- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -r---------- _ - . - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ - . - ; - ir I , THE O L\IIA DAILY nEE : S.A1.'URDAY. tTANUAR.Y r. 1Rrc. r OCCUPIED BY APPLICANTS > - ' Governor Holcomb's ' firt Day in Office Enlvened by Place Seeker IE fW APPOINTMENTS COMING SOON lntlllon that NOIA Will no Mndo Until I After tlA X.rgI4IItttIro IhudJ htlrflellgr Jdlct , , WorM h Helll \or- oUly J'ro ocuh"l. k - . -I LINCOLN , Jan. 4.-Spectalj-Govcrnar ( ) 10leom ' / office was thronged % nil day with applicants for 11atronage. Those who wihed to see him for just two mInutes" consumed a quarter of an hours time , and those who declared posiively that they wantcll but f\'c short minutes In which to Interview hIm reo malned In prolonged session until politely , yet , urgently , refluCtctl to withdraw. In consc. , qucnce 'f this a temprry bureau of ar- polntments has been establshell , In charge of Clerk I. I W. Nelon. I'rank S. Mary Is I at the desk foriner1y occupied by A. C. Wright , recording clerk , anll Benton Maret greotR the visitor from the chair so long fled ! by Sec. rtary , now Conresman , W. F. Andrews. I. Today wa passed by Governor Holcomb chlely In receIvIng verbal' applcatons for ap polntments In departments mitt state institu- tions . and Incidentally In examining bonds . of sate ofcers recently flied with him by the newly elected Incumhents. Most of them hall ben left with Governor Crounse for all- provo I , but the outgoing executive fully , executve fuly agreed with the governor.eleet at a confcr- . coca held Wednesday evening that the only lelal course to pursue , was to sulJnlt all bJnds oC the newly elected olcers to lie Incoming . : go\'ernor The misulllerstal11ng ( In relation ! arose from a recollection DC the complications ) surrounding the ( transfer of the executive cecutl'e ofce from Governor BO'II to Governor Crounso two years ago. 1'hen. the newly aJo newl' elected ofcers tied their bonds the day after the legislature assembled not anticipating the two weeks -eb ) ' In the organization ! thc senate. Consequently Governor Boyd , who 11chl his ) ofco for two weeks longer than ex- 1cted , olprovcd ) the bonds NO AHDEN SELECTED. , The principal 1 poInt of attack or the nUler- OU9 place hunters at the capitol today was the wardenshIp Dr the etato IJnltentury , O'Sheo i t Dr Iancnster , Dahlman OC Dawe3. Sheridan of r Hel Willow Ill Lehlgh of Otoo all being preent with their lieutenants. I lay be atatell positively that the governor hf not decldel the luoslon In his own mind , reports t that effect to the contrary notwithstanding. At tH recent meeting of the democratic exec- utvo commlteo tn this city there were Ive I memher's present , a 11 their object was to take actcn on the IIos81blo appointment of a warllen. James O'Sheo hall three out of the t . five votes anti I.ehlh and Dahlman one t ! i each. With thin strength O'Sheo secured I the cndorsemeiit of the democratic . state tle enl0rsement democrtc era ganizaton unanimously. I Is claimed by certain leaders or what are recognIzed as I pOIHlemocrats that Governor Holcomb has I decldod to recognlzo them In tim lstrlbuton , of patronage lS Car as the wardenshh of the : \ I > enlentary , If not to t more eJten con : , ' e cession Upon thIs basis O'Shee would seem I to bo In 11 . as ho has the unqualified endorsement - dorsement of Conresman W. J. Dran 'for the positon , Governor Holcomb has Int- . , mated th'at he will make no Important ap- - . polntments to any of the sloth Insttulons . Jt : until after the untafor adjournment of the legislature . / , \ and It Is the accepted belief or this report \ that has had so disquieting an elect upon the . grand army of place hunters. HELtF DLL PHEPAHED The appropriatIon bill for the relief of tin drouth-strickon people of western and north wester Nebraska will bo Introduced In tin S tlO bouse next Wednesday mornIng. The bill bf : . been drawn up and was submitted to the members of the Joint relief committee today , All members Dr the joint committee wlro not I l. present however and In order that the bi I , . may receive the approval oC the entire corn - iP . . mlteo a final r Ctng will be held next , Tuesday , at whIch tins house and senate members will go over the bill In detail wit ! ! detai wlh . , the State Heler commission The bill pro \110 for the appropriation DC $100,000 from the state treasury I provides further for the retention of the , relief commission ap - pointed by Governor Crounse some weeks ago . A sum not exceeding 5 per cent of the entro amount appropriate may bo deducted for the payment or the expenses oC the commission , The money Is to be paid out upon voucher p ' directed to the auditor and signed by the , ehqlrmal and secretary or the commission The law Provides Cor the appointment of a toIlet board of three members In each county , . the members to b appoInted by the county : Judges or the respective counties. Penaltes are Imposed upon parties who ! apply for and obtaIn relief when not entte to I The . bill Is similar In Its provisions to the one passed ' ( our year ago. . Under this proposed law , If I I Is neither changell In the commltteo tor by the legisla - ture. will continue the present commissIon I , . with 'V N. Naon Dr Omaha f chairmar . r. . P. Ludden or Lincoln as secretary , and Robertson ( Broken How as trelur : r , WORK OF HELII GOES ON The roms of the state commission at the Draco building In this city are the scene or a great deal or bard worl Four stenographers - ; ' raphers are busy answering the Immense cot . - respon cnce. and an average Dr 200 letter .3 are received at each m:11 delivery. The commission I- mission Is i constantly lecelvlng generous orders - tiers of assistance from all parts of the : union. and from telegraphic advices receive d this foreno n It Is learned that fully flit y foreno\n fuly fty ya carloads DC corn are enroute to Nebraska at present. The commission this afernon received I telegram from a mining distrIct In I Missouri , asking for shipping Instructions for 800 tons of coal which hall beets donatci 1. . The coal will be chipped over the Hannibal a . & St. Joe to the state line frce. The coir 1r - mission has up to today distribute 125 cal r . loads : of coal and Is sending out more every day Ono Bhlilment of 20,000 hounds of 10ur was made yesterday , and It was all eontrlb , 'd ute by one generous , but un.1nnwn . lndivh I- , 101. ! I Is ale a Cael not yet generally know : that just CI the eve Dr his departure Cor " the south the late T. M. MarQuett Dr this ciy drew his check In payment for 60,000 ) ,1 pounds or four , to be distribute by the ( k : : oiuniIssion ' ' ! . I At the conclusion of the republican bai I. , ' ruet , last evening lel S. lal < r or Omaha : : : spoke feelingly or the desttutn In the trouth dlstrleLs of the state , and said that ' ho belIeved the republicans 11reEnt felt \te , contributing : small sum , at least to the tP relief Cund. A collection was taken up amI . . : the hats yielded $218.87 , The amount was : turned over 10 Treasurer Robertson of the , eoniinlsslcn . ) Nearly all of the member of the legislature have gone home fur Sumby. The senate . standing commitees wilt bo ready Ccr an- nouncement Wednesday morllg a eon as the senate convenes. The house commiees ne lolccd for Tuesday moring , Iwll'II'11 ! Ills Frlrndi. * ORAN ISLAND , Nob. , Jan. 4.--(5peclal. ( t ) -N. 11. James , traveling salesman for the 3rbre. _ . Hoosier Drill company of Council Juls , 10. . Is n fugitive from justice. lie has tra\ellll through Nebraska ftot the ( last four or five years , and durIng that little Corned a large acquaIntance among hotel keepers. } merchants and others , who have been his main victim . , Ills olonso Is that of obtaining the abovemcntonell partel' ( endorsement on drafts that ho had his 110sesslon and out of which be ol bIn - . tamed a cOlslderablo amount of money , 4 . 1 ; . s The Ioehler hotel Dr this city Is out $50 ; , : , .t Polce JullO Gnrlw $20 , Ol'rgo Leman 01 . Columbus , Neb. , $60. George Spear or No r- , folk / $ tO , nod It is Bald that he has $300 which belongs to his firm. . James formerly traveled for a Wl5con . Iii . house and for the last year was In the cii Ft. /JIOy / or the Council Bluffs house , who sent , ' huts out to make sonic collections , turlng Ihe ( hard tmes , but not hearing from him : . for some tIme they became suspIcIous and culct 11m In , hut their man and notes taut d to put la an appearance , but sigh drata _ , came instecid. _ _ _ _ _ , ) " 'llrlllt Vat putt , . Iitt'rtnhitriI. : \mMON"t' , Neb. , Jan. 4.-SpcIoi. ( ) - I Lion. Church HowL poke to the Grand Army of the Hq1ublo and other citizens hero last " ' , night , . ' large crowd Wd' II utcnd.nco and . . I good musical IJrojram w : renMred , asi tie front the very InteNstnJ talk gIven by M r. , , flowc. Ito was due at the lianquet' .t 1.1r. 4- s'1u lat night , but owing to the eUSigemolt 'I ho was unavoidably nbsMt. A collection was taken up during the evenIng for the benefit or the Grand Army of the RepublIc sufferers In ( lie west , amountIng to $15 CIIOlTOIM ' .Vtl.b I.ml : ltOI Af"lrs oC Ooidgrzsbert'iothlng Company In Very Int Shape FILEMONT , Jan. 4.-Speclal.-Dodge ( ) county district cert was In session a short tme yesterday afternoon , Judge Marshal pr esIding. In the attachment case or the Commercial National bank against the Go\- ! raber Dry Goods and Clothing company a Jury was waived and the case was trIed to the court ; finding for the plaintiff for $ l .000 . Same entry was male In the caSes OfC Boctky Bros. , $522.01 ; E. O. Stearns & C o. , $1.330.30 : J. V l arwel & Co. , $52 , alll lothschlhl Bras" , $09. Court adjourned unt Monday next The work or InvoicIng the tock of the Goldraber Dry Goods anti . Clothing company 11 been finIshed and the value of goods found In the store amount to $13.40.1. This Is about $10,000 short of the liabilitIes , all It now looks 11echledl as I some of the cr editors would bo bally left. The COller- elal National bank heMs $ ; ,800 worth or gods under attachment to secure Its claim or $4,060 and another claim or $100. The court assignments for this Judicial district for 1895 have been announced by Judes Marshal and Sullivan ns follows : D edge county , January 14 , AprIl 15 , September - ber 23 ; Plato county , January 14 , Apri 15 , Septemher 23 ; Merrick county , February 4 , Apri 2 : . October 1 ; Colax county ebru- aF ry .1 , AprIl 29 , October U ; Nance county , F ehruary 18 ; May 13 , November 11. The Sunday school at Jamestown , a country nehhborhooll a few miles out from the city , contrlbutHl by express to drouth sufferers at sulerers Hazard , Neb. , one large box or now dry nel dr 100118. two and a half barrels of oatmel , a bushel oC rIce and a bushel of beans. Nick Meyer got on a howling drunk some lmo age and slept In a hemp stack two nights. He Is now at the county poor ; farm Very sick and the doctors think he will lose both feet front the effects of freezing them. The body Dr the late Mrs. Martendale , who died at her homo In Niobrara , arrived from that place today and was Interred In Itidgo Hdge eereter ) ' , The deceased was the daughter of M r. and : lrs. J. \Vintcrstceri . sr. , or this , cltr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IN''lmlSTINUSII.NI \ I N1IttBIS . nonver nll1 I.Iiicnliicapltalist. WIUnlo : heavy hItvcttiitoit. ASII.AND. Nel , Jan. 4.-SpccaI.-Dan. ( ! ) vcr and Lincoln capitalists yesterday secure an option on several pieces of land south d town , on whIch there Is an Immense supply Dr ochre , also two large springs . Just what their plans are at present seems a mystery. 1'he only Information obtainable I tl the elect that they purpcsa erecting a paint mill and an ICI house to supply Lincoln packing companlcJ with Ice. This morning Jacob Ennis , livIng south of this & city , found that durIng the night his h 3-months-old child had hied. The chid was not known to be suffering < from a anythln more than what was suppsd to bo 1 light touch oC earache. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jame Jar- d ine. sr. , yesterday afternoon occurred the marrlago of their daughter , Miss Jessie. to ! William H Llnlsey of Madison , S. D After the ceremonies the guests were seated to a bounttul dinner The happy couple left 1 en ( he e\enlng train for the ast , where they w ill spend a few weeks visitIng the groom's parents In Ohio , before taking up their permanent - manent home In Madison S. D. A dance was given at Simington's hal last l night for the entertainment or the unl- v 'erslty.tudents who arc home spending their v acations. About thirty ccuple were present" P lckerhng's orchestra furnished the music An affair termed a " 10 cent social" was given last night at the home of Ray Brush by time ladles DC the Congregational church At McCook post , Grand Army of the He- p ublIc . election last night the following oC- Icers were elected for the ensuing year : : I D. Pine commander ; I. V. Davis , senior vice commander ; J. C. DacJtmor , junior vice commander. Yesterday occurred the marriage of Ed- ward Mcllan or Seward to Miss Vine 101idar oC this city . ' at the residence cf S , M. Page Father C. 1 Hackney ofciatng , They take up their home at Seward , where t the groom Is engaged In business Yorle Not uul i'crsoiihis. " YORK Neb" , Dec. 4.-Speclal.-A ( ) number - ber of marriages have ben celebrated in I York and vicinity In time last few days. William H. Hadclr of Richardson county and Miss Cora Bailey were marrIed at tin 1 residence or 1r , and Mrs. Charley Carpenter , . The Long. ceremony was performed by Hev , 1r , Earl Coborn and Miss Emma Turley were marrIed at the home of the brIde by Hev. Mr Lg on January 1. Doth of the young pee : plo are from York county. Jesse C. Staley and Miss Bertha C. Jones were married at the residence of Mr. O. H. Jones , a few miles from this ciy , The cerO mony was performe by 11ev. A. C. Crosth- waite Old. : r. Staley Is I resident of E Reno Od.On On January I , at time office of the county judge Dr thlE'.unty , Samuel Wright and Mist ! Cora Harris were made one by Rev Long Doth are residents Dr this county. York county's soldiers' colony will hold a meetng at this place on Saturday , January 6. The meeting will be held" In the court imouse . and the usual geed attendance Is ex- pected. londay evening Mrs. P. Kiner entertained a number of friends at her residence. The house Wf beautifully decorated and lighted . The music or time evening was furnished by Dever's orchestra. Miss Jennie Cohn Miss Emma Smith and Miss Blanche lcOnty , who have been visIt lag at this place during the holidays , returned : i to Wiber ) sterda ) ' , Yorlt's being honored by anD of Its citizen S being apIJnte secretary Dr the senate Is I much appreiated. Hon. T. E. Sedgwick his for t long tIme been 1 resident of this place ali time city Is only too ( glad to hear of his receiving the appointment. UIII\r the \rul ) Charter. , GRAND ISLAND , Jan. 4-SIeclal.-The ( ) city attorney , who has been newly appointed , announces his belief that the city has Cor the past three years been operating under time t wrong charter In 188 : , ho says , a Inw was passed entitling cites Dr 8.000 to 26,00 Inlmbltants to enjoy the prlvlego Dr cites of the Irst class. In 18n the law was repealed - pealed al to the number or Inhabitants , changing 8.000 to 10,000. TIme city never had 10.000 Inhabitants , and Mayor Platt had : cert el1 to only 8000. Illu : > lt Illo Hii , moE hILL , Neb. , Jan. 4.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-At ) mhlnlght thl two rear bheds of Merritt's drug store were burned , with con tents. ' 'he fire department saved the main : building. l.osl on stock , $75 ; Insured In I : the HOle Dr New Yor ) " . lASS on buiding : about $200 ; fully Insured. . Dos the tariff effect wages ? Under al tariffs . sales of Dr. PrIce's Ialcng Powder It 1- crease. _ . _ llIJ.JJ .1/ - , Y " 0" ' ] ' .o.ll" , Strikers nt the Irl"loolurle' ire Coil tl"nt ur Victi.ry , IITSDUHO , Jan. 4-Workmen at the Homestead Steel works say there Is no prob- ability DC a general strike there , though the employes of sOle departments are much dissatisfied with the new scale. At the Edgar Thompson Steel works at Iraddock the strikers are hopeful or victor r. Last night there was an explosion at one or the furnaces , supposed to have been caused by Inexperienced men at worlt. The con a- any Is trying hard to keep the Cnrnaces from cooling , and thus prevent a great don a.e. : . There has been 10 trouble 01 clher pl3ce. _ _ _ _ . _ _ . Ihlrnat 1'1111 In . \ ! In 11 , DENVEH Jan. 4.-I nglneer J. T. MeWi . hams bait completed the survey of a rnlroad route from 1"lasstal Arlz , to the ncarest Ilolnt on the grand CAnon of the Colorado , thlrly.f\'o issues away Another new railroad project that Is under consideratIon Is the construction or a road from some point on the I ort Worth & Den\ tr nea Amarillo , Tex. , to Hosewe11 , N. 1.1. . Oregon ldcty Tea curl aU kidney trot , ble Trial Ihe , 25 cents . AU druSelltl , C11 ARLES CARLETON 10 HANC Supreme Court PMse9 on the Onse of Gothfo man's Murderer , - LANCASTR COUNTY PRISONERS OBJECT Llnenln fnWTr Declares that the ) County Attorney Insist" on H"llnl'nt Conroy Longer Thnn the Law l'orrls LINCOLN , Neb. , Jan. 4.-Speclal.- ( ) Charles C. Carleton , who murdered August Gothman In DOdge county In June , 1893 , and who was found guilty of murder all sentence - tence to bB hanged , and who appealed Ills case to time supreme court , will be compelled to surer the penalty affixed by the lower co urt. Thc supreme court late this afternoon hande down a decision affirming the Judgment - m oat of the lower court all fixed the final late for hIs execution on April 26 , 1895. Carleton's atorenys brought lie case to the supreme court on 160 separate alleged erors , The opInion was written by Commissioner Irvlno and assented to by the entire court. The case Is one of the most celebrated In thB recent crhlinal history of the state and In wring his opinion Judge Irvine reviews the case at length. In 1892 August Goth man. the murdered m an . lived In Shelby county , Iowa , and In November of that year ho married MInnie Orsulak , a girl 18 years Dr age. At the time t Dr his marriage Gothman was a wIdower wih four chillmlren. In 1893 early ha mO\'lll to PIerce county , Nebraska , taking his entIre famiy with him. In May , 15 : , time Goth- man family left Pierce county. Gothman L lel first , and his young vlfe . time four chi- : dren Ind his wife's father followed In the afernoon of the annie ! a ) Some tme after the departure of the Goth- man family , Irs. Goth man , her father and tiC me chlten arrived nt the residence of Charlcs Carleton live mils west of l re- : lim ont , on what Is Imown ns the Military road 2.i Irs , Gothman and her famIly steppe tem- porarliy at Carleton's house , whie her husband - band was suposel ) to have gone to South ! : I ( ! Omaha. Mrs Gothmnn was habItualy addressed : dressed her " " by stepchildren as "Minnie anll It Is quite clear that for some time the Carleton hOlsehold supposed sba was order I elder sister or the children. RESULT 01 A LOVE AFFAIR. Between her and Carleton who was a y 'oung man 24 years of age , a sudden attach - mnt ! llrng ill ) , and on the Monday follow - Ing her arrival slm anti Carleton left to - g etimer. Carleton test ed that he took : her at her own request all started toward 1're- mont , On the way the asked ! him to fnd I her a place to board , all he took her to the honse or a man named Van Ness six ot right eight italics northeast of Carleton's He ar- rangCI for her to stay there a weel On his ; return home he tohl the other members of the Gathman family that 1tlmsiiIe. had gone to t Sioux City and would not come baclt It developed afterward that whIle taltng : lnnlo Goth man to the Van Ness home Car leten proposed marriage to her and she ac- cepted. A week hater Carleton and Mrs . Gothman went to North , Dell , and she told him that she WS nou ito sister of the Goth- man clldren , and that her name was Minnie Orsulalt , and furthcr that her parents wanted I her to marry GotlJan , but site did not want to do E 'he ) ' went to the ofce c the county Judge at Schuler , procure Q lcens and were married. They then returned to Carleln's home and announced their soar riage. On the nigh of June 7 Goth man reappere at t hotel In Fremont , remained there eve night , and departed the next mrrnlng. On : that night Gothman was killed , and Carleton : went to Fremont and gave hlmset up to the a uthorities. Gothman's body was found a it the Carleton house , with three bullet wounfim Carleton claimed In hIs evidence tha't " GotimI. : man came to his houoe , and after an ap- parenty friendly conversation : , told Carleton that t Minnie was really Mrs Gothman and atacked him with a revolver. A struggle ensue l - s ued , In which the gun In Gothmn's band wa discharged by accident several tInme 3 . tbe t fatal wounds being inflicted by accident , The story was tro Improbable for the Jury and Carleton was convicted. PRISONERS COMPLAIN OF INJUSTICI I. Attorney Alex Altschuler Is vigorously pros eutng his self-appointed tlsk Dr rescuing prisoners from the vengeance and malice Dr the county attorney , as he so forcibly expresses - presses It In his various petitions for habeas corpus writs. This mornIng Judge Holmes was engaged In hearing the applIcation for the release or Pat Conroy , who claims that he l has been beld over longer than the term to which his commitment reads be was bound over. The mater was taken under advisement - meat , but the county attorney thlnls that be l has god authority from the supreme court ror hollng a man over for at least two terms , the court not countIng the one wblch was being held when ho was bound over This morning llchael Corrigan again rushe Into the breach via Mr. Altschiuie r. Michael renews his old claIm that time county attorney Is malciously punishing him by hold In : his case over till the next term and Is i making unlawful use of his pretended anthorlty to decline to try him any tIme be- Can the statutory limitation. Michael was bound over for larceny from the person , and says that the county attorney has persia enty refuse to give Ilm ! fair and speed I trlll , well knowing that If ho dil so he I ( Michael ) would not long remain In jaIl . The writ was made returnable tomorow morning I bolero Judge Holmes. LINCOLN'S NEW JAIL The county commissioners today mailed Ii 1- viatons to all members of the grand Jury during the last five years to be present at I the meeting called for next Thursday alto r- noon In the court house to discUES the que 5- ton of 1 new county jail. 'fho plan or the commissioners Is to Issue bonds for the buIlt - buid- Ing of a new structure to be located direct , west Dr time court house. fronting on Ninth ; street. They sire Inclned to time belief ( ii : S It will bo an unnecessary expense to malte time buIldIng of stone to correspond with the court house as nowOlays th security oC jails del not depend on the strenth or Is I walls , but or Its cages ald cells. They have no well-dellned plan yet , but wi hold a co im- sulnton with the mass meetng of ciizens ' and taxpayers. They favor connecting the ' nol Jai with the court house by a covert ad gangway , and the furnishIng of a criminal court room Ip the jaIl. An invitatIon Is extended - tended to every onto come UI and clscus the simattor. The meeting will be called to order at 2 o'cloelt Thursday afternoon. The three Judges were occupied time great er part of yesterday In hearing arguments en limo case brought hy George W. Dergo to compel the county commissioners to approve his b011 as county JUdge In order that he I might then proceed to test hy quo wannnto proceedings the right of the present Ineum- bent to hold time olc until the next electho n . ' ' 'rho arguments were very exhaustve , and time court tool the matter under ndvlsement until tomorrow immortmlng . when It will rend er a decision IN CONSIDERATION OI I.OVE A bIll of sale decededy ! out or the usual was filed In the county clerl's oilier . where t C. M. Wlttatrucic . a well leown grocer or 1"lrth , granted and sold , In consideraton DC love and affection , his entire stock to his son , Moses H. Wlttruek , on the agreement that be provide provisions , fuel and lght to his Ilarents and fatally and pay all bills. County Attorney ' Woodward Is Just now cogitatIng time problem of whether to have a gr.ld Jury called for the January term of ) district courl There are two murder und one manslaughter case on time docket for the next term , the negro Davis , for causIng the caurlnr death of Rock Island passengers , A. S. Jones' ' for shotn ! Jerry Peck , and Mar hal Knees ' Waverly , for shooting Ily iloit. Under the rulIngs or the supreme court when an In. I formkton is led agallit an accuiemi the t county attorney must put on time ticlc oC the Inrormaton the names of all time witness ; liea ho expects to cal , and he I restrIcted to those names only , but I the ( grand Jury Indicts I - dicta n mun he Is required to place only the names of those witnesses before the grand : Jury , The advantage lies In giving him an opportunity to hear what his testImony v III teatmolY wi be , end I It leads up to securing furlher testmony he can secure that. 'hereas , I during I trial he finds that other witness e. .1 I are available to mak9 i ) J cue stronger , he Is prevented . from ualhk ( Item . w. C. T u OFI tlms m.ECTED. The ninth annual oh\lon or the Wor- an 's Christan assocla\on ! l1a9 closed The I , fein llowing ofcers wer J cte for the ensu- Ing rear : Presldentl Ml . J. I. Unllerwood ; ; recordlug secretary , Mrs'M. D. Welch ; corresponding - i responding secretary ; , trz. T. I Leavit ; trelsurer , Mrs. D. A. Ulcer ; assistnt tres- urer , Mrs. C. T. 10w'ts. . Notice was todaY rce\'ell ) by the banking boF arJ of the volunary , IQuhlaton or the Parmer's & Merchant s bank of McCok , Red Wlol' county. The : ca.tal stock I ' 25,00. None ot the deposItors % sIll lose by the smms- enslon. The supreme court today appointed E rhart Opp receiver o the recently sits- peldll bank oC Stew rt ot p , W. Collins has mbefl l reappoInted deputy counly attorney of Lancaster by County A. torney Woodward. In n great measure 11 Colns limid had full charge or the work of the counly atorne ) ' for over a year , and his ability as a prosecutor hns been duly ap peca ted. KEPT : LATE HOURS. This afternoon the excise board held a pti retracted cession on the question of revocahm lon of the liquor license recently granted the I.lllel hotel. The citation was upon charcs fed by the chief of Police that he hOl found people In the saloon at 12Ui : last Sunday monimlimg. Eminent I counsel In the Spe pe rsons of Ilomi . G. M , Lmberton and Gen- eral J. I Webster for time prosecution . and 1) . C. CourtnB for the defense of Id . L. lelr , appeared before the board. Counsel for tu e defense submited that the board hall mae Itv ewer to revoke a license except upon a cone \'Icton In court. This was denied by Messrs. I.ambortson and Webster , they contending that the board was the judge of all violations or license laws. TIm Queston has stirred up consldcrable exciement among the clergy , as well as laiy , owing to the fact that the saloon In question Is In time In1ucllate'Ienly of a number or thl Ilrlnelpal , churches In the clt ) ' . Rev. Lewis Gregory anti He\ C. C. I.asb ) ' were present as representatives of the relgious objectors. The city attorney read extensl\ly from books , reaching tIme concll- lan that thc Ilower to revoke without convie- ton Is doubtful , after whIch the board took the maleI under advisement until Monday Irl"vlo Ir"\'lt , . . DELLEVUI , Neb , Jan. -Speclal.- ( ) Quio a large eompan of our young People went down to the "horseshoe" on Mondayv evening all skated out oC 1891 Into ' 95. Mrs. Anna Ka'ser entertained a number of young people on New Year's eve. The ovenlng was pent with games nail a few minutes before 12 1 handsome Chritmas tree was lIghted to usher In the new ) 'ear , The guests report a very pleasant evening lrs. G. ChalJman and grammd-clmlldren have ! one to New York to visit relatives. MIss Jessie FI'lt spent several days with Mhs Fannie Whitey at South Omaha lr , A. Wright's amid llr , Wilam neb's famiies spent New Year's day with relatives In i Omaha. Miss Margaret Thompson has been on the sll ( list for several da's. Miss Halie Eddy returned to her school work In Omaha on Tuoeday. Mrs. E. L. ChalIce returned Cram Omaha . where she had been spending several days , oa Wednesday. Cnrh'lo,1 ConI Cllllet FREMONT , Jan. 4.-Speclal.-Charles ( ) C. Carleton , was InCormed this evening of the action or the supreme court afrming the acton of the district court which sentenced L him l to bo haned for the murder Dr August Gothman In June 1893. His execution Is now set for April 1 26. Carleton took the maler coolly' and ' bore IIel under the bad nc\s. though 'ho said he expected to receIve a new trial ; anti says that the de. . clslon Is not justice. TImbre will ho no change m In tIme guards at th Jai , as watchmen have I been on duty eonstjnty since he was first frst sentenced . a year ago l'ytlihnnc "Iuot .it Grlld CNbint ! . GRAND ISJ AND' Jan . , ISLAND1 4.-Seclal.-The ( ) - Knights of Pythlas lor this jurisdiction have a meeting here to ny. Eighteen ' lodges are represented. A lmslness session was held this afternoon and Q banquet at the Palmer house tonight. _ _ _ : _ _ _ _ _ 0.,110 oL J\E.Iannl'I. ' NEHAWKA , Net. ; 'Jhn. ' 4.-SpecI-J. ( ) . ' ' . E. Banning , a promnent' gain buyer and' politician of this place , died Tuesday from drops , after a year's surerlng , 10 was : burled by the Odd Fellows yesterday . . Every garden party Is Incomplete wluiout cake In which Dr Prlce's BaIting Powder Is I used. ' . llWiT Ul.l-UBS 2'hI'O lJLLAllS. CalIfornia l'rult Ixchanlos Not Allcng A I xtn"nnnt l'rlccs , LOS ANGELES Jan. 4.-Judglng by the action of the executive committee > the south- ira California fruit exchanges have not tO elde that because there have been freezes In Florida they are going to take advantage Dr the consumer and get fabulous prices tor their Crult. Up to yesterday the fruit exchanges : - changes had made sic quotations except Cor the holiday trade , which Is generally lmited , and the prices realized are iso criterion of the market for the general trade General quota L tons have herewfore been made about Feb I- ruary 1. wheu the heavy shipments usualy began. This year howevr , the exchanges : are prepared for business a month ahead of the regular tme , notwithstanding the fact that the fruit Is a little late In ripening. Time executive commitee or the exchanges met at the central olce In the Phiips bloc . and fixed prices tar time opening of the season a9 folows ; Fancy Calornla na\als. free on board cars , $2 per box ; choice , $1.76 ; stnnd- and , 120. Compare wih the opening prices of pre\l- ous years the exchanges do not appear to be bIting advantage of the ( conditions In the est hrougM about by the Florida freez I I may be however , that as the season advances and It becomes apparent that the trade wi attitmd It , these prices will be raised. 1. E. Plat , the castern representatIve or the Southern CalIfornia exchange Is In San Francisco on his way to take charge of the business of the exehango In Chicago , and from him some Intercstng particulars about the orange crop have been obtalimed The exchange - change Is now appointing 200 Dr more brokers Dr agents , one for each cIty big enough to I handle a carload nt one time . The broltr will be advised daily by Mr. Plat front CIt I. cage and the management Dr Los Angeles Dr the changes that are wade In the prices all time figures sit which ' timey may sell orange Time orders as Cast as received by ( the brolers are wired to headquarters . The crop this year Is cstmated at about 6,600 carloads , era t a Ito lose than 2.000,000 b xeJ. Since the ( I news has been received Dr the frosts and consequent - sequent Iols of the orange crop In I lorlda prices have advanced somewhat for Cal Cornia fruit but notwihstanding the damage to the Florida crop and the fact that Inquiries and crers 11' rolling' ' Into the exchange Ire m I all over the country v 'ry reasonable IJrlces , Mr. Platt poInt out' hAve been fixed and the 1 exchange Is now selIng ! eedlng oranges Crom $1.50 to $2 and the , choicest na\lls at $2 to $2.60 , boxed and delv r 11 on the " cars. Up to this date mme Injury C any kind has befalen the California crop , bu on jimo contrary , a9 i Mr. Plat explained" . he lied never seen the outolt 50 good as Il I ' this year , Try I Once useI It takes the precedence or al others-oolt.B JIxtra 1 Dry 1IIIcriai Champagne I hsaa.itmiost delicious bosiut \Skl"J liar AId I fur tolr" " ST. PAUl4 , Jan. 4-Iv , , Frank Dran and Rev , ThomBs 1cCIU7J \ called on Governor Nelon today and prestlted resohumtlonz . by the rolhodlst ministers : of" Minneaplls reques :1- : In ! the governor to take 'pr per acton In r e.- card to the reported surtrlng and estuton In Nehraska The ' governor was not In and his imrobahie acton Is not . . lenawn 1'1111 rlht "lh . ' : ' 11\011 Ctnmvhctu , . DENVER , Jan. 4.-A special to the 'lmes from Phoenix , Ariz. , says : Price , the escape - cape murderer , and Counterfeiter Young were cught on the desert near QUa Und by Depute - ties Brothers and Moore. A fierce ilght te . ferce lght e 0- sued Price was lortalyouned by a shot through the by Ind Young'B . leg was brokt ) Iurdcr Trlat iiiiitliiutI . CHEYENNE , Jan { , -SIJ ( elal.-The ! cue or the state or Wyoming against Charles Uouler , charged with murder II the Bt-ond degree Cor the killing of Thomas O'Nei. ha been continued until Mrch 4 , when J ( 10 ii mm. derstooti that the trial dcrtood wilt be bgun. - - - - - - - - , HISTORY h OF BLUEFIELDS Diplomato Dealngs Concerning the Lat Rows at that Piaeo . REPCRT ON THE MOSQUITO DISTURBANCES Cllvlllnd Trnnsml" to tint ln,11 Three hundred ( 'ages or Corrl' , IIOIIncl . \ I oC Whlrl 1 SUtlnrhld : In ma hort Letter rrl" ( Srcaiiiummm . - WASINOTON , Jon , -The president toNi day sent to the senate about three hundred p ages of correspollenco relrU\'e to 1uD felds , sUQunarlzed In the following letter : "To the PresIdent : Time secretary of state , to whom was re/errcll / I resolution adopted 1) ' the senate on limo 4th ulimo , requesting the president , 'U not compatible with IJub lD h Interest to semI to the senate any reports DC correspondence relatng to affairs al Ilue- lelds In the Mosquito territory and also to in form whether any Amcrlcan citizens have ben arrested or time rights of any Amerlc:1 citzens at Bulloh1 have ben interfered wih during time past two years by time govre ernment DC Nlcarauga , ' has the honor to subde ti tit the correspond en co called for that the smo may bo transmitted to tIme senate should the preshlent deem It compatblo wih the publIc Interest to do GO. "Althoimglm the resolution covers affairs at 1ue1elds during the Ilast two years , the vents to which It relates occurred within the last twelve months. "In December , 1893 , war broke out between Nicaragua and Honlurs In January a tie- tachment t oC Honluran troops seized Cape Grelas a Dies In Nicaragua , about sixty is sues above the : losQulo strip. The KeRr- sao was ordered to luelelds to protect the Interests i of American citzens but was wreck- ell on the Honcador reeC. Early lu February the government of Nicaragua sent I military foreo to the strip to repel the threatene InvasIon - vasIon , On February 1 the Nlcaragunns took t posscsslon of the iblults . rU11 on the 12th they took possession of luelelds and proclaimed - claimed martial law In the rcservatiomm. Aalnst this acton Clarence , the so-called losQulto chief Ilrotested. 'Var vessels Dr Great BrItain anti Inter of th Unied States were sent to 1uefel s to protect the respective foreign Interests In that localty , Time Nicraguan commission to t the reservation attempted , with the concurrence - currenco DC the British naval and consular rel1resentat\cs , to organize 1 provisional ad- ministraton for the strip , In which Nicaraguans - raguans and foreigners were to take part but the endeavor proved abortive. This gO\- erment withheld its sanction or the scheme as Inimical to the sovereignty oC Nicaragua and American Interests at illuefields refrained f rom partcipatng In time proposed a mlnls- t ratloms. Britsh marInes were temporarily landed l to protect life and property In view of threatened dlsturbammce . but they were with- drwn when the necessity for their presence no longer existed and thereafter an American - can vessel sufficed for all needs or fcrelgn i irotectlon. 'INDIANS' TEMPORARY SUCCESS. "In July last a movement against the Nicaraguan authority was temporarily sus- cessful , the so-called Indian ! oYcrment was for a time restored , the blue captured with loss h of life on the I1rt of Nicaragua and the ( Nicaraguan garrison Of Duelelds cx- p olled. A few eltzeru , of the Unied States t who were belIeved to have taltn part In this insurrection left the country Two Americans , Lampton and Wlbank , accepted municipal office under the short-lived reghno and they and ten or twelve others , mosty Eimgiisim and Jammialeans were arbitrarily arrested - rested and banished. The remonstrnce of this government and tint demand that the two Americans ba allowed a hearIng , and L Ia I n any event , an opportunity to arrange their a ffairs before expulsion , resulted In permission - ian being given them to return to luo- fields under pledge of good behavior With these exceptions and perhaps that of one Ausburn wh"ose return was for a short tints : refused but afterward allowed , the undersigned - signed Is not advised that American citizens In I Dluelelds have been arrested. Sundry complaints growing out of Interruptions oC trade and use of American vessels by the Nicaraguan authority have had proper atten- ton and wi doubtless yield to time usual methods of treatment. "During the period covered by ito events I In question the Nicaraguan government , with - ! overmentwlh- drew time exequatur of 1r , Bralda , time United States consul It San Juan del Norte , on the ground or his alleged unfriendly acts . but It was subsequently restored and unfortunately threatened for a tmo to strain time good re- latons between this government and that of t Nicaragua. One Wilson , nn American citizen . having been murdered at llama by Arguelo , them temporary governor of the town , a de- man for the trial and punIshment of the ; criminal and his accomplIce was made , Arguelo was arrested at Hama , but escaped wih the evident nnlvance Dr the local authorities . and his rearrest and detention at Duetelds were followed by a second escape . under circumstances indicating gross negligence . to say the least , on the part of I these responsible for his safe custody He Is said to have led the country , thus bamln . the efforts or the proper authorites to , justice In the case The Nicaraguan govern - nient however , testified its abhorrence or the atrocIous crime by lsmlsslng Torres from the office of governor of Hama and by send Ing a commissioner to the reservation In IJlaco or Lacayo , who was In command at luelel s at the tmo of the iteeond escape. NICAHAGUA'S SOVEREIGNTY ImCOG- NIZED. "Tho facts above stated and Incidental references to the treatment of time Queston of th Inter-oceanic canal by time go\'ernment of Nicaragua appear In the correspondence ' 'I wi be observed that Irons tInt ho - ginning of the conflicts , which at times wart a serious this government has steadily recognized - nized the paramount sovPelgnty of Nicaragua - gua over the entire reservation . "At no time durIng the last forty or nfy years has the so.caled natve IndIan gov- etlnent In the strip been real. On the contrary It has been an alien municipal government - ernment , administered according to alen methods. Although Americans and America : Interests have for some time dominated In i : the strip , this goverment , whie IntervenIng L- lug In proper cases for their protection , has constantly dlsavowCI any right of its owner ; i or or Its citizens ' to govern the reservaton r Dr ParticIPate In the political affaIrs. What ever rIght of self-govcrazneimt the Indians enJoyed - Joyed under the treaty concluded between Great Britain and Nicaragua was to be exercised - ercised by themselves , and not by aliens In I their namo. That the treaty contemplatell , the eventual surrender hy the IndIans or their strip and their "Incorporation Into the republic of Nicaragua , on the same tootng as other citizens of the republic. " "A copy or a coemventioim . concluded on the 20th of November last , Is herewih communi , cated , by which It Is declared that the Mom I. quIto Indians , while retaizming 'special 11rlvl- leges' In Icoerdance with their 'customs' and 'ruelal disposItion , ' have 'agr ed wholly to I submit to the laws , nnll authorities DC Nicaragua - gun for the purpose or formIng part of the J10ltcal ant admlnlstratvo organization . ' "Great Britain , It Is propzr to say , has given this government the most positive posllvo ns- sura nee th.t she asserts no right of sot \ erolgnty or protection over the ternitorl V. but on the conlrary respects time full anl V.ml paramonnt so\'erelgnty of the governmcnt of Nlcaraua. flespectfulh submItted , o ( Hespectul submited "W , Q. ( lRllb'IIAM. " GOMMANnEI ) O'NEILL'S htEPOlt'l' , Another interesting portion or the correspondence - spondence Is made up DC time reports of Ijoer mander O'Nei of the United States 6team. ship Marblehead. DescribIng the ( status of the Amerlcao residents at hhiuefleida . he I : says they Ire respectable , but preferred the ; mid and easy goverllent of the Mosclulos 10 Nlcaracuan rule alli ho was olilged to I caution Ihem lot to be too oullpoken. 'Cho I : Brutish IbjlclB were Jamaica negroes ides - tilled with the 10sultos and hating the I Nlcaraguand. lilian ! hIs advice , after the ; fight or JUly 6 , Cab : as wlhdrrw the N. caraguan troops and Irolrlully coattail , every foreigner rejoIcing In tint turn us Ilrlu. 'fho cOlmanller fay Cahtezas haiti tue blair r ; of timu outiireak lumen Mr. hatch , ( ito : ieli ; : linitishi vice coimaul , and lie ( O'NeIlh wou hot be surprised if It vere so , as Mr. little I was emu smmuat intimate lemma with the .io quttos , Cabezas also said ito hail uiiowc time Ihritlsii shIp Cieopatrt to take asv soldltra , ai it was a mttter ; of clcrclo , A large part of time eorresadeueu is ( lit befla tween Secretary Oreshana anti Ambassador fla yard In regard to ilngianmh'e position vltIt re ference to the control of the Mosqmmitos , An ti it shows , contrary to the popular be. lid , that England slows ( lie settlement that iot a been achieved with a feeling of relief. M r. hlsyard detaIls many Interviews with Lo ni KImberly , It appears from a letter frbo ont Mr. Ihayard that Lord Kina- both ny hits ImplIed an lnvitntloim teem th em Ualted States to join with Great lir itaiti in deviong a solmmtlon of time imreblenms grM owing out of the Ihlmiefleimls incident , lhmmt M r. Gresimnmn replied that "coinimllance with tim e iimvita'Jon might Imply willingness on the pace rt of this admiumistration. to drpart froems time co nsIstent policy pursued by prevIous adnaln. Lst rations in dealing with the Central Amen. ca n question. " Time altuntico at llhmtrlIebds an ti elsewhere In the etnip presents no ques- tie n difficult of solution , Tin' sovereignty of Ni caragua over time whole of time netlonal do nmnin Is unqimestlonahmle. On time 20th Mn , hlay'ard saih ' 'All in' st ruictions and repsrta of re-esnbhisiming : Cl arence at Illuefleids arc denied absolutely at tim e foreign office. Sensational attempts are ap parent to create a mnirtmndcnstantllog 01551 mn lsrepresent the relations antI intentIons of tim e ( Jolted Slates ammil Great Bnitatim in cart- ome ction with Nicaragumait affairs. " 0mm time 22d hme writes : " 11cr imsajes'y'u go vernmmtent is vehl Imleasesi with the nro ime ct of havIng Clarence antI lila fortune eUmmm. m ate-h front the Present coimtroversy. There w as time lisost opeit expression of satisfaction at the foreign 0111cc iiiOii thto reported 'volun- ( ti ny incorponation of time liidians wltim tii re st of Nicaragua , for it was a comtsuimaimmntbon de voutly to be wisimemi for , ammml they were ghamh to be free trout the subject. " lhIl.I ( JAUShH ) 4t S1'i Ii , I' oiltlenl ( iislIis AhlAgog Over Ilk At. C cii ii lii g Ito ( 'multi Slot Ii I ii ii or. Vi'ASIIINGTON , Jen , 4.-W'lmen time list of it amnes of guests at the presidemtt's dImmer to ti me cabInet was giveit out time appearance oui noimg tiietn of Senator 11111 of New York w as received wIth sonmo increthumlity , There hi nd becit imo Intimation that time New York se nator was to be presemit anti when it be- cr imno known abotmt town that Mr. 11111vns ti me guest of ( lie hiresitiemat tint fueL was at o nco time subject of time greatest speculation. T here lmmmi : been rumnors that aim understand- lu g had been reached botweeim the prcsideitt a nd Mr. 11111 , but the Preseitce of the latter a t time whIte Imoumso was time fist tangible e vidence that time rumors wore pi'obabhy a utimeittic , limit once lunitmg this admmilnistrat. tl oim iins Mr. 11111 beep vlthilim the portals 01 : tI me executive rnnitsioim. 'flint tlmmso vas just , a fter time arrival of Senator Mmmrpliy aimd tlmo t wo Now Yoric aemtatora appeared at tIn t w hite house together , but time best Inforimma- ti on is that lucy tIll imot see time vreslmlemit at t hat time. Time president mmml Mr. 11111 imtei . iu general assemblage before time dinmmer begat : I a mid their meeting was to every appcnrnncc t O lin of extroimme cordiality. Thmey retimaimmed L t ogether for comae mmtlnutcs iii close comtversa t hat. Mr. 11111 escorted Mis. hearst to titc I d himimmg huh. Scmtator 11111 mlecilmted to discuts I h is Preeneo at time whIte itotise , sayIng ii t w as a purely sociiml visit anti hind iso political I s ignificance , anti conseqmmomatly lie diii imot fee I a t liberty to ( alit on time sumhmject. Neyerthmo- l ess his atteumdammco svill be a immam-Ic fet . P olitical gossit , for some days to coimmo. It Is I u nderstood ( lint Mr. 11111 Invited to liii m l ast cmmblnet dinner , but declined , r4E % % ' MOi'iY OICiIIt OFrICIlS , I , iirgo Iiicrciisn in ltotti [ n-olgii stud 1)nimtes- . tie oim .Jiuiiuiiry . WAShINGTON , Jail. 4.-As a result o : I a n Increase of postal business durIng thic i l ast three months , twenty-nine iimternatioiual I r oDney order offices , ninety domestic emmoney ' o rder offices and 102 himasiteil money ordet . o ffices will he established tlirougimout timc t c ountry on January 7. Peimnsylvanla aitd I ' rexas will have seven new domestic ember i e ach ; California , six ; Ohio , five ; Wasiiimmg- t ori , Indiatma , MIchigan and Oklahmonma , toni e acit ; Colorado , Georgia , Indian Territory , ' Minaestota anti Missouri , three each ; Arlcaa. . a ss IllInois , Iowa , Marylanml , Mississippi , Nebraska , New Jersey , Souutim Dakota , Yin . g lnla and Wisconsin , two each ; amtd oni - e acii in twelve other states , Time new in t ernatiottal offices are Angels Camp , Lorhr ; a nd Tomnales , Cal. ; Jewett City , Coon. . Neoga , Iii. ; Clayton and Wucamac , limO. : Durant , I. T. : Mystic , Ia. ; Keimmmebunk ide. S imzmron , Mass. : Grayling , Ilonmer and Iimtla3 ; City , Jttichm.Volverton ; , Mlnn. ; iiiimmter City Mips. : North Tarrytown , Rye and Socket Harbor , N. Y. ; Johnstown amid Milton , N D. ; Perry , Old. ; Autleimreid and Simemfleld Pa. ; Simmer , Pox. ; Ashland , Va , ; and Lodi ' , S outh Milwaukee and South Superior , \Vhs . 8 lilING OUT 1NCb31I ( TAX flLANI ( Uuccrtmdumty Exit mis to hue Nimmlor 0 I 1'ersm , hutS Corporal tuna Liiuhtu. WASHINGTON , Jams. 4. - Continissloac r Miller of ( ho internal rcvcntme burea : U h as begun sendIng out taxpayers I' r eturn blanks for assessment of time irmterna 1 r evenue incense tax under time act of August : 2 8 , 1894. These blanks wIll be sent to tim a collectors of Internal rovemmmao thmnoughmeim tI t ue county and by thorn will be distribute I t o time taxpayers. Timere are sixty-timre c ollectors and it Is time Intention to sen I o ut as rapidly as printed about 300,000 copIes althmougim it is not expected that this numbe wIll actually be required in making returnm I , Time most ummcertaiit element lii reaching a conclusion as to tue number of actual incom 0 t ax payers is ( lint of corporations , of whmic there arc no reliable data at Imanil. Thi difficulty ho oven approximating the ( ott LI i s increased by time fact , ( list In some atats corporations are created by special chiante granted by tue legislature. In others b certificates issue1h by time secretary of stab and lit others by time courts , Each of the si forms contain timat part of time new tariff at . relating to arm Income tax , CANAL IilJl1lLOtihIlU , Oltirmhosm ( Sonrrul tiimmlt It Cuimitept Go 'I'brauv itt ' 1 iiimi Hi'tiiii , WASHINGTON , Jan. 4.-TIme judgnient those senators who reimtained ho tIme city tint l ug iimo notices is that the Nicaragmia canal lii ; caimmma jtass at tiii session. "It Is not favorable time to urge ucim a aseasmire , " sal Senator 1)avis of time foreign relations con amities. 'Tirnes have been so hmand nail ti peoimie do not lIke ( lie. Idea or increating or or of creating an additional debt. Ti short oestsion of commgress is not a favorab time to urge suchi at measure , its sulliclei at time cars itti consumed to inctmre its defeat , ' Other aermators discuss tIme subject In mimi : the same way. Several of those who fast ; the project think time present conaileration of thio ineamiura is a good tIming , as more or he dlscussic.n is hmountl to ha ( mad. This is ti view of Senator Witlie of California , svi tie favors time canal , but does not see time posi ti. bully Cf getting tue hili through at ( lila a sion , Senator White says ( lint time haropositim to send an engineer comnnalsmtion to Nlcarogm aa t omalce anetiier exsrmsination of ( Ito survey merely a dilatory one by ( lie oppamu'nia of t t project to hmresent action , 13 UI I ii liii ; I it iv liii tti'sli I W'ASiiING'FON , Jan , 4.-It Is vrmmctlcal ly settled that the naval almproimniatlomi bill mrs reported to tue house st'lli contain pruvhslo : tis for two and possIbly three battleships , asa cost of about 4,000,000 each. This will I I by' far time roost inmportaimt item of time hi l hteprcserttative 'ralbolt , sviio is nmaklimg ( I lie first draft of tins lOll , is heartily Iii lay or battleships nail the report eq thU hi vimIcii will probobly Lie written by him , w Ill make cm sutoiig showing of ( lie imierits of t tie tmattiertiiip as an anirm of rmas'al service , Itill Ii > ( : , Clii , Ilium Tii , WASJIINGTON , 4.--/t lull Pc 0- vlde for an Increase of ( lie Pitimlic revcnu e" ha been introduced by Repreaentatlv ion ey of MissIssippi. It nrovldes for a iax of 2 per harrt'J on malt , hmrewed or fereitent el lIquors for barrels containimmir riot rmsore iii thirty-ammo gallons mind a like rate for ott quantItIes , . _ . - - - - ; ; ; Cry Pitcher's Castorla5 Children Cryfi u1tche's Children Cry ' itcher'6 - F IRE IN AN INSANE ASYtUI C entral Portion of the Buihling and One Wing ntiro1y Destroyed. M L OF TIlE INMATES \VERE \ SAVW .1 11 tlmo Iltillitings tlimit Escmspotl a lte Years Ago l'ero lestro3cd-l'lltlenU lutv ilutltlicet 1'ogculior In Gite 5iitiuii SVIiig , ANNA , lii. , Jan , 4.-l'iro broke out at. 1 o' clock titla mmmorimitmg In thmet root of tue cent - to t building of a group of three bumlhdhtmgs oh ( l ie Southern Illinois hospital Ton time In- 50 110 iii ( lila cityatid spread with great ra pidity' . hiy 1 o'clock ( lie north ta-lag , in w hich werts iiumdtiIil 500 gbbbc'rlimg lutiatlci w lmo were with great difficulty restrained m olts breaking unit , was in great elaimgvr , b ut the liatmacs were Iceimt nvay from it. 'Fitu imt ain buihmhiimg milmul ( ho south wing wore al ready' a imiass of sittoidenitig ruitma , but tli it etit frommt the debris was so immtemmse that. ii cu tihti mica ho npprosmchmed , 't sPecial train em s tlmo hhiitiols Central with three emtgiitoa ai md crews , viticIi arrlveil frotim Cairo at 3 a. mit , , , was dremicimirig the ruins amid cii- ui eavorhimg to save the immijacemit buthiliitgs , In tum excitcunemul. ntteiniiimg the transfer o f time immoro vioietit. tmtmumincs it miumimmbor svera bth adlybrttisetl by' stuintihimig down stairway's , th eIr hccepers heitmg iiriitbio to mnalnaiim oven a semimbiaimco of order imimmoitg thieni , Noima C aballed , however , the keepers being rout. f orced lmy volunteer special ulitcers front the cl ity' . Ternlimie coitfimsioms prcvaiieul dunlnN ( l ilt fire acid It is mmmitmicmilous ( lint mmsany lives se ere imot lost. The edItor buiihing comitatned im eanly 000 patiemits , nil of shionm , it ii t hought , were guttemi omit safely , with omme e xception. None ot' time ntteiidnnts or lmaticmts ( imiul ( i ino to aectiro timdi' clothing and tii sitew sv orkeml a. great hmartlsliium irm trammsfernummg this n atieimts to other qumiurtersi. It Is thought mi ormo of tiioso coimllneil In time asylum nr a t lunge , although ( icsierato ntteimspts at e sr.apo wciO mitatlo during time progress 01 ( tin lire , and it s-ns with great dhflemmity ! t hat titci poor cretutures wore commibneti to t heir quarters. 'I'lioy were crowded Into mm im w btillthitmg already imearly full. Time li atieimts will be taken care of in ( lie best v oasibho mmmmmmimcr : mmmttier the circmmmtistaimccs , Tiii lOss will exeeetl $300,000 , TIme lire cIa. Im artnaent fona Cairo got ( lie coimiiagrntlon mm rmiler control alter time center buIlding amid t ime south wimig ssero destroyed. All ( its b uildIngs tittt ; escaped time fire a tow years a go srere entirely' destroyed , Time mmortlm w immg Is all that reimmalims stamidiimg , In ( lila t ime mu lemm i a one imtmih tiled , o w I tmg to tlmo lire- v mallimtg severe weather. Time fire was unther complete smibjcctiomi be- . f ore tlayhlgimt , Time houses store first Ohs- c overed hour ( Ito roof of the imialim builthirmg a nd csmmimot b accouimmted for. Time itsylummn a h as Its owmi writer works , but for saute , r eason the systemma was immeffectivo lii fight- l ug ( ho fire. Tiio imlugs seemed to have b eii frozen. - Rid J'OIUI ) . ( uvoruou' of Ilorielit 55111 Nit Sumiroliclom ? tieiiry St. Vhmiiitmr t o Texas Atitlionltlrn , TALLAhASSEE , Fia. , Jan. 4.-Governou' M itchell Ims revoked iila order is.suimmg a svar- r ant tom tito arrest of henry lii , Flagler impors t his requisition of Governor hlcgg of Texas. T ime order of revocation , as flied Iii time office o f ( lie secretary of state , reads as follows : "it having been nmnde to appear that Ji'smmry a r , Fiagier , for whiote arrest a warrammt was i s.iieti ( am Iecenmber 22 , 1894. oct requmlsltipn m ade by the overnor of Texas , changing satti F lagier with ummiawfuily entering limb con- s plmmicy against tratlo hit ( lint state , is smot a f ugitIve from justIce of time state of Texas , it i s hereby onilereti ( hat such warrant issued b y mmto as aforesaid be nod the saute Is hmereby r evolted , annulled amtd recalled without preju- d ice , lmowevrsr , to tim right of time' governor o f Texas , if lie shall so desire to iiow thmat s aid Flagler is a fugitive front justice of that s tate. " it was rumored that time governor hind re- f erreil the wiioie imsatter to Attorney General \ \r , B. Lamar altO would not act uimtiI ( Ito l atter's legal opimmion had been obtmmhtmcd in writing and the supposition was that lila a ction wouhth be govermied by Mr. Lsmnar's a dvice. It is definitely learned , iiowver , time a ttorney' geiieral had been asked for an 01)10- io i emi , imtmt ( ito order revoking time actica taken o n thmo requisition papers was made before l ie imad time to imrepara his opinloim. Time As- ociated iireas correspondent called at Mr. Looser's 0111cc antI asbieti for his opiumlomi. lie said he had rendered none as yet amid that l ie understood ( rein tue governor that it was not desired , Extrtitlltloci i'islicrn iSlet iot Come. CHICAGO , Jan , 4.-Breaumso requisition pa- pars dId not reach liens front Spniimgileld Rob- a rt M. I'oeten and hattie Ii ! . Patch , charged with having conspired to defraud time Na- ( lonni Live Stock bank out of $30,000 , were d ischarged today. A nollo prosse was entered and it was saId that the case 1usd been coat- promised by time defendants tmgreelsmg to pay t he bank $6,000 on condition that time nrosecu. tlon cease. _ _ Exi'r'sislciiit l'cixtt , , iyirmg. MONTEVIDEO , Jan , 4.-Ex-Presideiit Poix. ute of Brazil has received thin last sacra. imment , t1rt1 [ -1 OW Both thea ziiutliod : tii hestiltit when Syi-tip Of Figs in taIezh ; it in JleaSaJit atid l'efre8lhiilg to the taste , 811(1 ( aet.u gently' yet pI'Ollhptly Oil the Kielileyll , Jjt'ct' iilI(1 ( Bos'OIH , CICi8hiiCH the HyS- in cfrcetiially , ( liSpCbt colds , head. and l'ovoiti and ctuie ] inhitual COhlSt'lpatiOIh , yi-ilJ ) of Figs s Uhf 0111) ? reiticely of its kilIti tIVOl' pt'O. ( luiced , IclHiilg ; to tile tflbto 821(1 dIl. C01)ttbIu ) to thu StolhuftOll , 1)l'OhtIt ) } Ill 1111(1 ( ti'uly beneficial Ill itf e1Teet , ProtsIll-eci only from tile 111051 liealtlly : tiiel flgFocablo HhliEititllCS ) ( : , its hihi1ii tixtmIIit cjiiii1it'iti COhliJfleiit1 it to all aiicl liavu lIIadc it tiici Iflost isovtiia' i'cnhCly khlowhl , SyrlIp Of Iigs 18 for IOilO III 150 edit ' bottles by nil lualihhg ( drllg. g'istsi. Amy reliable druggist who Illay not liavu it OIl hand wilt pi'o. CilrO , it III'OhlhPtiY losniiy 0110 who WhHllehi to try it. lonotnccoptany iuulistituto , CALIFORNI4 F1i2 ST/fl/P CC. F/iAt.01Sc0 , CAL. F LOUISVIUE , lfh' . IEW YOflX MY. . _ _ - - - - - - - - -