-J-4b . . - , . . - - " I , 4 TIlE Ol\lA.II.A DAILY nEE : WEDN1SDAY. , JANUARY 9 ) , 1RflI. . - - - - - - - - - . : Trig OMAHA DAIlY DEE . G. 11OHWAT1I1 . Jdllor. = ' , - - - - - - - rum.umBD G\'ImY lfOnNING. . TEtt1\lS ot SUHSCflIPTION. Ialv flo ( Wllhoul Sundny ) . One ye\ : . . . . S 8 0 Daily J o nnll suntG ) ' . One Year . . . . . . 100 . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . : Six Monlhl . . . . . . \ . . . . . . . . . . 6 o Thre" Monl' ! " . . . . / . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 SundRY flee. Ono Year . . 2 0' ) . Rllr.lay ! 1ee. OM Year , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 ; . WeeklY flet- , One 1001. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , O J.ICIS. : w Omal11 , Th" n" . Iluliding. south Omah" ) Slnl"r lullln 1Ik. . Cor. N end 21h 8(1. ( l . Council fluTu . I : Pearl street . , Chlmlo Oflico . 217 Chamber ot Commerce. ' . "ow York . noom 1. H end 15. Tribune IJldg. I VeiiIngton ) , H07 I. ' SlroH ; N . " ' . t COflIUSPONUINCF. : I , All communlcalonl ( t.lalnl 10 n"\I ' ane odl. , tOlal matter hould b. luhre.sed : 'ro lho 1 : < llor. JtSINJSS I.ITTlmS. ' Al IJ"lne , s lelerl nnd romltances houl he IdI ' "ed 10 The Bee I'ubIIIiItu cOmtThnY ' Omnlui. nr"U. ch.cka em ) Pub\ahlli loalol0 ordcr to ant f . Jo mode psynbI 10 tti . order ot lie comp"ny. 11 _ - T11I I _ HEr _ ; _ 1'UIi1.SIINQ ( I COMtVNY. STATflMT ( - OF - l uL TJ : L O.orgo It. TZlehuek. accrclary ot The lice I'Ub ' 18hlnl cOIInn ) ' . being duly evorn . PI ) ' th"l Ic. the acllll number , ot full nnll complPe cple - ot th . D,11y Mcrntng. I\cnlnl rul : and [ suntily ( tee I rlnlll dUllrg the month ot Novenitet 1Il. wnl u : tolows I. . . . . . . . . 2.8e9 16. . . . . . . . . 2):1 ) 2 . . . . . . . . . . 2I,7 1. . . . . . . . 21 , ? 2. . . . 21.2L Is . . . fl . 1 , ) . . . . 18. . . . 2.Id 4 . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 , : . 19 . . . . . . . . . . . 21.4H - 6. . . . . . . . . 21.37 , 1. ) . . . . . . . . . 21.C12 6. ; . . . . . . . . . 21.fl3 2t. . . . . . . . . 211.1:0 k 1. . . . . . . . . 34,2rl 21.13 22 . . . . . . . . . . 21.111 's R. . . . . . . . . 28. 5' 23. . . . . . . . ' .2I - . 9. . . . . . . . . . & : 21 . . . . . . . . . . 211.393 10. . . . . 1.408 21. . . . . . . . 2l,9) . . . . 2i. . ! , I. . . . . . . . . . ' \4 O ( 26. . . . . . . . . . 2121 t 12. . . . . . . . . _ J. .u7 7 27. . . . . . . . . 2,0G ( 13 . . . . . . . . . 21.0)1 28. . . . . . . . . 1.S p , 1. . . . . . . . . 20,63 ; , 2 . . . . . . . . . 2)020 ) 1. . . . . . . . . . 20.5 O : . . . . . . . . . . 19.933 ' . . Tot ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CDGI L " ( tcdImcUonl Car un old aW ; , ( deductons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . relUrntt . . . . . 1.253 ; ' Tolnl roki . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .e 1.373 : Daily n\'erngo net circimintirm . . . . . . . . . . 2161 mOT01 n. ' 7fCI UCK. . Oworn t [ heCoro me nl11 ttecilbed * In my prcs , -r men thU 21 day ot Te-emher. 1591 - , , ( en1. ) tny l. V. F111. . Notary l'ubtC. ( t ; lleIIH'I' ) of 111' IIW BOlll of 1'II1Cfl- ; ( tol' II\st ) ( I he I ) I extt'I'III I ' Ilxls ( ) to 110 Illh I wOI'k. j- : . \ti II : ' he sUre thnt SelnlO'lel Inw l'I'I'h'eR RIIllnlllultol whele\'ur he lilei ( In the Iwnnle Iuslnl'anl. I I'ellins : to he sell how 111O'R f , n 1lLIf.II(1rt'l1 { 'IICIS ( e1ldur4'1I1tl1t wi hl'lnl ) to thl' nsslstlce of the fllttI : Clr'elCr 1)111. - ' [ he i L1I ml lock ] hecllw I ) 1IIIe I I flshlon- : able ' ' ' ' IIttt IV ' hdIes dm'- IIIHIJ l'II'I'lltath'I' ; hllcs - 7 lug 1811 ' ) I , Ild Ihe flMhlol ) ( ) seels 10 he llel'slsllj 1110 18 ! : . , or ' the raIIrott1s of NebrtsIu cotlre rll'olHls lhrIRIn : wi . IUHt fiI 0\1'1 ole ) . HlothL'I' 11 their ; . Iusle to bud SllllOt.t ) 10 the bill 1)0' Ilhlhl the t Issuc of fl'ce IIRsesl ! - ' 'nl Helll IUSt fell gi'ettly : relIeved to Iln his frh'nlls RO lhllr take lie work of cOlsh'ucll/ cOllnllees of the I\Xt hOlise of leIH'eHcnlal\s olr his htnittis. Should coiigres gt to il1ve4tig8tiI1g : the fellll'nl JU(1i(1lry ( ( In ealest : some of r the glulitor of IIRulell lrl ' lur he . Ifcd front Inure tmu ole of our United StOICS jttlges. ( jUlllS. ' , L'hose 111g114)8Ck chalrl have finally I& _ gotten Inlo the II'oceclllgs ) of theholse , but for the It'CSCIIt ) ute tesln on the tlhlc. Yet , alhllugh tabled , they still ! occnllr tile Iioor. ' : I ( UI ( 0' II'g of the e numerous theatC' which we have heel building , oil pale' ) (1111111g the hINt few wecl1 does , not IJII'lulze : In tulle for the opening ; . of tile next theatrical Henson we shul miss ' our gUeSH : t In thc lower house of the Nebraska legislature there . Is only 0) ) Jones and no Smith. Bolt then there are two ' Ihl'll. two , lohlslons , two Sutons ull , : two /Ittks. Every one 'lust ndmlt ; thut this Is I yl ' fair showing of legislative - : lath'c Iwhll. . Tile A011 a 11 silver coins of the Unlell States ought by nU mcnns to le mudo legal lenter In the state of Nc- ll'II'I ; Until IL bill for that 11111011 : ' shl1 ha\o been enacted NIlraslm will scarcely ' le able to consider herself : us L being In the 1111101) k IN Ihum an .thhll lit thc rules of the polcc Ind lire commissIon to prc\cnt r colored mun fl'OI lIlIlyhlIg ) ) fOI' positons t _ In tile 11'1 dela'llent : 111 talhll cx- . Imlnutons the fame Ul while mcn ? I J _ - _ there II It should eertniiily he clmlnntul1 But WI ll\'c heard of no such color i . diSCt'IIltiLllltIOU. ' H : Of ( 'onlm the SOlth Omahl olcials who hn\'o been conncell ! wih the gllnhlt'I' ) ! ' dunaton Ilal'I ) meter to 0 tI investigated hy Ihch' friends. A : ' friendly In\'stlalol IH uSlul ' 80mo- thing like a fl'ICllyoxlng mntch-It - ' Is agreed In llh'mlce that neither PartY Ihul get Illl . 1'he barbat'ths ) POlt AI'lhU' IUSSUC'O , by .1UIUHtRU ) Iroolls hus * alnln , IHen Con- : : 11'led. . . . . 'j'ho : ' . . . I'WH . .L . ojII'les vlllent3 ' 0" ' . 11 Ileit IIU\ tilOI'WII IleOllo : ItlblI'II ) ) ' I Ine . 10 heh'\'u the first rCllort ) of II I I h'IIII'S t , Wo nil believe 'It olt hl'I' . ( ( ' . I.'mlhel' . coitlii'iinttot'y ' . m. Ilol"s ) nt hI ) dlsllnsell ( wih. 'c 'lIio helm Wit \ 11'olcious ( nhonl , nllolJhl1 ( t'il ny 01 : Iollnr ( Out of 1'0' ' slecl to tilt ) 1\11' ) ' of I Il'celscl ( : nwmhN' 1111 ( Itt 11' ( Hlln tmu to enable 1 the ( iUllhOCl'1t(4 ( 10 . built hnl'lony In tilt ' l'oC'ISl'S of I party enuchis. 'l'ho l'nlens , . I Is to he tinted , did not 111JII'n out of lslHet tu tile IlelUory of the l'CClscd It'llbel' . 'l'hel't at . o still over ele\'en 11101 ' nel'us of Viennt. go'eri)1ne11t luiids In . \uenu\ gO\'nlwnt Illuls II NeIrilk4htt. I I tht'sO lanls ( Wl'I'O. ll'ldl'd 10 I ) the state for tilt CS- . : ' tnlilshl\lt of I s > 'slcl of 1'1. ' llol ) Obh8skflVtlUitt . have 10 iiti1. ell II HCt'tIliLlg IR Ilch . ( 'llllal 1 : Is fl'elCti In hllllng . tilt : .ll rclol Intlcl' cu I 1\1 tol. - 'I'lwro Ilr he 10 lii- 10 ibid exee- % . . rotary AUcn l''slllthlu ( ) ) for thu ' safe , - - la't'llln ) ot' tue IeIlatlvc i ( , tf 110 11e1 llth'o fU1111 uJI lulllllel ) wlldl hI IIU'eIHll two ) ( ' : : age , ll' Is Ihl'I'O nn ) ' 81ntltu nllhol II' such 1I\'I'hIHCt ( \ ) ' hi I. ' 11" ( let that lie 111110 SHell JHu'chnsli hO\\'o\'ur , 1m. ) l\lel a moml l'eslloISIIII ) ) ' l1on hil ( Jllt : to see that the II'OIH'I ( ' of tilt sUllu Ii IWOtOCtCI ( against theft . It Is high t 110 tlu t the klslat lIre . delnu luch 1''Sllullllll ( ) ' I ) Ilw In OldUt ' thnt t tbo StItttl ) I11I' ilOtbe biehIllIdiiy ttntl ia , lut 10lcnllnUr mulClct ont Ut $20,000 to $3,000 ( ) for . ' .le rsllth'c IU1'1)le5 \ - 1IE.Ians . A IWA P. There Is I cilmc1llnhle ) rlsposlton on tile pnrt of the legislature ] to lush throllh the relef Ils for droulh sUf- . fl'I'I'IR iS Illll ( ) ' lS 1)OSSil)1e. There . Is I Jt''c danger , howu\cr. hint the relief his ) wi ollcn tile ( leer for I'cldesi 1lllcll'rllJ nlil II\'c tile way for RIeI - tlltO's Inll ( J011 ) ( ! ' shlrl s who are on the alert for chnlcc ! to In their own IHII.otS ( ( 1111 ( loot thc state t'castr ' . 'I'he Il'gl i I lllle I fh 01 Il I lear In I Ih\l I thn t he hole mlllo In the treasury 1'Y ' thc :108hll' . ( hunk : SWhI11' ) . nlOtltl . 10 a Iltl.te' ( of IL 11101. I ! not likely tu hu 111'11 tlhll the it'esrult ) 'nl If e\'II' ( . .lttst Iow Ilch ! llle IIIW > ' hns hell I ) ( In LIII ( ' (1 ( OIl t h 1 )3 ) ' thc t ( trIIRIL'I' (1 II thug " - hug the 1111t , two .YNtl'(4 nlohj country I I hnls Ihnt lIre 10t In eOllltol nt tills tll ( 10 iuuY Ill ) Is 101 Imowl , hut WI' 1IIIw hol Iii 18fcllhl ! thnl thc sllt h'IISII ' never wns In such bath : shnlI II It Is nl tIlls houl' . 'I 10 dlw : 1 (10,000 ( 01 101'e OIl t of , lilly fit II ti thn\ I I III I , ' lIe a\'nllhll' I . III ( I cOlllle ) Ihls I I i nlllH'oll'lllon , ) ! wlh i t a I ) ' ( ) iso hot t nil Vllrl'1hitti4 IllWI ( 111 ( nut Imll nl sl/hl hr Ihe tl'eISI'Cl Hhnn 11mIn ( I 1'1" ( st from dlll nlll ( he 11llsled ( Iii the school fllil lS ( SI Illh l'ash , SeCIH 10 IHI au cxl'a hnz'llols lXlwlmllt ) , I Is Coil fCH8cclr Ulcolst m I ( I tu t 10111 1 , llI t , wh'll 1111 ( oiJee ( loll , Ihm'c Is a wllc tl' ( 11 for iva rIo II t I irokersVilo a ic s I I I I ii g tl t I tl h'lnl'l' 1011' > ' Oi'ouchel's I 01' lnllN ) before . \vat'ratlt hH heel dl WI. 'l'hc IH'olloHlon to nut llorIe 11 ( ll' ImlclI ( issue of 'oUII ' bonds . Ild var- IltS for relief lh1I'lOSCs ) , nlil aulhO'lz- ( lug lIe t 111'chlse ) or ni HICh e\llllces ( of debt wll tOII ? ' hllolglng to the 111'n,1ell ) Hchoul rUII. nffO'111 11 oi' 10'lullr ) for SChlIWR 1111 ( dO\I'lght ( swIndles thOU wOlld sCllllnlze : ( the state nlil mh ) Its ( hllh'I'1 or the patri- mOI ' S\'I'olllell ( hr the ( illInois of 01' ) cOlstlulol wil slflglnlds which shnuhl lot he set flsi(1t ( ( . 'Iiiere Is It IH'I'SI'lt 10 lImitatIon to the ISHIW of cOllty boiids . so long us the aggregate Ileht does not excecil 10 vel celt of the IssessedIUltol. : ? : Slllllose tilt ) board of cotliuty 1 SIIII"IHO'S ) 0' c0l111SI01tI'S II 11 ' uf tw lew counties Hholll enter 1110 ( II ( ' o1)slIi'acy ) wlh specllalO's ) 1111 ( IHl'e tile hS5CS5- telt this siiu'ing Illsell 10 hm times thc netlnl value , whli Is to hhllm' the Issle uf tholsalds of 1011's of hOllls for relief IJI11ses" ) . ( hId whlt Is thcI'e 10 IH'olect the school fain ! fem being hl'esled Ilto honds ) that are IlloSt (41)1'O le\'et' to IJ lelleclod ( 111 : ( 01 which Interest Is sure tOle defauled ? There ire hrcllI's : ahead which hode ) 10 good to the state Illess the legisia- ] tore SU'0111s every scheme of relief with ( Ill the sufelullls ( lhat cln he de- . \ ISU1 1. The . $100,000 dOlnton out of the general ftuhtl . If dIstributed In 10Ie ' Ilur Cl1111 or per flml ' of destitute PeOPle , wouIl not 10 very far. I cer- tautly ! could not exceed $ : ,00 for any single county. Tile safe : and rational WiY of disposing of this fund would be to expend It for seed grain lJI'chased l ' IL cotmls lun of lun of Imown lu- tegrlt Ind g'en ! or'lls1rlluUon . on the ratio of nCI'elle uuider e H\ulol last 'elt' . The cUC'elc ' . relief Hhonlle nuthollzell by counties Ill also Imle at 11101011. the ratIo of estmnted testtle VOlm- 2. The volume of bonded debt ' \ollte hOlled de\t or war- rants toe Issue by any county for relief 31)01)1(1 be lhnlteL Tile basis for such debt should ba the assessment for 18 3-1 and votes cast I t the elections of 1892-3 , wIth 1 comlmtalon ns to pOlJlalon on the rate of five In onc- hulf pm'Rons to each voter. There are 10 10r people In the 'drouth-strlclwn counties today . than thel' were In 18D2 or 18D3. Quite the contrary there las been I mlterlnl decrease since the drouth ot last scnson. . Unless the legislature VI aces stringent Imlllons on the IH'ol10set relef debt every dollar of our permanent school fund will \e dl'wn out of the treasury ( hIlt wc w1 hot get It hack lu 10 years unless It Is' le1laccd by direct taxatIon , ( lS the cousttnton requires to he 10uo In case of defnlc1lon or losses thlouh lillY other cnusu. COLon.WO's N/1V GOJm'OL. The Ileople ) of Colorado are to he con- Il'ululnted u10n [ tie accession of I clear- iwIttied eOnSITat\o governor. Colorado hilts hld u mther RO'm'o experience ( liur- 11g tIle 1111l ) rell' 01 two nnd the tusti- mOI ; of mUIY of hcl best citizens his i heel ) that Silt has suffered quite lS mueh ( rein the antics of the explosive I and lattiCii'llilleIYalte 11 from nny other calise' . At any rate , the yerdlct of tile voters last Novelbm' showed mOlt cOlclts'uly . thlt they hat ( hud enolgh ( of the sort of polItics of which the eX'loym'nol' Is ni exl)0110ult. , _ _ The u , . _ . , lew . IO\'orllH Is " In hue wlh tile I ! WIUrU IWlal I I ( lo. LC ( 1 IICI tug 1)lle I ) IX- I)1l111111h(5. ( ) 'I'hll ill n mutcr which every sinle executive ! this 'ea' has ear- IWlly 81ught to 1111'IIS ) upon the lell ! . In 1mI 111 It Is one which western lu- 1i1' Ill'S esplcnly ) should gIve 10st 8m'loll Ill'nlol t I to. I Is hnrdly I1OCPS- Hal' ' to sn , } thnt slh'O' receives cousiler- ntol II tilt Inaugural 11lh't'sl of GO\- el'nOI' : : i oh utyre. No Imhle 111 In Colorado wOll1 ntsf ' II0lllnr ) expecta- ton 01' I'eluln II0IIIU' ) cOllllunce who , tlll 10t IIIH'O\C' every opportunity to say sonwlhllg In behalf of the whie Illetull. 'j11 1J' : O\'I I'I0' of lhnt state \1'le\'cs , In comlon wi I 11 Its other cltzel ! , Ihnt Iho OlO . tiling IWceSSII' ? ) ' 10 restore iIlsi1CVitY to tluc Cotiii- . IH'OSIII'I lie COl I. try Is the rehiablhita lon of slIver and its free luIl ullllut colnngo , I t the ex1811 legal 111110. YI' ' lIkely tile goverulor Is CO'I'oet II sl'llg Ihal thl ( I'eslomtun of sliver wltll ! Illnco ) ( the 11'01,1t , of Colorado In nn en\lnhlo Positloit. } , 'Q' I time , at lruI ; , It would II'ohlllr ) do Ihls. hllaccollln ) to trust- worth ' IllOrllltt toil the SIIVOV ) Inforlatun : slh'I' mlnlnc Inton'/ls or Ihnt slnlo ltt'O doIng fairly wcl 110w , WIllie the ( Incl'cIRell ? lirodue- ( Ion of gold must hl'lnl lu the state lHII'lr Ul Ilch 11010 1lom Illllg us It ( formerly received . whel . silver VaS WOl'Ih ao 01' .10 cents CUl nll.t an 01110 than It Ii at 11sell. Hut howtrcl' tills Iny he ) , Cololdo Will hl't 10 \0 I ol , tt'llt wih existing condltols lJII'tlll silver ( Ul' 8010 ) tulle 10 COle , So 1nr - i as { ' : llo Hel'l ) , the hil'ttSPeCt of the whie I Illnl UCCII''II ' ! U larger Illlco lu the - ot the world than It clncucr WOI'11 DOW does - Is not brightening. 'Xh ro Is 10 inlica- lon that luropenui countries are nny I more favorably ( lIspose(1 ( to\lrll slh'crI than they have lcen for I Illlcr of years , nld ( In tills eOlllr ' tile slll' porters . of Ihc policy of free sliver COll' ngu are not IR nllelOlf ns I few years ago. Still I Is 10t to 111 expected thaI Colorado wi cease nlaln for thc Ilulltol of III lllc ' , whnlm'er mlls' \0 of llrolllrt ) ' she mnr n tall wih. oUt It _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , NO' " JNXIIJS ( 1"UI LZIIIT. , COllellhl Cllorlnly upon ' time Ileti. lon I I'ccl'nl ' tiled for nn' aPpeal flOI the tllslon ( lu the ? I'hrnfln maxim 1m rule Clfe : , tile Chlcllo 'l'rIJlc tlnrl II II clcfllhle ( ) thnt the HIIl'ele ) ) ( ' OtuVt sholill settle tile flciton Im'ol'ell If It cnl , hCCIISl ( It wOllI ( Hlllllf ) > ' mnterl I'III : ' nl1 ullllc Ileoille ) Inle" ( 'ftell II ) rUrolbt : ( 10 IWuw just whel'e . they Stllll(1. ' } $ o far , ' we arc told , , JII o Brewer has leclded nolhln 1 I . ' 10 Illuto Ilell 1 I t I ' , " \ \ ' Ii lIe demo In his mlli ( tlIhu rates of tile Ilw WCI'I too ) low , tile judge Itll1tCl ills Ilnhll . to decile ( ( whnt wOlld'le just . Inll l'UIROlnhle ) onei , heClule hc was not Sl'e whnl II t hnsll slWll1 ( ( he on whIch 10 Pfthll1 { tIlti ) ) . lie faw HOIO ohjl'rlols 10 Illdl ns the lasls whlt It w0111 ( cost to 111111cnto a rOIl : 111 Ilsu SculL' 10 nSltlll lInt ( the face \'uhl ! of stocks auld hOlll ) ( ! ( tIle cost of { )1l5t met Ion uf a raIl roud : l'xl'It'n lltr III sl lOll 1(1 ( hu 1 t 11 ke ii. 'l'llrefol'c ' ho I delhlll ( lolhll I I I ! " 'I'he ( Ilfel'elce which the 'l'riititte , Il'/WR hi 11"lu Inluml ; fur nlr one who Is IIulIlcillllhilteivithl ( ( tile l'hnlcl'l : of the t mCI who ha\e hlen Illililulging N- iit flsiL hthlrtls. : ' ' It Vm'Ollltl hlslm InlhOIIH. ( ) ( OI'lllnrl wOlld he . cOltlllnt ' cXllectcl1 ) that II uch a eISL' the I 111'0:11 : OWIWI'S 111 q lclnls . wo111 he 101'C Ihln noxious to ht\.u he Issue ( Ietei'uulilled ily I { U\t ( of last resort. A solutol of the \'xl'l II'h- lem wOllI tel Ihl'l l'xall > ' how far they rail go 111 111'lsl'I > ' to what ex- 11'11 they lre sUhjccl ) 10 legislatIve rcgl' In thou. I I WOIt ] nlso Ilr011 turin Ul'OI ' what haiis ) rcasonahle mtlS are to be 101111'I1 ( I Inll ' settled I wOllt do aWIY With a hone ) ) If ( . cOIII'nton of whlcl tile . rnll'oalls have bl'CI long ald : eOlslul t compll ) ilIIulg. But the rn 110\ls : conCII'nell II tile NOlI'IISkIL ) InxllUI mte dccislol seum 10 \u Inlut'slell just thc other way. AIIllll'ltr ) ) tlr ( to ( not wlnl the ( ihles- ton of rcasonable : ) rates : elllll at all. ' .I'htey seem to he'Ilerfecl ) ' fatslcd ( ( to ielIlitiIlVileie the ' now I'C all to usc the decsion of Judge Brewer 10 fms- Imte . all state regulaton of rates . what- c\cr. An allpcil : to a hlghel court subjects - jects them to the liability of having that decision reversed. For this rcason tile railroad lohbr ) ) 1111eal's tn . have heen re-e5tflhihislled In tile \Icnl of the leg- Islnture at LIncoln to ' ' lie ( ' IH'I'ent nlllH'O' Iwla ton of the money necessary to dc- fray the legItImate eXllnses of an up- 11cal by the attorneys for the slate. 'ro head off the nppcal ) In this war Is their II'esont ) game. I they cun succeel In this ther wIll be wIllIng to leave the question of rcasonnhle rateS In the dark , legll ' , for un Inllelnlte time to come. CUSTOMS DUTmS IN GOfD Representative "ralwr of : Iasslchu- scts Intends to offer an flhleulduhlent to the currency bill un econsll mton In the house providing that one.hal of the customs duties shall he paid In gold or legal tender nolcs. The object of this Is to better enable the treasury to maiu- tnln the gold reserve. Formerly It wns requIred thut all custols duties be paId In gold , hut now the ' can . he paid iIiuiiy : fOI'm of currency except national banl notes ' .l reslit Is that very Ito gold finds Its way Into the treasury fml this source nud the expediency or changing this his been urged hy ex.Secrclmy Boutwcl and others us un effctive lealS of helping the treasury to keep hip the gold I'csel'\'e. There does not ap- pear to ho ally val objectIon to the proposition. The requirement that GO per cent O" even n larger proportIon of the dntes ( ( from customs shah he Illl ) 11 gold wOlld ( not ho a { lscl'lmlnaton agnilist other forms ot iioiiey that wou : l1pllr theIr stuuuutliiig. The sOlndness of all the currency rests upon the gold : I'csm'c , Ind us long us thIs Is iuiain- Inilellnt ( lie ( ulount dccmell to be safe Ihe . cI'ellt of no other form of CI'I'I'IC ' wsuIer. . I Is only when this basis of Hccmly Is seriously reduced ( that Ihe stnIlng of the IJpm' uiioiiey of thc go\ elmcnt Is In 11Ulm' . Uldm' IJ'esent cOIltons It Is inauli- festly ImpossIble to malntnln the ' festy 11110S81110 I'C- 8cl..e. onm by frequent Issuls of honlls. It 18 only n 1110 o\.c. U mouth shire the h'cusury Illd was BuIlt tp IW 1)orrolv- Ing Inll It Is nlnln I'educell to about $80,00,00 wih the certalnt ; of being still further dlpltloll ( 'I'he shllHlents for ( foreign Icconnt are hCI'r and It Is reported thlt fOloln hnnlwl'N Ihlnl. t I tilt outwl'll mO\'ellll ( w\ hc lIIIoIlCI for liOiltil(4. 'l'ho ( gold thIns culell for wi ho dl'own largely , If not whol > ' . ( rein tile trelsur ' , for . the hllln ; show no dlsvoslUon to 111.t With their gold for OXiOrt. ) 'i'ilere II Iroll1)ly ) ) : not Icss Ihan HOOOOOo , ) In gold hlll by the hUIIs of Ncw Yorl City lnt they Seoul dulm' milerl 10 hung on to it regardless ! of tile ( IlihielIlt . . los 11\1 ( . { ! lhll'ISSmclts of Iht t1e11(4111Y or the menace 10 the credit of the jo\'crnlent from I tluclnlnl gold reserve.YhleIl . geld Is tcmalled for export Ihlso hanls ) SIIIIly ) the ( 'xpol'lel'l with currency to0 cxchnlgml lIt the StuitreIlI4iury ) for gold ( , Inl ( this ) locess , . whleh hns 1111 going 01 for lie t vast yem' and I half , Is very likely to he cOIIIIII1 ) ) ( " ' 111 cusloms ) ) duties l'e 10 \1 1)111(1 ) It Is 1180 tIle 1I'IWll'O of the halls 10 furnish the IU101'llr8 wih olhl'I' ( 10IU ' Ihnn gold 0' legal teuider ulotes. 'l'hll practIce woull he slopped If fO pl' cent of tile tlules ( was lalt II1hle In gold or legal I Imll ( ! loleH , which ) Iii ctTed 1'0 tilt same , 1111 lie ( h'CISII'y woull hI nssul'cl lilt 1 I lu11 gold l1come fl'om this source of about $10,000,00. ( I mIght ho al1'IRlhlo to Illm tIle II'Ollol'lun ) of duties 10 ho 1111 Lit ; ell larger thun HeI'csInlnth'o ) Walcr II'ollses ) , but even Ihnt WoUld 1IIIIuslolnhJr ( ho I'el' ) ' great help 10 I the tllSI' ' . 'fhe Ilrol'osnl ' to retire owl' tlcl'l tIle Ullcd States legal telllel' 10tes Is 10t n l111lnl OlO nld Homo ( ItWI' luau wi have 100 adopted for protecting and maintaining the rC8en'c - . . . - That of requiring I percentage of the Ihllc . not thltll ( oi)0-llfllf , to he 1nll Ill gold Is Ilr" lllhle , 111 ( It Is helc\'cll ) wOIII ( nccol ) HRh % time tclh'ell object. 'l'he ite(4qtjtuliieflthOl1S : ! ( lire that tl' less somclhil $ Is lone by eoIigiess to 1II0iect thl'I ( I'n'o It Will ngahui ht ( Idyll to 11\1 thISCI' Joilt wIthin tile IIXt two li.R nmI the h'CIII' > ' wi lIe fOlcct ( tOtI4flo ( more 1)011(18. ) ( In 1111 1'\(11 . It wOlhl' ' l'oialdy Ihll RO I I' 111. cuuity itt ( lilg of tilelh . ' ' l'II 11 tlsfb thel. 'I'he bOUII lost ISlcl iih'c Ilecllet lit tile 011(1 mnl'h't 1111 11'1\ ( poiS WI.tt less Ihln tIle ; O\'I'I'IIClt ' 11'11IW ( for tlleull. I i Is cel' tnll Iml uuitiithi' I 'f issue coull ( nol hc sOld oil ns fn0 rll ) I.I terms ( IR tile lust , nn ; lIlf.Cl 1l114 , . . A cnlCIS of house 11eloel.111 ( has niloilled ) ( It Iesollton ellorhl ( tile CII ieuics1)111 IUW Iltel' ( cOIRllel'n ton. 'l'he [ net lou of a ciuIcuis exerts n Aolll lent of htlleucc , If It II ilot uuluuolultely bInding tllOI ) those who IIttclpnte ) Ill II A stt'OI OlllHSllol ) 10 the hi ) iVItS . lHEuV es-el. , dIsclosed , which WII'atls n built lS to iVllCtIlL't ' It can p1155 tIle Iloulse. I lhi)1)1'1115 ) Iml I Illhel' ) of IhoH\ who tit- IUlulel1 ( ( tl caucus ( lid RO wih tIle ti' dl'IHlnmlll Iml It was iIltclll1'd to ho shlpl.111'lsOI' ( > ' , 1111 tll'sP . or CO\'SI , wi feel UllI'I' ( uo ohl a lou to he 10luII IW l ls I I Ii ( 'I hull , nllllgh I I II I I IH I ( ( lU Ito 1111flhlc ) ) that ( sOle of Ihl'l wie In- Ihl'ld 10 fall Into hue ill the luIl'I'I'Rt or 1II'I ' tuuilly . ( tie which ( I RIIOlg , 11lenl WtH Ilte 113' 1)alwl' ) OlISll nll olhl'I' ! \s 10 those II'lucI'ats ( who tll ( hot itt- tllll ( , hwy Ile cUlh'el flll' 10 110 ns the t > ' vluaso whln tile l1lL'aSlIl'L' CollIeS 10 a Vote. illib ( it Is hot ' ' tIllIt ' \011' nHI I ( lot tul'I 111 > of II wi he fOlll Iii o1)positIon. I as III\ ' ' IlemoCIItcoles ( H'e casl alnllst ; thc bill lit tle t house as Wl'I'e gl'el In 1IIIHSItol ) ) ) to tile caucus rose- lulol l'II1I'lhl ' I , It wi II'obllhl ' be defealed . , for of course the l'IHlhlcnls ) wi.ote ajtlusl It :0111 > ' . I . 'l'llereIhS oue 1I101Iant ) Ilolul ) set- ted by the caucus , 1111 ( that Is that no Il'Oosllou for In Issue uC bonds tn ret Iutu legal 1'lllel nolus hns llbb' chalce of. lJII ) IIloll11't ( ly tll1 COlgl'eRi UPII' l'e I'lta th'e lll'r of COllllleut h:11 : 111t'1)i1l0i ) a bill coltllnll a IH'I\lslon of this Idnd , amI ( Il motoa to slhsltull ! It ; for the Junlllg bill l'Clh'I'11 ell ' thlllel'n votes In tile Cll'UI wIllie seventy - elir were cast ngalnst It DouhteHs afel this showllg no further effm.t wi ho late luolll to I reth'111'nt of legal tender lutCS hy the Issue of bonds. In view of tile fucl that the SlllT > ' bill hus Iecel\cil conshl I'ablc : ) CO1flflell(1lt- tel ! In 1hianelul circles It mur : he In- terestn 10 'l efet hrlcfy to its 11'0\1- slms , I ll'Ohles ) for nn iSSUe of bonds to 1m umount not exceeding II tile aug- ' : I' ( ate : all tie \ Ijiited ? States notcs now ouutstalhding , Hucllond8 to bear 3 per cent Illerest 1)or111111ff ) ) alt ( ( to be due alt llYnI)1e : tlh'f ? " yfl 5 from the tate of Issue. AljJelJI : tent ! and treasury 'loies ' rcdeclllhio in gold itt the treasury flfteL' the lIisag of the act shall. he clncelC1 aUI dcsh'o'cl. I also nuthO'- Izes thc secretiii'yof : the trcasl ' to use Ulr sm'plls rm'dlue 10 relleem these I "I holes , whleh'J.whcn so Illeeled , shall hc canceled. , and ! tesh'o 'ell-shal : not ugaln he roPsui " J. : " ' 'he rejection or this lensU'IP" " IS n suhstiute for thc ) eIHln . bill \ > ' . the democltc caucus dlsllct siiOv that / large majoriy of the dClucrts In the Jlesunt congress are not favorable to the destruction of the greenbacks and ( that 10 currency Illul ) ! ubleln this II'OIJslton bus alr chalce of 11101\101. ( A vote on thc currency bill will oubt- loss bo relchcd this weel The result cal10t he forecast with nl ) ' dcgl'ee of certainty , . hut u8sUlln that under the 11rUS81'c of CIUCUS ICtOI the bIll passes the house its def ( ut In the sennte , If It ever gets to I vote II that body , can le regaried ns nssurud. In this ccii- lectol It wi he Intm'estuJ to note the cOIJosltOI of the lnuucc committee of thc scnutu , to which the hi vIii be re- erred If It goes to the " ( mte. The cOluul tee stllds six delocmts and , 1\1 reilblclns ) , as follows : Yoollces , IcPherson , HI'ls , Yest , TOICS of AI'- Imlsas Ilt 'hltc , dUlocratA ; : 10 l1. Shcrlun , .Toncs of Ne\ltl , AJIRon alll : Aldrich , repuuiiicauIs. ) .Tolus of Xenliu Is cl ssllltl wih thc rUIlhlcals ? because . cause lie Is In ( till syiilatily ) wih them oil all Iiteltons ( except the cohlUlc of silver nnd woult uIIIdOUlltediy vote with thel nallst the so-called Cnrlsle ctit- l'tC _ ' hi , : fcllllOI nlt Whie , It Is helm'ml , woull ulAo co-operate with the t'ellhlcllS ) II Olillositon ) to this 1110118- lu. ) so Ihnt there' Is 10 Probability that the . Helale Inalce e01111 tue wOIII I. Pelt It 11 its IlSeubtf0ru1l. ! ' c sue 10 reason to clilmulge thc 01111101 ) hm'etofm'e ) ' ( that 11101-c Isel' ' little CXlu'osiell Ihele \el' lte chmce : of IIuiY CITel' ' legislation 1 ' the vres- cut congress. 'j'lw ltlayor of South Omaha hns re ( Ineslet ( tile ; town conlcl to unlIke nil III- \lsllltol of the Ull'glll erookedml's(4 ! Ilt ( hrlherr of ltnlclpul ohhiCilllS. 'l'he council hits ucel'ltell ( the stIggostioll Inl ( sOt ' 1hl'stur'cnlng I for oll'nlng I II t hail. 'l'he lice 1 . iiiforiiied ' ' hal BII ! . : Infl'mell thut thl ! 'J'nx- Ilrel's league of South Ollhl Is nlxlous 10 lul' ' tip this lulel' Int 10 10 the hotel of the char es of colusion hulwuen ) lie t gO ' uiliiI'S , ) Inll ( ( ) llleiilIs. LPililIig ( lllelubll's ) 'pf the ioumgimo CXln'ell ) \111gIISS to rise I fl11 to IIt the ) Ilocesstry . : IXIJIS'S ( of 11 lii'ost igatlon gnut.lnlect to iul1JStlguI . . Ie 111 10 1)re- ) Yell t I ( l'clclllllll\I. I such lS Is doubtless . less l'OII'lllluMl Jh I ' tile lowu COlilCii. ) I goes wlhOUtSI111 ) thut n wholesale _ . . whlowu8h of 't\\ ( ! oue hlllllutet lu the scultllul1 ( ' ; tf4uir , wi1 Ilude unless . less respoIHlhlo..llzels ) take chal'le of tile hl'l stlatfm / Ilt Prosecute It In ( itIm(1 / ( ( 'Itrilest. t-iJt tue , ' ' ' ' 11'/11 11'lest - hI 'luXJi > 'el's hoIlgilo jnlil ) bite 1 1 H' , ll 'nch III 11'11g the : Jllt t ) ' I Ill rt los fr jUSICl' . Au niiu nnll Ilcol'I'nlllhle ) ) In11' shotll ) 10 rolllucd I t dice II till I ) iiitie to fOrIllIulitte a 111In ) of CIIIIII u. Olcial eh'el'l of Suulh Olahn : 11\ long been 11 IWII ( of I Iholonh'eltutug ald IOW II till uIceoltell time 10 twgln the Ivolk ' of II'cl'lltell 1m ! tll WI'J { 1'0' ( . 1011. ' 1ho Board I of FI.c 111 ( Pulcu CoIn- mlssloll'l'S first m'tlel' sixteen 1111110lni ( IllOll to t be ( .IllIlIOycI Ihu t - 111'1 { mlllon'l ( OIl t lre foice 111 thel Itlollt ( 1 I''solnlol IHI\I' thc fluiutiuco COIlmihlItteC to ' . 1111CU l'OIIIIII'l tl rCllol'l the Jro ! Iblu cost of the Ire dOIII'lll'11 ) turll tIle cOIII ! ) 'CII' ( . Why would i not lilly ) been lOlO lu8Ine88-lk ) to Insist . - . - - ' ' _ - . _ , : . . - - -i r FJ I-rm - ; : ; : on knowing how the depnrlment itn11 flancnly before "clt\rll 10 authorize futhcr CIIUllllt'R ( wihout Ihl ( I'cloiest Ilul 10hnt they will i lend ( ? Ih'fOVC flhl expelltiltlure Is HlfO'e ni ) OX11tllll'e IU' IhorlCll ly 11 ' Ilhlc hol ' It ought to Imow how sleh actIon wi affect the flls mtt Its eolnhutulltl. 'm'I'O . Ilittuk' . 111 I hits just had n lmn l.slz1'll semisitioii II the 11t1clmHI'e of fl nllt'ged 111'1111 ) nt hl'lhl'I' ) Ir tl Ilgellis of a Ile ho e cOIIHI ' thnt wnl Itxlo1s to get tl' contract for fulilisil- lug supplies for the Il'III'lmllt Ill Ihlt Il > ' . Of course tlle ore hue ulunl Il'llnl ! 111 ( 1I'I'I'llllntoll ) , hit tl Il 1'\lfllll'I'1 IIC stnugly 11111nlh'e : of thc Irlh of thl' chl' IR. I If Imown Ihlt IOI ! of the lire hOfc couuipiiiitt's lIre lut nhu\'u ) 11111 ) ; for Ilhlc ) CoIl- trflel.4 whel tIicy call lie lecl'lll II 10 01 lice1'(13. ( ' . 'l'hl ' w1 itt I'ast hear WIIlhht lit I'\el ' oily whI'u they slll 1 1'ltl for time 111'I'OIU of stImulatIng tiitde. t _ EiliiierorVihhiluilh(4 ( New YIIIf greet- lag to Prillet' BAIIIck shows thlt thc (11'111 1'11'11'01 ' It sntsl1'11 wih till ) l'I'Slls ( f his l'CCtIbclliiutIlul ( wlh ! , thl ex-chll'I'II' HIII ( lInt I he 11 nnXlU1R to lIla 111th lii Iw I hal'lout01S le 1 louts which he his r-'Mti)1)lli4lloi. ) ( 11 tillS lIes SI'PH ( stremiglit. le I recognizes the 1111. eliot' whllh BSII'l still hlH O\'CI' the UII'lil Ileople ) 1111 lIe 11'lfel's ) ) to have that ; 1IIIIIle Oi his side rlhe' thnn ltgallli4t Ililib. 'I'llis nlltni Nev Yeals gecotlulg tlbPIilb)4 ) IL glcltt tlt'iui to the . gl'elll IL'anH 1'I'lt Ilnl 11. 1I'I'u.s ) ) ! lljects nll its ollsRlon wonlll hln'e broil rcgutrdi'tl ( 11 SttIdul'i 1lllect I DLlocl'nls who for two Pleltols last liuSt ) have InceRslllr : voted for All- tl'ew , Tldson let at tile festal honlll Inst luigllt to dlllol tile filet that the ( lnPI'11 II not IOW l\hll In the lush I huit hi uibigilt Infuse little horse thll II I Ito Iol'se selse iltto the so-called lelm's of the ' ' . Ilto sl.cnled : 11\1 > \Viilt ( the occaslol la ' hlYU hcel ) for tills Ioolr wnlw TIle Hue has lot hell ) iltfobilbell. 'l'ho 111em'cls were 11 there iiOWeVOr. , howe\'I. ' 'ho $ e stgal' ht'olcl's who IUle' lIed ) I Iltljuiigel ( In'II'I'I ) ' Indlclel f.nlefusilig . to I I SWl' 11 stols Ilt 10 ( thll Ilst : wlulel' by thc SUIUtI 1l'Istgatll ! 101' mlleo will of course early their cases to the StIH'I'I ) ! court. 'l'ilPy will hn\e 1'\'I'I' y defcnRl' that 10Ir cal fm'liish. l the _ . ' Wl'le 1)0' ) 811(1 ( wihout wealhy halwt.s they woull have answered the questons without tile slIghtest ndo. Drnhlo You 'nit COlrl r-Jolrn"l. I this thing keeps on the newspaper wIll soon be able 10 Issue out currency : plans to their subscribers on the coupon s 'slem. l'lty lie Pour , iiibuladorM. : Chicago illali. The condItion of our nmbasmbor : Is In- deed pItIable and should appeal 10 the sym- Pltl of workingmen who get $1.50 I day but live wIhln theIr Income because they can't lIve any other wa ' . I a suhscrlp- ton Isn't taken up fez them our ambassa- dors may yet become objects of charity. Tim I'hlh"lhroplo Andrcw. MIlwaukee Journal. 1llonalre Carne le. the man who says that It ma who die rich dies dIsgraced does not reduce wages for his cmplo'es ) because he wants 10 do It for his own gaIn . but simply because the less wealthy employers - ers of labor cannot afford 10 pay high wagcs. When they all become as rich as he I : then they can afford 10 give labor a hotter show. . Iclntors und Cocl < nls. New York \\orll Senator Alien Is not the only person In the United Slates who would like to know why senators cannot go outside the buIld- Ing for their cocktails , as the rest ot us have to do If we want cocktaIls. The pee pie of the united States are under no moral oz legal obligatIon 10 take any part what- anY ever In paIntIng the nose ot any occupant of the pluloratc auction room In the cap- ( tot. _ _ _ _ o _ _ _ - Ohio 1 Refuge for Crhnlnals. Cleveland Plnn Dealer. Judge Duchwalcr of Cincinnati In refusIng - fusIng 10 permit the extradItion of the Ken- lUclty ne/to. Hampton , on the ground that he feared the people ot that State would take the law into their own hands seems t have had no hesitation whatever In lnk- log .It Into his. In dlsregarlnl the law which he Is sworn to administer he has taied In his dUlY 1 a Jtmdge . and In vlolal- ing tile comlly between Ohio and I neIghboring - boring commonwealth he has been derelict In his duly as a citizen. The negro , Hamp- ton Is wanted In Green county. KenIUclt for shooting and woundlnl ThaI he should be trIed for his act there can be no doubt. Certainly there Is neIther law neiher nor common - mon sense to justify his being lured loose Ullon the people of OhIo. Yet this Is Judge iiuchwaiter's lecISIOfl and lhe negro Is free In Cincinnati , . RecognIzIng the Monroe Doclrilo , Springfield ( Muss. ) flepubilcan . Forty years ago we had ot so tar toward I settlement of this dispute as the Clayton-Bulwer treaty , which really set- ted vel'y lIttle . tor Great Drlaln stIll claimed the right of Protectorate over the Mosquitoes. Never unt now has that na- ton formally ahandoned the claim and given the Cla 'ton.lulwer treaty tile Inter- Ilrelaton we hlvo allay5 put upon It. Now Greul Urltaill abandon' tile Mosquito protectorate - tcclorate nhsolutel . and acknowledges the authority ot Nlcarah'a over I. and this action setes that old dlslule torover. Now also tIme United States ( ( liii ) Great Britain Briain stand In exactly the Iume relatIon of recog- nlzell neutralIty 10 all Central / \mcrlcal rlco- territOry. NeIther dallas the right 10 oecup . , or fortiy . or claIm any sovereIgnty over any part ot It . and so fur n' this pledge goes Great Britain recognIzes ( he Monroe doctrine _ ( iILUIfL.ITi11 : 't 2'J01T Philadelphia Record : Most people who walk on Icy )1lvemenll ) are slip shod. ' \ ' Star " ) ' " \'aHhlnglon : "Doh aln' no doubt said Incll ghen , . 'bout conlenlment beln' better'n riches. Bul mos' eberyholly now- ' ( July13 seelS too p'lo tel want de ! cs' foh hls e't. " le - . 1Ifalo Courier : Jlson snys he ( greatest sticklers for Corm must fomolhncs how 10 tiuction. the Inevitable without hu \h)1 ) had nn Inlro- . - 'nllh : "le prul at your sex Miss 1mw- Itins Ir ' will-but remcmher you wi-but tills man was made first : woman was 1 second thought , ' ' observed De SUPhCll , "I never , lelh - 1 that second lhOUlhhl were best Mr. Do BUllhead , " auld Miss Ilwl < ns. Detroit Free Press : "Do you think Miss Fannie , " ho said . "Ihat Iho time wIll ever cOle when women wil propose 10 Iho ( men ? " She lifted , up her helulCul ( eyes and loole [ him squarely In the fimce "Never Mr. Smih . : Idle I'Eple "It they are nn 'thlnl lIke YOI. " Philadelphia leo.l : lr/ cGulre- : Phmat' yel' oulti mln doln' now ? Mrs. IIcGtlIrk-lroIvln' I hearse un' he .10 he coughin' all limo tolnle. ! r. McGulre- Ye don't suYI 'Yul , since DlnlY'1 bin tilolvin' a cub . he do bo havln' 1 huckln' cough , too Washington Slur : "llii anybody insln- 1181n- ualo lal I sold myselt" Inllllred the New York , , polceman . ,1 didn't bear ( hint . " repled his trlend "All that came 10 my ears was that you ' . " gaVe yourself aWRY. Cleveland Plain Dealer : : 'VIilIam . " said 0111 Mr. Skinner. "always take your 1lt near the rear end ot tile street cnr. " "Whal for , fIlthIer ' .I Is a principle Gt hlslness , toy boil. that shouhl he taken advantage or. " "Fxplain . other " "Jy taking your seat at tile rear cnll you gel 10 hold your nickel that much longer , and Interest Is worth Iomelhlng these dl 's. " on IS comv'ni lutllo Ceurier. Tie cares not 10 rap Whene'er tt doth hap That his wlfe'l cold to hIm KO they say : hut lie raves amId he rrr ) 10) AlIt ) . Ald Ilam.bangs the doors I his 10rll ! ' & vanCalteB are that way. . . . j.'II --m-it-1-.J I t - - ' - . _ , -1- - ' 1. 'fli P.tXfllt. 01' Im : t. 1,1 TWN. Don\lf nlplblcan : I Is not lrpltsln" that Alstrla's protest ngnInt 91nr dlscrlm- Inalons has given the Sllle Ipartment witch trouble . 1 Is trouble . however , In which the ndnilnistrition ! deserves ' . nlmtnlstrlon en'19 no eyrnpathiy. ' tc The reciprocity treatIes shell hn\1 been adhered . herl,1 , 10. Ulllr them 011 tralte was IncrlAs , lag and [ relatIons wIth other nlon , wee pl'aMnl. lut It was a republican polIcy . and of course Ilemocrals cOlld flail no good tn I. St. Palll Ploncer l'ress ' 1111 Irlss : 011 dcmocrAlc rliers seem lkely to embroi lS with all the ( onstllloll ( 11wlrs of 1 lrope. ( lernuany now Ihrlllens 10 Ilre\'cnt ( lie cxellon of our 011 laws to keep chollrll and the worse 111agl0 oC Pauper and crhnlnll emlrants out or this ! cOlntr ) ' . The IxeclI\1 Itlllarlmcnt ( oC the 01. [ mlnlstrllon sccms so bent on Involving lS In a snarl with glropeln go\ernmcats ant I uniting s hlllllessl ) ' Into needless COmI110' ' lens that It Is floW thought likely that cot , ' . gross will hl\1 10 Inlt these Internlonl Iucslous out oC Its iialuois . Phl"llllhll Hccord : The Mcluslon of Alerican bccr and live ca\lo Cram I uropel markets will 10t bo wihout alleviations. The Icat hulnfss tn thIs country Is II the halide oC great 10lolllcs , which pay small prlcos to cattle raisers Ild exact large prices rrOI consumcrs , 'fho Prices of bccCstlaks ) , hIke thic : prlccs oC steel rails . are kept at the lOll liotclb. The foreign markets take the surplus that cannot be dlslosed oC In this cOlllry at 10nollol ) 11rlces. American meatS have fre- Iluenly been laId Itown nt Corelgn Ilorts Cor Icss Illn time ruling prices In New York or Ph\:1leh1hla. : The outlets for time surpils hlvln been temporarily closed consulcrs may expect to prolt by I. 1 will nol mid 10 the terrors oC the winter season IC tile Prices , oC chops fluId steaks shall go down for awhlo I with the ratngs oC the p thermometcr. X1ItflISIC.I , .1 .1) . \ /I.IS/.I.W . The lerehnnts ) hotel nt Inrlngton has been closed because oC hnrd ( lines . There wcre 16 Iniermclis II tImeceumietery I al Nebraska City during tIme ' . ) .ebrslta Ciy last year . Over $31,000 In hnllro\'emcnls were made at larll/lol lurll Ihe year just closed. The 3'lonths.oll chid or Bcrt Slelty oC Guide _ Hock was wrappcd ump tee tightly ntl cui [ located . Charles Calal.an. who Iltcllc1 ( 10 start a ne\\ " IJler at Sidney , has chnlgcl his mind ald has purchlscl the SIdney Tehegmupli. . The grand , ledge or tile Treu BUII , enibrac- lug the states oC Nebraska and Iowa will cOI'ono at Norfolk February 6. About sixty delegates wi bo II atteillnnce. 11ev. George Wiiams , one of tile first settlers . tn Adnms coull ' and at one tune elttoi or the hastings Nebraskan . died ( at his home In Kenesaw nt lie ( age of 6t 'cars. The sheriff er Thnycr county has bcel or- tiered to keep al his prisoners II time steel cage II the future Inslcall oC allowing Ihcm the privIlege oC tile corridors. The recent es- capo oC a prisoner Is responsible for the order Tile Burwcl Irrigation lich Is to ba com- 'llcte1 [ by the 11110 oC May anti water given 10' the farmers on June 1. About 20 inc celt oC the dirt work Is coniploted. It Is fourteen miles bug and eighteen feet wide on tue bottom at the head and fn" feet deep atl wi irrigate 15.000 acres of as rich land as can be found In lie state . A Far FntchOI , ) Prophecy. Globe-D mocrl John lurns prophesies that withIn tIme next twenty-lIve years Americans w1 be emigrating to England II order 10 secure good government and assocIatIon with n happy nod con\entel pcople. 'i'wenty.flve . years from now the pOlulaton of this coun- try will be over I O.UO.OO. and really there .1 Isn't room for them on time foggy little patch cf British ) real eslule. No American wIlIngly emigrates to gnlan [ now except al occasional hel'ess. anl this wi slop us sool as the supply of . dukes runs short. A lnllo Roy,1 II thl COlrtl , - . . Denver . News. . - 1 IS now nnnouncel that the I'pcelver of the Union Pacific wIl mae ) I strong lIght against n separate recelversilil ) for the Oregon Short Line as asked foi' II the com- plaint of the American Loan and 'rrust company. TIme case vill come for 'fw wi up argu- meat before Judge Gilbert at Portand on January l ; ; . and IL Is expected that General Solicitor Thurston will be preset 10 repre- sent Union PacIfc Inleresls. A battle royal , as In the Gulf case . Is Imminent. HOllortel Jllrlcr Ileimled , TUCSON Ariz. . Jan. 8.-'ho reported murder or Frank Debs on the Yaqui river In MexIco by Indians , whom It was alleged he 11al"left stranded at the Midwinter expo- altion . Is denIed ! ly American Consul Hale of Guaymas und Governor . 'rerrcs - of Mexico. DIfiLINJ ' , ' . . , > DJ .l.L-l ) UJiS7'.lTEJJlllSIll , Washington Stnr. n has been said the tarIff needs Some slight \ellon still : The public clamors for reCorm- As publics always will. But these are minor things on which Our mental gums we douse ; 'Ve must debate 10 regulate . Tine Senate eating house. Ohm what's the good ot terrapin . With champagne on the side ? Oh. what's the good at broiling steak ? It's just a juicy Crlcd. And trules-wha the deuce arc they That they should so arouse Thl' men cf size who patronize The Senate eating house ! It's the steward we are acer Oi thIs glorious ship oC state : 'Ve can diet all like heroes Though we do not legislate : One may . with effort . Oi IlancU De silent at I mousc- But none shall spare the bill of fare At the Senate eating hlouse l.ISTIWN IU.I . : . , I.I lEIT1CIt. I.or. . ' O I'H' , Jan S-To to Editor or Thl Hee : I notic3 . n very marked activity on the 11art oC loan companlcs and their agents for whnt the ) are vIe-iced 10 call "imnprovernent In our foreclosure laws , " An effort Is 10 be made h my then ) 10 induce the present logic' latlro 10 make sml changes In our present statutes affecting mortgages , Whlh : they say wi 11ro\ { iemioflciai. lenclcl,1 10 whom t Since an ) change In such laws could only 11ro\'l an al1\nlngo to one party to thin mortgage contract , and all comllanle9 and aRenls ( hereof ere eager for the change It Is not Illcult to 820 who Is 10 bo benefited . Loan comlanlcs , n a rule . make careul ScriltIuiy oC the . scrllny prollerty nllon which apphi. appl. cllon for a loan Is 1111. . and fx their own eslmnlo oC its nctlal cash nlte ( . ACer - ' tiny hlvo scen haL nil Inclmbr\nc are paid ; 01 all an Inslr,1nco polIcy for tile till ! } fiI termim of ) 'enro oC tIme loan ts paid for by Iho 111111ennt , nnll Ilrncd over 10 them , ) they then make a loan oC about 40 per cent oC the casll "ahlo of the Ilrollert . lS fixed by Iieiii- SelVCs-ii ) other words Iho ( lonn counpaimy has to Ilcr cent 011 Ihe lorlRngor { omlany rout Invested } tn Ito ( property Against the income which lie uuitirtgagur bay rcech'e Crol time Ilrolllrt ) . tIle loon ! ! compan his nil tuxes nIHI other . 011 asscssmenls IIal1 anll cc- cel\es wiiiute'cr ralo DC Intcresl time contract calls for 011 Present ) laws do not tlnrezlsoul. ably protcct ( the mortgagor's equity . 'fhe still leave every immaterial Illvlntnr ' wih ) the Inrh lree. Suppose It takes two 'Clr 10 Corcccloso a 10rtrn10 awl lie ( morlgngco pall 10 Inlercst or taxes during that ( limbo . "I. the bait comlany has about 60 Ilcr ) rent on its own \alialon oC time 11rollcrl wih which 10 pay itself , besides paid Iselr bcsllcs imp lire Inslrnco anti , freedom Crom the ( alno'nnee oC any other liens . Pew foreclosures Icns. rOlcclosU'cs talte limo fail lmo ( elllnc,1 by 1011 igciits , nUl Iii any case the only loser Is the mortgagor . J lila 10ln was jtlelulsl ) ' niade. Why should we Icglslate for eastern money lonuiers ? Why slioulil our laws say to (110111 : "Voil loui us 10 mer edit of time Vaitmo ci our hoiiues ititil we will PSY you Interest on time immoliey IliltIl you got rosily to (111(0 tIle iioimmcs , iiiiti tiiel ) vacate iiislanter ? " If ve Ivahit to sell at. this rate. vhi' miot ebl in hiomo capitalists niil patronize 1(01110 ( ? \Vhmy 511011111 it ball eomiipauiy be allowed mi attor- iieyui fee by tii court in case of litigation for the mionfuhllhhinent of a Coiltract ally niore tliaii other liartics who resort to law for ( ho saiiio reasons ? The only argument LidvLiilced by time coiiipaumles for time clinuiges they slmggest Is ( lint mooney wouiltl be cheaper It timeso little arms of lrotcction ( styled by (11011) eumibargoes ) tlit our liresent statute throws nrotiuid ( ho poor 111(111'S ( home were reniovcd.Voliid it ho clleapor ? \'iiy do they want cheap money ? In what way would it benefit them ? The demand for Imigli- priced money is greater than ( lie supply as it is. how , ( lien , would cheap niono } bemie- at thieimi 7 TIlls argumument Is too transparent. Money would not be cheaper. For a ( tine eastern capitalists might loan more readily , but not cheaper. 1aso In obtaining 1110007 with "embargoes" removed , as these coin- iianies suiggeat , would , however , resuIlt die- astrousiy to our people. WIll ( ho cry of eastern capItal never cease its vnIlVill ( lie dread that it mmmy be withdrawn over cease to trouble time otherwise - wise tranquil vest ? Yes ; when the western people learn to tise time top of ( lie head more and tile hobo under the nose loss. A Ni'IiItASKAN. . xiui' i.tiitic jLil iIUIO.LTE. Eastcrmm Farmer I.oarnliig is Valualilo Lesofl In tIme Vest. DENVER , Jan. S.-Samuel D Willard , k a wealthy farmer and well known republican ieader of Geneva , N. Y. , i In ( ho city , cc- turning 1(01110 ( ( rein California. lie has beep. out west nlalciiig an extended investigation of irrigating systeIns and of agricultural and itorticuiltiral methods , and has arrived at san , , , drolded coneltislon "I believe the LImo will come when New York vihi hare to adopt ( lie inetlod ot vater storage used In time vcst Ill order to furnish suilhclent water to raise crops , " 551(1 lie. "The destruction . of the fcrests wiii bring about a condition of things Iii ( lie eastern ' ° states so near akin to that in the western statea we slmail bo glad to study ( lie uiiethod of western farmers nuid fruit growers. I have been mnalcing a sillIly of ( lie big systems in California and aisa of ( lie general subject of agriculture anti horticulture and I expect to hilt 'vliat I hiav learned to considerable use in niy own neighborhood. " Mr. Willard is a. canhidato for ( lie office of commissIoner of agricuituro in ( he state of New York under the new administration. -p 211Usr w.irr FR l DI'O1W1. Sibyl Saimdorson Cimmo hero to fllnrry % mmtmfllO Terry. NEW YORK , J50. 8.-Miss Sibyl Sander- son , time California Prima donna , who is to b heard for the first ( line In tilts country at. ( ho MetropolItan opera house next week , arrived - rived on La Champagne. During her stay In America , Miss Sandemson may 1)0 hloard in "Manon , " 'Phirynno , " and perhaps in "Is- ciarmonde" or "Thetis. " Incidentally she said ohio hoped to marry Mr. Antonio Terry , a Cobalt of considerable wealth , who Is equally at home In Paris and New York. "The date of our marriage , " said the singer wIthl engaging frankness , "depentle oil a ( hiS -orcc suit which Is peuiding , for unfortunately Mr. Terry hiss a wife. Ho lies not lived with her for quite eleven years , thmough I be. hove lie Is a very charming persoim. " Mr. Terry came over on La Chanlpagno with Miss Satiderson. BROWNNO KING & 00 Your MOIlCY'S W01'til or Yout' Moitey Jiicl ; , , , , . - ' - ' , , . ' , , ' . , ' ' : ' " - ' - ' . . ' ' ' ' / ' Sorted Suits- . , . - , ' . Now we begin our great clearing' up for Spring- we don't propose to have any winter suiLs 1ef-wo never have-we always have now goods-.one or our successful secrets. $25.00 Men's Suits , now $20.00 - $20.00 " II ( I $15.00 ' . $15.00 " I' ( I $12.50 12.50 'I Si It $ j . $10.00 " I' ti $ 8.50 ' Men's ' $5 , $6 , $6.50 trousers are in on lot at $3.75 -why pay $6.50 when you can get thorn fol' $3.75. Clearing Up Sale- of'ovorything for Winter wear in every department In the store-no matter where-the discounts are great -especially is this true of our Boys' anti Childrens' Winter wear-You know what our prices were-You will recognize the cut When OU JeO the lothes , _ ; . # EROWMNG , KING & CO. Roliitiiic Ciot1iici' , S. "S' . ( : ( ) l Jl(2l F1f14U33b111 utuith Ioiiglus Sts. iF- L1r4 -