Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1895, Image 1

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F . THE OMAHA DA.ILY .BEE. - ' : ' -
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0 ' \ .
] r.AJnJSIlJj1 ) JUNE 1n , 1871. Of.iUlA , T1IUiSDAY ) lOH"Nl 9 : , J'ANUAUY 10 , I S5. SINGJ..J . COl > Y FIYJD cnN rs. " ' 1 . .
' . German Dealer Univerly Oommend Its
Quality anti Ilcalthfulnos : ,
Jrport 1'lccl by R IIcpreuentto % of the
. \rIClllral UCplrllClt Sent to fler-
1111 to IiivetIiit-IIriiLtIt Cry
Only R Suhtcrfuge. .
\VAIINGTO ! . Jan. -The spcclal
Igcnt ot the Agricultural department , who
has been In\'eAtgltll the clueston or our
cln@sol ( ! beet and live cattle trade with
( Jermony . has made his report ) to Secretary
Iorton. lie shows very conclusively as n
result or ca ! erul hliulry on the part oC the
't cOlslllees , hutchers and even sOle ot the
. , ' veterinarians themselves , that both the
dresell ( beef nml the cattle received from this
country were ot exceptionally gooil qu ly.
In regard to the drossell beet he states the
first two lots recolvell were In poor condition
owIng to lnllro to mulntaln the low tein
pcrature In the storage rooms throughout
th voynge. The contlton or nIL the subsequent -
( ILl CII I. eli Iiinieiit hns been thorough 8nts- t
rnctory. The only criticisms offered was
lcm tomb or the retnl butchers , who said
seine oC It was almost too Cat
to give Perfect satisfaction. For every ship-
ment tl conslgnpes were furnished II ad-
I vance with I certificate from the German
consul In this country that all the meat
had been the
shlppod omclaly inspected by
federal authorites , and on arrival every
( Iunter was Count to bo provided with the
olcial tag showing InspeCton by American
veterlnarlnns. Notwlthstnntlng these vrc-
cautions . on the arrival at the Hteamers
bearing these cargoes , they were boarded
by the Janlburg veterinarians and their
assistants , the wrapper removetl from every
quarter and every Pleco . thoroughly InStlected.
Every Piece was founll good ant or flrbt- !
class quahity. A considerable quantity or
' this meat has been purchased by IHrtcs
0 In lerln and DU5sehlorf. but owing to I'oor
k' transportation facilities existing In Germany
' for perishable goods the meat sold to these
, parties had to be salted and pIckled ) at Ham-
. . burg before transportation.
TIme wholesale butchers woul , he says .
rather do their own Idlng than 10 have
, hcer come over dressed. The report intimates
4 the grounds of protection against disease are
, , regarded by many persons In hamburg lS a I
mere subterfuge to gratify the agrarian part ) . .
, In dlscusslng the shipments of live cattle
time agent reports that In time case of the
. sixteen head showIng signs of sickness and
; which hat to be killed . time actual nature oC
' ' , the disease was unllnown to the veterinarians , I
. . . , .o who at first attributed the alment to the' '
use of 1IIIIro water An analysis or the
water from the lanle proved this theory
erroneous. Parts of time intestines . liver ,
lungs amid heart of one or the diseased animals -
mals were later sent to Berlin and a fort-
nlht after the dlseaFo was pronounced Texas i
, fever by time Berlin veterInaries. Parties In-
tcrestell In the live stock at Hamburg sent
veterinarians to Great Britain to obtain further -
thee InCormaton about Texas fever and the
necessary Ilrecautons taken by the Englsh
althorlles to plevent time spread oC the dIg
ease by American cattle landed In British m
I. - Iloris. The . reports show that they
have returned to Hamburg Ill declared the
prohibitive regulations adopted In Germaum :
prohibitve reulatons atopted Germln
( t to be quite ' ulcaled for. Bntchers are re-
porletl of the opllion Ihe ,
American cattle are better In quality than
any they hall killed durllg twenty years , ,
ami. moreover that there was not one case t
In a Illdre where any part showed evl ,
dences of disease although I was admited I
this frequenty occurred bl Germany In m
Danish cattle. One butcher who had slaugh ,
tered from forty to seventy head or American -
- can cattle per week , stated that he had I
neyer : , tounll one that was not In a per
fecly healhy condition . The Interests
Qf the wholesale butchers , the repJrt shows I
are very strongly ) n favor of the hive catto
) trade. The agent reports tl price or American -
can beef to the butchers ranges from $13.5 0Im
to $14.75 Iler hmumsdred . dressed weight , which ]
Is Irom $2.50 to $3 less pr hundred than
German or Danish leat oC Inferior qualIty .
The reQlrt conclulles with the prediction that
even shoult prohIbition be revoked there remains i -
mains I"any other ways by which the trade
In Amlcan cattle may bo hindered , such us
local restrictions or local vrohuibition.
Ar SEt ON 'l'llUIFF. .
Democratic LCltorg lt is r.OS" Whnt Conr o
l 10 i'ttriiii
/.t. . W ASIINGTON , Jan. ! -The democratic
leaders or the senate are very much at sea
over the question of amendments to time
. tariff which they had ( hoped to accomplish
by means of riders on time urgency mic-
! te-
fclency nppropllaton bill. They have \ry
: . generally como to time conclusion ! that the
rellublcuns have decided nut to alow these
amendments to go through. and know mmov. ' .
m as they knew In the beginnIng , that It w'onll
be futile 10 alempt tu pas them In the
v face of any determlnell oppositiomm .
'hey have lot , howenr given up time
: Idea of maicimug an elort to do something
all tryinG to hind n means of movIng. even
though the result may be nolhlng more than
a llemonstrton that the republicans are
, to blame for the failure to secure the de
shred corrections. They have apparently
abandonell the Idea of amending the alllro. )
Ilrlatons bIll by tariff provisions , and are
now considering time Ilvlsablly or Intro
duclng Intepenllent measures. I this conrse
4 I adopted It will bo necessary that time 1mm.
L dependent bills shnl bo first Introducell In
the house , because of the constitutional re-
. . 3T qnlrements that revenue bills shalt originate
s , . . ' - ' In that hodv. I Is untlerstood that Cimair-
' man Wison wi soon he asked 10 introduce
. tour or lIve cOI'reclvt his there , unleL'
' , time republican senators show a disposition
u to relent. These bills would repeal time
a m ' clause of time sugar duty Illloslng an ad.
, , dlional tax from or countries -t Of paying I cent nn on eXllort sugar
ommnty , repeal time free alcohol provlslOI
.t1) and modlCy the Income tax Ilrovlslon regardIng -
. , lug returns ot emaplayes . alli also II rh
garll to salaries of publo omelals. It Is
not known what Ilosllon ) Mr. Wison viiI
( mike when time Iroposllon is l malle to wi .
e , 1'llcnt oi- $ , wlmiiits Vuirk.
'WASUlNCTON , Jnn. '
W.\SlINGTON 9-3'or the first
I time Infeel years the 111tent otce this
r , week fluids itself imp to date II its work.
? This means thlt II nil of Its thmirty-thmnm'e
ox umni iii mug 11\lblons lie I wOII < Is In I Kueh a
commul I I ton thin I new al'llleaton lell I ted umy 1
wil be acted UIOI on Its immenitslthuhmm
thlrl II1rs Inll nn amemmdnment atm Shied ,
. tetiay wi nCI'lve attention wlthimm two !
VCu'ks. Ono year 1111 I half wihin more
1111011Ini ornehe8 of time uiclmurtnmemmt were
101'e than tel mmmomm t his hehilt hum mmd. One
year ago e\'l'l 11\lslon8 were mOl'c than I
I 10lth II arrears ; twelve WI'N molc than
. , . tlO 101lhl Inl011 10r < thll three
mnnmithms Iteiminmi .
montls hhlul hlll. The oItIt'e force has
oll'e hia
not ( I heen 11111'lbell. I lur IIB I lie t lumhel' oC
DllplclltK fulhm I oiT. 'fhe lew mm IIuilca t Ions
average hltween 70 nltl M n Wl ( \ I. 1111 the
number of 1I1111lents about h3O.
- - - - ' -
( jla' lhll I I i , : : 113 11"1" ' 1' . , ,
\\'ASiIINcrI'oN. Jan. .
A81110'01. Jln. -Senalor Qln '
today gave notice or time folowlnl nnmt'mtd-
lell t to the Irnelldetclelc & ) hIll :
"NOlhln In 11) law 10 thc eOltrr ' shah
preclude cay court of the lYnim'tl Hllh'l
. 11\'IIG JUI'hHll'tol Ir the I'lrtes from l'on-
' 4 Idt'nhuig mummth shetcimnlmmimmg as to the comustltu-
Ildl'rllJ III Iltellllhl 11 -
! COlsttl-
. tolmlt ) 01' validity oC blil let or mummy hart
thereof iI ! 'lltel to the taxes UIon , uhmms
, or Illofl 11.1 Inolel thl'leln mtltol'll
vimt mum yin by any IlrOll'llllr which t'hmmuil
hmimYs been comnmmmemmceut ' ue , shal
1\\1 cOllnell'e.I 01' p\lllnl II such
court such ' ue . "
cOlrt Im'l IIUI' _ I _ ! _ Ilresented.
I " uim II med hr lie SInlll.
W\HIIIO''ON * , Jolt . t.-'fime 8flaW 11 u-
( clth'e session iotlmiy eOnlllet time folow-
' Inl notmmhmmatloim''Lmltul : ' P. SlrlIC ) ' . 1'01-
mniumsiommor . '
or imnmmmlaratlomm
nt Sami
Illssloll'I' lrammvlsco
: ]
1111rulol Sln 1.'nullsco
Chrlp )00111 , btH" DIJllrolsl r or Immercimmimm.
dls ! 601 JlnlrlH'O' Frank I. ' I'ole , r'Hlster
of tht IUII olee , husmimivtti , < ( 01 , . WIlam u I
E. Saul , receiver or Iuble ! nm mmeys , WaI I
keen ) ' . Inn. PostmnAlers : CalIfornIa-
Charls Armstrong Calstoga : Nornl t.
l lnn" . Santa Paula : John 1. Gnrlhnldl ,
; Ierell i : WIlliam T. Iearey. Santa Cruz :
Benjamin IC , Kettewel , St. Helena :1 : Frank
hlfl . l.eper AngelA Camp : James sIeehnmi . ,
.lnckpon : James C. Ihll'P' Yuba CI : EdH
gar A. Sller , Stanford Cmmiversity .
1'lNsIoN : 1ULU ! TH\TI\ : : JLY.
: lemheu or the 1loumoltmvo Chnngel Their
TactIcs This ScSiflIb
WASI OTO , Jan. ! -A marked change
In i attItude In the house from last session
to private pension bills hn been manifested
! n the sIttings thla monlh. During the last
term special I"rlday .Ight sittings were
helI imi for the consideration ot this class ot
legislaton i , but so far as results were con
cer 1 the ) . were practically fruitless. There
wa9 never 8 qnorum In the house Friday
nlJht ; the ImpossIbility at passing bills was
Moon m 11 apparent so that the sIttIngs
bcame mere formalities at which members
made sPort with time . rules nll tell the
house Into a pulamcntary lot , to the
manlre9t amusemcnt or time gallerIes.
PensIon legislation has ben taken up In
1 IUICerent spirit this winte Two Friday
night sittings have been held and br imicaims .
of a new fstem thlrtyone bills have been
reporled from commitees or the ' whole or
imo hous At the first sitting eighteen bills
were repented 10 time hOlso amid ffeen have
bemm liascd j the second sittIng reported four-
teen bills. This progress ha been made
possible i by the atopton or n new Plan
smewhat reciprocal In its Ce.ture ! The roll
of mlnber Is cal ell and each member
Present at the cal oC his name Is permltell
to bring map one bill In which he Is Inter-
est\d , which Is voted upon after the holSO .
has listened 10 his explanations oC its mel.ns
anll dlrusEed It If there Is any desire 10
do so. i
The pressure upon the 11enslons committee
to secure legislation Is becJmlng very clamorous -
orous , ns It always does when the end or a
congress approaches , ant many clalmlnts
fnd their desires stilt unfilled.
l'AI.IU'I'A1'lHAU' 1 ltEl'Ll hiS. :
Neither UfrlOrltlnp XOI 1 IIlo'es Evince
111'reRt him ' lie . \rhlr"Uon 11111.
WASHINGTON , Jan. . -Disappointnmemmt
Is varlet by the members of the house who
favor the arbiraton bill over time hick or ,
Interest manlreslet by time parties most af- ; '
feeel by It. Before the holidays Invita-
tons were sent 10 many 11romlnent labor
leaders , officials of railroad organizatons
anti railroad magnates to present their views
to time conlulteo on labor. No response
has yet been received from anyone of these
men. so that the hearlns which vera to
have begun this week IUI were expected
to be Intorestng aud valuable wi probably
be abandoued. '
Chairman lcGann will bring the bill up
In coimmmmmlttee for a vote anti obtain an expression -
pression upon It. : lr. lcGann says that
the labor leaders he has talked with are
not strongly In favor of the mneasumne. They
express distrust of Iwo features of I : the
establishment or a permanent commission
and the authoriy given tim courts to enforce .
force the judgments or the commlsslou. ObJection -
Jecton to the first provision Is that salaried
cOlmlssoners ! mar find I 10ro to their
Interests to favor rairoad corporations than
time workingmemm ant lay become bIased
by these clretunstammees. The power given
to the courts Is sall to savor of cOlpulsory
arbitration , which Is generally unpopular
with workingmen , alhough the decrees
would be enforced but for 1 hort tIme .
There Is a possibilty that the bill will
he reported to the house In an amended
' ( ollro'.mlu Mercer ( coiling Itettpr.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 9.-Speclal ( Ttle-
gramn.Congressmnan ) Mercer , wimmi has not
been wel for peveral - days past. Is now rap
Idly commvaiescimmg amid It Is believed that he
will be back In hIs seat In the house wlthmim
a very short time. Mr. Mercer was wihIn
wIth I Severe colt ! and was threatenell
for I time wIth pueumonla. Ills cohiemmgtmc .
Mr. Ilainer . todny secured for hIm colelJ11. Intelnle
lel\'e or l ence.
Time preallent today sent to the senate Ihe
nominaton of Joseph Harrison to be post
master at iadimtmioii ; . Keh.
Senator Manllerson today presented tim e
! ) ettol of tIm ' Carpentfl1 habit 'of Omlll m
mmt favor of a bill provllng for the nppolnt-
lent or I nonparlsln CommissIon to cohlee ;
Inll tssemlnl te 'Inflnn lon which eolet
n the setement fo all labor qcmcgtiomms. alt
l'resiIoitIat Nommilimmitlomis.
WAShINGTON. Jan. ! J.-Presitlemmt Cleveland -
land nations sent : to limo senate the following 10ml-
Postmasters : \Y. Tiny Simpson , Deltr t .
Colo. : Chlloies T. Madden. ? lendota Deln. , . : ;
Josvpim H. Hanlson , Indllnola , Neb. I.
Wil : Llputelant Colonel George H Bum
lon , Inspector general . _
Ieneml. to be colonel mind In
Specter general : Major Pfer D. Vroomn Ii m-
HIIctol' generl , to be leutelant colonel and
Inspector general.
I'CIMlou ( hmmhiuuimtKMuntEiirimishi , I'roor.
\ASllINGTON . .Tnn. 9.-Special ( Tele-
Hram.-Conressman : Teldjohn has been
Idvl CI by tIme commissioner of pensions
that time macro fact hlat a pension elallnnt
r esides In the
T'slds drommtim-strlcimemm district Is not
tmlclent to Jummtifv mnukimmg time claim
justiy spe-
c immi. It will therctol'e
1111. 1 wi be necessary for IJen-
nlon elnlnHntl to furnish II'oor 11 usual to
III thel' congreSSlel In faciiatng their
11' " I'o.tmit Olticers.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 9.-Speclal ( Tele-
gram-A 110stotee has been esllllshet nt
Ferry , lalmslm comimity I , 19. lnt Ida M.
I teed
Ield cOlllsslolell postmlsfrss.
p. H. lllmmrmk was buoy !
1. Bunk appointed post-
mlsllr nt ollul : Mound Clnton county , Ia ,
vice Roger Kel ' . resigned.
1'0 I.url-h tIme Sioux 1'11" llmmilcihmig.
WAShINGTON , Jan 9.-Speclal ( Tele-
gnamn.-'l'imc contract for rurnlshlng amid
i placln gas amid electric lht fixtures 11 the
felleml building at Sioux . .
bullln ! Irali8 S. D. , was
tOifl ( ) ' aWlrllell to the Horn & hianmmonTamm -
Ilnl0n Mln-
ufleturlng company oClllll ) elphla at Ihelr
lIlt of $ 903. _ _
\VIHhllCIOI Notes .
Senator Harris of Tennessee was greeted
hy his colleagues In time senate today on his
re.eleclon for another leln or six years.
Consideration of the charges against Judge
Ricks has beemm pOlponed by the house Judiciary -
diciary cOmllllle unt\ \ MOnday next oa ac-
count of time ab.mence of a quonuimi .
Vlcc President Stevenson Ii . still fletaiud l ,
at Asheville , N. C. , by time critical Illness 01 '
his dmiuRimter ills son . I.ewls G. Stevenson ,
Is I watciming by the sick bed of his
walchlaG slcl bet hi wife at
liomington , lii. !
Slight redmictiomis have been mnde In all
Indian appropriations ald tie bIll ia be re-
IIrl.l to time house In a few lla ) . Time
alount asked 1 le ubout $ OOOOO lower thln Ihe
appropriation of last year.
Andrew Carnegie has olered to replace he I
detective armor iates at hIs own expse.
Time senate cmml lee has accrdlmmgiy pOI-
hemmed con < lderaton ur the case Similar ac
tel has been taken by the eommilee In the
c.mse or time bill for time reorganizaton of the
penonnel oC time imavy .
) .
% 'Imolesaii . .thIhhimprs , \ . . lln.
nOSTON , Jan 9.-Ienn . nUlr & Co. ,
ono of time ! orgesl whulesale ammul retaIl immlllin.
cry stores Iii Boston , lIas aUlgnetl ,
ilg or lr , , .
Time heirs of Wiiam C' . \\sl of : IexIco ,
imIo , hu\o started 1 ( 'ontl'll of his wil lexlo
ivy ilotmo . colorI , Wil hangl'll nt iriim's :
. Frllr'l
Point. ll I. . yesterday tor the lulln of '
lila wlrl' . ]
J. Ii. French i'mmltetl Stulel treastmrer ,
unlel' IlcHhlnt 1.lucoln , died ) ' at :
It'lol , \'is. Iled yesterday
' i. lhtmmlimmgamne . In't'slmlemmt of this defunct I , .
iiamk , oC commerce lt Sprimmgileltl . to. , was
urredtet lIt Perry , ( > 1. , 'lsterdu :10. i
'h , ' republulcunB In thl 'Imissachmmmsetts '
: luHla'huleIK'
Igllluturl hll } rlUCUR yesterdmmy' anti :
nOllnltell n"orgc I' ' Hual' for tThitetj Slates
Inled Slatel
'Ilto l'oronH'1 Jury 't S1ulh lmiiil. ] Jmmvomuti.
gollll : tip le'lng C ( P.ank 5mmmithm and In\est.
I 811h
Irown 0) i'oiieemmmumm'hIhiammms , l'tI1Ie.1 unt u
\'c'1 of JUltlahlu homll'hl' ,
The falous Hllal Insuralo" , 'ape II ( ill
uuln In COllt at Topeka. J immmmm II' ' en In
court for Iftec'eol 't ' 1IIIal was it l'ut-
telan anti hall $ W. ( InSUrll'l Qim hits I
life. but when , al
lfe. lie ilimuappeareul time Ilurancc m
cOlllanlel clulme he WIS not dead .
House Refused t Adopt the Spccin Rule
for n Vote Fridy
1IIoIRlo AppropriatIon JI Taken tip
111 I'aiiseul-l'roIslon tor R Conlut nt
harped , Near time Sccnu fr the
Arlclhtl Disturhnnccs.
WASlNGTON , Jan. -The CarlIsle cult-
rency bil , which has been under debate In
the house for about two weeks , was ignot
mlnously m diched tOlla ' . I had not strenglh
enough to surmount the frst parlamcnlary
obstacle plaeetl In Its path. Time commitee
on rules , In obedience to the decree or time
d locralc caucus on lomlny , brought In an
order to close general debate all proceed
under the nve-mlnute rule unt Saturday ,
when the fnal vote should be taken , but time
supporters oC the bill showed lamenlable
weaknes . They were unable 10 order the
Ilrevlous qmmestlon . the demand thereCor
being reruset , frst by n rising vote or 12 to
101 , 111 then on a 'en and say vote by 12t to
129 . Time advocates of time bIll were dumb-
founded when they discovered that they hall
been beaten In the prelhnlnar skirmish , and
time order was witlmdrawn. This was time first
tl Irst
reverse of the commilee on rules had suC-
fered In four 'ears. An Inal'sls oC time vote
shows thut al of the 12t votes hi favor or
the 10ton were cast by democrats , which
elght -two relHblcaus , thirty-nine Ilemocrats
IHI eight popuiists votell ngnlnst I. OC the
thirty-nino democratc votes aglnst time mo-
ton It was pointed that tWent ' -four were
cast by democrats defeated for re-ciectiomi.
After the vote the diplomatc aud postomce
appropriatIon bIlls were passed . The former
carries $1,562,118 ant time latter $ $8H2.9 .
As soon as the commltlees Imad beeu called
for reports 1dm- . Outhwalto presentet the
special order Crom the comlilee on rules.
The order provided for the closing or generl
debate time consideration oC the Springer
substitute as an original bill under the nve- ;
Ilnuto rule today , tomorrow and Friday
unt t&O : p. m. . when It was provIded for i
time report or tIme bill ali penilng amen -
ments to the house for final vote on Satur-
day Immediately after the 10rnlng hour.
: lr , Outhwnle delanded tIme previous
question , when the reading of the rule hatl
been commmpieted Seine conCuslon was caused
by the volley of questIons from members
which followed Mr. Outimwalte's deland ,
membtrs ! being anxious to ascertain the
status of anmemmdmmments after ' the adoption of
time order.
Mr. Sprluger , chairman of the committee
on banking and currency. assured the gente-
men that there would bo 10 disposition to
shut out members.
Mr. Outhwaite made a brief speech uging
the necessity for closing the debate on the
cUlreney bill and for dlsposlug or It In order I
that other pressing measures , like time .
Nicaraguan canal bill , might bo considered.
: . Bland wanted to Imow If an oppor-
tunly to offer an amendment to strike out
time enacting clauses ( which woult kill the
bill ) would be given
Mr. Outhwaite said the rule discrImInated L
against no amendments and Mr. Sprluger
agaIn assured the house that there would be
no dispositon to cut oft members withi
anmenfirnents. but Mr. Bland was not satsned I
ant Inslste.1 that a provision be Inserted In
the rule or an agreement be had by which a
vole be taken on his amendment.
Mr. Red In some caustic remarks said he
thought the sItuation a very unfortunate one
"We seem to be deliberating imere " said lie
"as to the proper method ot getting rid oC
this bill. I Is unfortunate IC wo are to
hope for remedial legislation. " lie agree
wltr his colleague . Mr. Dngley , that section , 5
9 and 10 relatIng to state banl.s , which were
vial , shoult bo first considered. However .
he salt , the republIcans washe their hands
of responsibility.
ACer further wrangling , during which : lr.
hand rind others loudly protested that theo
atopton of the rule wpuld shut them 01.
: . Outhwaie rejected all suggestions for
amending time rule and demanded time pro
\Ious question , anl the republicans 0 votet
sollly wih the democratic opponents or the
measure against orderIng the previous
ciues -
tion. and It was defeated on a rising vote ,
92 10 101
Among the democrats who voted against
ordering the previous question were : Cock
rel or Texas. McGann or 1llls , Hooker o [
MississippI Ellis of Kemitucky Money or
MississippI . Bailey of Texas , Band oC : ls-
sourl , hail or Missouri , 10lman of Indiana
and h Cobb _ _ or Indiana -
air . Uutlwale hurriedly lemanled the
yeas and nays and the roll was called.
The roll cal was watched with Inlense
immtercst but the announcement of the result
of the vote ouly con/nned the defeat or the
advocates of the measure. The supporters or
the bill made a desperate effort to secure a
majorlly of the votes , but tIme previous quest
ton was again rejected , 124 to 129.
The official vote Is as follows :
Abbott . Cleary . Paterson ,
Ailierrn , , el.enhnlncr. i'etiruion
Alex/mler. Goodnlghr , Penllelon tTex. ( )
Allen. Irl ! . l'endielotm tWo
liankimend . Un'hnm. Vn )
Bar"o" I . GloIII ( : lch. ) . 111'01.
iiarwig. Inl ( Minn. ) , Ilchnr.l { , (0 . ) .
lim'enter. lal tMo. ( ) , Ilc'dROa'fena. ( )
/11 I tTex. ( ) , lal101I , ihtclmle. (
Ih'rr . Unre. loLblnH ,
Blacl ( Gn ) . lari.ol. Husk.
Boatner , I [ cn1erson.C ( ) luKFel ( Ca ) ,
/owl'r I , 1"nO I , ) ' . lun.
llreiz imines . arrH.
Iimickmmer I moimmian . H. > lllnel ) lmttrn .
Ihool18hle. I i i lutchcson I , smumme .
lal'"II.o , Istar tpemry ,
eadmU8. I\Ulom. mprmngpr. , A
e1 pie I , 1\'le. tlloln/er. i ,
C.llnon tCal. ) , mutimnm. ) Hlnllnls .
( ' 'ammmtim Luiwsomi . 0 Htono ' .
( l.aw8U. ( ga' )
Cimtelmlmmgs . I'stcr. Strttms. ; ( \)0) '
1'/Use ) ' , 1.1\11/(01. ( HW""HU ,
Claney , l.cllWOo Tailol ,
( 'Iarlo ( . \ In. ) , 1.)1'h , Tamp .
loLI ( . \ la. ) , OmlmiIlox , . 'JnOlor.
( ocimimts . : lalo , y , 't'nacey .
Conl.h , Martn. ! . Tucker ,
Covert , : kCr' ' . I ) . Turner ( Cmi ) ,
Cox , MeCumilocit. 'fOler.
Crawford. : 1 lelolonurner. ) .
Culbcrson , McGann. \aollnlloa ,
1/10 ( ' , Mcl\nl ; \en.loek ,
temimomm . : ollln. 't\ " , 'ilR .
Illsloro. itii'relitlm. ' \ \ ' 'IR. ler ( Ala. ) ,
mockt'ry. Meyer . \11111" ( III. ) . I Jlltlolery I , " 'llaIR ( 11. m , . )
I'nllo" : ! tCal. ( ) . Mosey. . \1..n ( W. \'n. ) ,
1leM. : O. N.'I ( Mass.tse. ) . t\o
I nlnln , . .Ollhwll.,1 I ert.ri
' .Iehler , , I 'igp. \ \'oodard-l2I.
1'lhlln. l.ocbal ,
. \lhIH ( Put. ) , GIIII ( : aRM , ) . 1orthwo ) ' .
Aldrih , Olln , tWls. ) . Ogulemm ,
Aroll , , Orolt , I.'nce.
. \11) ' . OIW m , l'erlllnH ,
IJle ) ' . linger- . 1111" . .
l"k."o ( Inno ) . homer . i'ickicr.
In I n' ( No ii. ) . Ilaummes . Power.
I tmir ( iioidt . Inl1H I I m , ( lummag. .
lel (1',1101. ( ) 1:11i8. itmimahali ,
I ti'b tziiu.jci' , Ilrlmln i I , Innlll
Inn.J . , 1\eh. m , I ttel .
Ilwn. ] 1.ljen. f'Ohlr.
II\ot' ICRlo ( ) . IIeniem'son , Un. ( ) HII'h''n ( IIcii. )
Ir I < elh'II. 11'11 I i , ttot.'r'im Jleho . .
I 1011 , wl I. I I ermmmmmnum . loLln.on. I
1".110. I 111s. i I lu"I.1 I i ( t.'onmm )
II ) . \1. 111. tcrnlol , '
lun.I m ) 10.ller I SM mes. ) . Simel .
1'lnl.1 110) 4 ) ' II"kln8 I tl.l. I I I I ; rII' .
"d\'llarl. I ( Uo"lllns ( l'a. ) . Hhl".OI
I ltttkeil \ miie. luntel I t ( tI itt h.
l'lull I . , I ; Cllo , ) , Ittvt . Hnoigr ss .
1.11.1. .1011 > n ( N n. I ) . Hnolgri'H. ' ' ,
1'.oell. , .Iommes ' , Htl.I W. \ :
Puln Coon ( , ) . l\em. 11"1'1. , '
( ' , iomiem' ( Tex. ) . I\tllr. 3irahi.
I'otler 1\00" , I.acuy ' , 5irung .
I 'ouInS haiimmitn. tlron& (5 . C. ) .
( t'mmmtts tltmn.i . 1.llle. ' 'II ) ' . f.
( 'umums tNo " . ) . liuil 'm'linmnau .
1.lbrl. I 1.I < . 'J111aR. 1III'I'I ( .
lanh'IM , ammusmii'r . Van \"hl. ( . Y I
1,11. . M.\h'I , Van Voomimig t )
ticAm mmm's1l . lhC < I. \II.WOII tim . o I
Iln'le ) Mclktv'ht . " \iiker.
loU'r : 1Irl'lllcll. ! Vmmmmger.
IMol.I I ! . % 'un&or. .
israpen . aieIi.l'jomin , \'tuiie .
IrIPH. : lel"Nha
\h I t.
1.tmun'1. : : 11) ' . u' Im hug .
luhms : m ( i ) ! . Moore . 1\'hltll. (0. ( ) .
1:110 : 10 , do , ) , amomummumi. Wison Wol r ,
Unr \ tN . y ) . Nemil Moise , ' W\GIH :
I The tclowlu ! pairs \ wer ; announced :
Cooper or Indiana wIth { \ el r or Illinois ;
l.alon or Ohio with Soekdale ! or Missis-
slppl : Price or I.oulslanaItb Gros\enor
of Ohio Irlbbs ' ' .
o : of PennSI'allla wlh Johmm-
Mn of Imlal : Cockrnn ( lm York wIth
lnham oC Pennsylvani Del " orest of
Conneclclt with SWlt 0 of llho : Cram of
Texas wih Blair of Nel 'IQI pshlre ; Bank.
heall or Alabama witho llen oC Maine :
Forman ot Illinois with ' ' LeCe\r or New
York ; Sorg oC Ohio with Maryin or New
York : O'Nell or Missouri with Wilson ot
Wnshlngton ; 1.IH ? or Illinois with Hooker
of New York : Henrl or MissourI with 1ul
oo f Iowa ; Seniors Wbeonsln with HOlk
or Tennessee : Camlnett 'ot California wih
DeMen or New York , 11 C9bb of Mis-
slrl with Babcock or \ Iscommsimi.
The advocates oC the bill hall luferNl their
fie frst parlamentary reverse. The rolure to
fie rder the previous ( IUestQn Ihrew the c\cclnl
ordcr 01)0mm to alelhncnt , 'hpre ' Was a lIe-
monstralon froll the OPPo'l nts oC the lull ,
Is i advocates were panlc.ttlken rmn'zing !
that the
vole given prbably spnled the doom
oC the currency bili. : lr. Outhwnle 1.lnell.
alely arose ali wlthtew ( time lleclnl ( ! der.
The currency bill Illl heen abantiommetl-at
least l tenipormirily-to glvl he supporters oC
the bIll an ollllortunl ' to reCJr'l tlolr lines.
is I hOI all happened so tulddy that It \as
some tle before the members WHO able to
realzo the struggle was Q\'er ,
The house then setted clulJth' down to
the conslterlon of thl 11pl ) latlc alpro- )
prlaton bill. : lr. IcCral'y pXllhlnell Its
Ilro\'lslons I brlef ' . Only , few ehanges were
11110" m , : lr. lcCreary , alered an Ine111-
ment m 10 estmmbbisim comitumiate
estlblsh a con II.1te at IrZrnum I : ,
Armenia , nt I salar ) ' of $1,0'J. ' : lr. llt
10\'ell m a consulnte at Harpool , Inrle.y.
1heEe amellnents heath to n reCerence
or the recent slaughte ' In , \rl\nla. : lr.
hlltt . with Inlenso feeling . urged the ne-
cessly for proteclng time IINsl'narles , who
were cut down iike . '
le sheep. Inrlool was the
nearest point to the scene oC Ihese sitttmgi.ers. (
Both amendments werd adollted. Vitimotmt
Clrlher amendment the comlitee arose 111
the bill ,
bi was Ilassel ) .
The postolce appropriation bill was then
talen ! UII. The bill was xplalnell ly : Ir.
Henderson , chairman of the cOlmlttee on
Ilostomees ali postrolls , carried $89.42,1&2. 1
or $1IIG,330 less than the estlates , butt
$2,206,353 moro than time allproprlaton for
the current year The estllntel1 receipts for :
the next year were $2.35,5l3 less tln the
SUI carried hy time bIll.
During the debate unler the hlve-nmimmute
rule , : lr. Perldns oC Iowa entered a Ilroiest
against the lanner In whleh fast mal trains
going west were held at ; Chicago to give the
lpers of the latter cly un opportunity to
get olt early mal editions. Timey were des-
troylng ho said , all but the local slrcuhllol
oC the papers In Iowa and ebrsl ( There
could bo no objectiomm . ho ald , I these fast
trains were tun sllly for the purpose ( , C
expediting the mals , but when they were
run to expedlate the delverr of the Chicago
ipers , mull newspapers wes of the : lssls-
slppl objected. He read n Ipler frol Mr.
flosewater editor of tho-Omdha Dee.
Mr. Iopldns of Ilnois cn\endet \ the ChIcago -
cage papers simply took ; ; adantnge of the
fast lals and In no wIse dIctated their
timmmo schedules.
Lme : r. Qulrg of New York offered nn amen .
ment 'o n aragraph Included In the last
postolce allproprlalon bills' . relating to
books lows : , plnhlets : and l ublqalons ' 0 , as tel ,
"Pro\lded , That assoclto ) s organized to ,
secure ImprovmentR In limp condition of
public roads and hlhways consistIng ot
not less than 1.000 mncmn'oCrs . 4nd maIntaIning
a publIcation ) ublshel at least once a month :
shah secure distributIon at secon -class m
rates. " , r
Mr. Quigg explaIned that Jthe publcaton I
dcslgned to be admitted to \ the malls as I
second-class mater was " thm4 organ of tin
League or AmerIcan Whelmnen . al organ
Izaton whIch hatl 12.000 ' nmbers. . .
Mr. Dockery of 1Issour1 made n point of.
order against the amenlhient and Mr. hatch :
clslon. 11 time chair temporarily reserved . lila dci -
Mr. Caruth or Kentucky took occasltn durIng -
Ing time debate to etpose time alleged scheme
to rduee letter postage frol 2 to 1 cemit
Time Natona Postage union , of whleh Lyman
J. Gage or Chicago was treasUre . he said .
was pushlnl the mnovemmuemmt. Through the
agencIes of that union , ho said . contracts
were everywhcre mat with business men
by which one-half the postage saved during
a year was to bo turned over 10 the promoters -
meters of the scheme I It carried. Mi
Caruth salt the promoters would divIde
$5,000,000 If the bill passed , as the reducton m
of postage fl'OI 2 to 1 cent would save leler
senters $2&,000.000 ammnuahiy. ,
Mr Hatch then sustained time point of ordpr
made against Mr. Qulgg's amendment to
allow the publcaton of the L. A. W : to go
through time mails at second chss rates.
Wlhout amendment lie postofce apllro- I
prlaton bill was then passed , and at 4:4 : ;
p. m. limo house adjournem.
SCItOI QUI1Y I'oilts out ii Needed . tmmmcmmd I-
flout 10 time Income ' 1'1 Ln"
WAShINGTON , Jan. 9.-r ' : Cockrel ot
Missouri , from the appropriations committee .
reported the urgency deficiency bill to the
senate today. In reply to a question by
Mr. Quay of Pennsylvania Mr. Cockrel said
the committee hal lade mme amendments
to the bIll as passell by the house to those
provisions relntng to tIme Income lax. Mr.
Quay thought an amellment shouhl be made
10 the law requirIng a pUblcaton of the
names all salaries of the emilloyes of the
COrlOraton , and In this connection he cr ate :
something or n sensation by saying that a
genteman high In political clrclesln i'hmiia-
delphla hall given as a re son why he coull
nct pre : servo plghted faith and could not
do what ought to bt done regarding an 1m.
portant mmomnimmatlomm. was that lt was under
n heavy salary frol a great corporatIon , < nt
was compeler to do what the corporaton
tiesiremi blderaton The tomorrow lull wIll be called up . for con-
: lr. Harris , who hams Jnst been selecled for
unother term of six years In the semmate , rims
returned 10 Washlngtol , mind wa very
warmly congratulatet by his colleagues when
he Ippeared In the chamber tOday. Ex-
Senator Etmunds or Venjiipmmt . who Is In tIme
cl ' , also visited the scene or his olt lluteH ,
ami met many of his Corel' assocIates.
At 2 o'clock Mr. Pasco of Florida ad-
Illesred tIme senate on the Nicaraguan canal
bill . lie announcell that wjle favorIng time
conslructon of nn Interocranlc canal , yet hJ
was 11ppowI to the penmiing bill.
: lr. Pascoe declared IhA be was In favor
of time construclon of an .lntelceanlo canal ,
but ho round serious : oJedlons to time
Ichele as 11rop031 : In he Ientlng bill . The
senator 10 opening hla r remarks recounted the
many advantages to comneutothe PeOlllo or his
state from time cmplelon" or this great wcrl\
'ho commerce from tIme stales lying north
and east or Florida whlh ) would pas through
the canal could lint ! no better millet than the
ports of Itniaola , Talfs : fno tall Gorda .
Time Imporlancl and value 'f time canal , he
said , Is recognl7ell by all the comm rclal na-
tons of time world. FIrt , . ; ' . Pucoe cri-
Icaly II Clue time plan prQPoletl In time
pending hub ami poInted out , the ( reasons why
he thought It ught not toe acceptemi Discussing -
cussing Its financial features , lie said Ihere
was mme provision whateVf1 In time bill looli'
lug to the complelQI or time canal , l oull the
cost be greater than time ' , rl\ng capital pro-
vlded for , autl this could Ot exceed $ S , OOOQOO
even If the omp.n(1 trtlury stock Is tJs- I
posed of at par. 1 .
"The analysis or time schmenie " said he , '
"shows that.the omiulte bur'dn II tl be borne' '
by the United State" 'lhe faith and , credIt
or the I&ople ) are IQ b pdge1 to supply the :
leans , but It there Is I. faIlure tlose who
are to reip & : me or lime fruits of success 10
not share the consequence wlb them ; If tbe
coat Is In excess ot time fled limit time \Drl :
must be completed by further leg.lallo' ! hereafter .
after at the peoplc's expense or the mllon- ,
Invstell In It lost. And yet the feasibility ,
perlanenG and cst of the work have . not
yet b'n jsCerlalell by any alth : rity acting
in time t Interet or lime l11el States . "
The senator thought grave dubti existed
whether the government could Jr admitted
to Imartielpation or cblrur1lcn ff thus canal 13
a Itorkholdtr. 'fhl , dcub' cu/tt I \ t , rf- -
( Contnuel on Tim rd JII&e )
William Walter Taylor of South Dakota
Missing with Publo Funds ,
Last lenrll or In New s'oric. 'heneo lie
Wrote lie \oull Not lteturim-Stmtto
Ofllchmmt l'lrnlyzec by the
Innkrullt hixelieqimer.
pmmm , S. D. , Jan. 9.-Speclal ( TeleI
grammm.-Stmtto ) Treasurer Taylor Is ehort
$200,000. le 19 now In New York
where he has been for two weeks
trying to raise money to get out of
trotmble. Ills baull at HClfehl closed this
morning. m E".Go\rn9r : lelete , Speaker
, howard and Bob McCoy DC Aberdeen are emi
I the bond. I amounts to $350,000 , but the
state lxamlner expects It wi 1hrlnk some.
I II alleged that there should bo about
$ $250,000 In time state treasurr. Plblc Ex-
aliner Meyers has not been able 10 secure
n latement of where funds were deposited
slnco last . \llrl , all no one appears to know
where time funds oC time state were eposlted.
'elegrals sent out Crol here alper ) to have
Calell 10 locate Ta 'lor. Ex-Governor : lelete
, , on time roach CrOI Indlaua ami oIlmen bOlls-
len are thullerstrucle br the news. The
oIlier bndslen reside In this city.
I has beemi Imown for some time that
Treasurer Taylor was hart pressed. lie
was caught In the Chcmlc.11 Natonal fall-
ure In ChIcago for 1 large amount , anti ho
lost $20,000 In the bank at 1lbanl , ant
$10.000 In that at Gettysburg which failed
during the panIc. Alogether ho lost $100-
The First National at Helfehl , Ta 'lor's
bank , Is In good condItion all It Is thought
wi pay out. The banis at Pierre will
not lose. I the defalcaton Is large ns
the bontsmen believe , It will place the stat
In a very embarrassing position. Time
Illt of Intebtelness has bEen passed
largely. No warrants or bonds can be
sold aud thmcro i a consIderable deficiency
In roenul.Vlholt thIs It wouhl have
been a dlmcult problem 10 make both enta
meet , which Is now Impossible. Taylor has
always : had ml ' high reputation as n financier
aId lan of integrity. The school fund
ia ) hoe 50OOO. 0
The whole city Is tor up over ' deCalca-
Ion , , slate omcers are paralyzed and no ono
snows eiher limo amoun oQr elcaton or
methot of extricating the Rta o. Under the
statute Taylor should have turned over thc
cash to hIs successor yesterdttnSatur ' - , ,
daymewirecl from New York thnt 10 could
not s i hero before late last night. When
the train arrived It 2 o'clock this mornIng
ho was not aboard , and his bondsmen an I
persOnal frIends became convinced that their
susplctons were correct mind that lma has do -
I Is utterly Imposslblo to tel anything
about the amount. All state fmmmmds are deposIted -
posIted to the credit of W. W. Taylor , Indl-
\ltualy , at Redneld. There are no records
to show where the money Is deposlterL Toy
lor should have had on hand $346,000. le
had set aside $190,000 to pay funding war ,
rants which were dime In New York on
Saturday. Whether he paid them Is un-
known. Public Examiner Myers found al ]
his accounts correct In April last ; but he
has mate no examination since. Mr. Myers
has for thirty days been somewhat suspIcious ,
ant has trIed 10 get a list of deposItor y
banlls , bu , has been put off on one pretext
or another. Three weeks ago Taylor went
to New York , and I Is undersloot that hc
has i been trying to raise money to cover the I
shortage from friends there. His father Is
wealhy , and his connectons are so powerful
that It Is a surprIse he could not fx the
matter up. Taylor senior Is now on his way
The defalcaton or Taylor grows In serIous-
ness as the facts becorie Imown. 'freasurer
PhIllIps tOday fooled imp time books ant fnds
that yesterday there should have been In
Taylor's hands $30,000. All that ean be
found Is $1&,000 In time banks of Pierre ,
where most of time eurrent balance Is kept ,
antI $1,500 I In tIme Hednelt bank , which
closCI today , ant which usually kept on
hnnd about $25,000. This leaves I Ihorlage
of $353,500. , There may bo' Fomo other :
amounts teposletl In various IJnis , hut
there Is mme record of tlmemim Th'ro Is mme
reconl of deposIt In the office here . or this
amount nearly $100,000 belongs 10 the state
schcol fml , the rest cQn s from time general
fund uf the slate.
Depuly 'reasurer Durrlntm states that
the Irelsurer hat been gathering In time
deposits from the various banJls mluriimg time !
, past few weells with time ostensIble 11nrpose
! Qf pa 'lnj t.191(00In funding \ Irrants
which were due on Saturday last lt the
Chase NatIonal bank oC New York , and lat
he lust imave had In cash at the time of his
tisapjeanlco ) fully $250)00. '
nm NOT PAY ' / W\RIA 'S.
Ho was last seen hen on 'he 2211 or ne-
ccmher , anti heft for New York lust Satur-
da ) ' . A dispatch was recevel ! hy time
deputy from him at New York , statng that
ho hat the wurrants and woulll reach her
last night. A dlspateh from time Chase IJnl1
today slatE that the warrants were nol
palt , ant that they had seen nothing ot
Taylor for several days .
The last ! xamlnalon of time Ireasurer's
accounts were made In / \prl , unt Ihey were
correct. Publc I xaliner MCs states that
ho began an exalination about a month
ago , and Ihat Taylor refused to turn over .
his deposit books putting It Oil emu one pretext -
text an,1 , another. 'rhe examiner suspected
at the tme he uvuLa shorl , but beleved he
would slralgltn matrs out before the
first of tIme year. lie Is being crllclsed
severely ! since. Hat he Insisted Oi a rlghl
acoultn ut that tme at least $200,000
of funding warrant money \ould have been
A telegram from Chicago state that n
man answering time descrllion ot Taylor
r glueret at time Northwestern holel hum that
cIty yesterday , and heft for the west
'fhe governor In his message yesterday
very highly COlplmeltet 'raylor for his
ski II manajlng the state Inlnce and
kecplng tIme warrants al lIar during the
panic. : 'oday be appeared at the state
house ht h anll mlressCI the leglsllllr ( asking
hat t thlt part of the message referring to
Taylor be stricken out
The father ot Taylor , who lIves nt
Pn'ete\lle l , hit , nnll-x-Go\ernor : Ielete ,
who mt are on his bommils. slarlCl for thIs city
ms t oday , and wIred lucy wouhl malIc good time
s imortmugci. Attorney General Crawford will
begin suit on the bond tommmerrow. Time
bonllsmen Rll nmoults are as follows :
J . T. teCheEne . New yOlk..O :
C. I r. \'Inton. hiedilehil. . " . . . . . . . . . 2,0
\'llal ' 'a 'lor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOtOO
A.iCemmierer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10./1
3 . A. ] . lscr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.000
C. P. ' Iownhl. fletiiielml. . . . . . . . . . .
\ v. C' . l'lser , Jr. . Itetiflelti. . . . . . . . . . tl. <
J . O. l'owcirs ltedtield. . . . . . . . . . . IG.O
I. : I. 1 0 WR'r. itedileith. . . . . . . . . . . IG.o
I t. ii. : lcCaIHhe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G.OO '
\ v. 1) . Beebe , Hclll(11. . . . . . . . . . . . 10.W
P. S. ' ' Meyers . Itedilelul. . . . . . . . . . . 10.0
P. . ' " . Brok ! , \ berdetimm. . . . . . . . . . . : i.t1)
First . ' Nntonll bunk , AbI..len. . . . . . ; : .o ) I
I.'rank lel.l , Aln'rtieemm. . . . . . . . . . : .O '
A. K I : Morris Delaml. . . . . . . . . . . :0,1'1 'I
C. J. l.lrle. Del\ll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . :0t 1 )
A. C. Meiiette , Watertown. . . . . . . . . 50,00)
There Is an IIresslon hero that owll 10 ;
the lechnlcaly limo bonds will not be held' '
lrs. Tmmyior left homt wih her immmslmammtl . ;
ostensibly to visIt Crlends In time cast 111
has not been hcrll Crol since. Talor's
troubles bmgamm eighteen mOlths ago , whel he ,
lost UOOOO of state 10ne ' II the D gs hnnll
fnlnro at : llbanll , ammO he Is known nlso to
have lost heavily In the fulnre oC the Cimcmni-
cal Natonal of Chicago.
IlaWI.U 'tEll Itt liLY S'AltTI.I\ :
Coshl ! or tIme lnn II itrummgq tn 1.Ihlnn Un.
bolted fur : tntC or A InII .
ItElF'IELD , S. I ) . . Jan. 9.Probably time
10st starting fallre that hns ever occurred
In South Dalwln or time northwest was re-
\'ealed today In word received frol Wlial
Waler Taylor , limo oulgolng state treasurer
111 presldcnt of the First Natonal banll
Int Northwest Mortgage Trust cOlpauy oC
this cIty , that ho would not appear to Inlle
his settelent at Pierre wih his successor ,
Treasurer-elect Kirk Phlls of Dl'lhHO1
Time news amid closing of his bank came
like a thlllerclal ) frol I clear sky , be-
cause both Taylor anti the fnanclli Instu-
tons wih which he was connected were
regarded as frl anll rellble by the people.
The from '
news I'Ierro demmuommatrates thmmit rio
money' in lmeid there to the credIt of thu
state treasurer , and nomme Is imeld in time
bank here. It is estlmmmated nboumt $350,000
Is mnIssing with Taylor. Aside froumi time
finaimelal loss , time action of 'raylor is felt
tcrribhy by all wimo have kmmown anti lmavr
done bmmslness wIth imimmu cmiii time iinancial ]
emmterprlses witlm which lie imas becim comm '
mmected 1mm years Past. lie nmmd hIs entcm'prIsem m
imavo imandled , mmiaumy timousantis of eastcrmi
capital , mmmiii hIs bmimmic
hero bias always beemi I
regarded as one of time llrmmi. sate Institmmtiommm m
in time state. On Tuesday mnoriming iim I
bammlc hmercm opened for buslumess mis umsual nnd I
the cashier , F. W' hlumhmhmrey , states II
imeid 50 per cent of deiioslts 1mm caslm anti iii I
bonds of mupproveti reserve agents itm time east .
Timero s ns quite a "mm on time bank on Tuesdumh p
by imartles uvlmo imad timelr suspicions arouce I
by receivimig information iimat Taylor hat I
not shown up timero mid timat somethIng win 5
mrrong. TIme hank omciahs decided to eIo3 S
the banlc.subjeqt to exanminution by timi S
comptrolier o time currency , anti that officio h
was notified at oumce. Timis actIon was talkz m
for time Protection at time bank ammO Its mman : : u ,
deposItors. Cashier Hummmrhmrey declares dci -
posltors vIhl be paid In full as soon as thm , a
, govenminient oxatnimier concludes lila exmmmiiluma -
( ion , as there is an excess of fully S60,00i )
In good paper , besides about 40 11cr cent tic -
posited in other baumics. Time banlc hero I a
not commmpromnlseml flamumicially by Taylor's de -
fatmIt. It Is stated ammthmoritatlvehy thmat zmfte r
time examination t the bank anmi Its eredi t
is restored It will reorganize mind open to r
business ,
Time worst blow falls umpon Taylor amid imi 5
bondsnuemm , mimany of whom reside lmere and an ci
representatiVe and. heading mmmcmi of Red .
field. Taylor was last teen In Chicago , Jan -
unry 4 , lIe went fromim Cimlcago to Now Yorli : ,
since wimicli tIme imo informatiomi imas bean rc i-
eeivoml as to lila whereabouts , mmd It Is no , t
lmimouvmm whmetimer time state or Imis lmonmlsumie ii
imavo been lurotecteti imi any way or riot 1) y
lulam , No bank eisewimere is involved in Iii ci
default. Pierre bamulcs were suspicious mt
Taylor's absence and wIthdrew thmelr d : -
pOStS ( roam time hanlc hero before It ciosed ,
Time following hotter was receIved unmic r
date of Jammumary 0 by time bammlc hmere. TI , 0
envebopo was iostniarked Now Yonic , Jam m-
unry 6. IL will throw lmmmportmmmmt light upon
timmi ninttnr anti cnttlo nfl , iniht , n tn 'Pn. , _
b r's dlsappearammee :
Dear Frnumk : I mini compelled to Inform
yl ou thimmt I will not returmi to flmIflcld or
l 'ierre. I have counted emu fnlenmis aummulatlmig
I ii making mip my settlement 'itii time state ,
af mid felt thmat it wommld be done untIl time last
f ew days. I feel reulveti to hcnow time I"im'st
Natiommmtl of ItedIleiti I mmot Iii any % 'imy
r igimtfuhly" compronmised by my maisfortumne ,
an nti hope that Its patrons will believe y'ntm
n it they shmommltl tom' yomm have imlways kept
t ime bank nffafr in good mmmmfe condition.
Timere 1mm mmmi renmunn why thin bank shmoulml not
C ontirmue Its bumimhnesmu. I offer no excimso for
m conmiuct , although I imave niammy. Ytmmmrs
t ruly' , \ ' , W TAYLOR ,
It devolopes a plaster mortgage reaclmeml
fledflehtl Wednesday ummorsmimmg aumil m'as miuly
filed In time registrar of deetl otlice , trans.
ferrlng to a coimmpamiy iii Chicago mmli hula reid
cstmmto amid cimmmtteis Imi thmln city ammd Spinbc
Time emitlro city mmsemi time banbc for a tie-
pository' , huence a deamlly paralysis Imas
affected all time arteries et ( untie anti social
lIfe. Taylor Is about 41 years old , mmiornlctl ,
immmt ima mme cimiltlrcum. lie caumie to htctifleltl
frommu Lafayette , md , , mmbommt time fail of 38S5
anmi opemmemi a bammhcimmg btmsinemma , lie soon
secmmrcml time emitlre fluid , two otimemhiaimhcum
goimmg limit C f bumalness ,
Commmfmtrmilcr Eclcels hmas ms'ireti timat fix-
anmimmer Zlmmimuucnmnumum immms luceum orderoul to
coulD hero at ommco nimml hike chmorgo of time
baimlo ,
11111) IINOWN ( SF 'l'.SYLOIL'55 T1tOUiLmS ,
Imniemmlis lii itlirtieemu Vunra Cagmmizmimt : of t immm
ttrimimq of tim , , 'Ire mmsimrer ,
ABERDEEN , 13 , D. , Jamm. hl-Fromn abuse-
lutely rellaimie sommrce'u It Is learimemi timat time
defalcatiorm of State Trcasmmrcr \ % ' . W. 'raylor
will roachm $300,000 , Practically oil state
ummommeymu t'ero iim lila owmm hmanils , except seine
$25,000 or $50,000 whmichm was emm deposIt in
vaniomms banks. Time wreclc Is comnumicto. It
Imas been known for a year tlmrmt Mr. T4yiur
personally imas lecmm iii haul straits , but mmot
one of hIs most intimmmmmte frlemmds tlmouglmt iml
sitmmatlomm imoimelesim or evemm desperate. They
knew lie hmaml been atlvammclrmg amid lnvestlumg
mmmoney reciclssly , consitlerlng time tImmic , yet
they umet'cr dreammueil time truth. \'hmcim time
oiulciuihs mnmihce aim lmmvestigatlomm of time tress.
tmrers chico they will lie slmmilmhy apmallmjtI mit
time condlilomi of affairs.
Waitr " , V. Taylor urns horn 1mm intllana
aimeut. lSiSl. mmmiii for mm time mmssoclatel , m itim
imis fatimer'Illiammi Taylor , lii the wholesale
coal bmisiuiss at Lafayette , iimml. Proni time
tlnme lie was 18 ycmir old ho imad dimmest cx-
elusive cimarge of time busimmess , mmmii tlemumcimm-
uitratmul mm wonmierrul calmaclty for grachulmig
time details amid intrIcacies of mm very large
trade , lie caine to Isl.ota in 185 , mmmmul u's.
tabilmimm1 time First National bamik of iteml.
field , whIch lie uoon mmmdci one of time heading
flnanciai lmmstitutlone in timis sectlqn , lie
Stick an active part lii politIcs froimu time first ,
% earnest 1mm time struggles for statehood
ammd mvas mm delegate train Smnk ! county to time
first state eommvemmtlorm lucid in huron in lSS'J ,
At time mmpimroval eoiis'emmtion of 389(1 ( , Imed at
Mitchell , lie entered tim race for state treat-
urer , amid secured time nommmimatlon after a
spirited mmmiii exciting contest , Ito truss
nominated amid elected for a mu coral tenmmm ,
which lie completed aim time hat of Janmmary of
the present year.
The bank bath a capital of $50,000 , a surplus -
plus of $20,000 , antI did a large busIness ,
Senate Committees Frarnetifor Protontcttfo ,
and Thou a Ohnngo Came ,
Cumeico of ltmuhmmm for Chmairmimmimm aim Mieo ,
lmiiuetitm Ciirpormsttomt Not Satisfactory IC' ' ' . . '
Omitshtiera-Iommgias County 1)cio-
gmttcs flu ( lie iVmurImmthi ,
LINCOLN , Jan. 9.-Spechnl ( Tcbegramn.- ) .
For time first timmme
simmco time legislature con-
'emmetl tlmcro is a sitmiatloim , TIme coimmmnitteo
vimicim imas beemm laborlmmg mmigimt antI uiay for
immort , timmmmm mm weak iii a 'mtimi emutleavor to
forum tlmo stammtiiimg comimmmmittees of time senate
imna coimupleted Its iabor with one 'er' iimm-
Portnimt excjmtIoum. , It cmummmmot ngreo tmpomm a
chin I rmmmmm im for I lie eommmmmm it tee cmi mmi iscel Iammcotm
conluoratloums , auth timcre Is good reasomms fop
time belief timmut ommtmiitio lmressmmre too strommg
for time Comnmmmittee to resist has be3mm brommgimti
to bear.
Last mmigimtht. was givemi ommt that helm of'
Atiummmms was to bo givemm tIme cimmulrmmmnmmshmiptt
Timero uvas mmotimlmmg mmcmv in time nmmmmoummmce- '
iumemmt , for hlnumum wums slateti for time idaco'
two u'cclcmu before time legislumtumro commvemieml ,
iiiiui lie \vmma mlateml by time smuimme coimmbimiatlomm
( lint mumumtlo'mitson hreslmlOnt of time semmmute , I
MclCessumm chmmirmmmmmmi of time rmmliroatls eomimmmilt- '
tee mmmd I' ° i ° cimimhrmmmmumm ot time jmmdlclary cotmi
immittee. limit hhmiimmm'su sclctiomm has mmot givemi .
satimmfmmcilomm to all Imiterests , mummml time mummumoumice-
Immemmt lii Time hico I his mmmom'mming , together witlm
time appeutritmice of 11111 l'axtomm tommialmt , imas
mihiCet time deal , mind at mmmitlmmiglmt time conimmmit , .
to was tielberntlmmg wimetimer to immaist ohm
ihaummi wIth a flgimt , or drop imlun amid escape
oiie. TIme oimthoiml is brigimi. for mu lIvely scfa
whichever imormu of time tiiiemmmmmma time commummilt-
tee tmmitlertakcs to swallow. 'I'ime comumbative-
hess of mu mmummmiber of semmmutonmu imas bcim , raIsed
to limo flgimtimmg lmolmmt , amid tIme coimmbimmation ,
which scm far Imas emitlreby comutrohled time semi
ate , viii imavo to tmuke cure of Itself Iromum time
mmiommment it ummmdertmtlces to commmimieto time or-
gammizathomu of limo sermate. i
Time Iommglas commnty semmators mire mmot en.
tirely happy over time sitmiatiomi. Smmmithi Is'
st I I I demmmammd I mmg t ii e cliii irimmans ii li of thm '
commmmmilttee on mmmlscelhmummcotms corporatIons , ammd
declares timat hme will reftite time cimaftmmia
ship of time labor comuummmittee , wlmlchm lmmi bemm
teimtlem'ed imimim nimml to whmlcim , as time slate , 4
stantis tomuigimt , hal has beemm assigmmed. Cm-anal
votmltl have liked time cimalnmmmammshmip of th1O
jmmmllclumry' commmfittee. limit sized tip the sit\ii '
mmtlomm before otemmlmmg day and discreetly re-I
fralumei , frommi umalcumig for aimy chmainmmmanshIp.
ills mmammme is secommd oim time judiciary coin-
Time Ioumglas tielegation 1mm tlme imomise I
eqummilly ummhmuimpy lleuiethict ascribes lila fal -
mire to capture time clmainmmmammsmip ) of time comm - ,
uiiltto oil city mmmii towmms to time mmmachinationa
of Jobmnstomm , ammml lie' Is mnaklimg' no effort tp
commceal lml.9 feelings , TIme wo Immet tonlgimt C
amid Bemmedict , rcllevcmi imis feel4mmgs by calhimmg
Jolmuaton a sciuummntng little rmiiut , or words to
timat effect. Joimimstoiu retorted withm the as-
scrtlomm that ime was miot. afraid of UommedIct . .
even if time hatter muss time biggest , Times
BenedIct eald he did not propose to go t9
time lcngtum of attemnptltig physical violence
and friends Interfered. to prevemmt wimmmt looke&
111cc a iersonal encoummmter. ' 11
Time proposal to take tue appointment ot
time Omaha Fire and Poiico CdmmjmmiissIones
out of time hmamids oO time goviurnor ammO plAcel
it tim time hiantls of a board of state otticersi
canme to mm imeami toiiiglmt amid a bill carryIng
out lImo proposed act will be Introdmiced in
tlmo senate tommuonmow by Smmiithm of Douglas.
Time bill vihi taboo time apimointumuent of the
Fire amid Police CommmmmmIlsommers omit of tIme
imauids of time governor amid Idaco IL In time' '
hands of mu , board to be composed of time
governor , time attorimey general anti time conm-1
immissloner of hiUlibic bimimmis amid bmmiidlngt.
Governor llolcommib late this afternoon op.
liroved time official bommd of State Treasurert
flarticy' In time smtmmmi of $2,100,000. In re1 '
ferring to time mmualter Govcrmmor Ilohcomnb
salmi timla evening timat time mi'eebc's delay in
approm'immg time bond arose over time doubt
m's to time liability of time Fltzgerabul
us'imiclm was eu timci boimml for $500,000. The
coimimmmerclmml agemmcles gave time estate an ex.
cehlcnt rating , simowlmmg tlmat tIme estate uva.
wortit nearly $1,000,000 above all Immcumn.
brances. Bmmt. 1mm order to avoid amiy possible
legal comnplhcatlomma time governor desiredi
thmat additIonal sigimatmmres be added to tlm&
bond , This imas beemm domme , immii , time governor - .
ernor said tommlghmt thmat ime hooked upon tim I
bond as an exceilemmt ommc. 4
S imeaucor Ihchmurcis , Itiiimoumccs time List of
Asshgimncmmts-ltommImmo S'onic , i :
LINCOLN , Jami. 9.-Spcclal.-lmnmedl. ( )
m itoly on reassembly of tIme hmoumso timhmu after. .
noon , Speaker hlicimards announcemi time
standing comnummittees for time sesalomm , Pie
follows : I
Jmumliclary-Mmmnger , churmirmamm ; Crow ,
Davies , Jeimmmston of Douglas , hlairgrove , Mc.
Nitt , Cole , lincomm , iicchmer , ( Iuthmrle , Howard ,
FlmmammcmiS'nys uummd Meamus-Crow : cimalr-
mnn ; Crammmb , ( ithillthm , Jmmdmi , Spencer , Shook ,
Mernicbo , Scimicbcedammtz , Jiromly , Scott , John ,
soim of Nemnabma , I
/tgricultuire-Suttoui of I'ass'muee , cummulrmmian ;
Ilarrleomm , J'criciims , flmockmmumm mm , . $ peimcer ,
Cbmnce , Scott ,
Roads amti ; flnhdgeuu-Cliace , clmmtlrnian ;
Mattlsoim , PoiJmnami , Jones , Sutton of l'awnce , '
Orton , Debammey ,
ul I I I 1 ia-I'olm I immaum , cimai rum a n ; Iiemm edict ,
ihmockmmian , Burke , Icaup , ilindisVmult , Mc.
\'lcker , flurry.
l'uhulimu Lammuhms miami
Bmmllmllmmgmm-hlmurnmm of
Lammcaater , cimairmmmamm ; Morricbc , itimoddy ,
Grillitim , hlamnisomm. Haute , itlcimmirdsomm , Lammg-
imorat , % iimlm of Johmmmmoim , iiratly , Cclii , 111g.
glmmmi , Vamm llousemm ,
Itmtemnai Itmuprnvemnemuta-hlmmcon , clmairumiaui ;
Devbc , \ Vlidcr'ehicr , 'I'lummmrmmu , Speumcer , Varm
leetiprimI ltolatInro-Lamnhioi'im , elmalrnian ;
Criimnum , Crow , J.ivIee , luttomm of Douglas ,
lily , 1)emmmimse ) ) ' .
fimmgrosaed mmmii fimmroilctl Illlla-onaway ( ,
mibmmmhnimmami ; McNitt , Joimimatoim of louglas , Cole ,
itlurrltk , herb , l'erllumms : , II'oimcor , hllgglrmmu ,
Accommnts anmi fl'clmemmuiituremi-limme ' , clmalr- .
hum ; iiumrmis of L'tumcmummtcr , IIummcim , Myers.
iiruuly , Zimik of , ioimunomm , Austmby , Cimace ,
Joimmmsomi of Nemmmaima ,
Commmmtitmmilommnl Ammmmmmuimimentmm-Dau'ies , chmalr. .
ama mm : ( I m i lilt ii , I tumi e , hiam'om , , ilroek mmmcmi ,
Iicclc , MCNSLt , ilimlici' , Ilenimmmrd , Itimomles , Caim-
County liouumtlmmnies , Commmmty Sm-ata anmt
'I'owuuaimiim Orgmnlzatiomms-itommse ; , clmairnummmm ;
Itluttlamimi , .Jutiml , iioclmer. ilmmm'clm , llurimmi of
Iomlge , iii 0mm mmcli , lenmpsey ) , itoliertmmomm ,
I taU m'oaml a--h I I itls , ( iima il'flma mm ; Ciiey , A lieu
Coumaway , izmtuuimonmm , , Id muimg r , Jones , Ortomm ,
hitmeoum , MIlm' , Cane , ( 'el Ilmmrris , Scott ,
MeiSrIdo. -
i'rIvlices mmmd filectlomms-Mrtttlson , chair-
luau ; I imclr , , I I mm rice , Ca iii imimel I , ( a rI so mm , ( Jimimp. 4
iluilli. fly , Jiminlusomi , Jeimluimma , l3rolmmis' . florid.
h'rmmIteuutinry-hhram1y' , cimalrmmmamm ; Mernlck ,
Caimm , i'ohmlmimmmum , laup , Lmtmmglmorst , Itouse ,
Smimimledammtz.imul : : of thlicrniaum ,
Immm.ammo ilosimitals-SIseon , cimairimian : CammmIm- ,
bell , Carleimim , ( 'cole ) ' , hailer , Tlmmmmne , 'I'Imomimms ,
Oilmen . \rylumnsitlchiarm1soum , rbmatnmmman ;
i'oiiiummamm , htimomidy , itim-icettum , Maeimrmmmmmn ,
Shook , harm is , litmrt. Itemmmimmgton ,
Corlmormitlons--Jeumklmmmu , chmminimmamm ; fleimedict ,
Suiieii cit l'.mn mite , Smmttotm of Douglas , Ortoim ,
Bet , , Fniti. .
LIL'ranylfairgrovicimmsir.iiaum ' ; Tlmommmag ,
JIm-elm , lhrowimeil , CimmmpimiammVchmcr , harry ,
Cities amid 'I'mmwmms-Johmmiatumm of Iommglaa ,
clairimmimn'alt ; Spemmeer. Itlelmetta , Jilmmds ,
Burns ( if Iodge , Myers , l'erklns , htubertsotm ,
ihmimkmu mmmiii ( urrrmpiosMiles , cimtmlnmnan ;
iltmrelm , Jtmtlil , Iticliurduomi , liacomm , Jemmlcinu ,
( 'mirisomi.
l'umimllc ic'lmca'is McNItt. ehmmjlrjmmmmn , Sutton
of Iotmgiamu ( 'r.uimmim , llermmimrd , lmlcIemmdiiemm4
9utbmrl' , lulihus.
UniversIty anmi onim1OI Schsoobs-Brmmimiau1