_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , - : - : ; ¶ rwIrPw - - , . . - - - - _ r ) I 8 TTIE O [ AIIA DAIT.JY nEE : } ONDA , DECB\lBER. :11 : , lS9t. PROIULGATED ! TilE ORDERVhie - , I Anti.Secret Society Decree of Papal Bee ' . . Read in Omaha Ohurches. : WITHOUT COMMEUT FROM TilE BIthOPM \ - . \ \ 6rntlmrnt Amen ! : thn Cery thnt ) It \fA' , ) VocAllcI for antI Wi ncmRln 1 JcRI ) Letter - umber that / MIght Ho , tI1ectoiI. .1/ - " : : , / In nfl of the Catholc churches In the ,10- , . tOO of Omaha yuterlay the decree ef Pope : Lee requIrIng all Catholics who may bo memo hers or the Odd I elows , Inlghts of pthlas . or Sons of Temperance socleUes to wlMraw from them was promu"nted. The circular 1 I ef D : hop Scannel to the pdests reads circularoffic n 1 "I i beg te cal your attcmton te n decree I of the holy efce , dated Juno , 20. 1891 , and I : approved by the Holy I'ather Leo XII , re . rerrlng In the following terms to tim Odd [ Ie1. lows , Sons er Temperance and Knights er I'ythlas In the United Slates ef America : " The bishops In these pats must strive k. to keep the faithful out of the three above : menUond @ecletes , anti , from anyone ef ' them whererore leI the faithful be warned , and If after this warning they still prefer to adhere to these societies and will not separate from them they are to be deprived or the serlment . ' ( TranslatIon from the LaUn , ) "I'lease Instruct your people as to the na- tUle anl , requirements of the above decree. " I Is regarded , as a fact or conshlerble significance that the circular Is not attended hy a single word of comment or specific Slclfc direction from the bishop , and this enhnnces ' n feeling before existing thaI n 811eclal effort wilt be made to cnforce the decree. Itlee 4 I the stntements mnlle by several Ilrlest : : I In any way repescnl : the ( sentiment of the . whole body of the clergy In the diocese , the I ' . decree wi be a deal letter. These priest : I agreed that. there thnt was no occasion for the I order and that II would , have no effect. I I Is estimated that there are severn I hun 111'01 Catholic members of the societes named I In this dloceH , and they will probably not L , be molested In their melbe\shlll , - 1'ItOGItIs9 . \T 111T11-EI)1N. ' . enr Urolth In Church JJIutmcnts Ho- : vlolvlc by tin l'zistor. , . nev. D. D. Ode)1 or the Beth-Eden Bap. ' Usl church last evening preached - Ilrelched a sermon I - In revIew of the work of the church during , the past year. . lie said the Sunday school average for' ' I t the year IS93 was 102. and the average for l ? the year closing was 233. Greater work might have been done In this line had al I j forces been thoroughly aroused. The Youn al ' Ieoplo's society reported last January thIrty and would report this January lOG Durlns the year ending January I , 18G , elghtY-fvo members were received Into the commulllon i - ef the church , forty-five of whom came by ; I . . , baptism. During his pastorate of a little over a year I total of 125 had united with the I church , fifty of whom had been received by } ' ' baptism , the Present membership being 255 , .1 'fhls was encouraging , but only showed the need ef greater exertIon. , lie urged the membership to be earnest In . Ilreparing rot the special meetings which ho . hoped to begin wIth the . week of prayer. A Child } : IJo'a ) ) The pleasant flavor , gentle action and soott ; Ing erects of Syrup of Figs when In need of a laxative. and I the father er mother be costive , or bIlious . the most gratIfyIng ! resuhl is : follow Its use , so that I Is the best resuls famiy ' remedy known , ' and very famiy aboul U bavo a bottle o' hand. ' shoull , . a - - MAQUERAB OF THE TURNERS i Fantnsto 1 llortllnmolt * l nJoel at UI Unl ! * iItnrhILy vrnlu . -c " The f"tur.II > ! ! , . , promenade masquerade of the turner S , ! LIven at their hal Saturday night , wa a ! most oxeluslve affair. A prely , spectcle Was presentell on the ' . aslon Ly the many I and unique costumes wor by both lad leG alI ] gentlemen , and the alIentemen lengthy program was I carried out In a pleasing , _ manner TI lie . ! To , committee having the commilol maier In charge was . composed or seven active turners , wih an r equal number of young ladles. They were ti ni dressed In elegant ! costumes as post ii. " . lens , mil formed a / pretty company. al There , were also any numher of Tyroloans Spanish students and other notable coslumes. A - , bevy of young turner ladleR appeared as . _ larlCulns all executed an Interesting dni lit . ItalIan 1)Caaflt ] - ialan gIrls mingled with Itussl an . wih Iuaslan V no lemen. A French count of the seventeenth - teenth century hohnobell with a Plattduetse lie . Ileasnt and a New York policeman In dla- , tress. Faust , the Crat , and Mepliisto , Ifli I . las. i : ter of the lower regions , were there , and seemed to enjoy themselves perfectly. T lie L 'olorc/I gentleman In costume ( lehighung lie ' delghln ! tl alferbaHo ! with a banjo selectIon frol the I stage , was represented by G. V. Gelen- beck. Reuben and Cynthia renderell a comic Kong In a manner which earnell them admii ra- lion. Mr. Mtstadt and Miss ldiLlt Andres . Ilartcipate , ] In this number. Zizmann ; brothers In the role of Spanish students ' , PlaYed a mandolin and guiar duct and Kuhn . and Zitzmann executed another on the zithi er. , Ii 'fho hear division , led by Mr. ziher. . equipped with an Italian organ grinder , : . I danced merrIly to the tune of the iiistrum eat . und pcrformel all the tricks of the beasts of the forests who have submited to train- , ' Ing. Active turners Actvo In gay robes and costumes - tumes , as clowns anal . otherwise , cleverly e Xe- cuted pyramid buldln ! Without excepton , i . every number on the program was carried out succossruly ; , and Wih merriment , laughter - : unmasking ter and dancingnldiilght arrived and the time for , Good music was furnished by the Turer ' orchestra , under the leadership of Jul : 1 Thiele. Those deserving special Julus . the suecessrul ending of the rCtval are the members of the committees , comprlslnA : ? desrs . F. E. a. Iuehn , chairman : Theo. W. . Baumer. I rest Zizmann , I'aut'unl , Ihl Mueller , Emi Wurl , William C. Kuehn. and I Misses Ida Andrea , Tulle Larson . I anny ruehaur , 1lzzte Milnacht , Lizzie Strlcller , Scphla Nlederwle . I mle Homcker. i. . . . ' - 1'llrl'ul ur l'uiit Iehlclt. 1m'-/ lath the Pllldletschereln and the turnlvereln he\ specIal meetngs at the Turn hal yesterday afternoon to complete ar- : . rangemlnls for the funeral er Paul Schu ctt . - . who committed . , .Ieldo Saturday. Coini lilt : . . tees were appointed \y each of the organ ian- , . tons to confer about arrangements Thnt . I' . from the Plattduetciiers , composed of Julus SchiuettViihiain 1leclt and liar ' Ilaii ian , . was empowered to act In the matter. Durlnl . wil either lake place at Fvergreen I or Soulh t Omahl cemetery on Tuesday at : o'cloelt : II I - the afternoon. Members of both socie ties societes , Wore requested to assemble In hour Ilrevlous , to this at the hail. It was also suggested to request Mr. Joseph - . seph lauelt to slJral nt the gravt and HC- . : . cording 10 the constitution . . . forllng constuton or the Ph Plat. luetscho . , ycrehi I luslcal balll Is to be en. I ' . Mr. Jacob Kluze of Creston , i lr. , la" , arrlv(1 1 yesterday . lie Is a cousin of the deceasell 1 and hll only known relath'o In tillS eouutr . I has Ilrev'ously ' been hinted that Mr Henry ; - B \ was such , but Mr. 1luze stated that I i . . this was a /lslal.c. lie Is acquainted wih . the father at the dead lan I ) hung. Ger- . many , and la)1 that he Is wel to do arid anl a retired tatler ! , I I Tlrm 01'11 'Ulralrlrul , . Stage manlger and leader In all drain atie . entertainments of the turn\'creln. Mr. \ .il. \1- ? 111 Alstadt , announces that he haE IUC' I t ccedc.1 In perfecting nrangement with an : t eastern actress to appear ' on the stage at r Turner hall , l'folably the frt Sunday In . I Fbrpary. Miss Oustel hierthiers . Inte frt I ' Eonlrlle at the Cincinnati ( rand Of ) eril . . house \ . who Is 'Yel and favorably known I In German circles. Is Inmed 1 the person L to , p 4 aPpear ' at that ; . time In . 11 opCeUI. Jlraon _ ' 'It : (1 Onuhn I.iniitvil 'f&.hn.'I ! On Ind after Sunday , November 4 , tle r . Chicago , 1IwHukee & SI Paul "elec r C . lighted hInitcd" wi leave Omaha at fin p , in , . arriving In Chicago at I a. rn. lelem. ' . bar thIs traIn carries diitii r a la carte - C. B. CAJUEn , TIcket Agent. 1504 1 lrlam St I , , _ _ _ _ _ - - - . . -4 , , I " - , T. _ . , . ' ' ' . - . . rnr.H "lAX "u-ln ; & 11110. CO. 'Tholf "I ( Jsweiera , 1111 * antI IArnRm Sis. Announcemenl : having sold our entire stock of musical merchandise to hayden fires of this city wo will hereafter confine . whereafer cenfne our buslneu to wholesale jewelry exclusively. In our present stock are many handsome artcles purchased for the city trade and unnl for wholesale stock which will be sold this week lt retail at. less than cest. Ma % Meyer & Co. wilt continue the wbole. sale cigar busIness - all018 . J'arnam St TilE IHlt OT 1tTIII : nOUTI Via thin hock llaniI-ihiortot Uno , and l'Astc8t Tune To al points In Iansas , Oklahoma , IndIan Terriory , Texas and el ! points In southern Caloria , Only one nigh out to alt points al In T exas. The "Texas Limited" leaves Omaha at GIG : a. m. deity except Sunday , landing pass engeri " al all points In Texas 12 hours In advance If all other lines. Through tourist car vIa It , Worth and m Paso to Loa An. gale s . Ior full particulars. maps , foMeu , etc. , call at er address Hock Island ticket ofce , 1602 Parnam St. Iland tcket CUAS. 1CENNIDY , 0. N. W. P. A. l'II.I.I" ! "nuclt ISI.\NI" . ) RXCUISION . - Thronh Tonrlt Sleeping Car to San . Fraustor CtCU Ild I.oa . on/llc8. Via Chicago , Hock island & Paclfo railway , leaves Omaha ovary Friday at 1:10 : p. m" , via Denver , Colorado Springs , Pueblo Salt Sal Lalte , Ogllen. Also through tourIst sleeper to Los Angeles every Wednesday en our souther route , via Fort Worth and EI Paso Tic kets and sleeping car reservations can bo sec ured at the "Hock Island" ticket office , tcleet efce For full information call on or address CJAHLES KENNEDY 1602 l"arnal St" , . G. N. W. I' . A. _ _ . _ _ Atlntnn I. O. o. P. Al members of Omaha lodge No. 2 . I. 0 O. P. . and Hesperlan encampment No.2. I. 0. 0 , F. , are requested to meet at 147 Par- nam street on Monday , December 31 , 1891 , at 3:30 : p. 1" , sharp to nccompany the ro nia lira of our late brother Eli P. 1lng , to the union dellot. Members of Washington camp No.1 , P. O. S. or A. . and members of Wlshlngton eti neil No 1 , J. O. U. A. 1" , are also re- cine sted to atend , Train leaves union depot at , l3O : p. m. ' \lclcnt nUIccel.I.1 o Sentt.h lUte I'roc- mnsnlr ) O MAhA . Dee riO . lS9I-Drelhren : Ius- trious Brother John 13. Parlee , 3211 degree , oC De Wit Clinton consistory , N. J. , oC Grand Ita pids . Micti. , lieutenant colonel Second Unltel States Inrantry. died yesterday alter- . ilo on. Ills remains wi be taken to Parkes- bu rg . Ia , . Tuesday afternoon. T. I { SUlJOIOUGl , 33d Degree , Secretary. I'h"e UllyTralls tn . .Inenln Via I he Inr _ I In gao ii html . They leave Omaha at 8:1G a. in. . 10IG a. . Ifl. , 2:4G : p. m. . 4:35 : p. m , and 6:45 : p. in. Every one of them Is raster than the fast esl train of any other line . - - . Dedel InstItute of Dalr , Neb" , Is the besl nnd only guaranteed cure of the liquor , mar- phlno and tobacco habit. . . . .lWl - , lNTS. . I 'pjnnigai'a hinhI , " In up-to-date fare i corell ) ' . If the house bill Is to be retie UC up on . began a wccle's engagement at the E mplre theater yesterday , playing to good houses , matinee anl night. The "up-to. da teness" or the aforesaid farce consist , however , In n series of old after pIece which have done duty on the vaudevie stage for almost a generation , George H. Emerick being responsible for the artcula- : ton or life skeleton l'Ot' show purposes. I It seres the useful purpose or Introducing tw I now comers to western audiences. Munra y aUllences. Murry a nd Macla . whose ctti anl Mace. celtc Imslnels Is de- i clledly reminiscent of Murray anal Murph y Murh and Ferguson and Mack names familIar to : " nnl flllar theater-Hoers "for , I decade vast. There Is i : , ' h owever . much thaI la new } Introduced b ) ' these two low comedians . and their burlesques - le agues upon modern crazes like boxing and amateur circus gyrations . were cxeeedlnHly Cunn ) ' . They have a breezy lot or ama heer talk , suggestive of Conroy and smul , : , these worthies hl'lnl contributed semi : ' w hat to 1Turray and Maclt's act , The company - pany 6urroumlnl the two Irish comedians Is nol male UI or any remarkable talen t . the women eFpecinliy being or a negati ri eFpeclnl\ I negalvo order. Diy Link endeavors to Hive a lke- ness of Ihe modern wanderer over the earth who ts too strong to work but the impersoi aton loses color ! when Diy bins to tail Ic. 'ho ehlw amuses Ilowever. and as that Is the mIssion of farce comedy . serious cr1 I- , I cisni. lu-disarmed. - " 1 1iiil en" . 8,1,1 dciii ) ' . The death of Mrs. Rebecca Elngton Saturday - urday night was sudden . Early In the : evening she remarked that she , was feelng beter than for a long time. lme. Soon after the family bath retired they Were awakened , by her calls. 'Vhen the ) ' reuched her aRid tried to get hel' to spcule , Rhe was unable to utter ! I word , und lay l Imck deud. Mrs. 1 lnton was 69 years old. She and her hushand } . who survives her were old setters In insS county and lived neat lved nea\ Murray t until three years ago . when the ) ; came to Omhn. 'rhe Interment will be at ; Murray this afernoon , - wi l'RlN.U. PI . ltd GIf.iPIIS. - lard. l S , D. Thorton of Nelgh Is al the M ii- lard.John g uest. John n. lealy of Ogalala 1 a , Delon J. F. Laconic ant wire of Plerca arc Arcade guests. S. ' Voorheea , Sturgil , S. D" , Is nt the t Millard . - Merchants. John S. Hoover of , DuI 11 fs at the Mrs J. II. Luce , Chicago Is registered at the flanker. Gus Beecher ( f Columbus Is registered at the Dellone. It. M. Steele and wife , Ililyard . . Ore . are Paxton guests. E , F. Mallory and son of Droleen Dow ire i at the Delon . C. H. Ifelsey of noek SprIngs , Wyo" , Is ri eg- littered at the 1 ia rd. I C. Clement and wife are registered at the Barker from Chicago. J. M. Moore and E , L. Carpenter of S alt Lake arc registered nt thc 11Iard , Sal J , S. Greenwood or mm Creole and J. T. Perdue or Wayne are at the Arcade E. M. ' Smart of Oakland and II. Id. Utt hey of O'Nell took dinner at the Merchants ye"terday. Miles Berry . In advance of the Jm vial Jester vaudeville company . I registered qt the larller from Chlc.tgo. Detective Wllam 4. Ptuherton of Chile C 'a I was lu the city for n short time yecter. ii and stopped at the Idxton. Nebraskans at the Iaxton are : It n. Horlh , Grau1 IInll ] : 1" . 'flerne and ( , d' . A. Harris , Ir'len how ; F. I Glcrei and howard Baiey , Kearney ; M. C. Ielh and 5011 North Ilnte. < Dr. Victor Hosewafer returned .ttun lay Trout an extended trip to several . easter eWu. Whie absent Mr. Hosowater visited a uumher or public librarIes for thr 1 pUblo lbraries U PurP ceo of determInIng acme of the fells or the library In this ( city. lr. hurry Weaver , it . ! r ! . Dele Oyn- den and two children , Mis Qldlerle $ , James : lurns. Stewart Alen , Alfred IwsOI , \V. he. I Sullivan , Charles A , SiiiIiey . Citrles Maci cay and hugh lardlng , with tl Sol Smih Hussel . company are quartlr , at the ' Ii ar- Charles Murray ( , Miss 1(1 : flruce , Mlu 1 IJnllle hail , Miss Gracie Cummings , 11:8 Jennie I'lal , Miss Fannie LOIron . Billy Llnll , Charles Ialb , Tom tdiure. Fred Wison , Herbert UIa , W. n. l Calu 1 , with the ; 1hl ray & llaclt lnul.n's 1 flail coinpa try . are domlclel at the larjer for the wool , . lIlies Mamie timber , who lisa been In tle service of W. H. lenrt ( for five years , re- Inq-ullhed her Ilosllon In the jewelry depart- meat Saturday for Ih' i Purpose of attend nil the Slate Normal . schpoh lt Peru Neb Dl" fore leaving silo Wa Presented with a ha ad. some gold watch bl her fellow s'orkers and i Mr. Id ! chlln ennet , made Jler a present of a fne I At 't the ' Mercer : C. I , . Graham , SI. I.ulsj L. P. 10rlllny , Chicago : W. F. OII . art . Mound City , hit' A. I. 1 ; lelkel , I'rovldence ; Hobert Terple\o \ and wlte. Davenport : Ais A. Itice . llh'akee ; 0. Ihenton Wyomlll : C. I. Done uld wUe. C. I I. Dominion mid I wlte. CIICli i W. J. Zerbeit. Mllgn : John DanbY. I . ' dlrlontj I. . Ii. Hanrl ) lieU Ian , Ia. : J. C , J.nlrgll , idahoV. ; . 8. SIr eel . Ntbralkl ci. $ . A . i" , "r ' "U" - , " - - " > - - , . - _ . IAING PRISONERS - OF ELKSacco Bill Root Descrbe ' nt Some Length the Itresting Process. I - SWAMPE IN THE SNOW AND USSOEDfluen - StubbornlB anti Hlrktni I'roponttity II Cent mon with the Mule-Favorite , \nlmAI for I'nrks of ArIstocnlts-Iisilp- I'CIUllg Before CI\I nton. A former citizen of Omaha one who was here II the days when the city conslSll\ \ only of I few squares , and when It hind the rep utation of being , and In reality was a tough place , has been back for I few days visi ting his old friends and companions of those times.V. , ' Ii. Hoot-"BI' nool- came to Omaha In 'ISGG , antI lived here for se\'enteen or eighteen years , SOle or those years were stirring . and : Ir. Root his many storIes to tel of the old citizens of the city who are now stall and quite dlgnlfel , A number of years ago he moved to Wyoming , and his present address Is Larnniie. There he has engagel , In tire pursuit anti capture of live wIld animals , and has shipped them to the aristocracy ef the cast and , In fact , or the whole world. This fail ho was per- suadelly ( the democrats run for the ( leg islature. lie wenl Into the camnlgn , but that Is all that need be nhl. Mr ; Itoot' boasts , however , that he received more votes thnn any other man on the democratic tIc ket , nail five more than the highest vote cast for a populst , ! M r. Hoot was the first man west of the Mls Sotlri river to malIc a business of capturIng - lag alive the whit animals nail bIrds of this part of the country. ' WhIle he Is rlady to get any kind oC anlmai his specialty Is elk ] . and he has caught anti shipped more than 200 of these anlmas. ] The last ship- ment he made was to Sir Peter ' \nlker , who lives seventeen mls outside or I.lver- itoo h. lie Inflows lie ( habIts of these animals - mals thoroughly. Time elk , or wapitn . as It Is called by the Indians , and by u good many or the westerners , Is the largest of [ the deer family . he moose excepted , " said Mr. Hoot , the other day. "De [ or II was interfered with by tire march oC civilization across the con- tin ent its range extended rrol Maine to Te xas. Now It Is only found In the ( west and Is fast dlsappearln I Is nn anllal that wIll eat almost anything amid this Is ono reason why It cnn be Inept alive so ea sIly In captivity. Unlike ' other . easiy captviy. Unllc any mem- ber of the deer family . It can eIther graze or browse , and consequently . It Is Cound both In timber and on the palns. ] I wi breed I wel In captivity Ir It has plenty of room to I movc aroull In , but like any other wild I nnlmal , Ir It Is closely confn ,1 It will not , Ta king ] all these facts Into consideratIon . yet I wi see that It Is a very desirable animal I wih which to stock park , and wihin thc last four years many of the aristocrats , both r or thIs and other countrlrs , have made It a t fad to get sOle of them. HOW ThEY AHE CAUGHT. "I catch the greatest part of the animal : In ' \'omlng. although I have caught some In Id aho and Colorado. To l them Idalo Coloralo. get one has : to go 100 or 150 mites Cram the riroad trcie , ns they are very shy. In the month or June they can bl round In thl high hills . and a few of them arc caught then , but the right time to get them Is earlier . In March and April , when they tire down on the pl ] ains. They are then very thin , as there Is very lIttle old and no new grass al that lme of the y ar. This would not be so Ir I nnturo were allowed to work out Its own : ' way , but you know the advance of the whIt : man has changed all thIs. Naturally the ; animals would feed In the spring on Ut CC ' lJ grass that borders on the river banks , and ns the year advanced they would go furlher and further up the his , going to ( hit ' rIver tor a drink less and less frequently . aR they got further away. Finaly they would ace yti water only once In two or three days. When winter and the snow came they would have the grass on tire tops oC lie his left. Ths ! would b3 ample to suffice them through the , winter , and the snow wouhl furnish all the I water thai they -needed. Like thc wid rnge cattle , these animals know ever ? ' tut of grass that lies under the suer d Dul when tire rivers were fenced In an the fences gradually extended , all this was Inl chnnged. The animals could not get th9' : ' grass that was on the river banks , and were comp led to cat that which nature fin .d provided for their winter ( food. Cons i - q unintly , thousanlls of them die rrom starve ' lon , and th so thaI do manage to surylvo the t winter are wor almost to skIn and b ones. I Is the same wIth the wili rang ; e c attle. You hear a good deal about thl number thaI , are frozen to death during a sc\'ere and long snow storm , but the simple . act f Is that they starve to death. Those anlmRls could live through the severest storm : that t ever raged If they had rood enough , "As I said before , the best time to hunt elk Is In the months or March antI Apr 11 and alter a snowstorm The ranchmen have the t herds located before the fail , and lane v Just j where to find them After the storm : the hunting party starts out The snow Is I soft , and all w\ar' mowshoes. They can h eel ) up with the , herd pretty easily , as the I ok ] has slender feet and at every step he I alcoa ho plunges through the snow , ' and soon wears himself out. This apples only to the youmige/ / ones , hose ( 3 years old or under , for t3to bIg ! old bulls are strong en ugh to g , away. But It Is tire younger ones that w , want , and they soon fall behind - hind i , The 7rumrtens are provided wlh ropes : , and when 'th ' y reach one of the animals struggln/through the snow they cast this a round iris head a11 throw him Ilown , , 'rh ey t ta ! his ljgs . leave him where he Is caught and go fler tire next ono. This Is contl na contn- ued for ' , twelve or fifteen mle before the hunt L Ilnishied . Some of the men have caught ns many as thirty or thlrty.fve a day , After lie ( hunters have captured ni 1 that hey can . they plo the animals on a ledge , and , haul them to the corral There ther are loosened , anti after they have been fM for a few days they are all right agaIn and ready for shipment. AIm GOOD KICImnS. 1"Tho / shipping Is not the easiest work In j\o J \ world , either TIns elks arc placed In a corral near the railroad track , and , for three or four days before they arc put on the cars ; they are given nothing 10 eat. 'rhey can't : he l forced to go , anti thin only way to get them t In Is by coaxing. I get Into the ci r- ral wih some hay and soon one or the anImals comes to smell of it. As soon as ho gains confIdence I wall up Into the car , nnd he i follows after the . rolows oCer hay They are un. Icadell i In the same ivo ) ' . When I got to New York with my Inst shipment onll had ! unloaded them on the dock tire nnlmals : were frightened by tire boise They stuck their heads all together In a bunch , and I svoiuhdn't try to get them on hoard the I ship , because I saw that I would bo of no use 'fho doc\nen. ] however , thougl that they knew 10re than I did , and started to put them on the vessel , They Inaglned : that unllah with such slender legs culd do no harn , although warned them They got 1101 on board but every cpa oC them ) rlupI.1 , remembrance on some part or his InalolY or whirl the elk can do w itii hil slender legs. wih "Ramo or lie ( animals have been trained to drlw , a wagon. They can do that easi , lS they Ire strong fnlmals , Like a mule : they are very hard to get started , hut when rou get them to trot they will cover ten I mies 11 hour for ten hours a day wihout apparenty afectng them , 'Ihe one great dllculy Is that \hln they run away the I strangest anti sharpest bit cannot stop them , Ullaly a strll Is fastened around their : nos s. and Ihen they start to run away this Is tightened until It shuts off their wJnd. 'hey have another ehlracterlstc i of tire lulr , stuidhorultiess. They can be coueI , but . not driven Another lIe- cUlarly of thelrl Is that they cannot bear dog or clldren , and whenever any or theo ) appear they either start to fly or to fght I Imaglno that they think both are a peclea of wolf thai are their deadly enemies They put 111 a goOd fight . for they rear on their : hind legs l and strike out 'vlh their bart : Ilol&he.1 hoofs . which are a sharp as klives. good many tights take IlIacI between thr bulls In the rut lng season II October . but a they are almost lS hard lS rock they dQ nol hurl each other much "The female bears her frt calf when sire I' S years clc iud IUer thai Jhe Ilmu - - ' " - . - - . " > n ' In\'alably bears t'lnl , I have said that they breed welt hI c8lvly , In,1 , on that account a great mny of them are placem ) inbin publc and prh'te pnrks. Austin ( Cor- bin . who his / pak In North Newport Mus" , of 27,0 acs . has II least 300 elk on I. i t In adlltoJ , to them , he hu / couple of h lundred othert.deor about forty moose and fairty bulal ) A good mushy other wealhy men of this country all Englnlll also have n largenuniber. The next abhi'- menl t that I wilt make goes to New Zeal and. " - -S - " l . "SO rtW.ll."TS , This evening Sol" Smith Hussel will ap- pear In I character at the Lloyd which will be o f great Interest to his Omaha allmlrers ( lin t-of Dr. I'lngloss In Coleman's old EngIs Ish comedy , "Tho Helr-at.Law. " This play was written by George Coleman , the younger , amid has been very popular on the Eng lish stage for a great many years. Two IIsUnsuishel1 American comedians made mnrIe,1 ] successes In the part of lr I'an. gloss long before : Ir. HU9el made hls- John S. Clarke and Joseph Jellersoii-nntl judging from nil accounts Mr. lttisseil's success Is lie less brilliant nl1 distInctive than was theirs Alhough : Ir. HUsel open , his Omnhn engagement on New Yenr' eve , whIch Is conshlerl11 by theatrical people - plo one of the worst nights In the ) 'ear , the adv ance sale indicates hint there will be a largt audience At the mntneo tomorrow afernoon Kidtler's comed-dramn , "A Poor Helaton , " wil be hue b/ . This Is the Play ) ) In Wlllcll comedy anti pathos lre beautifully amid effectively Interlnlngled , amid Mr. Russell has limo peculiar Ilower of interpreting them such i as mme other actor on the American stage has. At the New Year's nigh performance - formance . IChMer's other play ) ' , "Peacerul Vnlc ) . . wbe proIucel , , Mr. Russell ap- Ilea . ring as losea howe. The engagement w/ l close Wedneslay , evening whIt the sec enl performance oC a "A Poor Relation . " DO'll's theater wi hn\e a stupendous atrnctlon this wcl" , beginning Thursday eve ning next , In the Slndow TI'OC.1. dero VIUlo\les , In which the mnrvelous athlete is . of course lie central lhgure. This wi i be Snndow's first appeArance h , this city and already much Interest has been maulCested In his appenratmec. Ills tour oC the country , thus far has been nothing less than a contnuous triumph , lie Is undoubtedly - edly one of the wonders or our tm , Eml- nenl scientists have declared him ! be the most perfect man physically who has ever Ivel , , and ho has been acknowledgel cvery where as the strongest mal In time worhl , ill s orer or $10,000 nail ( tIme gold belt , em" blematc of the champlonshll' , of the world , to any tuna who would duplicate hIs marvelous - velous IlerCormances , has thus far remained unacceptell , History does nol record , eveut o\en among the great gladiators of ancient nome , , I man of such wonderful muscular dl\'elop- mac nt as Sandou' I Is not only In extror- dinary Cents of strength that Slndow stands without peer but In his exhibitiot : I exhibiton of his marvelous control over hIs mucles ho prcsents a teaturo such as hewer lime i been shown hy any other hnman being. ' rIte organization Includes "Tho L.ucifers " grotesques from the pl'lnclpal music halls or F London : "Tom Browne , " the emluent hnls dOlble- note whistler : "Diy Van , " comedian , fet se\'eral years principal comedian with Primrose - rose & West : "MIle. Marguerite . " the beauti. : rul l and occomplsbed equilbrlst , beaut- frst aJpearanee In Amerlcaj ; " 1lss Scottie . " the clever calculator ] all card-Illaylng coilli dog , exhibiting the highest animal Intell- cole genco ever attained : Den Duuham ( ate : Iarlo & Dunham ) , the premier bar per former or tile world : "Amnanmi " Rurote' : greatest racial . urole's mimic giving le.lko re. productons of world.flmous men : "The M larvelou8 Jordan l"aml ) ' . " astonishing aerial acroblts In Indescribable feats , arid ' the peerless Sandow , In his remarlmbo ] acts of strength , which have so astomilsirtI the world. The entire , entertainment Is under the personal dlrecUon of Mr. F. Zlegreld , Jr. . late conductor of tim Trocadero Music hal I In . hal Chicago. _ _ _ _ o _ _ _ Salt rheum , with its Intense itching dry. hot skin Is curtl by Ihood's Sarsaparila , because - I cause I purifies - . - ' tIO'blood. I , , A 11 ] BY"I -l'flCIIXlCdLITY. ; Queer Decision In Cit Smilrtjer CaBe . II North CaroLina . RALEIGIT , N. C . Dec. 30-I may he safel ) ' Ild that the case ot the state against. : . HII , In an opinion of the supreme con r ( i just tiled , has had no varallei . Depul - : ) Sheri HII , stan'Jn ' just on this side ) \ the line. fired mind killed Andrew HOhlnson : , a prisoner . was wan escaping Into Tennes- see. Hall was tried und convicted or Hnl WIS mu m- il Ier In this state al his upemli this was re versed , the 1'\ell " court holding that "In con- : telplaton oC the law Hal < , % 'iiS In 'femmne . : ' WIS seo' when the 11111 : was done . " 1eI1eS- Ihen arrested anti held as a fugItive from stice . ' ' < al I fugitve justce. 'he governor or 'rennessee sent for Hal on retitilsitlon. hinhi applied tar dl retul > llon. Hal n - chare , hit the Judge. below refused to di 5- charge him. lie then applied to the le appled supreme - , p rome court , and the COU't by I thajarity of one decided ho must he ' mnjol"ly ' . . not hl\'lng .been In 'rennebsee nt the tin ii. oC the Idln ! ! he cannot be 1 fugitive from ju stice . Justice McHaw joins Ire the di - sent on the ground , that If In coflteniphrttit ; oC law Hall WIS In 'J'ennesace contemplaton oo 'lennCRlee or the killing , 10 hint he cannot he tmo : ; In the courts or North 11 Carultmia . In the same contemlhlton oC Jaw he must h" n fiugiti' f rom juslc ( ' . for he cannot now ho found In 'r entiessee , hut In North Carolina . The Jolly Twelve Social club will give ls annual ball at Germanin hal wi Year's Eve , Monday December 31. Tickets , a ; ; mitng gentleman and ladles , 50e. All cor- dialy Invited 10 attend . -0- J.UU.IL ' ' J.OU.I. lHunTl'/mi. - A sUbscrpton : Is being circulated among the firemen for the ( purpose of purchasng ) : a token of esteem for tIre retiring chief , J. J . Galigan. Tire tire department was ealel ( to Plr- teenth t anti , Ieayenworth streels early yes- tenlay mornln . Some one had mioticeti a heap or rubbish on fire nld tured notce.l the larm No damage was aone. The Inquest Into the death or Ike Ku w ill be held Wednesday afternoon , Klng coroner's jury hus been InlJnelld amid look ( at the body yesterdlY. Tire body w ! be s ent to Kiltig's 1I0le , at Bennett's Static 'in ' 1 11(1. . this aferoon at : o'cJocll. Staton/ , :1' . Charles J. Green wil lecture befe Itt the t ChautllllUI circle ] at the First 1 Methodist church this evening on "The 'fnrlf. " Mr. ; Green has male a close study of the at mIt . jecl j tor several years , amid wa probabl i ) ' mlleo a thiorought discussion of It. No ad. i mission fee Is charged to any lecture lu the I ; Chautaullua eoUrO. Thin esprit de corps or the Western Union messenger boy brigade was Jomewhat en. : hancell h a few days ago when nil the mem. ber ! twenty.two alert looking chaps , were , brought together unlormed amid badgeJ. ] Inll 1 group picture taken. I'ourtecn of the I boys have bicycles , and Caeh In the Ilhoto- graph stands In 10untnG Position by his "stcell Omaha can certainly boast or bllng In the t very front rank or those cities which arc lulet In a crhulnal way , amid eapecmmliy : can It bo proll of the calmness or its Sabbaths : , yesterday was particularly a record breab er. From 4 o'clocll Saturday - afternoon utmtii G:16 yesterday aftemmmoomi unti : aternoon not one arrest was mado. Al that : : ; i time Officer Drummy saved the t staten ( roam the disgrace of having ; a clean blotter by arresting tire notorious John r Smith for drunkenness : - - - - - - - - Awarded Highest Honors-World's Faic . . D J .WCft CREAM BAKING posnhlt MOST PERFECT MADE. r\ pure Grape Cream ofTnbr Po'ider ( . 4. f 3C'fl ; Ammonia , Alum or any other adult U' . ' : J 40 YIARS THIS STANDARD , - - - - HE WILL TAKE NO RISKS. 81relcnrs ot R : lcrhRnthn Unc I.rncncc \hnt WaR ( enl for Thai . Imlgslon his been descrIbed I the in- Irtlle of ii. pampered stomach . Like mnny another ! rnrt ! ) 'lnF. title wilt not \ear ammai'sIa. IHlgeston unlcts Rlomlehs thnt are not IJrl'trI , particularly In the Whi ter . whel people must live ! IIHll . nail , , Inlt s they heer ) ' well to do . cannot have hl\e time PAie'nrlet ) oC fresh 10. reel ns In the Slmler nnd iitItumimtt. "I nl ) 'hot . ) nilumn. IISI.tl " Pil n , bUlY mner- chnnl , "thnt , l ' 'l'elqll In its IIlvlncel1 stages 1' Ilertecly cttmntble : . I Is take his wo rh. , leI1nal ) ' , I run 10 rl.kl. wi As semi nA 1 feel a pene its'cighit In the stomarh lfer I menl : , I klow that m' blood is cra wling when it houll , - . ' II crawlng I itin.'hmat I need 1' I II0llant , something to PUt may hotly In atrehi it getit'rnl . gloW follows ' lueh 1 senerl ns rolows brisk cx- Cr C ISO. " 11th a Iln In iiiy coiithlttomt cami't take ( 1) condiion cln't enolh nlhln\ exercise In winter. Then' fOI' ( I I flht the first t signs or atomiincii trouble wih ltiff"a Pure Malt Whl lec ) ' . Our fain- iiilin dOetHr jokes wih 1 ( about I , IIHI says that fA'S t ns long lS I stick to lll' treatiiietm ( I'entment he caum never have . cln hn\e nn excuse for sending le 1 bill. " 1h'slcllns nrp to imiteillgemit to html Ihetsllves 10 facts. They ha\e Ion" known the 'riltmo oC vlluo Ileohole atimulamit . hut to "rt 1 1 nbsoltmtels' mire whl ke ) ' wri't a touuiCli Ilroblll untl It wns so1teil by himffht tnlJh . III , H 1' not sell sol'ell 11 I beverage 1110 cllll to tittblic mempport Is IISCiI its Iltbl ( RllPOI't Isnle,1 upon , , Is lelclnal lrollrUel , whIch lre imav'snii JlY no at hN' whiskey mn/le. I I1CCl1111 haul the con equclces of cold , wet 1111 went 11mm-sm' , Dlu""II i ! nml grocers keep iulTy's l'imi-r' : ( Iit lt'lmlskey on 1 lowel' shelf UII"s Ilre , ' ' shel wel ' The reason why mlst bo \laln to evcr3'botly. ' RR'R' ' : . FOR INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL USE. cums . \NI t'mtu'r.i-rs OoIds , Ooughs , Sore Throats , Influenza , Bron- chlt'S , Pneumobla , Swelng of the Joint , Lumbago , Infammations , R HEUMTISiI , NEURALGIA , FROSTBITES , ClllBlAINS , HEADACHE , TOOTHACHE , ASTHMA , DIFFICULT BREATHIN cunES THE wonST i'.tIes In i trom on to Iwenly mlnuleo. NOT ONE noun after reading tin s ndverUsemelt need afl)000 tUJ'I" ' I WITH PA IN. iir iIuvtiy's , Rosily Irle [ t. I Suite Cm'o for Every I'uln ! , Spruln , Irllse8. l'ahtiq In time . lInde . Chest or 1.lmln. I18 time liNt laid I it this omit ) IAIN htiIEiV. Thai Instantly slops time most excrucIating pnils , ulns hmitlanmiatlon. and curlS excrciatng , whether oC the Lungs , Stomoeh , Bowel. or olhcr gItm ntis or organs . "y ono " "plcnton , A halt 10 1 lenspooltll to halt n tumbler ot water will In A Cew minutes cure Cramps. m4pas lad . Sour tHomneh , leart"un. NervolenSR , Sleeplessness , Sick Hendache , Diarrhea , Iyea- tLr y , Comnc , Flatumency nn.1 nil internal pmins. ; ; : T here is cilr .lar' e P In I all fn tIre I' Ihat whit cure fever win ulue and all other MR- tiih tOUii. mmious iifli other fevers uldel by HAD- : WAYS 11.I.S. so , quickly D HADWAY'S nEA. DY nELI ' . Fty cent per bottle Sold hy Drnggsts DocToR I : Th SEARLES ; ' 1 " & SEARLESU . 'V z ¼ ' " 14 ; , ( Chronic ' ' ' \ ' 't \1 \ Nervous n1 { \ " , ; - . . \ \i \ : , , : ' ) l' \ f" , Private ci9 ) _ ' i , Diseases. 'HI AT\I NT ] Y MAlL , Coumtaton ! Proc Wo cue Catarrh , all diseases of those N ese , Throat , Chest , Stomach , Liver , B lood , Skin and Kidney Diseases , Female - male Weaknesses , Lost Manhood , and ' ALL PRIVATE DISEASES OF MEN WEAK . MEN Am VICTIMS TO NiIitVOIJ De"llt ) or Exhauston.nsUnl \\'eaklees NEHVOtS , I . . voluntury I.os.c , with Early Decay In yoiiri nnd I middle aged : tack ot nun , vigor itadweakene prcmarely . II approachIng old oge. All ) 'el rendly to our new trpalment for loss or rib vlal ! power. m Cal 9n or address wih stamp fOl' cir- : cu Lifree book and I'cceillts. Dr. rIte' qiii Qnqsiao 1413 Prtnnamii. I . Seares and Searles , n II\I \ ; Nob. - A IlfiloM's rlDuGflBlo fijleidli CitratITen-'Gnt for "ous or ! Rplendt1 Iead"ho I , cralr lent b"uoton } iieele.eqii e . . . .i"clal or cenorsl h.stiriiigiiiemo ) for fin' 0- 00 - B .pclal : . . Ooul ( , Kldner , . , , , . A li' 0V . . . . , , . . , Iordo. . : . , l > "ols , An mll Antdote for 5ioh. f nnd aiker . ecS . Price , 10. nldWtlC Lmiorse.'cerit. C THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL . 161 SWestornAyenuo , C'CAGo For rain by all druggists. OmabL - Brass Beds The bedstead keeps the keys or sleep , There Is only one fashion In Sleep . hut there are many fashions In bedsteads , I rou mallO y 'our choIce : with sole reference to your sleep you can make no nuulatalee. You will tben - become time owner oC a Brass bedstead , Light , strong , neat , clean , beautiful , and cmlurlng-who woull not pay a smal price tor such adJectl'es ! Hememler that for fifty rears a Brass Dedsteall I has been like a badge of nobility. It has belongerl to the atmoslhere or good brecllng , Tine tradition still abides and the proor i of II many be seen In every home of 1llsuro l amid luxury I wi harmonlzo with any scheme or color or d coratoni It Is equally avaIlable for a large l or smal berom , and It Is , winter or summer , In the city or country , tIre one picco of furluro which Comrort and Fashion both imesCribO l Charles Shiverick & CO. FURNITURE 01 Every ro30rlpln T"IIol'ary IOC:110' : , ICf rusts lS lJUIUluH Sri . MILLARD HOTEL IILOCIC. BAILEY THE DENTIST I. ' Ploneor oC Low l'rlcuo In D@nLisLrj I miAlA. Full Set of Tethl , $5 ; Warranted to Fit 'llelll'xlrntOI nlll'ulll 1110 day. ( bid aim'i PJal' n Alloy . 'llh , its. Ci : Slver i"1litiii. < Pure Goll , Ii.'n I fold Crown , Iliu . -d2ttm Irlhru 1eCtii. to loolh. uiiiebt item-k ' a ' 'cllh Ikr } 'lobl wOlk UI"1 Floor l'asuu 111k. . 10lb mind Fannamu . 'fel , lo.ia LADY A'I"1'1NDAN'P I.Od. i Ai t M all. h 'i't3r1 rUlorel.\'orlootI. IDI vigor qUltU , 'Jl11 eel . \U d . , ti.tty t.nlultu , , ' , . . . , . . , . . ' . ml.loDI , uiby " el. lu.ly cued "y Ilblr Ib" f jiiifou ; itezrt.d3' . titkn . ' . . uri.t , . . . " . Said . S. , A. . Fuller . , . & Co" , , Conner 15th amid Voughtn iia , 1tiIi ) iPI. I . ' 'J 1 : , 21 THE FEW DAYS I ' Left of this year , we are getting things in shape for OUl annual inventol'Y. In order to take up as little stock as possible , we are going through every department and selecting such goods as we do not wish to carry over. I is our object to close them out , and we will make i an object for you to buy them , even though you may not need them today. 'eS , , Among our overcoats you will find j seveal small lots , Ina1ked down 11011 $2 to $8 , according to quality and former price. The season has not been a very favorable one for heavy ulstelsl and we have a bigger stock of them than usual at this time of the yeal' You will find this week the best time to get one , and i will pay you to buy one fop next winter. In boys' and chidpen's suis and overcoats - ¶ coats , quite a few odds and ends have been marked down to almost one hal . ' their' actual val ue. Come in und see i we can fit your boy out 01 these ; ifso , you will save consider a ble. fl If you are looking for any New Year's - presents , you will find in oup stope elegant - gant neckwear , handsome n1ufflers , fine suspenders , gloves and many other things suitable for presents , at one-half the prices other stores will charge you for the same. ¶ I'e' , : . Store closes at 6:80 : p. 1' . a - Riin in Oregon. , ' , . , < . I . : , ' , -I " _ ' , More lies are told about it than anything else in the catalogue. The average annual rainfall in fifteen cities for 18 year aCtording to government reports , is as follows : N ew Haven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In Norfolk , ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In. 'Vlmlngton , Conn..50.8 . . . . . . . " Colum ia. 'Tn. S. d , . . . . . . . . .50.01 .51.0011. . Savannuh. Ga. . . . . . . . . . .52.00 I Jacksonv'tlio , Fla. . . . . . . . . 5.U : " , Atantu , Ga. . . . . . . . . . . . 50.28 " .Jacksonvile Ioblo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . " ' V lcksbtmi'g , : IHS . . . . . . . . .0.38" New On'lcans , La. . . . . . . . . . I Little Rock Ark. . . . . . . . 00. ( : ; " Chattanooga ! , 'l'tln. . . . . . .04.:0 . . " l\I0D1hls. l'cnl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50.10" Chatlaloogn , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51.84 . , " _ PORTLAND , Oregon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50.62 They talk about Irain in Oregon" but no enc says any- thing about rain in Florda , Georgia or Texas. Yet either has more rain than Oregon. The reports of government offcers located in a dozen other states prove that all have a greater rainfall than Oregon--to say nothing of the hurri- canes , cyclones , lightning and hail of which Oregon has none. The rain in Oregon is certain to come at regular seasons which people know and can prepare for and lever comes during the harvest season to delay work or destroy crops. . while in all the easter states you never know when a rain storm is going to pour down upon you. , The thermometer never falls to zero or rizes above 900. J J " . I you want to get there right side up and on wheetS } , c all at or address our Omaha office , 101 Bee Building. ' STEARNS FRUIT LAND CO. . ' { OF OREGON. - - _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - I , - - - - - - - - . THE F RAN CS CAN DROPS Purely Vegetable. Prepared ( room the original ro miIa gre rervenlin , the Arehitycrof tire 10ly t.anntliiav n" aim autbeuUa 11&lol'y dating baeL0dflycaris A POSITIVE CURE : for all Stomach , Kidney and EowcJ troubles , c6pcclaly CHRONIC OONSTIPATIO , Price 10 OIJt . Bolt b > ' al tl ugglsts. ' { Francisan \ Remedy Co" , 1t V12 : 'TRElf 61' . . CEICAQO . ILL _ : far Circular , . , .d ill catrated C'lecdaa' . For sale by Kuhn { & Cs . , 15th & Douglas RUPTU tE PERMANENT.V ( ITTTflTh OR fO . CURED PAY . . ' no PAY UNTIL CURED , , \H 11115105 10 OOQO t\rhT3 Write rorDlui ; Icfercxce , . ; XMlf\"lor. . ! R'I lo Operaton , No Detention fro 1 Buslne II I SEND Eon CIRCULAR. . THE O. E. MILLER co. . ' 808 stud :08 New York Life bhl'g , 013h : , I' XMAS GIFTS \ { J I { I . ( S ( , , ' " . ' ( & { FUlt uumt PATIIRI ( , hilOi'llhiIit , b'ISTEiL , IJ1tOTIIRR. FRIEND hR LOVEII. SOLID GOLD Si'ECTACLES. " EOLIL ) ( IOL.1J TIYEGLASSES. iI'tiS tested free of cimnrge. Ol'flhlA GLASSIIS , from $2.50 to l2OO. " ' C11AT11LAINII CASES , large variety. UAhOJLliiTldItB ( AND 'i'i I EltM0MRTEfl8 All Riegant Limit , of NoveltIes , w. I. Seymour , our optician , haS been extremely stnccm-snutml 1mm llttlng glasses to iruritirodim of the brunt peoldo in thio city , Lenses Excinoingeil Free of Cimarge , The Aloe & Penfod Co1 . . . . \DINU SCIENTIFIC OPTICIAN , 101 Fnrnnu& SU'I.t , Opposite Iaxlon lotol TIlE LION DRUG HOUSE btockhmoiihrr.r' Siec'tmnmg . Office of l.ee.Clurlle.AndreeHen & ilordwarrm Co , Umahu , Neb " , VI . i , I . -Nolco 11rdwari ) , herLe ) " Ilv"l to the Itocl holderl of the Le' CIUII.-ndreel" " JUldwlru company tblC the 1111al le"ln ( of thu etocimlioimler5 I lImo caimimlianmy will be ire-Id at tire oltices c line uld cumunpniny , 12J9 , hicht atiti lCD ham' . ' . street , iii ( he t'Ity at Omaha , mt time state & a. Nchiittittt , Ott 'I'trecduy , Jumnurmiy S. A , Ii. \ . . at 3 o'clock i' . ma. , ( dr time purpcsc u t-iettimig : a board of directors ( or tire coma i.uny to Servo dtrnimmg ( lie ensuing year , one ' I 1 ttLrIlbatit sum-hr oIlier iUSirests ) mmii limit ) ' 14 ilrtavriteh at eiuehr mneeting. Attest ; II , .1. 1.1111 , I'rcsident CLASS , Secretary. D7MIOJBSUIS * .