Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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2 n1Tr-U O rAJIA DAIL'Y nBltJ niity'ir
t'IJi : rrllnRDA , , TAXrAUY 3 , 180 .
% S
' lerihler , An ex."herlr. nnd both men wee
completely armel. Just before they Itnrle , )
they ted ) ono or two clthenl : that they knew
what they were going nfer , nn.1 . woull br'g
I back I II I belevd thaI Mrs. Scott l ! d
x Akin methlng which gave him n i clew to thew
t Identity of the leader of lhe' band , arid ) that
L abe Is denying Information to other on his
advIce. Iuhlc Mnlm ? llt I , ) Increuln In.
tensely every hour and the least clew to
Scolt's murderers will be lhe tlgn:1 for
heroic meaauros.
ADm : ! ! ) rU ) , TO Tm I.'EUD.
One cf the re3uls of the tragedy has Ucen
to Inlenlify the feelng that alreay ) exllled
between political ) Lao Ions of Hal coun\ .
Several personl en ounter ha\'e only ben
. ( re\'ented by the Interference of frienda. The
( opulsls as9ctt that the whole affair was cuI
and trle by ScoU's frlenls In order 10 per-
mit him to eSC3113 from the prrspect of n
term In the penitentiary . Ohf arc very
Indhnnnl at the suggcatlon . I the Jask
men had been In ! 'mpalhy with Scot they
would ) never have fre1 ! Into the carrIage and )
eiidangered the lves of hI" family.
I Is con enly expected that the lynchers
will eventually be evatteil. I Is arucd thaI
In that sl1asely sHUrl ) territory n dnen men
could not engage In such an alalr wlhoul :
so , clew 10 their Identity leaking oul.
Everyone who has returned ! from the seuch
Is certain that many of the sellers know
marc lhol they cue to tell. They are afraid )
to give lhe posse any information for fear
that they wi Incur the venge nee of the bw-
less gang that stl Infests , the Niobrar -
Icy. hut Ills cxpectell that ns the excitement
subsides , ere of them may he Induced to open
their moutha ) this rl , II Is asserted that
smo cf the men who are suspect,1 , of con-
nIvance 'al tie outrage will he force to tell
what they know. .
Every man who come Into town today
from the north Is i under espIonage ( , ns II Is 1
' expected that .oro members of the gang
will he In luring the Inv ) to learn what sleps
are being taken by the authorities.
A leD reporter drove out to the scene of
the shooting this mornIng. The place semel
especially leslgnel ? fcr n deed ! of blo d. OPPD-
site the sOil houo a deep draw ) extended In ,
a southerly direction and then lured ,
westward toward the Nlohrara rIver. ,
Close hy Is a big hUlalo walow , and this
contatnell abundant evIdence that the attacking -
Ing party had ( camped there for a consh- ] ,
ernblo time. The nearest house ts occupied I
by a man canted Young. lie seemed to be
. tongue-tied , hut his wife was not nllctel '
; with that difficulty. her story , together
with the traces of the encampment In the
buffalo wallow , goes to show that the I'nch-
. ers hind waIted since Sunday morulng for
their victim. She saw two rIgs ful of men
drive toward O'Neill '
O'Nei early Sunday morning ,
and back again late In the afternoon. The same I
outfit returned Mouday ( 10rlng , but only
ono of the rIgs wenl hack In the aHernoon. ,
The carriage drawn hy n team of sorrel I
ponIes was missing . ThIs answers the de. .
Ecrlpton of the vehicle In 1 which Mrs. Scott
t and the children wcre taken 10 BartIl's I
house. She did not see Scott anti Schmidt
lying bound In the wagon that returned , and ]
did not look closely enough to give any satis. .
, sats-
factory descrltllon of the men who accom-
paniell It.
The horses driven hy Scott lay dead In I
lho road where they hoe been shot down . ,
Tim carriage broken In
was several places I
and splintered with bullets. In the curtain n
oa : the right side oC the carriage was louII I
the rent made by the bullet that hit Scott L
. ? In tie cheelt. The curtain Immeilatel ) '
a around the halo was burned with powder ,
showln : that the titan who fIred the shot
slood close to the carriage , anti shot to kill ,
The hole made ] by the bulet that wounded
Miss McWhorler was found In the rear of lhe
bug ! The appearance of the vehicle bill -
cated that all the shots were fred from Inll-
sIde ard rear. One of the bullets was found I
hntllded In the woodwork of the carriage
C Jf. u-ms of 38-caliber , coil hall
) IS
38-calber nl1 evidently baei n
fired ) from n revoiver The trail left
, by the party that carried Scot
J _ . . away was lQlowed for about three inhle I
. until It turned toward the river. Front mies
point the eli wa hiardr , anil It would
ol ! lardr ani woull have
puzzlcd ' an JndIaii'ccmtto ( qltow.
. LITTLE _ Jilts _ D EN 1. _ AnNEp. ,
The quartet tlnt returned thIs ov nlng ,
have ) ov
ave the honor of beIng the only men out of
the scores who have been patrolling lhe
county who have anything to show for their
exertons , Marshal hull said that there
would be
another prisoner In the morning ,
but could not be Induced 10 give furl her.
tcua : s. lie said hatt was a ramarlcabie
' fact that among all Jhe lieople they < saw
during their search m feW who have been
under suspIcion from
' the first were the only
ones who claimed to have heard nothIng of
. tine nifair. '
No definite Intelligence has been received
from Sherl ! amlton nd his posse nor lrom' ,
Del Akin and d.Hershlsr , wli7 started on
a still , 1u1t t\lls \ morlng. , A Dee' reporter , '
accolpahled a scoutng party this afternoon
who spent several hours In scouring tine
Country for a radius of sevel'al miles from
the Ecme of MOllay's traedy. mies Young
family , who era the only dwellers In sight
of Parker's , were alaln vIsi" Iwelers hut n. ' , '
only confirm theIr Previous ' stateinonts. ; : nth
Mr. anti Mrs. Young are certain that tine
lynchers spet ) Sunday Parker's , waiting
for theIr victim . This 15 cited hy wailng
friends as further proof that the story that
the affair was a putt up job Is a palpable
fraud. They assert thaI If he had been
spirited away by his friends they would not
have been compelled to lay thirty-six hours
pear. on tine open prairie waiting , for him to op-
The conditon of affairs In O'Nei tonight '
indicates thaI when ( ito mob fired on the :
Innocent funnily of I3nirratt Scott they Ignited
n fame that will nbver be Ignled
lhll wi never peacefully ex-
tinguishnod. Never was n resolute purpose
I more unmistakably Iuprlnled upon a human
- ) face lumls born by hundreds of people In
this city today. It
' - I Is only wlhln the past
hventY-four hours that tine news of Cite shool-
& . log has extended through the surrounding
' country Scott has scores of warm frIends
. among tine farmers In this vicInity Early
. . . this afternoon they began to nrrlva In town
stud their ( numbers have Increased with every
hour. Mauy of them have drIven twenty or
thirty miles and declarl they have come to
. slay until Darrelt Scott Is avenged They all
carry revolvers nt their belts and most of
' . thom have rlnes. An ohl Eeter would inn-
I nglne that he had been transported twelve
, years back to the time when Doc Midthioton
and )11 Wade lucid caflvnr In the Niobrara
, valley anti the vigilance committee ruled the
' , only court of justice. Nol since those his-
torlo times have so many rifles , bncllll ] hy
. determined men , been seen on tine streets of
O'Nei. The most ImpressIve feature of the
situation Is the silence lhat Is universally
preserved There Is 10 apparent excitement ,
I ' . and the caunl visitor would scarcely Imagine
r whal a dangerous current Is running tinnier
the surfnce. No one seems 10 talk Iller of
" the lynching , hut lhoy think of nothing else.
. - Iuslneu mon who are Imowl tOho socIal In
' tine ulreme seem to have lost all desire 10
tailc . even to their friends. Hut every taco
, . wear an expression of stern determinaton
whIch bodes no gOal ) to the perpetrators of
, . , , the oUlarngo If their bden'lty Is over estab-
' l hed , There Is no : menton of law. No one
seems to consider the possibilIty of recourS1
. to that Ixlremly , There can be little doubt
. ' but that tine identification of the murderers
\vlol he folowell by I Ewlfr and ) surer
penalty than thaI which courts lay down ,
I Is Iml0sslble to altogether ignore tine
fact that lnoliiicai preJudices
101lcal are laTely
' Invoh'ed In tine Irovalent excitennenits . l'ub-
lie sentiment Is drawl on Partisan limes al )
there ore but few exceptions to tine rule.
. rite . 1011ldls ellorso tine theory that Scot
las eiher taken alIY by mint friends or that
. .
ho rcmoved
was by InterestCII luartlos who
feared thlt ho would luvoh'o lartes In his
lefalcation. lit ) this they Ire opposed by ,
lh republicans , wino Indhmlnty deny such ,
an accusation. They say that titus far noth. ,
n . lag tangible Is obtainable that goes to sup-
port the populist view
Every circumstance
pOluls clrcun1tnnco
. _ _
'c4. that hns been discovered Indicates that the
first theory ol tine affair Is correct. and that
the oxtreasurer inn n GenuIne vlclhn of mob I
. ( law . They point to the fact of the wound
: of Scott and Miss McWhorler as In.lsllulablo . 1
'evldonce Ihat the mOi were anything but his I
friends , end the assertion Is ollenl'enlurell I
that nt least half l 1 dozen of the Iyncherl I
touini bu named.
cull blnamcd. The more Immediate frIends I
. : of the murderet man are firm In the opinion L
that the dee.1 was planned ) l1d executell by
mont who are sall to have repeateily
threatened to Ice that Scott was puisined L
Scol8 Plnlahed
i' . ' - ror his crIme. TIn nrresl of Elliott has LI I
emllhlslzed ) this ollinlon , Inl It Is probable
that leveral 811llonal ! wlrrsnls will bo I
served tomorv . I II not expected that ]
. anything will result from a further effort to n
follow the wagon trails . Tine next step will I
i b" to Bet hold of loml of the len who arc
, ) ' _ - : : - . , , . " - . . _ . . . _ . . .
, I'-.M . ; : . . .
uner suspIcion and , endeavor ) 10 make lhem
dlscloso their BupposCI knowledge of the
a ffair . I was stated by one of ScoU's
frlend tonight ! that In case nothing furlhrr
was developed . within a day or two n public
meeln ! would be called ! , at which 1 reward
would bo offered and mora systematic methu-
ols agreed on.
Late this evening Mesa ) Elliott was ar-
rnlgnN ) before Judge McCulchen anti ] pleaded
not gul ) ' , Ito was release ! ) on OO bail ,
Depuly County Treasurer Sam Howard nnd
Arthur Mulen , a clerk In the ofce of tine
counly treasunrer going his bond. lie was
o rdered ) to appear on Monday mornIng , when
his Ilrelminary c"amlnnton Is set for hear-
i ng .
The ) , 'ronter. the local republican organ ,
wi print tine following . editorial orlnn :
"Poor Scott ) . . " \VII , dear reader the
Scol trolhle , . for nR Scot la concernerl ,
1m ! reached . an end . 'fhe 11.lrlt of malice ,
hatred nnrt malevolenet that malce
carler Ilersecuton hy the lolrd of Sunper-
\ \lors has followed . down tine years with
InclenqlnA i intensity ) ' ar\l Onal ) ' cllnlnntell
il In i coil-hioonlenl ] ! rlmler' hy nn organized
Ian.1 l . of outnwl amid . re.l.hnnlled . ViillaTnS.
This erect la not without a calae , amI the
caUBe Is seIf-evinlent. Those oC UI who ha\1
Ilt nervolsly hy thc waYBIe ] and heaNI
cQntlnualy cat ( linen Scot from the stump
dn durinA two Political cnmpulJns nnd tend
nfal'ehy ni 'Ireaehed ' bv tine porlulst preRs
of the county can rlmll ) ' place the hllme
wherc It properly belongs. " 'c can see
thnl their Rteakers amid ] cdltorR with end ! :
tni o hi l gnlne,1 , havl wrulht 1110n the ignorant
and emlollene.I . the Ilwles ! men Into he- :
Ievlnl i Scott wnl Il monBter oC frigiutful
u nion I . , In leaAle wih the court , mind that
the only way 10 ReCUf whnt they termed :
jURtee J was to tnlle the law into their own L
hands h nnd wreak uuntnmnary Veulgeatuce for
flnclel ] wren ! ! They have succeNle.I ,
111 let us mope that their COl-
cienceni If such a thinA ts felt
wihin their hreasts , justnel them In rllh- :
lessly l tcnrllJ a man frol the bosom of his I
fc fllly , IhootnA Innocent men , women mint ] I
ehlorln , and bearing hll away Into the t
wllerne ! ! and lonelnes of the dark pral-
, rlc , there to he torture1 ninth , hutchere ! like
n wild animal or vcnomous Inuke ol the
jt nnnngie. This Is the caURe of the hearless ;
dee" . Ild no menu need ! take time to deny
II. i 'fhe slml ) spelldl/ was done by a
man m who already has hloo.1 . upon his hllls , ,
the result of tine leadership of I mob II n
1"nl1ce Eome yea rs mngo. I
The nnarh ) ' ant prollllted by the Ilpl-
lst l prenn ! nutty he seen lit Imelt : nlmbers of ]
thl Deacon Light , 11.1 . no mater what itt
\llanous 11\1 cowardly luther 11) ' now
say In lamentnton , lS he views the l'lul
of Inl naturt outcole of hts Roclnlstc
tcachlnA t , the crhnson linger of Cain IUst C
surely haunt mint wnlllnA mument al11 11 I
hIs m i4Ieep wih fearful drernunsVe 10 nol
accuse hIm ol Ilmlel' In the first degree ,
nor do we nccuse htm of beIng an ncces-
ser ) ' , ns we probably 1011 not sustain the
< . tIntt.
Iccusaton before Il Halt count ) jury at
the presenl tme , hut the facts nml stir
rOluln ! circumstances lre enfllnossenl ] and
cmhlazonel upon the minds ! of our readers
11 ] word ( rein us Ire more than vatn rune i
uselett. We .10 . not lIke to say thaI the
Incqlendent part ) Is In smpath with lhls
brutal ns msslnatol , 1m } we will not say It ,
Ilhough t there cal he no doubt thlt ever ) : p'
man Ind ho ) ' ol the moh wins n populist ,
but we will say that the ) ' Ullhotd this cdi
Cur In his nefarious ) teachI1Js , tutu , i
the fact lmt they keep hIm
In their company anti steal the
puhlc tnnotney In tax Ill deals t recompense ' I
him for his Imavlsh worlt. The crime tim
Inns been committed wns not dope wihout
lvlce , all the linger of scorn nl11 shame
Is pointed a the mln who inns ear that
reward. how thnnkfuni we ale el there
Is a glowing intreafter. Justice may never
he done on Ihls eartin but the 1.ur,1 , Inns sam , :1 :
that venllnnoe Is his , and leconlng to the
holy word of God lie will claim Ills own In
due season.
New Year's day was perhaps the sldesl ,
Jver wltneRSe ! In O'Neill. "I wish you ta
happy New Year" was rarely helrl nm ]
even then It hacked the proper ring. Tin t
minds of our people dwelt tearCul ) ' upon :
a lonesome home a widowed lad ) ' ninth an :
orphan child . , malI so hy man's ininumnamnlt ) - .
I seemed lS though n funeral pail hul bee
thrown ovel' our little city nm sienced the
merry greetings of the nJed and the joyous
shout of the yuuthful. None could he found
hlry ! ] enough to attempt to just
Ily the atrocious dee and only regrets were
hcal'd. Jven the breeze seemed laden wIth
radness , Although the remains of poe inr
Scoty Ilrohably lay buried In sOle per .
cayon or sunlt In the dismal Ind treacherous -
outs depths of the Niobrra , the sadne
shown 10 O'Nei was nn honor salness
worthy ' ' -46 ' ' man "h.waS'more
sinned against tmn sinmning and a rebuke :
to his murderers. Tine dead and the deep
nre atways Ilvlnl un their secrets. anti we
earnestly - hope tint -an e'elar an ' eye - lei
I tooth' for 1 teeth flay be exacted before
the friends of justice 1m } fall Ilay ) allow
this crime to become n reminiscence , to be
related enpn winter remlnlscence.o the
coals giov ( upon the hearth. ! Scot ) , welL
Sll ) ' , rest . 'fo- his murderers we say that
"ve hope there Is somethlng'ln the theory
of RlllrltalBm , that Scoty may be able to
materialize before them al the most un-
canny times and In the most un-
canny piflcc mind laying hare. before them
his rlptnJ wounds , remind them' of the
ineart-renudimig . appeals of his little chid for
mercy and then haunt thor to. iertiition.
Thls.11 what we tinttnicf mnobIa.w4as'apinlieti
'In this Instance . . , - as'appled
Statemelt Ihat JIn Implcatel } tn the De
llcaton . \10 I'pouRIIi.
LINCOLN , Jnn. ' 2.-Speclal.-Informa- ( )
ton of rather starting nature relative to tine
) arrelt Scott affair leaked out here toda ) ' .
I Is said that a shorL time before ScoU's
Ilsappearnnce he wrote , a full confession of
lhe crlmo of which he stands convicted ) . which
Implcatell i n number of men ol prominence ,
ane which would , If given to tine authorities ,
re31 In tine arrest and almost certaini cona
vlcton of tine men named by Scott as havIng -
Ing i been as deep In tine thud as he was In
the mIre. lie called these coparlners 10-
gether ' In his rOOI quite recently and reat
the pro nlsccl nfesslon to them , stating In
nest emphatic laugnage that If they per- , ,
milell his Imprlsonmcnt under tine sentence
wlilch Illngs over his held he would expose
them 10 tine world and ' 'testify against them
upon lhelr trial He notIfied them that he
would expect them to pay the expenses of
his m trial , Including attorney's fees , antI that
they had better settle all such maUers at
once or take' the consequences sure 10 folow
their failure to 10 so
ThIs lUts an entirely new phase upon lhe
case. Ar , discussed In the hotel lobbies here
there seems to bo a division of opinion as to
what partcular facton of HelL county la re-
sponslhlo for tine abduction and poralble ns-
sasslnaton of Darrelt Scott I Is conceded
hy all that a very general and biter feelng
of resentment prevnls among alt classes In
10lt county , which was intensified hy tine
neton of tine court In reducing the bal of
Scott 10 a fure which enablel him to gel
bond. lie mlhl have been ambuscaded and
klo1 ! nl tine Ins lance of these eOlllo , or he
may have been abducted by those Scott
lhrealene ) to Implcato In his confession , I
tine latter , did they intend , to kill him or
merely cOlpel hIm to leave for parts unlmown
with the Injuncton that his return to Hall
counly woull mean cerlaln dentin T
- -
] . \ GENEtttTE A VI Nnl TTA ,
nelllty Irlralml 1.1.1'11 . : ; TIlk. of tine Lx- I
cHcm.ut lt O'Neill.
"Tho Darrelt Scott affair at O'Nei Is
going to start a regular vendela nip lu that
vicinity " 501(1V. . It , I.lddlard , who came
down from Atkinson yesterday , "Senlhm'nt
Is divided . , the litton are Irawn closely
Scolt's fr1enls , and euomle '
are biter , 'rhls
I but tine beginning of I big pool of blood
lhat will fol before tine nlalr Is settled ,
amid If Srol Is dead , lP 1100ple genorlly
believe , I will mean n war of Ulblsh anti
n long list of sudden ticatins I believe that
Scott has been killed and hl body put Inder
the Ice of the Niobrara ,
" 111 AIln 11.1 . not get word of the affair -
fair until after tIne morning train had ten
Alklnsou , Then' was a big crowd of peo-
Ille down at the depot at O'Nei In lutcl-
Ilalon of th\ arrival of Akin on lhut trolD ,
and they connld nol understand at first why
be was net on 1oJnl. Several hour laler
Akin went 10 O'Nei In hil rig Arer
ho found lhot the train had gone ho hlchel
UI u leam until drove acres lhe country
u distance of eve twcnly mules. There Is
some fear that Scott's enemies vill seek
to 10 UII Akla. I never saw Ileoplo so ex-
cited In my life . luslness Is nt a stand
still arouml' O'Nei , all lhcre have been
n number of Iluarell already over argu
menta the alalr has developed .
"I know the character of tine gang In thai
\'Ielnly too well . Men who would luke a
wounded woman walk three unties wouldn't t
show much mercy to n mln , even If ho was
I cripple.
"IL la lou1tful I they ever Lad ScoU's
lnody. I don't believe they would hold him
la captivity In an attempt to make him
divulse lecret. "
, - ' - - , , . . . . . . . _
a - - - - - - - - -
Governor Morton's Innngu'al Message Sug.
gests Severl n Neded
Eeoinouuny In Thi Ulrectiol hirgelirenter
NCI" York , Ilitiikt't Ualhl t Cnunl ,
l.orfA anrl ( &anne-t'oun % let ' . : hol
for HeCtor Jalt .
ALBANY Jnn , 2.-Governor orlon's
tnaugural i ressae was haiti belore '
tine legslature today ) . I opens with
reference to the legislation
leglrlaton mule : nec-
cssary by tine revhe' ) constitution which ,
tIne message observes , demnlls , tine
closest care that no Inasty incomplete
or 1il.niuvIsd { measures be eunacted There Is
no state ludebte.lness . whatever , while the
permanenl funds Including the Unlel ) Slnles
deposit fund aggregate OnO,343.30 : of prin-
cipal The nmount realized from the trns-
for lax ( otherwise known as the Inheriance
tax ) during tine lat fscal year was $ .688-
954.21 , and fem the corllorton and organi-
zaton taxes $ ,796,640.87 , making a total of
f3,484,685.1. The Income froth both sources
Is below exinectattons. I Is estimated that
the transfer lax will not for years 10 come
yield more than f2,000OOO annualy ,
The governor recommends tine legislature
to devise wa's and means , If practicable , for
tine enlargement of of tine
some state charI-
table iunstitutions. Expendiures arc made
before tine appropriations are enacted 10 meet
lhem , anti this 18 a condition of affairs which
requires romuedy. The governur points out the
necessity for a surplu . lie also calls atten-
ton to the need for tine most rIgid economy
In the manngemenl of tine different depart-
mcnls of the state ' governmenl. From year
10 year , nll especially Ilurlng tine past
twelve or thlrleen years these expenses have
grown until the burden Is becoming grievous
nnd unnbearable Iulrect forms of 10v'lng
taxes have been resorted to with n view of
reducng lnxes One great extravagance , he
says , arises from tine multiplicity of "com-
missions , ' ' which mayo Increased so rapidly
In number amid expense since nbout the year
11889. From an xpendllure for tine duties
covered by those commissions of less dules
$ b,000 In 1880 , vi have seen a rowth from
year 10 year until the cost of three commissions -
missions at ono tmo ImoUned last year to
nearly $1,250,000. 50mo of tines coinmnnis.
! cou111-
slons nre . Stuti
unnecessary 111 should be
abollained. Sauna ol them should \ con-
sullnled wRit relative Gepartmenta of tine
I Fate govermumnient. Tine governor notes that
althiougln about $21,400,000 has been expended -
pended upon the new capitol , that structure
Is not yet coulnpleted 'he people , he adds ,
are thoroughly tired of lhls seemlnglyendlcss
drain upou the treasury
Governor Iorton reviews tine new can-
sltulon , 11) specIfically recommends legls-
lotion to give each provision effect. As 10
the "greater New York , " It Is sugggesled
lhat n commission be at once created , to be
composed of the most capable citizens of Cite
various localities interested , and 10 be
charged wllh tine power and duly of framing
a charter 10 be reporte,1 , 10 the present legis- '
lature for the government of the new city.
In the meantinnnc , the
meantme governor says , the
duty Is Incumbent on the legislature under
the express wIll of the people of the mo-
tropols , to give to the mayor of New York
tine requisie power of removal and nppolnt-
ment wlhout waIting for the full details of
the reform plan.
The experience of several years has made I
it clear thaI the system of provIding a separate - '
rate ballot for each group of nominations Is :
cumbersome and unsatsfaclor ) ' . The ,
"blanket-ballot , " so called . which was success -
cess fUl ) used , many stales , should . In tine
jndgment of Governor
Marion be adopted In
thIs state without further delay. It Is , 1
mor over , tine opinion of the governor that
the use of "paster ballots" should'bat"oace ; ,
prohibited , for ' thronnin , its . " , hnstruneijttllty ( j
the pUrpo of tlnelav , ' \ lty
, ! : la\'hasHbeentOI a large C I
extent . _ _ ieealed. ( 'Inthl bnLernt.f , _ _ purI'lec , I :
UUI , UU"IIUn IS cleu to the fact ti
whlo SWorn . statements of experts Ifre"r t
qulred o. candidates for office ther 'Is .no ' ,
provisIon for ascertaining the exp ' ns s , of
political committees. The , Importa'nce of leg- .
Islllon authorln : the hiunprovennent' of tine
canals of the state so lhat they may regain
the position they formerly held as crriers relin
Is urged upon the legislature I' IS sinouvni
by slntlslcs that what has been lost by lie
ennnls has not all been gained by th '
al gined ( ratlj
roads of the state a nslderahlo proportion
of tine earnings from grain carriage having
been secured by the rairoads of olher states
and of Cauada. '
The subject of good roads Is aho com-
mendel to the attention of the legislature.
I Is suggested that convict labor mny flnd
employment In this direction , particularly
IS 1 constitutional amendment which takes
efecl two years hence forbids the state from
employing convIcts at Clue ' stale and county
prisons , jah ! and reformatories anl any IndustrIal -
dustrIal art or useful
occupation In
occupaton compe-
UUon with the work or products of the
people. Some lurlher legislation Is urged
looldng ll l toward perfection of tine state bank-
Ing l law , particularly In the matter of pay-
Inl l In of capital stock IL Is urged lhat the
banllng law be :0 mended that tIne officers
havlul l the phystu control of the funds of
a bank should not be allowed to loan money
to t lhemselves , but that their applications ,
for loans should bc' submitted to lhe board of
directors , I Is recommended lhat banks of
Ilscount anti savings banks he forbidden to
conduct business In the same om es. The ,
governor asserts that the expenditures for
the maintenance ! of state bUldlrgs for tine
lusane l have been 'extravaganl , and makes I
cerlaln recommendaUons In the Interest . of
e onom ) ' .
The preservaton of forests , game , anninunala t
und birds are subjects recommenrled to the
consideraton of the iegtslature. I Is Ilutnully
sug/estCI lhat attention he given fnaly ,
queston of providing the state military and L
nnval forces wlh Impro\'el armns
ISLitNICET IU.I.OT nox JiItf .
Govcrnor ilortuun's SUAlestolS Uearlng
I'rlit nt Once.
ALBANY , Jan 2.-ln the slate senate 10-
Iny Mr. Lcxow Inlroduce'l a bill giving the I
power of removal to tine mayor of New York , ,
and a hi to allow tine mayor to give notco
for helrlngs on till legislative hills relatng
10 t the ct : ) ' .
Senator Haines Introduced a blanllel balioi
box bill . balot
Governor Morton nomlnaled Alvah CI. Doty P
of New York for health ofcer of the port
anl ho was Immediately conuirruned .
IUaolrl , 1.t/IRhl'u-olvene .
JIWl"EnSON " CITY , Mo. , Jan 2.-Tho
Thirty-eIghth general Issembly of Jlsurl
convoued at nol today A Ileular Interest
attached 10 the house because It Is the firs C
assembly oral\zed \ by Jhe republicans In I I
quarter of a century , A feature of the repub .
Icau display was ' republican St. Louis
sent n Bmaler delcaton or onlookers that Ii
Kansas Oly or Sl , Joseph. After completng t
temporary organization aqJournmenl umntil tomorrow -
morrow was tallel. , , unll
1.leulenalt Governor O'Menra caled the
seualo to truer amid In a , brief slleech refcrred
to the fnalcla lalll ltnnlusirlnnl l ! dorm , and
came out openly and lrongly lu favor of reo
form II the electoll ' aw5. Citizen's ccm- ,
mitels to prosecule oeclol frauds should I
saint he , be unnecessary ninth ullmowl In I : I
Missouri. Tine people expect this and nolhil/ '
short of H will salsyfhcm. ! $ : / !
Two i.eglslnuturcns I" Now " .XIo.
SANTA I FE , N. M..4n , 2.-The ) Thlrly-
Irt alsembly of Now .Jexico 18 still umnor
gammized . The council' elected olcer and
stands four reJUblcan to eight democrats I .
The democratc house .clnslsl of fourteen
IIHI his bll'or In two men , but his not yt
been recognized by Goveror Thornton , The
t epublean house inns organized , elected Umu
slleaker and has a corps of sergeanl-at.
arms on guard. The sItuation Is unset ted I ,
but Governor Thorton hopes to avert nny
cerloul trouble.
1118lchlaol1 I.n'gi.lnnturns Connyrmnes. .
BOSTON , Jan , 2.-The 'Ieghl fife ( 'as I-
sembled today , Tine officers 'of the Inl
session were re-elecie'd. Governor Green
halge wi be relnaUb'rlled lomorrow II I
the new hal of tine house of represents I
t \'ea.
Sou"lor I1u311110 1&101111tcl
LANSING , Micli , Jan , 2.-TII republcan
caucus of members ot the legislature for '
the nomination of member of the Unite 11
_ . . , _ . , . . . , .
- - . - - - - - - . . . . . - . , , ' , . - -
- - - - . .
- - - - - - - - - -
Slalol for 5IF ' ars 'I'O held ) tonight I
rpsuHel ) In l11e ( bmlnlton of Senator James
IcJllan hXI.clamaton. : $ . Senator MeMil.
Iln'l i re-election has all along heen n foregone .
gone conclusion , there being but ole democrat .
crat In the "islotnnte. The caucuses for
lhe t nt1.lalu '
nomlnntMI'tb' tll llnltCI States senator
for four years to fill lho unexplrcd term of
Senator Slockbrh1ge , deceased . ) . , will bo held
lomorrow t , pan 1 T
i'u ' ! ! tsi' ; ) o /mSJl. . Tl" .
( )1,1uoitlouu ) to.I\\Ie IIU n 11 "er1 ) ' 0-
mnmnnicc'd 11 the teinnnte .
WASHINGTON , Jan. -Consldcrnble in-
terest has beer IlinnJesled In tine west over
the prosPecl oMhe , passage of tine bill for tine
Ilrolection i at , lqrolt reservntous and It has
become evilent since the bill passed tine
house t that I wi encounler no inconsiderable )
opposiion In time senale. Tine bill when It
went 10 tine senate wits referrc 10 the com-
mlUeo on Plblc lands ] . but the reference
was chnngel Inter 'and II then went to tine
commitee one forest reservnlons , of which
Sfnator Allen of Neblaslla Is chalrmnn. Tine
necesPfy of prollel' care of the forests for
lhe Ilreservaton of tine timber antil , ) the con-
' Bermton of time wAter supply In nil tine arid
'mountains i , states and territories Is generally
admlUed even by those who oppoe the pendIng -
Ing i bill , bunt tine ) can len lhnt the selecton
of lans ) for such reservations has been made
hnstly an.1 . without adequalo underslnndlng
of the cundltons provided They assert lhnt
lan n ) ' of tine resermt ns are far more ox-
tenslve than lhey need be ant that they
Olernlo 10 Irevent the seltement of large
areas of counlry which mlht otherwise be-
come lnroducttve. I Is asserted ! b. ' hem that
tmber emily molds tine snow In the higher
10lntllnols relons nl1 that mnnamny of tine
reservntons manic , especially In Colorado ,
Calfornia and Wyoming , extend 10 regIons
where the snow does not lie aL all . This Is
, also an objecton 10 tine prlnclplo of uslnl
tine slnndlng army as a guard for tine
reservatlouns. Probahly tine objection to Illc ,
In b ! the Ilrlvlege' of cuUI , , ! timber wlhln
the dliscretiomn of tine secretary of time Interior -
tenor which was mnde In the house wi also
bo revived In the sennate.
CJI . \ ) 1 . t.ij FAsTER M.tILS. :
1'010111 Service hlJroVOI by S.vornl Slight
WASHINGTON , Jnn. 2.-Se\'eral Imporlnnl
plans for ImprovJng the 110slal service ! have
just become operative . Tine prlnclpnl one Is
tine general rednclon of postage rates from
Cape Colony . Orange Free States and all
olher countries not embraced In tine Universal -
vernal Postal union. Under Clue provIsions of
the new scheme all connlrles will now enJo )
uniform rates except Canada ami Mexico ; for
which spelnl rates have long heen In ogue.
Tine ehanc results In a reduction of ) rates
for ordlnnry minus from 10 cents to I cents
01 half ounce , anti for newspapers from 2
cents 10 1 cent for two ounces.
Tine new arranemelt for fnclalng for-
I elgn mals from Doston , Phladellhln , Balti-
' Dall-
'more , Chicago and St. Louis also vent into
operation. This allows the '
opernton. alows presenl system
lof having the regular mals halle , } nld
warblet nl the New York offices , but also
provides for sending additional malls by
later trains , wlLch leave In tune to make
direct conneclols wih the steamers , messengers -
sengers to be statone at the depots to carry
tine mals direct to the vessels instead of ni- ,
11911u , the dellY Ilcnrrel hy Clue regular
'mnls In going 'H\rdugJ \ the New York City
office. . Ciy
ofc ll''n
A change Inhserles of the newpallers
and periodical'tnnps will Into
< "tnmps wil go .opiraton
this week , hl.tlvlng general changes In
den'omlnatQns ' im11 ' colors tlfough mnlntnln-
Ing I the gemnenhntnrncteristtcs. \ ) The new
denomlnaloJ& ' , , 2 , 3 , I t 10 , : ; and 50-
cents , anti 2 , & 'o 11 . , 50 cemnts nd $ nnl . Tine
denominatons dlsconUntneni , are 4 , 08 , 12 ,
24 , 36. 48 , 602"fH. ! 6 cents , lD2 $3 , $6.
$9 , $12. $24 , f ! ' 1 , * $60. , $921 '
wlr.L 'u t . , r fly TIU WAR.
wu. ' 1 . , , ' H\ ,
S lutor On'I" ; hai\i \ ) JUL Tr'nclo with Chin
'VMLJilc.1nerpniseI. C
1VAS1hINGTONJanr2'-.Senator Davis
'VASHINGTO-Jan2. Senate of
ftli 1 < '
IUnnesobi al nlHW h' foreign rc-
laJJ n I IA'Jo ; ! ! YW wa . . , 'el ! ,
Chh n1 lJPR.tJJ. ! ul.In. . great . ex'
j lens Ion oC orlrce ; between , tmne Unlel
Slates 'nnl both these counlrles. "or course , "
, he i said , "OUrco0JeXGO Is , not of Importance
I cO,1pared.wilI , what ItlJgh .be with , proper
encolrageleQt , , Thei war , tn n1Y opinion ,
I will result - ! n tlle , .r orgomnization' . tine
Chinese ' empire ' II'aecordancQ , wih the
progress and'development ; of the world. This
, reorgnnlzal n must be mado. Tim people of
China are intelligent ' . . , and - will le 'proc
j Cressive. They' have beella a state of stagt '
nation for a' tUne , Ilt forces are lt worlc.
The war will leach thnemn ihat lho old cusm
toms and old 'Idoas will not be toleratcd In
tine present oge"t :
Mr. Davis Ihlnlls , that Clue war vill call
' ' wi cal
tine ntento'n' of tite'i 'ople of , the United '
States to thQ , innlrnrtatnuie of bolh China amid
.Iapan as markets for our wares , anti many
products of these countries will nnt market -
Itet In the United Stales.
, Noni ; for the Army ,
WASHINGTON , Jnn. 2.-Speclnl ( Tele-
gram.Captainhavid ) A. Lyle , Ordnance
department , ladvle steel ivories Phlad l-
piuia and Captain William Crozier , Sandy
Joel { Proving Ground , will proceed to
'atertown arsenal , Muss" , on business perb
tainimig to manulncture Il gun carrlagenn .
Tine retirement of Coloenl John G. Chanl-
ler i , assistant
quartermaster general , Is an- ,
nounced. " _ . ( . , ! :
Captain Edward E. IarIJ Seventh infantry -
fantry , Is relieved with the New York Naa
ton. tonal guard and I ' will Join his proper nutah
ruplaln JadeS B. , urhank , Third artil.
lery l , will jnroqeed , to Allln ) ' for duty with
the New Yorlt National GUlnl ,
Second Lleutenlnl . Charles \V. Fenton ,
Seventh cavalry , Is granted two months
extended leave. . "
l'ostllutel COlmlsslonerl ,
\S1IING'j'ON , Jnn. 2.-Speclll ( Tele-
ram.-Postmasters ) were commlSloned
tOa . as . . follows : Nebraska-Emma T.
Beckwith Gates ; ' J.ewls Andrews , Maget
rouva-uolnert ! S. . Burr , Add : Louis D.
Grove , \ Ve.uton : Joseph .1. Thimble , Pre-
( IOflhii . . South Doicota-AiJamnimn E. Cole ,
hiO't. - - _ - _ _ _
/JWITITUTION . . flY TIl . 'iTJf II' ,
flInt , , ) 1'001'11 'n ' the tbcLokeo ' oultr'lf -
InnIng for Clolhll !
HOSTON , , Jan. , .
2.-According to advices tel
celvc by the Congregational Homes - ,
Ilonur ) ' soclely , the cIrcle or suffering In
parts of the west , Is witleining . I Includes
the Cherokee Strip In Oklahoma , which wn
opened for settlement n year mngo. The
country Is rmVhatcaly mew. 'fho 11lsBlol- ,
aries or the Cotngregntionnul Home Mission.
ConGregatonul 10me
a f' society . In ! orwlrlng special corre- :
H/londence / reiltve to tine . sltuatiomn , state
thnat there Is SPecial need of .sluuton . With
the thermomeler below zero , thele were i
thirteen men at I relgious service who I
were 10 overcoats In1 wer klown not to I
ownole. Some oC the women were witiuout
WfPS of any Itlml. A mother un1 ! wlhout
alerlalely ivorej'tluo sale pair of shoes .
Women have betn tund barefoot ofhOel. hOle , ,
not possessing UQ ) ' ! } Inl ol nn aid siuoe '
One homo mislionliry writes ens ( oliovie ;
"I have' no meani wlmtver. \\'e have nuemn .
her wino have . etA btln able to do amnythning mel.
Wih my 11lel , amount 01 $ t75 per quartet
I mayo dlvlderl with two or three of our
famies 10 keep ilmnena ' from absolule nuuffer .
lung . but I . ; , ninylitlung suIer. ,
thinS 'the Strip " Which It only a year olti ,
wi he In mlc I 11 t'o I' Cecil ii ion In I miunot ell ,
year , tent they will talt 'eonshltn.hle ' crops ,
'rhe ) ' wi . ' , , ' If course , but it'ill I
help A meetm111 \ heen lucid to wi I
congress ( om' hetll ! but we I'allot wait on I
congressional ucl t."j , 1tall09 every cent
our society , cn lfQ ' to get hooks , to Ileep
flit Sahbuthe scufn1s , tnd llrovhle fuel tom
our cIuUrcin . " 'rhc'lnuni1uling ' IH new amnd nol
yet comunpleienl. m'.hnnn lu.ltt recently 11 vur. .
chased I BtO\'C. t ' 'JI blizzard Blruek Ilr- us
( hrJllmas , BII 1 { ( ' ! cl tmc < Here ( amulet u
hlvo sufert sli.lyllrom -ss'ant of clothes
' '
any nleiner1pJIuui1' ,
'fho home ajlsslonnnur > : society has alreall ) '
forwarltd colhln tar these nutnfferers ) i
! sufererl Ind
will gladly he the 'almoner. of the Ilublc II
so doling . _ _ _ _ , . _ _ _ -
luournnre ivnucy 'uhJrot to ( ; lrllohc (
FORT 'OHTU : 'rem , , Jnn. 2-An ; 1m.
portant and ( ar-reaeiuiung I\e \ lslon was ren-
tiered by the clvJ aourt ol appeals todur
In the case Or J , h. l J3w1u'lne ngncimnnnt E I . W.
Chase 111v It W f' Ilchllld8 l1allBt luhle to exe-
cuton under'slrnllhment Inlulunce , mbmuei r
Ilue on I hOlpostell1 burnttj . 'hls will re'vo -
' lurljd. wi f'\'O-
luUonlze thu 'FEixanu horestrud law . 'rhe
( huse homeltelJI Wil IlBuret for $0.0 ] taut
Cite InBlrllle , l ' olllnle9 .were Hurnlsheed
for $22,0.
- _ . -
( 'lu.1 I I ) ' UILrcllfut ,
As I result of the Inquest Ilell ) 'estella ) I'
nnften-nomn ' , t/l Jury tqqnti that ) "Irmnn
lCIIS'1 deuth wal caused by ann unavoitl -
uble r.ceitient. IClng'IB the ) Ilavoll- al1 ,
ladder truck driven' who was thrown ( rom
hil scat Ind crushed to death by the \heell ,
of the wiuIoml passIng over his hey ' within ht '
was trlvlll to I fire I few days since
" . , , . , .
- - - - - - - -
Rcmatknblo Cnse of Suspended Animation
Reported from Ohio
. -
Jdrnotlllry I'XIIrhneut rllc hy" ) 'nrt )
ot 1'hsleiiinn-Utiuer , lintrnuncc . ot
Jlnth.r.tko Tr.\nce neil Jsu -
Ii the lIttle town of Nevada a number of
doctors and other cItzens ! arrangel 10 carry
out last spring the East ) nlla scheme of
bur'lng n man alive nl1 resurrectng him
again after several weeks . A sulable place
was sccured where the \tmose secrecy coul )
bo maintaIned , anti under the hnmelinle
superviIon of Dr. C. A. Mills , Dr. J. N. I
OoodbreRl , : Ir. J. E. Maxwell , anti ) : Ir. hi.
M , Mcl.auhln , formerly of Denvr , Colo. ,
Ilreparntons were beun. The subject WS a
rOl'lnhachelor , Levi Nye , who was 10 re-
celvo $600 I lhe experiment succeeded
After the Ilrelmlnnrles , which consisted )
of u eompleto cloanslug of the syslem by cuI-
thug off the sllilly of 'lurlshment In n
systematc manner each day for thirty days ,
thcro was n dhnlnuton of mutter taken Inlo
tine slomach unU It was reluced 10 the low-
csl posslblo aunuoumut After this Nyc was
Illneell on a slab or board. Ibis tongue was
turned back In his nntcnutin which was tilled
wlh colon , also his nostris ami'l ears . After
lhls , to all appearanccs. hb was dead. Il
pu\e ceased 10 beat , his heart was still . his
eyes were glassy nud no sign of life was
Tine mInce of lulerment was In a cellar. A
two and a hal foot grave was Iug. ) The
body was carefuly wrnpped anl encased In
an airtght box , which was lowered anti )
ncaty covered with alt the cnrlh lhrowl out
and there left 10 rest , waltug for tine restnr-
recton , which was nt mat ( into set for Jau-
uary 1. 'fho burial look place on 10nday.
October 1. The doors were all sedtmrcly locked
amid bolted , tim grave was marked carefully ,
so there could be no lamllerlng wIth It wltin-
out detection .
Iiigmnt long weeks of watching , filled wih
hopes and fear followed , anti then n counci
was held to delermluo whelher or not it
was lmo to resuscitate Nyc or at least I
make the effort . Tine slraln on the nerves
of tine experimenters was such thnt It was
decided not to walt amy loner.
Monday evening , December 3 1. was the
tme set for tine realpearauco ) of Mr. Nyc ,
olher In life or In dentin. I tine InUor ,
then all wonld be forgottemu. I tine former ,
then I glorious awakenll ! and a successful
experIment lhat would startle the world.
After removIng tine earth nnd lifting the
box from position , It was with trennbhing
halds ant beatng hearts that tine hid wnb
relroved and tine experimenters found a re-
marlmhle growlh hair of ant whiskers on
tine body. All toubt seemed renioyeul All
ex lalmed witin brealh " . "
wih one : "A success. A
bath lub hal hcen brought In , success. was
now filled with warm water , anti the cotton
from Nyo's nostris , moulh and ears was
removed. Ills tongue was laid out In Its n
naturl position , and the body place In
tine wlrm water Each took turns In rub-
hlng the body until 1 hind relaxed Its rigid
Color relurned 10 the lace , tile . blood began -
gan to crculale , and In less than an hour
signs of life began to appear Then 'hol
poultices were applied to tine head and
bowels. AIr was artificially pun'lped Into the
lungs nfI , after a few sharp anti vigorous
lumplngs of tine body , a start and gasp were
n ticeci. ' Then ' followed a twllchlng of the
mus'eles , and in less tinamn two minutes Nye
sl upt'igmnt. He \tas placed In 'a warm bed
aind weak ' nourshment given hIm , On' the
morning the t 6th he was 1P and ar und.
Jllch , . .Is . tine story tat ! come anl way Of
Toledo . apd , , though , I , seems. wel vouehel1
'or ' , 'fieQI.c41e , b ! .f s .I'I ' itahd . It , I .
time _ opinIon _ ! . _ . -e mprnythat , _ Nyc , has simply
cacti incu , as. 1no leUlm or a clever tricK. .
' Resuscitation ' after doctors have pronouniced
dealh'ls , not unusual , but the accidental resf
loratons t tp lo of people burled In a trance
a re extremely rare. A ClncnnaU man re-
ates h In the fnqulrer the details of a sub-
jecl j . tlken from the grave and placed on
the t dissecting tables of a CnclnnaU medical
c ollege. . Tine man bad been a soldier , and
the t occurrence was just after the close of tine
civi war. The per fellow was stolen from
the t potter's field , tind he still wore some of
the t soldier's umniform. Tine first incision was
made In the thigh , and exactly followed tine
scar of an old wound. There was a con
tracton t of the muscles and n slght lremor
of tine frame , which greatiy startled those
' ! reaty started
who' noticed it. As there was no furlher
demonstraton a deeper cut was ventured ,
which , caused I slght drawing up of the leg.
" 'Thero Is life In this '
Ifo felow , exclaimed
lho , operalor. 'Somebody bring a battery "
"Against Clue protest of tine majority , who
thought t the manifestation winolly Itt the fund
o f tine student , a battery was brought and
a pplied to tine subject. In ten minutes tine
m ovement of both arms and legs was posi-
t ive , and tine wound In the tlnigin was hastily
b andaged It mad commenced to bleed freely ,
b ut luckily tine great artery mad not bc-en
c ut. Two professors anti ehgmnt or ten stu.
d ents worked over tinat man constnmntiy
t lnroungh fifteen weary Inounra before me spoke ,
a nd tincmu in a faInt iu'lnisper he complaIned of
h unger and thirst. A little whisky in half
a Punt of warm milk wan administered to
h um , aiud inc swallowed it eagerly. Next
n igint he luaU so mnnamny watciners it looked an
I f a levee was held in tine room , Tine case
lu nd developed somne strange featumres , tumnni
m mnedicab men were Interested exceedingly. The
pa atlemnt would appear lively for ten minutes
a und tinen nuuddeniy fall into tine comatose
s tate , and lie as if dead for am hour , sonnet
C linton an incur and a malt , without tine least
a ppareimt . respiration or movement of tine
h eart. 1'iue battery was used freely on these
o ccasions till found utonefteetlve for innythning
e xcept the productIon of a spasnncdic move-
mont of tine muscles , precisely hike Clint.
ct aused by Clue aninnlmiistratioiu of electricity
t o omne deceased , On no day or niglnt for
a nnointhn did these fits so perfectly siminulating
d eath ainow any signs of abatennent , anul mnot
l ess tinnlnn fifty times in this period did some
g oed autiuorlty inromnounco Chic mnamu fully and
most effectively defunct. .
"Unit in less than six weeks succeeding lila
exinumnation ho mad pernnanently revived ; Cite
f its did riot returnn , anti hue was eating anti
sleeping regularly. Then it was found out
1 that lie was a farminer train a ineighhorhng
state , In fair circumnstamnces , with an inter.
eating family , ivino were mnourning mm unac-
i countabbo absence from home. lie mad fallen
ti ll whuilo transacting some business in Gin.
cinnuti. was taken to one of tine Inospitala
fronu tine motel ivlnore hue was stopping , and
before anyttnimng was found out about hiun he
was overtaken by tine fatal lethargy , whnich
lnis doctor pronounced deatin , arid , but little
muoneybeing feumntl upon hniut person , me was
burled iii a nnamneless grave as a pauper. Tine
- facts wore cautiously imparted to lnimn when
t ine was -gottling stronger and tinen Clue true
- nature of tine mean aitowe'i itself. lie die.
taenl aiu--affeotionate letter to mis wife , telling
iner Inc mad been very sIck , but was Inapintly
recovcrimng , anti thnen gave mis 'hector ann
order emu a buslmness mouse wbnore inc had
t mnnoney deposited for 200 ,
I . " -'V'itat is this for ? ' asked the rnNiicus.
, ,
I j iu'niut to pay you for saving my life , '
anuinb tine patlemnt ,
, , 'We tire nnuorc thnnnrn maid already , sir , was
flit'reply' ; 'amid aomunebcutiy owes yoni for tlnat
cma % gash tin line tinigin. '
, ' 1Jos lucky lick I ever got , ' Inrotested
tlc ) patiint ; Zot Witinout it I'nI never imioveti
again , Let mmn pay nuornetining toward time ex
- penuse antI 'il get wcil faster. '
"Tiuy topk $100 , and from ttme to time
s1u mnt it for whues and delicacies for tine
nnuan during convalescence. lie was token
to a good boarding house at tine begimnniing
of Clue tnird minonthn , amnd some three weeks
later ins wifit caimn afld took mutt manna. lie
wrilMa 'Q ,4tnck pimyiciain wino attended hum
ounce a year , but at. tine last report lied never
mneitiouo4 CQ lila fancily mow inc recovered
life mn tine dissecting , table.
"Tine Enngiisiu mntedical reports contatn sonno
cases of tine samnue kind that are peculiarly
suggestive. X will giyo you the outilne of a
recemnt. one , , yOung milan nanned Edwards
died , s was supposed. front typhnus fever ,
Ily such strange pinemnommtenon had the dii-
ease been attended from beginning to emnd
thn&t tine lulnysicians were desIrous , In aid of
mnnedlcai science , to make a post. mortenmu ox-
arnlnation of the subject , But the relatives
were auperatltioui , and positivey refused to
consent. Under stein conditIons , hnowei'er ,
the doctors are generally equnal to tine nhe
iiianth of tine occasion , and the ) ' decided to
obtain the body even against the wislues of
tiw family , They conmnmmnuinlcaietl witin sounie
fellows ivino minnIe a buntines of sienhiung
iothtes for ( hissection , amnd three days after
tbuo fnmneral they deiiverenh tine boniy of l-4-
ivards at tine ( ilsscctlmng roouun of a local
"The phylcIan were ulelighuterl wltin tine
sunceess of Unelr' plain , nnti wemit to u'ork at
tine sumbject with true lnrofessiomnai zest , W'Ineun
thmey' minnutle tine first incisiomi , whuicin i'as across
the abdomen , tine ) ' cero atm'iick iHiu tine
fresh appearance of tue floshn annl tue clearness
antI limmnpidity of tine blood , One of tue Pit-
siclans proposed that they suibject time iuod ) '
to tine action of tine gaivamnic battery' . This
counrso 'as anhopteni , antI obtaimned abnormnual
results , ' 'Flue centrtnctlomns anti mnuo'cuneunts of
tine uinunscie's were more ironounncetl tiunun are
uuiunnihiy observed. anti tine ) ' appeared like nun-
tieuubtetl signs of life. blnnt tine unnaun relapsed
into appareint dentin iumnmmnetilately tupn.iu tine
sUspemnsion of tine gait'am.i nctionn.
' 'Inn the ci'onunng tine lmln'slcians gatimereil fo
ntlelitlonal expertmnnents , amid onne stiggestenl
Clint tine ) ' mnnake mm incislomi imn time vcctornil
nnnuscles muti untt'onlnuce Clue Poles of tine bat.
tot ) ' unto tlmo wotuntl. ThIs tine ) ' nhitl , wheun to
their nmmnazemmnent , the both ) ' roiled fronn tine
101)111' , rennuulnt'ti two or timm'ee inoconnti on Its
font. ataminumneretl a few uuuinntelllgible words
amnuh tintmu feli ineavuly to Clue iioor , For a
utnotnenni. tine lennrm'.etl doctors were comnfoumuntied ,
for inn such a case they iuani never enjoyed ant
experietnee , Soomn regaminlng their presence ot
nniiuunt . , luowet'er , tIne ) ' nugreeth tlnat Edwards
\.as still alive , altluonugiu lie hinnub agaumn fallen
Into mIs ( ornmer lethargy , innunnenhiatel ) ' they
aIhllCt ) % ttnemnisel'e witin i'Igor to resuscitate
, amuni after twemnty inunurs of tine nnuost incessant -
cessant anti fatiguing work they were sunccoss-
( ml.
"Taking all these cirenmnistances togetiner it
seenus to mine one of tue Inmost rcmnnarlcabh , cases
oil record , This mann's ' hlT.n was forceni back
umpomu inlmun after thne relatives hind apparently
lint it beyomntl tine mower of nmnybody to imnter-
fore in hits beinnuif , At , thmo amine timmue tine
Physicians math mo idea tinero im'ns amy life
left to save. Tine fnnmnmily im'as them , uund tine
JO ) ' of the inCiter amid nnnotluer at maying thmo
son restored to theIr hove innade itself mmmi.
test in a considerable gift to tine imnstltutioen
whose Professors lnati u'ntlseti tiio deati un a
tieuiblo sense. Etiwartla told tiuo doctors tuniC
niurhing almmnost. the emutiro tiunno tinc'y is'ere at
work over mini hut was comnacious of mis eonndl.
tiomn anti of tvhnat was Inasslmug aronimnil iuimmn ,
but poivorless to speak or nmmake other demon-
stratton ChaIn tinat. noted. Tine words Inc at.
teunnptenl to titter whom lint roiled off tIne table
ivero : 'I aim ot ulead , ' Tine wlnoho subject Is
( till of Patlnos anti food ( or tinonmgint. "
_ _ _ _
CIi.t.VE Irl. i'uin J.t.IIRlf.
ESemni , o Jail 1iIruI at St. .Intsclhn hInd Help
( rolun tine liunInuilie ,
ST. JOSEPIr , Jan , 2.-Joo Dnnsty , colored ,
one of Clue five Prisommems i'iuo escruped fi'omni '
jail last mnglnt ! , is'ns captured iii tlnls city -
totlay. lie lmtu nnatle no omtfcsslon , inuitlicot. '
inng otutsinlers inn the dehlver' , winose arrest ,
it is said , will follow soomn , . Dnnsty is under :
sentence of dentin for antsaultimng a ) 'onming .
girl. After escaping lie mvennt to the inotist :
of a ivomnan wlnonn Ito clainuect was hum vifc i
and lnnnii iunnutle '
Pt'eparationns to
escnupe Cc
Mexico iii ivomtntnmt's attire , lie mnttlo a ( null
connfessionn. Crowe , tine flurlimmgtomn trnuimn
robber , hue salt ) , was time leatilmug spirit In
tine Plain ninth hntutl beemi liberally
* iUpIlietl
outsIde with
unionoy nmntl arms.
Dnusty ottys tine Scinenie lnrttl bent lnatchett
itonnne ( Inne ago. Dtnsty impllcateti seven-al
people , vlnoso unannes it is hiniiuossiilo to oh-
taint mow. Noine of the otinen' Prisoners Inave
ieCni captured ,
Little htesunsof Cite 2iIgiit.
A snmnhi biazo In tIne cellar of the building
in tiuc rear of 1519 Dotmglas street unecessi. -
tatetl tine calling out of tine fire department
last nlglnt. at 7:20. TIne building , which is
ownneni by J. J , , Brois'mn , was occupied for
saloon purposes up to Janunty 1 , winen it
lynx closed. TIne damage , whicin is nmlostly
front the water , is ruligmut , not evceedlng $100 ,
fenlly '
coven'ed with ltnsuramnce. Tine origin of
tine fire is unknownn ,
Louis Gutthn filed complaint
agaiunst Robert Iirach'ogei ( ot obtahmming
goods untler false Inretenses. The conumplaint
states tinat Brachuvoget obtained jQ uh1orns
oil false represeintnttion and
for them. - , , ' 1rL "t5 to lOY
. u'mnQmnn.'i LJtnfyfee obtaimuing
nnnmtler fnulst pretemnse , was givein thnirty days
i n the county jail ,
harry Kelly tunnel Cimarles Smitin , arrested
f or rubbery , were boumnni
over to ( lie district
c ourt lit tlntt sumni of ! ,1,500 eacin ,
iitovennent of SeagoIng 'c8iclg , Jan. 2.
At New Yon-lc-Arri'edtate of
mn ia , from Glasgosi' . -
, At Bologne-Arrlvcd.\'end0
ni , from
N ew . Yon'k ,
. _ -
Three lives were host in a temnernent mouse
fi re in New York last mnigint ,
Tmne n' tire indicatIon tinat tine hlniverinith
Mass , '
, sinoenmakers' strike is about at
e nd , ,
A.motion inns lneemn made to have a niew
r eceiver appointed for tine Fort scott Water
The 'striking cloalcmakers in New York
m aYe ' been 'offered ivork at $1 a day sluovei.
l ,
eg' snow ,
] Ioli"i\loor annul George East , two of the
i vorst of Oklruimomrt otntini-ms'nn
iy , were killed
y esterday by deputy tnnamshals.
Hugh Giilihantl of lCnunsa , aged 70 , wag
p ariboined ) 'estertlnny after serving twenty
y ears of a life sentence for murder.
Robert McMihiin of Newark , N. J. , has
r eceived a verdict of $25,000 against time
Western Umuloiu ton' personal Injuries ,
Tine h'Inilntdelphin ground jury kna brougint
i n run Indictment against Chnnnrles
ib W. Mow-
b ray , the lnimnglmsh anarchist , for incIting to
r iots.
Lillian B. Daniels
, better known as oanmna
Madixa , is nunuing at lenver ( or a widow's
s hare In Clue estate of tine hate William ii ,
The Pittsliurg soft coal operators have
( leCItieni tine ) ' will not pay' ne greater price
( or minning tiutnn tine 1ovest n'ate paid bin
c ompeting districts.
At their meeting yestertlay the executive
l rnartl of tini' Fetieratiorn of Labor voteti
n tnOmne ) ' to assist 1)ebs iii carrying lila ease
t o tine mtuprenne court ,
Judge Cainiwell Inns decinleni tuniC tine Ciuo-
tc t aw Inndion cannmot be sued nns it mnationn , or
c oiieclis'ely , for tine immune reacon tin'.nt time
s tate cannot be sued.
Tine wife of Lemn Cook , wino was moving
b y wagon t'n'om southern Missouri , set her
h uer ciottnea on tire near ldiimumn , Mo. , yester.
d tuy , miunti was fatally hiurmned ,
Thno bricklayers' unniomn is in inesmniomn at St.
ro oums , but trntnsacted mno beintinenet of bnter.
o st to tine public , Ouilciai reports show tIme
u nion is iii a uiourisining condition ,
Joiutu Mililgomn of I'err ) ' . Oki. , unnder scm-
t ence for nnnnrnier , escapeti last might , bare-
ht h neade'l rnnd barefooted , There Is snow on
t ine groumnd , numuth tine weathuen' inn very colni.
' 'hio Crystal Itinigo anti Cranberry col.
fleries tnt himnzleton , Pnt , , hnuve' smut doim'nu ,
t lnrowumug 1,004) memn ount of work , 'I'tue Mini-
vale men have ( leCldCti to continue theIr
s trike ,
hte % ' . I'nurleinulrst Says Clint. If Inc were to
r urovide a htlnnn for reorgauuizing tine New
York Police force lie % voulti retnnhnn miomne of
C lue lresent ( once above tine rntmnlc of Her-
geamnt ,
Two intnnnlreti tuneut stu'tnck at. tine hlomnnu-
u tteuni irniiis ltnntt might against tine m'tnlUctiOn
i n wnngnnr. Everything want qnmiet nut Chic
Edgar rinomunpson Htel works numnd mno effort
i s beinig mettle to start tine iniin ,
The Mnsnnnchuumtottut stilurenit' court inns the.
cIJed tinint oieomrnrgurimne , coloreti to imnitutte
butter , enimnunot be legally soul iii tiunit state.
Jim Cook , brotuner of lull Cook tine jutted
Okhahuoina , onntiaw , wino recemnty esentlueti
from prison , wits recaptured yennterniuy.
Winemn tine plate gintas mannntnnctunuerg were
trulicieng conubinne , joimbers luouglut up null
timen'e' is'as oil the muuarket , ninth imois' tinntt tine
counbimne intuit fallen tlmrougiu amnrl the mnninu.
facturers inrnvu cut tim mnrlce , tine jobbers
stand to lose PrettY hnentvui ) ' .
0111) ' nine wonton wet-c uunoumg Clue 0' ' ) iwo-
i de tvhno hueainl \ % ' , C. I' , Imrecicinritlgnj 1cc.
Cure ut Itlcunluinis , 'l'enn , , last rnighnt 'I'ine
\Vemnmuin's Christian 'i'egnlerannce uniomu itt
Iiirnnmlmmginatn move ibsunnl nun unulnirentun asking
sm'omemu nuuni Cimrlstiun lueopie to remaimn at'ay
( roJmn mint lecture ,
( Contintueti from First I'ago. )
cept nnembers , officers , nneinniier * of timi5 lireta
anti wives and danugiutors of tine mnnemnmbers.
The motIon was vigorously opposeth by ev-
crab -energetIc tnnemnnbers , anti tine speaker
ruled it ouut. of ruttier.
On motIon of Cooley of Cass tln speaker
lens given omne Persomial page.
ltiuoie of 'ahlO ) ' said tiuat mis ocr-
tificate of electIon mail beemn retnurneti
t o hini , nmunl reanl ias' fromnn tue statnute ,
to tue effect tinat certificates of nnemnbcrs
i nluotmlel be filed is'itln time clerk of tine mouse.
lie tmndetatood that to muncami tiumut the ) ' sluoulti
be kept on file nhuuring tine session , Tine
speaker riuleti agalmmat. mliii.
Tine secretary of tim semnato appeared anti
I nformial tine huomnac
Clint time senate was now
organizeth anti reatly for bu'iuness. iic- was
iumnnnnetiintel' followed by a connnmnnlttea fronni
tine senate ott Clue mmmc nmnisaiomn , btnt Secretary
Sedgwick imnni secunred a "scoop" by ini pre'
vious annuounmncoumnent.
S1'OPl'El ) TIlE lEGISiATlNG ,
At tiuls juuncture a mnnummuimer of resolutions
were elnot unto tIne , clerk iui rapid succea-
slain , bumt ( Iriflhtin of % danuis connie to tine rca.
cue with time Poimit of order Clint ma further
tntmsitnes , could b douue tuntil tine vote for
state oulhcers inanl beemu camnvasseti. Tine
epe.nlcer rnmleni tine uimnt tveli taken , mmiii all
further bnustnnrss was sunspoitieti. The alneaker s
amunnotinced tue comnunutitee em relief as follows :
Comnaway of York , liratly of linuffalo , ibownurti
of Srnrpy , Suter of Auntehope aind hiacon of
lammsonu ) ,
Commnnnittee emu cmnnplo'es of hnonnse : Sisomn of
iintrt , Zlunk of Shnermumatm , 'i'imnnmine of lougiaa
mini hinurna of Lancaster.
Tine eonnmnnittce appointed to watt on tlno
governor amnnuotumneed that. it mmml uloine so , aulni
tinat tine gom'ernnor lund comuveye&l tine innforunna-
tioin tlnat lie would b ready to comnuumunumntctnto
withn the inounso annil seunate Imu joinut sosslonn
somino timune tomnnorrow.
A conmmunittce fromin tIme semnate s'aitenl en tins
lnonmse today to say tinat a somnate comuini'.ttee
math beemn manned to cotufer i'ItIu a house
coinutnttttee to arramngo for a joimut canvass
of tine vote for state officers. Tine inouso
couinmnni ti c-a alnpointeti comnnprisetl hinurrisoni of
hall , howard , of Sarpy anti Asinimy of Clay.
Agalmu tine secretary of tine semuate appeared
to annrnoumnco timat a senate counnunnittee of five
had been nuppaititen ! , cninprisimng ciCeby.
Alters , hilaclc , Stenuler auunl hiowers , in cc-
cordauuce inCh tine fohlowiung resohtutiomu :
Resolved , tinat eonnninmlttee of hive be nun.
Poimlteti to comufer w'itin a 111cc eouumnnlttt'e of
tine hnonuntnt tO imuvestignte tine counnhitknmu of
tln people of tine stuite tuufterinng cmi nuceonnuni
of destitnitinti , Iromin ivlnmttn'er ciunnse , ninth report -
port , 1) ) ' lull or ntherivise , wlunnt unmeaunit un
thnelr opimnionn sinouiti be nnthoptn'tl fun' tlneir
Tine conuninittee omn joint comut'entiomn an-
mnounnceth iliaC it lund nnnet with tine senate cant-
mmnittee anti agreed tinat tine joint comuventionu
etect tonitorrow to canvass tim vote on stntta
ofilcars at 10 o'clock a. inn. , amnil tinat tiuc in-
augunral cerennnomnies be lucid at 3 in. inn , -
Onu munotion of Cranub of Jeffersomn tine hnousa
adjourined unntli 10 o'clock tonmnorrow miuormnluug.
( overmnor Crouiusn Officially Iiuformnncd of 7
lixio' ( lemictounc 1ntcittlon.
LINCOLN , Jan. 2.-Speciai.-Tino ( ) follow-
hug telegrapinic correspoindenco today massed
botweenu a distingimisiteti unouthnern gemntlemnnamn
finn Govermnor Crounse. Tine frantic annul cot-
dial tomne o' ' ( Mr. Etimnomutis' letter , togetimer
witin its graceful acknnowledgennnent. of Clue
lIberality of thuo ivest toward tine soutin 1mm
tinnes past , so comnumnuendeel Clue connnmnnumnlcatiomn
to the governnor tinat me acceinteni tine offer at
ounce , In spite of mis feeitmng ( lint Nebraska
is nbuunmdantiy able to care for Iner ownu etut.
fortunate people. Tine correspomndennce is its
BALTIMORE. Mel. , Jam. 1.-To HIs Ex'
cehlemicy , Governor Cronnumnne. Iimncoiru eb. :
In view of tine ( histreSs reporteti ntmnong some
of the farmers of Nebrnnska by n'enutoui oi ,
the hnort cnrii , rqps anti Ill VQiV O tine '
abundamnt crops of tine soutin , I sniggested iu
thu last' issue ot tine' MatTtlfnctturers RcOfli
tine desirability of' tine people of tine south
unniting to inenid at least a traimi load of corn
anti provisiomns to Nebraska for distributlor
to those who are in want. 1 did not mennr.
to intimate in the ptubiicatlofl of tinis cull.
torlai tlnat tine people. of Nebraska are riot
able to care ton' tiuose wIno are iii want jr
their owmn state , but It seemneti to me tiniti
tine tIme was opportune for tine soutin 'Cc
entilize ucin an opportunity as tunis to show
to the wot'lti Its appreciation of tine blessings
telmichi it man received un abundant crops
this year , Its apprecimttion of tine liberality
with wlnlchn tine nnorthn annd ivest mayo ever
met ei'ery call ( rain tine sotntin fen iuelp in
time of need , amnti also an appropriate occa.
siomi in ivinicit to put into effect forces timid
would help unite our entire country , ob.
literate nil sectionnal lines amnni hnow that we
are omne people. As a soutlnern man , . antityet
above amnti ineyomnti that. nit Amruericamn , I be-
Ilevo thnat this effort of tine south hut so ox
temnding relief to tine west woulnl prove the
trnmth in tlnat "tinat it Is more bieaed to
give tbuami to recetve. " I lna'e reqtuestctl
Governor Northnen of Georgia , anti lie hiatt
consenteni , to t'ake chuntrge of tine matter ntntl
to gather tin Atitttnta winatever countrlbu.
ttona nnlgiut be manic Ion' tine uttun'POse of intulc.
ing tip this train loath , to be sluipped ivest
if tine PrOltogitiUn meets with yotnr apinroyni
and tintn spirit wiulclt luromntuts it luau y'ounr
connmnemntlintionn. I tnhnoulni lie ven'y glad if ,
nilnOn receipt of tinis , ) 'onn cnn wire me an
fnnily ins you feel dmsposeul , at nnny expemunte ,
your views oil tine subject.
Editor Manufactnnrerti' Ilecornl ,
LINCOLN , Jan. 2.-lticlunurti 13. EtI monids ,
Etlitor Mtnmnnfntcturers' , htecord , flutitinnore ,
Mni. : Your telegrnni conveying offer omn he.
hnmnif of certnin sections of the sinutlu of a
tn'ntlmi lonti of corn mmii Prorislotitt for relief
of drotutit nntnfferers un Nebrnslca itt received ,
Althnougin tine state ivhii lie able to care for
its unftnrtnnmmateni. yet tIne ; nm'oposed , lomnntiomn
will be thintnmkuiiy receiveui. On iueinalf of
theme for ivlnoimn your gemueronumu nionatlon is
intended I desire to tiniumult yonn ninth to cx-
press my nilulinepintlon of ninth to reciprocate
tine kinu.i nuentimmuents cnnhnuinn'd iii yonmu' mes.
sage , 1. . CltOUNShi , Governor , , , . . - . ,
hiat of , huuniea , JAck's Public Ineqnieatnn TUrned.
' Over to tlio I'umhIin ,
SAN FRANCISCO , Jnun. 2-TIne California
Sclnool of Mecinanical Arts , tine last of time
numnuerous minagnificemut bequests innado to tutu
public by ( ha hate James Lick , will be
formally given to tine Ineopic tomnnorrow after-
mn"onViihu brIef anti mnimuuiule exercises tiio
executors of Cite Lick estate will presemut tine n.
Imistitutiou : , iogetiner with tine emmdowmnnemut
( mat Inns been set asiuio for Its mmnalmutenamnco ,
to Chic hearth of trunatees wino lumive hucen at' .
iectonl to manage the school , 'fine total
' . . ' - - . ' . . ' . ' . .I.l _ , . . . . i. . , , . . . . . , . . , , a. . elm , -nn , , .
wincln ! siir,00o Inas imeemu expemnnieti un time
construction anti equipunmemnt of tine liulinhhnigs ,
Any graniuato of in grnummnmnnar school , or amy
hmoy or girl now enrolleni In tine lust gramunmar
grade of any California schnool , or tummy oIlier
unpjnlicamnt whue can give evidemnce of ability
to take up tine coturse of the ttelnool , will inc
received tin thuo lIrsi class , which wIll be
orgamuizeil next Monday. Omne iuuindrenl
students have already bven accepted , anti
tbnero are inlaces km tine first class for about
fifty mnnore.
Children Cryfo
Pitcher'B Castoria.
Children Cry f03
itcher'B Caatorla1
Children Cr/&o / ! '
Pitcher'G Castorla.
Ii , , u.n yiti iVOH oUt' In 0 V. ' lint. GI.ICAMING
iiortn,1lI In thu Cia ( -Ui'ne ltIfitU'I'IIiS ,
J'jihsOt ) hi our Imstcguo ( 7
. _
- - - - - - - - - - -