Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - TIlE OMAITA DAILY , BEE : 'l'IIUHHDAY , .TANUAUY3 ) , 1895. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3
- -
' . " ' rT111 , OMAHA DAIlY BE4
I Dtllvee ty Nnlrr to any Jat ot the Cil7.
. n. W. TILTON Lueo.
TELEPIONI.S-13uInes omee. No 4 : night
dtor . No. 23.
- _ _ _
c - -
.tl.\UU 'W.TIU.\ .
Orand hotel , ) , Council Buls , reopened Oct. 1.
I Mayne Heal Jstato agency , 139 I3roaiiway.
D. I. Wiiams anti Ima Ioss , both of
Crccent were married by Justice Vlen
. .
Dllict court aIJourne,1 , yosterl1y morning
In honor oC Irs. Boomer , and no court was
held nil day.
Charles Shefer , who skipped the chain
cann October 21. hal been broughl In to
serve the remainder oC his 8entence.
gtchetah ) Council . No.3 , DeKreo oC
l'ocahonta6 , will meet , In regular seulon this
evening lt Hell : Ien's hal , 1O : Pearl street.
The Lnl : s' AlI society oC st. John's gn-
gush Lutheran church meets this anetnoon
at the residence of1rs. . J. Lleb , 127 South
First stl eet.
The police have a double let oC harels )
, which \al found In the wools near Wlcl-
' ' . Is to have
Ilnn'A brick 'ard. I supposed
been stolen. I
A lamp exploded last evening at 8 o'clock
nt the residence of . .1.l. . Cal1wel , 108 lenten -
" " 3 ton Ireet. The damaHe was about $ & .
The house II owned hy I Miller.
John Wliaml was caught by the police
last evening at 6:30 : o'cloclt , just after ho
had nipped a couple oC cans of oysters from
n bench In front oC Suhiivan's grocery.
A New Ycar's entertalnmcnt wi be given
hy the Girl's Industrial school at's
hail , corer of Main street and Broadway ,
thIs evening , In order . 10 rise funds to be
Ise.1 In the IJUrchase oC supplies for the
Millard . Go ! ? , a IG.yenr-ol,1 , boy , was
wanllorhl' Iroull yesterday with a lot oC
lend pipe ' whkh Iw Was anxious to dispose
of lie wns lodged In jai and the police
tire now looking for the man Cram whom
ho Is slpposed to have stolen it.
J. n. : lcrae entertained a party of hIs
Crlenl18 New % Year' day nt his home In
Garner 10wmhl ) . About ffeen were present -
oat , most oC them Scotchmen. The day was
Jasse,1 In the amusements that Scots arc
fonl oC , foot bal , bowls , eating all drinking
and b3ing merry.
C. B. Del , of the fnn at Del , & Kent Is
now In St. Jos211h , Mich. . with competitive
designs for a court house. Twenty-threo .do-
elgns . mosl of them by prominent architects
lu Chicago all elsewhere , were submitted ,
nll thes were sled down to four. The
fight Is now practcaly between Del & Kent
nn,1 E. E. Myers at Detroit one of the 10st
prominent architects In the country. Del
& Kent have had during the past year , In-
eluding bulhlng In the office at the present
. _ _ time , $27,000 worth of worlt.
. -
'Vo have $400.000 to 10ln upon Improved
farms In Iowa and wi take all the gilt-
edged loans offered al low rates. We do
not want whit lands and will not loan In No
braska. Lougc & Towle 235 Pearl street.
Domestic soap breaks , hard water.
1'EIUt5XAL l'.ll.IOU.U'US.
Miss Drlton oC Walnut Is visiting the
Misses Inman this week.
L. P. Judson and family have gone to
. Ozena , Fla. . to spend the winter.
1lu Mary Davenport leaves shortly for the
University oC Chicago to resume her studies.
" : Miss Addle Dolan has been visiting her
t" , sister , Mrs. n. E. nunyon , In South Omaha.
' V. F. Vlcnoy , accompanied by his wife ,
" heft yesterday for New York on a business
Miss Werdna Keller oC hot SprIngs Is In
: , the city . the guest at ! r. and Mrs. William
Moore , on South Seventh street.
Mra. J. D. Cavin oC Geneva , Neb" , has
- ' , , been the guest of Mrs. O. C. Lucas , on
. Oakland avenue during tbe holidays.
11. Ida V. Calm , f. Chicago Is In the cIt
visiting her cousins , the Missess Dele and
Anna Marks. She will remain here a week.
' larry Curtis , who has agreed to take
charge oC the Young ! en's Christian aS9cla-
ton for a time , arrived In the city with his
wife last evening Cram St. Joseph.
News has been received of the death oC
1lss Zee Dale , a young lady who formerly
. ' . acted as pianist In a dancing academy of
, this city , at her home In Rich Hi , Mo.
C. E. Luring and , family returned yester-
' 'Ilay morning where they left snow I foot
deep Mrs. LurIng and the children have
' . spent the last three months visiting relatives
In Ohio.
. Judge H. It. Trlmblo has been In the cIty
for the past day or two , settling up the
affairs of his aon . Frank. lie reports the
condltlen oC the unfortunate young man un-
- chaged.
Dourlclus' musIc houca . bas tow expenses :
high grade planes are sold reasonably 16
Stutsman street.
Ground . oil cake $130 hihd Bt Morgan &
'VI Co.'s . drug store , 13t Droadway.
Telephone No. 45 for A. D. T. messengers ,
C wagons or carrIages. No. 23 MaIn st.
l'ondy Shell Closed.
J. D. DrleHbach , who has kept a candy
store at 636 Broadway , made an assignment
his creditors yesterday
for the benefit oC
to C. S. Hubbard. ls : liabilities ho esti.
mates nt $90 and hIs assets at about $ .100.
A failing oft In business , resulting from a
chanlo In loaton , Is what Mr. Drlesbnch
thinks Is responsible for the smashup. In
the list of liabilities which lie has on lIla
with the county recorder the sum of $71
Is put down ns due on rent. lie Is under
, ' a lease for two , years , dating Cram last Au-
gust , nt a monthly rental of $7 [ This
makes $121 due In the shape of rent yet
to accrue. I Is understood thaI George A.
1etcalt , the owner oC the buIlding , will put
In his claim for the entire amount , In which
c'ase'thero wl not bo very much left for the
other crcdttors. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
HhorhllJ Cciii .
This new coal from Wyoming for sale
only by II. A. Cox , 37 MaIn street. Telephone
48. Ask for clrculnrs.
DavIs sells drugs , paints and glass ch ap ,
Sick Mali Under 'rr"ft ,
J , II. marlne , who has hal a peck or
snore oC treble ever since the night he went ,
- to the home cf his , , V. Ie.I I
Eames. with a loathed tank and a loaded
" revolver , Ilrepared for war , was arrested yes.
h terday on an information filed In the ofce
of Justice Vien For I more than two weeks
_ _ 10 has been lying at UI home of his fattier ,
0 : Harmony street , scarcely able to moye' on
account oC the Innumerable bird shot that
found' their way Into his logs and face Cram
this shotgun with which his
Dtood him off from the house. He Is able
to bet out nOI' . anti S ( Justice Vlen wIll have
him arraigned today , In order that he may
tile a bond for his allearailco when wanted
Try Faglo laundry , 7t Broadway . for good
work , Our medium gloss finish can't bo
beat , bl.t wo do strictly hand work , 110mesto
Inl8h. when preferred 'relophone 157.
. Washerwomen usa Domestic aoap.
Expensive ' . 'hlo\'II : .
Jamel MorrIs , who stole 1 35.cent under-
shirt from M. Marcus New Ycar's day , was
. boull over to the grand jury by Judge Mc-
-.t leo yesterday } morning on a chars\ ot larceny -
ceny from a building . In default of a $200
bal bond , he went to the county jaIl. The
. ' same sort of a crIme was comllleJ by C.
, 11. Ooldrlch , who stole a 10'cent 1)lc l Cram
I lunch counter ut the mmet house lie
wil sere a term of ten Ilays In the same
saiL with Morris
Jllrrhl&o 1.11'.18.
The following marriage licenses were is'
, sued the lerk '
by county clerk yesterday :
' L Name all Addr l. Age.
, ' H. A. MClllter , Council Ulurl , . , , . . . 2
1.111 Uiison . Council Ulufs . . . . . . . . . 2
Armatlll SIni. Carson . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Dora.Voodard , Council Bluffs , . . . , . . . , U
. .
. Gas coktn . stoves for rentlld to sale at
Oss Co's omce.
c e . . . . -
omutlc 10lPoutatP. cheap leap
Obsequies of the Lat Mra Amelia Bloomer
at St Paul's Church ,
Comments , al leI 1.Ito \ork Ulfer".1 for I
Some , Future ( ccRAlon-I.mbrr . ot
the liar I'n , Snlnhto Itc oltj. i
lens ot Continicncc
- .
The obsequies over the body oC Amelia ,
wife of I ) . C. Bloomer , were hell yesterday
afternoon nt St l'aul's church , a large an-
Ilenco oC frIends assembling to pay their
last tribute to the worth of the delll and to
extend sympathy to the living. The service
was according to the plscopal ritual , amI
was contlctell by Hector B . J. labcocl ( . :0
remark with reference to the life and
works oC Mrs. Bloomer were made , but a
suitable allusion to them will be made In
the near future rt some of the Sunday ser-
vices. The Dudllt Buck quartet sang 'fle-
mlmber Now Thy Creator , " by now anti
" . . " . close
"I.ead Kindly 1.lght" hy thick At the
oC the service the pal bearers 1. C. Cory ,
Captain 1 I. Henry , J. I. Stewart , A. T.
Hco , : I. Jlqucle and J. n. I Ediriundi'on ,
ocndlitel the remains to Fairview metery ,
where they were laid away to rest.
Yesterday forenoon the attorneys oC the
city met at tIne district court room and appointed -
pointed Jacob Sims , C. : . han and George
A. holmes a committee to draft . resolutions.
In the afternoon the report of the committee -
tee was read all adopted , ns follows :
Wherel ' . Great nlictol has fnlel upon
lon I , D. C. ( Boomer , he IlrlRIIlnl of this
association , tint ! . the NIRtor of thin l'ottn-
wltlmle 10Ult ) liar , In the death cf his
Lelnvel wife , Amelia .Jenks Boomer ; ninth .
' \hertI , fly I residence uf almost forty
years 11 Counl IUrR :1 r. 1111 : lrA ,
Iloomer have endeared themselves nol only
to the memhel' of thIn IsfoclltOl , but to
our cltzenH 11l the community generally ;
anal. ,
Whereas , By this dispensation of 111'ovl.
, hence our President hits lost the one wino
has walked II hiM side for more thll Ily
yearn until n'oeicty has heen Ilcprlved uf tIne
strVlces and association of who
slt'ces ussoclltol I wmnnn ,
hy her cliii rae tei ' tutu Ih1tYI her fri endli-
hess and devotion to the lest interests of nIl
ehllseR , hnR dOle mich toward its 1'lnce.
ment : therefore , he II
Hesul\ 'lhnt we deeply . deplore the
death of . , lrR. 100mel' 111 extelli to our
venerahile preit1ent our hieartft'lt S'llmth } '
In thl9 the hour at his severest trial
.JIIUry Co't CII.\lnl tnle.
Our stock must be reduced 20,000 by Feb.
ruary 1. Greatest clearing sale ever taken
place In this cIty. neal the prices carefully .
then come and see the goods. 10c , G1c and
75c dress goods. ale a yard : 25c and 31c dress
geods , iSo yard : $10 , $ ] 2 and $15 Imported
novelty dress patterns , no two alke , choIce
S6,98 snit : S Denlalnl evlln ! crlne siks ,
iii Nile green , Ilgl . bio and pink < , - G9c yard ; ! ; ;
75c all $1 32-lnch figured drapery silk , now
390 yard.
Nice quality white shaker flannel . 3c : '
Snow-whnito cotton bolts , 31c roll : fIgured
Turkey red calico , 3Yc yard : I. I. 36-lnch Unbleached -
bleached muslin , 4c yard. All muslin a 11
sheeting at net cost during this big sale.
Cloaks at one-half former prices , $ ] 0. $2 ,
$1 [ and $18. Ladies' jackets , now $7.60 each
$0 , $12 and $1 [ jackets , In only smal
sizes 32 and 34 , go tomorrow at $3.98 each. I
Every winter ceal In our store must go I
before February 1 , no mater what the price
may be. .
Saturday , January [ , we will sell every
pair of lace and chenille curains In our
store. The prIces will surprise you We
need money. You can save dollars and dollars -
lars by buying your spring curtains of us
Saturday. DENNISON nnos. ,
Council Bluffs.
Store closes at 6 p. m. , except Saturday and
Monday ev nlngs.
IIo'd tlzed liar Up.
Last summer a charming young wIdow oC
Council Bluffs took a trip out west and
while visiting friends In Colorado met a
widower who was considerably fascinated
by her Among his assets were two small
men. whose sharpness Is considerably be-
yond their years. They as well as theIr
rather liked the lady , but not well enough
to want her for I mother and theIr wIshes
In this regard had been spread upon the
record by them In such shape thaI there
was no chance for a misunderstanding. One
day the program contained a carriage rIde
through the Garden oC the Oods. On the
seal Bal the lady anti her admirer , on
another the two boys and on tIne third two
lady friends one oC whom was strongly sus-
pected by the boys of helping out their
father's designs on the hand of the widow.
They accused the younger lady of complIcity
In the scheme durIng the ride , but the Impeachment -
peachment was met wIth a laughing denial
" 'Vei , boys , " said the widow , "what If
sIte does want us to marry ? You surely
don't think your father ould think oC such
a thing , 10 you ? "
"Guess wo do , " came the ready reply Cram
one of the youngsters , "nnd pop means lusl-
ness , too-lie's looked you up and you don't
believe for a minute that ho'd throw $76.000
In cold cash over his shoulder , do you ? "
The sUbject was changed ns soon as pos-
sible , and late advlces from the west Indicate
that on buggy rides In tine t/ture where
any fair one Is Implicated I , the westerner will
either leave the boys al home or go armed
with court plaster In large chunks
A Clerical looze- ' \hlrl.
The musical voice of Rev. C. C. Hahn has
been heart crying In the wlhleress for the
lasl month or two In one of tine largest
churches oC tIne city , but It has cried Its last
cry , for the present'at least. lie came here
from South Dakota some Ito while ago
recommend as a straight forward
, el Corwarl young
man , wlio was about to enter the mInistry.
lie secured a situation as lay reader In the
church already reterred to. Little by little
the fact has been leakIng out that tIne hewing -
Ing bowl has enticements for him that ho
cannot resist and as soon ns this reached
the curs oC the pastor oC the church he was
allowed to IJSS Ofl Yeterday morning the
patrol wagon was called to tine corner oC
Broadway and First street by a report that
11ev. Mr. Hahn was endeavoring to monopo-
lze both shIes aunt the mllile oC the Hille-
wal ( . Ho was taken to the police staten In
the hurry.up and a very unclerlcal state of
intoxication. A cross section oC his breath
was sliced off anti marked "exhibi A , " and
will be trotted out for the Inspecton of
Judge McGee this morning.
The laundries use Domestic soap.
'In 1001'lmnl" ! UIUdln011"101
The result oC the negotiations of the past
few weeks Is that the Union Building anti
Savings association oC Des Moines will be reorganized -
organized anti eonsolhlated with anothrr ,
similar organization In Burlington , Ia A
meeting of tine shareholders oC tine associa-
ton hal been called by J. W. Del , the
secretary , for Friday evenIng , January 4. at
730 ; o'clock , In Mayne & hiazleton's ofce
In the Merriam block , for the purpose oC
talking over plans and ascertainIng whether
any oC them wIll drop out In case of the
reorganization. I Is thought that there will
bo but few , If any , wIthdrawals , anti IC thIs
II fO It Is claimed thaI the loss to the
stockholder In this city and elsewhere will
be very slight. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Albor' li.'key lead ,
Albert D. Dckey : died yesterday afternoon
at 3:30 : o' lock al the home oC his Ilarentl ,
Mr and Mrs. ohn Iekey. 810 Fourth avenue.
Since lat April 10 hal been a sufferer Cram
onsum lon , anti he went west In the hope
ot beneltrg his health . I was of no aral ,
for len than a week ago he came home , announcing -
nouncing that ho lad returned to die For
the past few days he has ben unable to eat
or to talk above a whIper , and his friends
had come to realize that the end was a mat-
ter oC a very short time. He leaves a wie ;
lie Was 39 years oC age and had lived In
Council Bluffs from his boyhood .
May 111'0 Cnnsnt'm Burgher.
Chef : of Police Scanlan left yesterday for
Extra , In AUdubon county , In response to
a telellone message announcing that a man
I. ' In 'custody there who II suspected DC
burglarizing N. P. Conanl' Jewelry store In
thIs cl ) The fellow Is said to hare been
stopping nt the Scott houSe here , anI to have I
gone under the name oC I harrIs , When
arrested at Exlra he hall forty watches anti
I lot oC other plunder the whole \alul at
something like $900. hid Scanln Is expected -
pcted to return home today , when It wIll
be known whether or not the throry Is cor-
reef / . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Settled mm Fifteen l'lr Ctll ,
J. O. llardeley . assignee for the firm oC
J. T. l.obey & Co. , or Neda , me hIs reo
port In the district court yesterday . The
proceeds Cram tlO salt oC the bankrupt tk ,
he say , were $2,193. lie asks for a fee 01
$300 for himself and n like amount for his
attorney , John P. Otan. I these fees are
paid he will have $391 left . cr about 19 per
cent of the claims so far fed , Judge Smith
Isued an order that 15 per cent be pall on
all general claims now on file , but left the
mater of fees for future . consideration.
. ' 'Drown' Dronchlal Troches' arc excellent
'ror the relief of hoarseness or sore throat.
They are exceedingly efTeclivo-Christian
Worl , London , I ng. .
\llekncs or WIt IUII 11\11 I'ro\'enls a
The Christmas St Nicholas has n striking
story by Fred p , Fox , tntted "i'resltlent for
One hour. " I tells of n quick-witted boy
who Prevented a railroad collision by which
mmy lives would inevitably have been lost
A heavy cattle train had broken Into three
sectons on a steep grade and the engine was
running "s'hld" In advance cf one of the sec-
tions . Tom Martin , the hero of tIne story .
telegraphed to have the track cleared of all
other trains , aunt then proceeded to catch the
runaway. here Is the "tory :
Then out of the glom there caml a steady
voice ; It scmell fled with an inspiration. I
was an opportunity for the genius of a true
"rairod man" ; and the man or rather . boy ,
was there , ready to pro\e his cnpacl .
The boy Tom Slolle up : "All of you men
get out and oil the track-pour on oil , put on
grease , smear It with tallow , or anything !
That wIll keell back the engine a little-per-
haps enough . After tIne engine has Passed
keep on with the work Remember , we've got
too. to save " lynn's life-yes , anti save the cattle ,
Just then the ticket agent , hearing the
men hurryIng about hnl come downstairs
nnd asked tine trouble As briefly as he
could , Tom 1:11 him the situation . all then
said' " : Ir. Lenox , I'm goIng to dumb Into
the rlnawa ' engine , If It's a possible thing ,
and check her UI ) . Ivo $5 here. 'fake it .
and IC Im hurt gIve It to lily mother. Tel
her I was going to get her a Christmas present -
ent , and tel her I know that she would tel
me to do just what I'm g : Ing to ,10. Gal
bless her ! I I come out all righit-anid there
Is a chnance-don't ever let her know what I
dhl Proinnise quick !
Before going out Tom took off his wel
worn overcoat and jacket , tightened up his
belt and prepared to run the race oC his life.
lie then went out to the Platform and found
that tine mm hind , oiled the track thoroughly
for several hUllrel yards. lIe did not lare
tel them oC his purpose for fear that they
woull stop him , but he salt ? to Dab : "Afer
the engine passes get all the mEn you can at
work-marc are coming every mInute-put
'on alt the oil you can , anal tallow , but be
careful to see thaI there Is nothIng to male
the cars jump the track , for thaI will kill
all the cattle anal horses , and perhaps poor
Jack I"lynn ! lIe was seen clinging to the
last car al Rockvllle. But he dared not climb
up or jump off , It seems , on account of the
speed of the traIn. There she comes now-I
can hear her ! Il run up to the other end oC
the platorm to meet her "
The engine could bo heard thundering down
the track long before she could bo seen comIng -
log through the fog. Tom was nt the far
end oC the depot where the men hind first
begun to apply the oil and grease ; andl ns
they had worked back , he was In a
position to gel all the benefIt of the loss of
speed In consequence The men few back
from the track. When the engine struck
the oiled rails she trembled , and her wheels
slpped rather than revolved along the track.
The momentum was so great that at first
the speed was scarcely affected , but as suc-
cesslv sectons of track were passe there
began to 10 quite a marked reduction In
speed. Tom noticed this with joy.
The engine was coming rapIdly toward
11m. 10 turned and ran along the platform
In the same direction as the engine , 11 a
speed thaI would have carrIed him fifty
yards In aboul six seconds. Tine engine
gained on him , and , just as the step was I
passing , ho reache up , grasped the handles , '
and swung himself up on the stcp He
rested there for I Cow seconds. and then
climbed slowly up Into the cab. His face
was as white as tine card on the steam
gauge , and , in spite oC tIne cold wind that
blew upon him , he was dripping with per-
Iulmton ,
The author then describes Tom's effort to
gel up the steam , which was almost ex-
hiausted and the final appearance through
the COg , of the broken secton ! coming aCer
him like a whirlwind
A tangent of twelve miles away straight
before him with a gently descending grade ,
then a mile level , and then a four.rnlle up-
grade Into Mount Vernon. Once marc he
crept down Into the tender opened wide the
furnace doors raked the fire . and threw In
the coal evenly over every part of the great
firebox. lie left tine ashpll door open for
better draft , anl then climbed upon the coal
to see If he conl , lstngllsh his relentless
pursuer The light hal begun to dispel the
Cog , and 300 fet away hc could' ' see the oncoming -
comIng train. "It will take all the speed
she's got , " he thought , and leaving the tender
he crept back Into the cab ,
Ho opened the throttle wide push In the
lever over forward as far as It would ! . The
steam kept l up , and the only thing to fear
was that the axle box would get heated on
account of the frightful speed of the engine
but then he reflected that the pace would
tel on the fl'elght axles even more , since
they were not geared to so high a speed as
were those of the locomotive .
The engine was now gain al the rate oC
a mile 1 minente or taster. ! More coal was
necessary , and ho resolved to leave tIne wini-
dow anti stand by the furnace. In ten minutes -
utes tIne level was struck and the pursuer
had gained two hundrel .
feet , on account oC
its greater weight : I minute later tine U-
grade was reached. More coal was needed
and limo shovel was kept busy feeding the
fiery mouth whose tongue oC flame seemed
never to be satisfied. As the engine began
time ascent OC the up'Hrade tine freight section
was only fifty feet away. After a mlo on
the grade , the locomotive pule,1 slowly away
Cram the Crelght. Then Tom closed the asia-
lIlt door , wenl back to the window , closed
the throttle n little , tried the air brakes
and three minutes later puled Into the depot
at Mount Vernon , anti came to I stop. lIe
lookell out of the window , perched high In
tIne air , a 11 said to the operator : "Just
wire WaYVlo thaI engine 303 has arrived
I'era ' safely , and thaI Tom's all right "
a- ,
Stub Entis or Thouht
Detroit Free Press : I isn't how much a
man loves a woman that wins her ; II Is bow
much she loves him.
God does ; Satan undoes .
Women and clocks can't aivays be taken at
their face value
Sunshine Is worth 10ro than its weight In
gold .
Charity makes the whole world kin.
Laugh , and the world laughs with YOI i
weep all the world laughs at you
A baby's smie lakes the whole world
grin - _ - e _ _ - _ _ _
Alt Vnrh'ln Trade .
One oC the dirtiest trades Is that of the
weaver oC melt chair bottoms . A well made I
rush' botom will last a long time , and the demand -
mand Is not great for such chairs , though
their use Is reviving. The rushes come 10 the
weaver still soiled with some of their native
ooze . dry and dirty The preparaton for the
work requires the wetting and twisting oC the
rushes , and In this process mUddy streams
are wrung out , whIch trickle over the hand8
oC the worker , and make dirty pUddles on the
floor . I Is just possible that malaria germs
lurk In the rushe8.
. -
Iloulitful .
Detroit TrIbune ; "Can you love another ? "
she asked nelling cloler to his bosom.
eyea. Earnestly he gazed I/to her deel blue
"I think not , " he said. "I'm buying flowers -
en anal theater supper .for six now and
with limit. ' . you 1 guess I've about ' reached my
At , that moment I oaeniann band - exploded
right In' front of the house and when he bad
done the convernton drifted . naturally and '
eatl ) Into ether channels .
- -
- -
After Leaving Their Vlctl ! Ighwnymcn
Came Back for nn Overcoat ,
- " : ' 11 I I
, I .
- 1..11 , : .
10ld Up the Cedar InlII Telephone IRn'
Rger And Secure . \1 cit-lns ) unsr-
tony L'oitectioi-o Chew to
thee I'erpetritttit'.i , "
l'crletrllllJ , .
CEDAR RAPIDS , Ia. , Jan . 2.-Slecial (
Telegram.-A ) bold hold up anti robbery was
commltell here nboul 1:30 : o'cldck this evenIng -
Ing n. C. : lalock , lalger oC tine tele
phone exchange , started out to make tIne
quarterly collections this morning , anti was
on his way to tIme office after completnK
his day's work Near the Milwaukee rai-
month tracks he wn suddenly confronted by
two negroes who drew revolvers anti com-
mallel him I to "hall tap , " which he diti .
Whie one of them kept him covered with the
gun , the other went through his pocket nnd
secured $985 In 1oney anti chtclI , OC this ,
ns near ns cain . be estmntell , $ tOO or $300 i
was In curenc ) ACer leaving him they re
trel anti compelled him to take ar his over-
cant , which they took together with 1
valuable gold watch and chain then giving
him n punch In the side they dlsaPIearell UI
through the 'ard. Owing to the darkness
anal his friglnt : lntock Is unable to give an
nccurate description of time 1en , Time police
have absolutely no ccw , anti I Is probable
they will never be capturld.
iowa ' \lrlcnttult SocIety natal State l'rn-
111'1. .h oc.tnl l'tRIS.
DES MOINES , . 'an. 2.-Specimtl.--Tine ( )
State Agricultural socIety nml the State
l'rodtneers nssocintiont will hiolti theh' -
Protucel'f IsRuclnton wi hell regu-
lar nnnual meeting It the state house Jan-
umtry 9 all 10 . the latter meetng only on
the 101h. ' 1hegrlculurnl society will
elect successors to the following olcers ;
President John A. Hvanns Vice President
P. N. Chase , Secretary P. I. , Fowler Treas-
urcr Albert Hend. In 1IIIton to these
successrrs wi bl elected 10 thc following
nhira'ctors , whose terms expired Jnlunr } ' 1.
1895 : J. P. Mmtmnmetrey , F'nirtheimlV. : . W.
1' leld . ( JeboJ ; J. 'owntie 80lth Amana ;
( ' . C. Prouty , Def Moines : n. Sheehinn
Osage. 'rlne holl-o\el'l tire : . , . C. Frazier .
100mfehl : B. J. Moore , Mim'somiri'nliey ;
C. H. Bacon , Cromwel ; " ' . F. harriman ,
Ilmptun : H. J. Joinnsott Humboldt.
The Producers association now tints the
following olclnn' : President , A. I , . I'ltitner
ivy ; rice presidennt C . A. Laugmlomi Des
Moines ; secrelnr . P. S. ' \'hle. Des Moines ,
The Good Hands association , properly
called the Iowa Hoa,1 , Imlro\emcnt
nissociation . will meel at the same tme
and discuss , In connection timid co-oernlon
with the Agriculurl society the road , Im-
provement iuestion. The folowing arc thl
oliheers of that assoclatloni : President , g
olcerR . . Clinton ; secretary . O. L. ] . ' .
Browne , Del Moines ; treasurer , C. in.
\Vortiilngton . Des 10lneR ,
No winter premiums will be given by the
Agricultural socIety this year , owing ) the
slrlned Innnclnl eonllon , of the assocll-
tion all the partial failure of crops In the
ton . but Il Is presumed tlt , lsphlYR may
10 mnde by those who deslll to do so. ns
was done last winter when no premiums
were given.
The first annual meetn of the Society ot
the Irst of the Amerlcnn 1evolulon will '
le held In this city Tlcdll ) ' . January 15
The associationt was organle,1 , here one
year ago , so that thIs II eal ; ) ' the first
anntnai nneetlng. A presi1ent Is to be
elected , to suceeell lIon pelljenl J. Doarl-
mIen. the constitution fprbhldlng I second
term : a secretary Is to' be electe.1 on account -
count of the resignation or ] , . G. Pierce ,
and other olcers are to be "lected. besides
choosing a delegate to the nalonal conven-
Lion of the ordem' Steps wilt be laken look-
lon to a systematic canyaism4 with I vIew
to ! increasIng the growth' of'the order. Its
relations to the Daughrers of the Revolu-
rell\ons and other'nHers consitieretl.
ton year several hundred . 'ere enrolled.
SALOON . IIE ? 1" 0 .i , ' : \'E.
boa Jlotnes Ltqnmo'r Deilers" 8erl ualy Jo.
volvel In the \IJ.wlont : s.
DES MOINES , Jan ! 2.-Sp clal Telegam , )
-In the mulct law contest today In the
district t court nn examination wis begun of
0 witnesses subpoenaed by the saloon men
whose names were on the petition but had
been rejected by the court commissIoners.
After thirty-three had been examined Judge
Spurler ordered the examination to stop
and intimated that lie ! would tax up the
costA Intmntel parties responsible for them
being summoned. Abo'ul half the witnesses
today declared they voted at the election
preceding the circulation oC the petition .
IJt their names were nol on the poll books
or registry lists . and tie court held that
their testimony was not the best evidence.
The saloon men now have I margin of only
sIxteen names to their credit above the
required majority. I Is said now that only
ninety of the ! witnesses will 11 examined
and decided. the matter will _ n _ probably 11 speedily
Crlzed Over 1 I.ova AffaIr.
CRESTON , la. , Jan 2.-(8peclll ( Tele-
grarn.-Mtss ) Flora Cramer was adjudged
Insane today , her mental aberration being
camnsed from 1 failure of love affairs. She
cnusel fel love with Lafe Vlnterweter at frt
sight and asked him to marry her , follow-
lag up her Ilropositol wih love messages.
! 1)
Trahy literature Is assigned as the cause
of her insanity.
CrCslol "atoolK CIoeti i
CRESTON , In" , Jan. 2.-Speclnl ( Tele-
grum-Loucks & Deerkle and C. Veterlck'
snloonlsts , failed today to pay the quarter
Instnlhnent license due tinder the Martin
mulct law. There were twelve saloons ) a-
lag a $ .20 lcense under' ' the law an,1 the
above are the first two to succumb.
UnitliohlcI'ytIiIiiIi4 lattiHtIed.
Colholo ImtKn"l.
CEDAR RAPIDS , Iii. . Jan 2.-(8peclnl (
Telegmm.-A prominent Knight of Iythlns
of this city , who Is also a Catholic In geol
standln/ when nsltell about the papal edict
nI 10 Odd Fellows . Knights of I'thlal and
othel' secret societies , KnIl today that he
had seen a number oC his Catholic friends
Climate Alone
wl not C1C ( onsuinptlotn. I
, tIlseast nmiust
will helll hut tInt dlHeOSI IUHt
hl0 t'slttlnnahIc 't'ln ' tuel t 'l'hl
erll which la'odtlee It must he
ilest ' ' . Tine havoc W'l'ollglit. In
11esl'o (11 1hu hlVoc wl'ou hl II
time II H Ilst ho i't'imtlretl ) ; their
IljU'el smnrfaieeH hIt'mtlttl. ! Chll e
of cllltu wi not 110 ( thlH. I
wi Hllilly InerllHe tIne HUIIIII lt
OXyi'it IlllelVu Intm'u to lh'uIe
01 eISI for ! . 'I'nl'R wlh J , lImit ! tellhlu 11R.
docl hlt el' tUtlt hil. I (2lli''S
iiuii'kiy 1111(1 tl4linliiieiltiy. Its
Ilule < y nlll ( :1\i'1nlwlt : I I
Ozole HUIIIIIII thU ! nic'edt'd OX ' /I'I ,
Itll wlh thet , ( tilt meal dcxl rays
thu IIIIRIIOUH , l'fJIH ' which CIURU
tIne tllst'ast' . 1 ThnHU two I/UltR
also Illt tllotIU , relovc effete ,
hunt t'l' II hIlt Illl th9 affected parts .
'l'lnt' ( 'oil ll'et' OIl IR to I' the 111" -
ISO lt lutrlll\ ' iniy. It tloeemn't
kill germs. I I : " 1111'1 Intake IIIIIU' ) )
titit-ith ( url , It , UflIUmiktH . ] t IH
Ihully , 1 teB1 ! illtlt ( , I tHHue
IIiiltit'i' . ! L'hat's tIme truth-I I ) '
Ilh ) 'Hlclll wi tell you so
OJuthpl Co\de" \ " ' Coneum-tcn , Bran-
cbiti.1 , Aetha , the aftr tf.cts cf
Pneuincnla and It G ippe And all Ful-
mon'IY ( ompint' ; Soofula \ , Gocern\ \ i .
. Ddliit ' ] , Lot of FJebt , , An mla and
all Wasti'g D ' 8 ? ! .
KUhN & CO. , i
lt.1 : 111 Douglussts. , Omoha I
, I
who ttehonaed to the I'n"h1 of Pythlns' '
nail belollc1 , and that they haiti dr-
elltl , with nil deference to the church , to
stay wih the IOlgt ! lie ! nll the ) ' re- ;
ente.1 the rigint of any foreign power to' '
say how the church 11 Amcrlca Fhou\1 l )
run . lie avers that hlmel anti Crlenls
are 10'1lonl Catholics anti hopes the
clct wilL \ not be pressetl. Referring to tine
number of Cntholc ! who belcnng to secret
societies , he refert ) to the "tltl leetn
of 11bernlanl lt "eokuk , where flly hnlf
who . were present belonged to the Inlshtf
of p.thln8. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
111' or Im,1 : NU.
Sioux City figures map $712,500 worth oC
Improvements during the year just pnseed.
Peter 1'agiC' , n wealhy Cnrmer living southeast -
east of lawn Falls , anti a w"lower of about
one year , Is again In the Intrhnonlal hart
ness , his second plunge being taken nt the
age oC 80 years The lady who Is to share
matrlmontnl bliss wih him Is Irs. Lydia A.
Bird , n widow who lives In the southern
part oC Franklin county , and Is well knewn.
She Is 62 years olti
A C01rCul nccldenl occurred on time Carm 01
Antone Sle\'etln , four anti B hal mies
west oC Maqimoketa. Joseph Sle\'crilng wih
his lather anti brothers were engaged ! wlnJ
wood . with 1 power saw when he tripped
anti fell uon tine saw. Ills left h:111 : and
wrist were frightfully nmnrtmtgied. Ills heml ,
too , came In contact wIth thl saw . near the
left side oC the jaw , crashing through tIme
bone , ) lowel its wny to the back oC the
neck nearly severing the head from the
body , In spite oC his CearCul wOlnlls he
walke.1 to the house unahle1 nnll wrote n
few lne regardlmng lila wife and chlhlrcn , as
ho could not talk lie - o Ile < - 1 shortly after.
J.T1W.I'lO.\.I. .5 2'hILZ > THS.
New York Club's ClmtCuo Icscrtle.t n.
14 I I ho I the nxt : .
SlrlSlmull1 II I o 1"lrPlo.
I.ONDON , Jan. 2-Tho Sporting Lie says
that It Is 'Iulte Irobnble that thEre will be n
big contest this summer between Oxford ,
Cambridge , Yale mil hlarvamni. The Sportn ! :
Lila describes the New York Athletic club
chaUenge to the London Athletc club ns
"sportsmanlke In the extreme , showing
plllnly that real business and business only
Is meant "
Tine secretary oC the Lndon Athletc club ,
In reply to an Inquiry mn"e on behat of the
Associated press as to the statement oC the
Chronicle thaI the London Alhletc club has
nccepte,1 the challenge of time New York
AthlcUc . climb , says that the challenge Crom
New York has not yet becn formaly nc-
cete" NegotIations betwecn the two clubs
are still In progress , and tIme situaton oC
affairs Is exactly ns exeluslnl ontlle,1 , by
the Assocated press lecommnber 31 , namely ,
thaI the main tiiiilcuity seems to bo that
the challenge . belnmg nn open one , no "nte Is
given , and the London Athletic club being
engaged In several Importnnt meetings before
June , cannot spare Its best men before that
tme , ali therefore It Is not thoughl possible
that a team will be sent over before late
In the summer
NIce I.ou/ Shot WhK , nt tiny HIM triet ' .
SAN I nANC8CO , Jan 2-Sanford's win
It 15 to 1 was the sensation at the day .
Cook and Tartnrlan were tine only favorites
to win. Summnrles :
FIrst race , five flrlolgs , selling : Major
Cook 97. 1erltlns ( even ) won : My Charm ,
98 , Flynn (3 ( to n , second : St. : tlrtlnls , jol ,
Churn ( ( t to 1) ) . third Time : 1:10 : % . Eolan
filly . Edward S , 1anaml Pal 1:10\
nlso ran.
Second race , about six furlongs , selling :
Imp. Empire , 99. Chor (8 ( to 1) ) . won :
Cinarmer ] 01. ' 1nlervlle (8 ( to 1. ) Recond ;
Steadfast . HH , lerllnR ( ( to 2) ) . tlnirti Time :
1:2i : IHarr \ ) ' 1uhl : , Done Doctor und Mere
also rnn.
Thin race six fenrlongs . handicap : Tnr-
tarian 18 , Carr (7 ( to 6) ) , won : Clnnrtretms .
97 , Perkins (0 to 1) ) , second ; Quirt , 99. n.
Isol (7 ( to 1. third. Time : 1:22. : Else and
Zobllr also rain.
Fourth race . one mile . selling : Ilnford ,
95 , Flynn (5 ( to 1) ) , won ; 'Zimmpost 108 Carr
(2to ( \ 1) . second : 1'dy. 105 . Chnornn , ( -I I to ; ) ,
{ (
third. Time : 1:5. : San Luis Hey , Major
Ban St. Allans and Minnie Beach also nun.
Ftfth race five furlong , se1nA : Queen
Bee , 105 . H. Isom (8 to 6) ) , won ; 1rlmanlla ,
9 : : ; . Chor (6 ( to ; ) . second : Mutineer , 103 ,
Hill (0 to 1) ) . thIrd. Time : ] : ] 0\ Lou I. .
Snowllossom , Mestor anti KItty L also ran .
Helltl let New Orleans.
NEW ORLEANS Jln , 2.-Twenty-second
day ot the Cr. scent City Jockey club's wInter
meeting. 'Venther rainy and warm ; track
heav ' attendance fair. '
heavy : atcndance Summary :
FIrst raci - sellng hive and u hnf fur-
lens : Van , Brnt ( I to 1) ) won Cora (8 ( to
,5) ) . send , 'Ransom ' (5 to 2) third. Time :
1:13 : ½ . '
Second race , selling . mile : Dr. Parlte ( (
to 1 won Sir James (2 to ] ) second , Charlie
U (3 tO 1 ) tinird Time : 1:62. :
Third race selling . six furlongs : Old
Dominion (6 ( to 1 ) won Jarlne (6 ( to 1 ) second -
mat , HOdgson (8 ( to 1 third. Time : 1:19 : * .
Fourth race handicap six and I half fur-
longs : 'ahntchle (3 ( to 1) ) won Miss Gallop
( ( to 1) second Bonnie D (23 ( to 1) ) third. I
Time : 1 : 8I
Fifth ruce selling , seven and I half fur-
longs : Jim Henry (2 to 1) won . llon (6 ( to
2) ) second , Alibi (7 to 2) ) third , , Time ; 1:43 * .
Ivos Aeeepts the Cinaeihenge .
CHICAGO , Jan 2.-Frank C. Ives got Into
tIne city last night from Grand Haplds. The
champion's first move was his acceptance oC
the offer of Vlgnaux to play a match Hame
at side. 14-inch balk line billiards for $10,000 ' a
i'agihlst Imprisoned for I.areeny.
SOUTH BEND , Ind. . Jan. 2.-Edward
Powers , champion colored lghtweight pugilist
oC Michigan , has been sentenced to three
years In prison for larceny & committed here.
ice ot Cnllornh , OrlnAes Iotnbiotj :
SJ\N . BERNARDINO , CaJ , Jan. 2.-1Vitimin
tine .Iast few clays buyer of cranges have
been active In thIs vicinity picking up choice
lots at advantageous prices. News oC the
disaster to the crop In FlorIda has resuled
In an advance from 10 cents per box hereto
fore offered In time orchard to $1 per box
Tlte growers are much encouraged and arc
now holding No 1 seedlings and navals at
from $ .10 to $1.50 per box.
- - -
Tariff Ditimlnntlon t , Culminate in Oom-
mercn1 Wnrfare ,
- I
Spnnhh IIRI or ClbAn Altonnmr t'nnrtlner
OnthlCI-Schrmo I ntclltli to An rrt
R Tlrll War with tIne
tnle.1 . Stnles.
\'ASIilNGTON , Jan -The ofcials oC
the State department hnve about conchll 11
their investigations Into the , lscrlmlnathl !
ditties recenty Impose,1 by Spain npon Amer1-
cant goods nll It Is nol unlikely that the
Ilresilent wil very soon Issue 1 proclnmatlon
Imloshl discrinnn inn t I ing dtmt lea npon Spmlsh :
goods hnlcrte,1 In Spnnlsh boats. Onto qntes-
ton has . arisen , however , vlz : Whereas the
ncl ditty 1\101 by Spain Incl\les till AmerIcan -
can goods . or minn' such as are Imported In
American . sinips. I Is IlreslmCI that the
new dlt embraces ni Amerlcnn goods , hint
IC It Is fonnd hint this Is not the case the
In cccdiro oC our officials nnnay take n Ilftrent
course. I Is well ullerstooll that In tinny
eVEnt the acton or Spain very soon will be
tionn. met "lh semo vigorous measure of retnla-
This Is the stalement given cut nt the
Treasury 101ny. I Is not \ery materialy
borne omit my time miens of Spaln's project for
Cuba's nutonol ) ' . I.'rom sOlrces here addi-
tonal tI\lces ha\'e heen secured rNIJetng
the .Iecrct signed ) 'cttrdJ ' nt Madrid by the
'Ileen ' regent oC 8p.ln nllpolntng a commit-
tea tu revise tIme Clhl nli Pcrto WCln
tariff.n. Time In [ ormaton fully confrms all
that wns said in the anUOlnCelent exclusive 1
mallt by the A50clate,1ees lint I Spalu '
Intended to ! rant Cuba rertaln luternal 'I
powers , cspecal ' as regards clstoms reIn-
tons wih the Unlell States , In the hope i
oC averting n tariff war.
The Spanish plnn , I Is learned , provldc9 for
the creation of atinnnimnistr.itlve chambers with
headquarters lt Invann , I Is to consIst oC
thirty-six or thlrt-elghl nnLnnbers OC these
fifteen are to be elected In the various tlrov-
laces of Cuba , much after the manner oC
electol of reresentatns to congress In the
United Sntes : SIal Is also to designate III-
teen oC her own citzens who will proceed to
lavana 111 participate In thin local asscm-
bly. 'fhe ether six or eight membcrs wi be
the governr generl , Iht Intenlento miami , other
high ofclnls oC Cuba who wi serve ex-ofcio !
In the ciiamnnber.
This boly Is expected to b ? nclnly organ-
Ized and In operaton II Havnna by Marcia 1
next. But , ns its acton Is to bo
advisory anal subject to the approval oC the
Sanlsh courts the most oC its labors may
nol ho securCI for n year or more. The
Spanish Cortcs ProbablY will nljonr abont
March 1. so that the Havnna chnmber will
have no opportunity to report until the re-
assemblll ! of the Cortes a year hence. This
prospective delay Is umntsfactory to the
United States nnthorltes and , as Coresha.lowed
by the Associated press a retaliation procla-
maton Is quite likely to bc annolnccd by the
president . notwithstall ng Spain's conces-
shun to Cuba
Besides Spain's acton In grantnl a local
chamber to Cuba , the home governmenl Is
considerIng also a general tallr bill which
will affect the UntRod States. The bill hns
wi afecl Unied bi
been framed by the Sllanlsh ministry , but
Inns nol been Introducel In tine Combos or
made public . and a' Il can be put In opera-
ton In 1 short time . the State departmcnt
may bo disposed I withhold the Issuance of
a retaliationm proclamaton that Is \ thor-
oughly prepared and ready to to so. I Is
known that the new SpanIsh tariff Is to be
on liberal limes , and will give the United
States much better advantages titan It now
has. This \ measure Is expected to be-
come a law within tIme next few weeks I
will then be the basIs on which Spain will
aler to treat for a readjustment of tariff
relations between Cuba and the Unltei
Stntes. Al the same time the Havana
chamber will be formulating a tariff budget
with a special view to reconciing Cuba wIth
the UnIted States.
- - . - - - - - - - - - - -
C . _ _ _ ' _ _ ' L ' 1I' ' ,
I rl\h' . h" I IlllnJ .trclith alter lonl
\U'11 or .t mtisti . 'Htmll"llf ' I I Ihl drool-
ll' it in ii ii 10011. IICIAllol. I I ii ) ' k..lltnA ,
intl hint \'Ilr 01 thin , 5)tClll. I ltelits nuRture
I" tight hr h"ll" III hrr.
UtlH IN i AIl , ! H , \SIS
11.1 .
ninnitIN 1\:1 : : \ lflMATl1
' 11. ennu'IIII"I or Illt. I I I elld s a 111 1111'
In 10 ItlI'lt I II I Inc IIlt hy i Ini'i ru \118 \ ii i I-
It , ' ) ' . so 1.lrIR1"OI ; itt Ii II iaiil not unit 1"1\1.
I IS fIr . .11 by Itr"II'oIK ' 11.1.rlr.r , , every
ii hit'ii' , I I I Inst rat cii nu nit ithniet airo sitnit by
lUi , ' .i l'i.t' 'ittsiClv to.
IU)111i1'41 iit , , ' . Y ,
Is mcml a itnxtnry , btnt it nneccssity. Makes
mough nnemst tentien' ; sii'ex nIl Its Itavor ainti
rlcinness ; bakes lmremnti moist nail nnnmtkes dry
benti ( resIn ; is cattily Itmtnndied s'hien itt oven ,
\"rite for eirctnlnrs fully ( iescrlbinng tints ,
anti also six-bustle clnoplners. cemmnbiination
clipper. fryinng Pain , cake griddle , etc.
AgCflts wanted.
gin I'enrt St. , COUNCIL lRl.UtLS , iOWA.
CEO. 1' . SANFOI1I ) , A. W. I1ECKMAN ,
l'rcsinient. Cushier ,
First National Bank
Capital , . - $100,000
I't'ofits , - . . 12,000
One of tine OilIest tianlis in time Inte' at lowe.
We SOlICit yomr htmsttunts anti comiectmoun' . We
iaY 5 per coat on 1mm tIct'ostts. We wlhi be
plenseti to see anti servo you.
. . l'loUces '
Cohipefi l3hiffs-iui
Ed Burke , at W. S. iSomer's , 533 Broadway.
. _ general housework. 320 Oakland avenue ,
to trade for Iowa or eastern Nebraska hand ,
Greenshteids , Nicholson & Co. , Council Thult's.
- - - - - - -
w- . - -I
% aJ-:1 :
for infants and Children.
'I Cstorla Is so well adapted to citlldren that Casturirs cures Colic , Constipation ,
I recommend it ; as superior to any proscription flour Stomacin , Blarritwa , Eructafion ,
known to me. " II. ft. Annc'nen , It. B. , Kills Worms , gives sleep , and pronnotce
111 So. Oxford St. , Brooklyn , N. Y. geation ,
Without injurloun medical ioni
"Tine nc-ta of 'Castoria ii re universal and "For scverai years I hvo rceommedM
its imnerit so ycll known that it soeme a vork your ' Castorha , ' anti utah always continue IC
of stmpererogntion to endorse it. I'cw are the do so as it has invariably produced bencflcis
intoulgent famihiai who do not , Leep Castes-ia resuihm. "
wlLith easy reach , " Enwie F. PAaoe ; Id. fl. ,
C.uu.cs 1ir.v , TI. D. , lOlth Strcct and 7th Mo. , Now York City
New York City.
Tnma Cgx-rAont Coiteiev , 77 Munzu' Srnzg'r , Nw Yonz Cn'v.
- - -
/\H / \
A Happy New Year
To Our Friends and Patrons.
We tinamnlc you for the liinerai patronnmmge hnostowcd tipoti us dtmring tIme past year.
It grmitiiies us to know tinat our efforts to inimico nuloro Limo ia'llo of Otnatinac and
its vihitors tint choicest hmrOtlUetiolms of tue bust. niianmulacttmrcrs score so highly ap-
Onn oxertionns during tine coming. year will ha gro'tler thatin ever to gather to-
Odi getiner for your heiccilon tine best , atnel itnost Imenittifini things in Furnnlttmro , Carpet-nt.
w btovent annd lmaptmries ) tinat. thto woi'itl offers for tine dccoratioii of tine home , ntil of
wiiit'ii wilt ho uircrtnm as heretofore initiner for cmisii or inn emt'iy liaynnnerntnt.
Thin turnings tnf friutnls anal natmona iii our ostabhisinnmonnt , hum testinniorny to tue
niJ fact ( whnicia it- will ho our eart'est aiim to conilinnne to nitist-nilnin , that i , of our being
"time lowest Imricetl iiouso in Animoricmt for chientI , , xnnctiiinnn , anti linac goods , "
w Acain wislaitig our frienmrls ninni imatnnnns IL himuppy Now Year ,
We are us over tIme ineoinlu'ia L'rvmmnnte , thu ossniure of
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