Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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I ' , , . . . . I
\ ) . THE ' 01\AITA DAILy DE.rn tOOD.i\.Y , .JANUARY 1. , 189. rt
- - - - -
; !
Stcks Purhased with Stolen Funds no
May Now Rtin ,
Order . Btelrud hT the Jnrmcrs and Ier
chants Innk ot UnlrnA % , III. , tor the
l'totcctlnfl ut the Cnplnl ntonnl
"Iclns tHiendetl. ;
t -
; LINCOLN , Dec. 31.-Sreclal.-Thls ( ! ) morn-
'I Ing JUdge hail handed down a decree dissolving -
solving the temporAry Injunction secured by
the I.'armers and Merchants bank of Galena ,
] Ii. , reslralnlng tim ofcers of the Lincoln
tns company enl the Farmers and Mer-
'chnnts ) Insurance company from transferring
on their books any of the stocks now stand-
log In the nme of C. W Mosher. Dy this
action of the court the Inst barrier Is r-
movel to the transferring of Mosher's large
boldln/ to the two companIes which ho hal
, secreted , , assigned traululenty , , or legiti-
mately lJt up as security for debt ! . Non
of the Caplbl National bank depositors will
get any of them , although there Is reason
to believe that the stock ' wns Purchased with
the stolen money or depositors. J was at
, St one time supposed that present holders of
tim stock void ho compelled to C0l0 Into
court and tel hy what means , and where ,
they clmo Into pOl'sesslon of the slack , hut
' ' this did not eventuate.
\ . S ( UAnll OVIm A CII.D.
' # In the 1lllatrlck case , which Ilegenerntel ,
into a Irgnl squabble for the custody of a
f.year-otil cbld , between Its mother , Mrs.
lucy Kipatrick , and Hs grandparents , Mr.
anll Mrs. Charles 1lpatrlck , Judge hall .
this morning handed down his written fml-
tngs. The court gave the custody 01 the
child to Its mother. The case bids tall to
1 tnlwn UI on allpenl.
I Is rather Into In the . day , but Detective I
1lalono has set out to foil Albert Whlle ,
Quo absconding Crawford batik cnshler who
tlsnppenrel severl weeks since. Malone I
flies ' hail 2,000 postal ( cards hearing a photo-
, graph at the , missing fInancIer IJrlntel for
.dlstrlbuton . all over the United Slates. I
1s stntell that ho Is i doing this In the Inler-
icst , of Hnymond Bra ! of this city , who were i
. Interestet In the bank.
This afternoon Judge Strode , elected to I
c\ongress from the First dtstrlct , laid off his I
Ilclal ermine , and Judge E. I' . holmes took
Itho oath of ofce to serve ns judge In the i
p - 'Third judicial district until the next gen
cml election.
This ) morning the city confessed jUdgment
In favor of the German National bank for
3,066 , balance 01 the amount duo on the
Gaynor fire alarm system.
. . . ' DotarD lion . W. J. Bryan loft for Wash- .
, ; . . , . .Ington yesterday afternoon ho received a L
, telegram from Governor Northen 01 Georgia L
naking hll concerning the reported dest-
tutou In this state. Governor Norlhen Is nt
the head 01 I movement looking to the con-
tributon 01 a train load 01 grain and pro
I visions for the drouth sufferers by tbe i
Ileople 01 that section of thin soulh. The n
governor was assured by Mr. Bryan that
anythIng he mlghl send this way would , he :
felt assured bo duly appreciated arid placed I
in the right hands.
Tomorrow the wagons of the relief com .
mireD will walt on the people of Lincoln L
' for their contributions to the destitute In LI I
' the northwester part of the state.
The Slate Banking board today Issued a I
cal to alt state banks to send In their re-
ports up to December 29. and to the bullIng .
hag and loan nssoclatons to do likewise up to I
December 31
The funeral of John Fitzgerald. the lend I
P. ' millIonaire , has been postponed until 10
- o'cloclt Thursday morning , In St
Theresa's pro.cathedral and the services
t , 'i , probably bo conducted by Flther :
- % O'ReiY of Detroit , who was prominenty
n assoclat with his work as president 01 the m
1rjslLlttlonat \ lengue. Should ho be unable
o to cOle Father McGevney of Denver wl 1
prObnbly omclate.
Mamie Holns , who Is suing J. W. Squire I
of Council Bufs for $15.000 was formerly a
- well Iloown courtesan In this .
wel city. .She
operated n joint on Ninth street In Omahn
and claims that Squire was a frequent vis" .
Her to her place where he contracted debts
to the nmount of $76 for wines. and whie
once on spree destroyed furniture to the
amount 01 $525.
, 'ho thIrd , annual banquet at tire Young
: en's Irpublcan cub or Lincoln will occur
nt the Hotel Lincoln on the night 01 the
11h Inst. , at 9 p. m.
Tomorrow the Young Men's
! Christian as -
sedation or Lincoln will keep open house at
their handsome headquarters , corner Thirteenth -
teenth and N ftreets The building wilt be
thrown open to tine public between the hours .
ot 3 and 10 p. m. About fifty of the most
popular young ladles 01 the city will be In
attendance to receive visitors. Iefreshments
1 will bo served tram 4 to 8 p. m.
Testimony In tIe ArCl.brlht ) Murder Trim
ut Auburn.
, , AUBURN , , Neb. , Dec. 31.-Speclal ( Tele
rram.-Jn ) the Agnbrlght trial William An I-
Der.on was the first witness called this mornIng L-
Ing 'y tIme defense , who tetifl tt that the
defendant rode with him from home to the
Champion schQol mouse NovembeJ 28 , 1893 oI I
and that Mr Smolzer o'ertook them on the
road and said to time defendant : "Di I ,
. mayo you como lawn , here for a fmmss7 Dy
OM It you have you can have oil the fuss
you want. "
This defendant replied : "I did not come
' Gown here for any fuss. but I would Ito to I
, , see Rose and the children. "
' Smelzer said : "You can'l see Roso. J
want you 10 stay out of lY house and away
Irpm my premises. "
. All the rat at time testimony Introlluced
' rt1atc to the tragedy , and agreed substan-
taly whim what has already been given
.Ceurt adjourned over New Years when
the \1 will bo resumed. The defense wi
prbably cIQeeVeclnemiday evening. and the
ir " , itae commence Thursday In rebuttal.
, Eiocluid Uleur fur tint lCw Ytar ,
' 'ALLEY , Neb. , Dee. 31.-Spclal.-At ( ) a
regular meetng of Atlanta post No. 17 4 ,
.l Otand Army of the Republic , Saturday nlllt
Itl their hal In Elk City UIO following a f-
C n ers \\'ere elected for the year 1895 : WI 1-
, I ) , " 11am Oshorn cOlmander ; Aimdrow Sibert" t
8enlor vice comlandor : II. C. Culp junior ;
vice commander : I. 11. Drown , chaplain ; ;
M D. Turner , qUlrtermaster : A. L. M a- '
Dougal , officer at time day ; John Iulght ,
officer of the guard ; Sam Vnus'oc ser/eant
major : Dan Jordan , oneer at time guari : I I.
\ C t : Wheeler surgeon : R. C. Nelson , ad-
. ' 1 lu\mnt. January 12 time post wi meet nt m
. the resll'once ' at John Knight nt Elk Cly
tot the purpose ot installation at officers. Al
.IJ soldiers and their wives are requestt
to be present. After the installation or 01-
Qt'r an oyzter supper will bra served.
Sieve MuLmuuliy' .'t
' rGORDON , Neb , Dec. 31.-Speclai : ( Tel. 0-
cram.-Stevo ) McCauly , the man who was
arrested nun charged wih stealing a helter
valued at $10 , and was released on his own
' . recognizance , Ihowtd UII this morning In
the justice court. lie was given a jury
1n trial , was convicted and Icntenced to jai
for thirty days Ind Judgment entered for
ft twice the value 01 the animal.
leo llmsrvt-uut. ut Cuuumbrntige ,
L OAMDmnO ' , Neb. , Dec. : n.-Spelal (
Telegral.-Tbe ) Ic harvest la In full open
ton her Today Rankin Iros , started on
a 5,000 ton contract and wilt loan Irom
fifty to sixty cars tier day. Time Ice Is
twelve Inches thick amid of line quality.
lUI'\I. for Unuon Count : ,
. MACON. Mo. , Dee 31.-A conunltc
which had been appointed to solicit ( Irovls-
a _ 1 , dorms and clothing for destitute farmers nt I
c Lexington. Dawson cuuty , Neb. , has collected 1-
' ) lected a large quantity of goods and yI dl
f _ _ , , - hip tbem immmmnedtateiy. wi
I lrrewout Coumnractor 1ul
q ? FURMONT. Dec. 31.-Special. ( Telogranmi ) -
I The fIrm of Seeley , Son & Cu , cntractors I
unIt elevator bUlden , has tailed , mimi today
May. chattel mortgages aggregating about
. .
- - -
' -
$3,00 to Secure their ereditor. Owing to' '
the fnancial depression for the lat two
year they have heen doing little buslnen ,
what contracts they did get being at close
fitr gures. ThIs fet , coupled with some con-
tracts taken some tme ago on which they
lost money , brought on the failure. In an at.
tempt to secure their creditors , the member
of the firm have turned over all theIr prop
erty , Including their homes. This finn hiss
buit dozens of elevators In Nebraska , Texas ,
In diana Inl several other states , beshle4
othM extensive bulling In Omaha , Fremont ,
Chicago aM other cities.
JrRmor's Vounuiq Fatal ,
NEDHASKA CITY , Dec. 31-Speolal ( Tel-
egrnm.-Anton ) Kramer , who was shot by
his son-In-law , John Schmidt , died today
Schmidt has played , the Insane act ever since
the shooting , but Is generally regarded as
s ane . He expressed great satisfaction upon
learing of Kramer's . death. -
it if usi3Iixrs.
. ' .Ul"TS
"Tho . " Colemnn's lie-"Ueorge -
IIhlul : hit 01 Derby ware , was given a
10st intellIgent Interpretation Inst night
nt lloyd's by Mr. Sol Smith RUssell ann
his h company oC comedians.
An evening wih Mr. Russell infuses the
g entle. satisfied warmth through one's organism -
ganism that might bo surered ! over a dainty
wresto wih n petit souper or Jack snipe
nnll tokny. The laughter this hope of the
American stage provokes Inn the heartiest
yp our can find. Sometmes It Is scarcely nil-
p ( Irent on the surface , ns wits the cns ! In
the earlier scenes oC last nlght'A classic :
then the Inner rlslhles Ilul\'er In
In u elctrlle,1 sort of'I ' , crentnl the
whole pntslncton of boisterous HurlWs , hut
Ilresel'ln the Intelectun\t ) ' oC the coun- .
tennncc , arl not interrupting the ncton uf
the Stage 1lcture
I took the Illenco fully thre-quarter
of an hour to ascertain just what D. . Pung-
10MS l Was. Ind i the thrift oC "The heiratri
IIW I , " but havIng once Ihsorhecl the nt- :
mORphere of the "Iny the auditors showed
most intelligent appreciation of the bright
ts thlns whIch fur u"wnrll of a cntlr ) ' have
s teed n8 clear cut exumilies ) of the "Ia-
w right's nrt.
One never knows ( when Mr. nUAAel Is I
on the m4tuUL' truth he has t0lche,1 the cen-
t er. Many of the stars of thc modern school :
lre on tire stage before they have , nuatic
their entrances , paradoxIcal I' I ninny seem. .
' 'ho star oC lalt night's Ilerfurmancc hover
nhns at the central / Imwlng "oC the picture ;
he scours perfectly satisfied that he I there :
tf o Play the role required of him-a stage
Cram 11) ' point , according to his reflected L
Ic I mlear' . being capable oC a clrelslnA from nn ) :
COIII oC vantage. lereln there II found one
of tIme chief grUuls 1110n which the inept ;
II i expressed , that to llr , Russell time stage i
of t today looks for a "reservaton , ! C the
o hil pictures , the old tapestries , which Cora
a centUry or marc have heel the 1111rl-
tanell of the leallnl comneuhians. , Al to his 1
refllnl of the lnes whIch Coleman has ;
laced i 11 the mouth of 1ltlloss , It Is purely
oC the PlgrlmH' . It t makes Ug regret olr
A ngiomania. I shows Itself tu he precIRel ) '
whut the Instrulents of nature help II to
he h , Inll , to use nn eXll'egslol of Hleharl
Grunt'hlte , "I duns nu IIssementerle In m
Its i vowels to mnko n (18511. no cap of hels I
on Its conannnts to surfeit the heamimrg. "
ll" . Hussel makes the priggish doctOr of r
InwH i hess oC air exquisite than did llr ,
Josellh .leClerson , whosO \\'Il he wears. omit i
whose bucltle' adorn his shops. But one
must con Cell that he Invcst the chnrlcl : '
! (
with n good deal more genuine hUlor than
did thl veteral come lnn oC our tIme. He
IR I probably , too. less scholarl than wan
Jereron , but Mr. Russell showed clenrl , '
hy Inst nl/ht'A IlerConnancc that he tel
lowed l 10 tradition , hut conceived for him
s elf I PangloRs , who wag prety nearly : '
ovcabie i though conslderble of I trlcltster
end m I hemer after ponmads , shillings an 1
I ' L'flCe , which were his gods. He made ama
I'encl l with his wig amid his legs . wa'
fHICtlous i to a hall with his periods re-
duclng nonsense to a ntcely tn Ihort , gIving
an imirersonmitloir that \1 become I companion :
panion piece ! to the character made inn
mortnl by William Warren , John Sleeper ; :
Clarke John : E. Owens. and , dearest cf al ,
Joseph .Jetterson.
Ilnl wordg arc deserving , too b ) ' the
company , which Is splendidly balancel. In
the cast were a number of old timers , not
old In years. but veterans. who have hpen
portraying the beat In art for years. 'lhls
1 s notably . true of Miss Ryan who for
nearly tirirty year was a member of the
Boston ' museum. when gent , kindly \1-
lam 1 Warren was there , when Mrs , Vincent
was the goddess of that great school , rim !
her h 'ortraiture of Mr Dowlas was a fin -
Isled i piece of nctn . The Clcely , one of
the lovable character or the drama wa3 :
last l night played by Miss Ford. and played
with considerable appreciation of thc ver-
I tles. The Zeldel Homespun of Alfred lu -
son WlS ate less complele than the inter
pretatons above IndicatEd. True , he follow ,
the very best Zeldel tIne stage has eve
sen , thnt oC the late Wilam J. Florence
Ills performance was logical . artistic nnd
one that showed considerable thmougirt .
Charles Smie ) ' gave an acceptable Inter
pretaton of Daniel Dowlas. while the Dck
Dowla8 was In the compelent hunls of Mr
Mackay. "lhe minor characters were In
keeping. and the whole ensemble was wel I
nigh perfect. :
Mr. Russell , as Is usual with him mad 0 ,
an Impromptu speech. following probabl '
the Insllirto at John Brugham , who
vas said to be test before time curtain
spealter of modern times. and. In view of
what ho said last nIght , felicitous to I tie
gree , It II harl , to say which ts more le :
teresting , the Sol Smih Russell before the
curtain or the Sol SmIth Russell of the
piny. _ _ _ _ _ _
Th.atrl&"l lote5.
At tire Empire theater today Murray &
lack wilt give a New Year's matinee , In i :
keeping with a custom of all the theater
thrushout the country. Last night "Flnnl-
gnn's Bail" wa ! Ivcn to a good audience. '
the farce giving general . satisfaction. I
Ids for IID Sidewalk Coustructon Open
Yemutentiuty - I'"huro on Grieuhing.
The expenditure for public Improvements
through the Board of Pnhlc Works durIng
189 amounted to $273,323.8 i , which was
expended as talows : Paving , $111,845.29 ;
sewers , 65395.74 ; curbing , $4,569.67 : grallng ,
$36G44.26 ; street cleaning $19,852.10 : side-
walts , $17,175,47 ; cr03walks , 1396.65 ; re-
pairs to pave streets , $26,4H.5. The total
sidewalks constructed during the year , both
hy publc and by private contract , measure
a fraction less than nineeen amities In length.
Time Herd of Publc Works met yesterday
afternoon and. opened a lot at bids , which
were referred for tabulation and Invest-
gatlon. They will be acted ear nt a special
meetIng of the board Wednesday morning.
henry Hal was the lowest bidder on grading
Thirty-third street from DOdge , to Dlven-
port , with an offer of 7 78-10 cents per cubic
yard. P. H. Mahoney touched the bottom
on grading 'hlrly-slxth street iron Hickory
to the north line of tax lot i lila bid was
10 cents. !
Ilds on permanent sidewalks for 1895 were :
submited by hugh Murphy. John Grant
A. Shelzer & Co. , George C. hose & Co. , and
A. Il. Colly. On wooden walks and crosswalks - I
walks the bidders were : J. I' . Connally ,
Iluso & Co. , W. H. Connoly
luso hitchcock , A. D. Heel
and Hans T. l alk. The pecular feature of
these bids , was that lour of the five bidders
ted on crosswalks curl three on wooden
walks . r
Do you 1m the McKinley tarJ or tIme
other Idnl11 Everybody likCs food cooked
with Dr. Price's HaltIng . - Powder ,
llUllT l'UllaJTUlL S ,
Chief Detective McNult at Des Moines , ha ,
was In the city yesterday looking after stolen
A complaint has been tiled against John
Campbell , a young man residing at Twenly-
ninth anl Indiana avenue , hy his lather ,
charging him with amusing himself by pla-
fully shying brIcks , Iron cooking utensils and
other kitchen bric-a-braemut his fatimer
1M L vele and WIle McVey , boothacka ! ,
were arralgnied before the police '
nrrnlgne plie judge ) 'es-
lerday on the charge or burglarizing Cohen's
blackIng stand at Fifteenth and F'arnamn
streets. Both boys waived examination and
were bound over to the district court In the
snm at $1,000 each. The boys are accused at
stealing three boxes of cigars and some
hi. L. Irdbury , who was arrested on the
charge of getting $45 tram Ticket Broker
Phibin , several days ago , on also pretenses ,
was arraIgned In polca court yesterday and
the case dismissed. Bradbury turned to
leave the court room wih his attorney when
he was again arrested and locke up on or-
dens train Chief Detective haze. I Is
alleged that the man Is wanted In Iowa for
swIndling him for Identtflcmrtlomm operations . ann & ! the police will hold
) C'llortolt tl 'lllu&
E. E. Dunn , residing at 61 South
Elghteenlh street , and /lep-rather at 'r , R.
lions . a shoe merchant nt South Omaha , reo'
ported at the police staten last nigh that
HoS had been mtsliog since alt Sturdy
mornlog and asked that ( the polc assist In
locating hhu
. . - .
Iteresting Point Raised in the Iowa Mulot
Law Oontest
Llq1tor l\aler Now Contend that Only
I Majority , ot the Legal Voters In
the City Need &gn
time I'ctltion ,
DES MOINES , Dcc. 31.-Speclll ( Tele-
grnm.-Tho ) expert count commissioners
cnvassing the petition of consent for the
establslnnent of baboons under the mulct
ela unler
Inw fnlshel their work today and found
that there were fifty-three fewer names of
le gal voters than Is required under the law
The saloon men now claim that the law
mcnns only a majority of the legal voters
resIding In the OIL ) ' nt time ' time time petition
wng circulated instead of those who voted
at the last general election , which would
permit them to strike oil those who had
died or loft the city between tine tI0 of the
electon Iml the tine the petton was clr-
culatel. , This Is a new point raised , mind , If
sustained , wilt make tine required majorly
and will pcrmlt the fifty or more saloons
nol running to contnue , otherwise they
wi have to close . llantle , hnnllrela of
persons i have been subpoenaed to testify ns
to t their qunlfcatons for signing said pet- )
ton and the contest promises to be a long
nnl expensive one.
UAII U lunOLUt ( . \ ' Utl O. :
Arresed n l'c\ hours After Looting nn
At'Ilto ' Store ,
ATLANTIC , In. , Dec. 31.-Speelal ( Tele-
g ranmi.-Al Thnrnlsh's jewelry store nt Extra
wns robbed Saturday nIght of $1,200 worth
of goods. The store was closet ! during the
SUpper hour and the goods lelt out 01 time
sa fl. The thief gained entrance through n
bnct window and secured the properly and
dro\'e nine mattes to Audubon anti 11t up his
m orse. Whie at the stable some one asked
the Iverymnn i he had heard about tire
robher ) The Iver'mnn was Tharnlsh's
father , arid he thought he heard something
ratte In the stranger's grip , and , nn officer
waR soon alter him. lie wns tOlll lt a hotel
In i company with a woman and vut under ar-
rest. Most or the gees were secured Tie
thlet gave his nnle as Decrlng ) , front Des
Moines. He Is supposed to have nn accomplice
In nn old mnn b ) time name of 'Vliama , who
has I not yet been captured.
UIA : Iollc , ' loll'I"chIClt Pirin.
DES MOINES , Dec. 31.-Specinrl ( Tcle
g ramn.-Tlmis ) city will begin the new year
with consIderable rclrenchment In expenses ,
which will necessitate cuttng down the number -
ber of salaried employee In \arlous depart-
menls. Se\'erl polcemen handel In their
resignatons today , and mom will he let out.
The Idea Is to economize to such a degree as
to leave a surplus to pay outstanding war-
rants anti apply ( emi the funded debt. The
new appropriation ! ordinance carries about
$ 20,000. _ -
Aid for ilostituto Nebraskans.
CEDAR RAPIDS , 1g. , Dec. 21-Speclal (
Telegrnm.-In ) response to an appeal from
the Nebraska State Relief commission Mayor
D3nlels baa appointed a committee of sixteen
of the leadIng business men of the city to
s elicit . receive a 11 forward needed articles :
for the relief of thee wllo are In want In
Nehrnskn. The members of the committee
will meet Thursday evening to organize and
nrrango for the work to bo done.
JISUrUICI Swindler ArrcAted.
SIOUX CITY , Dec. 31-Special ( Tele
grlm.-R. ) II. Banker , who recently dlsap-
pelrel from Portland , Ore. , and was suppose I
to be deami maim been arrested here with hIs I
wife. Ills disappearance was part of n :
scheme to defraud the Ancient Order at
United Workmen lOdge of Portland Olt of
a $2.000 policy , which Ire carrIed on his life .
trial. lIe wilt be sent back t Oregon to stand
e - - -
In woman's empire Dr. , Prlco's Cream Dak-
Ing t Powdcr Is always sure to rule.
_ alwlYs _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
Clmrlo Full liars Not Like the Will
SAN FRANCISCO , Dec. 31.-TIme chance
for a contest over the will 01 the late ex-
Senator Fall seems to bo Increaing , Charlie :
Fall has realized that the clause depriving
' 01 a share In the estate 01 any children he
may have Is a'slght. . He also resents the
placing In the hands of outsiders time manage-
meat of the F'air estate. On the later
ground It Is thought his sisters , ! rs. ler-
mann Oelrlchs and Miss Virginia Fair , may
join hands with Charlie , although he has not
been on speaking terms with them for some
years. _ . _ .
Tin l'lnto Alone : \TuPt Their Money ,
PITTSDURG , Dec. 31.-The strikers nt thc
Apollo and Leechburg Un plate plants arc
preparing to enter suit for their wages under
contracts signed with the Apolo Iron amid
Steel , company and Klrkpntrlck & Co. , owners
of time plants. Time contracts wore to govern
the wages for came year and after they had
been In force tour months the firms offered
reductions. Tine workmen refused to accept
and will now try to recover their money
under tine contrncls. The wages of 2,000
men for eight months . are Involved.
6lulmllt Captain for ' 1rlsco. !
F\ANCSCO 31.-eneral
Doolh hues commissioned Helen G. Schofeld
as a lieutenant In the Salvation
leutenant Salvaton army , and
has assigned her to work In time hardest post
In San Francisco , among the lowest of the
fallen women. She Is a daughter ot Rev. L
M. Schofeld , wbo was pastor of important
Presbyterian churches In California , and Is
now In Chicago. Miss Schofeld graduated
with distinction from the Mills seminary
two years ago , and joined time Salvation array
. .
lat Apri. _ _ _ - _ _ _
Capimnina ot , \1 IUnd Uo Ii .
SAN FRANCISCO , Dec. 31.-The Ship Owners - .
ers association charges that every sailor who :
, has left this port on a British vessel thl year
has had to forfeit from one-twelfth to ono-
fifth of his wages to the captaimn Drltsh
Consul Donohoe has made an investigation ,
but whie convince of the revalence ( of tire
practice , be failed to substantiate . It by Iroots. (
Fire In an -In.rtment house.
CHICAGO , Dec. 31.-Slxty persons were
aroused from their beds In the Ohio apartment -
mcnt house on Wharton avenue a little before
2 o'clocl this morning by an alarm 01 fire .
Some at them were able to make their way
to the streete In their night cothes ! : twelve
wore so overcome by the smoke that they
bad to bo dragged tram their beds and car-
ned out. Time building and contents were
totally deslroyed. Loss . , * 50,000.
S'i4tbio 1 Supply Ir Grain
NII\S' YORK : , nec. 31-TIne visible sup-
puly of cralns December 29 , a' compiled by
the New York Produce exchange , Is a tal-
lows : 'Vheat , 88,561,000 bu , decrease 510-
000 ; corn 9,630OdO bu. , increase 792.000 :
oats , 9,062,000 bu. , increase 62,000 : rye H5-
000 bu , decrease 7,000 : luJey 3,093,000 bu. ,
decrease 213,000
"utro Will lu\d . New ClIff House ,
SAN FRANCISCO , Dee 31.-Adolph Sutro
Is planning to rebuild the burned Cliff house ,
and will erect a four- tory structure , two
stories above and two below the level of time
road. One wing will project over the rocks
so that vi lars may flab from the Veranda
In the Pacific ocean. .
Gr.etecl the New Year ,
Whie the usual number of bells at mid
night were ringing aDd whistles blowing ,
which , according to old custom , greets the
new year , 1 wltoh meeting was being Ilell
at the Peollle'a church The meotng was a
re\val : aervlce.
A watch meeting was also held at the
Inlmanuel Baptist church.
ChltuloOiu Ihmk } ' "lnre _
CHATTANOOGA , Dec. 31.-The , Cbata-
nooga Storage and Banking ! compammy . I small .
private bank , made au asignment today.
_ _ _ - _ /.1 : _ _ . _ - & - . . - _
'J i' 'l
Time losses and deposits trs small. W E.
Asheraft. formerly ot Oliift. was president ,
< a uhler nd loses about $ ; , O0O. I 0/1 It Wallace was
; " .ITl ,1.S0 11'h' , ' TO lHII ,
reCIA lmt lie I. l xoner.te - < by thin LpXn\T
Committee Inl Cnn I mnton ills 1olreh ,
NEW YOI < , Dec 31-Prealdent : James G.
Martin of the polce beard' nnnuncel today
that he would withIn a tHv ¼ days send his
leter l of resignation td' Mayor Strong. Mr.
Martin Mil that now thnt' the I.exow com-
mlteo Is through wlhfscork % , nnd , as he
felt that ho was exonerated , } would resign
Ho added , that he hoper \ Mar Strong would
accept his rRInlton 1llleIatnly , ,
lie will resign In a. few day ! , lie mnde
this announcement just after his arrival
at his ofce nt Police headquarters ! today.
These into Martin's worlls :
"I have read the evidence given by the SUIer-
Intendent I before the I.exow investigating
committee on Saturday , as well as his Inter-
\10\ given to time newspnpers. I have ro
desire to enter Into airy controversy with
the superIntendent. My omclal I acts mayo
been under investigation for a renr. I nl
willing to stnnl on the result at that In-
vestlgation. As my friends know , 1 have
been anxious to retire from the lepnrtlcnt
for sonic time . This has never been a con-
genial place for me , ali my resignation wilt
In 1 few days be In time mayor's hmammtls.
Now that them InvestIgation Is over , now that
I am no longer under fire . I feel thnt I am
justified In resigning , and I hOIe Mr. Strong
wIll nccept I at aztec when ho goes Into
"Superintendent Ilyrnes . " contnuell Mr
Marln , "wns appointed to his prcsent posi-
ton on my 10ton , he has been supportNl by
mo nnl by tIme board since he has been
supcrlntendent. Twice before the Investigating -
gating coulnltel' I was examined ns to n
dispute which 1 was saId to hn\'e hall with
thin superintendent when he conferred wih
the captains ; twice under oath I denlell that
I had any words or ,1sagreement with him.
I cmllhatealy deny that 1 mayo In any way
hampered him.
"Every one that Imows me knows thnt 1
have tolL1 the truth I feel thnt the Ilnble
believes whnt I said unler oath that by ire
net 01 mine have I contlbutel to the abuses
existing In the department I true "
I'oltce '
Polce Superintendent Dnnes' appearance
before tine I.exow commitee , his offer to
Mayol'-elect Strong to resign , and the ac-
compnnylng tender oC his services In re-
organl1lng the polce force , are variously re-
calved Dr. Parlthurt has intimated that
the Inquisition , when lrnes was upon the
stand , was not mantle sufficiently search In/
for , practical Imrllose" . Parkhurst Insists
thnt B'res Is responsible for most of the
corrupton exposed by the fenate commitee ,
anal he Is i 1Ignanl over tire polce chief-
tain's "pompousloly and sel.glorilca-
ton , " ns he termed I :
llaor-lect Stromrg Is saId to hell Drrnes
In high esthnnton , and would bo Inclnel to
urge the wihdrawal of the superlntendcnt's
resignaton were I not for his reluctance to
antagommize the Parllhurst .
antagonl1e society. I Is
Imown that Messrs. Larocque , Smith , Tay-
lor and the good govlnment clement of the
conlnlteo 01 se\ell ) ' entertain a cordial
dislike for the superintendent.
A statement by tine executve committee
of the Society for the Pre\'enton at Vice Is
promised during the dl ) ' . This commitee ,
which consists of Dr. ' InrlthurJt. rank
Moss asslstnnt to Commlttpe Counsel Golf .
and Mr. Kenneson , hel n consultation this
forenoon. "I think , " Mr. 'loss said just be-
lore this consultation , 'thnat ' . It wilt put Mayor
Strong In something of 1 hole. the acton of
tins man , who spent 'Ioverhl ' hours on time
witness stand narrating with the utmost
absurd self-conceit his , deeds 01 valor , and
saying naught but' bad lor the
olher officials 01 time departnient "
Mr. Mos said that Superintendent Dyrnes'
allegation thaI he hal frequently assisted the
Lexow committeE In aireimnding delinquent
wlncsses and In ethel ways plaoed himself
at the service at ) senatrs . , was news to
Mr. Golf and him . "
"At the time of Capt " ' '
tme CaptAn"Dcvery's trial , and
frequemrtly since tinern " saul Mr Moss "
trequenty sine ' 1II : , "Su-
perintendent Dyrnes , Delaney Nicol and sev-
eral other influential g ntemen came to us
and wanted to know Why : amicable relations
could not be Ilntan I' between our society
and the head of ' the police.force. " They subs
quenty made other fhnlar offers , but they
were rejected from the 1 rs , t. From the time
at Gardner's arrest we were confident that
we could expect little or no help from the
polce force. . .
Superintendent Dyrnes has given out thla
statement :
"In my examinatIon before the Lexow com-
mitee en Saturday when I referred to the
police commissIoners , Interfering with me I
did not Intendrto Include the republican menu-
hors of the board. Since the latter ( have be-
come commissioners they have done everything -
thing to assist le and have made It possible
for me to take some actions which I had
hiherto been unable to ' 'take "
General Kerwin , the newest member of the
police board of commissioners and a rlpub-
hicamm . said today that the board hd not hampered -
pared Superintendent Dyrnes during th' per'o
that he had been a member. Commissioner .
Kerwin also said that ho had no knowledge
of the uperintendent's application for retirement -
ment , and that the reCmmendaton at the
Lexow cormunittee for the retirement of Cap-
Inln Creeon could not In the least affect his
opInIon In time matter .
Luculus lIved too soon. Ills feasts would
have been much fIner It prepared with Dr.
Price's Baking Powder. .
'FISUN.I J'.4Iil ( JJM1'IIS.
O. P. Busch of Rifle , 'Cola. , Is In the city.
J. 'V. Campbell of Deadwood Is at time
Wilam Seward of Qu'ncey , Iii. , Is visiIng
In Omaha.
A. W. Gild of Hot Springs , S. D. , Is at
the Ar ado.
George Romney , jr. , of , Sal Lake City Is I
In the city ,
Dr. M. A. Newel of Sheridan , Wyo. , Is nt
time Millard .
D. 1r. Ashmoro of Missouri Valley Is nt
the Merchants.
H. H. Morenr and wife ot LarmIe were In L
thb city yesterday.
Deputy United States Marshal Coggeshal
Is on the sick list.
E. S. Foster'and Mrs. Chinn of Gienwood , ,
la. , are In Omahn.
Chief of PolIce Sevey' has returned from :
a short trip to Sl. Louis.
W. D. Wright and Miss L. Nash of SherIdan -
Idan , Wyo , are In the city
Judge Dundy and Marshal Whie have returned -
turned home from Deadwood .
T. J. Wyche of HQclt Springs , a prlmlnent
coal mine owner , Is In th.1 city .
JUdge Chapman and Sheriff Eikenberr 01
Platsmouth were In tim&lj last night.
J' ; ' / ,
Frail G. Derer and'\ % III . Mocnlchol at
Washington , D. ! C. , aN"lt , the Millard .
Colonel F. I' . Irelandtaud"daughter
1. , , of No-
braskn City were In ttpi ' qi- yesterday
Mayor E. M. Ford , pllcng r agent : 01 tIne t
Union Pacifc nt Des lloHles ; Is In time city.
Mat Gering 01 Plattsm9uth ( came up to t
Omaha last night to 11 dKI' his New Year's I
resolutions .
Mr. Thomas 1VongleiEntly at the city
clerk's the Paxton oihlee imotel , has tlel ( 1 icrlcal , \ Iloalton at
x.Chlet l Galgan ot' 1Imj fire department
will depart for Florida Inn few days , when
he wi spenl the wlnler"nt ' tine health re -
sorts along the coast. , Li '
Sol Smih Hussel 's 1 Iteglstered at the
Millard . The comedlalt1ndl , ; a lylng trill
to hla home at Minirme4mj " , Sunday and nr-
'Ived In Omaha yesterday
W. , ' Doolh tine oyster packer . , tram Bat
( ignore. Is In time city , stopping at the Paxton -
ton lie Is nccompanled by his wife , ant I
they are In searcb 01 'Imenlth , , and are so
pleased whIm Omaha that they will remain
here several days.
GeorgI T , Deck of Rherldln'yo. . , a prom
mont coal mine operator , and son of Senator :
fleck , Is \'Isltng trlends In the city for a i
few days. Ho Is stopping at the Paxton .
lr , Beck was with Colonel Cody when the
, latter's encounter with Fred lay occurred
In Uelmonlco'a In New York last summer ,
At the Mercer are : William Seward ,
Quincy ill. ; G , Galagher , Kansas City : V ,
Ii. Wils , Chicago ; O. 8wlngley , Beatrice I
J. I . hyena , Chicago ; SU Mlnnaugh , I'ort-
land : l 1 ? . Ben Ion , ManVie : L. I. . . Spoommer , ,
Council Durs : If. 1.1. rlswoId , 8t. Joseph [ ;
W S. Street , Nebraska city ; J. 0 , Lnergon ,
Idaho . ( .
S. -
'ho JRme
We went Into I ( IOlular German beer gar
den , says the St Paul Globe , and my friend I ,
who growl melodramatl when he Is inch
- _ _ - _ : _ ' _ - - _ . . - = ' - c-
U' . ' \
1\- - .
.1 I'aPlY Ne'v' Year 4
c To Our Friends und p tl.ons.
WI thank you for the liberal patronage batowcd ntnmnium tine ,
Ibornlllatronl bMtmvellulou Uq durlul pMt year.
e I gratifies us to know thlt our olorts to 1)lncl : hurore tine people ot Ominahimr Ilnd
? its visItors time choicest 11'0110 Oltll
Is lors prOlucUuns of the best nnmrnufnctnrers
w hirecimitenl ) . lost lanullcturer wore 10 highly ap-
w Our Iertons driving time cOining year wIll ho greater r to
' lurln ! wi thl gather to-
t'd Irotter
Rother for your select . luau tine best mimi mmnost benutUul thnlugq In J'itnmmituru ' ! tintrliet'n
Q IO"lS and ( rporleq t\ Limo \orlt offers for tlo tocorntlon of thin her , : mull I nil
whlrh will bo ohterno ! 1
. whlrhvl olerml nR heretofore ( littler for cnlh or on easy ImYlnoulR.
Time tinrenipi ot friemnils ninth , irnittummnnu tn '
. I.lells InlllnttUI our csiiublkinuinont bore testimnmony to tine
l'stullql\1ont l'stllony
tact ' ( which It will he our ( 'am'L'csL mm Ill ) to c'omrtinnin' to munntmtinIl , ( lint i , ( if Olin ba
? 'thmo lowest Priced hiomnso mm Anmmnnidmi for chrecim , ImmunhIummm anti fluio goods. "
. ) Amznttmm wthninrg onir frlemmuis aimil hratromis a iIithty eV Your ,
We mire rum over tIm Peohilo's servaunts. tue owniors nit I
, . .
® ,
, 11 1\- \
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ ' . _ _ _ _ _
low , beckoned , to a slecy-Iooldng ( German
waiter , amid , with a ShnlteSllonrlan voice nnl
gesture , eJcalrell : "Landlord , como hither !
Bring us two flagons of thnt amber juice
whose efervescent loam overflows time cryst
tal rim. AWar ! ' " Time sleepy \\'aler stared
an lustnnt , then , turing to me , he sold :
"You hat de same ? "
ThrclltooCIt to I'ul'IHhllI"1 , 1lonlmclt
UI hy I ho hunts ,
-ashlngton Is the Mecca of cranks , amid
the monument seems to be their \rlnclpal anl
shrine. Even the white house Is not as
attractive to them : S the great white shaft ,
which from its vantage \olnt on the Potomnc
Flats plays billiards wih the clouds. I can
bo seen for mIles arount alit ! seem to attract
cranks ns a camille does immotims. 'he wntch-
meu have become acclstomel , to this gentry ,
ant so long as they appear tl be quiet anti
wel disposed lualy dell gently with nnt , '
however wild their ideas. One maim time ) ' tel ,
at declarell the monument was built at
human slml ! and hones , and persisted In ,
pointIng out tIme races at friends In tine
stones ; but perhaps the oddest slleclmen on
record happened down there time other day ,
relates the Washington l'ost
'Vhen the watchman first observed him ho' '
was leaning hea\ly against time shaft , ape
parenty pushing with all his might. At
least , ho would push for a whie and then I
he would wall around to the other side , :
apparently to see I there were any people
The watchmnn watched thIs proceeding for
a whie and then accosted him :
"Deg pardon ; you nren't going to push It
over are you ? "
"I could I I wanted to , " responded the
man ; then , with Immense dignity , "My name
Is Samson . '
, 'Oh , the , strong man , ' ! ventured time watchI
man , sizing up the man , who was about
five feet " five and not appareuty very muse
cular. "Let me see. you were down at
Kernan's theater a few weeks ago , weren't
you ? "
"No , sir , " replied the man sternly. "I
am the reincarnated Samson of biblical tmes ;
the one who overthrew the Phistnes , slay-
lag thousands wIth the Jawbone of an ass
and afterward puling down the pillars 01
time temple Why , I would be mere chIld's
play for me to upset tins puny monulent . " ,
! 'Wel , J wouldn't do It If J were you , ,
expostulnted the wntclnnan. mildly . "You
sea this Is In memory of Washington ; prob-
ably you have never heard of him , ns ho
was a little after your time ; but wo moderns
think a good deal of him. Then It cost the
government n geol deal of money and took
a good many years to buIld this monument ,
and n geol many people would consider It un-
kind of you to destroy it. Take mo , for In-
stance. I am hired to wntch It , and , 01
course you would throw mo out of a job.
Besides you might hurt somebody "
"No , I was very careful to look on the
other side first , " said the man. "Dut per-
haps you think I can't do I ? Now you just
look up and see mo shake It . "
The watchman was agreeable. Now , It Is
n tact , that when one stands directly at the
base of time monument It appears ( to be
toppling over. This Is , of course , nn optical
delusion , caused by the clouds moving over-
head : but It impressed , the crank with his
"Did you see me shake I ? " he Inquired ,
"Yes , " responded the watchman solemnly ,
"but I wouldn't do so any more. You mlht
weaken the foundations , even If you didn't
push It over. Besides , here comes a crawl )
of people , and not knowing wino you are , they
might laugh nt you Then yon would have to
push It over to provc It to them , "
"That's so , " said the crank , and bidding the .
watchman "good-day , " he departed , and has
not been seen about the monument since.
FJdely Is a jewel-so Is Dr. Price's Cream
Daldng Powder.
Buggesteui by thc UlwleldlT arid Dun&ornl
lollublcal 11nJorly In Congrl"
"Congressional Etc : Is not to my tate , " said
RepresentatIve Grady of North Carolina , tL
a Washingtn Post reporter "I gal along
well enough In tine llty-secnl congress and
I might hnvo bee happy In the Fifty-third
It 1 hadn't found a democrate president In
time white house and nn army 01 office seekers
on my return to 'Vahlngt\l. \ Tine annoyance
to whlcb I was subjected by persona who
wnnted places was to much for mo I told
my friends I didn't want to be ronomnimmatenl ,
and I didn't make tine race. ronomlnatC . ,
I have to servo out my term My conditon
was aggravated when I had to listen to time
hates of rejoicing and the quiet badinage of
the republicans on their late victory. I was .
In n group ahlklng hands last Monday , when
one ot the republicans In the party began to
twit mo on the downfall of tine demccrat .
It reminded mo 01 a story , and I told It to
the crowd
.I was I small railroad station . Anum-
her at persons were gathered on the plat-
form , some waiting for tine trnln , olhers n
just lounging about with no parttcmiiar object -
Sect In vIew By and by partcular ennui I
along I slopped long enough to put Cmo of r
some passengers and baggage and take of I
some , when It pulled out and went whizing
down tire track nt tine rate of thirty-nyc ;
rules an hour. There was a man on the (1Iat- (
form who had I dog. The dog took after thin
train at a hot pace : but , of course , he wasn't
In It with Iteanl and steel , all alter a long
chase , inca came back to the platform out or 'r
breath and lame.
. 'ia you reckon that dunn tool dog
actually thought he could catch lint train ? ' "
asked , a man at tine owner of the dog
. 'Vahi , I don't know 'bout that , ' gravely
responded the owner : 'the thought that was
agitatin' my mind was what in - time dog
woull a done with It II ho'd caught It , '
"I couldmi't help inquiring my republcan
frIend who faiL so good over the result ot ,
the election what hits party was goln' to do
now that they hal caught the tralin " '
'rho l'Olllnlcl ot ( menmmmany ,
Tire population of Germany Is 51,500,000 , and
It Inns increased by llOOOOOinco 1870. ' 1he
fgres are certainly very .triking. I musl
be remembered , 01 curse , that the odd 1IOO-
000 ought to be deductcil as rpre&enUng the
population at EI8Ia-Ltbrlngen. But oyen
. ' - . L-- : 4. ' ' 1 "
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - -
- -
- - , - , , -
taking this Into account , the fact remains
thnt whereas Gennmrmmnny , with a POlllnton to-
day of 61,500.000 , ngalnst I'"rance's 38.343,112 ! ,
hns hunt 10,000.000 on her pOlllatou tnt twen-
ty-Caul years , her neighbor II the same period
Is more than 2,000.000 souls to the good. Tine
fgurcs mire even 10rt suggestive thnn thc ) '
lt lol l at first sight , when I Is bore In 1111
that , whie only 5,500 Frenchmen emlgratell
In 1892 ( the latest '
year for which statistics
are available ) , as mmrammy ns 16.339 Germnns
lel l the fatherlalul to sele In forel/I lamls.
10reover. ngalnst a lere 500.000 of foreigners
In the German emilire there are 1,130,000
scaterel through l.'rlnc . .
Iutnaefols l'nmnus JUlA ni I allo amid Talws
I t I ; liomnue ,
Chnrles " 'Iswel of Carbonate , Lawrence
ounty Minim . , has a cat that Is l IcIng of
Is i kind , says the St Paul Iloncer I'ress.
Besides being a good , mouser , this remark-
able ( clinic Is death to mountaIn rats , night
bawlls amid other email girmmme . not long ago
b ringing homl as the result of Its prowess a
large l jack rabbit . But time 10st remarllablo
Incident i In the cat's history happened a day
or two no.
I was nn encounter wih n ful.grown bird
of freedom , and Plssy was the victor. The
cat was sitting on a pie of quartz llatenty
a waitIng tine reappearance 01 n chipmunk ,
which but a momenL before I had chnse Into
n hole , when sUddcnly the sky above the cat
hecame darhcemred , and an ominous swish as If
from a rapidly '
moving body fell upon pussy's
e ar. The cat sprang aside with a moton so
rapll that the eye could scarcely follow It ,
ali In the place It had occupied but a moment -
merit before stood I tuB-grown ball eagle , Its
p Iumage rutted and thlr3tng for bloo : . I'ussy
had sand and accept the gage of battle , and
In I less time than I takes to tel It the ramols
monkey and parrot" time was being re-
e nacted . I was n desperate struggle and ,
alhough pussy wns pretty bally scratched
by the eagle's talons , It , when taking time
Inltntve i tn the nght , secured 0 decided ad-
antage having lnded on the eagle's back
For a few moments the all was filled with
lur and feathers , and the ground was al
torn up burt pussy held on , and in a short
t inro succeeded in biting tlmrough time ne-cia
o f it.9 antagonist. Time struggles of the eagle .
g rew weaker and weaker amid soon ceased al-
t ogether , anrd pussy , exhausted by time violent
exertions and sore from wounds Inflicted by
t ime eagle's talons , rested fo a moment , tinen ,
a s calm as though sitting on a rug before time
kitchen hrenrrth , iwent carefully over time
ruffled fur , made its toIlet , and , seizing tine
body of time vanquished antagonist , drew It ,
with mucir difilculty to tire home or Its irma-
t ea. Laying It at tine nimaster's feet. the cat
purred its satisfaction , and 1mm thus way :
boasted of the victory.
Tine combat was witneaseil by a number oi
people , every one of whom expressed a desire n
t o buy the cat , but Mr. Wiswell says lie
would not sell it for the beat mine In thm
Black Hills. The eagie measured six feet
f our inches from tip to tip of one wing to ;
t hat of the otimer.
Baron Savarin did wonders for tIre world
In tii e way of delicious cookery. How mucim
more might inc not have done witim tine ineip I
of Dr. Price's Baking Powderl
l'ortentiotrs Letter itoceiveni hy a Drummer
from Ills hIoue.
here is a letter received by a travoiini
s alesman , while on tine road , from lila house ,
which Is In time wholesale boot and aunoe bust. .
ness :
SAN LUIS , Mizzoury , Olctobur 24.-jkc
Sciilerntei , Eskyuir , Ned hleus , Kulumbuas ' .
Deer Sur : 'Jo haf received yur lettur of di n
l8teant Instunt mid oxbenao agount and I
remit ltzt. Vat ye vent 1st ortors. Vo vant
no veattur rebordts nor mmmabs of Oimoo , and I
ye hiatt big fanrilliass ov aura cnn do mali
Vo flndt. in yur oxbenz agound tu tohlarm i
imui a halff for bllyardts , hhleaze dent It .
bt anny nnor biiyardts ( or uss , Vat ie vani
stortera-aieoo vo do see sevun toilers and I
a half for a horce mit a puggy. You .
h at do hnorse and vat. dlt yu du vlt de puggy '
Do rest ov yur oxbenso agount Is nottinmgn m
but achieobers. Vy donant yu ride more Ii ) ,
tine dey times don't it ?
Zegars seenm to be deer oudt Vest , so vi
aendt yu todat by trade two boxia of Net
Yunlc zegara , von kmmated one tollmmr malt forts
zendts , do oder ninetlo zendts , ie' von malt
one tollar und faintLy zennlta yin cain schimnokc
yuraehlt , von zegar after cacin mccl , do vor
mit mrlnetIo zendts yu can dreat. yur cuaturim .
micra ,
Vu alsoo send yu semblos of cinuuze vol
kosted use aefen toilers cmi gras ; sell darn
tore sofen toliars mit. em kquartur cia duzor
-if Yin condt get $7.25 take tin toIlers mill
em kquartur. iiey 1st cia iiofcity , as Ye hma
damn in stock for tea years already yet an : L
nrtimt soidt. nomme , Vat ye vant let ortors ,
My brudder loule nneys yu simud stop In h
Ilummruldumm , olloo , Ills kusirmn , Marx Iliumni a
lets ilair. Loule seys dot yu sinud sell Blunnmn a
a goat bIll. Dry him on dosu schnuuz e t
sefen toilars unit ciii icquartur-geil goo t
brisea , inn 1st loule's kusimmmi , Sell imimnim
inosatlle for kasim ; tell mini ye vend ortera
Aisoo vat loulo says vat yu kann leaf kul
umnbuss at cic'temn fortie by die alto time ummi
get by Humnuildon by tree twentlo five in d
rmrornetnmg. Yu shmendt tu niutcim anoneyo to r
sctnieehora , Vat vu s'ant 1st caters.
loandt date enrmy mIlls shed aa do day 5
are lonmger mit tine Zomnmer dimes den Ii mm
tue VInIer times. Louie seya doarmdt simm V
Barx Illume , ini icuzln , ony ov dee goot zel -
lerni , unit remezmrber Ikey , vit usa ceder y : mm
thu buzzemmeas or yu doandt du iroddtngni ot all I ,
Vat ye vant. 1st caters. Yurae truhie ,
- .
'line SIanroivhmmtWk ,
There Is a remarkable charm In the switi
agile , wheeling filgint of tire American span
row.hawlc tinat justifies Tennyson's line
"Bometlmnmes the sparhawk wineela along , ' :
The hind hiss powerful wings. ann ! it-s posint ,
turning antI wimeelImmg in a imigh wind fonimn
beautiful dIsplay of aerial gymnastics , ' ( In
inawk rises In time face of a stromig mcmii wit
an easy graceful wheelIng flight , all aslant I ,
yieida to tIne lirrirutmie form wiflmout for a
second of twe , arid then , gaimring conrrpiet U
control of Itself , soars away as If the at -
aimoapinere were perfectly stilt.
- - -
' s
- i -
. .
5. . '
. . - . - 4)
ar-- - - -a
Have You 52 '
Ready-Made Legs ?
If you have , ready-made pants
arc 1enty good enough. Btit
if your legs we-ic madc foryou ,
0 ' have your
pants made
. .1I ) for you , too.
- , I Tlicnthcy'll
you can get
' 7 1 rants$2
' ' . Yell 'J
, - . , i _
r MadotoMoasuro ,
all-wool , full of style and wear ,
why put up with ready-mades
that pinch here and bagtherc- ?
We make a whole suit for
$13.25 and a fine Melton over-
L418 North
- - - - -
rOROPS Purely
Prepared ( roan tire original to malt gr
rervedtn time Areblyorof iho LYoly ( , amifihav
.ig an authomiUc history dating baeeOO0yoanna
for all Stomach , Kidney and Bowel
troubles , especially -
Price DO cesata. Sold by all druggists.
be Francisan Remedy Co : ,
U , V UltEI 61' . . QliICAOO , ILL
: . ' : ; . for ClrcnumutiI h1htistra4id Cendaz. )
For sale by hula & Ce. , 15th & Doali
"fly a thorough knowledge of tire naturnu
laws Wimicim govern tire opemations of dtges
tiori and nutrition , nnrtl by mm. careful npphl'
cation of the lIne hrrolerties of welt-selected
Cocoa , Mr. Jdplus imus provided for our brealo
fast and supper a. delicately tlavom-t'tl haven
ag winicir may rave us innniy ImeaVY doctorS
bills. It is by the judicious use of mud
articles of dIet that mm. commnntlttmtion may bi
gradually built mmp until strong enough tn
resist every tendency to disease , hiundredu
of subtle maladies are hiunnttng around Un
ready to attuchc whereverthicra iii mm. weak
iOhirt , We may escape many a. fatal shaft
by hceeping ourselves mveii fortified with lU
blood antI a. properly. nourished frame.-
Clvii 13cm-vice Gazette.
liladu sImply with boilIng water or niiil
Solui only let lrai.pouumtl tlumnu , by grocer
labeled thus :
JAMES E1'I'S & CO. I.ttl , , hlouiloepatinit
Chemists , London , England ,
All Druggists ,
_ I
, .
Cures time effot 0 $
el.abuse , excesses ,
- etnmiasins , tnipotenry ,
, , 1 . laninocele anti cunu.tlpa.
, , lion , ( .me 'Ioiiar a b'iic.
.4 SiX for hi. Yer smile bi
.4 'nil : ( JOOIThIAN iltUG
. /4 . , , . CO. amid tIHfii S
IL3412iti , Omaha , Ueb
Torturing , diefiguning cczeme. ,
cud cary of Itching , turii
int , Peitly , cruemnul , cliii itmmpiy
skim amid .e.Ip diirnu. , with dry ,
tutu , annul taiimnu hair , mehiened by
, singut , alihuhienniuni , and i'eedity
, anti ceononnlcalty tinned bj thii
Cunac'umr * lteMrnuvs , mahea th.
" bct vbyutc1n4 fall.
, l'loumeur ol'bow
" I'slr.cnc In
' ' ' " " Denisrj
Full Sot of Tctb , $5 ; IVarrauted to F ! !
Teeth extracted mmmiii nut tin satire day. 0011 arid '
l'iateau Alloy Fttltunmtni , $ lm t3tlor hiitIui 4t
Punt , hold , : m ; Goiui CrQwina , * 11 ( U * 8'-Z'kl Hrldu
't'eetin , Sd zer tooth. l'iitesi work always 1
hflour 1'iixluu hnlk. . , lOuin rind Vanrmaum. 'Ad , L0I
. _ - _ . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'L " 'l _ ( s. tL :