. _ 7 _ _ _ _ _ . . . . ' , " " , , - " - - " -'rjo ! , . ,11\ \ . _ . . . ' . " , . , . . . . ! ; . ' . " . " , , . , . , I. \ . + . ' , I-t ( . . \ " 7 ' " " , I , P , . . , . J , r"-1' ' , . :1's : : ( _ . l , 1 . , f , . , . . ' . : TE 01I-A DAJ1n nEE : TllURSDAYTAN1IA1tY a , 1S9. - - - n . _ V.VIIIPPLE \ GONE TO MEXICO Authortie ! Think the Crawford Bank Wrecker Has Loft the Country . I LAT I.RANGEMENTS OF TIlL FUGITIVE ! - i BOUt ot UIA l'ropcrtT WRI Ihlpped to Ch.eloe , but ; ' 4ft . Attchcd by Creillor Uotora I Could Ho hocrelod . . I.tNCOLN. Jan. 2.-Speclal.-A. ( ) p Drink , at present receiver or the broken bank of Crawford , wn at the state capital today. Tea a representative of The lice he said that 1 was popular opinion around Crawford that Albert WhplJle , the abscondIng cashier , had fetl to some point In Mexico. Brink Mil that Whipple had been trace to a point In Scots mut county , where all trace of him $ had been lost I was known that he hire a livery teal at Crawtorll and drove to Mars- % land , where he purchasell ( a quanty of stationery. From there he drove tl Goring , I dlsmls8ed the livery , which went back to . Crawford , and dlappearel. , Quite an amount or goods , consisting of books , pictures , k papers , etc. , In two boxea , known to have , \ belonged to Whl\Jlo had been sent to Cheyenne from Crawtord. They hind been taken possession of and amount In value to about $350. Soma one tn St. Louis had lubsequenty telegraphed Union Paclfo ofl- ! dais to ship the goods to St. Louis. Mr. Drllk hall not learned that I2tetve Malone , or Lincoln had , already sent out 2.000 postal , cards bearing the photograph or Whipple to a large number or police and detective agencies In the United Slates. j This morning Victor M. Sinclair or Kearney : , recently appointed to succeed Judge . ' Sias A. Holcomb tn the Twelfth judicial district went to the ofco of the secretary or state and was sworn In as judge In that dltrlct. D PAITUnE OF DISTRICT JUDGES. , Dstric JUdges Hal , Tlbhets and Holmes I have adopted 1 drastic measures concerning the crowds or lawyers who solicit business or prl oners. They have jointly entered up an order that hereafter In cases where . . prisoners charged with offenses were unable . to employ attorneys to deren(1 ( them the \ court would not regard the wishes or the I prisoner nor pay attention to the application - ton or attorneys , but woult appoint from the bar or the c unty on Its own motion and whom tt deemed .proper. . City Attorney Abbott has handed to the mayor , In response to his request , an opinion us to the powers and duties or policemen In making arrests , especially In the mater of making arrests without warrants. The _ opInion sustains that or Count Attorney , . -w . Collins , who recently held that a polceman ' hal no right to break In a door without a 3. warrant. ' Taking advantage or an unlocked door thIs . morning In the residence or D. A. Campbell , clerk or the supreme court , at 1702 K street , ' ' I a sneak thief walked In. ExtendIng his ex- 'I' - ploratlons stairs he picked a geld ploratons up pIckel up gld , : ; watch. When he descended a domestic saw ! him and gave chase. Tb , thief Is still at large. ' " . Five new members or the Lincoln police o force have ben Inducted Into office and armed with the customary gun und club. . armel -j i ; J" They are now under tutorship at Sergeant 4 - Kinney , and are by no means an awkward j , , squad. r : W " " - RAILROAD LABORER KILLED. 1 , ; : A , reont train from the northwest terrl- , , tory brought Into town a lot or hoboes who : : : : had been workln/ on the Burlington ex- , " , tension. All hal been drinkIng and not a : ; , few were intoxicated. Two miles from " r Germantown one or the numb went out : " to the front platform or the car , and soon . afJcrvard he was missed I Is said that the . aQerwurd , who was riding on the rear of h , . , . " ' . the traIn saw the man leap or fall from , the car When the train was brought to a stol ' a party or section men wcnl In search or the victim and toun' hIm dead. The man'a name was H. Jolt : and his home was In IUn' , LancashIre England. The coroner or Germantown held an Inquest on th& re , mains today. . The Mechanics' SavIngs , Loan and Building , association or Omaha , with Cadet Taylor n secretary today receIved , cerlfctto from the state banking board authorIzing It to commence business. I ASHLAND FUILY ItIUNION. home of J. T. Angbo the Scene of nn Interesting - . lereAtlg Gathering. , I ASHLAND , Jan. t.-Speciai.-At ( ) the ' home or J. T. Angho yesterday occurred the largest family reunion ever held In Ash- land. There were present three great-great , ) ' grandchildren , fifteen great grandchildren , eIght grandchildren and five children , all I or whom are In goo health. After par- taking or dinner the entire gathering hal their photograph taken as a souvenir or thin occasion. Mrs. Jacob Anghe , who Is F 110\\ 85 , came to Nebraska In 1859 with her . lu&band , who die In 1870 , landing at Platts- . mouth , and inoveil from there to the old home- , ' . stead . one mie north or Ashland , where ? hl they have since resided. The death or Daniel Sweeney occurred yes- terday at his home a few miles south or this city , at the age or 75. Mr. Sweeney las been a resident of Saunders county for . over twenty-flve years. Yesterday evening Mr. and Mrs. Dr. G. W. Merrldeth gave a delightful party at their elegant hOle In honor or their children , George B. Merrlleth and Misses May and Matlo Catn , who era at home spending their vacation , being students at the Uni- versiy or Nebraska. The evening was . - % . - spent In dancing and games. Those prO- - cat from abroad were : Misses LouIse lept- ncr , Instructor In German at the university \ . and Jessie Jury , student , of Lincoln , and U. Leo Singer or Council Bluffs. Yesterday evening Mrs. S. S. Fobs gave a G o'ctock tea party In honor or her daugh- ter , Carrie , to which twenty-five guests were invited . Mr. and Mrs. J. n. I0wanl last evening ( gave a very enjoyable affair called "A Sala- grunlla" party. with about fIfty Ilresent. The leading features or the affair were the decorations . which were very extensive Ornrul Ntt.14 nul I'ersonails. OIAFTON , Neb. , Jan. 2.-SIJeclal.-He\ ( ) , John Olen of Omaha visited his parents here over Sunday , preaching In the Metl' diet church In the morning and the Congre- Iltonot In the evening. Miss Madge EclllY Is spending the week at Juntsta. , - Mrs. Warren and llss Grace Keelor have - been visiting friends In Lincoln 'he Catholics gave a grand bal last even- Ing , which was well attended . ' Mr Stanard. a highly respected widow , died very suddenly Sunday night or heart disease. She was In robust health anti spirits to within a hal hour of doitth . She leaves a , numerous tam\y , The funeral was held to- s. ; day. % day.The The Methodists Qre 10Tcltng all for the drouth stricken letters In the west I CaRR ( ' ( ) unty "lortJnlu hiecorti , PLATSlOUTI , Neb. , Jan. 2.-Spoclal.- ( ) Cal county's mortgage record for the month or Jecembcr Is as follows : Farm Ilroprty , ' fed $3IG2G.C5 ; released , $ l7,718.4S ; town . prollerty fet , $8G5.88 ; released , fl4,159,65 : chattel mortgages flied , $19H3.4G : relezed , NW $7,570.6. The totlis for the entre year are : I.'arm property filed , $529OG9.02 j released , $457 , ; town property filed , $7 ,5GO.I : released - leased , UiOI9.9Gj ; chattel mortgages fed , $1BOh28.48 ; released , $119,785. JUdge ChalJlan , judge of the Second Nebraska . bruka district , has fixed the terms of court for 1895 as folowl : Can county , February 11 , .May G and September 30 : Ooe county , . \IJrt 2. June 10 and November 18. The May t rm In Cass and the June term In Otoe are for the trial or equity cases without a jury , . . , 11Uur1 Ilntcr" . , MILFORD. Neb. , Jan. 2.-Speeial.-flevs. ( ) Fay SmIth and Terrence are holding a re- "Ival In the Congregational church with good faCC ! . "rooll A , Nebraka National Guards . , was given a reception by the Young l'coplu's . Society or Chrl.tan Endeavor and Epworth . league the ( last or the old yen. Some OO S SOICo invited guests were present . Al Interest- I 4 ' , I " " - . InK program WM rendered Ind lunch served after a chlblton drill by the company. NrUI\HA ihi.AZE S ! , Ullhln s anti rontent . In lied Clond and ' "ork JRhrU fd. RED CLOUD Neb. , Jan 2.-Speclal ( Tel- egram.-A ) fro was discovered In a store room occupied 1 by the general merchandise stock or n. M. MartIn & Son , In the Mon block , at 3:30 : hut night , Their loss by fire , smoke and , water Is nearly total , The stock was value at $ ,20 and was Insured for $900 , 8S fohiow.s . : German cr Freeport , $300 : Iartrorl Jlre , $300 : Springfield or Massachu- sets , $300. The photograph gallery or J. n. Weggman In the second story was gutted. Loss , $700 : insured for $300 tn the Queen. The millinery stock of Mrs. S. H , McBride was destroyed . Loss , $1,000 : Insured In the Aetna or IarUcrl1 for $600. The building was damaged to th extent or $300 , Insured , In the Aetna or Hartford for $ :00 and In the 1.3nclshlre for $350 . The records , and flies were removed , from the county judgo's office on the second floor , which pr\'e an unnecessary precaution : , The origin or the fire Is unknown. Considerable damage was done to the other merchants In the block by water from the Martin cellar precolatn ! through the walls Into the other cel au. The sheriff slezell the remnants or the Martin steck this morning on a tax warrant for $3.30. YOnK Neb " Jan 2.-Speclal ( Telegram.- ) At G o'clock thl5 evening fire was discovered In the Werts block , In the room occupied by S. E. Mansfield's meat market After a short delay It was extnglshel , The damage to thB stock was about $200 , with no In9urance. ThB building was damaged to about the same amount. 81UtT ! 1'I 1 H.\ IUSUllm , Jrokol Uuw' Ilhdlj i'otiitter Chocked Lip by nit Iu."rclor. lROCEN DOW , Neb. , Jan. 2.-Speclal ( Telegram.-UIJ ) to late there Is no clew to Brokel Dow's missing postmaster. The inspector - specter has completed an investigation or his books and finds hIm short In his accounts with the government $ ,700. Four or his bondsmen came In today and appointed E. C. Dckinson to take charge of the postofco temporarily. Already there arc a number or candidates for the appointment and the acton or the bondsmen and Inspector Sinclair In putting Dickinson In charge Is not meeting the approval of the other camlhlates. Dickinson - Inson Is a young man , who recently located In the city , having come hero less than two months ago from Illinois . and has no acquaintances - quaintances here except his cousin , Attorney H. W. Dickinson. I Is claimed that the bondsmen were Influenced to place young Dckinson tn charge by him offering to furnish the money to make good the defalcations - tons at Gilmoro. I this be true Dickinson may find that ho has paid dear for his whistle , as the fixtures are mortgaged to nackwel & Co. for purchase money , which Gihinoro's successor will have to payer he will have a pesto ce without boxes or rurnl- ture. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l'IAINVIBW I'ION1Elt 1Il.1.EI ) , Richard Smith abets UcnUa II R Mysterious Ihmncr. , PLINVIW , Neb. , Jan. 2.-Speclal ( Telegram.-rtichard ) Smith , an old and respected - Rpected citizen or this county met his death In a very mysterious manner yesterday. Smith lived south or this place In Willow Creek township , and Monday started for Pierce , the county scat , a distance or eighteen miles. Ho did not arrive at home that night. Becoming alarmed , his family instituted n search , and his body was round beidc his buggy tn the road about two miles from home. Life was not extinct when found , but ho never regained consciousness - ness , but died at his home this morning. Smith's team was found In a grove a short distance from his body. Many theories are advance In regard to his death , but all are mere conjectures. Foul play Is hinted nt , as Smith was quito wealhy ; . I Is not known whether. hohad , any money on lila nerson I when he left Pierce but hone was round on his body. Mr. Smith was about 61 years or age , and leaves n large family. Ho was one or the pioneers of Pierce county. AnOAUIUOi os TiE STAND. Toils Ils Story of the Shooting of William ! inoltzer. AUBURN , Neb. , Jan. 2.-SpetaI ( TEle- gram. ) - The defendant In the Argabright trial was on the stand the entire day. Ills re : eltal or the tragedy does not differ from the other witnesses except In minor detail. le claims that when the shot was fred ho was being viciously assaulted by Smelzer and others and that ho had his left arm raised above him and a little In front or his head guarding I from the blows or the deceased and that with his right hand down by his side be fred at Smelzer , Intending to hit him In the heft arm Instead or In the breast The cross examination conducted by Mr. Cornel , was very severe and searching , but the witness behaved well under It. The de- renso was not quite fInished today. Supreme t'iirt l'roceodllCA. LINCOLN , Jan 2.-Special.---The ( ) supreme - preme court met tOday pursuant to adjourn- ment. George M. Spurlocl" , esq. , or Cass county E. P. Drown , esq. , or Lancaster county , and J. H. Dean , eSQ. , of Custer county were admitted to practice. State against ll , death or defendant , John Flz- gerald , suggested : Kuht against Pierce county , leave to file amended t petition and counter affidavits In fifteen days. The following causes were argue apd sub- mite : More against McColum , on motion : McCary against Stul , on melon : Griswold against hlazeis on motion : Henlee against Hayden , on motion ; Gran agaInst Houston , on motion : Smith against Johnson , on moton ; Scott against Spencer , on motion : McCleary agaInst Stul , advanced : Griswold against Hozols , motion to advance overruled : Krch- navy against State , diminution of record al- lowed. Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock \VcdlhlJ Hells nt ShuhortI ' SIUDEItT , Neb. , Jan. 2.-Speclal ( Toie- gram.-A ) pleasant wedding was celebrated at this place at 5 o'clock p. in. , the con- tractng parties being Mr. G. A. Tipton , n prosparous young business man or Albany , and Miss Agnes Dalby , the only child or J. L. Dalby , the editor of the Shubert Citizen. Only the Intimate relatives or the bride and a tow select friends witnessed the ceremony. There was an elegant wedding supper pro- I'arel , The happy couple took the train for their future bonl In Albany. uclur tlnel lila Ire LINCOLN , Jan , 2.-Spectat ( 'felegram.- ) D. : Charles Dale ) ' , 35 years old , and a ral- road to suicide laborer. attempted commit tonight by taking a dose or morphine lie was round suffering from the' effects or the drug at D o'cloclt and a physician was called at once who after an hour's hard work , succeeded In saving his lfe , Daley was arrested last night for being drunk and disorderly 0111 dischargd this morning for want or prosecution , 11111 or it J'rllllClt I'uwnee Citieii . WNEE , Neb. , Jan 2.-Special ( Tele. gram.-M. ) T. Peleham , a highly respected and honor citizen , died yesterday of a complication or diseases . Ills death was not expected. he being taken sick but a few days "go. He leaves a widow and lIve cliii- dren , three daughters and two suns The date or the funeral ts not announced , penl- log the arrival or a son from South 1)akota Slate Nties. An A. O. U. W. lodge has been organized at harrisburg. John Baker , who settled In Jefferson county In 1862. died at his home In alrbury after a brie illness . The eleventh annual meeting or time State lremen's association wilt be held at Norfolk January Hi , 16 and 17. There wilt bo 200 delegates In atcndance , Mrs. Hussel of Oreeley Center daughter or Senator Gray of Valley county , died at the home at her bUSODd , after an Inen or three hours , of enlargement or the heart. Whie C. M , Seeley or Elgin was wielding a m.ul In time Act or driving 1 post the heavy hammer miscarried and struck on top or the hOI ofV. . M. Carr , knocking him - , . . . , . _ . , , . _ , . . : . . - , . ; . : . , . . . . , ' " . I. . " . . T . - ' . . senseless and breaking the handle or the I maul. All that Carr complains or I. a sore ' head. Little children a play act fire to the clothIng or the baby or Mrs. Will McCarter or Daynard , but the mother smothered the flames before the child was seriously burned. John Blanchard or Ponder stepped from the depot platform Into a deep ditch , striking on his head , Ills me was d'splired of for R time , but he Is now on the road to reo covery The Hell Cloud Chief reports that Congressman - grossman 1Icltelghln 19 suffering with a very severe attack or racial neuralgia and will bo unable to return to Washington for several - oral weeks at least Prof. A. D. Williams , one of the pioneers or Adams county , die at his home near 1 Kenesaw. lie was at ana time principal or ! ' the state normal school at Peru , and home- steadeth 1 tn Adams county twenty-two years ago. He was 69 year of age. H. H. Loulon and Frank Oxey , farmers near Clay Center , were bally Injured tn a runaway and for some time It was believed that London was fatally hurt. One or his eyes Is p rmanenty Injured , one ear la nearly torn off , but It Is thought ho wi reco\'er. A very smooth trick was played by a sharper on Friend Carpenter of Madrid. The stranger said cupenter a dime team of horses for $5 In cash and a gold watch , and then hired Carpenter . to drive him to Ogalalia. , ThIs Carpenter did , putting tile team In a barn l.ter , when he went to secure the team to return home he found that the stranger hal stolen the rig. No trace of the sharper has been discovered. . - , UNCLE SAM MAY TAKE A AND. - leccheta of time Unlun l'achlio Will Lay r."A for R Figilt , There Is going to be an all 'round fight for the Oregon Short Line & Utah Northern , the receivers of the Union Pacilc having about mailo IIJ their minds to contest the application or the American Loan nl1 Trust company for a separate receiver There will be 0 meeting of the receivers In Now York next Tuesday , at which time a plan or acton will be decided upon. General Solicitor Thurston will prohably go on to New York In order to attend the meeting Tuesday and w1 possibly represent the receivers when the applcaton Is token up by Judge Gilbert on January 15. I Is also thought the attorney general will In'.enene on the ground that the loss or the Sh\rt Line to the Union Pacific would serIously depreciate time second mortgage the government holds on the 'Ovenland" . property. With the filing or the applcaton on the part at the consolidated mortgage bond- hollers for n separate receiver five distinct suits have been commenced oy nlortgage interests - terests In the Short Line property. Four or these Interests have ben satisfied wih time appointment of the present receivers of the Union PacifIc , and I Is not likely that \ the Americn Lon and Trust company , which Is thought to bo hostile to the present - ent mnanagemimemit will be able to change ex- tstng condltons. For n tme It looked as I the Short Line would be allowed to drift away \ \ Ithout a struggle , hut now. however , the line of bat- tie Is forming and the American Lon and Trust company will have a geol sized fight on its hands Should the Short Line break away from the Union Paclfo It Is claimed that It would seriously cripple the later property and would bo n blow at Omaha , as tt would take away many clerks front headquarters , In ad- diton to hurting other Omaha Interests. All these conditions have been carefully consid- ered by officials and the conclusion reached that I a separate receiver Is appointed I will be In the race or a strong showing on the part or the Union Pacific Interests. CANADI\N PACIFIC AD5KST. Will Take Nu l'art In fliscusIng the Sew TrlUscontneltl1 Association CHICAGO , Jan. 2.-Tomorrow the meeting or the western roads will agaIn convene for the purpMe or seeing Ir the transcontinental passenger troubles cannot be adjusted. ! he Canadian Pacific will not be represented at the opening or the meeting , although It may come at a later time. The UnIon Pacific will , It declares , Insist on the lifting or the boycott against It before tt will agree to anything tending to the formation or the association . The representatives of the Atchison and Southern Pacific roads held a long conference - enc today , at which tile Burlington and Rock Island were also present. They made considerable progress toward settling their troubles , and It was announced that they will report to the meeting that they will be ready , so far as theIr private Quarrel Is concerned , to go ahead .wlh the general agreement. Due n't hurt Uctuhr Uusine4g. General Passenger Agent Francis or the Burlington said yesterday morning that the talk or personally conducted tourist excursions being demoralizing to rates came with very bad grace at this hate date. He cited the Union Pacific as having operated excursions under Dr. Shearer for years and there was little talk then or these excursions demonahiz. demoralz- Ing rates. He cited time Raymond & Whit- comb personally conducted parties and other Instances or roals running thcse oxcurslons. "It Is foolishm to charge that excessive commIssIons - mIssIons are paid for securing this excursion business. There Is a tariff or commIssions agreed upon by all roads and these commissions - missions are paid agents. The train Is In charge or a regular salaried employe of the Burlington and ho gets his salary I he has one passenger or a thiousamid. Railroad men understand this and think nothing or It At one time the Burlington was inclined to the theory or the Union Pacific , that the per- sonaly conducted excursions were not bene- ficial. But wo have seen other roads adoptIng - log tlls form or excursIons and we finally fnaly decided to bo In line with time rest. " Mr. Francis went to Chicago yesterday to attend the meeting or transcontinental lines today , at which time the committee on transcontinental rates wi report. I Is a very voluminous document , tt Is understood , and consIderation. will undoubtedly consume a week tn its Alter 'rburston's Shoe. JUdge Thurston was busy yesterday morning answering telegrams or congratulation from members of congress and United States senators - tors over the acton or the republican members - bars or the legislature yesterday Now that his election Is assured , gossip Is already heard as to who will succeed Mr. Thiurston as atorney for the Union Pacific receivers. 'he general Impression seems to bo that Judge higher. Kelly will undoubtedly bo called up Should Judge Kelly succeed to the place shortly to bo lade vacant by Mr. Thurston , It seems altogether probable that JUdge Willis Van Devanter or Cheyenne wilt be promoted to Judge Kelly's placo. Time firm or Lacey & Van De\'anter look after time interests - terests or the Union Pacific In Wyoming. Judge Van novanter hn made a specialty or the Union Pacific cases In Wyoming. Ulrecurs 1 lecl"I , At a meeting or the stockholders of the Omaha h Republican Valley Hallway com- tinny and the Omaha & Elkhor Valley Hal- way company held In the office or W. , J , Carrel , assistant to toe solclor at the Union Pacific yesterday moring the follow- Ing directors were elected : E. Et- lery Anderson , , S. n. H. Clark , Fred- eric It. Coudert , John W Doane , 0. Iver 'V 11nl" , Oliver Ames , s2cnd , and Edwin F. Alicins. W , J. Carrel yote(1 ( time jnnjonity or the stock In both companies ( Joe uf lime Late Humors. 'fhe CanadIan Pacific continues to PlY the deg-In.themanger policy toward time . polcy towld transcon- ( mental situation and the latest rumor II that I will break away from the Immigrant agree. ment entered Into at Chlcag recently by the transcontnenlal lInes. The Canadian I'acitlc contends that the American roads ' are re. Iqctant to carry the agreement Into effect and Ihereroro they want to get out trol under. lock blRml rlhaJs fur iPecembor . CHICAGO , Jan 2.-The esthn&e gross earnings of the Rock Island road for time month of December were ,201.751 , a de. crease or $99.207 compared with the ecu- meted gross earnings for December , 1893. . - , - ' ' . , - - , . J , _ _ . " . H GOES TO ANOTHER TRIBUNAL ' , Ii' Appeal t the SuproniOourt riled in the Maxmlm'Jrtb ! Case - . CLAIMS OF ERROR 1 'IIJE , ! , ! TRIAL COURT ShO'Yhl/ Made that tj , Ufcrco J 1 II RS JUan , 101e. nl tL i ' ' 1hnnlcr , After Whteh Judge UUlidy Alun's this Appeal. , John L. Webster , tisattorncy for defend. ants , fled his petition r6i ' appeal from Judge Drewer's recent declsl tn the maximum rate case yesterday In the federal court Judge Dundy allowed Limo aPIJeal. The following Is the full text of the 11et- ton praying for an appeal tn the case legally known as Henry L. Ilggenson et al versus the Burlington railway et al. Now comes George H. Uaslngs , attorney general : John C. Allen , secretary of state : Eugene Moore , auditor , and others , derend- ants In time above entitled case. and coniplain- log or time Illalntrs sa ) ' : That on the 2M day at November , 1891 , said plalntts recovered 1 judgment and decree against these defendants herein In said cause and In said court , tn which , among other things , I was decreed that these 10. tenlants be enjoined amid restrained rrom cn- tertulnlng , hearing or determtnlng any complaint - plaint against said defendant railway company - pany , or on account or any act or thing by said company , its officers , agents , servants or employee done , suffered or omitted which lay be forbidden or .conlnanletl by an act of the legislature or the ( state or Nebraska , entted "An Act to Regulate Hnlroad , to Classify Freight , to Fix , Heasonab1e Maxi- mum Hates to be Charged for time Trumms- poitation or Freight Upon Eaclm or time Railroads - roads In time State or Nebraska , antI to Pro- vll0 Penalties for the Violation of This Act , " approved April 12 , 1893. Amid In which said decree these lerendants were further onJotneil rrom Insttutng or prosecuting , or from causing to be instituted or prosecuted , any acton or proceeding , civil or criminal , agaInst saIl railway comllny for nny act or thing done , suffered or omitted which may be forbidden or commanded - manded by the said act , amid particularly from reducing its present rates or charges for transportation of freight to the rates prescrIbed In said act. And tn which said jlulgment and decree the attorney general or the state or Nebraska was further enjoined from bringing or caus- Ing to be brought uny proceeding by way of tnJuncton. mimammilannus . ch'l acton or indict- ment agaInst the said railway company for or on account of ony action or omission ( n their part commanded or forbidden by the said act And In which said judgment and decree tt was adjudged and decreed that the said act above mentoned Is repugnant to the constitutIon or the United States In that the said railway company may nol uuler its provisions exact rates for the tronsportaton of freight which yield to the company reasonable - able comlJematon for such service And these defendants allege that the ) ' . were prejudiced by the various orders , judgments and decrees and that 'ticre ' Is error In the proceedings or the court by whIch said judg- ment and decree wes 0 1Inel. and that the ' said Judgment amid ic'cr'ee Is erroneous In maters and thing Ih re'partcularly shown by the assignment of eror fed herewith and by the record In sai cause. And by reason or mid { errors the said defendants - fenlants pray that thiti'tmnay be allowed an , appeal from said jl.qgm nt and decree or' ' saId court In sad cause to the United States " circuit court or app als "ror the Eighth clr- cultcutt and that a transcript or the record all proceedings , duly , auhenticated ' \ , may bo sent to said court of appeals , whereby said judgment and decree 'm\y ' be reversed and whereby these ler Idlnts.ay be given such other and further be and relef/.ns may b just proper. . . Accompanying thl t pet on for appeal are asslgument of error' , . n , . ench , case , which slate os follows : ' folows ASSIGNMENT OIl ERRORS. 1. SaId court erred In-that ; part or the de- cre wherein I ordered and decreed that said railway companl be perpetually enjoined - joined and restrained ( roan making or pub- lshing a schedule of rates to be charged by It for the transportation or freight on and over Its respective roads tn this state from one point to another therein whereby such rates shall be reduced to those prescribed by Limo act or the legislature or the state or Nebraska entitled 'JAn act to regulate nail- roads , to classify freights , to fix reasonable rates to b charged for the transportation or freight upon each of time railroads In the state of Nebraska , and to provide penalties for the violation or this act , " approved April Apri 12 , 1893. 2. That the said ourt erred In that part or Its decree , wherein It , ordered and decreed that the defendant ral.way' company bo enjoined and restrained from rduclng the rates below - low those now charged by sold company or from In any wise obeying , observing or conforming - forming to the proviions , commands , injunctions _ junctions and prohibitions or said act or time legislature of Nebraska. 3. That the said court erred In that part or its judgment and decree wherein I decreed - creed that the Board or Transportation or time state of Nebraska , and its members and secretaries be perpetually enJoled ! and restrained - strained from entertaining , hearIng or do- ' termlnln any complaint made to it against said railway company for or on account of any act or thing done , suffered or omitted by said company , Its officers , omitte servants which may be , forbidden or com- mnnded by saId act or tine legislature of the state or Nebraska. 4. That said court erred In that part or Its judgment and decree whereIn It adjudged alJudged and decreed that the Board or Transportation Transportalon for the state or Nebraska be perpetually enjoined and restrained from instituting or Insttutng prosecuting , causing to be instituted or Prosecuted , oily acton or proceeding against saId company for anything by It done , sur- fe.re'l or omitted , or which may be forbidden or commandel by the said act or the legisla- tune of time state or Nebraska . 5. For that the lall court erred In sat JUdgment and decree wherein It ordered and decreed that the Board or Transportaton bo perpetually enjoined and restrained from ro- duclng tile present rates or charges for trans- porlaton or freight hy time defendant railway cpmpany to those rates prescrIbed In said act or time legislature of the state or Ne- braska G. That the Iald court , In its said judgment - mont and decree , erred In that part thereof wherein It adjudged anti decreed that the attorney general or time state of Nhrasla bo In like manner pcrpetualy enjoined anti restrained from bringing or causing to bo brought any proceeding by way of InJunc- ton , mandamus , civi action or omision on their part corlanlop , pr forbidden by time said aet. 7. That the said court erred In that part or Its judgment and decree wherein It Is all. Judged and decreed thatflhe said act or the legislature or the state at Nebraska Is reo pugnant States to the constitution I or the United 8. That the court rrD In its said judg. ment anti decree In tat ) hart thereor wherein It II adjudged and dllreed that the laid act or time legislature o(4uiir' state of Nebraska forbade the railway epm9pnles tram exacting for time transportaton or freight ( room one point to another wlhll : time ' state charges which would yIeld totb companies reasonable - able compensation ror sic1 ! services , lOJIIJ' 1,1 J'J A : ( LWj CMLT' ; ; Chicago Facory' ) : , yIS Just Earmipe from u I'lrolh l'lmeir 1.1\.8. % ChICAGO , Jan. 2.-II4Hi In the Princes Knitting works at naclne and South port avenues this afternoon caused a panic among the 150 girl employee but no one was seriously hurt. The fire was disCovered about 1 p. m. and , carried up In elevator shaft , quickly em'eloped the three floors or time building. The escapes by way at stairs was cut off anti the frightened ellployeB burl open wIn. dews and clung to the aslngs , frantically screaming for help Mammy jumped tram the secopd leer and alighted In safety , and the firemen , who arrived' pronjty , rescued the others . Several of' Hio girl' were cut by broken glass and badly bruised by jumping The fro was extngullhEd with a loss or not 10 exceed $20,000 - . A dozen raw with a bottle of Cook'i Extra I thought Dry Imperial Champagne 1 nu after theater , . : , " , - - : " . , . , , - , . _ _ . - ; , " . . , " ' ' , , : ' , ' ' , - . . ' " ' ' . ' ' WE ARE INVOICING . , Got short Iiand-Remnants--suitablc a great many lengths on - - - ' . ' for trousers-also a numbcr of remnants for ( coat and vcst or : , suit \Vetl make them to order for you at the actual cost of ' , , . , . material and making They arc the remnants of our best fabrics. ' , ' 'I I fabrcs. ' Better see tile goods we offer at $5 and $6 for trouser -$18 , $20 , $25 for suits ' . , ' Have you not ced the goo'ds and prices in our window ? . I 207 207 " South South 15th Stree _ _ _ 15th Street. . . ' 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - MAJESTY OF A FREE } PEOPLE ) Lesson New Year's ' at the White House Carries to the Word , GRANDEUR OF AMERICAN CITIZENSHIP lurolCU 11olurchl's Ulven 11 Iluslrntul of Jomocrato Simplicity anti tine 1uwer that ; Comes from the l'eollo ot R UII ul II. WASHINGTON BUREAU OF TIE BEE 107 F Street , N. " ' . , WASHINGTON , Jan. 2. There ts I simple grandeur which Is felt rather than seen In every New Yeor's day reception at time white house. flack or and above all of the garish glitter of uniorm , gold lace , cocked hats , clanking sabres : md Imperial decorations , there Is understood and felt the power or a republic , great In its simplicity , Irrepressible In Limo unexpressed majesty and power or a free pcople. AU thoughts of tine individuality and political aftlntons or the citizen who occupies the position err chief , executive , all criticisms and private opInions concerning the Individual , are lost In the universal esteem and respect or the peopo : for the olce whIch was created out or the blood of time sellers or the American - can revolution ; for the office first held by the greatest soldier or his day and generation , George Washtngton : an office honored and graced by Jefferson , Jackson , Lincoln and Grant. I Is a dazzling spectacle to witness the passing throng or titled diplomates In their resplendent court uniforms . accom- panted by their wives and dauglmtens gorgeously - geously attired : to see the robed justices or the supreme court or the United States : to gazo' upon the ofcers or the army and navy of the republIc , os they file Into and through time room , paying their respects to the com- mnnder.in-cinief. I Is impressive to see the men or the Grand Army or the Republic , sonic or them on crutches , others with an empty sleeve , all of them showing the elects or time ravages or time . and all or them ready again to participate In a struggle for time maintenance or a government of the people , for the people , end bY the people. But the climax or time annual reception Is reached when the plain people , fathers , mothers , sisters , brothers , wives and children , throng the corridors , press through the Increasing throng , In an orderly manner , everyone or them a lover or law and order : all or them paying respect to the great 0111cc , which Is fled by one of the plain people or the republic. And , In the . mIdst or time great throng , time center or It nil , stands time Ilresl- dent or the Unlel States , with his wire by his side , plainly dressed , wearing no decora- tons , makIng no display of pomp amid power , with no soldiers to guard his person , ' wih no byonet around time executive mansion , with no artillery In mmlghmt . with none or time precautions - cautions which time ruIns or monarchies cautons must take to protect them from their sub- jects. I Is an object lessen to the diplomatic representatives of foreIgn governments . They see In time president or time United States an unpretentious American citizen . a father , a husbanl , and one who comes rrom the people , and will go back to the people , leaving In his stead another citizen called from private le to execute the laws or the land. Dy his sl < they see one or the women or America , a wife , a mother , who fills her position as hostess to the people from whom she came , and to whom sine will return There are mme crowns , no gewgaws , no trappings - pings at gold , jewels , purple and al0rnments visible The American citizen antI his wife appear as they used to appear at their private receptions In their own home , and aH Lucy will appear In their own home aftertime the honors and distinctions of the chler magistracy have been laid aside In accordance with the will or these sovereign citizens who come and go In an orderly and unrestrained manner , Just as they would come and go In paying their respects to their neighbors and rrlends. There Is no need for time this- Illay or troops , bayonets and other maui- feststons at power for protecton , Each and every IndIvidual citizen Is In himself a part of the power of the land ; each and every ono respectful of time o1lco , and really to defend I wih his lo Ii need he , Thll Is time lesson or the New Year's day' reception at the white 10Uso. I Is lomothlng Celt with a thrill or pride by every lover of his Is unwritten but country I time usually unwrlton ever present glory a wch or the olnual public receptions given Dy time president or the United States , V. S , 111111 : lt thin Athmtn 1 : II.ttul. WAShINGTON . Jnn. 2.-l'roposaimm were today opened In the ofce or the supervising architect c time treasury for the labor and materIal Iequlrcd for the ol'ecton and com- pleton or the United States go\ernmenl \uldln for time Cotton States alll Intera- tolal exposition ot Atlanta , Ga. ' ) he goV- crment building t8 t be situated itt the norlhcm enl nf time main building . Ify reel uhove' and overlooking the central Illaza < runl which they are to ho arranged . 'l'he building generally Is to he 181 feet by 21 feel In Size with central I'avlloo ' on ( our sides. each , I sxl-one ! feel wile and iirojectimig ten feet ( noun the generll line or tine building , maklnl thin extreme dlmen- lonH IOhx8l feel. ' 'heuldlng ts to ho constructed , or wool framing sheathed out. 5111 and covered wltl ehnpbourds , and hlngles. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ill immtiily II'ccllh it lid I "I'rnltlur. , WASHING'fON. Jnn. -The monthly atatement at the receipts and expenditures i of tIme United States .haws recell.tl during December amountng to 331,866.130 : l bu.o- motiLe , $ I3.4W. leaving a Ielcll < for the month 01 5,29Ii2I , and for thc six month of time present : 1111 year , S/1.4G. 'J'he receipts ! trm customs were II.O.Hr ( , _ _ . . . . , , . - " - ' - - . - - ' - ' ' ' - - \galnst sto.2coc.iz for the month or Nm'pm- her : from internal rcvcnue. $ J,39 1,0\ : ngnlnst $7,711,791 ( for November Time recelllt ( ruin Internnl revenue tlurimig the Ilst Nix mouths were f S2,160,782 , or $ Siot,20 In excess of the Irst hall ot the last fiscal ) 'oal' , "Al'AS OlO\IIU IalI'ATIENT , 1'rocrntIimmtiomn ofthoClmineto Likely to Cost Them Dcnr. WASHINGTON , Jan. 2.-I Is the belief or olcIals In a positon to low the status or affairs between Jallan audi China that Japan will declare Limo peace negotiations off unless China hastens them. There Is Increasing irritation on the part or Japan as to the delays - lays In presenting definite proposals. More than a month has passed since I was agreed that a tender or peace conditions would be consllered by Japan , and .s yet the conll- tons have not ben offered , anti there Is doubt as to Chinn's plenipotentaries having the rIght to make any final offers . Already the Japanese government Is inclining to a unanimous demand or the native press to make far greater demands than were contem- plated when time peace negotiations began. At that time the general understanding was that the basis or peace would be I cash In- demnly amid the Independence of Corea. Now , however , there Is on intimation that Japan may no longer accept the two condl- tons as proposed , but may Insist also on China's ceding extensive territories. This I anneaton sentiment Is universal and II. Is . believed Japan will soon make It known to 'China ' , probably through Minister Dunn at Tklo , that the procrastination In presenting I the terms or settlement Is such that the nego- tatons will be abandoned unless closed . within a reasonable and definite time. There are evidences that Japan Is prepared for an aggressive military movement , calculated to tmpress China and the plenipotentaries with Jnpan's ability to Increao the advantage she has already secured. A genleman who has ben some years In diplomatic servIce tn China and Is a recognized authority on Inter- nationm1 custom , points out that It Is an invariable - variable rule with China not to grant abso lute power to her plenipotentaries , but merely to confer , advisory powers on thcm. NOT SVltl'RlSlu AT IJLUIU31 , liar Course In I'rohlllUl1 AmerleBI Meat Ulclutud by Oermal ) WASHINGTON , Jan. 2.-Officials or the Department or Agriculture salll that they were not surprise at the acton of Delgum ! In excluding American cattle from her ports Silo Is one or time countries closely allied with Germany In her commercial Interest and It was expected she would follow the example or her more powerful lellbor In this matter , as Denmark has already done , as I I believed Germany Is bninmmg lien influence to bear Infuence upon adjoInIng natons to elect the comillete exclusion or American meats While this belief Is not susceptble or proof , It Is thought that its accuracy would be strlcngly demonstrated by the promptness with which Europe would the- clle that our meats are pure Ir congrass Ihoutd abolish the sugar duties. Dr. Sal- mon , duet or the bureau or aninimil industry , says tlmat there has been mio pleuro lmnieu- mnonia iii time United States for two years , and that several cast's t'iiich foreign inspec. tore have tiiougiit they discovered have been proyemm by imivestigatlon to be false alarms , Time department has rurnisimed to time State department statements of Limo timorougin- nose of time American system of immspectioim and expert proof of time imnpossibiiity of tue trammsmissiomm of Texas fever , time first alleged - leged cause for the existing mmieat commhica. tions. Sonic of tIme agricultural officials are inclined to believe timat tine faction of the German parlianient wimich opposes tine ox- elusion policy of time agranians may succeed amid that time possibilities of a tariff war may be averted. 4 l'UHLiU IJEIST $ TATE31ENT , Imicreinmia .Uurlmig I imo 1'i ont in A lmmoimmmtm , to 'rim i ely - ( limo ill I I I iou , WASHINGTON , Jan , 2.-Thme nionthIy stateniont of time lubiic debt issiml train tIme Treasury departmnent today shows that atm December : ii , 1891 , time public thbt , less casim in the treasury , amimounted to $910,903,695 , en immerease for time inontim of $3i'J20,775 , Fol. lowin Iii a recapitulation of time debt : Interest paying debt , $650,138,180 ; iumcreeze during Limo nmmontim , $10,025,100 , Iebt on which interest has ceased since immaturity , $1,825,800 ; decrease ( lurimig time month , $1,130 , Debt bemiriumg no immterest , $383,347,315 ; increase - crease during tIme montim , $126,780 , Total debt , $1 .651,375,379 , of wimlcim $590.134,101 era certificates and treasury hates offset by an equal ammiount of casim iii LImo treasury , Cash iii the treasury is classiiieti as follows ; Gohil , $139,606,354 ; silver , $501,035,450 ; paper , $122,914,759 ; general eceonmot , disbursing officers' balances , etc. , $16,197,739 ; total , $782,754,289 , agaimmst which there arti demand liabilities smnoummtimmg to $629,416,709 , leaving a casim balance of I5'J,33779 , of which $86,244,445 is gold reserve.mmlvicoc received today from time New York zubtrommammry state that $1,500,000 in goid was vitimtlrmmwp today for export , wimicim , with time $800,000 'itim- drewmn last Saturday , leaves the true tmnmoumit of time gold reserve today 83,014,445 , h.i'bor W'ill ii ? 'otmmimist.t Tominmy , 'WASIIING'I'ON , Jan , 2.-It is expected that time nomninatiotm of Colonel Cliodo Narmnmnhi Lieber to be judge advocate of tue army , to succeed Generni Swain , will be sent to omi. gress. Colonel LICier is at lmrceent mnctimmg judge udvuemtte generul , a PusutiomI lie hits lhhleii since 1b1. hiIImtii , , ( 'imihluig on time ( ireat Fmsi her. WAS1IINGTON , mu , -PrincIpal Chief Ilarnimi , lh'iegatemi lummcan amid 'I'lmomiminumi ( romim time Chierolcee luidummn naiiomm , m'eimresc'nt. ing the ( 'reeks. and several lndlammme ( coin time Indian territory t'ere mit time Interior departmncmmt today said bad an immterview with Comimmlssiommer of Indian Affairs Brown. immg. _ _ _ _ _ % 'IiL , lUIIN1SIL ( ltililN ShiEiS. Thmmnt is About ALL timogrlculimmriml Depart. immt'mmt Cmiii Io for Irnmtin Suifuunors. WAShINGTON , Jan. 2.-Secretary Marten - ton anti Cimlcf Clerk Mnccuaig of LImo Agri. cultural departinemit , both of whmoni are Me. braska mmmcmi , do not believe tlmat time die. tress 1mm timeir owmi anil adjoluming states ammiommmits to a fammiinme , miltimoughi they recag. miize that there is mmitmchm Sufferimig in that section oil ncceunt of short crops. Secretary - tary Morton is a rmr000ummced opponeimt of ammy exorcise of paternalistic fumictions by time govcrnmncmmt , but ho is doing all that lie can consistently timrommgh time depart- miment to relieve time want existing in Limo % vest , In a recomit letter aim time subject Chief Clerk Maccunig says : "Time departimmemit is iii realpt of several conimnummicatiomis from neprmmacmitative people iii time west , and also iii I ime ea'it , solicitimig aid fromn time department to time seeJing of time western ( arias in 'time spring , In all ClieS time writers vere lntormmnetl that time depnrtmnent wommid bo giad to Bend gardemi imjeds , stmcin as it imas fur , listrihimtimmi , to nil n.i'icnmts , froni droutim-stricicon districts , to iiilp tlmenm to at least do a little gardening - ing 1mm tile spring , amid thmo secretary has kindly . 'nulercd hits whole qmmoto. of senile to i , tc'ciy devoted to tue western llimerera if lists of mmarnes and mtmitireses mtrc m.emmt iO time dcpartmomit. 'rime quamitity sent to ea'iirnrsomm must necessarily ho email , hut the ntgregate , amounting to vr 2,000,000 i.aprrs f souls , judiciously nhistnib.mLol , cugint to ba of Bomb assistance next sdmmmmpr. This tloo.m hot , however , help timemn timrougli time winter. anti there is no doubt ( hat time pin' , iithropist will find mm. trmitf'jh field for clmaritabhe acts in this atliict'd Portion of our country. " . FEW CO4UlcEsSaliN I'IIESENj' , Not ; Ilimnumy of Ttionmm Liable to lie cnn hhmtmmd at limo .Semumloit 'l'otnorrow , WAShINGTON , Jan. 2.-Although congress reconvenes tomorrow there were only unit a dozen metmibera of the hmouso at. time capitol A today. Time fate of tine currency bill , debate oil wimiclm will be resumed tomorrow , was gen. emily discussed , Tumere is a prevailing immi- iimesmmiotm tlmmit a deimiacratic caucus witI be held , probably toummorrow iiigint , to comisidem' time measure , but no oiflclal action lookimig to that end inns been taken as yet. It was time purlase of time tlenmocrimts before tine holiday recess to bring time bill to a final vote omm Monday , but this is imow unlikely. Chairman Suyres of time appropriation corn- mittee expects to hmavo time bili neatly by 1 Saturday , amid the sutmdry civil bill comnploted about time middle of , moxt week. Mr. Sperry , a democratic limeniher of time banking committee , who line taken a great interest. 1mm time currency bill , hiss prelumred a aubstitute for it , providing for time funding ' of time grcenbocktm with a 3 men cemmt gold 'bond issimmi. Ills nubstitute , it is ummmieretooii , was submitted to Secretary Carlisle , and by time' latter laid before time inresidenmt this after. naomi. At'tJthl'itlA'j'ION vItL ao TimitoUGir , - Cockm'uul tmiticipittea to henious OppositIon to i umeomimo 'l'ax l'rnshsimn , , WAShINGTON , Jan. 2-Senator Cockreil , cimairnmmmn of time senate comnmittee on tip- proprIationmi , was at time capitol today. lie said lie ircbably would call time cotntmiittcii. together mcoim after time necomivening of congress - gross , amid that time urgent deficiency bill , wlmicii contains time provision for an appropriation - priation to put time income tax into effect , wouid lie taken up as sootm au practicable , Mr. Cockrell is not , appreimensivo as to tIme ( ate of thmi provisiomm , anii while lie does mmot 'I iiOlO that it wihi go thromigim time senate witim- out somno olmimooltion , he does not count aim antagonism sulilcient to mnateriaily delay limo huh , lie says timmmt tine effectual oplomiition to time appropriation of mnoney for time executlem , of any law would be most exceimtioimai , amid ime does xmot believe that any considerable miumnber of seimatrirs will engegu iii it , chimer In cotmimimittee or In time senate , whatever their convictions iii regard to time mnenitmt of tine lat' itself immay be. Mr. Coekrell thinks tlmmmt ' it is vrobabie that it may ha niaile time basis of a few siechmes in opiosltlomi When reported to time senate , but lie does mmot ceummt nupcim any- tIming like a fIlIbuster agalmmet it , hniemmr I IlSpmturs lhimvi , mm Grinynminee , 'Vb'4'tH11INGTON , Jan. 2.-Secretary Cur. lisle tomorrow will give a. imenrlnmg to mm. ' comimmnlttee of time Sugar hmimportermi' mmssoclmt- tion of New Yam-ic on mievemni custoitma quns. tlonmi inflecting their imiterosts , Once of hit , qmmestiomimt to be argued will ho timat at deter- mumming time vmnltme of hiumjsrimI smmginrmt , 'fhimi lnreseimt 1mw Sixes aim mu valoremn rate , timid lii mu case iii time 'uhtmu of time hmmgmlr to bt , i'tted lower thmimmi time invoice price , It will be cotmteimdeti that iii nmmnmmy cmtmies tim invoice prIce is higher timmmmm Limo 1101am isrtiie test would wnrrant , q'ime COrnnhittee will mnmik timuit some unlorni mmietimomi ci detem-muimihumg value lie mt'Iupted. , Amnommg Lii immiortep'n V sviio will be liresemit mite ( Jeum'gm' hmlob'i I ) . cimmtlrmnmnmm , amid John Furr'l , mst't'rctury ef limo comummnittctm , 4 oimimigm , fur limo ithiumlhm , WASIIINGTON , Jnmmm , 2.-A mimntenment ( is- anmemi by thin director of tIme mint shows time coinage at time mints of time United States durIng lecemmiber to hare beumi * I,156G03 , or which $2,072,012 it'amu goimi , $ l.270,0'8 sliver mimmil siii.sii : mnitmnr coins , Of time mihlyem coined 12f.0Ull wim' in stummdmrml dollars. I n tmm'i CImlmilcr Il'llrcmm. tlINu'roN , Jan , 2. Colonel (3. ( 'hard. lii , . , mnialsiumot liuartemmnmuster gemmerah , lime licemn imiuccil cit time retimed list , i'rsklcim I imi i I'm , . I mimitsi , 'rs ii i l' Ix imI rum g , WAShINGTON , Jan , 2-TIme ternms of 135 Inreeldential inoetuumaatera ivill expire liurin thIs immommtlm , -V _ _ Oregon itidney Tea cures all kidney train. bhes , Trial size , 5 cemite. Alt druggists ,