Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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    ; - : kf- ' _ ' ' - . . ' . . - . , ' - , . ' ' - - - ' - ( . - ; - . . - . . - ; ; - ; ; . - - k- - , .Th ' ' ' - - . - . , - ' ' . , _ , . r 'i" ; . .
ifi . . . . . ' . . . . , . , . " TiLE 01\f.AII.A DAI1.JY . JlIDJ ! IVEDNESDAY4 J.&NUAIIY 2 18m " ' '
- If . c , d t \ i _ _ . ; ; . . 0 . " . . , . . . , . . \ : . _ . _ _ , , _ . . " . . . " .
- - - - - - -
_ -
_ _
TIlEOi,1A11A _ , - DAlX DEE. - -
r - -
J : . IWtVATIift . . 1.dltor. . _
- ' -
r _ _ - : - - - = = : =
. rUnLISlF1 iviinY 1OflH1G.
11 I _ _ _ . . = _ = = . = . - -
, TFIUI5 o1. . siscfl1PT1Or.
itfly He tVtthout ( funJ.w ) . One kenr . . . S $ 0
bal : flee Wihout , ) . One teal . . . . . . n 0
tlx lnl , tee nnl . . . . . IlndI . . . ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
' 'hrfe Monlhs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 r
EUnlDV ; J @ . On@ Ytnr . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
. flc . On YCAr . . . . . . . I
Rntur.lay Ikt. on. . . . . . . G
. One.r . . . . . e . . . G3
Weekly le ( . OFFICES. . . . . . . . .
. Omnhn , The nee 1IuIIiIIng .
lulhlng. .
. .
S. , futh Omnhl COtlr N Hne Twenty.lourth SI.
Counci limiT ! . 12 1lrl Htreet.
e l'llcl n OflICc , 311 Cllunber oC C.nlmtrcp.
01 ( :1
New Yoik Ilom 13 , I nnl iS. TrIbune 1J , .
'Vlhlnllon. 10 F Btrret. N. 'V.
. - All omllnlcnUons Cnltl retaUn ID flew an,1 ( I-
loral Al ( ! nte shoull be ndJrl1r ! To the IkillOr.
At bUslne 1 letters nnI , remHtanccs Ihoul be
" 'Mrfssed to The lire l'blshll ! compnny
Omnhn. UrRt ! . cheetl Rnll pOltolce onlns to
be madi Inynhlp ; ) ( 10 the onlo of the compony.
- - - - - - - - -
Otrge It. Tzecind ) . nctln ! of The lleo I'UtJ .
ItChing coInpitny being duly $ Wfltfl. M5 thaI
the RctUAI lumber of full ansi campiNG cople5
oC the DlIy Morning. Evening Rnl Hunday lIce
. Jrlntfd durIng the monlh 01 November 1801 , lr5
AS followal
1. folows . . . . . . . . . . ' 1 . . . . . . . . . ,
. . . . . . . . . f.86' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,260
2. . . . . . . . . 2I,51 27. . . . . . . G
, a. . . . . . . . . . 21 , .1 1. 1. . . . . . . . . 2.li5
4. . . . . . . . . 2l,52 . 19. . . . . . . . . . 2'.4SI ' )
S. . . . . . . . . 21. i I. . . . . . . . . % 1,61
I. . . . . . . . . . 21.11 21 . . . . . . . . . 2I : )
1. . . . . . . . . . . . 4,2L0 , 22. . . . . . . . . % ) .431
. . .
. . . . . . . . . 4.2X . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.231
R. . . . . . . . 2S,9S 2. . . . . . . . 20.2:1
. 2,95
9. . . . . . . . . . 21.633 21 . . . . . . . . . . 2,33
1. . . . . . . . . 21G . < ) : i. . . . . . . . . % 10
31. . . . . . . . . . . . 22460 26. . . . . . . . . 2',12 '
I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,691 27. . . ' . . . . . 2Oi6
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21OOt 28. . . . . . . . 19.18
_ t I 1. . . . . . . . . . 20.2 23. . . . . . . . . 00,020
I. . . . . . & 20. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,222
I1 I. . . . . . . . 00,670 20. . . . . . .
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,6.1
r' I1 Lou leJuctonl ! . . . . . . for . . . unool . . . . . anl . . . . . . . . 1.2 2
L , Total Fold. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .64,312
L. I 10atI' average net clrlu"tnn. ! . . . . . . . . . . . 21.U2
bal .
' . . ' .
mOHOD I. ' 7SCIUlI. .
Sworn 10 before ' me RIHl AublCrlbc < 1 In my pres
cnce thIs 3&I day 01 lPCeITLIcr. 1831
1' - ( Sel I ) : N. I' I'171b , Notary lublo
, - TII 11U : ' ' LzI.sL.aTI J"l II2Ifli1.
Full , accurate nll critcal portB of the
prceeings of the legislature will appear In
1' ' the columns uf The Dee from day to day.
All ( IUcBtons ant meaBures wi bo dlBcussed
the StafldlOlflt of the ma-
and treated from stnntpolnt In-
tonal weHnro of the state and for the promo-
ton of geol goVOrfltllCflt The Bee will com-
mend what It belevcs worthy of praise and
! condemn whnt It believes to bo detrimental
to the publc good. Jt goes wlthont saying
that The Dee will print all the news worth
4 readIng and proposes to leeep Its patrons advIsed -
vlsell 01 every movement nt the state capItal
Inshlo and outsIde ot the halls of legislation.
In procuring the news and alt the news The
, Boo wil spare no expense . I will not bo
I c nfned to one wire , but will have the use of
ns mauy wires ns the telegraph companies
cnn place nt its command In any emergency.
In3ot ' Bemis hnH : been relnnugurtell
for unothel' 'el' .
jL New cnlCHII's hle : once l0re 11ln
pressed Into ncU'"e Hen'lce.
7 pressel
\V113 I ! It thnt I year ; al'as ( , 'Clf
. so much longer when In L'out nC us
Limit whel bchl11 u , ?
' 1' he work of bl'eald. ; ; 101 resolu-
tons hiss nlrenl ' nta/lcll the 111Ue : of
n mosl thrivIng Illush'- .
There will 1m "err little legislative
grIst until the commitees or the house
are nnnouncel by , Slleal.el' ) iticliards.
- ' 'hen It comes to UIhol1ng the
dignity of the benc the judges of the
, federal ( llt do not liropose to he lee
In the background.
' Thc most Impllsslve pOllen of the
' ' ' at the of each
" chaplnln's IH'ayel' openIng )
legIslative sessIon should Iw : "Lend m !
: ' hot Into teIllltation. "
. Compliments of the senson. Judge
Edm-on to Jude Dundr-A. 1181)1)3' .
. new year to you and very few more
. .
retnrns. Diindy to Elgm.ton-.IJ same
DIHl. . .
to yeti . , Judge.
CallIng 31I. Glulstne "the gt'lll old
mischIef maker . , " ns some of the BrItIsh
lewslulllers do , only shows that hIs
_ _ _ , 1)0 We' I stIll felt and feared hy hIs
_ _ _ _ i Political I OPIOnents ) throughout the
reahn. '
SenatO' Watson has been honored ' .
wih the positon of presIdent ire tell ,
_ _ _ - hut IJleutenant Governor Moore wIll
be found In the chaIr ns regularly ns n
chock lit OVC' session , even IC It shoull
- hll 1)ItCllfFkS. ) .
DI' Chllc ( ' Deew hits m'ol\ei an-
othm' Rut ot Now Yell"1 resolutions for
AUll'lcllS who l'e nfictel wih had
. habits , hut Iko nil othe' doctors , DI'
DelIw hits uo IntentIon 1 swalow hIs
own llveserIPtIoll.
fr' , AccO'11u ; tO t the stltStCS of exccu-
p tOIA , ] :2 lierRons were I'PIO'el lu the
t United Statl'/ In 1ti-l I)3 " the 10(0 nnd
' 811(1 three times thint number hnd
trill ) 1111 thlle tmes thlt (
. L' n nnrmw eSl'nle fl'OI belug relo\'ed
1" : by the 111Jlug 01 the l'lll Jlles.
Hlnco the revelations of the Lexow
, couHulteo II New YIIk llblc nUdnls [
z , - ' ' ' have llecotne ' '
everywhere - i'ather
, . m-I''whe'e seel-to hlve heclmo 1'ltlel'
- .1 ( 'luth11 Ihout ) .lemlutlll I full Iud
OlU / lflveStIglttltfl _ e'ei3' tliiie snub
_ _ _ _ _ . IU\Htgatol e\el' tuw
RIght 1I11tntou ) Is made ( ilgzl lust theIr
r' olclli tonduet.
Douglas county . casts mutt ! thll oue-
: tenth ot the vote of the state of Ne-
11slm 111 11.'H lore thll I COll'l
sl/0lln / share of the total taxes that
go Ilto the state treasury , hut whcn
-It ; collies to tw Ilsh'lhuton of 'glsla-
: tvu otccR I HelIR ? to lose Its relative
, ; , : \llllrllnCO \ when 10111lel ( wIth the
rCllhllm' of lie ( stnte.
: 'he chilly 1e'ejtili1 ( being IH Iltllcl (
. Con \'sslnl Brccldnlllgo 01 l\Itucl.y :
QU his ll'l'selt lecture tour 11Ht ho
' taken 1)3' the gCIlI'11 Ilhlc to bo I
: sIgh of good o le I. I leall ( lint Iho (
Aml'l'lcll . 1101110 ) 11'fl'l' ! . to fl'own II/on
ratliet' thll to ( ' ! 'OI.IU tlch CI'eUN ?
us II''llgo professes to tlod' iii.
11' I1'ecldllhlg0 ought to 111" hl'l'l
sntsfcl With OlitViOlI. '
' I Is gratIfying to hlVo flu oOdni
, * , stltonlnt tlOI the III.'tddnn ) In itttt'iiii _
, , IUWO * 11101 81'11 t 0' 011' cott'eyIug the
: , ISSUIICO that his Illesl Is h > - 10 Il'IlS
; "lU'llng nll that there II pvery 11'01"
Poet of hIs ( 'Olllh'to ) l'I'O\"H' withIn
' 61 , COhlliflti'tLttVCi3' t111 ( ( hue. l'rlelll of
1 ( ollll'n t\eb' ; tUl.
iJ GO\VI'lor GI'1' WCI'O I'Cll'l't'll really
: - anxious Iholt Jllm by the ntealgt'r 1'0-
10l'ts tnt ! IIJ\l ll"\lpltly. t0111 their
'L wn > ' Into 1/111 / t. 'l'11e3' will now eel'-
' ' ouster iiiitl Iii tile hOl/U /
tnlll > rest elslO' 1111 Jell II tl
1 ; that lc 11) ' have a tweedy , and cowL .
to _
photo rcvc1
; L
1 .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Tim 1lmTT xtOTT rIMar. .
'ho realistic necount or the terrible
trgely II Hol county , which will he
[ 0111 elsewhere In thIs issue , wIll cluse
most Intense I nli profound IIniIgnntIoll
IlnOIg all law abidIng cltzel or our
slate. Lynch law Is e ccrnbleltler all
cIrcumstances , blt the Ilmitml : ) nur-
del or Hnrrett Scott wi sCI1cd. f1Hl n
l/nl11lcl In thc alnnls of crIme hI this
cOlntl' . ' 'lw Bee cOluol nl this hOlr 1
dlscnss the causes that have led to thIs (
tragedye . , Hhllll ' voice plblc senti-
IClt In Im'oldng the strong nrm ot'
the Inw to tIring the nssnsslns to justice
sPeedilY. ' .he state and COlltr authiorl-
tml Illt no\ sce to It thnl ( the law Is
\'llllcn ted. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ill 10Rt o If the states le legIslatures wi
nSilhle ) thIs Ilbolitil. 'fhese congl'cssef )
of the comlonwellhs which 11lw Ill )
lie 11Ion , whie ordIIlltrIh3' . receiving
little 111'0 thln I local nteltol * , nlc I
really . eltUel to great COIlleltol , :
" ' ' directly the
silce they' lell'lSelt IO'C 111.lcU.
Iltelest ! 1111 wishes of the lleollle ) of
the several stntes nll In most I'esl/ectf /
have more to 10 wih shUIIII theIr wd.
fare tutu thl natIonal colIgres's hns.
'fhe framers of the eoiisUtutlon oC the
tlll'd States left It great deal to the (
HtateR. Whie that hlRh'lllent wns
IHSt wisely flumed * to effect n inure
. ' 11111011 1111(1 to 1)L'l'iCtIllItL' ) 8 FO-
Ilel'flct1101 ) ' 1111 ( Ilel1tllte I Ie.
Ilhlcll ) ) form of o"erlelt , It Ilowel
to the stubs large Powers to he eXII" -
ch.el h. the I/eol/le / thl'olgh their ie'gIs- .
lulh'e rt.'iiteseiittltives. The mll.hlg or I
1110'IHI01 ) for the l/hle ) health , the
of ' , ' derIvIng theIr
re llltnl eOI'111'atons 11el\ll
f\nchlses flol the stnte , the levyliig of
taxes for state , coultr ( nml 1\llcllll \
; o\e'llelt , al taters of PublIc 1m-
II'o\emel t wi hil the Stl ( I ( ? , 1 11 Illilily
other thIngs vItal to the welfare of the
peol/le W'I'e let to tl ( determInation
or the states nli cnllot he Intcl'ferred '
wih 1 ' the nntolal authority.Vlththu
the limItations llreRl'llhell ) ) 1 , ' tle federal
com ttutol the IJWcr or the state
le IHlatles : IK IHIH'emc 111 II the cxel"
ese of this IOWer ( they exert It very
great 1IIICICC ullon the Jeleml wel-
furc. I Is of the first Importance ,
therefore , that state IcgIslutlI t ,
affecting , us It does most directly . lull (
' Interests oC the ,
Iltnmtllr the IleOIlc )
shoull bc ) based Ul/U the wlset nud
soundcst lWiliCiihl'S. )
'l'he legIslatures of this . ear wIlt meet
under cl'cumRlnuces that cal for a
more than ordInary . exercise or wise ,
conRC'vlth'e all 11 1'lote statesman-
shll . The conllllI' , generally , are not
propitious ; There his been a : irolongel
depression that Is 10t yet . enlel and
which lits lee the people , lS 1 whole ,
poor. There Is reason to belIeve , 01 at
my : rte to hope ) , that the termInation
of this state of things Is not far oft ,
hit still the future Is uncertain Ill
even tile most optmIstc cannot feel
C1tIFel3' \ sure that the cloudf of depres-
slon wIll bo dh.slplted its Hoon as could
he wished. Under such crclnstlnces
the frst requirement Is to observe
lllmlent ) ecouomy In all pUblc eXhOlldl-
tlres , to nio 'cud that taxation , always
burdensome , and especIally . .so It such
tmes 125 the present , shall not be II-
creased , but If Ilosslhlc , reduced. There
Is hardly n state iu which .t Is not
practicable to cm'tl exjellses wIthout -
out ImpairIng ; the Public service and no
legislator who Is unwIllIng to do this Is
1 friend of the pcople's intercsts. I Is
UIucstonablo that , taking all the
states together , many millions of dollrs
are annually wasted , the savIng oC I
which would . ho n material relief to the
1)e0Ple. Tim present Is n most aU8'
plclous time to cut oI the cxtlyagant
Ind useless eXlleudltUcs ) lu state go\-
One of the most Important matters
to which the attentIon of the state leglR-
luturcs should be dIrected Is i that of
legislatIon for the suppression of trusts
nud coinbliiatloiis. BXI1rlence has
' - lelnonstrated that not much
prettY fully tlemnstltel
Is t ho . eXlJetel from federal laws
against these monopolistic orgalllza-
tons 111 that i the people are ever
to ho releY.ll from their exactions It
wIll have to come tln'oiigli state laws ,
which ought to be . as fur ns posllble , !
uniform. 'Vo have hal n federal Imt-
trust siltuto for four years and the
11'escnt u'IT Ilw contuhlH n most
strlngeuit 11'ovlslou Iglhltt comblnn-
tons , hut , they continue to flourIsh.
Perhaps / this Is largely dle to Ut
ulmOI 01' IndUTI'ence of those charged
with the enforcollut of the laws , hut
whatever the eXlhlaton ) mny bo the
fuct rmnalns that the hope ) of the people
for relief fl'om the exactions ot
10nollol ) > ' Is uJon state action nUll there
II tie strongest rusol to believe that
If the ( clmhllatonR l'e ever stllped
out It , , ' 1 have to he through such
action. Much IH expected fl'om the
statu legllluhu'es that wi he ibOhif1l1 )
to the.ll'lplo lt this tmc , when to n
greater ? lxtenl ! thul for mll ) > 'elrl they .
have nlelled whitttsoevei' relIef Cll como
through IlglHlltOI , 111 It 18 to he
hOlwll ( these holIeR , generally , wi he
giiide'tl hy vise counsel 111 Icluntcl
1)3' . I1h'IoUc ltIF1)0SCs. )
TJW'S1Vb2 ' OLD T1f1'ICS. (
Ever Hilce Omaha has heel n 01(3' ( .
If the metropolItan cIHI It his . been CI -
toninry to oi'gitiilse charter cOlmltct8
02'013' two 3'OI2t'S . to ( raise the mlnlcl111 )
organic hits' Ill such f011 a8 11) 10
leemeil l0st 11esl1h10 for the Hovem-
mClt of the cIty. . These commltl's
have IslII ! > ' heen made tip of men who
wC'e prestiint'tl to bo flmlll' wih the
Wl\li of the city 1111 the reforms which
11'0 ( Ileemed eReltll In 0\101' to tlo
it'fl3' . with defects . II our t.'stom 111
illt1SCS tiiitt have ululer It.
nhlses thlt hl\e grown UII Ullel' I.
Our Il\rlnhlo ) experience tiS heel thnt
nIL . dllHCS In the ol'Jlmlc hots' that at- ( fl'llchlso cO'III'ntols Ind tax
shirkers 01 the 11It mngllhllo have
iieeii l I'ellstellnil ( opJosed Iii the chatter
commltc'J , 111 whl'le\e' they . failed
to ClIFF > ' thai till ) In tIm commi toe \wh'
Intlcl'O Wil bl'ougI to hl'll' upon the
heglslattu'e for ho 1"1'11080 ) ot defeating
' ' ' ' ' ' hI the revised chutvters
t'2'0r3' . 11'0\lslol l'e\'lsl'l chtt'h'I'
that cllshII wIth their Illel'cHts. In
187 they succ'eded , by vorrujt . n11111-
latol , II mlilatng the charter nltl :
cutting out of It the right of the city to
Iciluir lands for 1111. 111'11Ses ) by con
= - t L dUII " " ! IU _ . .
tlemnnton under the right or mlnnll
doiimin. This nlone lnmnjcl the city
miions of dollars. Quito apart from
the fnct that the ( cIty wns COlllcletl to
pay $10,0 three or four years hater for
Inrk . Inlds that could have been bough
for Icss than $20,0 In 187 , they , IH-
Vtclt1 ( nClulsllon or 8ublrbnl
laiiils whIch are now wIthin our city
Inlll ! 10wihin 011 ciy
lImits , nnd fostered tile liiyltig out 01
IltllolS ( thlt hn\e l'UIICll thousnnds of
Icople ntl contrlhltCl ) to the ( leprecla-
tlon of InsIde town Iropert3. )
tOI 1rollertr.
The anise comhlnnton In 1887 do-
tented ! the Ilro\'lslon for IllcxlnJ ? South
Omnhn , 111 ( thus laid the fOlllnton (
for the ciioriiiois wnsle nll hl11IelImc
deht cnCllered h)3 ) ' dUlllclte munIcipal
gO\cln mel t.
In 18U , 181 uld 18t3 ) charter ref 011
has heel obstlctell by thme sa1ie agency
111 hS the snle Ilelllclols nwthol1s ( of
ieglsiitt . l\e hDodierlSlfl. ) 'J'he ! 'stmltc
tVIhll'V3' ) . by venal men In thc legislature ,
hired to l1Ulte our charter In the
Intel'est of time cm'llolatons 1111 ( lntrnc'
tors' lllS , has hecoml n periodic state
sciititliil. Our charters : have become the (
foot Ills of the lobby nlli the ( boothhers.
They are I1U'I/osc ' tIed tIE ) with thc
most rotten jobs , and held back to the
last days . of the session \'nllng mi'
Tile Rame tlctes wIll doubtless 1e lun'-
Rued this selson , nld ( Wl'I ' effort to
change the ( 'XIst ihig melhOll of 18SCSS'
ment nll carrying oil 1Iblc ) work wl
ho thwlltCI h. , the 1111 corporatIon
lobby nll men who lire retained for
slch work on the tloors of time two
ivi ; ir 1'OIfkS Iil'flOfl31 Gn'nx31bxT. (
l1OI"s lfF0l1 Gonm.J . . .T.
New York CIty nov has 1 1.el.nment
elected to reol'm the methOh. , political
nnd Innlclll , \llel' which hue ( affaIrs
or lout ( metlopolbi ) . have heen couluctcd
for the past twenty 'enr ! I 11 I $ n great
. .
tUSk which Mayor Strong ali hIs as-
sodnte ) 111e before thel , hilt If they
wil1'IS : thelmeh'N : ! to . I , nH there
Is no rensou to doubt they will , with
energy , ZC11 1\1 Il'mness , It l'an he )
Iccollllthel and IIlrhalIS lit less tulle
than has heen expected. I teems
highly l/rolmble tha t the - will he
nuuterlathy assisted In the work of
mi I. n8slstel
cll'fuslng . the nlgenn Htnhlo created
unler the dllllatol or ' 1lllln , ' by
( he voluntary dropping uut or Inu " of
those who for ye:1r5 : have hlen fatten-
lug UIOn Ilhle 11lulcr , n. large 1111
of It obUtluCl b. thmp most corrupt aud
nnsci'uotmiotis PractIces. . UllolhtCl '
there are hundreds of men . II the public
service In Nev York City who wIlL he
enl ' too glad to step ( down nnd out
Wllout being asked to do fO In order
10 esclpe the ( danger of undergoing au
investIgation , and who nt any rte
would much rather be outside than Inside -
side In time event of nn InvestigatIon.
Of course the new go'elnment wIll
make n searching Inquiry Into the
methods jay which the public busl-
ncss has bel conduct I Is bound
to do this. I is also probable ( lint the
legIslature will appoInt n commIttee to'
Investigate the municIpal deplrtments.
That . there will be some exceedingly
Is done
Interesting disclosures If thIs
there can be no doubt. Nobody will
hesItate to believe that , dmhg tie 'Iong , '
reign of 'nmmnny over the go\'elnment \
of New York City the people of that
cl . have not only bcen most ruthlessly
robhed ) , hut 1 conshlerahle part of this
robbery has heen einployed.ln elrlchlng !
the men who have ruled Tnmmany. A
thorough investigatIon would 1llldOubt-
edlr reveal the fact that nllY millions
of the pUblc moncy have been dlvcrted
from legitimate use not only to the servIce -
Ice of the political machine , hut also to
of indis'Itluals.
the aggrandIzement Indl\11uI18.
Wimeit men like lchlrd Croker , for ox-
Unple , become suddenly rIch wIthout
having any business , there Is geol
l'elS0n to slspect thu they have heen
1lllH'opl'latng ) money that did not belong .
long to them. anti It Is I well known
fact that imoboby who has stood welt
wIth Tummnny . nHI been ' 11'omlnent In
its councils has faIled to amass 1 com-
fOltnble fortune. Mr. CI'ol.or was n
coinptratIvehy poor man when he he-
came the leader and chief of that
110lUcll ol'gllizaton 111 today ho If
several tImes n mIllionaire. . Alleged
successful specullton In stocks does
not satisfactorily explain thIs , Iny more
lmn It does . the wenIh nccululnted
br Byrnes , the slllrntendent of 1)011cc.
The course of the ref 01'1 ; orC'nlent
of New York City wi be Wltched with
' . Mulch Is
gcneml nnd ( great Iltel'est. :
expected of It. 1n.0' Sh'ong II n Inn
of high character . for unllching In-I
" sotiiid ment In practical itt'-
tegrl , fOlld jtiilgiflelit pll'tcal ul-
fairs nnl great fairness In JU'ulng
whlt he belevcs ) to lIe the right course.
Time . men who were elected with him
Itt\l high In the Imhle ) rNllIct 111 (
COhllllOIiCt ? . They enter \I1n their
l't110us dutIes with the heft wishes ot
citIzens ' for their
all Huccess. good ciizens ever.'whelo
By n 11culnr Hel\'nce ' of m'l'nbl thc
leglllntme of Wromilg , which . meetH
next veeh , wllnd tIme duty tll\'olvllg
Illn ) I of ciectlmmg , at the 8111e time ,
two mon to rell'l'fH'nt time state In tub
UnIted states se'iiate. For two years .
W."omlng hits hl\l only ole.hlll the
rel1'esontltol ) In the UIIIIN' hOlso ot
congl'ess to which she would Ordiliarli3' .
ho ) enttcl1 Time flct that there Is 1
VildiliiC3' to be titled In addItion to the
te'l to succeed that ( Just expiring IH
naturally Ol"'ntug ? to 1I11111Ito ) mnt-
tll'8 tn HICh In extent that time II'oHI/ecl ) /
11 good for nIy lively HClntorlul con-
h ( -St. Ole of time " ' "olhlg 1Hlntol'8hlps
carrIes wIth It a (11111'101 ( of six : years , ,
the oilier ! n ll'I'lot of tour 'CII' . Hit
Such IR sulllhei'hlth3' attractive to dl'lW
out n whole hOlt of Is\h'll t'llldutel , ,
each 010 ot whom , If hI can't have time
long term , wi still 10 wl111 to sacri-
Il himself to time Hhort ( cciii . . Olt of
thl ( n\l ( "iVyoliiiiig . IH certain to I'e-
gaul her clln I re\ eltu tel Ill time
Il'nnto , ( oi' I would ho absurd for u
leglsla t 110 80 ( ( 'I'wlwlmllJl ) l'I'lllle-
nit to IClll'at lie ( h1mtel' 01 t\1 yours .
ago Itl 11'I'llcluuto ( time \'IIIIC > ' which
nt ; 11\'Hlmt ( > xlst ! 'l'ho two HUI'Ct'StCII
1'lUdllltC ! vlhl , 01 COI'IC , hl rt'iumllIc-
lulls nlt will net wih tIme Iellhlluls
In tIme Hllnte UIIOI qt1HtonH of PartY
IIOUc ) It IH nu tlrll to " NiI't ( I' t I I'
thnt ( , 010 01' both oC them wi hu colim-
mUted to the free coInage of sIlver
. i
- - -
! nl ( gaul nt 11 tn 1 , hCCIR th
InJortlJ' Ofttl 1 people 01 Wyoming . ore
wel kiiownh II bl' imnpregnntel with the
free sllvetfnllney.r1'110 senatorIal dcc-
tnn , howe\r Iholll not be allowed
to l tl'l on"1nnsleut " free . shiver issuic.
GOOl cit lzeuistoverywlicro arc Iltcrestll
Iii seehlJ lllln ; rOll'psellcll In thc
senate IW . 1:9cllhlcals : ) of high h
chnrncter nf i'ell nhltr.
7'Iiio..urI rOl'S . ; . . ' . f1.
'rhe Ilmlhlt"ICSIU O of Mayor Bcmls
Is n cOIInl' 'Wel ' tlge8tell } lhlc ) iloeul
Icnt . flint ' \ltllro'o ) Ilstrleth'c to the (
lew COIICI"H'ells to the tIXIII 'eIR.
'Phe IISRIRl' emtioil los 11rccom -
I1elllnton8 111111 shol11 conlllll timemmi- (
selves to tim . city . legislators its wel !
lie ( Iouighas leentol . which Is chargel
wih thl' ( resIJlslhlt or ehmatter ye-
VIsloul. 'lhl' greater 1"I't or time iiiessiugc
Is vcr > ' 1I'I/ell ' le\olell to IlbJects ) that
Ile 111\et'lost In time 11118 ( of 011
ctzcls , IUlcl ' , the Imll'o\'lell of
Ol' WUtcl' Hillbilly , the gas 111 ( electric
ilghtiimg contracts untl the elelclt
munhlimgeimteiit or the t health ( ieint'timmt2imt (
nnl he prOI/sl'l ) / IOWe' 0:11181.'Imile :
Mityor Hcmls Is II fl"O' of I
lho cnlnl ) ) loJeet he Is ellal ' OUt- :
sokOI II Imis 11'cel'elce or Ilhllc
ownershllorer C01IOI'U te o\Vllt'ri4hiil I )
111 urges the insertion of 11'lslons
II the . lew chartm' that wi ellll ! the
cIty to , clilro11n I ) the I 111eltnldn !
without the Iltcl'JOillol ) or lie ( cnlnl
00111 LiittiY. ! 'he Imhityor $ . ! trlell'es IlJ\
tIme Board of 1Ihle ) Works may , he too
swcellll ! nUI too severe , hut there WUH
great ilFO'OCiltIoli for his oltbmst or
Ildljlnton O\'e' the dilatory tactIcs
111'Hled In conlectol wih the Shm"
IHli Ivelle paving COltICt
Time mililyor's vIews . with rej'I'1 to the
l'gllt . necessity . of l"h'elchlent II all
1111I.tlcntf 111 ( the I'trlctol of 1)10- )
mtiisctious sl1'\llk COIKh'uctol and 1m-
hll'OVeulmCiltH tm ( t hUllse . Ilhl''U hIe btmr-
tCI IIJn iVoie1tY ) ) OWICIK ? wi meet
the nllll'obltol of till citIzens.
'rhe Ic811je 'would dOlbtesH have
heel ) Ilch more Ilstruct\e hind the
mayor been fl'nishel with detailed
IIIIort ) oC the conditon anti opelu ton
of every . depnrtment tinder hili4 super-
vishomi. In this respect It radIcal change
or methods . would eem very dlllhh .
The reiOrtS of mUllcl11 department
heads for 1 year ClllhlJ Decemhm' 1 or
Decemhel' lii sholld hc ) 1IIIccd at the
dlHllosul ) oC tl miiuivor nt time ( ld or each
"ear. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7'1E COAL OO.lJlJ itG1IIN .4CTI'E. .
Not satisfied with their plesent or-
allzntol , which enables them Iller - I
oldiltl' ' cllc\unstnnces \ to restrict the i
oltllt and .ix the prices of their 1110- I I
duct , the IIUi'acle coal hnrolR are
nttcmptng lfo'II'llgO [ the detuls of n
new Ild still stronger associaton which
wi place ) t1fh' ' lsumers of nnlhllcle
" . ' r
' ? " lhe ' oC the coal
completely . N1 mlIC
comiihiiie. IlJhq to they have : hal an
orglllzntonj 111 have proniulgateti decrees -
crees regulntn ( ( time huslness oC operating -
ting time mhHR"but there have always
been I few ! h delemlent owner amid
010 0' two cOcaiwy1ug " . : < / railroads who
refused ko , VlrtFlllte [ In the comhlnc.
As 'n resii1'.i jealousy of the mom- ,
lwrs -eontanthy led to secret rte
cutn llfld1eCeSS ; pro'thtction. Almost
every company has been eager to take
large . contractS , l.t prices below the
cIrcular. I IS i fo stop thIs and to give
. ,
the comhlnc ) I vise-like hold upon the I
market , thnt 1 stromiger assocIation IR
desired. .
The sluntou II the lutl\lcle coal
Ildlstry Is further complcnted It all
times by the fact that the operators
and the carriers Ire tO all practIcal
Ilm'poses the same. E'el where they
are not identical their Intm'estl are
suhstuntnly one and they . many he reeled
led upon to act ns n unit whenever
their mutull weIll'e Is lt stake. In n
word the coal comblle his alwaYR
adopted rlhond methods and It present -
eat purpose Is sImply to COIW II un lu-
dependent assocIation the O'glUlznton
of the Trtiimk . Line assoeliitioui. Accord-
lug to time progrm 1ll0uncetI 1 few
days Igo , tIme working body oC the as-
HociltOI Is to he 11 executive com-
mItee cOlposel of an Infueltal
olclal of each coal . compau , In'obahly
the tlllc manager or "Ie IH'elllent
mll I COmflhlliSitiyileF , who f1al net ns
chll'man , 111 to , whom wi be referred
IUsl/utes / lu regard to Ilotmelt amid
other nmattcrs. Au Ippenl to the hom'l
of 11'lslents wlll'oblthl ) " ho 111'n\llel1
To the executive coimimulttee . which will
bo mnde up of tt rCllrescntIU'"e sclccted
1)3' each COIlihitil3' . . will ho referred the
Iuestol . of dchn'mlnllg whether there
shou11 he I I'CI\lJlstmnt of percelt- )
ages for the coming . 'CIIld deciding
whlt thme3' shall hi' lI'kct prices II'e ,
of course . to be controlled 1)3' ) . reldl'lct-
lug time output Itl estlblshluA circular
li'i'eS lS In the Illlt , wih the 11111tOI
that ROml new way Is to 10 h'led to
hold thin lemherl strictly to theIr
alleged ohlgatons to thou , uisocinte.
Hit whie time Rt'engtl of the coal
( eomhln lies itt its IIUmnto conneetln
wih the t C0il1-cttVI3'ihig mlh'onds , there
18 In this also n IOI'CO If w'llmeSI
1111 dllglI' . , I 'I'ho nHsocla tel whIch
' ' to't forni mmd time systeimi
they 11'01110 ) ' toI t01'1 II f
of Ilotlg Ilc'\centUeR of trlmc which
the ' IH'OJOSO ) to ollellr IntrOluco If
10thlng , less tll u railroad } eel amid
It 111gI'Ult "lq'IHon ' ! of lie ( 11t.poolhlg
cllRO of timi . Infpl'lllto (111rl'e act ,
The mll'0:118sny : thut t they are net I ;
II time cOltllp'IC that time ! poln huh
wi ho mllchl ! Ilto ; Ilw by tIme IHCHent
coiigress. hIereimoweve1 ' , thy HIOI
to be Intclltlu , , things 1 ( title ire-
' ' . ' IH at ' ' '
iilittltrtii3' . I'oQJh It II'l'tlmt legll
1111 ( wlwthCtl ( bill IIHHes ) or not It
will uot excuse vlolntons of tlo exist-
lug la' 'j'llf Int'llolng CllU80 IIY
offer trim IWI 1 Ir 11/II'OICh to the
Iltlrnele cell com hIl ! him tIm biter-
vat It IH tIme cOIumet' who must Hulel' .
' " .VS run TIWlST,1 TJS. I
Hlrlnlton I.c8tler : One of the Ort and
most urgent duties of our state legislature ,
whIch convene next month , Is that of appropriating -
roprlatng I reasnablo sum to b use as
a relief fund for tub druth sufferers.
Stel/ Leader : The legislature shouhl not
tamper wIth the polcy law. The people of
the state who buy Insurance are Just achll !
to get n whack at the legislator who wilt
Introduce nny measure looking toward the
repeal of this measure.
Stanton Picket : OM.fourth the money
stoln from the state by ) dishonest ololls
hirIng the last ten years would allevIate . thl (
sulerlngs of ni the poor wihin her borllou.
nut It IB gone. The bootlers have got I ,
that people pnM ; I and the people are smiffer-
limit for want of It.
Howels Journal : Itlgld economy should bo
tim watchword of the state leglslnturo. W.
can meet our expenses this yeu , but raise
nn emphatic kick against lavIsh expenditures.
Don't bank on good chances lint art' coming ,
but fit the expenses to fIt the actual needs
antI so that we are abe : to met conditions
! , thoU exist at present.
Sllney Poniard : The question or what the
leglsllture wil 110 on party measures Is too
well understood to be n maier 01 speculalon ,
nntl hence , or Interest. Whnt It will tie to
promote Irrigation , to establish pnblc works ,
to releve the destute all the suffering , Is
a matter of serious conjecture. Something
tnnglblo shoull be expected nlong these lines.
Wi It be realized '
Nelgh Lender : A systematic effort Is ab-
oluteh' neceEsary to be made by the members -
bore ot the Rlnlo INIRlnflrn In ( Ill" nlm o _
priations - wIthIn 1- the - - tax - - lev ; ' of the l Usint .
'fho state Is In no condition to countonanee
exlrnvngance or any character J slleclaly
In the expenses of tie legislative session wi
loire ( he abundant criticIsm Ir they are not
reduced much below that of the two previous
sessions , which were controled by the popu-
lIsts. The people , and republicans especially ,
have / right to expect that tht coming
session wIll be short nnt very economlcnl
All expendlturcs should be cut oft except
what are absolutely necessary , amid wo be-
hove they wIll be.
Creston Hecorl : There Is a bIg screw
loose In our state machinery when n fellow
In state prison , like Mosher , Is PermItted to
keep a hold on the state government by
proxy View It from n plain business stand-
Ilolnt-there Is not a bank or a busIness mnn
thaI would permit n defaulter ono minute
after detection to have any connection with
their respective business whatever nor Is
there any law lu lie lanl that could compel
them to to so , therefore II wi bo the tore-
most duty of our comllg legislature to see
that ( 10 such demoralizIng conditIon remains
as now exists II onr state government.
Governor Crounse Is nn able and honest man
antI would no doubt have changed the con-
tlton If here were not some legal obstacle
that forced him to resist. I Is therefore
necessary lint a thorough overhauling take
plnco bo closod. and all avenues of fraud and stealing
I iyicrborean iltl.
Louisville Couner-Journ1
'hnt with the frequency and frIgidity of
our tidal waves and cell waves , It looks as
If America has become the land of the
freeze and the hume of the wnve.
iowa Kiio'ii 1 Good Mairlcet.
Davenport Democrt.
The best butter that finds Its way to the
tables of the Omaha epIcure Is made In
Iowa. And butter thaI Is ! good enough for
the most Particular In Omaha Is used every
ilay In the year In Iowa , because Iowa has
the best of everything. p .
A Irolro."lvo olmrtmont.
Cedar RapIds ( a ) Republican .
Fron : J. Sterling Morton Is certainly n fml-
dest. HIs latest move In his grand scheme
for regulatIng the unIverse Is the publca-
ton of a bulletin urging the pcopte to eat
more meat and less vegetables. Probably
the next step will be ! bulletin on dress
reform. The department of agriculture
could just as logically touch on limit subject
as It cnn upon the mater of dIet' .
A Startling Precedent.
Springfield Republican.
How far out of joint the tImes are get-
tng with the pnst Is well shown by the
recent verdIct of a Kansas jury that the
prisoner was Indeed the man who committed -
ted the murder , but was not responsible
being under the influence of another man
through hypnotsm , ThIs , we believe , Is
the first .tme a murderer has secured nc-
. qUllnl In the united States through such
n defense. I constitutes ! decidedly start-
lng precedenl-ne which cnnnot be aI-
lowed to govern very generally wIthout
.owed gover gcneral wihout
making justice much more lame-footed than
she Is now. _ -
lotalh\ton { anti Other Unbbish
Phiadelphia Tlm s.
All this talk about retaliatIon In trade between -
tween SpaIn and the United Slates Is a
tempest In a teapot. Our Spanish trade Is
maInly with the West Indian dependencies
and especIally Cuba , and Cuba Is one
country above all others whose exports cannot -
not be seriously nrfected by our tariff. 'Ve
need Cuban sugar and must have It , and
we pay the duty on It. 'Ve send Cuba
flour and other products In retnrn. ns long
as we can furnIsh them cheaply. Ot course ,
the Importation of Cuban sugar has been
temporarily InterUItel for obvious reasons -
sons , and the export trade with Cull has :
declined In a corresponding mensure. But
we shall begin ImportIng again when the
rresent stock Is exhnuRted and then Cuba
will alee our flour. The Spaniards ought
to have sense enough to understand this and
so ought the people who are talking about
retaliation and other rubbish.
Dan 'VobstPr anti ills Trousers .
New York Aun.
H 18 but justice to the legs of Daniel
Webster , who wns a 'dIstInguished citizen In
spite of the late M. le Bacour tn pay that
he IIt ! : , o oC.hlm with which . N ew HampshIre
flue Just nuoreu tie capItol IR a crurl . .
crime Mr. 'Vebsler's head and eyes and
Ilrt anti mndelrn have been commented on .
with appropriate reverence. His legs and
feet were not of clay. When he wnleed
the streets or Boston the clerks and shop-
men ran out to view him with reverence
protruding from theIr e 'es. O. he had legs ,
and they were good ones Ind they never
were shrouded In gunny bags as they are
tn the statue. 'Vo hope none ot the guides
and hunters and heroes of the gun anti rod
with whom Mr. Webster used to bo 80
happy , will go on to 'Vashlngton. They
are hero worshipers , and they hnve seen Mr.
'ebster's legs takIng many n good stride.
He was not only ! deep thlnlter but his
trousers fitted him. S
Now 01 Trial .
. . .
John J. Ingals
The 'meaning of the two elections as I
Interpret them Is that the nines QC the
people are oPllsed alke to prohibitory
tarIffs and to tree trade . and that they do-
manll a system oC protection ( lint will be
equally beneficial to labor and to capital.
They wi not bo sntsned wlh any sys-
tern lint permits a tew privIleged manu-
fncturers to control time entire sugar pro-
ducton of the country and compels tile
people to pay millIons into their treasury ,
anti nt the same time allows them wlhout
penalty to close their works and throw
thousands ] oC laborers out oC employment
whenever they desire to raise the price of
their product and gamble In their watered
slacks. !
' \0 are now on trial In Kansas and In the (
' natlon . 'VI ( have a great opportunity and
we shnl be Judgedl with inexorable justice.
By economy of admlniltraton , by wise
courageous and conservative IUcles wo
Inay commenll ourselves to public favor
Ind our tenure ot power may be Inl1elalt'ly
prolonged. lint J we " ! Irlfer to PeriSh by
precedent rather lIOn he saved by Innova-
( Iou" our exaltation will be brief.
'fhe Issues of today are well ( bOned and
must be met with vigor The question DC
protection Is settled . Ihnelnlsm Is nt the
front as the hal I ! of n more elastic , co-
pluus and stable circulating medIum. 'fo
tills must Ilc added the eslahlshment of
justice In time relation between emlloyers
and employed , and n more equItable dlstrl-
lJton of the burdens and benefits oC so-
The republIcan part Is competent to deal
with these great problems of thf nrelent )
ILII the future as It has successfully mel
und solved the Ilrblels of lie past. J hits
a history I hUH great experience and
traIned leatershh ) . I represent the cour-
age , time conscience , the convictIons , the as-
piratlons and the brains or the Am'rlnn : :
people 'Ve shall succeed because we have
succeeded. Our ultimate mission Is to secure -
cure the industrial independence of a con-
( mental republic.
Highest of aU in Leavening ower-Latcst U S. Gov't Report
' &king
i'Iv Powder
. r " ; : l 11 ( . Jn : t ; L 1 = ' " : ' ! ( L u-I [ I i : J
Tlrl'lll..lsrU1W"J' .INllr ,
Chicago Tllbun : Andrew rorneghe thoul
be satisfied I he slccceth In having : ( liSt
4nooo returned to him. lie nict t not Insist -
sist on In apology from tIme government.
Clnclnnl Comnerclnt : Mr. Carnegie 0-
lanes to have made iii his Ihll to not only
mal.n . the gaverimment I/JY for his blowholes ,
mit offer him 11 Apology on 1 80111 sliver
sll'er beslde. 1hr. ( Carnegie I n canny
coMnor.ll , . .
Kansas City Jourasi l : I may b" lint (
Mr t'urnegle relncit wages In order lint (
he Iln ' herefer mnl.e nrmor Ilbtc with-
out blowhl We to hot helelo Mr. Car-
negl" Is Iiimsem'upilrnms tnolgh to ge on mnldnp
blowhole armor wheu It Is no longer pos-
slblo to nhrhel H.
ChIcago Times : Tim Carnegie company
has cut down time wages of the inca who
stood hy I two years ago when their fel-
. low struck antI helped Mr. Ptlclt to "s\sh
! the labor orgamilzations , " Now they arc
grumbling. Whnt In the world llil they
SUI'OSO ' Carnegie nnt I"rllt wantctl to smash
labor orgnnlzatons torT
Chicago lernhl m Andrew Carnegie's nt-
tempt 10 intimidate Secretai'y herbert waR
less signal In success thnn hIs remal hence-
flly to n,1lst , his disputes nt 10mcsteall.
SecretAry herbert hnt 10 favors to ask of
none to extend to , time monopolst , and ho
Ilst seek In time courts , It he wants it . lament )
meat for inferior plats the secretary swill
not pay for
Philadelphia Thnls ! The new wagO scale
for the Clrlegle Steel works at Homestal
Introtuces the query ns to what year In the
Past tel ( wnes halo mitt been reduced at
Iloinesteatl . The average reductIon this ( ( line
II l ( Per cent , although the 11lgh.prlcetl mel
suffer . n 3 : Ier cent cut. Doubtes ) time
new tariff measure swill be given ns time
cause , even though Carnegie declm'el that
ho wnntet no tariff nmolectIon . I must
be remembered , too , that Mr. rlcle stated
In 1892 , In reference to the reductIon which
enlstll the riot of lint year lint the tarIff
hind nothing to do with It. But Mr. Cnr-
negle has proteclon nnd lots of It.Vlma (
burtens the new tariff bi must bear.
l'lWl'T.11 : 7'IZIVGS ,
The SOl or Heaven Is tleltrmlnell to Foster
pence ril relations with JUlIan.
Anlro\ Carneglo's wage scale 'is as debl-
tatell ns triumphant temorne ' .
Mr. Giadstoime's voice Is not traIned to
soothe the p31ns and torments of lImo nick
nina of the east
The esteem T. Calamity Platt has left
the church of Dr. Parkimtmrst . The congre-
gaton could not well serve two bosses.
The nmaleur skater Is not mich of nn
nstronomer , yet he [ reqlently sees stars never
dreamt of by veterans of the lelescope.
I 1st reported thaI the Japanese bribe the
Chinese generals to run awny. 'fhls explains
why they turn ( set and scoot for shelter.
Time hate Mr. Urecleenrilge hall an audience
of 230 In Cincinnat , and less than forty In
Terre haute. Al this rate It twill not take
long 10 shrval the Ashland corpse.
The ( manclpatet woman is coming to the
front nl a lively pace In Demiver. A small ,
Inoffensive looking woman has been caged
for . burglary , nnl conesset her guilt.
'V. " ' . 'homas , ex.mlnlster to Sweden
anti Norway , says that , relative to its size
and population . the rnlroad systemmi of
Sweden Is Ihe most complete In lie svorld
- Time native of these parts needs but read
time ' of the '
. reports ravages of time storms back
east to arouse within him profound pity for
the hapless inhabitants of the blIzzard belt.
With President Pro Tem Wntson prshl- I
lag over the Nebraska senat , I Is reasonably
certain that legislation des1gned to legalize '
long hair as a badge of genius swill bo warmly
discouraged and sat upon.
The sense of humor Is not always repressed
by professional crooles. A New Jersey horse-
thief pawned a horse and buggy on a chIef
of polIce , antI i Chicago burglar raided the
house of a police Inspector whIle the latter
The will of John Lihgow , who died In
Boston n year ago , has been disallowed . Dy
Its terms his estate , worth I50.QOO , was to
be held until all of his chidren and their
Issue were dead. This might have locked
lime property up for 100 years , and the courts
decided that.he wasof , , upsomnd , mlnd , ,
Time complete colapse ot the townsie boom
In Kansas Is shown by the tact that time site
of Sumner , three miles south of Atchison , Is
belpg fenced In with the Idea of converting
It Into a tnrm. , Some years ago Sumner
was a town of 2.500 people , and among the
prominent people who used to live there were
Senator Ingals , Albert D. RIchardson and
Minnie Hauk.
A structure of steel and stone swill soon
rise upon the ruins of the famous Cliff House
at Golden Gate. ' That beautiful spot , with
Its charming surroundings and varle' ' memO-
ries Is one of lie chief attractions 10 time
occidental tourist. Nature and art combined
to' make It a delight for visitors , and they
swill rejoice to know Ihal Its restoration has
been determln UIon.
"The Falrmounl Park Art nssoclaton , "
says the Philadelphia Times , "has nt length
undertaken a public duty thaI has been
recognized for many years. This Is tile
erection of suitable memorials to Benjamin
Franklin arid Robert Morris , the two Pimila-
delphIans ml conspicuous for their servIces -
Ices to American Independence. FranklIn
Is variously remembered In Philadelphia . hut
there Is no actual publIc monument especialy
dedicated 10 hIm and Morris , than whom no
civilian Is more entitled to national gratitude ,
and who Is . moreover , a distinctly represent-
ative Phladelphlnn , Is without any fit memo-
rial nt all. "
Nliwl.ol.t1 - - 'IalIe.tsJt'4.i's. .
Tint ycing hles of Niobrara C"V .
charity bull XC\ Year's nlh.
The tentrlc Times has been 10l' ' under
foreclosure to Its formcr owner , W 1
lnOI8. .
A co-olouttlve stock company hns been
formed at Laurel for Limo purpose of bnlllnl
I crenniery
The 11elPresbyteian church at Wtst
ll , Nance county , wIll bo dedicated wih
appropriate exercises next Sumiday.
George Baker . for thirty years a reslent
of tinge cOlnty , diet ] at his rlslence , six
lles nrth of Ileatriec agetl 7G ) 'Cr.
The Otoo county eonllltsloner have begun
10 eColoml,1 by ordering all taut one of tha
telephones out of the OnlClS In the ( court
Hobert Johnson wants to bo one of the
sUllervlMrs of Valley county , end so he has
hututed n cnntlst ngnlnst his succesul [
opponent , J. N. Sampl . .
Jmtdge ChnmbS of Nlobrra teas taken
wlh 11 fnlnthll lit In the count ) treasurer's
ell ! amid foil to the floor . cutln ! his heal
quito badly. 10 Is now recovering , but
Is somewhat dlslsuret ,
Joke Slnhlmls , a Dakoln county farmer ,
whie 81ttng In lilt home thl other o'en-
imig about 6:30 : o'clock WI calell to the ( door
by two Parties. who Inqnlretl If they mIght
bo allowed tout their horses In his barn.
To ( his request Mr. tlhhnls re\lCl that
his bnrn was nhlnll ) ' full ; whereupon one
of them threw a revolver amid holding I to
the ( henll of Mm . Slahlml , demmismitled hi
mOlh ) ' The fellow's nc'omlllee then Ilro-
c ele(1 to bh11 both Mr. anti Mrs. Slahlnls
hand ant root. They then proc elld to
thoroughly rnnsnck time house , amid suceee,1etl
In securing $32 In mmtoney nn,1 , Jewelry to the -
value of about $25. Frommi I the house theY
Proceeded to the bar nimd . secuing two of
the best horses , they ( timed the rest loose
and departed . Mr. unit Mrs. Stnhlnls re-
malnltl In their uncomrortnble Position nnt
mornln before tbe ' swore able to liberate
( hmcmmmmelt'cs . Mr. Salmlmnis ( immlmneiliateiy gave
tIme alarmim , but ( lie timieves had a good starL
Titi , Ntiht Iii iowa ,
Miuncapolis Tribune ,
'Jima flttemiiiit to reduce everything to bare
fnct and absolute lu'oorii't is to niisissslmiite
I lie immmu gi lint ion mimitl ha mm lxii beatm ty. 'l'ime
lwrfect hiumniuim ilgtmm'e is tIme Imlost beautiful
timing iii miature , amid st'lille Is elmotihil hot tme
revealed lii nmiy courre or suggestive way
ili lilctmmres or mmtnttmar' , to i'tiie titit tue nutlo
altogether is nit zibstmril nit to mit lmantelettes
111)0mm ( he legs of ( lie ( able. Tile object of mu
stilttmc , is to convey tIme Idea. of hieatmty ,
grandeur Oi strniiglh , amid it is to be liolmeit
( lint tIme Iowa utitimorittes st'Iii leave ( ho
1)050 ) amid ( Irahting of "Iotvn" to those vlmmi
lmas'e mnaile a sttmtiy of art , and miot to tiio
tvhose 'tsiomt iii mmam'roweit to the one comm.
sideratton of uropriety timimi himird fact.
culT OUT 1'OI2 i"fJX.
Life : Ada-Is Jnck Rogers a talkatIve
mnmtmi ?
IIeletm-l'vo been ( ryimig for ( two years to
make Win SPeak. -
Clmiclmiiiati Tribunet "tvimy so ghimni ? "
asked ( lie fm'lend , ' 'Aren't you tloimig a
roarimmg ( rude ? "
"Yes , I alit , " admitted time basso , "but it
is mill on miotes. "
Indiannpolis Journal : " \\'lmat are a'r-
resting timat mmmii for ? " imsked the ctmriotmus
"Ito gimnmne too much gab , " said Police.
mnmi 99. "V'nned o know if 1 twas nmrked
down frona $ i. "
Philadelphia I.odger : "Noton _ yotmr hlfel"
said time instmrumnce solicitor , upon hearing
saute omie remiiarlc ( lint hmomiesty Is time best
i)9lC3' . And thmu tIiesayimig becainm current.
inter Ocean : "Hello , old Eeilots'l ss'as tlii
smoiclmmg . . Jutcicet a gift from your swife ? "
.1 don't kiiott' it's too soon for tIme bill to
collie imi. "
Detroit. Trihamno : First Flea-I don't lcmtow
hiow I nm going to make a iivimtg.
Second Flea-have you tried it emi a dog.
Btmffalo Courier : "Colonel Spouter claIms
( lint time wotmien stmpported itimmi during tue
camnhaign. if the moon didn't. "
"Yes ; imis svife took in switching and his
motimer plain sewIng , '
Truth : Gladys-'Mamnma , lay teacher was
talking about synonyms today. What Is a
s3'mionymn ?
Mrs. Catherwood-A synonym , darling , is
a word you canL 1150 in place of another one
wiin you , do not 'know 1mw tO spell the
other cite.
, ,
Vv'ashiliigton Star : "Title passage , " said
time mumblishier to the great author , ' "seems
aunbigimous to mite. What do you mean
by it ? "
"I don't know , " replied ( he great author.
'it left it there for time commentators to
work over when I'm dead. "
Puck : Once upon a. time a Bicycle accosted -
costed a Horse.
"Get off ( he earth ! " said the Bicycle ; "I
am going to smmpplant you entirely. " "
"Nit ) ' , nay , " it rejoimied. gently ; "they
can't make camineti corned beef out of you'
New York rrem.
When ( lie mercui-ya freezIng at zero or
To that figure , he notice is seelcing ,
And asve struck his auditors stand as they
hear bear
Wheno'er of time matter lie's spealclng ,
You see him the center sometimes of a ring ,
Where ev'ry neck's strained with atten-
( iou ,
But lie tells It as if 'tsvas a commonplace
timing ,
A trifle scarce worthy of mentIomm ,
Their dread of consumption or sciatie aches
'Tie appalling to list to him scorning ;
This man is time hero , dear reader , whio
An Ice water bath every mornIng ,
Your Money's Worth or Your Money Back.
. . . : ' ,
, , . . , .
. . ,
. . , ' 'I' ' , ; ' - ' , L' ' ' . , . - , ' ' - , # - ' . _ . _ , ' . , , .
. , . , ' ' '
'L' '
. . '
Happy- . , ,
Happy New Year .
May it be as happy for you as it has
been successful for us. We '
. . . I
. , are under O1)ligatiOnS to our
. , . friends.for this , and believe
, . . . _ _ : us , we intend to return the
kindness in the shape of extraordinary
values during the coming year. We are
taking stock now-after that , we'll have a
sale-watch for it-you'll be interested.
Again , we wish you a happy , happy New
Year. , . .
Reliable Ciotimici's , S. 'SV. Cornem Fifteenth anti Jouugiuts StIt.
_ _ _ .