe'ecetl co
Ihl lnl his w fl. I It sturteti In to
Ise hlH list it In i un 8 t I ( 'tmmimt to I Itartec t her
( ttce . anti he HucetNIII. to a cerlnln extent [ ,
or Int Iho thought the rln bath ( gross'mt too
serious , 11 orJer ID tlrotect herself Hhe
Ilule utie or a IIII } which hmappcneti , to ho
hal ! . Her aim WIS good hUIIIenec rest tilt
scam , that thc ) ' are hath In JaIl . ' 1\o leHult .
"Iack eyes and ic larGe ash
I gush on the In : I I-
Clark head und nose adorn the features or lr.
- . - .
- - -
"OOST \DR \ LESS / '
Januatv a-JIoaks and Furs
- I'\XTU 11.IH H.
I I ' ' Ilouell' , ot IQIV
I II 'rleu J tu
"I - - - : DenUsr ! A
iN olllA ,
Full Set ot Teeth , $5 ; Wit\tcd \ to FIt I
TtCtlu C"ltl " "t . and vut In fume day , Ucid Ilt ,
l'ioetun ( Alloy Fulling. , I ' . ' '
l'hlean 10) 1.'lllnll ; Shier Fl'iinms . n ;
"uro ' Uol'l . n ; Gold ( 'ruwn > i t to " - ' ! k hind :
'J' elh. iii mwr ICadim Iimust t work Jrhhe
hoer 1.101 131k , . soil , ant 1'amaMmn. 'iti . 108 ,
Bargains from the Jnfmy Dry Goods Fire
Growing Greater Every Day
Antt 13,000 Ladies ! timid 2.OO Lined
I'lush'ehel , I..ather miami l'elt ! ll
ter ! At Sfc-Aio Fume JllllerJ
nt SpecIal Snlo Tomorrow ,
All the grand bargains from .Tuuftray's New
York dr ) ' gees fire , which we have advertIsed
be fore , Ire still to bo hal , and many more
which wo place on sale Crom day to clay , with
espocal surprises for tomnxorrow.
On our front bargain square we will disbl
pay ] about 10,000 pairs ladles' kid
gl eves , elegant new styles , high grade , In
black anti all colors slightly dnmaget by limo
fir e . re ular'allO $1.50 , tomorrow 25c.
PlmS , [ C.
In our shoe department Oi the main for
ant In the basement wo have thrown on 1m-
menso long cOlnters thousands of pairs of
la dies' lIne warm lined slIppers , In all sizes ,
anl many style9 , In felt , beaver , plush , velvet
atl leather , S0l0 embrolderll with steel
be atls , some In chenile , ole fur Inel , some
pilsh trimmed , nil very fine slippers , none
worth leM than $1.00 amid most of them are
worth from $1.60 to $2,00 n pair ; you take
) ' 011 choice of time lot for [ c. These are all
splck antI span new fresh slippers and Just '
what you want at this time of the year. it's
the biggest slipper bargain you ever got holll ,
of 50c Is the price of them tomorrow.
Wo have emit tim price oC both mourlng
ROl opera bonnets right square In two and
wi give some tremendous bargains lit these ,
two lities .
Tomorrow we often :
100 lozcn French felt dress shapes , worth
from $1.25 to $1PS , at 10c cach.
An Immense assortment
or French and wool
fels go at Gc each
7G ; dozen fancy feathers aOl birds , worth
from 2c to tile , go at 6c.
100 trImmed hats , worth from $2,00 lo $30 ,
go tomorrol only at 49c each
N. W. cor. 16th and Douglas.
Hayden Dros' . ad. Is . on page G.
Oran.1rmy ( rgtmmmIz'itlommq Inslnt Officers
for lime "n nlnl"r. .
A Joint pUblc installation of the new of-
cers of time George A. Custer Post No. i.
Grand Army oC the Republic , Sons oC Veter-
ai ls . Camp George Crook No. 1 amid George
A . Custer Relief Corps No. 82 , was held TUesday -
day night at the Grand \rmy ot the Republic
: rooms , 18 North Fifteenth street.
The George A. Custer post Grand Arm ' of
the Republic otcers installed Tlesday night
were : ii. II. Durbin , commander ; John Jen-
Ilns , senior vice commander : James \V.
Thompson , JunIor vice conlnander ; John " ' .
10nza , qlartermaster : B , C. Smith . chaplain :
a ii. Iloitman . surgeon ; John P. lendel' .
son , olcer of the day : P. Barr , officer of time
guard : J. D. Sawhi , adjutant ; W. I Lind-
. ley , quartermaster sergeant.
Sons of Veterans olcers installed were :
, John P. ' Yates captain ; John Gelchn , first
leutenant : Julius T. estner , second hlemiten-
ant : W. O. Care . first sergeant : C. 1. Haw It-
zer , Q. lit. S. : W. K. Jucohs S. oC the G. :
A . II. Hawltzer , C. C.V ; . A. Gordon , C. C. ;
J. P. Gibson . C. C.
Relief corps officers score : Mrs. Elza J.
A rmont . president : Mrs. F. C. McCoy , senior
v ice president : Mrs. L. D. Llnlnper Junior
v ice president ; Mrs. R. S. Green , chaplain :
M rs. Kate Remington secretary : Mrs. Mary
'I V. hay , treasurer : Mrs. Anna Crwford ,
conductor : Mrs Clara Elliott , assistant con-
ductor ; Mrs. Mary McKenna , guard : Mrs. H.
H enderson . assistant guard.
IcRlruch'c , Sneak Timleveti. -
Sneak thieves are making themseh'es conspicuous -
spicuous In time city. A robbery was com-
m nltted at the corter or '
mltcd corer Twent-slxth and
lurne ) ' streets Tuesday nigh , this being the
_ _ _ latmgukl i and morose , :
' the way you feel when
your liver fails to do
_ _ its work properly ; in
_ tt
_ _ _ _ . . . conscquence you cut-
' _ _ _ _ _ fer from ildigeston ,
. biousness , and dys-
pepsia. You have a "don't
. care" spirit and a "played
out" feeling , and everything
, tr s you.
To sct the liver il acton ,
purify and enrich the blood ,
_ _ _ _ _ and to strcmigtliexo and vitalize
the whole system , take Dr.
Picrce's Golden Medical Ds-
covery. Having a peculiar
tonic cfect upon the lnin
membrane of the stomach and bowels , i
makes a lasting cure of all stomach , liver
and bowel disorders. Dy increasing the
blood supply , as well as eniching it , all the
organs of the body are strengthened , and the
nerves are fed on pure , rich blood.
Ncnrlgia is time " cry oChe stared nerves
for food and eximatistioti
: nervous debility exhanston ,
sleeplessness and nervous prstrtion are in
most instances thc direct result ofa starved
condition of the blood 'rhe true way to
cue these ailments permanently is to take
the "Golden Medical Discovery , " which
was discovered and prescribed by al euxi-
neat physician , Dr. R V. Pierce , at prcsent
chief consuling physician and specialist to
time Imuvalids' Hotel amid Surgical Institute ,
Bufalo , N. Y. I'ou want alaedical , opin.
ion nothing. 01 your case , write him. I wi cost you
A Book of 136 pages on Diseases of the
Digestive Organs , " wi be maied to any
address on receipt of postage , six ccnts. I
contains namues addrcsses and
photographs of' a vast number of people
who have been cured of d'spepsia "liver
complaint ' ' chronic diarrhea , and Idndred
alhnents iy the use of "Golden Medical
Discovery. .
Clmax , Kalamazoo , 1Ilcli ( .
DR. R. V. PIERC , Jutao ] , N V. :
DrarSlr-A few of may symptoms were hearf.
luitrmm and fullness afer eating : sometmes puitm
lumy loIel9 ami had taste In my 10uth ; some-
times I was ( ttvenisii. with hot fiumchmes.overuktmi.
Alter taking your . Golden Medical Uisoovery"
I was relieved ofl1 these sywptoms aul J feel
pemchly sceti 'Vour truly '
( a , NEW
tmoR 1 . , : , r J 'L I' r E
11. E. C. WEST'O 1IVE : AtTn ! Dum onEAtl' !
Is j In11 unltor imositivo written Ioarontee , hy
/llhnr nd entl only , to curDS etik lol0rY1
1'0"8 or Jrainlnc Nerve I'owor : Los JantIO)1 ;
lllknosHI Nhht J"SSLS : Evil : Irruls ; Lnele of
( oaflelce ; Nervousness ; J.IARlde : 11 Drains ;
Loss of l'Uvurut ' the ( Jotioriti Iwo Orgnnsiui eiher
soz. cauuetl hyoVoro'xortol , Youthful Brrorl or
j JrObl\O Use ot ' .l'uIiitce ( " , Upium or Iillor ,
whien lents 10 lU"ry. t'oriumnmtit'n , Jiistnmty
and ) i ) ethm. ii' mini , 1 n has ; t4x for $ ! : with :
written , marnatoolo . 'uro or refmmu'i , ntonei . Wet i
LiTer 11. euro tUrk Iemlalho , JiUolHnrfo ,
I.h'of I Comnplmulmt ] I. Solar ihtnmmeiu lyspcpm'im atia
tOIIIllnt. 1)sllpoll anl
' . 'onatipatiuu. U IMIJmH .HUCII only by
Goodman Drug Co. Ouub&
Warm Your Fet1
at night wlh a
H 01 W' IR [ URG.
. 2.quart , 65 ( cents ,
_ , 3.quarll 76 7 cents
4.quart [ , $1 00
The Ala & Penfold Co" ,
1408 Fat'mmam Street
) ( I.'arllm
eeonl on thIs corner wlhn % 1 few month , .
Nine slIver spoons , n hnnllsomo silver cream
picher , wIth an embossed feral desIgn anti
ohl linIng . anti several other articles were
tabe ken , One peculiar feature about the rob-
bery wr that , not content wih carryIng
a1'IY articles ] which couhl be turnell Into
m oney , the thief or thieves tool for several
minutes In front of the window In ful RIRht
of any one passing along the street anti ma- :
Iciousl1 tore Into shreds the fringe of a i
COUllio or hnmlsomo crepe Paler letup shuusdes
Ooodrtch Ledge 1tmvlttI 10 / \ umuti ' '
Lod.o JI\led 10ttlr ald IR )
In Sonic Mommey ,
A motion for a new trial was arglCl be.
fore JUdge Ambrose In the Hamacclott wIll
ease 'csterday. TIme motion was Ilale , Oi the
grolHls of error , the partcular 11clnt being
the Introducton of time testimony of the law-
) 'ers and doctors oC the deceased , I Is
aimed that such testimony was not mlmlsl.
blo undcr the statutes and shou11 be stricken
ou t. .
John A. I0rbach has med a Iletl0n In
the district court tuskhmtg that the oncers of
Gootlch lodge , Inilellelient Order of Odd
F ellows . be ordered to appear before the eommrt
A suit hall heen hlsluted some months ago
all on Oct ber 21 of last year a Juhment
or $0,6 0.13 was I'enllered In favor of Hor.
ba ch. An executon was issued on Novemn.
ber 21. but was returc(1 with the statement
th : hat there was no property or t time lodge to
Ie\ upon. In his Ilrn'cr Horbach claims
that stock of time order has bren Issuell to
subscriber/ but no more than 10 cents on
the dollar has been paid ; In. lie desIres \
that the court order the stock paid imp lii
order to pay hIs JIHlgment.
Oregon KIdney Tea cures all kidney tron
bi ts. Trial size , : G cents. S All druggists . .
Marriage t.erlsrs. \ .
The followIng marrIage licenses were Is-
sucl yesterday :
Name anll amhdress ( Age.
. Ie its N. ' . JllSNl , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Tl mea 'II' . Petel'Ron , Omnhn . . . . . . . . . . :
. 2
.Tosellh n Starot..I . , Jr. . Omaha . . . . . . 24
Llzz u SttHlcl , 01uh/t / . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Albert II. Head , Olnlm . . . . . . . . . . . .2.1 .
AUlustn 2ui. I Setman , Omalm . . . . . . . . 21
John S. Stewart , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . 4G
Auna U. Jorgdmu , Omulm . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Van J. MorrIs OmuhlL . . . . . . . . . . . 2
glzuleth Dixon , Seward . . . . . . . . . . . . ;
, \nton . . insomi . , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . ; i
M ary tutlymmtt . Onllha . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : ,
Fred SehroedcI1 Oluha . . . . . . . . . . . .
Alela Komrolsl" , Omnll . . . . . . . . . . : I
As a slmlle ] yet effective rem cd ) ' for throat
af fections . Brown's Dronchlal Troches
afCectons. Iro\l's stlll
fir st In imbue favor. They are absolutely unrivaled -
ri valled for tl alleviatIon oC all throat Irri-
ta tlons caused by cold or use of the voice.
They Must ISo n.t . Ahynl on time ( 0'
Trolbt"lt n. ' llt. .
What has I 11lberlnl rrelght car In com-
mon with n red speck In I man's blood ?
A great ( deal Just ns the car carries grain ,
meat antI other ' things whtr the ) ' are
\-nntOt , , so the intcro5copic scarlet cor-
IHlsclcs In the bled carr ) oxygen wher
It Is neelell to make geol the unending
\\'Mtl ot ( lsume. The economic healh ot 1
nation Iellenl , largely' on its ralwa ) ' arB
teal The weurt or the hotly requires that
the 1110ns of retl Particles ph al be kept
alwn's running bmlslcly' with theh' freight
et ox'gen.
\\'hnt we eat I oM clogs the blool nail (
hohls It In great lulltlles where It his nq
buplness'to he. 11nlis mimi feet Irl chilly ,
an(1 other units of the ody are coligeted ,
I 101s us If 1 cell shoult be conllstod 1 1111,10 ,
mater to ( ' 1'e , rel how Inn ' people do
ynim leI , who sneeze 1111 hucl aunt complain -
plain nil wlnt7
In lh'nncNI StageS I cell ma ) ' lot ) 'lel1
( \'en to stern trentmnemrt hit In the belln-
nll1 I Is nl\I's conquerCI h ) ' Immffy's l\ilr
tnlt Whisk . 'I'hls tl 1 11(1 Cl11 1 stimuumi-
hunt , uiinnmmfnctmureI , svith the greatest cmmro
fromiu the heat irosible miumteritmiis. It equal-
ixce time clrctihuttkmtr of the huloocl amid is t
vniumtluie nit ! to the digestive fuiretlomus.
No stock at muimuupi , liseftil remmietlics in thai
hiotmd'CkcehIeL"8 closet lit comilpiete scithuont mm
bottle of ltulfv's Pure imtlt. Dntmggistmi mmnmt
groecuu's lwclm It. im : stock. 't'iiey timid ( tint it
grows lii ImtOr from : : yea ! to year , nod its
execllemuce Is stmchi that mrotlmlmig camu sup.
Imittim t I t , '
. . I , , .
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l'v.ry : cure mzutmramttecl.
S , : im ymi uxierlouco.
- S rears It' ( Imamdma.
. - 1100k lrtto.
' S 13th .tt Fnrnii MIL5
oaii.t. ivEu.
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for niants arid Chfldren.
. . -ea . '
'I CtorIn hisoeIl adapted to cimlklretm that Casturia ettres Colic , ConstIpation ,
I recoinnienci It. as supcrlor to axty Iueri1itioii Sour i3tomach , ikirnlmn ) , tructation ,
known to inc. " II. A. Amicxten , II. P. , KIlia Worms , givox Ueep , and promotes dL
Hi Sc. Oxford St. , Brooklyn , N. Y. gestion ,
_ _ _ . Without injurious urechicatior' ' . '
"The net of 'Castonta iu so univercet and "For several yearn I have rccommero.
Its merits no well known timatIt aeu ' nis a work your ' Catoria , ' amid elicit tiwaya couttetuc tc
of supererogatIon to emudorso IL Few are the do so as It hiatt Inverlalihy , Produced benelielni
hntJgen ( famIlies who do uot keep Castonia results. "
witnin easy rcicii. " lnw ix F. PAnnma , 21. I ) . , 5'
CAntos . & B. B. ,
l1.&itry5 liZth Street and t1o Mc. , New York City.
New York City. ' '
'rime cKTAea CarirAxy. 7 Mvittu Stua , Nrw Yona Crr.
A New Oregoll colony. 5' .
w c Tilisori , a veJ1 known business man of Kcarney : '
Nebrarka , is organizing a colony to take up residence Ofl scv-
e ra ! thousand acres of land in the heart of the far famect
Willarnette Valley . , almost undcr the shadow of the capitol
It : is the finct body of land in that fine country . '
The colony is making up of le0P'C ' of all trades and pro-
f essions . With a fruit farm of a few acres at the bottom ,
working men , merchants and professional men are absolutely
s ure to better their condition , ingoing with him , 'There is land
e nough for 500 families ; over ioo have already engaged trans.
p ortation .
Mr. Tilson will be at our office , room ror 13cc BuUding , for
a few days. I-Ic will engage a civil engineer , a good account-
a nt , a foreman , and ten or twelve laborers for steady work.
All must have means to join the colony , as the owner of a
piece of its land ,
Parties wishing to take tracts in this colony under our home
guarantcc.contract system vill be given special terms , in this
t ract this week ,
Farmers can take farms in any stage of 'improvement
01 any size tip to ioo acres at farm land jrces. !
Room 101 , Bee Building.
Our record of actual anti umndenialie cures of
SYPhILiS is plmcnomnenal , W'e furnish till mmiol.
ls l cnea free am,1 , , eradicate t'ua ' uomsn , ( rum ( Ito
s ystem in Ito dat's. Cure Emmartmmmteetl ,
flour. , 9:10 : tJ 'i,3O 5\'ednesdtmyS anti Satur.
day. , 9 , p. nI.
812 New York Life. Omtuhta , Neb.
AT \
Q \
rims ctite . p
iltOdtCES liii AiitJSit
; . ' , ' " a'
I'arrsi Hieemmsimr4a. , Ni.imiIi ifi'
iuiii : , , 'te. ci mic.I liy I utU.t , t i Cs ilgr timid mse
to iii I 11111 III CI Itt ltd , U mid ii ii ickiv , itt C im nh m cit ores
1501 SI . gIool ha oil or , ' , imme , , JosI I y , s rnnx , ITt vest
iteic.t. J'rir. 1.1)11 i li'tip&tu. & iix Cur * C.ttl It ) ,
syiIc gru.irM.lrrio'urr .no.y rcCIvd. Ito , ,
I , , a , , , , , , , 11w , , itI I , , , , & imi I , , , , m , , j tt iit m'o , I
'ourdr'tjiL ' IiuI mtut ot IL , we wmu Foul It treiicI.
ihlemiii Mrdlnsi ( It. . , Intl. , , I iciio , Iii , , Qrt1ii5E.l.
, Ot.I ) by Ruitmi & Ca , mylim ammil IotmI.ta , : hi. . .
end J , A Uuilm.r & Co. , Cor , itIi utmid borugisas
Civ. , OMMIA , tthU
: . : x.4cTsl7r : ,
I"oi' blue by nil Fli'st Class Dualo's. , MiIlhIifmscttIl'od by tixo
Factory No. :301 : , st. LouisMo.