. - - - - : . . c. . . I S . TilE OMA1LDAILY nEE : 'T1IU1SThY , , TANUA)1.X ,3 , 1 896. ! - : BOSTON STORE nRE SALE I 1 - 1 Jaffrny's $80,000 , Stock Dry Goods Bought from Fire Underwriters a1vngo 00 , ON SALE TOMORROW AT BOSTON STORE - All SlJk , Jrr GOOlb , IUbbons , I.nces , EIII' broldcrc ; , Uilly Slightly lIal11nlcll by : 1'11'1. , Hmoko or Wntcr , no on Saloon 011 UUI' Inlll 1.1001' $1.00 DHAI'EIlY SILKS IGO A YARD 8,000 yards of draper sIIk . a yarlv(1e ( . lIghtJy hurnL on edges , worth $1,00 a yard go at 1/ic / All the dress IIlIks In the latest colorings ' worth $1.25 a yard 10 aL :191. : & 00 S'OO1A mmss ooons ISC A YAltD On our front bnrgaln square all grades ot dress goods , only very slightly sollell from this fire , worth SOc a yard go aL 151. All at Jartray's high grade stock ot dress I goods that are nearly sound and perfect , worth $1.00 n yard , go at 25c. $2.GO mmss 000tS . 490 A YAIlD The very nest and highest grade of 1m. , ported 14 yard wide broadcloaths , serges , lallies' cloth and silk anti wool novelties worth UI' to $2.50 a yard go In our dress goods department at 491. $1.2G Sl1K : VEIV.RTS 2GO A Aim. All the black and colored silk velvets from this stock go at 25c n 'ard. 10,000 pmCgS Ol 811.1 Il III liONS 'AT 20 , GO AND 71h0 A YARI Jarrray carried the finest stock DC rib- bens In New York City This lot was only slightly Ilamaged by water. The goods are ' -I almost sound and perfect ; they are In nil willths up tn G Inches , RlIII worth U1 [ to 2lic a yard All beautiful colors , the latet anti most dellrable shades , go nt 2'c , Gc und 71hc ' a ynrd. i All the embroIderies tram this stock go at 3e , Gc and 7lhc ' n ynrll. 1'ast color oil red table dnmasl . burnt on edges , go nt 61. n yurd. SOc Turkey red table damask , sound anti perfect , go at 1ic [ a yard. : 'I'he very hlghet grade ot Imported Ocr- man red table ! damask , worth 7c : ; a yard GO at 20c. BOSTON STOltE , N.V. . Cor. 16th and DOllglas Strcets. . H. 1' . lHI"'I\1I Is now selling corn anti oats In connection with his wholesale flour business. Full weights guaranteed Sixteenth and Nicholas. Telephone G92. a Gault Brothers will sell three carloads ot fine draft , drivers and I general purpose horses ' lit the Union stock yards horse market Sat- . - urdny , January G , at 1 p. m. See this sale , lIure. . k BOARD OF EDUOATION. + l'UIIII.111 I1 . . Allo\Volt to ContrIbute Aid - \V..sterll IIrouth Snff"rers. - The Board of Education held a regular meet- Ing last night , at which the pay roll of the i teachers janitors und other employes of the t . board wa9 passed. The appropriation sheet . also contained n. large number ot claims , all i of which were ordered paId The total I anount ) was nearly ' $40.000 The following communIcation from W. N . L . Nason , president or the State Relief corn mission , was read : "AL the suggestion of prominent citizens , I I I , talte. the liberty of addressing you with the object or soliciting the co-operation of the honorable members of the school board In assisting - slating the State Relict commission In nile , vlatlng the distress which I regret to say : p Is assuming appalling proportions among the _ citizens among the droith 'districts In the c ! tate : . by authorizing the teachers . in LIt a various schools to receive contributions , or r money , clothl.g . , and provIsions for dilitrl- , butlon by this contmlsslon We suggest to . . , , p'9pularlzt ! t . ht n10\.el1ent..tha , If be made a Ii r ; cent' collection tund. , I : "In 1890 , when the citIzens of this city : I , - made It possible for this commissIon to dls- , t tribute clothing provisions and fuel to a very : & large amount , the teachers of the city schools , . In their warm hearted efforts to aid us al - forded Important aslstanct' " The conimunlcatlon created considerable . diecussion Some or the members were heartily In favor or It , while others thought . It would bo a bad precedent to estabilsi : ' : The latter were opposed to IL especially because - S cause many or the children In the schools Md parents so poor that IL would embnrass them to be called upon for articles , and particularly - ticularly money. A suggestion was made that the request for money be left out , but i ¼ some ef the members were opposed to this , as they stated that they knev of tamllles : which were willing to give small amounts or money , and did not ImolV where to gi ) . : , Many of the members thought that the board should take no action at all , but a- : low the teachers to receive contributions It ; they chose. The board seemed to be In a r fair way to get Into a tangle over the mat- ' ter , when Mr. Rhodes moved that the cern- munlcatlon bl laid on the table. Dy a vote . of 6 to Ii IIID motion was carried Later In the meeting Mr Babcock offered the following resolution , which was passed : ' Resolved , That the teachers In the various . schools be and are hereby lIuthorlzell to - receive front the children oC their schools . contributions oC clothing or provlslolls for the citizens In the drouth districts oC thlll t state , mind that all eontrlhutlons so made . be distributed through thc State Relief com. , . _ . mission ; ' The president stated that ho hall been UII- able to obtain 10,000 copies ot the presldent's fr annual report printed aL , a cost not to cx- ; . ceed $26. The lowest figures he could get ; was $40 , and he wanted further Instructions. : Mr. Tukey offered a resolution that 10,000 , copies ot the report bi printed , nt an cx- t. J1em1lture noL to excejd ! $40. : Mr. Gibson thought that It was throwing money away to spend It for printing the address as the h , report ot the finance committee , which covered - ered the same matter more exhaustively hall , been published In tIme city IJapers , but lila objection - jection had little errect. 'fhe resolution was passed by a vote ot 9 to 2. A communication was received from J. S. - - Leavitt stating ! that lot numb 7. In Ambler l'lacChall been deedell to tIme school board : en J : August 16 , 1887. but that the deed hall not . ' - : been recorded until September 3 1 , IS90. A tax was assessed against IL In 1890 , and It ' was advertised and soill. 'fhe board was r asked to cancel the certlllcate ot sale by pay- big the tax. Ileferrell. ; C. IJartelson presented another claim for y $ \0 \ for cleaning the annex to the ( Forest " lichool. The communication bad been left i with the principal of the school , who pre- It : seated It to the boal'll. The mltter : was ref - f ferred. c The secretary was instructed to pay the ' ( " coach ct the IIIgh school tOCltbal1 team during i' time past season $50. Thli money hall been l raised by the students amid Illaeed In the t. hands of the board , r Time report ot the financial coml\1lttel' was t- : ordered prlntell In the annual report or the f board proceedings r The secretary was Instructel1 to advertise t for bids for lumber to be used In I'ellalrs. - John howe & Co. were ordered palll $2GS $ 1 : for additional work on the Omaha View c . scimooi : . t. Mu. James , " vife ot the late deceased Jan. ' , 1t9r of the I.athrop scheol building , WaS ap. 'k pointed to flit the unexpired term " A pOlicy of $2,000 adllltioual Insurance on the IIIgh school building was rejected , as the total amount of Insurance en the building h\l1 : now . reachel1 the limit , $70,000. " ' . I I' .1'111 : UlIUW'l' HourUEtN , itoui ' : ' \1. . . time itOuic Isaul-SlrrLsst : : Llno anti , " . l'llitest 'I'lnmmu , . : -f , I ! 1'0 all poInts In Kansas , Oklahoma , Ind'an : . . ' 'rerritory Texas and at ! points In southern . California Only one night ; out to all paints It' In Texas. 'fbo "TexnB I.lmltcll" leaves Omaha , at 6:15 : a. m. dally except 8un1lay , landing t J1A1sengel'l at all points In Texas 12 bours In : ad"Rnce Jf all other rnes. Through tourist c , ears via I Ft. Worth and lI'nso : \ to Los An- V g lest For lull I'artlcnlars. maps , folders ate , call at or address Rock Island ticket L omce , 1602 Farnamim St. OHA ! . IWNNP.UY , O. N , W. P.I , . , Nosy 011I1111" 1. lIIlIo" Trem'mi . r On and after Sunday , November 4 , the . Chicago , Milwaukee & St. I'aul "electr/e / lighted limIted" will \ leave Omaha at 6 P , . hi. , arriving In Chicago at 9 a , m. . Ilel1lem. bel' this train carries dinner a la carle. % C. S. CARmEn , Ticket Agent. , , 150. Farnam St. J t p . . . - . . - a-- _ , _ _ , - 1- a' BOSTON STORE WET \ SALE - . All the Lincnr , Table Damask , Lace Onr- tains , Mu31ins , Shectinga , Etc. - DAMAG BY WATER-IN JAFFRAY STOCK 10,000 I'Rlrs IIlgh Orndo Lace Curtaills , Slightly Solicit , 08111 'Mhel' Out , ot 1\ Store rractlon lit Tholl' VRlnes III limo IIR8el1lcnt Tomorrow . All the brocadell furniture coverIng , slightly burnt on edges , go aL 3c a yal'll. All the linen towelings go at 61. a yard. All the linen towels from the Jnrtray stock go nt 8c. 10e , 12c , lOc , 191. and 25c. All time white bedspreads go at Cge , DSc and $1 . " 5 . fOOOO LACE CURTAINS FROM THE JAFFI1AY STOCK. All the single lace curtains that arc only slightly muSed front this fire stock , go at 2Gc and 491. eaclm worth $ I.GO and $2.60 a pair . highest grade ot Irish Point and Swiss Tnmbour curtains , go at $1.20 each , worth up to $25.00 II pall' 'fhousands at pairs hlghesL grade 1m. ported curtains ( almost sound nllll perfect ) , go nt $2.60 a pall' NoL II pair In the lot worth less than $10.00. GOO pairs ot Irish Point lace curtains , sound and perfect hnve only been slightly touched by smoke , worth $ G.OO a pall' , go at $1.GO. 100 pieces of highest grade imported : Madras , Swiss nnd fancy draperies , 48.lnehes wIde , worth up to $1.00 u yard go nt ISc. All the burnt pieces oC lace curtains go at 2c each All the yard wide unbleached muslin , go at 31he. All the I.onsdnle amid Fruit ot the Loom bleached muslllls , go nt Gc a yard. All the two-yard wide . sheetlngs , go at lOc a yard . All the double-faced sanitary outing finn- ittil . go ut Gc a yard . All the casltneres and pants cloth for boys' and men's wear , go at 101. and 291. a ynrd. BOSTON STOI1R N. W. 001' 16th and Douglas Streets , . 8. I' . U.l11J11l1J Is now selling corn and oats In connection with his wholesale flour business. Full weights guardnteed. Sixteenth and Nicholas. Telephone G92. . IIIlIf Untos tll UllcollJ 'I'OIlny Via the Burlington route on account of Governor - ernor Holcomb's Inauguration. Tickets nt the union depot , or . at 1324 Far- nam street. . 1'II II'S .1-1' IvrBIl"ll ; JI' $ . "The Income tax law Is going to be tested on the ground that IL Is uncoristttomtlonal " said William A. Paxton , as ho stood within the shades of the bIg hotel that bears his name "I have recently received advices . from Infillentlal men In the cast , and a test case Is going to be made there The men or means throughout tIme country will natur- ally be Interested , and await de\'elopments " "The Associated Charities Js providing ror 8000 Camllles this winter , " remarked D. J. Treoery DC that charitable instittmtlon "This Is almost double the amount of poverty - erty that existed In this city last winter , but we are doIng the best we can with the means at our disposal to relieve the Increased des- titution. Talk about drouth surterers-char- Ily can begin at home Our labor test Is : applied to nearly all applicants for aid , and people generally are willing to work. Ont ! man the other day was Insulted by the labor test ; anti said that It would lower his I dignity to work With his hands. " "I , aln'L worrying about the postoffice , " and Governor floyd smiled . . , .serenoly as he i said It , "Tho ether fellows are dOing , the , worrying It anybody Is. I thlnlr-an 'appoint- mont wilL be made this week and the , agony seWed Beyond this I do not care to discuss - the " cuss subJect. - " 1 am going to ha\'e \ a new theater In Omaha at any cost no matter how present negotiations terminate , " said Manager Craw ford of . " ' Topeka. "Furthermore , you can say thnt Will Burgess Is going to be resident manager or the same The whole thing will ho settled Saturday. " "I don't : believe house rents will ever be restored to their " former standard , came somewhat regretfully from the lips of A. P. Tuley. "IJuL I do believe that there Is I going to be an early : revival \ of activity In real estate whether the canal Is ever bull or not I think that In the spring many : people will loosen their purse strings and puL their money In realty Investments In I : Omaha. " - In speaking or the judicial controversy between - tween Judge Edgerton and Judge Ijundy the Intter l said : "When I first went to Deadwood I thought time ealenllar would only consume a week. and I was In poor health and I flue 0 the assignment I round the court calendar would require several weeks of my time , anll ; I , therefore , pursued what I deemed the proper course , and cleared IL up. This Included m- eluded a large number of cases which hall been continued tram term to term on trlvol- Ious ous pretenses. Time people evidently appreciated - ciated my evork judging from the cordial treatment they bestowed upon me while there , and after I had completed my labors on the bench aL Deadwood I never ignore Judge Edgerton , and furthermore , he never Issued the' order for a jury at the tIm Le quoted In his pointed letter to me " "Our substation , A. Is getting to be as large as a Cull edged' seconll.class pos t- office , " salll Postmaster Cinrkson "Tho establishment - tablishment ot a sub. postal service In Omaha during time past year has been productive oC good results In every respect , and the pUblic doubtless appreciates It , The volume of business at hath stations has greatly In. creased " "The receivers of the American Water Works company are going to put In largi - Water mains In Omaha just as soon as the weather will permit " said Ellis L. Dler- : bower. "These mains will be put In where they arc needell , and the work will be done In time sprlug. There has been previous tallt about this , but the definite arrangement has just been perfected I thlnlt other and more : extensive Improvements will be matte It has been the policy of time court and the reo celvers to Ieell the plant In the best posslhlo condition and make such Improvements as qre needed , Such matters as extensions allll liew lines arc regulated entirely by orilinances at the city council , but time con ltlon of the Illant u was no\'el' bettor than now. " "The pf'sent law l regarding tees for police officers tl'stltylng In court Is goln to be amended at this session or the Nehras\a \ legislature , " said Chler Seavey , "at least a strong effort will be malle for this remedy The IIresont eOllllltlon ot al'alrs { In the Omaha . , courts which seeks to deprIve pOlicemen of witness fees iii l based on a technicality and \\'II first agitated by Ira Dachelor , I am going to Lincoln to confer with the mayors anti chlet ot police ot fourteen cities or Nebriska ! , .am1 we will discuss lellelaUon needed which pertains to municipal affairs I shall bring Ul ) the witness tee matter for discussion anll om conlhlpnt that ( an organized effort will be made to have the objectionable clause In time plesent ( statute knocked out. " . - -S DIED INlIAntYr-nerthll. . at D a. III. January 2. 18:15 : , or lonsulIIlIlIolI : , In bel' hUm year. I.'ullel'lll at 2 p. ma . rlllay , January , 1(91 . leone mcsltienc'e , , 2U North ' 1'wenty- thll'll street Prlenus InvIted C'nANDAII.-Huth I.olip. ( of lptherla , January ' 1st , at WOl North 'j'went.t1rst street aged 4 ) ' < , urll. Funeral Wednesday at 3 1' . am The tunfI' I of \Ir : F. Ohlemann will tale 1lace Cram the fatally residence lit 18th and 1.'ntl'l' I'lrcellf. ' ' ' 'I'hurSIlU'l January 3 , at 2 p. m , All rrlend are tmm1teLl to attend ' 'OOST OR LES SI" Jar.uarv Sale-moa and Furs fl.kSCOFIELD O.IlSCOfIELD U 1\ I C1QAKS.SW1SiRS. l'\Xl'ON UJ.O\.J \ , . - : - - - - * _ ½ - --t _ - _ - , X-q _ b'fl - . - fl..c , , , - BOSTON STORE SMOKE . , , SALEfl All Lndies' , Men's ' anti Ohildrcn' Hosiery , and Undelw from Jnffroy1s ! Stock , DAMAGED BY SMOKE- SALE TOMORROW JRlTray & Co. Attached Their Name to 1very l'leco of Uodcrwc.lr tlnd hosiery In Their Stoe - .OunrnntcflllJ ; it to ne thin Ilcs . All time mIsses' and chllilren's uncltrwear ! , slightly damaged by water and smoke , go In two lots at 71. anti 15c. All the lailies' flue wool and ribbed unclcr- wear that have been slightly damagell by water and smoke , go at IGc , 25c , ISo and 4ge. All the men's wool underwear from this Jnrtrny stock , go at 25c. i0c . 491. and 5c. All the ladles' , misses' anti ehlldren's hmosi- cry wool cashmere and fast black cotton hose , go nt 5c. 9c. 161hc ! amid 2Gc. All the $2.GO dark colored double shawls from this Jaltruy stock go at lSe. All the extra heavy beaver shawls and strictly all wool anti finest grade DC double shawls , worth imp to $ ifi.00 encll , go aL $2.GO and $ G.OO on our second floor. . 5,000 lallies' waists In dark coorcd ! French sat cents and percales , made for this season , worth $1.GO each , go aL 301. In our cloak de- partmnen 300 latest style Inllies' cloth and French serge waists worth up to $7.GO each , go lit $1.60. All the Intants' elder down cloaks , worth $2.GO each , go nt 7Gc. ' All the muslin underwear , slightly wet , go at 25c , ISo amid 49c. . BOSTON STORE , N. W. Cor 16th and Douglas St , . Attcmmtlon . All members ot U. O. T. n. lodge No. M. allll cSlleclally lodge 401 , are requested to meet at Schaeter's hall , 13th and homey 8(5 , on Thurruay , January 3 , aL 1 p. m. sharp , to attend the funeral oC our deceased brother 10' . Oehdcmann Dy order of T. M. . . AWARDING THE CONTRACTS Board of I'nbllc Works Meets anti Lots ContrnclR for tile 'ear The Board oC Public Works held a meeting yesterday and awarded several contracts for street work for the coming year. The contracts were for wooden , artificial and permanent stone sidewalks street crosswalks and for grading streets The contract for wooden crosswalks and sidewalks was awarded to James R. Connelly. His bid for a tour-foot walk was 19 cents ; stx-Coot. 26.4 ; eight-toot. 30 : ten-Coot , 41 : twelve-toot , GO : sixteen-toot. 64 , and for a twenty-root walk , G9 cents per lIr.eal root. A. Stutzer & Co. obtained the contract for laying the artificial stone walks , their bill being IG cents. The contract for laying stone walks of Colorado sandstone and or Indiana and Ohio stone was given to Hugh Murphy Ills bid for a Cour.foot walk of Colorado atone was 17 cents , for a six-Coot walk 21 cents , for an elght-rooL walk 25 cents for a three-Coot walk of Indiana stone 26 cents for a four-toot walk 33 cents , for a lInee-toot walk of Ohio stene 26 cents , for II Cour-foot walk 33 cents. The contract for , laying walks or Kansas stone was awarded ti ; , A. D. ' COb , his bid for n. three-root walk being ,19 , % cents : and for a Cour-foot walk ' 25 , c nts. P. H. Mahoney obtained the contract. : for gradIng I Twenty.slxth street from Hickory street to t tax lot8 at 10 cents , while Henry Hall ob- tamed t tIme contract for grading , Thlrtr.-tlilrd street from Dodge to DavenporL etmets ! : ( at : 7.78 . cents , per.qubi ; lc. yard . : . . . : , : : ' . ' , . . , I Federal Bumbling Notes. Postmaster Clarkson has returned from m Lincoln , Deputy Marr.hal Llddlarl1 arrived from the . northwest yesterday. - IL Is rumored around the postoffice build lag that a new postmaster will be appolqted Saturllay , or before I Federal court resumed Its sessions arter the hollllay recess yesterday The morning session was devoted to motions before Judge . Dundy. The petit jury Is aL work again The grand jury will resume Its labors today as satisfactory arrangements have been made with relation to runlls Deputy United States Marshal LlddJard brought In Prisoner W. H. Drallley from SherlcIan Gulch yesterday Drallley Is i charged with .tlmber cutting. Judge Dundy heard the Evans case yesterday - day nrternoon. Evans , as nn officer of the Peoplo's Investment company , Is chargell with using time malls for lottery purposes Marshal Whlto has received some grew some souvenirs or Two Sticks In the shape of a lock or the dead Indlan's hair and a peco ! oC the rope which jerkel1. him Into eternity. Arguments on the special master's report In time E. Hyde Rust case will come up herore Judge Dundy this week . The question of primary jurisdiction will doubtless be raised by Mr. Orrutt , attorney for Mr. Rust. . - Alleged Train Wrecker DItcIiirged : BATTLE CHEEK , Mleh" , Jan , 2.-Ernest. lit Jcwett one ot the men arrested Cor i wrecking the Grand Trunk train here , was released from clItody today . It Is thoulht : It would be Impossible to secure evidence to convict mummy at the uecuse . - . Oregon Kidney Tea cures ail kidney trou : bles. Trial size , 25 cets. All druggists , " ' . J'EICON1I. 1'tll.IGll.U'lIS. . - E D. Fellows Is registered aL tIme Barkem franc Lincoln L , 0 : Diy of Missouri Valley Is quartered at the Barker George Scoulard . of Superior Neb , Is a Darker patron . . LeWIS Jordan and family o't the Sando IV company are registered at the Barker , At time Mercer : E. 8. h3otetor New Yorl , ; C. O. Carpenter , Abllene , Kan. : Thomas Kirk Maple Illver Junction : O. If. Swing ; ' hey Beatrice ; O. If Hiner , Beatrice ; D. W. Clark , T. P. Dement , Lincoln ; C. 11 . Beach . Portia : C. 'tV . 1ll00dl001l , 11I1's. I. N. : Groves and son , Chicago ; Clyde Opett , Lie - coIn . - warded . Highest Honors-WorJd's Fair. . .DR , " ItE CREAM . AKIN6 Pornni MOST PERFECT MADS. A " pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. P.- . : : ivb 1 Ammonia , Alum or any other.ldulll . i : , . ' 0 YflRSrirn sTANDARr,1 , - : - - : - . 1 _ : - -f- - FIRE .AND P LTCE : COMMISSION. - IJorll : Transmsct.8lliutino lJuslnru anti Then Brisns'3Jquor , I.ICC'Ut'I. The Board tit Ii'II' and Police Commis- sioners met last qlthJ , holdlnlt a short sea- slon , at whloh II1IJ1.I11 ! amount of routine business was tranooctelI. The chief of rIollco sent In several reo ports , which worse receIved and placed on pn pf f ile , They were : . A report saow"l , time number of days Ute members 'f the police rorce were off duty , luring the month of December , which xmas ! 198 % ; a report simow- lt Ing l time number otnnieals served at the jail to 00 2.236 , at a cootlof $201IG for the month ot ecember , . op John Blake captain of No. 9 hose corn- ant , asked for and was grantell n five days'a l eave : of nbsence Acting Chief Salter submitted IL report oC the work done by Inspector I.aux for the month of December , which consisted ot In. sllectlng 210 buildings , serving thlrt- \'e notices anll making thlrty.two arrests , The following saloon licenses were granted : Kitchen I1ros. . 1409 Parnnm street : J. II. Markel Millard hotel ; Peter U. Mounts 1401 Webster ( street ; Peter J. Boysen 1723 I.eavenworth street ; P. E. tIer & Co . 1112 Hnrney i street ; Cheek & Anderson , 402 South Thirteenth street ; John Wright , 105 : ; South Twelfth street ; George 1' . Hnrlow , 614 North , Sixteenth street ; Grotto & 00. , 1611 Capitol ' avenue ; Janice Ilaroki 2402 Ll'avenworth street : J. J. iCnlcik 1422 Routh Thlrtl'rnth strl'et ; Leonard Kirscimt 407 South Tenth street : John : \lnrhover , 124 North Tenth street : Thomas J , 1IIurllhy. GI2 South Thirteenth - teenth t street ; P. J. Hnnsen , 1124 Capitol avenue : George W. Tlerne . 101 South Thirteenth - teenth street ; Oscar \V. Joimmason 424 North Sixteenth street ; Nellie Quill 223 North Sixteenth street : J. F' . 1II0rrlson. IGl2 Uoug- las i street ; Henry : \1. Dons , GOI South Ele\- enth street There was II protest against Jacob Land- rock 1264 South Sixteenth street , alleging that he kept open Sundar , buL the license was grnnted. lIIr. Schartow of Ttvematletlm street nnd Poppleton avenue wlthrlrew his al111l1cntlon. nS several protests had been filed agnlnst hllll. . S. . EVANS LET GO HIS GRIP. lie Turns time City Clorl's Ul11co Over to hIlq HuceeMsor. Yesterday mcrnlng the olllce of the city clerk changell hands so quietly that it I IL had not been expected It would have hardly been noticed by time other city employes In the cty ball. When Hench lIIgby entered the building ex-City Clerk Evans was standing In the door of the olllce , nUll after the two men exchanged - changed pleasant salutations Evans told HIgby to step Into the office at 9 o'clock and he woulll turn everything over to him. I'rolllptly at 9 o'clock HIgby appeared In cOlllpany with a box of cigars anti his office force , and the new reglmo began Of time old force only one man remains. This lucky individual Is Jonathan N. Wise the Lax clerk and ho tully appreciated his good Cortune. George W. Holbrook Is the deputy cleric his appointment having been confirmed by time city council Tuesday night The journal clerk Is W. 11. Doyle und the ordinance clerk A. ,1' Gram , while Jonathan Edwards and Charles P. Southern are elll- ployerl on the tax list. Miss NaomI Schenclt has been npPolnted'stenographer. . . - . 1l1tlb.\Cu"h1. ; The following marriage licenses were Is- sited yesterday : Nallle and Addrcaa , Age. I William J. Ewlll.South ; Omaha. . . . . . . . 41 : Elizabeth Gutszher , South Omahn..32 : Robert C. Strehalon Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 : , Anna Hnu , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24' t ' Nels S , ThompRonpOmahl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24' I Dagmer ICundson tOmnha . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 r Streeter J. Drooks.10mnha . . . . . . . . . . 31 Annie T. Jaclson.Omaha , . . . . . . . . . . 19 Edward H .Dradebeker ; Omaha . . . . . 30 ) Elsie E. Conantl OmabI1. . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Abraham Tholn1s. ( lhun _ . . . . . . . . . 21 : Sarah 1cIlltolh : ilorene ) ) . . . . . . . , . , 20 ) John \V" . " : . . . \ . , . . . 2t Dettle Tolver. Drwntm4hl . ; . . . . . . . . ; : .t 2 \V D. ZURplun , Omaha . . . . . . . . . , . .22 Hlle Ltnllqulst , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 C. \V. Sovereign , Seward . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Florence Andrews , Seward . . . . . . . . . .18 : ttpeflQS . ; 5 ' ; ' A ' 4 . , . . ON : BNJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste , and acts gently yet prompty on the Kidneys , Liver anti Bowels , cleanscsthe _ sys- Loin ofectualy , dispels colds , head- aches and fevers and cureE habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy off its kind ever pro. ( ducm , pleasing , to the taste and no- ceptablo to the tontach , prompt in it action and truly beneficial in its effects , prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substnces , its : many excelen qualities commend it t all and ha\o made it the most ' popular ) remedy known . Sylp of Figs is for sale in 60 cent bottes by all leading drug- gists. Any roliablq druggist who may not have it on hand will procure . cure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it Do not accept any stlbStittltC. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO , OAL. LOUISVILLE , Ir , NEW YORK , N.r. AMUEE'M EN' { , ; .5' TWO NIGHT p oYp .5 AND SAT. MAT : TIUHS , & FRI 'NIGHTS ' ? } AND SAT MAT , JANUARY 3 , 4 and 5 , FIrst time In this city of time Sandow Trocadero Vaudevilles A Congress ot American Wonders , lenltd b ) to Peerless sJ1L.lJpOW. ' The Slronjut ( Man on Ilarth . Apollo and 1"'lnl. . Combined. : lt The Iolt .pen"h'e and Most Refined Vaul. elle Organizton on Jarthm 9 Grant Specialities 9'e The engagement dotes wlh Snlurlay mnutlne 'e . Snleobeals now , . 01.1 at usual lrlccl , MatInee prlclsI'.lrt Itoor . Wc un" 1c ; balcony 250 mind ( Oc , - E1M : Fl R ' 1"J'u I 1'/UUJ r.lt Telelhone 3t-W. , . .3. . JUlOI S . Manager. . 1tJ-'iI1IiI' Al' $115 . . - MUR 9IAOl { } They mini all righ tim "F1IJWIGAT'J'I3tL L. " MATINEE SATURDAY , COUNO-Week Uec. G.-IiIi' 01' STAT " , ' Ru I and vigor . qulrtl' II I t I1flCL'9)fbt'1 ; fOorCI. unl"Iior &rll. ' e . , , .05 5I55b c ; j' tiIrttly it'tb&it't 1 . ) . . , 01.1 , > . . i , l- .dr..1 11 IIIA II ht I C' . . "bu"n. . 'J , I sedou ; ItttnUy 'UHll' 14 arlllD , . . , .Iour. I" . . 1 , A. Fuller " Ce" , Corner lIthe ' .Id Uoulit& hI tV : OMMIA . riiu ; , - - . . " . . . . - . . . . COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS. . - Ilds lee Supplies o" mod and Referred to thQ Auditor. ThO county commissioners hell n metlnl elerlla ) . Afternoon at which bids for tup- pleJ ror tub comIng year were opened anl several claIms alloCI. . Although there will be no chang In the members of the hearth , his wash Ils\ meeting under the I'resent rganization amid they adjourned sine die. The next mctnJ will take Place January Bn , when n M\\ chairman will bo elected nnl new cOlmltees appointed , The rolo\lng : bids were opened : For b read . \'Hchek. U. 1' . bakery , Kuehne : Ice , South Omaha Ice company nn.1 i.amncreaux i hros . ; let , lamllon Ire ! . and I ) . It . : Marsh ; groceries lelmrOI & Inn en anl George F' . Monroe ; soap \V. A. Page anll 1' . J. Quenley : lumber and ping , A. meynmontl George A. hloaglamit ) C. M. Diets Charles n. I.el anti A. D. \tnrlott : & ( 'o. : Irugs head prescriptions . Otto Selrtert anti Alee & 1entolll ; lirimitilig . Jl'ltner Printing cOlpan ) ' . Olahl Prillting eOlllan ) ' . South Omnha Printng comupammy Roes Prlntnl cOlrnny amid Ilopp , Inrtet & Co. , nIl lt which were reCerred to the nlHlltor for tabu- latlon. l Time appropriation shet for time pay ot bnlrs of the court ! , nmolntni to $102. eves a llowed . Liabilities aggregating $ . ' rOd,53 were ordered pnld trom the general tuud , Severnl claims for small amolnts rema also a liowed. . T 5 . 1 , ( biismmmsn . Is now selling corn and oats In connection conneetou with his wholesale flour husimeess Full weights guaranteed Sixteenth and Xlcholas. Telephone GU2. p Dedel Institute ot Blair . Neb. , Is the best and only guaranteed cure of the liquor , mol phlne anti tobacco habit. GOLDEN , "MEDCAL" DISCOVERY. The invention of Dr. R. V. Pierce chief consuHinf phYRicnn to the Invalids' Hotel amid Surgical Institute , nt hlumifalo , N. Y. , has , during the past thirty ' 'car : made I record in the cure of brnclal , thrat and lung diseascs that fairly enties it to oimt- rnk nil other advertised remedie for these atToctiotma. Hpecaly has itlanifested its potency in clmmimig consnlptlon of the lungs. Not every case , but we bete\'c Fully 98 Per Ccnt. of al cases consumption , in nIl its carter stages , arc cured by Dr. Piercc' ! Goldcn Medical Discovery , even after the disease has progressed 50 far as to inluce repeated bleedings Irma the lungR , severe tngern cough with copious eXllectomton ( includ. ing tubercular mntter ) . great loss of flesh and extreme emnciation all weakncss. Do you doubt that huudreds of such cases reported to UR as cured by I Goldeu Mcd- ical Discover I were gcnuluc cases of that dread and fatal disease ? You imecel not take our word for it They have , iu nearly every instance , been so prnouuced by the best and most experienced home J1hysicans , who have no intcrest whatever in asia- tepresentug tlmens and who werc often strongly prejudiced and advised against II trial of I Golden Medical Discovery , " but who have been forced to confess that it surpasses , in curative power over this fatal malady , nil other mcdicnes with which they are acqnainted. Nasty cod- liver oil and its filthy I cmulsions" all tiixtlreRi had been tried in nearly nil thesc cases ami had either utterly failed to bene- fit , or had only seemed to bcncft a tlc for ' a short time. Extract of malt. whiskey , and various of the preparatiomis hypophos- phitcs hall also been faithfully tried imivain. . The photographs of a large number of . those cured of consumptiomm bronchitis , lngering couJhs , aslnnn , chronic nasal catarrh and kmdred maladies , have been skillfully reproduced in a book of ,16 pages which wi.be mailed to rou , on re- ceipt of addies and six cents 1 stamps. You can then write those cured and lear their , experence Address for Book , \VORLD'S DrSPENSARV MEDICAL AssocIATIoN , Buffalo , N. Y. Colonial ' Chairs. . I . . _ t.m : ' You want one of these In your library or living room. They have grown to be as much a necessary par ! ot the rurnlure of a modern ! house as a piano or a leather easy chair. There are over fIfty dIfferent styles , all copies of genuine colonial originals , but ' for the three essentials of consfort beauty of outline . and historic suggestveness there Is no pattern so popular ns this. It emhodles the high back with the gallery . lery back above , the "dug" or recessed seat tIme broad arm rests , time tapering cross- braces , the nearly every wel known feature of the ( 18th centlry construction . We take special pains with the marquctry of our colonial frames , and at the low price at which we are selling these chairs ther Is nothing that can compare with them aL the price In this country. Charles Shiverick & CO. FURNITURE of Every Dosorlpl1 Temporay LcaHon , 27cJ "ld JS JOllIR StraD - MILLARD HOTEL DLOCK = - = THS - - - FRANCISCAN DROPS Pure1y . Vegetable. Prepared from the ( rlglDII to main , Ire revved II lImo An'hlvce ( Iho 1oly ' , nll , bay , ageon authentic hlltory datlU b"oOOCII' A POSITIVE CUR for u Stomach , Kidney and BlweJ troubles , especially CHONIC CONSTIPATION dco 50 ceJlts. Sold 'r aU thruggiatit. ihe Francisan \ Remedy Co. , is , VC' 'UREf 61' . . tJIOAGO , ILL - for Circular , . , .llhl5r/tel C-Ienw for sale by Uubn & C , . , 15th & DliIts ! , , . $ tncklmt.Imiurs' lecll ! . Ofilce Qt Le .Clalke.Anl1rceben lardwlt Ot Onuha , , Neb" , Dec. 7. Ibl.-Notlco is I herLey given tu lIme ' Hlockholderl of thc i.ee. Ciarke.AnlreettClm / Hurlware commipammy that the alnual meotllJ oC the Itockhohler or the company will Ie held lt time olce oC the saul COIIIIC ) 1219. 12d1 1 mend 1 2 Hurey street In the Clr ? of Omahu , In time state ot Nebrasku , on 'luostimmy . JUluury 8. A. P. I Ib95 , met 3 o'cloek i. m. , for limo IJUrpuse DC electing a board ot directors for the comma' elec : ! serve durIng the elllulnl year , and I lan transact such other bUlllel1 as may be isrienteil at such maccling. \ Attest ; meetng. I LI I' : , I'remmtdent. , W. M. GLASS , Secretary. , , Secretary.D7 D7 M to J 8 Bun , q , - - - . . - . , - - - - - " - - . Men's Suits. . . - I MEN'S WINTER-WIIIOI1T SUITS-GOOD Q linings . and strongly sewcl1- SUITSGOOD - u. 00 MEN'S AI.I WOOL WINTER StilTS- In carefully the neev made lengths up.- and weaves , SmTS - Q8 . 00 MEN'S CLAY AND FANCY WORSTED SUITSartstc In workmanship , all sizes - QI0 . 00 \ . MEN'S PINE WORSTED AND CABS ! . MitE SUITS-In every nnd any style stir- . Ql' ' ) i2.00 suiti2.00 ment-.equal to any ' 2 custom male sult- - . I I Men's Ulsters. I - - 1 N'S UI.STEnScut long , vimuinor check Q . 00 hatteras- - t mN'S HEADARK ULSTEIIS-iined " ' : lP.AVY - With lannel , IUl'ge collar , U.STgHS-lIner long'f. GS00 IuIEN'S hIl'IAtiilAV ' AND IILACIC CI'\IOT : LYh.SPlltSwith great 1.ACI Q . o hams to so over ) ' 011 ears- -P A U MRN'S . PINI ALt1 WOOL Jnmm 1I.S. long. 'PRLtS-tmmtmgisiflcemithy trlmmel , cut 55-1mm 5 Ql'- . 0 1 - / 0 M. H. Cook Clothing CO. , 13th and Farnam , , , " ORECON WEATHER FOR JANUARY Average at Portland , Oregon , for the Past , # my 22 Years. . ( From Govern fliCil t Weather Burcau Records. ) - - - - - lEAN AVERAGE TEMPERATURE : OF TIlE lIN'11 FOR THE WHOLE 22 YEAnS , 3 DEGHm AVERAGE ' 'I lPI nATURE OF THE \'ARMEST JANUARY FOI 22 YEAHS , 43 DEGREES. AVIII1AGE TElPEHA''UnE OF THE COLDEST JANUARY FOIl 22 YEARS , : ) DgGml S. TIm EXTREME hIGHEST TEMPERA- TUllE RI G8'EHED IN ANY hOUR Ol ANY JANUARY DAY FOI 22 YEARS , 6 DEGHEI THE EXTREME LOWEST TEMPERA- TUHE m GSTEnED ON 'rIE CO.D S'l DAY on NIGHT DURING TILE 2. YEARS . 2 DEGREES ABOVE /.10110. . AVERAGE NUlIDm Ol DAYS Ol TIlE MONTH ON WHICH THE SUN ShONE AND THERE WdltFl NO CI.OUDS DUllING - ING THE DAY OR RAIN ' ! NIGh' ! ' . 5. AVERAGE NUMBER OF CLOUDY on PARTLY CLOUDY DAYS UPON WHICH NO RAIN FELL IN JANUARY DUlLING THE 22 YEARS 7. AVERAGE NUMBER OF DAYS IN EACH MONTH Ol ' JANUARY FOR 22 YEAnS UPON WHICH ONE ONI -HUN- DnEDTH OF AN INCH OR MORE OF RAIN FELL AT SOME TIME DUlLING THE 24 HOURS 19. . " . . AVERAGE AINFALL FOrt THE MONTH 7.0 JNCHES. . . . . : Now , we who know ' cohtend that this Is proof oC the fnest climate on earth Wherc the worst coldest and tormlest month . of the year makes such a howlng a .the above the muavingin the fuel bill alone will - - , pay the grocer's bill for the whole Camll } ' . The editor oC the MornlnA Oregonian , who Ims lived there fort } . years . wrleK or I I follows In hf iumoer of Dl'cember 26 : " ' ' 11111110 'I'hey who bolt upon Oregon now cannot - not but he cimmmrmmeei . Never was Oregon more attractive. Time some many be said oC alt our Paclc states. We are immuring 1\ I lne winter Nature Is snaking nmends for the mistakes or neon. 'I'he tiles ot humln life come and go : there are UP ali downs II business , but Oregon IR III\'II'I right. I Is tlw Stifle Incompamble country that watt the object oC our early mmdmnirmition. No one who tins lived In I can nllmlraton. I. I vel'y newcomI' ! . noting Much a winter ' climate , In a country so IlrOlucU\'e , so full oC nil reSO\'CeK. Is sUrlrlsed ammO delighted. Air. seener ) ' . lanllsclpeH , water courses mnotmtetaims rlngeR , the gorgeous greenery oC our forests contribute to the erect UPOI\ every beho\der \ , anti \ they who have Uvel here all their lives still look upon all these ( things with the delight of a 'outhful lover. Yet there Is no intoxication its these raptures , iso enthusiasm , iso excess , or exng- geratiots . This simply Is the country for which noture has done more than any other on the mrth ; 'and they who Imow Oregol Imow it. " I Every Oregonian C qeis that way und you will It you aloe advantage or way ofer and JJ ' ' go there , n0d. go JO work with hnlC time vim you vut III 'a'alhst this Climate oC'lrUlll and uncertanties. Y url Truly , STEAINS FRUiT LAND CO. , 101 Dee Building. - ' , . ' REAL RED , , . . . . . : . , - , ; , , - , ; - : ; ; : H ; ' . , ,1'\ \ : ' , BLOOD ,1'u' u'\ - . ' yJ ' . The kind that circulates freely , is obtained by using LOGAN S SARSAPARILLA ANn CELERY t The BEST IN THE WORLD for . the . . ' t - LOOD AND NERVES. - - ' , - , , PURIFY YOUR . SYSTEM AND KEEP IT PURE . All Druggists sell Al sel LOCAN'S SARSAPARILLA AND CELERY There Is Nothing Like I It's Modern ' , Ct's " Up to Date" it's THE BEST = _ I. I I Our record ot actual anti undeniable rumes of SYIIU.HI Is plmemionwnal Wo furnish nil mod. ni Iclnes limo mil . .rllollo lime 180n 1 \ rrom mol. s'stem In 90 dnYI ( ur guaranteed . lour 9:30 : tJ ' 1.30S'ednesdays ; and Ratur. days , 9. p. m. THE DINSMOOR HEMlmy CO. , S12 New York Life , Omuha , Net , ; - : - - We cmi ttm't mareintmu Vrericb Rented , CALIHOS aimi ii , M E lt'esl mmumtrassmrO lIat L'.TmIos ii Hi ' hTti' iliecburgt' ; il'hEl . , . , . tiiiei : 'porrn.turrIt.urIeot.Ie . uat htmsromam : : J.o.t Cicur. r. . 1.e ti tt'.aI ta' , tfsalisjTad , MCI-IL. CO.a fool. A.ui&u , a5at , , ( b.tliuetI , , ea : , . . II : BAILEY THE DE1TIST'a -'a - 1IIIIer of Low Price ! In o Bnis1ry IN OMAhA. } 'ul Set or Teeth , $5 ; Warantc \ ( ] to Fit Teeth ( xlractllllllllt m II i 'lIIHt , ) Golt timid I'lmitmm , h"mhiiii , * Hilvor Phhitimzi 1'111":1 : Aloy 111111" Ill 1 u HII'ul' , J111" I J'uru Goll , I : : tidal Cm'ovWt. IH 10 * H : : II : uridgu 'Fmt'tlm , * mt maim loolh. 1"IIPil , work urtlu : m 1'1'11 I )001' ) I'uxlou 111k. . III 1 111 : . 'UrIUI , , , 'rol 1,0dS IAUY NlUl'lmUAN'l' - - - - - - - - - 0 R. McCREW - rs Til II.Y _ _ _ SPECIALIST - wHo iItttATh 'aLL WIU 11TI AL , PflIVATE DISEASES . PnVAT , Ild tocro' ' Ilullo/ MEN ONLY Icry : curu tmnrsnmmrt $ . , "Rnewcl , 2(1 y'ura Urleriolce . 8 nJI ml t \ maims. C. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1..I , t Haute I'Drlla trvo. H' . . Os1.tJIt. P41113. - - . , - - - - - - - - - . F > ACT Sl r . "r rECT ] TiE MERCANtILE IS 'filE V011TE TEN CENT CIGAR , 'Ol' silo uy till 1"ii' L Chll Doulo"l. : hllrno'II'od , , by tl ( . . . . ( . . F. .1. ilE MERCANTILE CICAR CO P.LLJI'y N. 'Ji)11 St. [ . uUIt1MO. , , . . . , . , . , . . , ' . - - - ; . A : - - . . - : _ " - ' . . - - - . . - . . _ , - , - ; - \ -