JT , ' S : 'J . . . . . . . f - i- " ( Y , ' r1-r , tTJ rr : I , . TIlE OMA1A DAILY DEB : WiNESDAY. TANTARY 2. . 1.895 7 . I' " . - - - - - - . - - - - I jj ' ; Here's a C\Y \ One. - Some men are selt-made- Some mon are school-made- , . Some men their start made- Through a ltttle want's aid- - - . - iirt1 , , , , 17 words or less for 25 cents , one time , after that it's only a cent a word. : bUshed in the morning' well as in the evening odition. > 1' , , I _ t _ ! ! ! ! ! . Y9 : , = jj _ _ _ _ _ I SPBGU\h \ NOTIGH8 , , I : , _ : A.h'"rtIRemellt" ; for thelo 'oh.mllli , viI ho ! , ken 1ntl 12 :3U : p. III. for the evelllnl niL nntl \ p. in. fur the 10rnllll nn.1 ullny . 0111101. Atvert er. . by roqueRtnJ I' lumhoro.1 check , el' have nlKwers ntWrcwed to n Inmhorod loUor In enro of 'ho Heo. 4t11 - " \erl AO ndtreRlet , vII bo delyerot % 11"1 1roentfttion of the check enl , Jh.tc . 1 1-2e" Wtrd , lrt hllertlol , 10ord thercnUor. : ottn , t.ken for Ie " than 230 for unit Insortol $ : 'he"e Illvorthelellis 1111L run COllecn- tic1y. % ANTED-M ALE hELP. WANTlm-A I'JW I'IUlSONS IN I ACI lIA'I' : to do wrltnJ' ; eiu1 stnl ) for IO'lle $ 001 , of , artIeuIars. J Woodhury , 11 \ 4tt street N. Y. City. J-3i : l ( WAN'I'gf-o MIND TAMS TO SE1I. - 'our fel - grinders. Salnry $7.0 10 $300.0 Iler mouth . ncroTln to ability. The I.\chnplt Mfg. Co" 'Velsler Clh' In. U-MGUI5 ' WAN''gU : TnAVNrNn } . \ .1dSMAN T 3ETL , Quinine whlsley on commission as n side lne ; Ia's big COltnlKslon ; no Ictnf rItiirel. .d- : .IreiI with eereflc . QulotneVhIRk ) ' Co. , LouIavI1e. ly. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lhU' ' : \UTyW AN OFFICI AND $20.00 CASH wlntrd In every cIty to oup\I ) ' loenl enm'nKser. ; SO.OO n week In I : article new and just In I tfta9ofl. AL"reE" Fiictory carrier 7. Newark . N. J. Ij-Mro : 2' ! HOIf BLN'1-.L0U5ES. . . . 10USEH , F. } C. DAULING DAH\NU m.CK" ! . . . D-:2 hOUSES IN AI.L PARTS 0' TIN CITY. TIE 10USNS Dn\ls COmpany . 150 : 1"arnanl. D-3 : ImI.KENNY e CO : R 1. CONTINENTAL - D-3t SILK. : ' : ' - - - - - - - , 1OlSIS : DENAWA & CO. . 108 N. 15TI ST , D"3:5 I'On ; nENT-HOUSE OF 9 nOOMS AND lArN on PArk n\'c. Inquire nt 4225. Ittli el. . ' 4 D-3G . 1GTt' , ifT--1tOUHE ; ' 'NINI : 'lOO ; : n l'o f "T.IUIE 'N IS : FUR - wu" . bath , et. , at 321 n.1. 1'arlam , l.o \"tl. on. : alsb tlrnp" \ 10useR ' $ .o nnl no.o. dll rent { : ts elt ) " . . DciterL. . Tliofla. 4411 Dee buttiIIn D751 " FOn RENT-G.UOOM COrACIE. IN GOOD I . piilr . cIty waler. no.o per month to goof Ilarle8. ( 19 N. 37th , 1 block . (11 I'nrnm car lln , , Inquire ut. Stoetzel's stove.alore. . Inl. stove. n.ext to pdatottice. u3:8 . ' 20.0 : BIHT"ROOM hOUSE : DATH nOOl ( , ilfl& . tUlIC" . . .John H. Vebater DOlrt Tmle , bulitliug. . D-359 . ' CO''TAOJJ 0' SIX ROOMS. ALL CONV NI. elcrs. , Iesl'able locutIon . three blockii iron , fluent. house. Enquire on Iremlses. Gt2 S. 1th st. 'r. J. I.'lzlorrl.9.- D795 , ONE FliAT STEAM l AT. LINTON 1ILOCK : , . Jell ItanlIn. PIT Ilnton bI. D-7tS : IDlmN - . lonOOII. IIOUSN :19 UINNEY. D-M9JI3 , .RObM 10DIIN HOUSr FIVE 1INUTI ; 'walk , front court hou" ' . vacant December 24th t. O. 1.1 . , . Green rom 2. Barler lloek. D-l&8 r l" ' i ' . . : T. COTTAUC : AI.I. 100 'm . 213 California Ht. 1110n r Hoger & $ Ofl . 1th and l'nrnom. ' D-198 . volt R NT- ChEAt' FOR Tim \VINTEfl . one 8.rlom IIOURe 10.OO , three 5.room WINTJm. ; ; $0.0 ( $ cOlnges $5.00. J. A. Scott , Omaha Nut'l bank. ' . D- I2 .1' 1 1.'Or NT-NEW 8.nOOM mnCK hOUSE : f.rnce heat ; itcwly PaPered. 3t8 N. 2r" . D-M2C3 t. D-12C : - 10ltE . \YALLACU BROWN DLI\la & DouG. ; STlAM . C1NTItAL. ALT . MODERN 3 , 5. G. I 1'I"om ! hOUNs ' and latH. TlzaN , 231 , N. 3Hh. . D-lt96 1. JASny hEATEr ) g.nOOM JOUSI , .AI , I - , moleln ; , 3GI0 Jone9. $2.OO ) : alH 8.room modern hous ' . 3016 MaHon . $21.O. $ S. K. hlutnphte 928 Nrw York Life. $1. D-IH9 7' - - 1OR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS : NI'IY FIHNlsrm SOU'I ROOM. . IN r. 'Iule 1919 Douse N-GO - . . 1'llNISlm ROOMS : JOUSmml PINO. : ZG . SI. Jlls nv'flhIe. -M361 : 1"I'INIIIIU ROOMS FOIl LIOIIT IIOtISf : . I.'Or LIGIT IOUSI. hccIuig.InqUIrc , 1919 DOdge. E-M315 - - - - - I l'UnNIHI D ROOMS I.'On IIOUHEELIPIN i nQUSE\rgPINO for lan anti wire ; rent tnlel II boarl. 319 ? 1. 17th Itleet . 1 - I2 _ l'UnNlfl I ROOMS . SfU''H I"HONT. 192 ; Douglus streel. - . ' n-1110.1' - Im mAII ! F''IlNISIIID ( I100MS : MOIEIE nOOIIS MOHN eOI\nl'nce. , . ut 18 : Chleao. U-Mk9 t. - d l"Ot 1:0' : , noel WITH S1'LA2l ImAT. ltuWIh' fu. Ilshe" ; lear 1. O. A"dle.s 1'-111 : P " lIe 4 r.C. . ! Jlm HANISOll I.Y I.'UHNIRIII 1.'nON' - ; r0011114. WHIt all eOI\enl.nc.s ; 10"nlol vcr ) ' il 0 . , aliawe. JI'I.ly nt 20t9 Hlre ) tihrvet. I-M4i 14' - \VQI1I ( N1OIITS. WOll < NOITS. ' . JRV' n nicely furished room wIth steam hrul. I , gut' . te. . oil IGlh itreet. I wanl , , , thai . . ' . i n lommulu works .Iurlng . & Ihe day. Chienli I.nt to the proper Iarty. Ad"re8 H , . - , . ( I len . ilIlce , - Ii-M&OI C' _ -I. - - - - - - - - - - 1URNISHED ROOMS AND BOJUtI _ : . , i3IUNl' ; BOOhl AND IOAID ItliAHol : . aibl. :10 CaR. F-ML2IJU. ' 'I i'JtIATFVAMhI.Y . WIiI , ACCOMIODATI' : fUlr coiiih . rurl.h ,1 rojtn . , with or wlttio' ' \ wlllu\ . llll ; gentlemen 1..eer. . 2019 Rt. MurY'1 . L4 \ ' CfltlC. l"-11013 ri.tc-J j1C1I.YF'lJItNl8lIEI ) ltOOMS WiTh llOAalI 5 : 1"UHNISnm 110MB WITt 10A'D. , .tlm heat. Ulolla 17 1 1a'tnlort $1. J'-16.3' " 'WO SOUTH nol ; 1"IItl'.CI.ARt IlOAlti : 10.\\ - 21 JoIilihas. 1-MI32 2' - . NIEL\ UINISItm HOOMS ANt ) FillS 'F. ' cIa , . bartl. 10 1010 .treet. JNU 1'-159J J'mST. UNFURNIBlED ROOMSTO RENJ 4IIOOMIS.StYITAULII FOR lIOUSEKElI'INI 1v rent SllTAULl cr. Ilh 10USJ INIWING . ; . a-tisi - O-JUI - JOR , RlT-BTORES AND OFFICE - i'on . IILINT-Tilli -bonY 1ICK nUIDINI. ( t.u 1''anam truet Ths buildIng hQ u . ) 'lt. cement jselenl , bul"lnj gleam tiei nt. 11111 llxlUtvs. wilier sli Iloor , . . . . 111 Iltun' on al 101. gur. elt. AI" . 1,1) ' II IhQ ( lee ot 'fho Ziec . g. 1-910 - - AGENTS \VANTED. A EN'rs WANTED I. TO IIANDIN AL1'MINI' ' 'R ' . nl'ellt 1 It iilglil. IANO.t ! & AI,1UNfl 'nal httItle. : Nell 10 fo itatulile. Ireulars tr "U . L Noyuly Inttuetln Co. , : $ tat " .t. . Cl 'ii ' : colO . ill. ' JJI > 4 : ' - bALRSilU 'VI AGENTS MAIU MONt ty llnJ , uJl. .GNl'S 11.6. I'unls $ MON1Y . $1. * ttitCkIIIOshS $3. Hunler Tnlorlnl Co. . CI 11' cnn t. O. - " ' . J-llml"U' 'ORAGE. - 181' l'I'UhGU JILOING IN OMAIEA. U , - a. gay . bnl"l varchoua. . 10uaehot OMAIA. , itor , .l. . . 10 J . I lwe"t ratcl . 101.10n 1.eitvt-iiwortb. ML , JOlAUm 1.'n 10UlamOLD 0001)5 : CIt.AN i < IhOP rle n. \rls. 11 GOD I"rull.M : - I ' 1 , * . : . STORAGE , . - Contnue" . STO tA 0 FHANJ EWIS : , 121 l"tNI Y. M-2G - WANTED"TO DUY. \V ANTEL . 3 SI'COND hAND UPI1IOIIT pc ianos . Ileaso state litice. make And UIIGIT . eln be seen. IL. Ii. I4eott . block. 1. l. Scot. rom t30 Inmoe N-a20 CITY & CO. CL.AIMS. ' ' CI.AIIS. 1'lTCIAtD 12 PAI'I. - N-3G FOR SALE-FURNITURE. I"l'INITUlt AUCTION AT lilt FAI1NAM ST : Saturdays 10 . a. m. nobl. \ 11 . PAHNAI l'Olt SAIE AT A SACI1IFICE. CA1tPITS - . .hntes Inl' furnIture which have been but 11111 a ls"1 In" nnnt new ; a1o house for rent. lilI quire 409 S. : ; ave. 0-M9jj FOR SALE-.HORS . 8 , W AGONSETC. ! : O I1UATL'Sl' IAnOAIN I-ir OII'rR n. A Christmas Iln'ent. Fast faintly hior.e. buggy , lullY . 2 ' seated carrIage anti hlress at ont-'uurler ; vnluo If solI nt coca ; Inquire nt Oelsler's bIr IIN slore. tOG North . - 16th atreet. I'-hIZ FOR SALE-MISOELLNEOUs. . - 1' YOU BUY. BUY Tim DEST : MACKIN- - toshes. rubber boots arctlcu . ' rbbtr nreles. s'rlnges o [ a klnd9. /19 tulng ; all best qunll ) ' . Omuha Tnt and AWling Co. . 1U'I"aral SI , Q-3'J ' WI'GIAN : PIANOS. nmDO POnT OflOANf - Woodbr" e DI" . 17 So. 17th. Q-G8 100 ANO CnICKI r' FINCE : ILARD WOOD pickets. C. H. Il sit nwl . IArD Q-3G9 20.0 Ions ot ! C CLEAR LAI\E ICE . For sale by BAILEY & flAy . Kearne ) ' . Neb. Q-2s Ion SALE : PIESH HOLSTEIN COWS : \ND L - calves . . ; large , rIch iulIker. :2a 1'ebter. Q-M162 3' - CLAIRVOYANTS. - M RS. Dn. u. WAHtN. CLItVOYANT [ . lit . . lIable ' . business . . . . . 1"olul . . ; . CLAIIVOYANT. , . ) - IGII. , 1 Mt. , utlNdt4t.IitA1l. . ! lrST $ ; .ONbEflF1 fI elnlr"oslt . . of . . 't. 'eenUn " , ) " ; IG1 ' nFtr - - MA SSAGETpATHS. ETC. MADAM SITH. 003 S. 13TH , . 20 FLOOr - room 3 ; massage. ' vaor alcohol , steam. su I- hurlne and sea baths. , T-.tt0 5' . . tASSAQE MADAME DEnNARD. 121 DODQIi T-M507 I : ' " . PERSONAL. - . . D R. T.V . STONE 810 N. Y. LIFE TBL : 61 1. U-37 I.CKINTOSIES & HUDUUn Doon . ni , FAI 1. - U-372 , TUE BELLE . E1'I'flllLY COrS T , MADetTO - order tram measure. jill I"arol Slleett SlleettUm Um DAOND PhOTOS 1C A DOZCN AT IitO ( : . tars , 616 H. 1&lh st. I'lOC- VIA VI : 101m TIWA'rAIENT FOR . 3. - ltt'atths book [ 1,1 consultatIon Ion . AI"rls I.ADIS. call "ta\1 Co. , 3lPJJeo bldg. Ldy altendant. U-3H MASSAGl . : II.ECTno IIERMAL - . ehl'I > "lsi. ! me. Post , TI \ S. lath DATIS. itt.U375 -3 COMPOUND OXYGEN CUnES CONEIIJM1'T102 - OXYO , ashitma. bronchItIs and cnlarrh. Home tica 1- mont $ G.o per 10nth : 3 days ' trial ti-co Ieal. t. ment. IOI 810 , N. . Y. Lie bldg. . reI tre.t- . U-216 MrnlytoNlAL PAPER WITH 1000 ADVEI - 1. t.emenls and hOl08 of 1,00 ADVEr. anl ( peopl Ie , IIIY rich , mailed free. Address box 215. pop lirool Ic. ' bx Irool. . ln . N. Y. U-M1y3.10' W1IIU1IJ IS'llOW MAIt I.'OI.I Y. FOl - . 1111) of Knnsas City . MAly . The unlerisign I. i hols vllualle Inrorlaton for her. erlgn . t . ! lhls , Knosas City , Kan. - 1eA. : . SWI DISJ MOVEMENT CURE 1816 CiTlCAcp - . U-laIGJS' SKAIE ! 0110USD . HOLLOW Olt I'L.\IN , A - P 01 A' . . ' -A. _ L. Ullelal"I' . 106 S. Hth sireet. u-Ia . - MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATI ; . : ANTIIONF loans LOAN . & rnusi' CO. . 31 N.Y. . LIU. at low rntes for choice . Security lit N e. lrl.a ! and iowa farms or Omulot cIty Iropert II 1 . . _ w-m LIFE INSUIANCI IOLICIEH LOANCD ON 01' bought. 1' . O. Chesney , lianas City. 110. W-18 MONt Y T I.OAN ON 11nOVUD OMAHA - : real estate. flrennan , Llo & Co. . l'axlon . hl' . W-31 MONE\ LOAN A' LOWEST n.\'ES. TILE O. I" . 1 > \1. Cu" . , 1&1 : 1'arnata st. " ' TJE LOANS ON 1II'lOVEI & INI1U\IO"ED CITY I'rol'erl $3,0 tint Upwards G 10 1 per CTY : delays. W. Faniatit Smith & . . ' 10 dela's 1.'ullom : lllh Co. , la20 Fainain . \-3H CITY . \NU 1"AII LOANS AT I.O\\'EST rutc. I'ule ) ' & Thomas , 1"lrst Nal'l 1 . bldg. V-3s3 MON ' Y TO IAMN ON OMAhA ltt.L ESTATE > at 6 per cent W. U. MeU.le. 1st Im.\ . 1'RTA''r ll" . W-383 Y IY LOW IATI S 11A1I ON GOOD I.O.\NS. J. W. Situlr\ , 213 lien bldg. W-3H CIT\ i.os. C. A. STAnH. : \ N. Y. LIFt ) . \-3S3 \-3S IONCY TO LOAN ON IMl'I0VgU OMAHA I'rol.ert ' ) 1"Icelly 'rrust COllan ) lila l"arnitri n . MONEY TO LOAN-OHA'TEI.S. . J. 11. 1AUDOC1 1001 f1. 1AIIGU III.ocK. J . . _ - - XIII . - MONEY TO LOAN ON FUItNITIIRE . PIANOS , tiorsea. WI "IL. I.AN etc. . at lowest riles . : : , io ' removal at gel : trleUy confidential : lly UIOUII. 'nn pay the loan ort ut uuy hate or II any UIOUII.OIAUA JIOITGAGE LOAN CO. . : S. 1&lh sired. X-S 1INC10 I.OAN ON hOUSEhOLD FUIINI- , I0USI:10LU 1"UINI. lure iilanos. horses. 'ragon or 11) ' kind at chattel "eeull ) ut lowest I'oslblo rnte. which you rim IIY , . hael , It nny tints and In any aiiiOUflt . I1IL'i.l't"t LOAN ' ' "louol. 1"IICI.I''Y J.AN OUAH.N1'lm ( 0. . Iol \lhnel bl&Mk . X-3S - - MONEY TO LO/tr0N 1"U1NITUIm. ! I'I.\NOS .nl all kinds of aeutl ) 1"rel Terry . room . .3 Hamil hloek. X-19 BUSINESS OHANOES. fOmUIHONDENCF : 01 IN''Im"mW HI SO. lelelt rrol Iltu iatltkd wlh 8 or 14 per celt hi a h'gilmlie hl.lneul ; In\'ellleni under Cull guatsnteQ or principal antI Iller.l : atand. lag and char.ct r unqu.aUolcd. P. O. Ilax lax 60.3 . clt . , 11) Y- J1 Jf AN Rtl'tl'I\LI. : OeD CiI.NL'II T TIlE right Jrly who cn command U.O.o ) or $5,0.0 to enter an old elalUshl bus iteis. AI"n'S ) ' . O. flax 6 % , cIty. - IU Jf . W..NTlm , A MAN WITh A SOCI01" PitY 10" . 01' money .lu Join tltli 1 Mock of gro- . . .r.l. 11 ( IO'llon and Uld estiblialied. John l.dlch.0" . " . aol . laLIhtd. \-M3t IN'ItIJASI . : YOUt INCOMC : tEND I"R I'HEe hook. 'Itow to Trade fluCcestuily In Ornln on Trda 1111 * : MoIgtcL" . l'"rtlnl luec a"ulr ( I -l.UI 0(4 ( Orln .H ) ' . BUSINESS OHANOES. - Cntnuell WITf nox s ; . SlmANUO,1. 1' . , \ ' 31 S' \VANTED. tOCTOI1I OI WHO IS A ItE(1S. ! le"1 than ellt ; good , loenton (0 rIght mnn. Aldro E U. care. Omaha Val ) ' le < Y-M473 4 I FOR Exon NGE. T EXCILANOE . I'INJ PAtI OF 32G AC'tfl5I. : nU ptowCI , rently for crop : o bUlllnR' , goo water . I' mllei from stnlon : will trade equIty for ho..es nail cattle. A. 11. l.auRhln. Lllbn , N I ) . , Z-Mt3 a' - - - - - - - FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE . Ih.tflOINi4. 1018F8. 1.01.5 ANt ) PAI I . PiI or trade. 1' . 1. I.T . Parker hloek. . Im-9 - - - - J'Of SALE Nl3 W 4-ROOM COTTAOII ; CIlL. . 4.101 lOTT'OI : lar . el.ler. vitF Waler : cor. 3'lh attI. Snhl'r ; ; l,2i41.O ) : long time. Inquire 13n Farnam. ilam. , uel llurnii. IB 391 MODIN 1.100M IlOMlI C11\1 219 m-\ I M1113 .112 Poll HALE AT A IAfO'IN. MY Imst. thence . between Purl and Cutting ' Street : till tuke In trade.Vin . l"lelln 5llel 1th nut Iougln . . . ItE-M719-.14 } ou/ln. - - - _ _ It : liI8-1 IXCIAN : ( S ANDibtllS : CITY I'ItOl'IIILTY . farms , , erchnm1. . ' Unn'ln Ilma. l'IOIIT\ . . . 1.ICe. 1J-3 IlAIt0lNS. SAt.1 Ol TI11AII1. IN IIOUI4ES lots nld fatni . . J. N. Prenztr. TIA1. 0(1"1. 1OUHES , 1ti i-MS2 JS II1I1IOATIII ) PAIIMS N11'11I ( FAtt.l PItL'IT IIGATlm I"AHIS " : J\EH 1.'HUl l.tato grain ant .toc [ nrl" , \ for KnIt on en.y term , : cor.epolienee i.ollclted. 1 : . 11. I'altncr I . loom loll . L'eoplo'a bank Denver. (1oln. Im- 1930 WI IA"I I.'AIMS FOIl H'I.I IN . \.MOST t\'er county In eastern 1nnoas and aouthwrRt Illourl ; II wilt PaY YOU to Investigate our "cash rent luau" of . .llnR turm. tVe Can give yon better lerms than anybody : farms I Improved ; l1s"eQlon n.on. J. 11. lrt ) . , - CrnwfoTIIdg. . . - T"ekn. ltan.JtL'-M926 - - _ . J1' I'Of RAII. A 12''CIU ' VAI11M. 15 MILES nerth\ pt of Omnha. Address II 37 , lIce. ItE-M339 J : ' l.oN : TiE NEW \ ' Af I0IT : lOUT A comer . lot. ' 3S.0 2th nnl Ilnekney : nice I -mm cottage . rul lot on 20lh street , north . S.to.o. 1j easy ItayineutsI : we have- 'em $ SO ) . ( ' ) j inti tip : ; louseK to lent. H. 111. Cole Co. , 06 N. d1Ir WII'f ' 1 2 FOt S.LL'-VILL. TAKE CLIIAII VACANT lot l In , II Jo locatIon ns nrst paYment on house l ant tot . anti renoIr , 10 cloh ) nynIcnt ; lalnnee monlhl ) ' . A. 1' . TUIe ) ' . : - 'nent 19 : nDAL ESTATE : AGENTS NOTICN-1101. : e rty 31h and Uolgewltttdrawn.Vin . rl"mln . - - f&lli9 t' ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. A ItyIATUIIS { ANI ) CONVEItTtIRS : ; IATun AI c'NVlmTgnS ItWOlND storage halerl.s rchurIe : electrical and gen : P,1 machinists : "upertor worl gtiiuanteed . Omaha Electrical Works , 61i antI GI9 Iulunnl'ed. : . 412 E.CCTICAL ENGNI gnS AND COTfAC. lors for elecrc ! lIght nn,1 motor plnlta and at I kInds of elr'elrleal Construction. Western I 11 trlenl eupl' Co. . US and , 42' ) S. 15th . . U3 . LI ATIEn DULTING. CIIAS. A. SCImnrN & Co. . Irl" 306 S. J21h ' . 47 : - . U NDERTAKERS AND EMBALrIER n. K. IJUI1ICET . Fl'EnAL nll CTOt AND embalmer . 1618 Chicago et. . telephone 99. 393 - SWANSON & VALIEN UNDErTAKEIS AND embalmers HOI CoinIng el. , telephone 1060. 391 Id . O. MAUL UND , nTAlo 1ND , TIM . - . "aller. 11 Farnm st. , telephone 225. 3I5 - . C. W. UAIUIR . UDEfTAIEn. GI3 S. IGth 396 St : . 2 OOAL. - D . T. MOUNT lAS REMOVED HIS COA 1. olee 10 29 H. IGth st. . thrown block. CAL - SIEHIAN COA L. EXCELLENT SUBSTITUTE for bird coal and $3.60 Ion cheaper. lGO Par- nam street main entrance DOlrd of Trauk. ! . .102 . \Lt KINDS OF HARD AND SOFT COAL. I. - LevI , li : S. : 13th street : teiephonel3ll. M-28i 324 HOT.L . - HOTL PARKER. 1TH AND .JONES , STS. e i 'roms nt..W pet'.day. i 5 rooms at $2.00 ( per dl ) ' . It \ , SpOclal rates to commerlal' tmvelers. 100m : end mannger. board ly week or month. l'ruk H11Iteh. 39 ' AITNA . I0USE ( EUI01EAN ) . N.V. . COt . 1lh and' Dodge. ' I Rooms " 1)- day or week. 393 ' - - . LqS . - s TRAYIn. A LAnGE DAY lOnSI . lILAC mane 'and talr I unshod nail heOdstnhl on ; Inl hedsla1 /nlpr return to GH 5. 2SIh Street and get re" ward. Loat-M506.4' LOST , IADrS GOLD HUNTING CASE - watch. on the upper lake at Hnnseom parl ' . New Ynr' e\ ' ( Finder Ideane return to U18 N. 28th avenue ali receive revaru1 , I ; tIG 4' : = HORSES WINTERED. - I WILL CAIE FOR A FFW IIAD OF horses for the winter nt $3 per lend per monti horses sent for and returl at $2 eacl , . None I but healthy horses laken. und , only from ri 0- .Ionslble partIes. I can give bet of reference Address , M. J. 'eleh , Gretnn. Neb. 15331t BUILDING & LOAN ASSOOIATION now T GET A hOME OR SECURE OOOD Interest on savings. ApplY to Omaha L. & . I 1. Aas'n. 1701 lee bldg. U. Itt . Nattnger , Sec. 399 l. SIAR S IN MUTUAL L. AND 11. ASR'N PAY - a , 7 , 8 per cent when I , 2. 3 year old always re"eemoble. lO I'arnam 'at. . Nalnger , Sfe. to : IO ( OLES. - M . O. DAXON , 402 N. 16TH. ' tOI - OMAH\ BICYCLE CO. , 323 N. lGTU ST. - sod . A 1 DEANC / CO. , DICYCLES IIG FAnNAl1 1 ; - - TYPEWRITER : - STOLEN TYI'E\vitITElts OICFEIIEI ) FOn O'FEImn sale should mnl.e you auspIcious : funny they are mostly I I I h'w. Try one ' and you wi III understand why. l'ul lee of stippitea. ) Sntltl It. supl Premier Co. . 11h and I"uram , ( Smih. . 403 STOVE REP4IILS . - - S STO"I IEIA1S FOR 4 .0 DU'I'lmFN' ; , makes at bIOV S. 'Yn r attachment and co II. ' leetons I seelnly. 1207 Douglns strcc .t . . Omaha Stove lepalr Woik 400 DRESSMAKING. Im SSIIAIINQ IN I'AIUrI S , 116 nnAN' . . M-IGS Jt8' mmSS3IAI"NG ) IN FAMtLIES. FIT ANt At'lo guamntee.1. Address 1019 lIce M190 3' CARPENTELI.S . AND BUILD ERS 0 I lrHULL , CAIPlmTI n ANt ) 1iUIhlJllt paper hanging nod hrns , brick work and plas lerlog. QUlee f09 1:1. : Hlh II. , lel.phone t . .o : HAY AND GRAm. NI IIASIA hAY CQ. . W'JIOLEALII HAY , grain antI mi atuff. We are nlwlYI on the lal.et 10 buy or sell . 1402-4-U Nicholas It. m OPTICIANS. 01IA1 OPTICAL CO. . IEADINO OPTICIANS . . . F. , l'onder nianoger. Eyes examined tree 2. S. IGII It. . In 1lnsler Il , ' druG store. UG JZ' - ) , WhOLESALE OOAL. , JOHNSON 111105. . WHOLESAI.I ALlmS IN Putnam ati kinds Street of COo I. Corretpondence : I 10UCle" . 401 Itol I . , JOn PRIN 'IG. Imn JOU I'IlINTINQ CO. , FINI1 : I'IUNTINO I ut lt "In" " 1h , t. , Dee I'II ( ( MUBIO , ' A.tT AND LANGUAGE. G. F. , l"NJOlST ANt : I guitar teacher 11 Cuss slreet. ANI 91 , : USINHdl NOTIOE8. UA11AGED MUmOlS nrSIL" nED , 719 N. 16 . t08 , SHORTHAND Al j 'l' ' EWRITING. VAN 6ANTS SCl00. OF' SHOUT hAND . N. : Y. Li" . Omaha Ask for circular , IAND. .1 , , DENTISTS. . . PI. l'AUL. UEITl T , MO lUHT ST. m - . . : . "E r Un AU. HUES & CO. , Bolclloro JJec , , OUldw ; , OM.tUA. Neb Advlco .lE . 1'11 . THE f . .105 Animal Extracts Frepareil aceorJli'tjJthe formula ot Du. l\1r . A ; ; ! .UDN In his laboratory at yhington , D. C , The most wonMHihhcrnrutl ' : discovery s.nee fi das ot Jenner. .Il' ' ' ) CERE8RINE. ' . , , t 5OMTHEDRAfN. flfOM MEDULLINE , . , . , . . FflO4T)1ESPIr1ALcOflO. FROJTESPltALCORD. CARDINE . " . F,0M THE HEART. TESTINE , . . F.0M FROM THE TESTES. OVARINE , , . . FROM THE OVARIE9. The physlolollCI etec e prducc1 by a sin. 110 dose of Cerebrine ate nccelrrsJol oC Ihe I'al o wih teetul of rllneu and distentIon d"Itnlon in the head . nhlnrtoD or spirits . increased urinary excretion . uinary ecreton , augmentation or Ibo ex. Illlllve force of Iho bladder and peritalthc ald ncloD of the Intestines . Ilcre8Po ter II muscular strength and enduiriunce increased owt'r 01 ( poVr and Isbon dllcplve In elderly powrr. prople. and Increased appetite , Dose G ( drop Price , (2 ( Irachms ) $10. T 'lI COf.IJMIIIA CHE1ICAL CO. I " 'nshlltol , 1) . C. emi for Iloot. lOt NOT1C1. The l'aciflc Express ' PacilC ! Company . Ofce of the lrcsllcll. Omlhn , Not , . November 28 . 1891 : Notice IK hereby given that the annual Ileetu ! of the stocltholtler of the COmlll tor the ( 'Icctol of directors null the triunea ncllol nC such other bl.lnc5s nK Il proll- e rl' come before I , wi he held nt the , , olcc oC the compnn . No. HOl Hnrney Rtreet. , Omaha Ncb. . on Thursday . Jaluar 3. l )893. ) It 1 0 clock n. tU fly order nr the /oll'tl of Dlreclors. g. : . J0nSEMAN. l'rosldcnt AtPKt : WHI.IA1 F. DEC1IE1. Slcrelnr ' ' . ND3.12"IJ : Ior Nothc. Tlshnrt & I.'oley hl\'e tltls tiny 1115solvcII I pnrtner"hlp. Foley vII1 p wi contnue busiless I himself itt ! 1 S. 13th slrcet. J-2IU I RAILWAY \ TIE CARD Leaves \DUlLIGTON \ & MO. IUV"n.IAT'I'c Omaha Union Urpot 10lh & Inson Sts. t Olnh" 10 1 > m. : : : : : : : : .Deler Bxl're.s..9 : ΒΆ :3511 : t 4lSpm.ilk. : hIlls. Mont. & Puget Sad. Ex 4lOpni : I 4:3Spm.1Ik. :3"11. : . . . Ills. . . lont. Exp' e8. Snl. . . . . . 4 :0pm : :0pm 6:1llm.Nebrnskn : Local ( except Sunday ) . 1:3pm ! 7t1pn'c : IG"m.LII.oln Local ( e"cepi Sunuhy ) . .lt:2lio : 2:41pm. : .l'nsl. Mali ( for Lincoln SUlh.lZh ) . . . . . : . Len'es \ CICAGo.nunINGTONQ.Arrhe \ Omaha UnMn _ Depot. 10lh A Mason Ste.1 Omaha ' 4:13pm..Chicago .e"ihu e. : : - . . . . 90arc : I 9Inl. : . . . . .Chicago I xpress. . . . . : :20(1 : r" 7:50pm..Chicago : and Iowa Local. . . . . 8oal ; ( 1:3II..loello : Junction Iocat. . . . GI0pm : . Len'esCI \ ICAGO. - IsIlL. & ST i'\UL.IArrl\'i , - Omnha Union Depot. 10lh & Mason Sto.1 Omahn 6:0pm. : ) . . . . .Cnlc'Go Limited. . . . . . . 9 :3'IU : 1:0am. : . .C.lr.go ' I xle s ( ex. _ Sun. ) . , . . 6:0puc : Leaves ICIIICAGO & NORTII\V15T'N.lArrlves Lnns Omahn \ . I' . Depol. 10th' , & Mason Sls.1 Omaha l 3oam..Eastern : : ; lxpres . . . . . . . . . . . 5iOpn : 4:00pm..Vestitiulel : xp . . . : Om. I.llled. U:0om 6:5m. : . . . .10. Valley Local..iOIOpn : I 6tSpm..0Iaha.Cllc/o : 1pecInb . . . .IO:30m 2:111 : Leaves I CHICAGO. n. I'.TPACTFIC. IArrh'el Omnha Union Depot , IOte & Mason Sle.1 Omaha . EA " . _ I1:00am..Atiar.tic . I1xpr4bx. ( Sunday ) . . 6:0pm : 6:25pm..Ntght.Idpreas. : ( . . . . . . . . . 0 : SOal . :301..ChleaI0 : Velb 11 LImited . . lOpm : 1t:31pm.Ok1aIuUmaEX : \ t ' J" . D. exSun..1:3 ) : p n _ _ 5Itam.Oklalioma : . & Texoax. " I ( ex. Sun.llIOpn ) : ' I - 5:5am.Oklnhoma : . . . . ; . Te'9'fix. , . . Sun..1:3Dpm . . . . : ol Leaves I C. . . ST. - e . & U. IArlv- ; ; i i"U. Omahn Depot 151h and ebster Sts. I Omahn 9:30nm..N.brnpIU1 : Pi"fr ( daily ) . . 8:15pm : 1c c 4:3pm..Sloux : CIty 11Srt , ! ( ex. Sun..1l:0an ) 6:10Im. : . . . . . Ciy ln f 1lfhllel. 6an..1:50am . . . . . . . : Ln\es I F. . l - l" , X.\.I.EY. IArrlves Ontahia Depot lthlt _ aCid ll , rebstr ' sis. I Omahi a 2:10pm..FaSt : Mail . utt c Ilxp'rcse. . . . . : . .hn 2:10pm.ex. : S31. ) Wyt4ltI4 * . lex. 'Mon. ) . 4Spm : 9Onm..Nor(01l : ' ExPitss (1. ( Sundn.10:30nl ) : 4:55pm. : . . .Frerriont Pas. Sdnday ) . . . . ? : : lOpr { . . a 4:55pm..Fremont : IOm..St Pni'xreS. Pn" . . . . . 7:50m : " I ' . . . . & . . \ . - \ ' .G..Sr. - h\rrlre. Lt\CI' . 1.hrrlre. thatTi1on ) . : : lI O s I _ ha _ tOrnnlu' : . ' . ! { . POJ.2fl 'r p18. . : . ? ! It , .9:15pm.KC. : .IFhtEx. IU. -.r ansGSOal : . Leaves I I AtIS0U1tIfAClPJC. , I"rh'es ' Omhn Depot 15h ( . ant Webster Sls. I Omnha 9Tl5am : . . . . . . .StYLcus' : llxpr ai . . . . . . 6OOar : a 9:30pm..SIr : 1.0ul' 1 xrress. . . . . . aoam : tltprn..Nebraska : .Leai. , . . ( ex. Aun. ) . . OIOam : . Leaves I _ SI0UCITY & l'ACIFIC. 1..I'es I Oraahiaepot , 11th . estor.9naha I , . " . . l'.h estor. . 6:10pm..St. : Paul t.llled. . . . ; . 9:10am : - ux - CITlACIFI . I"rh'es t Omaha UnlLI' Depol. .10tI. & Mason St. $ Omnha i 6Stam..Sioux : - City Passenger..1O:2Opr : : 11 6:10am : . _ . . . . St. Paul LLmlted. . . . . . 9t'am : Leaves ' UNION' PACIFIC ' lArrlvet I I CIIC 'IArrl'es Omaha Union Depot 10th ; & Mason SI.1 Omaha loal. : . " . . . . . .K" Exriis. . . . . . . . . . . 3I"pm : 2:00Pln. : . . . . . .O\'erlnnd Flyer. . : 5:3pm : 2OOpm.I3eatrlco : &Stromsbg E" ( ex.Sun . ) 3:4pm : 2om.De3Irlee ? 7:10pm..PaCIfIC : Express..10Slau ; 215"m : . . . . . - . . . . . Fast Mail. . . . . . . . .105al . 4:1011 : Leaves \ I > WAIASU RAILWAY. 1.'rrlvC Omnha Union . . . flepotlOtlt .11 MnHon St9.1 Omaha .8:55pm..St. . : Uuls Cannon lIall..i2:3ps : : Tt . ' ' 'll J'B.\T J1tltItI1l' . - INSTRUMENTS placed on record January ; 1 , 1895 : wAnnATY DCEDS. , S F lcArdl. and husband 10 John Denker nw 33.151 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 7,50 L I Smith to A C & T 1) Grle9a. w 100 feet or 0 2O feel of lot 21. and w lId feet of o 250 feet of s \ , , of lot :0. bloclc 3. Brklle add . . . . . . u . . . . . . hlol . . . . . 7 3) H A Dolte fish wlfo' to F It Ifazau'd . lot I. block 3. Sulphur 9pilngs I " Inzar" . . . . 3,0 C J Barber and wife to U . I' Fitch , lot G. block 08. Omaha . . . . . . . . Ilch . . . . . . . 1.0) Sale to saute . lots 1. 2. 8 nun I , llarber's stubble Hale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Uarb.rs . . . . . 8,0 C . ' J Inrher , truhtee . to VI' It Ahinlauseon . . 22 feet tf lot G , block ' I . Ousaha. . " . . 8,00 ) S I Morsn anti wife to H C Howard . lot 23. ' liloek' A . Bedford nll J . . 10wnrd. . . . . . . . . 1.70 o \ QuIts and wlCe 10 C " QuIll . Iota 15 , anti , . ' 16. block 12. Orchard . 111. . . . . . 2iOO ' V . Callahan et nl to J. H l'aul . n H feet ot tot . 8. block 21 , Florene. laul. . . . . 1 . . . . . . 4 : G \ U DOI.y nrll wife 10 S H Iltauss. 1 hlock 1. Waterloo . . , . . . . . . . I . . . \19. . . . :0 III Phelan and wife to E T Iteid , lot 9. hlocl 5 , ht acId 10 Fowler 1 PIn. Iehl . . . . . . . 22 : R A Itetl 1 ausd wlr to . ' . IC Fidelity Trust cool. harly. lot anl .9 , block I. 1"ld.lly , prk. CO/ . . . 1.Co , ' V I Cuflnl ant wlr to I. ' S Pusey , trustee lots 1 In,1 2. block 261 . Omaha . anti atmip " "joln111 . . llnek ; . . . . . . . . Olnhn. . . . . .20,00 Saran .0 Caine. lot 1 antI w l' f..et of tot 3 , block 31. Omlha , anti strip a"Jolnlng. .O Santo to same. lots I. 2 : i anti 3 , hlocl I. 1 lar'svllu 1 add . . . . . . . . ni" . . . . . . . . . . . . ZO Slnr to sflitlt' , lot 10. block G. Itiunscomn Place - - . Snll - - . . . - - - - - . . . hloc . . . . I I . I geol . 11010 . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - Same to , : nil ; t7 ; block l l .i : Mnrslu's nuld ; : : 20,00th ; Sam , , 10 saute , lot 3 , block E. l'raepect . I'lac' ' . . snle . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . Imfl'eet . . . . . . 2,0 J U'lly un,1If. . to C g ltnriluuuu . lot I , block 3 I , W'lllls Inrlt Jlnre Jlrul. . . . . . . . . 7 : S J I O.'en\'lh' Rll tu usba nut 10 D.tvlt Wilams , lot 8. block I. Oicford liace ; lot 23 , block I , Orehl.111. , . . . . Illee . . . . . . 1 QUIT CLAIM DmUR , 2t1 I Myers aunt hitisbuuuud nl . I 11)'ero hlshnnll et to II M Ittnor . part of tax lot G3. la 101513. . . . 1 Saint . 10 11 A. I lttner , part itt lax lot f'S , In 10.15.1 . . , . . . lner . . . . . . . If . . . . . . . 5 . . . 1 I I " 0011 anti wIfe to V II CuiTmnan , lot I. I block 8 nnt I , Olnll , , und..two strips n" . Jolnllg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ . . , . . . . . . . . 1 Ran" t. Sante lot t nld w 12 feet f lot 3. block 31. Omaha , 011' ' Irlll adjoining. . 1 IJ U l . I Sheriff 10 C W DIets . 13111 'nnd ' G. Clarke' subdiy . . . . . Delz. . . . . Idll ; ; : . . . . . . . . . . . . . G I J C l.rh"r to Jullo. ilt1lcatlcn of pInt of sUI"I' If lot 1. hlo l\f. I'url Illee.- llt Total amount of Ire . , I rers . . . . . . . $ - I. u . . l Struck by uIVSt.Iy ' 11101 , John IlrrlnHton WOn1 Into pOlce hcat- quarters early yelierdnr morning and reported - ported that ho had b erJ1hot , lie exhibited a halo In his . 'ctni ' . ciotIuliI4 'hiIl was 1l.O flint tile bullet I hat gone ch'il' Ihruh1\ his body . Jailer lellut Ildel IWI examinaton anti found that while Iht ballet bud tuenetrated the man's elolhllg 11'111'ulse.1 h { 'enelrtcd tlde. no serious dallKq hud , done The man was ( lule IntoJllllei ) , WI 11'1 ( ' [ loli coflhilcting stories lS 10 how the ' Ilnl happened , fO ho waK larked I' In order that the case ought I ho In\'eHtlnled. ' 'Yelerdl ) ' mornllg , . he toil his story to l ' . oJce Jucgl Uerlm and was dIscharged , . An olhieer who 1tutle an olcer wlo muce 11 Investigation Inlo the Ifalr was ot the opinion that the shuoottlig was dOle Lay ' some , reckless person who was celebratIIi the advent of the New wa . celelratll Ihl . , -a- Shihob's Cure the ,8at cough and croup cure Is In great demand , Pocket size con. lalns twortty.Iiyo doses , only 25 cents. 'Chidren ' love it. pold ) . , by druggists. Is time Jook of ittoruuiufi 1 l'mu'U Elder T. W. WillIams . One oC the dls. lutunt In the luli Slvldge-Wllama de. bate , will commence a series oC lectures on the Hook ot Mormon next Thurla ) ' Ivln. Ins at 7:3 : II the Latter 11) Saints' 'hurch on Twent.frst tlrEet , near Clark. "ho subject for the Brat night will lie : "Oujlc , tO11 10 the Hoolt oC Mormon Answered. " Hver3 ' mlllbter In the city Is Invited 10 at. tend. Opportunll ) will be given to ask questions pertnent to the subject. J\'ery- : led ) welcome - , . . _ . - . - . i\ \ IANY OLD FRIENDS IN OIAIIAw Noah Vale and Holert Howe Meet Thousands of Admirer at Boyd's ' , SCL SMITI rS3 [ L1'S ' SIMPLE TRIUMPH l' ortruuhture tl.L Touch" Iho lnrt filth Lenvel n 1.iutlng ) tloituor-Ill . Com- PliY WOlldl ! % 'ell-Thuo Star on Ills Un n Jlelh'I\ There were two lrcmcldou8 audiences al Ih oyti's theater ) 'cslcrla ) Ircmeudol8 In so Car as the capacity or the house Is CDII- ce rueti . The bane\ was In nn upstairs hex , tl orchestra Unl Was given over to auditors nml Renlnl Sol Smith Hnsscl more thou de- Ightcl the thousamls who saw him II two loveable characters , Noah \nle and Hosen I l owe. At the matinee Khlller'8 "Poor Relation" \ns don , wIllie the evening was gl\'en ovcr to "Pleasant Vale ' , " ono or lie daintiest oC stage I'roductols. 1 Illclnre that Is batunt. Ing In its naturalness and In fno conlrst to I lho hOlhouse ulralnas oC Ito ( French school , Iramns Noah Vale Is 1 most delightful bit ot real ' human nature . very reminiscent In mnkclp anll look oC some of Crulksliank's skclchcs luslratve at [ oml or Dlcketi's characters . , Ald the character Is vitalized by : Ir. Hus. s ell's strong scnse ot dramatc situation , thc I Irsl act particularly ) being a gent or thc p laywright's nrt anti t.I nclor's its veil. Jut : when the Irst act Is left and one gets Into i the scconll nnd ( tltirul. It Is very apparent that Mr. Kidder could . tI not keep tip the nt- mosphcro I of the first act throughout tbe whole lila ) ' , and not sacrifice soutethilug so ) he sacrifices his hero and Involves him In I 1 serlls at convcntonl Incldcnls that weakcn the slor consldcrabl hut Mr. Russell's qualnlncss , his fdclty to the part , of ohl Noah , the Inventor , art I w rich In suggeston and rclecton thnt enc 1 ergots the ( absence ot the nntllal Ilcrcase i . tl f clma"cs , eSlcntal 10 nil Irst.class plays lu l the lenlopment oC Noah Into I vcr ' lovcahle l helng. Seedy , run-down.at.hcels nml ont.at-clbows Noah Vale ! A ntiiut evcry Inch l ot hIm n firm belIever In the lilIes oC 'ennson , "Kind hearts orc more than I ' loronetl and slllllo falh lhan Normal Ii i b loo0. " The company supporting the star was In the t main eminenty satisfactory . Ilhough Mr. Smiey plays the viain with much thE 1 ante mclhod he shows In the "Hllr-at. Lnw. " His round , Jovial face Is hardly the i i roper reflection for a man through whose 1 brain runs schemes oC how to realize rchcs : I ul the expense of olhers' nltsfOrt000s. 7ulIs I Belc Archer Is l a very charming Ilgclw and 11 hcr playIng or Jol ' 1.'aye was qulo a treat 1IS8 Kate Ryan was entirely allequate In I entrc\ .t lie hateful part at the scheming step mOlher i , whlo Scolops was surcllnt . or a I terror to lileOt the approbation ot the most L crlcal oC the gods. And Rill and lalCh. hose hlcbscd chldrcn I were flesh anti blood , not stlclts . nod the children In pcrsonnlng these essential characters were bright and I nterestIng. Alfred 1ulson plays Faye wlh nice dlscriluhmintlon . which can also be snld at the Charlie Smith or Charles Maclay . One year Noah Vale marrlls the Ingcnue , Iho ( next year he Inlroduces 1 light ju\'enle to do the lflatr3'Illg. I'ns tile lght j uvenile's turn yeSlrdny , and Vale Is secdy I' to the end. cnt. ' 'Pcnceful Valley" , is' ! one of those plays that can b seen over and over again with wlh satsf cton , for the life dlplclcd Is vcrr lute the lives lell by hunlrcds oC men and women In Now England valleys . until ' they have grown strong enough to try theIr wings In Ilghts from the old roof trce. There arc just such valleys today In Vermonf , where , the ecenD oC the story Is laId and so there I wm , ba'untFt& , ' emVt lrbr.'hnman nMure : I I , very , ' 110111 ' and I the'riomo ltraclolis grow "U dearbitoUu ' ! ' ' ) dear1lo < us' nsfh milestones of lIfe 'draw. 'clover logeth r. The story or "Peace- fill Valley" Is a's old as the drama , pretty nearly' , a city villain , I trusting maiden an elopement meek marrIage . de.crlon , but In the telling ot I Hosca falls lu love with Pretty wIse ? "lrglD Hand. How could hc do wlb Jl' . Tus.el was In splendid form last nIght , and well ho might be . for the house was t'acled and thc ! play received line CDII- sltleratlon . He ha probably elaborated 101- Hosen Just I trIfle since 'Iast seen here In the character. I may be a hit over-elabo- rated , and his slow drawl becomes painful at tinles . but Mr. Russell Is 80 lhoroughly conscIentious In whtatcvcl . hc conselcllous whalc\'c. docs that these defccts I they are defects , are lost sIght at In thl rounded picture presented by this quaint comedian. His comIng always means satslC,1 pleasure his stage sermons Slid lOdgment In all hearts and help to malte the \ orld better. The characters were all well played and tile company divIded the applause with the star - /01. 8)1111 JUSSt L ( . TAIhiS. , Why lIe has No 1lll&or8lls COleepton 'f thl ( 'llllotor of Pr l'angloas . A flee man asked Sol Smith Russell 'esler. day why It was he had no hnlator in ( his line of dramatic work The kIndly , gentle face of lie comedIan was somewhat contracted and hIs brow was a trifle corrugated as he Ihonght over his reply. "Really that Is a hard question 10 answer , " ho finally saId . "I have always endeavored to have high Ideals. Iceals. Dnrlng the war I gave monoloh"o cntertalnmcnts , wEll songs Interspersed - sporsed and all tile ( lithe 1 was thinking of the ( tine / whcn 1 might ' I/ne get out or 'the ( rut into , cmethllg more worlhy. And It grt- laly came. I suppose the comillexly 01 my work and yet Its apparent naturalncs m"y have somelhlng to do with lie ( trecdom 1 have enjond In my Position. Dnrlng all the ( lIne I wal giving my entertainments Ihrolghout ( lie country I was takIng ad. vantage at this appear.tzicu oC emlnenl Ictors In the stock to 'iro4tteli my horizon , anti I ahsorhed neeesnrJv .roulen II"h nr lin , In./ , 111 , [ . _ n. _ _ _ _ . . " ' _ u" u. . . " . " . . . . . . force so. " ot IheBu actors , or at least I "u./ "ld Then Mr. Huucl Ilos"ll 10 a con51lcr.lon oC his new character Dr. Ianglosa , In "The . Iiehr.A t-1aw. " "Mr. r aucl , " said lie , : 'was the first Pan- gloss on the olher attic , and later came John Ilnnlsler ! , the Joseph Jefferson ot his tinie , ( tie only actor who resembled our own Imc Jerelon , I hundred years ago. OWI came Harley at Drury Lalle. 'I'Iicee men had their own conceptions ot PangloJ , some maIling him lIvely others peculiar . others pecular. dilletantl . Oa tItle sIde l'unglo5 has heen played ) by John E. Owens John Sleeper Clarke . 'Iliiain'arren and Josellh Jefferson . and olD conceptions oC Ihe ( part wore vItally tilfierent . Clarke's lalgl08 was \.laly , chute us much eo as this clever actor could mallo turn Jeter50n made the role scholas. tic , while Owens brought nut Ito ( priggish clement a much . as il20slble . I strive to malto the ( old fellow lovlable , I try 10 place him In an almos/here which wi. IC breathed make him excufubl& for all his failIngs . You c.1ul't exhibit an unprincipled lIrlg on the stage without sugar coating him , If you want walt 10 make him Ihe ( creature oC peculiar cIrcum. stances. He la not dlshtont'st , but h : ac. cepla the things which come 10 11m because hI Is wealt Ind foahi.slIVarren Iwew lutl loved Panghois. He Is , Ijouvever , a complex character , anti must be played trom the In- aide. He Is a Ilychologlcal study , a/Il / must U& /layed from Ito ( heart ant sul.ctors many who play Iloelbilte3 Ihn otherwise , fail to grasp his "Tho season has been phmencmellul anti 1 find ( a returning Interest In lie ( Iwo old come. dies , elgn5 ot beller times ahead " ) ,1111 Jlnku VI wih l'aruInh. nOSTON , Jell 1-Last evening LillIan HU8fl and SIgnor Ieruglnl. known tl ( his associates as Jack Chiatterton . met accident- ally al the house ot a mutual frIend and asa a consequence their IUarrel has been mad up. The detal8 ot the IntervIew are not yet known , but at lbs conclusion I was mall- test that their frIendly relations had ben reo aumed. it nuiuUhicpiiueittl . This evening Mr. Russell wIll close his big engagement at the ( lloyd by givIng the t second I.erCormanco of Kidder's comedy , "A Ioor Relation , " This Is perhaps tie Btrong. eat play In Mr. Itusseli's repertoire , and In . . _ - - . - - " - Omaha never falls oC drawing n Cnl 1101130 At both l'erroMnances yesterday the ( orchestra wal taken out to make room for the tee- melIou8 rush , tutu I tulPt3 be neCeMr to maY th ke them ( out again tonlghl. - BOIIS theater will have I stupendous ai- trS action on Thtlrsday ant Friday nights and trV aturday matinee In the ( Sanllo\ Ttocnllero ' \alhle\'lc9 , In - which tim Inrvtlous athlete ls or course thc rellrnl figure. This wil bc Sah ndow'8 first nl'llarance In this city , anti nlrall' much interest hIss been manlrcsicil II his nlll'crnncl. 1M tour or the cOlntr ) ' , IhlS far has been nothing less than a con- tnuou9 trittiuph. Ito Is UHloubtedl ' ono oC the wonders or our (11110 ( 1 lllelt scientists h ave declared hll to be the most I1Ptccl mnlh ' \ who has ever 1\'eil. anti he has h as been ncknowlell1cll everywiitre as the slrongpst Inn In the world ills offer or $0.600 amid the gold belt . emb1clllc ot lie ( ehaliliolshll\ the world . to al ) ' tuna who woull duplicate his Inrvelous I'crtormalccs. has h thus tar rpmnllcl Il1eccllel ! J Is nol o nly In extraordinary teats ot strength that Salliow no\\ ' stll18 wlhoulccr. . but lit his exhibiton ot hiM marvelous conlrol over his muscles ho /rsnts n feature such as nc\r has h been shown by niy otiir human ) beimig . The sale of scats wi open this lorlllg. The usunl large ntcndalce was II force nt the l Bllliro yesterday . nll It 18 evident lint " tiiimiigati's Inl" has let wih n repetition or f ( ito cordial treatment accorded It In other c ItIes . The Inal ladles' latnco wl be glnn today' when ni ) seat In tie house Iny b ho obtained for 25c. The "ShIp or State " whIch Is Rnlll to bo one or time most Important scenic productons of Iho Present , season . wi bc seen al the ' EI1lro theater during the comln" weck. The play Is n plrcly Amcrlcan com Id ) 11rnla. nnll gives I realistic representation ) or Ihat "rent naval battle . known as pcrr"sIclory on Lake Erie. TIme story Is ot IIIcnse In , : t erest . Ito ( scenes showIng ( lie tunrlerdlck ; of n British war shIp : the escape : an ohl 111 on lie shores ot Put.ln.Dar : the home or the ' rcfugccs : the old 11 In winter ; lie ( rescue ' nml lie great naval battle hotwccn ( lie guglsh Iml Amcrlcan rorccs. Somc Ilelghl- : rnl slleclnllcs nee Inlroduccd by " llen5. " Iho ( cpnlral female figure or liD ( play , anti ito LIberty quartet are Ilenrd In I number ot ncw and 1I0IHlnr sclcctons , . WENT OUT OF RU5IN.39 St'eral S'uol ' Clnoe.1 ' ) 'lllr ln0rs ) wih the Cumhl : or Ito : C'"u" ' . Dclwccn 12 o'clock midnight , mid 1 o'ctoclt yesterday 10rln about tweulr.four saloons clo'Ithclr doors and lucy ( will I not l be reopened ogaiui at least I this 'ear. A number or chnlgcs I are being mlle and some or the old I tmcrs are going out oC buslncss. The I DIamond . amId palatial Dcnver have closed It t heir .100rs. The Pabst Illace hiss been re' fusc1 [ n license Iml ( Hilly Tholilson has I gone out of business In lug ohl stand lu flit I Iley next 10 the Paxton block. Hu will I probably reopen again In n new locatio'I Thc Colonldo has cosed : Its cafe 11HI It Is 'I s aid that the Darker wi do the same A .9I numbcr oC beer saloons have quit unit ono I plnce 1 In the burnt tlslrlct has closed . blt three new ones take its IJlaca. Chler r Detcctvo Haze wcnt around early 3'lslcrdar 10ring and nollt1 fifty-one saloon Iwepcrs I not 10 opcn ill ) unt ( lIcenses had been BC' cured , but some at the places wi bc grane1 ! [ I permits under ne\\ proprietors. 'Ihllt ' .two protests have been fed with thin comm - ssloner { aHallst disorderly saloons ull some oC these will probably . _ bo refused licenses. - - - - - - - JU.IL'1G'8 2'IlIl'i'IIJlS . OMAffA . Neb. . Jnn. 1-0 : the Editor of The lIce : 1y attention has been called to nn editorial In your Sunday Issue In regard to the protest entered by the trusleeH oC the ' "llnge of Dundee 11lst ! he exlenslol of the cIty limits , In which you state : "Its' population ' shares wi11 the cIty DC Omlhl 'ls' 'tttcI' ' fachlitietu . frl , ttparUnenr Ilolcc forCe Illblc schools amid park extouslon " f. ' ane YOI ate mh.talel In your facts . TIm in- hnhltuniA of the yln e of .Dundee Iecured thcll' water eighth ortgInmIly , by rlghtl orlglnlly I Illeclal contmct with the water works comlin ' . 1) ' which tH' Pntrhk I.andcomIHI : ' ngrel,1 to pI : ' thlt (01101101 a certain RUl adnu- al ' for water privieges , that sum bclnj 011(11th ( to the hydrant rental received . fl'OI a lee telllor ) ' wIthin the city. We fail to Iee , then how we rccul'e the bcneJls of the , city wnter s3'stem lS the inhabitants hnnt 10 pay the ( 'company the regular water I'entnls In'udelton. . . No Ir/ engIne or nny lel\el' of the city fire eepartment ; Iii his olllnl clpncl ' . line e\'C' been wihin the vllnAo Of 11\le ( since I wan IlrRt platted nH nundel 11110u. HOC would they come . should n lire nccur. II reglt',1 to lie ( police rcl > rtment. no meln\er of the city polct force hnK 'ver bpll wihin the torortc lmits oC the vl- lare of Inllee for Iny purp09U connected with hIs oltlul : dutIes. Itt regard 10 the sciioolH the school house In the village of Dundee If Illntulncll by school , elslrlct Nn. G3. entirely ontslde nf and , setirate : frOI the cly Kchool system , anti \ chlllren In Dundee who attend , the . cIty' Ichol11 ate charged theretor h ) the cit y' , , So Cur its palles tire concerned . Ihcre have ' been 10 panic ) located In or jolnlng Dun- ' dee I1huce. I Is trle lInt the Ilroposcd boulevard will 11aSl within a short distance west of the extreme weRtern limit of Dundee . dee , hit ) this itt hecal o I rCKllent of Dun. thee donated the lurid theretor to the park lIonel ] ( nor dhl he ask that Ills name Iholll It ( hint It cost the be aUlched to ) , so thlt cIty nolhln . 'Iher" , lit no desire on tile part oC the In- hahlnntH oC Dundee 10 avoid tl"lol for whlt the ) ' get. 'rhey sImply declle to he taxed for thlt which others got uIII the ) ' 110 not . Ever slwe tile concellton oC Dundee . doe Ilule b ) ' Ito lntllck Land complny its Inhnbhtmlnhi4 have paid . for their own lire InhlbluntK Cit fur all one c'xistetl have . worle and lnnlntnin'd tlone ( belt' own police nld malntalwd thcl. Ihel' own public scilool and have } HIHIW Iii vain for I lnirk . Ind the ) ' see 10 consult whY the ) ' sholll be taxed for lint which they never hurl multi hnve 10 prospect 01 getting. 'I'he only desire that the Inhnll. ) tunts oC humnulet' village have Is ( lint they may ho ulowoll to tax themse'cs al,1 , hunle their OWI mOley , In order thai ( lucy mf1Y mlke for IhemslveK lorig-needeti 1m- I.ruvemelh' . , ulll Ihlt they mflY not be Ilellyell In RO toln ! hy the clnIerlome nwlhodH of the city Cal I ( I nf tile city ot Omnahiit . HDI n'r w. i'vi'ruuic. p . Urolo Ills Collar hour . \V , D. Scott , an old man reshdiiig II the real' of 19l CuminI street fell toWI n etoirwu ' uuitl hirolce hlR cohini' hone hitui Itnlrwa ) ! ld 1I0lco co\ul' Ilst night. lie Stub ( liken ) to the police station wilerti tile frtletimre was reduced hty Dr 'l'oWite. mtftei wiilclh lie v1lN sent to ( lit l'rcsbytorlait lloapiial. - S - JhE.i 'i'11171t ! 'OJIVW.l.'OT. l'alr amid t''u'atuty ) 1h'Inde l'ruuutiseul toe . trhrtuKltit , 'I'ouiuiy , WAlE ! INO'I'ON , Jan. I-Tht forecast iCti . \'u'etinestiity Is : For NelirOitka , North Iit. . leotit und Hotmtll Dahcotii-Fu1r westei ) ' tvlilds. Fot' Iowa tumiti : tt issoiri-Fair s'arlnlihc uvlmitla , F'ot' J a nsiis Ii nU Cola , .itho-1"ulr ; varinbit I wititis. I.m , t'iu I 114(1 , , , 'iI. Op F1Cl. OlC 'Phi \'EA'J'lIIlL 3iUllE 51 pMAIIA. Jaiu , l.-Oimiahua tOcorti of ( smiler. U ( Ui'C and i'itiifmthl , ( 'omlilehicti with ( lIlt eorre' . sponulitig tiC ) ' of tue iltist fnhit' years : 15. 3SJl. 109.1. 18'I2 MutXilltiilI tetnhterttUre. , , , 'a r.'i . l8 1' MitlirnUlil iomhicrmiture , . , . , 10 32 15 1 9 Average lezilperature , , . . . . 18 41 2D IlI l'recipitiitiOfl . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . , 6)0 ) .00 .00 .01 I Condition or tenllierlituro multi ProolPitatlol 1 lit Ointulta ( or the ihuy ; 5111CC March 1 , 1Sti Normal tcntpemiiture . . . . . . , . . . , , . . . . . , . , . . . , . . 2 I Doulelencl' for ( lie day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aectimuillated exceittt silIca March 1 , 11.911 Num huh iir''iltittttlon . , . , . , . , . , , . , . , , . . . 03 Immt'I m lcui.'it'lie9' for tIle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Intl 'l'otiul ltru.eiltitiitioii sInCe luitirehu 1 10.01 inchei .4 lslhcieney sluIce tium cli 1 . , , , , . , . 15.711 Imleile : Ituslitarts trout ( ithuer Stattotut itt Ii I' , 11. . o : ' a cii smrioy. ' , ' 3 Os i ; . E g :1 : , I O'iiiabu ' , - ' ; : - : ; Nurttii'Iatto' , , . , ui : so .00 Cieitr , Valentine . . . . . . . . . . 2.1 . : iu ,00 tli'nr. Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . ? .i : .i4 .1111 Cbgtr , St. Lotmi. , , , , . . , , , , , fl I :1.1 : (10 ( Clolmuiy , SI , l'auu , , , , , , . ' . 12 30 , OII ( luam' . Dtivcimpur'I. . , : ; : : : 25 lit ) Cluj , 5utisti City , . , , . , , , not2 : , ' . luiut'ur . . , , , , . ' , , , , , tU 811 .Itt ) Cituir salt Lake C1l' , , , , ' . ! ti :42 : .08 I'Iirtvloud ) ItabIdC'lty. . . . . . . . . , , Ill 20 .OD ( ( lear. llelumi . , . , . , . , , . . , , lii iO .11 Smuowjmm. lilsnmarek , . , , , , , , . . . ! ? .O ' 1' , Clear. Si. . Vlmicouil , , . , . . , S ill 'i' 5110W II C. Cbuyuihmie , , , . . , , . . . , 0 .94 . ) ( luar. Silks Ctty . , , , , , , , , , 14 JU .02 Clear , Uthietoii all u .ito Cloudy. "l" iudtcaloe trace of prcclpitilioti. : L. A. WiLXiiL , 0b3oru'i , - ' - . e 1COIE TAX 1UST BE PAID Collector Nor1i ilecoivos Dotaileci Instruo. tions froni Secretary Oarilslo , I SIS MUST BE FILED EARLY IN MARCH I'lrst. hiimiittiy in ( hit , atouth ( ho Ouutaiulo 1)iuto-l'iwra uf tito Collector in ho. tLruiitihtilg tt .tliiottuit Of hut. lilt hiiuitt 1.iuih'tiliy. - Janles North , United Slates internaL VCVCII1IO cohiceter for ( hits district , rcceivet. % 'li lmis itlsttimctiohis ( CDIII Secretary of thm Tress. tmry Carlisle ) 'esterda'y rcl.tttvo to ( hue coi- icctomt ( of IliCoiliD tax. lor the Itast week limIt ) ' Omliahians have calleit at ( hi fetlerni oflhte anxiously alvahilmlg ( lie arrival of those ofliclai imistrimetions Iroun W'ashiligtoll , Tiuo Secretary of thie treasury authorizes Collector North to cummiluel all itersous of lawful age having zimi lticoimto of lucre ( lists $3,500 CoiilitttCl ) ( eli ( lie basis lreacrlbcil by tit income tax act to iiiutttt autti render it list or rottlen OIl or betore ( lie first Mouiday ill March of each year , iii such form amid huinliller as iiay be dIrected by time coIn- ImlIssiOhier of imliermual rcvemnhe , to time coiiectoL Saul returns to state amuount 'Of' ittcolile , gains anti htrofits for ( hue year. .Ahl gimoruilalis , trilatees , exectttors , adminis. traturs , agents , receivers , etc. , shall ahs litako returmi , All retilells llhihst. be verified by oath takt2hi before the collector or lmi ikiulties. 1' ' 'Fito collector has power to Imicrease the alnouint uS all ) ' list or rettmrml if lie has tttsOlt ! ( to believe ( lint the satne is untiur- siitttal. Ill L'StiltlatIlig ( lie gaihis , profits , etC. , of aii ) hwrsuit for ( lie itturliose of tnxatioii ( ito fellowimug mire comisluieretit \VIIA'F IS hliViEl ) ON. Fit'st4li iltt'oiiit'i , uhei'il.'eii front iiiteremtt 011 iluteit. lioiitls iititi othilOr s'ciirltles except tiuicit 1)1111(15 of thii' l'iiltth States , the unit- cipal mtitui iuiterest of wltiell arc by tIle la % % ' of their Isituamice exemlipt fiolmi all federtt taxation. Seeotttii'roilte rcnllzeit tvithiin ( he yemtr front ztle of teal estate pmmrchlas'd within tIvo y'elurrs hti'e'i&iutM to tile close of tile year for w' Ii ich I itconme is eat 111111 1 cii , 'Vhmlrd-Iiltert'st receiveti or liccillell upon nil notes , betide , inortgitgcs , etc. , belirihlg iuiterest , whether hiaid or hut , If Oed millib. collt'ctztltie. F'oimrth-i'reinlutn on boildut , notes or cott- 1)0119. F'ifthi-Tlie flhilotillt of sales Oh live tocic , Rtigitt , Cottoti , t' Oi , titlttcr , cheese , htotle , itet'f or other iiiitt , liii ) ' , gralhi or uthuci' vcgtoinhiles or otitt.'r lsrotitictiohls beittg thitt growth or hirothulce of tile estate of 50th less tli itIlttOIitt eXlCittlOtl lIt tilti hilitchimiso or Pl'OlltlCtluli 01' snuid stochc or ii roti tico mu nil lint i tlc'i utlhilg mt ii ) ' Pittt thereof culisumneul directly luy tlds uitmuiily. Sixtii-Motie9- the 'ititie of nit per- Itoutmil Property neqilileti Ii' gift or Ilhileri- ttiflcc. Seventh-Alt oilier gnhuis , Ptofltli anti iii- cnsne tht'rlved traIn ' tuuuy' suttireti vltateyer except tiitit lOm'tiott of ( lie snlnr' , conipen- itatlomi om liii ) ' rect'tt'ctt for mcrvmces lit the ci ti I , ill II htztl , liUVil I u r mit 11cr set''icea of thlt l'iiiteti Slates , Including semlntors nod cotIgreitsiltoIl , front which tIle tax hInD beemi thethimcietl , Eiglitii-\\'hierc the sahtt'y or other corn. penitiomi : Paid to any hel'SOO ) lit ( lie cm- ithOO'iilt'ilt of the ( Jolted States slittil mInt exceed tIle rate $1000 icr ito- ilUfli. 0i 51111111 ito liv fOes. or Oil. oertamn or irreguiinu' In tIle amount or ' - In the tiflltl thimeimlg Which ( lie 511180 shiithl have accrued or ileomi earned , sueht salary or other cOilllCtlttuttiOtt sloth lie included in es. tirniitiltg the ztiimiual gaiitet , hirouits or income - come of ( lie petitoii O whioni ( tie same. hunhl hn'e been itald , WhAT DEDUCTIONS MAY lIE MADE. , Detitietiops In , coiniimting hIlCOtltCS will bo made ( or necessary expenses aciutahly Imi curreil In carrying on Inasilteag , occupation o 4 professIon ; nil ihitereat title OC void within ( ho year by spell person put exIsng inJcbtedess ; all taXsaliot.iitcliitlitgt1isSe. 'nsses d agRituut. . local bemieflis jlald wIthiihitimo , ye.tr , vbthmer it be owmier , tenant or mortgagor. Furthuer deultictiomis may be mstade f r ldsses , nettuahly siistnhuied durimig thm year , by' dufl trade , fire , stqtmits , cC , , wliemi not t(0i11 pensated for hy , insurance or , otilcrwI8e ; a5 debts of a wcrtiulesme nature , , bit cxcitpiin all estititated depreciation of values amId leases wIthin ( hue year on sales of real etato putciiaseil within two years previous for which iilcollltt I eitthmlltiCi ( , " There viIl he no deduction made , for any ainoitnt paid out for iiew btiildinge , per- Illalient Improvements or betterments lnddp to Iticrease the , value of any Property , ' estate , Dlvitiemidtt on stoclis are iio Inclucleit it paid thereon by corportutlolis. Only bile detitlethomi of $4,000 iinhi be made fqnt ( lie aggregate income of all time lflClflbcyS of one fitiuiiy. In computing lircoines non-residents shall include all Imicome train every source , IJII unless 110 be a citizen of tii United Statc lie shall not. pay on ( tint part of ( lie incoins it which Is derived front 11I1 source In the United States. Iii nil cases of wIllful neglect to comply wIth the law tile collector can add 0 per cent as it penalty to ( lie amoummt of tax duo on the list. TIme lists lutist be annually filed in ( lie office of this collector before ( ho first MOIiday Ill March eachm year. 'iiucre is a tac on (110 net Irmeolne of corporations. Corporations , In contiiuing ( lists , Iltilat. give thin gross profits ; expenses , net profits , ninoulIt paid OIl iii ( erest , aimniiitleit and divideliths separately ( atetl , arnoumit paid In salaries of $4,000 or hose (0 etiiployes , flltieuiit paid to cmnpioyea exceeding $1,000 to each , together with ( ho ilfltitehl amid aildresittS of employee oiiii the LtiimOUilL oald. to each , ( s SIlo of $1,000 alill an lilereaseul IterCelitagO On taxatiopt imu tub penalty imposed on corporations tot' tailurs to cOilIlily tvitlm tlio law , AIOSOLUTE EXEMPTIONS. Tue fohlotvillg nrc cxclnpt : States , counties and iiltliiiehjlJhitleht ciiurlinb'e , c'ducalcmiai and religious nsaocIalioiir buIlding itlid loan assocIations or coillhlarlbes wIiicli luako honlis 0111) ' (0 ( ( heir shlalchloldcrs ; eaviligs hianks aliti savIngs InstItutions or oilier ocletIes which itavo no atockhiohtiers or inonibers e- cept depositors unul no callltai except deiiosits , etc. ; nity iilsiIraflCtO COlitt3ii' 'which cortilticta all its Illisilless solely ulton tile ItlutUlil Plan for the leiieflt exclusively of its policy holders or melubers and hiavitug ItO capital stock , Ill computing Income lists expenses for ( lie household , , iiedicah atemldamlcc ( , servants' IJolIrdli , , etc. , cannot lie detltlCtCMt front (110 gross irofls ( or Income In making annual returns. All salaries staId by states , counties or municipalities to theIr public ofhicera , whether vaid by fixed almioimilttt or fees , are wlmoiiy i'xemitpt ftcitui iticoitic ( a atid vili not be IiICluiICi1 ( in ( lie annual lit or return of lilly lersolu. , Appeals urO allowed In certain cases , 'rujero is it jiemialty Iniltobed ttpohi deputy' collectors or federal attaches for divulging ( lie Income - come lists filed amtd ( tin samuic will ho kept imi efilcini secrecy. Secroiltry Carlisle further instructs Col. hector North 10 itreliarO en aaeesstnemtt list for Itls enlire distrIct coverIng all Incobne taxes for ( lie uiext preceding calendar ypar , Collector orthi iitl a reporter yesterday that lie wotmiut foliow instructions to ( Ito letter aimtl put cii a force of deputy collectors itt once to ctlmluiliy t'lhi ( ( lie provisions of time inconie tax law , - Oregon Ihulney Tea cures all kidney trou. bies , Trial size , 25 cents. lull druggiti , ' -a - ShIrt 'ruler t'iihtiltoth , 7d Alutleritciui , Ii. iltliCro , went into the eec- ontl.liriod store itt 610 North illxteentlh street about mioou yesterday amtii by attracting time ittCmltlolh of itnciiel VrigIit , a cleric , to an. oilier inset iii ( lie l'ooni , Ihiantigeil to stunt two ellIrts. 'I'lie tlmi'ft svuui each iltJtieitl ( nitti time % volmtnhi tall utter ( lie nt'gi'o , iitlt lie Iii her Iii ( lit , face titlul ilirmilmeil 011(0 ( U stree car , 'I'Iie coIltItlelor , who intul seen ( lie ye- ctll'tCiuC ( ' ruulliuced ( hue fellow itritl imel 11 Isimmi umitfi a iitiiieiflhtii arrived nnt itleceti Iiiiuh iirttier Utlest. I le wIll lao citurgeti with missnult tinul ( heft today , -a Vhexz Baby witi sick , we gays her Caoi ( is. When site stag ma Child , ilto cried for C33tOrL1. % Vhen bo bOt'ailtO ) IIi , Ike clung to tJastrfa. Whoa I hit I' ttt C , ti'imitstso gave i t. ' . ' o "r1r , -