Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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_ _ _ 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'l.'UJ1 ! orAirA DAILY , BEE : ! ' 'T1DNESDAY ! , .JANUAUY 2 , 18m
_ _ _ _ _ _
. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. IIlxtcen ; yenr ago , the Judge hnll to enter I\n
- - orller ( to forblll bringing arms Into court.
There are It gael many ot these ) same people
loft , and you mny b certain that they have
1 lone their work well. I Iioubt If l the body
1 of Unrrett Scolt Is 1 over found. What b
If burlel1 In these glches will fever ho found
t hy , man , bUI I believe that n most determined .
. mine effort ' 11 be made to bring his mur-
derers to justice . No reputable citzen can
afford to countenance such a crime. Scott
hns n good many friends nnd tile men who !
fired 1 upon his Innocent wife and child will
receive no Rympathy . There was n good deal
of feeling because he only got five ycnr. . and
this was Intenslfed when he was rele3le1 ! on '
bal pending the appeal to the supreme
, court. "
- The bullet wound , received by annle Mc-
! 'Vhorler Is fat regarded aR dnngerolf , ali
Iho wan reatng eaRly nt nhldntght. % . She Is
at the Scot reslilence . and both Iho and Ira.
I Scott are recetvln every attention that kind-
I nesl eRn bestow. Mrs. Scott Is universally es-
r teemed and In her nflcton she commands
it the sYlpnthy ) of Ito entire community. She
. Is also attended hy her sister. lrR. Dell
Alten of Atkinson , who arrived today.
TINJ IT WAS ltOthfllllS.
The ttntement of I annlC McWhorter hu :
. - added ! to the case. Tier story of the encounter .
counter nt Inrller Is hy far the most luchl (
that lies yet been heard , all I gins r'se tt
the theory that Scott was assaulted by men
, who's motive was rohbcry. She has been
kept quiet ' 1y her Ill ) ) ) 'llclan , and It was
? - not unt this evening that she was allowed
, ' to talk. She says that after the shots had
1 been frel a man , who ) seemed 10 he the
lender of the lynchers , cnmo UtI to the car-
. rlngo and toll Scott thn't they wanted 101
. . county's mcme ) ' . Scott Ilrotestell that he did !
' 4 nol have a dollar on his person , hit the
masked milan declared that he knew better
antI that they were going to have that
money. Mrs. Scott begged them to spare
her hU8bl1\lS life. and they retorted that
all they were after was the money. and that
l ! If he would hnnl that oyer he could go. By
this time Scott had his fighting blood UII
1 and ntemtltell to knock dq\ , one of the
4 . band , who , ' as lmblng Inlo the carriage
Then they were snatche out or the carriage
1 nll110 the men were being bound two of
ii the len turnell th grips , which were
Htowd Iway under the scat , In8110 out , with
the oppaJenl. Idea that thc funds that the
10lt ctlnty treasury had missed were can-
caled ! n the cnrrln o.
I. ' Ie1ltlken arrived In O'Nei this after-
r.oon. and lies been busy looking up evidence
In the ca. lie says that he has no doubt
t that the band that attacked the carriage
was 8mpl ! ! gang of thieves. They believed
that Scott would have n considerable amount
or money with him antI took advantage of
the feeling that prevailed against him In
certain quarters to conceal tho'r real de-
. . sign. They expected to obtain a rich booty
and that It would be believed hint Scott
had heel lynh el on nccount ot Indignation
nt his offIcial ncts. Alkcn asserts
ofclnl that it I the
attack had been merely for the purpose of
meting out retrlbut'on to Scott they could
have easiy selected n time when the lives
of innocn ( would not have
tunoclnt Ilersons woull been
Inperled ! .
Deputy Sheriff O'Nei Is still In town , nnll
" 'I wal for news from Sheriff Hamilon
, . before takIng ' any further action. At mld-
; night he said that there were no new dev l-
opn\elts In the , case. . but he hoped that 11am-
; man , would Ind some tangible clue.
S : . h "llamilton . and iuyelt i , \er. ' tIie' , flat ones
.to 'nrrv ' ilt I'arI'r thIs " 'be'
, ttrrve' jf nio.nlg . shr ,
- . !
. ' : bUt tIiee : wai , nqtil mJil rp l , ' give us Al >
satisfaction. . ' : Tlo carriage 8UI 'Iy I , where
'I' , " : 8 "u : ' ! li cli fs. - ,
! ' Hi " n"aniQn " 3't'hie ' I'nclis. , tine of [
the horses was still alIve , and had not stirred
. since the slJ ctng. The tracks show . 'tbat '
, the horses had run In I circle a3 soon ns the
firing coniiunccd , so there was no chance
. for them to get away. The tracks left by
c ; the lynchers' , vere plainly visible. Inml-
ton took th trail left ' bythe part ) . ' that' tOok
: , , Scott and Sohniidt. : I led tiein almost
. - . north. I- teok the : tracks oC the buggy In
which the women were taken , but was unable
to : f01Io\\ / Qeyond D:1tel's : place I then
- ref 1ned 'to Parker all took the other trai
but by that ( hue several posses had traveled
over I , and It was entirely IndIstnguihable ,
. so. I r turned : to wnt ! until I heard from
lianiliton . ' ! . '
: SOCn after mldnlght"wonl was received here
that the sherl had tlowed the lynchers ns
far as Leone , and was waitng for daylight
, to take a new 8tart.
WItlie the local ofcers declare that they
have . rI , clue to the perpetrators
of the crime , It Is I asserted that some of
Scott's frIend are betcI Inform cd. They
' 1 net tale In regard to their usplclons , but
It 18 clnlmed that nt le3sl a dozen warrants
' 1 be sworn out within tie next twenty-
four hours.
: CI I , - At T1I I
$ , 1Jseoldlct 11 ' um. that IrouJht Ahout
' thu ' 'errlh1o ' 1 , .
\ ' Ihl ' rBluly.
The story d the crimI which led up to the
lynching ] of Darret Scott Is familiar not only
Ita Nebraskans , but Is weU known the country
j ever , and at one time assumed International
Importance Ills ' defalcation
Js'defnlc3ton as county treasurer -
: . urer or 101 county. his flight to Mexico , his I
sUbsequent arrest , the strong lIght made
agaInst his extradition , his return In Irons ,
incarceration , trIal , convIction , sentence , ap'
Ieal , nnd release on bonds two weeks ago
have been lold at length In the dlpatchiea
. from time 10 tme since a year ago last
AUguDt , when the dlsc"vry of hIs crim-
- Inalty was first made public. Sensation
: has followed sensation until the climax was
. reached last night , ns the result or Scott's
. release on bonds ( reduced by the state su-
preine . court , 'rue J _ looting _ _ , of the treasury
r or 101 connty or ' 7UUUU , tie hrenlling of cue
Hol County bank with liabilities of $80,000 ,
causing the flight or President David Adams ,
. and ( lie loss of thousands of dolhar.i to prl-
yale citizens of hint seclon of [ country were
the crImes laid at the door of Barret ) Scot
. . and the rIng Ilat was behind him. ThIs
I ritig , which was not confined to Hell county
alone , was responsible for lie ( oiectQii ( or
1 Scot to the treasulerhlp ) , nnll he was the
only republcnn onclnl In th county , .
l Scott's troubles began In 1S02
Scot's January , lS(2 , nt
the cloRe of his fIrst term , when he was
nlted to allow the commiesioiiers to see the ,
. cash that his books showed \ to b : In hIs
Italids . ThIs demand wits largely lie ( result
, of the general knowledge that Scot hall spent
a large IUm of money In his campaign for
L. ; .e-electlon durln the preceding fol , and Il
was current inlk that county funds hind been
used for he t purpose. .
, Scalt ( dhl not. have the mcney on baud ,
there being but $1,348 In th ! vlul when the
- commissioners made their fIrst visit. '
, cOllluloners lade nrst'Ilt. They
. tben gave Scot ten dSys In which to make
the Jhowlng , arid money WS secured from
* , Omaha for the purpose : The mater , was
arranged by J. II. Thomu. president of the
. StaID bank or O'Neill. who visited Omaha
; . : ant arranged with J. Ii. Millard for the use
of $ 0,000 ' fer one day , , Thie money was
shipped 11 by express , and on the Mme
. train went State Treasurer J , S. BUley ,
' 'c _ who was 011 or Scott's bondsmen and who I
4 ( wItnessed the count by the special commit- ,
tee It the cmmlsslontr lu the ( vault of the i
- treasurer . The books called for $73,000 and I
the ( balance was made up by the ( banks of
, O'Nei ant ali cr. of Scots ( tnietids
SCO' l MO\EU I Ho [ O llCJ : . . .
; When the ( borrowed money was 8h'lppe'l ' uut
the next ilay , anti the board learned of It
; ; add that $76 was 1131d for the use of It and
expreuage In Investigation 1'4 started , and
It was ascertained trom the ( testimony
of the ( local bsnlers. tinder oath that ( Scot
. , hind toll tbem that It they would let him
taks the ( money to make the ( showing they
need ( not bid for the county lelloslt8 < a pro.
' , ; vldell by the law .hat had Just guile Into
ereet , A he would see that they got the
deposits a.syway ( er the 11)'mcnt of less i
- . . . ,
Interest than they would bD compelled by
the county board to bid. Several of [ the
bankers : absented themselves In order to
avoid having to tEstify , but sufficient test-
mony was introduced to satisfy the commnis-
sloners of the existence of a conspIracy between .
twepn Scott and the bankers for the ( purpose
of defratitling ! the county , and hc was removed -
moved from ames on a complaint fed by
J. II. Hopkins , 1 taxpayer of the county .
The ouster cue wn taken tt the district
court , where It was reversed hy Judge Bar-
Iowan error Thence It went 10 the supreme
1 was ascertained by the ( cmmlsslomrs In
June of that year , sonic time after the be-
glnnn ! of the litigation , that a number of
the sureties on Scott's bond were transferring
their property , and ho was notfed that he
must secure additIonal bond lb hind two
h. . - - f . . .1.I.l nddltonnl hut tho' 'unr nnt
. , . , o . . . " . w , . . . , . . . . . . , . " . _ u _ .
approved by the board on lie ground hint (
' " " and added
lhey wne "strnw" mel , nothing
to the strength of lie bond . As n result of
the adding of these names to the bond It
was decided nt the trial of the ( civil suit
agaInst the bOldsmen last fall that the bond
was Invnldated alt that the county could
not rrcover.
Acting on the faluro of Scott to furnIsh a
8ntldnctory bent , the board again declared
the office vacant , and appointed H. J. hayes ,
n republican , to the place In June , 18n.
Scott refused to surrender , coil Hn'es began
mandamus proceedings to jl PosSe5Sifl of
the ofce , but the case went to the district
court , where I was hung UII for n year ,
awaiting \ the decision oC the supreme court
In the case started n few months before , all
It was not definitely need on untIl after
Scott had skipped to Mexico , when , Judge !
Marshall of the Fremont district was In-
vieII by Judge KIncaid to pai upon I , and
he declared ] Scott removed from ofce , prac-
tcnly confirming the \Ilultnry abdication
of lie defaulter.
Another mandalu8 case was started In
January , 189 , when Scott refused point
hlank to make his nnnual 8ettelent with
Ito hoard antI show the cash , and he was !
nrreste1 on n charge of embezzlement pro- I
erred In the county court , charging the
embezzlement of $82,000 , The mandamus
'Hit to force the settlement was refused by
JUIlgo llncall because of a defect tn the
petton of the plalntr. Scott wah'ell a
prelmlnor ) ' exnmlnaton In Uw county court
end was released on n $ 15O00 bond , which
tIme court dcclarcd forfeited when Scott
skipped ' to Mexico. .
A year ago last July the commissioners
made another dcman1 ! for the semlnnnunl
setement ( , and again they were refused. At
this ( lute Scott was collecting taxes , but
refused to pay out the money on wnrrants (
that were presented compelling the county
to pay interest on ( lie warrants while there .
was money In his possession wah which to :
pay them. Two more mandamus cases were :
started to force hIm to payout the loney ,
ali after several continuances the ( hearing
was ret for the Friday ! morning on which
ho skillped. Another continuance was taken
until the following Monday . July 31 , when
hIs attorneys saId he would ho back from
Sioux City but he failed to Ippear and the
writ wns Issued ns prayed [ or. Then came
the decision In the ouster case , Hayes being
given possessIon August 17.
When the Hol County bank failed on July
2 , 1892 , Scot claimed that there was about
UOOOO of the county funds tell UII there ,
but after stntementR were made by the bank i
ofcials ( he gradually modified ' ( lie state- i
mont to $20,000. The statements of the bank
examiner and receiver were to the erect that
the sum was but $14,000 , and of this amount
$1,000 Wits deposited by Scott to hIs private
account. I was undoubtedly county mouey ,
but the examIner took It , as the books
showed , and applied It to the satIsfaction oC
private accounts of the batik ! against Scott ,
usIng It to offset Scott's Indebtedness to the
bank on personal notes and other papers , so
that the ( . books of the concern showed but
$7,000 ot county funds ted up In the Inst-
A month before SCOt8 departure he had 1
$2,388 of county money deposited ' In lie
Stuart State bnn ! and $ GG , In the , State bank
of O'Nei , mind thts was all , he hall on dc-
posIt In the banks of the county with the
excepton , oNthe above named aulount' In the
Holt County bank. Before leaving he drew
oul all , this money and I disappeared as
completely ' as If the earth had swallowed
I UI' , 'j JUSt as did lie collections or the month ,
nt the same time that Scott oak his depar-
tune. '
I 1 In qvidence that ( ho drew out tIme
money that was In time Stuart State bank
a week before he fled. I had ben deposited -
posited In hIs own name , and he"redcposted !
It tn the name of George II. Dowering , the
cashier of the institution , and took the cer-
tfcnte of delioslt In Bowening's name. The
bank had been served wIth a notice not to
payout the money. ' _
On arriving : t Sioux City Scot looked up
n tax . sale purchaser by the na' "of Thomll-
son who had Invested nt the sale of prop'
erty' for delnquent taxes , and turned over
to him $8,000 worth of tax certificates . receiving -
ceiving the money therefor. He Induced
Thompson to make the payment then on the
groull that he needed the ( money to make
a setement with tie commls loner.
Then Scot dlsappearei from public view
and started on his Ilght , to Mexico. The
story of his wanderings and his arrest with
the ' efforts made to prevent his extradition ,
makes Interestng ( reading Scott was discovered -
covered by Sheriff Cnnningham of Santa
Fe , N. M. , and arrested In n hotel nt Juarez ,
just across the Mexican line. In telling the
story of the arrest Sheriff Cunningham said :
"I arrested him In the ( hotel nt Jaurez
after getting the drop on hint He was
armed ! , and when I covered hint he said :
'Your name 18 Cunningham. Wel , you have
got the advantage of imie , '
"I went lefore the 'jefe politico antI fed
n complaint against the ( prisoner and he held
Scott for me. Scot employed' five otter- :
neYI to get a release but PrCldent Dlaz
and the governor of Cllhuahun assisted me , ,
and on August 28 tIme jefe Iloltco of immures
recetved nn order tram time governor of that
state ( turning the prisoner over to moe.
"I received valuable assistance from Sherif
Simmons of E Paso , 'ex. , In getting Scott
back to Nebrnslm On our WJY to O'Nei
we stopped In Kansas City amid escaped the
reporters and a habeas corpus. 'Ve kept
Scot In a slr plup car and locked the car :
when we came .hrough Omaha to avoid nay
papers which might be In the hands of of-
deere waitng for us.
"When we pot to O'Nei the people at the
depot cheered for me antI threw UII their
hints as an expression of Ihelr approval of
brInging Scott bacl "
BJck of this story uf Sheriff Cunningham's i
.tll. tempt ! made to lirevent extradition.
Jel AKin , one oC his hondsmen , went 10
Mexico In this connection , and for his hams
was placed ! under erret. AkIn was finally
hrought to Nebraska us n prisoner hy Mal )
Daugherty mind at once commencll suit
Ig'ln ment. t hue ( luthorltes ( for false hnmpnison-
After Scot lied \ been jailed nt O'Nei legal
machinery was set In moton tu effect his
release. Ilbela' corpus failed , and sevetl
bal bOllls were prepared and rejected. Ills
bal was orlglnal ) fixed , at $18,000 , but was
later ralsecl by Judge Kncaid to $76,000. This
amolnt vas claimed to be excssIvo , but the
court refused to lower it. Heconrsl 10 thl
supreme court gave no relIef , and finally , I
after Scal had been nomlnal ) In Jai for ,
several 10nths , he was liberated on bal ,
ills case wai .alten to Antelope county on a
change of venue , mind the trial lat September
resulted In his con\'lcten nnd sentence to five
years' Iml1rlsonment. Pending an appeal hula
bond was fixed at $70,000. This he could
nol : Iecure , and the laftrr was talten to t the
state supreme court. On December I hat (
bed ) decided ( the bond was excessive ,
and reducell this al0unt from $70,000 to $ tO , .
000. .In a ulay or two Scott secured the (
nrepSSf' bcndslen and was released on
ball. This was the bal : act whIch resulted
In the Iynchhlg. UpQn release , Scot returned
to J0lt count ( ) where . he met hL death
Jc'nlnl ol nr Vmllolol ! '
At n meetnA of the ( Omal1 Flremen's , us-
soclutun YCltellthe committee appointed
Cor that llurpose preBntel1 ( u set at reso-
luloll1 on the Ilputh or fi. P. Ilng , which
were ndolte" nlli arc ns follows :
" 'herent 1 hUH pleased the Divine Provl-
deuce , IQ whose Inscrutable law we must
till bow , to rcmo\1 tlm our midst our
rl'tcn" aud brlher , 1 lr&lan F . I" . 1tIn&t
whoul ) we loved lS u brother ulll reSllectc.
18 1 member ot this association , and In
who e dl'ath We 10lt deeply mourn ; therefore -
fore be I tlerl-
Iesoh'el. 'fhat we etel1 to his IHreavf
rlunly our earns ( and heartfelt aympathy
In this their hour or trouble , hOlllnG that
the Great Ilnter at all such trouble 'viii
deut 1 gently with their grllt , wi
IeRolvcd , That I copy ur thes resolutions
he SIIII:11 upon he I cOlY < hl of this lota-
tOI a 11 a copy le & (1 to the bereaved
faintly und n copy to the duly papers ,
_ _ _ 1. _ ,
_ _ _
. . . - . . . _ : - - -
Japanese Will Continua to Pr9 Onward
for the Pre ent ,
- !
War has \I'llrcetnhto Blcct on the liusI.
ue" or Jldu"trll or , JRlln-I'urlh , '
Illt11 Ulluuhl < ly Ullilort
lImo UO\DrUlcut.
WAShINGTON , Jan , 1.- lnlster Iurlno
of Japan said today that In his Judgment
there would be no armistice amid no nbate.
Icnt II lie war between ( Japan all China
untIl the peace plellpotentarl s. have
actually aesenibled , have formulated some
basis which wi warrant a cessation or
hostilities and ha\o iiueiimseh'es asked for nn
arniisice. 11' . Kurlno receved : unomclal
Information at an early hour this mornllg
that 1 mnnlfesto had been presenlel to the
Japanese l'ariinimmeumt by the liberal party ,
brcathlng the war spirit amid asking the ( gov.
eminent to Iluh on to Peltng before con-
aentng " ! t an arnilsUce. I
"Thero Is much talk of nn immediate
armistice , " contnuel1 he , "whIch Is likely
to cause mlsallprehen810n , I see ito likelihood
or nn armistice until the .
armistce unti plenll.otentarles
have met anti agreed to
ngrlt request such action ,
together with seine preliminary understand.
lug to indicate lie advisability or termiuua-
log hostl es. I nl not oflicimihly advised
lint this was the ( course but It seems the
necessary and only one. I 18 certnln there
will be no hurried armistice before It Is
known what the plenlpotentares : are really
likely to ( nccon1lsh , " realy
The minister tallied entertainingly of the
great hnportnnc3 ( of the year Just closed
on the history of "
Japan. "I has been n
most eventful year for Japan , " said ho to nn
Associated press reporter "Since the ( dcc-
Iartion of was last Augu8t , Japan has advanced -
vnnced steadily and It 18 a rOlnrllblo fact
thnt while our army and navy has has been
gaining an unbroken series of victories the
Internal resourc of Japan have not suffered
by being drained for war purposes. At hIrs (
the I.eoille In the northern parts hall some
hardships , as their local commerce wa Injured -
jured by the ( needs of the government In
taking their shlp8 flaiL ovel these people
have recovered. At prelent the Industries.
mnnufactures , commerce and business or
Japan are nourishing. There Is the same
activity and trade nt Yokohnml today ns
there was prior to the war. Corporation
stocks showed sonic decline at the outset of
tIme war , hut now they are ns strong as
c"lr. "
"Ilas time Japanese Ioverment been weaks
coed by the demands of tar , ? " rlo 'was
"Not In the ( lea8t I Is stronger titan ever
In the Hupport of the people and In the ( resources '
sources available. The war has aroused n
dormant enthusiasm throlghout the countr .
I has cemented parties and made them alt
loyal to Ito goverment policy . In three
days tInt Diet voted 150,000,000 yen for the
goverment for use In the war The speed
of such nn appropriation Indicates the unIted
purpose of the people and their executive
rcpresentnU\'es to uphold the government nt
every point. For that reason the course the
government determines on , either In conttnu-
log aggression or consenting to an armistice ,
undoubtedly wIll have united support not-
wihstanding ( the reported manifesto. "
London I'olteo hail Jln Once noforo but
Uld Not 110\ ills Value
LONDON , Jan l-I Is reported lint
Frank Tnrboe alias Frank Taylor , ' ' who : , to-
gather with 'Wlllm ' Carrot Woodward , , alMs
lion. ' Ilonol l sEra , , ' ere' .nrcceI , . ! .r ;
charged with pa ! , rclptng In' . ' . 'Pght , vl
cutasses ot 19' Ulster Ilace , Regents : , Parl } ,
and who afterward jumped his bal , has been
arrested nt Capetown. Subsequent to the
disappearance of Tarboe rnd Woodward , who
also jumped ' his bal , the ( police learned that
both men were notorious American erlm-
Inal , anti that the cutlass fight had its
origin ha dIspute over ( lie ' spoils of a rob-
bery. I appears hat on Sunday , October
7. a well dressed man , who gave _ hIs name
as Arthur Savie , was thrown ( out of the
louse referred to' above , seriously cutting his
head amid face. After the police enterel
the house another mnn. who said lievas
Arthur Cockburn was found lying In tIre
hallway bleeding from wounds similar to
those inflicted on Savilie. Lying near
Cocllur ] were two cuttasses. Tarbo and
\Voodwnrd , tiieoccupants , oC the house , were
placed under . arrest. They declared that
Savie and Cockbur had been wounded
tn a fight following a drinking bout , amid
that the cutlasses had been , used by fhel
on the prIsoners tn self d fense. Later they
were admited to bal , whereupon they dls-
appeared. Then the police discovered , aided
by the New York police . that their quondam
prIsoners were International criminals who
were badlY wanted. Time man Savie turned
out to be the younger son of one of the
wealthiest dukes , whom Tarboe and Woodward -
ward had robbed by means of cards of about
$300,000. Investigation showed that they hind
swindled many other persons out of . very
large sums of money , one of their victms
bing Snmuel I.ews probably the best known
and nhatpest money lender In . England.
Mr. Lewis . ts e.tremel ) reticent in regard
to the ( affair , and has refused to tel how
the sharpen got the better of him. Tarboe
was u one time a leader of the , notorious
, Joseph Irving gang In New York. The
London 'police have been unUrlng In their
eforts to.ltcate the pair , and I Is believed
that ( they have been' successful os far a8
Tarboe Is cOlc rned. Woodward Is wanted
to answer for an additional offense com-
mited Just ab lie und his pal were about
to QuIt the country. A man to whom they
owed money learned that they lua'l gone to
Grnves nd. He followed , met them and do.
munded the payment of the debt. 'Vood-
wart hit him on the head wlh seine sort ,
of a weapon and nearly Illed him.
n\C TO IllS NATn'l IANI.
l"n1118 . of SIr . John'rhompson Arrive ut
Jalllx , ,
IALI AX. r. ! L Jnn lT 'r Q fltn . :
_ . _ ' _ _ . . , _ , _ _
, . . . . . , , .
helm , conveyIng the remains of the late Sir I ,
Jell Thompson tram Portsmouth , England , I
arrived today As Ito big cruiser passed up I
the harbor salutes were fired from I ortf York ,
Ives , McNally's Island and Fort George.
The Denbelm scaiiied silently to her anchor-
age oft the ordnance wlarf , where a large
number of people had gathered . The moment
the ( warshIp came to a standstill the Imperial
armory transport , wih Colonel Cortha adJutant -
Jutant general of the Imperial forces In North
America accompanlel1 by 11ev. Dr. Murphy ,
rector of [ St. Mary's catbedral , and Father
Morlarl ! , steamed out from the ordnance
wharf to ( lie flieithelni. itev Dr. Murphy
and Father Mcrlarly Immediately repaired
to the mortunry chamber , when time Ilbera
and accompanying prayers wore recited. , At
2 o'cloclt ten ( saIlors bore tIme coffin imp time
COl pan Ion way 'fho bugle sounded lie assembly -
sembly and all hands mustere1 ! on deck us the
casllet was borne out. Time Blenheim's hand
commenced the Ilead march In Saul and time
fist gun of 1 royal salute boomed out On
arriving nt the ( ortnnncC wharf the same ten
sailors placed the coln on the ( gun carriage
In waiting anti lie ( procession tl the provln.
clal parlament building was com.
mencel ( , On nrlvlnG nt the parhia. ,
ment bulhlng the casket was rt
moved to the 1)lng In state chamber , The
body will bo In state until tomorrow ufer-
noon , when I wi he removed to St. Mary'm t
cathedral , where lie btato funeral services I
will bo held on Tiiuradmay ( lie Interment to ( I
take place tel l 101y Cross ! cemetery 1m.
mediatelY afterwards. Their excellencies .
I.ort antI Countess Aberdeen and staff , and I
1leutenant Governor Ualy and star were
Ilrescnt at the ordnance wharf on time arrival
of the bOdy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Nuw"ar's Jeullun ut l'arls
pAnIS , Jan I-The cream \melcan
clety between the ( hours of : anti G ii . in .
attended the receptIon gl\'pn by Unlell (
States Ambassador Eustis. The saloons of
the embuss were crowdell.
Cllluia Also JBrroll ,
O'1'TM'A , Ont , Jun 1.-'fhe D \artmrnt
( t Agriculure hal ascertained that thc
term "Amerlcu" II ( Oerman"s decree pro
hibitng the entry at live cattle from Amer- J
\ : . : - = 4- . . :
- . - - . . "
tea 1 aIM In < 11111 ( 'annuha. The government '
tins therefot nkll the imperial authorttE !
10 make o\ertrel to the German govern-
meat to have ¶ 'nnmn ! IInSRoelntld ! tn In-
tll.retnton with the term "Amnerlea , " since
the minister of agriculture reports Tea !
fever unkimoin canada ,
I \n
lJSTUnJNt : NJ \ YEA hI'S liONO ItS ,
nl trlhnlon mht'l'itvors Cnls" . Mutchi Un
\'I"'lrnllo \ COllent ,
LONDO .J.ln'11.-Among time New Yenr's I' '
honor nnnCJswl Is the conferring of the ,
order of Knight Conunnnler ! of St. Michael
and St. George upon Ibis. Mackenzie howell , I
premier or < "n\11. : Hon , Cecil HhoMs , premier -
h11er of Capqi.qopmmy ) , Is appointed \ member
cf the prlvY'AUnel ant Gecrgo Newnes , member -
ber of parliament for ( lie New Market
division of Cnmbrllehlre and editor of
TItI hilts . the ( Stralll ( Magazine and the Westminster - I i
minster Gazette , amid Prof James Emerson '
iteynolds M. 1. I , F . " H. S. . Ilresident ; of the
Ho'al College or Ih'slelans , have been
created baronets. ( Uaron Cromer , Evelyn (
Boring ) , Ito Urltsli agent and con8ul gen-
oral In Eh' anti W. I. Wluie ( . chief constructor -
structor 'of the navy , are made knights cant-
lalllers of thl 1ath.
The New Year's honors conferred by the
qucen nt lie ( recommendatIon of Lord hose-
bet ) ' , the \remllr , excite much 11Icuslion
on account of the curious prefereimee . The
Tunes , rOllenlng on the ( pllectons made ,
says " 'he colonial statesman or the
gnglshman who finds his career In the
coioimies IUNt lb far greater things thnn
the l lglshman who stays at home In order
to win his way , to that esental Imperial
Ilslnclon , membership of the privy council.
The absence of thl peerage Is eVlrywhero
commente1 upon I.orHosebery's \ sense of
t\ ridiculous Is too keen 10 allow hIm to
1.11(1 ( new membrs' , t p the ( house he desires
to ( abohishu , " ( <
'fho reeman's Journal complains of the
ablence of Irish nanmes Crol the list of lr-
sons honor\ \ by the queen on New \'oar's
da ) ' . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I CHSrTVJE5 1.t''flI.VY ,
Slurmy BrenoR tn 10lh Brnnehes of l'nrilie
mot nt St , Juhn4.
ST. JOHN'S , N. F. , Jamm. 1.-'he sessions
of both hOlses of ' ( lie legislature last night
were storm ) ' ones. In the tipper house the
Inal vote on the lull guaranteeing the ( comat-
merclnl bank notes , nt 20 cents on the dollar
resuled In a tie-five to 1\ebut the measure -
uro was passed by the chalrmnn casting hits
vote for it. Iessrs. Thorburn and Angel ,
Whlewnyles , bolted their part ) ' . which' Is
ence. now In power , amid the ( plaudits of the atudi- -
ducel n bill abolishing the foUr years' tls-
ducced a bill nbbl8hlng the four 'enrs' dIs-
qualification for bribery and corruption .
which renders exI'reinIer'iuleuvay and
sixteen of his [ oloivers Incapable of holding
qmce. The Ollposlton ( obstructed the measure -
tare and the crowd present Indulged In loud
hiss In ! nr thn .nnnlnrc 'In In"n , . "n _
mnll-I'I ' ; ( lint " the - ' galleries h' " cleared : Time
spealler gave nn order to this effeCt , bul I
WIS found Impossible to carry It out and
Inaly the speaker had to sumnrnarhly close
the session. ' summnrly
Queen U"Clt 'Alp ; ; llt ; ; 1 Commlsul for
thIs ) ' .
thlf 1111040.
. MADRIDWi..i.-Time ! qucen regent today
signed a decree .1Jpolntng ( a commission to
revls the fitbant nun ! Porte Ican tariffs.
The commlss181' Is' cbmposed of melilbers rep-
' rel-
resenting ahlttlmuohitlcal , partes In Cuba , a
number at SIIJnilb colonial merchants tradt
Ing l with Cuba"nld ofcIals of the ministry
at the colonles , , "Her majesty has nine de.
creed .thl atbi&t11unt ! of a 'commissIon em-
pitwered to tp'ent t ' the evasion' of the pay-
' ' '
mont of taxe45pn'tacuble properly 'I ndus-
tries , In VUbmta,1ofirst ; : , husllle at the , reopening -
opening CUb-1tlrst ; : .be tIle discussion
\ .
cl' .t\S
of the , proJeqejl3CiThan reorns ! , including
the [ proJelrfJP , ' , admlnlst ( aton chamber
lQ"el Ip HaYJ 1 'hl chamber Is to be ,
made Ul ; ofllep\Jler. eJ.eted by CUbR/ Qn
l > , .fN Iralchl , . and Jy tIle government ,
and , lol' ' omqtirmnsuch as mayors and blab- ,
opi , ' iThemCim.nijpr ! with have no' legislative
Cortes. power , .Ccopu 1lh . . . the ' sanction of the
FUESOI ' V , # , iti1AitTLON. : .
. , - : , ' . ,
1Ien-of-\'lr 'rcparJn,5to lake n iomon' ) ,
stratton , \cllust San , flotiuln go.
-NEW YORK , Jmin'l----ThacDuchi . steamer
PIinz' Frederlcl I rlck l , which arrived yes-
terday troin 'West 1nda ports , brIngs news
t1a ! nt the thpo ' ot , leavIng an entire ehunge
In President hhlppelyto's ministers was about
to take place/ Everything was very quiet ,
although a great scargity at money apit
hurd tImes prevailed. Three French men-oro'
war were In the harbor of Port au Prince
amid It was r porte ' they would proceed to
San Domingo Jto enforce a clnlm of the
French government against the government
of San Domingo owing to the arrest oC a ,
French subjecl during the recent rphthary of
n large sum of ' Money from the flankS of San '
Domingo In which President HenreouJ was
implicated. There Was .one Spanish gunboat
at Cape IlaytI , one English , anJ llothe
l " relch war vessel was also expected nt that
port , apparently with time Intention of back-
Ing up the claims . of France against San
Domingo. _ _ _ _ _ _
nolh SkIes Claim 1 Victory
LONDON , Jan 1.-A Berlin dispatch to
the Times says that a socialist meetIng .
presided over by Herr Singer , aeclpted by I
large majority the settlement of the beel'
boycott . In nn article the Vorwlerls , the
socialist organ , dccilres that the struggle ,
has ended mOst honorably for the ociahist. ,
'fhe Settament appeara however , soelalsls.
all Intents amI purposen , n drawn battle .
The breweries hat were boycotted publish
a manifesto which Is Intelle < ! 10 11rove
that the brewerIes have not capitulated to
the ocinliss.
Herr Singer waN ntaclted ( by some or the (
speakers , who 'deellred that he wnK I mU-
10nnire and could not decide for bona tld
worlmen. Herr Singer replied vigorously ! ,
declaring that It evel' he had been I mu-
\Ionnlro he hind expended his wculh In the
socialist cn use. _ -
i'rincos Arts lll ( Hund I'rlcluls.
LONDON , Jun. 1.'A dlspltch trm Berlin
to the Tima says that the ( Cologne Gazette
announces that It has authority to den )
rumors at I Ilsalreement between ( the Icing
ot Wurtemhurg unll jmientmr'ihlharn . It
It evIdent that the state of fl > ellll In Ruth
Germany has Ilrnctel attention In oiilt'ial
circles as Hileclll stress hi Inlt on tim fact
that PrInce Arnult of Bavaria Is coming to
Berln ns a bearer ot New li'eur congrnuia.
ton to Emperor Wllnm , \eur congralla.
' 'rouls NIClcd to Onul" n"lllon.
PARIS , Jail . . 1.-A dispatch from Shanghai
fa's hint , O' oC 1.1 lung Chtnng'mt best
tlOpq have been sent to Iluel serious
rebellon nt Chin Chin l"u , north ( of the
Gulf of P Chl-J.t.
A Cortnlght Rlo.the , , dowager cmllress had
forty hashes Glsen ! 10 .Chln mind Chcn , con.
cublnes uf the mm1peror . who him ! . escited her
Ire by oferlnp nd'1c9 to hlH hud.exclc1
1llllr"k < 1.1. IOeOlll1 I I'ower.
LONDON J.n. -'he ' 1lnes correspond-
ent at Jerlniltilgraphs that there Is rm
untlrtone of SpenK ! In nil the newspaper
articles denlng with the nautical situation .
A : Is thut even the most
I'etponslhh , pap ' $ IUkU relleuted , refernces
to Prlnco UtJlr It , und unmlttult\hle , If
veiled , nllslol\ the posslhlHY ( ot his
rlgalnlnG Inn .i,4--'t . > ' . un the _ course ot politics.
Uorlll mlll"IWrlur 10 1 1rI"l.
UEU.IN , Jan " , f.-'he Cologne Gazette ,
reviewing thQutoolonlul situation , says It
wishes to polnl''u ( lint u demnnll to withdraw -
draw ( rain UIC"unfollunlte " Samoa treaty'
In Ito now ' amihtijgient . Oersuamiy wi have
tu emaergeIem.4py ( , lleCend her title to this
elerge'tlUI : claims tte hot corn-
IJre with thi Jut ( ° nr1lsl " , cl iS , ( COl-
Attacked a COIVCI . t'arm.
LONDON , Jan 1.-A dispatch received
here from \Iennl says that : fo men on
Saturday last lituclted a convent ( arm at ;
St. Amimilil , The police sent 10 the scent t
were o\cl'owertlt , and Ihe ( military had to ( I
be called upon 10' ' restore order 'lwenty
nrrclts were rude ,
it'r , IhiI'U\h.t $ , at luclohh ,
COLON , Jtn . -'he ' .
Jln. - ' news from time Mos
quito coast t\ I very paclile . People there I
have decideli to bow the '
decdell tl tQ Inevitable In
view lint thy cnnnot Ret any ulti from t
the Unit 'd RtU\el \ or England. It ull untru I
thlt ( inure . it I amity COlbllrucr or rc"oluton t
. Ih"II ! & 'r itirnlti In Jftross ,
LONDON , Jan. l.The Dominion lint
steamer Humlu , from Portland , Me. , ant
halifax , N. H for Ilveropol , Passed Tory
Island at 6:6 : this morning In low of un I
Allen line 11eller and Ilgllled all wel ! I
aboard. She has thirty saloon passengers .
- - - , . - - - - . , . , _ . , . . . . . - " - . .
. . ,
- - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - ' - - - . -
- - - - -
Tnmnmny Rule in New York Oalno r nn
End Yesterdny
-Inch 1,011"lnlon II NccdOI tl ( live the
New UfelBlf tbo L'ower to I'-nlh'
fully aunt CIllletoty Accoin-
tltbh the Work If lcCorm ,
NEW YORK , Jaq . 1.-For lie first ( hue
In twenty-two years n mayor not of the
Ilcmocrato [ nlh ( Is al the henll of the city
government William L. Strong , who was
today Inducted Into office , represents very
luch the Santo conditons anti social dc-
mcnts that asserted themselves In 1872 In
the elevation at WIlliam F. Iaveme'lr to
lao immnyoralty. In both Instances there was
a re'ol against municipal corruption. Ullon
both occasions Illblc sentment ( was cr)8tal.
Izel through the mumediummu of n commitee
of scventy , lie ( main PurPose In ISi2 being
to overthrow ( the Tweed regime and In IS94
to correct abuses known or suspected In
the ( Police amid other departments or the city
gevernnment. Time exposure of the Practice
of levying blackmail by the ( polIce , particu-
Inrly the criminal '
upon classes of society ,
who , In consideration oC their pa'ments of
mmioney , were grantel1 hnmunly from arrest ,
was primarily lie ( work of the Society for
the ( Prevention or Vice , which proclred the
appointment of the state senate commlteo
which has become famous under the natiie
of Its chairman , 1r , I.exow. unter
Time unearthing of corruption In municipal
affairs Is only a beginning or the work of
reCorm whIch Is In contemplaton , anti which ,
before recurrences of such abuses cnn be
prevented ( , It Is clnhned calls for radical
changls In the state laws relating to ito
government or cities. Wihout nn cnlarge-
lent or Ito powers or the mayor , It Is
argued , ) tlr. Strong , whatever umny be lila
dispositIon , Is ns helples to com hat cor-
rUIton In time department8 ns his predeces-
s6rs In olce lint ! heen. I Is proposed to
enact a law giving the ma'or hewer of re-
10"al over heads or bureaus , and nn absolute
control of the ( police dellartment. Under the
present system , while the mnyor ntlpolnts
members of the ) Iolco board and other lIe-
11nrtment chiefs , he may not remove them
except through processes thnt practically
amount to a deprivatIon or the IJOWer. The
framing of new laws touching thes points
Ilromises to be as Important n work as any
that Is likely to come before lie state legislature -
lature , and to bring out as man conflicting
) confctng
theorlel ,
Shortly before noon the outgoIng nail Incoming -
coming mayors met nt time ciy , hall. After
the ( I usual formalitIes . an Interchange or greet-
im age and the Introducton or the several heads
of the departmmmentas to Mr. Strong , Thomas
Fm . Giroy took his departure from thl (
mayor's office , and , as ho has announced ,
from poltcal life.
The new mayor wilt have a clean slate to
work on , as Mr. Glro ) ' hind left nothing un-
fnished In the routine work of . his office
when he left there last night.
Time board of aldermen will not organIze
unt next , weel
The ne\\ \ " sheriff , Mr. Tamsen , entered upon
t the duties of his position today , ant so did
the new coroners
ConditIons for the new ofcIals will be
somewhal different from those that have prei
v ailed heretofore. The new state constu- (
ton ( goes Into effect today. Under tl every
s peCIes of gambling , Is prohibited , and Is t
made a criminal offense . Of course the pub- ,
Ic l pool rooms have been closed for over , n.
) ear ant a hal , but ( lie initiated have no
difcul ) " ' In placing bets , In many of"th " .hand-
book offices , which have beOn runntng"here ;
Rumors , of iiende i relgl tpns'f ( tUY
'e fliclals' l ' ; the tr 'aepartmen\ \ "ni ' rife , , hmiit ,
1118 I generally ' bollevdd that ' ( iie'memi in ( POB-
session of these very coveted places ' 1 hold
on until they see whether n power of removal
b Ill will be Ilassc 'at Albany. .
. MORTON &WQis IN . .
8111,10 Coromonlcs ut the Inauguration ot
Now Yorl's Uowct'uar p
ALDANY. N. Y. , Jan. 1.-Levl P. Morton
was inaugurated a governor of New York
at noon today . The ceremonies were simple.
The new governor anti his full military staff ,
In carriageS were escOrted to the capitol b )
four companies of the natIonal gunrd. In the
executive chamber the governor-elecl was
greeted by the retiring gO\ernor , who was
surrounded by his miiary staff , after which
all proceeded ' to the assembly chamber ,
After prayer by Bshop Doane , Governor
Flower extended a formal welcome to his ,
successor In otce , In n brief reply Governor
Morton complimented his predecessor , both as
a man and as nn omelal . There was nothing :
of I partisan' nature In elthr address , The
oath of ofeo was administered by Secretary
of State Palmer. In the executive chamber
Governor Morton received for nn hour the
congratulations Qf I great many people , In- : '
eluding ( members of the legislature. Sub8e-
Quonty Governor and Mrs. Morton and the t
Misses Morton held a public reception In
the executive mansion. .
. U\'LY UNIC LLi1'IW. .
Three Persons lurnod to DeBlh In 1 Ken
tucky lintel.
IAfCASTEH , Ky. , Jnn. I.-The Milieu -
hotel was burned between 5 and G o'clocle
this morning 'fhere were four persons In
the building nt the time , Edward Pascoe
anti wife , his baby , about 2 yearn at age ,
and his mother-In-Iuw , Mrs. Masters ' 'he
wife only escoped.
The tile darted In the cellar , where It I
must havc been Hmouldertng nil night ; , as
the ( Pnscoes were about sufocated when
Iwnlwnpd , The husband a/slsted hlH wire
10 the window and returned to assist hll
mother-In-law Ind hnhe , butt wns not nhle
10 return. No other perlonl were In the
hotel. whIch hind brett cOlllletell hy Pmuucoe
, and lie hnd mlde nIl arrangements to give
It up today , havlnE moved his furniture Olt
of the building . PlFCO ! wits 26 years o C
age , mind came from Nieholusvle , Iy. Mrs .
Masters WIS I widow
The building was n thrl./tory brick , belonging -
longing to ( him Miler of Kumoxvhile , 'lenn"
IUII WIH insured for $ .OOQ. Time tIre Is he-
leved to be of Incendiary . origin -
, ' JIhl'EIf al RXI'I.nI ) .
EIght 1111 Serluusly injured 111 1 lulll-
hog IIHIVnl'lull. .
CHICAGO , Jnn. 1.-fly Ito explosion at
sewer guts tn the hnNement ot dwnr1 !
KeelY'H saloon nt 31 Ilh avenue thin
afternoon eight men , were Injured , severn
of them seriously' . Time explosion wns
caused by the Ignition at Hewer gas from a i
candle carried by I porter , who had gene
Into the basemelt ror the purpose ot draw . -
Ing Ramo wine. Tue porter , Henry Washing .
Ion. the ' ) . 'l'hm
aim was mot 8ertplI ) Injured. 'rhe
others tnjurell were : John Clark , Patrlclt
IYln , George DOherty , George Fleming ,
George IurtlY , Otto Hudlle and 'err ) '
Van 3kye
'Ih. explosion wnl HO violent that the
front oC the laloon wits badly shattered , anll
the atone sIdewalk thrown ( Into Ihe IlrPI t ,
'fho suloon Is \ller the LIncoln hotel , unll
for It few minutes a tianie I ittevahled mumnon
the guests. None of time lumjiired will dk
nitliotigit'ashmlngtoma's condition is very se :
M.S lI.'sI (11' d ItIfLIJI" TIC .1 I , " , ,
Soutiierit Stmmtv i'ropiarlmug a Orotit Contri
huiliouu en Nehriuiikmu's lestltuee.
BALTIMOI1E , Jan , 1-lI. 11. Edmunds I
in receipt of maumy telegrams from ( lie uout t
siiowin6' great Interest In ( lie work of itt i.
curitig it. tma'umload ' of Inovishons to be sitlppe ui
to Nehiramuka , Ex-Governor Nortiten c if
Georgia , % vlio has agreed to handle lii L )
xmtovemnent in ( lie central south , is makin g
mocha 3irogress , witile arrmangi'mnemis are no
being mitmide by Mr. Ednuutuls for cffectiv
orguirilzalorm Iii time southwest. 'l'ehegnttin i
' received from ' , \ ' ;
i'ero I'residett'alors ( c
time Alauilc coast line and itecelver Count
( it' ( lao Central Hallway counpamiy c
GeorgIa pm-omitting aId anti free transporte
( ion over their lInes. Mamiuger Lemon ser
worth ( hunt Chits Postal ' 1'elgrmttti conuhuan
wouhtl hmmuntlle all mneesageis relating to thi Is
itubject free.
* -
1nlko at this 1iigar : 'I hioiiipsoui Steel Worki
III1ADIOCK , Pa. , Jan , 1.-Tonighmt all ( hi
ore wheelers of the blast furnaces of Ut
iddgar Thompston Steel works , on both tIm :
day amid uiigli ( turns , went out eta a stnlk
against a reduction of wages. About G
Slays are itoss' out , All ( lie funmtttces nine
at' ( item , are Closed , vitIi ( lie c'xceplomi ( of
furnace A , whicht is Iiiietl wIth form-
ntnngnmiose , 110(1 which ( lie contpnny will
try amid keep running , as It % votiitl be ii Very
heavy loss to films' It to close 'ithu mmcli mc
Itreelotut ; immaterial itt It , Twemity-two extra
ttollncmneut were sworn Iii nut soomi as ( lie
strike s'ns tieclared , atmtl nil of thetn nrc cli
tIme ground to Prevent nmty' ( iutiile. Everyo
( hiltig is quiet , however. mitmtl no troimhile is
feared , at l'ttSt not tonight. Must umim-
easinesmu is felt tonight over tIme otmcoine ( of
thte strike.
T1tIftT.EhN UOft ? I.IJlCI.l 7(5 latE.
1ttrtiier Ietails ofiho Chmritrnn ilorror
at itinmimnit , Orogoma.
POI1TLANI ) , Ore. , Jnu , 1.-A letter to ( lie
4ssociael ( Itress fromue Silver Lake , Ore. ,
gives ( Ito rntmnber of Peotule bmirmtctl io ulenthi
in time calammuity of Ciit'istnmas evcmmiutg as
forty , Fuliy na mncttty mnorc were injured ,
sonic fatally , The ulmimnes of the dc'att were
giveut In formiiet' dispatches. Time fatally itt.
jured are : Ilobert Snehlimmg , hey \\'arti ,
Mrs. Thomas Lee Uric , George l'nlne ,
Chimtrhi' I Iemidrlclcu , Uert Gnvdy , tIV5 ,
Charles Ilainiltomi , Annie Aiiclersoum , Mrs.
\'nrti , three clmildren of Mrs. Eghi. The
seriously Iutjure1 a ye : 1ott r Bum ick hi I lii ccii ,
.Tachc I leunherson I. . Cosliosv , Clara Suiehliuug ,
Ititu ) . C. Mttrshitull , Mrs. It. itomnlng , Zclmiu. 1. ,
Iluulclc ,
: sinmi9 cat those who Perishmtil were btmrmioti
beyciuui Identiilcnthoii. About 20' ' ) lieritoits
vero Iui tin' lumull togelter , All hind muot at
Clirlsnttttt liro. to hmohti Chrismnmutu tree ox-
crchses. Vt'laile Presents iu'ere being ( ha-
trhintcd George l'aine , a young mitan , ittnm'teti
to go to ( lie clout' , walkIng out top of tint
seats , Ills Itemuut struck a large iuuuti , which
began to awliug to atni fro. lIe emiuighit haul
of it to ittently' it , when tiatt Inuimp ttegnmi to
hush up. Semite one knocked i ( alit of hIs
haimui amtl , It fell nit the floor. Oil siiis spilled
on ( lie floor amid tii Ilantetu ( tuitcd to run
nlnuig tim sIde timid across ( Ito icitu' of ( ho
building. vtiero was ( hue otily outlet to time
hall , cuuttiimg ouT ithl cgres. Paialc followed
amid but little thuoughat vns gIven to time
scrcnmnititr % vonteim nuuit chihidren. It svnmc a
case ot stmrvivmtl of tInt fittest , A. mittuitber of
lemutttas got mit at ammo of time two windows
lit ( lie ball , but soomm ( Ito entire buildiiig was
enveloped in thitines , shitmttiitg oft all hope
at' eimcnpe for thiose still in the hull , 'l'lme
fearful cmthatmiity hmmtmu hrostrated the whole
coutity. Every house In time village lii a
hospital itmiti p001)10 have conmo for ii. liUui-
tired miles to mtulitlser to the Iumjurcti and
litter time dend.
There vmt5 uiohtlmjg left iq , ' whtich to idemu-
tity ( lie victims , amid time tionci were gathi-
erd up and nil buried in cue grave. .liumtivs
Sutinli , a rchl lcmmowmm imtoclctnmiti of time
cotiiaty , himid started east with n. baimd of
hiarmues , amni haul remiclueti hums , Ilnrney
coUflt' , u'hien hue heard that lti Sout wits
Otto Of time vi tlms of the tire , lie started
to reului lnhmitetiiaciy ( , anti iui miinoteemi
hours lie co'ereti a uhistitmico of 20) ) ) miles out
horseback , lie returned just iii time to mmcc
( lie bones of his son halt ! to rest iii ( lie coumt-
moui grilve wIh time otlmer vtctinta ,
. _ LlxOht.s 1ul'r.Y I. ' huLl ) ,
Only L'oints to I'ortiuiont Fii t tip
, iustlfy tiun Coitamstttt'e. %
ALBANY , N. Y. , Jan. 1.-In an luttcrvlew
this evcmttmtg with nit .Assoclmtted Press re-
porter , Senator Lexoiv said lie lund no no-
s svcr to itmako to time criiclsrna ( upon time
w ork of his' committee coutniiied In Di' .
1 arlchurst't3 manifesto. Obviously the best
r eply would be to Point to the comtiinittee
a nd its vork , ammd say : "fly ( belt' work ye
n Inth kitow ( Item. " SenaorL.exow ( said lie
nh h iatt too bIght a regard for Dr. i'ariciitirumt to
S al' ( lint lie is ncuated hty ammy but time
h ighest and Inirest ntotl'es lii what Ito says
o r does. "lint , " contintieti Senator Lexow ,
"it , Is strange. . Indeed timat u'lmen ( lie crucial
ti olmut was readied amid b'mmperimienden (
h ymen vmis on the titmamud , as c'cm'ybiuiy
k nesv Ito would be , last Sacurdny , nothing
was suggested nit to what wmm.'u to be clone ,
Anti yet ( hats crIticism. . Throughout ( lie
e ntire exaiuilntttiomi Mr. Mona stood at Mr.
Goff's itide aiid co-operated In the conduct
o r ( lie inqtiiry. It Is unitecessmtry to add
attvtlting to this. "
'Jhie senator ( hen ambled : "As to a deal ,
i t Is IlttIfl thiat- one could not be effected
unless through ( lie co-operatIon of mu. nut-
j oriyof ( lie comnniittee , nctiuig In con-
j unction s'ithi nil time cotuii.sOh. 'rime tmate.
meat of this proposlloii ( is the best refuta-
( ion of ( he charge ,
"ret any one uggest a question ( lint was
not put , a cucrge ( hint ) VmiS not. made. mtn In :
dlctmont ( lint was not brought forthm , any-
t hing , in shOrt , ( lint was omitted , before
thie' criticize. ' t'i' - -
.i"ro Inyt nhtntThtlle unent thut . , tsitemeni , ,
is to e found. lit ( lie . .cleclarottiott. Uutt. ( ha
senate hmii5 not uncoverell alt time corruption
I n exIstence in the lOhiCo deparmemi ( , and
there stIll remains vork for the SocIety tot
the Prevention of Cnimime (0 do- I wIsh ( hoot
Godspeecl In thIs vork. "
I17lfll ) 4. JW1 14) MUICJ ) 1111.
Too Old and i'armdytlc to Coautnlt the
Ciliin ! Iflimiseif ,
I MEDOI1A , N. Is. , Jan. 1.-A imorrible stor '
west told tonight to ( h ? coroner's jury con.
cornIng the death of S. , I ) . , Severscttt , wlmc
ithiot at Marie Watlsworthi's ranch or
r.ecember 21. Freti Ilohtme , a brlghl
16-year-old boy , who has been in
custody for several days , ituspecd of thu
murder , lana made a partial confession to tli
clitil ( of thai court , Mr. Foley. Before ( In
curomlerst jury tonight hue made a. cleat
breast .of it , and said that his employer
Wadsvorth , toohc hint In time early iliiWi ;
into the barmi antI promiseil tint boy $200 t (
tihiOOt SOVCfltOYi. lie told him cyhiero to pith
( lie trigger , amid time deed was ( lone. Thim S
story was dramatic , and told by ( lie ho )
quIetLy and clearly , but he btirnt ino tearm
when ( hue climax of time story was reached '
Watisvorit hImself followed ( lie boy , am
denIed ( hue whole story , Witdswortlt is liar
tiahiy paralyzed , mind ( lie boy says the Ok
man could miot pull the ( rigger hImself
The hirosecutiomi believes it iiii found t L
motive in the claim that Wmudswortht owec
Severson niomicy. Wadsworth Is under ar
rest out ( lie charge of naurtler ,
Ioll Oil it hJiioii , i'iilflc Trmtlmi.
CuE YENNE , Wyo. , Jan , 1-f3pecIal.- ( ) -
An umaicnown man either fell or jutimped fran
a Union Pticltlc passenger train forty milet a
vcst of Larantle yesterday mnornhmmg. ] l E
was brought to ( lint place , whet e Ito diet
from injuries received last nigiaL Tue urfor
( umuate moan vns an I tollait , antI had a ticlec
Ott hIs petimomi from San Frnmtclseo to isom
hioint lit Italy. Ills name uc'ns not hearneil .
It is supposed that hue eliit'r siiplei am
fell front this' plufurtmt ( Or else becmtmne tie
ranged anti jtumpeui off willie time ( rain Wa ;
running forty mullen an hour. lie sc'as no
nilased for over on hour tutor ( lie acciden
iitulpcned. A telegram was sent back ant 1
( lie lutitta ivast picked iup by a freight cre' ,
Slityor Ori'rs the ilolovutim iltitims ScmurcIic'tI
ALBANY , N , Y. , Jan , 1.-Iayor Wllaoi a
hints Issuemi cmi ofileinl order for ( lie umenrcitInh g
of tIme ruins of ( lie Delos'auu tire , Tint searci
svlll be begun tomorrow. Of ( ito sovenbtei
people sent out limit iiigimt as miashiug titer C
has only one been found so far-Kate Crow -
Icy , o. ciinmnbernunid , It iii Probable ( hit t
( lie others mire In ( lie coitus ,
jlovrnhtmit $ or Soiunlmug ; % 'o'aois , , Jtiup , I ,
At New Yorlc-Arriveil-Stievia , ( toni Nit -
ll05 Kaiser \Vilhmelnt Ii , ( rota ( iCtioU ,
At Ghmttugow-Arrit'cd-Ausyrlmcuu , flout lull
itilelphtla. :
At Liverpooi-Arrlved-Nurnlillan , ( ron
l'oilitiiii , viii. halifax ,
At New York-Arrlved-httiitlc , from l.I .
" Instant Relief , "
'l'limtt's whittt lit i'ttmitea vhieti ( lie porn
s'tuik ltod' is i'ttcked tuni strmtiiaui I ) ) ' I
I ii ug-teit il tug cough . 'J'lin L's vli a t s1 l'
B , 1 % . Mosehe'y ( ) fNu'fltlml , Mo. , got frail ;
the l'i'naedy 14110 ust'h , Shin smlyil :
mI experienced the greatest benefit a
when the first dose lurid boon taken L ,
It afforded ziio Instant relief , "
lt's. Moselt'y 'tlH s'ise , Slit tismt'd
Ozomulsou !
thin kititi thittt : lIot ttils glvem4 ri'lk'i' tihlh'l , -
ly , but cii l'es ieh'l ) liii II ( 'II t ly _ I t i tmod I lii' ; 4
t lie t'otlgll , I lici't'u sH I Ito nxl it't't t lot
lien I it t Ito I tlj ti reil sd t'fmi t''S U iitt laO ti h'l slit'
( Ito I)1(11'itt. ( It comituhit ( ) iotiut itnil ( htinl (
imcol , 'l'htuy iutei't'itstt ( hue i'ltitl foi't.'c un
kill thin got'iuls of dlseuse. it Is
The Kind Physicians Proscribe
For O.Id' . Oog1is , Oouisumpt1onBru 1'
chitii , Attlima , atd All Pulmonary C in
plaints ; Sorcfula , General D bllity , L3i is
Gf Floib , Atiaecnia , atd aU ' ain g
Dis aoJ ,
KUHN & CO. ,
15th & DoitItis Sts , , Ontttlit ,
. .
- - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - -
l. uu.ileronq Errors i'crlnmtrzutett by thus
lrnteralty , ,
"There are ninny errors mmttule in tlue traits.
m ission of messages 'which are entirely tutu. -
c alled for bitt even with these ( here Is not
o ne bitirmiter auntie to every 5,000 words pass.
i ns over tlm wires , " saiti a tehegraphu operator
t o ( lie l'Imtaburg lespatchi , "Timmit Is , of
c ourse , in mime attain offices , where the mnost
e xpert operators arc cniployed , I don't think
( hue saute caut tie said of all the liranch
o mces , An euror which has cost thi bustuut-es
ti tan mmmamty' dollars , amid yet for wluichi ii'e cam
fl itd no cause , Is ( lie mixing of ( lie numbers
1 5 anti 50. There Is Ito excumso for
t it error , yet i oecmurs itioro freqiucittly ( hiatt
n taythmimug else. Tiuoy seetti to ho the fated
n tuntbers of time telegrapher. Ve have no-
t ices Posted atiove each Imistruuntcmtt coutcern-
l ug it , yet suielu nuistaices will occur , Words
e tidhmig lii ' ( hi' are frequmemitly retudercil 'ty , '
w hich is very aem'touis wliemt uiuimmiiics arc
b elmig sent , For intauuce , 'sixty' utuight lxt
r t'itiereti 'sixth , ' or 'leo versa , 'rids 1mm
c aumsed by ( hue sittuihanity In ( hue tehegrnphiio
c haracters for the 'it' mail 'y , ' Thin former its
f our dots , whmile ( hit. latter is minnie by tweets
d ots , space , two dots , A stroke of lIghtning
0 1' ( Ito wind bnimigimug time ivires togetimer , or ,
l tarhmnps , ( hue uinsteatly huntmth tit ( hue operator ,
% vhuo sooner or litter Is affected wIth ' ( clog.
r nphtera' paralysis , ' miaigimt sepermite time fotir
c lots amid ctuangs 'sixth' into 'sixty , ' Soitte-
( lines time ( hots stlclc together ctatl miimuko a'
t ush , thiuta a scvemm , whuicli is two dashieti anil
t wo dots , may beeoiute a five iuy htmiviuig the
l ast two tlots 'stick , ' iutnkiimg ( hue ohmmeter
t hree dasimes. I.osses of comtsiderable nuuioumts
h ma'o frequemitly beemi caulsed by dais stick-
I tig , Soiiio operators viuo are amicteti with
( ito htamahlsis cannot iiinlce a letter 'hi , ' wiuhehi
i s four dots , TimC ) ' either itialic ( lye dots , 'ti , '
o r six dots , I have scout semite operators
t ry to make six cottsecutive dotti to represent
t hto ununuber aix , aitti woulit mmot be able to stop ,
s hort of ten or twelve , This , of course , Is
c aumseti by ( lie' disease , There are miiauuy or-
r ors limat ( lie customer titlist take ( lie biamne
f or. Two aiim ! ten are itiost olten inixeth on
a ccoutit of careless writing. Thou ( lie word
' can't' frequentiy has ( lie 't' heft off , whIch ,
o f cotmrse , chiamigetu tIme whole semise of ( ho
t iming , 'Cait't' shiouhil imover be written In a
t eiegrtumn , It should be spelled out-'caii- '
m iot. ' ' '
"l'orhmaps ( ho muost Iummilcrouus error which
ever canto ( to suty itotice , " soul a vell himiown
o lmerator yesterday , "was in a telegmcuii from
AtlantIc City. It was the record of thin
d rownimmg of a mutt , avid after tietahiimug time
p itcouts acetic atud time brave efforts to save
h is life , It said : 'Just as brave Johim Smith
reached his side lie threw tip his himtutmt , anti
with a look towarl heaven , crIed alit :
' 'Nlnety-nimme ! ' " It vas a rather startling cx-
cs laittatlon for a ilying muon , amid the operator
s ent back to kuiois' what was iuieamtt. He vau
t old by the operator that. It did not mitean
'tilnety-nimie , ' butt 'Lulu , ' thud tinutto of liii
s weetheart. Time chiaracier for 'itt' Is a tiashm ,
t 'o dots autd a dash , whiicha Is time santo for
( hue tmumuuber nimme , No wouider lm tiiadtm a mmtls.
take , "
Umitleratnoil imia linshmies ; .
Chicago Trlimtme : Fair Sufferer-flodor ,
are corns always cnusetl by wearing ahmoea
( bat are too tight ?
Chiropodist-Not always , imia'aut , Tiiat'a
'c'hmat causes 'cia 1mm tIme case of your friend ,
Miss Uiggltis , acrost the way. Tier feet vas
m antle to lit a No , 6 shoe and situ's n-trying
to croivit 'cmii into a No. 'I. Yours , mna'anm ,
i s projitced liy' wearing too large a tshioo ,
vimichi mitakos wrinlches In ( ito loather anti
catmscs friction aghi ( lie cuticle.
' - . . - . '
: : : _ .
' _ _ , . .
' 2N ' ; ; . , . . . . . , ' '
( t.r " I . ,
c / r
. ,
4'b' " ' '
' ' :
1i ;
I' ' , ' .
Mrs , it. E. Lzietcr
Bush's hulls , OWe ,
Palpitatlon ofthe Heartand
A CeneralBreak Down
The Coed Effect of Hood's' was
Marked and Permanent.
. , C. I. Ifood & Co. , Lowell , Mass , :
"Gciitlctneii-I : was taken down sick last
lecemnber , anti became very weak with mmorvous
trouble , Itahlmltation of ( lie heart , amid it gcmtenmi
break down. I had a gooti lihmysiclan , but hhti.
gered along , getting ito bettor , I could sit tip
emily about halt a clay , uuttil tInt 18th of March ,
whicia I cotaclutled I would give lIood'm barsimpa-
Hood's Cures
nun a trial.Vlien I had used it a simort. ( itne , I
etiuihti got up nail go mtll about ( ho htnuso alt day ,
have mutter cumjoyed Perfect health , but aiim
ifflW takiimg may filth bottle of hfood'mi Saramtlia.
I lila , amid hcnon' it has helped mime wouadertilly ,
I have tted ihood's l'ills , amid thmlttk them ox
cciien ( , " ItIttS. A. E. Icmmmnmu , liutaht'slilia , OhIo ,
- ' "
Hood'em Pills ttct easily , yet itrompthy and
efliciemithy , on thu liver auth bowels , 2.c.
1llO1'S UfUMQ-E81org :
Rplentiih CUPIttISe sweat tar e eeoc , or ZLaM
itoatticite , Jude hztiuustton , ijtt'o1itMi5ala ,
, si.ocint or gentm-t NburIttIiamiiibo1orhhtea. ,
rnatiuu , ( lout , tIduoy ) ltjrdori' , , A IU IJTft'
i.ep'iti Aniuiuia.miitidoto for .ieatotco
in.t . otorozcei.e , , . i'rtc,1O , OOaoufOceat.
EUorveceat ,
151 5. Western Avenue , CHiCAU.
For sale by all druggIsts , Oaha.
: A.MUsEMI3Ts , -
o' p' 5LASTTIM
As Nomli'aie. . tue Hi'ehy ( lentits , In Btiwmied
fi. Ii'idet-'s ' l'iay ,
hear Mr. Jtusell Sitmg ;
"TihIl OWLS ANI ) 'rilE MICE , " ANtI
iii line ( iuIlc if ) 'Otl intuit it seat ,
l'ilh't5-l'iust Steer , $1.00 and (1,10 ; balcony ,
toe ituud 7k' .
JANUARY 3 , 4 aid 5 ,
First ttnme in ( lila city of ( ItS
A Congress of Amnerl'an'onters , ileuitle.i
1'o' the t'eui less
time Htmomtin'at Mati on Eturtlm , AtOlii ) omm
Ik'rcuhes ( omumiinel ,
Tint Most lxm'vmtshu'p anit Most Ztetlnrd 'uth
evilie ( ; rgunlzttioii cmi tart ii.
9 Graat Spocialitios. 9
'rite eogageiutcmit cioiv with StilUrilimy itiiiInde ,
11410 ci seatnuw opet ; .
. . , 'mc i ' ( ) l'UL.lJt
'feleititone tlii.-W. J , iiUitUiSS , Manager.
MA'riNlbm1-Today at 2l0-Tcti'gltt ' ut m1L
MURRA I 'riiO3r mtrO all rIIit In
COMINU-\\'eek fec , G.-hihL' OF STA'L'E.4
- -
- -