' ( 'ir ' ' V' I'.r : : --1' " ' _ . V" : ' 1-- ; ' - - - r- - - - - - - . T ; - 4 _ _ - - - TIlE OlfL DAiLY nEE : SA'rUlDAY , tTANUAY , 895. . TIlE OMAHA DAILY DEE 1 , - . - . _ I - . r UOSIWAT111 Jcltor _ . _ , - - . . IUD.lSnm I VrnY MOJNING , , TimMS Ol S1.jflSCItU'TION. (2f ( flly net ( Wihout .Sufuny ) . One Year . . . S 8 0 I fl UAly J AnJ UncIy , One Year , . . . . . 10 f I' tlx Monlhs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 01 'hrN ! M nt'A ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 & 0 $ uncny Bee Onl Ymr . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 fAttjrl1r I3e . On Ycnr . . . . . . . . 1 M Ymr. . fnturd4) Bel. One Yrnr , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r O'I.'ICI S. OmnIui Tll Bel fluilling. . Routh Omaht . flnler Iflk. . Cor. N nnd 21h SUI , Counci 1fluF1 . , , I : Prnrl Street. Chlcllo omcp SI Chamber ot Commerc Nel. York. 100mA 13 , 1 anti I. Tribune flIdg. \VAsIIngton. 107 I. Htreet. N. W. COnJ ! RI'ONnm.Cr. . All eoininunlcatlnns teIatng to neWA TI1 . e'I- tonal matter hould be lelntn nMrlued ! : 1'0 the lltor. UUSINJS l.l'1-IJS , Al hualneRs leterB 1111 remltnnceB phould he pIdreeeed to 'fhe flee Ilblohll" com nny. , Omnhn Dratt . , . Ipe nn.1 pOBIOOco orels to b modp InYatIA 10 thp or.lpr or the cnml.nny. T 1n'ahp ' IUULISIING COMPANY. - - , . . . - - : = = - : = , . STA'FMJmT OF' CmCULATION. , I . Gpore n. Tzichuck , . Becrctory 01 The flee Pub j . ' "Bhlnl , ompnny. being .111y eworn . n'B thnt t. t the nctunl numbI' or . full nnl cmrlrte ople5 of the Idly MOnlng , 1\'enln" and Stin.1tY flee 'rlnted ' durIng ! the month or November , , 18:1 : , was 09 follows : 1. rolows . . . . . . . . . 2tr,1 ir. . . . . . . . . . 2 > .Gt 2. . . . . . . . . . 2Ir57 7. . . . . . . . . . . 21.rc 3. . . . . . . . . . 27,2. ; 1. . . . . . . . . . 22Ia 4. . . . . . . . . . 2I,12 n. . . . . . . . . 21.41 21.2 1. . . . . . . . . . 21.r.37 21. . . . . . . . . 2 > .r.12 6. . . . . . . . . 21.13 21. . . . . . . . . 2 > .1 : . 1. . . . . . . . . . n,2W ) 22. . . . . . . . . . . . G. . . . . . . . . 312r . 23. . . . . . . . . 21,2,1 : I. . . . . . . . . 21.G' . 24. . . . . . . . . 20. ' ! , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9' ' > " . . . . . . . . . 21.IGR 2 ; . . . . . . . 21,79) ] l . . . . . . . . . . 22,4" O 2 r. ( . . . . . . . . 2.1,123 12. . . . . . . . 20.97 ' 27. . . . . . . . . . 2.0 & 33. . . . . . . . . . 21,0)1 28. . . . . . . . . 1'.9 JI . . . . . . . . . 20rc2 2' . . . . . . . . . : ; Q.020 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , t 15. . . . . . . . 20.50 30. . . . . . . 19,9S2 . Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . .r.c3l leBA deductions for tmeold and returned ¶ : COlliS < . lctons . . . . . . . . ulsold . . . . . . . an . . . . . . . . 1,2,2 Total MI. ! , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , . .t4 ,32 : aly average net clrrulatlnn. . . . . . . . . . 21.2 mOHO : I TZSCI1UCK. Swor to before ml nn4 Nul' Cllbc In I ) ' PI'CB- enpe this 3d day or Decem'r 1831. - . ( Senl. ) N. I' . I"JI . Notary Public. o ' TIlE lCW1 l.l ; ( US/.I'l J-J lnl'0lTS. 1"11 , accurate anti critical reports oC the , proceedings oC the legIslature wi appear In the columlm ot The Dee from day to day. ) . Al questions and measures wilt be dIscussed . and treated from the standpoint oC the ma- : terial weIaro of the state and for ho promo- tics of good government. The Dee will commend - c mend whnt It beleves worthy ot praIse and condemn what It believes to bo detrimental belevcs to the publIc good. Jt goes without aaylng that The lo9 will print all the news worth readIng and proposes to keep Its patrons ad- , 'IEet or every 10vomcnt at the state capital ' Insll0 and oulsldo or the halls or legislation. In procuring the news nntl , all the news The Ieo will spare no expense. I will not bo Confined to one wire hut w1 have tie use ot n1 many wIres as the telegraph comp3nles can Place lt Its command In any emergency. The Chicago Hecor n1ot1etly refers . to the Worhi's fair city ns "UH omclnl ' rotten city of Chlcu o. " We await the chorus of tclin Is. _ PreHllcnt CI.\'el\l : his one nllvnn- tage m'PI' the lxccuth'cs of the various slutes II thui he HlcceedCl In getting his 11ual : message before the IiIbIIC . first : POI' the frsl ( time In years the duties of the .ltl e luh'ocnte enernl of Ihe Unlcl ( States army Ire being 1)erforme(1 volves. by the olccr upon whom the title < e- - Rllce Ike TIascall's retirement Crom thc counci It will bc ; 'cry hard to find I mun : to pet'Corm hIs function ns chah'- Hunt of the Judiciary committee tutU aU 'round Cuclotmn. Carnegie conlllcnt ' looks for 1 heter , ' year for the Iron tll < e. There Is no doubt Il wilt he better 1Ot . the Carnegie mi ownC' wIth wages flom 10 to 20 cent lower than last ' ' . pCI ; 'eal' The 11esllency of the , school board Is un office of honor and not of l > roft , : but thc CI\'UHS for it is l > rocecdln/ just as . it there wel'e I . great , many lucrative IJJ'llnisltes ) attaching to It. The scnato1lnl nony In Illinois wi soon be over und thcn Illinois polt- ti dims wi Ret to work to groom 11 1) n ; Ute oC the nb11tnnt presidential tm- bee whIch they find so thick Imong . them. , them.I I I few tmcly tips fl'OI the Gould fnml ' can 1m gnurnteed to the head I oC the New York polcc 11eparlment in IltUlon ( to hIs salary Ihcr ( ought to holle tUlcnly il securing I man of : 11It.clss Ib\t ' for the 111aec GO\\'I0' Kuute Nelson lion thrown a , hOlb Into the Minnesota senatorial 1'11 1 - UUluuclnl ! himself IS a cuud- : ' ditto for the SCOt oecuillcll ( hy XXXX 'SIIIC1'110 Washhurn. x-Go\'crno1 CI'Ol H1111lt ! have . thl'QWI jut such I bOlb II Nc1I.lslm , buit- . - , The h'st { du ' oC . tliiy the flow wool sehed. tile witiueiet'd . ( a scramble nlol New Yotk imllol.ters to get their jet cOlsl n- 1H.tl out . of 1011 i at lie reduced ! rates ' , of dtity. 'l'1it'o ivili . ho\c\'C' he ) 10 ) , hnste tu hlll ( tw gootiN over to the iiio ' , 1110 itt ilces ll'tlurcl to Ihe saute 'x. 1ent : - ' 'j'ho 11'010101 of Colonel G. Norman Ill'hcl' ) to the IHsllon oC jldge :1\0' cute gtm\'II , wih the 111 , of lmrlgttller : _ jelerl , lulle1 CUl I 1)y time retrelwlt - , of GelC'ul HWUII , i : 10 H\'II'lm to 1'lr CI'IS . ! , 11hOI/h . I IR Inh'cI'salr ( 'UIIHIHl.tl ) 1 : I IUIj 1'lbulo to tie- serving nhtrit. ? Gtleul rlhCl' ! Is IJI' . _ _ _ _ _ _ ' . fl'CUy Iluulletl for the position 111 caut- not . but give . complete latsfncton II his 1lecnlacity. . 'L'he hURII'sl luau II time state just now is Colonel . \/CI' . ' 1'ho colonel hnt taken ; time contllct . to fmJ111 ' I clml'lll for tteI3' 11lol.tllt ) house ( OIHlltce nHl surrullmti ) h 11 wll cnoUlh Corpom-atioiu men to block all 1lslutol which the _ _ _ _ _ C01'1101'ute 10mhilO (1esIrms ( . ' to SU1I her ( untlJsh throu1 Oil time jobs they have : nn Iutoest In. I hi hot 11 clmihl's hla' I > for Colonel .ger to earn his lIOO I 'Oll' uslclwr or conventions nll stCt'ICI' of legislatures. t Who \ ( is i mtiyiiig > 1 hl'I'111fol.t fet \ hll - . , lug mm round in time iolby . lt lie t lt'gislit. 1 j' t - t\01 " ' 111 ' hI111rt.t wat working , It hhl . trade as U emtrIentc'i- WS can- - - shlm.t'tl I l'Illtlhlu iuit'eiiaiihc Iltl good cihel , hut 10 SOOUC' was ho elected - ll'cclncl IlsnSSOI' 111 luIlu I 1lh'olll t c ULntlcni : ( thou Ito tirtmimiietl l his . < ll'1ltcl' _ _ _ _ _ , louis tn become ) a tool of COI'lol'nte ' J11 ! ll. 'I'he Hu serves notice 01 : I Ehl'l'llrOt nul nIl hit Ilk thnt Its . slH'ch light has hL'CI turned un Iltl ( the _ _ _ _ _ _ . 1 < ) IlltUI'O wl lint h , IcU In time d11 _ _ _ - cq.ntcrmmhiig ' their . mission to lul'crt good 1'umeu t. -i 10Y ,1 , . _ TnrlZia TO ST4f4 A Si24'tdtTOfl. IolUcnl circles In Utah frc conslLcr- ahly stirred lp over the n lelllL or . time territorial cOlmllon , 1 mnJorl ) or which Is C011IMLd or Ilemocruts , to give time control ! oC the legislature to thc ,1Plocl'ntR , h % ' committing elL relllhlcllS I who , on thc face oC the returns oC the Inst electioft . were chosen. On m'cm- her t ( I Onh wes carried ' hy the repimb- lci I s , 1m- Cannon , for delegate . to coil- gress t't't'eivllmg 2,00 1\Jorlt. . 'l'he ye- tm'l ! ! lowtll tlnt ell oC 107 legIslative clullllnlel time Icl1hlcnns elected . sixty , hums giving thll I Injolt oC thlrtcen 'I'he 11nh cOlllsslon , whIch acts ns 1 cmtii'imssimmg irnnmd . Is cOUocll of three Ilttnoclls III two rClllhlcnns ) ) , Iltl II the exercise of Its dtmty il cnm'lssllg tll lelm'IH ! the IlelOCltc Icmlwl's cn11 to . hl'e discovered tlisCrt'iflhlCiCH ) In , HIrel./1 districts that justified gh'llg the ' l'lctol . tl time ' dClocl'atc legislative fly thIs I 1I1OCR ( of .IiigglIimg wll the l'ehu'IH the Ill'1Ol'I'n tc cOllIssloners rthlccd the mmuimuber of l'cl"hlcaIK ciumseit nccol'll\ to the I face . oC time mt1'IS fl'01 sixty to nct-fot. amid In- creased the nUlhcr oC democratic l'lII'esenllt\'es [ ) fll forty-sevemm , ns . shown hy the rltmnf to fC -threc. t'ntlolhtlll ' thL ) ) ' w'ouiml hn\e Put the , , 1'lllhlcnu : $ : In the Hlnorl ' IC at this Ilolnt the federal court hlll not lwen al > - i IIlnlell to all hJuetl nn InJlncton mit- . tlng a Rlol ) t. time evllent Rcllle to i count omit rCllblclus nnl count In dt'immocrats. " ' 0 lwilt cle\hel'c 1 tie- tailed nccount of this nlelilt to steal time Utah : iegisittiii'e : , ( mum which Its iih be that there has - w1 e seen rarely beln It 10le hl/h.hanlell ( IJrtRan pro- ceedln . 'Ihe l\lncllJl niot lye for It Is oh\'ious. Next \ 11'ch : Uah w1 hold It : convemi- lon ( 10 Cmle a slate constitutIon . whIch . will be submltell to the 1llIIIIl lotroth - fcnlon In NovemmmlnqAt the slmp time 1 governor amid oUter simile olct\s , 1 : immenibem- . congl'l'sS Inl 1 legislature wl he chosen , IHI the 11 1luture will elect t \0 United Stn Ics senatO' : . Time legislature . elected last O\'elbO' will 1)111.ton tl rehL'esemltmtive : districts of the t'llol' ' nll : thc lllan ) : of the Ilcmo- cmts Is to get such nn 1111111Ionmcnl aR w1 ela1le t11 to s'i'cuum'e control of time first state legislature amid send (11'mmloefltt8 to the Unied States seiiate ' 'hlt Is time ICI\Ung If not the only imur- Ilose ) In the atempt to steal the leglsla- tOre at thIs tlC , 111 to thIs the democratic - cmUc melbel's oC the Utah commissIon have 10st wlhlI ' lent themseh'es. But there is every reason to believe that the schcme will be timwartt1. . Time re- puhlcans of time territory are thor- oughl aroused to the denultls oC the sItuaton 111 they w1 spare no effort I to defeat this cunningly tle'lsedlan' ' ' to overthrow the declared whii of teclared wi a nm- joriy of the voters of Utuh. ' 1hc1e can li no question that . the territory Is re- pu lean. No fnl'c. test of the political : sentment of its lleOle would be possible - ble than wns mlHle at the last election , when the republicans elected their can- dhlnte for delegate to congress by 2,000 majority. A democratic congl'ess had IJssCl the legislation necessary to enable - able the territory to bcomiie I state , so that the democracy never lmad I better claim to the support of the \eople thln mit the last election . the tt clecton. yet party was heaten. . I honest politics pre\'ni there wi be I like result next November und Utah vhii come Into the union wi under repuhlclm control and be rere- seated in the senate of time UnIted States by rcpu lcnns. . TIE llSQUI'O J.IIWITOU1' . Secretary Gresham has sent to the senate , in response to I resolution oC that body , the corrcspondence relative to the occl'ences It Bluefelds last year , in whIch Aml'lcnn intC'est were imivoived and which for 1 tmc seemed to threaten I complicated controversy hetween ) the United States , Great . Bl.laln and Nlcnrn/ul The mater Is now nil settled and It appears fl'om the letter of time secretary ! of state to the president , accompanying the core- spouudemuce that It was ne\'er l'eal ' very serious. 'l'he 1ell question hind refer- dice to the authority of Nicaragua : overtime the Mosquio territory , u region the 1 > 11- lalol oC which consists prluclpal ' of scml.ch'lzet Indians all : negroes , with some British and AIC'lcans who are engagtt ! il buslncss. I seeing that nllher this country nor Great Britain 11enlell ( to Nlcar ul the right of soy- ereljntr O\C' thIs territory , but as there was nn InSU'ecton them it hecnlc neceslar y for the 1ell'esentat\'es of hoth countrIes t mnlto I temonstmton fOl' lime II'oh'ctol oC theIr respective elf- Izens , amid the BriIsh ha\ing , fS usual , hpen sOlowhnt aggressive In 110lng thIs , It wns for 1 tme 1IIIH'ehtntll tUt the ' illClletl something InImical to hoth Nicaragua unt the Unlel Stutes. As , the result Hhowet , however , lucre wnl no such tit'sigmi timid mme reason wllteror fOl' thl'callnlng time appilemi- ton of time [ 0100 dOI'lrlne , aR was very fl'celr 10no . by the ll'ess of thIs coummtry. Great HI.lull lS ummmqumauiflt'mliy ( 18 thc Unlel ( States l'I' ogmmi.e(1 ( the ( IIrl111t sovereigmity of Nicaragua 0\0' time entire l'I'sel'\'utol , which Ii now hellg CXC'- eslll ! imy nn agreement wih the mosquito - quito Ildhms to slhmlt to the luws nnt ulthc1lr of NIl'I'I/llt , they to luw eCl'lal1 Ilrl\Iges lu accordance with their 1clnl customs nntl disposition. I lay ho 101ltl In this COIHcton ns nn Intelostng hislollcll fuet hint as fur hack IS 111 ( ( Great Ht'luln clulll'tl a t proleclorato over time :10:11110 coast , amid forty ' years 1/0 time Iulslon of hO' rIght td thIs claim wus one of UhRol'hln intel'cst. Time CI10UR Cimuyton.Bumiuvei- treaty of . 1S:0 , ll'orllet that nelhol' or time 111.teH to It wnB 10 o\CIII ) 01' for- tfy , 01' COIOll1L' . or nSSU1l' , 01' cXlrel ; an ) domInion O\Q' Nlcumgun , Costa Illea . the MmHlllo colsl or Cenlrl Amerlcl , hut In spite ! of time terms of this 1gI'Celllt ) ( meat Briain rllset to ninmui hN' ' Inlnl ll'otectomte over the tcrri- tory II wllch tIme Nkl'I IH cllul was 10 legin ) llltl ; ; ; l'lactll'ulr ' that the trllld stutes hal Ilt itself II the t host- tel ot I'enolncin ; al clnlis to any CUtll Ill\mll . eS II Nlclmlua , whie ( i remit Hl.ull hind : llhlel lothhlj he- CultiSt ) hcr I'I/htl over the : IORllllo coast I'cmuiletl intact . I wl thus he SCl'1 that : time iiimesilUmm . which Ii i at lust set- thai , doubtless t01 nil lmc , was hong 1 subject or contention , dieting tram tro _ , _ _ , _ . - - - - - " - - m'p't I to time some very vigorous diplomatic cOI'rsponllencc. I.'orty . ) 'enr ago Wib Inm 'nlkcr , whim nn army oC flbus- terR , Iwnllctl lcl'Iun 111 cAlnbllhell a ovcrllcut there , rccch'lug recogiui- ton from Prcshlent PIerce lS the lweI' Ilcul of the republic or Nlcn mgln. This was . nL the time when the slave power WIS seeking the nCIIIIKllon or conl\Ntl \ of tel'l'lol' ' for . the extension oC slnYcI'Y. In 1s Wniier was ( hh'en omit oC Nica- ragmmn , nnl time folo\llg year that COlnt r3- was tnlWui ! Inter the 1II0lcclnn oC time United SlntcR. I wilt he Rccn thlt the little Ucntrli American cOluh' ) his Illn(1 ( n lllrtiu our hl"tO' , Ill It I still IIORKesseR 1 strong cllll to our In- . tel'est 11 couuceUon wih tlC In'ljectel Ielrlgua cal1l. : .1.iTlfU BlllB.\ NUl.wao. Time fIIOIICClenL that the Ih'iglmutm gO\l'UIWll , his hut IU cllmrgl oil the 11110'lntlon of Aimmoricami cattle wl tumid to cnnlh'm the Illn'IKKJon ) thlt It II the 11 1'1 Jose oC time cOlnl'les of contncntal Europe > to shlt out the In'olllct of thIs country lS far lS it. mummy he fOlnll Pric- : tenhle t tn I tin so. 1 II stmi ted . Ihlt Bel- j 11 I hns : prohibited the IIJot.tlton oC hive cate Cl'OI the United ( Slaies on the gl'olutl that l1Iel'0-pneuI0111 Is II1c\'n- lent In this cotl\ ' . OC COU'se this Is l\rel - a II'ptl'xt. Great Brllln Is the great t 11'Iel : for 4mmiemit'nii cattle , amid the IIKllectnn therc 11 lS cllllele anll thO'llgh lS It Is llsslble 10 111e It , yet there hilS been no COllllnlut Clom that source , tholgh cOlplnlnt wOlll a110st certainly he first helll fl1 there If any reason cxlsicil for It. The secI'lary of ' ' smmid In his last agl'lclllu'o snl1 report : " Iore tUl two years have 1)0550(1 I ) wih- omit thc Ilc\'elolltcnt oC mummy pieum'oimmmeu- tonht 01 olhm' diseases In the Uuled StnleRhlch might be , Ihl'ol/h oumr IX- per cattle made daiigemouis to time stock Inlerests of Great liritaimu. " 'l'hpl'e has hceu 10 tc\elolJleut or slch diseases sInce that lt'jOI't WiSltel. . so that this excuse for thc acton of time lid- gimuim govel'ul1nt w1 hot Ilnl1 Aim- olhcl eXlllannton of the emhargo Ilst he sought , amid It wl doubtless be C0111 elhm' In thc symllthr of Bel- gium wih Gerlnl : " lS wns the case wih the aelon : of Dentlll : . 01 In the desire of time ' ' to ' the 11eI'e ; O\I'IILnt ll'olect hOle catte raisers fl'OI American coin- letiUomm. Of the conUncltal European marlwL few 1elnll Ollcn to cat lie CIOI the United States anti there Is 1easou to alWlchel1 that at any tle these maybe he closed for the Hale pretext , fol such action w1 serve Ole coull1 ' lS well fS amiotimet' I Blgill many exclllc our cftte : oil the 111ea ) . , of disease so may every other Cott. . I Is umimucessamy to say that this Is a very serious 11UC' to one of lime most itl10rtant Intclcsts of the United States , amid how It shal be rcmeilcd is 11 very IUlcult questiomi. The National LIve Stock exchnne has issued I hotter cmiii- Ing upon the stock exclU es In time west to take 1rolt and vigorous action In time . litit It Is mater. blt not :111lJrcut what these holes cnn do that will hnve iulucnc or effect. The ' mnS protest neyel' so strongly fgailst the acton of these ( ( Ielgn goVellmentR anti 11011t. out time fact thlt time cnim that Amer- can cattle arc 11soased Is uimfoumitied , but such action will hardly induce those governments to revoke their ecl'ees. Time loundlessless of the plea set up by time Belgian go\'c1nment can be cas- thy shown , hut It Is by no mclns imroba- l hIe that doIng this woull have any effect , because time motive behind this acton is unquestouahly something clse thau to provide 1 slfegtl1d against the importation of diseased cattle. I would seem that some more heroic trentment of this mater than Is Involved - volved in protests will be necessary h1 ordcr to secure 1 lemed ' . A com- mcrclal warfare is not to be desh'ed. I is I condition to be put off lS long us posslblc and to ho entered into only when every other resource for the cor- recfioim of unfnlr muud unjust action hns faied , But Eurollan couutrlcs sholld lHlersllnd ( that whio thIs country hns no wish to engage In I conflict of this kind i forced to It as I last resort to llrotect our Interests when uinwarrmurmt- . filly Isslled use wi not Rhrluk fl'01 1t PossIbly wc would not bo able to coml1cl Em'ollenl countries to 11(15 our cattle anl meats , hut we could exclude flom the AUlrlclu market I very large amonut of their products which our people I > > could very wel 10 witimomit. This Is I cOlslcmton , however , for the ftmtumre. At Iu'escut our joverllclt IhOll put forth its stlugcst efforts to hnyo these < amugiucmbargoes lpon our cutle amid meats rcmmmoveti. They hlve nlrel\ly done cousllm'lhlo injury , aut If long nllutalncd musl * prove allost calamious to the zneitt-irodtmc- ilg interest of time counh' ' . 1U lmIN Ol'fr,11S , ' .It new Board of Educatiomi sholld ftarl out wih It fixed tletelnluuton tlat 10 overlap shah he created dl'll time comIng yemminuder aiiy pretext . Tho.hol' now hns more thlu 20OO00 to its credit miami it should not Ilcur a dollar oC lallli ' eyond he I reyeuue which It Is sure to derive Crom tucs nUll licenses . time state allp01loumcut amid time tax levy for 189-I. ! The IH'O' fgne ' untl imlH'OYllcuce whIch has chlrclm'lzell tile immmummmmgeimmemit of our IHblc schools during time mIst l two ) ' ' should be stohht'tl lt 11 immtxmurds. 'i'Ime lust hOI'd fOlld iHl'1 II 1 hole almost at the hellulllg or time sclool hn'm IW rClsou of O'clInllS amid hatl to llroW $ : O.OO in the . 1llls to leet cturi'emmt cxpcnlcs. 'J'lmemo was I'Pll ; mme law for bOl'Owlng . this mOle ) ' lull the treasumem' had to oven-each his ' tlcnslc. oyel'lcach uuthorl ) lu negotntu time loau. Time only excuse for this icgui loal Wll time tmrgemmcy of layln ttmucimers' 0111 janitors' salaries . uud time desllo 10 avoid . Ilh\ci at limo fact that time 8(1001 Clnd was eximauisteti . Sueh I condltol cnu Iltl lust bc fl't'slllcl1 'l'ho Board of Etucuton Is Iot Ihoye lauy anti It hns no right to create dehtf beyond its tissuired hmicotue. Its CUIC- llomm simmimly is tom It Hehoul ' tOI slm\I \m time f 'stLU ( 'Xllt'lu1ures within time h0ltls set by' the mtlns ut its (0111111 itttmemicim- , imi. has becommie ' ' 111'11 bpcome mum nhsolute ntl'ISs1 anti the hoard Is OXIJc't ( to inungu1te I without [ Pii' i om' fn \0' The imcovieot > Omaha Iltl Douglas coulty will watch every JOYO ot their . ' - * representatives In the legislature Crom this JomlPt \ \ ' ' until the sessIon closes. 'Fimey IrcI ! expected to tmnsform themsclYel..nce } , Into hr\lnnl slatcs- men , nor " 'h/ 'uoo1uitiomiize ' the world whim orlgh\q'l.i'1eastes \ , butt they ; are ex- ! lctctl . to rev . vil thelsel\s nniglmt tllol evem.y 1lroll ) tt 101 11101 whIch thl ' Rhnl be coiled t ( \Q'lc. The- lire expected to 0)111Se 'ctW'job and steal , amid to stand \11 fem the ikthiile j I ! ngnllsl Jllpllg cO'llornton'nc schelling johihiers . Aho\c mull thl'Y arc expected to protect ! thc Interesf oi the taxpayers 11 geltl'a ! anti oC thclCilsIIPltl : In llrtcular , whlljtollhrllzc(1 ( by II'oIHIHell ( hegis- latiomi . 1mm 'miWbrd : ' , the ) ' mime expccted to do theIr whole dutr , anl every Instllcc that they Cn1 shol.t oC this wi ! he loted Inll charged ago iiist. thel' records , I Is to he hOlld ( thlt time Doumglas delcgnton w1 not iiermnit ! time Il'ollsell chnrter Imelthnenl bill t ( be shle- trncketl Iltl ( kept back until the closing dn'f . oC the sessIon II order to mufforti nit 011111.tml ; Cor Illdn its 1la Hlle con- dlolal nl11 bOIjllnl Itl trllh's wih IUrtcs who have cllms nUtl johs to 111 throl h. ' 1\0 'II'S ago the ehnrtcr IICIHlmclt bill wns 111'olllcell 11 ole house (11) and hel the'e for welts herol'c It coull be gotten ell oC thc hntls of n commltec flint h:11 : heen organized wlh I view to Its miumtiimttion. AM II/ht ha\e bcel expcLl'tl , lmnpor- tant II'o\-lslonR WC'e cut Olt timid 100)- hole left lu for evasion all commtemuthomi. And thIs Is viiy the In1ltled chnrtl' was defective fl'om the tiny of its l1S- sngc and om' city jo\'ernlent WIS hamllered lS much after its lJssage aH It had : been bcfm'c. A sensalonal 10hlwl' , - In Cilclunnl Iu'n ! ont , when sifted do\n , to he II'cl ) ' I case of elhczzlelllt which the cI'lllnnl was elHleavorilg to hide by It cock Ill bull story of 11n 'lght as- saul and theC Time orlglnnl slol ' . howe\'lr Illal81ble , gave evidence oC ' sneh suisiiiciouis i ch'culslunces that the 'a\thol l'olt down amI confesscl so soon as arrested. A1 this goes to 11rove that It Is next to inlpossibk ? to cover ump ) a crIme oC this klll by so rude 1 dc- "Icc. The tr\th Is gelcrnl ' asceltalned In the cnl , fll oren m\ch sooner than mills one hns lenson to hOlle 01 to cXI > ect. lO\l Iiitor.4 hypnotIzed. \ 1lltnr IYlfotzed. Dcnlson Je\'lew ( rpp ) . The course of the Iowa press ( on the rail- \vely rate question ) , let by the itegister . his been one of perfidy and dishonor. There have been exceptions . but the vast majority of both democratic and republican papers seem to glory In wearing corporatIon collar - iar3. : . Cold CUlufurt for \Iteron. . " 'ashlnlton , Cor Chicago Hecord. I hear of nn old soldier . who after haying - ing been In the Treasury . department for more than tycnt -threc 'ealS , received a New Year's gift In the form of a reduction or his salary from $1,80 to SSI I year There Is no queston'aboUt ' his qualfcatons : or industry - dustry , but hlY'S d republcan and his place was wanted by n democrat As a special favor he wilt be alowed to contnne the same work h ' n1va's performed at less than half hisQrrner salary. I 1m told that when he venLto , the chief cierk'a olce and asked an explanation of thIs extraordinary ! treatment Logan , Carlsle replied : "This is n. cold winter. , ; You better4not . Ilk , " True Shi\I'mrnt of the Situation . Non 101 : , Sun. The OmnhaBe has rendered 1 service to the state , of Nebr l by clpping the wIngs of the nppeolssent out for aid to the ramlne- stricken ( armerS there : I understands that appeals of : the . kind , when unnecessarily made , are harmful to any state and to the repute of the community and I gives evidence - dence that there Is no need ot them In the cae of Nebroska. " \Vhile . " says The Dee. "the offer of substantial aid from abroad are appreciated , we believe Nebraska wilt be able to care for all who are In want and distress within her border " The Nebraska crops were Injured by the drouth of lat . but the and the summer supplies Ind resource of the state are yet abundant , and there Is no scarcly ot anything that Is needed. This ts the true statement of the situation In Nebraska - brska , IS given by The Omaha Bee. Ne-I are pleased to get the statement. I Is In the Interest of Nebraska The .nelghbal'lng state of Kansas has suf- fered greaty In past times from the many accounts of famine and other calamities there that have been sent out to the worl It was these periodIcal accounts that caused Kansas to be known everywhere ns the " Calamity - Inmlty state , " and there Is not / doubt that this nickname wrought injury to its reputn- tion. Its credIt , and its Interests , The whole country became so familar wIth complaints of one kind or another from Kansas that very little heed was given to them or could possibly be given to them. The "catamlty howlers" were finally turned Into / laugh- ing-stock. Time Omaha Dee Is especially desirous that no . such injury shal be brought upon Nebraska - brslm , thrugh the spreadIng of reports of sufferIng that' does not exist 01 for whIch relief can easily be provlde. The /iuaton In Nebraska. , Kearney lub The penchant ot the " 'orld-Ierlt for sensatonalsm Is giving Nebraska some ad- vertslng just now to which time state Is not entitled . and Is unnecessarily doing It n great injury 'rlie ' emplo"ment at a special cOITefpondent to gO throuh the drouth- stricken ] portions ot the state and write up the worst of all he sees and hears may be 'nterprtsing journalism . and may b prompted - cd by the best of motives , yet there Is no rcasn to doubt that there was no neat call for it. and that no good dId Is being sub- served by It. I Already the protests are bellnnlng to pour I . In from various portons of western Ne braska , declaring that thee statements are overwrought and Injurious. No attempt Is made to conceal the fact that there If des- tluton , but relable reports indicate that nearly every count Is able to relieve the necessities of its own people and ' a for seed for spring planting. ample provision cnn be made by the legislature to supply the needy before seeding tme comes. 'rue organIzed work of the state relief bureau can take care of the rest. But to cup time climax or exaggeration and give 11 the warl ! n chalce to read , the Omaha purveyor of lewa to the Associated , ) press has gobbled Ul the most sensatonal Portions of time \Vorld-Heralt letters and sent them out to time duly papers 10 be dished U\ with "seal'e" heads fcr foreign consumpton , A few days ago the I uu re- celved ( nina a PltslJr friend copes ! of cel'e1 papers containing thIs lurid telegraphic lit- erature A St Joseph friend . also forwards a copy of the ) Cl.ld with an Omaha telo- gramli hendEd tDYING and oilier head- Aram to match. ¶ .hp ( Inter Ocean has n specIal - cIal telllt from Omaha worse yet pre- dictng IIIY denUi ? rrom eel and atarva- ton as an Immediate result of the sudden colt weather , mttaled "biizzartt" by the Idloto telegraphic correspondemmt The hub does nQt believe ! Ihnt It Is disposed - posed to unteltat the situation , which Is certainly scrlou , but It does believe that nn unneceslarly large cluh has been placed In the hands of time eaFtem press-always on time alert for tuclm choice mnorsels-wltim whIch . 10 bela\r.Nebra lu. mind I hele\'el that authorities . further cOlnty luthorlles. the state legislature and private generosity whit be found adequate supply gencroslY . wi ' .ho writer went throuGh Ihe. rouh pel'lod alHI grsshollllel"COurgo In this slate dur- Ing time curly lOs , when sensatonalsls of the 'lbhleu alrlie filled time eastern press full of gruesome stories about "the hones ot hun1n skeletons hleachlng on the prairies - ries of Nebrlslw. . It was untrue. News- paper reports svro , exaggerated , hen ( as now , mind great injury was done to the btate , from vlmicIm H did not recover for ' , \\e do miot want ' urs0 to not a repetition twpnty ) 'carl later. Nebraska II not au bail . oft now ems rltresented , and We will work out our own salvation wihout alt'ertismng present misfortunes from the house tops. - - - - Qllm T.'Y/JS TH. ' : ( ) llS The Queston at a union of the British stlll In Australi Is /gln : being agitated . It Is ask ! , under mich more favorabto con- dilons than hereto Core. The project at a federal - oral unle.n for AustrllA submitted by New South Wale In 1891 was In most respects I copy or the consUtulon of time United Slates Aparl , Cram time want oC an earnest feeling or nationality , I serious obstruction to union has existed In time tariff qlQslon , As time duties en Imports constlle the chief sOlrce of revenue , the separate colonIes have been reluctant to surrender Il to the central government and to provide now . IQlds ) or taxation for the SUIJport oC local amlmniimhstra- , ton , In order 10 overcome thIs lltClty time plan of I zoliverein . or revenue alliance , has been suggested , with time hope that his I would led ultimately to I more Perfect union lint the unionIsts are In favor of no such half-way mneasmire n Is witnessed ! by the strong fetlertvo : mo\'ement In New South Wnles. In Eugland the prospect ot I complete political separation ot the Australian COlollcenPlleaS to caU9 no great concern. This apparent apathy may bo dime however , to time opinion that the day for t great Australasian - tralasian mote. federative republic Is ye far ro' . Time dynastic party at Peking Is nol so strong that It could safely invite a connct with the most masterful amId IWorful of time emperor's subjects , LI lung Chnng. The po- sItion oC the Manchu princes lnclutllg that of their Imllerlal chief , Is not so very secure Ihat ice contest mIght not result . In a dy- nastc calastrophe I was In IGH that tile victorious 1anchu Invaders established the rule oC time present Imperial fatuity In China by prolallln Sun-che , Ullr leader a emperor. Alhough the Ia.chus are I vigorous race , the only ruler worlhy time name whom the ( dynasty hns produced was Kanghl , who reIgned from 16G1 to 1722. He was fatuous for his learning as wcl as for his military abll ) ' . Ho extended , the empire westward to ho borders of the Turltoman desert and sOIlward to the rronters or India and Thluet. Under the guidance oC Jesuit mls- &Ionarles lie encouraged sclontfc ant literary studies. Europeans were trbte with luer- ailty . ant the cuntry was freely Ihrown open to commerce with them Since the tealh of Kunghl the imperial throne has been occum- pled b ) a successIon ot voluptuarlcs antI falneants. Chronic rebelons In the various provinces ot time empire all the lter lack of patriotism among the people are evidences of the fcelng of Inliference ! , IC not or hat- . red , entertained by the Chlnso masses toward - , . ward the Incompelent and senile foreign dynasty enthroned at Peking. . . In time Austro-Hungarlan monarchy there are three things whIch American < bservers hope to see accomplished within time current year. The Czechs , hnvlng succeeded In malnlalnlng their nationality - alt ) In spite ot age-long efforts to extinguish I , and having not only preserved - served their language , but brought about In our time a briliant revival oC their nave lterature. ha\'o as good a rIght as the 1ag- yars claIm that their local altonomy shah be protested and acclaimed by the symbolc rite cr , coronation and by time Institution at a separate Parliament. Ills experience with Hungary should by this time have convinced the Hapsburg kaiser that he has much more to gaIn than lose by allowing hlmsel 10 be crowned at Prague , and by coustutlng Do- hernia , with its hIstoric adjuncts of Moravia anti Austrian : Silesia , a separate division ot his empire. ThcS3 who have followed the affairs or Hungary will hope that the In- \olnutary resignation or the ministry headed by Dr. \elterlc , repreants . but a temporaty I check to the national movement , which be- I gan wih the passage ot the civil marriage , bill , ant whIch alms at a complete divorcement - meat or the cvi power from the church. I Is understood that Dr. \Veltrle might have Iept his place had 'he ' consented to abandon the most radical or his colleagues . but the proof of loyalty he has given can but tighten his hold upon the party or progress . which still dominates the Chamber of , Deputies at Dutap < st. In the Clslelthan half at the Hapsburg realm the only question likely to be marled with keen interest by AmerIcans during the coming twelvemonth Is whether the wage earners of Vienna ant the German speaking provinces wi accept without vIe lent remonstrance , any len chose approach to unh'ersal suffrage than was proposed by ex.Premler Von Taate. . The measures to which Emperor William and his chancellor , Prince Hohenlohe , are asking the approbation at time Federal P rla- ment or Germany will . I enacted , give the government time power ot Interfering In mat- lers at trade and commerce to an extent nn- paraleled In any other civilized country. Dna or the bills ls against "unfair compet- ton , " and deals In nine paragraphs with every form of unfair compctton In trade. It enacts heavy penalties for swindlng advertisements - vertsements , abuse of trade marks , traudu- lent purchase of goods on credit sham clcar- inca sales and sham auctions. Pulling ad- vertsement containing inaccurate statements about the qua\y , origin and ' 'iue or gocs are to bo punIshed wih fine und Imprison- ment , ant similar penalties are to be attached - tached tl the betrayal or business secrets- busIness relations and lists or . relatons ant customers be- Ing regarded as part and parcel of the hatter. Indeed , It tile bill In question becomes law the path cr the shrewd and enterprising Teuton merchant w1 be bordered by so many pitfalls and snares as to render com- petition almost impossible and seriously to merce. hamper . Instead oC benefiting , German com- * 5. The cherful acquiescence of the higher clergy In Hungary 'o the ecclesiastcal reform bills and the moderate and manifestly fermal protest against the measures fr.m the vatican present the minIsterial crisis at Budapest In a new higlmt. In view of the tacit approval oC the reforms by time ecclesiastical author1c It Is hnposslble 10 believe Ihat the religious scruples oC Emperor Francis Joseph could hu\o lee the meal ! rcunt at his loss or "complete confidence" In Dr _ \Vekerle's min- istry. 'Dime crlss ! be with Itry. Tle may wlh more proh- ability ascribed to the alance between the late Aoverment a'd the demagogic national- isLe In time House ot Deputies , upon whoso votes Dr , \Vekerlo was eompelcd to rely In order to secure a majority . The resignation of the minIstry was doubtless . mere piece of parliamentary tactic.s , pre&3glag an early dissolution or the house , all the return ot I sold liberal majority at the elections , which may soon he expected to occur , would he followed - lowed by Dr Welerle' resumption or te premierhIp , In full pnjoyment of the ImperIal crnfdenc . p U.V1UWWi.Hl' H 1'.1 ] , I Tll Harry Remain 10 I.lrG I niwaycm felt sorry when I met Jlm- Poor fehiow . he's married now ; Anl , life If n serious timing to him , For he lives by the sweat at his brow. And the cares of I family weigh hIm down , And he slaves 10 run the house ; Why. Jim was the gayest boy In town , All I'l bet he's poor as a mousel And because he looted ! 60 worn and sad , 1 trIed wheneVel' we met To talk of the good times we'd hat , In hopes that he mIght forget. ' 11 I said I was living at the club ; 'J'hen 1 felt n deep chagrin : Lent he shoult think I was trying t rub His misery further In ! limIt he exelalmed : "Times a horrible lol No chid 10 climb on your knee ; No Iulet home all the loving wlfe- " By Jove ! le was Ilyln , ! mel Highest ofall in Leavening Power.-I.atest U. S. Gov't Report p y Bthing . 4JAJTELY PUfE e JWL.r CUIJNTJ".S rn.IGIII : ; , ' ( uIT."Tl. ' Tll.Hun1. remont Iera1 : The unprecedented un- juslfable antI Inhuman affair that occurrecl In unit county bas place.1 A blol upon the fair nome or our beloved state that can never bo enlrely cotinterneted . and we hope that no effort or expense will ba spared until the pOfelrators are crefuly lahl away In In- marletl graves after placing tlmroumghu the trap door In a legal ' constructed cnfToit1. I.lneoln Newa There Is : I a IctdNI telHlency to wlhhol1 Positive eensure oC the act of the alleged Ilolt baathits , In allNI lolt counly b3nls capturing and making away with Harret Scott , unt It Is tefnlely Coutl out whether It really was an alempt to wreak vengeance on an un- faihful Imblc servant anti n tespoler oC the taxhisycre , or whether It Is a scheme on Seoll's Ilart 10 disappear tinder such elreum- stances that his bondsmen , who put up $ 4O- 000 for his Rtpenrauce p111111 ; n hearing by the supreme court . woul1 not be helJ imbue. The weight of evidence appears to be that scott \,1 real ' made away wih ; , bit the circtmtnstances that have eurrotlilell this gigantic I- anUc robbery ) ' or tIme people by a COrUIt ring that rlle,1 , HelL county for years arc such as lynellln to cast . a toubt on time genuineness DC thc Grand Iland Inlellcllent , : The Ihlnnp- lag mid probable Irnehtng oC Scott . the defaulting - faulting ex.treasurer of 101 county , who , for embczzlng iOOOO or $ SO,000 hatl beeu sentenced to five years In thc penitciutlary . Is a terrible crimiie < lleolal If It hns ended In limo llrler or Scol The supposition that ho has been 111ueled 11 his friends ht orler to save hIm from time penitomutiary . or that only robbery was Intencd , scems not proh- ethic at ni , Ills friends woll(1 not have shot anti , wolnlel him In the face antI robbers uvoutiti not hRVO abJuctet hIm aCer they discovered - covered that ho carried no 10ne ' with hIm. ills case has hrn carried to the suprcme commrt and ( ho ' people e\'ldenty were afraid that ho might escape Ilnlshmenl either iiy reversal of tIme jUllgment or by IJ3rtlon. Time Ieoplo have \ry little confdl'nee In time jus- tce antI Ilromtness of our colrls , nail beimmg Very mmmcii excited ! mleh exclell agltnst the emhczzler time rough Ilcment probably conclllCI 10 ( alto the case Into their oln imands. The slowness of our legal proceedings ant the unfaIr lenlcnce antI . favor shown mostly to our great thieves and embezzlers poduce such lynching crimes as Probably has been commi led In his case. . - p 1U11 ( J' : Jl ; s7'.tT1 ; i'nss. Lincoln News : 1 wOIl1 bo a good Idea for tim leglslntuo to endeavor to turn down underneath said leaf n few of Ito pluggors of the J , II , Ajer and Wnlt Seeley stripe who to moro 10 bring 01111robrlum Ullon time acts of else. reprcseiitatlys and senators . than anything Kearney Hub : Time Ippolnlment ot Judge Slnelalr will give [ general satisfaction as ( hat ot any lawyer In thC dIstrict Mr. Sin- claIr Is a thoroughly good lawyer nnd wiii malt a thoroughly good jmlge. lie stands wel with time bar. Is Ilopular wih the people , and so far ns can now bo seen there wi hone no question ot his tutUIO ncmlnalon and elec- ton.Norfolk ant Norfolk Jolrnal : I mIght be wel for leg- lators 1 to rcmemher that there are a tre- montous lot ot laws on the statute books oC Ito , state that are a dead hotter because no cf'Jr ' Is 1110(10 ( to enforce them. A good , deal of atenton should be paid to repealng poorer or Inopertvo laws , and amen lng such as are In necd ot repairs , but time fewer now laws ar passe the bettor the state will bo go\'erne. Ioldrc/o Citizen : rf time leglslaturo that has just begun its work will give us a clean , and business like sessioim as 10 believe I wi , time future of tIme republcan party In this state Is as brIght as nay one couli wislm The last two sessions df the legislature have lave not been ot a character that has impressed itself upon the thot/htul citizen In an agree- able maImer. I the republicans can't fm- prove 01 tIme lust two sessions they ought to throw up the sponge . I.V.1 .ll 2'1 Pil /UUJ. Phiadelphia Record : "Yes Mantle dear I Is i possible to pay oft n floating debt with n sinking fun < , " 10atng LIfe : " " 'hat Is it Lizzie a boy or a gal ? " " " I I "A gnl" "Dear , dear ' me ! There's some one else who's " got to worry about gcttmn' a hus- bam , Atlanta Constuton : "What mbjects are treated In your new book ? " "None ; It's a I's n plea fOl' prohibion and doesn't treat nt all. " al , Drownlng's Monthly : "It's ' the little timings I that tel , " us the man said when hIs 3- 'ear- old boy saw him kiss the coot ! and carried the news to mamma Harlem Lire : Upton-Don't you think that Mrs. Wabash was In ralher nn unseemly hurry to marry after getting her divorce ? LIesldeOOtulss , no ! She waited until the decl'ee was brought to her by a messenger - senger boy . harper's Daor : "This may be justice , " said the defeated defendant , "hut It strikes me 18 being / pretty fishy ver lct , " " ' 'hot shows It Is justice , " retorted the plaintiff. "One or the most , conspIcuous features of Justice Is her scales , Detroit Free Press : Ir , Caller ( entering drawing room-Good evening . , tnterlng Hostess-\Ye were just wldn ! about you and your name was on the tip ot my tongue as YOU were announce . Mr. Caller-I'm sure my name could not have been more dehightftdly loca ted. THE SEATER. . Washington Star. As swiftly o'el' the ice they few As snowfaltcs whirl. With no one nigh what could he do ? lIe hugged the girl inconstant man ! A crash , a crack , A tlistant roar Proclaimed a thaw and then , alaclc , He hugsed tile shore . : 'lWll'.l.SIJ ' : 'IWlfSlCAY. $ . The Masons ot Tekamal gave 1 hOlt\ warm In , In honor of the completipn ot their etJn new temple anti cntertalne1 over 300 gulCats , Four horses lmeionglng to Robert Miller , a hotlgo ) eoumnty fanner , tiled intitie of two days and there is a suspicion ( hut. atrycimnimue was the cause. ' Cornolimmi , Nay , a ratlrosd man of Alliance , 1mm suffering with a liroken Jaw as ( lie resuit. of an acciciemit , lie ii tinder treatnient at Grantl Isiatuti. Horse thieves got in thmcir work at l'iatts. muotitlm and carrieti off a lmorso licionging to Ilarlmer Lewis , TIme ) ' imati to tmtmrgittrlze a banmu to secure time tmnimnal , and escapeti without leavimig any traOo. ( leorgo Scimmmlrr , tue manager of limo Springfield - field Soelni climb , imas betu arrested 0mm limo charge of sehiimmg liquor witimotmt a ilcenee , mmml ima.s 1)0011 ) meieased on $300 bail leimdirmg hmis lit'animmg oil inimimary 14. iamiiei ) Mormiscin , oiio of time iitoncers of Sarpy eOuillty , dieti sit huts rc'siilt'iuce imear Iipningflelii after nil Ihimmoss of mmbmmt a week , aged 71 years , lie was a muativo of time nom-tim o' : lreiamiii amid settiech imi Smurpy coummlty in 1S65. 110)Cotithiig , of'ork , witou'as formmicriy it muissionary to Africa , amid wito was coimipeiieet to retumrn to tlmis commntry imecaumso of an attack of AfrienmI fever , from which imit wife iator tiled , hmai started cmi Ida rotmmrmu to time Dam-ic Continemmt , TIme report timat Clmnnies Noycs of Lomilsviito bath beomm n'resteti for horse stealing vsum an error. Tim mann arrested , whose muatumo was N'aycs , uvmis a. rt'sitlcnt. of ileverly , lii , , anti vas am'resteii at Lotiiavhiie , Charles Noyes of Lotiisvhllo is imummoceimt of any crliie , Aceoniing to the latltlcilplm ( Reporter , a. farliler a few mulles wo3t of ilntutioipim mnissNi 115 clmlckcmis one mmiglmt last week , and tupoit ento'Ing time coop time foiiowlmmg miloriming mmmd a tmrso contaitming i20 , sehmicim limo timie' ( unit evidently (1T'hiNi ) in soimlo manner 'lmilo engaged - gaged in fasteiming itis fingers ott the poumitry. 'tViiiie ' running a wood saw mucar Iakota City , Ilort l'arker met with au accitheilt ( lint amy resumit fatahiy. The saw was running at n high rate of ieeti vimetu it bumrmmt into a mltmlmlhcr of nieces , one of vhuiclm struck Parker lit the aimouiiier , etmtting to time 1)0110 , Tlmo vouintt is very serious , taut time doctors nra doltmg everytiming possible to save time young mflflmi'S life. 0mb of time Ilieces of ( ito saw was fomnmti twetmty rods troin time iminchino. Vmigimrles of Ptm.iticc. Clm'cng ' ilemntd. A Massneimtisetts juilc imas decided ( lint It is not huiglmvny i'oiubem'y if a tuna's mommey is elemeumeicti by a footpaui and imo gives it up wIthout resistance or refusal. 'l'ime Jmmdgo nlust ite on a. ievei of intr'iligt'muco with our local gretad jmmry which rcfmised to Indict an nldermmmaim fom' soliciting a bribe emi tutu " gratmad ( lint one of tIme witnesses who over- imearti tii con'ersntlom1 from au zuijoimiing rootim . anti testiiied to its langtmctge lmittl hot it. g.dtS light burning to emiabie imini to Imeor what was said. ( Iltirifymtig I Ito Ilims iieeim . Chicago 'rmnmes. The democratic lititY eaminot turn over time ccmi1troi of time currency to banks , eltimer na- tiotial or Stnt , without reptmdlcutitmg time cx- pressed conviciions of 'l'lmomnns Jeffersuim ntiit Ant.iteui' Jemrknoml , both of whiomim uirior to time ilays of Cievcianti were suimposed to be tleiuucrctts of good standing , AKNIP lii time ltaimd of a Surgeon a1- gives you a feeling of hor- ' -i,1e- , i-or atmel tlreati. There is 1 no houger necessity for Its II use lit mmmatmytiiseasesfom-m. I , erly regarded as Incurable ' t without cuttiug. ' . , The Triumph of - - \ Conservative Surgery - is well Illustrated by ( lie faet that "U ° "U"I or lireachi , Is now t-adicali It I A &tI,4 cured without time knife and without paimm. Ciunmey , dialing trusses can be thrown away 1 'l'iicy mievercuire but ofteu imiduce itiuiattlitmation , atratmulatmou maid death. TiIMflP Ovarian , Pibroid ( Uterine ) and I JIVajItj , mimaimy others , arc now removed vithommt time ierii of cuittitig opcratiomi's. nil 13 TUMAPQ however large , Pis. I I 1. . 1 1 ! LJ1t.J , Itmia atmd otlmcr diseases of time lower bowel , arc permiianeutly cured with. omit pain or resort to time knife. S " ' ' In tIme Bladder , iio matter how large , I ,1t J.4 is crushed , Imulverized. vaslmcd out . ' perfectly rcmttovcd without cttttiug. tZTIJCTilPi of tirluary Passageje also J I It A SJItIt removed whtlmout cuittimig in lmimmmclmcds of cases. Per pamphlet , references aunt all vartfctmlars , send mo cemmts ( iii stanmps ) to World's Dispemm'etry Medical Associatlou , No. 663 Main Street , fluWaio , N. Y. MOTH ERS.I' aiid those soon to become mothers , should know timat Dr. Pierce's Favorite - Prescriptiomi robs cimiidbirtli of its ( or- ttmres , terrors and dangers to both niother amid cimmid , by aiding miature in lIre- paring time system for partunition. Timereby "labor" , , . amid time permod of - comifincnmemit arc greatly sluortemied. It also promotes the secretion of num abtumdamicc of iiourisiimmient for time cimiid. Mitt. DoitA A. GuTititig , of Oak1e' , Oveyla , , Co. , . Teun , , writes : " \Vlmeu I began taklmmg Or. Pierce's Pavorite Prescription , I was not able to statmd on my feet without stmlTerImmgalmnoc.t death. Now I do all may housework , vnslmiug cooking , sewing amid evemytlmimmg for my fatuity of eiglmt. I ant siotmter miow thaim I have been iii six years , Your ' hleuvorite i'rei.ct-Iptlon ' Is time best to take before cotmfiimemmmemmt , or at leam.t It proved so with me. I mmever suuj'ereci so little wmtlm aimy of say clilidremi as I did with immy iast , " BROWNINGIING & CO. _ . Yotli' Money's Wot'Lim or Your Money I3ack. , , S - . Picked P-ants- - . Our annual inventory shows us to have 1 m000 pairs of pants-some of thorn pants from Suithubut fliost 01' them regular pant , patterns-pants that we mold for $5 , iIO and , / evonO,50 , . . . , . , . , . . . . , . . . . . , . . , , , , . . . . . . . , , , . . , Overcoats- All the small lots of overcoats for nIon-on3 $ 1 , 00 and two in a lot-tho best sellers or they AND wouldn't ' he so nearly sold out-marked clown from as high as $25 to P 1 00 Another 1o1 of these overcoats wo sold for $28 , but to close thorn out because the sizes are mostly small , wo have made prices on t lioiii. as low a' . . . . . . . . , . , , . . , . . . , , , , , , . , . . . , , , , , Men's Ulsters- Come under the same knit as th overcoats -this cut isjust as deep and the styles are , .1 tist as good , t , , p t , Children's Ulsters and Overcoats- In this department we are ready to oloso out at almost your own price boys uistors and overcoats that are worth double our asking price-wa can tavo you lots of money. , . . . . , . BROWNING , I1NG & CO. Reliable CIotiuiei' . , S. 'mY , ( Iil'nni Fiftuciutim imiuti Jollgltls Sis. ize- . - -5.- - " - . xJe _ , , .