Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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    " 1' > " - " . - " \ ' 'li i'Y ' " ' 1J1N / . Ii w riij. . : : : ' W _ ' JlaE 1 ; ; . .Q. . . w..Ej . A _ . - " q ) I. . lll [ * _ " $ ' ' , _
r- ( l , , i. , ( . ' ' ' . " " . , , . , ' . . . . . . . . .
. - - - . . , - . , - - " ' \ ' . t" . . . c" , . ) tTf.t " , ' . . - / - " I. . rt. ' ' : ' . " , , I" . ' , ' ' 'r , ' IT
. . . .
2 l'I1 O [ AlrA DAILY JUmr lONDA Y. D ] C. \ln n : n _ 1 RfJ _
Iargt ftvo-tory luthes , tIock In that ciy ,
: , ) I stl being JCClplut hy tw wllleule "ro.
tory frm of Plummer , Iury & Co. , of which
lie was t member.
1fli3IONT IM Au'rll:1 : SOCltT\ ' ,
JIUlhl.r or Vetcritiiti1iled : , to I hD or
( tllll.tnl 1"lrt"y , Nhthl.
FltIMONT , Neb. , nec 30-Speclal.-The ( )
Daughte of Veernns II t the nnmo of t new
organization Jlst nrlelt to the patriotic so
cletel of Fremont , which now comprise the
sons , ithughterc the veterans antI their
w1'e ! . The lodge was organlzeJ with twenty
charter members , anti Mis May Bevier of
Ornll ! Iland cfclntell as Inslaling ofcer ,
Ofcers were efftell and Inslnle t as fol.
lows : Iresld nt. : ls ! Katie Owens ; S. V .
I rl" : lntl Slles : J. V. , Mlu May Ilnt ;
Hpcrelnry , MIL n. n. Sianforll ; chapllln ,
I Miss Ita i'iper ; treasurer , Miss glma D.W :
F 12 SUlherlanl1 I , 0. , : ls8 Waltworth ; G. , Miss 1 lrR
if , ' Arlcles of Incorporation of the Huse
' p Chemical COII'al ) ' have been fell for record
' In the Office of Ihe ( counly clerl < . The Incorporator .
corporatorl are : W. N. 1Iiie. Ilublsher of
the Newf , at Norfolk : g. J. lingers , publisher
. of the Ikrald , Schuyler ; J. S. Devries ) anl !
A. P. Manning of the Prel0nl herald. The
\lace ' er business will be 1.'relonl , a lit the
huslnels of the coml'an ' wIll be cornpountl .
Ing and manufncturln ann dealing In mcdi-
, cines , particularly 'Icaiy's Itney Kure. "
The Ilthorlzell capital stock II $600,000.
Mrs. Arvle Williams . widow of the late
Jnckon Wilams , was married two or three
. daYI ao to W. M. scott. Mr. Scott was
. at ono Irl enga111 In the dray uslness
z-I hero while : Ir ! . ! William Is I IlouosseL of
Ionshlerblo wealth , left her by her late
Ii usba niL
Judge Sullivan did n land office business
yesterdry In clearing UII the district court
docket. A number of state cases that have
been hanging fre for a long ! time were die-
mised , as follows : Slate ngalnst Nets hiatt-
sen : Sale agaInst dike Gorey ; Slate against
Nets Nelson : Slate against lien Carpenter ;
Slate against Elof 1 P' Anderson : State against
BllwarJ ton. 1lanch ; State against Uanlel Ether.
Nul"N f i " . , iii \1 I I. ) , .
VALLEY . Ncb. . 1)ec. : O.-Special.-Mr. ( )
Peter Nelson , I native of Sweden a 111 83
years of age. tiled at his home near lhls
city yesterday mol lng , of heart disease.
10 was the father of A. P. koslanll , M 1' .
Nelson and Swan Peterson all of whom are
Ilrolnenl : In this vlclnl ) ' . Mr. Nelson viii
jie hlrlell tomorrow In thp Valey cereter ) ' .
Deputy County Clerk : . Ii. Hetfel and
family of Omaha cOle ell last evening . anti
ara the guests of [ : Ir. IHI Mrs. U. g. Urars
Mr. Helllell will spJII a few days here
hunting rabbits a 11 quail . which are quite
luau t ifiti.
Miss McCurdy \Vnterioo . who has been
In Oden. Utah , for several months for thc
bencll of her health . has returned home
much improved.
' Stewart arh' of New York , who has been
the ! lest or Senalor Noyes ami ( family for
everal weeks 11ast left this morning for
PU'hlo , Colo. , where he expects lo spend
lho winter.
Miss . Nelll Stanllen of Waco Neb. , Is In
lho , the guest of Mrs. Ed I grway. MIss
StalHlen Is a teacher In the Waco schools ,
and was a former resident or Valley.
MIss Nele Smnitim . who has been the trimmer -
mer at Mrs. Straln'B .
lrs. mllnerr store for say-
oral mouths past left for her home al Lincoln -
coin last ennln .
Miss Jcnnle Pearson returned from the
tev.chers' state meeting at Lincoln . yesterday
Iiv4y : 1'.eI10 : rrul IICi ! .
DEATnCE , Dec. 10.-Spectii { ! Teleg'am.- )
The frc department was slmmoned t the
earlier of Ninth and High streets at 1 o'cocl' :
this nioruulng to extinguish , fire In
morlll/ extntulsh a fre the home
or J. H. \Voods. The ( Ire was caused by n
spark from an open grate . and when discovered -
covered had burned Its way across the for
" . and caught ! In the window cnrtalns. Dy
1lromllt acton the house was saved , wl.h L
damage nol exceeding $71.
BurJarJ . , Me. Hot , IUI ct\OI" \
WCOO. JUNC'rON , Nab. . Del 30.
( Speclal.-L. ) 1) . ' Tcclus' general mcrchan7
disc ttor Ils , 'lr ken Intp : .ast nlht. , The
thIeves took gloves hats caps . , bets , dry
goods . groceries anti tobacco , to the amonul
of $600. Pralt's bla Jsmlth shop was I
broken into ant his tooll were used In I
breaking Into .Ueclus' slore use
? . . NOlhmloa or Otihciirsihy Coiiims.'miou ! " ,1emi't
' l x"hulo-Otler Now" . .
\ A special meeting of the Commission Menu
exchange . was lucid l I.n Ihe South Omaha ex-
change . Salmby , afercon for the purpose i
\ ' of nomlnatn ! men to fill the varIous onces ]
, for the ( ensuing year , The following nomina-
\ tons ( were made : " ' . I. Stephen . PresIdent I ;
\s flruce McCuloURh , vice President ; L. E. flab
rts. J. A. Hail 11 , n , Murphy. H. Gil -
dhirest , board of directors ; A. G. Buchanan : ,
4l 'V . F Ihlny , O. K. Ialllock , Chacs Colt -
¶ sn , W. \'nliwcrk. , conlnllee ! Colt -
than : C. E. Bogart. J. T Geodehl , James
Filey ' , J. L. HIl , L C. neltngtol GCdel , commit -
tee on appeals. The election II bo helt !
ou January 7. and the gentlemen who have
been nominated will undoubtedly be elecled L ,
as there vas no OPIoslten ) to the nomina-
tfone. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1lnllo City uo .III.
- The Young Men's Iusttute will hold a
public installation of officers al Hauer's hal ]
' '
New Year's night
Dr J. Solomon reported tt the polce yes
terlhy that his hors3 ant buggy hat been
. stolen at Aibright.
J. H , Durkholler of Woodllne , Is. . was
In the cIty yesterday He 1s a regular pal -
ron cf the Seuth Omaha marlet.
r Chicken thieves have been raidIng the hen
houses latelY , and nol J. P. Hayes ts mnourr t-
log he t loss or a lot of fat Cowls.
' Heed Hale of time Exchange imuilding , who ,
: has been out In Idaho for the Ilul month
for the benefit of hIs health . has returned
and Is much improved. returne
According to the Cincinnati Price Current ,
South Omaha paclen packet 7GOOO hogs
train November 1 to n cemblr 2G. as against
170,000 for the same Ierlml ) In 1803.
CommissIon ' men are of thc opinion that the (
0 South Omaha market viii begin
marlet wil improving
tCer the first of the year ver.thlug con-
'llered , they have done a fairly god blsl-
Iles ; durlu ! the year just clhn
1moritmotm : 'rfa In Street 1'llro,11 : In
tilt J.rp , Clth\ .
Some Inten'HLng ta Usl's concerning the
ralroalln ot 01' great cites are Ilvcn , In IUI
' nl'Ucle In the Chautauqunn tor Januury by
Robert I. Sloan , formerly chief ( 'tiglileer )
\1'tmoimolituit Eievutcd
llropoltun mevlted railroad , New
Yorl lIe 111'S :
In Brooklyn ( the ( ro,1 ! ale built over the
Itreota the ( Hare as In New York ; ther" arc
' about twentslx ant ! u bait miles ot ( Ie.
\'atell roads In lruol.I1 anti , they carry 5T-
01,0 ) ptLsbCllgCrs per ) 'I'lr. amid have about
I 71 * ) nwlo\'II. 'rho mitreet i.itiwuys
1\70 ( Ilreel ) carry
aimoUt \ rll\'u's
I lout ' ' 1 ' .0,11 ) rut I0 -s. )
'l'her" are eit'atei ' .
10 ell'lt"1 l'Oldl In Itmimiiadei-
' ' Phlallel.
Ilhll , 'I'h" Hlrfncl street raliwoys carry
Ihout lt.IO ( o the ) rilwl't year ,
II HOHlua there are yet mie e.valcll . roads .
The 2:5 micH oC single flock Ilrface roads
II thl city In.1 . IuhurlH ore nwstiy roall
ell..rlc.I1'1' . cv ut \ I1'Hly I ( I ( I [ , s.
Ol'er 1O\.OJ : ) ) 1musimsrs Ir , carrll by
titese liime. On
tl I I 1lcount cf Ih' congestIon
or tl''el In the bl. < llesl Ilslrlcls , Utility
limits have been preparell for better rapId
trmitmsit , such its lummimels. ' letel' rphl .
Hi ( 11 IUlnels HUhwl'S lull elt.
. . '
valt.1 roi.i . 'rho ) latest ( mroiositiuml is the
. ' Ilroposiion II
Irn 1.leigit' coltiummis. elevated sY6lem , 01 I 611Clo row ot
In ( 'hll'ago Itl't'ct rmtilwaye carry nbul
Z0 { . I. ) ( ) 1..01' yearly , tutu laIT Ihl elevated
about \.O.O" ) In or1lhllr ) Int ( . l'tmteago
, tmot. lhlcno
' - lots at Iln'H'nt , two eleymiteti road iii !
, { le\II,1 oiera.
\ , } II oller-
ton and I third In PI'O\'eII of ejustruction.
The " or double c.mltructol
1"lpth Ir tlolllie track elevated roads
tn New " uric Is ubout " , ruthl
Ihoul Ihlrt"IIJ unties : they
huv In imarviet' 31 t'nglnll a 11 3.017 ears ,
11'1 ' carry . nl1UI 22.0)oo ' ; ) IlnleIgel1 during
time year . wlh n . trout mileage ot 7,13.cO ;
! 13O
they l'OnlUnl over l O.O 10li or coal Ilur-
In this year and employ Ub1Ut 5,2I ) men.
' 1.2)
'Ihl I'osl" II'prmlmftu ' $35).OII ) ii mile for
tht'able system comnimlete . while mie
about ; O I me , double track , I for I ( OStl -
' trst-
eIas -
ciasl o\'lrht11 collutor elelrlc system In
time city streets. The average east 1er mile
for the roads In the UnIted states \Ier \ mit
as'tolows :
Iono railways. equipped \ . per mnIle. . $ 7i,187
Electric trolleys , equipped , per utile , , 71.3 .
( 'gtiI le . railways . . . . . . . . pcc . . ' . . . . mlc. . , &
Iu\.utcl ralwa.s..O 10 : IO (
Oregon Kidumey Tea cures 11 kltue tru.
I : blu" Trial sIze , 25 cet. All drunlt' ) ,
no Defends Ills Vote In the Sennt3 cn the
Fre : Conngo ! Question
Until thn Inlo Ict""n Ooll unit 8lv"r .
UUA 10NI S"ltll hy the 1totibhicitit \
I'urty 1..IIC'8Iu t Ja'
umln UIHlrhed.
CHEYENNE , Dee M.-Speclat-Sentor ( )
Joseph M. Carey has been severely crllcbet , .
by his constituents Wromlng for his \'ote !
on the silver qlestol : anll his opposltcl .
to the bill repealing the Sherman law The
senator Is spenllng the holllay rece . nt
home. In an inerview he gave : his reasons
for taking the stand ho has on this ques .
ton ,
"Hegarltng 1) . Ilosltol on the ( sliver ques.
lon , " said the slnlc ' , " 1 voted accorln , ! ;
to the Jlatform of the republican : party of
\Vyomniimg. whIch was made at I.aratle In
August , 1892 , and the national 111atorm
framed at MinneapolIs. Those are all I haL
to guide me as lo the sentiments of the re ,
Illblcan Ilarly. When I voted on the sl\'er
( inaction lhere hail been no Casper convn-
ton ( , declaring for free coinage of [ silver at
lie ( rate oC 16 ; to I. 1 anti I would have taken t
I man of ProPhetic wlstQm (0 ( have foretoid
a year or more beforehand , what the Cnsper
convention was goIng lo do.
"I am n binmetaitist. I believe In the must
or beth gold and silver as money , and want
to see the free coinage of both metals. The
qleston I how lo do It ? The two melah I
hll'o lJrted , and how to cat back the I
ratio of lllf or 16 to 1 Is a ijueslol nslell II I
hy the greatest statesmen of the age , and It i I
Is a most serious one for time United States
The slyer question Is the hurling issue cf t
the day. Book are being wrltel about I.
It Is the theme of slleeches bolh II and oul t
of congress. Newspapers nil over the country -
try arc discussing I , and It la on the tongle
of nerly every citizen. I Is a queston
thal must be solved , and Il will be solved by
tim e republican party , I heleve , with perfecl
satsfacton to the pcple , This nation has
grnpplell with questions equally great , or I
gr maues. eater . and solved them satisfactorily 10 the I
" \ \ 'iiatVyomnlng mostly needs Is capital
to develop Its resources , ant If we want to
get eastern : capital lo Invest we must pursue
a safe ccnservatvc enurse . and not put our-
selves In line with the agitators of Cole
ra tie and Iiansas. "
Senator Carey Is deeply Interested In the
ullzaton or time mllon'lcre donation of
lall to the several states In the ( arid region.
le has outlined a plan for the acceptance or
the munlfcenl gift from the government.
Unter the pro\lslcns of the bill which was
Introtncet ly Senator Carey , the land must
I ! irrigated reclaimed anll ( occupIed within
teu ( ) 'eari from the jmaseage oC the act by
congress. As fast as any of the lands arc
ir rigated , reclaimed and ccclpl t by sellers -
ti ers , Ilatents can Issut Senator Carey's
Idea Is that a hoard shell be appointed
under an act of the iegisiatmmra authorizing I
to male contracts for the digging of ditches
and the irrigation of the lands when the
slate decides on a tract wblch It wilt attempt -
tempt to reclaim under the law I Is hIs
Idea to select land which can be colonized ,
and thIs land can be fed on by the stale as
rculred , The board would be authorized lo i
cnter Into a contract wih some corporation :
or Indlvlnall to construct the necessary
Itches and canals. After thIs bas been
done and the land reclaimed and patents '
Isof sued " . If II be reclaimed to the satisfactIon
oC the government , I will he subject to entry
by settlers. ' He thinks thIs could b ( done
through corprLons or , . Individuals who
\vuld \ furnish the money buL allowing the '
setrs to \orle' omt I part lpaymelt for the .
la nd on tha ditches.
lant diches. Then ito Idea Is to
have a nominal value placed on the hand . tea .
b a sold to the settherg , and they will also be
charget for a perpetual water right the , ,
p rice to be fixed by tbt state. Then I Is
P r1)osed to pay the contractors for their
work from the sale of the land and time water
The comIng legIslature will be calel } upon
to del'lse some plan for accepting this land ,
al1 It Is a questIon timai'eeds careful
queston ! caeful con-
s bleratlon. '
s1erlton. l
HU\'I IIlt IICI\ itiSijALJC.lJlttTUN. ' i
Wyomln ! ' . New ( hin J : ccntvo Wil 10
Tllln Into OlcD with I5tclat Inmp.
CHEYENNE , Dee 30.-Speclal-The ( ) .
generl commitee ot arrallgemenls for the
Inaugural i ceremonIes In Cheyenne on Jan-
Ilry 7 , when Governor-elect RIchards and
the t other atate olccrs will be Inducted Into I
ofce , are making preparations for 1 grand I
demonstrton on that occasIon.
General Manager Dickinson ot the Union
Pacific hits mace a rate oC 1 cent a mile feral
al uniformed companies of the Wyoming
National Guard desIring to attend , and one
taro for the round trip for all othpr Ii
Is 1 expected that the Gulf and the BurlIngton
will make a shnlar rate. Blrlnflon
companies of the stile militia from poInts ;
west ot Cheyenne will no dotmbt attend. II .
IH I propolll to have a grand Itarade. which
will he partclpatcc In ly parce. miita and ] I
civic tOcieties , anll , ale several companies
or Ito ( EIghth Infantl' from Fort Russell , ,
In i the forenoon , utter which the oath of
olce will be ndmlnlBtered to the governor
anll olher state olcers , In the evening the In-
angull hal will be held In the rutummdn of
' rotUlla
the state
'capitol bulitlimmg. Fine Ouvenlr
program art being ISHUIII for the ball. II I
Is I , 'xpectelthut there will be several I
{ hln-
drell visitors In attendance from oh lrnrtiont m
of the state , The leglslutur - al ' portons
tile Colowlng da ) ' . anti a ' COI'cneH ) vil i
be attracted hither on that necoudt. wi
\'nll I ) z SlllrnW ( 'ott r ? ot c's.
CIEYRNNE , Dec. 30.-Speclal.-The { )
Wyoming supreme court met yesterday .
Several ImpO'tant derIsions were hanlled
down. In the case ot Griff W' . Jidwards ,
plaintiff In error , agalnt Gri E , S. Murray ,
derentlunt In error , the jU'fmenl ' of the dlH-
trlcl courl or Iaramle county was ntiirmad.
' \\/S
'I'iie nmplieatiomm oC Ial' ' F. ' alrmlt1
1he applraton Mtmm-y g Mcl'iirlnni1 for
a rehrullnl In her rase migutiost the ] tmmiltvay
Olelnls tutu mployes I Accident nssocla-
tiomm or Inllanallols : was denletl The following -
lowing caaes were remanded to thin district
court for u lilw trial : flock Spmings Na-
tonnl Imnlt l allll 1.lman. front Sweel-
wnter cOlnt ) ' : I.araml Coni anti Ice coma-
Iln ) ' against Ilclhum et al. Inr
, . - - - -
' , 'I"I"II.h ii aim V 111---i- ; 1'llalo. :
nI"I ( . ' AI.O , Wo. , Dcc 20.-Sitocial.-Tite {
new tcl\prph lne connecting Blffalo with
the \'estern , Union wires nt Clearmont wih ,
lon ( on the } lmurlington railroad is 1
lurlllton eomn.
the mlrall >
' ' 11-
pletell. 'he government own ell the line between -
tween thIs place omit , ! Uleurmonl blt lne vlwit
Fort IcKlnney wU alfldaner the War mis-
IHrlment onlerell the line tuken tiown aI- !
Ihotuh the citizens or Hufulo orCere,1 , lo
Ilrchnse I lt - Ito ( origInal - cost ,
, \aklll for 1IIJ"uln'o ! , " .lllor ,
CIgNNI ' , Dec. 30-Slleclal.-\ ( ) H. ,
Utley of O'Neill , Neim. , .
Ule ) O'Nel Nlh" nppelt'll before Gay-
ernor Oslorne yesterday morning amI asked
for the pardon ( time .
tht froll Pemmitentinry of a
) 'olng man nllld lenJnmln , who waR sent
111 frm Johnson county In 1893. Mr. i'tiey
m'mlrt'sents tht FTlllplrents ot lhe young
mmmlii _ _ )
lo I I < e Shrub iM ( ' ' 11 I Untlll. I
10CK SPIi1NGS.Vyo. : , Dec : O-Spe- (
clal.-The ) mines lt hock Springs are at
IH'esent lttmttlmtg out belween Go Inll 7,0
tons of coni monthly , the largest vroduction
or ni ) ' one cJnl mining Ilatlkt , \ producton
Missouri river. The demand for coal baum
been unusual ) hi&'imt this yeur :
1.1" I ' . I 't ' In " ' , 'al"rn t In\'nlor' I I ,
W.\SIIGTO : 1lI 3f-Speclal.-Pat ( )
entl lu1o been issued as folowl : Nebraska
-lcnr ) ' 1 Cox , assignor to hlmselt timid A ,
M. ' 't'mtlln , llhner , corp harvester : Emil
H. Drl\cr , rlslgor to I' , N. Urlver. 11
elite , ' , dU11 colector ; Andrew S. rlckson ,
101IreI' , pump gear for wind mills : John
! Ienr
ii , Iaphbroalt. Oxford , sash . mia Iowa
-I - : ml Etitfalilt , 111.Ot. to 1'ull. : Ianurao-
lrinG cOlpan , Iavemtport ha ) ' loader : Ira
' 1' . I'nns. I . Clh'e , harrow : Wilam O. l'rii.'e
Sioux City , mlhlnu for bllhlnl embank
mlts , South lakota-Cimarlems 11 , Cllmeron ,
1uon , door check s
lii'tIitI'4i nllll ( rerlldull.'RIIO , nrlalled
S' LOUIS , 13cc. 0.-.About thirty-five
delegates to time national council of the
imeoPie's Ilarly have organize I National
lmitlmttlve , and
IllhHh'e noCerendum IUKue James
U. I.athrop af Topeka . Kurt. , was elected
I president , und In executive electe
natonal and state organIzers ! were c40lcn ,
I IR prpos"t to push nt once the omnn-
Iznton throughout the country of clubs to
promote thE' scheme oC the Swiss system ot
Initiative and referendnm. Thirteen states
were represented nl time - . organization.
Sll."Ul"Ul " .IVI/I./ : l'IWl'lWTl
heIrs Cllhnllg ! ! I'hl/ulclllhl" % Henley
l.rl 11 for NIIII" _ .
NgW YotU : Dec 30.-Time heirs of WIl-
lam Skllln"lnll 1 name which hil de.
AC nlanls hn\'e changed to Schllner , have
dehle < to Rue In the courts of I'nims3'lvammIa
to I'egaln that paN or Phlndelphla known ns
Southwarl I cOltnln three nnd onelllf
square tle ! Is solidly built Ull mind worth
many mllcnl Most of the heir live In
oulher Nw .Jere antI lelong to the
Seimlilimmger . Inntl , Townlel11 , Bennett , HM/
flaIl . Hle\n8 IIHI hughes mamniliemi. \'il-
iinmmm Skillimigimiks .
lam Skllnlnkl waR 1 brother of Cornelus
SkllnllnlI n Swede , who ownCl the 11"11'
arty In the middle or tim eighteenth cpn-
) clgbenlh
tory an'l ' leased I In 1776 for Ilnel-nlne
) 'ears . Wih lie ( twenty yeats of grace nl.
( al'l Tce
ICWel1 to ocetipants of land for a Item ret title
this leant'vill \ cXlllre In ISG 1 , The : helrl tte
claim Skllnginks received lmk right to thE
Ilrollet ) front Indentures which were made ,
itt legal I I orilc'r subsequent to the cbal'ter
given to W'illiam Penn hy ChnrlcR 1 , king I
of Bnglnlll : , In , IGI , Thil title Yut5 IHlel'- (
warlls conlrmed by Sir 1"Tncls Ionlnce ,
the "ubselunt I nglh governor of Penn-
R'nnla , and reccrled at Upland , August
21 , 171. g
.10 ll"I.\O .1. ' n I'OIlJiU , VII . " I
Hener Maim 1111 I"alern Cnlllllst Orgil'
Izhll emi I ( I rim mmd S'n" ! ' .
DI' N\gH. Dec 30.-The door Creek Gold
Mining mummiVater Powcr company has been
oranlzec by New York II l11ellhil nnrl
Colorado cnllalRtR , tG wrest from the bed
of Clear creek fur thirteen tithes above
Golden the vast nccumulaton of gold sup-
posed to hmmmve been deposited there through
time ages and to supply electrical power for
the running of nil SUIJI' eectrical lJwcr ) , Ilemiry
l.wll of lhlallelllhia Is time IH'esldent amid I
' ;
I'cprelenlatve or the t'asler capitalists.
The Denver men nro Scott J. Anthol ) ' , vice . :
presllent : g \ HollnR , treasurer ; \r , \V. ;
O. Smih , secretary and J. ; 1. Downing
nnd henry J. 1la ) ' 1 mn. who , with those
named tutU Ir. Keene of I'hilmtmlelphia , con- :
stlnte the hoa.1 oC directors. Time compan
cent mplates supplying power to run the
strcet cars nnd ni sorts of planll In thIs
el ) ' . br generlnl electricity man ) ' utiles
a way . exactly as tins ben ( done by "hnr-
m messimig Nla/nr " I Is ono or the mOlt
Importnnt l enterprises ever Imlertnken In
ito ,
state _ _ . _ _
. 'J.lrOORn .1.\'I - ) IWlll n Ifl FOOT1'JIS.
la":11 : Zcltoux's "I.1 to ILls Chlhlrcl Judcly
IlterrUp't' ' .
SAN FRANCISCO , Dec. -Dnvld Zeloux :
was - . found . h'ln/ unconscIous on the street
tils evening , wih his face covered wih
blooll amid with f fractured skull. In his
pocltets I were letters from hamilton , 0" ,
signed by his flthor , Jacob Zeloux , and
( rain his brothers , Charles George , Samuel
anc Jacob I Is not Imown whether his
c ondition 13 lho result ! of an attack by foot-
pads I ot' II time result of I fail , clusll by
Ihe use oC niorpimlne paper' or which were
found In his pockets Zelloux had been
Zeloux hac em-
ploy,1 as I dl'ngglst In lcrlanc , Ore" , and
Los . Angeles . Cal. anc
LOS ANGEII , Cal. , Dec. 30.-Duvld 'Ici
10ux h , who was assaulted timid rebitetl In San
FrancIsco this morning , was In time employ
of \an Hol & Co. . mirmigglsts . whlo In thIs
cl ' , lie left this city for San Francisco ,
i sumably 01 hull way cast to visit his two
molherless m children. " 'hen hc started north
he hind n lmllcc supply ) cf Htartec .
l'lBJ'ltWl TO :10 J'B OUT. ,
Slllcrlntcldlnt Iiyrmmcs' L'rlwato J'lperslolng 1
Sent Any from 1'01"0 Ilcadqumtrters. ,
NEW YOfiK Dec. : -l was apparent at '
polce I hcadlluartem In this city today that :
change In affairs there Is
Irfalrs speedily up-
proacimimmg and gloom pervaded the entire
building. None dou
doubt l Sup rtntendent D'rnes
Intends to retire l soon as his successor Is
appolntcd. He was In his olce as early IS
8 o'clock In the morning , but he denied him-
self to 'isitors. There was no concealment
Imong lhose 110St(11 that the superintendent
was eimgnged In . '
engaged prepara'luns to
movc , . He was closeted during the da ) . . with
was his c nldant , fcrg an Jz-anlc ' Mangin . anti
clearIng out all his' htrlvate papers and
efteet 'whlch . hu'e ' gatlired ' . anc
erets .hnve' during .the ,
gtl r .the
year/ of his sojourn In the buihmItmi , Tiey .
, ' lulIUu
eire packed up and " !
wtrc sent to his "home On
\Vesl Flfty-eighthm slrcct. Nobody cared to
talk much about the matter . but those who
mild speak spoke In terms ot Itonlshment
and regret at theIr chIef's
! comIng retire-
menl retre-
1eJ1.iliJ" ! ' ' . '
> l'a SAPB.T sI'ENCiIf.
SPENCEf. Boyd County , Neb. , Dec.
28.-To the Editor of The Dee : Your publication -
caton of the 2t Inst contained an art le ,
written by He\ , C. E. Dalele , dated at i
Niobrara . Neb. ( the re lcenco of the wrier '
thereof beIng at some other place ) , relative
to droulh sufferers In Do'c county , wherein I
the gentienman places the .
genteman people or Spencer
and that localIty In n false , no doubt unin-
tentonaly , imositlon . by saying that "pro-
vIsions cannot be kept It Spencer , emi the .
reservation , because the people are so destitute -
tule they cannot be restrained from seizing
anti carryIng Ihcm away. " This article .
was pennec by nev. Mr liatteile at n point
about tty miles distant from Spencer , and
evidently without the author being fully ad-
vlged In the premIses ; otherwise .
he certainly would not have so
hnl'shly dlHcrlmlnatel against a poor
but ' Ilowerful In forbearance vubhic. .
\Te have our share ot needy and destitute
necty desttute .
people residIng In the "dromuthi stricken"
distrIcts ot Nebraska , who have not as yet ;
recel'el their equal share of the supplies t
that have been sent to this county , per-
haps owing to inactivity or committees I
having rime matter In charge , who would he
thankful recipients for luch relief as I
time charitably Inclined , relef the i
benefcence of a Idn lmrovltemlce ] ,
may Ileem proper 10 bestow and to guard I
against any Rhuses that might obtaIn In thc !
mutter or Ilroper distriiution of gifts qmon
the benetclarles entlec thereto. gIfs Imong
wi agree to enler Into I good 'lle wrier
bond , to be approved by the dIstrIct or
counly judge of this judicial . district or :
county , guaranteeing that all goods or
" ' " " al loocs
" .
"Iu'ovlslons" "llored In" or sent to Spencer
wi not be "seized" anti "carried away' ,
through nmmy violent or unauthorized
Iny man-
ner. but wi he must ribcm - ti'l , In I " h"I"lnnQ , i I
rind impartial methoc to those ' - really i - in
nlell of Mine , pm'ovldeil 1 such effects url con.
signed to the hearth ot trustees for that
tomvn Up to time present time I have no
personal knowledge or otherwise , except
us glllnell from time article of He\ . Mr.
liatteile , ot any "hmrevislons" having hoen
" "tolcil at Simemicer " therefore It wotmtd be
unrlu8onahle for the genteman to maintaIn
or Immesitma that " " "
l'lesumo any "seizure" anti "carry-
lug IWI ) ' " IJshlesR 1111 leen Indulged In
to any Ilereepthle xtent I ask that this
letter ho puhlsh"ll Whim the vIew of rim.thmttng
army wrlg our people may have rlhtnl
by reason of [ the publication oC the article
ot lte' Mr. Batele , amI , whit time nrlelo
or that respected Ielteman , I wi multi ' timat
him case there remains any louht In tml
mlnlls or your reacrs as to the credibility
ot time slalement herein mlde , or touching
the true slll1lon at Spencer anti vicinity ,
such Il'rRon or ersons ) , are respectfully re-
erred ( to HeIr , Hobelts of Newcastle ,
Nab " who hlR hccn t'ontluctimmg I series of
meetings at SI..ncer for the last two weeks.
whllh has brought him within I'ange tutu
daily contact with all clulsel of our res.
hlentl nail woull he I com [ tent and 1m-
partul authority In time mater al blUO ,
_ _ 0 _ _ . S. p
Hhlo\'lr",1 In Uhl Shlrlnll' .
IOl'ISVII.E , 1\ ) ' " Dec. 3-I Jpert ac
counlanls have discovered I shortage ot
UO in I thin ely collector's oce during the
term of J , Hal navllJon ur this ( city mum col-
I ? rtol' ( , I II slll that . tIme wOrk Is II the
hlndwrllnf of Dlput ) William 1 , ' , ' . 'nI8h ,
who last Immmer was drowned In the city
resarvoir. 'rhe metho,1 was 10 record only
a portion of time meney 10'11'111. miami time
IJelef Is tUI\ ' gemiermul that ( Wah ctmmnmnitteml
suicide lie carried about $10,0. ) insurance I
In ucchlent and coimmimamites. 'llH aeeounl-
ants are to report tomon'ow , Daviliaon Is
now wlh - the American Iore exchange ,
. \llrlllat "uwhl . ) IIul.1 I (5 vi'r.
PilIlADELPllIA , Dee , 3.-Ch81IeH 1Vil , .
trll ! 10wlry , the anarchist who was arrested -
rested after mnklng I fiery HI leech In this
city Friday nliht , was given a. hearing be-
rOIt Itlngletruttehiiligtmmte yesterday , \e
hehl In I.O Cor trial Time ) ecilc churge
agulnst him Is InciImig ( to rIot nnll using
violent . thrratenlng und Incendiary lan-
gtiage In the presence oC a large nimnilmem' of
/uale pleHen.e larle lum\lr
perBn ! to incite them to mleeds of vIolence
nnll hloodshfl , No ono flrnlphed h-mail and
low ra ) was lodged . In jail. bal
l'n1aonlrl 1'\1 ' ( m'iemity ur l'uII.
PII.AnI I.IIIA , Dec. 30.-lnveltgaton
by a representative or the Associated .
I reprlsentat\'e Assciated p..s- ,
oC reports of lli-treatnment
l.lreatment and per food
among lime steerage l'IEseltrr of the SQulh i
wurk , at quurntne on account of smztauijmox , ,
Ihow time allegations to be absolutely
groundless , _ _ _ 0 _ _ _
SuduI'ii I'ne ur I Jonoluon.
SAN HANCISCO , Iec 30.-John Smih
anl his bride ot a week were found ceall L
11 bet ! title morning , asphyxiated by gas ,
I Is l presumed they tailed to turn ofT Ihe t
gas properly ullon retrln ( ,
W ALL . ] 1REET : ( I ! - IN hARD LUCK
Two Y cars IJ / Tough Traffic Juit Pascd and
Only Iopo Ahead ,
, " 1 , _
.mi -
Etiropo's l > m"IHIII Ieleet.t anti Colmipit-
eate" with ' Our 0'1 luo thin SHnl' (
ton-SH1ckAI He"lcdly . Unpromls. ; ,
Ihg lI ' : , ! ' . , 2o . l'rcsemmt 10Ider" .
NEW YORK , Dec i0.-Iiemmry Clews , heaL
of the banking house of Henry Clews & Co" ,
lows writes : of the situation In Wal street , as fol-
"On Wail street time close or time year Is
rather nn occasion for retrospect than for
active busIness. Last year's retrospect was
far from beIng a cheerful one : this 'Car'8 Is
not much moro so ; 1893 was I year or tiny ci-
come causes ; 189t has been one of very tin-
satisfactory erects : 1895 , It mny 0 reasomi-
ably hoped , wilt be one or lecovery from both.
"It Is
not often
ofen that such a
series oC untowarl evcnts como
togcther within such I compar-
atvely brief Ilerloll. Through bolh years we
have suffered front the elects or 1 great
and universal Industrial reaction , From
causes datIng back lo the gemmera ! introduction
or steam anti mchanlcal Improvements , tbe
world has been working toward an enormous
Increase or all the rorms of plant ant It
was only a question of time when lhal grwth
of proLuctve llwer would Ileveoll Into a
stmllly . oC producls exceeding the world's
ability to consume , 'hat ' positon of affairs
reachld Europe tn ISD" and Irst expressed
Itself In the U'arlng faIlure . 'ritree years
later the crIsIs reached the Vnlol Slates ,
and the scare created imy our silver Inila-
slvcr Inla-
ton was the mulch to start a great expto-
siomm Iecnus the mltch hnplencll to be a
currency IncIdent and therefore nlCeelel1
Imt an,1 elleelnl ) ' the banks , we regarded
the whole trnhle al traceable to bad silver
legislation : during the ' ' ' '
legislaton Ilst year . huwe\'cl' ,
wo halo lgcovered that time most Htuhhorn
element of the depression his heen I radical
want of prOIJorton between the rrleal
protluce mind the abity to consume. l l I Is
through time many und Ilecll-seatell derange-
menls ( whlel1 1 dlsturhanc of this comlllex
nature brings that ( we have been suffering
for the past year , sufering
" . .
'Comictmrremitiy witim that conditiomm
"Concurrent wlh conditon , we
hlvu i untO'tulcn legislation breaking imp the
oil relations hetween our domcstc manu-
fneturerB anti our foreign cmmerce , which
hIS h surrounlell our Industrllwlth new and !
perlllxincllculles. i ) / . All c Cl ! to this hus
Irlen m a clsturhlng gold qucston , Involving
time nbll ) ' of ito treasm'y to maintain the
controverthllt' of its f5o.o ' of Ilelall
notes. The lanls nHI the government have
become antlgonlstc compettors for the
metal , and In the conlict the posilon of
the treasury has become more and more
i nvolved . anti at the end of the year Its way
out of the < llcultes Is less clear than It
WIR , ot the hmegiumning. Aralr : across the
Atlantic have lane nothIng to afford roller
on this tilde the ocean. Time death of the
Czar , the war between China anti Japan
and tint ArenHinln atrocities have combined
to create I 'Tloltcnl sluaton ful of dangerous -
gerous pOSRlhltls to the peace of the
old worll , " 'llh ; the plrlt of distrust thus
excited on the B ropean Inanelal markets
our Interests ' \ \ 1mro.zul live sympathized. The
positon of th\llr lsur ' Ind the pelllnJ ad-
justmenls ot \ ie affairs of great bankrupt -
runt raIlroad. , Iorportons have forded
nutriment for qlls spirit or dIstrust among
our uropeah crlltors . nnd consIderable
nmountl of secrjt s have been returned ,
home , with j , psequent harge exports of
gold which ljw / aggravated our domestic
agruvnte domestc
geld tiernngememmts. .
"It Is rare I ) " t t such I complication oJ
persistent troumbltmim has befallen " 'al street
Interesls. Non t hem are or I klml to
yield much 9.t3y : ordinary methods of ar.
Ulclal rele ! ! I :11,11 ' of them mUst walt for
the reallj\stm II ! of tme anti natural reac-
ton.Ve \ IU\'e tTlermfoTc 1ad . little reCOUfe :
hut to sit stl ald 'myjtit until the lroubles
aldplt unt
worked out \ tit1rt ; own cure. Such a situa-
ton could rolf n to crelte stagnancy of
capital , postponement ' enterprise , declne !
In values , amt1'gemwral caution In every
branch or buiiess . rSuch has actually beer
the experience In every Interest from the
beglunllg ot the 'eur to Il- close. The ;
marvel Is that such I situaton has beer
taken so composedly and with so I
little posltvQ dIsaster . In Fplte or so much t
that Is disturbing . , credit has been relon-
ably' sound , failures have been compara-
tve\ few , and there Is nowhere the appre-
honslon thut mlht be expeetet : under such
clrcumstnnces. It < not be that nnller the
circumstances , there have been this yeAi :
the usual new creations of wealh , and con-
'sequenl ) ' the market for Investments has
been extraordinarIly inactive , nut. whit S
inactive , It has been < singularly steady In
respect to vaimmes and the year ciose , If
not With expectations or any large change
from the Ilresent low range of 'ahtmes yel t
with no apprehension of I further decline ,
"The setting 'ot 181. however throws out t
some rays of hope for 1835. Among the
various trade. there are indications ot I
more hOMCul feelng for the spring bust
11055. The Cact or a comparative hithtnest ;
ot talures at the close ot the year . II con
strueL lS Indicating 1 sounder condition of :
business than had been supposed to exist
Tb earnings of the riroads show a temm
dency toward Imprvement. and the pro
gress toward settlement of the affairs of
roads In time hlnlII ot receivers Is suggest
lye ot an enr\ removal ot that source oC
depression from the Investment market , '
The feeling Is thus Itenly gaining ground I
that \Val street his eased Its lowest stao l
at Ilrostraton anti ( limit the new year wi
Introduce a tendency toward Iteltl ) ' re-
"For the moment , the stock market shows
no features or special IntereHt. 'rhe new
ctmrreflCy bill would become an Importlnt
element ot revival could there be any con
llenle In its being so far amendell as to
afford any hope ot Its \azln ! but on that
there Is at present much douht. Current t
lymlllomR Inllcate that the gold exnortl
are not likely to grow Into very large
volume , which , its an plement fuvorble to
the treasury , has an assuring tendency. "
D"IIII lor Uuuoy r."R l'rr.RIII Thul
I1oumil rur This Tlmo nr Yemir .
LONDON , Dec. 30.-The customar pros
aUI.o for money at the end of time year has
been less mlu'Iec than usual , and lust week ]
the demnaimil the market enl . ,
delanll Rave ommhy a teal
pantry impulse. At time Stock exchange the
busiless was cumuli . the ( Ihrce duys the ox-
chane was open being occupied with thc ,
meettiemnont of un easy account. Time markets , -
kate , with the exception of that for Amer-
lena eectmrlties . were gcnel'al ) . ilrmn. Home
MilwlY securities were active , him foreign
securites time 011) ! ' feature wns I Iharll
ullvunce In Iirazllinmmmu. There hUR heen no
Ibatement of the exclemenl In the mlllnl ,
Illro marl : < et , anti linden arc still l'uRhlnl i
upwmurd 'J'ho market fOl' Amerlcun rlwa , y
securitIes Ippeared its . /Ioomy / as ever. )
Fits ! tjm } ! u Supply Shut err ,
FREMONT , 0. , Dec. ZO.-Whle repairing
tIme regulator , .l thl NOl'lhwesler Ohio
Natural Gas compn"s ' works totlmsy , an
eXllloslon occtmrreui. wrecking the regulate
and seriously Injuring C. L Slevens , CharlL'
Crable mil J. H. Lovelanti. . Time fuel gq H
IUllpl ) ' to the cIty , hall to he shul off g'll
thousunds ot t6'res . \'Irt left wihout fuel I ,
makini It a Icrlous.'thlng for time people In I
vIew of the cold , wEather Time gas cannQl
be tured on f'r : IH'eTt cla/ . tal
i'ierf " nKul ( Aslgims.
1NNEAI01 sDec , 3.0.-A lleclal from
PIerre , S. D" , t : Ihe TrIbune , says : The
First National Iml ! of Fort Pierre has tie I.
signed to its cieuitturs l . 'lhe Ilrlnclpal credo
10rl Ire the Georgetown National hank a I'
GeOrletlVn , Zqss. : ; John 1.'arnswollh o
Cresco . ha. . In , thl Bunk of \olgl , S , L I.
Time hunle htoldtplenty or colllerli ( 10 sat ,
Isfy nil crelllo ; hut was obliged 10 close
on account of jf " coilectlomme .
- I
J , , 1110 \111 CumrnlYnlll. ' . ,
WEST SUPEIt1OR , Wls" , Iee 30.-Time La
Belle Wogon cohpaiiy I at South Superior
was forced tl IKIt1 late ) yesterday afer-
nOOI , owing to tr ube growing out ot the
enforced sumupensioit or the Hunlt of f3otmth
Superior yeterclny , 'fhe compuny 10uth
quickly a\'alahle . musselS uggregntiimg $190,000
aglrelalnl $19.0
ant 1 Illant valued ut * 10,0)0 . Its liabilities
amount to n3O. Steps ure already beimmg
tllen to reorgammlso , .
Slluu.lir Illrtl I CI His 1,1111 ,
NI \ \ ' YORK , Pre , 30.-J. W. Showuler
won the tsvmmty-Ilth ( game or tii e series and
the mat h against Albin , when time latter
opened wHim a centei' . gambit aimd rlslgnell
after thirty moves . Score ; l3howalter , 10 :
Albin 7 : drawn , hi.
1..1 11 \ . hlouicn'a ' , AICUWIIIOI.
COr.OnADO SPnNGS. Colo. , Dee , 30.-
Sylvester Yeaman , hart owner of the Black
Wonder minIng claim In the Cripple Creek
district on which Je'hard Newell , chief
engineer of time 1Udland Terminal railroad
_ _ _ u _ " "
, . .
was rlcent ) ' hot anti Itllll by A. \ \ " . Van i
10nten In 1 dispute onr rlht or way , hlR
been helll lS accessory to the ml.ler , II
( I fnlit , of $10,0 ball he wns eommltel to
jai _ _ _ _ - I _ _ _
Signs of nlrll TIUC , C'al > ICIII I ) ' \hsent ,
Iii the UIAlln ( rn\lh.
CHICAOO , Iec , 26.-CorresIIOlllenco ( ) or
The ilee-Timo ) much ( hartl titmice
< 0 not seem to malta any difference In lie (
hOllla ) ' crowds II Chicago. The streets aUI
shops are thronged , time theaters ful to
overflowIng amI everybody seems lo I well
Itressed , well fed anti In excellent hlmor ,
The depots arc all crowded with young people
"gohl home for the holIdays . " which line n
rather depressing elect on anyone who Is
away from homo for the 10111ns , .
Time seems to be the scarcest thing In this (
great do' , Nobody seems 10 have hal
Inolgh ant everybody seems 10 be trying
to do two or three things al once ,
Anll jUt. hero let ono smnl woman lift
UII her voice In Itefense of those much abused
beimugs , the Chicago policemen. I seems
to ho time pOlmlar tiing at pesent to accuse -
cuse thcm of nil the crimes of which men are
capnhle amid a few moro orlglnnl and start-
hag ntroctes that may only bc perpctratell (
bl polcemen , but whatever their faults tummy
bc , they hlve some rare and striking virtues )
nnt <
tues They are well Informe.l . , I.atent 111
courteous. Those on the main lhotonghfarls
answer moro 'qlestons In n day thnn ordi-
nary people arc required to answer In the
whole course of theIr hives. The rapidity ,
ease anti air of Personal Interest with which
they tin this Is something 10 voimt1er at
They stnml ( In the middle or 1 crowded cross-
itmg bctween 1\ 0 surging masses or humun-
I ) ' , ChlaJo human It ) . , that Is alwa's 01
the rush , holding back on one sIde I crush
of imacics drays . omnlhlses and delivery
wagons , alll on the other n crowd of men ,
Wlmen and children , who seem to need
watching ' to reslrln them Crom
casting themsel'es Inder the wheels
oC time passing and repasshl cars and , with
I look of deep Inlerest and 1 hand raised
courtcousty to time call brim , answer "Two
blocks to the rlKhl , maLam , " "That firma
hns change Its place of business , sir : you
will " fnr ( It at No 26 Ia Sale street mmois' "
"The Sixty-first street cable : I'l put yeti on
board when It . " "
Celtics "Uook toro on the
next block , right hanL side of street , "
"Next train at 4:15 : : you have ffeen ( mln-
ules to simare " anti all this whit scarcely
tme to take breath bet ween.
Job might hnve had enough patenco to
succeed as I Chicago policeman . but ho did
not have enough general informmmatiemm ,
Caesar had ni Ih. I v > rl Inrormaton , , . Julus
foruii i r quir'd , ' -b" l'I ime I 't dId i ' ' not ' have :
elouh patlemmce .
I you carry In 'our memory I Illcuro !
of the city wontiorful take my advice alt
stay away from Jacl.son paric for the white
dream has vanished anti given place to the
black and bleak reat ) StIll Chicago Is
filled with echoes of the fair The now pmmbilc
llimrary . buIlt 'on historic groutid the publc
of ell Fort Dearborn . Is an evident attempt
to give to the "airy nothings" or the court of
honor "n local habitaton : and 1 name , " coint
hlnell with pcrmanence and I ijimliding mmmn-
anal ( that will defy the wind timid wcathmer ml-
Uy tIme way , the Chicago wOlen seem to be
about the only women In the country' who did
not see the fair , "You were so fortunate "
they sigh , "bul you see we had company nil
time tinme . a new detachment every two al ,
anll domestcs were so Sc1rcc amid hard to
keep that wo had to stay at home and see
lhat our friends hail something fit ant cat ,
Oh , y 'es , wo enjoyed the fair. "
Here you get I very geL Idea or what the (
poet meant when he wrote about "tho made
dIng crow-mi. " You start out wIth mme Inlen-
ton of going any where In particular , just to
take a leisurely walk all a look at the shop
windows , but before ) ' 01 know what you arc
about you find your , el I mile or two from
your starting place , rushing along ns If you
haL Just ten minutes to live and a fortune
to make In the meantme , You are simply
n.rged forward , not so much by time ph'slcal
strength of the crowd as by ) lutense mena
; energy 'fho'subte something that seems ,
to pervade the whole city
cly makes Oue fel l
that here men arc so intent upon making a
lIvIng ' that thlY have no time to Bye. But
the clwd Is a very amfalle anti cheerful
ammo as long as It remains upon tint sidewalks
Pack It Into a street car and I Is a % 'dry dIffers
ant Idll or a crowd I you arc Intensely
democratc and imolmi that we are all equals
that women are gentle and men chIvalrous , '
ant wIsh lo rid yourself of thesl Ideas , take
a few rides 'n 1 Chlcugo street car Only .
thInk of It there are thousands of people
hero who spend two hours every day riding ]
In these cars Two hOlrs a day Twelve hOlrl I
a week. orly-elghl imours-but why contem-
plate such misery , Timemm too the crowd Is I
tolerable , e"en desirable compared with the m
There runs a Iegelll among the young men
at the
unlverslly thai once upon a time lho
manager or a Chicago car line tmo ap-
plcant for a poslton where he had last heen m
eimmimloyed. 'fhe modest applIcant answered I '
promptly. "It. Is none of your hlslness , " Introducing - 'I
troducing nt the same time I purely dec- :
oratve word that would not le printed In I
time columns of Time Bee whereupon the
great olclal called out to hIs aaalslant ,
"This is just time kInd of a mmmami we wammt. .
i'ut huimii on tite State atreet line. " Time con .
doctors on time trains known as time "Ele. -
voted" are imotmorabie exceptions , However
you can ommly board timese cars at certair ;
poInts ; and are obliged to climb emmdlesm S
stairs , and tire almost always just a lltthm 3
to. ) late in getting to time top. Yesterdal r
evening among tIme crowd of leftovers worm I
a mnamm slid lute , iii imer ovn ojmlimiomm , imioc , )
cimltumred daughmter , wlma said , "I'a , you nmue t
not called time Ihlwated , it Is time elewmmteci , ' ,
limit lie only wipeti his heated face aiim ! re -
plied , "Begob , it's all time smmmno to mm S
wiietimor Its iilwated or elewated , It it onil r
waited a little hcmmmger , "
Jut mmow femiminlne Chicago wears magenta.
Id looks like a foot ball day ammd a crowd
d IsplayIng Its colors. There are laslmes amid
s plashes of it everywhere , anti It takes
a bout half mm day to rmmalce It ovemm moore cx-
a sperating timami "Sweet Marie. " "I mmmii so
s ick of it , " groaned time Omumima yoummg nmamm
i ii Cimicago , "time Ilrst t'Onmatm I see who
l ies no mmmgemmta. oil I'll go down omm mmiy
knees to imer , " lie
was imiviteml to find a
i mlce clean imlace cli thmo crosslimg amid tb in-
tant reverence , but ime exphaiimeii "Oh , you
l tmive only beemm hero a week , day after to.
t mmorrOw you telli have a itmumgommta rosette
umidor each car and a bIg bummcim ot Immmierlcamm
fleamuttemu iii your Imat. You can't. help it.
I t's in time utmimosplmore , ' '
Time poet wimo wrote ,
' ' \'i ( ii I I vu vommmeim mm imd irmen to Ito founti lit
timim' , i'omimi ,
P1111 of sorrow null sin , full of haul tutu of
passiotm ,
SYimo votmlti live m'lthm a doll titougim liar
iocks mulmoulmi be ctmrieih.
.Anmi lmei' retty coat trimnmmmeul in time ( mush-
iou , ' '
would flail mmumeim sentimeimtum very uimpopuiar
t immmong time summttil girls of Cimicago just at
h mresemmt , Time 'Carmmivai of Ioiia" Is drawIng
great crowds of time four imundretl to liattery
ii armmmory , 'Ihe display Is simmimiy Imewilmher-
m ug. In the' center of one of time mnost
i mramumirment booibs staimmia ( lie "Nebraska doll , "
Sue wits ilesigmmei mmml lresommted by Mrs.
l iriggmi of Ommmaima , aumml represemmts Arbor day.
Sime is ciati lii greeuu , triimmmmmeth vithm time
foliage of Nebraska trees. and wears aim
! til soummebody , mind tlomi' ( imave to ImUt oil
airs" Capitol liii ! expremmslomm tint is quIte
f m.mmmmillar.
Wimicimever 'any yomi turn you timed Ommialma
i meoplo , Miss Lila lIuril.mut , Scott lirowmi and
Henry T , Clark are in time Cimietmgo urmiver-
e lty , MIss Nora O'Commnor amid Mrs. Martlmm
Caimn are visitIng friemmds amid enjoylmmg time
social phetusturee of time season. Fteml Nye is
time chief smile nicker on tIme hierahil , I ) , C.
Shelley is tmigiit. editor on ( lie Trllmmmmme , J.
Il , sumlivan ; is immimanger of time 1)rover's ) Joumr-
nai anti Cimicagn Semi ,
The orators at the recent banquet of the
Sun ' Sot climb were iliSimol ) Spahding , Henry
\'artl Rogers , president of the Northwestern
tmniverslty antI A. P. NightIngale , assistant
simperlmitentlent of the city mucimools. 11Pm
Iminimy frIends iii Omuruima wIll ho imtercsteml iii
hmcarlmig what time Record loud to say of i'rot.
Nigimimigalo's ( siunre let time program
il'ti ) A ( ROl ) % 'Olh-l ) FOR TilE TEtCllElt.
I'rof , Nlgimtlumgalo led time ihlscusslomm. Ills
addrcas wits an eloquent triimute to thin imulmhtc
cimool nmmmi public school teachers , lie said
that. mme ammo kimew better the ( numbs timid imtm'
hmerfecttomme of Chicago's Pltblis school syeU'mn
than these who minily cmmmmme iii commtact vlth
( ho ' 1,000 teacimors nail time 100,000 scholars
who were filling to repletion every school
bullmilng anti mmmoro titan 200 rented roommis In
time city. ho knew , lie salt ! , that they were
imi tuomnewimat of a. comtgcstetl state , and that
becnus of time immconmpetence of perhaps 10
ier cent of time teacimers nimmi time danger of
symnimatiuctie tnfiuuemuces ( lucy diti not every-
whmem-o amid always keep iiee ammti ienee with
IL lttticmmt : , regressive people. Out huts potmit
hue said :
"There is still too mmiumclm of time indigestible
fac ( of text book routIne ( aught ; too little of
time hivimig lessomme of muaturcm ; too mtmmmch cc-
prcssiomm ; too little liberty ; too mmmcii of time
smmmtmo diet for all ; too little of lmmmiividtmal ule-
velopmnemmt ; too mmmtmciu dogmimatle timeor3' ; too
little of illustrative hmroof ; too mmmccli smatter-
lnmg of mmmmtmiy things ; too little accuracy lIt a
( ow thmiumgs ; too tumumehi immeimmoritmir work aimti
cateehmical qumestlommimmg ; too little of mdlviii-
mini observation anti time excimmingo of recorded
ideas ; too mmmmicii of aritimutmetic ; too little of aim
lnsimirnioimah ( taste ( or ( ito trammscammdemmt
be.'nmty anti power , the sweetness anti eie-
ganee of our mimasterfiml Euighishm. "
ito spoke In favor of mmatmmre study ammti eacuhum.
cation , miami said ( lint time high schools of
today were far aimeatl cit ( lie colleges of Imalt mm .
ceumtury ago.
'tiu hear it , limit Cmmim't See it Until it Camm
iIluo Ii , , lclt ,
People i'iio lowe mmever been In a jutngb u
talk of tito sky as a palmmter halite of ttmc m
imorizomi or a seafaring nman of tue otihmmg-ae I
If wlmen you VZh-titeti to see It yomi ommly imeeui t
USC your eyes , hut iii time jimmmgle you domt'I
ceo time sky , says time Slain Free Press , at '
least you only see a few scraggy patches at
it. overhead timrommglu time opemmlmtgs in tim C
twigs amid leaves. NcitImer do you feel tin S
w ind blowlmtg , nor get. imtmrmmeti or dazzled ii ) P
t ime mmuii , mmor evemi see timat , lummiimmary , except
is y mtmotmmentary glimmmlmses abomut mitltiday. Fromm
w hich It follows ( lint a jtmngleman does mmot I
u sually' pretenti to be weatherwise. It 1mm )
d oes ito Is event a greater imummnbutg timnui timi I
r est of tIme i'eatlmer imrophets. 0mm time after -
n eon about wimicim we are speakiumg I reimmem -
b ar setting forth on itmy wallc lii time stil I
g low of time tropical calimi ammil womiderlni
r atimer at time Intemmee stilimiess of time sur -
r ounding forest. Thou thmc air grew cooler ,
a mid time grecmm of time foliage in fromit seemitet I
t o deepen , and lmresently there was a count I
a s of a giammt waterfall in time distaimee '
Waterfalls do imot , Imowever , gram t.
l ouder every second , wimercas time muoisu ' -
i n front thiti so. Timen there was a louth , angr ,
g rowl , as of a ulozen lions. A tnimnmte mmmorm i
m ummi time witolmi jungle begamm lo roar as I r
fi fty squadrons of imeavy cmvalry were commm
l ag up at a gallop. Timen caine a droim o
r ain ammd a peal of thunder which seemet I
t o make time world stop.
Timeim ( lie stormu began. Tli sky abovi
d arkened , time trees clattereti , time brtmslmwoot I
b emmeatim hissed ammd bowed Itself. A delugu
o f m'almmdrops biottoti omit tue mmarrow vIew -
Down It caimme , soakIng tlmrougim tIme demmscs t
l eaves under whicim one lied for refuge ,
s trikimmg time grass amid sand m'itiu mmitiilomi !
o f dull timuds , dashing furiously agaimmst timi
l eaves as It timey were so mmmammy hmostlb S
s hIelds. streaking the air with inmmuimumrabh i
p erpendicular hines , and hurling Itself don't 1
w ith ( lie force of bullets.
In such a downpour omme may as wail wall
a nti g : m'et as stand still arid et wet. Un -
f ortmmmmutely otie did not kmmow mm'iiere to m'all (
t o. The "circumbendibus systemmi" precump -
p oses time fact timat time wagon wimeels ant I
b imiloclc tracks can be seen and mmoteci , flu
when time cart track Is no longer a car t
t rack , but "all turned to rusimimmg waters , ' ,
s uchm tracks cammnot , be sceum ; amid ummiless you i
h ave a' rocket commipams yoim mmmay as well tr I'
t o Ily n to get back to whore you canme from .
When otmo reads of travelers lost 1mm (1mm
b ackwoods they always steer by the suit- -
a nti protmably 'ery badly ; but wimemi timero L S
n o semi tclmat . ; are you to do ?
_ _
i t Japanese Iuirmumer Uumtclmusses liret ihmmrte'm S
iieuitliemm ,
Time heathen Cluinec imas beau celebrate
both In prose andpoetr3' for lila astutene
i n spite of iml cimllti-like and bland smut
limit according to a story which comumes froui
t Ime east , says the Pimiladeipimla , InquIrer , i
I s not always time demitaca of time Flower :
Kimmgtlomn wimo Is to be accused of ways ( ha
are dafle and ( riches that are far fronmm beium ;
vain. lii fact it would reaiiy hook as if thi
Jaimatmese , 'Itim till hits imlctureeqtmemmess an
aemitimetic sense , could give imoimits to a :
almond-eyed ' Celestial , ammd ahmmmost be pu
on as bight a Plane of simrewdmiess mis ( ii
proverbial Commnecticut Yankee.
appears timat a Japammese farnmier wit
was very poor smmdtieniy began to spen
wlummt spare time hme imafi in mmmakinmg stra
sandals , For upward of two years lie ke
at title work , bmmt strangely emmomtgim immamlo ii
effort to sell ( ho sandals , time stock emccmuiumt
hating ummil ( every mutok amid corner in tim
house was filled ivitim tiuenmm , Ills friends an ti
mmeighbors tlmouglmt Ito was crazy ammd locke
pityingly mmpomo imlmmm , nil time macro , too , vite
dab' ime hired a couple of junks , loadcu
mmmetmm wutum sanmiams tmnu sammetm to mm pmmco :
m'imero there Is a great gold noimme , lie asked
time superlumtcnciemmt to' be allowed to give time
mmmincre his sandals iii return for their old
mulmoes , 'lime suierlmmlemmmlent ammmi ( hue memi
commsetmted , Inwardly cimuckiimmg over time good
bargauum timey w'ould mmmake , ammmi time old ummamm
saIled away wltim lila mmtmuvenlrmm.
\Vimeim lie reached lmommme lie coliectemi imli
tue pots amid kettles lie could finml anti set
about biilng time oimh imOes , 11 imis fain ! ! > '
imati any doubts tie to imis sanIty before time >
imiero now fully comms'immcetl of his lummacy ,
nut vimemi time boiiimmg was over lmtu astommisiteil
thmemmm hi' taicinmg from time 110(5 350 poimummlmi of
pure gold , which ito imati get out of time ohml
shoes. ThIs was time mmmmcleums of a great
fortune wimicim lie left , and omce a year imis
imoirs Perforimu a cerenmony of m'OrsliIiu , In
which atraw tmammtiain lmlay mm. promalnent part.
Vooden emmmtamegs anuml imamus are clumsy comm-
trivammccs beside title device. ammtl time story
shows that even if a natitim is voetlcai omit !
loves the beamititumi miami cultivates time
cimrysammtimeummummmm , you titlIst keep your weather
oyu opeil wheim you mimi imusimmess wUIm It.
\'imat chance commlti Aim Simm imavu against a
Japanese ?
4t . . iirnuiiiy tic , uiu. . , , gI.
Investigation goes to blmo % , ammil experi-
mnents on cadavers lmrom'es , timat a lisoi ( or
rule ball ilefiecied front its commm'so , hnnnae-
mhititely resimunes its lute of fiumhmt after
"rimnitiIrmg' ' time , ebject it is uiimumtmie to Imass
directly through. mu tither wormis , a bullet
tuiremed fromim its course by a rib or other hone ,
Imassee under time skin ammui flesh until It
renclmi's mm imaufmt iaiiteummaticahiy mlirecli ojmpo.
alto to time point wlmere it emmtered time i-tommy.
anmd ( helm iassea oim ( , resuuuiluig liii exact line
of iiigimt. In case its inmitini velocity is tar
silent It reimtaiuts eummbemltlod In tIme flesh
directly opjmoeittu time spot where It cmsrmme 1mm
CoimtaCt with time hiomme.
MNTY DESiGNS-ui a thousand and one dif.
D ferent articles for the toilet table--in Gorliarn's
sterling silver mountings--brushes-combs---
the latest conceptions ,
lcil.II JthJ'KLIffl .INI ) IJOUGL4.V , : R.A.-Y' 1\40N n.
: ,
Irate of the Annual Crop of Florida 1tiinod gLen
on the Trees ,
% 'aicrplmeq Iii , Jmmckttoiiviito tlitms ( L'rott ?
Ill ) itmiti h'imtyeul lli'oo ii'ltit ( ' 10
Vlttmiuiiimmg - 'eatiter lia
ioiv 1tiitic'itil ,
JACICSONVILLE , Dec. 30.-Reports b . ;
\vlre ( remit fifty-otto corrcspomulens In tlmo
oratmgo ihistrlcts of ( his state imitlicate at least
1,800,000 boxes of ttnmlmlclecd ornmmges are aohid j
aimmi moore timntu 300,000 boxes lying lit s'are-
houses or lying lit bimik preparatory to
log , are frczemm. Tonmatoec , cabbage , beans ,
Imeas anti all vegetables lii limo imortlmern iiait
of thmo stale are ruuimmeti , except I lie pimmeapimia
Imiantations , which are not umtmclm injured.
Day before half of ( lila season's
great oranige crop of 0,000,000 boxes was still
Oh Limo trees , The tail of time umortimern bile-
zarti swltclme'ut ttromtmmd through tint FlorIda
penlnsmmia , zmmmml witiilmi time apace of a. Let !
hours Florida imati auslalimeml a lose ttmmut esi- (
mated In cacti woumlui reach Into the im'miliions.
Time dcstrumctlomm m'Ili tie felt for mmismmy years
directly or Imimlirectly bynfl time people of
the state. l'rem'leus to ( lila timmie , the
weather was lii 1S35. btmt there is no record
to siicw just hon cohti It was ( bait.
Reports fromim time interIor of ( hue state f
slum' that time cold weather line been general
anti has extcmmtieii frOm omie nml of time llenlmm-
sum. to time other. The lowest tmmiperature
at Tamupa was IS , amid time samne was reported
at Tlttmsvllie. AL Cedar Key it was ealti to
be a low as 10 , anti at. Key \'est It 'yams
dicwmi to .1 i. Time void weather Played h'tvoo
ivith tlm lmltmmlmlng anmi water supply itt
Jacksomivilii' , Mammy pecimie foumul timelr timter
imiies frozen , Time occurremice vas so immums-
tiumi that , it ttflS Somlie tinme before re.sidentc
couitl realize ( lint time water hail actually
frozeim iii tIme lmiites. There was ice In shah-- -
low places , imowever , ammil there vere icIcles
ever > 'whmcre.
Time veatlter imas mmioulerateui anti time cold C
eiell is miow brokerm. At S o'clocie tonight tbe
temmmperatumro 40.
; uoie i ; tIJ.I I ) 1UCCflPS . I
Cemttury Climb htecomitlzes t3i'ario' Ititlo to
ew ' , , rk tue the Mmrlc. ,
( 'IIICAGO , Dcc. 30.-Tue followlmmg road
r ecords have beeti tilloweth by time Century
l toiuh : Climb of America :
c. G , Merrilhmu , lot ) itilleim , 7:20 : ; 200 mmtiie , ' .
i : ; 1-5 : 201 miles , 24 hours , October 8-9 , 1803 ,
It. P. Senile , 1,000 nmiles , six tltt > ' and ilvo
i iitmitttes , October 12-19 , American record ,
5 mJ muheim , 3:02:20 : : , Octobet172Q. . Chicago hi
I limffnlo , 0 miles , 3n5lO : , Octnlmem' l7.0.
IfV. . 1imneyer , St. l.ommls to W'misimimigton ,
Mo. , anti metmmrmm , 13) ) mmmiies , 12 : 15 , Noveunber
2.u. cotmrimc necord ,
Ii. Kenmmeuhy' ammd J. A. McGtmire , Denver
anti lirighttum , 20 immik's. 53 muimmiutes ; Denver
t o I'iattet'ille , : E immilemu , 1:13 : , December 9 ,
t nmmdemn , cotmrsc records.
SItmit iiitrithtmcc'd to
ChICAGO , Dee , 80.-Time gmomne of "skat , "
s o imopimlat' iii Geimulminy , was immtiulgeui lit
t otimmy by mm party of Gt'rmmman-Atmiei'lcmmmis at
't ime lilsmum'clo imotei. Time coitcordummee of
opimmion ivimemi tluo event imad diocd was timat
I t hail been aim trmmmnemmse muticcess , anut that
t ime old gmummie watt a. sfmmscimmntimmg as It had
beemi Imi ( lie fatimerlmummil , Prizeim were for :
1 , hmlghest totni imitlhvltltmmii : 2 , withommt mat-
atiars ; 3 , witim nmatatiors ; 4 , imiglmest single
score In ammo gmumne ; 5 , lmhgimest table : 0. booby
prIze ; 7 , wlrm nmmost grammmis ; 8 , m'ins most
willows. Iii mtmidltimmn to above , timei'e was a
prIze of twot cases of beer to each liaycr
at ( ito table wimicim was time first to winm.
This vmmu one intiimcemmment for rapiui PICY
anti close attention to lmuslmiemts , l'residopt
I'reib expriCtlSeL time hmelief that time. tourna.
m nent would serve to sttmmiulate interest in
"slmmt" In Cimlcngo , nmtti said ( lint Others
s'otmld doubtless ime given. .
lmmtereohlotlato Chess ( mmimmmo. , . . 5
NEW YOItK , Dec. 30-Time fourth rouiitl
of the tnmtercciiiegiate elmess games
played yesteruha > ' , when ( ito artier of play
was as follows : First , Van 1leek Versus
Iiiimmmiomm , French defemmee ; seemnonti , Jtauiou
'em'susi Price , Slclllian defense ; timlrd , Soy- "
ittotir 'erstms l3ummmtsteatl , French defemise ; 1.
fourtlm , lieltiemi versmms hose , Freumch defense.
' I'ime tesuite'an : Kleck anti llinmiioa drew
after tlmlrty-mmlne unoves ; Bailout womi after
twemity-two ntoves ; Sey'mmmotmr and Burnsteam'd
drew utter forty-sevcmm moves ; Beldent
imcored after forty-seven moves.
_ / \
- -
MInute .211 , Ircy8er
l'atmmskala , Ohio.
Consumptifin Wiocko
Obstinate Case of Cntarrh
Local Applications Failed-Hood's
8arsniparllla Cured ,
'I ' , , Hood & Co. , Lowell , Mass. :
" ( icmmtiolmmeml : - I ought to immako known ni7
, mxpcricmmeo with llocuti'e Sa.rsaparilla , so timal .
others mmfluhctetl immay learn where to flmttl a ream-
dy for tlmat serious anti imbetiniato disease ,
e.itarrlu , It troubietl mmmc imerlomusly. I iuaml a dull
m.rluImg seimsatlomi iii time (01) 0 ! nay head , amid time
mmjmm.ul tlisclmargo frorti Limit nose , I beemunmo ems
tm.imi that utmormmlmmgs I commimi do itotli lug limit hawk
, immil spit. M > ' luimgs metro nice beluug rmmlmimliy at'
'am'tcmI , anti imad it hot bach fur hlooti's i3arsdIma C
rili.u , I svouimi imamo tilled
A Consumptlvo'is Crave , "I
lang ago , I have tmmlcemi about temm bottles ot
ilcmod'ti Sarsapartila , wiulehu imavo effectually
emireul time. haloed resortimmg to thus medicine , I
umcuI lull time ctitarrhu remmtetiles , Inmhmniants amid
mcccl umppiicatioui , I imu'.urd of. Nommo seemed to
, . )
reach tIme seat oX time disease , imm mites s grew
irene while usiimg tlmemmm. I owe my cure to
ilium til , > otl purifyitmg l ° " ' ° licoti's liarsa-
varllb. " MIN9ma ( M. KEysztul'ataskaia , ( Jimlo.
Hood's Pub curonll liter ills , blhiousncfl ,
JaundIce , Iuiuiieettoui , sick imt'atimtehmo , 80o.
J3OYp' TO-
I mm ( Irorgu ( 'cilciumli mm , t Ito Yummiii'r's , ( 'imibSil
Old 1umei : tsim ( 'ummmcmiy ,
The HEIR - AT- LAW , .
vlithd- : ! POORRELATION. "
NifiuI't' l'IilC'S-llrsl hoer , $1.00 nud Il.I0J
btuitommy hOc umimi TOe' h-siiet ) ' , Z' . ' .
si.'riNi : : i'ttic'ii- i i t livur , $1.00 ; i-tmmlm'otmy ,
, t , unit The , lc ,
Trli'iiimormo . . j , iitiitolias , ) tamuagur ,
MUliIYdACIL : I They mire mmli right In
Utuimmi Srccmut Mslint'e New Year's. ' % .
COIlING SS'uek Dec , . -$1111' Ol' HTAT1I.