- - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - : - - - . . , - V : ; ; ; ; VVV , . , . . . . V " r. I . i - - TIlE O\AIIA DAiLY HElD : : \uIMpAY / , Cg\B1J11t : rt : , 1SfH ' 7 - - - . . ( . ) . c. ( ) . ( . ) . ( . ) ( . ) . ( . ) . ( . , \ ( . ) . ( . ) . ( . ) . ( . ) . ( . ) . ( . . seV ' L . . ) ( 0) ) (0 ( ) (0) ( ) ( I ) (0) ( ) ) (0 ( ) te ) \ 0) ) (0) ( ) (0) ( ) ( 0) ) (0se ( ) ( ) - - 0 Let Her Go , . - - . . . . - - . - : : : z : Z I she must , and advertise in The Bee ; , : : . want ads for a new servant gir . . . - ' . - _ _ 0 3 COA CI-1fEN ) and others , find employment ) 3 : ; cheaper ) and quicker through these l3 : " : tic ads. than in any other way " : . . c . . . . - . - ' , : IF OUT OF TVORI let our thousands of , : -4 . _ _ readers know 1 it , 17 words for 25c : ' : . . - = , . . . : : ; Want \ ads ordered in the Evening Bee arc pub. . ; . . : - . lshcd in the morning free. . . . : V ) ( ) JJj ( ) ( ) ( ) JJ ( ? ) ( ) \ ( ) ( ) C * t ) ) 1 ) ? ) ? ) ? ; ) ( ( ( ( ( \ ( 1 - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SPBGllL OT1@81 AdvortIementE for these columns wilt etakefl Adverloements 1:30 : . for the evelling ! , wl unl .O untl ' edition. . nnd Sundn p m for the morning rdlton. AdvortI8erI. by iequeting a numtn'red check. can have nnwerR rrqueolng to I n numbered letter In rare or The [ lee. Answrrs AO nddrc""ed will bo dellvere(1 Ullon presentation or Iho check only. del\'e,1 . norl. . Ir.1 Inoerton , , 10 n , word thereafter. Nothing taken for leA than 2"0 torn flrMt In5ertlon. I ' rhce ; IRemenls mu.t run conIcuklveIY. ANTED-MALE HELP. WANTlm-A I.'mv PIeONS IN ACl 1LACF 10 In WritIngs BOnd elll for IO-IIno book of partictiinn. J. 'VoodlJr 11 V. 4:1 street , N. Y. CI ) ' . 1-9 vANTID . rm ) MEN AND TlAMH I TO i5It.l . our feed Irlnt rR. Snilry $1 : ( to $3'.0 ' Iler month according , to nblllty. The Litchileld . \rg. Cn" Veliter City. In. IU9Cg JHi' W\N1'1.-AlTI'J SWI.IHI : YOUNG MAN , one ne'Ualnte,1 , nnong Suno"y Ichool and church Icetes rerere E 40. U. . . 1l-417-29 " - 1-411- : W ANTED-F MALE HELP. ' WANTI D. A 01. ' DO OlNI1tAt . HOt'HI w"rlt. Cal 21 : ; Houlh 1th. 0- 1312 31" \\'ANTlD. U1Ilt . FOrt OI1ltAL 11OUIil. 01. FOr : 10UI work ; Irish or German prererred. Apply 191 Wlrl trept. C-M4GI 31' FOR BEN'-HOUSES. nOUSES .I ' . I { DAHLINO. lArKEr IILOCK. D-193 hOUSES IN AI.L PArTS 01" TiE CITY. T111 O. P. Dn\'I. cOlpan ' , 1505 Farnam. D94 TIE I'ELKENNY & CO. . n I , CONT1NINTAL IJLIC. - nOUSES : lENA WA . & CO. . 103 N 15'1 ST. D-M6t - D-:1161 FOr IENT , HOUSE OF o nomls AND ZIAI1N on lal k ave. Inquire nt 42 13. 13th 01. lARN 01.D8a D-8a FOn It1NT. 110USE NINE I100MS : I.'UR. flare. bath , ele" nl 30 and 1'arnarn $21.O : .1. < clu''I' _ houoes. $5.0 und $10.00 , different parts el ) . Dexler L. Thornac . $ lice dltl'ren . D-M13 ; Foil 1t1NT , MODERN 8-ROmI JOUSI : AT. tic otable. 2625 Seward Blreet : uPllly next door. DMr4-31' nOUSE & STOnES . F. D. WEA1) . 16 1 DOUII"B : . D-G05-31 V V D-05-31 4 FOR 1lENT-G.1tOo.f COTTAO12 . IN OOOD Itl. HI- pair ' city water ' " 10.OO nec month to good r 'ICS . 119 J.er'I : , . 1 Lr ckm from Farnain car line. Inquire at Stoetzel's OIO\'e Ilore , next 10 o.lomco. D-163 120.0 , : EIOIT-I001 10USI : DATU ROOM and fuanace. John ft. Webster , IOlr Trade buldn ! ! D-MTrO COTAOE OF SIX ROOMS. ALL CONVENI. enece d slfble location. three blocks fm opera liouee Enquire on premiace Ot2 S. 17th Ilh st. T. J. Pltzmorrl. 1-7 : ONE l'IAT , STEAM nEAT , LINTON DLOt2K. John lInTnhin . 1 111101 bik . D-793 MODElN 10-1\0011 nOUSE , 2019 IJNN Y ; 1- 1939 .13 I.ROOM MODEIN hOUSE , 1'1\1 INUTS. walk from court house , ' vacant December 24th. O. L. Orcen , 1'001 28. Darkc' block . . 24h. - - - - - - FOR RENT 2 STEAI II ATn1 1'LATS'ITII " bath. Noolan block , 21h and I'nrnam : Inquire nt llugiies' drug . Blor. D-318-2J FUlNISnnD IbuSE OF 8 100lB WIST I.'amnm viclnltl for the wlnler months ; reC. erence requlre < . Adoreos E 36 , Bee. . V D-316- : FOIl I1ENT . 8 ROOM COTTAOIi : ALL 1100 em conveniences. 212 Colror" sl. MIlton nogprs & 1On. 1lh and Farnam. D-198 FOn nENT. CIIAP. FOR TIlE WINTER one 6.\om house. $0.00. ) three a-rom colages , .6.0. . J. A. Scott . Omaha Nat'l bonk. DIm ron IITINT . NEW 8.nOOM mucI nOUSE : furnace heat , ; newly papered. 31 N. 23rd. , D-M2C FOR ItENT. 1.r.FO\NT : 8.nOOI 101SE ; ALL modern 111rO\.nH"t ) . 406 N. lId slreel I-M419 I FOR BENT-FURNISHED ROOM8. NICELY 1'LJItNISIIED SOUTH DOOM. IN. Inquire 1919 1)odge. E-30g FUtNrSlED noels : IIOUS1KIDPING. 20a aL 1Iurs avenue. E-111 tWO ROOMS , SINGLE Oil INSUTE : MOD. : can : 192 Capitol nvenue. Il-M310 31' I"UINISIlm 100 IS FOIl 1.11' 110USD. - keepln - . Inqulro - _ . 1919 1)odge. 1l-M3i5 I FUnNISIH ROOMS FOIl nOUSElmlWINO C.r bun and wIre : rent taken In boaril. 319 N , 11h Btn'et. Il-M329 ? slm ROOMS , SOUTH F'IIONP. lID ' , Dou\lal slrrel , Il-MIlD 1' , ; W } lc I.'IONT ROOM , WITH AI.COVI' 2:1 - . ¶ fN,20tin streel , 1l-M463 31' . . orSIAI.I 1"UnNISI D lIO1S : IIDlmN 'd , convenlencue. It IS : Chicago. L'-M462 I' V . : , FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOA ILIOANT 10011 AND DOAHD REASON. able. RIG CaD 1-112 J11 " I'ItIVATII FAMILY Wl.L ACCOMMODATl four COllllrd furnIshed rooms , wih or without bard : geutfemcn ! vreferred 2019 St. Mnry'e avenue. F-Idiot J3 NICII1.Y 1 IINI7nmJ ROOMS WiTh 10.I D , Ileal heal. Utopia , lTD Davenport st. 1-4l6.3' I1,00MH/tNl . ) UOt 1.01 TWO ; S'I'IM 'heal : no other lord.\ : tonne lo "t Ie. 135 N. : ,1 drool . 1.-116131' I CAN IIAI ! 8I'I'CIr 1.0W 'l'IIRMS TO , moderate slze,1 faintly or two or three iijlulli ululI fQr bar COLt 10010 In a 111' family hOlrl for the winter monlhs. Corre.ltndenco i.e. Ilelted. Iddreea II I 36. Dee. , ' - . : R. SOU'l'II FRONT 1',1.01 : ALSO SMALl. IUIS : "ood bar < ; rc.iaonable. The lloge. 202 1"4CD llarnoy ' . TWO SOt'TI I00 IS ; 1"UIW1'.l'LABI 110A111) . : IQ1 Iouglas. 1-M4S3 2' a = _ - Iou\111 - . - - VVV - _ _ 1'-1183 _ _ _ _ UNFURNISHED ROOMS 'O RENT. . . SIJITAUI.ll FOIl l1O1JHIlK1lDl'INQ ; 1'01 ! 100118. Jl1'AUU 101EKlml'110 low real. N. \ cur Ilh and \Volller - Ila : OR BENT-STORESAND OFFICES I on IIENT . TIlE HIOHY Jnll IULIINO , elI 1''rnsl Itreet. Thll building baa a lire. lre. proof. cement * wurmenl. complet" Iteam h lt- Ins I tIxiurla. Water on all 101. gaa Ite Ap. ply 11 the nnc" QC The I" . 1-10 - AGENTS WANTED. GlINTS WAN''I : 000D LIvn AIL'NTH . AUEN1'/ 1ldle And gentlemen. 10 .I new work , 1.'ree. masonry II All 1 . . A are OIlOrtUflhty ' for k'rrcinaeons or thelt' , % ea anJ , daughters , cai Cl or rl.\c" Natknal Rook , Agency rom U W"huel block . corner lOut aiti Ilrley .Ireeh , Omnha. Nol J-14311 I' iTD3) . AUENTS IN lIVERY NEIIIIASICA ltASIA town ; " "lelhlnl new ; county territory given. Addl N , with clamp lock box :1. 1'remonl. Neb , . 3-1331 I' jTEi.'t3MCN on . t(112N'H MAKE MONI\ : rOe ) ' sellIng cults 10 order fl3.Q. pout . n. Rhh11 n , macklntolhu II Huntr Tallrn Co. . Cln. cIniltl. O. J-1UFU. V _ - $ B1ORAGE. : ITOIIAQI ? I.'On hOUSEhOLD GOODs ; CLE.\N 'Ud cheap r.te. . It. WeUI 11 1"malt STORAGE. Continued. lES'r BTOR\Gn IU I.INO IN OMAHA. U. B. gay. bonded 'nrehou.e. 10uAehoid goods atoted. Lowe tntes. 101.101 Lenvenworth. 14-103 TO1tAO1l. l'nAN1 R\VERS. uu lAINI Y. 14-503 1-3 CITY & CO. CLAIMS. l'nITCIAIt.111"AH'1 1t-0G V WANTED-TO BUY. WANTPD , 3 81'CO : D-IAND UllGlT 1)iflflOO. IllclAe stab price . make and where It ella be seen. 11. B. Scol rom 430 Inmgo block. N-321 WANT TWO OU TIUJH SECTIONS OF GOOD land , not over 10 mies from Ollh , : pnrt cnBh : balance clear Income "rolert ) ' . Wllums & Mittan . McC.gue Bulllnl N-7d31931 'ANTtiD. SI COND-lAND SAl'I I1VIl : cize. maker and cnRh "rleo : seeon'l-hnnd ' roll top olcc .I.I ; chow cn"es (2 ( or 31 , gIve clxi' . Addr.s" II 47 , le" 0111cc. N-M4.3 31" WAN1'gO A ONE-ItOnsil IClI PI.OW. SlIC' : ONI10lSE J'J end hand. Addroe . with 11rlce. C. Hehrder , Modal . In. IN-14149 1 WANTI'A : UOOSIX'ONDIAND TIHI SH- lug maehlnp : hors power : 0180 com nn,1 , cob III mill.'rlte . will , Ilrtculnrs. 10 Hlchulo Brown , 309 South 13th str.et , Onlalke N-I411 . Nob. FOR SALE-FURNITURE. PUHN1TUlE AUCTION AT 11 I AINAII ST. Saturdays . 10 0. m. Itobt. WeUs. 0-501 IrOn SAI,1 AT A SACRIFICE. CAIPETS. shndes and furniture which have been but little rurlure lte uBrd and almost news : also house for renl in' Quire 40 S. % ave. 0-14955 FOR SALE-HORS , WAGONSETC. . GREATEST IIARGAIN EYE OFFIIIIIID. A I OFPEn IAnOAIN OlEATEST "resent Fast { nmly horse. bUggy , Chrolmas carriage and harness nl one-quarter value If clrrlalo oce : Inquire nt Oeller's bird slore , 40 North 161h etroet P-lS1 FOR SALE.MlbCEL'l.NEOUS. U' YOU DUY. BUY TIE DEST ; MACKIN- losh s , rubber bets , arctlce. B'rlnges or nil klnda. gas tubing : all best quality. Omaha Tent and Awning Co. , 11 Farlm sl. Q-I00 WFOMAN PIANOS : nIIDOrrOnT OROANS. WO brldge liros. . 11 So. 111h. Q-23 1100 AND IIIICKIIN FENCE : hARD WOOD FENCI lAID lOO ClCKEN lckete.it. . , . Leei . 001 DoUgias..V V : Q-510 ICE. :0.0 tons or CLEAR I.AKn ICE For sale by BAILEY 1 IA Y. Kearney Neb. Q-298-4 FOIl SALE . 3 1..lESn 10LHTJIN COWS AND cnlve ; large rich milkers. S20 WeL'ster. Q :162 3' MI6CELLANEOU . V LOANING OUT OP SWAT.LOW-TAiL SUITS for balls anti partIes nt low prIces. SUlarman , 11 Douglas streel. 11-14301 31' CLAIRVOY ANTS. MItS. Dn. II , WAnREN CLAIRVOYANT RE. lIable business medium : 7ti year nt 19 N. 16th. - 5 MME. DENECIA. Tim MOST WONDERFUL clairvoyant of the 19th Century , 16n Chicago street. 8-187.12" IILASSAGE . . BATHS. ET ( ' . MADAM SMITII . 63 8. lIT ! ! . 2D FLOOR . room 3 : mnAsao. vapor . alcohol , oleam. 8ul. Ihurlne and sen llalhs. T-M456 G' MASSAGE . MADAME DEnARD , 11 DODOE. . T-14l57 .1. FERSONAL. Dn. T. w. STONJI . 810 N. Y. LIFE. TEL. Cli. U-M739 U-:139 MACKINTOSIEB & ltlDEl hOOTS 131 - I.'AR. TIE I 1LLn EPIElLY COI1SE'r . IIAD1 TO order from Ineasure. 199 I'arnnm Street.UM217 V slreet.UM2 DIAMOND PhOTOS . 75C A DOZEN AT pnoc. tor'o. 61a S. 161h sl. U-flO J3 VIAVI ; 10m TEATJIN1' FOR LADIES. Hrlh book and consultatIon free. Addreos or cal Vlavl Co. , 316 hoe bldg. Lady attendant. U413 MAISAOF m.nCIO THEnMAL IJATIIS , chiropodist. II mo. I'osl , 319\ B. 15tl DATIB U-SI . COMPOUND OXYGEN CUBES CONSUMPTION , ashtma. bronchItIs and culnrrh. Home treat- menl. $6.0 per month : 3 da ) 'o' trial free treat. nunl. lolm S10. N. Y. Life Bldg. , Omaha. U-Still I MATllONIAL 1.\I'EI WITH 1.0 ADVL'rt. AIVEl. toemcnts and photos of manlugenLe people . many rich , mulled free. Address box 21 : . lirook. In , N Y. U-Mill Umol- WlmE IS WIDOW MARY FOLDFOIl. . merly of Kaneas City . ICon ? The undersigned holds valuable Information for her. 1Ie' . A. Kuhls , KUISld CI ) ' , Kan. 11-14325 3' 'nIl : SWEDSH 10\IJIE T CI'lE. IllS Clii. cngo. . U-M310 J2S" SKATES OlOUND , 10.LOW On ' 1.\IN. AT A. I. Un < eIIII18. lOG H. 11h sl''el. ! - Ar CIOCD CUP FLOVIlflH ANt PIAWIS AT lowest prices al L. ICllel.on'8 , Sand. 2J 14. lalh Ilre l. U-Silts I" MONEY ) LOAN-REAL ES"TATE. ANTIONY I.OAN 1 TRUST C" 318 N.Y"l.U'U loans at low rates for choice securIty In Ne. brDka and Iowa farl or sccurly cl ) l'rol1rlr. _ 'v-Ill I.IFI INSUIANCn I'OLlClllS LOANED ON or bought. I" . O. Chc300y ICanan City. ? .to. V-5l 1 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAhA real estatc Urennan , Love . Cu. . ' OJIAIA 11 - _ \-517 MONEY 'co LOAN AT LOWEST RATE TIlE I.WI O. F' , 1avl. C" IW5 l'arnan .1. I. \--51 'I LOANS ON UIIHOVlm 1 UNIMI'ItOVED CITY prepCrtY. S3,0 and upwards . U 10 7 per cent ; no deIJ ) ' . . W. t-"mam . SmIth 6 Co. . : ' I"arnam. - W-51 CITY ANI > FAIth LOANS AT LOWL'ST rates. l'u.ry / 'thomas Flint Nat'l LWIIT tldi. \-\2 110NIY : 'r LOAN ON OMAhA I1IIAL l iTA' at C per cent. W. D. Slelkle . lt Nul bank bId W-UI VERY LOW ItA'FES MADE ON UOOD LOANS. . J. W. Squlr 2U 1.3ccbldg. _ I.ANS. ' % CITY LOANS. C , A. STAIIR , N. Y. LWI W-m BI ) T IJ. < o F . D. WIIAI ) , IC'CI 4 W-3 DOUGLAS 1.AOJ LOANS . LOW htATS . SMALL LO.\NS. abort Umo. II. IL. larder " Ceijee lIIdg. . _ \-:1 81 MONEY 'a LOAN ON IMI'IOVCI OMAhA property. FIdelity Trust conipany . li03 IratRm IUnl. \-116 : MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. . .1 D UADOOCIt IOOM m , UA11C ! 111.012K 1IONIY ' 1 LOAN ON FUhtNlTUllD . 1'ZANOS , horses . waou. etc. , lt lowest rates In city ; no removal oC gutda . ' ) rmo\'ol " 11 strIctly \onndenUII : ) 'OU can pay lbs loan 01 at wty tltnu or In any amount. 11) tme ) alolnt.OUAnA 10lTAOE LOAN CO. , 10 B. nh street. X-U MONEY TO LOAN-CHA'ELS. Continued. MONEY TO LAN ON ltOCSIlhtOLD FU1INI. 1.'UJNI. JOl ! : ture pianos ho" s , . wngens . or any kind or chattel security at 0111. tatts. . chstN ocurll I. , p""Alble tnll. wh..h YOU can pay hnrk nl any time and In any sounl. 1"IIE.ITY LOAN OLAHANT CO. . T0m 4. Wlhnel block. X-U1 StONEs' ' 1.OAN ON FUnNITl1 , l'IANOS end ni kInc1 of securIty . Fred Terry . rom 430 Iamc'e block. _ $0 Inm o ! loIC. X-31 BUSINESS CHANCES. COltrSI'ONtrNr- OIl - NTiI\ : ' w IS so. Iclc from p'rles satIsfied with 8 to 10 per cent In n le llmnle lu.lne8 : investment under full guarantee or principal and Inlerot : etand. Inl anl . character unquestIoned. 1' , O. Hex too. cl ) . \ : - AN lspEcIAId.y OOOD ChANCE TO TlE right arty who cnn command $ ,0.0 or $ .00.0 10 inlet Dn old fltlhlshl llnels. 1 Allilel9 P. O. lox Gill , cl ) Y- I1-Jf WmnJ nox Ill , SlISl''ANIOAlS , IA.YM3l3 Nt " -:2135' I'hIVSICIAN'S ' " ' . . . ONI.Y IIYSICIAN'S PIM"TIC J roll S.H.n ONr.\ one In town ; nenrot town eIght mies : crn- tml southern Nebrackal : rich cuuntr'merl. : . - _ canl. Address I. . 25. . Ihec , Y-1433l I' \ANT I. : A MAN ; WITl H'O'J OP hIlLY gOOh or lunar ) ' In Join whit n Mock or 11' ' cerle5. Om.1 location and trade etnbllshrd. John Iedwicli A"oC tuwn. Y-lOI . tNItAAI'J : YOI'n INlOltJ ; : 81.:0 FOIL 1..J : book " ! ow I. Trade Slcces.rul ) ' In Oraln on Hml Margins. " l'erklns & Co. . . 21 Hn"o. ) Chl A'o. " -IU . \ : ' \ \ \\'ANTI ) , DOl"Ol ONE WIO IS A 1 ms- ter1 pharmacist : good lenten In rIght mnu. . \ddt. J IS , care Omaha Unllre. -:13 . I FOR EXOHANGE IPnOYND lhti.F m.OCI' 0001 110'I.nT\ IhhU I ) ' Incutnlere4l. flr ' tmde. \Vtiliaiiis 1 Mitten. lclalue - Iluilding. - Z- 130 31 - I"OU I XCIANO : WI.T. TlAD1 0000 l'lully In hUJr\'ell Omuhl acre ProPertY for ' good Im"roo fnrl tn the couth. Alld.l" I _ _ il , lIce. Z-M451 I 31' 'l' 0 TIAI FOIL ' Y 11'W I 'nm. A 1"INn w nnlnj l'OI. plrrd by a half brother to La. . I"co. :10. . dAm ly 1.201. " 'eAI , 2:26 ½ : hrjP. fat and round. I , ' . H. Gay . . ' 2:61 . Net , . Hex : . Z-:11831" : SiACln F'AltIt 1N MONONA cOt'N'rr . I Iowa ( improved ) , 10 trade for house and , lot hI Oinitlia. 01' , ' " .rUeularA. A ddie.a own.'I , , \ . l'oriz 2102 lam stleet , el116r 31'I I I roil EXC1TANUII. NI W. l'INl : , onAND I ) luno , for lot. Addl'cas II 4G , lce.Z ) Z- liO l' - FOR SALE'RE 5E . - - DARGAINS 10USrS. LOTS AND FARMS , Bale or lrde , I' " K. Darling , Barker 1111-123 block. 1E- Fan SALE , NEW 4-100 I COTTAGE : CDL. Inr. cIstern city scater ; cor. 30th and Slhler : $1.2..o : long tIme. Inquire 11 Farnain. Sam. uel hums. Eli-Ill IOIJHN 12.1001 hOME CIIIIAP. 2019 1NNI.Y 1111-51913.113 FOR SALE. AT A BARGAIN . lY RESt. dence between Hurt and Cumln street : wi take % In Ird . 'Vm. FlemIng , 1th and Doug' l.lS. . ltli-9t71S--J4 - - - - - - - FOR A LIMITED TI t. A FIE HnSICNCE site . corner 391h and Dodg 110,000.00 ( pavIng slc. corer $0.00.0 111 < ) . I.'ul commission 10 ugenll. \ m. Flem. lng , 1th and Douglas. HEMiI9-4 EXCIANOIS AND SALES : CITY PR01nH.TY. ' Cnrms , merchandise. Gnrvln Dma. . 210 N. Y.I I .Ie. m- : ! ' HAI1GAINS . SALE on TRADE IN HOUSES . lots and fnrmp S. N. Frenzcr , 0"1. P. O. . 11E-MS53 JS InnoATEO l AlMS NEVER PAIL : FRUIT. olnto. grain and ptock farms for sale on easy terms : crreApondcnc" solicIted. E. Il. Palmer . rom 3. , l'eoplo'a bank . Denver Colo. ltD-StIll WE HAVE FARMS FOR SAlE IN ALMOST every county In oa.ler Kansas and southwest Missouri : I will pay you to Investigate our "ca.h rent "Ian" or soiling farm. 'Vo cnn gIve "u bettor terms than anybody ; farms Improved : osle"lon soon. J. H. llrady Crawford bl < g. , Topeka , Kan. 1tE-M926 Jl : ' A HOLIDAY AnOAIN-THAT UIAN NEW , reUy. six-room modern east front one floor ) cottage . one block from Hanscom park. $3,00 ; $500 discount this weel II. II. Harder & Co. . leo Ild , 1111-202.31 . - - FORSALE , A 120-ACIE FAn l. n StILES northwest oC Onuaha. Address E 37 , Bee. In'M 39 J28' BEGIN TIm NI11V YEAR niOlT : nl'Y A i'Ir ' r lot\ ; $3(0.0. 2\b \ % and 1Inclte ) ' ; nIce r-rtm 'colage , ' full 10t' 00 lOut s\'cet , n rh. $1.41.0) e"y paYlents : we have 'em SSo.o . . 11. Cole . . and up : houses 10 renl. I. Co" .106 _ N. 15th. Im-U51 - ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. . ARMATURES AND CONVERTERS REWOUND : storage bnletrles recharged ; electrical and gen. eral machinists : superior work guaranteed . Omaha Electrical Work on and 619 S. 16th .1. 543 V ELECnlCAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRAC. lors for electric light and motor plants and all kinds of electrical con.rcton , Western Elec. trIo Supply Co. , 43 and 420 S. ' 1lh .1. 513 LEATHER DELTINO. mTAS. A SCIUEnEN 1 Co. . JIg" 30 S . \th st. liT UNDERTAKERS ADEMALMR9 It. K. DUnKET , FUNERAL D1ECOR AND embalmer 161 ChIcago 01. telephone 90. a3G SWANSON 1 VALIEN. UNDERTAKERS AND embalmers , HC Cumin& at. . telephone 1060. Eli 1t. O. MAUl. . UNDElTAI'ER AND EM. balmer un Pamam et. . telephone 2 . 5 C. 'y. DAKEn , UNDERTAKER. 013 B. 15tl' COAL. D. T. MOUNT HAS nEMOVED niS COAL omco to 29 S. 161h 01. , Brown block 152 SHERDAN COAL. EXCELLENT SUBSTiTUTE for hard COAL S3.50 ton cheuper. 16. I'ar. Dam Street ; maIn entrance Dear or Trade. . 55 ALL KINDS OF hARD AND SOFT COAL 1. Lei , 115 S. 13th street ; telephone 1549. - 21 JZI HOTEr . hOTEL IJAItICER . 13TI AND JONES STS 75 rooml ul $ t.5er day ao rooms ut $20 per dny. SpecIal rates to commercIal trnvelers. Room and bard by week or monlh. Frank Ilihdltch . manager. Eli AETNA nOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) . N. W. can 1lh and Doge 100ms _ by day or week. 533 - - - HORSES WINTERED. ADDRESS IIAnTON & PUELI'S , TET. lID , 20 N. Y. Lfo bldg. . MI - - 3D31' - I WILL CARD FOR A FEW HEAD OF horses tot the winter at $ per head per month Horses sent for and returned DI $ Jer . None but healthy horses taken and only from reo sponollle partIes. I can gIve best or references. Address . M J. \'elch. Oretna Neb. 158 JI BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION IOW TO GIlT A HOlE 01 SNCUJ OOOD Interest on .avlngs. Apply to Omnha 1. . 1 n. Men 170. Ice bldg. . ( . 11. Nettlnger . Seo. 5U SIAI S IN MUTUAL 1. AND hi . ASS'N PAY O. 7 , 8 per cent when I , 2 , 3 years old always tedeetatible. 1QI I'amnm et. . Nattlager . Sec. Sec.IIS V LOST. IOST , A SD.J OD110 , ON WIIDNFliI. DNIH. day or 'l'iuureduy. I'iease return 10 101 Houlh 2d street and receive reward \339 29' I.OST m.ACK SI0nT.TAI."I l'CKlm panlpl dog : my name on caller ; reward. 51 . A , lieU . G3 i. 29th avenue \ Mill l. LOS'l' . A 8IYI : TEllml IU ! SIX S1ONTIIS . MON''IS old Ielur or uddreas UIO \ S'ebter KII'pt for reward , IUi 31' - - - TYPE . WRITERS. STOLEN TYI'll\VIIITDItH OFFEI1IID FOR sale should make you suspicIous : funny they are mostly SmIth's. Try one end you ivili understand why. Full line or supplies. ) Smith. I'remler Co. , Ilh and I " arnam , telephone 8mlh. 124. G5. BIOYOLEB. rI , O. DAXON , 40 N. 16TH. G3 OIIAIA BICYCLE CO . 3 : N , 1'1 ST. 89 A . - L DENE & CO. . mCYCLDS. 115 l'AnNAM 1618 DRESSMAKING . DlWJSlAICNO IN l'AIILIE8 411 GRANT 51-185 .118' DnI $ H1IAICNO IN l AIII.IS. FIT AND st'le guoranteed . U 49. lee , 1118 31' CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS , c. : )0111.L CAllENTlm AND nUI.Im. ' paper banging and signs. brick work and plu. lrn ! Once W S 1lh at. . telephone 408. 61 STOVE REPALKS . STOVE ItDI'AIltlh 11 40.0 DIFt'IENT Ike of atovu. WaleI attachment and con. tuecllona a .p.laly. 1" Douglas ane .lreL cn. Ou.h Sieve Iepalr Work. - Oh ! What a ' Je difference : in the ' evcniiig-w'1en a woman has cleaned housc' all clay with _ : r \ _ . , ' Pearline , instead of the olcl.fashi. V 'tc\ : ionccl Way. It's so IHUCII easier. I s \ \ \ \ . l'hierc isn't a thing anywhere \sl ¶ about the house ( that 'ou'd V h 'S take water to ) but Pearlinc can ; , I save you time and work on it. V - Saves that wearing rubbing on your paint and wood work , too And what a difference to every one in thc house when the cleaning is done quickly and easily and without any fuming and fretting I You men ought to get together and insist on Pearlne , lcddlc and some unscrupulous grocers wi ten you B eware : I this is n luo a n" or I the salute ns lelnc. " IT'S . , VPILSE-Pearflllc Is never pcddlcd : H your "rocer sends you nn imjttion. l1 honststi l. . ) . 41 lAMES PVLIt Ncw York. - HAY AND GRAIN. NEltASI'A hAY CO. . WUO.lSA.E hAY . graIn anti mill duff. Yo are ol\'ns on the market 10 buy or sell . 1402'4-.6 NIcholas 01. Gn OPTIIANS , OMAhA OPTICAL co. LIAIINO O1"VICIANS . J. I. " Fonder n1nnl r. liyes eXlmlned OITICI.\NS. . 22 S. 16th it. . In Klnoler's drug stlre.41G - 41G JyS' WHOLESALE COAL. JOHNSON l\Of. , \\'UOJSALE I AI.mtS IN all kinds or coal Correspondence solicIted. 10 lu.nnl olreel. 56' ' } - JOn PRiNTING. . fluiD JOI IINTINO CO. . FIND PRINTING of all kinds. 1th 01. . Bee bldg. 55 MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. . o. F. I.I.INUEC" " . I3AlJO1ST ANt ) DANJO\T ANI teacher 1310 Cllror'n streel. I BUSINESS NOTICES. DAMAGED ims : I.VEr I : N. 62 16. SHORTHAND AND TYI'EWRITING. . - - VAN SANT'S SChOOL 01 SnOUT hAND. N. 1AID. Y. Life . Omahn. Ask for circular. ESI DENTISTS. flit. PAUL. DEN'.tST. 202 BUIlT ST. Ill lO ( ) hicwnrul . 1100 nO\lrl. 'Xho . above rewnrl wIll be pall br Hal cunnt , Nebraska . for the npprehenslon nnd dahlvcry to the proper olcl'rs oC jm"1 county ' or : Joseph Elton and . MIchael Shel , formerly of Adams county . . Nebraska , and Wil led In Hul county , Nelrnkn. fo\ grand larceny . Address George P. Dean , shel1f. Grand Island , Neb. D2G l1t : A5.T : : T BUREAU . SUES & CO'I Soilcitord. Ee fillln ! : OMAHA Nefl. Advice FUEE RAILWAY Tl IE CARD , . , o . . Leaves IUUILLING'rON 1& MO. I1IVEI1.IArrivea LeavcslUILIGTON lVEH.IArrlves Omnh. \ UnIon _ Depol. 10th. & MIen St.- Omaha 10i5il : . . . . . . . . . . . Denver , 'xlre.a. , . .7. . - . .9:3.am : 4hSpm.BIlc. : hub . , Ston &VIUSCt 8nd. Ex. 4:10pm : 4:3pm.Dlt. : : . . . 11. . . ' Mont " .luGcl . . . . . . . . 4:0pm 4:10pl : 6:15pm.Ncbrskn : Local ( LYept Sunday ) . 7:5Im : [ 8:1 : ol.Llncoll Local ( n.1 Suiuday,11:33.o. ) : SundaY.lo" : :1:111..Fusl lul ( .ILtncoln ) DaU ) ' . . . . . . . LeavesjCIIICAG0.BURDfQTON - \ - 1 Q.IArl\'e Omaha Union _ Depol. 10lhl Mason Sts.I Omaha W5m. : . . . . Chicago t VestIbule. . . . . . . 9:50am : 9:4&nl. : . . . . .Chlcu.Ko I nre.o. , . . . . . t :20pr : .7&Opm..Chlcnlw : aria 'RWa . Local. . . . 8:00am 1I35ani..I'ncldo : JUtitih Local . . . . 0:1011 : Ieayea I ICAGM ; . ' . Omdhl \ Union Depot . Iblh7& . Sisson ' Sts.lOnialua 6o"m. : . . . . .Cnlca&o Llnfltcd. . . . . . . 9IOaut lOm..Chllg : EXllres ( ex Sun. ) . . . OOI'm Leaves CUiCAGO &NOttTIIW1iSTNTjX1v ' i.avu of'I .IArl' Omnhl U. I' . DC . , \ l n.oal'n I 11:05am..V.11astom ' Express. . . . . . . ! ! ' 4:00pm..Vestibuleil : LImited , ' . . . . . 9:10am : 0:55am..lo. : Yula ) - 1oveL..10:10pm . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . a:5pm..Omnhn : Chicago Special. . . 2:15pn\ \ Leave \ I ChICAGO . n. I. 1 PACIFIC . IArrl\B Omaha Union Depot 10lh & la.on 818.1 Omaha EAST. 11:00am. : . Atiar.tlc Express ( ex Sunday ) . . 6Olpm : 0:25pm. : . . . . . .Nljht Exllre. . . . . . . . . Olom : 4:3Cm..Chlcgo : Veotbulpd LImited. . . 1:0PI. : lIllpm.OklahomaIixp. : _ (0 C. . I ] . ex Sun..1i:3Opni - - _ _ _ _ _ WEST. 5lSam.Oltiaiionia : & Texas Ex. ( ox. Sun.,1lIlpni ) : 5:15al.01Iuhoma . = . . . . . 1 do LImited. . . . . . . 4:00pm Leaves I C..ST. I' . , M. & V. Arrives , De Webster SIR. Omaha Omaha Depot 151h antI 'Yeloter 1 :30am..N.br.kl : Ia.senger ( daily ) . . 8:15pm : 4:35pm..Sloux : City EXDre ( ex. Sun . ) . , ,1ISOam : 0:10pm. : . . . . . . .HI. Cly I'n ILlmled. . 8un..1:53m . . . . . . . . Leaves \ I F. , E. .6' - 1.10 , . VALLEY , = Omnha Depot . 15t. and Webster Sts. I Omaha -2:10p : .F .Clal ! and ' lisprece. . . . . . . 4:55pm : 2lOpm.ex. : ( Sat ) Wo. Ex. sex. Mon. ) . :55tm : 9:05um..Norfolk Express ( ex. Sunlny.10:30nm ) : 4:55pm. : . . .Fremont laso , ( ex. Sunday ) . . . 7:00pm : . . . . . . . . 1a.ul Exles. . . . . . . . 9looni Leaves K C. ST. J. & . C. ' B , IArrlveo Omaha I Union Depot 10th & Mason Slo.1 OmAha 9 :45am. : . . . .1..m.as City - n yl xp : : : : : 6:10pm : 9:4sprn.iC. : C. NIght ExVlo U. p.Trans. _ 0:50Jm : Leaves I MISSOURI PACIFIC IArrlves . Omnha I Depot 15h and Webster IHa. I Omaha 9:45am . . . . . . St. LU Express. . . . . . . 6:00am : 9:30pm..I. : Louis . Ex\re. . . . . . . . OOpm : .p..Nebr.ka : I.CI ( ox. Sun ) . . :0am : Leaves sioux CITY 1 IACI"lC. tArrives Omaha Depot 15th and Webster Sls. I Omaha 6:10pm. : : . . .SI. Paul Llmlled. : : Leaves SIOUX CITY 1 PACIF c7 Arrives Omaha UnIun Depot , 10lh 1 Meson Sts.1 Omaha ' 0 :55m. : . . . . . . . Slo x City Passenger..10:20pm : 0:100m..SI. : Paul LImIted. . . . . . :40um : Leaves \ I -PACIFlC-IA-rrlve - Omaha Union Deimot 10th 1 Mason SIs.l Omaha 10OOm. : . . . . . .IeArney I x"rcos. . . . . . 3:45pm : 2Opm. ; . . . . . . .Overland Flyer . . . . . . . 6:35pm : 2OOpm.Ileatrlce ; & Slromob' Ex. ( ex.Bun ) . 3:45pm : 7 :30pm. : . . . . . . .Puclto Express..10:55am : E)511 : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I ' . } Stall . . . . . . : . . . . . 4IOpa : l.eaveoWADASU \ I ItAILSVAY. . \ rr1ves ' Omaha Union Depol. 10th 1 Mason Sto.1 Omaha 8:55pm..Bt. : Louis Cannon Hall..12:33pm : PERHAPS BELONGS IN MISSOURI. Another Theory nuitoWhiero Ioly nnd 1llllh : not TheIr . 'e"el' " , Jack Itobinson Charles Smih , Harry Kelly and Anly Hyan , who were arrested on Chrimas eve at a lodgln& house and booke1 ! as suspicious characters , are sti ) hell at the police staten , SmIth and Kelly were Idenlfe as the highwaymen who hold up several citizens lurln , ' . the early part at that night nnd have , n9.1 had a hearing yct. Ryan wal bound eve t the dIstrict court for tryIng to hold YII a"laloon. I wi b3 remembere that Ryin ' 1obln80n and Kelly ' ' had a large quanty , O I'jewelry and 111'es on their persons ij toblnson and Kelly had some new clothes , nll gloves. I was thought Vat that tune \llt \ , they had burglarIzed - Ized a jewelry j store a Elliott . La . , but when the sheriff or Montgctjny county In which Elliott is . amo to the . , to examine the jewelry and clothhl 4 fIY , taltd to Identy 111cm The itoilco . hOI''er , have been In communicaton with ! artes In Craig , Mo. . where the hardware felor , ot F. 1 < Allen and the dry goods stop ( ! Wie & Ford were burglarized on the \ \ lgbg. of December 22. A number of knives , . -mnI jewelry and a quantty ot clothing I cfl talen 'fhe Police now thlnlt that the t thxe ben com : miled tlfjeen tills burglary , 01Ilrob \ l y dil another job somewhere else , al over a dozen chains were found on thel whIch are not \entonell as having been taken trom Craig. A mar- stint Is expected frpm Craig today 10 ex- aline the articles . c , Captain 8\eenoy , U. S. A. . San Diego . Cal. , says ; "Shilob's Catarrh Hemedy I tile first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good. " Price ( Oc. . Christmas and tOuts " ' " "ra I .curloli. Everywhere on tim Northweter lnes I wlbln 200 mil s for one and onq.tblrd fare Go Pee. 22. 23 , 2t , 25. 31 , Jan 1. Come back I . a time up to Jan , 2 , "Ily # office HOI Iarnam a at . 10111.y Ilitto . \1" Ills lurlucton 10ull December l2. 23. 2t , 25 and 31 and al'o on January 1 roUnd trip tIckets 10 points within 200 mIles wi b on sale at rte of tare and a Ihlrd. Minimum rate , (0 ceuta. Tickets and Intormaton at the union depot and cIty ticket olce , 132t l arnal street ECHOES F'RO1 I THE ANTE ROOI ? 1 What Prtemitios ! Are Doing to Relieve Members in Drouth-Strickcn PArth. MONEY AND PROVISIONS BEING COLLCnD ( ! Ulllll"l of SIIIIlc ! have AlrmLI ) ' Il'OI 1 ! orwartleit muitil . \ ore11 1olhtv-Udll Jelo\v , ' Or'alt ' Ulc"r 1 Uls- trlbutlJ COlllllcD. The reports that arc coming In trom the west to tile headquarters oC the ( Ancient Order oC Ulllted'orklneli nnd Independent Order ot Olll Pelows In regard to the suf' flrlng hat ( will slrelr occur ns soon as cell wcnther sets In have driven the Ilembers of lhese two orders to renewed efrorls to aid their memhers In that part of the countr that nr3 now or arc likely to be In need. Prlmte letters that have becn received br the head olcers or the grand lodges nll some oC which have been sPilt to local lodges IndIcate that the suffering will be greater than was at first expecled. A .good lan ' or the local lodges have alrCHly given or nro preparing to give 11rtes ntl entertalnmenls b' which I little inoitey mar be raised to send to the vest I Is expected , however . that enl ) ' n ' little money can be raised , whateve'r means are trlell. The greater part ot the assistance that wilt be rendered wi be In time shape oC provisions clothing coal nnd olher neces- sites ot life. A thorough canvass ot the lodges or this city wi be malle and from what has been obtained nlreat ' very good resuls are cxpecte" ) ) 101eful l'dge No. 70 , Ancient Order of t'nle,1 , " 'orltlen , gave a high fve Party recently for the benefit of time west- er suffcm'ers. Twel'c tabls were flet and prizes were gIven to the winners. Quite a little sum of moner was -nlsed , as a small admission fee was charged. Ol.aha lOdge No.2. Independent Order ot Odd , Fellows , has decIded not 10 spend any 10.ey on the occasion of the Installation or mcers. The sum that Is usualy nssessed front the otCHs for that occasion wi bo donatcd to the suffering lembers or the order In the wcst. The lodge ot the ordcr that Is located ] at Geneva has Collected a car ot dour that Is to be forwarded soon and It Is also I'e- paring to semI n car or coal. The Modern Woodmen ot America are also preparug to relieve the needy In limo Ihought- stricken dIstricts or thc state. Tlw st'te. Thcy , however - ever , ' have decll.cd ! to mnlte'i . : a\ for ) sUI'leB or provisions , grIn for teams tst-off clothIng - Ing UI cash not only from Modern Weot- len , but from "all who have a srl.pahy for sulloi'ing humanity. " Two commIttees , I consisting ot Venerable Con.111 0. It. P. itipIt-Of . S. Troster all Phiip Miller ot Ollha camp No. 120 , anti : J. I. Wal. M. II. I ol IeI aItd J. M. Welshans of Maple cal 11 No. 945 , visltetFlliicolm , camp on Friday evenIng - lag , December 21. for thc purpose ( ) scouring - Ing \nled action or the Ollah : : camps aimd theIr Trlend . After the appointment by Venerable Consul Howller of George U. ( Vooll , (001" .Charls L. 1011per and J. II. \aleulne as a mmltec to represent Beech C\l/ , the thmiqe comnmlttees went into tlce commitees session Slid elected S. Trosler ehalrma , John 14Vel - shans ecretarr ant George H. Cook treas- urer. On motion C. U. T. Rel1l ot OIllahma camp and George II , Cook of Deceit camp were appointed to vIsit the newspapers and secure suitable notice. Neighbors Cook Trostler and Welshans Troster all were Instructed to draw up null ) circulate subscriptIon papers In their respective camps. I was declared the ot the . sense joint committee tuil con tributons and hel ) given by the Ollhn camps of the Modern Woodmen or AmerIca he not confned to assIstng membora ot the order . but that help be also extended to illIcIt worthy sufferers as distributors may find It In their power to assist. After deciding to have alt donatons ot cothing , provisions , etc. . heft with the janitor or Myrtle hail , O. P. Thompson , Contnental block , after 1 o'clocl p. m. . for which receipts wi be granted , and after In _ structng the secretary to corrcslllHI with A. . H. Talbot of Lincoln , Nd , . . for intoriiia- ton and Instructions as to' time beauties where shipments of supples vIi I do the most good the commitee adjoure to meet nt Myrtle hal Saturday evening , \1ecember 29 , at 8 o'clocl " .PPEAL TO TiE ODD FELOWS. A direct appeal , signed by Grand Master J. S. Johnston 111 Grand SecretHY I. P. Gage , has heen Issued 10 al lo'ges and members or the Independent Ordel of Odd Fellows In the state A portion or \he clr- culnr reads as folows : "You are es\ ' claIY invited and urged 10 make such gcteroiis ) contributons ns your heats may plmt , both from your lodge , treasuries and Indl- \Idual sources , and lend them at once to the grand secretary at Icremont I . The grand ot. floors wi act as a commIttee of dlstrlbutbl anti the fund , thus provided wil bo d as judiciously as posalbJe I Is hoped timt . we sushI enlist the co.operaton and lmpth , or our Hebelah lodges , so as 10 be able 10 place all who are able to do so In comlunlca- ton with some Ileeuly bilge , to which they lay sell a hex or servlcable though wor clothing A single lodge our 10St western one , has In .tho families or its member twenty.elght persons , six onlre families . In absolute destitution. Any wiing lodge Is In. vled to wrie to the grand secretary for rul InformatIon. " The lodges In the city have already &nt a large number or bundles and bexes , and also an amount ot money . I wi he remembered that the grand lodge ot the Ancient Order of United Worlonen decided to devote the appropriation nodes- sary to pay tIme expenses or the session of the grand lodge to aiding the suffering members In time west This appropriaton , I was estmated , woull be $8,000 , and that sum was laid aside for relief work. There bas 01. ready been expended ' , of this fund $2,000 , chiefy la paying up the beneficiary assess. mentl of the members ot the destitute lodges. Conlrlbutols or nearly $2,000 In cash has been received , and It has blen spent for fuel , food anti other necessities . A large number or boxes , contaIning clothing anti provisions , have been sent direct 10 lodges , but under the supervision of Grand , Master Tate U. S. Grant post No 10 , Grand ArlY ot the Republic . buIlt a box ot cothing and oilier articles to the comrades of John A. Logan post No. 255 of Grant last week In response . Commander I. S. Wicox , of time U. S. Grant post his received a letter rrom I Commander it. 8. I..nhard , ot the Grant ; post , which Is full ot gratitude . The cloth. Ing has heen all distributed , arid has donI great gooll to Ihe families pt the veterans . The I nlghtl or Pythlas are quietly at work relieving the suffering lCnber In limb isest . and will see that not ono ot them wi be In want far the necessaries ot life. ( nlII'1 , Ii oil . C'I'cl , ' . Isnce. Golden Hod circle , Woodmen of the World , gave a'cr ) ' enjoyable dance Friday night In its hal In the Continental block . A good crowd was In attendance. The bal was a SUCCCS botl socially and financially . I was given In the place Cf the regular monthly enlertalnment 'of Alpha Camp . Time master of ceremoule was I" . i. Hose , while the commltee ! that halt time affaIr In charge were CClpoel or Dr. 1orwoJ. : ler $ . CInu- son , O. 1' . Ihiack. George Copp . : ellnmls Hooe , Yates . Iobert $ . The reception cm- mltt , was composed or all the ladies ot he ( A new camp or the order will be instituted . In South Omaha next Wellnesl1) nlht 1. wi . start In whit fully forty charter mcm- STlttMI AMoNG CI..t8lll1N : , l'relnrmtIntms tar ( 'ollhrntll tutu Ulrl\tn ) ' of itoluert' Burl _ . At the last regular meelng ot Clan Gordon the tolowlng clansmen were thtiiy elected as officers for lie ensuln/ year : CImief . George n. Shalll : Imast chelf . J. C. \uehanan : tanht , A. 1V. Amlersou ; chaplain , Wiiam 1.11.lel : recording secretary'ihlirtln Hess : fnancil eccrctar . 1. I ) iirotchie V ; treasurer Thomls 1ehltum ; senior henchman , Wiiam lore : Junior henchmRn , D. I. . . JamIeson ; seneschal , Jlmes , \ . HORS ; warllen , Thomas : tthrum No.3 i ; sentinel , Thomns Ienzles : plm9'siciall , Robert lcnlnnhl ; 1ller. J. C. Buchanln ; slnl11ard bearer D. 1lcI.ean ; trstees , W. H. A'lnm8 , John French and AmlreIcneock. . Time enlertllnment commlteo of tIme clan Is making Rlrnuous efforts to nllce thl an- nl\rr ) ' celebration or the blrl or Hob . ' rt hums nn umlouhtel SUcceSS. I Is 11relarln/ nn excelent Ilro/lm , anl thost who arc lor- tunnte enough to bo Ilresent on the ( occasion mn ) ' expect I genuine Scotch Ireat. The services ot such local celebrltcs ns Mss : \anny Armmelmi , Mrs. S. D. I Iees. lessrs l.m- bard , 1111 a ) ' nnll 1 > ln have nircamiy bolm secured. The speakers ! ot the cvenlng will be Mr. hlartigaim . who will deliver nn ornlon on "lurs , " anti Clansman J. I. . KCiitiei : ( ) ' . who will resl1011 to "The LandVo I.cr nnll the Land We lie In. ' An Inlerestng feature of thu cntcrlnlnment , will be the stage tiaimces , II hlanl fling , sword , 11011cc and Scotch reel , nil Porforimicti by chlhlren ireSSetl In ni \ertormell \essel true Scotch 005(111110. ( Clansmnn Josellh Gray Is spend I ng much tme In l'erCecln g his ptlliI s In these Intricate dances anti promises time nulience n treat In these e\enls. After time Concert supper wi be serveti In the lower hal I . nnlil len/thy I dance servel ) rnm1 I occupy time rest ot time e\enln . A warm welcome Is exlenled to all who wish to Join In the ctlo occasion b'ntiorm . IIIVasiiiltgton 111 on aliy simiar Pntcl I t I.ue" " ot " .rllllll The olllcers.cicet or Paten lodge No. 173. Ancient Order United 'orlouen , are : Past master worlcUan. Inrry I. . \oarll : masler workman , J.V. . . \l\lne : Coremln : , George 1,0hlcln , ; o\er80er. J. H. O'Gorman : recorder \ Taylor ; Iltiallcier . Guy 11 Ialmer , ; re- Iel'er. II. lit. Irlghtuhle : , lenrr Roberts ; Insldo walch , Pelerman ; oullhle watch. Charles llo3'o : trustee II. I. . 10all : , : mCllcal examiners , Ira C. Hosewnter and A. W. I ilmiRtOfl Union Pacific lodge No. 1 : Master worl- 111511 . O. lackman : foreman , A. " ' . I llh ; overseer . 11. S. Toolter : recorder . George Il. Johnslon ; ilunmicior . I. I lcCo ) ' : guide , S. H. Palen ; ! 'llle. . .1.V. . Doan ; inside watch CV. . Braler ; oulshle watch , A. D. Smal ; trustee , M. G. l owlrls : : medical examIners , irs. 10wlfl ( col" , 11.V. . Wormsle . S. 1. Caml'bel , J. I' . I.ordV , II. 'fhomllsou. Omaha lodge No. IS : Master worlonan , George Chaplin ; foreman , H. A. ; I. lc- LaughlIn : overseer , A. D. Bennet ; recorder C. II. Collier : Inaneler , George " ' . Lower ; receiver , it. Il. Morell ; guide W. A. Lund- berg ; Inside watch . I. . S. Flesher : outside wntcii Jell G. Sandquist : trustee A. fl. I Shncldey : relief committee , I ) . 14. hlnverly . Gate City lodge No. 98 : Master workman , P. C. Schroeder : foreman , George Nestllc ; overseer N. C. Chrlstnnsen : reorder. Christ I.und ; financier , II. P. Peterson ; receiver , ElcI Jepson : guide , Chrlslanson ; Inside watch , Oson ; outsIde vatcht . Drunnlng. The Installation of omcers will take place on the evening of Januar 8 and will be open to o\en members and thclr families.V aiotlu'rjm % 'oodtmmemi Eieetlommq. Friday night Deech camp , Modern \\'ood'i men of America , elected the following or- [ leers : Venerable consul , C. D. mlot ; worthy advIser . A. P. .Johnson : banker , ohn' W1- hams : cleric , John S. KIng ; assistant clerk , H. G. lem\I II ; , escort , P , H. Cool : \alch- , man C. H . Long : sentry , n. O. Miller ; physician Dr. George A. parscl : assIstant plmysiclatl Dr. Chase : board of managers , tree years' term , J.V. . Iouder ; hoard of managers . two years' term , George Newton ; board oC managers , one years ' term , George H. CQolq ; delegate to slate camp , A. H. Vos- burg : alternate . J.V. . 10uder. Maple camp No. 915 has elected tima (01. lowIng omcers : Venerable consul , Charles A. GrImes ; vortimy adviser . , A. F. Gales : banker , N. P. Swanson : clerk , P. C. Schroeder : as- slstlnt cIeri" I' ' ' . A. laxfell ; escort , J. H. Wiett : watchman , N. P. Balds : sentry , Aaron P. Dradt ; manager , Tholal M. Stan. dard : physicians. DrK , W. ; , - Itoss anti C. D. Sprague. InstallatIon will bt held In public Thurdlay c\'enlng ' , January 3. at the new Odd Felow's hal , 12 North ourteenlh street. The electon : In Omaha camp No 120 re sulted as follows : Venerable consul , ( . F. msasser : wprthy adviser , J. E. Van GlIder ; banker : , C. SS' . Daler : clerk George n. Wce ; escort , n. A. Day : watchman , J. ( . Edmund- son : sentry F. C. Moore ; camp physicians , Dr. C. F. Cark , Dr. A. Crawford ; member board oC managers , A. hlald. lono..1 I I by IV ) inn his Court. 1abl. Friday Omaha court No. IOn chose UII tel \lng to fill official positions during time c.mlnt year : Chief ranger , Dr. J. : . /'ikln . ; vice chief ranger James Muir ; chaplain - lain , Lew Anderson ; fnancial secretary M. F. Craig : recordIng secrelary. D. J. Trall : seimior woodwanl , 1. B. Combs ; junior woodward - ward , E. G. Brahrolt : senior beadle I. . P. hoffman ; junior beadle , C. H. OgburJ : ' " I. Combs was recommemled for court deputy , Drs J. it ! . Andn and H. I , Matce for court physicians , Charles Watts and Isaac Thop. selt for trustees , and Robert Christie and E. G. Brabrool for financial committee. Tie Inslalatcn of the omcers wl tale Illace on Friday night , January 1. 'he membership of the court has more than double under limo special dispensa- lon , which has been In effect for three months. This ( USllensaton : was offered for the purpose oC obtaining an increase In the membershlll ot the order anl extended over time United States A large number of Ilrlzrs were offered 10 the courts of the ( country for the largest Increase 11urlng the dIspensation . Omaha court wi gel frt prize for the largest - est percentage or Increase , and three or four IIm hers wil get IndivIdual prizes The frst Ilrlze consists ot a new complete set of 'of- Ilcera' sashes. The court meets on tIt . . ' col\1 and fourth Jrllnys at each menU 1 \HI\cn .f 110nrl,1 III mu ci him , . meclons In limo local camps , i the \Vood. n\n or the World time past wcelt resulted as to fol\ows \ : Apha Camp No I-Consul commanller , Oeo\ge ( C Thoml1son ; advisor hiemiteitant . O. P. 1ack : cleric . C. E. AUenj ; banker George S. 1lcl ] ; escort , ! . elser ; watchman , Ed- worth J Cox ; sentry , William F. Erdman ; memb or hoard of managers , James Cook ; plmysicikne , Drs. I. . A. MerrIam J. Ii. Clau. aen , I. 14 J Stomme H. CQok , W , n. Iianchtctt. Columbus Cmmlnp-Constll , HanchcI'1 : adviser l\utenant. Nidal ; banker , Novacek' . cleric , Irchler ; escort SWQbo'a ' ! ; s'atcimman , , ? Mathousc ! ; sentry , Ur. ) Holovtschlncr : boarder or manaltl. Kumiel I , Remln , I < ozal , . SeymC r amp-Consul coimminander J. \ Hanlin ; at'mlser leutenant , J. W. Inlow : cleric , It. II . Wlnlleman ; banker , E. I. . Hnr- man : watchnul , Neison ; sun try , It. O'Don. nol _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ! TIItI'r IO lit lila Oillcers . At the annuO meeting ct Tangier lemple I , Ancient Arabic Order Nobles ot lie ( Mystic ' 11'lto Shrine , held In' the ( 811rlle plrlora Friday evening , Decemhu 28 , the following olcer were elect ell to fli the olelni divan ot 1895 : l'oteutate Edgar , \iieii : chief rabban I. . ! I Iheel ( ; assIstant ra'idian , Wilam 'I' . Hoblu- son ; high priest and 11rophel. P. J. Mackay ; Oriental guIde , n. I. hardy : trelurer , Wi- lam J . Ihoadesj ; retcrder I. . F' ' Wattng : representatives to the ( lalperJl1 counci , which wi be held at Nanta,1 el Beach In Slptem. ber , J895 , Henry C. Akin , Gustave Anderson , Winfeld S. SIrlwn Cu'tcr l'oet'g New ottlecra , George A. Custer pcs ( , Grand 4rrimy of time Republic , imas elected the Joliowltmg oiiieera ( or ( lie ensuing year : Connmiaiider , Ii , II. Iurbln ; Bel1IOr vice commander , John Jtn kins ; junior vice Cs'nmmanmter , Jalmies W , 'lhmCinpsorm ; quarterimiaster , JOilm Vt' . i IDols , surgeon , Ii. II , hiotfniaii ; cimiplaull , 13 0. V SmIth' otheer of time day , Joint P. liemiderson otlicer of the guard , Perryander han ; trus- tees , J. II. Sawbill , John 1" . Cimseaden , C' . Ia. Thomnas celneter' committee , 14. J. F'eensn. J , II. Sswhiil , John P. hic'ntierson ; uielegstea to tlict encampnent , James 'Vt' , Titol1tson , John Jenkins , l'at 0 , llawes ; alternates , .1511105 CtlfllllliilS , George 11 , Iflmoties , John It. 131111Cr , V itMINU ( ) U'I'lIll 1.01)0115 , lImey Ate Commtlnuhimg In i'rmitht. thient. elve vItht untv OlIlt'i'ti. , Itestlits of eleetlotis In Nebntska cities rePorted - Ported last neck nro Alllmiimce'-ilox ilihtte canmp No. 732 , Modern W'OOtiimIrIl Of America I Venerable conetli , James 11. II. hewett ; worthy ativiser. ( 'imarlea lirann ; baimkorV , Ia. Hchlliig ; clerk , 11. 3. Ellis : escort , Il. I. Sage ; 'atchminnmi , J. Set- fort ; 801111-9' . irallk iluelmey : miamag ° r , George IV ) . ( immuitlis ; delegate , mutes hi. ii. 1levett , Albbomm-Rniglmtc of time Maccabeesl comlnalmtier , II' . W'liiott ; comimmmmantler , II. iti. lltommoti ; Iietitenciit colmlnlalmuler , l. P. Soiti. ers : record kecitor , \ ' , \ \ ' . Joimnson : finance keeper. C. Oimlingor ; chaplaIn , 3. 'V. ' Ilow. der ; physIcian , J. Ii. Stmiitii ; sergeant , Vt' . E. 'otler ; mmmaster-mit.mtrnmc , 3 , P. i3iiyder ; first imiastor of gtimirtls , 3. 14 , hlowcli eecoimtl lmiaR ( or of gliartis , Chance Ihelta ; sentitmel , 3. Vt' . Cave ; picket , J. Vt' , Parley. Asiilallml-l.otige No , hIt , Ancleimt Order of tllmlted'orkltien : Master worklmmmilm , 3 , Vt' . 140011 ; foremni , . Jmimmte Aitkcmm ; oversc'or , W. Fowler ; tlnalmcier , J. A , lioyen ; receiver , II. S. Clark ; recorder , E. 3. W'hilpple ; guide , , loimn ( lralmgcr ; gtmnrmis , 13. 1. . ( Iralmain nut ! J. iCitigimt ; trtistee , A. Cowen ; Imieuhical 051111- Incra , ir. . KirkpatrIck aimd ? mlamtcfeimie. hirmlimmtrd-lCruft : iust , ( iranti 4rim1y of thu lteptiImiic : l'oat eolnlnnnhier , J. T. McKtmighmt ; m'elmbor ice , 0.V. . MclCtmiglmt ; jiiimior 'lce , Grove Disime ) ' ; qtlnrtcrnmnster , Il. P. Simo- ' Walter ; atijlitalmt , 3. 13. lmlnrr : olilccr of time day , A. N. Porter ; officer of limo guard , S. Vaulter ; elmaplabji , Joitmi Tnibot ; sergeant- mmlajor , S. 14. Truss ; eurgeoim , Dr. mV. U. I iii trigel' , Fnirbtmry-Kimights of time Meccabees : I'aat Colmmlmmnntier , Vt' . Ii. McCoy ; comnmnlmder , II. V. Matoii ; iietltellalmt coimmimmantier , 0 , A. Moillice ; record , keeper. E. 11. howell ; Illmalmce keeper , J. 14. Ketirieuly ; cimmllmialll , John Schultz ; lmlmysiclnn , lr , Vt' . Perry ; ser- llcnlmt , Jaimmes It. itobilmsolm ; tnastrr.tt.nrnte : , Leo l'mittcrsomt ; ilrst limaster of gtlztrmls , 3. 1. . Kirk ; acconil Imiaster of guards , E , I ) . Owens ; sentilmel , Joimtm I.atimbei't ; picket , 1. . \r , Cox. ( lerimmantowim-Germnaimtown dm11111) , ' , iotlerii V'Olillileli , pt A immerica : Venertlmie cotistml , S. ( lmiriainl ; mtd'lser , Juhmim Oumlwilcr ; clemk. 0. La. Mitten ; baimker , 11.V. . Ohimey ; watcimlmlaim , I. ( V l,2b'eiien seimtry. Joint 115115 ; tlekgate. Joimim Oitlwuier ; alternate , 24 , Ii , I'imlimter ; lmiil'IiCimtlI , Ir. Morrow ; imieniber of board of mahlagers , 14. 'I'rulimlm , - Gaiiil'-Gamiiiy lodge No. 15 , liiuiepcmmdent Order of Otid F'eliows : Noble grand , 3. 13. \Viluiamns ; vice grmtmmtl , W' . Q. Mahnll ; secre- tars' , 'I' . J. htimodcs ; 11cr. secretary , 0. F' . i'ahincr ; treasurer , II. C. Crawford ; trustees , C. 1) . Slmrnder , F. II.Visiler amid J. II. Crawford , Cedar Ihimifi's-Itasca camp. No. 1051 , Mod. critVootiimien of America ; Venerable con- siml , La. J. Scimero ; advIser , J. 13. hiralnard ; bammke : , Joimim Schere ; cleric , S. Vt' . Auteim ; escort , J. J , 1411110) ' ; watchman , E. S. liar. rls ; scimtry , 11. II. lirainard ; lm1annger , Alex 1101111cr ; delegate tO state donvelmtioim , Alex l'atii. Cedar Bluffs lodge No. 274 , Atmcient Order of Unitetl W'orkimten : Master worktmian , John Stmieimrk ; foreman , A , Ilotmlier ; overseer , C. A. Slmerwood ; recorder , Jolmim Yummg ; finnimclcr , mV. A. Brokaw ; receiver , C. H. 1)uatin ; guide , II. Ii. ltlsdale ; inside wateim , 3. W. Berry ; outsldo wntchm , E. Malboy ; trtistee , 10.'iiltbeeic. . Chmadrou-Lennilmgton post , Graimd Army of tIme Reptibibe : ComimialitlerViillam Agmmew ; senior vice coimminander , J. It. Davenport ; junior vice conimnander , Joint Swenson ; ser- gealmt , J , M , Young ; cimaplaiim , P. 3. Wiisomm ; quartermaster , 11. Randall ; oflicer of the day , 11. 1) . Wiimsimlp ; guard , P. A. Pride. Campbchi-Carnpboli lodge No. 129 , Ahclent V Order of United \Vorltmen : Master work. ilialm , G. S. Orcutt ; foreman , La. S. MIller ; overseer , C , La. Patties ; fimmatmcer , 0. II. Aultz ; receiver , W , It. Teagarden ; recorder C. U. Iloamie ; guide , W La. Utiy ; medical examiner.V. . II. Keomioy ; Inside wat9lmman , Andy Oibbens ; outside watchman , N. .lJdrg , . Frentont-Ilarmmiomiy cotmncll , Natlommal tlfli n : V , . President , Itos La. hammond ; vice presi dent , \'m'illiatii ' Hawley ; secretary and treas. ttrcr , J , S. Curry ; usher , W. II. Golden ; speaker , Charles Douglass ; cimaplain , 11ev , \V. II. Buss ; sergeant , John Timlelen ; door. Vt keeper , II. P. Kitmg. Inlperial-Atmeicnt Order of United Worlc A InenI Master , Otto Fliesbacii ; foreman , A V 3. Stroutoovorseer ; , J. 11. 11111 ; recorder , J , \V. Martin ; financier , Robert Malcolm ; re ceiver , Frank Tlmtmressomm ; guideV. . T. \Vrighmt ; itiimie watciiimtmtn , Joimn lltirdlne ; OUtslic wntclmmamm , SV. P. llross ; trmmetees , C , N. Cottrehi , 0 , W. Rogers , Allan Grant , Norfolk-/iimcient Order of UnitemI Work- muon : Pmmst muster woricimiami , Ii. I' . Free. land ; imiaster workniaim , Fred Krobcr ; over. seer , 20. C. Ogden ; recorder , Frank Orr ; financier , George Corrovon ; guide. A. I. Higgins ; trustee , J. M. Covert ; medical ox. ' V aimminer , I ) . 11. Salter ; organist , J. Ii. Spell. 'nan. 'nan.North Loup-Lomnbard post No. 57 , Graxu Army of time Repubbic : Colnmmlanticr , Ii. T. East ; senior vice comnimlander , S. J. Swats ; jtitmior s'ice coiimmnntier , La. S. lavis ; quay. terinaster , M. W. Green ; EurgcolmV. . H. Burgess ; chaplain , Henry Thorngate ; officer of day , Iluytln Strong ; omcer of guard , U. VV. Larkln. ; delegate to state ellcamlmlnelmt. ii' , Ii. ] tobbins ; alternate , M. VT , Green , Newnimtn Grove-Modern Woodimeii of Amnorica : Venerable consul , 1. . flodman ; ad. visor , Joe llngelte ; banker , Sfg. Scimariand ; 7 clerk , A. B. Miller ; escort , George Morgaim ; pimysieintm , F. Leo Prick ; lvatcimnmami , Joseph Dol'lmachmek ; sentry , George Selbkelms ; mans. ger , 'I' . Piito. Niobrara-Gatewny camim , Modern Wood. mcii of Amimerica : Vemmerabbo consul , Ed A. Fry ; ativiser , 1' , 13 , Clark ; bitmlcer , Miner Timoiiipson ; cierk , Simermnan Thmomplon ; watch. maiiVili Casit : sentry , John ItVuison ; pimyslcian , Ir. Miron l'emlmey , ; escort , John P. Lindsay , jr. ; executive managers , Jatnes A. Wilsomm , Fritz llggert and P. Opocenaky. Nobraskn City-Iliuckolis iotlge No. 7 , An. ciemmI Order United Vorlclnen : I'mtst lmiaste V workman. Ian O'ilrieim ; immaster worknmatm , George 14 , Mtmrticck ; foreimman , J , ii , f3hmaImlIonI overseer , Ed C. hod : ; recorder , T , K , Voo5V& Icr ; finalicicy , B , F. Mormlemm ; receiver , F' . it ! . \Varrelm ; iUide'IlIian : , fillmore ; insIde wntclm , hI. A. unit ; outside vmmtcbm , (1. 0. lie. bomit ; trustee. iali 0'llriemt ; Inelhical exanilti. V ers , Irs. it. itoy itoss and CVnteomm , l'awnee City-Lodge No.VI , , AncIimt Order United \Vorkimien : Master worklnall , J , V. Itced ; vast nmastcr woricillan , P. ii. Stratton ; foreman , A. Cimaser ; overseer , Frank 'I'tmckley ; secretary , Italt lmlahmalm ; financier , II , II. Beebe ; recortler , 14 , lilepIumlu ; giiliio , 1) . Croightoli ; inside watch , F. ltiddiu ; outsitil watchm , C. 5 , itrocic ; t tihtecs , VII , P. Iirockatt , J. 10. Grillith , ii. (3. ( latilfl , l'almlhiIoim-Caimmimbelt C51111) ) NO , i79i , Aloilern Wosodameit of ilmerica , : Comisul , Charles Moore ; adviser , C. H.Vest ; hatmker , J , It. \Viisoim ; clerk , 1. C ] , 2oil ; watchmlmlall , It. V' , Simraguu ; sentinel. 3 , P. Spearilmaim ; imimyi. claim , Dr. J. C. Kiiimgeumaii ; , mmmitnmger , Id. P. lirowim ; reprceeimtative , ildgmr : hiowmlrd , Schitmyier-Cohiax bilge No. 25 , Ancbeimt Order - dor of United Vorkineim : Master WarlIllIatI , .1. H. O'Cauiaimou ; fcmrelliami , A. / . Donate ; overseer , Wliilani Loumloji : recortler , Itufu ; P. Moore ; illiullcierV , I'S , Miller ; receiver , 14. 14 , hhtmek ; guide , It , 0 , t3limlpzon ; inisidu watcimimmalm , iS'liiiaimi Ztiuner ; omhIslilo watch. 111011 , J. it , Clark. Simeltoii-Aimcimor lodge No , 14 , Almciellt Order - der of United Vorkinen : Imlastey tu'orkimiaii , A. I' , Waetmimurli ; forenumim , Vt' . J. Slnhti , ; V overseer , JV. . Viiite ; recorder , P. E , Pock' fihiancier , J , 1' . Meals ; receiver , 14.t , lbs. V tether ; guide , Vt' . hi. Moore ; inside watcim. milan , 1. . SV. fiarllley ; otitsido watchipirm , I , I3tarbuck : trmmstee , Jaiimes MoCrary. V Springiieimi-flramtl , Army of time iteptmblicu Comimmander , J , 0. liclulml ; senior vice colmi. imiander , if. T. Hoyt : junior vice conmlrmelmder , P. 'F. flail ; oflicer of time 'layVulluitin ' Juhmli- soil ; chaplain , John Joiitmmmomi , Valentine-Knights at i'ytlmiims ; Cimummcoi. br coimilimander , II. lioelimg ; vice chancellor , (3 , Carheon ; master of exchequer , J. ii , Yeast ; keeper of recortia ami scab , J , W. Splrk ; Inside guard , I' , Shinotis ; prelate , J. 'r , Ogiesby ; lilaster of tiliulIceV , Ii. iticNichmtmbs Imlaster-at-arimme , W , 13. Jaeisoii ; outitido guard , C , J , lirayton , % Then BaIy was sit k , tee gaTe her (3aetorla , When she was a Child , Jmd crIed for Caatoria. Vben Site became ) hie , he c1un to Caaueria , % 'ben the br..i Children , alto gavothca C'e4'.ILI.