Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 30, 1894, Part II, Page 9, Image 9

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' = ; 7I .1 THE OMAHA , SUNDAY : BE'E [ ' ; ' ' : ; . ' ' 'i " . . .
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, jrJJ3JJflj . ] J1YNE : 1n , 1871. OMAhA . , SUNDAY MORNING , ] EO ] : . BEn - ' 3 ( 1894-SIXT.EEN : - . PAGES. . SINGLE COpy - l"lym - - omx'rs. = : _ '
N . For Boys and Gz"ls.
- . I .
oJ'rJghl , ISM by Wllinm ) lurny (2rayilofl , )
. ' ,
CI.\'Tlm IX
11.1 lit.
l l
Swiftly In.hel ( ! hatl the Ihadow ) oC Ielth !
blasted the triumph or PIII , Trleeol and his
' oureomrallee , , The nol8eles3 stealing tip
) our/ stealnlp
or the troops hall the .
11rlch\lell p09slbliy
or flght . or Iclen ! e , Al was lost Ie'onl
Jack and lyle9 shrlnk cose tu each
other , trembling wlh rear and trying to
avoId the mercIless glances 01 hate that were
] leveled at Ihe1 from all ehles I'alu
crouched mutely at their Ceet
At first Pink hnl very nearly le rae ! et
the better oC him and hl hand wns already
nt his pistol belt when he woke to the folly
. or resl9alce , Now ho ItoOI wIth folded
/ nlls , gazing fixedly at the five. All color
hal led from lila lace , leaving It stnmpcl
wIth mingled defiance and terrur and , heart-
fending compassIon for the Inds who had
mIssion truEtlngly lolowed him on s perious n
Suddenly he rememherCI the ollal which )
! Ial fallen at his tet . Inel a desperate Idea
lashet through his brain ae he stooped
quickly to pIck ) It ill ) ,
But McgilllIr Enw the movement , and ,
pushing PInk hrutnly aside , he seIzed the
' ' stone and thrust I Into lila h080m
"What good can II 10 you now ? " he demanded -
manded , wIth a niGckltlg leer.
"I would have thrown It so far away that
you and your mOl could never have found
I " ' Plnle hell ' auswered
Mogul Mlr'l face became distorted wIth
wrath , "Dog you stIll defy me , " he cried ,
unsheathIng a glitterIng sworll "This Is
) our work , and this , " he poInted to hIs
bln.dagee ! nrm and to I couple ] or half-healed
acorn on his lorehearl
"They shall be wiped out In blood , " he
tu1cd , foroclonlly.
But just then lila purpose was dIverted by
the greedy , envIous glances wIth which his
men were regarding the open box or jewels
Ho : ' slpped his sword hack Into the sclhhard
and gave a conille 01 hasty elders , In tot. ? low
n .tonp for Pink to hear. tot
A couple or the troopers at once set to
work with bayonets antI managed. wIth some
difculy , to pry the chains oft thin box
Then they fled the hrohen parte ) or the lid
Into place and wrallped the box around with
stout straps
MeanwhIle three ruffians had taken a brand ,
tram the fire and crossed the dry channel to
the mound After poking about In all Ilrec-
tons they returned triumphantly with the
riles which Plnlt and the boys had concealed
behInd the temple.
At a word front Mogul MIr the prlsoneri
were now roughly eelzee anti stripped or
7 their revolvers amid aniluniton helts. 'hey
orered no resIstance , liar dill they beg for
mercy. Too well they realzed the futility 01
plendlng or persuasion. Harder than stone
'yere time hearts oC the SOlbadnr and his
There was I moment or thrilling slenc ,
Then Mogul MIr stepped back I tow paces
and Instantly. -e though this were n pre-
concerted slgnnl , every rufan flashed out hIs
. naked tulwar.
.4 Paltu fell on hIs Imees with clasped hands ,
end Jack and Myles could not restraIn hanis cry
or terror. The dro shone on their
Ire ghastly
, \hlo faces , stamped wih the 01 fear or death
For an Instant Pink reeled like a drunicen
man , and glared ] at the drawn weapons. Irlnltn
made a stell forward , lIfting up emi nrm. le
"Stop , Soubllarl" : ' he exclaimed In a tone
or hoarse ant agonized entreaty ; "grnnt me
a worl before you begIn this bloody deed "
The troopers 10urlsh d their tulwars In a
closer clrce ] and broke Into angry murmurs
or discontent.
"ChUII ! Chup ! . impatIent ones , " growled
Mogul Mlr. "Iet the dog speak , "
Pink inclIned his head gratefuhhy. "I ask
' : 'k ' the lives of thes lalls grattruly. . pleaded
"They 'ad nothing to do wIth this a ra I 1. I
dragged them Into I , and 11 willIng to die
for them. Dy the colors '
. you once served L
under Souballnr show mercy now. "
"No ' ! no' ! ' " cried Jack , springIng forward
"Don't kIll Pink. You dare not. I 'Ol I
harm one of le YOI will surely b : shot or
Imngeel. This until uprIsing wIll elll as dil I
the great mi tny. "
The lad's Imprudent threat. and the alu-
' 1 sIon to the terrible year or ' 57 roused Mogu I
: lr to n greater degr3o or passion than Jle r
had yet shown lie swore savagely , and I
his eyes snapped like lIvIng coals ,
"Ferlnghec dogs , better had ye held youm
ptace , " he thundered. "It too
Nat thuldered. were great a
mnercy now to give your necke to the sword ,
, , J ' Dy Drahmal I would that I hall a cannon : I
z' : hore. Yo should ho blown front Is I mouth IRe I
as were.our sepoye before the wal or Deihl ) ) ,
Yet shall your tate be a terrible one. D '
lIngerIng tortures wi ye die "
TurnIng to the troopers he ailed : "Put Ull
your tuhwars , and bind the three Ferlnghees t
* to yonder trres , The Indoo lad Is a son
I of Melee 1nl , a true servant or the rajnh ,
lie shall be taken back to his Inther. ' 'Iese
( logs have lell hlmn astray \ s Ih poisoned
words. "
: (
The ruffians 811eatheel their weapons with ]
a reluctance that showed how eager was
their thirst for blood
Tllen ! they stood Pal I to one side , ant 1
8nlenly dragged Illk anti his companion
to three grel ! Ironwood trees that stood , In
I row beyond the fire. After pinioning
each one's arms behind his back they bounll
thel to the trees with many feet or strap
amid tough , lloxtbk vines , wralllllng the coil 5
shoulders painfully tight about them rrol ankles to
, The Soubndar satisfied hllseJ hy a personal -
cartel exmlnatol that ovrythlng wae mic , .
cure Tiien " ho lighted n torch or resinous
"P\IfU ! ILTUl"
_ _ - 1.\LTUj" _
'ood ' , al1 stood or a little wItH ? the trooper
extnGuished the Ire with wet sand nnd
S gra\'rl front the lied 01 the Ilral ,
'Ftto burly rulals lilted the brass box to
q . their shoulders , On,1 IUlllortol1 the weight
. wIth apparent jose , 'wo others Illace" '
1alu between them , 'he little hilniF Do
feeled actually Indlcer"nt to the fate or
Iris cOlpanlonl , for ire did not once glance
toward them.
The troopers were now awaiting the onlcr
to itart. but Mogul Mlr had yet a sting to
inflict upon his wretched calth'e8 , 10 swmr g-
Eered up to them , ti.ietring the torch In their
tRcU ant lenln/ nt each In turn wih a
demnurm.hlke rrln : uf trhlmllh
'fbll 18 a morp hItting Ilunlalllcnt titan to
- - ilt by the tulwar , " hI miiih. mockimigi I' ,
"more fitting than few ttan'allon. Hark ,
)0 10"1 Ere tomorrow's bunrlte tIre tier ct
- - - - - . - -
- - . ! ! ltl e.
beasts 01 the jungle wi mall1e your limbs
anll lea\\ your hones to the I vultures.
Chnlns cOlld 10l hunt ye inure tightly , nor
wi your crls Ie , heard by human enrs "
"I"lenll" mulercII Pink . 'A'e you no
" ,
mercy ? ,
Mogul lr lanhPI , "None , " he r0\lel1 ,
"nor ,10 , you th"srve an ) ' , You refused the
rajnh'e ofer 01Halh and honor anti clmo
to t ilaY the spy with ) 'olr accursed knowi ] .
edge oC 1lll lanee. limit you laled ( hi "
hear h one IhlnH-the secret pass by which I
enterrd the gorge tonight Ahae ! trapped
you cl\'erl' . Now dIe-tile . , dogs and
heretics that ye nre.
With this the Soub"tar turned on his
heel h and gave the order to march An In-
stnnt later time 1'lfany ] band . with Pnll In
time t ire midst gorge. or thorn , were tramllln swiftly imp
First tiP orch Cadel ) alel , \anlshe.I . , amid
then the drill footsteps tiled away on tire
night r nlr.
For a periad , or some minutes Plnl : and
Ihe ( boys failed to realize Ihelr terrible
plght so great was their relief lt helng rid ,
oC Mogul lr's IlreFence They half ] ex-
Ilectell the bluo'lhlrl ' ' troopers to retlrn
anti hut them 10 the swonl They started
at every sound , that the breeze waited to
their ears : they strained their eyes Into
thin gloom.
Turn , plucking 111 eourage , they ) tugged
anti etrahld at their bonds imtmtll perspiration
unt Ilerl\lmtun
dipped Irom theIr foreheads and the agony
of bruise . lesh : lore than they could
"H's no tine , lads " crlell Pink. "The
devis 'ave dOle their work too wel I
wa' always cOlntpfl strong , hit I cnn't
1 ' ( ) .f1)- )
: .
bUdge these straps any more than IC they
were bands . or Iron and the vines are worse
etl I.s alt UII with us. There's 10
of'o po left. "
Jack uttered a groan and , Myles let n
s tIlled sob escape him. All at once the ( horrible -
ri bio truth labhed upon them. They realIzed -
Ized thlt they were lace to face with certaIn -
taIn death-thnt they hal far better had
perihed by the sword.
I was u. hideous awakening , amid brave
lads l though they were It threatened for a
tmo t to crush and break them-tu drive
them frantic wIth terror and despair.
Truly the situation was one to try the
stoulest hearts. Little wOlder that II
c hilled theirs-hearts thaI throbbed wIth all
the joy or hope arid 'outh.
Simply and In stunned silence they hung
on tire cruel bonds , tryIng to pull their
courgo together betltng vainly , for some
scrap or comlort. 'fhelr thoughts trayed
to tire pabt only to come back nt In-
tervals to the doom they were powerless
to avert. Yes , they mutt die-die And
\o l was so sweet.
how long I tmo passed thus the boys
never Imew. They could 11mly see each
other Ril Pink , who was between them ,
by turning their heads. Myles was the
Irsl f to break the silence.
"I It was only semite other way , " he
whispered hoar ely ; "If It could come quick
and sudden. But to be torn to pieces by ,
wild heasts- "
lie ended II n shuielerlng nrioamr.
"AmI It'e \ lY fault , " mulel'ed Plnlt
"I wouldn't mild 'alf 10 much II you lads
were sate. Can you forgive are for what
Ive done ? "
I'imil's noble disregard or self stirred I
sense or shame II his companIons , antI the
sliallow or death seemed to grow lghter ,
"Don't tee I badly , Pink , " said Jack. "We
domr't blame you , DPi fellow. "
"There's nothing to forgive , " added Myles.
"We were only too glad to comne . I was our
luty , "
Pink trIed 10 thank thp bo 's , but his
voice broke down. They could not lee the
tears that elmme,1 , his l'yes
Again there was silence for a long tIme.
Then Jack said : "I'rir glad Iall Is sale.
Wo lade a mistake to bring 1m , I don't
SUPllose he had tint least lien or what we
were tr'IIS to do "
"I dIdn't thlnlt he was EO hari-heartei , "
replIed Myhes. "Wh ) ' , he went ur wIthout
goodhy-wlthout even looking at u"
Anti he always thought a lot or me. "
'fhal's ) way of tire weld , lads , when
a fellow gets Into trouble , " said Pink.
"Thank Gel lY old palelts are dead , I
'nyent al ) kIn lIving . There's ole Id 11
10 send a last melsage to , though She's
far away In gngland-In the Kcntsh village
whelo I was horn. I cal bee 'er prety race
yet . POOl' girl ! She's waitIng on 10 10
come 'ome with the VictorIa Cross. I'll 'ave
II by this tlmnc . ayeh ! nn an ofiheer's sword ,
lao , I I 'tid led a .1terent life Ilstend or ,
tumbling into , But '
tumbllg Ilto scrapes II's too late
now. "
"I ' have no one but Captain ) ul as , " said
Jack . after a 'mpathctlc paui < "If1 he
sorry , though lie was almost as good ns a
rather to me "
The lath InvoluntarIly lowered his head mil
&n\'o a lIttle cry
"Wliat's the realtor ? " exclaImed tIyIa. 1 '
"I ' SEe something hlnlnJ 01 your breast , "
"Nothloc , " ' replied Jock , "I-I meal It's
only my gold locket Those ruitiamis mut
have torn It out of my shIrt. "
"It has an ivory ponralt or n lamly In-
side Ire went , " '
hI on slowly "Pink knows all
about I , but I lever loW )01 , 1I'les , that
there was a 1)'stery Iii my tather's lIfe .
Wynyar(1 ( wits only his adopted name , and he
never knew- "
Tire sentence was abruptly cut short hy n
husky cry front Pitik , Iookln straIght
ahead the boys saw a blghl hat I chihiheti
their blooll wIth horror On the mint chiiell :
projecting trout Ihp mal ril ' stooll a mono
strou tiger clearly outlined In tire dim '
tight I , _
No words can Portray ) the ICflngs of tin
hapless ] hirisoners. Icre I , nl least , was I he
fulfillment or Mogul ' , lrls prophc ) , For I
moment they itere dumh . '
theytre al.1 weak wih
terror . Thei , heedless t pall , they exerlcl
tvery muscle to break or luoaen theIr borithi .
No UE i they uric held as tIghtly .
Wet lell tlht ; ) .S though
chained wIth 11 I ,
No\\ ' the ( tIger ; scentng I least , sprang
lightly across lire .Iry carn1 and lillld on : r
tire deatl fmlen 01 the fIr : . Th [ " hu
rrouehed , Ihe'r'y Picture oC rage-his
1Io.I-red jaw circa 10 show his sharp teeth t : ,
his eyes like baths or tlamnc' . iris t,11 luhhl ! t
the ground ,
Tie bril" was h&s than six feet frol hI" '
hieui'les& vtetirrrr' arid lor
helplcl vletl , al.1 an Inst3nt lie heal
lated u though Ire YU llrtfl % tome Irlckr , y
In their Elemllgl ) delant nllllle , Th ! a
roar ht utt'r 11 a trem'ldoll , bJood'I'urdlnl , , I
" "Oh ! hl'l going 10 spring , " cl'lcc Jaek , I
closing his eyes wIth I hh\llr ,
" ' 011lh $ nfl your IIfht , lads , " blroutc ti
PInk. \'ti ia ) ' scare 1m of "
Hut jl&1 then I dull , Ihrfshhlg hohl \\18
hoant chose ly , . Thl' tiger 11\'lslell ahuI
anti stared ' Intpnt ) ul the narrrw , strip ul
I grass Ultltr that lay elH'en Ilelaln 1 . trlJ ' the
Tire teit Iiitarit a huge bura11 mihuct out
01 the forest twenty feet nWY , all checke
Ilnelf wih dllcll1 \ hnl that 11stnnc' ,
No animal 01 the hmultan jlnle Is more
threaded , , and this - < ! '
was n partcularly savage
felioiv. lie had eVhltnty been rllnln ,
from some ranger imp the gorge , anti now
he was far from pleased to Ind his progress
barred by another peril ,
In fact his Ire arose at once , Ito pawell
the ground , arid hook his how ; red horns and
bellowed thlnderous ] )
Tire tiger was equally enraged by this In.
terrlilton to his anticipated banquet. lie
'nlorousl Proposed to gl\e battle , and an-
nOlnc11 hIs intentIon by I serIes or mighty
roars .
r. II
Wih n hoarse below the buffalo clllgel
Tire tiger rose In tht air like n Insh , cleared i
the wlelel , horns all landed , on his enemy's !
hlnd'lnrtrrs , which he lt once began to rip I
elicIt wIth teeth and clans
The maddenel buffalo swerved nshle Into
the dry channel and Elllldly bllnlered ,
against the wall 01 earth on time opposite side
or the 1'001
Hero the tiger felt off , anti for , n moment
he seemed to bo umniler his mh.sar"s feet
nli hors , But he ( IlicIty rolled out oC
danger , and whln next heen ho was clngllg
to the throat anti neck or th buffalo ,
The latter ] was nt n dIsadvantage , owing
to the soft Fond and gravel Into which his
hoofs salk deeper all deeper nl every 10-
ment. lie finally droPled on his knees ,
belowlng with rage did pnln.
Tire struggle that rolowell was oC thriing
Interest to Plnle and the boys For a tmo
they forgot everything ehse anti they were
rea1t1 to their cruel plight only when the
tiger let go or hIs \1111 , and crolchel ,
pantng and growling , In tha shallow water
or the pool.
"I was sure the buffalo would win , " exclaimed -
claimed ? 'Iyles . In a tone or depa1r "He
111 lt be dead. "
"Pretty nearly. " assented Pink , "but I can
see 1m stIr n bit yet. And tire tiger nln't
s atisfIed. I 'oied ' 0 would let lS alone now "
" 0 ! he's " " "
coming , cried Jack , "look ! look !
Yes , the monster was already approaching
Ihe wretched Ito party , his cra\lng for
hlman flesh as strong as ever. Plainly he
was hurt and crippled , for every movement
drew a snarl or agony as he crept slowly
I across the pool alI } out upon the shore
"fletter 'ave It over than starve to death
by Inches " unuttered Pink Then prompted
by the Instncl or preservation that lives to
the last wIth doomed mel , he added loudly :
Try 1m with a yell , lads "
Three voices bended ] In a horse about that
rang tar through the gorge The tiger
Plused and crouched flatter amid the grass.
"Again , " cried Pink
, but before the lads
could ojey a dusky little Iguro leaped out
01 the forest and ran swiftly forward , yelling
at every step In a shrIll . treble voice.
Then there was a ruddy flash and a sharp
explosion , and II less than , ito ( line the non't
disgusted tg rvas clhlblng the opposite
bank or the channel , where he vanished from
sIght In the direction or the temupic.
Wih a joyous shout and a flourish of his
II8tol i the dusky figure danced up to the
capt\es. ,
"Paitu ! Iall ! " cried the boys , and a'
rervent "Thanlt God" fel from I'Imik's ant lps ,
I was Indeed the little lflndo scratched
f rom head to foot and with drlpplll wet
He whipped a sharp knife from his girdle
and vIgorously attacked the straps and \Ines.
He first cut M ) 'Jes iooae then Jack and
Pink . ani
They crowded around him wih husky
words or grthulo and fairly hugged hIm II
their t triad joy They felt ab though they lund
lteppel oul or yawning graves , 1,1 a time
, tme
they could think of nothing but theIr unexpected -
expected rescue The tiger and the dying
blralo were forgotten .
" 1hle won't do , lads , " exclaimed Pink , corn-
In i , sUlldenly to his sensee "Look 'ere ,
l 'aitu . where are the troopers ? 'Ow did you
get away ? "
"Me tell you " replied the little ] lnioo ,
with a grin or triumph. "Snhlbs no he
' fraltl ' of troopers now They take me far up ,
valley . le 10 say goodhy , so they not watch
IJ i shari ly an' hy they go up steep place
Me steal knIfe from one fellow arid ho 10
see Then mo ship baclt ) an' ruin fast. ,
Troopers they turn around air' shoot. Bulel
hit near may head an' niche me scarEI so I : ,
fail , ile tumble 10wI big high rocks-fail
on back In slream , Je pretend roclts-Ia1 ,
current drift me or Troopers throw torch I
down so they see me. Then they think me
dead an' gO 'wa ' , ly air' by mite get up un' ' '
wade out 01 water , Hun
Olt last to save sahlbs t
an' Ilel pistol what troopers lost In grass. "
Such was brave Pahtu's story , and It
moall , In brIef , that the hanll 01 rufans hail I
gurus on their way , satisfied that he'as I
dead .
"Laths " cried Pink " '
, "thero's a tll chance
left'e musl try to heat the trooper to I '
ttysore . The odds that '
; are they'l travel
slow anti l'OUIUllhout , so as to spreall tire I
news oC the findIng or the opal Wo won't
lese Ile In 'minting the outlet oC the gorge '
I 'avo a better plan , "
" \'hat Is It ? " exclaimed Myles
'ro follow the stream under the barrier , "
was the reply ' "We can do It at tie cost era
a weltn ! I made sure of that when we i
cale ii il , "
A brief dlscllslon of Pink's darIng plan I
elsuell , smith the boys were quickly won over .
to it. Iii Ipllo uf all they lad endured they o\er
were wlllg all eager to try again to '
eheckmate ilolll ? dir , so far as reaching
object lysoro , aheall 01 bUrr coulr accomplsh that
: lorelwr , there was really I bright chance
of 8lce ss , since My'Ies proposed a waler :
Journey down tire I ' '
jOlrneY lowl Cau\'ef' river provlled a
boat or raft (0111 be 10lOd ,
In less titan n
quarter 01 an hour after r
Ijittr's . tme\ arrival tire little lour aler
tramping clown Ihe ' ' .
Ihe11) along the avenue
of ttone tgers ,
. \ the barrier . they 10ul,1 , / small arche.1 I
ramisrrg ' " . through tvirlc'h Ihe
I'assll" throlgh whllQ torrent sWlft ) I '
poure. ! Then nsa ito lmo for tear or iresi
tailomi. Omie by ammo they enlrusteel
taton Ont 010 thl ) thel-
' . .
selves tu tire .Iarlesb amid tire rUlhlng
wllerl 1e01 I fIrst ilrey Illungell safely down
tire f'at.lrarl dlnl ! ulller ' the /rolngi slim t
ttoll once lure on the lower mule oC 'IIIPOO '
SatrIb's briler.
Ther. I ire nee.1 . to IIe81ribo II detail theIr
further atit'erttures un lIre hUleward jour
nl' ) ' , II tple 01 hunler and wl'drlneu the ) : '
101111 themselHs whel imbruing : da\nell ,
near the tlOI where lucy I had encounlered
tire ulhular oC 'rlei cars.
hems they \enlureel 10 sleep for severa i
hour , all thell pusler Oi In an : I serral ) -
Iectlol , TU\ard nUOI Iley struck tire upper m
I'"rl ' or Iii. . t'rrtrvcry rircr I' , whllh was un
ulual ) ' full anti , [ swift .
FollowIng l ll" r I"'rl , Itow' far bvra , h
mie" thl' ) ' found a ilnl setleme't 01 jun
Gle inert or "Iilla h ! from whom tire I ) I '
Iurl haul , \ Ih 1" Ret 11\'t , Inc \\111
coin they hind , n rude boat , 'p.l.les , and n
supply or footi . . ' "
Thus equipped they started -down the
rh'er. They liatidleti : with
) IIultlell wih the current all
oC that afternoon and night , and al or the
lext day , fortunately , \lhoUl encountering
taner from rapIds or huhlan enerle ! .
About lnidnlgiut tracesct ctvtiizatiomi
Aholt mllnh trctslI ch'llznton began
to appear and n comrpioof . houre later they
saw In tire dlstnnce tl ! ; lights or Serln a-
hiataun-a town that lalanhy ; five mies to
the north or IY80rt. , t
With thankful hearts ' the voyagers lt
once ' landed anll. crept II" the bank to the
p'aln , , As they hurrIed ' through the starry
nIght In the direction or lysoro they mo.
mentnrly dreaded to hear the crack or rules
nnll see the sky turn red wih the fires 01
Incen.lnrlsl antI revoit'ouriil , ther Ires In
tlmuue , or ' '
tme were they even 'now too late ?
(10 ( Be Contiirmicd. )
4t : OLE ZtIV % 'IAll. :
, t 1110rlo :1ltlt lutlin Ito ot J'loer
11\yn' "nt11 Tllllrr iirnivn .
PIerre StUy'csant'an T\'ller Drown took
the front steps In two bounds , pressed the
electric bell wIth his knuckles all Fald , lS
the door was opened : "When Legs conies In ,
tel him 11 In tire library , "
It was New'ear's '
I ew Yrar's eve anti already growIng -
Ing dusk The freakish shadows or the fire
Ighte,1 Into strong relief the \lctured face
or old Peter \
Stuy\esant or Illustrious mriemmi-
ory all Pierro's Inr-nwa ancestor As
Pierre looked ] at It with utter lack oC Interest
he saId contemptuously , " \\'hnt 11 old duf-
fer ! Wiry doesn't Legs commiel"
They were to reorganize the ban teal be-
Core the New Year's party began , anti
Pierre was anxious Just a8 he was lost
Impatent he begal to recall little flettjo
recal ltte
' ] etje
Beeklan's lace at the last . New Year'e
PartY when he told how his grandfather hnd
conquere,1 , tire Swedes on the llrantlywine
amid Inio them Duteh Dranc\'wlne ] atjes'
hazel ) shone hIke the gold beads around
her neck Peter Stu'esanl was a great
hero ! Uetje dill nol doubt that Pierre ,
whom for sOle reasol she caled Peter , nlso
would bo just Ile hIs landrnther when he
grew up And she salll - "
proudly . "Oh , yes ,
Peter ! My Cather says ther never was
such n brae lan ns your grandfather ! "
PIerre looked , at her admiringly ali hlettje
blushed with pleasnre. Beneath her Beljo
flowered Irock skirt she wore her best
quilted plush petticoat ; she hail on her bet
green stocldngs and her new hlgh-heele,1
shces. which had just come from holland.
1tr hair was smoothed back with nn extra
( ( uantt ) ' or pomntul , and her little . close.
fitting cal was new She looked very well ,
Pierre t10Ight But thnt wits lon ago , I was
since thel that ho and leUJe , hal danced
aroun" time "tay Iole In Bowling Green and
Oetjo ha" ; been chosen queen : amid since
them al the Pas festival he had given her
those beautiful colored , as .
beaulrul eggs a pence offerIng
Ing for teasing her on last St' Nicholas oter. ,
when he pinned his own lame on her stock-
Ings crud hung them In the broad chimney.
Ho had tcased her In English , too , that
gnglsh '
harl , hard study , which Delje thought was '
like Greek and LatIn necessary for boys . ,
but not for girls.
Smiling at these recollections . PIerre en .
tcred the door of Whie hail , the governor's
mansion , and let his gramuilnUier just com
hug out Governor StuY\s nt. ' rarely showed ;
temper to hIs favorite grandchid , but
' now he frowned and said : J'G iromne sir ,
Tins Is i no place for ' .
you. am going to tire I
1 1
rort. " "Oh , let are go , " plead d PIerre , all
because his ganirather did not hear hIm I
ho took silence tomcansent , and followed.
! cnsent folowed.
Tire fort was full of sell rs , burghers al1
citizens , al anxious and taerly waitIng tot
the .
governor. Bowling Qre n was led
wih the wagons which the farmers had
drlvendn from the cOlntry early that morn . '
Inb' On tle1 ' milbpes'-aptsmdc : l the mor. fori t
their horses ' " fort
, were grazitig : , ' { 'nd leanIlg .
the , palslle& was a collecij-rI'b 'I '
, colec
trader " " peddlers and ' Indllps ; ' , COS'Ild \ ' t
pigs were feeding In' tire 's r'e ts anti over
fleettanti's swalD a folk re\ts ] lt , 'i ' , . S
rose like a clo lan-t 'dIsapeared o ' ; : " Tir 0
Enlsh ships lair wIth aitstreefed.
I was n peaceful and pretty lcene" lnd
as Governdr
Stuyvesant look d upon It hIs
temper burst like I whirlwind. "Ten thou ,
sand " devils , what Is this I hear ! " he roared
"Surrenler ! Never ! Rather will I hang ,
and draw tire first tral r who suggests It. . '
Al kept silent , there was 10 use In strIving ,
" !
wIth 1inrdkopping Plet " .
"Iarlkopplng , ( headstrong Peter )
W hen he was In one or his inges. He went ,
stamping around the fort on , his wooden leg
and PIerre folowel " : lscreants' ' " he
shoutel , "Cowarlle ! who Is It that wIshes ,
10 t surrender New Amsterdam to these rur- .
lans ; LeI him speak ! " ,
But every one was saved this neeessity I
by the appearance or an Englsh aide , who
made hIs way to the governor and prcsenteel
to hIm I paper from thEn lsh eommodorc
requirIng the surrender the
or town , by order
or hIs blghness , the duke or York , brothel
or his majesty KIng Charles , or England ,
For alswer to this rrquet Hardkopplng
Plet tore the letter In pieces , declaring that
surrenler he would not while the breath re-
mlinetl m In his body -
Pierre expected to hear the roar or gumrs
all the voice or battle , but Instead somethIng -
thIng t very different occurred Much to his
chagrIn he learned that the Inhabitants or
New Amsterdm did not Ilare the lofty
patriotsm of their governor : that for 10Cy
sake or the quiet which theY'loved and the
conlnerco which they loved still , anl they
were willing not only to tolerate tire Englilm ,
but to allow them to become masters or the
cltYi ; and when a deputatIon or seventy
burghers , whom . . ' '
aronI wasJerre's father , I
besought tire governor upori their knees to
accept the commodore's tcrnn . , declaring he-
sides that they would by no wise , either by
arms , money or consent , help , to defend tire
town , the brave old leader was forced to
yleM Forsaken ly his own , e\en ho was
powerless. So the letter
leter was picked imp .
PIeced lopeter and a proper answer selt to
tine English commander .
As time messenger left the for Pierre , who
had crept close to his gr nllllher , took his
hanl and looked nip reverenty Into the stern
aid face. "I would hao r6ught with you ,
rarldratherl" he whispered loyal In defeat .
The governor looked down at him proudly .
"t they had been hike thee , " ho answered
In the good old Dutch tQnrue , "unhand
might not have been disgrce l. " And then
he romalned silent . wile slowly the Dutch
lag was lowered fromnabovo the fort and
the white banner of a irummiiatlng peace was
raised In its stead . humlLatng : moment of
destJny ninth lS New Amhercam fell II line
" 'Itl the gnglsh'8peak1tg. 11Ies the star
or lolan,1 , In the new world sank forever
from view , . " '
TIle garrison looked 'at the I 'hle pennant
with satisfaction , bunt , , tl , gQveror'a eyes
blazed "Mercemnaires ! .mniuttered the ohl
1 I Iralll , who wouhl mare ' gIven iris house
and lanlls , his "bowerle" dwptng amid all the
money In his strong bofor1arne : good shot
at the l nglsh shIps. " ) 1 Iwpuhl , rallier be
carrIed out ilenti " 1"L svmild rather be
carried out dead , " eciroed Pierre , and tel the
tears , , _
New Amsterdam hal become New York ,
then , as now , the melrpol1 01 the new
world , But Pierre form d''I ' . plan to raise
troops , male tie Indians alUes and drive
the English away. lie had Jlst deciled to
ma\o himself calltaln , \hen-Oh I WI he
being scalped ? No , It wa.y \ Legs itulhing
his hair . PIerre felt lila blood tingle Ilullng
jumped back nearly two centuries mind n mail.
1.eKs , " he Said solemnnrLy . "lls picture , you
Imow , , Is Governor Stuiyweaut ; he was the
last Dutch governor oC "e'v York , " Legs
hooked unrinierested Pierre groped blindly
among Iris historical facts ror one whIch
might appeal I to I.egs. , ' "Oh , Legs , don't you
remember , he had a WO'otl leg ? "
"Was he burn with It or did II grow later ! "
asked Legs ' sweet )
Ilerra answer carrie straight from the
suroulder , but as he settled down to reorganize -
organize Ihe team he glalce" up at the
old PortraIt and tancled , no , actualy law a
kindly In inkle In the eye
'J h. sir 1111 o , I.imaiIs.
I have a weakness for 6nlls , and enl day ,
ha\lnl found a tine specimen , I led I tine
cord around hi" Sh31 after ha\'lng fastened
a bOt or Iron to the othn end or the Ilme ,
In order 10 keep hIm Intl I needed hlmmi
The Iron was bigger than he Wand I
tUpp' , ol It h'nugh to hell hrlnmt until
roy attention tarts atnracted b ) a drlgglob'
eTp ng ur'rr'i.i all the I \lln.1 . ws1 WIPf I hail
erreallitri my Cllth'o 'flua aroused
trnl t : alous , my
curiosity , nld I determIned to finch out how
much the anal coull pull.
I 100enCI time string from the bIt of Iron
and minnie I fast to I letter scales anti ,
\atehel Mr. Snail ns ho puled the Inlctor
aroun,1 , to nry learl ) : nine ounces Then
I took n lte lltchhox , slch lS matches ale
bought In , 11t It on two Il'ncls try way 01
wheels , and proceeded to hich unit my snnl ,
I then loaltl Ull my mInIature cart with
cents , antI Coun1 that ho cOlhl still pll It
lip to n weight 01 nine and n quarter ounces ,
that Is , about twenty times his own welhl ,
which wa malt an ounce , ,
In any country where thle I no object ,
wo wouhl respectfully submit this new mo-
live power to those studying motors ,
_ _ _ T. ! f.
t ) ' , Tori ( 'lianitiler ' ilrurriq ,
( Copyright , ISM t. 1) ' Joel Chnnlter Hnrrls )
TiE Cm.Dm 's ' SECO'il D \ISIT ,
"What about tire little girl who hnll the
vial or spnrkll ! water ? " said Sweetest
Slsal , tlrling to Mr. Thllblelnger , jnst
as Mrs. ileaiows was about to b gll Iler
story ,
"Oh , she Is growing , " replied Mr. ! Thll-
llster John frowled nt his sister , ns boys
wl do when they are Impatent , nnd Sweet-
cst Susan said no more.
"Once upon n time , " Irs , Meadows began ,
rubbing her chin thoughUllr , "there was
a country that sumdtlemihy found Itself withroumt
slilenly lounl Isewihout
I king. ThIs was a burg tune ago , before
people In some parts or the world began 10
think It was ullnshionable to have kllgs , , I
don't know what tine trouble was exactly ,
whether the king died or whether he was
carrIed oft or whether Ito did something to
cause the people to take away hIs crown
and put him In the calabooso.
"Anyhow , they sUidenly found themselves
without n king , and It made thel feel very
uncomlortable. They were so restless amid
uneasy that they couldn't rest ! well itt night
They were lit time habit oC having a king to
govern them , and they felt very nervous
without one
"Now In that country : here were cloven
wise men whose trade It was 'to give al-
vice Insteal of failing out anti wrlgllg
wih one another amid rullllg thllr busl'
ness. these eleven wlso men had rorilled n
copartlershlp and set UII n sort oC store where
anybody ali everybody could get /1\110 by
the wholesale or retail . I don't klow I
whether they charged anything because ,
there lever has been a time since the world
had moro than two people inn II that advice
wasn't as cheap ns uhirt.
"Tho eleven wIse mel were tinere ready
to give lvlee , all 80 time people went to
them and asked them . how to select a Idng
The eleven wise men put theIr heads together -
gether , anti after awhile they told the people
that they must select nine or their best len
all send them . out our tim roads leadllg to
time capItal city , amid when these nine mel
found n lan sleeping In the ( shade or a tree
they were to watch him for four hours , amid
Ir the shadow ot the tree stool still so as ,
to keep the sun from shining on him he was
tine ole to select for their king. Then the
ele\en wise men , looking very solemn , hawed
the people out , arid the people slectel nine or ,
theIr best mel to fifth them a king.
"Now It happened that In I part or the
country not far from the capital city there
lived a boy with hIs mother and stepfather
They were not poor and they were 10t rich , ,
but everybody , said the boy wa the hand'd :
aOlufsl ali the brIghtest that had ever been
len"ln " that section. Ho was about 16 , year ; I
, riritiU1 Vf % strong anti tall. !
aie "iser
,019 nay ; liit ifath r' was Inthe
vllle smear which the ) lived , I stranger
passe throuGh on hIs way to the capita I
c ity. ! no had lelther wallet nor staff , but he
dew : a great crowd of Idle peolpe nround I
him. Uo was carrying I red rooster , and I
IlhouSh tire towl's feet were ted together
and iris head hanging down he crowed lustlil
crewel lusty
- very few minutes. I was this that drew
the crowd oC Idle people. One wih lore
curiosity than the rest risked the stranger I
why the rooster crowed and continued tu
" 'Ho Ie a royal bird , ' tire stranger replied ,
- ' There Is no Icing In this country , and who
ever cats thIs hlrd's ' head will reign as
king '
one " 'Ho must bo worth a pretty sum , ' said
, ,
" ' 1r no meals , ' answered tire stranger ,
' 10 Is worth rio more than a silver 111ece '
"Ihut tire Ileople only lauhed. ' 'ley
thought the , stranger was malllg turn or
them He welt on his way and hall soon
pnssell bt'old tire village. Now It chalcell
that tire stepfather 01 tire hrlghl anti himind.
sumo haY was In tire crowd that gathered
arourll the stralger , Ho thought It was very
queer that a rooster should ] lie crowing so
bravely whel his legs were tel together
amid while his head was hangllg dOWl , So
ire said tu hlmee\ that there might he some :
truth II what the stranger said lie ran'
after , tire lal ald soon overtook him ,
" ' 'hal Is a tine Cowl , ' said lire IIY's step-
" , 'J Is a royal bird , ' the stranger replell ,
" 'What II he worth , asked the boy's Btep-
fat tier.
" 'I small be glad to get rid oC him , ' said
time stranger 'Glvo mo a piec of silver 111
take him '
"This was teen done , anti the atelllather
took , , the rooster ulder his arm.
" ' '
'Hcmember this
, remarked the stranger :
'Ir you 'at the hen or that bIrd you will
reIgn II this country as hing. '
" 'Oh , hol' laughed the boy's stepfather ,
'you are I lIme joker , ' .
"Wih the fowl ulder his arm ho went
toward his bonnie. lie hall gone but a Ito
way whel hD turned to look lt the stranger ,
hut the lun had disappeared 'fhe country
was level for a long distance In all < lrecllonl
but the stranger could not be seen ,
"The bOY'8 stepfather carried the fowl
hume antI said to iris wIfe :
. ' ' oak this bird for our supper , Cook the
head ale , '
"The lan was afraid at tel his wife why
ho'antcd the heml cook CI , lie knew she
was very fond or her suit , nll he reasoned
to hlnae\ that I ehe knew whnt the straut-
ger hn,1 , said she woull give the henll to time
ho ) ' , So ire olly told hlr to I'e careful to
cook the lowl's head anti save It for him
"Tho wIfe dl1 ns she \\'IS bil She cooked
the fowl anti the lowl's heath , nail Illnced
them away inn the cupboard Ilt lice ) iir5'
bnl.1 ninth her son came ho 1 t I Ilnlll'enOI
that somethllg kept tine hl banl In tine vii-
huge ] a Ito Icier thnn Isual , arid whie the
womnn wns waiting for hint her son came
In , , anti snhl he was ycrr hllJ ) ' ,
" ' 'ouiv ill fl mid something I In I lie cupborl , '
his mother snll ) 'I nt a little now amid when
your steillather retnrns we will have supper. '
"The hey went to the cupboard. The fowl
was on n big .18h ready to he covereI , , and
the heal was In n saucer try itself , To
save tme nn,1 trouble time boy took the meal .
all ate I , ennui thel fell ns IC he cotiiti unit
lor SUIIer "en' comrortnhl' , , " ' couh hl wnl
cnmo anti the -womau pro Nlel\'o \ ' ' set . . . the ;
Inble. Whtn sin came to look for the
lowl's hcnll It was gune
, ,
" ' \h ) ' , 1 ate I , ' snhl her son . when he
hearll her exclamnton 01 smrrprisc' , 'I fountl
It In the snucer , nnel I nte It rather thnn
cut tire fowl , '
"The steplather was angry enough to tear
his ira ir , but ho nll mel iuiirg. The next day
the boy went hUltng , He was reaI' , to re-
turn chant noon , hilt being very trell , he
stretche1 hhuser ] In the shade oC n tree nll
was soon sound nseel' ]
" \'hrile hue was sleeping his sounlest , the
nine men who had been 11'llolnlell hy the
Ileopio to find Ihem a Icing chancell 10 pass
that wny. They saw tine hnlllsomo boy
sleepln In the shallI or the tree curd thf ) '
stationed themselves arol\l amid wntchcl
him For lour loug hours the ) ' watched
the boy , but still the shadow oC the tree i
kept the sun rrom his race. The ulno len , '
came to the conclusion that the sharow 01
the tree hradn't 10VCi , anti that the boy was ,
a wel favored Inll who woulr look very well
when ho was dreMld tip ninth , Ill on a throne
with a crown on his head ,
"So the ' shook the boy' anti nrousell him
from hIs slrell
" 'Whnl's your mute ? ' asked ] the spokes
lan ,
" 'Telanntbus , ' replied tire .
, , 'Telalbus reJlt boy
" , \\'hero do your live ? '
" 'Not far from irere , '
, here.
, " , 'How woulr you 1\11 \ to be Icing ? '
" 'r hn"e nevcr tried i. Is It nn easy
trale , to lear ? '
"Tho nine len looker nt ench other
shrewdly ninth Si I er. They each haul the ,
same thought.
"They went wih the boy to his hOle anti
saw his lothtr , , and Inqulrer about his age ,
anti his education . a 11 asked a hundrer ,
other Ilestons beslres , They caulonell the
woman as they were leaving to say nothing ;
of their visit except this , that they were ,
going about huntlg for I king 111 had called
to inalte some Inquiries
"When hrr husblnd cause home he Imll
already heard or the visit or the elstn-
gulshell compan , all so he nslei iris wle
a thousanr questions. Alt the answer ho '
got was that the visitors were huntng for a
. ,
" 'Im euro It was for 10 they were huntIng -
Ing , ' said the rutan 'How unCortunate that L
I , ' . '
was away.
" ' \'el , don't worry , " replied his wile 'I : r
they ever Intended to maIm you Icng they'l I
cOle back aCer yotn. '
" , 'You dur't seem . to think mich about I
I , remarleed tine mnn , 'but some or these '
rays , ) ou'l find out that youi narrowly es -
titus ' . '
capon being kllg's wife. .
"Tho nine citzens were so certaIn that
they hall round the rIght person to rule over :
their country as king thaI they made haste '
, to , return .to the capital \ city amid tell the new : I
to 'the eleven wl5e men who hind , .elt them :
, oitt . They mmn.detlnetr report antI the eleveu
wise men put their heads together one
more. When they had eonsulU11 ! togelher a
long time they said to the people :
" 'Thera Ie one test by which you lay ; I
know whether n Icing has been founttt. Sell ,
n messenger and nsk this young roan to send ,
us a rope made or saml 100 feet Iorrg. '
"Tho messenger straightway went to the
hou'to or Telalbus and tuld him what the
cloven wIse len had said. Ills mother
straightway fell to cryIng , but Telambus
laughell nt her feRe ,
, ,
" "rcl the eleven wise men , ' said he to
tine messenger , 'that there are , various pat
' - - 0 -
r'- _ , " _ . -I
f. I " " I
\ "J
, . 17k ) \
,4/ ' ) / tA
1/ I ,
terns of sand ropes Let them 8elil mo I
I sample of the kimmth 1 they want-I piece only ,
a tool long-an" I wl mal\ them one IOU
feet long . '
"The mOEsengtr returned to tIne eleven wise
men and tel them what Telarhus la,1 , sall
They put their hears together again anti then
tel tie people that the young 111 was WIFt
enough to hB their , '
king There was great L
rejoicing then , cud the Ilne wlbe men who
hail ( euro ] him went to fetch him.
"But Teiambul shrank hip head , ' } ngs ure :
not carried aholt In thIs way Where aro' '
your banners ant your chariots ? t
are your drums and your wlmbalu ? '
"So ' ' tire nine men returned to the
eleven wise men nod told them what 'relent '
bus had said :
" ' 10 Is right , ' said the eleven wise mOi ,
'lie la a king already let your horses , your :
chariots , your hanner and your music ant , I
bring our king In as he deserves 10 hf 1
brought. . '
country "So T , " larbut was made the Iclg of that t
) .
At this point Mrs . Meadows heg:1 to '
hunt for a kniting reedle sine had dropped , ,
ended. and tIre chidren knew that tIne story was
"That was a pretty good story , " said Mr ,
Thlmhleflger , "n wal milton anti sweet ,
au the king bird said to the honey bee , "
" ] ey'UZ too much kingin' In It tu . 8ull
me. gl folks got ten brave lllgs , how COle
wo all ain't got 10ne ? " rall Hrslh ,
"Please tel me about tine little Girl wit ii
the vial or sparkling water CrOm limo well ut '
tIme cnn , 01 tire world , " said Sweetest Susan
to Mr Thlmblelnger , "J expect she Id nearlY
grown by this time . "
"Dh , yes , " replied Mr , Thlulhltflger , "Sir \
has now grown to IJe tIllte U yormmig lathy , "
"Hub I" ! Grulted Drusila , lef Culls grow . U11
. , . '
( lat quick I .lller whntlnler , mite frol beln'
n 01 grn ) ' heath 'oman by slldown , "
( To 10 Clntlllell , )
A'lt.w : i i''l'UUt : ,
\nl U"eral Wa hllllnn " . , , "t 1 Net \
" 'ear' ' " Iltry .
\hlo we arc looking forward wih bright
hOles , toward tire nl1elt 01 n New Yenr ,
which , 11,0 tIre evergrowlng tree , will add
nnother ring to the henlh In,1 , Ilnco nl\l
lrosperl ) ' of olr ( olltr ' , I Is wel to look
t'r'ck with srnlelil herts to th" Patriots ( or
the rovoluton who lought 1\1 bled nl11 died
for the cause or Ibert ) . . To thl'm wo ewe
our IreFcnt happlncss nl11 all tire lenns of
enjorlng life anti Its best gils ,
About 1:0 years ago n nr ) ' uuiiimappy nnll
nlxloU9 New \'enn"mt Iln ' ' IlhlJJ )
Yeale tiny \\18 pelt by the
greatest hero or the tinuue-ri tiny which wo
InlY m wel contrast wih our 01I , ) 'Ihue win tor
oC 16 hnll been one to try the letlc or the
bravest hlls : the mal ) battles , the II
Icnse t cell anti tire lomtg mnrches hill worn
out the bodies , Inll spIrIts or the troops , wor
e rich 01 the year found hue ( revulutunlry
am nun ) ' jOlrneyln throulh Hellwlrc annul NBW
.Itrse ) ' , Inl , after two Ias , silent hi I'onvt ) ' .
l ing men nli artillery over the Iceholn,1
Tn'nton , It \\'nl wih the grentlst ulIfllcnmlty
thlt t nenernl'lshlnrton ( I I cuull holll tlclly tlrCI t
101lel , togetlr , Imntimunsiasrti t \\'IS ttn'ati ; antI
Coil n-ri go wa h'eillng ; l.rl\llon , hmtur'tl shill ) amid
i rum nr ger nearly broke Ire I Ilnl\s 01 Iho armity ,
nlll sore 11'el tlllltl'll ( tIne mosl IO 111)
hi'scrt The liritisin
Irllsh truups hnll Illelblell
at lrlncetun nnl evcr ) 'lhln Ilulntcd to limo
lotal ext Inctiomu oC the Amerlcl mummy' . II
elcspalr m General \llhllglon hind l\ltel 11'1) for
runds to n Irlell , Hohert Iurrls 01 l'inii-
Idelphla m , who Spoit his owCII8 ' dmuy' In
goIng ( rain luuse tu huuso tu sulcl aid IpOI
his uteri creII , , wih wha re.sumit ii ill hires-
cuntly be scorn.
it was a u-cry dreary' New Year's day , for
uvhiemt Gemneral'mushringtonn scmnt tiunt six Piuliri.
ulel liii Ia I 1gm t I in fri ni I ry in mmdcc ( 'olommot Iteect to
iiitrol Limo eouilmti y , tiroy returned wltln tine
I mi formut nut Ion t tic I. Lomti Cornnuaa I I i wrus nunrircim-
lmrg ton arul therm witii 7,000 or' iI'OO ' mnrcn
Tins wris coirflrmmncti ity otimer reports , mumntl
tlnmaliy t Ire mews cannmo that ( ii'mmerai howe
uu'as on tIme mttnreni with I .000 . troops , imas'lnm
mu rn veil mu t t iii ltoy. \'rn sir I it glum mi malt umiui iomr
was critIcal , What coumlii lie do ? 'Pu retreat -
treat \u'as to frljlrtcmn his nncnm , annul tlnere
fore to sinrremruhi'r ; to remntalrm hmemmnmnueil lii by
trio hlrttlsim tvtus imnmitossliit ? nnmiiess reIh. ,
forceti , A ( ter st'venrui imotmrtu of tlcep tltoungit !
thin mmobIe gemmeral niemitis two mmtesaenigera rib
iOSt sireed to ( leneral C.mhavalauic'r , mit Cross.
uvlcka , crud to ( iemmerrnl rIItliin at Ihorilu'mm
, biuhihlmug thmvmrr joint limit uvith thmci
forces , I t Is a ticeperru i a conmn imnamitl , hrtit I I is
tue omnly irope , anuul muon' Ire mntumat wruit In
Iatiemrce. ,
I fancy his timotmglmts ritnnst Iravo curt
eiunickly tluronrgim tire muln' air ruiviftest wlmmgs
to a certrrint low .
stommc. luoumse t hunt crownirm a
roll i mg hr I I I a lnovum a lm I mt I ii if nyc' r , rtnmth ( antI-
cst mtt e rim aries comic to mir Intl to its I ii a intl des
light time rc'soiimto stlnlier unnnder his ctilnmi
mntaarlnre. Time driy wommhth have beemm siiemtt
u'ery tilffcrenitly' tlrere. Early in time morn.
1mg lurt of tire gr' ; connutamiy bitlclein to tire
Imosuittable irour to Sliend tue ninerry' season
uvotmid inruve boom it p mu miii an'ay' over' hr I ii munntt
dab to tire imumit , while till time smnowy woods
mnatlo ammswer to tire cry of nntemu aiinl ycl
of dogs. Tlnemn WoUld littvc folioweti all
tine good cheer ot art old-trslulomied Vr- ,
gi tn Ia holiday ii I mm nncr , curd , iierhma ira , 'c luurty
to crown time mnighmt's festivities with ru umamice ,
No one enjoyed muiora titan George \'u'mlslmIng- '
toni iramitling. the ltrett' girls tirrotmgii tire
quiet paces of tire Irilnuot , antI retunrnng !
their low , saveeplmmg cornrtcsys uvilum tiignnlfietl
bows ; no one emijoycti moore than lie ( Ire graces
amid cInartnimu of brilliant sOciety , amid mill tiumi
pleasures .or nit aristocratIc socrtirermn home ;
lied for mill of timi a freshmen , keemsr sense
minuet iiave beeui- felt tlurinn tire dreary inoinrs
of ene.inipmneflt , Tirls hmid beers a terrIble
they to begin tire fresh scroll of time , anal
lie nrust emruimmre time tuotrrs of nuuspemuae ,
Towards evenmimng hid happy mews ermnrro thu'at
General Critln'aiatler aunt ] ( henmeral .Mlilhimi were
atlvaticimrg , crud before mnlglmt closetl in time
main nrmriy want lmmcrcased by time mntliitlomr , of
nuton'c them 8,000 mrmen. Almmtost miumntumitaneouraly
carrie a gift frame Itobert Morris-tire sunn of
w'Itlm ntomiey and fresh troops for a New'
'ear's gift to General Washmlngton , ( mere
tlawnmecl u Porn ii I mu t hue lropo amntl Inispiratloni
, tirmut resulted two mlays afterwards lit
, ,'mn , , , , I-,4i. .P 11.t- , , , Y . . . . . . . . tire 'I
1777. - F , S.
It 'flulkllit Cri'e.
They have a marnunotht cave' in Turkey
which lakes nIl of tire brag out of Kemttmncky ,
It Is near Seiefkelm. And wirero Itt Selef-
_ _ _ _
heir ? \\'ehl , It is near that part of time
Turkish coast which is just exactly north of s.
tine lalariri of Cyliretus , One of the itativeil j Ct
tuomrt In with a party ann roamed around for U
lIve days , cmiii wlremr ln canmie otrt ire said lie fj
imad traitiped fully twenty-five mnniles until ito
canine to a large lake with great cliffs rising
oil Iii it , having mno boat ire lied to turr4
back. Of couirrie , Iris was a 'ruric , amid per. '
hops we sironmid lie mm litlo careful about nc
ceiitlnmg irIs Itlea of tlistamnco too literally ; stl.I
it is probable titat tire exit of time cave' tnt mt ,
Cajxe Lisani ci ICaboin , flte ( mn rrtllea eastwarj/ /
of Soleficeln , right omn tine mica , wirero tis ,
waves dashu inn tine mnouth with mm rtrsln grl
a roar , which hmas givemn tire place time 11ae
of "rite ltoarlnug hole. " If one stamnds t
titO emrtraiice mtt Saiokeir ( , ii cart hear a i-ill ,
hioozmnlng roar , which Is inn all hrobabihItyIme )
waves nit Cmuirn Lisitu ci Kmibehi , rushing rfltO
time Roaritng hiemle , - lSAi3i'h U , M'Klt.
- p
TO ! . ! ) ( J1ii1.'IIIfTIUf 1'JLI'It
The late nntetropolitan of Canamia , tire yen-
emabie hllslrop Metlley' , meyer' usearied ot
telling tire expericmnces of Iris etrly : years of
sen-vice in tirat cointitry , says time .New York
Herald. In tiuoo ijays thin. ' roanis u'icri' I' ) Jl
very hinhmmtltlvo comirlltlomn anti time courriry
sitarsehy painuiatecl , renderimtg tine journey
( rome one liucIiwoodit mctthemnnt'mnt to ommotlror
an uinmpiettmnatnt riot to ay dangcroirrn umndertale-
'i'lr ii bishop , lroau'cver , nmurutlo iiciiod lcd u'is-
Its to tire mtiost oimtiyinng irarlaltes of iris tilo. '
Cese in all seatomms , arid iii time rmmmist imicle-
mmmpmit weather ,
0mm one accuslomn , a vioienrt sternum iueing in
progress , lie was commipehleul to imalt for time
julgirt at a iog cabin by tIme roamislule ,
It rough bunt lrrtrrty n'ce'crmmnun was accorded
Ii 1mm by I lie I mm imahil to mitmn , t o itIromim ire n'nts un-
knrowmn , 'lIme murrinm of time iroirmia at once busIetl
lmtmrlbvit with tire care of thin Imorseut , while
tine womnumi ct about tire lreiiaraliemi of tire
evcmilmmg mmtcal. As I Ire iiishmap at eonmtfom'tmmbly
by time fire , lila Ilnet tlrotighitnu were of hits
in I s.s torn to t irat lonely mmci gimhronhruo'i ,
"My gootl wonuani , " soul hut' , "arc tlrcire
amty Episcontuliantur in this vlclmnltyV'
' 'I imamtlly Knott' , sir , ' ' sire rephii"i , hiceltat-
immgly ; ' 'time nmmu'mm till huh mtonmmctimlmig nmnitler
limo barer y'esterutay , hut wiucuhier It was one
or tirermn thmimigtt or riot I canimuot army for cer-
lain. "
A very pretty ntory chant a comifiuiinmg chuilni
Is related in hl.mrirer'ms Drawer of time 4-year-
clii muon of a unt'mntber of tine Georgia leglela-
ture. llavimrg heft tIre boy iii a rammt of 0mm.
of tire big huotels of tire umnetropoulni , with time
conitmnand to go to itch lmrtmmienliitteiy , 1w went
donui to scale his congenial fniemidi , 1mm tire
oiuice , 'rime hell boys ut-crc soon timrown Into
consterumrrttomn by tire niamny anti vamhire cahirn
( rena titus reemit Iii wluiehm ulre little fellow lrad
been left , ammul quito a numuibr of tineirt were
scout collected threre. lint It tyas not tee
water , or lire , or a ' ' 11. and S. ' ' tirat Iii
child rvantcd. lie cratoimislreil time hays with
tirt5 nmmrustmal riquel.t : "I'ieae , hIrmi , seard
vmrto onto to hear mire ay lily PUYC5. "
uI ,
For those who are at all famIliar uutlm $ tire
religlomne irocilvitks of "Crnckerulojmn , " time
foiioning story uu'IhI have ii special ' .est : A.
mnremmiber of tire ( miorgla legiirmiUrt' , repre-
senrtlnrg a mruriii Georgia constitmenrcy ; , mr con-
versattomi wIth a itnrlhtcrmn mmmi , tvas niNked
by time latter what wins lire attItude of bnns
tiltrlct. Eje ihnu svmmne boiracco on tulmicim lie
uu'ai ruminlmmalimtg , tti representallve lmtiroventiy
amid pregnanuuiy' Tfpitc-dI : "Jiaiuiisti mitroniy :
Baptist , sir , "
.1 *
"Flro missionary collectIons are lniitnmg oft -
awlunhly , " conrplminmei thu supenlntenrdent of
tbutj Sinmiday seluocil. "I hardly know wimmit to
tb. "
' -1 svoiidr , " suiggesteti 1)eaComr l'uutlberry ,
"It it would not b a good inca to ut in
alt-I mtturlmlne thmat w'ui"n give up a i'hrsrett
eemy timue you ilrip1'ud a psnrry Ic I"
. _ - _ .
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