Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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    . - . " . . . . ' , . , . " . . . . - . " " . , . . , . - " " , . . , . ' " , . , , .iIoMiIt.- , " , ' ' ' . _ rii ; " , ; : , Iih' : . ; ; ' p. , . "
t , : . . TiE : 'Olf.UIA D. TL Y nEE : 'rJllTnSl Y , , T ANU AIry 3 , 1S ! . J
F r E3A ! OMAHA . - _ - Dii1y13ir - : - ,
: : . nost'sv.rtn. r.dltor.
\ . E _ _ . .TIm. . r. I.or.
t.- = - : - = - - - - : : - :
' , PISUT.1SIt1.D 1W1RY : .
r : N1I.tsnrD .nNlo.
' nmMB OF tnscnit'Txo.
. , 0,1 , flee ( Without Sundey ) . One Ycar . . . . 8 0
IlIy nnd t3Undy uno Year . 1 00
Ualy lte yea. . . . 100
. f1 Monlha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I (
' , . . . . . . . . to
'hr onUs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
t fund" , : Jet. onll Onp Ylnr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
. . . . . . , . . . . . . . .
fAhIIA ) ' Ipe. Ont 1nr . . . . . . . . . . 1 to
'Veeklr 11e. One ienr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G
. oF - 1icIs .
. Or-I'ICIS.
Omnl.e. . The fl . . l3ulkltng.
. . Bouth Omaha , f. Hlnler Iflk. . Cor . N nnd 21h Sls ,
' ' Counci lula , 1 Imtl Rueel.
2 ' . Chlel Olilee . Z7 Chnmh ot CGmmerc
t' New York Homa , 1 1 end ' 5. Trlblne Dldg.
Vahtngton 107 F Btrect . N. W.
, cOnnr SlONf NCt.
w All communltnUona relnUng tt news and edl-
'y bunt matter ahould he a.14rCMecI : To the Idllor.
, , All buolncu letters nnd remi lances should be ,
- ' Iddrcssed 10 The Iea Iuhlohlnl cm\'nny.
t Om hd flrafti. checks and po.tolco orlers to
; b made rtiyntle tn the ord.r or the eomp"ny.
- , .
- - -
( leorRe 01. Tzschuck. , cr.lnr ot The leo I'ub-
lohlng cOI\Jny. \ , beIng duly , worn . eay Ihnt
the nclunl number ot full nod complete copIes
V. ; or the P31y Morning ivenlng end lunlbJ lIce
\ Jrlnted durIng the month ot No\ ' mber. 1591. was
l follows :
I. . . . . . . . . 2,8C' IC . . . . . . . . . ' .SI
I. . . . . . . 2lS7 fl . . . . . . 21,160
. . . 17. . . 21.G
3. . . . . . . . . . 21,285 1. . . . . . . . . 22lto
4 . . . . II.t2 1' . , . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . .
4. .
. . . . . . . . . 2.IH
t. 6. . . . . . . . . 21,137 2) " ) . . . . . . . . . . 1t1
' . 8. . . . . . . . . 21Ij3 21. . . . . . . . . 20,1..0
' . . . . . . . . . :1,260 12. . . . . . . . . 21,434
8. . . . . . . . . 31,2 28,0:8 2. : . . . . . . . . 2,2 ' 1
/ D. . . . . . . . . 21,53 : 24. . . . . . . . . 20.1
20. . . . . . . . . 21,40 2 . . . . . . . . . 21.9
. . . . . . ' 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
2. . . . . . . . . 2,4S' 26. . . . . . . 20,121
12 . . . . . . . . . . 20,8'7 21. . . . . . . . 2',0" '
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I 33 . . . . 21.001 28 . . . . . . 10.3
. . . 28.
. . .
1. . . . . . . . . . . 2\001 . 2. . . . . . . . . 20,020
15 . . . . . . . . . 2,6jO 30 . . . . . . . . . . 10.9S2
. . . Tolnl , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . CG51 ducUonl : for unsold antI returned
J copies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,22
. . Total rotd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , f4q.372
- , . . . . . . . . . . . ,
. . .
' tlatIy average net circulation . . . . . . . . 21C1
fllOflGll : II. TZSC11UC1.
Sworn 10 before me nn.1 . subscribed In my presence -
ence this 3d day of Iecelher , IhD
. ( SMI ) N 1' . tI11b , Notary Publc ,
w. . , _ r
- T// InW.'T.IWluITl'l > 1UII'OIZTS.
Full , accurate anti critical reports of the
proceedings of the legislature will appear In
the columns ot The flee from day to dny.
Al questions and measures will hc discusse
end treated from the standpoint of the ma-
' : terial welfare of the state and for the promo-
Jon of good government. The Bee will com-
meml what It beleve worthy of praise and
. condemn what It believes to bo detrimental
to the public good , J goes without saying
that The nee wi print nil the news worth
I reading and proposes to Iteep Its patrons ad-
vised of every movement at the state capital
I Insldo ( and outside of the halls of legislation.
In procuring the news and all the news The
l . Dr will spare no cxpense. I will not be
, confined to one wire but wi have the use of
as man ) ' wires as the telegraph companies
c , cn place al Its command In any , emergency.
The Iltcllmtell ( sClntO'lnl COl test has
, been dec1led oft' .
Tile Inn who his "sworn of ! " Is just
now " (1l'3' luch ill evldelce ,
, 'hc nrett Scott tragedy Is tle\'el-
oplu Ilto I th'PIIlll IJ'stcrJ' _
ehrlslm changes rulers todny The
king ) Is dCld ; long live the king !
. S I Is the year 1S9 ! ) ; , but , people will
keep rIght 01 dltug : their letters 19 ! ! .
, '
: Chancy 1ohm"s nnme will be mIss-
Ing on the new bond or State Trens-
\'er Bartloy. :
: No ole else cnn pollt ) to I New Ycnr's
gift similar to that receIved bJ' John M.
; Ti1tlt'tOl1. : It Is nt once Invaluable und
unit1iie. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The chlhbe' In the state house set
, upm' fet the lieutenant overnor will
not be used lS nn oil room durIng the
present sessIon.
Judge Scott ought 'to he satisfied with
the vindication received '
lcnton ft'om hIs fellow
judges nntl send hIs resignation to the
l governor without further delu ' .
Now that all the provIsIons of the
new tariff are In force there Is no .
, . longer InJ' excuse for further delay : lu
t 801tll ) on those promised good times.
, Omlhl has now n new chIef of its
fire tlelJ1'tmelt She expects n great
denl from hIm amid hopes sincerely that
site will limt'o no cause for dlsnppolnt-
: ment.
. The Ull l States senate mnles 'IP
Its own CJllllllitteeS. The eblBlm
selnto hlB for sevet'ai 'elrs PISt IHn'-
sued time same policy , anti it should coma-
tuttle to tlo so. '
, It Is to be noted that ! several Ilrom-
r meat leaders of the democmtc Ilrt '
'We'O conspicuous ] ! by their 11lSeUCo fl'om
; - President Ciuvelamiti's olclnl New
' -
Yetr ' . -
Yelr's : l'eCIIIUol.
, .
Peter Scimw'emmchc for the Slate Board
or 'rl'IUSpol'tltoU ! 'myimy not ? Peter
I Is just the kind or n 111 that would
have time nerve to hrenk all the com-
i nallmelts nt n Illglo bOl1t1
: i Why shoull tIme legislature of 18f :
, go hlCI ) , fi' Is l'ull'S to 1&0 lusteatl ( of
UtlOIItlg the. rulls of 180 wih such
e , Uolfl'l tous II woull sug cst tiiemn-
. selves suet' nmatuire '
nft' mi consideration
. A joint commlteo of both houscs of
the legislature ou I't'lef leglHlntol to
CXlltlto ) time eUlchulut into Inw of time
mOHt fensibh' mmn'ustire for
fmudhl' ml'lS1'O ; nlevlatlg
' dlltreSI ill tIm tluthsh'lelwn section
, ,0111 lo li O'tl l ? I' ,
'J'ho ! coulcl co 1m I 1'lS should hot bo
: Oi'gtllII'/.ed on the IIrtRI1 ) baHIH ) , hut
c wih f ylew to time II'omotun of good
f' go'erlmlmmont Ill II the Ilten'st of time
tlXn ) 'el' ! ' 1'11 ltZl'IR or Ollha care
. verr little \VILL't hoc the t'hah'lll or jimmy
cOllltt.o II 1 rt'llhlcal O' a demmmo-
. crt , hut tiloy want tim ltSStlt'amlCe that
n mnn II 10t 1 holel' .
? Nt'hl'\slm ) : olll'll ) ( thin 10W year ly )
t1'I11hhll the sensation of time tImy : In
. tim Hu'I'et : 8eott. tragedy . Ono Incident
L or this kInd In n year , iioivever , w1
} ) mOl'o than nn nllllo slmiiiCiL'l1L'y. I
\ iiI tilIn unlmlh'tl Ilel'lotl of good
lleuwlor ) to wIpe out the blot U(01 ) the
relltlUOI of hcr 11101110 IS la.w'lblllll
sin ! ! w'obsel'yln citiseims.
\ 010 or time most NucccRsful e\olllg
10WIIIIIIlI'8 In the counh' Is the Ohl-
. CILgO iiiuIi. Ilwlll nil limo now ft.
cllle ! whIch time A"soelltetl II' Hf-
torts , ] 1 'lnl cai't'fuii nteltol to local
1r arrairs. amid being tilvnys brIghmt alc '
Irllls. tntl belnIlwlrs , siiCY )
Intl clln , time MII cljO1 n large Ill
" deserved 1WILlIltrit3' . Iltl n Ibel'll mcns-
. Lire or lu'osllel'I ) . I occupied I trw
J lu Chicago Journuldt
- .
- - -
Cimss .OM :
Congress will reule work { Olny.
tl the h01111 tle\nto 01 the CUfl'cney
hi " 1 hI contnJlI , Ind I Is cx-
Ilrtltl ( thnt n vote on the men8urc will
he rcnehed ncxt ivi'ek. Alon those
hl't Informell mis to the } re\nlnj son-
tment It Is believed thnt It will not III R
the house , but ) \1 \ time event oC its ntlOl1-
tel hJ' thnt. hotly ' It will certainly he
tleCentcII Ill the elntc , There has Ieemm
8010 talk nbout nn nllllenl to time me- ,
111ilcun ) ! to Present n curreC ) ' bill ,
hIlt It Is not II'oh:1Ie thnt this , w1 he )
tit > iii' , nor Is It 1'el ' that the repumi-
Icnls Will vollltnrl- offer a mensnre
oC theIr . OWI , II'ufelln/ leave time
1II't ) In Ilowel' to denl ( wih this sumli
ject ns It dId ( with the tariff , without
rClluhlcnn lueij I Is salt that the
II'ehlelt ( luis about given imp hope oC
getting nmiy ndeunte ( Innnelll legl8ln-
ton frolmu thIs congress , nnd thcl'o Is
talk of un extra session or the Plr-
fourth eOnll'ef ! to he called early In
time RII'hl ) to cOlsllcr the clinele )
( ltmeSthOfl. Ho far ns time republicans
II cOI/ress 1\0 COICt'IWtl , lhe ( ' will
to lothhl ) to force nit extra seslsol ,
but time of the ' ' '
eXllelcleH h'eIRI' mny
leCesllte It If lothlng Is done to mc-
hove thtm ! It the . IlleSelt SesShOlm. The
sluntol Is cel.tnlll ' Ruch lS to cnURe
solicitude , nltllt ( Is hot nt all SI'1rI811)
tl lelll lhnt : the cOlthlUetl ( ( eXCeSS oC cx-
llltlures ) O\'e' the reeelilts of the
! O\'tl'llelt amid the cOltlued depletion
of the ohl ' ' ' time ntl-
o gold reserve are causing . -
mlllstmtol great nlxlet . 'fho tress-
u1t.y gold Is 10W dowl helow ) $0,0,00 )
Ultl : wih . 10 Il'oHllec ) If 11) Immaterial
dUlle for the better . during the Ilxt
few l0lths imnotlmer Issue of bondR (
seems hw\'llhl ) ! . So far the demo-
cmats II congress . lizivo showl theIr
tItter hlcullc ! ) to t1eul wih this prob-
lemma , 111 there Is Ito reason to expect
lllt they wi 1111IOve ) ill the two
mitontims t tha : I'elmll oC timis congress. '
Time Nicaragua . calul bill has the
right of ivmy : II the senate Iltl ( Its COl-
slleratou wl he resulwd , Senator
? IIIIUI : , who hIlls chlle of It , IIVII
Il'elllell ) ( I RIecch II l'elll to the 01- ]
IlosltOI ) to the ltasme which It Is
understood he will deliver at once. The
chnlllll of time . comlltee Oil 1111110'
lrilttiomms , Senator Cockerili . IR RaId to
ho very Ilxlous to push forward time
urgent tlefclelc ' bill . . whIch cOltnlls
the 1IIII'ol1rlatol ) for l1ttl Ilto ef-
feet time Ilcome tax Ild It Is quite
Ilosslhle thIs may dlRlluce the cUlul
hUt I Is clearly indicated that the
Income tnx nhhrolriatiomm encoul tel
vigorous and determlued opposition. A
numbe' of republican senators who ale
olosed ( to the tax 01 ' 1Jlnclple will ama- .
tnonlze the 1111rOrlatol , more for
the purpose , however , of eXJlnlnlng .
what they regard : ns time attitude of '
their ] art : ' tlnn to defeat action . on
the lull. The Belnte rellblcns dId
not dIscuss the income tax provision of
the tUllr bill when It was before thlt
body , thongh with few exceptIons they
voted ugnlnst It They fee now thnt
time tmo has como when It Is due to
themselves that time country should
lulerstn1l what their Joslon Is. Qn
time democ1tc side time New York nll
New Jersey snators , with one 01 two
others , are oPlosod to time tax and mains
vote lJtIIRt ' an : np ) roprlnton to gIve
It elect but these will be offset by re-
Imblcnns who will vote for time Ilpro-
1)l'itttlOfl. I Is not expected that the
bill wl bo defeated , notwHhstmuln )
time IlnOUnCe determination or SOln- : :
tor Quay und one or two others to
"tnlk I to detth , " but n protracted debate -
bate will precede final action on the
BesIdes the appropriation bills , most
of whIch have not been acted upon by
the house and 10ne of whIch hlvo becl
consIdered hy time senate there are sev-
oral subjects of Imllortulce cmbl'lced
lu time 11rogrm of thIs congress whIch
It Reems probblo wlfl not he reached ,
or at itimy rte acted upon. Indeed , It
Is Y iry likely that nothllF imiore will
bo tOIO than to Ims the npproprlnton
bills. _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _
11 < TflCOiIES Ul"SC01' IZs'.T UNCTiON ?
Uldor time rules eRtlhlshed by time
district court In confollty wih stutu-
tory provIsIons whIch ll'ohlhlt 010 dIs-
trIct judge from reversIng IIY declslou
rellel'ed by luoth0' district judge . time
jutes of this district W0'O II'ohlhled
fl'om utludlcntl ( ) clses thut 1111 been
Imssed upon by 1ny one or theIr nlu-
19cr. I Is also time cstnblshetl rule or
thIs district that the jude to whom
the cllmlnul docket Is Isshnet Rhal
nHentl to crlmllul court buslless ell ' .
'rhe rules cstuhlahed hy comts for theIr
own glllllco arc just lS bIndIng Ul101
t'uch h\ll'lluul jtulgo lB they are ulon
mnemmul > ers of thQ 111 1I'ICtsllg before
twl' cours , Intl lS l'O time rules es-
tlhlhwd 1)3' lutolul IUl state hegisims-
ttmres their lmlemmllors niati olileemu.
tn'es upon membe's IUl otcerl.
'Uut CUlnluhnm n. Scott hUH btcn 1
law unto hhnRtlf ever Blnce ho has oc-
dulled the dlHl'lu ielmehmVhmhle ) act-
lug us jtidge or time cl'lmlnal : tlvlHlon ot
thIs IIHl'lct ho hlK l'ellel ) tetly11'IIll !
time powerB \'HtCt In time other judges
of the tlHh'lct In vlolnton of the rulc
whIch were lawfully tstnhlshetl for hIs
One or the most Illrnut of these who-
Inton ! of time ruleR , IH wcl UK oC time
Sl1h'It of thc law- ] , that Il'ohlbls one district -
trlct jUtlge fl'om arrogating to h\ustlt
nllllcllto 110Wtl' ! WIS colmmlnit ted hlHt
week b ) Judge cot when ho stellllti
fl'om the cl'lmlUI } honch Into the equity ,
court amid glntct U rtstllnlng om'iiot' ! .
1)5 whIch time decIsIon or Judge Il'rlor.
In the Shl'mln uvcnuo paving contract
cnse : Wil rc\'orstll. Time jUtles or thc
district comt . , lt their New Yenr' tlimy !
seslon ) , hl\.e orllcr"tl that time cuse be
tnlu flwlmy from Scot t and romnlHlctl
fOl' hel'hl l\fO'u \ one of the jUtlgt'1 of
time eul ) cotii'ls.
Now , time Il eston is . whnt hecomrl of
time Injunctol h ) which thc jUtlclll
usurper haul ted the wiing hands : of
time Board of Public WO'kH. Iltl thus
IU'e\'ontetl ) thc letting of tim contract
( or time 8hlrmnl avenue plvomelt to
time lowest . hhlll'l' ? lutlgo lCeysor had
Ih'clt techlell tUt time lettl of time .
contlct WIK regular , Ild that time city
amid the 1I'Ollt'l't . ) oWlers on Shermnl
lWCIUO we1.0 t'mmtitied to the bel.fl oC '
time lowest hId. Now , Innsmuch lS time
court hns l'emutlctl time . case . hl'olght !
before Scott to the equity court , und 10 !
dIstrict Judge calm , under tie rules , I'C- j
. . '
" " - - : ! ft ' ' 11'
verse .Tut c Kt'sor. 18 l not the Inj\H.-\ \
lon practically dlfRol\cd , nml IR not thc
Board of Puhlc Works nhsoh'ctl ( fmomum I
8113 ' urther rest111t In tlolnj its duty
\1111 tile orders or the mayor ntl coun.
cl ? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A "I.N ; (118 i'IlUI'OSITtO. '
'rhe nnomnlous contllon of thc nn-
tioli's tntces : amid the I apparent lwlll'
lessless of the prcseut nthllnlHt\ton
to tlevlso nlt nlllllf the rClcIIJ' IU1e :
nltu\I ) ' called forth n ( 'onHllrhle
lumher of Insenlous llrollRltolt whIch
theIr authors feel commfitlt'nt would , If
mlollted , restore the natonnl curl'n ' to
a normnl colmiitIomm. ( Of these IlrOI0RI-
tons hone that Wo have fl'l1 Is quie
so bolt ntl ( . seif . assertive nR that which
hiss recently beel I\lmncet by ; 1' . 1i.
ward AtkllROI o [ Boston I II 10th-
lug less thnn that time ummoumeyed mon
nnd hnnl'ers of the COlllmtI'5 Rhould ,
wihout wntlng for curlUh'e legislation
or nimy Idul , lIUI'SUO n lloll ' intended
to HO emhl'I'uSS the secretary of time
trclsur ) ' ns to force hIm to fund nit the
outstllln ) legal tendl'l Ill'S Into
bOldl ( Hllllr to those he hnR been Is-
suln/ from tme to tune to relll'ullh the
gold reserve. He urges the hlJlwr8 :
to ignore l COIII'CSS IHl time federal
ulthorltes , lul tnl\n : time mnter into
their own hnnds to thl'enten the coumim-
try with I HUHllenslol of gold treasury
iflYlimOmmtS ) uut theIr demnltls shnl
hl\e heen met
Mr. Atidumsomi's idea , whIch , hy the
Wt ' , hns received ( tile ( lunhiiied approval
of ole 01 two newSIIIIH ) of Illuelce ,
hillY he sUlnuu'lzell tIUI : 'he gl'ente'
IIrt of the tlell\l ohlgltous of the
gO\'ellent cOIRIt oC $ l5UOOKO ( ) ( ) of
the legal tentle' notes or 1Sl 1111 nil.
Ili'oxllltel ) $ :00,00.00 or uotes II-
sued \utel' the Bland nUtl Shtt'I\\
IIWR : , Against . thc latter time tm'easuiry
hells sll'c. hulon or colnetl sl\'e' dol-
Inr plrchlSetl : In l1t'COLlllulCe ( wih the
Inw. .gU118t the legal tl'utlt'l' noteH
the h'eusl' ' II supposed ( to hell 1 gold
t'eler\'e of mioooooooo , but ns the notes
lu'e : reissued wheu retlecnld this re
. .
serve Is roSily nt the Je'Cr of the note-
itile18. ( ( Time notes cau : be l'l'lssued
otmiy I lu ilmylmmelmt of the lelilate and
nuthorlzctl eXlJltllres or the federal
JOYel'nlent _ PreHllclt Ce\'eln11 haR ,
10'cOyer , Illlclr eXll'lsSel his deter-
mlnaton to sell honds lS oen nnd
\\'henevel' the gold reserve apll'oacheR )
wlmt he cOllllm'l the dUI el' polut
I now the hanl'el'l wl gather toether
the legnl teuder notes tumid 1l1ISent them
l'epcltctly and cOlstant ' for reteJp-
ton In gold the " wl force the con
tnue IssIe of bOltls uut the whole
l56OOOOOO In legal temider notes shnl
have hcen pled ill ) In the treasury '
shuplJ' becnuse the go\'et'lJcnt hus mme
legltmnte object of eXl1eH1ure through
'whIch .thel- reIssue cnn he electet1
Wheil that l'esul shul ha\'e been ob.
tnlned : the bonded debt or time Unitl
States w1 have been Incl'ensed by a
sum not much less titan : 5OOOOOOOO
nnd the will have llecn
currency wl ) con-
trcted to the extent of m85OOOOOOO.
"In the interval clearing h6nse certf-
cates , checks and other forms or cur- .
i'elmcy whIch are 10t a legal tender , hut '
whIch have often ' beelsel to , n very
great extent will conthm to ' serveS ;
theIr purpose ' wherov ' there Is" simf-
fclent cal for them. "
This Is In poInt or tact n description
of time 1'1CCeSS whIch has been goIng 01
In n slow amid immoderate way for n year
toast Time gold whIch has been withdrawn -
drawn fl'OU the treasury has for the
most part heen exported , but It hiss
beeu used JC'elr to preserve the gold
whIch the banIs have been holdIng In
theIr VIUlS Then by exchuughl
theIr gold for bonds the ' have sub-
stlntal ' fnnded the legal tender notes
originally In their possessIon. The
banks have not even stopped hore. !
Since the iust issue of bOlds , for which '
the ' lulounced theIr r mlness to supply -
ply thc uccessnrJ' gold wihout cnmng
UpOI thc treasury for a single dollar ,
there hlvo heen between ten amid
twelve 1110ns of gold wltlllwn from
the federal treasury ioy time rctlempton :
or l'eolbacks more , than : hayo been
exported to other countries. Should
thIs conUnue n lew bOld Issue beforetime
the present congl'eHs : adjourns would ,
not bo n very great surprise , If It Is not
hlleel expected hy those who are ,
fortifying . timemimsels'es wih time tres- ; .
ury's lol1 Time trouble Is that 10 s\ch
Hrstel was ever contel111lted h ) ' the
litis' lowever deh'nble it mmmay ReCI .
to some to retire the legal telder mmotes
the ohltemton of * : i5ooooOoo , of cm'
relcJ' 1y nn , extmu-legmul ] I'oceetlng
wihout Rultutng Ilrthlng for It
would be It shock that time IIHllcss of
time country would wih 11lculr ivitim-
stund. The cry Is thlt the greenbacks
lust go. I they lust go whIch Is
10t rot : umuilversaliy coimeedeti . let them
IO nccol'tlng to PI'O\1810n of ll' IHI :
hot In vlollton of time iumtent 11 } purposes .
poses of tll' itsi' : :
Tilt ; "UUMTfU 1'1 nm1. "
At time o\'elhm' eecton ! there wns
Hllmltell to the votem's ! of New York
City . lirooklymm nntl I lulhtI' of coim-
tigiloims town the ( imest1omm ot Colisohi.
t/uous ! tl\ltOI ctll-
dutn : ) these separate lullclllltcs
Into one , thct'lr ) Cl't'uthll time Htontl
city of the wO'll In Juln ! of hopuIa-
tiomi. . 'l'he II'OIH'8llon cnll'll. ( Ilt I
wl ho 010 of time dutt1 of the icgls-
latl'o of New York to II'ovl1 ) for
carrying the w1 of the people Into
elfl'c. nOVel'lO' Murtol refers to thIs
Iule' Ill hll Inuu1nl nl1rell Ill
HUgt the CI'CI tun of a colllslun
of cnlnhle ) cltZllH to bo chnrgul wih
time IWtI' ) . nlt tlulr of fl'lJlng n chnr-
Ill' for the govem'mmnmeumt of the lew cl . .
( nllouhl'll ' time Huhjeet w1 rec'Ive
tlc early ntulton or tIme Il'glslntl'l
fOI' time 11l01110 ) of New York City mite
\'CI'r anxious tu have ( 'ollnllnl'tl the
WOII , or creating n " ( imemmtt'r Nosy 101'1' "
nnll wi l'Xt'I't thellwh'ts to push it.
'l'ho electors of Broohiyll gave I HIII
IUJOl'lr 1JlhlHt time 11'011011,1111. lS
dll thoHu of I few or time .lulll' t\18 ,
Ill It Is IllHRlhlo ) thnt thiom'e IU ' ho
lll0 011108llou ] fl'ol hose qUlrtll'l
to h'Jhllnt l for / I'hlt'lt.t't to time
pOlllllr ) wl , hit thll w\ lUll ) he
m fOlulllhlo UH to lel'loUil ) ' Iltl'rII'o
with the mmecessai'y le lllutou , 10 thnt
time Cl'IUtol or I great immtlmlieipiuhity ,
hl\'lul 1ot loss thul t : ,00.00 immimu Ii.
Illts , CUl lnel ) ho J'/IU'th'll nl emily
1 qUlHtOU or timime. Wlll Jhn Ii UC-
. .
e ' . b ' ' 'n . 11" - . " I' n
- - -
rOllllhdll'tl 1111 ; 'wi bo heft \11 be-
hlll nlll lhp Il\ city wi cOle wlhll
uhout : of 1.oimdon .
1'Wr I' 1.11101.
For iIi01lkMlui fen 'lnrl the ecol11
greatest cNltN' or 1IIIulntol In the
'YO'll has Twi the group oC mmmumiicl-
imlities. w111 ' constltuitc'
111tl'R s / practically ( onsttutt
(1110 city , RItltl It thl' Uilltl oC the
II1l ol mivj ' . _ Time greater he : of
Pails lutl iL ; close rivalry of BCI'11
1111 ( mmumtomi1hmI\yii . \ 11 thl Ilhlcl or imoiium-
Inton oC tlmO-VoL'hi'S forelost cities , hns
hlcl a tcUnlJ dlo to the eutrel ' mar-
bitrary tl'Sslou s bet weel con t uoUR
luulclnltht1 ) ! Nouv the Plletl States
nltl New YOI'IOnro : to obtain credit for
the true size 0 the IwtrolHlR of the
.new world , . Tle nrll : thnt will he . eimi-
braced II I Uew mlllcllll1 II
a1i.ii Slitliil'C I les , wlhlu I mllus
or sixteen . immlhi's or the Il'csent New
York city huh. 'l'ho ! Ills oC thIs
Greater New . York will include , he-
stiles the city proper slid the county of
Kimmgs. In which Is the city or Brook-
hyti I , the towus of WClfchcl'r. Plush-
lug . Newto\1 amid , lnlllcn , 10lg
hdnll City 111 111't8 or the towns or
Iust : Chester . 1elhnl amid ilelumlsteud. :
'l'imero woull ( thus he gl'OUI1tlultlel ole
ntlululsh'utol whnt constuto nt lmrcs-
emit three cOIUtuS , 11nltl Of two comiti-
tl'S. three cities , tWeen tOWI ! harts
of three townH nud 11Jl'Oll villages.
It Is Iule conc l\lhle. II view of the
Jltl . gl'owth of Amerlelu cties , that
: t cily mutate In thIs - ' i'ltim-
I cl mltle imp w-miy might wih-
II 1 few tllcllles rival the clalmH of
101101 ( to the largest mUllcl111 901am-
In tel In the ii'orld.
'Iwthcl' thIs Illnl of cOlsollluUol
will be to tht' henef ! oC time several
cOlluJltt's whIch now ha\'t iimiciemmd- ( ,
lUt IIJIl111 ) IO\'CI'llelt II lllrhnllf n
dllltlhle ) Iulston. ( ) I Is Ilosslhle thnt
the snlllu' ' nnl Illce ) ns wol ns the
Ice \mlcal : Iltel'ests of the gl'ent area
concel'uetl woull he henllh'll , blt n
yel'J' great lent ( would . dt'iend UOI the
l11tclel' of the city ) O\'el'nlent Cel-
taimmly the lleullle woul ] gaimi nothll )
It the ' wel'e subjected to such au : ad-
Ilulltm ton of ulnh'l lS : New YOlk
CltJ' hilS . suffered fl'om durimig thc past
twemmty ' ' , itimd thIs Is . '
'eals Ill n. dnmmger
itiii'liys to he ippreimcmmded. There wl
ho n hroatlel' leld II whIch to practice
l'OllUlltOI. Ill there wl he no lack
or thole wlln to IIJclce It Never- .
timeless the . lal.llg or time secold city
or the world IH an interesting fne or
he I tles , 111 Its COISUnln ton Is to
he hOed for.
I Wns certainly eXl11tonll that
along the New Yells hOIOI'S bestowed
hJ' the British : O\'e'IIlnt not ole
peU l e Is t , 'ti , fOi I d. This Is ex-
plullct bJ' thai fact that 1011 nosebel '
would not Immiluilgo In that IIColsIHtelc '
hlyolved II th'i : ni hOIOl' whIch I
Is time 110Ic"pf his Ilnlstl ' to abolish.
Pl'om time .1'lctn polmmt or "Iew , how-
ever , such zL11woedumme ; ; woull be quite
warranted bY ) t ! t2ircuiimistamices. The
pllme ) miniiitr { would he expected to
take timings ttshie ; found them , und to
follow estabifhei , ? l custom so long as
time law rirnaIims ! l1chalged. Time
house of Lords will no doubt 10t feel
'the lack or n'cw' hdll enl to its mem-
hershlp , ' yet , tho"tore. . refusnl to create
now peegesbrimgs"it 'JO nearer .ts ,
' .
end. < . _
, 'henevC' It comeS to any pIece or
news or the first magnitude you can rest
assured thlt Time . Bee hns mme rival In ,
th'ese Ilrts. Time exhaustive report ot
time Barrett Scott tragedy publshed ox-
elusively In The Bee was trlnsllted
by ole or its reportorial stafT , who heft
Omull wihIn In hour Iner the first
report of the work of time vigilantes had
been fashed over the wIres. Time Bee's
representative held time wIres between
Omuha amid O'Ne1 for three hours lust
nIght and kept nt hIs post unt : 2
'o'clock In time mornIng. I'-lltler 111-
tcUI'S will le publshet just IS rapidly
us Iuthenlc Informlton reaches O'Nol
from time slerll amid lb ; posse , who are
In pursuIt of the vigiiammtes.
Mnyor : IJemlH scores 1 good poInt In
hIs Inslstcnce upon t'commonmy . timid 10'
t'enchment by the 10W city coummcih. . :
Every COrIOI'nton ] ) IUd O'm' ' hll1.llull
IH CUrllllJ cxpelt1m'es whereyer pos-
sIble. Of com'HO thel should le no
unlcceHsnl' ' cl'lppllg of the C 11blc
service by a lJnn ) wIse and pound ( fool-
Ish pole ' , hut eve'y llrol1Rllol for
ext1vn/nlt 0' uncnled for outlays of
tiny 11blc money must he tl'owned
down fl'om the start. l collmy mURt
he the wn tchwO'tl II O'el'r deII'tment ]
of local govelment dmllJ time comllg
'CU1' . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'he keynote for time rCIHhlcnn baum-
quiet : Nomllnte clean mel for otco
nul elevate time standard of the pnrt
f ; that It can truthfully boast of thc
imigim chl1cter , ulselllh devoton to
prllciplo nimi un\lemll \ ) iimtt'grity of
Its lentlO's IUll evemy IUI who holdH
I 110Hllon or honor nntl ( trust. Do uot
wOl'/hlp Hh'll e Illols , hut I.clp 01 : thc
st1lght unl ( IHTOW ] IHI or true 10'
IlhlcUIIHII ) ) , . ns haiti out 1)5 tIme fOIUle'H
of 'tho luirt , maid the pl'I ' wl ho In-
For emltzzlCJCltH slId dtfllcnlonB
time yt'l' which lana just ( 'OlClltlcd ( ( Wis
Il rccU'tl ii1'eitl'\i ! ' 1ho nJII'en : te cx-
coeds } 23OOOOO ( ) . whIch IH
ct'et1 $2OOOO. about $ 1O , -
01,0 ( ) 101'1 tln I vns . ftolun Ultl mimis-
UII1110111Itltl ( hy"thq It.fnullrs ( ( UII ) cia-
1l7zlols tlurll/ the yt'mtr 18BI : , which
St1JHst'd : hi YOUII'e } time losses by tIe-
fimicatiomm numd t'iubt'zzleuit'imt , or
tulalon nltl 'I It'ZZ'I\lt any
sllmgio year Hllcn 1878. 'J'hls IH t mOHt
Itrl'lll ] 1'oof ) o' "tii , Inl1ltuhlo dlcluo ( (
of hU81lCRH ) Iltellty In this clulh' ' .
'l'ho lellslntu ' ' . & IlnuJm'ntu 1
Jn1l'nl chnl/o Il the 11'lltlg or hills.
There Ii uo l'l'n Itr'h : " time state Hhoult
fm'O'el' COlthl ' hp Illmo ) ell forum of
sprent1ng ) time title of l huh on I whole
llJo nutl 111Itlg two 01 three lilies 01
nnotlr llUjl' slId then hnyc the bill
certified to as inensui-ing two ful } njlR.
'fhls II not merllJ' n client ulon time
state for tyIllellj ChlrjeR , hut also
II the qUlnttJ' or hIllier consulltl , be-
Ilh'l Iiehiigemy hlCOI'ullt'lt In the
rt'iIthIlIg of the bills nul him their fll .
\n \ othCl' iutmmtes the form amid style of
cOlgrefslolal : bills has heNl ntolltutl ! asa
1 immodel. Is It lot Ihout tme for Ne-
1H-flimiZt to ( olow the exnmple ?
ConIH'c8mnn Springer or 11101 ! Is
anolher lmllent HtntcSml1 about to
'be reth'ee rrom cOll'lsslolnl service
who CXIIlcs ) to he provided for by
1I'l'Rllelt Cleveland. I mIght not he
I bad idea for the present tlelocltc
COIJI'l'SS to limiss I Inw doubllg the
lullher of fetleml U\IIIOlltl't1 \ olces RO
that there wilt he l'lough Illncc to go
mml'iillml I lfer the .th day or March
, 'I'he alacrity with whIch Oo\'elor
Cl'ounse accepted the reslllton of
.hHIgo Holcomh and time IIroml1hwsH
wil which he nlmed hIs succeSOI'
mU11 llle Into cold shivers run down
time bucks or several gln temel who
were flm'hlj on hollng down Il 1IIIce )
on the district hench until the eXf I l-
thou or the orlglnnl term.
Mr [ . Bryan got Il huge 1njor1 . of
the votes Clst for llollulu' choice of
1Iletl States semmatom- nt tIme electon
lust ovemlt'I' , but that I : all the Sittii4-
flcton that he w1 he nhln to secure.
\ I. . 'lhl'stnn got the \'ote If lime mem-
hers or the lelslltl'l' , 1\11 : It Is legis-
Int\'e votes that coummit.
: chrlakl nlel lidPoor. .
New York World.
I Is welcome news that thc distress In
Nebraska Is nol n8 great 114 itvas deRrlbed
In the first rllll8 , and It Is nlso : plen8anl
to hear that Nebra9lut ptoposes 10 take care
of Amerlcnn her own iIrit. i1eCcSitie8. This Is the true
swill " ' 0 11\0 ni Extras fesloI ?
( ilobe-lemocrat.
Presllenl8 naturally dislike to cal In
exlra seflon It congreS8 which 18 oPlosed
to them In Politics . hut Mr. Cleveland may
hnve to do Ihls very thing next spring or
summcr This congI'ess. nt any rate , wi
enact mme Inuncal legislation . howevcr
urgently It be llemanled ,
leU.r for lilt Concerned.
Indlannpols Journal.
I cannot be regarded a a mIsfortune that
only 2.0 mies of railroad have been built
In the Unllell Slnles the past year when Il
18 considered hInt there are thousands of
miles that cannot earn more than running
eXleflSCM leaving the money Invested In
construction n dead loss. I hereafter rail-
rads are built with regard to their value
ns Im'cstments Il w\ be better for all con-
cerneI For branch lines and for the open-
lag of new territory Il looks 111 If the dcc-
Irlc raIlway would' son take tile ) eec-
Iho more expensive steam - railroad.
The HrmOl ) ' for 1.lclln (
Minneapolis Time"
As to h'nchlng. the only remedy for It Is
to be found In holding sheriffs to their dut ) ' .
Whenever n sheriff can ! relied upon to
shoot to kill In defense of I prisoner or of
a ptmblic building under his Charge the number -
bar of 1)'nchlnRs will begin to dec ! Ine as the
respect for law Is thus Increased by the
demonstration of Its power to protect men
who are In Its custody. I should be made
lhe duty or the governor to remove every
sheriff who allows I prisoner to be taken
from him or a public building under his
charRe. I every state wi enact such a
law there will be a large Increase In the
number or mobocrats shot by sherltrs. and
with It a marked decrease In the number of
jails taken by storm for the purpose of
murdering defenseless . prisoners.
California's 101"nz" 'Ings.
Chicago rc t
The death of ex-Senat Fair leaves
1aclmy the only survivor of the four
' . famous owner of the Bonanza mines.
The rise of the"e men to splendid fortune
was phenomenal In its day. although the
cast has furnished examples of sudden
riches far exceeding their In the last few
year Fair wan the best equipped of time
quartet In the beginning He was a civi
engineer of uncommon abity , 1ackay ran
a bearing house. Flood and O'Brien were
saloon keeper But once In business all
four developed extraordinary business acu-
men. I Is estimated that their mines
yielded not less tan $20,0,0. How It
wa spent the gossip paper of San Fran-
cisco. the records oC divorce courts and the
scandal of Paris .
monger - can atest.
Let " 1cbrRRII" ( :110 : for Uer Own.
Norfolk Journal.
Nebraska Is abundantly able to take
care of such of her own people
as are In want as a result of the
drouth and partial crop failure last sum-
mer. Such frantic appeals for alI a are
being trumpeted all over the east can only
result In Irreparable Injury to the slate
and should be Ilopped. Tile Journal cannot
speak for other sectons , but It knows that
northeast Nebraska hR' enough and to
pare arid needs no aid but must suffer
along with the rest of the tate because of
the unwarranted and sensational appeals
for charity that are beIng made. In the
eyes of eastern people any 11art of Nebraska
Is all Nebraska . and they will naturally con-
elude from what they hear that the entire
population of the state Is on the verge of.
starvation. For the god name of Nebraska
this extremely poor kind of advertising
should be stopped
The Coleo JuukcUUI Tour.
Chicago Recore ,
The presidents of the 1l ann colleges
would have done wisely to Incorporate In
their new rules regulating athletics an-
other rule respecting the growing practIce
of sending college students out through the
country on foot bal or glee club tours. The
new regulations do to I certain extent ,
tend to restrIct exhblton ! gaines but tile
offer imo abatement of the abuse In { ther
Apparently It has yet to be brought home
to the college IlrfeSors ) thal the custom of
sending college students forth on fet bal
and flee singIng expeditions Is both undlg-
nile and Injurious.
Unless time Ihu e Is done away wIth the
time Is coming when parents. on their own
imeimaif . will come forward wih a mrOteSt.
I may be a good timing for a young man
to take ills Interest away from ) lls studies ,
put him In a sleeping car witim.ji. number
of his comrades and let him go traveling
over the country to secure ndulalon and
extensive advertising for his college .
But Bober-minded Ieople who know tile re
stIlts In Individual eases will not bo likely
10 think so _ _ _ . _ _ _
TIlE " 'UI Ill' TIl .
MInneapolIs ' 'rlmps
The globe lke all the universe
That mills the niche profound ,
Whirls on , us endless cycles tick
Is hlgh-lflolnletl round.
The Must of need Is laid on 1an ,
lie meets It wllh n Will.
Their contact brings forth Fate : and Jack
"And Jill went UI" the imIlil"
Oh , baseless fabrics of the sIn
Oh ) 'outh'/ enchanted lands I
Wimat castles made of dreams are reared
On ancy's hlfUng slncsl
A while an Eden Is the lot
Of every lon all daughter
Eve gives unto the world. 'fhey went
"To fetch a Ial of water "
What are we hut the to)1 of Pate ?
Dark courses In Om sky
Map out to Erimdition's : gaze .
"hell suns lived hut 10 tile :
Yolelloes yawn und jibe nt Jll
ills mock's the eartitqtmaku's laughter.
Then "Jack fel down and broke his crown
And Jill came tumbling r4fLer. "
Each heurt some trace of Ngypt has
'here ruiims , deserts lie ;
Anti o'er them all the SJh'nx looms UII
" 'Ih Its eternal 'Vhy ;
Perhaps the hill the pall vent up
'Val a tank built hY the town
And , scared to d atil they ( cared its banks
Might break ere they walked down.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.-Lalest U. S. Gov't Report
1 ? V V I Powder Baking
_ . . _ _ _ , . .
c I J - - 1 - - lr I 1" I 4 - ' -
Tllt r.FXv , rrziria.trzu.v .
Olobe-Demoernt : The 1 , xo\ Inquiry 11
OnlIOd . for the ( home belhR nt any rate , but
nn eikiemic I ot IHch Investigations all over ,
the country mlgb bo I good timing ,
Philadelphia Times : The hopeful feature ot
time outook Is that the committee \ns pn-
trlotc enough lo investigate honesly and
without partisan bias. This furnishes grolnll
for the hop that nroused
. thnt nn publo opInion
i.ihl compel 1 legislation ns honest nli nonpartisan -
partisan as the investigation has lmn
.hlndelphla ltecorth : When I Is COilsIdCrO(1
thnt this condition ot timings has existed for
more than twenty years and thnt I would
probably still be unllsturbe,1 but for the
energy ot one man I imiay well be thollht
that the inhabitants of New York City
care for little except their own Illvhllal
comforl nlli uromit. Time source of time boss'
power Is no longer a ' ' Il In
I m'ster : lies the
Irulh of time oM sw : "Whnt's everybody's
business Is nobod"s busln08s , "
Courler-eurnal : The effects of this Invest-
Inton wi bo felt moro or lesS In every city
In the Inlon , I thus becomes nn affair of
natoual InJortnnco , and Its Infuence In
building ill ) a Just 11hic sentlent will he
powerful for mnny years 10 come. The outcome - ! .
come In New York will bl ) awale.1 wllh un-
dlnlnlshed Interest , but I the whole police
force I not purifed from top to boHom II
Is \'ory sure thnt halt tl fruits of a tre- I
mencous victory for good Eoverment wi
bo lost And the top should first receive nl-
New York Tlmcs : The IJourlenl of lhe
I.exol coammittee marks the close of an investigation -
, 'cslgaton thnl Ollhl : to slake nn epoch In
the annnis of lhls city Il will be the fault
of the people of this city I Il dos nolo The
sl1ecfc 1\11 tangible results Ihus : far rescued
are nol epoch mnklnl They consist In the
convlclon of Cllllnln Stephenson and the
elevation of Mr. Gait to time rccorllershl11.
These are really lhe only tanglhlo results
that have hcen attaIned. I 10 furlher re-
suits have been attained lml thee , with
all due respect 10 Mr. Gel all all due tlIs-
respect to Call1nin Stcphenson , they wIll con-
tnuo a lame amId In10lent conclusion : to the
worlt or time commilee ,
Chicago Ierll : Last night , according to
his ammmlolmncelmmont John W. ( loft ceasct lo be
special counsel for the IIXOW commlUee.
The total ilon-polltical rcsuls of the I.exow
Inveslgaton litmus rar-nml probabl It Is
clooed-aro one polce cliliain nnled : Slcllhen-
son sent to stale's prison for three years .
with $1.000 dime for IccepJng I 11resent of
elghl baskets of lIonciles atll tIle polCG cal1-
taln nlmed Creedon kept on the force , who
confessel that he paid $11,000 ; for his appointment -
pointment , but swore lt time tme that he
had paid nothing. A great Inny characters
were ruined or smirched badly and Special
Counsel Goff , who was n poor attorney hook-
lug for clients six months ago , becomes
judge of the r orller's court for a term of
fourteen year. years , wlh a salary of $14,000 a
Washington Star : Talen altogether . Il Is
safe lo say that the exposures Inde by the
Lexow investigating commitee In New York
arc the mol disgraceful and discouraging
lhat thE whole history of municipal cor-
rupton can show. Where all Is had , and
much or I very bad , as appears 10 bO the
case wih the polIce departmenl of that city ,
It Is a little difficult to indicate exact degrees -
grees or turpitude and criminaly : but
judge by his own testimony alone , Inspector
Williams must be regarded as about the very
worsl of the lot In short , It begins 10 look
as though lhe biggest rascals on time force
were promoled to the highest places and
that Increase capacity for usefulness was ex-
ercised wholly In squeezing and protecting
criminals , Instead of brInging them lo pun-
TilE L,17'E JollY PITZUJIIIl Id ) .
, , Sioux City Journal : John Fitzgerald . whose
death occurred last Sunday In Lincoln Neb. ,
was a prominent figure In time ' developmenl of
'Nebraslt He was I builder or railroads and
came to Nebraska with the ChIcago hurling-
ton & Quincy road , which he constructed
' through a large part of Iowa , Ho also built
larger parts of the same road In Nebraska
under contracts , and a number of branch
lines and smaller roads. ) , Fitzgerald was
better known to time world
beter worl as a prominent
leader II the Irish National League of Amer-
' Ica . of which ho was president for two years .
'I He gave liberally of his time , and his meney
, to the cause of his native dountry . He was
I god example of what pluck and energy I
will accomplsh for a poor boy In America ,
and his Irish friends will long hell his memory -
ory dear.
Chicago Herald : John Fitzgerald . who
passed away Sunday al his Nebraska home
like the late Eugene Kelly . was a typical
American of foreign brll : , In many respects
the careers of the two men are nlke , Each
came from Ireland to this country young
and poor. Kelly entered trade and buIlt up
from thal exclusively. John Fitzgerald sought
larger opportunities In somewhal . different
way. He possessed much of the spirit of
the pIoneer. He carried railroads westward.
He opened op great farming areas. Without
capital In the beginning , he knew how to
save meney and how to Invest it. Like
Kelly . he retained for his native land an
Intense arecton , lie did nol hesitate to
engage In an attempt at revolution when
hope appeared In that movement to a san-
guise few and he was willing to take the
chances In later life he upheld , like so
many more who believed In the right of a
people to resort to revolution I necessary ,
the land league movement and was third
president ot the organization In this country.
He was a man of rugged simplicity . scrupulously -
lously honest and of tireless vigor In his
youth and prime.
- -
lIWl'L .I'U J'
OO\rnor Merrill of HRn8a : has appointee
MIss kate Adams l his prIvate Rppnlntot .
According to Superintendent Bnnes of the
New York lohIce. I Is pot fall to judge a
man by hIs subordinates.
I II reported Mr. Cllvelanll II preparing
a special currency rout for congress . I
will hn\o a fly blister In every line.
Newspaper gossllJ line It thnt Colonel John
A. Coclterl will assist l'erry heath In
building up the Cincinnati Commercial.
Since 1892 the trolley car of Brooklyn !
hnve killed elghl.nlne .
kllll ) mimes women and
chIldren . That cro\ll fool bal pretty close
The queen of Madagascar hns Bent nn appeal -
peal 10 the United States to prevent France
from annexing her island . The fear now
arises that she may como here to iecture.
HUBs el harrison Is hivIng at Terre Uauto. I ,
Strange lo say . In a recent deal with the
city council his chie supporters were tlelo ,
crats while time rellublcnl members opposed
hll bitterly. oppsed
MrL Charles Fechler , wimlon' of time cehe-
brnle(1 actor Chance lrechler , ( lIed In Paris
last week aged 7& , She wns his lawful
t'-rench tvife. ills Amerlcnn wife . Llzlo
PrIce , died about twelve years ago. rechter
himsel dlcllln 1871. ) ng
BentrlCe Inrrlen thinks that the women
oc the UnIted States have
Unlell few thIngs to
complall of nl11 she lllires : their frankness . , '
hOlesl ) ' , cleverness nlll ( Intk of affectation .
She particularly "ltes time way Amerlcnn
girls behave abut men , "
Accorll1g , 10 lho statistician of the Chlcngo
Tribune , cmbezzlemenls In Ihls country last
year aggregated $25,234,112 , being : G per cent
realer than Inst year , nml the largest reported - 'J
ported silce 1878 , I 1f I Rlgnlfcanl fact
that oulslde of congress G21 attacks 01 time
currency were successfmii .
W'nslmington'a cal\ln groull at Valley
Forgo will become : a state park before hoimg .
Tim state of lennsyl\aula has nlreall Illr-
cussed 217 acres nlil Is leEolnllg for 260
acres more which wi make the park In
exlent nn well ns In historic 1111 Imtrloto
nssoclatonl second to none In the comntry "
. ,
n.ll UP 1'll ' II " ' .V1 . ' .
ClCGO , Dec n.-To : the 1 , ltor of The
Bee : having a large interest In Nrbraslt and
its future success I would Ito to state
what I nm doing In Boone county . wlmicim I
lhlll ; , I followed by others WOllt bo a
great Ulvnntn o to the state About three
years ago I constructed a largo dirt dam
Qeross one of the gliches or my place which
has ftmrnlslmcd water for my own and my
neIghbors' cattle for two rears. Time water "
seems to keel pure and good I believe I . _
time farmers all over the slate wOlld dana up
their gltches wih a dirt darn hlghcr than
the shies of tIme gulch , the wnter. when reach-
Ing time top of lhe gulch , wcull overfow on
time land In this way a vast amount of
water would be confncll within lho state
mailng lhousands of little laltc ! All tills
can Ie done very cheJllly with horses and
scrapers requiring imo imaterlal , except time
dirt , imo expeimse outsIde of time labor , 's'ours
i'Isszx ; i'Jdf.iNT1U'LS. '
Atchllson Globe : Aim Atchison womami lmai
driven 11cr huabaimd to drink by praying for
Texas Sittings : New Pohicenimmn-And
'imero is yommr Perimilt to ueddle ? l'cddmer-
I Immm'o a verbal Ierlmmtt , l'oliccmmmami-Shmow
it to me ,
Indianapolis Jounimai : Oklalmoma 13111-
110w do you stand on the' IrrigatIon qucs-
tion ? Dryneck Johnson-Till I fall down ,
Timen lucy irrigated ,
Cleveland Plalmmdeaher : Itenewimig a Imledgo
Ii like renewing a mmote. It requires hlustiimmg
all time time.
Truth : "I like your cheek , " said time in-
tugmmammt maiden to time youtim wimo kissed
"Amid I like yours , " said lie , as lie kissed
her again ,
Pimiladelphmia IleraM : Jngwell-You can't
got time truth out of a Ivoinan when you
ask imer imow old she is ,
Wigwag-Oh , yes , you can. She usually
tells you It's none of your business.
CincInnati Tribune : "Cnmm'tyou recall 'time
date of time paer you want ? " asked the
business amalmager of time Bugle. "fo I
can't , " said time gentlernamm from Plunkvitle.
"All I remember is tlmat it had somethIng
in It about Napoleon. '
Philadelphia Record : "You have to use an
axe on some undesirable ncqtmaintances , "
says time Manayunic imimllosormimer , "to make
timena understand timat you deslro to cut
thm em , "
litmifalo Courier : 'I've always felt rehig. .
iotmi4iy inclIned , " remarked time oyster , aS It
dIsappeared down tile mimmister's timroat ,
"but I don't know that I ever had an idea
that I would misally enter time clergy. "
Chicago Inter-Ocean : "So time doctor has
ordered your wife to go southi for her
health ? " "Yes.Vlil time climate agree
with her ? " "Well , it it does it will be a
good one. "
Indianmupoils Journal : "Tlmis wine , " said
time guest , "surely belongs in time category
of time blessed. " - '
"leligimted to imear it , " said time imotei.
keeper , rubbing imi imands together ,
'Yes , it belongs timere , iecause 'blesseil
are time poor in , spIrit , ' you know , "
Clmteago Inter Ocean.
lie imireti a sent little sleigh ,
Ami rode about feeling quite gelgim ,
Imut when time bill canme ,
lie called it a simame ,
AmId very near faInted aweigh ,
Yotlr Moiiey's Worth ot' You- Money Btck ;
. , .
' . . , ' , .
' ' - ' ' - " -
, , _ , , ,
- '
, -Ym . - t
' - ,
' - - :
After the Year ,
Is Over-
Then COmes January and with January comes just
as regular as a olook the clearing out of' odds and
ends-a suit-only one like i in the store-possi-
bly anothei'- perhaps an overcioat-the last of a
line of' elegant sellers-just such bargains are to - -
be had now-The price is 'way below the usual
figure-To close thorn out quick-the quicker the
better-we arc full of styles-the most complete
assoi'Lmont in the west-But there are some broken
lots on which we will give you an interesting
price-A mighty good suit or overcoat for $7.50
Hohiiibla Clotlilci' . ' , , S. V. Coi'imcr Fiftecuitli filial Iotigias Stim.
- : : : - : : : : : : - - . . -