Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 30, 1894, Part I, Page 7, Image 7

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    - - . . . . .III7 ! -
I : . , ) ' -Th
, r. . 'Y " I S , . , 'T rtY't " 'TA.o 'S ' \ . . I
- S - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIrE OMAhA DAILY nEE : RUN'J)1AY' 110" , 1)ECEt11Efl , 80. i8.t. _ _ _ 7
. _ 1
f An AU-Day Run Ending in the Death 0
the Big Gray.
rRIRVCr with the 11\1 i'laycrs-Cyclo Chat
-Turf l clc8-WI 00 tu Rioux Clt1
amI l.cnl 8110rt of Al IInl18
anti . CnUher.
1m halt and EI- :
c ) 101t paclt made a
? . great run on
? > > -l Tuesday last , b-
rc : : ' lug on the jump
l ' contnuouRly from
. .
I " ' - - 8:30 : In the morn-
I . . ; In the
, . 11ng untl .
. rjQ : : , . , 't kE afternoon , when
, J the t bg " wolf was
overhaulcd , Iluled dOwn anll killed In Chris-
tianson's stable yard , less than a tulle from
where ho was Jumped ,
The chase was undouMely , one of the most
exciting that has taken place In lhll ) vicinity
for many a day , but was unfortunately en-
joyell by only a fel" , Samuel Hail , senior nnd !
junior , Nato Elliott and Wilam Slmpsr'
being time only hunter following ,
The old gray wu ousted from his form In
the hazel brush In I hollow near the powder
magazine , Just norlhwesl or orest Lawn
cemetery , anti struck alt for the prairie ,
across ' the Little Papplo north of Irvlnglon
) The warm rays of Limo sun , however , hall
' extracted the frosts front ! the ground , and
made hard going for the sheep thief , ns his
tail bcemo clogged with mud , a 11 he was
compelled to take 10 the brush again In some-
thing less than an hour had he remained
, longer In the open time dogs would have
made a short race oC It , as Sullivan , old 11 ,
Tim nnil Bruno were veil upon his heels
when he rcachmd the cover on la tes' III ace ,
just a half mile from the hollow from which
ho hall ! hicn jllpell From I this pint time
wolf made a circle or time low his , crossing
4 , tho. track Ieal I rs' ! staten , and coming
In around 1y Chmapmmian's farm , and on cast
through orest Llvl cemetery. fly I series
or d u1les II this vicinity his wolshl ) gave
the , dogs the sll\ four of them losing the
tri entrely , and off ' iCe lt , probably
chu ltlng to hllselr at time cunnllg trick
ho ) luII played hunter and honnd , through
the gloomy lulls north of Pries' lake , then
down Into the bottom UII the river to Hock-
Tue hounds were not long at fault , that.
Is six . of them , as Traveler , nn Ole \'lrlnny
foxer , shortly struck his fragrant track
wh le he had enl rled from the cemetery ,
and away he went , quickly followed 1y Kit ,
Sullivan , Mack , Pete and I"or ) Into the his ,
] mis , Illulr 'ough-ough.ough-oo.oo.oo being
taken UI' by the rest : they dashed through
the low. drooping brushwood. The tri led .
westward along time ridge for a mie , then
swerved 10 tine south 110wn the rocky ) escarpment -
ment mite the valley ot the Ponca , I transitory -
tory glmpse ot his gray form being atordc"l
the hunlers from their 10slton emi
the imitlide ns .It flashed athwart an open
space on tIne cree It's bank , fully lhre-
quarters or a mile a\vay , I was n long ,
arduous and exciting chase , tim wolf leading
the six dogs clear up mast Kauffman's
station , then -right 1ac1 [ 10" the creek again ,
where ho curled up II the dead leaves for
, _ n brie brealhlng spoil , tine dogs having
i hung to the trail with much difculy through
time wooded his , Forced again to take to
his heels he crossed the Ponca and here
Bruno , J lraln , Tim and Spot , time four
hounds who had boom thrown off , again caught
thowmn ! scent and full , induthed , took after
their Jaded quarry In I manner that nugured
an early close of the run
He was aamsne , ' np(1 crafty .old . fellow ,
though , and soon succeeded . In puzzling , t
_ not baffling tine fresh dogs , recklessly choosIng - !
-l ' Ing tthioi . ' oper fe1ds , "rarm , 'arda.nnd : highways -
ways tor . more . lhal\ \ nn hour before he again
lugt. \ ' tM co.ver In 'tine ' lelghborlbod at
Briggs' station , Hero ho twisted and
doubled , back-trncked a 11 ! convoluted until
time hounqs were firIy ! frantIc , biil he , was
at last forced 10 take to 'ho open country
again , where ho ran for another half hour ,
when ng\n \ he entered the woods.
Once moro the hunters ! caught sight ' of
hIm , this tme as ho entered I narrow
ravine drd tore away for ebb ridge In long , :
quick bounts , straining every nerve , fbro
and sinew In his gaunt but graceful body ,
wlh his point il' ' nose far outstretched , his
shn p cars creel to catch every south ! from
. , tine railng enemy , and his tail , ' ragged
.5 and bedrgglell , droopln In the , dIrt like I
dirty rag . I was plain to tine prctce.1 .
eyes of tine hunters that tine chase was draw-
log to n close. Each succeeding spring
seemed to lese sauna of the elasticity lhat
marlted the Ilrcvlous one , amid told In un-
mlsldlm1o language that his endurance was
being sorely lxell and could not hOlt out
much longer. lie had made a mistake by
tnltlng 10 the open counlry so much , where
bo'lull to keep on tine liveliest kind of a
go oil tim tme , and wh'ro the running was
S hard ninth laborious , Instead or llcling to the
bis and the woods.
Ito made one more frantic clrcleot . two
Dr three mies , and finally , long about 4
. 4 D'clock , tine entire pack brought him back
5" paint the Simlson place , and us he dashed
_ ' ) by Mrs. Simpson caught sight of him , sore
S pushed by tine open mouthed dogs , through
the open doorway , ant , grabbing up tine
youngest Simpson In her arms , sine excitedly
blood In the chase , mother ant hobo shoutIng -
Ing nt the top of their voices ns they urged
lbe bOll18 on , .
' 'cl mlnules later and ( they ha(1 the wait
C cornered In u little trlanlular space In tine
brn yard on the Christanson prelnlses.
Ono wIld , frantic leap , in . a futile effort to
S clear t o board felce , and ho foil back Into
tine frothy Jaws or time cruel pack There
wus a ! , hort ' , vicious battle , In which several :
of the houmls recelvell wounts they wi 10
some tmo recovering from , then ho lay Imll
anll tflnS upon the straw and stable refuse
of the bar 'arll. There ho lay gasping ant
drawling hlmseU imp , with tine dogs making
ugly snUI'S nt him , Int his reluell frame
S lohl that the flits ! struggle was over. The
king oJ tint copse tilt ! hero of many n mmmi-
S might maralul afnlnst Hheellfohl alit ! pig sty ,
80 laloly careering In the glory or his
strength and leetness , his snbtiy amid
crafness , my nt the foul hunters' feet a
bloody , Ilrl ) ' , ml8shallen mass , yet respect-
cummamllll to the last , his tawny eye flnn.lm-
t Ing ' defanco evens through the mists of teath ,
lIe lint ! mate u run of nearly nine hour '
Jurn\on , had covered an Imlenlo stretch of ,
territory . ninth enjoyed I , too , possibly In
the felug or Ilerfeet security , as he lhought ,
that In his
lay superior leelness and cun-
nlnl , 01 why did ho nQt seek safety wihin
Line lark ninth Inpenetrablo crYPts which limo
. , ' tine low his for mules above l'ries' lake , and
Ivhlch ho traversed tmo and again In the
4 Ilul ecstasy or the chase lever so much
U once glancing toward the black mouthed
S . rbouchures In tIne rocks , from which tineS
S . belt hunter In Chrlstandol could not have
roulell intmni lie recIted , poor fellow , witlntjmt
foor wlho
: : : tine cost , anti helceforward his warms , sleek
I ; : coat will servo as I foot rug for tine big
Inll little hulls In their hospitable homo In
the Florence hIlls .
. . Florcncl hils. _ _ _ _ _
At t. " 1'Ell summit \ \1 \ limo 1'1'11.
Short for the gunner Inns reached Its ent ,
rhsc are winter days , and there Is neither
fur , fn nor feather 10 lure tine sllortsUun
IroU his Warm abode In town or counlry.
Nuture Jel as Ir wrapped In a mantle of
i death , yet there arc many \'olceJ 10 tell us
of tine life ' that slumbers beneath thIs chilly
k tnd lomber exterior A smothered moan
I : Omes UII front both . Ice bound river ami lake ,
sad tine cutnG winds that sway heatless
i trees ant aWed ) over frozen plains creates
S murmur soft a that of summer , and gives
Ilromle of the ret ur or thie t days of birds
' 0. . and flowers . In three brIer monlha unit
j change ' wi eomo. Oento breezes from the lhl
, $ OU'th wil vanish snow and Ice , the streams
will gush ant ! fret , ten brlous clouds will
roil away , ant sprung's soft caresses be upon
UI ; Ihen again wilt there be halcyon days for
the gunner , for once more vlhI Nebraska's
lovely I lake , with their reedy , Nebraska'i rush ) em-
fowl \'Ironmcnts , , teem wills Ibe glorious wild
The cole season on l'ralrle chicken anti
S quaIl begIns New Yeu' moring and con- ant
ttiiues until September ant October 1 re-
.pecll'ely , and lllortlmen should Govern
t\eUleln'j aecordimng . As 1 II also unlawful
during this period for any person to buy ,
sell , ship , transport , carry or have In pas-
scs310n any 01 these bIrds , railroad agents ,
commission anti market men , shoulll likewise -
wise take nolc ! A violation or thIs law
Is punishable by n $ : flue for each bird , anti
II behooves the Omahna HernIa I'ark ant !
Raymond gun clubs , now that we are In the :
midst of an agitation for game protection , '
10 cal n meeting anti devise ways and . means !
oC enforcing the law , Little dIfficulty should
bo experienced ns lht law 811eclfcaly states
that "having In possession any or these birds
between sa II ! dateR shah be deemed and
taken al Ilresumpll'e evidence that the same
were killed ( . ensnared , netted or trapped In
vIolation or this section . , all the el\1 AU-
thorites of any city . town or precinct where
any bird shall have been killed , at hell In
possessIon ; In violation of law be fount ! , are
hereby authorized to cause tine sUO to b
Relzell with 01 without warrant , and to 10
distributed among the poor persons or such
I city , town or precinct , " This opens time way ,
for the gun cubs to accomplish incalculable
good , Rml It Is only to bo hoped lhat they
wIll take hold or the mater earnestly ant !
( ietermlne'hly. There Is more game bought
and sohl illegally In tht city or Omaha than
any other city In time west and II Is high
time n stop should bo hut to the nefarious
custom and titter defiance - . or iaw
Drs Galbraih anti Connlrs hall n great
time on their Arkansas outing , bagging two
finn white tail deer , five wild turkeys and
smaller game Innumerable.
Tine Pllsbar ! wing shots have determined
to take I forcible stall ! ngalnst crookedness
at the trap The big and Infuental gluts
clubs or that city have joIned forces anti will
mold , special meetings for the purpose of add-
Ing a clause 10 their b ' -Iaws making the pen-
" " bird from the
nlty for "droppIng" I eXlllslon
club Any , 'lslnS marksman nl the club
shoots being foUnt gUly of this offense will
bo al once rulell out all forever barred
train taking Part In other contest Every
gun club In l'ennsylvninsia wilt 1e aked to
take simiar aclon , The "tiropping" of birds
by marksmen ha ! , this year caused great
dissatsfacton In shooting cIrcles nfl over the
counlry. There have been many birds
"droppeti" In ortier that tine shooter may get
"troiPlI" ortel !
secant ! 01 third money alone , Insteall or dlvll-
imii ! frsl or fecont money.
The prospects are good for n 100--live bird
match for $100 n sillo between lhoso two ex-
celent shots John J , Iartln ant J. C. Read .
Mr. lartln wln The Bee office Wetncslay , !
and said ho would shoot Mr. Heat , probably
within tine course or two weeks .
The crack amateur shol. Fred 10ey of the
Westmlnslel Kennel club . and H. C.
Nathaniel of tine Country cub of West-
chester , N. Y. . faced time traps at
the Westcheslcl grounds , Babylon , Friday -
day , In a 100 bird malch , which was a very
close contesl The result added another
fealher to Fret , Hoey's cap , he winning by
I score of O Itled to 89 for Nathianhel
loey shot nt thirty yards rise , and Nathaniel
front the lwentr-elght ) 'alt marlt.
George Nicolai of Sutton has accepted J.
C. Head's def for I 100.lve bird shoot for
$100 a side , and Inns named ! Thursday , February -
ruary 7 , for time tate of the malch. L. D.
Fowler of the German Savings banlt holds
$25 forfeit money forwarded by Mr. Nicolai.
Frank S. Parmelee , G. \ \ ' . Loomis , n. n.
Kennety antI J. C. , Head were at Norfolk !
Thursdl ) " antI Friday 11 attendance at the
trap tourey , They report I fIne time In
slite of lhe arctic weather.
Clark H. Hutton or 1nxlon Is In the city.
lIe says goose shootng has been very poor
out his way this fal Lots or geese came
In , but tlnero being no grain raised thIs
year , they made but brier slays.
William I'rlc of Bioomer , la. , .brought In
fourteen _ dozen quail one day last week ,
which hi says he bagged In two anti ' one'-
half days' sHootng , lie has ' killed 1&0 dozen
this fttii , but , IepqrtJ pleNY left for seed. ,
The lovers "or the tra'p can congratulate
thnemsIves dli'sport trp . John J.
lardln' 'Idi ' c Uluded 'to 'accept" Plumber
1tpatl's ' clial ntlid " ' \vl ' edt hln 'In' l less
than ten days. George Nicolai of Sutton
will also 7 , shoot -Mr. Head on Thursday , February -
R. 1 Cook , , one , cr Nebraska's greatest
'Qld Ume deer hunters . and who resided
north at Florence , died down at Notaway ,
Mo" , tine other ' day , and was laid 10 : rest
on the banks or thins ever-murmurln" Mis-
souri. Cook was an inveterate lnunterm , and
was run out or this country on acebunt of
hound In ' ' deer against la" ' 'lIe lo atc
nfal Nodlway ! , and has hunted for tlsn'niar- "
\et al his life. ' .
Frantic Carmlel al and a rdelul bagged ' ,
thirteen quai and three rabbits up' near ,
Calhoun I few days ago. Carmlcheal I re
Ports plenty or bIrds , but had shOOtng ,
Jack Jnowles Is putting In the whiter . on
his ranch In tine western part or thnd stale.
Ho writes that game out that war Is all but
externninated .
What Is the matter with "Annie" Rogers
or LIncoln 1 He ought to give the Plumber
a whirl.
A sensible communication from A. C , Con-
nor or Central City anent n new game law
was lea,1 before tIne meeting or sportsmen at
Parmeleo's gun store tine olhel evening. Mr.
Connor promises vigorous co.operaton with
the sportsmen of this vicinity and throughout
the stale , and offers sonic good suggestions
thaI will be profited - by. ,
The folowing wIll explain itself , and Is
heartily men : comlendet 10 all Interested sporls-
O IAIA , Dec. 24.-To the Sporting Editor
or 'he lice : The problem before the lovers
or the "un and dog at prsent Is " 110w shall
wo preserve our game ? " Much has been
said amid written on this subject , but who has
como forward ant ! oreret lo subscrlho any
money toward cstablshlnJ I permnnenl fund ,
for the prosecution or violators or tine game
law ? , I ask your kindly ahl In eslablshln !
a Ilermanent fund for tine IJrosecuton or said
Make three collies or lhls letter , ns I have
done , changing tine dale , and' put tIme next
hllhest l\unbel at tine top , numbering them
all tine same. alli sign your name. Return
this letter with I celt ( or more ) to Edwin A ,
Shellhenl , lice bull n : Inaha , Neb" , and
tine names anti addresses or tine three 10
whom you have wrlUen , anti they are asked
to do lkewise :
Anyone not wishing to I to this Is asked to
retur this letter to Mr. Shepherd , that we
may Imol tine chain Is broken ThouJh thla
may seem 1 smal thing to you , any one
hrenkln& this chain wi Invol'o serious hess
10 time enterprise. Kindly give this letter
your Iumetlato atenton ami oblige ,
E , A.SilEt'IIERD .
J'nuhms'nr with th. . flail l'II'lr .
President Howe would do bolh I charlablo
anti a good thing by reinstating Kid Fear
who Is 01 the Western associa-
ton blacklist for Insubordinaton Ilur-
ing the seasons Just closed eur's
olense , however , was no gr ater than that
of Billy Moran's , In fact , nothing like It.
Moran 'Iult : no less lion ( foul times wIthout
even notifying the club management or offer-
tag the shighmtest explanations of Ils conduct ,
yet was reinstated each time anti was allowed -
lowed to escape punishment at time close or
the flaSOn , Fear I I a young man , a Ilrom.
islng ball pla'er and entitled to every con.
aitieration. President Hole should go slow
In depriving a man or his pithy source of a
hivehlhnooj. Fear has a flume offer from Grand
Haplds which ho would like to accept , but
I unable 10 on account of the acton of tine
Wester assoclnton al its December macct-
In ! I ho was a boozer and a rowdy ) ' It
woull be n different thIng , but he Is not and
should be gl'en at least one moro chance ,
An Omaha boy , Fred HUltn , wi captaIn
tine Yale college team next season and has
already nnnouneed an 110\'atlon or lwo
Uesldes hlmsel there are In college of lat
year's team Oreenway , catcher ; Carter ,
pitcher ; Stephenson , first base ; Murphy , secant -
ant bale ; Spcr , hell field : Heddlnglou , ceo-
tel field ; Keator and Quimby , who played
In several guinea , and Trudeau , who Illched
In the Uoston game when Yale won from use
leaguers by a score of . 10 2. None of
those ell men will be called upon during the
winter for work , either In the cage or
gynmnmnasiuns. About February 1 canldatel ,
from tie Crelman class wi be taken to the
cage for traIning uder the eyes pf tie older
players . Two weeks . later candidates from
the other classes will be appealed to , ant by
arch 1 Palltalu Hustu expects 10 be able
tu get 10 \\'ork on the Yale field , when all
. : players will be called out ant two nines
selected for hard work. The Raster trip
cC lbs nine will be taken about Aunt 1 trp
months later than last ) 'el No dates for
genies will 1e arrangell until the three with
larvard and Princeton are , Ietermlnc upon.
Anoth'er Innovation or Captain ltustlfl's Is
doing away with a professional voachm.
Pitcher John Clarkson worked wIth the men
lat winter from Christmas until sllrln
lie gave Yale time frt opportunity to secure
his services this year , but there seems 10
be a desire on the pat 01 nil the captains to
eliminate even the npperance of profeRslon-
Ilsm frol athletics nt time university. The
dEclstons of the captains regarniing the time
or training ann ! time lessening of the work
reets wIth time hearty support of the faculty ,
nanny of whom have for a long time looked
upon alhletcs wll disfavor because ! O
ntuch time has been Ile\'olell to perfecting tine
men for their contests These conservative
members or tine faculty , however , think that
Yale len have frequently been overtraIned ,
Inll they hal with delight a relur of time
days when the athlete life or the college
was free all not bound by such close rules
or secrecr
Ims MOINES , 1)ec 20-To the SportIng
Bdlor of Time lice'ehi. : , mae boy . how Is
everything nnd everybody In tine oM ! burg on
the lssourl , anyway ? Ha\'en't hearll n '
timing from you for ! Ole tIme. anti yost must
get n move on omit ! leI 1 snferfng world
know who Uncle David has caplured for next
season I hall a hard ( line or It during the
pst season , but Intelul to get I good start
no\ all have a bang-up first class team for
'fir before the robins gel back Mlnll , lbs
Moines wil bo with the leaders the whole
trip next year , Poke 111 Uncle Dave , for
I Intend to hurt him before July rolls
around with an outfit something like this :
Anderson , 1"lggomlel anti Moore , pitchers ;
Vetches , McVicker ann ! 10lmos , outfield : Pur-
via . Moinler , Griffin and McKibben , infield ,
all tine iui.i.eatlng kimig and your old friend ,
Jllam Trafey , anti nnother good man ,
calchers. What . do 'ou think of us . any-
way ? Think wo will show any mercy to
MeVittia's counlry boys ? \Vel , I guess nolo
GIve my beet to Band , the shortest man
on earth , and Spud , lho long boy , and write
me on time situation .
That there will be SOII additional leglsla-
lon at time coming spring meetIng of the
National league In tlO interests of the Illlcher
Is almost nssured. The last year rule
making II peremptory on tine part or the
picher 10 keep his foot fastened to n Ito
rubber Plato while delivering the bal was
simply torture Were there a pitcher's box.
so that iii' might change his positon now and
lhen , he would get a little relief , but now he
must deliver the ball In thins same attitude (
and from the very same Place every time
during the gamnne that It goes to the batter
The resnlt has been that the best pllehers
of tine conntry have been wearing themselves
onto all time lajor and minor leagues have
been expnlnl about twice as much money
for plehlng talent tinnier the new rule that
they did under the old.
There Is ! mo\'emenl In the Western asso-
elation 10 retire President Davlil ! E. HOle
and Instal W.V. . Kent In that positIon.
The association meels 01 Des Moines Januar
11 , and Davey Is already felng his back
halr.-Hen Muiford. Tine alleged dlssats-
[ acton wIth Presldenl Howe emanates [ rom
I single city , and Inure Is no moro IlelhoOI
of Mr. Howe's reUrement than there Is that
the National league wi bounce Nicodemus
Youn ! The Dee has a suppl of Inside In-
formaton emu lhls prohlem , which wIlt be
tapped at the proper tme ,
When the Weslern league admlled Sl.
Iaul into its circuit I few wee lIs ago , anti
that , too , after Sl. Paul had heen admited
to tine Western association fold , I remarked
In these columns that tine " 'ester nssocla-
ton would sland about as much show In I
contest with the " 'ester leaguo' for this
city . wih President Nick Young , us the
proverbla\ \ snowflake In time abode or that
disreputable old Individual below At the
same time I hinted that the national agree-
ment afforded protection to the minor organizations -
ganizatons whenever Ilrolecton harmonized
wih the interests of the major body , and
hero Is the verIfication or my Ideas on time
snbJect nt last : .
WAShINGTON , D. C. Dee 2Q.-Speclal (
Telegram.-Thero ) has been a contest be-
tween Dave Role anti Charlie , Comiskey for
110 Irlvl gQ 01 , I cub In , St" , 1aul.
It ; appears , that Comlskoy ha game la , ! work
and secured ground . engaged 1iayers. es-
lahlshl I resldenco there and has taken
all the necessary stops to conform to the
regulathomns , laid down In the natonal agree-
ment. Dan Johnson , who Is interested In the
matter with Comiskey , paid I flying visit
Washington and went over the whole
subject with President Yonng , and the re-
suit Is that Comlsltey's club will be the St.
Paul represenlatve In the Western league.
Dan Johnson says that be can accomplish
moro In I personal IntervIew than he W S
able to obtain after weeks or correspondence ,
and Ir tine President or the snug lte West-
ems nssoclaton Is up 10 snuff he will profit by
the Inrormnton the enterprIsing Mr. Johnson .
'I ' red .J ovne , who once upon a time pIouhed
up tine earth about third base for Omaha , In
his distraught efforts 10 convince the world
that he was a bal player , has been enlorsed (
by Grandpa Anson for a position on the
lenguo's umpire staff.
Pllsbull has I len on 11y Taylor , the
Oil City third baseman , who has signed
with Lincoln In the Western association.-
Times-Star , That settles it. Thomas Jer-
fersn Hickey might as well go right out
into the sandhls and dig UII another man
10 guard his third base for him
So once again Jack Crooks I to move
In first class soelely. lo wi succeed Piggy
Ward at second base \Vashlngton , while
apolis. Piggy wIll drop Into Jack's shoes at 1lnne-
Gus Schmelz has cut a few chunks of
cheese out or big Bill Ilassamniaer's name In
order that It may fIt next season's score
card , when Bi wIll be Imown as simply
One week from Friday next tIre annual
meeting or the Western association wU be
held at tine Savery hotel In Des Moines. The
election of officers Is to take place , and
munich ' other Imprtant business atenllell to.
President Rowe Manager 1cVlte and S.
G. V. Griswold will go over from this clly
I Is Paul Hatorll this time who has In-
merited a iirimicob ' fortune anti will retire
herled I Ilrlncel' wi retre
from the dlamoml. Hope Paul's wealth wi
not pan out Ilto Heddy Hanrahan's eHato
In Parts , 01 Jack Glasacock's oyster can.
Park Wilson , Dave Rowo's old Lincoln
catcher , and at present one of time New York
Glnnts' star backslaps , Is spending tine win-
leI In Denver , anti a good ( heal of tunic walk-
lag the 1001 with Mrs. \Vitsomi'n. bran mow
ten pound baby .
'hl'y t ny Iio' " Nu I'nkl.
ThaI the League of American Wheelmen
racing board has accepted tine records of
John Johnson at Ohlicolhe , 0. , will cause
surprise Tine triplet record or Callahan ,
turl'hy ' and Kennedy , made at the same place ,
lies also been allowed . The "folowing rec-
ords have been approved :
OnthaH mule , wIth a lylnl start , against
time . Time , 51 3-5 . Mate by John S ,
Johnson at Chlicolhe , 0
One-fourth mIle , wih a flying slat , against
tIme . TIme , 23 seconds Made by Charles
Cahlahani. n. A. Seavey , Patrick O'Connor
arid W I Hhodes on a quadruplet at Chil-
cot he , O.
One-ffh of a mie , stalln ! start , against
time. Time , 3D seconlls. Made by John S.
Johnson , at Chlicolhe , O.
Ole.haH mile , Btandlng start , against tmet
Time , & 55 seconds Male by John S. John-
Bon , at Chlicolhe , O.
One.fourth or a mule , flyIng start , against
timmie . Tlmo. 23 seconds , Mallo by Louis A.
Callahan , Charles M. Murphy and A. D.
Kenned , jr , on a triplet , al Chllcolhe , 0 ,
The Ilresullllon now Is that the papers
vlhl teem wIth challenges to Champion Zimmerman -
merman , anti every man , woman - or chum !
who ever straddled a wheel , Quite twenty-
four hours have passel , and ! this man John ,
son has nol broke a record , He Is a ooti
rIder-tho greatest on earth against n watch ,
or when on u record-breaking bus I-but
ho doesn' scent to be able to malt a match
wih any of the bona tide racing mmien Zlm-
merman Is not I record-breaker , but he can
break Johnson , or any other record.breaker
the moment he e18 eyes on him
UICIt111 $ . 1.1 1 \ nn'I n.
SOUTH OMAHA , lec 26.-0 the Sport-
leg EdItor of The Dee : In shaltng dice
do any five of a hind tie . or do five aCes
beat five slxes1-Artbur Chesterfield ,
Ans.-Fh'e aces beat five aIxs ,
Header or The lee will Please understand
that all questIons answered In this deparl-
ment hereafter musl relate specifically to
sport , Iud once more It Is proclaimed that no
questions , only under the most Important /
circumstances , wi bi DnJwered by mail.
DOW Crry , la. , Dec. 27.-To the Sporting
Edior 01 The Dee : Please answer la 8un.
Jay' Dee the followIng question : Did Dan
Crredon die from Ih effects of a blow re-
, t'm , .
cl\11 from Robert FJ'Mmmons-A ' , D.
Cleasby. , .
An , -nan CreOlon Is , llnnlng ! n trainIng
and boxing school In St.\ls.
The ndtrus of the AnmrtUIn TrottIng lteg- , ,
Iter was Inallvorlent-'riven aD S. II.
Bruce . New York. ) ' ) Iroper address Is I
John Chicago 11. Steiner , legblrall lalo buldllK ,
1 1'1'
LINCOLN , nee. 2C.-To--tho Sporting EIU-
tor of The BeE ' WII'1(1 phrase state In
Stimmday's lee whlther tle Is any antelope
shooting to bo bat In iqpy , section or this
slate and Is It still law/ul / , to hlnt them ? -
Amos 11.
Ans-There were niorhitehope seen In
the vlcnl ! . of lushn r , Jlm1al county .
this fail titan there has ren ! for ten ) 'ears ,
The law Is imp January 1. , ,
Hm OAK , la. , Dec. 20.-0 tIne Sporting
J tlor of The Bee : Please Inform me In
Sunday ellton whether W , I Copple , the
sprinter , beat Mr. Morris two race In Call- !
fornla this fai , Aha give inc the best '
time for one mnshle.-liethmumto Johnson. '
Ans-I ( ) Yes (2) ( ) 4:12 : % .
INIiIANOLA , Neb , Dec 2t-To the Sporting -
'Ing Editor of The lee ; Can yet IP'e mo
thai address ot a dog fancier who breell
English bull dogs and terriers ot Inure blooll ?
SOII one whom yomn know 10 b reliable : a
Nebraska man hireferreti [ . Answer II Stl-
.iay liee.-\\ ' . A. M.
Omaha Ants-Joimn Carlos , Omaha ; Ramissey Crooks ,
IIm81A , Ta , Dee 28.-To the Sporting
Editor of The Bee l'heaee !
dlol : IleaBo answer time fol-
10111 ! queston In The Sunday lice , and
thereby settle I dlsllute. Whnt Is the best
record or IOU ) arll ever rlln by mal ? -J. A.
Seddon. !
Ans.-9 4 , & .
MILLEI1 Neb" , Dec. 28.-To the Sporting
Bllol or The lice : Ilelso give the IJresent
allllress or O. lldlelon , , boxing teacher inn
Sunday lee amid oblige a reader of The Dee.
-0. Thntmrman.
ont An9. address no not knol ! I Mlddlelol's pres-
COI.ON . 01 INN Vti'TtJitiS Tim c.\sn ( .
Ils L801lk Colt HUIhlll Alt time \ Vmty
In line , . .
$ prcckoi. Stiicr
SAN FRANCISCO , 1)c. 29-The tenth nn-
usual Slreeltels hallcou ( was tints today nnd
as \ vtts eXlleeted Colonel Jack Chin I' ! 2-
rear-oll colt I.lssak won , wih 106 110ulds
up Tint black colt jU11'1,1 1110 tIne lead nt
tine start , and was never mouthed , \I'lnnlll b )
a lengths ( coin Cadmus. 'he day wns clotmtly
amid rai\ amid the truck a foot lecl' , clolll'
mouth , hut nearly 10,0 pl'olle WClt out to
see the struggle for tine rich prize Thirteen -
teen monies . l'lddel by lhc h.11 jockeys lu
the cOUltl' , faced Starter FergusI , Al-
though hone of them acted busily I , they
were tiitrty-ihve minutes at the lot before
) :
l crlson sent them 00 to n heallful stnrt
Grnude'e got off first , with Jim Flood ,
sak , Cati minus . Churnlon , Lovetl ale a 11 the
othientm ! ; h'o ! ! . evens . . terms. : , . ) . ! ninth ! Juno !
L'WUl weiL n"IL t time rout , InlHlp' tie
wh'e the orller was Lisstsk , 1100 Cltmu .
YasRal , Grndee nnti the rest strnmnig omit
for I sixteenth or nnt mie , At srln ! ou
Llssak let by I len"th , Flood 5eeoml by
four lenths anti Cudmus third hy three.
At tine half ! the 10811011 were time Imle : ,
At the three-qummurters tadmus hean to
creell UI Int was two timid a halt lengths
behind Llssalt , with 1"JoI inn belween Entering -
tering tue stretch Flood lied ' auth
tw tled nWI ) 111
Catmus resllllll ! hravely to the whip , re-
Inced , Llssalt' lend to ole length. Tine
black colt WIS tired , but lie kept / his lend
all the sLuice wenl to ColQuel Chinn. Cud-
nounS waH scond and CIllon thnirtl. The
others Inlshed In thte4 : ' fhilowimig order :
tie /tlowll
Grandee , Major'hln ) , Jawthole ! ,
AI'lcus , Del Norte Lhu1 , , Crichton , Jim
Flooti'ntsttai , and Olrtail ' ) The Kent ucly
stable , Lintak , Jim FqO1111 ! ljOI ! -
Lauglihimi . , i'tnst fa\or1t' It 7 to C t ; the
Spreckels stahle , Cadmu ' tt'mmd Creighmtoms , 5,4
to I ; Charmion , 20 to Inind Vassal , - to 1.
Sunlnar ' : I " I
First . mace , five furloJlsi 1neihing : Tigress. ,
101 , \Yeher (8 ( to 6) ) , ' : , , ; lfelng 'Igress ,
Carr 16 ( to 5) ) . seontI ; ) ; , Abort. , ' 97 , Cock-
rams c. to 1) ) , third. - ' 1lte : 1:10\ : \ Ttirpui
Forlts , ClllrJle ' Ind qQI.jiug , also 'l'hr,1
Second race . lji'p fum'oil"j , ! ' ,
Secont l seihhmigh' Flag-
staff , 102 , Carr . (8 ( .o. fUrOt ) , hitm : , Crrcne : ) Flag . ,
Durlname (5 ( 'tll . ) , s co r Snow lJloasoun ,
DO , COlly (0 I to'1) ) , thijrd. , / I'inie : ' Bossom . AI .
damite . Dr Livingston , imREmoplre ) I'd Ontario ' -
tarlo also rams. ' . ; ' : . < ' , , ' - ,
Thllr race , Spr ck ls "C' ' 'I ' , -miki and a
quarter hutiJcap : u1i4i- ; , . ' mld ald
\rn , 7 t1 5 : wQnr' % It'e : " 'LIsiilC ; ( , ( f ,
ti -eeOid : Chlrnllo } ' . "t20 lo 1) ) , I
third. Time : 2:2. : jI1flee ; Major Mc-
] . \ughln , llawtiiormie..4' 4jjq Del Norte ,
HawthCllej' Hlt\sl
l.vClale. Crelghtol , .Inl , l\o. vassal anti
" ' \
Giead also ran. '
Fourth race Rteelleel1ls . ' mile anti a half :
.linn Norvel , 132. McCulough t (1 ( to 1) ) , won ;
Happy Band 12 , Jonovesn (20 ta.1) ) . , s.cond :
1endoclno , 138 , afey (3 ( ( oU , thir . , hne :
3:414. : Nipper / , Gen.rnl , Ales , lelrlngel
Dick o'.lralloy IIII ) Yul au 1150 ran' , '
Fifth race , live ' furlongs : Robin , hoot ! No ,
I , 13 ; n 1111 (7 to 5) , won : EUrno Uool , 93 ,
Cpady (2 ( to 1) ) , second ; MolIe KIng . 81. A.
Isom (2 10 1) ) , tinii't Time : 1:10. . Hue : Ban-
ncr , Saragossa and King , { also ran .
SCoNL ) DAT'S suuo'rT OII"OLi ,
I'vcnt : \ei ! Scores 11t
lt Hlrllo IUI ' 'lnglla.
NORFOLK , Neb" , Dee ; 29.-Specinui.-Thse ( )
secoml day or the interstate
InteNlute shoalng lour-
noment proved to-be a fine one , and hiroughut
out I good attendance , anti some good
scores ns tolowl "
551'ititeeIs itingle targets , entrance $2. four
moneys ; Heel , s ; . I.oomls , 1 : Pnrmelee ,
13 ; Aclterman , 1 : Schroeder , 13 : Kenleday ,
9 : lnrker , 9.
Ten single targets . entrance $1 , jnck rb-
bit system : Heed , 6 ; J.oomlH , 5 ; llck ' ,
10 : Schroeder 10 ; Acltelnian , 7 : Kennelh' , ( ;
Johnson , 3 ; Hinkle , D ; Nelson 3 ; J.eonlrt , 4 ;
Parlter , 9.
Ten stogie targets , $1 entrance , three
moneys : . Iteed 5 ; JUnkel , 9 ; IurmeIC. 10. ;
Ackerman , 10 : . chnroeder , G ; Loomis , 8 : Ken-
nedy , 7 ,
Fifteen targets , ! ntrlnce $2 , fO'I' ' moneys :
Schroeder . II Kennedy , 11 ' .
Schroetel. 1 : 1 ; 10'el. 10 ( one
ton coal ) ; Parker , 1 ; Nelson , H ( $2,50 buggy
whlll ) ; Parmelee , 13 : Loomis , U : 'Heed , D :
Acltrman , 16.
Fifteen shingle targets . , I cents entrance ,
Norlh . Nebraska Sportsmen's mtnisoclatloni
Kall melll : Hinkel , 12 : Johnson , 8 ; Leon-
arl , 10 ; Uo'el 8 : ' 'ylel D ; Mllor ' , 7 : \\1 -
10 hey , , 1 ; Ackerman , 13 ( gold medal ! ) ; Mother ,
Fifteen 1 targets , entrance $2,5 : Acker-
lan , 1 ; J.oomls , 15 : Heed ] , 6 : Parmelee , 12 ;
Schroeder , 13.
' 1wenty live births , entrance $10. five
nmommoynt . MoCord & Spear gold lednl , to
NchllSkl Rportsmen enl ) ' : ' Heed , 18 ;
I.oomll , 18 : Purmelee , 19 ; Kennedy , 17 : Aelt-
erman , 18
Live birds , entrnce $2 dlvltell , mInis Inl
out : Parmelee , 0 ; Heed ( , 0 ; Aclterman , I j
Kennetiy . I : Sohiroenier I : Loomis O.
' 1cn hive birds , entrance ' $ CO , $0 added ,
tour moneys : Heed , 8 : Purmele , 10 :
I.oomls. 9 : Ackerman , 10 : Keltdy , 7 ,
'J'CI live birds , entrnnee $7f. four moneys :
I.oomls , D : leel , G : Parmneiee 8 ; Kennedy ,
10 : Acltermnn , 7.
FIfteen hive hltls , entrance $10 , $20 , "hed ,
live moneys : Kennedy , 1 ; Loomis , U : Heed ,
13 : lloyer. 13 : l'armelee , 13 : Ackl'l'nln , 15.
'fhe mmiamsagement of C. H. McConl mod
George I. Spear gave excelent Iatsfae- unl
ton , anti hall every arrangement necessary
fOI' the comfort and con\enltnce at the
boys on the tale grounds , the entire shoot
being greaty enjoyed.
IIIul on Two 'J'i'tu.'tn , ,
NFOltLlANS , D , -Nlneteenlh
day , Cold and Clear ! fflcl. tlst , Results :
First mince , one rle : t-ro (3 10 5) ) won ,
lnhm (5 ( to 1) ) second Upnnle 1 (15 ( to I )
third. Thnl : 1:43M : I IJ
Seeonll race six nmd , q haIr fumrlomngs :
Clara Jmlel (3 ( to 6) ) wOn ' . lng Brook (2 to
1) ) nwcomnd , Gleesome ' " . ' '
. lecont } : ' 1) ) third 'l'lme :
I.,1. : . . ' " ; . '
'fhltl race , mie aUth ' 1 quarter : Wa-
hatch (7 ( 10 & ) iioti . ,1M.fittiy I (7 ( to 5) ) eec-
ont , Imnip. \\'olse ( ( to " < third ; 'hne : 20 ;
Fourth nice , six furhmUHtl Nrcellnh (2 ( to I )
won , Corlne (12 ( \0 \ 1 qumitl . lieu ' 1011 ( '
(20 letl
' ' IUII.
to 1 third 'Ilne : i16 : , ,
I"lfh race , live turicnmgh ! Flush (9 ( to 2) )
won , Mlrthl Orlln ti1j' ! ' ' ) 11L'nd , ( ' 'rlxl\
( ( o to lb I thIrd 'rIme : It , \
Br LOUIS . , ) ee. 29.Jtesults nl Ilast I SI.
l.u's ' : First mince , thutghithms. . of a mIle :
Uob Sutherlall won , Ltiajm . fecond , Hazel
third. 'rime : i:0I3 : j. li" I ,
Second race' , Ih'e'elglht ( i a mile : Bookie
won , ( lout Spec seeomsnlp ButUl lieilouv thlrll ,
Heconlll Jelothlrll
Time : : ( % . m inc
' 1hlrll ract eievemi.sixImmtins of mu mrulla :
Doly Brwn wQn. 1)umJaAneeominl , , Livimmgs- I
ton tlmirti Time : 1:11 UIIIP
Fourth race hnar5milq1 I , ' oe mile amid 100
ruc\ 1 1\'II' ole mie ald 10
yards : Sno\ \ jai Won , 5dm' llal second ,
Jlmestown , thlf ! 'lme ; , I5t ) .
1 lfh race , six furlongs : Johl Berkele ) '
Time won. ; Danton 1:17. : second " , ' Fred , Wooley . third ,
I'hl JhYlnr lust Utfe"11
lEW YOI' , Dec , ' -Th\ demurrer
which PhilIp J. Dwyh imtnlosed to the
complaint or 1a\'ll GIllean to recover damn-
ages for libel was o\lrrulet tOII1) ' Judgl
Barret of time SUI.rele 'coUrt. I was
clllmld that time chan that Olleon WIH
no Hllortsman anti , hat to lve l Nunehviiio
because or 1 turf fraud , which was set
out In thus complaint , Were not uetionuiiie
or libelous , 1111 , UI no Slleqlal Ilumugel
were aleged , the acton WOI ! II mot lie .
Wi 11\1 II 1ici .Ilnl
ST. LOUIS DecAt a , neelng , of the
board or racIng Ih ) "flj PI the St Louts
Fall association held today It was deter-
mined to hang u $32.0 In guaranteed
stakes to be competed for at the spring
S S S , . _ S . . , . _ _ _
- -
meeting of ts' which " ' 1 COII oft canto ,
tune hetween May 1 anI July I antI hc
lwent ' -sl : tiny ! In ( Itiratiomi. When the
Innl " to 10 .lisbnrreed In 1"rse ; events Is
nllllNI to the stake mtiomiey tIne Branll aggregate -
gate , 'I be nholl $15.O ) . Tine numb1 ! of
stake events will be ten , the ( on,1tons of
which will be nnnouncel In a tow days.
INTI IST\'U : I"OUT ini.l. " tSSDClATItt.
1nrriuiee of In\n Inco
numui 5cimmImha , iot Scitieti .
nld . .
th.culn : c.
The annum ! meelng or the interstate Foot
Bnl assocIatIon was hell nt the Millard
hotel In this cIty last night to Iwnr,1 the
ennant nn,1 trntminiact such other blslneqs nE
1llred attentiomi. 'rho e presemit . WEre P.
13. Barnes of the UnIversIty of N1rosltn.
J. \ \ - . Greets or Kansas amid \ \ ' . I Iremner
or lawns Mllsourl was not rlll'eEcntcll.
Accorl\n to the olelal IRlres tile ! -
nant was nwa1lell to the t'nlvI"I ' of Nebraska -
brnlm , The Missoturl , Kansas nml Iowa col-
logos followlmig In the order ninunneil.'ll -
Inn Inrrlhee of 11\1 waR elected inresi- '
Ilent ninth Clnrnnee 'lef ot Nchrska trcaR- :
I reI 'rhe olle of vice Ilrlhlent ; wns I ( [
to be 11C1 hiy MIssouri nn ! thiist of scre-
. tlt (
tory my Inllns ,
'he monet InJortnnt question tlnt Was
raiSed waR thai In regmirti to 1oln the I'e-
1.1\tH \ of tine season nmon ; tInt' four cuhs ,
'l'huis. wa. ushuvimys tine practice , ultl last .
year , whll Knmtstis . nlll MI " "lrl suet'cellel , ,
In chanln the COlslulln tl IlrO\'le that
the reet'Inits. shoull he pooled every other
y.'tsr. 'I'hll hmns . nlwlYs het'l U hoist' I
of clltellon between the t\\O nOlthl'rn
ItntcH ninth their rlvnl KanlR nlll lh" I I
etnunri u"unlh' lnnsve hotter vetitinor , ninth
10111 hl\e hcler wl'llher Inll ns
timers , 19 more t'nlhushlll there thnt'y have '
nmte mniomsey . whie the norther slutc have
ict a tonshlcrnlle cumin measly ) ' every lenROn ,
Nuturly the "oulhcrn remsm'emit'mnttuttves hl"I'
heel unxlols to 10 IWIY wih the 1'011ng '
cituttee . whIle the others have detelmlnt'l
thlt : I shoull stmiy , \s ; IRIOlrl hail . no
rCllrenlaton Inst night , I wait . 1\llcll
after eon.llcrlble , ISI'IHSlol 10 Ilolrn the
meetll ! fil' two wecks nlll give the Mis-
court 1'101,11 a chance to be hcart , 'Ihl
next wi be hem 11 nut thl : llnrll
hotel at 1 o'tlock Jnnual ) ' 12. whll tl001 -
Ing queston will he settled nnlt tine schedule
wi setel 11
for next year will , be nurrumigeth.
SUt'ltSaU I\ TIlE ,1UiO5.
Spcctllor uf 1 (10-SltCI 11ln luII
" 01111111 lt th" I ) ccislomm. .
NEYOlt K , Dee.29.-Tlne host sub crlllon
hxing , cntertnlnment or the New York Atm- -
Iclo cllh took 1lnro thl ! ( venin" nt the
club rooms. Tine 111onrm was sevens haunts
of six rotunda each Some were lively 111
other were tnme The bout of tine evening !
\1 : the one between \ 01)'OIS ! of this
city amid ' hilly 'l'tmeker of 1oslon , ' ! uwI !
hind the best of the fght In tine last rouI1
Lyons I'ushet very rouglh' , but the Boston
hay showed himself a cle\'el duncicer. After
separatIng Tucker leI hllll [ loose anti
} ounlell ! l.yol ! right antI left Intl I.'onl
\\'al groggy . The poun'IIIJ ! of the going nt
thus jumnctnn'e JURt luVll1 him. 'rhe lighting
WIl nU hTucllel"S fnvor. Tue SUlrlRe
cnme whcl the jlliges Innouncll the Ifecls-
Ion In Lyomtnt' favor , 11111emollurehnet
for n tme , 'rhe crowll hissed all ! the cry of
"Itotten" aud ! "cliv , . ? un new jllges" wcnt
sni ) , The Innl bout waR bell't't'l Charley
PelItR , colored . of Newark 1111 J. CO'I'I of
Hocklwo ' Bench. For the IrHt thlze rOlnds
Colyel' hint ! the best of It , hut Ins the fourth
l'ceknn svUmlg his ems Colcl' amid laisded
lcekH right al Illded
I Iwocltout. ! ) alt
Chlll"o Unlverautybt.mmt Hail TO'\ ' Shunt
( Jit lt Los \nnul" .
LOS ANGflLES , Cal" , ] et. ' -Stnnrorl
tum'mieti the tables on the Chicago University
toot bal team today , winning by 1 score
of 12 to O. 'rhe day was rll ) ' a 11 that
kept the atentanc down. Stanfoll hnt
evidently profte(1 ( by its "xllerlllte In the
first game with Chlclo , for tine nilay today
vas In mn\ked contrast to that of ChrlHt-
mus day. I was quick anti ( snapp 'l'he
team work was goat , Time teams : were POnd-
tcaUy the same that playenl In the first
snme. Stanford scored In the fIrst halt by
short runs around the ends nml , bsmclelmig
tIne center. A goal was Itlekel ( , mnalclntg tii !
score 6 10 0. In the second mall , Chicago
braced UPI somewhat anti tries ! to wear
Stanford osit. ' 'he Pula Ale boys mt them
steadily amid teed them 00 In fuse , shape.
nun b ) ' , J enredy , . Ue'nold amid. , 1Iarroiaon
: bro h l the ) ia1l ' , t.5Q Qhl 'UgO'R jnd,1 , .
; KetfellY , ; wIR"pusli'e(1 bier ntrti" fotsl 'wns'
kidkcui- . 'Inald ' 'thILs bl & ' ' : 'td' 0 No ' 1010
points wtre made durn the sranne. Nichols
of Chicago made a run of twemity-live yards
amid He'noldl oC Stanford one of forty
'a rts. , _ _ _ _ _
' \'hlot I'JI'crs' l't'rcemmtmigc.
The Omaha Whist club tournament closed
Saturday evening , and the percentage of
each team Is her wlth lven. 1 Messrs.
Hawks ant 1eite amid 'VUhul amid Alee
wi represent the club at the natonul tour-
mney , to he held at Sioux City this month.
The percentnsgt' :
Wilbur and Ailee . 73 % ! ; Hawks ansi ! Meiicle
78 4-7 ; nc.d ant Hlnehnrt , GG % : SmfU and
\\'heeler , GG ; % ; Heth anti McCiiguie . G2 :
I.'unlthouser and \Velnhier. G2iA : Connor anti
/dig , G ; Belm anti Ludlow . GO ; Scannel anti
Shlll1e , C7 1-1 : Jordan 111 Jlusselmnn , f,3i3 :
Stengel" anti Sheehan , 36 ; Tison anti ( Sleh-
bhmis 331 , ; Lore and Garner : J axter Inll
Risk , IG.c : ; : McGraw amid GI'ls\oll , 25 ; 'reels
untl llarkmnesn. . 20 ; Marsh anti Pease , 20. 1n
points , net gain : Heed ninth Hlnehlrt , 70 ;
\\lhul arid Alee , 1 : : Ieltle ant ilnuwics .
45 : Connol' and Zuig , 27 ; Scnnnel anti Ship-
Ie ) ' . 17 : Beth and JcCague , 2t : Funlthauser
anti Weisber 1 : Small nnt Wheeler G : Jor-
tan anti Mussohmnumi ! . 5 : maiL 10Hs : JcGrew
and .Orlswold . 11 ; ' .L'Ilson and Stehhlns , 17 :
StenJel and Sheehan , 21 : Benn unit ! Ludlow
25 : Lore and Garner 2 ; Baxter ant Risk
3 : Te.ts and IlrlmesR , 49 ; llush rind
Pease , 72.
1'01 tIne l'rollolul uf Fituhi nlt (3uinmo.
There was 1 large and enthusiastic meet-
Ins or , sporllen at Parmelee's gun store
IUII evening In the Inlerests of u new gnme
all fish law for the state at Nebraska.
'rlne committee nnniointeti to tlrntft a law of
thiiim klnnl reported , subniittlmig a synopsis. of
time canoe , which wits discunnineti by sections
and iinttiiy nttloptetl , ann ] , on motIons ofV. .
If. S. litighies , tine canine conimnmttee , Jsmtige
I ) . E , Ii. Kemnoetly , J. It. D.Ieikle , Fn'etl inlomit-
enorency tumid 14. 0. V. Griniwolni , wntn. In-
structeil to mirepare tue bill nnI submntt it
to an udjosmrrmed iuieetimng , to lie hueitl mit time
tommie vlaee nuext Smutumrtlay evening.
Yoht ( Inmisi , oiv Yciur'n. Day.
There will be a gramid wolf chnamne , weathmer
permitting , ems Now 'ear's day , in tine mills
miortin of Florence , anti nIh sportsmsiea wlshhmmg
to jQlns ins tln sport can do so by reportinmg to
Robert Kuntathm , hiutclner , om North Sixteenth
betweeni Capitol avcnuo amid Iavenport street ,
by Momnniay mnoonm , Tine start vIil be musado
( remit tIne tel , of Ponca hull , uonder tue mniams-
agenmmemit of Nathams Ehhlott. utmsd Samsiuel lieU ,
Sr. There will ho souse twommty hioumnds iii
the ruin , amtd a great tlay's short In. assured ,
CJ.\.4 1)1.1 . 'i' 1'l ( IIl'J ( hJ'JTJ1I)14 Ii $ .
s.ihl have Ntnthuluig to Io saltht tine New
'rrmumiscoui t I pm'uitti I stNspeIiuIhomI ,
clIICAao , Dec. 29.-Tue plan of time west-
. m antis to formu mu tramiscontlmnemmtnil russo-
elation with tito Camnmsdlmtmi l'uIIIc nun. is.
niemnlner Inns been kmiocketi unto mimsiipnereennn. .
A eomnmnunicmutiomi wan. totiny received from
thud line miecluriog timat the hmlghsenotileltuls.
oh' the hue hail refumnued to ratify time vote of
Its ieltritnteimtatiyu.-at tIne mmiesthmng In this. city
amini tinat It % vili take mm rurthem part Imn tue
hItch to reorgnnmnize tine Trmminsn.'umntinemitnl as-
nioclatiomi , 'Fine mncticimu of the Camnahi&sn , I'a-
clUe Is thuie to time refumstnl tif thins other lines
to cull off time light agisimsat tine Cummatiiami
I'ocitin : for ieamnlgraiit inusimnusim at time ( 'inn-
a'lIuui ' maria. It opemnly aclmmiittetl mit nine mis et-
log thud tIme light tmgulmist it lit tine Cuin-
athinmi hurts haiti so Injiureni it that it was
forceti to hieconna o or time nussocla-
tlomi.'hmlle muinkluig thnnut tIne otimer llmienn
cease fig ii I I mg I I I mm t inns ( 'a mimnnihnn n inert a , It
% vnts smmiivllhhiig to antI tine light thnnit It wits
mnsak imi ton' t hits I nsmnnlmmesn. enimo I mug t In ruin gin
New \ ark nunti Ilostomm. 'fIne olimer ilnes hmnuve
( iec'lareti till along that timey would fornin miii
assmociatiomm wlthu or ivltinasmt limit Camntntlintin
i'aclile. 'l'ine chnanres ar ( ' however , wltln
hunt itnati an time ositsinle , ifglntnl In ; m'tgius
ivi I In I hi ci 11 n loin 1 'it ci Il it mnti t ii. ' t3'iti I ii cnn-
t'itcllic.i'i tchnlsan mninstter ummisettlt'ni , thnmtt tine
tissocltttiomm vill mnot ha furmnied with umny
unsazimig iilacrity.
'l'ine gross einninimmgs of time emmtlre Atehnisoni
synmtemn for tine timlm-ti week of 1)ecemmnber
were $700,911 , in uiecreanc of 72.7lO ( mimi tIne
summit week at lust year. 'fine gross t'an-imlmngs
of time mouth to date aic $2,417,671 , it 'Ic.
crease of 1100,412 from thom c'onmcspommdimmg
weeks of last year.
( ) mciii hnoiim ii I liii I rot. ii i'mimj set.
( il'ThlitlR , OkI. , iee. 21)1. ) . . charter writ.
today grammted tine Okinnimommna. Central Ituli.
way company , capital stork , $00O00. 'the
Incorporotors rime tIre Okitthmonna City unarm.
it Inn proion.n1 to huilni the road frommi than
Isresemit temnnionmn. of the 'F'nlcu at Hnsiiuhins.
to Oklahiomnia City , a distaumes of rninety.iiye
mules , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Chart I.iiio 1'ttitlumm inileni mit ilulemn.n ,
iIEl.EN/L , Mount. , lec. 29.-Tine American
Loan turin ! Triust oonmspamiy of ilostomi Shied
today in the t'rultenl States coumt a lull ( or
the ( creclosummo of tIme first milorlguge , $10-
tU ) ) , omm time Onegoms Short J4nc Li Utah
Northern railway. and that a separate receiver -
ceiver bo aPPointed ( or tue lineS ,
-S S S SS _ _ _ , - & tp _ , , _ _ _ 5 _ . - . - - - -
New Ytat Attractions at the Zovoral
Places of Alnusolnem1t.
A l'leti for time Strohiers % 'ho htnive 'riut'ir
Tcmiiptutlnmmq or iihilchi time % ' , , rimt Can
Imsow .mtimlmig-ttIeltirtl ilmiiut-
iIeluL' ? esr ImuIcq { ,
Cimnistimias tnotnghut to iloyti's Stumart Rob-
son ama ! Oninalma nnndieiiccs were givems nit
opportumislty to se-c this rIght clever coimiedlnii
lit onie , of tine olul-timno cOmnietilc'n , ' ' Leap Year , "
by hlnickstone , a commietly which convunhsc'd
our tlnnltile a getmeratioms ago , anti inn wintchu
Mr. itobsons appeared whuen ins wan. a stock
actor years anti years ago. Tue comniedy was
capitsiiy : hut out ninth those vhio saw tine juor-
fonmniamico were repaiti for leaving cozy firesIdes -
sIdes oni Cinnlstmimns aftcrmnooun. "Sine Stool's
to Contilner" and "l'ise lleoriettni' ' vere also
imtcltndNi iii ( ho repertoire , so tinmit. everybody
hiatt atm oppomtumtity to see Mo , Itobsout iii
lila brightest roles.
The very funniiiy farce , 'A italironti TIcket , "
was tIne Cinrlstunias week attractloni nut ( Inc
EmpIre theater , atiti thn auiiiemicca vere
large thmroumghmonit tine emugnigemnemut. The Enni-
Pine Is gmatitiahiy emiitirghiig Its chicustele as
tInt' isumbhio icarus of tine cinamiges that hnnuve
takeim llaCO iii the theater nimiti thm titter-
nmnlmnatlomi of Mr. hhumrgess. to lift it fromin thai
closngtn Into which it plumigeil by irre-
smnomisible mniamnagers.
'l'ise celia of touniorrow's itiltimsight chitines
\.lht rung Inn time diungy niroselog roommis mis
iouunhiy us tine ) ' vlhi ltucimsimii thue itirthi of mu
uncle year lit quiet. moines. They will tosteim
time heart of niiamny a gooti mtiaui anti usure
woninans to winose mintumre tine falsity of Ptlmit :
auth timisel Inns hot reaciseni amid thoughts will
fly to distant loved omits. 'i'ime strohIcrs lIfe
is harsh. They have diiiletiltles of them' owui ,
teiitiitnitiOiis of whutcin tine intibhle cann iciiow
mnotinliig. Aiitl for tisese vine vIll emstortnitnm
this week Thu lies mi1t for them a thought
of good wIll iii. tine mscv year dawmns. 'i'imey
asic nuothhmng hint your hresemnco amnti your
applatise. In metlnrms they give so often tine
onttcomiie of sumpremmie effort-time offering of
nmlnti , heart amntl sotmi comnihhmneti , nit ! so attain
it cotuiits for miasnglnt. 'I limit idmmtily of tine
iulayens. Anti mmneamiwinile to those wino. toil
to minalee tint nnc'rry , tine Cinrlstnnnnns visiu of
'Tinny Tim goes forth , ' 'God bless us onto amid
' '
Ttnents is Perinuhis miss otiner counieniiin alive
today that our theater-golmug public woniti
rather hnav engaged for it inolkiuy attraction
t Inn in tine qumiul ist ntnmni hnommiely Sal Sin iLls Itmns-
sell , amid tine nunmnoumnscennemit that tnt' ds coin-
trig to ( tie lloyd thai funnier part of huts
week vlil bintg jo ) ' to' the hearts of a great
nanny p001)10. both oid anti yonnng. Onu Moni-
day ovemsimig Mr. ltnsssehi will comunniemsec hits
eungagemticnit nit the lloyd Ins a character tinat
is somnsewtiat mier to hums , amid lit vtnlcli Inc
was meyer seemi ins Onnmiina-lr. ) Pauigloss. inn
Coleunani's oh ! Emnghishn conisedy , "l'lue heir
mit Law. ' ' This vlli be tIne mnovclty of the cmi-
gagenseist , At tine Nei' Year's mnsatinnee tine
great comediami nnppears Inn tine character of
Noah Vale iii Kidder's play , ' 'A l'oor Ite-
lation. " This is tile play the young iieopie
111cc best of nih ins Ittmscli'nn repertoIre. New
Year's nIght "Peaceful Valley" will ho tint'
bill , Mr. itusseil assutmiling tine character of
liomea Howe , ( he lnomsesnt New Emngland cotnmm-
try lad , Tine emigagememit will close \\'et.inies-
day evening wiLls a repetitloms of "A I'oor
itclatIomi , " 'Fimini moomuimmg itt 9 o'clock tine
sale of seats wiil opens for tine emitlre cmi-
gageimiemit of Mr. Russell , and liurchuascra
will haVe to get ins line early If they expect
to gtbt desirable siats. Mr. ittisll' support-
lung comnpammy lmiclnndcs Misses harriet F.ird ,
'Kate Ryani : ' Kdto llla'nike , 'Mesits : Charles
Mackdy , Alfred ! lu1somm , Charles A " Smalley ,
Stewart Allen anti hlughs hIarUni
Onsnm ot time truant marvelosna inlen at tine day
vhll be seen at Boyd's thneistor emi 'thursday
anti Friday 'evenings next amid Sniturthay
matinee , winen tIne Sanniow Trocadero Vtssmtle-
vihles beghmi ant engagenmienit. No mnman of our
timnics has cecitetl- insuiclu lmnterest or boom
more wi itten amid talked about thmami Sandow ,
( mo extraorthitnniry muflmlete. The ptnblio which
has tiiromtgthl tIne ( mentors where hue Inns np-
poared has 'wonmdered at lila mnarvelotna feats
ot ntrcmigtii , . 'innil onininnemut scientists who have
examined him have expressed wonitier at mIs
imsarvelous ihnysIcal development. Muscles
were fount ! On his body that have miover before -
fore been disecuvereti on amy otiner imunmnani
being. Tine muscles of hula stomniacln mayo
tine appeamanco of a corrugated washboarti ,
and quite as. . lmiterestimmg amid amtonishmhing ins
his feats of strengths Is tIne exhibition whIch
imtt gives of the sniarvelosis control whilcis Inc
hiatt over Ints mmituseles. 'the organizatioms In-
duties "Tine Luchfers , " grotesqumes fromni the
minuet nal mimsmn.ic lntnl inn of Lo nntions ; ' 'foni
Brownie , ' ' time emimiemut donmhle-miote whistler ;
"Billy Van , " comedIan ; "Mile. Margunorite , "
the beautifumi ninth accommtpilsinenl equmihibriat ,
her first appearance In Amnicrica ; "Miss Scot.
tie , " tine clover ctnlcnmlator anid carth.phayimng
collie dog , exmnihniting tIne highest anhmnnul
Initeihigommee ever attmmlned ; "I3emi Dunitnimni' '
Slate Marie & 'iumihnani ) , tine premnier bar per-
formmner of time world ; "Amannn , " Eurolno's
greatest facial mumlnnic ; "Tine Marvelous Jor-
miami Family , " astonhnnhiing aerial acrobats lii
indescribable feats , minitl tIne peerless Saminiow
Inn lila retmiarknhile acts of strengtim , whilcim
have so astonishned time world ,
Time attraction tnt time Emnpire theater for
time weele , connmnenncing witit mmiatimnce ionlay ,
is omits of tine cleverest furce-comnetiy connnpa-
miles whmlcln will be mere tints. eeasonm , mind all
lovers of ( hula style of emitertainmemmt have a
laughIng feast ins store , Thins cominpany Is
ineanied by Mumrrisy tunini Mack ; amid their
, mnetinOtls for producing mirth are pecuihinir
to tinomnseives , thnero hehmmg no other pair of
Irish coiimedinsims starring ( lint emnnpioy tine
mnicans tiney do. Ilesinlea tineIr lrronnlztlblns
volleys of Celtic wit , tmney introtlnice their
famous specialties , whmIchm arc mmnirth lirovok.
lag to the oxtremmie. In tIme firM act , a htur-
lesqumo tsoxlmmg mmiatchi claims. aitemntiomi , tel-
iowimng ttnla nip with tunoir own itie.m. of what
it circmms inlmoumltl tie , amid as an irhmthmmninsnn's
idea of tIdings is riot over scrlotis on any suit.
jeet , thnelr circuns Iii muecessanihy met apt to
aanhtiemm tine imearts of an amidiemmce. WIuihe
Inn New \'ork ihnI suninmnner they secureth say-
oral high class noveltIes , together with tine
peaplo to hironlnnco thnemmm , Unlike mmnost her-
formnsamnces , tIne lsurdemn of tine inlay does msot
fall on ore or two , bunt each tint ! every ammo
of time tifteemm crhnartsctertn inn time cast has mimi
equal chance , amttl artists of ability have becin
enga ged I o II I I t hemnm , ito t hat t inns auth lemnee I a
unit tortured with cold chnihlnm mtnmmniinng till anti
tIowns thietr back ivhmilo some hnersomma laboring -
ing through a. hart that timey itre riot able
to fill. 'clue uthyamtiage of hula in. . fully
domnnonistratetl Irs ' 'Flmirmlgami'n. huh , ' ' for minim
nionnentnn are few amid faY betis'eens ; wimllo tine
stars are mtot on tine stage tine Imitereat mover
lags , as timero Is a certalmn ' 1mms mimi g tutu
cinaracterizom. tine work or tine eummtire cOmmi-
pany. Foremnost ammsonng tinemmi are Oracle
CummiInngs , tIme fascinstimng somsiirettnt , wino
ronnie sucim a lilt in time itleco last beasomn ins
KItty Casey , tine ( mauighmtvr of Flnmilgami's
frlemmnl , Commnor Casey. iehmmsorc ) aunt ! \Viinon ,
two rennorkabie bketchn artists , wIno appear
in ( arce.conmseniy for tine first tlnne , beimmg as.
mnociateui wltin time vaudeville stage for omamny
years , anti helrng rccogmmizetl as tine very best
iii thmelr line. Next comics William LInk ,
tints Inmipersomiator of ( mat unnfcirtmmmmnnto or for.
tunato elnecimmien of lmtumnamnlty kmnownm as ' 'A
'l'mamnp. ' ' Thom ( lucre Is Jeinmulmi Itlnstt , wlthi
tine siniemnnild koini-amno voice ; thu iean Sisters
in fammcy thrensacs ; Frinmmiie hall , Lena Imrnice.
Cinarlein 1anii , , Herbert Dnhiea , anti a host
of others , imnakimig a commnislmnatlonm above tine
avntrae , A special mmnatlmiert wIll be given
New Year's tiny.
'I Inoiuitis iv. Itinnu , . , l.eni Ii it , % 'tIc ,
IIACItAMEN"rO , Cal. , Jec. 19.-Thomas
\v. ifeene , time irungetiiamn , wqtu unable to liii
Ii , two mmlh'hnta' emignigenmiemit lxi hum. cIty ow-
lug to than ( act thmut lie Intel lost htlil Volve.
\Vhment lie rtirlve.l lmt're lie could muot emn&'nnk
uiitovtt a whilemier , 'l'hmi , lrugn.ihinmmm jttriisuteml
Imlu mniisfortus , ho overwork mmml a hat ! hti.
I he In. ii very elek mmmiii , hut Inept's to be able
to ulipt'ar Iii Henuttie next vee1e , but It Is cx-
trt'nn'iy tiouhilul ivhnetmner lie etnnm .iu . y ,
I I Inc couimtti , my tIlled I tt t'ngnsgernemnt , plyimg ,
to anmittli houses.
Nute or time 8Ise.
A considerable umltertiomm w ii be sinowmn
thuia wtek In "l'rlmnce Anajiias" at lbs liroad-
way. York , Jusie Bartlett Davis Is
to assume lime lnart of a boy , a commml recite
luau. been luteritolated for Mr. llarrmbee , thin
band of strolhlag Players are macant to be
- - 5"5 - . - . - - _ _ . _ . _ _ - - - S ' .
moore characteristIc than heretofore , mimi
sengs are atitipti for Mo , Cowles anti othuerim ,
These lironinhee ft imiarket ! Innprovemncnt Ins
tii aircati ) ' i'lrnusaunt entertaimsimsent ,
Dii Thnturstia ) ' nftcrmnoomn next , at time Mu-
hard imotel , Eugeum Sinnlow , time nimouieriu lice-
cnmles , si-il give a private exhibItion of huts.
womiderfuil lhiyeicnil .ieveiopiidTht before a
sehect mmsimniiier of imiemileal mcmi anti journal.
Ists , The affair is hlunilleut to twemity , annul
hirOmmile5 of ann lmitorestliig lecture are also
Time boo ( lint c'ventumally atlungs all nelsirimig
actors is mow buzzing iii Alr'xantier Ssnivlni'a
boniniet , lIe wIll unake au attempt at "Ufluit-
ict" at an earl ) ' tiate iunt.i . yfi test hits. as-
hllratlouns umpoit tIne PeOPle of loul5'llle , iCy.
It vlIl be a long etch frumn ronunimitie comnietiy
to tIne mmielnmiehnoly Ikint' , a step vlmlcim actors
do not snsuitilly appreciate untIl time ) ' attempt
to take It.
Thmrouugh thu' imitervemitloms of the director of
time Polish Nationnal theater at CracnAv ,
Manlammie Motijesknt Inns. math the nioors. tnt Usia-
sin opeiteti to tier , nmitl sine witi try at St.
l'otersburg mirxt March. iunimmtcnlintely after
time terumi of ohhlcituh nnionurmilmig for ( iso late
czar. RussIa Is regardeti as tine greatest
"mniouneb' country' ' in ltnrnlt' for theatrical
nttmnttloins : , lutit Matittunno Modjentha's frlemidtt
feamenl ( hint tine ltlper s.hie reati before time
t.nitiics' Congress. Auxiliary mit tine WorIti's
fair , insIght forinIti huer playIng tincre as , In
referring to time suocs of 1'dhnmnti , iien- native
mmmi , unite Was obhlgeti to cenemure tine ihsisslan
govermsmnemnt. Thus is tine first ( into speclai
ltermnlsslomi hiss ever been graunteti a uniennnber
of time tirannatlc i'rofcsslon iluu inns beets for-
tildthemu to cuter time Russians tiomisainn ,
4 mdi. ruth , recently aniopteti by itteinnrut
Mnsnnsflehti for tine govermnmuient of lila stage
iterforinamuces. iii worthy of the eanaitleratiout
of a great miiamny other star actors , vlso are
accunstoimsoth to rumlis thu Ihltisiomi of the stage
isigist after uniglnt by macless mud Ill-consul-
cred speeches before tine eunetain. Mr. Mans-
iielti'mi mess' rule is that inn minemniser of imI
conimpany is eulloweti to Immterrunpt tine action
of ( ito lmaY ll ) stoppIng to aeltmnowletlge ( iso
nhiplasnso of tine nstttileuice. 'time rule is fosnntti
to work well anal to ndti materIally to tlw
artistic effect of tine plays. ' .t a recount lair-
formiianco Mr. Mntnsiehtl's [ stage mnarisiger an-
uiouumncc'nt it (0 time imsitl cube imi tiii'so i'ortia
"A mecemit nile In Me , Mnnusficii's eomiipnny
forbids tito thlstunrbamicc of tlte Illusions of
tine etnigo 1mg aekmiowicniglnig npnhannae , butt
tnl r. Mauisiield amid lila comiipaiuy tire intone ( lie
hess grateful for yomur klnnd tupiureciatlomi. " Tine
autlicmice menmilzeui than vtuhnio of ( lie tunic , anti
ii uimsotnmit'eni its npprovnni my a rtininsui of vigor-
outs. apl'laumse , titter ( lie little situteclt of the
stage nninutager.
Actors anti actresses ! nave fatin 111cc every-
inotiy else--probably iltey have munome fnids
thins amnyboniy else. There are several PeOhiio
i'lt1i fails. In A. : tt , l'ahnner's comnipanty. Mrs.
1) . 1' . ihownrs' hnobb3' is tIne collections f
atmtogralnhms. atntobiogrtmphilcal eketehues amid
rennilnnlmcencrs. Slit ? has several semi , bOoks ,
contaunnlmig contrlbumtionns trains several genera-
( tOiLS of irounstmtennt , Persomia tnt stageland
E. ? tI. hlohhannd of tIme szsimte connipaumy lg a
stsitieimi. of ornitinology , anti mis comitrlhuteti
several excelleunt articles ems thn stibject to
( lie ninagazines. Time veteran , P. fl. Shot- !
tharti , Is it imtnnnilsiminutlst , amini it is salt ! that
lie inns a very flnne collection ofrarc , cOlns
E. 'iv. ' Presbry of time eaiine comupaisy ahnOndS
his spare ( unto with liastel amid Inrush. SaintS
of hIs worc Is said to be of conialderable
mfli'nit , MIss Virginia harmed has ( Inc noDal
cinarnmhtng fat ! of till. It is time collections ol
dahmny ninth pretty thnlnmgs of every character
anti tieslgmi. Thnero nrc : nitl to be several
other actresses wIno have ( inn miamnic fad ,
1-NT ,
.Ll p.JI Now Year.
Dec3 31 andJai. an 2
Ill tile folloiv.iig Brililailt Repertoire : '
tionday Night ,
Stl r. itnmeelh ms "lr 1'unuzlos'i : , lii , , 1) . ismuni A.S.S"
No.v Ynars Mathliocs.
Mm' . hhtmscull as "Northulo. ; . ' A .eetiy Gontimms
'w Y ° nms "fight
Mu' . Itussult tn.s "tlo'.ems 1losvu. '
WodnasiJay Nigt ,
Mr. itnm'n.ol I as "Nmnalu 'tuhe , ' '
Nltint i'm'lcesIrit'tit liner , 81 00 annul $1.50f ; / I
balcony , tiOt' ninth 75e ,
Alntiint'ti : lmticelrimst hoer , $1.03 : bulcomny : , I
t0cnunntl Vie , _ _
wWr'Q 2 NIGHTS 7
TIIUIIS , ANt ) Fill. NIGIL1'S ANt ) SAl' , MATS
JAN.3,4ana5 , I
i'hlfST TIME IN Pili Ol'I' % ' OV -
MilllflV THE f ' S
TOAR 4 :
A. Comsgress of Etmrapmtrs anti American
Voiitlern' , hicadeni hiy the i'eerjeutnn
A1 = OW
nnnmnwa a 'ctaM S
Thin Strongest Mmmi ann Etnrtlm ,
Apolio multI hiutrituleni connhniitetl , S
'L'ine mmiCn4t expemis.ivc munch mnsount rcllned
\'ntunievltiu omgtimnlzationt on ctirtii , S S
'ii I I m' 1 Eu mmli's
I IC i4'jcmicr3 ' flmutosnlues. sulItlhihi Oruittust.
'hi Ii , , innui ) bleNot fthlmmmin3.
I 0111 iii \ \ 1I
Vim i-3hnsr. mm' ii' i r
Miss Scotlie 'I'lmtu ' ( Ji.nvmnr . I h ii oaticruu
t'oliiu i
II. IT JOldfl ) 1jjflj
Ill y aim ( iomtnonihnuni ,
llauiFiiI ( IagneiiL ' .
. intmiiiibmh'.t ,
illnhtahII ) iiir I'criormmter. 'I'lw Afinletuof tine
AllUnderthoDircctiahn oF r , rEGttf75
'Flit , ersgagcnsc'mnt ticues with time iGattnrtl S
mnnitlnnet ,
iiTM 1 ? I R El I
Tvltsltiomtu ! i'il.
w. J. UURIItSS , flanigcr ,
S\-ek Commutmuetielnir WI tit luau linac lu : i ijy mit 2
tijitis itt nfl i :10. :
I 'I'inity nm-ti null i IgInt Irs
' 1JtI11GAitf'SJ3ALL. " S
0 mn miti Snt'c' I it 1 :11 : i ( I muvo No w 'm't'nnm'u.
Learoing to Daoce1
FOiL A i(114'i'S 'I'UESLuAY. 'fill ! FIits'j' S
DAY Ol 1895 , A'l' 8 P. M. ( 'iihLlitIIN ,
HA'rufliAYS , 10 A M , AlVAUCh , 2 P. 24 ,
St nicit ii iii nb rs. ' .51 i'd ii , a.
0111cc of Lee-Clntrke-Antlrecn.emu hardware
Cu. ' Onmnaimnu , Neli. , Dee , 7 , 1891-Notlco is
hiem'bey giveii ho thu stockimaldens of time Lee-
Cluuku-A mitlreusemn Jiuruiwaro comnipamny that
iin ammmmussl ineetimnt of tint' stockholders of
time comrnparny wIll Ste held at tIne cubes of
tine said cummnpamty , 1219 , 1221 mmml 1223 hfarney
street , 1mm tIne cIty of Omniuhma , iii thu untitto of
Nebraska , cmi ' 1 uestluy , January , j. I ) .
in5 ! , Ut. 4 o'clock p. rem , , ( or tine Inurluusa of
vluotIimg a inuntrtl of thlreetonpt ( or timitofti -
lafly to serve during tine u'mnnsuiimg > 'ear , stud
t , t'uminiimct ; surim otine'r iiUsiuiittutu Us may bs
htrtittitC(1 at Uci muieetirqf.
Attest : It. J lElI. President.
\v , 2.1. GLASS , Secretary.
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