- - - - - : - - - - : - - . - ; - w . - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - . ; , . - - - - . - - - - - - - . - , - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 71 - - - - - - ' . : THE OMAHA . DAILY BEE. . . . . . . . . 1 e - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ - . EsrrAnJ.JSIfJ ) JUNE 1J ! , 871. OMAhA , ] [ ONDAY ] [ OUNING : , I D ] C ] l.BEU 31 , 8U.l. SINGLE COPY ] trYJ CJ1NrrS. ! J , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ROUGh TIME ON SIIIPPINC . -0- Severe Gales Onns Many Wrecks Off the EngHeh Coat , ENTIRE CREW or TWENTY-FOUR LOST - I ) Ien on Ec'rml ( Jlwr Strnndcll "rAeh TaltOI UI hy Life HiivIig Crown- . . HIIVIII lro\u- turin . Illnld Ilolay Itzill- way TraiIIh. LONDON , Dec. 30.-Severe wcather ) has prevailed throughout Great Britain sInce Sat. urday , the heavy gale being accompanied by p hal and snow , rendering navigation along ' the cotsts bh Ill eul anl , dangerous. , \ 1 vetsels that could do so made for havens of nhielter. Some tf them , however , Ilel not ; succeed In reaching port , but were wreclled when almost In sIght of safet ) . . This was the case 01 the British bark Osseo , Captain Boggs , which sailed from Talal , August 15 1 , for Androsnn. She male , the long voyage safelr unll this morning , when she was ' wreckel on the 10yheat ] breakwater and , every soul on beard of her , twenty.four In " . all , were drowned The ship wan caught In the gale In the Irish sea The captain evl- denly thought to run to 10lyheat and walt for the storm to nlmte. Shortly before 3:30 : this mornlnt the keeper 01 the lghthouse nt r the seaward end tf the long breakwater saw o bark come out of the gloom with her lights burning brightly and under close storm canvas. The wind was blowing a iiv- Ing gale nml a terrific sea was running be- fore it. The harl . however was making if 01 gOOI weather of It ns wa poslhle and was apparently being handled In a most care- ful manner. lew the accident occurred Is not exactly known , but It Is surmised nn extraordinarily high sea ICed her when she was quite close to the breakwater and dashed her upon it. She struck : lhlshlps a 111 Immediately began to break up , the Iea pounding at her furiously the moment shc became stationary. The lighthouse keeper as soon as he realized ' - what hal occurred , tIred , a rocket to cal the ronst guardsmen and life boat men In the meantime the hark had broken Into halves the mainmast going hy the board In Its fall It struck several of the crew , who were on the deck , killing them Inslantly. Others of the crew had ciambered Into the fore and mizzenmast rigging to escape being washed overboard by the huge combers tht were making I clean breach over the wreck The coast guarlunen were the first to reach the sceue , and were followed soon , after by the life boat men Above the howlIng - Ing of the gale could be heard the cries 01 the men on the bark for asslstnnce. The coast guards got a hue aboard the wreck and , It was caught by one of the crew. lie- fore be could male It fast the Core and mizzenmasts - zenmnsts were whipped or close to the deck and everybody In their rigging tell with ' them Into the sea and were drowned. The llem * saior who had caught the line was crushed to death tinder one of the falling masts. After the masts hall gone by the beard all was silence on the wreck , and those on the brlakwater knew that all hands on the bark had perished. In a short time nothing was visible seaward hut broken spars anti a rafo of rigging attached to them. During the day nine bodies were recoverel , The I Identity or the bark was learned from some of her papers that were washed ashore. Os- see was OIrmamleel by Captain R. Boggs. She was a steel vessel of 1,390 tons and was built In 1889 at Londonderry , from which port she hnlelter dimensions were : Length , 245 feet 3 Inches ; beam , 3G feet 9 Inches , and depth of hell , 21 feet 5 Inches. ' n. 'I lcCorl < e was her owner ' The Norwegian ship. Prey Captain Han- sen , from Darien , whIle riding at anchor off Tron , was dismasted , . Her crew were taken oil In a life boat The boat capsized and one man was drowned. The Briish bark , Ilonita. CaptaIn Thomas , from Galveston , was run Into off lialmouth thIs morning by the schooner , Carrie liar- - vet , and was damagei ' ' A dispatch from Iondonderry says nothIng 4 * has been heard or the 11sssslppl : and Do- 'mlnlpn line steamer , San1a , which lost her rudder at sea , and which , after being taken In tow , was dropped about 130 mIles west of Tory Island owing to heavy weather. Owing to the gale In the I nglsh chnnnel the Os tend mall steamer was unable to leave Dover today. A coasting schooner was dismasted oft Cromer. Four life boats started out to rescue her crew. 1 was extremely dangerous - ous for the ICe : boats to nlllJrOach her , and twelve hours elapsed before the crew were taken off and , lanlled. The storm Inland has , ol some dumage. Trains have been k , blocked by heavy sno\\ drifts , and In many ' \ _ places In Scotland the telegraph wires are down. ' I NglW ( H JWII In\'I : SUI . Sole ( IU80 of ; ton of TurlI ! Tuxc lt < 011 , , "I I'UIIII , NEW YOnK , Doe 30-11 referenc2 to the Colon dispatch received Friday night , stat- Ing that after the 1st of January Panama and Colon would cease 10 bo free ports , and that n duty would he collected or 10 per cent ad valorem on all Imports , officIals ot the Panama Railway company say that while they as yet have received no omclal notl- ilcatlon or the proposed action by the Colombian - lombian goverment , they have been advised ufo claly that such a tax was proposed. Of courses they said , they would potel against snch a tax which owing to local conditions , would bo a very heavy one , on the prIncl- I pIe that It would ( tend to rest riot l'ale. , The opinion waR expressed that If work was ac- lvely resumed on the Innnma canal , as proposed , It wou\l be absolutely necessary to Import supplies at any cost. lint unless this work were resumetl I was very likely that the trade ot the country would bo killed. The Impresslnn In the omce of the lanala Halroul company was that Co. lombla was using every means In Its power to Increas its revenue In antclpatjon .Qt the resumllldn of work on the raJI , Jbo lepartm : : nt of Internal resources , lu h' 'as mines etc. . ali to have Increasell resources ns precautIonary measures In the event of , possible changes In the goycrnmcnt. The puhlshed statemcnts that $60,000 had be'n npproprlale1 for the transportation of" trooll Was regarded as very Ilgllncant of the gO\'ercment's efforts toward preventing inr poullle tro'.ible , One proposition made 1\0 \ lang ago vas to Impose an export tax Oi baauas , but this plan was wisely glyen up , us I would have : IIlell the industry , which Is the Ilrlnelpal one of the countr ) ' . I goes . to slow the efforts that have been made to Increase the rountr"s revenue. At lie ofilco or the ( PauamR Canal company - pany Mr , 10)'anl. who Is lie rcpreentatn ( ( of the canal COIIUY hero knew nothing of the proposed tax or the ( protest of his rom , pan : ) ' . Ito sold , however , that It was lIas- l niblo In the event of such tax helig 1m- Ilosell. that a Ilrotell would bo Issued Crol the olilces of the new Panama company II I ' " . .Ia.I'rcndl romlan ) I'rcndl III\a : ) Ilr.clor ) ( . t rrr'JH' ' . PARS , Itr , : - . judicial , Inquiry into the conduct or the old dlr. 'tols or the ( . 1 Jelrh Southtr ( Holw/ ) ' company hal re- - Vented another financial icanltil. ' anti 'var- rants liavt Illn iiieil for the UI rest of n 11 umber of cUII"wtor ! , bunlell 111 1)01 I t I. , , elanim . 'flo IIUliton or IIJ relaton" ( of the gqvermunent t to thl" " t1ilpaiiy wun dcliteil : II the ( 'hunb ( of f > "mila IHI ) , ' , ' ,1'hatl.1 last , when the ' , ' ' ' : lall tie go''I'llent narrowly enIJe,1 defeat The mlter 1IIII'cI'\\ ' led , to the Illrlllll ( hilI letweeu Dr lalthou , min- Ister ( of Ilbl , WIIISnl M. Jllrel , the io. 10- daunt Il'udel' who hind atceuatiI the govern. /O\'cr. tent of seeking 10 Ilroteet a iiuiiih'r or cx. Illoltrllhl 'h , stutlI"nt ( ( Dr lallhou t' brundcu . 01 a lie. fllall ZC\r ( 'illil c muiiii % I cii , ( : nl" I 10lu I I fnll MAnlUD , Iec. -Senor JelBU , minister or the InterIor , has entered n C"lnul denlul or the stltelltnt which In'cnt ) emulah' ( torn 'YaslllJtol to the elf..t thai ( a plan oas been under ' \lun hi uulet' cOllldclulou ( IUllol'I111 local ofcer or ( lha to make 111 the 1)u&lget or tariff tuition , afterward submitting to / the government Jor nprovaL FAO1L , \ \JIITIATIOS TISgATV , Ocr Three lullred : le"her of the Com- mnoil 111 the I'cllimi LONDON , Dec. 3t.-The Daily News says the signatures to a memorial which \llal n , Creamer , M. P. , will present to President Cleveland ant the American congress In favor of an arbitraton ( treaty between Great BritaIn , and the United State , are those or unofficial members of the house or Commons. Three hundred anll forty.I\'e member sIgned the memorial , aUII the number would have been Increuet hall the membets of the gov- ernment been invited to sign It. lost of the lberal anll IrIsh anti a fair number of unionists signed It. The Intenton ( Is to tine the memorial to assist In the adoption of Senator AII on's resolution I this resolu- lon should ba atoptel. there Is good grounds 10 t believe that the British government would readily enter Into negotiations for an arbI- . traton trent ) . Mr. Creamer wIll sail for New York on the Teutonic on \elnl.tay , lie ha long leon an advocate , of arbitratIon to take the 111ace of war and sInce 18il , has been secretary of the International Arbitra- ton league , and editor of the socIety's organ , tie Arbitrator Dy trade Mr. Creamer Is a carpenter anti joIner. lie founded the Amnal- gamltet Society or Carpenters and Joiners and was the trlt secretary or the Interna. tonal ( \Vorklngmnan's assocIation. Bolh as a "peaker and wrier lie ban been long known ns a ] eater among political workingmen ant trades unionIsts dr London. Some of his addresses - at- dresses have been translated Into the prIncipal - cipal languages a11 largely clrculnteel In 18UO the ( president of France , conferred upon him time cross of the Legion of Honor. lie sis In the House ef Commons for the lag- gerslon division of Shored Ich , In the Inter- est of the lberals l'O\I ; ltUI , IS IU'ItUI : : S' . TlmC8urns flue i'urtn Ilt ills Ilfucnco May lie Fur Icnchln . LONDON , Dec 31.-ln a leather this morn- Ing the Times says : " : tr. Gladstone's retre- went from public life Is final , but It would be well for Turkey to reflect , In her own Interest - crest , that In the Armenian mater Mr. Gladstone , with little personal effort and no personal ambItion whatever , mIght play the Ilart or blind old Dandeho. lie has the whole Britsh public opinion behind him , and If the Porte defel all Europe his appeal would bo capable of producing all , perhaps marc than all , the erect he contemplntes ns merely contingent. " The Tlmcs' remarks were cal1l forth by the speech made yesterday by Mr. Gladstone - stone 10 a deputatIon from a meetIng of time Anglo-Armenian association anti other Armenian - menian organizations who w&mIted on time cx- premier at hlawartien. " evorn Siorms 'In ( it'riiiany. BEflLIN Dec. : 0.-Gmthes , accompanied by snow , Prevail In northern Germany. An un. usually hiihi tide In the HveI mhe his looleel ] the low lying harts of Clxhnven and Homhlrg , 'L'wo boeleR IHIe been washed ashore In the lower Elbe. Enormous dum- age has beets done along the North sea coasts. Many vessels , badly damaged , have been towed Into Bremer 1-haven. hark ! Hnnk ly 1 ! eamcr. GIDHALTAH , Dec 30-The Dlllsh steamer - er Oxford , from Pnlermo for New York , has arrIved with some of her plates damascd She reports havln been In collision with the French \.rlt MarIe Iollse , 'rime bark was 10 badly camaJc.1 that she san It. Five of her crew were drowned novcrnlent larro\ly cnpCI Udcat ST. JOHNS , N. F. , Dcc. : O-The presl- dent's casting vote wily carried the gov- ernment's banI note bIll through the upper house. The debate continued until 2 o'clock this momtn , Amendmenls were adopted whIch wi necessiate ! the bill being again sent to the lower house. 1'(1)0 OflicImtiiy otIIiod. flOMI : , Dec. 30.-The pope today gave a . audience to Prince Iohanor who formally announced the acccssion or Czar NIcholas to the throne of Russia. Subsequenty Car- dlnat Hnmpoli pontlcnl secretary or slate. returned the visit on behalf or the pope and conferred on the prince the Ilnd cross of the Order of Chrl t. " .nz..lrl 111'0 1'cn Suhlued BOMBAY , Dec. SO.-Heports just received here indicate that the \'uzerlrl t.lbemen who lately attacked the escort of the Brlt- IsI\ commission engaged In delimiting the Punjab frontier. have heen completely beaten , and no longer prove I menace to the Britsh forccs. I t Iurchil's CDllltun Improved LONDON , Dec. O.-Lord Hal10ph ] Chu.chl Is still conscious. The hemor- rllgI which caused ( ho pressure upon the brain having temporarIly ceu\el , the Improvement - provement of his condition hi mulntalncd llrulo time 1'cur,1 : IU InUro' , hALIFAX , Dee 80.-Tine steamer Lahra- tier , which arrived fl'om Liverpool lust evening , made the passage In six .In's ali give hours , which IK the fastest ever male to this POEt from Liverpool. Hocl.Ilsu I'eet n Il'llly. nRnSSgIS , De. 30- I. Sweets , a Mclnl- 1st. has been elected 1 member or the Chamhcr ur Deputies , receiving a large ma- joriy over his Catholic OIIIOnent. [ CIIII'I to I'url I' 111nrlln , Cabinet. nuDA-p1ST , Dec. 80.-lmperor Franz Josef toloy , .equesled Count Klmen hledcr- vary tu rorm ii. cabinet. ) ! ' ' T.iL1Ct TU IIt.'ItII.1NS. /l'/W' ) 7'.J.W , llI.I : . With boil ( nvcrllclt They Wonht 5001 lie I Ireat l'copie NEW YOlK , Doc. 30.-Clmauncey hit. Dc- pew tonhht delverell an address on the "Armenian Atrocities. " Alresses were also male by Hev. Dr. Da\'lt H. Greer , 11ev. Abraham Yohannon , an Armenian , anel Re\ Dr. McGraw. DI' Depew began by saying that the year 1691 had been a peculiarly un- hnllllY one. Time world had been vIsited Ilur- lug the year by revolutions , both social anti financial. But the ( crowning cause vf urn- happiness and the one which lef I bloody staIn upon the history of the year was the mUfler or the helpless Armenians by the 'urlls. "It behooves us as public-spirIted cItizens to begin the new year with U protest agaInst the ( outrages nt Suuoun , "The peace of hurope I Is only mnlntahlell by an ever Increasing armament. Ar. menlan\ are subJeclell ( to all manner of outrages - rages by the Turkish go\rnment , which claims tle ) ' are In a state or hlurrcclon , 11 < that Is their only excuse for the butchery nut the very natura oC the Ar. menlans show this Is not so Time AI' . mcnlans are the New gnglalllers of the ( east. They have that sturdiness , thrift , the ( desire for education. that ( are so character- Istle of the early NeW Englanders. Wih ' these attributes , If they only had good EOV- eminent , the Armcnilns would bccome one of the strongest amid most prosperous na. tons of the earth Washington all may ho sIlent . but America , wIth 4i5O0O00 voIces In langunge of lice own-tho unl\rsul language uf the globe-will prolest In tones that _ clnnot he mlstalen Igalnsl the slough- ter of our felol Cimnlntiamms. " Among time audience were 300 \rmenlan lesolutons were 11assell by tbo meeting , cx- pressing good will curl heartfelt slpport to ( I their ( Chrl5tan ( brethren In nglaael I and tll ( ! continent who are endeavoring to Inveltgate : the outrages and to bring time perpetrators of them to justice. Letters were also read traits Ishop Coman . anti , DHhop I'otrr. jI limo l'rlsI'lr.f lsc I ' lie1. ItA1diahi. : N. C. , ] , ( : 0--Ahi . the prisoners - ers ccnnned In tIne county j\1 of Poisomi cUUlt ) ' have Iml ! their csa\2. 'fimey were able to seetirt' their liberty by Cutting through the Iron leer of tIme cage and , UII tunm'lng through time brick elle . 'fhe elmer- itt I ! In cOI ! IUrhul . Nnrlh ( 'lroIII"11 $ : . \hl eIr.sska , IAI.I'II : N. C. , Dre 30.-\ call was Is- sued ladity for 1 muss meeting ot the cl- scuM \t th" ! 11hl'c for the iuniose of "ecur- lug tooth , and " "IIIII'I ! tu be sent to the deet- tute dlttrlctl In Nelnuku , OPENED FOREIGNERS' ? ' IAIL Turkish Government Examines All Letters Coming Into the Country , STATEMENT or TI MISSIONARY BOARD Chrl lan I'criothlcmnln II Turk.y Compelled to Print the ( \crllllt Ucnlals of Outrages ' \ / IIIIStrmcllnns - Nu Inlerfcrllco hy Imh , WASI GTON , Dcc. 30-The Colo\lnl statements wIth reference to the dIstricts of Armenia where ChrIstian missionaries ar stationed Was today Issued by the Amerlcnn Hoard of Commissioners for ForeIgn ts- sbus "Omclal letters sent recently from the rooms of the American Board of CommIssioners - sioners for Foreign missions , contaIning accounts - . counts relatnt to the guropean-Tlrkcy mIssIons were opened by the TurkIsh ciii. dais. The letters were subsequently delv- ereti but with time Turkish word ' xamlnc" ! wrItten on the envl pe. This Indicates that the Turllsh govcrnment Is attemptnl to Issume all authorlr over time mal of foreIgners When the reports of the mas nacre of Christans In the Sassoun district of castern Turkey became public . after mora than two months of suppression [ on the part or the Turkish omclals , the otoman gover- intent was alarmeel at time widespread publ- catons In the Amerlcau and Englsh preas Under 11ressure from foreign blowers , the Sultan agreed . scnel a conunlasloner to investigate and report Ul1U the outrlges , In view of this promise or the ( govcrment , the representatives of time Enropenn powers at Constantnoplo decided to walt for the report before taking any 110slt\e actIon. But after this decision b ) the powers ali while they were waitIng for the leparture of the suI tan's commItee , which had been appointed anti which was to make full and impartial investigations of all the affairs reported by the EnglIsh consul , as well as by many individuals from the Sassoun .lslrlct , time Turkish government gave out the following official 1tement of the case , which stnte. meut was printed In the papers of Constan. tinople. All papers printed In Turkey are under close censorship and no paper could refuse to print the statement uuder penalty of Inlnetlato buspenslon , Hence the Chris- tnn Ilerlodicals were compcled to print what they lmew to be false. " The statement Is as follows : "Some of the European papers have stated , contrary to the truth , that a few Armenian vIllages have been destroyed , and In the meantime persons have been massacred by the Turkish soldiers In the district or Sassoimn. Others , , In order to magniy these reports have asserted - sorted that tint news of the outrage was prevented - vented from leaking out by the obstacles the govcrmcnt put In the way or travelers from that district. "The subjects of the empire In the Sassoun district are quietly engagel with their business alit ! the people travel wherever - ever they wish In perfect safety. BANDTS CAUSED TIE TROUI3LE. "Some Armenian bandits , being induced by agitators , began lately In and about Sas- soun to disturb the peace and comfort or the people hy mnurdering plundering and blocking the hlghwnys In order to put an orter cud to such disasters , the govcrnment em. ployed the necessary means amid consequently - , quently ordered out a sufcient bodY of Imperial - penal soldiers of the Fourth nrlY corps. Thus , the extension of the revolt being checked , the troops were wlthrawn to their headquarters. . "There was no Interference by the 1unls , but , as stated above , some Armenian , bandis having ventured to disorderly actIons . the Fourth Imperial army corps and also the governor or Dtls undertook to investigate as to the facts , and subsequently a commls. sian of inquiry was appointed , composed of Abdalah Pasha Rower Dey. Metj"l Elendl and Hates Tevf Pash , who will start this week by steamer to the scene or the trouble. "In general , the sublime porte wIll never alow such outrages to be perpetrate upon hIs subjects as Ilublshed In foreign papers " GSIOUNIING OF TIE CINCiNNATI. " 'lllln ( . of the Court II the Case of Clll- tlln Glans. WASHINGTON , Dec. 30.-Secretary Herbert - bert has made public the tnllnss of the court of Inquiry In the cane of the grountlng oCtho CIncinnati on November IG off Exe- cuton rock , Long Island sound , all his own acton In the mutter , The court found that when the vessel neared the point where , she struck Captain Glass was obliged to leave the deck orders to the navigator , Lieutenant S. C. Dllngham , the pilot , 13. F. Alcularlst , and the ofcer of the deck , Ensign Roger \Veils , jr. . governing thel during his ab- settee , and leaving Dlinghnm , assisted hy the piot , In charge of the navigation of the vessel , 'he ship was then headed on a safe course. The grounding Is reported as due to an error In jltgment or time pilot ( one of the oldest antI most , experienced In New York ) and of the navigator In estimating the distance of the shll from the Unltel States shoals , on which she struck. Thl pilot's error caused the grounding and. con- tributng In a Inrge degree to tile results were these etablshed facts : The speed of the ship was not . , reduced , by the navigator on approaching time shoals , remaining too great for accurate sounelngs ; that the officer or the deck neglected , to station n lantsman on the port slte , ant that the captain on leaving the deck did not place In charge the olcer next In lineal rank Tine court was of the opinion lint ( further proceetllKs Ihoull ho had In the cases of Pilot Arcularlst ( , Captain Glass , Lieutenant Diingham and Ensign Wels. hut as It mild not say what the proceedings should be , Judgu Advocate 1amly , In reviewing Its report , reported that the Interests of time service do not require - quire the trial of any of the officers In endorsing the record Secretary Herbert em- Ihaslzes the act that the presence of the Pilot toes not relieve olcers of responsl- hlty , anti says that I Is clear tbat the ( same . degree of caution was not exerclbel by the ofcers In navigating the ship as If there hn,1 been no pilot on heart , He tnls , that the captain was IJartcularly ( censurable for continuing to run his shill at such speed In confIned waters . CUI' - OFt" . Tim - IACIC I'AY. I I Scnator Will Only Icc. v ( omllelsutul I tot' Ito ' 110 rrno , ' . W'ASIIINGTON , Dec. 30.-The three new senators who will ho electe,1 to till time vacancies - cancies In the states or WashlngtommVyo - mlng and Montana . will probably not be paid the back salaries which have hereto- fore been paid to senators elected or appointed - pointed to till vacancies They were cut out by an express provision In the legislative approllrlaton bill of the last session , which , It Is belIeved , wi put an end to this prac- ! 10 for the future Under the system which has prc\alel heretofore each man chosen woull have received time pay for the entire term of six ) 'ear notwihstanding two ) ear of the tme had already elapsed The new provision will therefore work as n saving to the ro\rnment of $30,000 In this Intance ( and of , larger sums In the future The new law provides that the salaries of senator ( shah begin on the dale of their election or appointment , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NU 11(11 S'A1U' Ai.ItV.lS. 1'ouulol of l'lmnte.for t'rlimltmug Purolgu Stamps ml Ielol ) ' . WASINGTON , Iec SO-The opInion 0' ' the solicitor of time treasury to time effect that II Is unlawful to have In possession or use plates for the prInting (1 postage stamps In the shnltude Of those Issued by foreign governments will be acted upon at once. No more so-called stamp albums containing ( Italp8 or thee kInds wIll be allowed to be printed , The cute : from which these are prlnteel wIll be selzell I Is I an astonishIng fact that the penalty InllOlet by law for the counterlellng of foreign st"mps Is much more severe ban ( for counterfeItng ( UnIted States stamps , In the case of o lgn stamps the penalty 1 not less than tw4 or more than ten ) 'ear' Imprisonment , whie fo the coun- terfeiting of United Statct ata'nrs the pen- aly Is a fine of no more 'that $5,000 or not lore than live years' Inprlson lenl , or both , The United States court Inlght-Impose a fine of $ or one day's hnprlsonenUnt for 'Iea- ] tons of our own law and come within the law , while the Ilnlmul II alh' ( ns to foreign stamps Is two 'ears' iniprltonmmment. S.tTOf.LL . Dt.DlATI > D A CIIU1ICII. Cnrllnll ( lIlhommsnnii 1Iny Other hIgmltnnlen I' ! ent _ WAShINGTON , Dec. 30.-Arcimbishmop Sa- toll and Canlnnl Obbns tool part today In the Imposing ceremony attending the detiica- ton ( of St. Pnul's Catholc church. BesIdes the carlinal ant papal delegate thieve were 11'esent Bishop Ieane or lie Catholic nnl- versl ( ) ' , DI' Curtis or Dcaware ] , Father Richards , prle@t 01 time Georgetown college ; nther Sharret , secretary to time papal Ilee- ] gate , anti nbont thirty other ccclesinstcs of Washington , Baltimore , Ihlalehlhla anti elsowhere. Letters had bcen received from Archbishops Corrigan Ireland , Ryan , anti from many bishops , Time ntw chnrch Is one of time hnnllsomest lu " 'ashllgtol , anti this , together with the fnct that It represents theo life work of its pastor ' , tathmer Mackin , brought nbout lie ( unsunl gathering of church dllnlarles : , At 10 o'clock Cardinal Gibbons performe,1 time dCllcaton services , conc1mlng with I brief address eommgrattmlat- Ing the congrctatol on having snch a strnc- ttmre Pontfcal high mus .wns then celebrate - brate\ , with :1 gr. Sat01 ni the celebrnnt. Ills throne or rich purple drapery was at the right of the sanctuary , whIle opposite was the hea\'ly. draped _ scarlet throne . of . time cardinal These , wltl the Iwo rlclly robed , back them the heals or the ( church , timid luck of several bishops In their Purple ( owns and the Ilrlest amid deacons and servers , formed a most Impressive scene. Archbishop Satoll was assIsted In saying mass by Hev. ather Gillespie . with Father Schmidt ns deacon , and ather Dycer of lalhnore DS subdeacon Besides thesD assistants time papal delegate was atelllel by two deacons of honor , Rev Father Ichards and Hev , liltber Stephan The sermon was preached . by Bishop CurtIs . WII , l'U31 \ Oil ( iN TIlE 8ENATI Dlspusllon to AccOmlJthh Jomcthlnt 11 i , the Itemmialuilmig Tyo lonth8. tclalnlnt T' ' WASHIGTON , Dec. 30-Dotl houses of congress will resume their seslons emi Tlrs- day next , and It Is beleved there will bl a more dctermlned effort to ( prdss forward timework ' work , oC the session for tl ! nfxt two months than has characterized tle 11lceelngs during the month which has elapse'd. ' The necessary work of the session Is then passage of the apPropriation - IHoprlaton bills , of whIch there , nre fourteen , NOII have passed the senate , - amid only five have received the sancton 01h house. Ils In order for the senate (0. ( 4ke up any re- ported appropriation bill At inmis ! time , and whether the Nicaraguan ' caai bi , which stands on the aenate calendar ns unfnlshll busIness , shall continue , ohmpId Its place or vantage will depend for hiold present upon whether the approprIations committee shan desire to supplant It wiii4 thi pensions or fortifications bill , or , wItiyny4ttmer appropri- ation bill , after the other bills shan he re- aton bi afer bis port ll front the commIUe i The probubl- . the Nearagua bill viht not be ties are that. bi tcs t\at NJcaragn "II displaced for the' pt'esent.epator Morgan has beeu devoting the ! imolIda.to , . the prep- oration or n reply to SeIattJ .urle'st - tack upon thc cannl hi , ; iuds friends ex- poet him to make a , yIlloUSflind exhaustive ' defense of the , mealur ' n wIll probably speak an eilte day , and . possibly two or thre days ' Trclsury tccclpts and iipent1l&tmro. \VSIIINGTO . Dec. SO.-Th government \YJ\SHINGT02. receipts so far this morth amount to $21.- 112.982 , anI' the- disbursements $27,22,78. leaving a deficit for the pionth or $5U : ,82t and for the Iscnl year to ! te' of $28,251,963. . , I LWIL FlOuT llUR MJLLWSS. Stt'ango AlClatonc rlng un Insll < l'crson. . PROVIDENCE . Dcc. : 3 & -In the William H. King case , counsel > for , Mrs. F. A. \Veb- ster floss , who claims that the Insane mu- . 10naire now confined at Duter hospItal Is not \Vihiimim ii. KIng , but another man , to whom she Is not or kin , hM nsked for two ' weekR' delay In tlng afdavls'ln support at her claim. In answer to' this rcqusl , George ' Gorelon King , guardian for the millionaire . read some sensational nldavls , That of A. n. Iuse of Salem . lrls : " saId that Mrs. Host hoarded at his hmOdseat ( lines botwben the later part or 188 pad February , 1891 , anti that she passed under , the name of Mrs. Black. In February 189J , ll . Hess brought to the house In , Salem managed , lady named Marie Phoebe Dowie. whom Mrs. Hess said she hind brolcht 10rth to use as a witness In ii. property case About six months aft- ernvam'tl . however , Mrs HOSK ' left the aged lady wholly dependent upon use for SUI'- port. I Mrs. Emi "ondor Miller . a widow of , Wnshlngton\ , C" , deposp" that site nevel' i , her that Mrs. Hess had any relatives an- swerlnlr 10 the descriptIon of Wllnm H , King Mrs. Miller then says Irs. Ross has beome Insane . over the question of property anl Inheritance of large tnes. The case was Inlly contnued unt f1tntes. 1 ) ' . , : ' 1 CU XJJ' TIE JILL. Heirs of the Late " iimmes 'Yair ' Not 1'1 CIC : ,1 with Its ProvisIons. SAN FRANCISCO , Dep. 30-I has been freely I asserted since the ubl aton ( of Ben- ator l.'alr's wIll that there will he n contest unless such action Ihoulil ba construed 01 danlerous to the contestlntH h ) reason of the forfeiture clause In the wIll . Time atir- ( neyIntercste,1 Ille not yet concludel whether the clause II alJ11Ite and blllng , Charlel I. _ . Fair says ( lint he has not yet given I thought to ) 1 contelt , but his off- hnntIen , Is lint there wi he no contest \Ien 10 ( at' lS he II concermied . Mrs. Chlrles L. I Fair says that she hns . reason 10 be dls- satisfied with her fnthelHn-law's provision for her iutislanml Site suhl she did nut marry young Fair for hIs money , and thlt they hnve been very hnppy wihout wealth : , \n autopsy over the cmalns of Senator Fair held by the doctor d monstlrted hint deuth hlul resulted ] from kilney dlseasc. TIme body will he emnbalrmet1 and the funerl wIll take Illuce next iqi1ay , from Grace church , _ _ _ _ _ _ . ful ; _ _ H'J1ICKE1) JiY N.Xlll,1 L ( IS. Six i'orsomms lustily Injured . ut hvood , . J lu hlha. i BIWOOD , Ind" , Dee"rOt-The ; buIlding In which Mio Zels' hur.r ShOll anti lodgng ! are located was wl'edtel today by a natural gus eXIJloslon Six persons were badly In- ! jured : Milo Zels , head nnl face cut ; Fred , Bclzner , heaI , face and hands cut ; Harry Goatee . badly imrtmiseti . mUlh In head ; Alf Ander5n , badly brtmised , Internal Injuries ; Jerry Claxton , leg broken ; Charles Hand , leg brokemm ' . : lell 1. : 111 . l pn. EWA YUQllch , ; Dec , 30-Churlel Whie and his 6-yeal'.oI1Iol were cremated hy the Imrlng of their dwelling this murn- lag. hilts wife and three children had emm- cupell , Ind WhIte . could have done /O , hut Ilerllstcll In trying to /uye their other child , who was out an ul111eryor. . . , . 81ent Ills Mommey on "rcnl.ton. lNPSON , N , \ ' . . Dec. 30.-\V. F. losemll , jr , bookkeeper or the National 11Ison River hank of thl1 cl ) ; Wil arrested last nlsht on the charge of emhenlng $ tOo He confesse,1 to taking the amount . anti snhl he hal spent the snotmey In stuck Illeculaton In \Itl strect , Ibot hy lurllarJ ) CLEVELAND , Dee . iO-nurGlar , visIted the house of uther Unttes ( ut Collimtwood , 1 suburb of thIs city , last nliit , all , being discovered , idiot llatiemm In neck with dilcovered Ihot Ualel the ( wih a revolver , fatally wounding him. and hcn ComflIhietl gold lln . , Battles to give 111 ' 1 nn,1 , a . Char lllh C"\I,1 a 'II ' ; l'Ire. BIDDEFOIt ) , 1 ( , Dec , 3Q--he city building here Wil damaged to time extent of lro by fire early this lorln . A clIur stub carelesely used caUfcd the lime . AMOUS I ? IOSTLERY BURNED Dolevnn House nt Albany Entirely De- slroye Last Night , ONE KILLED AND SEVERAL INJURED rlnmes 81)rcnl"lh . W omitierttml 1nphtty and ( uISI" Sa'.1 , \ holut.ly . Notbll ! -I'eRr tul 1111) JIl ) Not , \1 111e CI1.CI. : - ALBANY , N. y" , 1)ec. 30-Tho Dele\'an house , the Mecca of polIticians anti the cen. ter of all big state poltcal e\cnts for forty years past , was destroyed by fire tonight. At 8:30. : whcn the poltcal hcnllquarter ( of hoth Mr. Fisim nml Mr. lalby were filled with Ilo\tclans amid newspaper men , cries or fire from different parts of the house caused ' consternation among the guests. The out- burst or fnmcs before au nlarm cou11 b /h'en was aPPalling. Up time elevator shaf shot solId column of lianmes which a so\ll lames , spread quickly to ench of the five floors. Jiortu- nlter ] , the guest \st was 10t very large and the mnjorly ( of those reglsterell ( were 11\ lclans and were down on the second floor. There was n rush for time stairs In the front n11 the servants stairs In time back , where time flames had 10t yet reached , and In a few minutes . there was 1 tumbling mass of humanlt 10wn these two menns of egress. Those on tim two ullller floors cou11 not avail themselves of these exits , for the flmcs were rushing along the corridors nnd 110111e on the street who hall not yet seen time famcs hcarel a crash oC glass aud : \ lgures comc tumbln ( out or the wlodows. Wihin ( cut minutes after the first note of alarm , at least twelve persons were danglng on the Insulclent rope fire escapes or hang- lug to the wIndow sils , The tepartment nr rh'cel quIckly. hut It tool some tme to get ladders up and In the mcautme some of the people hind dropped to the street. JUMPED TO Hm D ATI. On the right side of the building there appeared nt time window , surrounded by smoke , a man and wmnan. The man had hold of the woman , trying to persuate her to walt for helll , but she broke away and sprang out She strucle a balcony anti re- bounded to the stmeeL The mun waited for 1 ladder and was taken down In snfely. His name Is I A. Foakes anti he represents I cash register compny In Dayton 0 The WOman die. was his wie. ald she will probably die.In In ex-Speaker Mtmltby's room , which was to the rear 01 time elevator shaft , where the lire first appeared , there was the greatest ex. , cltemmient . . I clemcnt. About twenty politicians were there , Including Congressmen Weaver and Curtis , Senator Kibur and Mr. ltialtby. A rush was made for the stairs , amid when time party landed In the street the only Injured one was found to he Assemblyman Hobbins , whose haIr anti face was badly hured , Alhough the building was five stories imleh. U thorn was nn OUIRII" fir " fRlnn"R nnJ time ; only - means - left ' for - tue ; people ' - in' the ' cut I off rooms was to use the rope fire sca\es , F. Helmnn of Brooklyn was In the third stQry. lie open cd hIs room door as son as lie , heard tl cry of fire. A hurst or fame made him look to the window as the means or escape. lie hind but two ' altermmatives-a fiery death or 0 jump lie chose the laUcr. When picked up from the sidewalk he was dying. His wIfe who was In the room wlh hl n. tried n rope fire escape , but It either broke or else she failed to hold I , for Ihe , too fell tQj the , pavement , Her right Imb \vn broken , her left ankle dislocated , ant she ! was badly burned abut the face amid ane head. Edward Walsh n reporter , was cught In the hal and badly btmrned. In less than fnen minutes a'ftem' the Ire alarm was turned In the entire building was wrapped In Inmes , resemblng a huge crater , and all hopes of saving the famous structure were hopeless. The h tel takes In the entire entre block about 10 br 450 feel , and this was In anbthcr fifteen minutes a seething cauldron only bound by the four walls. CAUGHT A FmErAN. At 10:30 : the east wll felt In and some of the firemen narrowly escaped being burlet , At 1 :30 : the Broadway wail fen out and one treman was buried In the dchrls. He was taken out rmn l .1 not thought to be danger- ously Imurt nnl1 rumored at this late hour tlit there are bodies In than ruins , all that quito a number of people did 10t eSC9pe. The clerk says tonight that ho Is positive all of time guests escaped , but does not feel so sure about the help ] , of whom there was a great number. There Is no way tonight of finding out positively whether theo rumors are true or not , and It wIll take a day or so to de- ermine Mr. Malby salt after the lime : "It Is Inconceivable how the flames ohtalnel such headway. The hnls were n mass of fire before we reclved a word of warning. " Of the hunlrell or more guests not one saved more than time clothes they wore One of the Incidents or lie fire was the escape of Miss Martini of New Yorll. She was In the fourth story window on the Steuben street side when a ladder was raised A messenger boy rushed up and broke the window , thus freeing' her. Mr. anti Mrs Drdley Martin . Bradley , Martn , jr" , anti Mrs F' . 'F. Martn were guests ot time hotel , having come here to . bury time former's son. They were on the second floor , a good way from where the ( fire started amid escaped Mr. Martin , when ho renched the sidewalk , offered anybody $500 who would get his wife's jewels No- body accepted , and they were destroyed , ] , Thcre wal a satchel IleJ with jewels valued at $5,000. The Delevan house was fifty years old and one of the ( most famous hotels In the country. I Is a part of the estate of gl- , ward C. Delevan Hurley & Moore . the proprietors , pall $40,000 u year rental , amid lately had made vast Improvements In ex- pectaton of a hiS winter season The total loss Is esthnute,1 , at $500,000 , wIth an Insurance - ance of $300,000. On the groln,1 , floor or the Droadwny side of the hotel bloc ] two drums har stores , One was that ( of Helser , Muhlehler & Co" , dealers In Imlt gOOls , ant the othcr ( that of i'olby & Co" , dealers In clothes. Both stocks were rulne , Time loss to each will be about $25,000. nearly covered by Insurance. The wires of the electric light company wee destroyed ant I section of the city left In darkness. Time fire raged , fiercely for five hour ! , anti was not entirely quenched till moral . At lie hospital tonight It Is said that lrs , Ielhnan will lose her reason She has lJen put unler , opiates anti every endeavor Is made to save her. lr le1man had just been marrlelt ant the couple were on their wedding tour. The husband wIll die before morning _ _ _ _ _ _ _ III mm ru a veil hy 11'111 IIUnli , TUCSON , Arlz" , Dee 30-I ranl , neh , formerly a reslelent or Tucson , wait murdered - dered hy Yanul Indians In the state of So- nora , Mexico Dehs estnblshl'll an Indian village at the San I"rlnclsco : II1 n 1'1' ( fitim' last summer. but left Hun lirnclco beforetime the exposItIon closed , fallnl to pay the Indians he hind IrouJht from . Arizona anti Mexico , and leaving them to l.ctUI'1 al best they migimt. 'h'wo of the Illana were wlh lieba ut the ( iwo he was : kll.I. . i anti the o\lnlon Ilrc\als that ( the ) ' lilId him out or sPite what was for his due having ( aIled ton ) ' them . Ihholl larly 'l'rimmsferreml tu Illn"8ota.O ST , PAUl" , Dec : . - , \ rchIJbhoIrelnnll today received the I formal announcement from Homo or the removal of Bishop 1arty rrom Sioux 1"lls to the hlbholJrlo or RI Cloud , 1lnn. succeellll , ; Jsho [ anlr < ell , who wits made nn orchblFhOl1 or Ju"hlr st. J hop Mart"s FU"'IIROr at Sioux Fails has ' been , not yet appolnteel . - HIU'km:1 : Aur"Irlt . by .l'skKI" , . COIIUS CHISTI , Tex. , Iec O-Mr , I liagee , I \rOnllncnt stoclmln and furmer. was foully murllered Friday IferOn hy I Mexicans , whie hunlnK 01 thc NuccI rivem. Deputes are In pursuIt of the inurmierers. I -S l'Ollt Cla I More 'hii y . ! ' AMATH FALLS , Ore. , lec 20.-Time latest news of time disastrous fire whkh occulred itt Sliver Lake on Christmas even- Inl comes II the J.kc\'lew stage driver , who ! ) 'S thnt nil reports roncernlng time holoau t nrt correct anti that enl moro hotly Wil rou11 In the . ruln . : UIt1IItl1) .lOI Tll ll .1WSln' , Ohl Couple nt Smcmnmmmr'mtn Literally ChOI'l(1 to i'leeen. SACRAMENTO . Cnl , leo . O-Thls com- muniy IE hlhly : excited over the hrutnl murder or A. I L , Webbel 111 hIs wlro In their here , whIch Was ! ubluel ) ' 1llnelerell by time mimunticrers. Webber was an elderly grocer , reputed to he \ \ . eR I h ) ' . Singular he kept no account ( nt ni ) ' balk , hut Is ullpoell to hnve kept I cOIsllcrnble sum of money nhout hIs house. lie ninth his wife , lIved nlone above hiM store Ystcrlw ( wus rll'oni pay } ility In this city ammd I Amolg 'ehber I cutlme were mln ' rail. road cmlllo'es * , .ltmst how much nimoimey he hnd secreted ahout his mouse Iii nut Imowl , but the store 'IlY hoole Ihows hint lila rc- lelllts or time tiny vera $3 : II ; This Is IOIC : , Not I cent wns f0111 toln ' In tie roms Occullle,1 , by the HI'ocel' ulll his wife , nl- thou h the safe Ilu\n tnlrH wins not 10' leRteel Ever'hmImmg ( stairs ho\\'c\'I'r ' gvcn'thil/ ! ! , \ \ \ , WU u\'crhlulell hr the immtmmtit'm'ern' TIme dll hOlles or \'ehhrnr amid his wife were Ils- covered , this mornllg by the Hrocer's Ion who wcnt down to ) stimuli ' 1\1 roull bloOI ii rippi mig t hrlgh "cl'lnIc I fouli both \nrents lyIng Ilend In the IIll'hen , their cothluJ toni rrom ( lair hOl1eK In Places , tutu their 11111 HIIh.,1 111 cruhl,1 f'ol blows fl'oll nit nxe. : tl ! " 'chblr'l head . was slut OI'CI by time l blade or aim IXI' . Webber's face vuts cut Inlo Itrll ! 'l'hme Itrhen looked I lIke it slaughter leum. 'rIme ( ummlirtlerers t'ere cvltieumtly fttnmulimtr with 'eb. lien's immetimoils of lamsiutess , tttmt thiu ftmr timere is mb clime to time Peuiermttors. ( -S .sIIIIs RI1'OIf1' S ? I'lIfIi hI'1.tTIIlU. Itt . .tiltlit iou to tIme 111gb % 'Imimi ; humtcimo timid Troubles t liii SaIlors. NR'Oltl , Dee , 30.-All iumcoummimmg stcammem's i'cport very severe vemttimer alomig time coast , Stenimmers from Etmropo report imavimig exl'crlemmced time effects of time gmtle of time 27th n lien nppmoachuimtg time Georges banks amid Nut : ( uekot ; ( Ito wimuti , which et In fmommi time sotmtinwes ( , blowing ii. mttriimg gale , imIfteiI to tIme southwest and mncntim- vest , necompaimieti by' heavy FORS and itt- temmsely cold wentlmer. 'I'hme VCtt5ei' e&'his amti hulls were quickly covered vhthi Ice to time timickuiess of several Irmclmes. 'rime erevs stmlTeretl much front the cold , anti tIme tttk of gettimig nboimt time tiecks lrovctl it , ihitiletult omit ? . Steutmmmers front time sotmtimwumrd ritum Into bail weatimer tmmsoum reacimlumg hlaterns , wlmene time w'imtd. suthiemmiy hmiftctI to time imotmtum , blowIng a. strotmg iutie , wlim a 'ery Imeavy Sen. Several steamnenmi , after imasimmg Ilatter- as , experlemmeed mm , severe ehectrlo stormmi wlmicht was aecommiammietl imy heavy i-alum limit1 lmarti sqtmttils , amid upon mimotiem'atlng caine otmt ngaimi Itm a. mtutitien simift of wind fi'oumt time mmorthmwest , blowIng tvlhm imtmrricumime force anti cuttusing a tmemenilotus sea , whmicimvasimeti the 'essehs' decks and coveroti tltemmi with. ice. TIme ollicers mind crews suffered a great deal fromn time cold. No dunmmage of a seniotma an- ture was reported. 41Io1l .sxolv 1.\ ' TIlE sourly. Street Cars liopt Iitmtmiilumg All lghmt mmt llirimmlnghmtnuu , Alum. I3IRMINGIIAM , Ala. , Dec. 30.-The worst snow storm ever known itt timis section : is prevailing. Four Inches of snow fell today nmmd tonIght time fail was renewed furiously. Time weathmer is very severe anti much suf- toning exists among time poor. Mommy cattle are starving. In timls city time street car companIes mmmi their cnrs umhi mmlgimt to keep time ( rack clear , Tfl snow storumm extends all over time nomthemmi section of time state. MEItIPHIS , Dec. 30.-Fronn sIx to eighut lncite of snow is reported tonight in ntithhle and west Teimnessee , Arkanmeas , mou'tim Mitt- SiSSllfll amid western Alabama , with a steady drois in temperature. NF1V' Oltld'L\NS Dec. 30.-Six inches at snow fell today at. olumnbus , fotmr itmehes at Starkvlhle , Water \'alley , holly Sprlumgs umtd Grenada , Mitts , DECATUR , Ala , . Dec. iiO.-Five inches of minow , tell today anti there are prbshmects of more. NASHVILLE , Dec. 10.-AboUt one mind one-imaif inches of emmow fell today , but tonight - night it Is ciettr anmtl cold. UIr.1sIIhD INTO t U.IJWI.I OR , Five Porsoums roriommsiy Injtmreti by Caroiesi Swltcimlmig. ChICAGO , Dec. 30.-A Cimicago , flock Island & Pacific passenger coacim being rapIdly - Idly switched. Into time hock Island depot this afternoon , crashed Into a carriage at a crossIng. Five pemsouts were badly In- jtmred , as follows : Mrs. C. Chmrlstine of Ciii- cage , Injured Internally , left cimeek badly cut , bruised niout tIme body ; Mrs. fl. Christine - tine of Cautatia. Injured inmtermmahly , senlotmsiy bruised anti cut on riglmt hmotuiiier , bothm arms anti cheek ; Miss l3erthma Cimristine , cut. and bruIsed ; nrostratcd by time itimock ; Miss Jeumnie Cimrlstine , iumjured Iumternahly , heft simoultler bruised. cuts on mantis , miecic anti heath , suffered greatly from time shock ; Den- imis O'Contmor. driver , ttevemely injured In- tcraaliy and badly emit mmii bt'uisctl. Time accIdent was caused by the gmemuamm'a ( slowimess in pttttltmg down the gates. S Jl'ILL .S'l'4N1) ISY 11W OfllRlt. flhmtckwehl Soya C atluolles in the ifuilgints of l'ytlilan Are Loyal. NASHVILLE , Iec. 20.-Dr. It. T. White , supreme keeper of ricord and seals , Kmmlgimts of Pytimins. in aim interview comcemnIng time order and tine recemt PaPal eihlct , says : "It seemmis that. It Is mm , matter which. each iutil- vlduuml mtmtt settle for lmimmmself. 'rime man who considers imlmuu'elt lila own nmamiter 1mm worldly affairs vill remrmaimm 1mm thm order , It lie is devoted to its lrlimellmiq5 , I imnive talketh with several Catimolitn Kmlglmttt of l'ythmiau4 comcernhimg , the tjut'tttion , mmmii timey all say they immteimtl to reummimlim In time order. The supreme lodge hmtui decreed that. eutcim mmmeunber must be loyal to time governmemmt tinder which ime lives. You can see where timat would fall to Please time imoie. " ItiimibIIvarm 110110 to ( ) rgm.iulze tii Soim ate DiNVEl1 , Dec. 30.-Time republicans clainm they can organize botlt branciucs at' time leg- lumlatmume , which will meet next Wednesday , 'rlmey have a imammdsome majority in time house , anti there will be no contt'imt. there , TIme poptmilsus ( have a majority in time senate unless a connidnaion can ito turmoil by tIme republicans with time one or two miernocmats that are tihl left timere , 'rwo yeumnm3 ago there was oimly omme mtetiatou' wimo ciuiirmmetl to be a iiemnocritt , mind theme vere occasions wiuemm imim was in tioimht , Now two or three miemiuttommi who svere elected a COhiliO of yc'tius ngo are of time OiifliOim that timey owe ttonw- timhuig te time demnocmumtic party. 'l'huo repub. licutmmmi hope to curry time omgttuiizaiumm by it conmlilnmttioum wIth : these , duo I lobber lirait , I P un Ii in rteuiiier Vom pm iltil , ChICAGO , 30cc. 20-A gatmg of toni' rob. ham's stutmed ( out hunt nIght to raid time sit- bonn oui time umou'th side , Tub net memitmlt is one bartender fatally wounded amid one dead roiiher. 'rime gang early in time evening 0mm. tereti time saloon o W. J. Mcliii at 29 Kinney street. Neis Heck , tIme mflmmtemmtier , imimowed flgimt mail vrts idiot tiirotmghi time hotly. Later tIme gang entered ( hue utaloum : of Atmstin Mc. Grail , 57 lumen street , mirmil ormier'tl hint to ( hmrot' up lila hammtis , lie mt'ruuiu'keti : ' 'Ohm , I guess smut , you um'e gohumg to iuavo a thi'litic vltiu mmmc. " 'h'hmo gttng tmpmarently acilimiesceml amid McGrumil , mielsimig huts revolver , idiot omme of them thmmougim tue imenr ( mtmmtl hioumibamileti time otimem's ant time ) ' flew thmmoughi time tloor- wtty. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i'uiii . % imruuit lii New tIt'iic. , , SANTA FE , N. M. , Dec. 20.-A great crowd of iohIieinnm is In time city to attend time opemmlmmg at time ieglsiitture tommmorm'ott' . 'rime repubiictmns ntiunit time legislative coumi- cii Is democratic , ( nit ciainm it tie lii ( lie hotvcr Imouse. 'h'hme mienmoemuits chaiuim ( lint legal certlilcates out will citable thicurm to or- gamize ( lie lower hiouse as ticil as ( imO umper omme. 'l'hmere ale eommtests galore. v t , sut.ii V I Il I I im mu I ii i , I 'mm per I liii , I ' umy. MiMi'hiIS , Dee. 30.-TIne Commercial- Appeal Imaum imiaced liii plamm ( at time diutimosumi of time tvomnen of Menmpimis , v.'hmo will edit tIme paimer Tel' time oxme issue amid receive ( hue uev. eumutt accriuitmg timcrefrommm ( or timit imuupose of starting a fund t& itt' used In a \ \ urmmuim'e temnimle In this oil ) ' . 'i'hn , editiomm will appear oil St.'aleumtine day , Otttca i-mi > S ( oiIgm'ess % S ill ibm ili ( Ii. , MON'J'GOM fllt'a' , 4\iO. , lee , 3tioyenJmor ( ( Omiteut , vluo imas Stint rt.tujmed ; front \ m'slm- immgton , says , In aim immtemview , that the Camllsie currency ilmtmi nt'iil lie defeated , limo NIcaragua cuirmal itili 'till tail ( 'i imass aumtj congress wIll do but little this tettiomu , uilg l'uur i'ruighmt 'Irsi e 'rveked , l.ONION . , 0 , , lce. 30.-A freight train u ; time Big P.C ur was wmcketi smear thmlim PliLOC today , but ( here was mb loss of life , as wits at first reltoited. RIChARDS TAKES Thu LEAD pCftkorIhip Penauhum Swings to the B , & M. Legal Departnint.'s Choice , BELIEF lit/ti liii CZAR II'S SFOKEN liimrcin tIeum Slave llumtl ( ) rilcrs to Coiiiimltt oum Itieumyls . - i'rcmtitieiiey of time Son- nto Still iluvern Near \'utnoui I.nmg n.miitim g mit. l.iuctmiui , LiNCOhN' , lec. 80.-Speciai ( Telegram- ) Tommigimt tIme simeakersimiim shtmummtloum has passed through atmotimcr tmmtmusforummntinmm , Through. otmt time tiny time uuiill at. the I.imithcll has been steadily grluitiiumg , and it looks now like a Ill chmartis grst. Time lei I I lent leumdlmmmmi , wimiclu last mmighmt coqtuetteti vitlm J. C. hutch of Gage commmmty , inns swmung towarti htlcimutrths of liebmoum , Mr. lcweese hits , impparetmth9- , got hits ccoumti vinti , auth ( ho legal depart- mmmemmt of tiu limmrlluigtomu scents hilely to have its own sn'cet n'lil 1mm mmnmmmlung thm simeakor. Q tu I to a mmti umber t ho ye st orihumy mmunile smmmahl bets out hiturehi arc tqmmighmt olicrhmig to pay tiient , so It nimpeams that time tteiicf Iii time Stucceits of itlcimamtis is immfectioums. limit back of all this It. is immore timiimm likely I lint vorti has coiume froumt Mm. iloitirego to couimtmiimo cmi itlehuartha. Up to mmtithmmlgimt thieve vns no visible cult- warti cimamige 1mm ( lie sitlmaticim , an It. relates to imrcsltlemmt of ( lie nemmate. The trill of John C.'atsoim to Oummmmiua yesterday vums poiunted to na an iumuiicatioum of sumpremmme coumihheumco oil ii is Ima rt iii t ii tis ieav I mmg ( Ii e lid ii cleum r to ii is oppommemmts. I 1mm t I imere is a met ian side to ( hula htictiure. lie , too , mmmay imuivo been retluestetj to drop 1mm Oit Mr. iioltlrege ; mmumd stinmaro imlmmmnelf leftmre ummattcms rcacim time cliummax of aim electiumm , Them Is here imow a cumuli limit rather in- fituential lobby 1mm ( lie iimtemest of m'elmeahiumg time lrcseumt vaitmeti Policy iuin' , A P05511)10 clash betweeum time railway mmmiii insmmmaimce 1mm- tercsts many yet cut au unimportant figure iii the election of immesitlent of time seumuite , Interest Iii other cammditiates for offices In time girt of time nemmate anti iuommse Is sub- . sithiary to the mumommmemmtotms qmmeiomm of hue will be sieakor. Fates imaumg lipomm fates , autil with time defeat of oltimer hltmrcim or lticluuumtis , away go a lot of other nsimimummmts as .hemiioruh- izeti nut ii box of immatciucs struck by higiutmmiuig. Chmammmpions of Getitlett of Ciramuth lslamuii cud iligg of lientrico for clerk of the iioume have cachm emipouuseti either time cummmso of hiurcin or ltichmummtls , uummth calm say lint little coum- cerumiumg time clerkship n'It imoumt toiuclming on time speaiersiiii ) ammti exhiibitlumg their var- tisaumsimip. it is extremmmely thiihicumlt to utay anything favorable for ( lie amest vmoniimmemmt cammi.hidaies for the various legishuutlve oiilces , It is ihillicult becatuso scarcely ommo of timemim viio iuums aumy 'show of success Is mmot mm. omen- ( nrc of tIme IIuirhitmgtomm mmmmth will muot have paid for his ehcctiomm by cast iroa pledges to time month. ThmeFo is boumumti to be considerable rail- way legislation tiirowmm lmmto time rimmg this wlmmter. It's 1mm time air. It Is inn open secret. timat ( lucre is mnommey In ( lie iiitrothunctiomm of speculatIve bills , termimeti by ommme boothie legislation , iii viuIcim umleastires are Intro- thuced aimtagommlstic to railway iumtercstmt for imo other pumrposes thmnmm to be tiroppetl when paid for by time railways. Meummbers polumt to this fact mmd commintenti time Burlington for being forehanded enouglt to have a fimiger in all ( ho hmles , : . Governor llolconmb arrived today from Braken flow amid Is qtmamtumred at time Liimtlehl , ' ' lie Is In mm 1-atimer sequestered sltuatlmhmi , Imow- over , amid hmold huinmseif umloot frommm a micranibie 1mm wiuiciu iue has no actIve part , aumd doubtless little . symmipatimy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JOhN FI'i'ZGiIjji ) lVLtI ) , rromiulument Corutrtsctoruimtl Cuihiiliuilt , lix- plres mit lmltt Ilomumo 1mm Llnolii. LINCOLN , Dec. .iO.-Spocial ( Teiegrzmni- ) . John FItzgerald , capitalist. amid railromd : con- 5 tract ur , died this nmornimmg itt 2 o'ciock at. his / residence , on Tvenietim ( , hietweemm B aummi U / ' . streets. " 1 . ' Mr. Fitzgerald huas been Iii tomumore ( hams " 'J. ' a. year , havlmmg brolc'en down ( roumi an active , hearty mmman of business to a commflumed Immvaild , ieceaseti vas bommm 1mm Llmnerick , Imelautti , almtl # caine to this coumntry In 1846. lie was 65 " years old at time ( mime of hula death , lie leaves a wife anti four ciuiiulrcn. Ills estate Is es tlunated to be wortim between $1,000,000 ant ' $2,000,000 , but is Involveti 1mm iltigatioum to thu immnouimt of several iutmumdremi thmoimsmmumd dollars. Time fummeriml will occur Wedmmesdumy next. Joint Fitzgerald has for mmuammy years beeui a promuimmemmt flgmmmo in ( hue mmmateriai thevelop. mmment of time state of Nebraska , lie was a railroad builder of time utmost aggressive typo ammtl during hmln career 1mm ( lie tvent handled . . . sonic of ( lie largest simmgie contracts ever glvemm to oummi mmmummi. lie cammie to Nebraska Itt 1869 , and lie brought a railroad wIth iimmmi , imavimig comistructemi thm ChIcago , fluriimugtomi & Quincy fmommi a imoiimt 1mm tIme interior of los'a to the MissourI river , opposite time do' , of Plattuimmiomuth. Mr Fltzgeald was a mmative of Irelammil , but eumirated to Ammuenica at aim early age. lie hogan life an a tvonlcmmmaum cmi time Erie cammai , Of his earlier life imu time commimtry hmmt lIttle is knowmm. Ills life since imis advent. into Nebraska hmas becmm an active ommo , mmrmtl cant be traced thmrougit e'\rery year. Iii 1868 lie as- soclateth himself witlm It , C , Citmumhuing , vell kmmown aftorsvamd nit a pmomiuimmnent contractor of Omaha amid mayor of thIs city. Time firma of Fitzgerald & Cusiming took limo commrmmct ( for ' extending the Chicago , Burlington & Qulrmc to l'iatttmmimoutim , via I'imciflc Jumuctioum. 'rIm , road vas comimpleted in 1869 , aimtl Mr. Fits- geraid locateul as a cltizetm of l'Iattsmmmomutm. lie lutmmnedlately conmmnencetl ( lit ) construction of ( lie Ii. & Itt , , and completed It to Lincoln 1mm Jtuly of time foilowimmg year. After ( hue 11. & M. hail been comnpleiemi to lcearaey to mm junctiomm witlm time Ummiomi Pacific , Mm. Fltzgeratl ! btmhit tiiti Atchuisomm & Nbrankn , from Atchuisamu , Ican , , to Liucoimu , besltlems oral oilier britmichm hues. him 1878 hits coin- ' - - mnemmeeih ( Ito bug 11mm of ( ho Ii , & M , , frn * Jlastlumgs to Dcumver , via lIeu Clomiul , fliminiuimmg time mood to time latter poliut. iii Novemnimer o timat year. 'limo vork of commst.mmmcting time limits to Deuiver contimmimetl at Intervals ummtii 1882 , wimerm It wan fimually counpieteti , In time mmmeammImno ( Mm , Fitzgerald haul ye. movetihis hacunmi trout i'Jattsmnoutim to Ltmmcolmm , ' mum main , ama tut once moon a fromtb rtmmmk aiumomig time leamhlmig capltmuhists of that city , lie was ciocted imreaidont of ( lie FImst National - tional baumk , and was a director iii mummy otbmer enterlrlses , lie built omme at this finest subumr- lisa hiomimes in time Capital city and coimrlb. ( 0(0(1 ( lIberally to all charitable works , lie . % .aO an active mimember of time Catholic cimurcin anti was of great assistance to ( list titnommilna. Lion in a Imecuniary way , In 1867 ime conmmenccti ( lie contract for constrmmctimig a line of raliroami front Pueblo , Cob , , to time easterim boundary of time state of Kansas , aimtl It wan this work wlmlclm In- ' voivetl hun in hue fimuanclal dhilhciulties wimicin imummi no mmmcii to tb with ending imis veli spent life. This road syas kmmown as time Ienver , Memmmimhmls & Atlantic , mind to finish it Mr. Fitzgerald exiiammsteth his available resources. He hmecummno involved 1mm extemmsive litigation with Jay Gould , Russell Singe nail other nell kumown wreckers of railroatia and vrivate forluaes , anti lime commmphicatlr.mis sur- roummmhed him ummitil time day of his deal ii , i.lr. Fltzgeralth nn'as a patriotic citizen of tire lanth of hula adoimtioim , but lie never host. hml syiutpatiiy for time cause of his own veo. vie of his munimapimy native iantl , lie was zealous worker ( Cr time cause of Ireland , anti iii ISS9 was elected riresldenmt of lime Irish National leagmie of Aummeyica , huoltiimug this 0111cc ( or nvo years. and being aUccetihed by M. V. Gannoim of Ommiaima , iii 1892 Mr. Fits- gerald , 1mm ccmnimauuy with several 0(1mev ( diii. tlnguusuied Irhshm-Agmmerlcamms , visited Ireland. in mitt eumtlevor to reconcile ( lie warring Inc. tioimti Cf time Irish party , but with Indifferent. nuceeas. 111mm mietthm rsnives one ( ' 1 the men wlm hmave 'Vnm' utmuuchu to mimln Nebraska vhmat sime is , lie was active. pragr'ss Vt' , public spirIted - Ited and earmiest , lie built In LIncoln one of the