Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1894, Image 4

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    - - - - . . , . , - - - " - . j . : : : , . . . ; , ! . . _ " " . . , . , j " , . . < . , . . : , : . . - . . , . . : } . ' . _ . ' _ ' ' ' " . _ _
F : -g--- T TIlE 01\rA DAILY nE ] : 1IO DAY , DEOE1UER 31 , 180,1. ' _ _ u _ ' . _ ' _ . _ ' L..n . . . . . _
- -
- - _ . _ - -
. flOST.WATEIt , edltr.
t . _ _ _ c. _ nosrWATlm - . - - - - ) - =
- I
I ' ' . . ) twrmv ; MOftNING.
. _ Il'Df.t8UrO . _ n _ MOTNINO. 1
--n : , is 'o - in.nscniprio. :
' Tatlr lice ( VItlintit SuntIn' ) , On . ! Yeat . . . ' R O ,
Daly Wlhout Iun.lnrl . . . . . . . . . 10 00 I
, One Yeur
nn.l tunt1y
Dafly sy . . .
'i ! Monlha ( . . . . Iun . . < . . . . on . . . . Yer. . . . . . . . . . 100 GO
. , TIirep , iflti $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 G
' Iundsw ; . Jnnll. I . One , Trl' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ( (
w fandny ) ' . One Venr . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 t
I 1"lur.ln \'ekly nt I . One Ytr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 : s.
, ( ' 14utlI maIHI. Ornnhn 1iu f , Con.r fluII1tng. . N nn" Ttier.Iy.fcurtlt 81s.
Cnunctl Jilutri. i2 I'c'nrl $ trct.
Counci II Ia. 1 ) ( IHree
I Chlcn o ( ) fl1ef. . 3 ( Thambor OC Comnerce.
Ne\ York " nomns n. I 0 I. . Tlt'rU 13I.
. Wnshlngton , IN7 P Street N. W.
cOltnm'ONnm ( .
All tornrnunkntlonq tn ' ws on.t . -
reinting I1'W 1,1-
Al ,
communlttoM rplnlnK
tOl1al Illtcr hauhl bo Ut1rIM ( 1 'fo thc 1.t1tor. '
JtH'Nr ' : t.WrIS.
* AU buslti " IttLis nni emIttnnce s , houl ; hc
Al bUAlle lelell remltnnc
. fd.lrlu'd In Ttie nee l'ubl.hlll Cmpnny ,
Omahn. /rkfil. thrrks nnll I > stofce orders 10
4 be mldp"I'lhIP , tl Ih. ord"r of th coflipafly.
- 'f - \"I\'lhIP \ . - - . ! I'UIU..ISUINO . COMPANY.
- - - - - - -
r.4.rgo . . Tzt1me.k. rltn y of The nOl l'ib *
I. ! 1
"Ihln 10tnlln ) ' , Ielu/ Iuly .worn. .I'S that
the actual I number of / ful nnd ( o1plrte copies
of Daily . ant tUfllay ' lice
/ Mmoing. IenIng tuU'ny
tDaly Mi nlnl. B\nlnl ! leo
I minted I " lutlnl the month or No.mhcr. 1S , Was
I 1. follw. . . . 2,1.811 IC . . . . . .
. I 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.Z1 Ie. 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.51 .
I 2. . . . . . . . . . . , 21.2i IS . . . . . . . 22,173
. . . . . 22.1.
I 4 , . . . . . . . . . 21.2 $ 1. . . . . . . . . . 2 .41
6. . . . . . . . 21.Ml 21. . . . . . . . . ; J.hl
c. . . . . . . . . 21,171 21 . . . . . . . . . . 2,13' )
' I . . . . . . . . . . . 21.13 . ; 22. . . . . . . . . . 21.UI $
, 8. . . . . . . . . 23,974 2. . . . . . . . 2.2:1 :
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
' D. ! . . . . . . . 21.1 $ ; 21. . . . . . . 2 .3 3
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1) I . . . . . . 21.1' ' 23 . . . . . . . 21.
. 1. . . . . . . . . . 22,4/ ) 2G. . . . . . . . . 2.12
1. . . . . . . . 22.4Y 2. 27. . . . . . . . . 2.J.Q .
13. . . . . . . . . 21.04)1 ) : s . . . . . . . . . I . ! S
' 1. . . . . . . . . 21.01 ' . , 29 . . . . . . . . . . 20.02
15. . . . . . . . . : 21 . . . . . . . . . . 1l,12
: . . Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( ' 9.e:1 :
L' ss ttlt1tIctIofl COl' un.old nod returned
( I. .IPllelon" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . relurntl . . . . . l1,2S2
TCJln I iti1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , & 4 ; .372
n1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- Dnl ) ' overage flat cltrlintlon. . . . . . . 2151
Ownm : 11. 'rSCnUCK.
Sworn to \.fore nIl 0"1 .uIJscllh"r In my pre9'
ene iiii l1 dl ) ' \cerhcr. . 1114.
( i4ni. ) < N 1 . _ P1111. : . Notary Puhile. -
- - - -
, th- , TIU 11 : ' , S L1J1 SL.I'I'IJJ IUI'OI' ' ,
. Full . accurate nld crllral reports of the
, . g : proceCIIs ! oC the lerIRlnlure will appear In
, the columns 01 The Bee from ( lay to day
: : Al questons Rll measures wi be discussed
4f and treated Cram the standpoInt oC the material -
r terial Ijttnre of the stale and for the promo-
ton oC good government. The Dee will commend -
mend what It belevc worthy of Praise and
condemn what I bele\s to be detrimental
to the public good. Jt goes without saying
that The Bee will print all the news werll
. reading and prollCscs to keep Its patrons ad-
. vised oC every movement nt thc slate capital
Inside alI outside oC the halls of legislaton ,
In procuring the news nntl all the news The
anl ni
Bco wi sllare no expense. I wi not he
. confIned 10 one wire , hit wi have the use of
ns many wIres ns the telegraph coml1nles
: cal place nt Its eomlll In any cmergency
W9io HaiI : nlylhll about nn exlm :
; sesioti of COhlgI'M ?
. 'l'hm'l ) I very little lef l now of the 011
3'N1' 111 It Is I wel for evry1)ody ( to
: : malw thc ( 10st of the IPlnllllg honrs
Is a lHstclwal'd allual : IL vnllahle ;
.t thll II Ihl I mealll : of thc l lm' all
: spirit of the cOlslllton tinder altcl
. XIV , scCtOI 1 ?
PI'psl1llt C1t'VhtIl(1 wi thInk several
. tmcs before Iw cals a lPIhlcal con-
gros In ( 'xlii : sessIon to pass \pon )
; ; temoCltc ? Iiit'aslires.
% - . A gi'i'tt : Inl ' pcoille ) In New York wi
- feel easJm' : now hat t the Lexow coin-
Ilt\.c hus COlchH1ell its hncslgltfIS !
- . Into COIUJtol In ouch ! life in that
'r11111111:1113-.l : I(1lc11 ( ( melolJolls.
' : Iln'aslm : neknovk'lgc's ( the compli-
111t 11111 It hy ) thc I Amcl'lcan Ecolomlc
nssoenton In giving one of the Illnces
: . ' . 01 Its oleial : culell1n' to Chalcelol
Clllehl of the Nebraska State ulh'el" -
. . .1 '
, 81 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'l'he Itlllglol .Toulal : Is l carl I I ! Its
. l Rnhshly Ill 11 : 'IIg 1o1itS special
. t fl'elJht tr 11 11sl'lhntol ( ! l ' cha : 1111 n-
: ,11g , the llOIIg ) bill 10W before congress
? \ 1\1 advocating the raise of freight
' \ rntls : In IOWH. Notlitiig less could have
\z 1 hcen ( eXllctel ) ( ,
¼ . tr ,
S ' ' lie eXamllo set hy Supel'lltollelt
Brl'nCR lit hayilg hi ! l'cslglatol trout
the henll of the New York pol co force
, 1IN1(1y fOl thc lew mayor on thin very
S ( lily of his 1111Jt'lton IR ole that
S might he lmllah'll with In"olt ) 1)y other
S Tlgh nli low olclnls ,
I IH CI'lllty relHlrtcl ( Ht 'Ylshhlg-
. ton that ex-Couugressnuan Yalelthl
could hlne stepIHll ) ( Into the senatollal
; S. brogans or Mlulel'sol br simply ' con -
sentlg to IHt them on. 'l'hls ltiforiiia-
; ton wi hc a surll'lse n mOlg the lel
iS who were lli'dell to fill the pilce.
Im'lnln ' 1111e's oil htispectorshtip
exph'ls Oil NeYear'i4 tiny ly cOI tI1-
: tolal limitation , unless hc 11'llm'H the
oil inspcetorshulp to 1 Rt'll In the legis-
? Ilhn'l' , whllh Is not lt 11 1)robtile. ) :
4 t 'I'ha RCI'llhle for the 'IIiiiiti.j \'ncalc '
wi UII'efo'c hlgll lext 'l'ncslly.
, " 'hat 110 1110 ' '
thl Hmllgtol managers
S Wllt wlh the 1l llllt\ ? " 'hit IH
¶ , thtQL ' t ) to lu lonl' this WIII'I' that tl '
- S mUHt IIIRH t heir lobby amid hUlll ) zl' ,
# hlwhllt and drive 1llhl'I' : Into the
, , hllllll ) lIke so IHny en ( tie 10 110 their
hil tl 1gDu / I hiiy Wllt the earth ?
John Im'ls 1 1 l i I ReIS Iu I the I I gO\'lI'llllt
print hug Omt'l \\'ashihimgton HI Instl-
tat loll which ! \VoZ'tliy I of lulntou ) hr
: On' Buglsh eO\slls ICI'OS : the Wllt' .
, . 'l'll 111lt'll Hlntls : hUH ; 10t hlPI above
: . UIIOlllul stiggestlolis 111 Ihl'Olll : , lul
i It I Is 10t too t lil' I 101' l' : ugh timid to tin 1- I I
1 wlSt' . I I t IH to 11 1l1'II , Iw\\'U"C' that
r It . wi Il' SOli tIme ht'fol'o wo tutu the
, British gm'C'llwlt l'I111IwII ) Iii the
- IIIhllsS of 11'lntlg Item OWI imbue Iloc-
, UIIUtS. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. 'I .sic < , \1 relmhlkllS or tlll tate tl'l
S ; o'et u utev leaf vitIu I iii' lncouuliug '
Qrtt. 11'W i'lI wih lIl Ill'omllg year
S tutu tm'l theI' hlWl,1 1pon the hile ;
shI.ip ' who -hinve thlsgruieetl thl'IIP't'/
Ilt' hltght thin 111'ly : 1110 1111lllte
, , hr the bet ruyal : of IHhlc trust ? IH It
lot Ihott t tlO I I Ihnt I I sill uIll'nl t'nlll
. fllowlI's Jut ) iciegateti to the remit until
S. , I'Pllt out 01' sight ? I I WltIl 11'1'1 thnt
S liii' IlHIOI of thin ltlt l'lllll would
, . Iiuipri'ss Ijl'lf upon thin ) 'llthllIIS ) 11
. tlit' leglsiittiiie uiuith hlsiliro thieutt vithi
tl It'jlslltu111 tll wih
t the tetm'illlntol to give 1 whle 11'
: to utotorlotis ' ' , who " '
10101'loUK rogues ( ) hll"o rest the
Illt : ) ' thOUI:118 or Vtti'41 tutu wi itS
S _ they l'l' not 1''llllll'II , hose \ It thin stuti-
I 4 port of t holsnlllt of IIl who hrlo\'e
lit its Ilrlm'IIII't. hit feel . shiock(1 ( over
: . tll Il'111WUr ) of Is n'll.t'SI'ltatvc : : hit
' ( 'O\'ltoll anti ! glsiattuvt's . who lese
Iht u 11 ! 101'11 obhfgittlouus to IIt
4 only cllau luII 111Ist Iln 01 guurd.
' 5-
. t _ _ . _ .
- - . S _ : . : ' " . r' ; " , . , . . zE : : < . .
, 'D Ol' 7'IIF. ; M.XOW 1 ' 1' ST'O.TI :
The J.cxow le lslntvc committee ,
I\hlch hnl leefl taking testImony on
lhf cottilton ) In the Illc depnrtmelt
of : New York Cit nt Irreguhuir Intervals
llce Inst spring , cont'hule Its luvesti.
ntols Sahl'lln ' . nnt wih that closed
ole stage or the IOW movement townll
l'eo\Hl ( IItnldpnl o"erllent In the
metrpol ! Never In thc history ) ' of
thIs cotlh' ) ' , or , wo believe for that
limIter , 11 the history of any CO\ntl ) ' .
have 1110i'O ustoundliug revelations of
10'C Isto\llnl rC\elatols
lrel'ltlllnl mlslnnaelelt nml of-
Idol contllon been IIlacetl before n
patelt ltlhhlC. ) hail ole Intllntell n
'CI' ago that II thin llrlcllint city In
thin Unlet States there existed 1 sys '
tNt fC cxtorton nll COIIIOtnllt ) for
crimes , cxtellhl ! trout the lowest to
thin highest olcnlH , ullon whol de
\oh'et the dtt . of protecting the Inlo ,
celt nml Inlltnllll the public peace
of oiie.teuttht the 110lJItiolH that have
heeiu coiueluslvi'ly pot'trmietl In the
hcel COICIISI\lly lJl.\'acll
e\1l'lle lefol'e the Lexo cOllltle ,
Il would hnve been h\ughed : out of
cuunleuunhuce. Yet hy slorlc nlil COl'
flslon ) , 111ed together h i y challis of
I11spttnhll tocllell ts amid records ,
I'er y fair mhlllt nina . hns heel COl'
'Inced that , for years the lllce force
of New YOlk CIty haw been eutiphoycti .
n8 aealH or blel'tlll holh Wl'Olg.
tOCIS Illl hitv nbhll clzel ! 111 :
hml : hPPI trauisforuuied Into a Piece of
I 10ltlI 1 Ilwhhlry upon which the
wholl' , H\'CI th or ' 1nlllhnl 111
thin IlcllClnll' I orglulzaton lit that city
has : helhul.
'I'he llll of the Lexow hn''stutol (
In s ' hln'e iiipeuui'cul ) tale to sOle of
Ihos who have becn following its
work , hit It WIS tilt (11) Iii COllIIlI ,
HOI to sOle of the Helsntolal feelCS
that the cOllltle hind ( IH'C\lolsl - oc-
( as 101 ell. ' 1'IIel as I whole , thin result
or the Ilvcstgaton CIUI : he a tlsall' : -
POIIIIHlt to those ouuly who luwc hcel
Hlh'ehell II the Itt whlh It has ex '
vosetl to VIP\ \ Thin huivesthgnt lout , how-
( ' \ ' er , Hholhl he ) , atI Wli Illelllet to
he , bait li'ehluutiullrY : to thc legislative 1 ,
limo Slrp : thin I lure t 0lIPll , ' t he lIe .
Iecti lH I alolsh : the amuses of 11.
Ilelpa : 1 I ti horlr' there tl'O\'CI'ell 'l'he
investlgutlon I : was : n1rcly to . secure the
flct : to llahl { ' thl leglsllll.c to glall' -
vie wih the 11'ohlel 10'e Intt'IgPlt .
' ( he lelol : thlt : Is yet to cOle Is the
hove hIJol"tlnt ) 'I'he LexoWCitgl' :
101 I lie . shown whllcll munitlll gO\ "
PI'llllt hns failed In ! e\ York City
Ild : the \olnt ) leyOtll ) which IL leollle )
wi not ellllle such luulositiout. ) 'Fun
11HeloHtlS UUlucstolahl ' - hat Iuch
to to wllh thin result of the No-eiuiiwr
elcctol , which wrested the control of
thc utlnyoralty from the hamh : of 'I'aiuu-
111 ' . But thc leIHlatol that tht
eOlmltee shll recollleml Is whlt Is
to vlmlcnte the nullity of the Amerleal
IHo\lu to eOI'I'uc the evils of llel''cl'lcl .
' iiiutl the ' to.
tty gO\'erullut nld progress
wl'll the true goal of real municipal
ref 01'1.
7'11 RII.m.lfAN A "ENlJ GOXTST.
When Tenth street was paved with
Sioux Pals granite $ 4 . a yard was taxed
ill lgailit the ProPertY owners , aitti
the city lt Ilre had to pay the same
rate for Intersections. Now we can
get the Sioux Fals block pavement build
01 broken stone for less thln $3 I 'II1
When Douglas street WIS laved ) With
asphalt 10'e thnl ten yells ago the
II'lce c11gcl was $2.98 a yard 01 I
five-year guaranty oC iuialuitenance. The
lirice ) of the same class . pavement
this year WIS only la cents a "arl Icss.
This Is because ther hns heel collusion
Instead of cOmletit loul. 'Yhelm'el'
cotpettol came In sllht It has been
driven out by false ' 11a11S and con-
Clsll ! sIeciiicat ) lotus that pe'petuatel
the ' 1'111111 nsphal 10101)013' .
' .Im Sherman avenue 11,111 contest
ought to IWalel our property owners :
to time. olorll ' of time tax that Is sought ;
to he hlposed ) on them. ' 1ho Ilclelco .
bet woon t accepted hid for Isphnl
ll\ll ! 01 8hermlt avenue amid the rate
we hn'o becn paying for Trinidad IlIt
Imremelt ) laid this year Is over $12,00.
Iii other words , we hn\e heel pnyhiug
30 per cent premium for the prlvlcle
of yothlg the Barber comment a 1010p'
ohy 01 ni IHlhalt pavhimg.
Iii the face of thus fact thin refusal of
thc Board of Publc . Works to ll'omlt '
ratify tl' eOIt.ucIwlrlcl : ly the
COlil amid 1111Iro\'el hy the mayor wi
reulm I j1'ent deal IOI explllatol i
thll Chnl"nu'IISIJelu' lale to the
Iltcl'I'ogltO'lcs uf the couimcii. 'J'hel'e
is I sOlelhhlg WI'OI ! soiutcw'hmere.Vhulhn
thin coul'l Is not 1111e up of summon
lll'e ) I'uforlcrs until ulgels , its
lelol Iii the IH'elIHei hns been
(0 t 1 e11 Ihl' . AHllhnl 1)IVClclt II
tl utmost 11lHh'lblo of all pay-
lug lth'IIIH for streets of ullll\le
gratte. We olght to hay tithes aunt
Iles of thus 11\emelt every year , but
WH 8holil ( not ho mnle to 111) tuna-
lh'clls of thouHalIs or Ilolnrl of tribute
to I 11\11g ; trust. For the ll'eiclt tim
Imly WiY to lH'lII ; this 1010111 ' Is
Ihl'ol t gl h i t'Ouuthetl I I tout . For thc I fulmH t ,
tlt'on h the Iholtol of the contract
sVsteiit. , 'rlw muuust ' ' do
HrSll'l. city mlst { 111111 lo
IWlr wih 11 ! cUltlc WOII ; 111 Ciii-
I10y COI\otAlt limit to SUlll'lnlel1 the
huylitg 01 11YmeltH wih time best nma .
tennis 01 Hlleclentols that wi In-
SUle duirahuillty.
ithl. " " ' ,11 IN ' 'lI , "NNlf .
I Is Illelllool hint ( SCltol' : Ior-
gait , who his ehnrgH of the Nienrmguia ,
l'alli bill lit the seumati' , wi endeavor
tn get I vote SOOI muftet' thin recess , hit
the tl'IIHls of tl II'OSI'O 110 sall
10 ho tOIIwllt ! illht'ehieiIsls'n Iholt Its
success. 'l'ho Olilositol ) I < lot imimimmer-
oils , hut It HlelHI to bo ) very llll'l'mhlll ,
tutu \111'1' the senate 1111 I few men
cal COISUIO so much tle 11 delnute ,
frIvolous or othll'wlsl ) , thlt It Is ( caret !
hr its SIIIIIO'I'l'l thin bill wi le 10 ,
tl'IPII to thin call\llr 111 ( misSed over
wlhout zuetIoim . I I Is snll thnt thou11
thin bill ( till fO' 11) ' euummst' It Is lu'ohnuhhn )
lt effort wi ho 11110 to Ilnss I rlsoll'
tel th'elnrllg lit stllg t'I'IS ) lit fn\'O'
01' thin ( 'olsh'Ul'tol of thin { ' /Uilt / t\l of
Its cOltlol hy this govnrnuutent.
' 1ho h'lth II wih respect to this 1110-
iuilseti heghshutt bit to Involve thin gO\\'I'I ,
imut'mit lluuiitchahly lvltii limo Nhcnu-agun
IWlt tll\clnl wih tl Nll'IU'lgUI
\1111 jiuojett tl utout' ( 'I'ofll ' I Ii
eoiistiht'rt'il thin less ' ' Is It '
( 'oIHhl'I'lll Ilss favorably Ii l'C'
i guirtieci. Whlu thin ScllO "eforo time
IWlttl coiittnuuhuhut ti's Involving thin goy .
tI'IICUt to the exblt or $100,00,0.
. . _ .
; = . - - ; = - ;
there Is 1 IeJlet that once having lcln
drawn Into It the nmoult for whlcl
time ! o\ernlcnt would tllinntely le'
cOle rNllolSlblc mlghl he double that
sumu. Those who entertain this view
favor the suggestlout that herore any-
thihmig 101'0 Is done n the matter by
comtgress I cOllllsslon oC cXprt CI-
Jlncers Rhoul ( ) be sent to thorouhl II'
vestlgate time enterprise nltl submit
their estmnte to COUll.SS ns to what i
ought to cost to construct nld II'ocly
Clull ) the cnnal. 'rhls certalnl seems n
vise alt tlltllcnt Ilrccaltol ) , nut ! there
cnl be 10 vuld obJccton to It. There
Is 10 ileittaitti for hunrrylimg the colllle. '
tOI or thIs tldertnldl { and al that
has leel said 01 Inr lie Raid leSllcetnJ
its hlllO'lance. { ( llcldal ' O' olhO" !
wise , docs lot Just ) votlg to It. the
llblc mOle ' or the ( 11blc credit In
, the nbsence of the most accurate lit-
Corlllon ntlllalla IS to whn t It
should cost to buIld It. Alothm' obJcc'
tel to the 11111 ) ultel { olHhlcl'lttol Is
that It II'ollse ) ! thnt the government
shall I)83 ) ' nIT the oblgatols hlctl'el ( by
thin cnlal colalY , ' 'hll proimosition
wi cel'lolnl lot 11\0 lolllnr ) III'
Ilro'nl , ulleRs It can he most elelrl '
tbeiuioiist rutted thut thin O\'l'llen\
Jet nit lqll\lclt , and 10le of the 11.
\oeales of tht' leaS\'e huvo HhoWI
this ltsfuhJ'lh' .
Pt'hus If tiun O\tI'llent I'C\'pnups
WN'e 01 n lore gtll'OUH scale ni 11 tht'
( olullol of the treasury hess UlfUVO"
nhlc thin 11'0(01101 Ihlt : the m ' ( 'II-
utlemit shmnhi littanetal respoimshltii .
Illt . Hhll ISSUII tllncal resllonslhl.
I II COlllt'lol wih this II'oJttd
wOlll meet wlh less olllsllon , hut
with the trtls\I ' colilelcil to borrow
IOIt ' to 1ltt its ohtlgtt : bits thieve is I
I WI'IUtnhle ft'cllg thin time govt't'mt-
mClt onght mint to ( lltJe Its credit for
11 enlelllso oC this Idtll , el1clnl ' 1i
its fnal cost Ii ulceltall , There Is no
\'gllt lCllSOI for llssllg tIme bill lt
this tliite. It caim very ell wlit iuittih
I lt. I cal \cr ; wel Ult
thin gOVC'llllt re\'eIUel 111 tl iltuitut-
dil cOldllol of the COUltl ' are 01 1
hel N' busis. :
TIlI.1Sfn ; : 1 S'l'.iTl'S .
At the hCfIIIII oC the IH.tselt sea-
slol of coimgmess thin clueus of demo ,
cmUc selnlnls 1gleelt that thc hli for :
the el'latol of IC\ states SPlt over to I ,
the I stnnll fl'OI thc house tllly : hit tl
last sessIon . Rhoulll he IHlslll at this
sessiomt. ( These bis urt' for the l\lmls.
slon of New : Itxlco all ( Arizoll , 'I'hus
far : the Rt'llte deloclatc sl'tI'IIg cotmm-
mItten huts dOle nothing to carry out
thin caUCIH agreeumie'nt . hut It Is ex-
peeled that thtst' iimeiiireslhl hc selt
to the IJ'eshlelt. 'I'hl flet'lhat the tel
rlO'ies welt relmhlcal lt the Inst elec-
thou his : douhtess Illlc : ROle u1timmo-
Irati ' In congress Ildlle'tII , If 10t hios-
tlc , 10 their Idmlsslll to sil l'holl. ( hu t
It Is mint probable thlt time Iulhtl' of
such Ii stlOI elough to deflt thin
his IC the ' are hrought tu 1'ole. . Hc-
fusnl to Ilml these territories , which
would le In the nltule : of a. : Iehulw of
the people for their political IctOl ,
\ould not be likely to win thel o\el
to the deloel'alc llriy. : Out the con-
tlm ' , thc 1110blhle : effect Would he tu
malw thel muon' itt rouighy lCllullcan ,
slime It could hardly fail 10 create a .
feeling of rlsentmcnt nglln : t thc 111t
t'eushlg them stntehool
As to OI.laholl. : a bill for tl nibinis-
stout of which Is 01 the house cnlen-
dam , havilg been rellrte(1 more tml
n ) 'ell ago , there appears to bc some
doubt about Its heIIg Jassed 1) thIs
con I'oss. ' .llle Is 10 lore reason for
refusing stltehood to Oklahoma at thll
tulle titan to the other territories , because .
cause her IJllole ) were no more dec11el
11 expressing their preference for re-
IHllcan prnciples (11 lllcy than
wuro Ulse of Allzoll all New MexIco. :
Belles , her clalls to statehood are
equally os geol ( a8 those of thin other
territories , If not better. But thc house
delocmts arc encrly more rllentess
than these of the senale , anti It Is
stnted that the governor Iud other ehtl-
zens of Oklahoma , who recent ' \IHlel
'Yashlngton to urge the passage of thin
Rlatchood hi , did not get ( much sails-
factun froni time house 11elOClals , But
In HI event It Is ttlclsl0(11 that the
legIslature of Oldnhola , nt Its comIIg
8lsslon. will take steps towlll statn
hood. A consttutolnl con\lltol wi
hc IHovhlcll for , to Icct next
SIIIIIg 01 siliuliliei. ' , and II'elll
it : constllton for suhmlsilon to
'the IICOlllc next ( nih. hoJI(1 ( the
couslluthm bc adopted It wi limit
hp l'll ' to suhmlt to congress . together
wih the telant fOl' uiilmmmlsslon. UI-
Ilouhtt'lly ( . the : next eongI\SS wi
IJ'Olpt ) give Ollaholl slnlehood
should the Illeseut colugress fail to do
'rhe lutilient . lotus are thnt the 3'eal
lSn : wi cel.tallly see II 1\111101 of
three stales to time ullon , and llsslhly )
fOI' .
'l'he rltouhtnhle PotCI Schwenel Is
sahl to lie tlatl(1 ( for snrgeitutt-uut-ariuus !
01 sOle oh Item olcc itt the disposal 01
time it'glshatimme. Cln It he Ilosslhle that
l'ellhlcll IWlhll'H or the it'ghsbmutimre
hl\'o fOlgoten this mmiii's IlfnlouH ; mc-
O'II ? thick Iii lSi8 , wh\n Peter
Schiveimck hel the host of register of time
h111 omeo \ Nom'fohk , ho 1IIIII'Ih't )
fl'IUds Ulll t hn go\'olnlll t Ind UIIOI
thn 5t ( tiers which ( 'alsell huts lllllssll , '
frol the ROI\lcl aftet' 11 \'rstgllon
buy .Tohn A. Slhhnll , specIal imgt'mtt of
thin Interlol 110pnltlelt. Litter Oi , In
lS I , ho was commuuectl ( wih thin celRU8
rOI ' lea nll rCl'Omlltctl ( h I > ' lie I coum-
HI'elslolll cOllltee for clllhll lrOH'
ecuitioiu. Ills career In lhlsl ; 1101
ties hits tlolo lS Ilch to lu'll olllll
Ipon its leathers : ns that of nly ethic
1U 1.
Mr. J. W. Bythe , Olin of thc legal
ihghits In time BI'IIgton II w dCplI'tlelt
II IOWI , Is qlotlll ns sayIng hunt ho
\1 welcomn the tn ) ' when thin Io\el'
Irnt wi tll\ " 01' " 11'0111'ly , CIJlhl'
clto It I It wi , amid 11 ' for It whnt
thin Huts l01111 It to pay 111(1 thl
cOlsttuton Ilt time IIW , tumid release
"its" or thin l/llcl of ownll'shll ) . Iu
glvilg t'XII'I'lslon to this opinion Mr.
m .thldouhtess talks In n l'I'IH'l'St'uta-
th'o ' for thin , ' '
capacity stockholders of
Ow 1'0111 lul gives "Nit to their con
IlllO him their nhlt ) to 111'llllo tI
courts . to 111c \llult\1 of th\lr
llrport which will menu for UIC"
I1'oJt amid lot loss. I Is to lH lUl\W'
. , , ' > , _ _ _ ' . , _ _ ' _ _ _ _ _ _ J
hercil that In tht recent ileelsioii 01 time
Nebraska ntnXlml1 freight rte law
, TI1Je nrt n ' 1111 n 11StlCtol hI
twccn nh aton for time lilt'i0SO or
Oll\rollrIIXq ! , ' \lter time tower of em-
Ilent toll\n tlllt vlluatol IS n basis
oC rte C\\f'lntou \ ' , The railroads 111'
lel' 10 r4rollbt : the IncoIsIHlelc ' anti
Ils1 to bei'suinguhmue that ! IIUI time Is.
attn Ic 11l Jt tiuey enl secure 1 j\lcla I
rutn11 . ( t1o "lluatol the Rumo
fem both IlllllSCR , but 101.ln ! thnt " 11.
11alon tildoIm thnt Includes cOlsllm'o ,
tOI I for \\l'telt \ stock , ft'IUltulelt .
Issuell honls 111 Intltel "ICl'IUe
JlI'rnt ) . . I
When lid l IHllt\e CIl'lleS at high
100n tom'ii . low clch lelhct' will hc
naked to lift imp his hl111 timid tnke thin
: : IIU oath that tie hns 101 hI1u'01111) '
Iltncuecd In 11 ; way thc vote of nay
elector 111 has IOt accepted nor wl
. .
Iccellt or receive , tlh'el't Ol' Illh'ect ,
II ' litOil'y 01 olher "nlulhlu thhlflom
11 ' corumorutiomi : , cOllnn ' 0' iei'soit , 01
' ' oC othhee for ' 'ote he
lilly II'omlse otle nl \ole
muny give 0' wlhholl Oi nl ' bill , reso.
liii bit Ol' Ollll'Olllntol. t holY Inl3
mellm's wIll lit the 1111 of time t slsslol
he nhll' to hell ! UII tlh' hllt18 1\1 ins-
' that the ' have lived
tf thmey IUne cOlscCltOlslr
ill ( 10 t theI' oaths of ohihec ?
'he 11t0111 Board of Elurntol tins
Ielon for COIfI'ntnlltl Itself that time
sll'llklgl' Iii the lellse fiI1 fall
: l5hJOO below the estlmitate. 'I'hat vihh .
IW\\'U"ll' . still It'c the hoarll $ l .OO
In the hole nnllSH It lOllS ) 01 fllis amid
ItCOllllshlllts : t\nt nm.t' emit irely omit-
shIn oC n COIIOI school edumcuitioum .
sl' , rai In I OI'lhl i i , Tm.
Cedar mtnpiIs Itepublican.
There . .
are several lstnHuh.hetl gentle-
men who wOIIII have heen very Ileh tie-
ligimleci hnd Postmnster Generl Bssel left
a murlng ) oslolce , appointment al their steps ' this
Till ) CalamIty Sitie.
Chicago Trihun' .
This country chews about 230.0,0 llounlls
of tobacco n 'enr. amid the internal revenue
thc'efrom Is nearly $1.0.0 You see ,
now , what It calamity It woul , he If ever ' -
hOtl shoull swenr off from the tobacco
habit ncxt Tlesdn ' ,
A Year rom1ttiiiics , , ,
Kansns City Time.
The Imhle can be thankful that there Is
no imnpcirtant election In 185 to attract iiimb-
lie atenton , One entire year can be gIven
to huslness de\'elopment , free from nny
partisan rancor or Iloltoal ilemnagogy. , The
coming year hould bo made a record
breaker as a business "cnr. mnle
An JOIIIow G .r i1trton.
rest on Ainerican
Secretary Morton . whose vagaries com-
hincil with his egotism has wiped the , lemo-
cmte party of Nebraska out oC existence ,
Is president oC the Historical society of that
state. and Is golng to deliver I lecture on
the fallacies of populsm , Since ? Iorton has
been made prcsldent the society Is known
" . . "
ns "lhe hug aters.
. C
'roo , 'olior , for iliaC .
' , . N \ York Wend.
The news ) imnt PerHllent Cleveland Is In
condltiu.m to dance around It Chrlstmns tree
Is good hews .lly and hy he may feel
strong enough. tQ dflflCe a war dance ovel'
the law-defying trusts. the defauling Pn-
clc railroads. tiC hlow-holo armor plate
contractors Innd ' 'other offenders who need
stamping onthy the presidental foot
L. f -
IIoiecp4 . 5iltli I I Civilizer.
I0\cnpols Tlmcs.
Hoke Smltl'1 ' new Illan for civilizing the
Indians Is torsaattl' ! ! them among farmers
luring , the Summer and thus bring them
Into direct contact with civilization and his
uses There ' are I man ' people who think
that the Indian , shoul be brought Into
contact with viization . but think that a
strong .dynanl In active operation Is the
best and illOiti advanced exponent oC clvii-
Imton m01t ! td he used as the agent
of the oontaht' -
The I u\.t t.f lulunclers.
Sl. Paul Pioneer Press.
The temocrntc party have turned our '
nourishing hour trnde with Cuba over to
Canada amid now threaten to exclude Cuban
sugar entirely. As this embraces seven-
eighths of our Imports of raw sugar . It Is (
said that the elect of this would be to
rise the price of sugar In this country
from 3 to 6 cents a pounll. 'hen that
shnl happen the coimntmly wIll begimi to reap
the full benefit of the democratic states-
mnnshlp which has controlled our congressional -
gressional legislation and of the brilliant
foreign policy which has been pursued by
the democratic almlnlstraton.
Pathetic Uloso of I r"lcorlo nroer.
New York ! l'crUscr.
There Is something unusual ' pathetic
about the termination of Clmtmrchiil's earrer.
In spite oC his political eccemltricitics-and
they were no gri'ater ! than Benjamin Dls-
raehl'uc when that leader entered parlamen-
tnry itfe-he possessed undoubted talents
lfehe possesHel
for pimbllc action . which commanded , the re-
spect even of his opponents. lie was a
trenchant and forceful debater and at one
time . as Macaulay once sal oC Gladstone .
was probably the "rlsln hope of the stern
and unbending , torles. " Time nail expe-
rlencl would doubtless have ( lsclplned his
judment and ripened his powers and fitted
him , for the hlJh staten hc had apparently
marked out as the goal of his ambition.
Instead of fulfilling this splendid promise
of his youth . he retIres from the public
arena a broken man before Ils youth Is
hardly passed.
Stay lug J'o\t'rt or ICing ( ; inbnliimie.
New York Tribune.
German has 26.210 breweries and the
United States only 2 , O But the Inter
must he. on the average . much larger than
the former , Inasmuch as the total German
product , -.75.00.0 Ires rind that of the
United States 3..OO.O iitres. En/lnnls ,
breweries number 12.1. I anti hm' production
of malt liquors of nil kinds come next In
iunntit' to that of Germnny. The whole
Cuantt of breweries , In time world Is gIven
as l.O hut their aggregate productIon Is
not recoriled , Time Increase In the consump-
I lon year hy year Is R.eadY amid ! progressIve ,
and It Is an extremely IlerslHtent factor I
time life of most of the civIlized races. 'rime
Orientals are taking to It lIke mother's
olulic . estahlshlng their own breweries anti
turning out what Is said to he un excellent
product. The pins are not yet knocked
from under jolly 011 KIng Gamnbrinus It
would seem , nor likely to he lie Is n
stuphl ohl monarch , anti , the calPe o much
ittimititlity Ind worpe In others hut that ho
has remarlmble staying Iloweri cannot be
( lOOIed . _ _ _ _ _ < _ _ _ _ _ - _
'I1 ; .I 'J I.
1lnnen\ Joumul.
She anti I went wnl"n ,
One eripsy wintry dn ' .
I hent my hend to hatch
' 10 whlt she hind to say .
Anti thel ) It was she told me
'Flint silo tiJIJht It would be nice
If she nail I together
I n ' sitdlng on the ice
n 'I\.ln !
So down onto the river
'VI turned our footsteps slow
And ther wp founlll slippery Place
Quite clear anl , free from snow.
S She put 'her1Itte ' ' hand In mine :
I I tel ydmm It , felt Ilce ,
AntI she'und' I together
Went 1 allln ! on the Ice
: Ve thouJht pur fun was glorious ,
Alasl " 'I I Vur not know
how lool1 our joyfiml 1IIIris
Would receive a cruel blow.
If she ' it. and
I asked enjoyed I Ind
She saId 'twas awful nice ,
As she Ild Ii together
" 'ent U HIUlng on the Ice
A horrId3tiqk ; lay In our Ilath ;
I wns 'tnseen ' by nw ,
I never thought oC tialmger , but
Couhl onl'lhlnk of chp.
So when ' mw fet did strike that stick
I happened In a trice ,
'hat she and J together
" 'ent a slIdIng on the ice
hINTS rUIl tursr.troius .
Kearney hub : A rcasonablo bounty " ' 1
revIve the beet suga Industry In Nebraska
and dCt the state wlh profitable fields oC
sugar beels.
Inrtngton IeadermVimat : Is to b3 done
wRit time Russian thiste In Nebraska 1 This
Is a question which time legislature about
to Convene Is In duty bound to onswcr.
Beatrice Express : Among the exceptionally .
ally good laws found In the Nebraska statutes
Is the "nlucd law"
polIcy 11 which affords
Irotccton to Ilolcy holders from rapacIous
nlHl brow-beatIng Insurance companies. Any
attempt tu repeal this law should be vigor-
olsly resisteti .
Nebraska Farmer : One of the promInent
side features ot the leglslalure this winter
wIll be the Insurance lobb ) ' . The companies -
panies are wnling to turn down the valued
Ilolcy law all put something on the books
that better stilts their peculIar notIons 01
tim fness oC things. The Inslranee lobby
w1 bear watchln .
Stanton Ieglsler : The state leglslaluro
wIlt SOOI be considerIng the different bills
to bo hrought before it . and to our minI
limo most Important wi be the irrigation
( luleStion . 1 mnxlmum freight Inw , anti they
should malte a chang In time law so that
all property would be assessed anti taxed
nt Its face value. Some people are asking
that our ballot law be changcl to n pIau
slllnr to the Iowa law but I Is harly (
necessary or Probable that It will be done
Aubur Grangcr : Ever ) ' senator amid rep
resentntvo In the next legislature Is hereby
cautonel to look out for the Burlington
beachers , the Lincoln rockers , and n dozen
nlHl one Other derepit enterprises In anti
about thc city oC LIncoln that will attempt
to donate their carcasses to the Slate In
lieu oC n tow thousall In approprIations .
I these representatIves don't look n lIttle
out they will vote State subsidy thInking
they are making master strokes of cconomy
York Times : Time fulure oC the repmmb.
lcan 11arty In Nebraska lellel11s upon the
men whom I Puts forward oath who guide
Its deStlmlies. ' 0 Illerlnke to deceive the
Ileople woul bc [ ely and to ntempt to foist
much upon them who hnvo the seal oC dls-
approval slampC tr01 them would be
suicidal , The republcnn part wIll not 110
either. I wi give time slate n denim anti husl-
ness\eo legislative session nld nn honest nil-
ministraton of all the depnrlments of state
that arc under republcan control. Time cc-
llblcans oC Nebraska are wise enoug)1 ) amid
honest. enough to do this amid time pcople
of limo State may rest assured It w1 he
done.Bair Piot : At Its crmlng sessIon the
leglslalurc of this stale has a duty to per-
Corm to Iself nll to humanity. That duty
shoulll be perCormel prompt ) among Its
frst act wIthout any sparring for vnntage
I grolnd or quibblng over oxpemmtlltnres. The
Iroulh sulerers and others him the poverty
stricken districts of thc state are 01 the
vcrgo of starvation and death from lack or I
the barest necessIties oC lIfe. This state :
cnn and. shouhl properly care for all its
nec < y. More thnn this some menns shoull
bo fouml to throttle the sanctimonious patriots -
triots who are heggln throuJhout limo cast
for Nebraska stmlferers . whether they nm
honest or are hinting their own pockets on
fnlse pretenses. The stab can do all this
worhc amId It shouh do I , and leave Imposters -
posters In this line out or a job.
Telmmah Herald : On next Tuesday our
legislature wi convene and It wi afford the
repubHcans nn excellent opportunity for
mnltng a record In the way oC some necessary -
sary legislaton , With dime regard to nn
economic nlmlnlstrtlon oC limo affaIrs oC
the public InstitutIons oC the state , they
shoull act wih care for whatever Is actually
necessary to properly care for time Inmates
oC those publc institutions the state can
well afford to hear , because they are the
unfortunate . diseased and afflicted wards oC
this commonwenlth In the matter of legislative -
latvc expenses a great reform Is neces-
sary. One-hai the usual employes cnn wel
bo dlspensel with , These suggestions arc
more easily made than carried into effect
because we realize time pressure that will b
brought to hear on each member by some oC
his constituency. . -
TlE UWE hr.511f.
MInneapolIs Journal : There docs not , as
yet seem to be any real disposition of time
Georgia nuthorltes to bring to justice th <
perpctratbrs oC the late massacre oC negroes
tn that state. These "regulators' will newer
be interfered whim prohably , but Georgla's
fall name has got nnother big , black splotch
right In plain sight of everybody.
Detroit Free Press : The race war 1n
Georgia Is notable chiefy for Its magltlul
rnther than the fac that It Is In progress
The negroes of the sectIon Implcted seem
imbued with the Ilea that emancipaton
carried wih It the right to resist the en-
Corcement oC law oven though the taking
of human lIfe bo Involved n the defiant opposition -
slton to the constituted autlmoritles. This
affords no excuse for the whites adoptIng
the same theory In regard to the law , and
all who are guIlty oC breaking It should be
punished without regard to color or social
PhIladelphia Ledger : The conditIons In
Georgia and other parts oC the south are
more dangerous than were the conditions In
CalifornIa forty old years ago , for In the
sonth the populatIon I divided Into two
races easily rendered antagonistic. The
rces casly nntgonlstc. con-
filet once started. the colored anti the white
people are forced by circumstances they
cnnnot control to arm and unite each with
his own race. For this reason. If for no
othmer lImo people oC the south , ns 1 means
of safety to themselves should put down
nil attempts to resort to lynch law and
give earnest support to the nuthorltes In
their efforts to administer law and justice
In nn orderly way. .
WIT , ,1/1 11JO.f.
New York necorder : Yon can't cure a
poet eeper. in- cuttIng his halt. The . trouble lies
Boston Transcript : Two skin games are
played at lal'l"ar -sheepsltln and Aames ) ,
Atlanta Consttuton : Male hay whie the
sun shines. but you can't hold nn umbrella
over your head while you're It It. umbrela
Atchison Globe : Time great trouble In life
seem to bo that we can't keep our ambi-
tons Illnned down to our salaries.
Chicago Tribune : "IIoy can there he such
a thing IK I whole day . you Imow , " mused
welldy , "when It bweal'l evowy 111wn-
Ing I ?
Boston Globe : Time laundry trade hns n
jourlll now but we regret to say , I doesn't
tel how a shirt can he done UI' properly at
pumiuntielithla flecord : Dlnnh-'V'nt fo' yo'
I'unnln' ronn' 'thout no coat an' hit on ?
'Iwter ketch yo' death o' cold ? Chlof
Deed I (10cc. Maim Hel\ln Crlen' done gum
me 1 mos' lovely ! otte ob couglm-zncd'cine
fur 1 Chrs'mul present. coulh.mel'clne
Courier Jourral : An Ohio man has invented -
vented nn indestructible wlldllg ake. This
Reems . l waste of Ingenuity Almost tiny
bible can make OlO"
nahlngton Star : "I feel really sorry
for my hushnlli during the holdays , " remarked -
marked the \er ' complacent woman.
"Inlleed , "
"Yes. lIe Is so correct In hlR habll that
when New Year comes hu can't Sl\'eal' oft. "
, - of.
Cincinnat TrIbune : "What's nil time ex-
cltenmemmt ? " asked the tourist. " 'hey're
Iynchmin' the grocer'man , " said Hubberncck
13111. "Gnng of the boys had l little railroad -
road , sPeculation on hand nn' he sold 'cm
axle grease an' sawdust ( e'r lynalle ,
Cimeatin' don't go here , podiier . "
Chicago Hecord : CitIzen-I hear YOU are
looking for It vindicaton , Ahti ulooclies.
iItl Boolle - An' af SOOI JoO\es. fnd
enough oC time boys who know me to take
the job Im gain' to get a vIndication , too
Boston Courlcl'
Send In your orders curly so
As not to he delayed :
I mean for naper , upon which
Your new resolves pre amade
I - . . - ,
Highest of all in Leavening Power.-Latest U. S. Gov't Report
1 ? V Baking
l'IWI'II . . . .l rztixx.
The ofebl re ulRtons concerning tile eel.
iectlomm oC the income tax contauim trifle '
lecton Inctme : 11 n trlf ! o\'er
57,000 words . I the rmle : of the ndmlnls-
trAton ! , rests on words , Its place In hlslory I
\zulnh Shelton. I melb r oC the Tennes.
sea leflslnllre , looks nlmo.t s'mcthy like Sen-
nor Perler. ( Inchllnj his \ iiiskers. limit , as
an offset to that. ho Is 1\ goer republican nOI
.1 superior business milan
Time Boslon Oobe ( lilt n few remark , about
western blIzzards on time lo.l atimmospimere .
amid behold : ' revolved aroulHl time
all behol a mighty one re\01\el1
hub la a few hours. New Nngbnll ntmo'
Ilherc does not require much pro\'ocaton to
howl ,
In proportIon to her welh amid papuiha- .
ton , h'hiladehphuia pays twice as lurh ns
New York for mehooIs . anti not more than
hal ns luch for poh1c scr\'lee. In the mal-
ter of city halls and ruer\olr. time Quaker
ely also gives Golhnm time go-b )
Albutn , ( Is . , Is tIme Omaha oC the somlth
In 18iO I hail , n popubton of 21,789. anti toil
) 'crs ago &G&S7. A census
just taken shol s 1\ total of 108,61. I AtIUt1
Is doing pretty wel , despite the fncL tbat
She harbors and cabinet .
sIl n Poet n ofcer.
Henry H. l'omero . who died rprenty In
indianapolis . was n neighbor oC Lincoln , n
conlnnlon of Grant anti n close friend oC
Arthur. He hail , been n lewspaper writer
and aim imivemitcr . but harl , times and , ihl.luck
sent both hlmsel anti his wit to the hoer
house. \oor
Mary Ann D.110n : oC 'shlal1 , N. ii. , Is DG
years old , but Is active enough to suppb' ni
her own wnnls. She spins , weaves : antI
mnltes the clolh anti clothes time wears , the
rugs she walks on , amid thc sheets and
blankets she sleeps tinder , anti molds the
candies , which she hurs In her house.
Anoll1r "mvoimtier doctor" has been Ils'
co\'cr1 In Germal ) ' . lIe Is I shepherd
nmell Ast , hiving In the small village of
, Halbrueh , In the last tow weeks over 1,000
I persons Ilave visIted him from all parIs of
OermRny Time eOllle SIRthl In crowds about
the man's hint , waiting fcc hits ah'lce , 1ls
success Is said 10 he reimlarhuahie.
America's Ilashing pole hunters can make
themse'c3 "at home , " 80 far ns seethe at-
mosphere Is coucerned , by taking up n ccii-
tral polton helwcen New York antI Drool-
b'n 'he coolness that has sllrung imp be-
twcen them since time "Orealer New Yorl
project nssumed shape has reached nn In.
laISI ) ' that weaves whiskers emi a spirit
timerimmonieter .
Aumstin Qullbr , one of S.\lem's oldest sea-
men nll : naval veteran ! . having ser\el
thronh time wnr on the Ienrsnrj1. and havIng -
lug assisted In her fight whim the Alahamn ,
has receIved from Captain A. C. Bradley of
Salem time unlol jack which was Irlng nt
time mnstleall of the Kearsnrfe when she
struck on loncator reef Time fag , which
measurei SdO feet , anti Is comparatvel ) '
new , was obtained by barter from the wreck.
era oC the Caribbean sea.
IJC 0 ] Tll , 'T.l TI , I'1flSS.
Harlngton Leader : Omaha wants time
state faIr , and : majority of thc peollle oC
Nebraska wouhl lIke to see her get I She
has direct railroad communicaton with all
parts of the statc. nnd has other ndvantaes
over I.lncln without number. The relocatIon
of time great nnnlal show nt Omaha woull
bo 1 h'lrnuty or nn Increased patronage for
the concern.
North Bend Argus : Nobly are the calls
for assIstance sent In by limo people oC the
drouth stricken distrIcts beinG responded to
by the better condltonel class oC peoll II
Nebraska. These Ileopl west oC us are
needy , not [ rom any Cnlit oC theIrs amid as
charity should begin nt home . there Is no
excuse for not looking after time comfort . and
welfare of our own people.
Papllon Times : A fellow by the name of
Prick Is just now earning a handsome salary
by writing railroad articles for the Fremont
Tribune. The burden of his song Is an attempt -
tempt to prove that government ownership of
railroads would crush the cOlmon 11eople amid
buid up more nmhhllonalrce. The only reply
necessary to tIme l rlc1 nrtcles Is time bore
statement that this fellow , Frick was the
chIef oC time hlghwa"men employed by the
railroads to defeat tim renomInaton or Judge
Fremont herald : Mr. rlcl's opposition
to the goverment ownership and control oC
raIlroads reminds us oC a story about Church
Howe. During the session of the last legis.
laturo two years ago Church was talkIng to
a little knot oC friends In the lobby of rel-
resentat\'o bali. "Nevcr write n letter IC
you can avoid I. " saId Howe. "I have often
traveled 100 mle8 rather than write n Icler . "
"There's nothing strange about that " remarked -
marked Speaker Eler , who was standing
near. " 'Vhy " asked Howc. " 'Vei , " drawled
the statesman from Clay , "It costs 2 cents
to send n leter . " Perhaps It would cst
Mr. Prick more to travel IC the government
operated time raiiroads.
Fremont Leader : When Governor Crounso
took his seat he suggested and male several
changes , on account of which the society of
Lincoln Ignored time governor , and he found
he was 1 marked man , and he felt his situa-
ton and at one time talwl oC resigning
One oC limo practices was that oC paying the
omclrs of the state three months' salary In advance -
vance Stole Auditor Moore . In writing on
this subject , says : "Tho practice oC paying
the states officers and employes ninety lays
In advance was entIrely without precedent
or justfcaton . " I all time republIcans
would feel that , they were conducting busi-
ness for the peple and not In the Interest of
a lot of grasping sharks they would be
doing their sworn duty as expected by the
l ) ; ( ( , 1111 C'S.
St Lotus nCpnble : nourlc Cockrnn hat
kicked ( ) own limo Inlh1er on which he
elm\(1 I ho . cannot hell on at limo tt"
there Is plenty oC room nt the bottom .
Chicago Hecord : Mr. Croker huts already
saId what ho thnk or Mm' 'oekrnn No
on wi learn what Mr. Coell'on thinks ot
Mr. Crkrr Inl his tholghts have been r1.
ted slfclenty to bear Printing. "
Washington Star : I Is imnqiiestlonatmly 't ; )1
goad miami ot n shock to Iolrlo Cookran tl 1
IIHI hlmselC ehalengel to n joint dcbat& } ( .
wih Hcharll Croker. lie might adopt this \
Corhet tacticS 111 claIm thnt Croker Is not
In his oralorleal clast. J 1/ / .
1)troit I'"ret Press : There I no 'anger ' ot *
: personal rnconnter bctwCcn Richard Cro- -
ker and 10url ; Cockran Their row wilt
be as bhootilp , as a frh over I long-dls- i
tnnec' teheithmOime nimtl
tale' tellllholt , immeasureti by results ,
will amnounil to umo hmmoro Ilmuin the win : ! ex-
Chicago Petit : Time threat is enough to
make an Amimerlean citlzemi niiliiunti of Imis
blrthmrigimt. Croker is au illiterate , mmmmdo-
hIred crc'nture of time smuts. Ho ima beea
hteatl and front of time foulest coimsplracy that
Over Pitmntlereti a cominumimityVithmouit vis.
11mb nmeaims of Simlipart hue Is a ummlhhlonaire , )
iay after day a New York paper tlemnntism , d
" \'imero tlii lie got it ? " AntI lie imas an
ammalvor , Time spectacle of thus enlarged
saloon tough immakIimg a public declaration
thiat iie 'ill "tienmunil a i'orsonnl explanation"
from a ilieflulier of commgrc'ss , and ito a mm.
tlonal figure , one of thin leathers of imis
party. Is the imiost dlsgtmstilmg , time umios din.
graceful anti tIme 111011. sadtheimlimg sighmt that
Tnmmmlmiany has cahled time mmatIomm to gaze i'
. -
toir.u ) IftTRN ,
l'etersbmirg Eclipse : Every farmer auni
bmmsint'ss mmmii Is interested Iii keepIng tm -
rates where they are , nimth Instead of them
going hiiglmcr they simotiiti be lucite lower , so
that Ios'm : mnammiifacturers amid Wimolesahera
vIll be helter attIc to mmmeet comimpotltIomm front
Clmic.igo. Time preseimt rates are remnimmiora-
ttvo to time ralhronths of Iowa , nmlti thio po . "
poacti ilmcrease would favor Chicago nntilbl
a hmlroy at time mmmmiimlmfactumruimg and wlmolcsAlt
Iimtcrests of time state , ht Is imrobabho thit
Coimminissiommers will refuse to grant time In
crease asked by time roads. '
Iavenmtort 1)enmoernt : The Iowa railroad
Comimifllssiflhmera are taking nimothier whIrl at
time PiOposItIomi of time iowa raIlroads to iii-
crease their Iowa rates , 'flue Is time uantter
Iii cOilimectiemm Itit wimiclm a utuimuber of time
shippers of this city Iveid. to Des Moines
two or timrco niontimit ago. They gave owl-
detico anti argimmeimi at lime lmeariimg then
held , all lii OhiliOsIliOmi to time Proposed raise
tit rates. The matter Is not settled yet , html '
It Is hmariiiy to be esimectoil that timerovIIt
he any Immcmcase. Time railroads are mmlahulumg a
strong simowiiig with nil the mmmeaums at timeir
ox TilE Jl.trTWt.riiji ( ii" sinujir ,
hoathmreq of thu ltctiimlttm ntmtl SOmmmfl emt th
l'rtmmtmcni. 'lcii IVim , , l'ilL lie TImer , ' ,
Mos'rIcErLo , Iii , . Dcc. OO.-Special.- ( )
'rimere vIll be some interesting renimions of
tIme old veterans titiring time Slmlhoh battle.
fIeld retmmmiomm In Aiirll mmoxt , 'lime survivors
of tile 'I'hiril Iowa.
Ilmftultry will imolil a re.
tmnion lvitlm tIme Forty-ilrst lliinois infantry
oil time steammmer Nisbot , going up the Toit. '
nessee river , These regmnients were known
as "l'wimm lirotimors" of "i'ap" l'ugim's First
brIgade , Fourth tllvlsiomi of time Army of thma
' '
'l'enmmessee , amid served. ( iurlmmg tile entira
war togetimer , becomiilg very imiuch attached
to eaclm other. Time survivors of Croeker'mi
lova brIgade s'Ill attend ammd help mark the
Positiomma at time 'Jlornets Nest. " The
Shihlohi .Assoclatiomm of Nebrasica will attend
iii a hotly. 'rime Chlcaniaugmma comnmnhmtsioim.
comflitOsett of Gelleraim , Ftmiltjrtoum , iloynton
anti Colommet Snmlthm and General Stewart ,
will attend. Gemierais McClernmmnd , Low
Wallace , ii , lit. l'rostIss , J , It. Cimainiers ,
D. C. Ijuehl , It. J. Oglesby , Colonel William
l'reston Johnson. Ed McAllister , Colonel I.
1' . fltmmscy , Colonel D. B. henderson ,
Colonel Cornelius Cadie anti others of time
51111011 siirvivor will be tlmero to help locate
tlmelr various llositloims lieU dtmring time bat. .
tie of ipmil 0 anti 7 , 18G2. . } ' , , ,
The bill to purchase time battlefield antltj
make it great national memorial lmrk
hitSSetl congress and been approved by time .
president , amid Slmiiohm is to be made a great
memorial battle field like Gettysburg and
Cliicnnlatmgua , where time stirvi'Ors of time
old Array of the Tennessee , time Oimio neal
the Mississippi will meet amid erect memo.
rials in honor of the gallant men who
fougimt and felt on that hattie field. One
imumitlred anti fotmrteen thousand , thmree hun.
tired and timlrty-ehgimt men took pam't In timat
great battle. under time comnmnnd or Gener.
ale Grammt. itimell , Joimnston anti licaurogard , .
The secretary , Colonel E. P. ree of Mont-
hcehio. lii. , imas time mmcmmnes or over 12,000
stir'ivors of the battle of timose who wore
the blue , and James .Wlhhiimma of Savannalm ,
Temmml , time assislant secretary , has time
names of a large mmumitem- those mvlmo wore
time gray. The coming reunion , vhIch will bo
leitl on time old battle hell , April 5 , 6 and 7 ,
1893 , wIll be time largest ever held In the
eotmtim since time vnr All survivors of that
battle , north and south , are Invited to b
I ) resell t.
Send all names of survivors of the battle
Who wore tIme blue to E. P. Lee , secretary ,
Monticello , lii. , and nil names of those
vimo wore the gray to Captain James WII-
hams , assislant secretary , Savannah , Tenn. ,
l'nrkliimrst 1)enoummces tim Nowsimapers ,
NEW YORK , Dec. 00-Rev , Cimarie Perle-
hurst preached a sermon thIs morning , in
whIch he made IndIrect and Incidental ref.-
erence to the work of time past year. Time
peoilo ) immmd learned , hme said , that a politicIan
vemH a man of expediency , anti that ho nmlgil (
nrrmtrmge timings in such a mariner as only n
mighty uprisIng of tile people could undO.
In looking over time field of the future , lie
said thai PPople should look for an Improve.
ment him tIme character ot time mmeivspapermj.
Tile papers , he said , that daily serve up ii
niass of undigested matter , wltimotmt ( hIS.-
crimlllttatfofl , to timeir readers were rapidlZ
becoming a public nuisance.
; .
Yoit. Mommy's Worthier Your Money Back , ' S
: -
- , : T' :
: ;
Men's ll1sters--
The bosL time to buy ulstors is when younoefl'om.
You need. 'em nowwhen it's about a dozen degrees below -
low zero. We are ofl'ering an elegant heavy storm 'I
ulster for $10 , better ones for $12.50 and a splendid
one for $15
' ilisters---
Boy's - - - "
We are closing ouL oortan lines of' boys' ulsiers at
$4 and $6.50 , The cold ean'L get ino-'orn ,
Underwear--- . .
Ulstors and underwear are th Lings to keep cold
out. We have both.
JehhtibIt Chot hmiei , S. 'iY. Cou'nm' Fifteenth amid IoumhuiH SIs.
i's ,