Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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. TliE Ol\r.AIL\ . DAILY DEn : 'rUJ SD.AY - ; - , J"ANUAUY 1 , 180 . . ! 1 ; 1
- - - -
' 1-----
Thc Od Year nas Trcntcd it Mere Xindly
Than Other Oitics
Ent Two Small rniurea , and Light .LOES
? ' to Oredltor
- I
; OpinIons Leading Busines Men on Pat ,
Present and future
s healthy Increase in the Oiy'a Population
I nd Building Improvemmt3
Uer Iccord for , the Yenr JIt 1lded : Is Un-
, 1 1'llroachell In Ibo Country - Nuiner-
" I \Ihlltngc , Tn"l II 1118-
t nest-I"lke EiiiIIIi. , ,
'l' ' -
( The year 1891 hn made a highly sats-
- . factory recorl for Council Illuffs. Boms ,
. 1 have bt'n scarce nil over the country , am } I
this city Is not dlslJOsed ) to grumble over
( the scarcIty or the crop. Booms are too
much like bombs-they are lkely to explode -
plode and low everything In the viciniy to
Itngdom come. Instead oC clmbing ) fa high ) I
as to render a tall and a rractum or the ,
necle among the probablites ) ) ) , Counci Duts
lns gone on In the even tenor of Is ) way , with
110 commercIal faiures oC any consequence ,
anti hardly any financial embarrassment to
blacken the memory oC 1891. On the con
. trary , there ) was never a time In Its history -
. . . .
tory when the
prospects were any brighter
for the future than they are now. Numerous -
CUB buslncss ) plans are now In the process
or Incubation , and If there comes the revival -
vival In bUslue circles throughout the
nation that Is naturally to be expected aCer
so long ) a time spent in burrowing nfor
bedrock , CounciL Buts can he looked for
among the first cites or the country to get
up anI dust Itself.
c'/ , ln discssing tim past year and the outlook 1-
look for the future , a representative or one or
the leading commercial agencIes of the coun-
try sah yesterday : "During the year l89 4
there have been no failures of any magnitude
In Council Buts , aU only two
oC an , size , 1oth ) of these were
groceries , and their combined lI 0-
bllics were less than $5,000. No dry
gods , hardware , nor beet and shoe m ' lohant :
have failed. In vIew or the general faiure
In crops and financial depression , that Is a
record which wi hardly bo duplicated In any
cIty or the sIze In the country. lerchants
. tel me that notwihstanding the hard tmes
the holday trade this year has bCn beter
, than last. Along the additons In the con 1-
" 1erclal line , the Terminal bridge , which was
thrown open to the public last spring , Is by
all odds the greatest. The expenditure of
; 5,000,000 that this bridge Indicates was not
made for run. I prophccys great thing
" fur the city , and the len who own the stock (
will , In the course or a very short tIme , begin
to show that they had a purpose In view.
'w _ "Tho McCormick Harvester company has
J concentrated Its western busIness In Coun 'Ii
, Dluts by moving all its great warehouses
from Lincoln , Omaha ali Des 10incs , The
'varehous built cost $60,000 , and lakes a big
, addition to tIne lIst ot busIness houses to be
found In tine Implement distrIct. The Cor n-
binaton Fence works has been moved here
from Yorl" Neb" , on account at the excelent
$ hlpplng facIlitIes , and will be enlarged as
loon liB spring opens. ii. A. Hco has opened
an excelsior factory near the Terminal COI-
.pany's bridge , and has been having
'llny's brhlie a good
trnde. Ho Is making arrangements by I which
he wi secure the capital necessary to branch
, out his business In all dIrectIons.
"Tho Council Bluffs & Lake lanawa Rai-
way cmpnay has been organized during the
I past year , with acaplal stock or $25,000 , ad
Is layIng Its plans for the buIlding at a roa ( }
between Council Buls ! and the lake. I Is
composed mostly or Omaha men with IJlenty i
of means and will carryon operatIons In
, conjunction with the Omaha & Council Duts
c IrHge company. When the new road Is cm- :
pleted the Main street line wi be made
. In reality the main line , all Omaha trains
. being run down that street Instead or halt of
I them going up Broadway as they do no IW.
I The worle or buildIng the road wi commence
as lon as spring opens , so I am told by one
ot the lending men or the company. Extensive -
sive Improvements are projected at Mamma va
during the coming spring In view or the p : ro-
posed new road.
I Alogether , the year has been a very suc-
. . . ressful one In Council Duts , and the outok
: m8t
from an unprejudiced standpoint , Is a most
flattering one. "
There are now 18l6 mIles or paved streets
In tIne cllY. or this 2,37 mIles arc ot grnnlt' ,
" .M' ' or brick , and 11,58 or cedar block. The
Value ot the pavements all told Is estinnal Lcd
by the city engineer nt $75t , 33. About one
\ anile' or new sewer has been laid during the I
year , making a total mileage or 22.62 , valued ,
at $12t1,000.
The prospect for good tmes In the futil ire ,
partcularly for owners oC property In LIme I
'jstern part ot the city , Is bettered hy the
recent developments In connection with the I
' - Omaha BrIdge ali Tcrmlnal company. The
expenditure or several millions at dollars by
this company apparel } a year ago to have
been done without any particular PurPc ao.
Comparatively little money was taken In the I
way 01 toils , and to the curious public It
leemed very much as though the company
had overreached Itself , Little by little durIng -
tug the last twelve months the plans have
p. been shapIng themselves , amt the hull Ca-
tons now are that before many months the
company wIll be playing an Important part
In developing the business Interests at the
northwest part or the ciy ,
Within the mast few weeks the company
sins secured a rlght-or-way along Union
' { avenue , and having accepted the ordinance
1 granting It , announces its acceptance. This
ordhlalce requires I to expend $76,000 In
- I grading , laying tracks , and other like Im-
, ' provements. The completion or this track :
will enable the ompany to connect with '
almost every railroad company wih'
Counl fluffs , anti a powerful competitor
ot the Union Pacific will thus be put Into
\ 9me field. Among other things the Terminal
; people promise a union depot
as soon as the
railway companies can he induced by offers
or trackage anti depot facIlIties to use It.
The Missouri Pacific has already determined
to cross the river ns a result of the Terminal
people's plans , amid ! energetic and prayerful
efforts are being mad to induce other com.
, panics to unite In the ( scheme
; p The general , eelng that something was
going to happen caused quite a flurry In real
estate In the northwestern part or the city
throughout time year and a large ciy
property changel ! hands-not In such quan-
titles at anyone time 1 to create a boom ,
but enough to keep the real estate men
bustling . Front a COmlJlaton made by J ,
N. Squire It Was found that during the six
months tram Apri to October tlero were
193 transfers , at a total valuation at more
'mr5 ' than $200O , In that hart oC the city lying
J north at Hroallway ami west or the NorthWestern -
Western tracks.
Unfortunately , no atempt has been made
, this ) to enforce the law requiring the
taking out at building permis , 10 that the I
record Is very unsatisfactory. Only slxt-
tour property owners have taken the troube ! I
, vOluntariy to comply with the law , and the I
Ilxty-four permits cover only $74,125 , lied
' , the , city authorities entorcN $ law etrictiy .
. 1/ a muoh better showing would atrlcly
r1 . . made A single firm of archItects , a ben wi
appear In another
appar Part of this Issue ha I
4 _ tullerlnlende the cOllstructon or oYlr $6,00
/ worth or new buildings during the past
twelve months In Counci Butl ) ) alone , whIch m
h the best Indication poulble at the amount
ot public lmpro\'emenl that have been made m
by private property owners. I II to be
. : hoped 1hat during 1895 a stricter watch or r
this prto ot the ol\y \ buslneu will bo kept1 ,
- , - .
1n orner that the showing may come nearer
being a correct one.
Among the larger buildings that have been
put up are the $ & ,000 buslnes house of n.
l ; Mosler on Main street , near Story : the
$5,000 dwelll at J. Ii. Peregoy on Second
avenue , near Eighth street : the $3,000 dwell -
Ing of John M. Oalvln on Seventh avenue ,
near lghth 1 street : the residence of I. A.
Devl na , In Plntner's grove , costing $2.C00 ,
and the brick buIlding erlcted on ourlh
strrel by Van Brunt & Waite , at a cost of
Tithe me opening of the Or.lul hell Is one ( C
the thIngs for whIch the people or Council
muls , a well a the traveling public gen-
eraly , have reuon to feel grateful. And
that I should start out once more under
the management at E. 1' Clark Is another
grounl } for congratulaton , The hotel ha
always been a paying Institution , and even
the tact of Its being closel for a number
ofwit months , owing to an unfortunate quarrel
wit h the owners of the plOIJerly was not
sufcIent to destroy ( the "gooll wIll" It hall
as the best hotel In lo\a. Ever since Its
reopening last September It has done n business -
ness that was a surprise even to the enter-
prising men who bought the property , and
its success Is n good indication of the general
pro perly of the city.
promT ime city schools , which 1' year ago were
hampered hy a lack or funds , owIng to the
neglect of the boartl to make an nllPloprlnton ,
have again obtaIned their accustomel , pros-
I > erlty , There are eighteen school buildings I ,
wit h a total ot nilcty"dx rooms , In which
3,300 young lucas are daily put through the
prInciples of shootng , These bulhlngs have
n sentng capacity or 4,822. The Igh school
has shown the same gratifying increase In
nteulnnce this year that has mark el its
course for several years past There have :
been 34 enrolled In the 1gh school this !
yea , an increase oC seventy over the en- ,
roil mmment of 1803. The business course having
bee n nlllell , to the curriculum Is no doubt
Inrgely responsible for the increased Interest
among the young peolle.
Within the past few weeks I has been le-
chle ! to let the schools brlnch out stl more
by having night sessions , from 7 to 0:30 :
o'c lock , five nights In the week , for the
ben efit or these who have to work tiurimig .
the day. More thnn thirty have nlready
slJnlfe ( } their Intention of Joining the classes ,
which will meet for the first time nt the
lila orner school : lo\lay evening , January j , :
189 5.
I n the matter of fires Council muls lIas u
been exceptonnl\ fortunate. Whlo other
cit ies In this vicinity have been enjoying
I heir $1,000,000 blazes this city has not hall I
ono where the loss his oquliell $10,000. Tie z
fir e departmnemit Is In good Ihal'e , tIme apparatus -
paratus Is mill that Is neeled IH } the water
pressure Is excellent. During the year the
Iepartment has responded to elJhty-three
alarms , In which $200,000 worth or propert p
\\'ns Involfell. The total loss has been
' $32 ,907 , of which amount $26,052 was To -
ceh'ed by the owner from the InBurnnce
companies. The buildings visited by fire ,
with timir contents , were covered by Insurance -
surance to Ole amount or $00,800. A deluge
set , at a cost of $200 , and a repeater , costng
$8 00. have been added to the equipment of e department In the last few months , antI I I t
Is now thought to be able to cope with any :
fIr e that may occur.
fly means of this repeater the emclency :
oC the department Is increased so that I 1 S
now equal to that at any fire department In
the coun'y. Under the old system all Is
Imperfectons a fire was likely to get such a
start whIle the alarm was being sent from
one house to another that It would be imu -
pos lblo to prevent great loss. Now the oh ml
machinery , which was often out at order , his
been supplnnted by new , the alarms are
transmited automatcaly by an Instrumnt
which works with all the rapidity or'lghtnlng
nnd all the sureness ot death or the tax collector -
lector , and the deparlment Is able to fght I
Its arch enemy nt the drop or the hat.
Deputy County Clerk J. :1 , I'enlon hns
pro\'ed himself a valuable assistant to Sir
Cupid In making connubially inclined 'oung
peel > le happy-or otherwise. During the yes r
he has Issue licenses by which 09t heart _ s
hnve acquired the legal right to beat as ,10.
The mortality record as usual , comes to I
the front as one or the things or which Corn
ci i Bluffs cnn be proud , and proves It anD oC
the healthiest places emi the contnent DurIng -
Ing the whole twelve months only 242 people
have shuffled off the mortal l con-about lout
ot every 150 InhabItants. Measles has succeeded -
ceeded In adding 591 to the list oC contagious
dlseag s , which numbers 554. Both measles
nan d scarlet fever have had their usual innin t ; .
Doth came In a very mild lorm and between
them caused the death at just two victims. ,
There Is no tale at present or dispensing i
wih the cIty Jail. There have been 1,37 :
persons put behind the bars for varIous o C-
fense by the police and marshal's depart-
m ents. Besides these 000 men , women and
cbldren to whom other 10teis were closed on
account or their financial depression have
been given lodging over night. :
The flee Pils Is Fiiigors on the Arteries of :
Commerce tintS leeorls time le"ls ,
Interviews with tIme leading business men
or Council Duls , after each has rounded
up his year's work and had time to think
ot the future and study Its portents , are the
bet means oC arrIving at nn nccurnle eel Li-
mate or the real situation . The confident tone :
that pervades all that Is said In the tolowlng
columns shows how well Council Bluffs has
weathered the storm that has been so disastrous : -
astrous to many other cities. Such a showIng -
i mig and elicit strong expressions or confence
In 1 the future would aloue he sumclent to
make 1805 a more prosperous year. But with
the outook .that all see the future Is mdc eli
not at all dscouraglng
"I have been In tie shoe business for many :
y ears , arid came to Council Bluffs a year a goer
tor time reason that I thought I was a
phenomenaly good retaIl point , " said H. 11
Duncan , the vigorous young merchant , who
has h built up such n 'niagmmlulcent hUKIness at
the bIg shoe store formerly owned hy I" n
EVans. "My experience during the past
year has been sUfclonty satisfactory to
demonstrate the wlsllom ot my choice. I
wante to make $1,000,000 , hut wanted to
make It off or 1,000OO ieople But the year
hns l been a remlrlmhle one In even re- i
sl > ect. I opened up with the country In
the t throes or the greatest panic In Its history -
tory t , and this warm followed by the inov It-
able stagnation cauud by mull kinds or lii si-
ness gettng down to bedrock foundath mm.
This would have made close amid careful : (
fnanclerlng necessary Ir there hall hon no
other ! Cause , but when this In turn was
folowedy the nearest approach to a crop
faIlure we hnye known In this section In
forty years alH } a complete ralure In hal of
the adjoIning states , I provided all that
was necessary to try men's souls. The merchants -
chants that were able to stand time pressure
were certainly the strongest ones , amid the
tact that our business men were able to
title over the disastrous rear Is the strongest
proor that Counci mufs has enJoye(1 a
degree oC prosperity that many other cltlea .
have not known. J the shoe huslnes clirs.
be taken as an hHlcaton , mine at least will
show UIJ w'tl the best years we have wi
haul I have done a bigger business ibis
year than was done by my predecessor In
any previous year. This of course , Is accounted -
counted for by time tact that I IUl'o made
prices closer thrum cost mark tlan ever BuyIng -
lug for spot cash and In big orders from the
manufacturer when monpy was of such
presing Importance to them , 1 have gotten
all the edge from tlem that could
be given , and this has enabled
me to put prices I down to just
about what some wholesale houses wel'e jobbing -
bing them for. Thus lY trade hues had
the newest and best goods at ordinary whole
sale prices , and oten In some of mmiy special
sales at prices far less than cost I , ) I specal
learned that the people want tIme best goods
for the least money , and I have given them
goods at prices thy could not timid ammywhmere
else In this country , Confidence begets
Confdence begets con-
Idence , tumid I believe tIme public has con-
fdence enough In m8 to tel sure that when
I advertise a bargain It has no siring 10 It.
I ha\o never advertised a timing that I didn't
hafo , nor a bargain that I \as not prepared
to give everyone who called for it.
"As to the tuture , I have every confidence
In it. Council lurl Is lS lold confdence
ground upon which It Is built. lersona1y , I
propose to make It a record breaker. I hue
no old stock on hal1 ! , and In a few days
I wIll have a buyer In the eastern markels
and get the best olerlngs lt the factorIes
for spot cash , and It I don't sell shoi
cheaper than they were ever eDIt ) , and make
Council lull more than ever remarkable
as a retell shoe point , then I wi confess
that J don't know my buslneu. Thank the
publlo for me , and say hat t I hno somethIng -
thIng better than ever for the future. "
"The ) ! , , beat , barometer ID , the -
, - ' - . . - . - - : . . . , _
to Indicate the state or trade , especially In
this western farming country , Is farm 1m-
lement , " said C. W. McDonahl , manager
or the western branch ot the Sandwich Manure
tacturlng company. "Trade In Implements
Indicates the condition of the farmers , who
ar/ ' mere than ever the backbone of the
country In times like these. The past year
has undoubtedly been the worst they have
kn own , the worst In forty years , but the
farmer of Iowa antI ( } Nebraska are prosbe
per ous today , and "hle they have not the
surplus at farm Ilroducts they have had ( nt
the Mme season In other years , they , han
received better prices for what they sold ,
and except time few that are overloaded with
debt they arc In good financial shape. Our
d61lng with the retail Implement men
bring , us Into close touch with them , and
we reel every throb \\e were never more
ready to pin our faith upon their future than
now , To
the farmers of Nebraska , ta-
peclnly , we want to say that we are going (
to stand by them wih unfaltering fidehity ,
unCalerlng flely
and that we arc going to sell them more
goods anti on better terms than ever. The
tot al volume at our business , barring sheller
trade , averages up wel wih prevIous years
Slght curtailment In some lInes was hiul-
nnco(1 ( by increased lemanll In other Our
hay Ilress trade was away ahead ) at other
'lars , Scarcity and high prices of hay
cale ( } for the best methods or prelJarlng It
ror mnrket , afll the
( Southuwick
anl Suthwick baling machines -
chines won golden opinions In thousnlis at
new fields , emit } established . their
estahlshe.1 pre - mln-
ence over their most ambitious comumpetitors
on all Important poInts ambiious , ! , com ctness
or work anti low operating ,
operatng IJOWlr More
steam balers
" were put out than ever before
"No coml.lnlnts . , hut only universal words
of praise from al "arts of our great tcrrl-
tory , which extends ! over a11 Nebraska
o\er 'al , west-
ern Iowa , southern Dakota anti connors of
: lnnesotn Sandwich , Missouri antI Colorado , corers show that
tie goods
are satisfactory stnnd-
ards e\cr 'where. satsfactory
"The outlook for the new year Is very
bn igiut. The mid winter Is enablng farmers I
to carry their stock through with light grain
fe etiuimg . hard tunes , lke we maya been lmnv. .
: \ Ilv-
lng , will drive greater nlubcrs of men Into I
farming , and compel better fnrmlng and
b ter fnrmlng means the use or more of the t
Sandwich inmplemnonts So we part with the t
oIl } year without regrets ammO welcome the i
new whIm Illenty of conifldence. "
"I owe dame fortune nothlug but thnnk , " ,
aid J , 11. Pac , the leading butcher , who
hns been In the business comntinmmously In m
Counci Bluffs for sixteen years amid who 1'
a bout as prominent In tIme provision huslness
as n governor Is In politics , "The butcher
business may not be tie best thing to In-
I\cate the state ot general trade , for people
nre bound to . '
eat. Timey wilt not go huugry
even Ir they are not rolling In prosperity ,
but Ir It Indicates anything my business
shows that the Peollo or Council Iuts hay S
n ot stiffened seriously In their Incomes ,
Trate has not . been just what we might have
d esired , for wo have become so used to Increasing -
creasing each year In big rates that when we
strike a 'er that only permits us to cleat
up the satIsfactory business or time prevIous
year we are apt to think that wo are not
doing what we shou11 do. To hold the t
t rade oC last year I have hal to pay close
atenton to details anti supply the yen : I ?
best meats obtainable.
The hulk or all my :
purchases have come from Hammond' , ,
whose dressed meats you know are famous
al over the war Il. lly long experience
has enabled
. me to pick the best , and my
hl.t\.y h trde , which Includes some big steal ( y
contracts , Iw the D. and D. , for instancu
has b caled ! for large purchases and carload
ratcs. I wi not hnndle any hut the best
and lY customers can depend upon It that
nny grade of butchers' products they ( get
from me Is the very best ot that grade.
"I am thorough I satisfied whim the out Look L-
lool l for thin new year , and my knowledge at
the aaairs or my fellow merchants cOl'lnces
me that they are equally prosperous , and en m.
abies true to assure the world that Counci
Bluffs has a greater percentage or safe ,
strong amid fnnncialy sund mer hants than
any other city I know at. \Vith tils bell ut
and this enthusiasm I enter upon the work
ot the new year , confident that I will end
prosperously with us al , "
" \Vithn our fingers on the pulse or trade ,
whose arteries reach from the capital or
Iowa I to the Pacifc coast , what's the reason
We cannot tel you something about the g - ural -
eral properiy ? " queried Mr. Carlisle , general -
eral manager for the Sharples Creamery company : -
pany one or the most prosperous at the many
big branch houses that dls'lnguish Counci ?
DIHts from all other western elties. "W 7 e
come Into touch with the producing classes
In I a territory that coves more than hal
or the United States. Measured by our su C-
Cuss the year bas not been one of disaster
Our business Indicates some things that are
or real public Interest , and the most prom it.
nent Is the fact that the farmers and dairymen : -
men oC all this western country are usIng
their brains as well as other natural forces
In their conflict with nature , and they are
reaping benefits that were not dreamed or a
few years I go , Improved modern dairy machinery -
chinery on the rams has made the ml lIe
and butter business as profitable as the feedIng -
Ing lots and thou ands
, at farmer who have
tailed In other lines are now recovering
through the assistance rendered by the talL I-
ful family cow This new education that
makes possible the finest butter on farm a : uI
In dairy has created a wonderful demand
ror daIry machinery , and that Is just what
the Sharples Creamery company Is smrpplyIr
I has grown Into a business that has reached
a wonderful magnitude , and In the production
of our machinery the best brain and ak
or the lay has been emploYe The ski
Is that the Sharples brand Is the recogrmiz eel
standard at excelence everywhcre. Our
stock Includes everylhlng used about the
dairy , cream separators , vats , churns , huter
tubs , milk cans , butter workers , sal , cal br
and clolh. Each article Is the best ot the
character than can be produced , anti the
dairy products that result bring the Ilghest
prices In the markets of the world. The
new year opens up wih bright prospects , ror I
the lard times wi compel a closer atenton
to smaler details , and adlrymen wIll real : ize
more than ever the necessity or hnvlng the
very best modern appliances , and that Is
the term that most fully describes the
Sharpless Crlamery compnns articles ,
The company occupies one ot the largest
rcoms on the ground floor of the Mernl : am
block , In the heart or the
hlol" city , besdes : a ban ge
part or the basemmnent I Is a hive or Industry -
try , surrounded hy an air or plqnant push :
that IndIcates confident prosperity In all dir cc-
tons ,
"This Is our second year In Council
flints , " said Mr. Frank Bennlsol , the eno -
getc junior memher or thu thrifty dry
goods firm In the Sapp block thrly first ' I
was up to our expectations , and this has ex- I
eeeded our hops In time
( middle of time sea-
son wher the drouth respects I looked so bad
for business or alt Illnds. Every month II
the year , with a few exceptions , our trade has
doubled the figures for the corrosmomnding
period or tIne Ilrovlous season , correSltondllg Sep-
tember I has shown a most gratifying increase -
crease \'e lave been up to the tImes and
have let peple know that we were W'o
have tallen that happy-go-lucky Irlhman \0
Donn'broole FaIr for our example In some
respects , and wlenever we saw a head wo hit i
It good and plenty. Whenever we Saw that
the people wanted to \e hit harder with
moro balgalns we just got up and huit , and
before they had time to get over the effects
at the attack wo hafe been ready to elects tempt
them with still greater bargains We have
given especial attention to our cloak depart-
menl , ali there are hundreds or ladles who
have realized the benefit , We have old more
goods at lower fb'res during the last months (
or Limo year than I have eve known In all
my experience In the dry goods buBlness al
"Council Iutl Is all right , and so la the
future , and I am confident the coming year
w1 be a prosperouse one to us all . This
season wo will pay a greater amount or atten.
tel to the carpet buslnesl More people
have gone out of town to buy carpets In
the Inset than have been led astray In the
hUnt for dry goods This we are going to
counteract by giving them ( wlces that they
cannot get anywhere else and an assortment -
ment to pick from that ( will b large enough
to meet all tastes and demands.
"Complments or the season to our friends ,
with the assurances that Dennlsop Bros. yfl
do their Ihar toward making 1895 a wil
be reirnennrberec.l. " yar
"Eferybody knows that time trade for the
past year has been attended by peculiar
difculies , owing to short crops , " remarked
W. O. Sawyer , manager of the Council flhuffs
branch or tine McCormick harvesting lachlne Uuts
company , "but the McCormick company Is
not depressed thereby , beleving tuly comlany the
dago that the darkest time la Just before
Iay and hopln for good crops m 1 ll eason
The consignment or mahlnes fot' 195 will
soon begin to arrive 200 ' '
, as c rJr iave nl-
read ) been ordered , anti every prf'aratOI la\'e
Is being mails for an Increu ' buslne .
The company mend to CouncW 1i'Trmffs e- !
pectn to fn(1 ( It a very dcslrabhIpolnt ! for
distributng , anti his not been"I.npPolntel
In any way , as the facilities 1on'fprompt )
m oving goods In any directon ! , are of tIne
hest , This was dEmonstrated lash year by
tin e rapidity with which we wero' i enabled
to handle large shipments for Utah , Colorado ,
Wyoming , Nebraska , South , and North
Dakota , Minnesota and Iowa , anti } "Ilarts of
M 1&ourl , The company Is here't016ta ) ' , as
Is e\'hlenced by its magnificent new wareof
house , whIch Is said to be the largest and
most complete of any building or its clan
on the ? lIssouri river , anti which has a
calJacly of 3GO carloads. "
. ,
" I hardly know whether It Is the New
Year or the Fourth oC July we are to celc-
h rate anti talk about , " said 1r , A. Whie-
law , manager or the Boston store , the big
ly goods establishment hint bias bten such
an Important factor In the counmmurrrclmml life
oC Council 11uts antI the Missouri vnle ' .
"December has certainly been ns plesant
a .Mny , anll we imagIne that It has cut Into
our wInter trade ( to some extent But whether
It has or trot , we are very agreeably stircl
Ilrl11 l ) , to find that our holiday bus ness haD
grent ) ' cxceclled that ( or lat 'ear , The
entre 'enr's trade , however , has not been
ruly wimatto counted upon , but ns there
are several milon other Icrchnts In the
l and who are In just tha same fix. our grief
Is i not ulhearable , limit has the year been
such a bad one ? I coul } certainly have
been lots worse aroulHI the Dolol store , and
s till not have boom disastrous Jut out at
It i all come sauna things that are extremnuely
g ratifytng. ' Council Burs people have
learne(1 b ( lore than ever that ( lucy can get
bargaIns . every tiny In the rear nt home antI (
we have IIClt less trade from going abroad
to gratify ; its whims , More peolle out of :
town have learned time same valuable lesson ,
and we have drawn thonsanll oC dolars of
glt.edgel } trade to Counci luls , which has
benefted other merchants as wel as our.
seh'el'e can do business here nt less I
eXllen50 than It can be done In arty ciy
that I am familIar with , nI buying gools , m
as . we rIo for four o the largest stores II the
Umniteil States , w th a resident bnycr right at :
the foultnln head ot tno ( New York m.trltets u
e very day In the year , we get a ! great atl-
vantage ns can be given by factories , job
hers t and Importers. Then we lay these
goods down here In car lots l anti reduce the ( ;
costs again , an(1 ( when al this Is added to ;
extrordlntl : ) light expense In doing buti l-
leS , yomn CIn really account for the many
great bargains that have inured the doliai
from Its lulling Place amid people frol their :
lorries Iles away We have use . ) 'fho Bce
ac ; other newspapers liberally to let theworld I
know what we had for It. rind I other commercial -
mercial houses hall Iione so to the same extent -
tent we would have had still greater success I
This Is the fIrst year for the new Ilrnn ,
owler , Ick ! & \\'aiker. We are not here
to try ann experiment , but are here to stay :
and grow w th each ) 'ear. \\e have the
capital , the goods , the opportuily and the
determinaton , and wi make muse of all of
them for the . 0S
ulbul.llg oC CouncIl Bluff S
Counci Dues
and Its dry goods trade
"The outlook for the ICW year In the dr : I.
goods trade Is very fattering , and Is , In m ) :
opnlon ! , the brightest we have ever Imown : I.
The woolen tar I schedules ] , take elect to I-
morrow , and these will give us great ad-
vantagcs In carrying out anI c ntll Idea
oC being the Iromoter. of low prlccs. Glv 0
our heartest COlplulenls : to all or our
frlents and patrons al } tel them ( to just
keep their eyes on the Boston store niunin g
" turlng
189 ;
"U you \ant 10 measure the prosperity
at Council Buffs duicing 180t by the growth
all prosperity or the Unlel Stales Masonic I m
Benevolent assocIatIon and ( lid Guarant
Pmrnd LIe association , you chin just epitomize
It In a few scntornce. :
that will best
scntence wi express
success , " said iuIr W. J. Jameson , sFcretary
or both nasoclations. "YoU can ' safely do
It for we have made a prodlgius growth ,
even compared with our best years. And
when you take Into consideration the general . :
deprsslon In business affaIrs ; bur success : I
Is still more strongly marked , tflurinig the I
year wo have writen over $6:000bOO : ! ole \ I
business , about equaly divided between th me
two associatons , and we haV3 Increased our
guaranty funds and assets accordingly.
"Our growth ant ability , to pay are the
best indications oC success In the Unied
States Masonic we ha\a paid $ 9OOO or death
losses tram Interest nnd surplus , saving
the policy holders just tha much cold cash
during the year 1891 and we have dlstrlbute mml
$213,750,00 to the wIdows and orphans or
deceased members.
"Our plan for the two associatIons Is to
build UIJ strong and safe organizations of
carefully selected risks : to collect funds rrom
surviving members , In proportion to age at
tune of joIning , to pay death clnlms prompt ) . .
Each assoclpton bias created a reserve fur
which Is constantly Increasing , and which
affords a financial standing which cannot
be questioned , and places the asociaton
In I posItIon to meet any emergency. These
funtls are under the supervision ot the Insurance I - ,
surance department or the state an the
interest Is applied to the , payment of death
10fses. Old and new members alike pattI l.
pate In the benefits of thIs safeguard against
exceslve mortally , which also obviates the
necessity at advancing time rate as age In- I
"The results oC our buslpess for 189t are
highly satisfactory to both the members and :
the management The faVor we most de- m
slro for the new year Is rime careful Inves Li-
gaton or our plans , for we know that the
closer and inure IntellIgently they are ex-
amlne1 the better will b the result for I
us , The outook for the new year Is brighter
than ( ever before In the history or our as-
sociatons , With our substantial corps of
agents throughout the United States , Cou mu-
cit Burs can wel bo proud of two such as-
sociatons , which are tOday In the front ranks
at the Insurance world. "
"The past year has tried us all thorouJhly
and made great hustlers or the most of us , "
said George S. Davis , erie or the brightest
ot the successful young merchants or thl I
city. "I'ni not a sage nor a seer , but sort ne-
how I got the ,
got Impression before the new y ar
got old enough to look out for Itself that ( It
was going to be a year that ( would ' make I
us nib scratch , and I made an extra effort to
meet alt tine requirements or the publIc In
a frt.class drug etore. , The result has I
been that I have little cause for complaInt
anti few regrets to express. My year's balance -
ance shows that 1894 .imas bon the blgg oat
yearI have hall since engaging In busine as.
I have Increased my stock with the Iner" " "
. - _ . - - - -
or trade , and among other things have alded "
glass to my paint and oil slack , under the
supervIsion or ! r. Adams. In this depart-
mont we will be able to meet all the de-
mlnds or buider and contractors , and give
prIces that will satisfy them , What do I
thInk or the coring yearY , rJust say that
I have not got the dyspopsla but have all
the standard remedle to Icure It , and that
] 'r goIng to do a better hUllness than ever
In 1895. I wish all
wih al my nejuy customers a
lmalupy New Year , " maly
HaplY , r C J
"I have been too busY to hear much
or hard tImes , " salt J , I . " \Jlaox , the vigor-
one young man who hast
' built up a forist ,
, fruit and vegetable buslneJsr beyond the comprehension -
prehension or the general , ) publc. "It has
been more than a busyryjenrr with meIt
has been a highly prospfr911j anne I hnve
hat ) from sixty to 125
, UellJmployed ! con-
stanty all the year ald. In the busiest !
seasons as high as 150. .
J , h1me grown , too ,
a'11 have added to my t1oicqjturai establsh-
mont four new houses , threof _ , them 2xl00
and one 20xl50 , and a jmht' } , packing shed
150 feet j
long and
wide to
leq\ l drive a
team through , giving m ? , rpn ; to haul In
potting earth and greatlemdItIng , ' packing
and hlpplng. I have about 300,000 square
feet or glass , which I can say without hoast-
Dig II more than any otiue establishment In
othet establshment
tine west possesses ; notven Chicago. I have
altogether five places anti about 200 acres
or land under cultivation. I requires ten
steam boilers to furnish the nmecessary heat
In the hot imouses I certainly necesar have ) every
confidence In the future , and expect to go
right along Increasing the Investment arid the
output. " lr , Wilcox Is too modest to speak
fully of the wonderful
business he has created -
ated , and which has reached a magnitUde
that places I by the side or the largest com-
mercimil interests ot the city , 'fhe capital
required Is sumclent II run a national bank
' ' natonal
'l'be enterprise and time brainy young man
who has created It are or more than ordl"
lary Interest to time public . a furnishing the
most striking example Dr , the possibilities
that are burled In the hills around Council
] u I. . He supplies the bulk or the flowers
at home and In neighboring cItIes , and the
whiter \&ftables that term the exotlea ot
YOUr N-w Yar' dinner ' today were grown
ID the tropical climate ot his botbouse ne
- -
- -
came to Council Bluffs not mnny years Ago , nn
unknown and almost penhlcs huly , but ho
steppell quickly antI Ilght . over ) obstacles
ant I turnN nature's frowns Into pro\'ntg
smies , lie Is bending his aggressive nM
practcal energy to tIme fruit culure huslness
and Is making the sale characteristc sires -
cess of II thaI has followed all his other
etorts ,
SOI 101y 10tSIEO ! OPNI0NS. ]
"If tine laundry busIness Is to be taken
as an Illcaton of what the year has been
generally , Council luls has ! utered no
curtnllnent ot her lulI prosperIty , " were
Ilmost the ( Identical words tittered hy both
P. J. Duerr anti S. P. henry , managers
oC the Eagle I anti time tvamus , lint ( have
brouFh an Illtse terrier ) ' Into tribute
to Council Burs , : Ir. Henry , continuing In
recrenco to his own big plant , said : "I I\m .
moro than plesel } wih the total reslls
ef the 'car'8 business , With the close of
last year , when the prospects looked so dark
for all kinds oC business , 1 Felt that my
most sanguIne expectations would be re.1lzel
If we Were able to hold our own Iurln ' H ! ,
bun t when I fnll that my blulness has in-
creased far beyond } the ( imroluortions attaimnemi
) prOIJortons atahlell
during the Ilre\'lols year , and lear from Mr.
Duerr that his has sustaIned the ( same re-
markahle growth , I nm forced to the con-
clusion that the People are n great deal more
cleanly Iran ( the ' usell to be or that
tIn e ) ' are more prosperous and have
more m mane ) ' to spennil . The facts
nre ( hue launl ' business hns grown
to the l > rollrtons ot other barge mnnufnc- (
tin ting Industrls , to a point where It re-
rlulres brains and capital .o handle " "Yes , "
said : Ir. Duerr of the Eagle , "we have n
great deal more than heh our own tltmrlflg
the l year , anti hnve grown In the most
stsraclory manlier. To meet the rclulre-
mcnts : Ir. Henr ) ' hns hnll to make extensh'e
alldllons tQ his plant and wo have hall to
in crease ours to nearly double Its capacity
of a year ago. The Eagle was the youngest ,
nl } , of course , Ila.1 the most room to
g row. The whole resul Is that ( nt
the preent ( line Counci luts has the most
moder laundry plants 10 be fOlnd In any :
of time bIg cities , amid ot n capacity to meet
ni l .lemalls ot the trade In a very extensh'e
terriory , As nn Indicaton ofthls fact , one Iay
last week wo received h ) express a conslgu- . .
ment oC 200 shirts from Slolx
Clt ) The ' went through with the :
regular day's work aunt ) created no u
ripple. Then the good ] .orl vouch-
snfed us a special bless hi ! during the year .
In the shape oe an Inexhalstble sprlnl thnt :
wo struck a few feet beneath the surface In ;
olr wnshroom , and which we have phJcd I
down to n distance or seyennty-flve feet , mimi
which gives us an unlmied suppl or the
clearest pure water just bIke the Jynster ;
springs water \\Ith the new year wo put I
on extra wagons to handle our local trade
a nti make the 1111cl , delIveries so necessary
for the good nntue of our patrons
"The oltook for the new year , " sal } Mr .
IeNY , "seems to me to he very bright. nnd I
I am confident that the Inlllrles of COlncl I
Durfs wi he no smal factor In its genernl I
prosperity during 1895 People generally do
not have a full and correct Idea of the mag"
nlude or our laundries , that give cmploy-
ment to nearly 100 people nt good wages
every working day In the year , and to en-
nble them to comprehend It more fully I
have m Issued , n general publc invitatIon to
v isitors and set apart Wednesday and Thursday -
day afternoons as recepton days when vis-
I tors will he shown all
Iors wi through al departments I ,
and the almost hlmanly intelligent machinery -
ery be explained to them They will see
whnt n modern laundy Is , and that I Is I
the means oC preserving nnd not deslrclng
al kinds oC wash goods. Our express pack
age business has grown wonderfully and we
now cover all or western Iowa amid eastern
Nebraslm. People livIng 100 mIles away can
have m their work done , just as promty and
just j as cheaply as It they lived within sight
of the marvelous mnchlnery thnt does ii L.
\Ve have added two new wagons to our local
del\'ery force to malle sure the quickest
I'csslhle delfer ' . lii I laundry water Is the
great desideratum , and , In additon to an
elaborate flering process that ( renders tllc (
city water as limpid as a mountain spring , I
hnve a piped well In the bnsement that
gins an Inlmltcd supply ot pure artesian
water , which Is used when the river supply
Is unusunly unruly In the spring floods.
"G\e our compliments to the' public al I
assure the people that Council Bluffs wi
have more than ever reason to be proud or
her bIg laundries during the coming year. "
"Premiums received about $70,000 , losses
paid a little less than $30OOO-thero Is rsa
concise and condensed statement or what the ( I
year has done for us , " said J. Q. Anderson ,
secretlry or tIme Council Bluffs Insurance
company , the strong old company that has
spread its protecting wings over the homes
or so many citizens ot CouncIl Bluffs and
Iowa durIng the many years I has stood
between them and the fire fiend. "Dunn ig
the last rour months oC the year our losses .
were almost nothing. The result Is much
better thnn we could have anticipated , wit 'Inh
the heavy dIsasters of June July and
August , whIch time the unpaid losses were :
$1,000. while today the losses unpaid are :
less than $ ,400 , which Includes alt contested
claims. Isn't that a record to be proud or ,
Wih the business or time year closed up the
fact Is brought out with very pleasIng
prominence that the CouncIl Duts was never
In a better condition than ( at this tme ,
The company has been phenomlnaly rortun-
ate In escapIng losses for the past four
months. When wo have every reason to
expect losses aggregating not less than $ GOOO
for the four months we find that they do not
exceed $600. Thus the company will start
upon its ffeenth year with more vigor than ,
ever. Another thing that Is particular by
gratifying to ins Is the fact that iveste : nfl'
people are evincing I stronger deternuin a-
tion thuan ever to patronize home institution .
Timey realize that , with eLmer thmlnga heir is.
equal , It is bettor to keep their money ai
borne , and while getting time best protectl'e
( or tlnelr property , on Limo most advamitaf 'e-
ou terms , hell ) thmemselves by strengtlmenl : ng
their home company. It. has been a pro , 'l-
dent mmml profitable year for us , ammd our cc rn-
fidence Inn time future is unalterable. "
"The Council Bluffs Steam Dye wor kmm
has been a busy place nigh. and clay sin ICe
time first of last January , amid I have notiml rig
to amy about inrird times , " cold C. A. Machmi un ,
thmo energetlci foumumler rind owner of tine whim 'ly
knoivim steam dye worles at. 1013 Broamlwo ny.
. .
have Increaced my ( ores constantly , a mid
mayo mad all that I could do. I imave titer n
work for many miles around , country titermr -
cimantus , witim faded and alnopoworn goou Is ,
ladles with drm'sses tlmat would have be en
discarded as spoiled a few years ago , inn ye
sent their goods to me and imad timem -
c- ?
turned as brigiut new fabrIcs. Our abll ,
10 (10 irma mnmnnes gt-auu wura ms cue evme&
of our success , Time new year will be butler
timani ever , anti will finch rue better able to
meet all demands of patrons , "
First and foremmuost in time real estate 'busl-
ness Is B. IL Odeit , manager of 0dehl' Real
Estate exchange. For eignteen years ins imas
bourn actively engaged in mantling real estate -
tate mi Council Bluffs anti Omaha , .ini no
one Is better POsted US to values of realty
linen Mr. Odehl , Business entrusted to inI
care receives prompt and courteous attention ,
Address No. 7 , Baldwin block ,
"Manhmattan beach ivill ho In it in great
shape thI8 year , " said E. II. Odehl of time
Beach Improvcmennt company , "I'eopo ) irill
not know tine Place w'lnen they see it again
imoxt summer. They will llnnd a new $7,000
pavlhlon , a forty-acre park , with tIne beech cx-
tending all abommg its water fromut , and every
new timing in tine way of noveittes to please
the matrons of a first-class waterImmg place
and Bummer resort , We will make seine
large imnvestrnents , arid make ( menu imiteilt-
gently , and make Lake Ztienawa whmat it
should be , time popular pleasure resort in this
part of the country. "
"IIvery year brings its Important chmannges
in fine vicissitudes of life , " said C. 0. Ounen
of tine Siuugart & Ouren Seoul conupamny , "In
no instance is ttnls clnange more noticeable
( lion in the seed troth' . Altimougin our ( ratio
Is not so niuchn affected by Inarmi tImes , caused
by monetary luctuations anti other causes , as
otiner kinds of businmess , yet we feel time tie.
pressions the caine as othnera. However , the
year lies becum all right with us , It has been
the best year we lueve had. Tiuls activity In
time seed business Indicates a thmnlfty conidi-
tioni of tIme gardeners and farmers , and their
determlnstion to get time best results from
cultivatinng . tIne soil by ummimig the inighmest
grade of seeds. Tlne droutii affected tine re-
suits greatly this year , but we mayo found
Invariably tinat where our seeds were used
tine best resuia ( followed.e do a winolesale
amid retail busIness Inn field , Itower amid garden
seeds , We imave taken especIal pains ton
( Continued on Seventh Page. )
Su pervisors Decide to Pay Silea & Galvn's
O1nrns end Avoid Further Trouble.
luu , i of a SerIes cut Suits ilmiled on an trrmr
of tlu Itierti in Lemying me Tax Inn
JzccS of tine frito tt
lotteci by I.asu' .
T ime board of supervisors belch a special
adj ourned session yesterday , at which the
Pro Position of Slmea & ( lalvini for a settle-
mmnur mmt of ( lie clnnlnns mold by tbnemni against the
cou nty was accepted. These elmuinnit arose
ou t of an error of time eotmnuty board In ttne
ye ars 1SSS , 1SS9 amid 1S90 , 1mm levyIng a commnty
( ax of 2 mills in excess of tIme amniount al-
lo weci by law. Shnea & ( lalvln discovered
th e error inst year anti boinghnt up time clalmnns of
pr oluerty owmiers , aggregating itbotit $21,000.
Tlm ey mmmdc overtunres to tine cemnrnty board
for ii settleniurmit , bunt fatling in tints , brought
sun its inn tine district suit ) superior counrta.
Th ey received jmudgmncmns ( inn all five of timeir
su its. Tiney timen iiresentenh mm lmropOsitlonn for
mm setlenmnemmt ( , iii whnlcln thney mngreeml to take
tin e $21,000 in warrants , imaabbo one-imalf inn
0mb year and time other half in two , treating :
imr terest at 6 er Cent. Tints PrOloslthOmm was I
nll scusseml at time rnneetlng yestertlay , amuml it .
w as decided tiunt ratimer tItan sltemnd amn' more ,
m oney in litigation , as time county clearly ,
ma il no tlefense. ( lint terms slnotnld be agreed I
to . One of time stllumlatiorus contained lii tinc i
ag reenment is ( liar Sinea & Gmmlvlrn shall bnlnnm ;
rio nioro stnits of thus miature against th I
co mnnty.
Tine qmnestlonn of granutlnng a nigint of way t ,
tim Couniucti Iliumifa & Lake Manaiva Electric i
R ailway commnparny was ball over until thu
re ginlar mmiooing ( aim tine first Monday irm Jan .
ua ry. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
' iImIpiy New 'enr.
Boston store will be closed mull clay.
Domestic soap breaks hard water.
tine rI , Iamn L'nu I ,
Tins new coal train W'yomning for salt z
o nly by ii. A , Core , 37 Main street. Tclephomu. . 3
4 8. Ask for circnnlars.
Tom , l.mtto Ct , Tmilk vLtIn Itinui.
TIme father of A. A. Truesniale , ivhm a
su icileml , , arrived In time city yesterday nuormm -
in g fronmi Frernont antI made nrranigeninenit : 5
to ( nIce time remains of the young ruinn hnomum 0
w ith imlun on time evemulng train. lIe statem :1 :
( m utt Ime believed iris sorn had beemn more o r
le ss Imnoamno Tar a year or mnioro , amid was a f
u nnounid mntnid wimen tine tragedy occumrrcti t.
Mrs. Trmmesdale , who scrparateci front ire r
lm usbamrd about a year ago , was iii time clt : y
S unday hfternoon. as stated In yesterday' 5
h oe , and talkemb ivltim imor lmusband for sam e
( t une. \'iten going imonmie sire said sine woul ml
n ot come bade to live wltn ! hmini ummtil im C
c ould thud tIne nneans to support imer. Sin 0
r eturnmeti to tier lnommie In Omaha , hint nj . -
p arentiy thnotrgiut better of what site hma rI
s aid. In a short time after reacimlng Onnaim a
e hme mmiado up imer rnulnmtl that sine it'ouimi coin e
b ack anti see him agalmi mind talk time mmnal
( er over more fully.Vlnen siuc arrived o : ;
l imo house of Mr. Collins sino itialiced inn with
o ut knockimrg. Tine liglmt in the front pam :
b ar , where the body of her dead hmtmsban d
l ay , mad gone onmt , and the mnemnibers of tim Ic
f amily vere sitting In tine back parlor. Sir lu
w alked thnrcmmgim tine front lustier witlnoi nt
k nois'lmmg thuat her husbannnl imaci conumnnitte tI
s umicide , or ( bunt tine rerunnimis lay tinere. Whncr rn
s ino was told of time horrible tlmimng tluat Inn d
o ccurred she was taken with violent huysterlm 0 ,
a nd for a tIme was completely prostrated.
4 II'4IPY ' 1env Tenr.
Boston store it'lbl be closed all day.
Davis sels ! drugs , paInts anti glass cheni .
Waslmorwomen use Damestic soap ,
Try Eagle laumidry , 724 rmroatiway , for goc ti
work. Otrr medium '
gloss finish can't I ) e
b eat , bn.t we tb strictly mnand work , domest Ic
finish , when preferred , Tebcplmono 157 ,
Ittarnimuge LtccmrRce.
The following marriage licenses were I S.
sued by time county clerk yesterday . :
Name nnd minicirees. Ag 0 ,
Albert A. Atlanirm , Potawnamia ( ( ( county ,
Mfli'Y A. Barlow , Pottawattamle coumit' . . , , - .
G. W. Partridge , P.attawattamnie county. , 2r
Annie Walter , Pottawattumnile cornuty. . . . . 2
Allen II. Sutherlnmiti , Quiche , Ia. . . . . . . . . . . . . '
Jennie Crumbnugim , Qmnick. Ia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3"
h arry 0. SmIth , Connneii Bluffs. . . . . . . . . . . . . , )
Ada Sunithn , Council Bluffs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
t happy euv Year ,
Boston store will be closed all day.
The laundries use Domestic soap ,
l'erNntumIt i'mtrnngrnspins.
ii. a. Baird is to be tine new deputy coun ty
clerk ,
Timoomloro Robnlfs of Avoca was In time ci jy
Ben A. Frye , representing W. A , Maur or
in Colorado , is In ( ho city.
Willlann and Frank Stagemari are visiti , ng
threir parents in Garner towrnsiniii ,
Slmerlff Job Card of Atlamntic ii'as in he
city yesterday cr1 official bunslniess ,
0. 1' , Mclcessomi , wino InCa been very Ill
for time past month , is reported mmprovlr
Dr. Thomas Jeffniea is reported lying
the point of death at Iris Imonne on FIeLd :
avenue ,
Misses Belle and Ueaaie Iharkness left It
evening for a visit with fnlennds icr M
mnoalnolis , Minn.
C. E. Taylor amnd wife retnurneti luome , aft Ie
spending Cinrlstmnnms wltin Mr , E , L , Davis a
wife of Osaawattmrmie , Kamm ,
fl. U. Auld , time mmciv member of tine Bo
of County Supervisors , was in the city ,
tending mis first meeting of tire board ,
A. F. Itamidaih , wlmo was visiting witin
sister , Mi'u. H , I. Forsytin , m'eturnrecl yost
day to Olmlcago to resunrts his studies
Mrs. Mary B. Maynard , ivlmo spent 'tine I :
two years in CoIoramio , retnmrnel yesterday , U
is the guest of her son , C , M. Maynnarci , i
First street.
Gas coaklng stoves for rent and ton' sale at
Gas Co.'s oMco.
20 per cent dIscount on alt trimmed Units
at Mrs. Itagadabo's.
Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap.
flounicius' music Inouca baa ( ow oxponseel
inigir credo pIanos are sold reasonably , its
Stutsman street.
Mimer Ltiemtlomn.
Grand hotel , Council llluffs , reopened Oct. 1 ,
Mayno Real Estate agency , 539 Broadway ,
Ground oil cake $1.30 mini. at Morgan &
Co.'s drug store , 134 Broadway.
A series of nneetinngiu will be imebml In tIme
East Presbyterian cimurcin , commimnenchng Jamiu-
any 15 ,
TIme Daugiuterru of Itelmecca mold a watchn
meeting amnml social last evening icr time Odd
Fellows imelh.
Gray Davis , aged I year- anti C onoomtims ,
Is reported sick with tine dilninthienla at 1420
Third avenue ,
Mr. and Mrs , E. Tlnornton ceebraed ( the
fifty-seconrd anniversary of tiner nrrarnlage
Saturday nigint , at tineir home , 400 FIrst
street ,
'flmo firs department was called out yesterday -
day afermmoon ( by an alarm of fire from Oak-
hand avenue onear Avenue E. IL wan caused
by a brusim lire started by some small boys.
No dannago.
Time Amiglo-Amnerican Mortgage and Trust
connpamny hmas communnienceel a suit for $18,576 $
agalmst time firm of hiuronhmammn & Tulicymi , Time
damn is based on tramneactions In a deal of
several years ago ,
ititrcimer : , a Unnlonn Pacific ennployo liv-
lag at 1726 Second avenue , wino 1usd been
comifinect to mite bed for many mnontius blast ,
was taken to Omumaima yesterday to have arm
operation performnenl err tine Imnjurenl arm
which imas caused bnimn so nimucim troutile.
A rrneetlnrg of the I'otawattmnmie ( Coumnty
liar association is called ( or Wetimmesdey
mrnorning at 9:30 : o'clock at tine district court
roonn , for tine purpose of mmraking arrange-
nnenitmi to attend ( lie fumierai of Mrs. AmelIa
± _ t _ - - _ . r.- . . .
Ub oonier , I ) . (1 , Bloomer , tine husband of tbe
de easth , Is preideflt of the association ,
J udge Macy sent Judge SmIth instruotlon.
yeOm sterday to overrule tine motion of tire
Om nahna & Council IlluiTe BrIdge conmipany
foBr r mt mmciv trIal In time snuit iii 'uvlmlch Mmiucl
Br yant received a $1,500 $ jumnlgmnemnt not long
ag o , amid (0 ( enuter nip jnmdgmnuent for ( ho
amn iount , Time case will be appealed to ( mo
su preme court , 1mm all vrobabllity , 4
Judge Smrmitiu heard e'hlenco yesterday In
th e case of Nova Mumrphy against Siglem' and
eig ht otimers , tIne ilefentiemits being chargemi
wI th comitemmipt. Time thefemuse Is that timir
co urt hnas mro jnmnisdlcniomm , tine Place whmere
tin e offense is alleged to mayo been comnurnltted
be ing In Nebraska , o it is clnulmmneti , Tine
ea se ivlll be taken up again tonnorrow , '
C. II. Gootlnlchn lulckcrtl mmli 10 vents off thus
lust nch cotrnter at tine Emnmuet inomise on SIxth
st reet amid Sixteenitir nvenuue yesterday nnorn- ' '
la g. A iraron ( of time eomnnen' ( Inad jmrst pint
it thmere , Time cook tumrneti nuronnnuci just in
tin rue to see Clootlrlchn munakitmg for tine noon , '
It o ran after inlmmn amnui after ebmaslng inim
se veral tmlocks , cauglnt hum , Gootlnicin was n
sele ptisitenl Iii tine cooler with time chuargo of
la rceny emitt'reti agaInst hnim.
} : tl Iirunmmmsteln Inns been in tIme habIt of
m'a ir.inmg ( romnlnio mit the' mmieetimngs of tine Free
M ethuonlists at ( ho conner of Avemnmne A and
Tsi welfthn street. Nigint before last mo per-
si sted in saying "Anienn" tin a ipasso rotnmnsto
io ice wimenover time luastor , Rev , Mr. llrlttonm ,
mnm aule a Poiim ( , Charles ( loft , one of time
Pi llars of time cinnnm'cln , wemit for thifl liolico.
llto rummmiselmm ( caumgimt bun oumtsicle amid thmreatemnoct
to blow hulmmi ( mmli of luoles , wbmcretuiiomn ( Jeff
de eluieml to go back to chmtnrclm. Yesterday
irn onnulnig hue screweml mmii courage c'nionmghu tea
lil a ann iunformnatlomm , arid llrunnnstt'imn is mow in
ja il on a cluargo of eaeo nlistunrblmng.
mayo $100,000 to loan umpomn imuuproved
fa rmmis un Iowa amid iiili take miii thne gilt-
ed ged loans otTrcci at low rates.e tb
ma t wnunt wllti lmitls , amid wilt riot loam inn Ne- '
br nlra. Lougee & Towie , 235 l'carl street ,
- '
1utt of I . , wmi Nit w' . I'
FIre tlestroyeti time school hmotnso at ( lii-
be rtavilie , There was an inmsnmrammce of $2,000
er r t lie tuulluilmig.
A Stamnwoorl young Imutly ( aolel , wlthn a re-
v oicer and her is ' '
leg nina' dututlgmmremt w'ltln mm
bi g bullet in It. Time ii'ouummd is not a
tl aungercmis nile , Unit is very laimntmml ,
There is mm hot conmnty seat. ivnr oil in'ln -
n ebago coumnty , F'orcst City wamnts to ro-
( a ttn tlme capitol , luumt time 1)001110 of luke Mills
brh ave raised $50,000 to iumlld a new conmrt.
h oumse. ' '
Steve Dickerson of Ottunmniwa entered a
s aloomm anti ( numb to rnnise a row , \Vimen lie i
( o uniti lie cotmlnl not tb it , lie smut down omn mu.
b eer case anti In a few unuiniutes dropped
ds ead. lie mad been drinleinig lmeaviiy for
s onic tlmnys.
Joinni Gibson of Prcstonn itas irounndeti nip
a t a cbzrflce because me wamitemi a different
k ind of a ulamrce ( hum was cmi time program.
N ow hue inns smmeJ thuree 1)001110 wino Pounmided
m is for $15,000 tiamnogea , anti hmas mmmi ( mean
a rrested bestties for assault anti battery.
Frauds Smuithu , time yommng sari of tIme rio-
( oriomis lies ( ) ' Snuuitin , servlmng a life hemmtermco
in n the state penitemrtIary nut Amnamnosa for
ti me murder of bier innisbanti , Micinnel Snuith ,
im mis beenn ordered taken from lIes Moines
t o tire orpimarms' imonno at Davenport , Time
c oinmnty will be reimmibnnrseml for the boy's keep-
im ng at time maitre frommi $1,000 of the $3,000
li fe Insmmrammce nlenivetl fromn time policy imeimi
im 3t Mlclmael Smnultiu hr tine beneficiary order
o f locomnotivo emuginneera at time time of hnlmi
d eatin , Tine lmoy is tIne last of tIne notorious
f aminiby ol whmicin Ire was a nuerunber left in
D es MoInes.
TI1I DaiLgor S0ISTIIE1LN 1ttJTii
vi time Itook lslaunt-'hnortet Limo annul
Enmn4tc5t TInmue.
To all points in Kansas , Okbalmonna , IndIan
T erritory , Texas antI oh ! points in soutimern '
C alifornia. Only one rlgit out to miii poInts
I n Texas. The "Texas Ltnnlteti" leaves Omaha 'eLI
a t 5:15 : a. mu. daIly except Smnnrtlay , landing
p assengers at all POirmts in Texas 12 imours in
ac dvance of all eLmer lines. Tbrrougin tourist
c ars via Ft. Wortim amid El Paso to Los An-
g ehes. For full particulars , maps , folders ,
e tc. , call at or address flock Island ticket
o ffice , 1602 Farriamn St.
CIIAS. KENNEDY , 0 , N , W , P , A ,
jt Ciment'p Trip Somntli.
Tickets ivill Ire solul at' one fare round trip
t o points in Tennesse Kentmmcky , Alabama ,
MississIppi , Louisiana and FlorIda on the
l ine of'thne Louisville & Nashville , amid Nash-
vJ iii. , Cinettanooga & St. Louis raIlroads , on
J anuary 8 , February Ii , Marcln 5 , AprIl 2 amid
3 0 , 1895. Ask your ticket agemnt about it. '
a nti if lie cannot sell you excursIon ttcket
write to C. P. Amhrore. general iassenger
a gent , Louisville , ICy , , or George B. llorner ,
D. 1. A. , St. Louis , Mo.
1'eiv onruammns I.Inrniiecn Train.
On each after Sunday , November 4 , thmo
Clnicago , Milwaukee & St. l'muul "eleetrho
lighted limited" will leave Onmuaha at 6 p.
m. , arriving in Clntcago at 9 a , mum , Itemenn-
ber this train carries dinner a Ia carte.
C. S. CARRIER , Ticket Agent.
1504 Farnam St , 4
Children Cryfor
Pitcher's Castorla.
Chfldren Cryfo
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children CrV'or .
Pitcher's Castoria "
. ' ,
" ; _ ' _ _
_ I. _
rs not a luxury , but a. nmccemslty. , Makes
tough meat tender ; saves mmli Ita flavor and
richness ; bnnhzea bread moist amid moirnkene dry
bread fresin ; is easily hmnnmilemi when in oven ,
Write for circunlarns fully clescriinirmg this ,
nnd also six-blade droppers , combination
dIpper , frying pan , cake griddle , etc.
Agernts wanted , . , , j
519 l'omirl hi , , COUNCIL , J3LULt % IOWA ,
I'reaident. Casbier
First National Bank
Cnipltnl , . . 'iiooooo . ;
I's-ofitH , - - - 12,000
One oC tins oldest banks in tins state 05 IOWa.
WI sommcit your business sad coni.cttomn. . W
pay C per Cent Cmi tIme deposit. . wilt L
pleased so so and servo you.
IzIIt , z ni , i 11TH flP P ,
iJmlu unlmuIun uup Practice in tine State
mumrcl Feclarmul Courts. Itoonums hO-7-8. , 5fmugar
hilock , ( Jousmunt isnutr. , lows ,
_ sllSpeC1a NoHces
CiiiMNiYB CLICANED : VAULTer ci.55AfliD : . ,
so.n Burke , at W , * 3. iloma ? . , 143 Broadway ,
iVANTFh ) . 6001) COML'R'I'FNT Omlib 'TO DO
enernnl Inusework ( , HI ) Oaklund avenue.
work for met bound wimilu attcnun1ln comiege Ia
, Coumi1i Bluffs. Addrt * 't' Em , Ut ames , ,
' ' '