" . . - - . - : . . . R TIlE OMAhA \ DAILY nEE : . . . ' 'DN ] SDAY , TANUARY 2 , iS9. 1 CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS : dwards is nn Easy Winner of the Presi- . ; denoy , : BEECHER IGBY DECLARE CITY CLERK - - Mayor Jnlh lelhcrN IIN .lnun'l JICINIgC. Advl.lnl UlerOUI nnformN ZI1l , Mu- nlcll':1 hvcrlhll' or Corpornl n l'rnnchlsc ! : 'OI In 1zItwice. : k . - , r When the city counci connnell lasl nigh 11 of the new and mosl of the relrlng ineni bern were pre ! nt , 10 8y nothing of the t nUlerOUI spectators who occupied seats In the galeries , anlclpatng an all night ses. : slon , or alleast a spiried light over organiza. tion . ' . At ten mlnules after the usual hour for calling the session 10 order : lr. . Bechel Ileppell 10 the prcAkent' ] ' , chair and calleil I the cOlncl 10 orler. ( After the roll cal had been complete , ] he nominated : lr. Saun. ders as temporary ch3lrman. Saunders k 1as electel ( ] hy a unanImous vote , after which t Mr. 'rhomas mo\'e' ' ] thai the council proceed to the election of a presIdent ' ] , This motion melon I evalel ] , and ( lit ? members eXllressel ) , their I preference as they responded 10 the roll cafl. ' rol cal. fr's 'The result of the ballot gave : lr. Edwards len and : lr. Hechel eight votes. Those vat- Inl for Edwards , were : Bechel , dwards I , - Gordon , Jacohsen , Jayms , Kennard , Kment , ' Saunders , Taylor and Thomas , \\'hlo Back , - . nu kley , Call , 10hnes ! , unwell , I.emly , Ier. cer awl ] Prince seed by leehe ! A9 soon 4 aa the vote was announced the nominaton of I dwafls was made ulllimous , and he was invited to the president's chair. lie thJnke I the council , and salll lint t durIng his term of omce he would , almlnlster ] the affairs of the city In accordance with the charter and , the ordinances In forcc. Ueecher Ighy , the city clcrl-olect , was , requested to take the clerll's chair , and as I : lon as he had securcd 1I08sc8810n of the coveted lea ! r. Iechcl moved an adjourn- ment. Mr. Saunders fought agaInst . this , and I I urged that there was other business which t demanded the attention of the council. Thc , motion to adjourn was wlhllrawn , and the message of Mayor Oem Is , whIch was rs follows - lows , was read and , ordered Ilrlntel : t FOLLOWING 'I'm ESTAB.SI D CVS. TOI. To the Honorable. tl ! City ( ouucl oC the ( City oC Omaha : Gcntlenpii-jn , coinillnnce with the provisions or the charter and. In uccorllance with n custom which has now become cstnhlh'hcll , 1 herewIth Iuhmlt , for your consltcraton nod for Iueh future ticpa ton as may scem proper my nnnull meti. Rale as chief executive oC our clt ' . mES- dolnl so It If not my IHl'llose 10 dwell at dwel length on thc events of the past 01' to go Into eclnls concerning the work oC the Hcveral t1eflrtnlentH. : J Is the fLitute that Clul now lost concerns IHI , and the events oC the past are Only valuable as a guide for future action. ri 'Ihe heads oC the sevelal dellartments oC the city wi ) soon have completed I'ellorts ' Hhowlng In dltal the work and , condition oC their respectve departments , which reports will be pUhlshcd for 'Ol' Information and from which you may derive valuable inforw maton to ali' ' you In the proper ileterminapr ton oC the ( iiestions titid problems questons nl which ' . will come before YOU for deterininittion . und colution. In this determinaton message tempi merely n brIer review oC what has been undertaken or accomplished , during the past year . and briefly male n few prac. tcul sUlgestons , leaving for future occap prc- I sions the rcconlnemlaton , of such other measures as Iny tenlt to the Improvement at the finances , health securiy , comfort and general prosperity of the clt ' . THAT lf.ATT RIVER CANAL. The most Important undertaking now In contemplation II the city Is the construc- ton of n canal from a point nel' FI"emont to a point near Seymour park , whereby It Is proposed ror- the purpotie o ( generating ; electricity to secure a water powei " second only to the great falls at Niagara. While I do not claim to he posietsed or 'Vhle . pOsIessed accub rate personal knowledge . regardIng the teas. Iblty oC this "cheme , I nm satisfied from the surveys and reports which ) have been made lint the scheme Is Practicable. and , If properly undertaken antI conducted. can bo curried to I successful end. In all under- unders . takings of this character 'we lust ni accept as our basis at action the conclusions of practIcal and experienced engIneers. WIth regard to this proposed enterprise we have : the unqualified opinion of engineer $ whose - past experlencc , n.s well as engIneerl reputac ton IH chn mcter , II such .IS to carry can- \Icton that It can he made a sueccss. t : The question now male considered Is , how best can this enterpvise be undertaken clad carried forward ? At the recent clec- . ton the proposition to grant a sUbsidy In old o the construction oC the proposed canal was voted down , chiefy , 1 hel eve , for the reason that I was considered by many that the work should be earrieI on - public enterprise. and le the canal , when an a completed , Iioulti he . complelel shoull owned and operated . by the municipality. I am strongly Inclined sl'ongly to this view of the matel' , 1 believe that c the construction or the canal should he . undertaken and carried forward as I munl- F ' clpnl entel'lrlse , and that when compieted r It Hhoull forever be owned and opernted by the municipality ( or the best Interests of the city. UntIl certain amnemulmnents are made to the present charter I wOIIII be Impossible - possible to Issue the bonds required Cor the construction of the canal. Amendments to I the charter authorizing hands to he ISSIICI ] I , for this purpoRt have been Issuel apProved Iw the charier committee. anti commitee these umCHlments , as I understand them. . contemplate uniting the city of South ciy Omaha to Omahn with n view 10 carryln ; forward this enterprise In the interest of . both clle8 , nnd bringing Into ( till realiza. lnl .S . ' ton the "gl'ealer Omaha. " In ul realza- the passage or those thoJe charter Imendments I : , your honorable bOdy will he eonronted I with B good many Important questions , , , questons which will require ' ' - . your nlostcnremul wi 'Ol' most-carefll Comm - J citleration. timid with regard to which I cal- he glad to counsel amid advise wIth wil you I Ii from time to time. wih ABOUT AN UNION DEPO'r. : For a bug ( line the depot facilities tom Omaha have been utterly Insulelent and : inadequate to meet the denUUlls of the t ' traveling ltihuic. As a resuit. Omlha ) has Rustahlell serious Injury , which will he con hI thin lag Int I the rim iliond compnnleR cnn I In Home way he re'lll'll to II'ovhle Omnhn Ic with n 111111 pasitengem. station. 'rhe IlreRent , lallllatll "hi provided , for irns - heDgers IW time Unlol Pacllc and II. & tI . : itauhroati comnpamiles 18 ' 11. Illroall compllics not only a him'grnc ' to the city and wholly insufficient to meet - k thc reqlh'emelts of the traveling litmbilc . y t but from n nlln'y IJolnt at view Illblc. nuisance nlll houll he Illatc . Unle a : IOle HIIRfncton' Irrlsemelt8 (11 < bl per fected at nl early date , whereby timese mull - ' : rand ompanles will tll'He mi- ( wi Ilve to Omaha II eats - Hen el' depot wOlth ) of the name. . I wOlld IIH- favor amid r\omlelll declaring the exist tog wooden m4it1s a IllHllCe which slmoimb whllh be ahltrd , uiI rerlulllng , the city Hholill 'p ' ely to take much action In the COUltH as would al comnpei these , railroad comimparmies to con1el rnlrol,1 ( olllanirs pmo ' A vide I , Iecentllll respecllhlu passenger PIO' - C ( ion ( the IJassenler tpn or necommuodutiomi of their - nccolmollltol tins . . fengcrlhla It mimay he InlJsslhle IJal- , I view of thl net that the 1nlol l'acifl a Inlll ) company Is In the haldt Paclc cclvOs , to obtain time nececrmry orthtr fronl - leceb8ar 01 11 the 11111 Stales court Ilqulllnl the Hnlon Pacific Railway COmlan ) to 110 whlt i Ii here stmggstct1 . ito II'h uhstl'le wotmlth a II present seeni to hI In the way oC woul " r"qulrln the Ii. & . , itt. Itaiilontl I 1. comnpnmm : t to pl'o\I,16 , for its 1IIIHenserl a compal ) suitable ttmtIon. ald If CONS ! hlltINO 'J'lm VIADtTTS. i. Durllg time past year the woollen vimuluc I " . emi Sixteelth Itleet , which hud beemi \ ( hit . t. . clarel ! by time ' hecl . city f. cl enlnrr to be 11 n daum - Rerous eOlllllol , hal : been strenglhene ii I j . tumid repaired 10 that the same streltlened I & , Illerell . safe. II view of tie liability cal. the city which might IcHul ( rota an tied . . rl r dent the t'xilenlliues lade II the city II I mepmulrlmig ' ) I'CllllrlnJ this viaduct were pl'obahl wisel y J , Jnndl' 1 WIR only ns a mestmil or a coma I. I Ilrolise limit the raIlroad eomptnIes : 101- I'ulroall ( w ; h Induced 10 alI In mnklnl timitito / repair : C . f ( : Under law I 1HO re\lnlrl. \ I Ulder the believe the I cllalrl simoui ii I p companlcl have b\cn mulc wholly hy tie mlroul loull ; : " 'lhll the past few days It has hecome . emecessary 10 close time fliecontim J ' _ Ileplsar elOe II\'enth street " 11 duct 10 tell . including street raIicay trave ' I. bY relHon of 11 dnnleloul condition. 'fh Is lon. \atluet \ hal been unsafe for general travi 'l by teams ( or over n 'ear. tutu thimrimmg time ( I . time It has been Iniposmiuile 10 turluj Illue" Ihe ( J'llrOUII cOllJnlel to luke the Ireelgur , repairs nH h ) law they art "Iluirell to di :1 : . i I 11 nlh'lsell by the city ltorue ' thai the 111111cl1on . for nn ordel' by the ( hmmite d States l'OU.t requl.IUf the Union Pacilo Uuled Jal\a ' 'ouIP.any to make its JlrotJorton of ( tile l'fllal"8 rcqulrrll hal been denied II Iii IC master 10 whom thr $ maier was rltlfeJ ' amid that aim exceptOI was taken by the city to his order , lnd the mlter now Stlllll for henrlli on the eJeplon herore 1)110 of time circuit Judges of that court , N reaction acton In court luau Ihus far hpll tllen wit ii wih reference to compelling the 11. & 1 Itmmi I. I mead COII'II ) ' to make time repairs on tim is . viaduct . as 1 lulret by arm ordlrncQ Pasld ) anti approved Ilvral monlhl ale , ln oi r- tier to obtnln 1 COlstfll'lon Of the law ii rI . latng to vhltucta Ind to secure at the urltft time pOllble the repairs 10 the ( ' Elevlnth street \'Iadurl. I rrcolmt11 that tIme city a torleY IQ urderuI ] : ull reqtuimed to I - . . , - - proceed by such action as may be proper In our state supreme courl and obtain , If possible . nn order requiring the U. & I Inlroall company to make the repairs re- reIJlrs rulrell b ) said company to be mal e. I.AlIS AND STHmT LIGIITINO. In each nnnunl message which I have alllressed to the city council 1 have had occasion to refer to the question or street hiliIing , Every municipality has Its tJerlods CE wrestling with thIs question , and Omaha has been no exception , One yenr ago 1 had the pleasure of nnnouneing an arrange- meat which hnll been entered Into with the gnl company hy which the price of gas hall been fllstnctorl ' fixed \ by n sliding scale , which will rcsnl In n grent saving to the city and 10 gas consumers. The past year has witnessed the completing of an amicable arrangement wherehy the electric light question , so far ni It relates to street lightIng , has been settled for three yours. I rnnnol that I say am tntrcly pleased with the result In the later case , ns 1 1m frm In my olllnlon , CrelluenU c"preFsell , that municipal ownership II the only prOIJer loluton oC this question. 'he hash ; of my contention regarding nrc lghts , sluice I have been In oIliCe . has been that the city was not receiving the amount oC light re- rlulred by Its contracts with the electric I Iht comllnny. I have Ieen no reason to change my Joliton on this point , hut the whole matter haS heen amlcnbl alljused Ind n new contract mnde , which dntes from the unit or tl ; ' resent year and thuS for three years 'rh l'resent callS for lights with n voltage ot r nut ! nn amperage of 9.6 , lntcntt of lequlrlng lights oC 2.0 candle power , as WIS the case under the old can- trmict. The Yrlct per lamp lIeI nnnlm huM been reluccl frm $ li5 and $140 to $1 : for each hmimmip. This reduction wi effect an annual saving oC $41t.OO on the 20 lIghts I now In Use , compared wIth the 011 prices. The dltflrence hetwecn the city and the electric light compnn Is /ljlstell by re- Iluclng thc bils for I/hln for the last six monthH ( to n basis oC / $ IIht0 Iler Inm\1 \ net year , mnklnl n reducton for the 20 lIghts I I of over $3.00 Thil makcs I total savIng to I the city during thc Ifl oC this contrct , ni ( olllaled with the old cale oC prices , oC $2i,1U.lle ! ( hum was as favolnhle a ct- , ; ( lenient of this 111cul ' lS It was possible to make , I am "ti of time opInion that prell- : orations shoull hI mlde to estnhlBh a . ' viiI require munlcllHI IJI1t. 'fa 110 thIs wi conshlerhle tune , timid It Is not too early to commence the work oC Investigating nnll see wha cnn Uc done. I commend thll to your favorable con\lerlon , for the time : II not far distant when municipal owncr- HhllJnll control wi nu' ' ' ' to electric Ihht- hug. In order lint the city may net wisely II timiti matter , the qlestons oC location , cost , hands , etc. , shoull ht taken up In the i antic future n\l thoroughly investignted Three yetimli wi soon nacs nroul1 amid the : city should be prelJrel ( before limit time to ; ( RIce decisive acton 1:0 nH to ( lien ha\'e n completed electrIc light phutult snlclent for ! electllo lghtIIIUt \ . 1)0505. both sU"eet Ightl \ cOlmerclal pur- VA'l'FR WORKS MATTERS. During the past year our cIty has been visited by several dIsastrous fres , " 'lhout doubt time losses Incurred were largely In- creased hy n luck oC water supply and I prCRsurc. As the resll oC the failure ) ( the \\'mctcr 'orls company to live imp to thc 'lter terms of its contract with the city , 1 hns been necesal'Y to purchase addItIonal _ "I.lro engines , 11\1 to secure proper ) lre prolclon m ot her limp enJlnes must be purchased In the fu ture. \'hle I believe In the cIty mallnl prollJt PaYnmemmt to all partes with which It has dealings , yet I do not conshler It to be tIme duty oC the city or jusL to the tax- pn yers to nay for servIces not rendered nor for whlt Is nol actually flrlshed In accordnnce with coimtraet. Unti the ' \ ater Womles company can so Improve - prove its Ilresent system lS to fur- nish the water supply nnd give the pressurl In caRe of lire required by Its eon- tr act , I believe I to be OUI' duty ns repre- Rentatvcs of the taxpayers to deduct front the bills of the Water ' , ells company nn nmount sulclent at least to covel' the extra expense the city Is put to by reason of fall- Inl to receive thp fire protectIon gunl"anteed by the Water Works compan For the Imrllose of perCectng the present water works sYHtem and increasing the supply and pressure for fro purposes , I recommend that the city enllneer confer with the emigineer of the 'Valer Works company and If pssi- ble secure such Q redistrIbutIon nnd cn- InrJement oC water pIpes In nt least the bURlneH9 portion or the city as wIll enable the fire department to render the demanded protecton to the business Interests of our cIty , I further recommend that hereafter Q sufficient deduction he made tram each on ( oC thc bills or the Water Works com- any as , wi cover the necessary cxpendl- turcs of the city hy reason of the Water 'orks company tithing to fully comply wih the terms or Its contract. DISCUSSING HEALTH MATTERS. During time pat year the health or the city ha9 , been up to Its usual high standard , 0\1 Omaha has' maintained-Us reputatIon as I clean and healthful cll' . There has been no epldemnic . and the comparatively few cases of contagioUs diseases have been of n mud tnJe. Much good has been nc- complshel by the hoard of Health , not- wlhstandlnl the board has been contInually hampered by political Influences und con- s hleratiofl . , which I trust wi end with , the adoption oC the amendmenl to our city lmarter suggested by the charter commlt- t ee. After many unsuccessful attempts we have fnaly secured an ordlnnnce regu- lutn the male of milk , which the SUIreme c ourtimas decWed I be yalhl. .1.hopeful t hat we may be able , when Creed from p0a Itcal Inluences , to secure a rigid and Im- partnl enforcement oC this ordinance anti t hereby further protect the henlth of our pcople. The necessity for nn ambulance for c.on- ve 'lnl the sick and Injured to their homes : 01' n hospItal. to which I referred In former messnlCS , still exists. A vehIcle suitable for this purpose could be purchased and op rted itt small expense , and It Is as much I necessity as any other humane ! revIsIon for emergency cases. Time collection und disposal at garbage has been In n slatc at turmoi ( lurIng the greater part oC the year , anll the memhers I oC the Board of Health have had several . narrow escapes tram beIng Rent to jai for contelpt of court while attempting to dls- covel' some way out of the dllculUeH Into which the maier was thrown by conlctng decision ! of the lower courts. 'rho supreme court or the stnte however , has decided L that time tcn-yenl' gnrhale contract Is hega . lal for tIme resent ) thc city wIll be obliged to com Illy with , Its terms S'HEg'r [ PAVEMENT lUESTJNS. The questIon of pavements Is one oC elI much interest to the property owners and I mt taxPlyelS of our cIty. A valulhJe report : w Ill be furnished hy the city cngileer con I cerlnJ the desirability nll cost or the ; sevcmt kinds I oC paving materlnl ExperI'I : d ice hal demonslrtet that one oC the most hesirudhuhe kinds of malerlal COI' . leslrhle o laying pave ' mentt Is nepimaltumu. Time most serious ob- jecton to Its USe has heen Il excessive c ost. Efforts have been made In Omaha UB In i other cities , to secure legItImate Iml I honcst h COllletton whereby the Iwoperty ownel' would secure lome bencOt oC the eXClsslve prols which hlve been Illzel I I ii the last hy time Asphal la\llg company Unl 1"I'CeUU It hal been Ilposslble to Ie- cure nny nmterlnl rellncton In the hllf lou aSllhllul , owing to the Indlrstlndlng 111 comhlnaton ( which has existed hetweel the A"pllit Paving cOlpany and other coin unities Hecurlng their nRphlllm from the l itimber ' . In . Ilrbel' COlpal response to the ad vel'Uaement for bids for ) pavIng Sixteenth street timid Shlrman Ivenue an umipre . c euiemmted low bid malIc ' : clentlll was hy IIfh 'iIur - phy 'l'hlR bId "houll have imeeui prompUy , neceptemi by time Board or PublIc WOlIis , but 1mm / place ot .Iolng so time hoard oC I'mmbhlm ! Wok ! fOI' tl11al reasons , Iuhlr ; snmc , amid , notwlhstllllll time onlerl of your honolhle bed ' , his surceellel up to this ( hue In preventing n conl act traIt I 101 hllnl i mails ull executed with Huh MUI'- IJh ) ' COI' Iiolng this wOII It. A case 11\'o1'hlA ! ni the ol'lctous ' ) to thl acceptance or tl II. : i cm rpli y's hll his been fully hennl und tie : 1"lllnc,1 I I , h I ) Jlhlge l\eYtor , a nil Iller the cecl m lon of JUdge I'sor ns rendered lImn see mme other way hut for the mepiesentutive : S Or time city to Hlun,1 sllurely anll lntll\es I favor of the bid ! C Mr. Ml'llhy In , I' In.1 . I thllell ) telnlnnto If possible the coinimlna . UOI whih heretool'u hilS existed , whlt'h : hal l rlsllell In excessive prols behmmg takeu tlom lime Pockets of OUI' propert ownerl amid tnxllaers , ) As time BanI' of I'uimhlaVorlcs has been cOllletl1 1 seems to t he mol' In time immiem cst or cCllnlu coutl'/elols than In the Inter" cst of lupuyitms. I hUB tllr,1 to come 'a to the slumtnnl that wla pr"lletell ' "nil I time muuimc'immimnemmtc 10 the oily clnuitt'r wi thl 111II1I'Utl ( 'I ) chalt I' whlrh were nllle two years ago , wherehy the ( I Hilary of two ot the ltmhel'WIS humrgth immereummieti. I do not Ilow whl t Is Inrlcly i by lie I ehmni'ter coXuhilit tee with ' Ihalter cemmltee i efemomiec 10 I amcndmentl to cclon 101 t'elutlimg to tim C 101111 of l'tablicorkmm nl the cOllng legis Iltul'e , but I hate about rcueh,1 , limo comm elusion that IC the 10are ot I'ublioS'ork s was rOllllctel' wlpcd out at exbllnco mum ii itS hUl11els t'ntre ! tl'hce over to \ C city emmgiimeer more elceth'c wOII Ic wOIIl , I ilomio. more IHltstuCtol' ) results would fallow > - low und utI' ' Inl1 Icll ot IXIJen ( wont ) mu \ mnt'ed to . Iho , IlrOIlrt ) ownll. . I believ 0 limit the cit ) engIneer , bi' et'urlnJ . bele\e , ! Iltonal n . slstlnl , would aecornpilcim mnre for lime taxpanrR than uccompl melhcrl combined. ot uid hoar with Its two leCI'ellrlc ni I.AAT. Bl'T NOT I.PAS'f , Til omlng year IU8t lie . enl of eccnom , amid lelrllchltnl , 'rhe commtlit Iou of Iii ) I tUnes . Im1lrltl'el ) 11t11\IUII \ timid. Whie0 hell 10 fur us niseiltle tommmiitlem' the situ : : I. tiomi of lime timmi'mmimloyetl and imu lon Ilmlllo alel II every legit I. \I' legll- mate way fuirnim.h work Iy psutimling for public hnll'O\'emlntl tiC mlst 10t lose , tl.ht of time lull"n of IlcI'lal mtcmit'stumitflt " ; , Inl renl" \hlch , al the result or Irprl\UI\lt ' , 1 Ht l 1Iacrd , en Pr , , emivil , l'av . . I proIy \ OWl r Ial nt. tho.ld note forced Ol . them ulaln8t Ilfll wllh" . : ml. nor "hOI"1 untioceseary and exlmelmeic'e wait . be ordered , We have hail , too mU1'11 .f thll : cert rr WOI k In time 1lst In SOle Illtlw'es IJa\'emtnll ha\'e teen etend,11 through eubmim ban : lorultes where the adjacent lots will scarcely sell ror tnollh to pay the special ICle Slentl. ali II otlr locauithm permunentaUu , have imen 10clltel il 115011) ' Ilore In the inhered or contracturl than for tll ( bcnel Of the public , Are. - - ' - - - form In regard to these mater Is much tlmanlled , In nil things relating to time welfare of our city , or for the good of our people 1 will endeavor to work In harmony w1h you . In roncluBlon I delire 10 extend to ench member of this council the greetings of the season nod to wish to each one or you n most hnppy new year. DSPOSINO OF EVANS All day yesterday ex.Cly Clerk Evans : lul ! ] , possession of the city clerk's ofce , putting up bars to time doors and refusing admission 10 outsiiers'hen the council gal down to business ho occupIed n scat near Clerk ncr Igby , but took no pari In the proceedings , Whie Evans was sitting there he was die- posed of In this Innner : ! r. Igb- was asked If he hnd any communication to make 10 the couJmmli . In replying he named George W lolbrook tie his ( 11eput and Limo appoint- meat was al once confirmed , Mr. howell moved an adjournment , bill Ihe proposition was voted down , after which Mm' Kennrd Introduced a resolution. I provided , tIme mayor concurring , thai nil city omclals would recognize only Mr. Igb ' a the clerk or time cIty. This resolutIon ] was adopted by a vote of fourteen to tour , Mcssrs. BUrkley , Call , 10111s anti lemly votIng "no. " There was no attempt on the part of Mr. llgb ' to take possessIon of the omce last nIght , his attorneys advIsing hIm to proceed In a legal manncr anti avoid using force. I After adjoUrmenl : lr , Evans was seen I and saId that he should not surrender IJosses- sian of the olce al present. lie declared that ( time mater was In the court and that he proposed to nblde by . the resul Special Natlce. Winter term ( of the Omaha Duslness college , corner Fifteenth and 'arnam , P. p , Hoosc , president , opens today Oldest nnll finest college In Nebraslla. Faculty unsur- passed . Bookkeeping , shorthand all spec- iaities. . - Edmund Bartlett , justice of the peace , has removed his ofce tram the Schilz building to room 21 First National bank building , corner Thlrtecnth and . Farnumm. A. n. Clarke wIll sell on Wednesday al Union stocl yards two car loads first-class Missouri drIving amid draft horses. Don't fail to see them. . Dedel Institute of hair , Neb , Is the best and 'only guaranteed cure or the liquor , mom'- phlne anti tobacco habIt . anl habi. TUB UltECT SOUTII IN ROUTE "In Lho Rock 1u3hLmuit-.imret Lilo nnd 1'ntest TII ) . To all points In Kansas , Oklahoma , IndIan TerrItory , Texas and el ! points In southern California. Only one rght : out to all points In Texas. The "Texas Limited" leaves Omaha al 6:16 : a. m. daily except Sunday , landing passenger ! at all poInts In Texas 12 hours In advance of all other lines. Through tourist cars vIa Ft. Worth anti EI Paso to Los An- geles. For full particulars. maps , folders , e tc. , cal at or address Rock Island ticket ofce , 1602 Farnam St. tcket CHItS. KENNEDY . O. N. W P. A. l' JIILLiL"S "UOCIlSI.ANU" EXCURSION Through Tourl 8IeI.lnl Car to San Frans cisco nld Ics Angele . Via Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific railway , leaves Omaha every Friday nt 1:10 : p. m. , vIa Denver , Colorado Springs , Pueblo , Salt Lake , Ogden. Also through tourist sleeper to Los Angeles every Wednesday on our southern route , via Fort Worth and EI Paso. Tickets and sleeping car reservations can be seured at the "Rocle Island" ticket ofce , For full information cal on or address CHARLES KENNEDY , 1602 Farnam St. , . G. N. W. P. A OPENING POSTPONED. Y. it ! . C. A. SkatIng I'nrle It ts P1011so(1 \1 1Jo Uendy Next 8nturdny. The opening of the skating ring al the Young Men's Chllstan Association park < did not take place yesterday afternoon , , alhough the park had been flooded anti was thrown open to the public. The parties thai had undertaken to have It ready for opening yes- terday t failed to do so "The preparatohs have now been In placed the hands oC Mr 'Valtemeyer , and ho has announced the openIng - Ing for next Saturday afternoon aL 2:30 : o'clock. A large number of pople ' enjoyed very fair skatng yesterday , but not as good as It will wi be when the lake has been completed. The enlre central portIon at the park , where the ; fool bal field WIS , Is beIng banked with I d irt. When the embankment Is finished It Is i , proposed to .i the enclosure Inlshed wih an I average at a Coot of water. With such a I depth and sheltered as II Is by tIme fences t about the park , excellent and sate katng : Is I nssured. A large and wel buIlt shed ( I has h len placed at time southwest corner at r the pond , and this Is to be converted Into a restaurant and I warm club house. A smal I I p rice of admissIon wi be charged to thc p ark. For the opening n. number of races are beIng arrangcd to whIch no entry too v1l I bo charged. The list consIsts or several I g entleimen's races , races for couples and races for t boys. Prizes of skates will be glvcn to t the winners. All entries must bo banded I In l before the hour of opening. . JJSTBlN l'l "SJu. ! , , \eterlns or the I.zmtelVmmm. lemcmbered by i thn Opner"l Goorjmmimemt 'WASHINGTON , Jan , 1.-Speclal.-Pen ( ) _ slons granted , Issue of Decembel' 15. were : Nebraska : Original widows , etc-Achsah M. McLaughlin , Sumner , Dawumon Iowa : Orlglnal-Isauc N. J. hartford , Clarinda , Page. Incrcase-Jacob Klmm I , Fairfax , I.lnn. Original wimlows etc-ldilem I ) . Boyce , West 1.lbert\ , Mnscntne etc-Elen : Peterson , Hosendale , HamIlton : Catharine F'arm' . Aurela , Cherollee. North Dakota : AdditIonal-Lawrence Big , NOlth Dlltta - Aldilonal-Lawrence nesp , 1lnto , ' , Valshm . Dg- Montana : nelssueEbenez r nlConhurgh , Hllhwood , Choteau. Colorado : Origlnal--Thmonmas W loAule ' , Carlomlale , Garfield . \'omhm : Original-George Huntcr , Douglas , Coitverse. - . Chlft ltCdleIt'lI First 1)tuy. John nedel , the newly-nppolntell chief of the fire 11epurtmen , assumcd charge yesterday - day and In company wih Assistant Chief Salter visited till of the engine houses In i the city anti carefuly Inspeclell thc fire i I Ilhtnl i apIJaltus und horses. They dray : over the city II oiuiet' ) that the new chief mlghl becomr Irqnalnted wJh the lay o ( the humid anll the large ) IllIlngs In th (1 ! hUHlnesl l amI wholehalc dIstricts were looled 'I ' O\'el' , The fire Ilcpnltment \esponllet to one nlarm m 'e.tel'la ) ' . I sills occasioned by Rome { olis dropping out oC a stove on the line or the resIdence ! of F . Sunfulsl , 18J6 Cumin u-n street , 'fhe damage amonntell to Ibout $2 3. A hargti crowd wis called omit , anti ' large crlwd WIS ealell nnl lemon y tiersone eXIJech'll ! ( to pee limo new fire chle f Ilerlons Iii hnrneRs for the frt time . hut thc ) ' were rl IIIIJolntell hccnU he was In Inother imam ' t or the CitY In pectng . the engine houses. Oregon Wdeey Tea cures aU kidney tree blea. Trial size , 25 cents All druggists I'JIItillN.LL . " Jj I If.l UJt.iI'tI $ . 3. C. Drown and wife , 'Chleago , have take rooms at the Barker J. ' ( V. WCltphllngls registered at the Barl.er . , tram Lincoln. \ v.V. . Iosenthal , I'hlalelphhl ] , la , . Is I 8tol'I1ng ' ut the Barker Mm'sV. . II. Wimot anti children arc registered at the larller , tram Chicago. J. : Wray amid I. , T. Merri are regim tered lt the flanker . from Creson , Ia . County Treasurer ICing ot Gage county was In time city yesterday , accompanied by .r } ng. Mrs. M. C. Button and son of Michel , S. n" , arrived In thl city ) 'csterday to yhlt with Mrs. Button's sister . l'olice , Matron Cumings. : A. D , McLean , representimmg "The Ship of state" commipuny and Jenry l bln , mll- : ger Charles Ilek on company , are rrghter t lt the Burlier hotel , Irs. George r'atee of Ackley , la" , Is In I ' the city Ind will remain several weeks , \Islt. lag her dlulhterl , Mr W. I I Ierch'al Ind Mr. e. Walworth , Mr anti Mr John M. Thurton will 10 i Ip Lincoln this afternoon , and will Intormuly meet thE members ot the Nebraska leglel ] ' Ilre , Thmcy will remain over 1&111'1 I be IJrelmt at the Inaugural ceremonies. M time Mercer : P. E. Samson OreeleYj ( ; V. 0 , Shlekle , Geneva : B. U ( , Young , ( 'hi. cage ; J. :1. hell , York , Neb. : O. Ii. Swlnglt , ; Beatrice : N , J , Skog , W C. Sunderlnnd and wife , Genoa : Colt ) Vley , Sal Lake : W. I OhrhlUln , Mlpleton : O. C. Banal IOU , Anita ; C. F , Deck , Lyons , : SCOTT IEE13I ( THE DOCKET . Colleagues Dccidetbat $ Ho Shall Sit in the Oriminnl aMl Another Year . - ACTION A SURPRISE TO TiE BAR - J'ror Conunrnt olnther , JndAes Seemel tl Oho Assurzmncthit , n (1"110'uuh , ! Ito 'datle-W ' itt.Tlmey' , nhl ( Anteee' dent to YOtetthy's Meeting , The judges of the district courl spent a portion of yesterday In assigning time different - ent courts for the coming year and ] Inx - lug the dates for the scss'ons. The mcetng was held al 10 o'clock and was attended by nil of tIme judges. Only two changes were made In thc assignments , JUllgo Ferguson , who has been In the equity court , and Judge I Ambrose , who has been In the law court , exchanlng benches , When the next sese sian of court opens the dllcrent rooms will bc presided ] over as follows : Heel 1 , Judge Scott : 1001 2 , Judge Keysor : reel 3 , Judge Ferguson ; room .t , Judge Hopcwel : reel 6 f , Judge Blair ; reel G , JUdge Ambrose ; room 7 , Judge 1)muflIe. Heel 1 Is the criminal court : rooms 2 , 3 : , 4 and 6 arc the law courts aWl rooms G anll 7 the equity courts. The sessions of court In Douglas county will eonlnenco February 4 , lay G and Sep ember 23 : Washington coulty , February , 25 amid Septcmber 23 ; In Burt county , larch 25 and October J j In SarllY county , larch L 1 and October 7. JUdge Ambrose wIll pre. side at the sessions In SarlI county , JUdge : Blair In WashIngton county and Judge : Keysor In Burt cOlnty. The announcemenl thai Scot was ngnlu given the crmlnal : locket met wih'lgorus protests on all lmumimuhs . SOlle oC the IWleyrs , liowei'er view It with wih feelings of mingled grIef and satisfaction , for while those who 1)ractico In practce time crIminal court are warm under the collar. those who practice In the other courts are leaping about In time great- ness of their joy that they wi nol have to submit theIr cases to Scott. Scot. I Is said that IJressure ) was broughl to bear on tIme judges from various sources , and also that Judge Scot wanted the court and none of the others did. Judge Scott had given II out cold thai he must have thc crIminal court , and thaL If he didn't gel It something would drop and drop hard it Is said thai for the lasl mouth Scotl ha been rusting among his frlcnds In order 10 Imavo them Induce the other jUdges to contInue him h on the criminal docket. The contnue wns oC an opposite nature I has Infuence unusual occurrence during the last few wcells for the judges to meet lawyers who have prayed that Scot be nol appointed to the court In which they Ilract'ce. ' A lawyer from thc equity court would say : "I or Gods'v sake , don'l put JUdge Scot upon the equity bench , " and another whose practice' equiy the law court woull COIO with tIme request : " lon't assign Scott to the law court. " On the other ( hanl , the lawyers oC the crIminal court were just as anxious to see the ( beach ot their court Iled by some other jUdge. IT WAS NOT EXPECTED. The action talel yesterday with reference to Scott's asslgnem Is all the more linuxt ) plcable In view or the known sentIments entertained by eachtoC , the several jUdges as to the Impropriety of such assignment. A ty ew weels ago a reporter was detailed to canfi vnss the matter. He was Instructed to in- tervlew the jUdge and reporl whether or nol they , or any at theta , were favorable to the assignment of Scott to the criminal bench for the new year. I was a maier of corn- man report thai a majonimy at the bench I majorly op- posed such acton and the general belief 'among ' members ofrtbe bar has been that Scott would never again be"permlted to take the crIminal docket , The reporter turned In I writen report of hIs findings , with ; the statement Lhat each jldge j Interviewed had requested that nothIng - Ing l be publshed concerning his vIews until afer the bench meetng , "held yeslerday. FOlowing Is the information gleaned from the judges al thai tIme : WHAT TIlE JUDGES SAID. "Scotl will make a fight for the crIminal docket agaIn. "I have talked with all the judges today , exeepL hlopeweli , and I talked with him a few : d ays ago on the subject of time assignment oC next year's court work. Naturally , most of them are lath to express any opinIon of the mater , bat they all tel mo personally that : whatever happens Scot shall not have the : criminal locket next year. The judges wi I meet on the first day of the year to assign L the work Scott has an inkling of their In- tentons , ali has postponed hIs vacation and L wi nol ) eave until the matter Is decided. "Judge Ambrose says that lie has made up I his mind that Scott shal not run the courts text t next year He protests that Scott shall not have control of the juries and use the bench I as a platform for hIs political and personal ; I t irades. He will favor giving the crIminal I docllet to Judge flume , and gIvIng Scott a I trIal t docket , and he himself taltng an equiy docket. "Judge Ferguson says he has not given the I mater much thought , but Is willing to abide II by the acton of the ( other judges . He Is very cautious about saYing what will be dent ' lone wIth ScoI : , but says confidentially thai ho Is : In i favor of any change that the other jUlges may wIsh that ( will remove the criminal I court from danger of further ' scenes such as have h dlsgracc Il during the last year. "Judge Dume relles to say anything of : the t mater untIl the jUdges have met , blt : L states that he does not think there will be any causa for complaint after theIr acton Is i cnown . "Judge Keysor will oppose any further re- tenton of Scot on the criminal bench "Judge Blair refused to express any opinion to me , but has told a county officIal that he will make a fight for the criminal bench himself before he will let Scot stay there. " "Jude Hopewel Is very Indignant at the manner m In which Scott has handled the jurors during the past year , and will endeavor to see that he 19 put next year where ho wjl have no opportunities . to run thlng " _ _ _ In Ohl'n ' 1It. & People overlooked the Importance of pernma- nent ' beneficial ereos : and were satisfied , with transient acton : but now that It Is goB- er.ly known that Syrup or Figs wi nerunu- neatly come habiual constputon , well Informed - formed pecple wi not buy other laxatives , which act for a tme , but Onaly Injure the s 'stem , _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ Now Omal" 1lmle(1 TIII , On and after Sunday , November 4 , time ChIcago , 11waukee & St. Paul "electrlo lighted limIted" will leave Omalla It 6 II. m. , arriving In Chlcgl at Q a , m. nemem. her this train carrIes drnnor a II carte. C , S , CAItmR , Ticket Agent , 1504 Farnam St. . 1otor& UI thu . IoiIge $1 reel 1.lln , The Omaha Street Railway company has put four electric cars on the Dodge street lne all taken oft 11 many cable cars. 'rho roat Is now fuly equipped with ellctllo newer and IL will le only a short tlmo unt single motor carR will be running Awarded tghest lionors-Worid's , Fair 'DR "S ; ' CREAM BANf MOST PERFECT MADE , pure Grape Cream of Tartar : Powder. I . . ' ' ' , Ammonia , Alum or .n } ' cth r adul ( L ' . . o YE.S Tl $ T.\NDMl ! where Ihc cable ( nouns have been R. ) log. , When tht line Is completed the ears wi run over this route ( rm the cltlOt to Lake route. street and imp Lake over the 011 street car . Ring ! Lear , nrhn J"orth Into the calc and raIn , hal } no liostetter's Stomach flitters 10 counteract their effect. hut the modcrn traveler In Inclemcnt weather Ian baffle its Ilrlul influence with this Renlal protector , ( his and fever , nhuemiummn- tlm , neuralgia , colds are forestalled } by this w.lrmlnmedclnal ! Elhulllni nummh ] Mfguard. Take a wimieglacstuil Immellltcly'fore . amid alter exposure. Use I , too , for 'sllcpsla , biliousness and cotmatlpaiioum. . COLONEL PARlCE'S FUNERAL : Services Conllnctel1 n Ih Military IIomirs- , llr . I'murko' & ( : olltol 8priolN , The last Mil rites were PUfcrmCl over the remains of Lieutenant Colonel Parke of limo regular army yesterday afernoon at Fort Omaha , previous 10 remoml to Park- ersburl , Pn.'hero the internment will take plnce. The services were Impressive anll with the full Inllnr ' honors dUe nn orn ) omcer. The rellous services were ccii- luctcII ] by Rev. John Wilams , who reach the solemn gllscopalnn ) rllnl , after which the rem.llns were escortel to the dellot h ) ' Brllailer General lrookc nll hIs eimtire entre staff end six conmpantes of Infanlry Colonel Inrlc hall been stationed at Fort Omnha for some tme , and hall man frlllls among tIme officers and civiians who visit the fort le was Injured whlo returuln from this city on last Thursday nftcrnoon. Ills spirited horse hecamo trlghtenell at n Ilasslng traIn on the hick hue lt the Twenty- fourth street crossing Inll upset the buggy , throwing the colonel heavily against a fencc. 10 was removed to the fort In a short ( line tmo after the Iccldenl , and whlo II WS dlsco- erell that hc had sulere,1 , Internal Injuries , It WIS thoughl that he would recover In a short Iiiiie . limit he greW worse and death reo levcd him or his surerlngl two days after the aechlent. lIe leaves a wife anti two sons , both 'oung men. Ils wife Is completely - pletely prostllcd by the chock , and could not ntend the relains out their final jour- ne ) The hoLly , lay In slate al the residence In the ocers' row at the fort and was vlewell by frIends 'esterla , ' . ' many yesterday. 'fhe bier anti casliet were covered with lowers and alJ' prollrlato , feral designs. I was 2 o'clocl whcn the services began , nnd at the sonnd or laps six companies of the late colonel's reglmenl swung Into line on the parade ground and marched to a posltiomm In front of the residence. Captain Keler drew the ! men up at parade rest and the body was slowly carried dowl the avenue to the hearse. A military escort and the honorary pal bearers , Colonel Dates , Captalus Dempsey , Sarson , \'arrlng , Knsey amid Adjutaut W 'right , accompanied the casket. The null- tary t band played "Nearer ly God to Theo" In I the meanwhie , anti whcn the troops Thee"o aced and forward marched the procession movcd slowly down the beautiful lane toward the cl ) 'rhe funeral car was followed by the colonels black horse draped In emhlems of grief , saddled , with boots and spurs reversed - versed In the stirrups. Polowlng came time sons of thc deceased , General Uroole , Cap- tain ( Crowder , 1.leutenanl Qua ) ' and the of- Icers from headquarters and the ( Cart , In car- riages. Other trlcnds came next , and time long h procession marched to the union depot , where the remains were forwarded over the 1lwaulee to their destimiation. Lieutenant Ilcllerlng will act as olcal escort for time remains on the journey. I Is cxpected that the National Guard of Iarlersbnrg wi give the colonel a mllar ' Intcrment. Mrs. Parlle Is being tenderly carel , for and consoled by the wIves of the other oC- Icers at the fort , but she Is believed to be i n a precarious condition. Oregon Kidney Tea cures \ kidney trou- bles. TrIal size , 25 cents. . All druggists. NEW CALENDARS Some or time IreUy "ot Novel Time Tnbles for. the New Year The year oC our Lord ' ! 5 Is scheduled In an artstc manner , The variety of new cal- cndars I infinite. Four-Inch porcelain plates mounted In boaconslrlctor skin and tipped wih sliver for desk use , red Russian leather panels , eIght Inches In length , for a business ofce , slips at scented rice paper held by mother 0' pearl bands , displayIng one's mmmono- gram In silver , are numbered among time n oveltieS. The gaudiness thai has so long wearied the eye , In lila expensive calendars , has gl''n place to quieter and less perIshable types A calendar ot etchings Is now the vogue. I comes each month from the pens of ar- ( lets In the protesslon , appropriately ciii- phaslzed. One style has the pIctures slipped Into i d broad band ot leather , the corners clnched with sIlver. An Ingenious young person who bough an especially dainty one thouht It a shame to have eleven of time scl continually hmiulden To obviate this ( lit- li. Icaly she has ordered a long , lat frame or cherry wih each picture arranged separ- ately. I Is now hung over a desk to ar- tstc advantage. Photogravures from the old and modern masters constitute the noveltes brought ant by a noted book Orm. The pictures are quite large and merIt framing after 1805 has bidden the world goodbye Those selected tram thc old masters are cspeclaly wcl chosen ! represntng Guido Henl's later Do- larosa h , Mumnillo's Immaculate Conception , and others of hike fame. Japanese art has been Iml3ted In a few of these time tables of the year , and the customs pertaining to the seasons In the lanl h ot thc fan have been daintily worked Olt.Two Two specimens Ilal bear a greater mark of Indlvhlnalty are reaping much iiopuhanity. One Is the Beauty calemlar , designed Rud executed by a ponther ' woman Its twelve pages of papier macime sImon' time portiaits in water color of a dozen sommtimorn beautlee , ceciL representing a state , About ( lie niar- gins are drawn ccaeontmblo sketches. Time - WliiCF liii liiil atiuw liitet , JOLtS , roses , opera glasses and the frivols of a famimiotmabie svomati. Tennis rackets , canvas shoes , oars t mtmd cammoes suggest time pastimes at time haunted seneca. and time whole is a collection to lie desired , imot only by fm lends of time cimarminghy-pictured wommicim , but all wimo love femmiaio loveliumess. Time sportsnian'm ( day accountant Is tue other style zeferred to , Twelve splendid dogs beamim at you frommm its pages , Tlmey were ilone by a clover anirimal painter , amid prove a fitting addition to bachelor apart. meats , These also have margimmal imotes of ( ito gauimo in season , for tIme iursult of syimicbt thieimm dogs are trained. 1)111 ! ) , R1NDOW-Ammgust , locember 31 , at SI , Josehlm'mi hospital , age 70 years. Iteinmulimmi will he taleen to 5 ( , J.ommls January 2 , i&m5 , itt :1:55 : : im. in , Fineral ( frommi M. 0 , Maul's untlertulclmg rooms , "COST OR LESS" January Sale-Uloaks and Furs fl.kscoflELD : U I CLOAKS.SUtTS.FURS. l'AX'ltN ) lIi ( > tiIt , = -TF F RAN C ISCA rimni IIlut , vegetable , Prepared fromem time original to omaha m'o rerved in time Arcimiwevot the L'oly ( , tuimtl , has : ig an authentic biatory datiimg baits fdOyeoi'ii A POSITIVE CURE for all Stomach , Kidney tntd Bowel troubles , especially HRONIO CONSTIPATION. 1zioo iO ceiiU ; . Sold by till druggists. Vbe Francistan Remedy Co , , L8t I2' "JUREr 3I. . CIIWAOO , IU. . 3 for Circular s.t'd iItstrate4 Clend.ir For sale by Kuhn & Ce , , 15th &DouIa STARTLIt1G REPORTS q11llt tIio Fiji Of tlio of llolllt llool REGARDiNG MEN AND WOMEN A ( teimipt to A coo mint , I'or I lie .thumr.mmiimg . Iii crease ol Cerlnti , Trotuiio 'I hirnmglunuut Auumoriciu , Time New 'York Iloarth of health reports 5)10w ) ii large literense 1mm ( ho imnmmmber of deumhis ( fronm kithime } ' , liver , mmmi imriumary ills. eases last week , asuehl tic haiti tIi vumrioums troubles wimich nifliet wommmeim , It is tile hOSSI- timuit tbm venthmer has ummtmchm to tb utithi I bun , hum t t lm ore is imo ( lemlyl ( tmeo img t hue fact t lam traumbleg are very prevtmlemmt. . and ro- Claire care amid attemmtiomi , \'imat tlmero Is Iii ( lie atummospimere. time water , or ( lie macdo of llvltmg ( hunt temnis to icenkeim thmo leidmucys nail umnimmnry orgaimmi of Ammiericaims , can emily be couijectumrcil , butt time sail fact remmitmin that , as a People , we arc very weak in these , ' resinucte'iumL immumim ( hoes not feel umimstrtmng , lackimug iii courage - age , aiirehlemmsive and unable to coite ivithi Iho dutIes of life at tlmmmes ? \Vitere is time neuman ' slmo deuce Itot have paimme 1mm ( hue back , beai'iuig down feelings , miepressiomis , iitmml the timotusamid and omie sylilhitomils thitit immthicale iiisOrlei'Cl orgmmmisl All these Ilmimigs ' tire no- pet hire's in , tt-lt.n wumrimings. t i.l SIte . , , . , . tells , , , , , , , you , , . 1mm , . time - - . plain- ' . - you uimtist aid heir Ammy one vimo has read mmmiii timommgiit kumows ( hint ( imero line mmever lucemi but omie discovery that will immvariimbly commtrol these troumides , tnd nlmeo : perfect hieahthi iii their steami. toctoro ammul ( ho best. thmtimkera tmhl kimow thilmi , and agree ( hint for every forum of kimitmey , liver , bladder rnmui unitary diiiicuult3' , or Ic- ummale ailmacimts'nriier's Safe Cure tnumuis alone , It is ICing. There nrc several himum- tIred timotisaimmi nmetm anti iSoilmeim lii Ammenica alone , irrespcctii'e of time Vast umrimmy abroad , ivhuo are kept. Iii perfect. tealtim atiti stretmgtlm wholly by its mice. There are thiousitimds of others \ihio heed its pure amid lmwerful iii- fiuenco just. as badly. Will you , reader , be warned by ( Ito sIn. tistice whuiclm are shown imm time Imealtit reports every week , exarniuma yourself carefully , atitl , i f you fluid any iumthicatioims of thmo approach o f tlmeso uvrious troubles , act In ( lame. Dear i n tnummd that prolmiimt action Is certumin to re- s uIt in restoreti lmealthi aimd hmappimmees , while d elay may nmenn imilsery all ( lie rest of your a iiortemmed life. 1 , Brass Beds A L $ Time bedetcaul keci's thmo keys of sleep , There is emil ) ' one fashion lit .Sleei , , butt ( hero arc iimauiy faslmons Iii lkdsteads. if you male. your choice with sole reference , to your sleep you can immako no immistakt' , You wfli then becommmo the owmier of a Brass lheilsteat ] . Ligimt , strong , umeat , clean , beautiful , and cinitmnlng-wiio ivouihl mmot PSY a cimmnfl price for such nuijectivesi itcumieumiber timnt for fifty years a Brass Ilemhstemmd hums been hike a badge of nobility. It has beiongeti to ( hue ntnmosphiero of good tmreetilag. Time tradition still nbimie timid the lrOOf ) of it many ho seemi iii every home of leisure a imth luxury , it ivill hianitmommizo with any sciieumme of color or decoration it. is ; equally available for a iare or emimali boilnocuti , aumd It is , winter or euimmmnor , iii time city or couiitry , ( lie ono piece of furniture which Coummfort amid Fimhmomi both imreocribe. Charles Shiverick & Co. FURNITURE of Every DosoripthQ,1 Tetimporary roction , IL'OU tin , ! VJOS Iotig'jmq Stro , 1IILLARD IIOTEIJ BLOCK. BAILEY THEDETIST , l'lnmmenr ' of Loty f/I , ' I l'i-icoM in II i , " , /fN - ' DnUsr Full Set of Teeth , $5Varrante ; \ to Fit Teeth cxmi'acmil ( : ttmI nut itt mcmmimo day. Gold nimmi i'lnteamm Alloy i"lliltmgs , it ; Silver } 'iliiimurs $1. I'muro ' Gohmi , 5(101:1 ; ( Crowius , * ( i to Itt -22mq itritige ! l'eehm , * 0 per both. 1immesL wouk always :1 Floor l'axtutm hulk , , 11111 , mmmd Pmrtmamtm. : 'fel , 1.085 - . L.lJY E U I'Iite great Vcgolnhte Vltallzurtbcprescrmp. volts or dis'awe of tlmc' lmUiCitlycimro3ouiof nil her- ' getmoramv orgamma , milieu ci J.oitMamumood , Insomnitlim t'iiitmmi in the Jitcitetimltiat : , , ' eitmissliq , Nors'oitmi ) l'lmples , Jnt1trioa'm Jbitity to , iarry FXiitmimtlitg flrimts'nmitnem'lo , , . I C etopu nil Iosee \'nmit-nem'lo ai by iiay or nIght. ' . mfSil ( ) dm'citarg , Witicim Ifmtotcqtpq'ici 1'reVutmi iililek. a FO fl E AND A flt R at I ( lie horrors of Impotency. cL1'Iaair'j jenimi : : toHpe'rmaitorrmaaitil eloauis : tboljyr , , kldneys anti the urInary organs of mmli , time lwltunifica . , CUPIflF.NE theimsmmt Atreng Testmresputmaii : w5rik arctics. Time i-cation Rtiflei.'r nrc miot Cuiteit by Jortnrmi Ii becaumse ninety rOIft * II I's. ' ctL'1flENF Is ( lii , onh ' kimowim to CuretiItlieut per cent , are troumbiemi with aLe. A wrlttetgunrant'o given mcmi money remed1 I six lox does mimi olt'ratmon. nec U'ulammtil. m.O9ti hoc , lx ttr f&03 , by mull. Seutti for vnr.me circular anti temiuImotmlal not , eir a ImeramaneimE cure , Atldrezi D.tVL MEDICI1JE CO. , 1' . 0. Pox t7O , Ban Frauiciaco , Cih , Jb Zii GOODMAN DRUG CO. , 1110 Fanmmnin-sI. & LESLhI & LESLiE , Omnaima , Ncbraska : and Yours- ' , : - , - - . . C We wish you a happy New Year -\ve wish you to prosper-and to wear good clothes-we sell the best suit for $5 in Omaha. lyl. H. Cook Clothing Co. , 13th antI Farnarn. - , 4- OREGON WETHERFOR JANUARY 0 Average at Portland , Oregon , for the Past I 22 Years. - ( From Government \Veatlicr \ Burc.ILI Records. ) MEAN A\'ERAt"fl TIIMI'ERATiJRE OF' TIIfi MON'i'II FOIt TilE \VhlOi.I'i 22 YIIA11S. IS llICiIliIiS ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' A'EItAilI 'J'iIAhI'lIitA'I'lJIlI Oi 'J'JlE \\'AIIMIIS'i' JANLIA1tY FOil \'iIAitH , 41 LhIGlil'S ( , AVIIICAIE TFIM PlltA'i'l'ItE Ol 'Full ( NLil5'I' JANUARY FOIl 22 YIIAIW , 2J IEitilEH , 'i'liil IIXTI1IiM II I 110 hI Ef3'l' 'I'ilM i'illtA- TtlIll ( ltilGlS'l'llitlll ) IN AN V I iJt'it 01" ANY JANLJIltY 1).lY J"Ol ( 22 'ii'cilS , 62 lElthllS ( 'Fl ill IIXTIIIIM II I.O\\'iHT 'l'IIM l'llItJt. 'I'lJltil flilGhi4'l'ilhtlli ) ON 'l'iiil (20IiilS'1' IAY OR NlIJii'I' Ii'itlNh 'i'iiIl i2 YIltICS , 2 IliitililH A iUVil.llitO. . AV iiiAGhi ( N I 'lii hilIlt UP' l ) VS Ole TI Iii ImiON'l'hl ON 'tVhiiI'ii 'I'll IHUN - : ShiUNil AN1) 'i'iiIlitii 'hiitil NU Ci.OmiS ( ilItit. iNG 'i'I I II Li. i' OIl ILAIN A'l' Niit'i' , d. AV1I1CAGII Ntiliiillt ! 01 C'i.OtIiY On PAit'l'l.'i' ( 'i.'lJY ( lAYH LuiON l'Itli'lf NO RAIN ieuid4 i : ' JANI1ltY iIYItINU TIlE 22 YIIAItS. 7. , AvEitAuiTflj : ( Oh ? J-'cYU IN FIACII ilON'I'Ii 01" JANITAiIY Foil 22 YEAIS IJI'flN1ilClI fNhi ONF-ilIIN. : Jltll'l'iL ) ( ) L AN INC'il Olt MOith' OF' RAIN F'1ll.l AT H'iIil 'L'lMhl DUlliNG 'l'ilil 21 lfOlRS. JO. A\ ' lIlt AG II I ( it IN FALL FOIl 'i'l IE MON'rhl. TiO IN'IiES Now' , We whie lummow ruiteimul ihmnt thui I'm umroo ( of the 11mm' st clitoRic on earth , W ii no the worSt , cotfitmit mixmii stoi'mtiicat mummih r ( lie year tnaices such a shm.wing it' . lii. . ' above the m4'itlg iii ( lie fuel -bill alon" will lin' tIme grocet'ui bill ( or time wimohe family. 'J'luii editor of limo Mcmi mmimmg Oregonian , who hmuis hivemi Ititre forty ytumnm. , wu ites of it aim ( ( ii I OhS'S iii Ii is imumiim'r of 1)eccmmiijei' 26 : "I'hii'y i'1mu hook utimumi Oi-'goim now' can. not html be chiuti-immemi Nevei' was Oregon mmmcmi , miltrimetive' . 'hue muaimme immuty 1)11 said of nil ( mm' l'ttiIic slates Vtt tire hiavimig a limb mulmm I ( 'i' Nmm t ii me is imuti hut mug mm uneimds for tIm a imils lukeS tul am ti mm , 'I lie t liicmi of hmu umuim ii to commme aimti go ; Eli em-a tile Ii ps a mid dosu'umms iii ijmiiirteu , hui Omu'goum itt always right. It iii tIme , mItmmi ihmcomimi'urahle country thmut was the oldeit of mur emmniy mudmminimlon. : ( No out. who hiimui lived iii it can ei'er leave it. Jli'cmy mmewvutmmlr , tmoi 11mg mmmdi a whiter liimume , imi mc coimimtsy en imrodimctiyt' , so full of all misouiteemi is miprimriseui amid mlehighileci. Air , scenery , Iummdscnpes , water courses mnouimtmiiim tamigmu : ' . the gom'gcOuui grecumery oI cmmjr , forests . ' ommt'llmdiIu iii tIme effect upon oveii , ( ( ' , imild they w'hmo inive lived hiem-it at I t itch r I I vi's S ( Ii I bole tipon mmli t imesem " ( hiiimgs with time iieitghit of mc ) 'numthhfmml lover. Yet them a Is ito limiuxieuution 1mm these ratmtureu' , tim ) m-tmiiushmsumm , ito m.uCcIs or exug- gerrmtloui ' .i'lihiJ miimiiply Is time coumitly for iv hi ft'im iit ; t U I 4 lithe m bit u. immore I liii Ii a ui at hem' on ihitu cam tim , miiiul tiny whmo kimow Oreguta kmmow it. " Every Oregommiun ( eels ( lint way ummd you will it you take umdvuImlumgm of our offer anti go there unmi go to tuorle with uhf this yliui you :11 % in against this litnatii of tiroulhml and unicerlunties. YtUimi 'Fm-ui ) ' . S'FCAINS , FJUI'L' LAND CO. , I hOt Bee Buildlii. - - -