Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 30, 1894, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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    - - , " - . . ; . . . . , . . .I. ; _ ! ! , _ ' ' - ' ' l . -1 . , . . . . " " - _ " - , " _ , " ' I - , . "M . - . . . " ' ' " . . . , . . . - - . - - . , ' ' " , - ' _ . / . , . . . . _ " ' _ ' _ - " ' " : " " , vp" . " . " ' . , . . ' . . , " _ . , ' , . . _ . . , _ . ' . , . _ " . . ' , ' , . " _ _ " _ " . . , . . . . _ .
6 rrUE OMAhA DAILY nEE : SUNDAY , DXCJThU3ER 30 180.1.
: Delvred by canter to any part ot the cl ,
I I. W. TILTON , I.useo.
; ' TRT.ElnONI Snu.lnc.a oflice No. U : nIght
i . . < lor , No 2
Orand hotel , Council Durs , rcopened Oct. 1.
fr - Mayne Real Estate agency 639 I3roadwAy.
4 J , . A. Cuper liaR commenced a $1,000 foreclosure -
. closure proceeding against Wilam SLeden
, topf , Jr.
. Arrangements hlvc been malh for a lecture
by Bshop John I' . Newman In the Iroallway (
Methodist Bplscol1al church January 17.
, A marriage lcense was Issued 'cstcrday
; to Clarence , \ . Hlhbs. agell 21 , anll Mary l. I
l rex , aged 17. both of 10tawalamle county.
All member of the ) 1ollge 1.lght Guards <
me ordered to report at the armory Monlay ,
, IMcmber 31. at I p. m. ly order or CaptaIn
W. I : . Aitchison.
Harmony chapter No. 2r O. E S. , wIll
have n puhlc Installation to members and
friends of the order followed hy a social and (
. SUPer , Monllay evenln .
: . Nell 101and , who undertook to wreak
vengCnce on n frail companion on Pierce
stret last I.'rltlay ( , was fned $290 hy Judge
McGee yesterday morning.
. The case of NorA Murphy against Sigler ,
In which [ nine slluaters south of Mnnawa are
charged wih contempt of court , Is to he
, : tried In the district court Monday morning.
c The United Statcs Masonic Benevolent as-
sedation commenccll % two suis In the ( district
. court against George F' . Wright , John N.
Ballwln all a number of others , foreclosIng
F mortgages In the nggrcgate amounting to
- $ G , 000.
. , A special meeting wil he held ( Monday
evening , Icceinber :1 : i , at P. O. S. or A. hail.
. I very member wi plcase take notice . as
huslness or In10rtance 10 tu he atenlled to.
I'residcnt W. W 11. Mulln , Treasurer George
T. Lacy.
. . The Stale Savings hak commenced a
- lull In the district court yesterday on n
4 note for $2,100. bearing the signature oC the
Council Burs Handle company , hy reason or
: the failure oC the defendant to IJay the two
Interest CaUtIons coring due last I'ebruary
and Angust.
The bar locket for the January term or
4 the distrIct court , which opens on the 8th.
Is now being prcparell for the 1"lnter. There
) ' are 31 law cases . H4 ; eluly , and eleven
- . criminal on the docket. or the eleven
criminal eases . six are city cases In which
the county attorney has no Interest
Frank Libbey all Tom Keley , who divided
with John leno & Co. 1 stock of clothing
. belonging to the latter were bound over to
the grand jury by Judge McGee yesterday <
mornIng. In default oC bonds In the sum oC
$300 they were taken to the county Jai for
safe Iepelnl. MIke Klnnen , charged with
: being Implicated In the theft , was discharged.
Della Downs commenced a suit In the
: district court yesterday against Albert
: Downs. Doth live al Underwood where they
' were marrlell In 18D2. and separated the 1th
j , . ot this month. In her petition she alleges
that her better halt , last Tuesday night
wont to 19 PIerce street In this city and
7 spent the nigh In drinking and riotous liv-
Ing. _ _ _ _ _ _
, .t Woo have $400.000 to loan upon improved
: . farms In Iowa anul 1 will tale nit the gilt-
edged loans offered at low rates \Ve do
' not want wild lands , and wi not loan In Nea
, bra ka. LougC & Towle 235 Pearl street.
Try Eagle laundry ; 724 Droadway , for good
3 work. Our medium gloss finish can't be
beat bit \ve do strictly hand work domestic
fnish , when preferrcd. Telephone 157.
The laundries use Domestic soap.
l'Bll.oU.IT ! \'TrU.V
E. E. hart has gone to New York.
. Charles A. Deno , who has been quite ill ,
: II Improving.
R. J. Clancy has ret rned from a visit
In WIsconsin.
Smith McPherson of Red Oak stopped at
the Grand yesterday
The little girl ot Judge Smith's was pro-
I nouncel better yesterday.
4. E. L. Shugarl and wife ler yesterday for
: a visit ot two weeks In Chicago.
F. S. Dreckenrldge of Nebraska I , the
guest of his aunt , Mrs. Thomas llishtoh.
A. 11. Snll of Missouri Valley was In the
- : city yesterday , a guest of the Grand hotel.
1Iss Ethyl Colclough Is In Fremont , Neb. ,
pending her vacation with her brother , Will.
. John Itelmerr , vice president or the Council
Bluffs Insurance company , came In from
Grand Island yesterday.
Born , to Mr. an\1 \ Mrs. A. W. Slack , a
' daughter . and to Alderman U. If. \yhle of
. 'j t \tho Fourth ward , a granddaughter.
. . . t Mr. aid Mrs. S. T. Spangler of Aurora , 1g. . ,
- rrlvell , In the city yesterday for a visit with
. t their daughter , Mrs. A. T. FJcklnger , on
? ? ourth avenue.
' t
; \ l \ Miss Laura Flckinger Is spending her hol-
, ay vacaton at her mother's home In Inde-
pendence She will return here the later
! part of this weelc ,
, . Mrs. Bert WorCel ot Des MoInes , who has I
- been visiting her parents , Mr. and Mrs .
'Vllam , Roper , \Vashlngton avenue , leU L
for home last evnlng.
! Richard Belt , representing the Chicago Tip !
ali Tire company , Is visiting his friends In I
; Council BhHfs and Omaha This afcroon
he left for Chicago to take In the expositon
- gIven by the bicycle manufacturers ot till
C.V . hull , manager of tIle Union elevator -
( . vator company returned last eVening from a i
- WPCJ'I trip through the ( western part of Ne-
( brasla. lie traversed the ( section of the
Itate , and while he found things In ball
sIIP , ho says the ( destitutIon and starve
. . _ _ , tun arc not nearly so bad as some people
' . , have been representIng.
Ground oil cake $1.30 hhd. at 10rgan &
Co.'s drug store , 134 I3roadway
Donlestc soap breaks hard water. to WorHhll
' ; First Prebb'terlan , corer of Willow awe
one all Seventh streets , Re\ . Stephen Ph ellIs ,
; pastor Prcachlng by ( lie pastor at 10:30 :
- LI. lfl. and 730 : p. . m.
Second Presby tenon-Morning service at
10:30 : , after which a congregational meetng
wi be held with Dr. Stephen Phelps a gS
nioderaor ( I \enlng service at 7:30. :
Christian Science , services at Arcanum
ball , Irown building . at 7:30 : p. m. Mrs. n. [
h Delone of Omaha wi prpach.
St. John'H Bnglsh Lutheran church , 17
: earl street , ReG. . W. Snyder , pastor-
, Services at 1 a. m. anti 7:30 : p. m. Communion I.
munion at morning service Sunday school
lIt 9:41 : a. m. Young peop10's meeting at
fr- 6:30 : p. m.
Congregattonal. Dr. John /tskin pastor
Morning subject : "Complalut for Frustrate "
. ' Aims and I Prayer for a Complete hAle. " I
I \enlng bubJEct ; "Crying After Christ "
I'eoples' church . Liberty hal near the
city building , George Muler , mlnlster-Ser-
. "Iue at 7:30 : p. m. Subject : "What the Year
Says : " l\elulle on "The Lynchings In the (
south. "
( Church of Jesus ChrIst of Later Day
Baluts , religious services at 104 Iroallway-
, Sunday school at 1 p. 1. ; regular s
at 2:30 : lull 7:30 : P. III.
t Heorganlel Church of Jesus Christ of c
Latter Day Saints. Pierce street , Wet of
Gen avenuc-Servlce at 10:30 : , pulpit sup-
plied ; preaching at 7:30 : by Elder T. W. WI I-
' hams , Sunls ) ' chool at 12 , anti Z. n. C
! 1 society lt O.
, First Baptt church , corner Sixth steet (
r and FirHt avenue-Preaching morning and
t 'enlnj by Evangelist I. . G. Irown , who wi
COI'/IICt sPecial leetnh' every nllht durin&
the coming week Jamel H. Davia ) , pastor.
Grace church , corner of Union ouch Ilerce ,
etreuts-Iloly cOllunlon at 8 : . in. ; morn.
InlI $ prayer at 10:30 : o'clock ; evening pray r
at 1 o'clock John - E. SIIIJ - I , rector ,
4 Big "II" .
In order Ip meet our obligations we mlst :
fllso by l" brary 1 $20,900.00. This leans I
A big January clearing sale. Every dolar's
worth ot winter _ goods lust go. Wait Cur
this big nale , which begins January 3. I'r _
- tculr Itor. n NNItN ) 111(05. ( .
' _ Counci Ihluffs .
. Cllmthe assembly Nu. 1 gIves lti ff\ntb
C . .noua ! ball January 1 'at Chamber's bali ,
M u. Barn Creates Another One of liarm
Periodic S nstions ! ,
. -
AIIO Clalml to Invn R Invel"Uon frlm the
J'ronhet 101lel , \ hu UlctRtOI to
lor R le\'lled COPY lt ills
l'ropiiecie. .
The spirit or Dr. P. W Poulson was abroad
In Council Dlurs Friday night , I the words
ot Mrs. 1.lzzle Barton , alas Car-
ter , are to bo taken at par
value , end hy the same authority the
announcement Is now made through The
Bee that ( the doctor himself Is to bo here
wihin the ( uext two mouths
There was a little mectnl or plrlualsts
In an upper room oC the bulhlng at 31
Broa.lway. . They were drawn together by
the h announcement that Mrs. Barton would
llelver n lecture on the subject of spiritual.
Ism , and 10 cents was to be the ( prie pall
for the privilege of swallowing Mrs. Barton's
words of wisdom . But there were not
enoulh diles In the house to malI It an ob
ject J to Mrs. Barton , all she accordingly an
nounced lint ( she would conteut herself with
maklnr a few tests and save her lecture
unt Monulny evening.
Irs. Barton Is well known to the news
paper reading publc In Council Burs , nlli
In i a gOOl1 many other place She has ac
qulred n large lot of notoriety during the
past six 10nths hy her sensational statements
and actions with reference to the late 1)r
I , . W. 10ulson. She was acquainted wlh
the doctor for a great Illny years while he
was Ivlul In the \ \ est . \s SOOI as his
death from apoplexy was announced she
Ippearel , upon the scene like a specter and
announcetl that It was not apoplexy al all
that had caused his death . hut poisoli ull
hint Il was administered by the ( halHls of
his wife. She claimed tu have testimony
to the ( fact from the ( spirit world , Inl ever
since that ( tme she has been bobbing hack
sa bobbing
an.t . forth from Council luls to Oakland ,
C al. , where lrs. Poulson Is now living . Ileep
l og the ( scandal stirred UII constantly , and
trying to Induce the authorities to have tim
remalus exhumed , In order that ( the truth ot
thc charges made by the spirits may be
At the meeting Irs. Barton called Into
her t presence the spirits of I number of wel
known Council Burs people. Among them
were those ot Wilam Garner , "Aunt Mary
Morton , " Dr. C. 11. Pinney alit ! others.
She described each one graphlcal ) She
told one blonde , splrllucle young man that
ho l was cut omit for a clairvoyant , anti that
the spirit oC Xenophon , the old Greek
torian t , had undertaken to teach him thea
Imslness. Xenophnn was himself In cvi-
dence. To another , whoso face was covered
wlh black whiskers , she prophesied a sudden
stroke oC good fortune and to another by an
examInaton of his left hand. coupled with
the advice or a military 10011ng old gente-
ntan l from the ( spirit world , she promised a
llfo oC 80 years
I.'lnal ) ' , turning to 1 young woman seated
In i one corner she pointed a long bony fore-
fi nger before her , and exclaimed In an awestricken -
stricken voIce , "There IS Dr. Poulson. He
says he knows a great many ot you people
and he has something very Important to say
to tl t you-something that he wants to tell a
larJer l crowd than Is here tonight , and he
Is i going to talk througfl me. He Is going to
t ell you that he mIld not die from a stroke or
apoplexy , but he was polsone < Within two
month ( ho says ho wi be materialized In
this city at some of these meetings , so that
he l can be seen by those who are here. He
says he Is going home with me tonight. "
At this startling statement : lrs. Barton
excused herself from her llllrlt visitor , and
saul to the audience :
"I 'see spirits around me every day. Once
as I was walking throukhi the streets oC Oak-
101id. l Cal two big burly Indian sPirits came
up to me , and separating . one walked on
each side oC me to protect me I never have
the slIghtest fear of any harm coming to
me , because I go so veil guarded by peot
pie from the other world.
"One day as I was sitting In my room
reading the prophecy or Daniel of which I
am very fond , I heard a voice behind mo
say , 'You seem to be very much interested. '
I replied that I was , and soon found out that
the elderly spirIt with whom I was talking
was that of the Prophet Daniel. After some
conversation : I asked him to tell me all about
his being thrown Into the den oC lions . He
dhl so . and I tool down the words as they
came from his lips. The manuscript I
have at lionie and Intended to bring here
tonight. but I forgot I Is one oC the
most beautiful things I ever read-entirely
different from my usual literary style , so
that I know It came direct from the prophet.
I covers the same ground as the book or
Daniel , but doel away with all ( lie mysteries
and contradictIons with whIch Daniel , like
nil other books of holy writ . Is filled. The
prophet told me that tim bible we have now
Is not the genulno bible but only a very
imperfect copy. The genuine bIble Is bid.
den under the ( ruins ot the temple , where Il
has been ever since Jerusalem was taken
by the nomans. under Titus. Some day It
wi be thug up and then we shall have not
thin bible of today with all the coetradic.
tons which translators alll copyists have put
Into I. but a clear , stralghtorwanl account
ot the events of the ( early history or the
world Tim story I wrote at Daniel's dlcla-
ton ( Is as far superior to the bible story as
anything can be I will bring It to the ( Ineet- (
log next Monday night and show Il to you. "
Some very low prices made on seasonable t
merchandise to close out BOSTON odd lines. STORE
. Council Bluffs , 10.
hOc quality at silk ribbons , to close 3c a I
ISo to 25c silk ribbons , now 9c a 'ard.
25c sik elastic \ teb . to close , 12 ½ e a ynrd .
' 12yc yarl.
Gents' heavy wool nnderwear , worth TIt
to She cacti reduced to SOc each
Our SOc line of gents' Illerwear , reduced
to 3De each.
Odds and ends In Indies' fine wool unller-
wear , wolh from $1.00 to $ $ .IO each , to close ,
610 each
Cliiltireii's all wool red anll camel's hair
underwear reduced to 25c each , all sizes.
b9c heavy cotton blankets reducd to 4Dc
a 11alr.
Infants' wool hose , 1c quality , I'educetl
to le each S
yard. $2.50 qually heavy cloaking , now $1.50 u
irc quality I nglsh ladles' cloth , fannels
and heavy ( wills , reduced to 3Dc n yard.
A big lot of remnants of line dress gooll
on sale at exactly half price.
35c dress patterns , worth from $1.00 to
$5.50 each on sale at $2.9S. $
Our entire stock ot cloaks and capes at
greatly relluced prices
Council , lurs , 10.
Store closes at 6 o'clock
Hh"rhl.n Coat.
This new coal from Wyoming for sale
only by II. A. Cox , 37 Main street Telerhone
18. Ask for circulars
hunt T.n.k for the J.rcholu.
The leyers.Durfee FurnIture company reo
alzed ) 'cterday more forcibly than ever
what Is meant by "the Irony of fall ( " when
they received a notice that by a decision of
JustIce Field they would be compelled to ( i
pay $20 just for the ( rlvleg ot getting back
a lot of household goods that they had allowed -
lowed a customer to buy ou tick.
spring they sold a fellow named Moore , who
'a ' ell to do bill pasting about town , I lot
of furniture , which was to be delivered to (
his father. As the sale was made on credi (
one ot 'he usual chattel mortgages was executed -
cuted , but , In accrthanee with I somewhat
prevalent custom , It wn not Iled ( In the
county reeordr'a 001cc. Instead of taking ito It i
10 his falber's house , Moore gave It to I
disreputable woman by the lame of Abe e
Wilson. its then tllpped out and has not
been since. : IPfer began to IOk around and
finally ascertaIned the whereabouts of Ihe
furmilluire. awl comlenced rtpleln procee '
IUKS. nut the ( frail , ' :
frai AHce pro\'e that I'os-
6enllI II lull'(1 nine points of Ibl ( law , for
Whin tlf ( case camp U ; fur trial she kn\cked
the furniture Uen out and obtained I clear
title to lie ( furniture , which hal not cost her
a cent Now the law of Iowa provides that i
In n replevin case the wInner may chose ,
eit her the goods themselves or their e4uivre :
alent In money. Alce thinks she , 'I take
th e money and Ie ! le'er" keep the goods ,
an d her atcrney ( so Informed the ( furniture
man yesterday < . It was only a short time
ago that Alice was ordered out of town by
the judge ot the polIte court and ordered
to stay out , : Ir. 1le'er announces that he
hi s taken It upon hlnlel to see that this
orller of the court Is enforced , and If she
wander back she will find herself In tie (
ciy Jai very shortly.
Social IRPImhlgR.
The most brilliant social event or the
paM st week was the dancIng party given by
paP rs. C. E. II. Campbell and Irs. F. S.
Pusey last evening nt the latter's resl.
dence , on Third street , Between 10 and llO
Invite guests were there ( , comprising a good
porton ot the youth and beauty oC Council
B luffs. The house was elegantly decorated
In Christmas colors , re and green. the
ladles wert halulsomely gowned , anti tIm
glare or the lights never illuminated a fairer
scene than when the ( strains or the ( orchestra
sent the ( feet dancing In the first waltz .
The first floor was entirely given up to
the ( l dAncers. The four large rooms were
cr ashed } , . The mirrors an(1 mantels were decorated -
orated with holy , red chrysanthemums antI
meteor roses while every chandeler bore Its
bunch h of mistletoe. The porch at the west
sIde ot the ( house was Inclosell , the wnls
lI ned with buntIng and bUng with Chinese
lanterns , transforming It Into a cosy nook
adaptell for tele'a-tetes Pots of narcissus
and celIa lies were scalered ( profusely over
the house.
The dining room upstairs was especially
b eautiful. Festoons of holy and mlstetce
were hung across the ceiling from tie ( corners -
ners ot the room to the chandelier . About
thc chains of green were twlued red rIb-
bens , which dropped from the chaluleler to
the table beneath. The center piece , a large
basket of meteor roses , was surrounded with
smal vases containing noseays of red car-
n ations. The refreshments , like the decora-
tons. ( i were approprIate to the occasion , the
bon bOis and Ices being fashlonell In molds
shaped like the holly , and colorell green
and red
The list or guests Inelude.1 . many from
Omaha , as well as from this clt ) The affaIr
was planned by the hostesses In honor of
: Ir. Orenvilo I ) . : lent emery of Yale anll
: lss Eleanor lontgomery , the nephew antI
niece of Airs . h'usey.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Stevens entertained
n dinner Party at the Grand ChrIstmas even-
lo g. Those present were : lr. and Irs. A. D.
N icholas . Dr. ulI Mrs. I. n. Jennings , MIss
F annie Morrow , Miss 1.orence ! Stevens , Miss
: abel Stevens , and Robert F. Smith.
Thin Brownie entertainment at Dohan"s
oper house last Thursduy evening was a
highly h succcssCul affair In every Wl ) ' . The
IUlo folks entered Into the spirit of the
ocaslol II a way ( lint delighted tIm audi-
ence. The little pohiceuiiatm . Chitnanian dutie
s ailor . coon , ali all tIm rest oC thcm , built
on the most diminutive scale possible
brought down hue house when the signal
came for the war ot dcstructon to be made
on tIm tribe of bugs snakes anih beetle
that Invested the garden. Mrs. I.ynchard
and Mrs. tklns , who engineered the affair .
turncd $78.50 Into the Home treasury last
week as a reusl of the entertainment. Two
i nvitations . ono from Avoca all the other
from I'ella. 10. , have ben received by the
lalles l to bring their troupe there and put
lie ( play on . but It has not yet been decdcd
whether thin plan wi bo undertaken or not.
The Sunday Evening league of the Con-
gregatonal church wil have a coffee chat ut
the church parlors New Year's night.
A reception will be held at the Christian
tabrnacle New Year's night from 7 to 1
o'clock by 11ev. E. W. Allen and his eu-
thuslatc force of assistants. A reception
partcularly for gentlemen will also be hold
at the same place durIng the afternoon [ ruin
2 to 6.
The second "assembly" ot the season will
bo heht 1onlay evening at the Grand hotel.
Calantho ascmbly will give 1 bal Tues-
day evening
The Dog Light Guards gave a holiday
party at the armory Thursday evening. The
aralr was one oC the merriest oC the merry
season. The social commIttee had arranged
for tile dnce with great cure and met with
falerlng succesa. The crowd was a charm-
Ing i one. and the evenIng passed In the most
pleaant way Imaginable. Another dance
wi be glvcn after drill next Tuesday even-
i ng. Only those ( who have received invite-
tons to previous dances will be admitted on
this occasion. The dances given by the
guards are always attractIve , and the series.
which will run throughout the winter , will
no doubt prove very popular.
A pleasant holiday party was given by
Mrs. Darrough In honor ot her daughutci- .
Patricia Thursday evening at her home , l42
Droadway. High five was the feature ot the
evening. Miss Keutng won lie fIrst lady's
prize l and Clarence Gallagher the first gentle-
man'a prle. HefreslJJenta were served at
10 o'clock.
Among those present were : : :
Medames Langey and Darraugh ; lllesa
Keating . Lange , Tude \\Ickhnm. Wells . Dar-
raugh , Gallagher all Foray ; Messrs. Harry
Gallagher , Clarence Gallagher , Cooper , Mul-
queen , I"rank Foray arid Clarence Fury.
Mrs. Dr. C. Deetken oC Washington avenue
celebrate her 41st annIversary Tuesday even-
l ug. The time was spent In playing high
Ivo f and other social enjoyments. Among
hose present were : Iessrs. and Mesdames
Tibbots Pfelrer , I. lloitz . J. 1ergen. Meyer ,
G. L. Smith , A. Schulz , Stockert IVest -
cote E. Saar , Mrs. C. Sitar Misses Anna and
Lena Mergen , Messrs. Ed Fuse , \V. Sear , O.
Sear , raspritcli , Iumerlclhaus , Dr.
1ugele , Pro ' ? . Zerllwsky and son.
Wherever thiht sterling comedy drama ,
"Tho Charity Ball , " has been played. both
press and IJublc have been unaullous In
butt praise of It W a model play. I caters
to and Interests all classes , anti when presented -
sented Wednesday evening al DohalY's the-
lter , wi attract an overflowing audlcncc.
So much has already been writen of this
play , which ran moro than a year lt the
New York I.yceum theater , I wouht seel
almost superfluous to do lucre thou announce
Its coming
Miss Eta Wlrt entertaIned a nUlber of
her friends at high live Friday evening In
honor of her cousins , Lou and Harry 10sick
ot Chicago , who are spending their holidays
hcre. Tim lady's prize was won \y Miss
Alice Foster , and the gcnteman's by Hobert
I.eech. Those present were : Misses Alice
oster. I JulIa 1.lpe. Corn Ielar. Cora Smih ,
Dela 1lyer. ' Nell Baler. Gronewe . Jessie
Walace , Mabel hIcks. Ima Alhrlght , lele
Plterson. Mary Wool oC Omaha ; hail Hos-
Ick nuid Miss Julia Officer of ' .
alll : lss Jula Chlcugoj ; 1lessrs.
Robert I.eeeh , Ed McKesson , 1 lnll McKesson -
son , Forth Chids , Eileen Illon. 'fom Farnsworth -
worth , Charlie Bradley , U'tamuk I Capel , harry
1lurllhy , Clyco Lyon'ihi Butler , Ralph
Mueller . Fred I'arsons'aiter Sawyer amid
larry Hosick of Chicago.
'fho Daughters of Ilbelllh will held a
watch leetng all social Ionlay evening at
Odd Fellows Imait . All Odd Fellows aII
frlenlls iire invited to and
lre Invlell come watch . the ( old
year out ,
: lr. anll Mrs. H W. Hazelon entcrtalned (
a few friends last \Vedneeday evening at
their home on Avenue F In honor of l'rot
and Mrs. Id : n of Mount Carroll Female
semlnlry , In Illinois. Mu. lazzn , who Is
I pianist of great ability . added greatly to
the enjoyment ot the evening by a number of
eIectlons. Among those present were Dr.
John Askin , Mr. arid Mrs . F. O. I.ouleo ,
Mrs. B. C Cole , H. A. Cole , Mrs. C. C. Cole ,
of Mount Pleasanl : Mr. anl 1lrs. N. I' .
DOdge , amid Mr. and Mrs. W. J. $ veret ( .
Dourlclus' musIc house has few expenses :
high grade plancs are sold reasonably. 116
Stutsman btreet. 16
Davis sels ! drugs , paints and glass cheap
Washerwomen use Dameslc soap.
ouhlu't : Wnlt torI'8 ' halite ,
O. I. Brown was to have had a rale of
a gold filled watch ut hll stere on Lower
Main street , but It has been IndefinItely postponed -
poned because enl manS afraid he didn't
have the wInning ticket. Yesterllay noon
Mrs. Brown found that ( sOle one hall opened
the Ihow case which had been left un.
locked , and had stolen tie watch I hap.
lien cd some ( line within the ( twenty-four (
hours preceding , but just when no ona seems
to know _ _ _ _ _
Oas cOklnl stoves for rent and for sal ci
Gas Co.s office.
20 per cent discount on all trllulel hat
at Mrs. nagidalo'
Domestic soap outlasts cla" sea ,
H"IInh'nc"H "I I ho " ' 11
Jlulge Carton of Bncampment No.8 , Pnlon
Veteran LegIon . read . a paper before the t11-
C/mlllent at Ii I last meetng of a reuninla-
cence of tbe late war , which occurred Seii-
tember 17 , 163 while In the ( Army of tbl ( ,
Cumberlanl , Inl ( I ' P" Thomas. The
Ju dge had n close r . The pAper was well
recelvet by the ( members oC the ( encAmpment.
At each meeting \litrs or a like nature
are read by comrades , giving their ( xprl-
enee In camp , onr11he march or In battle.
They make an un\\'uttn history of tie War.
E very soldier hiavingu served three ) 'ear cer'
talnly has some experience worth relating.
Several papers from soldiers are In
course of pcparatol Major Spera I the
historian for the encampment.
SI11..n UORth Rt Nenla.
Ntws was received hero yesterday < or the
death of James l r lkln , an ohl.tme resl-
llent or Neola , lie wal walkIng along about
9:30 : o'clock yesterJay morning In front of
the ( t I.ehman hOUSQ hi lila own town , when
he suddenly fell Cr9m. ( ilm sidewalk Into the
street , n distance tn not more than sIx
Inches. When picked UII life was foun(1 to
be extinct . lie was carried to the lmIer-
taller's roms antI his brother who lives In
Shclby , was coiled. The remains will be
talen to his late resIdence as soon ns his
brother arrh'es.
Chance oC n life ( hue for genuine HOlll
Oak stoves lather than ( carryover the
fe\ we have on hand we will sell for cash
at absolute cost. 1.001 at our range exhibit
In about a week. I : Cole & Cole , 4 1laln
stl ( eet.
The polce arc on the trail or Alison Foote ,
lhe ( l stockman who Is claImed to have ham-
hozlell Wiliam Maloney out of $26. A tel-
egram was received yesterday from the sher-
Ir oC Onawa askIng Maloney ) to come tip as
he thought ho could find his man for Imini
M Ialoney wi go up thIs morning.
I'IX Levy fur 181)1. )
The county auditor has jus ! finished makIng -
Ing out the ( tax levy for 1891. The levy for
county tax ( Is $ r9.163 , compared with $421-
lDO for last year : for the city , $158,039 , com-
parel with $159,039 for last year : for special
mprovements I $8Ii62 , compared with $100-
642 last .
year. - _ . _ _ _ - _
tlco\re111 the Etlloy of nil IlltnuIllolR ;
l'uhIRh\lJ \ I I iuise.
SPENCER . Thu. , ] cc. 2.-Speclal ( Tele-
! rnin.-llx-'ommgresuiiuitn ) 1. Butler ot
Iown , who wns perhaps better known as
"Pnnsy lilossom" Ittitlen' when In the house ,
fnd for whose hotly his wlCe and brother
h } ave just offered I reward oC $ , Is nut
t lead. On the contrary he Is \ 'er ' mticlm
\'el mich
a live. For the Iat week hc hns been Em-
plocliin the I'U \ Ilshlng house oC B. J. Ieef
& Co. of Intlinnapoils. huller was 1 hierivy
luser l by the , plulo alll since his sUlllen
tls\ppearnnce , from his Iowa home n
month 01 more ago he has been looking
a bout for ' lucrative . < ng
aholt so'ne lucrut\e cmlJloymell. He
gave al his reason for not coinmunicmiting
wih hil family that he tld not want his
whereabouts known until hc hal found I
good I10s1 ton. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Uno or lie Pecullarreatures oC the Late
I"cctol In Iowa
F' . DODGIJa. , Dec.20.-Speclal ( Telegra )
- Mrg. I. . E. Caste oC Catenler yesterday
q ualified as justIce oC the nntl will
justce 11enee anl wi administer -
minister legal doses to the wayward citizens
of that town for the ensuing two ) 'ears.
Her husband runs nOr ug store there. In
lin eu' annie all the intention was last fail to
nomilate him for the position , but Cal In-
iials i Wel'e used by mnlstalce and to every
onc's surprise It was found that the wife
ins elected and not lie husbanll. As there
Is i no legal ohstacleln the way of lien tilling
the t place ) she was consequently sworn Ilng .
Inrlln Joys Chlrjet With ' 'h.r.
HAHIu\N , Ia. , tec. 29.-Speclal-The ( )
shcrlf of Cedar county , Nebraska , came
here and returned with three of Harlan's
y 'Olg men , who are - aiitcd on thc charge
os f helng Implicated 1 1- 'the crime of whole-
sale thefts In Cedar ahul adjoining counties.
Their nlmeR are ) { cnleth I.each. Ralph
B'uman anI Tom K ndat One Mentienhuahl .
who has served time In thc Iowa pen for
murter , Is the lenUcl' 9f the gang and he
Is i now lHel nrrest t Handolph. They
hlve been stealing . every thin they could
get their hands on I 11 ahtet1.
' 1here Is an electioneontest , 01 hand In
this COUlt ) ' . TheOfliceuj of recorder. auditor
ali attorney , were'fl , tid 01' nearly so audlol ad
'recount of ( lie bilbtA IB being had. The
lght l wi gO Into ttr , district , court.
IIuihjuintiiiui * Wie itilled .
CEDAR HAPIDS Ia. , Dec. 29.-Special (
Telegram.-A frightful accident happened
here shortly after 7 o'clock this evening ,
resultng In the almost Instant death of Mr.
and Mrs. William I.aughlnn. They had
Itarted to walk across the Burlington ,
Cedar Rapids & Northern railway bridge
over the Cedar . river at the southern limit
oC the clt ) . The bridge Is I long one anti
they wel'e overtaken by a passenger train.
Laughlan had hoth legs cut off and was
taken from under the wheels of the englnc.
Trainmen saw him , but not In time to
! ave him. lrs. Laughlan was not fount
for nearly three hours. having been tossed
( roan the bridge to the Ice below. Evidently
lenth hud been instantaneous
Doherty Grllte" Divorce .
CHEROKEE , In. , Dec. 22.-Judge Gaynor
has handed down his decision In the sensa-
( tonal Doherty divorce case , granting Rev
Mr. Doherty a divorce from his wife ,
Edith . and the custody or a minor chid ,
Mrs. Doherty sued for divorce on grounds
ot cruel und Inhuman treatment. Hel' bill
was dismissed and I divorce granted the
defendant on his cross bill . charging nd ll-
tory with George H. Gray as en-respondent.
Last summer In Chicago her . Mr. Doherty
hlli h his wife and Gray arrested for this
offense , but concluded to lht $ the mater
out In court and dIsmissed the Chicago
cuse. 'fhe evidence was very sensational
and Imlcated that Doherty was the victim
ot a foul consplrac
CIo"el" Literature COnlsCRte1.
SIOUX CI' ' Dec. D-Speclal ( Tclegram )
-The Kansas City Sunday Sun tiller two
years of quiescence , has again attempted to
sell its papers In Sioux Cltr. This week I
sent several huudrell to the Ilostolce and
time Postmaster today conlh'cated iind vihl
destroy ) them al obscene. They contained a
number oC the ( old stories that were prlnled
In the same sheet and cnusel great conmmo .
tel two years age resulting In the ( sen-
tcnclng oC Hurt nd Lewis to time penlten-
tar ) ' . ' 1he town ( Is excited over the effort
and the correpomlent will suffer It elort iia.
coveted _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Jlr . t' . , \ , litler II'Id. .
IDA aBOVE , In. , Dec. 20.-Speclll ( Tele-
grm.-lrH. ) E . A. Khmer died very sud-
denlr at her home 11 this city this morning
of heart lsease. She lelvcs a husband and ,
six children . She WIH the mother oC S.V. .
Khmer , editor of the lila County Record . and
F. C. 1lner. PhmarmflCClst. 'fhe funeral will
be held ut the residence Delemher 30 , at 2
p. m. rime deeensed was . G ) 'earl old.
VI..IM : ' 1 } . ( TO ! U.IlRL.
Sehru of IIohll ! S'rsselsi In" Erie 10'
clmln ! Serious
TORONTO , Dec. 29-The 11sagreemenl
over the ( shlng selurel In I.ake Eric has
assumed an Internatonal turim . Commander
Walcehiain'ii report has been forwnrdod to the (
home authorIties , who will deal with lie (
Unied ( States. The question has become one
of fact , antI nol boundary , as the American
Ishlng firma assign the ieluro to an entrely
different portion of the lalco than that sworn
to by the ( Cana < laf on 'crs.
.hulmrnt 11 tiuetayarweistlmcr " ' Cmt . " ' .
Nl\V YOltK , Dee : 20.-The JUdgment In
the Fayerweather ( e'liq came directs that of
time residue there ( shol b paid $100,000 to the
Northwester university , anll the rest of the
residue shah go to II } wenty coleges named
In the ( ninth clausl of thin wi In equal
shares The Importnt part of the decIsion
Is the provision ( list ' the ( resIdue shall go In
equal shares . The ' urment enjoins Execu-
tore Tlch , lulkley and Vaughn from dls-
poring ) of any money ! ldlr the ( deed or gifts
and direct them tllccount for all money to' '
Charles W , Daytou as reCeree. Wilam
IllalkIe . attorney tor the ( heirs , will appeal ,
amid lucre ( Is a Ilros\ct of - other uppeals.
I'u tlo't.r Ourrhhiisuis' thorta " ,
ASPEN , Colo" n ? c. 29-Poatomco In.
specter Nichols ha3 tound 11 I'o&tmaster
Ourrlhans' accounts an apparent shortage of
$ IOO. ; Garrlhlns ( as been deposed end B.
L , . Balel , enl oC Garrlhans' ( bomllmen , takes
tpmporary ehargo of the oltice. Garrlhans
wi not be prorecuted , as I Is , "e\t lie ( I
tanle which he has got the ( olle Into Is I I
lore Ihe ( result ' of corleunei than any-
thin ! else . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _
' hrlr l.t'I" Indly Vroicui
ImVEH ) , Deco 9-l"rank Miler and Wi-
lam Mealier , t\o young l n of this city ,
tramped to Salla tlb week In search of
work. The feel ot h Jth were J badly frozen
that their legs have been allJutated al the
only chance of salS their hives.
Christmas Enjoyment of the Pn'J.Teutonio I .
Social Chili Recently Organized ,
CondItons lust . \ro CRlnlng Trouble In the
honks of ( lie Treuhlul-Crllel11 of
time CrRnd Ofllcor-Sotmie I'Rr'
RJrRphR of (0111" ,
Oemuethlchllell ( Is the name or an organ.
Izaton l ( called Into exlstenco purely for so-
clal purposes by resllents ot the north side
le l titan nIne months ago. Its meetings arc
t ruly characterized by hue ohl IJro\'erhal !
Oerman " ( emuethlchkel ( , " implying little or
no rstraint when fraternally ! assemhlcd.
leyol1 the bounls or decency or orull-
nary manners no etiquette or social frills
hamper h social intercourse. Religion , rank
nor staten , Profession nor nativity act D
barriers In Its observance. The usual teat
or f birthplacE whether hue ( applicant for memo
bershlp onC3 owed allegiance to some par-
tcular grand iluke . pet ) . monarch or king ,
so conJnonl ) applcd In local Oerman clubs
or social circles , has found no place lucre.
Prusslans , Bavarlal\ , Saxonlans , len from
lalcn , \Vurtemmmberg . or any whose cralll
WM rocked In one of the little states now
comlloslng lie empirE which hold the key
to uropo's peace wih ( Swlzerlall amid
Luxemburg included , are elglblc , g\'cn
Amerians have found sufclcnt charms In
hue society' gatherings to cater as lem-
uers. Storz's hal on North Twenty-Courth
street has becn chosen as t he place of as-
seimublage' There the semi-monthly meetngs
are held
On Christmas day many of tl ( members .
aCCollJanlel1 by their [ enmities . slcnt an entertaining -
tertaining tmo arounl a finely decorated
tree herein following the ( custom prevalent
In i hue homc' oC 1 land once lear to them
amid yet reunemumbercul . In the parcnts amid
11cillo I of mature ( years this awakened man ) '
pleasant i recolectons of chilI hood daB , when
labring l under greatest excitement they had
scampered around hue lIghted fire. closely
exumlnlng ito branches for < lain tes. Gut-
tering was the splendor. anti Santa Claus
hall h also been more or less liberal . These
things were forcibly reElected on this day In
thin joyous picture oC the chuilcireum. Wih
imimisic mnerry-mnaheing and the consumpton
of a collation served hy Mr. Charles Storz
the occasion was one to remaIn In remem-
brance. The present ofcers of the club ! C-
lectcd l at the last regular mmueeting . art :
Eberharl Kindler , president : herman Busch ,
vice Ilresident ; Charles Storz treasurer :
Christ iiauer . reCrdlng secretary : Fritz
10ehnc. financial secretary.
During the short period oC its existence
lie club has rapidly gained In members , and
Its exchequer shows a neat little sum. -
Troul" tn the 'l'rcublnd ,
According to what seems reliable Infor-
mmmation , the order or Treubund does not en-
maton lees
joy the smoothest sailing at present. I Is
cIa lned that there ( Is considerable dlssats-
faction In time ranks with . the ways of some
of the high oncers and the accumulating
Indebtedncss ( In the grand lomhge In one
quarter It Is charged that several of these
ofcials have never rendered a full anti coin-
plEto accountn . They are also accused of
turing a deaf car to the ( extensive chamois
of members who express disapproval of thc
action of the last grand lodge session In
Plattsmouth. At the time I was decided to
hold the next meeting at Norfolk which Is
denominated as the farthest western point
where the lodge enjoys any membership.
It Is contended that Insteall or Norfolk , a
place near the center of residence of lost
ot the membership should have been se-
lected. Omaha Is fa'ord by many and
looked upon as the ( most convenient place for
the delegates from points In Iowa , south
Omaha , this city and vicinity. .To go to
Norfolk would mean Incurring great expense
by many when the few delegates from there (
might better afford to come here. To hold a
grand lodge session In a smaller town would
also surer the order to lose In estimation.
orler estmaton.
Much discord and wordy wars have therefore
arIsen and the indifference oC the grand of-
cers. It Is stated . has been severely crlt-
clsed. Even In the official organ at Belle-
vlo the acton oC the grand lOdge has been
characterlzell as being foolish and Incumber-
big the lodgc with unnecessary expense.
That the lodge will take steps to separate
from the Missouri and Illinois body Is already -
ready a foregone conclusion , so the Informant
stated. On the whole the order Is not enjoying -
joying very great prosperity , and se\'erl
lodges have hal to be suspended on account
of Inability to pay grand lodge asses ments.
The probability oC graduated assessment to
conform with age and the possible acton of
reducing the Insurance from $1,000 to $100 Is
also being discussed.
Under the hihistletot .
Christmas brought with It joy to many a
heart , anll at least one pledge oC betrothal
under the Christmas tree In the ( home of one
ot Omaha's valued German cltens. At the
residence ot the ( fianco's father Mr. Gustav
Pomy , Miss Ida , his accolplshcd second
laughter , became engaged to Mr. lenry Kos-
man , a genleman of talent and ability In
his profession . Mr. Kosman Is also a member
oC the Saengerbund , amid last Wednesday at
hue ( regular meeting ot that society the engagement -
gagement was announced. Many well wishes
and congratulations were sllowcred upon the
partes : at this tinmo.
Mr. and Mrs Pomy sponded wlh an elegant -
gant luncheon , of which they Invited members -
hers of the society to partalle.
In Ihl 'ny "I Uosij , .
The German Veteran association enjoyed a
pleasant time at Saengerbund hal las : Sun-
The Saengerbund's regular monthly evenIng -
lag entertainment wIll be given at the hal
January G.
At Kessler's hal the Austro-lungarian ( socIety -
cIety wi celebrate its second anniversary on
Saturday , January 5.
The eighth annual bal of time Dohemlan
Ladles' Ail society Is to be given at National
hal on Thirteenth nail Wiiam streets Janu-
cry 5. .
Bowlers enjoyed a season of rest during
Chritmas week , but the club contests at
Manger's arc to be tallen up again after
New 'ear's
Only members of lImo turnverein will he
almlted to the adjourned Christ mal cele-
brton which Is to bo given by thu senior
class or bears on January 9.
A New Year's reception and general enter-
talnmcnt Is the IJroject with which the (
ladles' class of the turnvereln Is busying
itself just no\ These ladles wIll receive
at Tnrvereln hal emi January 1.
New Year's eve Is to be made a time of
extraordinary entertainment with members oC
lie ( 1.lederkranz , who will assemble at the
hal on Tenth and I'arnam street , where a
strictly affair en famle Is to be given.
The newly electel olcers oC the ( German
I.adles' Ail society are : Mrs. M. lerlng ,
president ; Mrs. C. laysel , recording secre-
any ; Mrs. C. Schneider , financial secretary ;
: lrs , Schultz , SCUtl Omaha , treasurer. The
election was held at WUhlngton ( hal last
A little bird of llscor < 1 Is saId to ( hover
with extended wings over one of the German
organizatIons In this ciy , I Is feared that
the ( size lay Increase with the approach of
ihue nlxt meeting In January , and that eagles
talons wi find a hold upon the craniums of
SOIl members.
1latduetchers will celebrate thl ( ell\nth
anniversary of tire birth oC their society
cn the /th of January In Turner hall. A
commitee compostd of Wilam 1leck. Wi-
lam Bruhn and William ( Jiao . Is now en-
aged In pel feetng all necessary arrange-
mimen's for the ( event.
The liter dIvision of the ( turmoereln has
selected lie ( following olcers : Henry 11cr ! .
leller , presilent ; Robert Unger , vice preil
len ! : II. Itomacluer ) . secretary : Wiiam
Echuulze . treasurer ; Gotleb Watert , ser . :
geunhat.armsj ; Robert S'cln , custol\an ( of
den : P. Schroeder . custodian of materIa"
On the ( occasion of their ( wooden wedding
last Tuesday , Mr and Mrs. Anton I nglelan
were agreeably surprised by the "bit cia
a doubh quartet ( frol the i5aenmgerbumid .
1lr. 'lgleman 1 ' has been a valued member :
lC Ills otety ' llncp its inception and the
lemler hod prl per ellpreclaton of thla
by serenading the couple. It was a complele I
To Pro\lltc Invitilels \S'1tl I'i'npcr Gnl'c antI ' ' '
\ In\/llts 'lh PI'olcr nlt Tt'cntmcl at Qihai'ti' thu
. , ,
U8unl ) itiitl to Imiti'tm.ltue Itl'a SlIentIfli . 'tulio&ls (
Iii ( lie Ilitiidlfitg ( if CIii'oiI Itt1itthjg ,
Sonic tImings nrc worth tellimig dice ; seine
thmiimgs are tvortim ( elhluig a. imiillhoum times.
Tue scope , time siirit , thic luumrlmse of time
Coiaihnuitl and Shmepartl nieuhicnl systcmuu limit
been ittmmted emi vera uimami' occasiomie. It
l inus licemu glvemi a litibhlcity immeastireth cmli ) '
II ) ' tlic' circulation of great m1evspnpers.
lInt , like somne other thmimmgmu , it iii a ummattem'
iii megarti to wumichu PeoPle require not oumiy
to be' immforinetl , but to lie kept no-
mlmuthed , nntl in regnnil to which time irvmtilds
of Omaha mueed not emil ) ' to lie awakened ,
but to be KRt"l' awake.
\'itimoti ( apology , ( lieu , let It be reimeateti
amid relteritteti ( limit time spirit nuid Imiurlunse
of the Copelamuti iuuuii Shuepuird mmuetlleuul Si'S.
( em Ii ; two-fold :
First , it lit (0 lmnimmg to tlic treatimiemit nimil
dire' of chmromiie uhisenses gemmcrnliy time efforts -
forts nmil ( labors of iilwsk'inmms especially
ethticated niuti trained to their imiastery , amid
( hitis to insure a umuore commupete'mit , a mmmore
iatiicnt auth a more successful hmamutliiuig of
those secttctl , subbonmu amid mmmallgum uhisortlermu
iimomtt Proiiiic of hmtuimmnmm mnisemy or imiost the-
strtmctive of hitmnuami life.
Second , i t lii t a idace mlclm mm mmii Ptmor iii ike
on itlisohuitely one ievel cumuui
footimig as no-
gmtrds liii heimi'iiut by miiiikimig tue. ( ci' tu'ii-
foommu and extremely low , inciuuliuig uthl mneb-
4mut thii Is all ( hi , ' expotmuichiumg , nil ( lie
humenehuing , utIl ( hue cltmoiulimiun iuecosm'ar' to
mtui ti iiuli'istum mmth I mmg of t lie cmi t erprise. I mm-
vnhitls whutm enumluot nffom'tl thuo mustial fermi for
trentmnemut nrc ( lulls clearly infnrmimetl of a
treatmmmemm ( % viuichi ( lie ) ' ( "AN nfforl , For
those vhio are' iollc1tntus ( hint their treat-
imie mit lie. I ii tel I igomi ( , liii thu ftul , tk I hi lii I mouth
CffCCive' ( ( here is nmm oviulciuce stmperior (0
miii ) ' climmehues f utigumuue'umt , amid tiumut is it
utifleemo liersommiul te'stimmmommy of mielgimitors mud
follow sumli'eteri , siuo iumi'e been ; ttlemmta of
lrs. Copelanui aiiil Shmeparti.'lint tile ) '
desire is detinite imuformmmntioui ; let thmcmmm re-
ei'ivt , scuclm immfonmmiathon froumu those whutu
lmitve ncqtilret ( it , riot frommu iucuursny , but
from expenlemmee.
Any ciurommic smuh'ferer 1mm Oinnima , wiuntover
the mmattmre or time mmuutluuily , mart ) ' multply itny
( hue to Drs , Copeimtumti amid Shmepnrti amid receive -
ceive tIme hurst utith knowmm to emuhigimtemmeti
nuediciuue at un exiiense never exceeding a
nommminmul fee rate uer inoimthm , mull mmui'dieiimes
included , for ( lie briefest perioti mieceuci'ary
to it ierunmtnemut cure.
IU ) % ' hR itUiiT Iii' .
Mr. L.V , Eyosione , 103 Avenue ( , Council
iiiuulTs , an nbstruuctor in time 0111cc of J. W.
Sijulre , says :
"The net rsuht of my ( reatnuent with Dr.
Shieparti . unit been a ui1stnnhlaI cur" . W'micn I
i.eiit ml , ii liii I nas nuel wruiclial.
fi'oit ' tlIimi' C st rcmugtlicn inc a mu I iveiglici emily
mm lotlniS , wlun mury muoriuuui veiglut Is mIS. Ny
tiuoatluing isas , iiuailoui-i could uuot ill I rumy lumugs
-ani it aa a great elTon I to 'saik up ( lie hihi
to iuiy dinner. A great weight wax niwutyit
iiessluug on muiy chest. 'Tue cainuriuni entail.
tlon of tile hicad secuncti to have tpi eiiil tiirnugmi
thic wiuoie bo.iy , manic I ng iii- medic dual sa ilo % % ,
in spite Of amy caretuh habits of livimug , wltlu
surprIse for both , but they acteti host. nail
hostess 1mm a. macrifler wiutchi left ( hue mumost
jovial feeling with ( hue visitors. They were
regalld with a splendid luncheon , during
svhilcht many comigratumiatlons were exchiangcd.
Turners Altadt ( , Seume , Deterbecle , Bay-
eel ammO Blatert , and Mesdarnes Merges ,
Lindemmmamun and Festner will represent the
cast of ( lie comnetly which Is to be given at
tIme cvenlmmg entertmuirumnent in Turn hall on
( ho 6th of January. The play is interesting
and tluero is umardly ony doubt , of a good
Among those who sport Christmas gifts
fromn unexpected quarters Is Mr. Joseplm iCopp ,
whioso firumu furnished so mnany of ( hue dainties
adonmmlmig the trees and tickling ( hue palates
of young and old. TIme gift was in ( he shape
of a gold headed cane umeatly engraved with
time namne of the recipient and ( hue conmipli-
meats of tim donors , somie : forty odd em-
ploycs of the Grin.
Thai executive committee of time Saenger-
btmmid , as lately organized , consists of Peter
Kaiser , chairman ; Charles Herbertz , Fritz
DIlly and Julius Kaufman. 11. Schirnohler ,
A , Guenther , Peter L.aux and I'rof. Charles
Petersen will have charge of ( lie muisical
part of ( lie programs and time finances Our-
lag the year vili be looked after by Robert
Uhihichm , Atmguet Scluaefer and Emit Dtmrr.
'fwca lltmntir.'d Tlunusamiul loiiumrs l'aid by
Ciiiciuiiimiti CamItaitstt.
CITY OF MEXICO , Dec. 29.-The largest
land deal recorded in this country for nmammy
years lifts just been consiummnated between
Margonito hero of ( Ire isthmus of Teiuuante-
pec and Talton Emuubry anti associates of
Cincinnati , 0. The property Is situated on
( hue Istlumumus of Tohuantepec and is known by
( Ito maine of hacienda do Saim Miguel. It
comprises 45,000 acres of land , of whiichi
mmearly half iuas becim chearcul. There are
betwecmm 3,000 anti 4,000 head of cattle on
it , as well as 600 head of horses amid about
400 iioumtes. inhuabiteil by 125 fumunihies. The
Isthunmian Nntloiual railway traverses it , and
has a uttatiomi hying twenty malIce fromum Coat-
zacnahcoe , cmi ( lie guilt side. 'rho iiumchiaso
iirice iii between i60O0O anti $200,000 in gulch ,
or $100,000 Mexicaum money , The owners are
Messrs. 'Valium Imuubry of Cincinnati ; J. 11.
Enmbry , S. P. Chirlstnuaum amid I ) . II. Mills of
lCenmi'elry. They immenii ( to epemiti an cOOl-
tiomual$250,000 on imnproi'enmemuts and ( lie
installation of sugar muuruciilnery amid ngricimi-
turd immmpiemnons ( so as to mmuamiiinmiate it after
time style of Macrican agriculturalists.
SKiI'i'JLl ' . ' '
, 'i (11ft.i1l.1' .
lummbezzicr : train thinthugcr , Miiumutiuctmrhiug ,
( _ .o iii PSi ) Y tiP il ( , ii mu gilt I imicit ,
CIIICAGO , Dec. 20.-A Chicago detective
started for Gerinaumy today to hilng hack
Churistiami F' , Itix , who is held in hiamhiurg
for ( hue emuibezziemnent of a large almioumit of
mmmouiey ( ruin ( ho Singer Maimtmtacuuring ( coin-
pany. Itlx was miunnager of ( iou Sotmthu Ciii-
cage eiihcct of thin comuupauuy , and iititi beemi
lmliliditiiy trtustetl by his eumupiayers. ianiy
iii October tue first hint of hui crnolceuhmuesui
reached ( lie maui olilce , but Itix iiromply (
explalumed nmmatter , and nhlnyeui suspicions by
a detailed Etateimment of hula accotmnts. Boon
uifterwanil lie chisuppoarctl , it wail fouuuih
tirat for two years Jtlx had been systeuuiuuti-
cally robbing tue company , rorgimig checks ,
glviuig bogus receipts. amid appropnintimug re-
mnitauiccs. lie was hocatetl in hieummhurg by
cmi tternpt ( lucre to jolum Iui wife ,
- * -
I rd it hit'S ltuum ii Iii. t I ii I lui iii I ,
Sr. PAUL , Iec. 29.-Itrchubir'hiop Ireland ,
referring to ( lie iuuterview "with a high church
dignitary from MiiurieaiOiis , " tienounced it as
fa iso ili all I ( S I mum Ph lea U r a a. " I notmid ilk o
(0 ( cimiy ( lie vholo matter iii ( hue strongest
terms possible , ' ' saul tie , " 1 wish to deny
uuil connection with ihue matter amid I aumm sur-
pnised ( lint uimmy one could have used words
which would seemui to lumuply ( lint it caine
from amo or ( room any one in ( lie church in
St. Paul. The assertions made are absolutely
false. "
. .
Cost Symi ii I ci , i o l.a his TIm iii ii g ii ,
UN1ONTOWN , I'a. , Dec. 29-Tue move-
meat for ( lie tonumuatlomi of a coke syndicate
has fallen thiroughi. All ( hue operators ravened
a combine to advance hmnicea amid wages , cx.
ept 'iV. J. Itmuiney , and his refusal to go into
( lie deal caused its abandonment. Conse-
quemmtly wages will hot hue advanced after
January 1 , and ( lotte is talk among the work-
mcmi of another strike. in anticipation of
audi an event mumany eperatona are piling up
big scks ( of coke at ( lie $1 rate.
it Ni'iv I II hlitit I I y to r I ime It t oh isoum.
BOSTON , 13cc. 2'J.-The News Bureau to.
day says : "A iiowerfui itoek interest is
conteniilimg with ( lie Atchison rcorgamiizaticn
conmumihbrO ( that the stockholders are eumlitied
(0 ( lie' , " rrunuied to ( hueni $ IuOO,000 or $5,000 , .
applied as Interest on ( be imocomne bonds
miremier , iie ( and t'mccre1s , I fouummd mnaIf atenil.
uly , , going , lowum.
' .t t I hut' urgent i-critical of mimy umelgiutor , C. r ,
l'tisler , a'xtnum of l-'nirview ceinclery , wiiru hail
leeui cured tiy hr. Shuci'aul , I i''gnu * us coumusa
of urautuumeumt. Noni-l vry tiict' tiC timy chromuitm
ttiitIiie ( hine left liii' . I am untimely reatO-eut
in ii itmigi ii r iii ) ' digest i'im Is au I hint I mmlii
ivl"ii. i'lit' iuuimg" nt-c stu nag tiumil iiuy breathIng
l'iwcr i'eefrct. 'liic' 001151 liuutinmmni entntriu that
got met' tints mm so it'w tin , hemm ent lrci' taken
, mmt ( it iii ) ' syu'tetuu amul I aiim dumjoing excel.
lent health iii eVer ) rsi'eet. "
situ : vitu ii i'oit iii.tmltS
A h.nuiy FIumh tint % 'huiit Ails 11cr mini (2ot us
Cu rut I Is-c ' ( ' ( t in cmi t im I I I iuuu 0.
Mrs. C' . ii .Ahiy mm , t"leni , Nil' . , writes nit tel-
lnu a ( ( I liii' . ( 'oiwiiuuuii fliuii itlit ii ( nI tinder Oat.
cC hce'rni.'r 2. 1S'ln
"i'lu' guent m'rn ' ( ' I give your inethuni of ctmr-
( iii , ' ii , fully ' lvdimuuuuiiti i ) lii ) , xit'rlence wiii
you. , itu r I , 'iui4t is hun , ' tioni. nit' mimer , ' g'w'4
titnui flfltiilmug tia , ' I evr t neil , nuui hint
iiuuui hly. mo , , . I iuut-i. ieiii , I ry lag for ) eflia to
lIuu.I iou t w ha t a iic,1 mmii' a mmii to get m-'i IcC Since ,
enmisul I lug i iui I kuiiW t ha t elim-ommlc' in tiirmii vns
a I I iiu I'ottoiiu tiC uumy tu'otitiC. ' , air iiiiio ( I reitt-
umictut lies , inmii' n ommiierq for lii , ' iiuul 1 unit glad
( ci iia o mlii. ( net i ldeiy inoa ii. "
STtl'ISl iii' ; OtSl ,
Ittiw Catumrrh , , llroumehuitha atmil % athiiiimi Afl'ccl
( lie .ytt'uimt % hihttiy imuiwui loyus
Mmiii Olsi' , hlI Syipiomiua.
1verym'wl3' : him Ileil Omit itimi , , a \t i-u. llvnmua ,
hdaiirle'uir ( if I lit' liii iuuoui Cii I , stntmrnmmt. 10 r ,
ii nuus lint fom-mimerly it uaiironl turin , uuuiil 'hunt
lie sums tohny ntii tieili ) ' in t"i , 'st hiuiuiireds of
i'ei'itt' ' tut vustoi it lwuu , , iicm , ' ho ha. , been a '
fanuiliar liguur' for yeuin' . . runs says :
' 'Aft'r it thui-itugh um liii I aiim com imiet'm ( lint
( ii , ' : ' , , nil tutu $ licioinl sysi , un rel'n'seuis ( thut ,
miucat I ii I til igeiut ii liii ( 'orroct t lii'or' of cntiiruhu
mliii fist ii lea I Out uuuent nut t''fiirt' ( to' iiumt4 It' ,
I mu Iiuouuult , t'ullcl.uiey 1 ii I say Crc tuk my that I
) timIt' Of uuouiilng ii , h'&glii ' to enuuum'rur , . nithi im.
' '
'In uiiy CiiC ( ' lii , ' liunnililal timid iatlimuuntlo ,
trnmuuili' i'tgan vltIu eat irrIu of hue utueuit , , 1 % liiehi
( -iii , uiii tiii'iitvit i-l ( Ii riughu , I lii' I iinuCii , Pizl clog
tiit' air mdasslgs lii it clii ituii' iituutt' , il iiiuliunmummrt-
tiir ) ' eoiiuiiictliiu , , cuilating a u't'iusi' of lint 1111,1 '
5uenuc'sa tliitugtiouit tin' cut-pt , inuuitiuug it tliift.
cult or Paininuim u , , hrei tlut' . I haul 'pi'il' , of
couimiamnt lye m tSl fuouuu t Pu , ' i.i'iuiiit ( nuii ( I lit-
i ass , Iiu t , 'itnm t liiu I thu mint Iirei t Ito w itli
dint uurni uuihln.sij oi eiiuiifou t. A Cu ci i ( siuirt
litlit or a little exertlnui lute utli ; Issugis ; l'.ifluldL
ieiuul ti des , . t Iglit emit ) thirtatcnu mime iv ii Ii den t ii
( nun iou Ifocat iiii.
' ' : limier m , ivorse , numi iii ) '
I iituiiit' , lini i.efl 1101 huuig 'am mute' Cur sv.'mi or
. 'tglut yea us. Tin' i'iimicluluii ' ciniglu unit wearing
in ( tie ox iroulme , cmiii s I ( Ii ( lie' t luuint ii flu
cuttuurrh helping to miii inc uiown I wait iosluug
In licait Ii right ii long. I got so tliuit I couihit
tint cat it goil iuut'ai wIthout gttuU siioi tuuets of
tiueumli , COUglilmig cci wiievziuig.
' 'amy CURe iVitit unauutft3ui ) ' Inctmniii , by any
oniiuuicry uuieaui' , imit , a course' of irentuuuent with
Ir. .Sii.iinu ii iiriiugit t hue cuiiii i' ( ( ' toiler ( rout
iii I ( he i'yinitouuis I huut , ' , ii'erit'oi , , mi' one
wlu eminosca Is fit llitrty , to atmiureuts hue on ( us
subject at nay limo. "
omee ] iciturs-9 to Ii a. tim. ; 2 to I P. m.
ivcnings-\Vehmie'.d sy it umuui Sattum-Ormys only , .
C (0 8. .Suuuicmay , 10 to 1u mum.
OF 46,000
We have sold over 709 in this Jo- . r , ,
caitty. Isn't that proofof their quality ?
Not Cheap , But Good ,
103 Main St. , Council Bltifl'a , Ta.
Others who have bought them :
Mr. Gregg , Ounaita , Ne
Luulu 8. KnIght , "
Mrs. I. . B. Calkins , . , I'
Mr. Gallagher , "
Eel Davenport , "
Dr. Simaultilmig , , , I ,
J , C. Monlgr , "
1-I. Johnson , , ' ' ,
B.V , Stevens , " "
Sarruhi Stevens , "
Mr. Robinson , _ " "
Mrs. itichuaruls , " "
Mrs. P , Ii. Stack , ( omuncil Bluffs
Mrs. II. 1) . herb , " "
Mrs.V. . F. Vicfloy , " "
J , F , Montgomumery , " '
John ii , Clark , " "
F. J , Day , , .
Charles D. Stewart , " "
Mrs. M. Vammlurvecr , " " )
Mrs. J. H. Srock , "
Mrs. L. II. Ileiumucr , ' ' '
Mrs. C. SlovertB , , . "
Joseph Mueller , , ,
( Ccimhuiuetl Next Sumuihay. )
- - - -
-S1ieci 1'JoIces ;
Cotnjei J3)tiftsm..i )
C1LINNflYIS CLiLtNSI ) ; VAUi.'fti LitANLD. : .
i-o : iiuiIce , lit 'uS' . 8. homer's , &i iinadway.
1.05'1 , ON' tiLl-rN AVilNt'i. iuii'wmm : WIt. .
iliW ROil I Ii OitIu'um ) ' , 'rueC.miy 11101 numg , ft hilt
lizard dtimi mnurs. J'iniler eleusu return to
flceeiflcotind recelrercwnmd ,
W.\NTIi : ) , 000I costi'iTgNT : ( lilil , TO DO
gm'mimirii I iiouiu'eworic. 12' ' ) Oaltlutnd ii veuin' .
w'Airrilr , , flOfli ) ( immti , FOit ( iiNiit.tra
liomumeuvork. him. mccl , fflmni' , 3p1 I'iatmitr itt.
flows VJtNTlti ) AT A. fl ' 1' . OF'h1'i , 21
Sin I ii Street , itiuiiia y mini jut ii : stool y wem k ,
amutl ( lie secommil mnorgago ( bomuils ghu'eim hum cx-
chaumge for Immeoune bomudut , Tiircahu are
matte of a smut to recover title mouucy , It
is ( bat no lilan uuiil ho issued for
two weeks , iliroctors of the Atchilsomu coun-
itchy hiave as et scrutiruizeti only hiart of
time proposed p18mm. "
i'JIII.OI.fiiJd t CO. (1 lIlt .SS
h'rof , Shmcruumuiiu sit . 'irutlcmt htt'iiuis it I'miper ' "
ii ) limo Sitviaiihs.
liii I f.ArIIIA'hlxA , 13cc , 29.-TIc cloaimmg
mtoeeiomm of time I'huilologicul congress was lucid
last niglmt lui time Umiiversity library , wlueim
all the societies united iui mi. mmieumuoriah 1mm
huoimor of 1Viihlaun JiwigimtVliitney. . A Joimmt
session of the American Oriental society , the
A'mumenicaui h'imhiuhogical society , ( Ito Modern
Laumguago Amtauriatlon of Ismtuerhc.i , time So.
clety of hhihihical Literature cmiii hixegeals ,
tIme 'Ammienicami Iii.iect ) society , ( hue Spelling
Reform assoclationp cml thuo Archaeological
Institute of America , ivus lucid ium LIbrary
hail. Prof. John Wright of himurvarmi ummi.
veraity , president of ( lie Aumierieumn i'luilologi-
cal association , preumitlecl , Among ( bid paper.
read were : "Shmaiuesiieare's First i'nigmcllilcs
of Art , " by I'rof. b'luermumami of ( bitt University
of Nebraska ; "Flue Work of ( lie Macrican
Ilaiect Society , 3889-1891 , " by l'rof. ItO-
wanmls Btmelon ( , hiarvarti university , lii ( lie e -
afternoon ( hue societies held separate mmcci-
lags. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Chiammecilor t'amhtohi , iiccIti % 'hco l'rrilulent ,
NiW YOIIK , lec 2'J---At thai miuoruuiumg
session of time Ammmertcan Economic astoria-
( ion , Prof. It. F. liicku , of the Umuiversity or
Missouri read a iaer cii "Counpeitioii ( as a
Jiasis of Itcormotnic 'rlieory. " 'Flue mmnmmuai
election of odicers resulted as fohtows
PresIdent. Johmrm Ii , Clark ; vice president.
Ciianceiitir JIi Carmileid of the University
of Neiiraska , secretary , Jereumitalu IS' , Jenk.
ins , 1(118cc , N Y , ; ( reazurer , F' , B. 1aiuhe (
of New York City.