Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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6 TIlE OMAhA DAILY JUDE : ' 1'Il1Jl1SDAY , .TANUAUY 3 , 1895.
r -
rreo Selling Weakened Wheat Yesterday
: Despite Bullish Nows.
ew York Jtportft nn 1 1tItnt Jtmnnll
for Cnii ! 'hcnt nnt CPiIcni o lenr
Wern I.nI , , to el Any
Qunntt , .
CHICAGO Jnn. 2.-1 rl ( ! eling wenkene
Wheat today cpl ( hullRh nesi nnd May
closed 'c lower. May com lost c. May
anti Hc. and provisions finished nt .lecllnes.
The ' business 01 the year In the wheat pit
commenced with n plht Inclination to the
benrlsh Ide. There was not any immediate
mnterlnl change In the prices prevailing
It the close of Mondays session but sellers
were In the mnJorly and , crowded their
offers In larger volume than : the mnllet
could , ab9orll. The general features of the
early news favored , the bulls. Liverpool
wnl reported , Irm nt Ud advance for red
Amerlcnn wheat tcelpll In this country
were lltxht exporll of fair voltinie Int\ \ In-
quir for export reported to 11 good . The
Irt tmnMctO1I In : IIY were nt from
7Mo to 7lc. and , n gradual decline to
from ti7 "e 10 71e occupied the fuctuatons
during the next two hours. The heavy
Ixport trade reported , from the seaboard
caused n reaction to & 7c , and the price
kept l between ii7tc \ and , fl7c during the
greater part of the remnlluer of the les-
sian 'fhe reeelllt inipccted here since
! Ilpcte,1 silce
10nIny , are slxty.slx car 10als. , Minneapolis
reported reelllis of II l carl and , DUluth 19J ,
) nlklnl for the two 1IIIces 31. compared
with & 1 on January 2 last year. New York
j reporlet * In excellent demand for cash
wheat. The hlg ) lIeUIl In this market Bat
- \Imn II wlh all their weight and tll , noth.
InK hut 1)Int lt the nlounl of whelt In the
vlslhle supply nHI sel 10 hulls. May elosel
at fl7c.
Corn was weak and , lower wIth :
n fair amount of trading. The receipts were
IUal 10 the liberal estimates made on Mon-
Ilny. The ol.enlll . price for May was 48c .
and that \1'11 the hl/hCI It aolll nl. 1
worked /rlully , down 10 47c and 4Hc
and could not Jlt higher again after that
than 47.c. The weaklel , ! In wheat near the
cml hlll ( n depressing efeel upon corn anti
eause(1 , the market to closS very weak nnl
o7c for : Iay.
'fhe market for oats ivan Inclined to
drag. The easy fueling noticeable vna in.
flelnA notceablel ! II.
Ileneed entirely by the heaviness In thy
COn crowd. Mi ) ' started 1 shade Ufl from
1onll)1 last quotation lt 3ic . sol down L
to 31\c. \ Ind closed nl 31c for May.
Provisions Were weak. Influenced ly heavy
hOI rec lllls. Selling by packers ! aided In
the pork decline. lay pork closed 30c
lower May lard 15c lower , anti May ribs
12c , ower. MIY rbs
The leading futures . were aB folo\s :
Article , . I Opii. I ui-I ; i 1..v. I C"
\VhcII.No.2 - -
Jan. . . . . r3 6J ( 53H t8
Jan..f.3 . U 6iU 67'4 ! t3 ! (
Jtdy. . . . . 6/ ; I/f ) 17 3 i7Wi6/ 17
Corn No. 2 . ; /
.15(1. ( . . . : . 4514 4rL 44 44 %
XIny. . . . . . . 41 ( 484 ! 44h _ 7t I
July. . . . . 48 48 47 4' I ,
Oats No. 2. . . @ !
Dee. . . . . . 2RH 2R ) ( 2R 2S
May. . . . . . 3H' : : I ! 28" 26'
Polk per bbl
10 . . . . 1 3G 31 31 ; ii 30 11 30
LsniIO0 Nny. . . . Ibs . . 1 H : 1 1 B : 1 1 62 1 1 Ol
Jaii. . . . . . . G 7 G 7Th G 72i ! G 76
May. . . . . 700 } 7 7il 0 DO ! 0 02 I
Short Rlbo- . :
t .lan . . . I fl2ij 5 02 % 6 G7 & 07
. . . . . . . . . ! I I Gil I I
- May. . . . . 000 ) I 00 I DO I D2I
( quotations were as follows :
FIA . . a folows
. ii I I-Easy.
mAT-No. 2 spring . & , ' , a:9c : No. 3 1
II'rlnJ. nominal : No. 2 11 . t34c. .
COHN-No.2. H"c : No. < 3 ) 'elow. ! 41 c.
OATS-No. 2. 24e : No. 2 \ white , 31/tJ31e ! :
t .o.3 white , 31t31c. \I'hI .c
. IYP - . - N ( 2. 48"
: n"mlnol. IIAItLCY-No. 2. & 50tC : No.3 , t3a5e : No.4.
t I"I.AX SFFIfl-No. 11 $ l.3S.
. 'rlllTlY SEEI-I'rime. $ . 52'
. ' . , IIO\'ISINSless PUI k , $ per bbl. . $ ht.3O @
1.40. Lard . tier 10 ) Ihs. . $ G.ThiG.7p. Short
: rlb9. siUts . Ions. ' . $5.iO@.75. Dry oiited shoulders ,
. boxd ) ; $5.OIt5.l2. Short clear Ilde , boxed
$6.UO'p6.12'4. cear
$1.2 \VIIISICY-liistlllers' Inlsh goods. per gal. ,
The toliowing were the
folowing recelpls nnJ shlpmenls
today :
'Articles. Receipts. Shipments
- - - - - - - - .
} 'lour . bbls. . . . . . . . . . . . . & - - 3.000 -
Wheat bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.000 , 5.OOC
Corn , bl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,010 . 1.000 . )
OaiS. . bi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:7.000 71.000 1.100 .
. . . . . . . , . . . . . 4,000 .
J3arley bu..30.000 2.1.00J
Ou the Produce e'ehaulO today the butter mar.
ket wal Inl : cr'antery 12(24e ( : dalr . 10 S
: 0c. Ells , steady : 13@20e. : ,
Closing Quotations on thl Prlnelila Corn
10.111 Ilnhl Stolllc
"nt !
: . Ngw YOBK . .
, .Tan. 2.-Fl.0Un-UlcrlpI9. 23C 0
: tills. : exports . 10 hbl" : sils , 61GO pkg 2,30
Market quIet and slead ) ' . row grade winter
were sought for. Houtlern , . .
. Buuthlr flour. dul. flucli ;
WIIe'It hour . .
Whll 10ur. ( lull.
lUCKWI A T-Dul : C2'fi9e. ' I
MEAL-Qulel : yellow western , 3I.1
1.18 ; flrttdywine , 53. $1.1Gf I
RYE-Nominal ; car loIs , 4tCc : boat load , '
to8c. ;
: _ IAnl.EY-Dul : western 01f0 :
HARLEY MAI.T-l'irm : western , 7O75c.
Wll A'-lecelpts , 70 1m. ; exports , 6.80 bu :
stiles . 2.C.0 1m. futures 354,0 bu. spol I
Slot , active hut eOHler : No. S red store and ek i.
\'olor. . cl e : ( tilont. 61'c ; f. o. b. . 62 . a0011 ell ;
delP.wred. No. 1 northern . 680 delivered ; No. 1 hard. 701 ;
Options had better
II'prell. Optona a heleI tone on higher
. . day eables on . local but continued liquidation. weak dctplte SOil reports declined of a big a Il
export dellnil and firmer cables : closed at '
. Irmer ' 1 C
.I elne ; ' No. 2 rell January . COIH100 ½ c. 'lf'c .
& 0141 ; I'ebrunry GO6i 7-Ito. closed . close. :
t Morel , Cl % 02 ( clos < Cl"i ; May . clos.l. G25iG2 cT'O : ; ,
t IlO5ll. . 62'4e : June , G2'c ; July 62'f0213.IOe . ,
Ioud. 6c. 62r 6
COitN-lteceipts , 31,90 hu. : expnrls 17,3OO bu ;
sales . t3O.OOO h'J. futures and 36.000 157,30 . spo 1'
r 51)01. dull : No. 2. 5l3c In elevator : Stt'STU ( ' ;
inixeil . Mc In elevator , &O1c . olelmer
t ele\llor c l el\rc'l. ' Option 1 ,
quiet aiiti weaker Olltono .
011 today under clear. cool wealher ;
S In the west , liberal f'elllla anti lYlfllJthy col vtl h .
wheat. closed nt ' t3.c net decline . > . wlh
nIl January ;
1'tc :
? &IU151 e. clo..I. te : 1.'cbrary. Gl'4U&II'c ' ,
L cioseil. & 111 ; May. GI % 521'c , cloopd. 5l4e.
OATH-lUCCIItS. : .3 bu. : exporls. 5,300 bu :
1' sales . , 120,000 . , ,30 '
, sul' 120,0 bu. futures onll 65,00) bu. 8pol.
t . lIpoI . Ir : No.2. 31(31 ; 65.0 . . dellvere ' I'
' : i3"o : No. 3 . 311 : No.2 white , 3 . del\ere'l. ; .
whIte. 3SiI3So ; irack. white :
j whie. 38f381 lrck. western , 38N2c :
track. white slnlp. 38N2c. Options , quiet anll i
OIJtons quiII
' k ; poalpr . wlh corn. closed unchonllll at \0 \ net .11
clne. DelverleB , about l2SOO0 1m. Janitor '
nholl ; ,
. 12.0 )
34t3l l1.lGe , CI08"II. 310 : 1'"hruoIY. 15tJ35 % , ,
. tiOhtMl. 35c : In ) ' . 3 : t3 & 'c. ( 'lOJ4ed . 3 12C. l
hAY-Pull : shIpping , & Qt5c
Y-Uul thlll &O' : c : good 10 choice ,
' hIOt'S-Quly't : suite . collation In choice , old ,
( Ig. ; new . CUI2c : l'aciflc coast , 011 , 3Hi7c ! ; new ,
1 I nl'R-Stelly : wet B1 11 New Oleans , s 1.
Ipete . 45 10 6 : Ih8. 4ttjZc : hluenos An"s. dr Sl
f : o to . 24 Ib8. 12e : , ' t5c luen08 . 30 Ibs. . 11rrl 5 :
% t , 1.lAT1lEli-Qttiet : hemlock sOlp. Buenos
Ayres. ' Ighl Iu heavy weight l4titi8c.
- l9tIc. % I.ulet ; dUleUlc II'cl. li3c : PURe ii ,
l'IO\'ISIONRlee slead ; pacllell meat .
r G\UI6'0. \ t'1 tl'als. Illckle ' bellies , 5tj6 c 5.
1lckIL,1 shoullen. . r.o < IIs 5"(6 ri :
. . shouhl'I1. t asked ; Pickled hams , 8 t
llc. J.or . Btcnlly ; Western steoai. closed . .
' 111. < 8lplm. 1100111. $7. 10
4' . .
.ked : snips (20 tierces . , 1.10
. at
lerces. lt : ; city 01 % } c :
r stiles . 20 ter"cl ; January. cly . 53,20 : ( y ,
1.27 . nominal ; rellned , , qukt ' I'm k , ' ' .
. Ii , , . 11.0m26. fl 1'1 eO ; flu it'
. Iit'rTi'It-FInn : WeSieta dairy . 1Oul6c : % ves t.
era ' ) ' , lS$25c 10f160
cr.amer : veitcrn . factory SUIt
wester. :
t ] ' : .
Iglns. : , lnfllntlon creamery . l2jlc
Imlnlon ; 510 to
' . Itale
t dairy 104t c : llah' creame ) ' . ] 1(11
CIILEHI-Hts'ndy ; large . $ $ Cf:3e. : . 9H !
121 ; hart aklma. 31.fI'c . ; full oklm. 2G3e.
EI1QH-tliisettled ; state and I'enasi'lyanla , : Ce
ICQ . , lennl'I'lnla
house. l1jf ' . . ,
; receipts 6.81 IkgL
l 221 t'cellta. : wctder a .
flesh . 23It23c ' southern . ; 3i124'c. er.
' :
t (3 ( per ' ; ' ' ik&r.L ) \ - 4c _ , ; 'with country a 'Ikgs. ' 100,1 dcmand free ) , 4 : I. Il ) '
I 1 . 11'1nOLlmltQulel ; United closed .t 931
ItOSlN-illeadi' .
'VI'ltt'ENTINE-Steail1 ' , ; 234121c.
' . ) 2lc.
t' .iLASU4CH-QuIet. :
OtANUEH-Rtrongly hell ; fancy , 12.7tj3.O 0
others . $ .W < 2.0. hell ) 03.0 :
1'10 hltO- Dull : Scotch . , flS.005J20.O0 .
. IONDUl ; Amet ri.
cahi. $ .tUS.O. $9.06:0.0
' '
'FIN-Wesk ; straits . $ l3.4Otfl3.75 t .
'J'IN-\uk tlml" $30f1.7S ; plates . qultl.
Bales ' , ' '
I H Blu nn 'chang : ' 'el tons spot tin. 513.3 3'
: 10 Ion March . $ U.40 : 10 tons spt In. , $13.40 ; 3'g
lonl April . $ l3.O : 25 tons " ' \NI .
Alrl. $3. : J"ebruor . $13.53 ; 23
tOi I 3iarcii . $3.3. $ :
i5l'031.TEII-Qsilyt : 'lornestle. $3.2TitJ3,3Q. .
! ' . Ll . AILUI : btohiers' 1'111' 1 : $37.6S.30. irk e .
CO1'Plit- Strung . : brnkeu' 1,1119.75 $ ; e z.
change plr. $1.KS4I9.t3.
COTtON 1(17131) Olh.-1)uli onll nominal
It \ Ol : prime
crude , : 'UU\c : ct ( cruI. EUZIc : yellow bull cc
. 2:11
( nlowuter
, grades . 3(311 : prime ) . .1021 : yellow ) rf
; ( . ; rnde. . : O2\io \ ; PrInw. S\c. 21 ) etow OI
CofTee Misrkst.
, NIW YhtlC . Jan 2.-COFFI3--Optto : as
opened ftrni. WISh January -FJ'E and olher
10nlh , IOU25 1"lntl higher : rule item on,1
tlirly aclh'o on CIflgn bUy'ng ' : closed nrm at
51lS points advance : . aie. \uY'n& 15.7Gbaas. cle.el . Ilcludlog :
e . JaUU ) ' . IUG : Narc . $ I&lO4315.3i : May $1 ! .
(136 : 6'ltelb.r. $ : .OUU.IO ; fleceniher. 1120 ;
L I"'I Nfhe. IUo. .I.uly : No.7. $ l&5) : $ .
. quiet : Cordova . $ . : IU9.0 : alep. 136 ha gi .
IU J.o
. . hUn. No , . 1 and . II IU7. inul f. : 5.000 La ,
( hllh Jr < v lanloK II lots p. t. < and .0 ia :
Mara ' ' .II. I' . t. Worelolc delIveries frol New !
_ YUlk. two < 1'1. 4.I.G hUG" : New York sIn rk
; 5030) ' . % 1.C bn : stock % IO. : bag , : sOn at
' 4 . tQ the Unied fitatel : m.o bags : total \1.11Iv
. , ' - _ . & _ _
- , . . - . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . _ .
- -
* - - - - - - - - * - -
8upfly for I p tTnlrl States , C 9,2 bag , aga'nst
1,36 .213 logs lost ) 'pnr.
FOITIAMITON. ( Jon. 2-Slok , 1.173 ngs.
SANTOR. Jan I.-Market quiet : oo.l \
' go !
8nnlo" . $13 : receipts . two doys , IG.O ( nrar bgB ! :
stoh rk. ) bal : January 2 no returns.
h JAMiWIlO. Jan. 2-Mntkr quiet al t 461
1"1 h'lhM : Mlp . a. ( ) 1'11 ' ; Stcck 19(0 bags ,
Inc luding ] 3.0 bol llrnzliittn.
I IA\'IiI ' : . . . .
IMi 11' Jnn. 2.-MarkH closed firm : total
Mi , . 3. ( bags . frm
IO ) : . ] .IANEIRO .Tnn 1.-Market quiet :
rio-cd html : So. 7 , Silo . 13.0 ; receIpts . IWO doy !
1.0 1'0J : cleared for thp l'nhtel , Rlotp . 7.r
hOI : cleared for luro\c. 2,0 bags : stock 21OJ
ba gs. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
CondIton of Traminuonil , Qlntoton' on
'loplo 011 Fancy l'rnilucn.
1 UTTEit-CulIel stock , Sc : common to ( air .
9iOc : fair 10 gel country . IHI2c : c:10lee : 10
faro ncy . lQIC : gnthorld cr5amery . 102c : pepa-
rlor creamery . H121c.
Eaaf-fttrictly ! fresh 111,1 , , Itt
L1'F. VOUI.Tit-ld , Ien8 , Cc ; spring thick.
en s . C : duck . 6fic : turkeys , 7iSc : heavy toms ,
6U7c : grest' , Ce.
UmRSlm I'OtlbTttY-Chickens , f/Ir. iG'c :
choice lorgl if7Hc : choice small , 7'.1$1Sc ! ' $ : Ilr- ,
lley" . ( nit 10 goo.l 1 , ilSc ; choice henl' ) ' . Misc :
110110 small . lIe : ducks . faIr 10 IQj. GU7e :
Cii ncy . 9(101 : geese , fair 10 good . CUjc : fancy .
( loc.
c IAMK-Ihiuo wing teal , per tt02. . $1r,4f11,3 ;
Rrccn wing teal , per tie . . $ I,2511.t ) : ducks
tnl xeil . Ipr t\oz. , $ l.0)Z1.27 ; 1.2I.t ' . I.0O40
5.0 : Inlo"l" sad red lietuis 12.t.t12.73t : entail
rohh\s. L017 ( : : Jnek rahhI , : . $ I. .2 : ; ! iptlrrcla . G'e. ' )
VI'\.Chnlco 'nl. io l lu 10 Ibo. . are quoted nt
' C'te : large nlo f.Ii. Stile.
el I ffl8i-'ieeoan'n full cream , YOln ' A.
131 : twine 121'1 ; Nel.mska . nail Sown , full cream .
le ; Nehrskn ' and Iowa , hart skims , (1Sc ;
iu rgcr . No.1. 11 ; brick , No.1. 11 : Swiss , N .
I ' I3c.
l'I } \-tp10nll ! hay . $9 : mIdland $ F.t ; lowlanil
Sq : rye straw , $1. , Color mn11CI the I.rlce un hl ) ) ' .
i.I / lit slmlleq fel the : best. Only top sllt"
hrlnJ lop itrice.
I'iGIONS-OIiI Ibis , T'H tloz. , i5ei.0.
' ' . ' '
vi:013'l'AIihL's' .
10TA''OgS-\\'ealer stock . car lots C ICc ;
.mll 101A. G5Hi"l.
OLI I1ANSUond'I\lcked , aavy $1.032.0 ;
Iml beans IJer Ill. . & ' ; 1.
ONIONR-On outlets , 65fI70c.
l' II'nl : -On otder . 114c.
' '
Ctll.IitV-1'er IOZ. ] , 3:6i4)c. : ) ,
I 4VCET IOTATOJS-lolo grown , $2.i5 , Mus- '
ca tfle . $3.003.2.
iiRE'i'S-l'er : [ dl. . 12.
IAHHOTSI'er lid . . $2.
c.\ Ul.1 i'LO'ifl-l'er $ . , $2.7$33.00.
1lOitSiItAllit-l'er lb. . 7iSc.
IHNIIHler Ihl. . $2.
11'AI'G.\Slrr $ $2.
i'AILSiflY-l'er < oz. hunches , 3C.
TU11N1I'II-l'er hhl. , $2.
HII.IT I'Ei8-l'er Ih. . 3'Ae. '
GtmN iEAS-I'.r hl. 31c. l.231J1L.
IIA1)iSiIEH-I'er : doz. . 3e. 1.25'1.3
L1'1"rUCE-3'or 110z. . 351.
b'l'INACII-I'cc biti. , $1.5 m.iG.
QUNCI'nla. per &O-Ib. box , S1.&G .
I'IiAC1ltS-Non ,
I'IUMtt-Caiforr.c , . none
IEAnSWlnler N.'Ils . 12 : Vicars U5.
AI'l'LEi-Goot1 stO\ . per hal . $3 : lenlons ,
$2 ,7 : : en tcr stock $3.\ : greeflings 53.301(3.75.
011 S-Concorl. 1" " : lalog08 , per 6. . to
65 - 111. , lhI9. , . I\AS. $9,00Sfi.O.
CItABE1tltlEit-ierseye . :1) ' . $10.30 $ per bbl.
Tl01ICAI. 1"1U1'1
The first carload If oranges from nl'er.l.c ,
C al. , thIs year was bhlppell 10 Son FrancIsco
for the holIday trade. The fruit was soul f. o.
h. at $2.0 I Isix . This Is later tItan usual for
the 11.1 shipments 10 be made . but II Is said
< :
th ere Is a desire to hold the fruit until it Is .
ri per.
OIIANGES-Floridnc' . per box , 1&0. , 17Cs and
20 0s. 52.75 : 12S. $2.IOn2.75.
TANU1IIINES-FiorIdas . per halt box , $2.25.
BAN.\NA8-Cholce stocic , $2.00@2.0er bunch.
LEMONS-itlalaga. $3.i ; fancy Florida , sizes
25 O antI 300. $ i.00l.25 ; new Messinas. sizes 300
nl.1 360. U.75(5.0.
OYSTEnS-lXL. 81 : medium , per can , 10e :
h orseshoes , 12 : extra ston < nrdo. ] 51 ; extra so'
Ic Cta . ISo : company selects , 201 : New York ,
Co unts. 25c.
NgW lIGRFxlr fancy . 161 ; fancy He ; ;
c hoice . 12@13e ; California . bags , 7c.
JONI Y-New York , 17e ; CalifornIa , 161 : ;
st raIned I. 4 to 10-lh. cane . per Ih. . 10c.
MAPI.E SYlll-Gnlon jugs . per iIoz $12.
NUTS-Almondo. lSc : EnJIBh walnuts , $2. sof-
s helled . 121 ; standards . lIe ; Iherl8. 9$101 ; Brazil I
nut 81 ; shelhork hickory nuts. per bu. . $ .60@ ,
2. 00 ; lat e hlcllr nuts Sl.251(1,3O ; faley rw r
P eflflUts. 61 : roasted peonUl8. 7OiSc.
SlIDES-No. I greet , hides . 3\e \ , : No. 2 rlcn
h ides , 3c ; No.1 green solId hides 4'4c ; No.2 :
Irln salted hides. 3Yc : No. 1 green snl.1 lilies .
: to 40 Ibs. . 4121 ; No.2 green sole hides 2 : to
40 lb. . 311 : No. 1 veal calf S I 15 < Iho. . 71 : No
2 \ 'eai calf . 8 to 15 Ibs. , 61 ; No. 1 dry flint hides
61 ; No. 2 dr' tint hides 41 ; No. 1 dry sled
hlces h , 51 : part cure hides , 'e per lb. less thor
Culy cured.
SAUEIt lflAUT-C1iolco white , bbl. .
KRAUT-llce whie per Ibl. , $1.50 :
per half bbl $2.W.
MINCE MEAT-Fancy . In half bbls. . per lb. .
511 ! : 10'gal. kegs , 61 : cndensed , per case of 3
d os. pkgs. , $2. : '
PIBII-Sunflsh nail perch , Cc ; bUfalo , 7c ; crop
p ie. boo ; catfish , 121 : black baAs. Zoo.
CIDEn-I'url juice per bId. . 15.W ; halt bbl. . S3.
51113131' PELTS-Green salted . each 251360c .
SJI gl PELTSOreen soHId. 25(6c ;
1reen salted shearlngs ( short woolrd early skins ) . I
e ach . 565e ; dry sheallngs ( short woololl elrly : I
skins ) . No.1 , each tUlle : dry shearlng ( short I
woled early skins ) . No.2. each , l ; dry Int
KdnRS and Nebraska butcher wool pelts . per
lb. l . actual welghl 5(8c ; dry flint "els. ant I
Nehmoka murrain wool pelts. per lb. . antI I
wp eight . 4(6 : dry flint Coimodo butcher woo I
p elts . per lb. . actual weight , 4(6Ic ! ; dry uRn t
Colorado murrain wool pels , per lb. . aclual
w eight . U Cc.
4Yc ; tallow , No. 2 . 31(1c ; grease white A , 4'4 ( f ,
C'e ; grease . white n. 31 : grease , yellow , , ( ;
g icase . dark . 21(31 : old butter , 2(212C ; bees :
w ax . prime 17(2c ; rough tallow , Sc. '
J'UnSnear , black. No. 1 large $2O.OO6JZ3.OO 3
N o. 1 medium $5 : No.1 small . ! . .0(2.0 ;
lade , ) 'elllnls. No. 1 Inrg , ' . IS.Ofl0.0 ; No. 1
m edium . $0 ; No. 1 small . $7 ; bear , black cubs
No.1 large . $6.o(8.o ; No. $ medium $5.Od1( :
N o. 1 small . 1 ; bear . black ! ultonl and Rocky :
m ountain . No. 1 lore. $18.0 ( 22.00 ; No. 1 medium ,
5 I : No. I small . $10 : bear , black Montana } 'Iar-
Ing9. l No 1 large , S2 : No. 1 medium $8 ; No. i
s mall , IS : bear , black Montana cubs , No. 1
large. l $6.C ; No. 1 med'um $ I.C : No. 1 small .
$3 : hear , silver tip , No. 1 I large , $21 : pmal.
m edium . $2 : No. 1 small . $8 : bear silver tip .
'yearlnl' No. 1 large , $11 : No. 1 medium. S8 :
No. 1 small . $5 ; bear silver tip . cubs No. 1
lb l arge , $0 ; No. 1 medium $1.50 ; No. 1 small . $3 :
b ear . brown No. 1 10rll. $2O.O0i2.O' smal. ) : . 1
medium . $6 ; No.1 small . S12 : bear . brown year _
l ings . No.1 large . $0.0m2.0 ; No. I medIum yel' . $8 : :
No. 1 smal $6 : bear brown cuhs. No. < 1 large
$ : No. 1 medium. 16 ; No. 1 small . $3 ; badger .
No. 1 large . 51.00111.30 : No. 1 medium . Mc : Na
I small . tee ; fisher . No. 1 large . $ t : No. 1 medium I ,
16 : No 1 small , U : fox , silver , lS to color at ' .
cording 10 beauty No. 1 large , $10 : No. 'i
medium $60 : No. 1 email , 15) : ( ox . silver , itale 1 .
accordlnJ to beauty No. 1 large $ : : No. 1
medium. S30 : No.1 small . $20 : fox , cross No. 1
Inrle l , $7 ; No. 1 medium , $3 ; No. 1 small . 83 :
fox , rell , No. I large , $1.60 ; "Ie. 1 medium . $1.23 ;
No.1 small. 1 : fox gray No. 1 large 75c : Sc
I medium . Soc : No. 1 small . lIe : fox. kit . No. 1
large l , Cc : 3n . I medIum , 40c : No. 1 small . SOc :
l'nx. l No. 1 large S31 ; No. 1 medIum , * 2 : No. 1
s mall . $1.60 ; marten No. 1 large. 52 $ ; No. 1
m acilium. $1.C : No 1 small , $ ; aink ' No. 1
large l , c16S : No. 1 medium , 400 : No. 1 smal I ,
35e ; lntnk dark No.1 large . G5c : 3o. 1 medium t
4O : No 1 small . aGe : mountain lion . perfect hend
nnll feet No. 1 large , n.00@2.00 : Imperfect skin ,
2amc : otter , No 1 lore. $8 ; No. l' mediuro
S6.067.O : No. 1 small , ! $5 : otter . pale . No. 1
larlo i , 1 : No. 1 me.lh'l. $5 : oter. . I small . $1 I :
roccoon . No. I large & iOc' No.1 medium , ( 1 I :
No 1 small . 35e : raccoon ( dark . as 10 beauty ,
So. 1 large . Wc6U.0 : skunk . lilaclc cased . narrow
s triped. 5o. 1 large 6c ; No. I medium , lOc : Nt .
I small , 2:1 ; skunlc . broad striped , No. 1 larg 1 .
ZotjZSc ; wolverine . No.1 largi' . $4' No. 1 meihiun 1 .
$ 3 ; No. 1 small , 121 ; wolf , nountuln \ . No. mellum. larle.
$ ; No 1 medium . $2 : No 1 small , $ I.t ; wol :
prairie , No. 1 large , 6(01 : : No I medium. COt : :
So I small . lOc : beaver , per skin , No 110mI :
15.0f0.0 ; No. 1 medIum $4.00 : No. 1 small. 12 : ;
beaver kits. No. 1 large . $2 : . I medium liSt O : ;
No. 1 matl . ic : muskrats . winier No. I lorle ,
8(101 : No 1 medIum , Dc ; No. I small . ic ; must
rats . fall , No. ' 1 large H10e : No. 1 medium , 7e : :
No I small , Cc ; mu.llrll. kits . 11(3c.
hI Lluls Gelnr,1 Uarcct. : :
ST. LOUIS , Jan. 2.-FLOUR-QuIet and ur 1'
chlnKe <
\\'UE.\T-Opened 'ho up , but hca\y Ierlngs
Move prices 10 n close of 120 off' No. S I ed ,
cash . &H.e : January . 5I'ic : lay , eli ' " .
COitN-Uniier IlreS.Ule , 10 sell closell about ' I , i
lower : No. 2 mixed , cash 1 eel ; Jalunr ) ' . 'e . :
February 42c : May. 4ic1 420e ; ) ' . 4511(45e.
OATS-I lsh'r at 040 lower for 451at ; No. : ,
cnsh and January 30111 $ : May . 3P4c
IIYE-Ileid aluly at Mo for No 2 east side :
60'to Liii.
IAII. Y-No trading .
IIAN-Nllhlnl Iloing.
FLAX SEEI-Lower 01 $1.25.
. l5.
C.O\'gH HI' : n-Cholce. $8. 68.t.
'rUIOTUY RJ 1-U tS.2 .
UAHlrong , without vintage .
IUTI I-Quel : ; separator creamery , % 1622c :
choice dalf' . lSc . )
ImOS-Slow at 12k ! .
1. : An-Hlronl 01 $2.80.
tH' : I.'I H-Uul lt $3.014.
colts IillOAL-$2.058j2,1O.
WI i I Sl IIML$205i20.
COTTON TIES-Steady onll unchansed.
nAtHHNO-Rleady and unchongll.
i'lOOVlttiONS-l'ork , .Iandald mess JobbIng ,
$ l1.C2 % . Lard . prime steatti $6.60 ; choice , $6.3 0'
Dry sal meats . loose slioullers. $4.75 ; lent s.
15.75 ; ribs , 157 % ; Ihort . $6. 1.7 . I'ackell
houlders , $ : longs , 16.62\1 $ \ : ribs $6.7 : short ,
IOECEIP'VS-F'lour. .o bbls. : wheat . CO bu .i .
orn. 31.0 bu. : oats . U.OO bu.
i1Ill'M NTH-'iour , 6,0 bbll. ; wheal , 1.0
bu. : corn , ] 0.0 bu. ; oats . 19,0 lu .
111lelpols Wheat Market.
MINNEAPOLIS Jan 2.-Trading Is still of Ihe
holiday sort , and lkeIy 10 continue so until aba
the .ml die of the month J.ulure ullloLul 1 trm
Sdoaday. The cavil market was active fit In
the start the demanll .Ing 101 frm lot ni
millers . Hecellll. light anll hardly enout ti
to get around. No , I hard sold at < enoulh ci
NQ. 1 northern went 10 L9\Ht \ $ % c. and No. ci'
at 1Ol4u under No. 1 norlh'rn. , Iievi'ipts were
11 I'al. . &lalnot 15 cars a year Ugo. SiiI p.
meats today . 19 cars. Close "
toay. < al. : January , 58"01 ;
May , , 2934136914c : JUly. tOo , On track . No. I hard ,
W : No. I northern. Wc : No. I northern . L7'0.
J'J.UI-ul : demand slow ; belt known Ia it.
eats hold at $3.10t&30 ; Ilt patents . $3.l0ji. O ;
aeconil patents . U. U'.IO : pt.n. export La 8.
era . U.IO3 ; red dog , Sl.GSU'1,75. <
New York Ir ) Oout1 Slitrktt
NlV 'VOlIK . Jan. 2.-AI Indll"renl demand
was r.mlrl with some agents , ueCpon1e
by light purehases . but al u whole the market
reflected pluck unusual to tb . "penlDK ot lho
. ' {
i _ - - _ . - - . _ _ _ h _
new year. I.tnln' cloth "RI .111 , anti the
mArke " 0 dull II 2 1.1G. plus 1 per cent
JUAI" ! on the Iscl"t/o Ip nell with nn
Un.Ctet mae.
NIV YOHl . Jnn. 2.The year 185 opened
on the Block xchnnKo with nn unsettled
tone ant n very little volume of buslnt8s.
The failure ot tite Rending reorganization
plan was n prominent factor In restricting
Ihe dealings , ns well as creating the gen
eral depression which took possession of the
market In ( lie early dealings . I.ontol was
n small seller of heading and Illinois Cen-
tr al . and American securities were weak on
til e l.ndol Slack exchange which added 10
thda e heaviness of the home market as the
dny nuvanceil anti , the engagement ni 12-
20.0 gold for shipment tomorrow wan nn-
nounced the weakness Increased and the
sellg wns In greater volume. There were
occlllonnl celtic rlles extending 10 n part
of the list . hut lie trelll of Prices was
downwart , and the market closed weak
pr ices . except In n few Ilslnnce8 , being
be low the cloning sales or : lonlla . belnA
ralwny lIst the depressIon was great In the
gr anger group. Large blocks of these
slocls were offered for sale : rumors hlll it
thnt the 1'luldnlon wan for inside ! Interests
nnw d that It was due to deerenset ertrniuigs .
which Would be mnde npiarent II the December -
cember statement. Chicago . Burlnglon &
Quilcy declined 13 tIer cclii with a. fInal
reeo\'ery of ' .ii per cent. SI. Paul sold down
1\1 \ lIeI cent closing at the lowest polnl.
Norlhwest fell off 151 per cent recovellA
½ per cent In the closllg sales . Hock Island
reeedet , 7 per cent 111 \Alllet i , per
ce nt . SI. Paul & Omaha made advances of
" her cent In . morning anti lost 1 Pet
cent In the afternoon . SI. Paul & Omnhn
prlferrell 'Ieclned I Per celt on the sale of
n hundrel share lot. In the conlern . New
Jerse ) ' Central and , Henlll , were heavy and
pnch declined 1 per edit , the hint being nll lieV
lowest price mn.e . ! In both cases. The pressure -
sure 10 sel.Helllng was IW no means great
1111 under the circumstances the shares :
sh owed remarkable steaiiincss. The other
10re important lasses In the railway deN
Ilnrlment were : 1anh1111 , eI celt : ;
l.ulsvile New Albany ' 4 Per cent ; New
Yorl ( , Chicago & SI. Louis , second Preferred
1 per cent ; grle preferred , 2 ' ver cent and
I'rle : common , per cenl. ( wan Ie-
p resseil by a vague 111 eonll'le.1 rumor .
tl tat the reorganization scheme hll been
tetnlel ) ' abalidonCll.
Of thl : Intulrlnl stocks , i7tlgal' waR the
most nctve anti wealcest The bears hlm-
mered this shares conllloull' . causing I
hrak of 2 : her celI , of which only 1 Iler
cent was regained , nl tin' close. Chicago
Gns Is IIO\I I\ \ Iler cent ; Consolhlaled Gus
1\I , Huhber preferred , Iller cent ; Consoil-
tlall,1 Gas and Rubber comlnoll i i per cent ,
/11 Tobacco , = . per cent. AIl'lnces were
( sllblshel of 1 % Per Ielt 11 Baltmore & .
Ohio : 1 per cent In Consolidation Coal of
: llr'lnll , 1 per eelt In I.elther preferred
nnl Etlson Electric of New York . and %
leI cent In Lake Shore. There was a firm i
tone to trading 11 the bond market during ,
Ihe morning . but In the later dealings there
were ! ole reccsslon . Induced by the heavl.
ness , of the share epeculutioli. The dealings
S\leCUlllon. denlhllS
were moderate anti aggregated $ oul
of which Southern fives were traded In to
Ihe extent of IH&o and Atchison fours ,
$ . .
'rl EvenIng Post's I.ondon cable : The
rt 1t.l \ fetr gilt edged , sloells was the fealure ¶
of t/e / l"rkets tOlla ) ' . Consols have broken ,
11 l 'reVIOuB record" The other markets I ;
were quiet atl the excitement In mines I I
shows symploms of abating. Amerlcnns ;
were depresned by the breaking down of tltt .
neldllg recGuslructlon scheme : the Junior
securites were especially weak 01 the ni-
telpnton that th' Oleo committee will
Impose i more onerous terms.
The following were the closing quotations I
on the leading stocks or the New York ex-
chnnge today :
Alchl"on. . . . . . 416 Northwostern. . . iibi
Adams Express . . UO ) do lifd. . . . . . . . H2
A lto , , . ' . 1 . . . . 30 N. \ ' . Central. . . . 07H
'do nd. . . . . . lOS N. \ ' . . \ N. U. . . . . 32S
AIl m . ExpreR" . . . 110 Ontario . . W. . . . J t
Ialhnor &Ohto . 0214 OregOn Imp. . . . . 3OS
Canada Pacifc. . IH ! ! Orlon Nov. . . . . . 10
Cal ad a Southern . . 48t1 O. S. T. . . U. N. . S
C entral Pactile . . la t 1lelnl Mali. . . . . . (
Che8. & Ohio. . . . 17 P. D. & 111. . . . . . :1 : (
' Chicago Alton . . 1 .PI18b\II. . . . . . 167
C. n. & Q. . . . . . 11 ) ; ( Pnllan , 1'lllco. l 337 (
Chleljo ( n8. . . . . 72 % Itendiug. . . . . . . . 12'i
Consolhlned Gas 12tI ) Iichtuontl Ter. . . 15
C. C. C. .1 St. L. . 121 Ichlond . . . . . 20
Colo. Coal & Iron . Ol R. O. ( \V . . . . . . . 1
Cotoa 01 Cert. . . 2j : 11. G. W. pfd. . . . . 43
Dellwlru.\1ml. IU Rock 10Iand. . . . 0134
D el. . Laelt. & W. . lUO . ( St. Paul . . . . . . . 3334
D . & It. G. pfd..134 : 110 llCd . . . . . . 110H
11 . ' C. ) . Co. . . . . aI' St. P.OI1ha. . . 32
E ric. . . . . . . . . . 034 P.\ . . . . . . . . 10
do . pf.I. . . . . 2033 Southern laclfc. 1834
F ort , Wayno. . . . . U,7 Sugar R'lnery. . IS"
G . Northern p'd. . 102 Tenn. Coal .i Iron 1534
' C. . \ E. I. pC < . . 02 Texn P.acllbe. . . . 034
h ocking Valley. . 17 T. & 0. Ce.'it. Vfd . 71
111011 Ccntr.\I. . H2 Union Pacific. . < . . 31
S t. P. & Duluth . . 21 U. S. E"prasQ. . . . 42
K . & T. p'd. . . . 21 % W. St. L & 1' . ; . . . . , 634
Lake ErIe & West lii tOo Pft. ( . . . . . . - . ' 6'
do pftl. . . . . . . . . . . . 71 OVeIi Fargo 33g. , 13J
L JI Shore. : : : : : : : 1 1H , lt ; lnl ; ; : . 19 ( !
LII Trust. . . . . :7 : * Wheeling it 1 E. IH ( I
LOl18Vlo & N. . 5331 do PM. . . ' . . . . 40
r. . & N. A. . . . . (134 ( M. & St. L. . . . . 2R
Mnnhatal Con. . . 14 D. ' 11 G. . . . . . 103
Stctitpuii&C. . . . . 10 G. ' . . . . . . . . . . 34
Ilehlgal Cent. . 06 , N. L. . . . . . . . . IS
116ROul Pacific . 2(134 C. F. & . . . . . . . . II
Moblo , \ Ohio . 17 do p10. . . . . . . . . 70
' NashvllloCiiat. . Of' n. & . C. . . . . . 23j ;
Nntonal Cordage . 7 T. A. A. & N. 2'S. . . 231 I
do pfd. . . . . . . 11 T. St. L. & . 11. . . :
N .J. Central. . . . 14834 ! doprd. . . . . . . 0
N . & v. pftl. . . . . 17Sf S. 16. R. : . . . . . . 10
North Am. Co. . . 334 do pu. . . . . . . . 313
N orthern Pc1flc . . 37 Am. Tob. Co. . . . OIl
N o. l'ac. pM. . . . . 1UH do p10. . . . . . . 91
U .P..D.&G. . . . . 3134 -
The total sales of stocks today were 13.2 ;
share8. including : American Sugar . :1.,0 ; Ilur
ll ngton . 12.70 : ChIcago Gas 10,030 : Distilling & i
C jtllefceillng . 3.0 : General Electric 3.40U : Man .
haUan Consolidated . 3.700 : : Northweallrn , 7,2)0 , ) ;
nloilng , 5,410 : St. lauh . bi,0O : Western Union L ,
4 ,000. _ _
New Yorlc MoneY Market.
Fnsy ot 1341(2 per cent ; last loan , H2 per cent :
co..1 at I'IS per cen I.
PIUIE IElCANTI.n 1'AI'11ll-21(4i I per
S'ERING EXChANGE-Quiet . but firm . wit I ,
acluol business In bonker8' his lt S.8S % @ (
4 .SSV , for Ielull anti S.8H.4.88 for sixty days I ;
1,081ed itIS , $ l.bS35lZf4.S9i ; commercial bis ,
$ 4.8G'A.
SINF1 CEnTIFICATg-9e hi ] .
GOVgINII NT HONDSSleady : state bond , I .
stfnly : railroad bonds en ler.
ClosIng quolatonl on bonds WCI as follows :
U . 3. As. rotc. . . . . 117 I D. & 16. G. 4s. . . iii -
U. S. ls.eoIP. . . 17 ErIe 2ds. . . . . . . I 4
U. S. 4s. roy. . . . . 1 : : ' G. U. & 8. A. Oa. . t ) :
U. S. 48.COUP. . . . 13H Ode & . . . . . . . . . 100
W S. 25. reg.7 ) ' l1. , \ T. C. Sts. . . 103
' Pacific liii of ' 05. 101 ) doIR. . . . . . . . . 10H' :
Aln. Class A. . . 102 M. I { . & T. IHt 4s. 81
'Aln. class 1. . . . . 104 10 2d 4s. . . . . 40 (
/da. Class C. . . . 1)2 ) ' 3iiitital Uttion ( Is . 303
'Ala. Currency. . . 12 12 N. J. C. GOI. UIIOlls. , I" . . lOl I
La. New Coti. 4a. O- : No. Pne. bats . . . 12 4
' MissourI liii . . . 100 . 'do2ds. . . . . . . 1 :
N. O. Os. . . . . . . . . It N. \V. : Consols. . . HI 4
N. C. 4s. . . . . . 100 do S. s' . Deb. 18. 3003 4
S . C. notiftinti . . . 13.4 Ii. 0. \Vcst. lslp. . 1183 8
Teiitt. IUW sot OH. 82 SI 1' . CunRol8 7H. 132
'Tenn. new set ls 100 do C. & P. OV. Os . 111
. Tent , . uIdil " . . . tIn SI. 1 & lMie.5 ( . 11 '
Va. Celturle ' . . . 3534 SI.L.&S..Oel.O. 781
< 0 de'crrd. . . . 1'2',4 ! Tex.I'ac hta. . . :
Atchison 4s. . . . 6434 do : ds. . . . . . 8UJJ :
do ld A. . . . . 17 U. 1' . IRt or ' 1)0 . . 3033 J
Canada So. 2d8. . 1 : West Shora ' s. . 104'
' C. 1' Isis or ' 0 : . 11 So. B. 11. . . . . . . . 81) )
D. & I. O. Is. . . . . . 175 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tO _ -
'bld. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
lostol Stool ( Juotatlons.
nOSTO . Jan. 2.-C:1 baits. 2G : pr cent :
lmo loans. 2WiH ! per cant. tlo,111 pllca : , Car
Itoclts , bonds , ald mlnllJ Bhar'l
A.T.&S. F' . . . . . 4 W.End 111. . . . 1 -
Am . Sugar. . . . . . fbi Weatitigh . Rico. . . 'JZt
Am. Sugar phi . . IIK ) W. Elm' . Ilr'I. . . . . 40h .
IljY State Oxte. . . . 10H Wis. Celiral. . . . 3 -0
l iellTelopliuna. . . 100 AlchlRn 2dY , . . . It
10slon&Albany. 1 218 ( AtchlBon 4s. . . . 0:1 : I
Boston &Matno . . HO ( New 1'nlland : , , 08. ( 1i'A
do Ilrd. . . . . . . Hil G. , . leclrlc G8. . 12
C. . l. & Q. . . . . . Oi" ( Wis. C"II. late. . . 1115 4
ISlt. IB
J.1ehblr. . . . . . . . 8434 Atlantic. . . . . . . . 10) ) 4
Celi Electric..i313 t 1ost11. ' lunlana 101
IlnolR Steel . . . . 41 1Itu & 10slon. , . 303 I
Mexican C.mlral. U" Calinte , ( & lInda. . 101
N. y.&N.E. . . . 32 Cenuenuial . . . . . 201 ,
Old Colony. . . . IHO Pratt 11. . . . . . 10 34
Ore. Short Line . . 0 lCearsargo. . . . . . UL
ltubber. . . . . . . . . 4311 sccola ) . . . . . . . 21
Union Pacific. . . . 1i1 ( Sutitcy . . . . . . 302
3VestIinil. . . . . . . 111 7aniaracla. . . . . . . 12 110 -
San l" "Unll ; toet : Qiuot&utiotvs.
SAN FRANCISCO Jan. 2..The omclal cloalng
quotatiotia lows : for mlllll stocks today : were lS lot ( ,
Alto . . . . . . . . 41 lIsle k 2lorcross . 12U -
AlpitaCori . . . . . 10 Justfco. . . . . . . . 25
Antics , . . . . . . " . 37 lele1y Con . . . : I
1elcher. . . . . . 07 Lady Wash Con , , 7
Belle Ida. . . . . . I Mexican. . . . . . . . 102
lest & linicher. . . 07 Mount fliablo. . , , . 10
Dele Coii. . . . . . 71 Ophitr . . . . . . . . 105
Olhlr. I
111101. . . . . . . :2 O\.ermnl. . . . . 2i "
Cumlolla. . . . . . \ Svlgo. . . . . . : :
Challenge Con. . . . 40 Scorpion..j . 4
Collar . . . . . . . 10 Sierra Ne\.Rda. . . 62 :
Coitfidenco. . . . . 00 Sliver 11111. . . . . f2
Cot , . Cal & Va. . . 371 Union 11. . . . . . I I
Con . Imperial . . , . 1 Plait Con . . . . . :
Crowl Point . . , . 7 : YullowJacket , . . 40
Gould & Curry. . . 44 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -
Silver him / ! ( @ : OUc. Mexican dollars , 6034 . ii
SIc. DrIC. ( . slahl , 7 c ; telelrllhlc , lUc.
Now York 1111 Quntatonl
closingminingquiolatiuttia NEW YORK . Jon. 2.-TIm : following ara Ihl
111\er. . . . . . . : ltmn trio . . . . . . . . HOO -
ChoIor. , . . . . . . . 40 OpIum . . . . . . . 140
Crwn Po . nl. . . . 00 , l'Iyuiotitli , . . . . . . , , . ¶ 43
Coti. Cal. & Va. . . 355 Quicksilver . . . . . . 160
D.ndwoo. . . . . 40 do Ifd. . . . . . ,1100
Colid ; & Curry . . 30 SIerra Nnva4a . . 41
hula .i Noreross . HI Stand ani. , : . . . a . 180
1oleatkl. . . .11"0 Union Cou. . . . . . 41
Iron Silver. . . . II Y low Jacket . . 3U
Mexican. . . . . . 10
_ _ _ _ _ _ V , .
I.Gndon btlcl UuolUlonl ,
LONDON . Jau. 2.-ClOlet
i.ii-l. ' cllc . . . . . Ot SI. Paul coti , . . . . 67" -
J.rle. . . . , . . . . . 103.4 N. . Y. Central ) . , , 101
Erle2d . . . . . . . . . ( lO ' Cwlrh. . . . . . 65 it
1\ . Central. . . . . . . H4ii lWading. . , . . . . . . ; . 1 : : '
) ltmxicsnordluary . , UW Mex.Ceu.ew 4a. . I (
: _ : : _ : V
Oatte Receipt fnjCtso Somowbat and
Prices Dro rt Accordingly.
\ltncss of . "onc" , ' " Tr"llll Ute Way
to ft Morn Cwaocvatiye 1eeiiiig-
hogs I.oIor fix . mllnthy with
Eati,4i' , l'Rrllol .
l5 Iii
VlthNESDAY . Jan . 2.
The receipts today were 2,319 cal < .S1
hogs , 3j8 sheep alt SI horses . 1llilst 1.3n
ctny cllle of , 2.4t3 Inst hogs weel and 10 sheep 01'elles -
Among , the receipts there were ome pretty
g oed beet steers today . bul the mnrket wait
wenl ( antI lower. Cattle have been PrettY
hIgh here , its cmpnret with other markets
for n few days ) host . On Monday the prices
it aid for beeves were wild . Today there
were more cattle In nut ! buyers were Ino
cllc(1 10 be very bearish I woull he safe
10 quote the market II steerS fully Itt
lower on nn average nit compared with the
high prIces liltl ) Itt the opening of the weele ,
or , lS Fame were putting I. all the way
Ilultni 11 WI
from JOI 10 26c lower.
Cows and hulchel' stock were II good do-
mlnl , the bl'erl wanting that cities te-
st uff . nnl , the mlrl < tI'IS 11olt Ilell' .
( nod feeders were not In very
Inrne . Stlllll } ' . anl , the market was Ilso
slent ) on that chess of stock Ilelileeitta- .
t\e sales :
11lll ' STi7lfltii.
n J' STImlS.
N o. As' l'r. No. Av. Pr. No. Al'r. .
1I . . . r,60 $2 60 21..IOiR Ill Ir. iI 5 . . .ilGS $3 80
I. . 750 2 ro H..T r. 3 t C2..19 : 3 1t ! ' )
1..1202iO " . . .IOSt ; 36 ; 16. . .1361 3(1 1
2. . 515 275 2. . .1160 36 : 4.128 390
3. . ,93 27 : : ; . .124 3 G : 21..10IC I 03
G..dO a O ( 7..130 36 : 27..1212. 10
1.0 31 15 22..1 . : 36 : 41..1G2 410
22. . 942 3 21 11..l0 , 3,0 22. . . .1277 4 16
1..102 32 ; 11..1178 3,0 22..1277 . . 4 Ii
3..1060 32 : 4..IU 3 , . 1..160 . . 43 : :
3 . . .1002 340 2. . . lOOt ) 3 , : 13..198 1..121 4 60
2..1079 340 4..107 3 i :
16 . . 930 33 : : ; 9..12 390 ( : : . .131 4 iO
1..10i6 3,0 40..H6 40 19..1516 490
: . .131G 3 8 ; 98. .12i 4 0
$ llXlE ) .
34..1081 3 iO : IXI I.
1. . sQO 1 10 5. . 10 2 CO 2..1CO ( 250
1 . . . 530 . ] 25' 1..780 200 1. . 827 2 6(1 )
1..130 1 2 2..lZOO . 20 3..1013 2 ro
1. . 7W ] 20 7. . 871 20 1..10 2 SO
1. . 9CO 1 r 4. . 885 20 1..1010 2 r
3 . . 810 1 r 2..130 2 O 5..128 2 [ lO
2. . DO 15 1. . .1120 200 2. . .1080 2 60
1. . . 850 1 CO l..l030 200 1..1310 ' c (
9 . . . , r 1 GO 17. . 9C2 200 21. . ! Oq 2 G5
3 . . ,1013 1 c 1..10 20 8..107 2 G :
5. . 90 1 60 5. . 990 210 4..10 : 265
3..103 105 20. . SOC 215 2..810 2 65
19..17 16 : 1..14 2 I : 19. . . 01 26
10. . 912 1 C : D..IO 220 1.IlSO . 275
6. . ,6 165 3. . lISt 225 H. . . 94 2,5
3. . 0 : 175 3..136 : 2 : 3..12 275
a . . rC 1.5 2..100 22 1.i16O . 27
1..1&0 :
12. . 903 1,5 2..15 22 1..160 275
C . . . 926 1 RO 8. . 81 22 : 5. . 901 2 7
8. . 8,2 1 80 3.lO50 . 22 1. . . ,0 2 , : :
4 . . 92 1 s 4..10 : 22 : 4..10r2 27 :
3..10 : 1 8' 5. . 94 2 2 2..120 27 :
4. . 925 185 18. . 92 230 32..10 : 2 i :
3. . 06 1 85 2. . . .1015 230 10. . 550 : ,5
2. . 730 190 I..IOO 230 13..108 275
4. . DG5 10 2. . 8,0 240 21. . 07G 2 , :
1..90 20 16 . . 901 ¶ 240 5..102 2,5
10. . 775 2 0 C. . 8 : 2 30 7. . 842 75
G. . 780 20 6. . 84 ( ) ) 2 r 3. . ,06 85
1 . . .1l40 200 1. . 930 2 30 1..1l20 . 29 :
5 . . .1090 : 0 2. . 915 2 60 3. : . . l000 3 0)
3..16 20 43.80 2(0 ] . . .13 : 3 O :
4 . . D90 2 0
I. . 3:0 12 3. . . 90 17 : 2. . . 80 2:5
1. . 390 1 r . .t 8' ' 185 :0. . 70 230
: . . 2,0 1 6' ) 1.- ' 2 00 ' . . L91 230
6. . 685 1 60 3. . . - J 0 1. . 360 2 LO
1. . C 10 1. . 660 ,20' , 2. . 640 2 :
1. . 6GO 17 : I. . . 440 , 1 ! 2 18. . 801 300
9. . . 402 I 75 2. . , -391)-4 ! 2 : 5. . . 826 3 2
7. . i3 17 2. . 766 , : 2
1. . 1,0 12 1..110' : 2 1. . 10 32 :
I. I . . 10 200 i..1SO , ; t 2. . 115 375
1. . 20 2 ( 1.16.30 1.2 13 425
4 . . 15 2 0 l"i 2o ; ; 00 I. . . 130 425
2. . 205 20 1. . . :1' I 2 I. . 120 42
IlU2VtS .
1. . 915 1 ,5 . lUI.LS. ( 2..1li5 . 2 3)
2. . . 00 175 1.1. 0 2..1 . . .10:1 : : : I
1..15,0 175 1..3420 : . 1. 1..131 235
1..130 180 1..t42t ( 10 1..1810 2 3.
1.30 180 1..1& : 2'10 1..130 240 ) )
3 . . .14243 10 H.m ( ' 2 15 1. . . .1520 2 6(1
1..139 1,00.J.J.2ZO. .1 'Vl 1..152 . . .2 .
l. . 940 190 - ' : . . . ,373 2 60
I..110 1,0 , . . .i.1 2 25' 2..140) . 26
1 . . .1010 20 1.15' 225 3.516 30 :
I . . ,1O90 20 1..1340 . 22 I..HO S 2
1. . 920 . 2 ( 1..12 225 1..1:90 : W
1..10. 2 0 1..153 ( 22
3..159C 26
1. . 9:0 : 22 : 1..1,0 30
1. . C 1 75 7. . CI8 2 ,0 12. . 851 29(1
I. . 370 175 1. . . 610 2 iO 4. . 94) : . 90
I. . & 2 0 ' 2. . 635 2 70 5. . . 810 : 0
2. . 433 2 15 2. . s : 2 ,0 8. . 1175 2 0 :
1. . GO 22 7. . 50 2. ; 3..1016 30
1. . 8G 240 8. . 401 2,0 1. . . .11:0 30
4. . :50 240 21. . C4 2 iO 1. . 810 30
2. . G85 26 5. . S46 275 I. . 9:0 30
4. . HO 2 60 7. . 7C 275 1. . 8 : 30
C. . C16 2 t I. . 52) 275 9. . 8S4 3 10
5. . no 2 W 29. . . 889 275 & 1..118 310
2. . . 340 2 60 7. . 695 275 1. . 931 310
8. . 67 2 c 15. . 768 280 25..102 32 :
2. . EDO 2 6 H. . $ 2 2 80 16. . . 9,0 3 2
0. . i03 20 7. . 74 2 50 4..117 33
2. . . 895 : 65 6. . 796 280 1..14 33
2 2. . . GRO 2 G : 18. . . 83 2 s 21. . .1035 3 10
7. . . itS 270
No. Av. Pro
2 ' steers 10Ing..l ( $23
HOGH-Ther was n pretty fair run of hogs
toay of about the average quale"n \ . In the
y 'ardH of late. There were some lirettl' god
londs. b but the great majority of Irett coining
arc mlxld , there bong I few PIgs In most every
l oad. A good mal ) ' of the loads are sorted Ihe
plls beIng Ihrown .ul 1111 wild separately. The
market today was olow. In getting .Inrled. Ciii-
c ago reporled 45.0 ) , oga. with the niniket & 3j10c
10\cr. l an,1 that was followed by I lower &iI .
vlolon morkel. \\'lh these reports In minI the
buyerH here were very backward about getting
down 10 business , hut when the trade WIS once
unller way the morllcl . was fairly . neth'e , , and
Iho hOI were most ) oil sold at a reasonably
early hour. The prices' paid were : and In
10st eases lOc lower. Toward the close the rp.
paris front thin east wlre "Il more dIt'coumaging.
nnd the market closed Blow mind weak 01 a. de-
clne of fully jOe. Representative stiles :
No .Av. Sh. Pr. No. A \ ' . SI , . I'r.
10..181 . . ,3,0 40..21 : 121 54 Ir. )
1.l 7 . . 385 3..390 40 t 10
7 . . . . . . . 355 . 8..210 . . (15
22..1&8 . . 385 SO . . . . . 223 80 4 15
35..160 . . 3 871 & . . . .19 80 415
5. . . .IH . . 3 90 2. . . . .39U . ( . . 4 15
I . . . . .26(1 ( . . 3 SO b9..20J 320 4 15
II ! 10..17 I . . 3 9t ) iO..210 40 I Ii
27..18 . . 390 U..IDS 160 415 1
61..16 120 3 0 ' ) . . . . . ' ) . . 41G
1 . . . . . . . . : 91 79..218 20 41G
22..1,5 . . 39 : C ) . . . . 137 80 4 15
8..1,8 . . 400 ( 84..U8 . . 4 IS
2. . . . 30' ) . . 4 00 t2. . . . .25 40 4 I :
6 . . . . . . . 4 04) & 9..221 80 4 I.
3..16 . . 400 ' 6..2 : 12) ) 415
21..13 . . 40 7..2N 240 41r
37..1,3 ( 1& ) 40 80..21 ( 121 4 Ir
1 2 . . . . ElI . . 40' ' . . . . 5) 415
116..1) ) . . 40 11..184 40 41&
:7 : . . . . . 40 ) 40 3..3:0 : . . 415
8..l 2 . . O ) G9..22 00 4 17 ½
R..183 . . 0. ) iO..22 ; 80 ( 411
0. . . .236 . . 4 Or 26..1 . . 40
6. . . .21 . . 4 05 &J. . . . .21 200 4 21 '
2 3..2439 . 40 4 05 24 . . . . . 25) . . 421
1 0 . . . . , . 221 50 405 70..222 :9)0 : 4 24)
10..1:1 ) : . . 40G ( ' . . . . . 2 :
. . . . . 114 10 405 . . . . : 80 42 :
59..196 80 405 49 . . . . . } 80 425
75..20G 20 4 Oii 69..2 0 80 425
01..21 l . . 410 61. , . . . . .J2 280 42 ;
2..20 . . . 410" 1 . GI..2H ' ) 4' ' ) 425
9 . . . . . Ill . . 410 ' . . , . . . . . 4 f 3
15..1i5 . . 410 ' . ' L Cq..22 : 4 SO
55..199 80 410 , . . . . . . . ) . 430
( : . . . . . 230 1243 I 4 10 IJ 63..236. . 430
5 . . . . . 238 . . 410. . . . . . 12' ) 430
I I . . . . .183 JU . 410 , , , ( Cl . . . . 277 80 (3
63..19 . . 410 ' : ' $ 3..2H 4) 430
tS t5..210 120 4 10 .1 I iO..21 ItO 4 30
M..l 7 12' ' 410 . ' 35..b2 . . 43 :
42..108 . . 4 10 ( 5C. . . .23 . . 43
103..10 1 SO 4 10 'I " 56. . . . . 291 . 4 35
13..200 40 4 10. . , , . 61. . . .20 . . :
j6. . . . . % 1 12 4 t G. . . . .386 tO 4 35
I ; . . . . . ,2 44 . . 4 10 n , 16..317 & 0. S7 ½ !
71 . , . . , ,196 Ic 4 10 . _ ' .
II0S AND RoUalr.
1..10 . . : 2 - . . 25 . . . . . 98 . . 3(0
1..15 . . z : 1 g 32 . . . . . 106 . . 3 t )
I . . . . . .2'iO . . 26 44 I 1..50. ' . 313)s
4. . . . . 57 . . 2 L V ! < 41 . . . . .102 . . 3 c
] . . . . .21 . . ? . . 276 " 39..IOJ . . 3 t
1..22J . . 275 ,20..10. . 3(5
43. . . . . C2 . . Z ,5 i 1..11 . . 301
10. ' ) . . . 75 , . 21 J 32 . . . . . Ill . . .3 c
4. . . . G5 . . 3 0 l 338. . I 45 . . . . . 113 . . 360
( . . . . .7 . . 3 Z - - -13..l . . 360
30. . . . 0 . . 335 V U' .4..12J . . 36
U..107 . . 3 to ' 'i _ . . IG.0. . 375
I. . . . . 9 . , 3 W 1..12 . . 37G
9. . . . 93 ( . . S c 4..12 40 375
SIIELSI'-Tiiere were : few sheep In . hut they
were mushy rather common sluI' tint the mar-
k"t was .Iow. Iteprebentative sales : <
No. WI Pro
10 western wethers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9S $3 0
Ilamb . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . t 300
80 . Louis 1.1'0 Stuck "Ilrl.ol.
ST. 1.UIS. Jon. 2.-CATTLE-Receipts. 4.0
head : 5ttllrnents ' 1,0 head ; market slow . cail-
ler ; natvl steers. l.t ( Ih. averase. 54.201(1.2. , ;
light weIghts , $3.7U3.23 ; cows . I.Oa30 U.20flt5 ;
Iteer8. light \lllhls. $2.75 : cows 12 35.
IIOGS-Iteceipta . 1.30 heRd : Ihlpmenl. I.4o
heRd ; market weak. lot , lower ; lest hea\ , * 1.45
(16 : III medium . mixed and light , * 1.45
4.W : pigs . . contiitonanl rugh < 53.001(4.23. U.25t
ShiEEl'-lt'eeIpls . 3.10 head : morkel active
steady . streak : native mixed . l.i U2.0 ; nall' "
6he.p. $ .8t3.0 ; latnbs . $ : C .75.
, New \'lrk" " ivkSlitrket.
NIW ' 'OlK. 3in. % . -IHI'\J'S-OJ : sale . 42
cora ; market dull ot 10t16c 'Iow\r : native sters ,
per to prIme ' 3.Thj6.1 ; oxen . p.O t.W ; hulls ,
" - - - - - - - -
13. 0063.00 : ' . \r ) 10\ . * 1.2503.23. Eumpean catiles
' 111t American atlr a 10U1o per lb. . .1 lrese.l
Wc % ghit : isfrtgerstor beef . , ' . I , '
\I.hl l.ef. V3f'4S6V Exrts yes-
. (9 (8-
Irma ) ' . : 111' ' 3.010 sheep anti 2.30 quarlers
of : exports today . 3.3 ! quarters I.f 1'fef.
t'Al.\f'S-I"e1ftl. ! 1) heal \ \eol sal barn-
) 'n.1 eah'r ! . firm : % % tSterns . dul'col. : . . poor to
I.rlmp , 1.1(8.0 ) : Inmnr nnl ' , IZ.60tl3.2 :
" stern ials . $ L1Of(3.76.
itiuisut' AND IAhtiiiit-On sole . $ 5 IMI : mor-
kem t Inl on good sheep ; C1lt weaker on cam-
mon to medium lomb : 511(11) , choler tn prime .
$ 2. ) ' . 0 ; : Isunbe . ImmO 111'11 : prinit' . .2f4.iS. , !
I iOOS-itceeipls , 1.O hnti : morkel higher :
: olee state hogs , $ : .2
CJICAUO l.t''iO 81'OCH.
There WRS R " 'ery ( locl Jemal1 for ShIJ'
1'111 , ' \ < COIIt
CnleAGO , Jan. 2.- ( nleo of cattle 8ho\l11 tin.
u8uol Ile\enl " . Ther woo n yery gOt , 1e-
manll boll , for local nail hlp"lnl ncclnt , nnl\
Ihe KII.plyns confined 10 nh'oiit 1 hieai
\ns < alolt 15,0)0 hla.l.
hut ( lie ' ' .
Ih. average of I.rlceo wn llrllohl ) ' / trifle
lo wer. lttiteliers' stock Mil In better advantage
thnn Steers. Quttlntions follows Gael
range an :
Ini extra nl trait , $4,743 rnnl $5.50 ; nI cholct steers GoII at
( i ota 8 4.70 10 I 4. , r : tllnn $ .0 II tutu littit stCet-i lit
fr ont n.l0 10 U.M : Itlckero Cliii fcderit Ale.
nlll "ller lt frl
S 10 $3.5 : I\IO anti lie fern nt CIOI $3.23 10
$3 .20 . : cons . fair II choice front 82.23 In $ : .
The '
fstmollA of l"ln"s receIpts of hing " were
40. 000 iicn,1 . and the market rleelll" !
40.0 Ind openeil from Ii' to 10
l , . wt'r. l.ntei ' ' . . 1111,1 ,
1.ltll' buyers ! insisted thin , , n further to-
tIncton of from rc In Ito Rnll got I , the Inter
morket hllnl ' rot , , 15t 10 ZOo lower than its
hesl 111 :101110) ' . Not 20 Inplne s was , Il
at over $1.69. 'fbi , lue1
atou S.61. 'Ih" gloater hart of the stUft wenl
out II sellers' hllhlo , , tleater frnl 143 In Iur . . for
n\'CoJpI or more titan 2) ) lbs. anti II front 84
10 S2 , for 'h:111ht. ' : . Thcre1 I $
R I iberal lirnliirtIo , , "c (
ahe lbprol'OIIrtol Ii good 10 iii mit'
\'OIIrtol 11"1 II hiI
hel\ ' ) ' hOI ! huh there were n few tattles at ' rout
$1 .65 t" $4.70. HhlI'erIele free tmla . II 'rl
\n Bherl'1 hiI titer , ' was itt 'luotohle change
lit \0Iue8. thr condition of Ihl In 10rk % vns helter
th an for stint , ' tint's l'IiSl. ' 'rite' ttverge litlahil ) '
tvz is er' OOt1 , Trade wait active at slently to
st rong lirlees , the avenigi being gent'unlly
hi gher. Uc'oti to chio'ce' sheep solil ( moult 53 lii $3.60 ,
ro innhtin at oft uitouii $2.34) a nil cull a ut low as
$1 .25. Choice Intuit , sitlil at $1 , 11,0 , , utV'iiie aht'
bc ltig from that. ligure down to $ .3O , dcpeuiiling
lii , , : , , uiiaiii ) ' .
ltee'tutui-'stttie , 12.000 hit'nil ; calves , 300 htenil ;
hie gs , 40,00) hietil ; sheet , , 13,03) ,
l ) rcidt.,1 lccrcaso In ( ) iitiit the Feittuiro of
I liii 1.ast t5'ceic' , , Trading ,
CINCINNATI , 0. , Jan. 2.-Special ( Tehegualu. )
- 'rimutiormots 'a i'i he , . . ( 'urrent wiii 5a3 A theclileti :
ile cu'nuie lii hiticking operations lint , ncctlrrel the
lii , st % eck. 'l'oial ( ot e csk'u a points , 226.001 (
ho gs , iigaitit ' ,
R'O,000 hiog'i the uirect'illng t edt ,
til iti 225,000 hogs last sear , I Frotu November 1
lii i' totiil is 3t40,000 hogs , against 2,455,030 hogs ,
IL 5''tir ago. l'ruuuiifltit , hiLiCdi ) cutnparo as ( oh. V
io u s :
l'I..ClS : , : 1$53.
. . . .
Cl ulengt , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,326,00) 540,001 (
1' ansas City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473,030 260,001 (
Ou tialia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .210.000 . 132.00) I
141 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3O3IJ0
(1i ncllinatl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 100,00 (
I mi ii iittiiiliol is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . issooo 138,00) ) )
M ilwa4ilct , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212.000 . 77.001 4
C edar Rapids . , , , , , , . , . , , , , . , , , , , , . 53,0)0 64,00) (
St . ' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . $ ) 70.00) ) I
Si oux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41,001 I
O ttuuiwa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ® 45,001
St . ] 'uuh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iosooo 67,00) )
1ieceipt anal llpoittoui of Stock.
Oflicial tcctiits , nut ! .llspostion of stock as
,1) iowtt by tlitt books of the Ctilon Stock Yiirds
eo mtinti ) ' for Iii , , twenty-four hours curling at
3 ociock ii. at. , JiitiUttr ) ' 2 , 1695 :
Cars. heal ,
( 't itthi' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 2,511 S
li es' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 3,83 (
ili iCcii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
ll orsis. itnil Mitli's. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cattle. flogs. Sheep.
O '
ntalia l'icking coinpan s' 4
(1 . 11. litimmonit company. . 10 1,412 . .
S wIft mitil Coutipan. . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 1,291 Iii
C' utiaiiy I'acititg couiipan s' 692 1,721 Z3 IiiV
\ % 'ilsoui . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421
N elson Morrhs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 . , , , . .
A. hans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 . . .
It . liecket & 1)egen. . . . . . . . . . . . 70 . . .
h amIlton & Stephens. . . . . . . . . 63 . . .
.8. 14-ilimitui. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
I. , . Ilecker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 , , , . . .
Sh ippers mid F'eetler't. . . . . . . . . 13)3 13
L eft Oveu' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1ot 1,10) 16S
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,630 6,533 770
ICanstts City l.Lva Stack Market.
3ANHAH CITY , } 1iml , . , Jan. 2.-CATTLE-Its-
ec lpte , 4,800 head 7 xtiilpuents , 70' ) head ; uiiaxktt
w eak to be liiwer : Texas steers , 52.25113,93 ;
T exas cows , 51.75012.6) : ha'ef steers , 53.000)5.20 :
Ci ilnnuio steers , 53.00414.30 ; native votes. 53.230)
2. 60 ; stockers nutil Seeders , 51.751(3.30 ; bulls and
un ixoil , 82.10413.35 ,
llOaS-Recetpts , 11,500 head : shipments , 700
hi enti : market weak to IOn loner ; bulk of sales.
$ l . 'I3ti4.35 ' ; hieitvies , 54.150)4,45 : packers , 54.0341
1. 45 : raised , 84.04)1(4.10 ; l'ghts , 53.5)413.90 ; Yorkers ,
53 .01513.90 ; pigs , 12.601(3.65.
SltEE1-Rect'Iptit , 1,40) ) heal : xdiipmiicnts , 400
h ead ; market steady and utielitiiigd.
Stock hi , Sight.
Record of receipts at the four principal thor-
k etit for \Vedneilii3 , January 2. 11245 :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
SC outh , Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,679 615
C hicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.000 40,000 1,200
l ( iinsas , City. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,500 31,600 1,400
S t. LouIs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,904) 14,100 3,100
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27,373 71,951 17,115
M arket Excoptiouuuthly Firn , for Flute Domestic -
tic 11eecc tvlthi 1)euiianiJ Quiet ,
BOSTON' . J0ti. 2.-Vito Auuiericna Wool anti
C otton Iiepotter tvili say tomorrow of the wool
tr adeI : The ninulcet it , iirun for dontestic iieecotu.
\ 'hihe ( lie , leniiiud Is very quiet , there is iitte in.
q uiry for blood for cIeviots , attil more or
lc s business in unetlhuou wooisi , which arm' fairly
fi rm to price. I'ulIed and scoured wools have
b een in good hetlUest. Time feature of tIi week
h as beeui Austrahin , , however. of which ( lien ,
h its line , , coisiileriible
sale , thii're being a run on
f air goods , for which , Australian Is better than
a nything else. nail will gIve ( lie , eihtitsiie ilnlsh ,
A little better feeling obtains xibtonil. hut no
m ore improvenient is antlciiiatt'ti , , ities they
g et heavy Anierirnu , oriers , which is , Ieetuieih
tl oihttil. An stahi1 iaiiuicn I of wool prices Is
ra il looked for till tue March stiles itt London ,
'F ho sitleu of the nick iiinouuit to 1.203,450 lbs.
ii omestie ind , 1,445,500 his. foreign , atiiIing a
t otal of 2,659,050 lIts. . ngiihnst a total of 2,904,306 '
l bs. for ( lie previous week , nail a total of 1,884 ,
l Og ) hIts. for thin corresioxilllng veeIa lust 'eor ,
Vito Aincu lent , \Yo.d mmii Cotton Jteporit'r , in its
s eint-nnnual , eview ( if mlii constiuction througl.
o ut ( lie country tnnrrow , will say : 1)uring die :
p ast six months the itniiroveinent in ( lie gencual
li , situation has been teilecteil in ito uu , .
c ertaIn utianner I a the uhiilt'u tiilciiig of I lie con.
s truction of a large iuntbet of textile lilants. In
th e liust six niontlis of the ) 'i'flr ISIS the InV
h er of new miii , was 113-a vaiiiiertl showing ,
c onsidering the coruduiiui ( , of tue bushiess wuu lii.
'F lit' rt'corit for the year his 263 unllls , agaInst 271 I
ii i tile eOu ri'sponihiag lit'rithl or 2093 , and 158 tom .
1 (402 ( , 'l'hio tecol : tif hulls iicquircd tiy states I
f or ( lie whiult. sear Is as fiillows : Now York ,
2 $ ; l'enusylt'anla , 3i' North ( 'arolna ) , 26 ; South
C itrolliiit , 23 : GeorgIa , 193 ; I4uesatiiusetts , , 15 ;
lm laiuie , 11'hrginIa ; atil I thou' islauiil , S each ; :
T exas and Ciiiuuecticut , 7 enchu , lii , , reuiininlui
e staliliaiiuitents hieing divhiieil iunntg ( lie elliot .
s tates , A ( ( Pr lOoh I ng ovt u' thin ittiliosi ng I ist at .
tt ihil Itions , leitli I ii t lie I in thin gs anti nuiclilnery ,
n o other uonehiisicii : can bi reiicliih I lion t lint I hit
A nieuieaui uniinufiict ii rer Is I hioloilgItly iii lye ( c I
I lie flt'cil of it uuioileri , I tipritvt'iI appl lance itt )
e ider Ii , tiieet utucceesfisl ly bOlt I lit ilonie , . I in iiuid
t orc'igui coinpeti t Ion , fluid goes in to I lie dciii Cu ii
It reuia red to haul the dooe'itt lit ma 11(1 ngniust , nil
c orners. 'er ) ' inilitlrtant iiililtioiii , litivo beer (
ut itudus by a large liittiili'i' of 'irlimia a ten , soutu ,
b eing such as to double tue capacity of time i
m ills.
8' ) ' , 1.Oi'lS , Jan , 2.-WOOL-Quiet autO it , , .
c hin aged , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I.iweribool Markets.
1.iVlO0tl'OOb , Jar , . 2.-Wli EAT-Spot , uttettily : V
il t'iitartit Iiiior ; No , I mu , winter. 4s Ott ; No. I
C al irotola , &s Iii : fit t iires opeuteth uirun it I i.lil
h ilgitci nail cluseh itt , , , at ' ,44151d hiigiiei ; buslncst
a bou t equn his' .1 It rhitu teit ; .lnuiutiiy , Is 'J'l ; F'eii .
r uat'y , Its 101 ; Mulch , 4 , . 10544) ; AIiih , 4 , l4ihl ;
May , Is 1i < d.
COIlS-Spot quiet ; Amer'ean , filial , Is Pu : , .
f utures olieneul quiet stud uaeitauigeil ; close ]
q uiet autO uncliurigeii to td lower : luiuslnt'st
h eavIest uti en I l' hiOsitiotiut : , lut tititi I 5' , Iii 31 ]
February , 1 * 30 ; Muuchu , Is Ii ; Aptfi , 4s 3d ;
Mi. ' , Is 34i1. !
FiOli lt-liili ; ileuua nil utoor ; S I. l.oiiis , ta lie ) .
t vinier , Sit Sd.
1'J tOVIHI ONtt-l3acoul finn ; dcutittitl fair ; Ciiui .
b orland cut , 23 to 30 Il's. , 12s ; short ribs. 28 lIi.
S Os ; long , clear. light , IS to 15 11w. , 32s ; lout 1
c humir , heavy , tb' ; ibm' . , : rs' shot t , iear liack ,
h lgiii , 18 lbs. , liii ; .thiiurt . clear iiiiiilee. heavy ,
s : . lbs. , lIt ; clear hollies , 14 to 10 lbs. , lIe .
t ilioultiets. sumuart' . 1'2 to 1 $ Ihia. , IOu. hunts ,
. .liort cui , 14 to 16 liii. . Ihs. hicef , . 'lra lriihiu I
mcii. , 7'2s Cd ; iii line , , iees , Cs , l'uurk , jirlitit It
I ncas. line % S'tsierui , GOs ; meuliutn , 73 , 'Jil. l.arul ,
s lesit ) ' ; iuuiifle wesli rui , SSs liii ; refined , iii luau , . ,
I . Sd. ltefrigetotor beef , turcthuiiuieus , Si ; itiriti .
( luarteiS , Cii.
TtLLO3S'-11ne North Auierieauu , notuinal , a t
CllRlil3-NoIthl American white. ( dii 61 ; fltes t
Ani.'rlcan colored , Ciii 6.1 : unauket imuiet ,
ltt'rriit-iinest ! : t'rtlteul Oltateut , 75s ; geed , 605 .
ltORlN-Coiuienuufl , 3M 15,1. ,
( NTTON 1311111) Ohi.-l.iv ( uliooi reilneul , lEa Cl
1.lNHi'iD 011-lOs 10.
l'l'l'1tOI.Et'8t-ltetintl. 2341 ,
. hil.l2ACluit ) 1O3'IEhtlV' . < I , . , I.ivtt Po ° l
1. 10' . .
liOi''l-At 1.omuioa ( I'aciile cuast ) . 12 lIe.
Thie 3CCiliH of ahuent since last reliurt seer
h ii2Jiu ) centals. including 309,0)0 venIal , Auuierlcan
'rums I ecelhuts ( ut Auiim'riciia corn since ht , , t
report were 32,10) eeiituie.
1lECtflPTliour , 10)1 aunks ; wheat , l,300.o ) 0
rentals ; corn , 237,00' ) ecuitais : beef. 3,344) uui.rti'rs ;
reek , 1.100 l.bls. . ; luanutu , l5,3OJ tuiuxesr huarns , 4,10 0
Loxes ; sliouiuiers. 24(0 box ; larl. 2i.00) tierces 1
elmese $ , 122,003 buee ; huller , 1,60) ) lik8i.
( ) ollol , Markel ,
NlOs. OIILIANH , Jan. 2.COrrONEasy ; hot V
miduilitig , I 13 V lk' ; good eirijhaury , 4 4'lCi , ac
receltuts furV thtee 41,414 bales ; gross
42.7gb baiCs : eslurla Ii ) Grefit hlrhhaiu ( . 15.20
iualVM to Frautce. .5.tut' ) bales ; couviwius , 5,17
bales ; alc. . 5,807 bales ; iitnnens , 1,207 Iahe ;
stock. 453.717 I u34 , ' .
5J5W l'iti < V 4usD. 2.COVI'ONQui < t , ' un1d ,
dung , 5 1l-l8c , Jut reveimita foE lhiiee days , 6,62 6
bt.le' gross , 15,113 bales : elporla to Circa I
BritaIn. 7106 bales ; to hence , 803 bales ; to tIm e
continent. 2 017 lnl' ' ferwaniNi , 6,531 t'aes $ ;
spinners , 81 inis , toc'k , 123.651 lale.
2'l5V Oith.iOANS ' ' '
, Jan. 2.-CO'rl'O3'4-4'utors's ,
sleauiy ; pales , 22iO tualCi ; Jantiary , $1.06 huh ;
Pel'rtunry , 85.17413.19 ; March , 55.20113.2 ? ; April ,
55.20415.30 ; May , 53.33015.31 ; .lttne , $3.89113.43 ; .iuly ,
$5.44115.IG ; Attitst , 15.49415.61 ; 8'ittembar , * 5.510
6.1.61 October , 13.69 bId.
Toletlo ( iritiru tlariaet.
TOl.EDC , .Inn. 2.-W'lIUAT-Lcwer : No , 2
cas'iu , 3I'4c : Mn' , 578kV : No. 2 sehiut' . 65 ½ e.
COltIl-Ac'tite ; No. S rmulxe.l , 43C Mny , 47o ;
Sc , . 3 mise.1 , 4l'tc ; No. 3 yellow , 4234C No. 3
CVhlit' lIe ,
OATS-tRCail ' 5 o. 2 mixed , 30fc1 No , I
white , 3234e.
( ' - ) rash , t1.
ClO5'llt Sl'lOD-cthte emit utirtily : prlni
January anti l'vticunry , $5.P,4 ; March ,
1tECflll'T0l-55'hiet , 151,3401 Itt , : corn , ( .0.1.00
( itt. : ants , 1,00 , lu. ; rye , bu. ; closer peed ,
219 1mg , .
Si I I l'Iuil'NTI4-Floir , 1,000 biOs. I earn , 1,00)
bu , ; rye' , 1,00 , ) lit , . ; clover reed , (15 hogs ,
littluthi 5heuit. % iurkt ,
lt'ttTht , Jan. 2.-\5'1llAT-No. I huaril , cash , ,
60e May , 65341C3'6e : Sn , I northern , cnshi ,
Ssile ; May , 6l4c' ; .iitiy. f2'4c : No. I noulliecti ,
cacti , t.Cu4c ; No. 9 , ( dile ; reject , , i , ( 'M'le , I\ . lit' .
rivet No. 1 hard , Stile ; No. I , , etthiern , 243c.
solgiur $ tnrltct ,
l.ONlON , .InI , , I.--ltGtit-C'aue , qtiet1 , iMli'
lug thoing : cetittiftigal , Java , us ; Iutuscuviiulo ,
fair teuituing , 9s. _ _ _ _ _
'F'riCO % S'Imeiit Jilolatinor.
SAN' i'lt.tNi'lSCO. .Tnhi , 2.-WIl IOAT-Firu , , ;
Mob' , 9Cc ; cleared 69,111 c'eiulals.
I'iuiiiit'itii nler ,
liL'utPhllS , .InI , . 2.-Cieoritigs , $310,423 ; hal.
anecs. $44,674.
IIAITIMOIIII , Jni , . 2.-Clcitt lags , 53,231,85 % ; lint.
alice , , $176,101. V
htOSTON , Jati. 2-Clearings , SI 1,610,211 ; hal'
nnces , $2,649,466 ,
NlYOI1IC , ,1u , . 2.-.learltig' , $ ibOCEG4' ;
halnaces , $7,712,748.
1'lilI..1)hht.I'lllA , , inn , 2.-ClearIngs , $15,123-
661 ; limiltiutces. * 2,251,011.
lhEhl.iN , iou. 2.-lccliaige , on London , eight
tia's' sIght , It ) inarlot 29 ½ iih.
I'AhlS , Jiiti. 2.-Three her ccitt rentes , bit Sc.
l5xehuarigt' ci , 14liioil , , , 252 ICe fur cli'ekC.
1.051)05 , .10 , , . 2.-'I'te timotint of littlilon gone
tins Bank of 1mghantl on lahutice today is
(33n ) ,
Nl13' Oltl.1O.tuls'S , .ian. 2.-Clearings , 52,721.72.1.
Nets' 'i'orlc exehititige , batik , Itar ; cotuuerciai , , $1.10
, llscotttit.
( 'INCINNATC , Titi. 2.-ClearIngs , 52.001,20) .
31011(3' , Z',55j6 her ccitt. t'W'otla excliiitigt' , Soc
1.ONlON , Jan. 2.-Clohl , is qtotr'ii : today at
llitenos Ayr < 's nt 101' ' ; Iutailrlii , 12.00 ; i.tstioti , 23.24 :
tot , i'cterutiiuig , oi ; Athieti , ' , 77 ; home , 100.40 ;
\'it'nuia , 1(13.
1.051)05 , .Ini , , 2.-liar sliver , 27 7-164 her (17. .
Couisois , none' ' , lOl I 16 ; acetiiint. lQ3I , . 3ione' ,
% 1cr cent. 'rue' rite , oi' uilt.c'ittnt Ii , the open
market fur chiurt hub Is % let cent ,
Cii ll'AUO , Jan. 2.-ClearIngs , $21,317,000.
Echo ) ' , lhji4 % Per ccItt on ciii ! niiii rib lu'r cent
( it , I into. Nesv ' , , rk echiatige , SOC llr'lhitittt ,
foriigtt esultuinge , tel hug eotnictclnl : , * 4.167144'
5103 % ' 3'OlhtC , Jahi , 2.-l.azani l'rerc's svIli uthiiii
$1,003,043) ) I i , gohul ou , I lie tuteutuner Ciii' , sail itig
lomorrow. Ileiilc'iluachi , Eickvih'htn"t' & Co. wIll
slitji * 700,0) ) gold , n 'iii 1.athetihit'rg , 'l'iittiinn &
Cit. $200,000 ctn limioutow's steamer. making
* 2,200,15)0 thUs far euigngeul.
hlJSl'11ILV A'IL'i'SIUX'i.
Veteratis of thin 1.nto War Ilonscinuered by
the ( ; eueral ( loveramitetit.
WASh IING'roN , Jati. 2.-Specinl-Pcli- ( )
elons granted , issue of December 17 , were :
Nehraska : Origlnal-Willinni T. Hartley ,
Cozal , Dawson county : Murtin V. Olney ,
Ilellwood , lhltler county ; Thomas II , Richardson , -
ardson , Otnalta , Douglas county ; henry V.
Netzer , l'etersburg , Ilootle COult' . Atidi'
tioual-Dntlel S. CoolcVisner , Coming
county. Original tvhdows , etc.-Ella I. Itoh.
outs , Lincoln , Lanenstex' county.
Iowa : Original-Simon iOthca ( deceased ) ,
\'eitt 1'olut , 1 iee county ; \Vilhiam 11. Butler ,
Scala , Pottnwattnmie couuity William II.
lavy , Council Bluffs , Pottawattamle county.
teissue-Engc1 A. Alugminesen , Marshall-
towt , , Marshall county. Orhgittnl wIdows ,
etc.-Mlnors of Eli lOorts , Mingo. Jasper
county ; Margaret Etku , West l'oltt , Lee
Col5rado : Original-Aaron 13 , Page , Motitc V
Vista , Rio Gratide county.
South , Dakota : Reissue-David Post , Big V
Stone City , Grant county.
North Dakota : OrIginal-Franklin Eatac
brook , Itilaser , Grand F'orkit county.
Issue of December 18 StOre :
Nebraska : Original-George IT. Bumgard-
nor , Geneva , Fillmore county. Orugloal
widows , etc.-Mary Niematz , Omaha , Doug-
l as county ; Adalifle Nesvmao , GotIenberg ,
DsLwsan COUlIty.
Iowa. : Original-Robert Shannon , Daven.
port. Scott. county ; Milton Lynch , Manteno ,
Shelby county. Renewul-1'eter McAninch ,
I irtwarden , Sioux cotiutY. Inereae.-Henry
Ilartnes , Clear Lake , Cerro Gordo County ,
Mootana : Original-John McDonald ,
Weber , .Teffernon county ,
Colorado : OrIgInal-Charles 33. Fox , Sa.
gauche , Sagatiche county ,
Soutlt Dakota : Ot'igixial-Horaco Pardo ,
Sioux Falls , Miuinehmahia county.
ittuito School utpportlonultsnt lelayeii.
INDIANAPOLIS , Jan , 2.-State Superin.
tendent Voris finds hlmself unable to make
an apportionment of school ftnds : until the
county treasurers all settle. Five treasurers
1avo refused to seLtle , owing to the dispute
over the fee and stalary law , the conatitu.
ticnallty of which is abotut to be decided
in the courts. The npportionment may be
seriously delayed , tItus embarrassing the
school systetn of tue state , and carry th V
case to tue courts.
ohm Village ittiiily Scorclcil.
WOOSTER , 0. , Jan. 2.-Nearly the entIre
business portion of the village of I'errys.
vihle was wIped out by fire at an early hour .
thIs morning. The loss vili be heavy.
The flames were disco'erei1 about 1 p. rn
and burned with Huch fury tlut It was ;
thought the entire town wottid lie destroyed ,
Appeals for StSttii4tflflCe were telegraphed tc I
itovel'itl neat' by towns , but the fire was
hwotlght tinder control before uIiI arrived :
Eight buuhilhulgs , incittehlng ( lie bailing stores
and IOstOthhCe , were consuied. , , Loss , $30,000
Oregon Kidney Tea cures all kidney trou. V
blea. Trial size. 25 cents , VAIl druggists ,
J'lfd ) TIlER 1'UItI2Oii"i T ,
Ftiir wIth VarIable YIuis , i'rotnlsctl foe .
Scbrislea l'tdity.
WAShINGTON , Jan. 2.-The , forecast fet ; .
Thursilay is : For Nebritskn , } unsas nut 1
Colorado-Fail' ; variable winds.
, For Iowa-Fair ; colder ; nortlerly wlods ,
jrO1. MiutsouriFuir ; colder in the nortlierr
vortuoii ; variable winds , becoming northerly
iror South Dakota-Fair ; colder ; north.
svest winds.
Lnei Itceord ,
OMAHA , Jan , 2-OhIlahilt recoril of temper. :
aturet anti rainfall , cotnpareii with the COt'i'C .
slondlng dtty of tle past four years :
1695. 1891. 1893. 1692
Maxilnuhu temperature. . , . 28 41 23 2. :1
Minitnttti temlieratliro. . . . . 15 32 10 2.S I
Average tcmpet'attit'c . . . , . , 22 30 16 II
Precipittttloti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00 .00 .11 , tit
Conilition of temperature lilid hrecihitatiol , )
ttt Ornahirt. for tIle day aui.l , iltce Match , 1
1691 :
Normal tempel'atUre . , . , , , . . , , , . . , , , , , . , . . , . . . 2
hixceits , tot' titt ) clity , , , . , . , . . , , , . , , , . , . , . . . . . . , I
Normal Prechpltahioui , . , , , . , . . . . , . , , , . , . 03 loch
Deilcietttmy for the tltly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . inch
'l'otttl lrecilitatioti ) SilIca 11lurchi I 14.01 lnchei I
Iellclency sluice Mutreht I. . . . . . . . . 15.71 luctuet
1Itti1rt5 froult ( Jthier Iltittlotit at H I' , $1 ,
i1 5i
w,0 '
: 'A'rIoNs. as iS. ) :7 : ISTATg os ,
g i tYgA1Vutiut ,
Otujaia . . . . . , , , , , , , , , 24 28 .1(0 ( Clear ,
' . . . . . . . . 2)4 ) .01) ) Clear.
Valt'ritiiie. . . . . . . . . . . 12 20 ' 3' . Cicar.
Chicago . . , , , , , . , . , 310 32 .1 0 Cinar ,
St. l.oiiis. . . . . . . . . . . . . :1 : 31 .1 4 Clutir. :
St. l'atit , . . . , , , , . . , , , lit 20 ' 1' . ( 'ioittiy.
Davetiport. . . . . . . . . . :10 : 34 ( ( ml (3iotiiiy. (
ltatisas City , , . , , , , , . 2 .1t ( ) Cloiiily.
Ictiv.'r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4th :1 : 4 .Ot ) I'art cloiuiy ,
Holi Lake City 31(1 ( 30 .Otl Ciutidy.
hiapldCity. . . . . . . . . . 30 34 .01 Suiowiug ,
lieh'iia , . , . , , . , , , , 0 12 .0(1 Snowing ,
Itisixittuck . . . . , , , , , . 2 14 ' 1' . Ciuttihy.
St. Vitiveith 'II 4 .01) Cicar.
Ciieyetine , . . , , , , . . . , :32 : tt .0th Cloudy.
MileS City.2 14 , li i4tisss'luu ,
( iedvtsiott , . 48 04 .00 l'at thoiiti9 V.
lielow zero. -
'r' ' indicates ( h'tIco of prieiplt.'Itiou ,
IV. . A. WELSh , Obaervcr ,
' ( hutS our underful remedy " & ,0iil1ttS ,
r1t1lND. ' which , tt&kS chIldbirths e..y unay
tue wltbtn this r.'acb at all we iuaTa reduced time
price to Its. fteil.r par lottie. llswar of
frauds , counterfeIts and sub.titatcs.
TAKII NOTfthi4U WiT . , . ,
'Wttta ( or Link ' 1'O $ iUTltV.lts" unshed '
Sl Praprlc.or , AtIa.ta , Us.
_ _ _ _ _ _
Ily ptchasing gQO(18 made at. tim following
Nebraska factories. If you cannot flnil vhat
) 'otl ovant , coniintinicato with , the mrinufac.
tuters as tovhuat dealers ltamhle their goodst
V - ,
Il.l(5. Jlf1flI.AI'.tA'I ) TII'l.VZi. ,
Manufacturer , eif till kintis of cation & burl5
tmgs , cotton flour packs & twine a utpeciaity , I'
- -
Mutntufttcttircr , , c ( icIllers in nit kinds of titushitu
0111cc & factor ) ' , 10Zo235 S. 15th p1 ,
11 U IV ; , I ICI' . I 'i 1' F. ' ) C ) I ) , ( ) (7J ( , j. I ,54 7'
Manufacturers of Prestot , ' , Cnhifocutiit FlakeS , .
$ irkle bratut s'tif caisitig hour & ) cast , Do you , "
ii so Presis best lloitr ?
ILIICI.\J I'OlI'flEfl.
iitanifnctiurers , of hilt , 11lth's i'ture linking
l'oeilcr , lalraets : , t' Self Itleltig huitcka htat.
Siihti by nil grocers. CII 2i. 13(11 ci , Tel , 1503.
1112 11hPlUh1S.
Car bail siimtiient , , niale In our oaui rerige'ratnr
cars. hllue 1tilbo , , Elite Expori'iettna Export ,
nail l'utuiIh' lxport , ( leilueuei tO utIl harts of city.
U.lI1I2I.lUfl . ' ' '
1'.IU'1'OUhl. % .
Carriage & Wagon linkers. CarrIages , ituggler ,
itlinetout , & St ngois : always ott hand & tootle to
orilt'r. 1313.15 Ilurtity-at. . Otiialia.
COl'I.'i1'S1'ICl.Si1.l IIXJ l'tJ ii'Illt ,
( 'oftee ltoasters , Sluice t7rinilers , Mauiitfactturtri
( loritinn Raking i'osvder nitti tlermin , Dry llo
Yctist. 314.18 13. 12th street , Onailun ,
- .
- V _ 4- '
, v.1L1AN , "
Maufacturer of Golti Medal Flour.
C. II. Itineic , Manager , Omaha.
J'U12A'1Tl1I2I 1".1CTSJI4'II,7S.
Manettncturor , of honor furnIture , lounges , din-
hag tahuhes & folillag lieds , 28th ave. . Boyil to
Siihiher streets.
Over . one . million doliarit go out of Nchtrask
aver ) y ( 5r for no better instirnuice timn is fur-
nisieti it ) ' the Union l.ife of Ontaia. Agents
wanted in every town it , Nel'rau.lta.
lCJz7 .INI ) ( JO.IL ,
Domestic & steam coal. We hare tue best. Of-
lice 1601 Telephone : O13ico 373 , ) 'atil
1766. J. A.1)oc. gea'lmannger. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Manufacturing & repairIng of all kinds of ma-
c hilnery , enginco , pittults. elevators , printIng
l iresseti , latigers , stitifting & couplings. 14O&
l lowurd'st. , Omtihia.
Fire hydrants , water & gas pipe , specials ; holler
fronts & fittings , street IVy car wheels. Archt-
t octural Iron works. OffIce 307 13. 1Gtht-t. , Omaha.
I4XVVF.1 TUJflit'U QIIJciIST.s ,
Manufacturers of fluid extncts , chairs , syrup , ,
& wines , compressed triturates , hypodermic tab-
l ets. pills & cientiflc medical novelties. Oninhia.
2114 'i'TifESJC $ , CO 2'3 , uftrnS.
Mnnufactturer Mattrerseii , Spring Beds ; Jobber
Feathers antI Pillow's. North 14th on'S ' Nicholas
itts. , Omaha.
71WIlT hFfTCJf , 1'IIWSJ17If J'ICI ,
The only perfect protection to property. Exam-
lao it. Best thing on earii ( , Reduces insurance
: ! $ . 1304 Douglas-st.
ManufacturerS & johibers of tue celebrated Iluck-
skin bratud shIrt , , patts , overalls & duck cmli-
itig. 1101-3.5 Ilarney-utt. Factory East Omaia.
ii'Eiiis ( co ,
Mnnutactulcra of awn's & boys' clothIng. pants ,
iililrtti & overalls. 252.212 8. 11th-at.
1 , ,1'J1f ISOXJI.'i
Manufacturers of all Itinils paper boxes , shelf
boxes , samile citutes. , taaiblng tub" , , , etc sted.
iling cake & fancy cattiy boxes , ilruggist & jeweiry
boxeS. 1205-10 Jones-at , , Ounulia.
$ IIIIfT b.lCrfJliuJS.
. - - - CO. , _ .
Exclusive cuatorru shirt tnhlor.
3515 Farnamn street. TeIi'pliono 908 ,
IwNiYThOuVNV : :
Manufnctiirc'l in Loutisvilio ( lass Co. Qualii
guaranteed to be as good as any manufactured
outsIde of this state , Henry Ilohin ,
w Cures ( Ito effects of
self-abuse , excesses ,
entiasioris , impotency ,
r 3
In 3,300 Sf11,118 FROM OMAICA
1(131' ( TitE TEI.VJ0lt.l'li ' COMSIINEI ) 3VlTil OUR
l'itIVA'rV. L'thli ) , htl'.lt'JC14 'filE TIMb TO A
Bankers and Brokers ,
31 & 33 Broadway , New York City.
nought end sold for cash , or ceryled on 5 to 5 pe
ceut. margIn. ( ioinnuislou 1-16.
I I' You WAN'I'TO 16)1111' ) t'OSTED TOLl ilfttjlD
8IH ) Volt ( lUll ) t.titllil'l' EbTT1t
You should also semI for nor C111CULAR , Idchi
gives some vaiuiuiu Uggt'Stiool lxi thu way of
msvotilluig losses. If you will esSutitno every Sc.
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( iturt ligura out what you ttouhti have iui5dO ( ol'
lowing our rules , you will say your losses were
lYe Iu'it't ( he largest pfhcea Cmpio/ ( more c6rk * ,
, , sars trukera , ? rnvc smote jrlvaiC wire , eisa store
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fleun any otaer broters' oicc Iii flue world.
If you are uitlitttg litiiiley where you arc , don't
cluungebut ir you are cunultig kbi.iii give u.s
ciania' . IC vuU are spccuhistutt Itt the 513.W YOlill
8ThCi1 EXL'llANlh , quit at alien sad try this
CJN5iLtlTf4) , % , uerLh , 7011 COJt LAYS hsiU the V
cuttimission , ad all of thin interest , It you wish.
For delivered Itricea on Corn or Feed of
ally . deeriptiun . in car loads lots. Writs
Os. tele4fl.Uph
Kansas City , Mv.
Veights and grades guaranteed ,