Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 30, 1894, Part I, Page 5, Image 5

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    1 " " Arr".l , " ' .l'T. . . ' "i' . . 7 . . , . " . . . . . , ' . , , ' u" r , ' ' .4. . . . " : ; : : = . . " . : ' : ; ; ' ; ; : ; " : ' . " . , . . .t'e' ' ' . 'p" - - " < , . . ' ' . " _ .r. ' ' . K' _ . . - , . . " . . ' ' ' . l . - _ - - - - - - \ . I
I l' ' . " : ' . ' , " " ' " ' ' .
' Preliminaries or the Coming Lcgls1aturo
b , DJreokd by D. & M. P1uggcr.
. Ilnckf1 hy thn Operating Urtnrtmc of
the Cx"r' " tolll tin 'uII ' , Hlend of
Jlchnr" " " lit , Wa the Legal
! cpartllmt' " CIinIc.
LINCa.N , nr 29.-Speclal.-TIto ( ) work
ot manufacturing a Ipeaker of the hous of
tllrelentatves goes merrily on lt the Ln
tel holel. Bul II should IJ note.1 that the
prOCess 11 not taking 111ac ! In the crowded
rotunta , where memher1 and lolhyllls Con-
grgalo alli exchange guesses on the out-
cme , They Imagine that they are Important
factor , hut they are nolo The real work Is
being done In a small room renlell hy the
U. & M. raflway. where B. & M. ngenll are
busIly engaged "puttIng UII the joh. " The
large rooms renlcl\ \ ) ' the republican central
'p commIttee were tc ertc all the afternoon ,
whlo a secret eonferenc was being heM In
the B. & M. auxiliary.
I has lately developed that there are two
factIons among ralroal\ \ manIpulators of Ne-
brl\m \ lels1ntIon. One Is the legal llelJart-
mont oC the Burlngton anti the other the
operating department. J 11 understool ( that I
the lormer ' ( Is for C. L. RIchards of Helron I
for speaker the other for J. C. Burch or :
Wymore. Upon the final settlement of thIs '
questIon hang a lulllllo of Inferior oOcal
positIons , and , there are many on the anxious
J scat. Whoever wins , the Burlngton wIll
; bave namNIO slleaker , anti the caucus
lext Monday night wIll he 1 hollow mockery
anti a vohltlcah rarce.
ant . moro than three.fourlhs of the nieiii-
bers-elect arc II the city. o course there
Is I showing made of a fight among sonic or
the other aspIrants for the speakershlp , all
It must ho llllell that they are makIng
consiierhlo noise. W. O. Chapman , editor
of the Crete Vldele , believes he Is In I
and that ho has a strong following outside
of D. & M. lulluences. John Briy of Kear-
ney. Randolph McNit of Hell Cloud mil J.
O. Craml or I alrhur Join wih John J. San-
born In shying their casters Into the ring.
I Is being openly claimed agaInst Richards
that he has hall charge or the liurhlnton's
business at Helron , and It Is known that
two of his most ardent champions nro A. " ' .
Agee , Burlnglon attorney at Aurora. all J.
H. Agee . the Burlington's al.rounll plugger.
'What hOIJel have the alovehoard candidates
against such a combinatIon ? The light on
the part or the legal department of the roll-
" road Is led by ! I. Dewese ) , while Mr. lug-
nol Is In chlrgo of the operatIng end. Hep-
Tcoutatvo T. C. Munger or Lancaster , who
Innounced himself as a candIdate for speaker
some. time ago , Is now out of the race . and L
Is saId to have gone over to the Itlchartis
LINCOLN , Dec. 30.-Speclal ( Telegram.- :
At 1 o'clock this morning the indications arc
positive that J. C. Burch of Gage county wi
distance lUchlrds In the spealcrshhl raco.
The Contest has been bitterly waged all day .
Richards has suferell a number or serious
defections from his forces. Burlnglon strlt-
ers give It out cold that Burch Is the inati.
For president pro tem of the senate John
C. Watson Is regarded as the sure wInner
All oppositon to him has apparently meled I
away. I looks now as though log roing ;
wIll continue all night at the 1lndel.
For secretary of the senate TIm Sellgwlek :
has gained steadily until h ! now seems to
have a wnhkayay.
There Is a strong probabiiy Ihnt the Sabbath -
bath will be badly fracture by the unseemly -
seemly scramble for minor offices.
rlvo Governor-olect tomorrow. Holomb Is' expced to aI-
A 1.AlltU IL1'i UIWI SSI .
Testmony In the , \ IIJUrlIhlrller Trial
I"a'ornl to II"ceus , " . .
AUBURN , Neb. , Dec. . 29.-Speclal ( Tele-
gram.-Tlle ) defense In the Argabright trial
commenced .to put In their testImony Friday
morning Most of the testimony Introduced
that day was for the purpose of Impeaching
the testimony or John Van Wlo and James
Sparles. John Van Wle was the man who
sworD for the prosecution that he was on the
tJolc force In South Omaha at the tIme the
defendant was , and heard him say just before -
fore he come to Nemaha county that he was
going home and get his children t he hat
o kill his father-In-law to get thern .
Miles Mitchell . Ivor Thomas , C. C. Stanley
, " -1. ' John W. Snively and Charles Curtis all said
- - - that the reputation of John Van Who for
truth arid veracity was bad. James Sparks
Is a son-In-law of the deceased and swore on
tie . stand for the prosecution that he did not
strIke the defendant at the tIme of the
shooting , anti J. M. Wright , Amos Hughes ,
Levi hughes , all said that soon after the
tra/edy Sparks said : "I hit him I bow ! In
the / butt of the ear intending to knock him
down , but It must have been a glancing blow
as It dlel neb Imoclc him down. "
The testImony today was that James
Sparks and the deceased were both attackIng
the defendant , and that thc defendant was
retreating ant hall retreated to the wall before -
fore he fired the fatal shot ; that after the
shooting Smelzer was carried on to the
\ porch , ali one witness testified that Smelzer
there said : "have they got the rascal ?
' .1 Tel them 10 leeel him ant kill him ; I would
If he had not shot me. "
One wItness salll that Smclzer was mall at
tile tmo ho attacked the defeiitlnnt . Two
witnesses testIfied that the defendant of-
feted to loan another PolIceman his revolver
In Soulh Omaha before lie tool the . train for
home , but the offer was declined.
Vu id nil Iit ; * of a Iltol I I lanllorl.
A IlJANO , Dec. 2- ( eclal.-Prank )
'Vhltoek went to Schuyler last night ant
brought back George F. Royce of that place ,
who took "I.'rench leave" from here and -for. '
got 10 settle his boarll bill at hotel elma.
He was taken before Judge Jesse : . Moon
and got a contInuance till Monday al !
o'clocle a. m. , when he wi havl his hearIng.
Miss SUsa Ward , who has leen vIsItIng
' In Ashland for the past few days , returned
to her home In Pawnee City yesterday accompanied -
companied hy Miss I.'rederleka Derry , who wi
BIJenll a few dl's visiting friends anti reIn-
tves In that vicinity
Mrs. T. J. I'lcleel , accompanIed ly her
two sons , Stanley J , ant James S. , spent
I rllay ( In Ilncoln.
Don obom , assIstant postmaster , Is SllPI\l ,
lug the holda's In Wohoo among friceds and
MIsses Nellie Nichols anti 1llln Hell are
Ipelllng the holidays In CouncIl Bluffs .
11ev. John M. Whie returned today from
Auburn , where ho silent Christmas
" The generosIty of limo young men or Ash.
< bail came to the surface In good ! form
ChrIstmas night . They organize In a land
anti visited the hm coops or the wealthy
cllzelu anti carried or a chicken apiece
antI placel I on the front IJOreh of the cus.
tolau ot the Assoclatell Charities .
Nov Clmln 'un HIgh II Iho I'uel" ,
LINCOLN , nec. 9-SpecIal.-Thero ( ) has
been discovered I fatal defect In time now
fr anti elaborate chairs recently furnlshet I )
Secretary of Slate Allen for the house and
senate at I cost of $9 ? & . The chaIrs are
very high ant the backs are of solid Wood .
' 'hereloro. when a lellper arises 10 "cateh
the BIJcaker's l''O" tIme chair Immediately In
trout of him completely obscures tIme large
Illter on the front of hIs own desk deslg.
minting his name and time county from which
ho halls . There are Uany nel' members . and
limo only 'iny heft OIJen 10 time sPeaker or
president of the senate 10 recognIze the
membr who has the floor Is by means ot
the placlwl on his desk. This obscured. as
" I II by lImo latest extravagant importation at [
this secretary of stale , confusion Is sure 10
result . I may bo that time old chaIrs vIhl
have to be used after all. wi
, \hert " 'lIIpphe's . Store 8uhl.
CRAWl'OltI ) , Neh. , Dec. 29.-Speelal ( Tel.
rgram.-The general merchalllso stock ot
Albert WhlplJlo here Invoiced at $ ,7G5 . was
.eld today under lImo hay Springs ZmllhhIIml
, onipany's $ ,20 mortgage to F' . i. Jandt
r9r U.465 , _ _ _ _ _ _
UUlh'lolt.r \orln I'Imsnt IluI8Iel.
nUSlYJLI.E , Neb. , nee. :9.-Spclal ( I
telegram.-The ) tank of the Hushvle waler
works burned early thIs ' .
f'orkl c\'onlug. I caught
Iror a stove which hid been placed In a
. . -
bount enclosure to thaw out the pipe. No
water was In the tank at the time . There
wa no Insurance.
imi.iv OUT ilS llit.IINS ,
.JI.oph "nlnk of 1."oln : Ileeorncq Tired of
I.ln IUII Io"ulih : Muicimle .
UAVENNA , Neb. , Dec. 2-Speclal ( Tele-
Rram.-Joseph ) Valok , a Dohemlan blacksmIth .
smIth ant an 01 time resIdent , commItted
8ulcllo about 11 o' lock this forenoon , blow-
lug his Iral s out with a horse pistol. lie
dId the decd In small bed In
dil det a smal bet room the
rear or his blacksmIth shop , anti when fount
was sitting on the floor In an upright posl-
ton , his lack leaning against the side at
the bed. The weapon with which he coin-
mILled the deel' ' lay across hIs Isp Ills
wife anti children , who were at time house ,
about fifty feet from the shop , heart the report -
port anti were the first to see time body. \rs.
Vnlek waa entirely proslratel. , Innglnl to
the lapel or Valek's coat was a lengthy
iettcr , Written In BohemIan ant adlessed
to his family. lie gave a lIst of the debts
he owed about town and made known his
wishes lS to Limo , lsllsllon or his IJroll rty.
lie all vised his son Edward I , who has been
associated with him In his business , to 11'0
imp Ilacksllhln amid learn another trade.
Valek was aleut 60 'earl of ago all leaves
a wie anll Seven children , three of whom
are living at h 01 1. Ills lIfe was Insured for
$1,000 In the C. S. P. S. , a Bohemian benevo'
lent organization.
Urll l'4rimmmslN. , i
OHD , Neb. , Dec. 29.-Speclai.---Mlss ( ) I
Musa Perry of Brownel hal , Omaha , Is
spending time Christmas vacation wIth her
larents ,
Mr. James A. Patton , cashIer ot time Orll
State bank , relurnet Saturday evening from
a visit to his old home In Indiana .
Froth I , . Harris of LIncoln \ spent Monday
In time cIty.
fnalntanee1 Miss AlIce In Uohlh11 . Is visItIng with IC'
Misses Turer of Omaha are spending time
holllays with their sister , Irs. O. L.
A. G. Iehmer of LIncoln Is visItIng among
his old acquaintances here.
weele. Frank Mallory was an Omaha visitor this
To Comnmmmamil tIme Sllto U. . \ . n.
SUPEItIOR . Neh. , nec. 2-Speclal.- ( ) ,
lion. C. E. Adlms or this cIty has , after : '
much persuasion of his friends throughout the
state , announced himsel as candidate for
department cOlmalller of time Grand ArlY
of iho Hepublc for the Department of No.
braska Mr. Allams Is prominent In GrIJ :
Army circles from time IlmeuS succ'U
Ihlch he has lade of time Interstate district
reunions held In this cIty for a numbr cf
r ' 1S ant from the present position he holds
as sEnior vice commander In the departrneut
Colehrllol St. .Julmmm'a UIY.
OSCEOLA , Neb. , Dec. 29.-Speciai.-It ( )
has been time custom or Osceola lOdge No.
65 , Ancient , Free alll Accepted Masons , ever
sInce Its organization to celebrate St. John's
lay , and last night the brethren to the num-
ber of seventy met at their hal and observed -
ant 01-
served time custoum Addresses were delivered
by Brother J. I. . Makeever ali Rev A. U.
\Vhitnmer. Afterward , they sat down to
the , banquet table , which was loaded down
with the good things or life . The banquet
broke up at midnight.
I'opmmlist ilziss Cun'onlol ,
INDANOLA , Neb. , Dec. 2-Specla ( Tele-
gram.-The ) populist mass convention was
largely attended and resolutons outlining
a plan of work was adopted. - Seth T. Par-
sons was eleelell permanent chairman and E.
J. Mitchell secretary Meetings are to be
held the last Salunla or each month at
Indlanola. The Dee's fIght against corporate I
Infuenee was indorseil.
Two ears of relict hell since December 6 ;
for freight charges were released this even
Ing. _ _ _ _ _
Inlml" City 1.'lrmor Uohbed.
SIOUX CITY , Dec. 29.-Speclal ( Tele-
gram.-A ) farmer near Dakota City was I
r ebbed or about $100 last night ly masked
men , who went ' to his home In the middle or
the .nlcht ! and after Intmidatng hIm ant
his l wife bound them and ransacked the I
p lace. They found sonic jewelry ant the
money anti escaped H Is believed that the I
job j was done by the same men who a few Ir r
days ago rolled John Collin , a farmer near
Sloan , of $4,500. _ _ _ _ _ _
Untlol Jrovlte .
GRAFTON Neb. , Dec. 29.-Speclal- ( )
George Burt H. Stuckey , Chlles Dosser-
man and , V. M. Sheppard returned yesterday -
day from the Slat Teachers' associaton
In I LIncoln.
Prof. V. ' . H. Dartz of Ravenna , formerly
princIpal of schools at this place , Is spend
Ing I the week In Grafton.
Miss Grace SmIth bas gone to her homo
In I Hamilton county for time holidays.
CrIppled for Life.
NORFOLK , Neb. . nee. 2-Speclal ( Tote
gram.-Peter ) J. Jones a carpenter for the
Elkhorn's Black His division , attempted to
board the afternoon Omaha passenger trait
at the junction . Ono foot was cut hal or
and the other leg was cut off just below the
knee. _ _ _ _ _ _
IeuIt of tIme A hh\ld Alumll Contest.
AShLAND . Neb. . Dec. 29.-Speclal ( Telo
gram.-I ) rank Young won frt and Wi
Roserans second In the alumnI contest
Profs. U. \V. 1)nasky Prague , S. " ' . 1\ler ,
Schuyler ant C. Abbott , remont , were the
jutiges _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I'lro "t 311"col.
OXI OHD. Nob. , Dec. 2-Spcclal ( Telo-
gram.-At ) Mascot last nigh fro testroyed h
time general merchandise stock of Poslmaster
Grace Time bulling and stock were 1 total
loss , covered ly $1,400 . Insurance.
Chlcl o Grlnd , Jury I'ulco No Credence II
Ihu lug Irlh" tory.
ChICAGO , Dee 2-Tho grand : jury by a
unanimous vote today reused to Indict
AMerman John Power for solicIting a bribi
Alderman Powers had been charged with at-
lemptng 10 secure $25,000 to repeal an anti .
cigarette on1na.iee. .
Time prlnclp.l evidence against Powers was
the notes of a stenographer . who elalmeJ 10
have been concealed In an adjoining room
when time aldermnn's alleged proposItIon was
malll to a representatn or time Cigrete
trust The notes as produced before the
grand jury gave a detailed report of Ihe
conversaton , but a return of "no verdict
was made on the ground that the slen-
ogrlher did not see Powers durIng the car m.
versaton anti time /oles were made In a
darkenell roommi after 5 o'cloclt In the
reel I ever 1 -
Ing. Time charges agaInst Alderman Powers
hall created a Ilrofound sensation In poltcal
circles , as ho ls a prominent member of tbe
city counci , having for year represented
time Fourth ward and being recognized as a
leader Qr the democratic side or the clmambe
JI.ltl.STlr 1. 01 O.HW.
1 IU"ll CIty OtiIe.r& 1"11 to I"cur time Cu m.
lody of limo Express 11"u6nor.
CHICAGO , Dec. 29.-Tho attempt ot ICam
sas City officers to secure ex.I : press Me S.
senger C. J. Hardin , who was acquitted It I
NashvilE of the charge of stealing $35,000
from the Allums Express company , again
faIled tota ) lardln was In court charged
wIth threatening to kIll Clara Ihushion . a
colored girl aimtl she not
alli appearing to pros -
cute the case was dlsmlsoll , The I\ansas
City officials at once Ilresentell reqtmlsltk lit
paper anti charged Hartln with assaultng
u railroad m8n In the Missouri city , but
Chicago oUcers succeeded In havIng tbe :
tlrlsoner sent back 10 jai to await trial
charged with being a fugitIve from justlc e.
The case has developed a bitter struggle b e-
twen the Kansas City and Chicago poll Co
for the custody of lardln , who claims he i
Is being IIreculed.
Twetvo Torpodori fur time (1)11'1.
NEWPORT , n. I. . Dec. 2-Order were
received ot time torpedo staten to ship , at
once , twelve Whiehead torpedoes to bl
placed on board the cruiser OlympIa , now at
San Frammclsco. This Is the largest equip.
moot ever Illaced on board .
10ard a man-f.war
from here. The San 1'ranclc Boon e x.
peeled t ! arrive here , will receive the lec-
oimii aboard larg at st. lien as eight torpetoe will be placet
Dronth Suferer Ready to Meet Hardhip !
. and TI1 Agaln.
Not .nxIoa . to Italy V1JOn l'eollo Out.
Ildo of ehrlskR ) for AlI tu
Ellho ' hem to Tide
Over the Whiter.
LINCOLN. nee. . . .
LNCOLN. 29.-Splclal.-Ex.Uepre ( )
sentatii'o W. Z. Taylor or hitchcock county
was ID the city toJay ant silent considerable
Limo assisting officers of the Lincln Provl.
lleut association In packing supple to be
sent to the deslute of hi count ) The cc-
ports or the destitution existing In his local-
Iy ho connrms. He states that there bas
been a total failure of crops for two years
In succession ; that everything on the farms
has been sold off , and that the IJcoplo are
sadly In need of fool , fuel ant clothing. Mr
Taylor says that the stale relief commission
has the names of 2:0 needy families In his
county , ant that the figures are not too
Dr. H. I ) . Harris , representing LIncoln ,
Cheyenne , Keith and the unorganized tern-
tory west ot ,
) Logan county In time legislature ,
Is a prominent practcing physician residIng
In Ogalalla. His proesslon has afforded him
ample means for Informing hhuselC regard-
Ing the sUuaton In that terrlto.y , as well
as In Delel , Lincoln ant Ierldns wel .
As one of the directors or the Ogalala school
district he sent relief hlank applicatIons
to a large . aPIJlcatons
numher. But six applied for n-
hief . He says that whie It Is true that the
people are hart up , they are not sufferIng
for food What they do need , however , Is I
feed ant seed grain. Dr. Harris docs not
wish to he quoted as saying there Is no destl.
tuton , but It Is by no means so test-
has been represommtetl hy the corresponden
or an Omaha papcr. Perldns county Is the
worst oft . but , the people hero ore gritty
ant determined to Pull through if I they can
secure all for feed anti sed In the s\lrlng. \
In the other countes ! the tesldents will helll
each other to food and chothmlng Itepresenta-
Live Harris Is frm II time belief that the
situation In his locality has been grossly mis-
represented , magnified ant exaggerated by
sensatonal corre'pondence. ;
The portrait or Governor Lorenzo Crounse
was today adtet to time galaxy of ex-gov- ,
ernors In ! the executIve rooms at the state
capitol Ex-Governor Thayer today placed
In thE adjutant gemmeral's office two swonds
presenlet to him ly members of forces
which ho formerly commallll One Is a
handsome oflicer's sabre , presente to Drlga- I
tler General John M. Thayer I ) ' the officers
or his old regiment , the First Nebraska , In
1863. Time other Is a less elaborate and more
ancient relc presented by the Omnha LIght
Artillery as a token or their appreciation
of his Itlllness to them In the Indian out-
break of 1859.
Buffalo Bill lmas ° gene Into the beet sugar
Industry. Articles or Incorporation were
fed today or the W. F. Cody fleet Sugar
company of North Platte. The Incorpora-
ton Is authorized to build public water
powers for Irrigation , as well as to manufacture -
facturo sugar from sorghum and beets. The
works will have a capacity of seventy-live
tons of sorghum and 100 tons or beets per
day. Time capital stock Is $250.000 and the
Incorporalors are W. F. Cody . James Pratt ,
Thomas C. Paterson , W. C. Keith and \VtI-
lam E. Hym r. ant
The city of Omaha ant Henry Doln , treasurer -
uror or the city of Omaha , are appellants In I
the case agaInst Samuel Iiawver . This Is' '
the case In which Hawver In the Douglas
cOlnty district court set up that a portion
or his land hat been wrongfully taken by
time city as a right of way. Time Midland
State bank Is appellant against the school
district or time city of Omaha In a mater
Involving $11,3S5 for construction of a
school lmommse.
Robert Darrel and Frank Mieham , two
young fellows arrested with the Grossmans
and George Metz on the chnr/e of being
implicated In time theft or a lot of hoW were ;
arraigned this morning ant pleaded guilty.
The court gave them each I year al hard
William Duval pleaded guilty to forging
time name or M. L. Scott to a First Nalonnl
bank check and passing It on the Gole
Clothing house. lie was sentenced to two ;
yea at bard labor.
A Missouri Pacific detective was In town I
today and In company with Detective Malone -
lone visIted the penitentiary to ascerlaln
time wherealouts of $500 worth of cltery
stolen from a traveling man's grip from
the Missouri Pacific depot some ( line since
It Is known that time theft was commited
by young Orth , now In the ( en.
The Nebraska Academy or Sciences
elected time following officers prior to ad-
jourment : President , A. W. Norton , Peru ;
vice presldemmt Vt' S. Skinner ; secretary
and treasurer G. D. Sweezy ; custodian ,
Lawrence Bruner ; directors , H. D. Lowro ) ? .
and A. M. Boil.
At a meetIng of time board of managers o f
the State Poultry association In the counci I
chamber of time city bali . Secretary Ludden
occupied the chair In the absence or the
11reshlent. Arrangements were made for the
annual "chlcln show , " to occur In Ihls
city beginning January 15 antI eontnulJ/
three days. 'fo provide for a list of special
premIums F' . T. Dean was made a commlteo
of ono.
At a meelng of Ihe ( Federal Labor union
last night S. J. Kent , Illepentent callldato
for commissioner or public bails , and build .
Ings , received the climb's endorsement for
deplly labor commissioner. Time resoluton
endorsing him was adopted ly a rising vote ,
and a vote of thanks to the Omaha Central
Iabor union for Its endorsement or Mr
The young son of Mrs . Wirth , who has
been missing since ! olIay moring , returned -
turned tonight In a pitiable I contiltion. He
has been as tar lS PlaUlmouth looking for
work. Ho walked thlrly-two mies and his
clothes were In taUers. lie sell his shotgun
to pay expenses , but ran out of money soy
eral days almice
JX.i,11I.V.iTJOX J'Ul 1'OLICJ.111.V. ,
' , - 0 hundred , u,1 'w"uly Big ( Ueel
Vnt"rjolll 1 ' , ' t.
ChICAGO , Dec. 2-The fut examlnalon :
under the new civil service government o if
time Chicago police force was held today ,
Every Iolceman on the toils mmt submit
10 a physical and menial examlnalon , and
their failing 10 reach time required stawlard
wi mean dlsmmmissai. Today's Installnent
conslslell of 220 big officers from the norlh I
side dstnicts alt every one of them wore a
worried lok under his helmet as hI med
Into the examination rooms and look his seat
at time desks. The examinaton was a long
and tedious one , but It was not believed ! that
many ot the polcemen would lose theIr peel I-
lens , as It Is understod that past eJclency (
In the servIce would count heaviy In the
rnarktmmgs _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
l'IWII.IUl . JJUlmT . _ ! . : : JIUlIJ I
Body of Thunlu llurll I'uuli at Hi t.
I.uub uli 11. Wi" Iylng. )
ST. LOUIS , Dec. 29.-Thl bOdy ot Thomas
Morton . the owner or a shanty boat In which
his wife Lzzle : , was found with her skul
crushed on Chrlslmal day , was found at 1
o'clock this morning buried In I shalow
gave aleut 100 feet south of the tent oc.
cupled b ) NoLI Shepard , who I now uuder :
arrest for tIme assault open the woman i
I supposed ShelJard ale killed her huebani I : .
Morlan had a bullet hole In his neck and
his bead was beaten to a jelly . : r. Ma r .
Ion lies at the City hOSIJlal fatally injurem 1 .
but refuses to .
lS ) anYlhlng abut the at 5.
imauit. I la sid Shepard mad a cnfessIon
to detectives - late this . afternoon.
Four ( liugles at llmiltlimiorj ,
DALTJMOIE , Dec. 29.-Tho Geologicl
Society of America , the Amerlcsn Society or
NaturalIsts , the American Physiological si U.
and time
clety American
Morphological society -
ciety have been holding sessions here Tecb.
nleal paper were read
" " "
: ll " ' 'Ul W , JCT' MST" I ,
New York l'alng I'ot.
Nothing Is more cOrmn In political die'
cuslons than the atet.'to ' ' unload responsl.
blly for unsound vlewl'Rill ' bal government
Ipon time "forlln elemcnt. " 'mS'e cOlld get
along well enough . It" 14 \en \ said , t we hall
not ball for a generaWim"Limis . \ food ot Immi- .
grant from I urope. ' It Is they the argil-
ma cnt goes . who are to blame for all the bath :
th ings In our governmh nt-rnunlctpa1 , state
anll national . .
A census bulletin mae recently been pub.
Ishell showing what , florlon ot the in-
habltanls or the United , States In 1890 were
hof itates
ot foreign paenla . , "hleh , for the first
tme , gives a beats torI accurate 8latlenls
on this suhjeet. The report covers nil per-
sons , whether themselves born In ths cotmn-
Ir y er abrall , who hal either one or both
parents foreign-born This Is a 11eh fairer
sy stem than the old llvision of native ali
forelgn.lorn , since the chili born here of
parentl from a Emmropeami country Is olen
Iluie as luch a foreigner as though he , too ,
had been bent abroad ,
I allpears that allost exactly one-third
oo f our IJeOllle are the chlliren of parent one
or both of whom C31e from another cour
the IJrOIJorlon being 33.02 per cent of ! the
whole iopuhation. The variations In prOIJor-
lon i are from seven.tenths of 1 per cent In
Norlh Carolina to 78.98 per Cent In North la-
kota , Most people would probablt expect to
fnd fit time percentage largest In the stales along
the t north Atlantic seaboard , and partIcularly
New Ycrle : but I turns out that the greatest
prOIJorlon Is In time northwestern stales of
Wisconsin , Minnesota anti North Dakota , time
nearest or which Is 1,00 mies from the port
where 10st Immigrants land.
The south as a sectIon Is extraordinarily
free from any foreign mixture .
North Carolina , as has been said ,
has I less than 1 Iler cent of
such Inhablants , all the Ilrollorton docs not
reach 3 per cent In Virginia , South Carolna ,
Georgia , Mississippi or Alabama , while I Is
hul Ile larger In any other state In that
part of the counlr ) ' . In short the "foreign
element" amounts to Ilractealy nothing In
the wllle south. That region Is almost cx-
clusl'ely peopled today by the desceliants of
the t original settlers.
One of the chler Issues heforo the nalon for
man ) ' years past has been the financIal one ,
In i Its various phases of' greenlacklsm , in-
faton , all the 'hodgpollge of theories ' known
as Polnhiismn . Theoretcaly , If time country
Is i being ruined by the "foreign element , " It
ought to have been , during the lst twenty
y ears , the section where that clement was
slrongest which would have gone furthest
wrong , and the section from which It ) vas
almost absent that would have stood true
at o ancient traditIons. In point of fact It
has h leen the foreign north that saved the
nation m from time ruin In which the natIve
soulh would have Involved It I It could have
had I Its way. Over and over aglin the
south has come near to being unanimously
wrong , whlc time right has been sustained
as overwhelmingly hy states Ilc Massachn-
seUs , Connectcut and New York , 'Ith more
than half or their pcol11e foreign-born , and
almost as warmly ly such slates as Wisconsin -
sin and Minnesota , where the proportion
reaches throe-fourths.
Tale the recent campaign , for example ,
and consider Georgia as a native slate , only
1.78 per cent of her people being of foreIgn
parentage , ant 1lnnesoll' as a foreign slate ,
the proportion being 76.43 ; per cent. Almost
every leader or the people In Georgia has
advocated free coinage , while many of them I
have h gone for toward outbidding the ( opulsts II I
on kindred Issues , and the 110pulsts ( ole I
a heavy vote , or w.hleh ( rolably not SOC I
came from the foreign clement. In 1lnne
seta the populists , ) , 'erf routed , and the m
leader or the sound money side was Govcror
Knute Nelson , born D a poor family In Norway -
way , whose widowed Inbt1ler brought him to I
this country when le was 6 years oM , and I
who has made his : , ; a1lto prominence and I
honor I ) ' his own efforts. The legislature or f
Minnesota contains' ' 168 members and 'forty-
seven representaUve -elect are Scandlna"lan
repulieans , who are asIsound , on the fnan-
cial Issue as Governor Nelson.
I the foreign element , Increases tim dIm -
culy of securing goo I gOYQTnment In our
great cities , It Is easy , 'to exaggerate itt m ,
immtiuencc. More than - 80 per cenl or New
York's people ore or foreIgn imarent -
age , and less than ( j per cent or Pimila -
deiphia's. The proportion was still smaler :
in the later city years ago. and yet Phia-
delphia has had Its rings , Its machines , Its
stealing from the public treasury , its fraud 5
In elections and its demnlls for popular uprising -
rising against the enemies of good govern -
ment. The city which has the largest for
eign element Is Milwaukee (86.36 ( per cent ) ,
and the city government of Milwaukee wi
compare favorably with that of BaltImore ,
where tie proportion Is less than hair as :
great , or Memphis , where It Is not one-fourth
so large. Indeed , any student of municipal
government must have been Impressed by :
the complaints or the same evils and the
same difficulties as exist In New York whIch
come from smaler cities all over the country
where the foreign element Is email.
Run over Limo list or men who have been
lenders on the wrong side In our politics and
one wi le struck hy the smal proporton
or them who are or foreIgn descent. Spealeer
Crisp was born on English sol , but there I S
not another man In the whole south who has
ben prominent In advocatng financIal foles
w"o was not a "good American" by desceimi
The Dave hills . the Tom Plats , the Camer-
ons , time Quays , thc Ingalses , and a long his t
of such leaders , who believe that "the purif-
caton of politics Is an Iridescent dream"-
these are not Ignorant Importations from for '
eign countries , but producls of our own In-
stitutions-not a few of timeni lee Ingals I.
graduates of our colleges. I was not a
foreigner who challenged the indIgnant wrath
of the people by runnIng for jUdge of the
court of appeals In New York last year or
for governor lhls year , I Is not a foreigner
who now threatens to deprive time people
through the legislature of the fruits of their
victory nor Is It the party which depends on
the foreign vote that he leads.
H New York , Pennsylvania and Kansas
hall never had any more emigrants than
North Carolina , South Carolina and Georgia
there would still have been 11111g. PlaUs I ,
Quays. Camerons mdnd tngalses to temoralzo
the politics of the north . as there have bee n
Vammces Tlmans - and . Crisps In the goutim
h'ueee'th Worthless Checks.
KANSAS CITY . Dec. 2-J. G. I'alon m ,
who claims t be ito ( proprietor or a mammoth
shoe house In Portalll , Ore. , II under ar-
Iest here chargell with atemplng to swlmmdlm
lIe hat purchased big bills or goods from
several local units Ind given In payment
therefor worlhless checks on time First N I.
tonal bank of Seattle , Wash Palon is a
well educated - ant Itylshl . ) dressed negro.
Iowa's /lol Itoh .
DES MOINES , lice 2-Speclal ( Tell i
graimm-Tlmo ) statement at time superintendent ( ,
of public Instructoli , made ' public today ,
II'ws there are 6,228' chlllren all youths :
or school age In the sljle , a gain ot 1,078
during the year ended . , with October , 189 1.
The apporlonment of ! ierest { from general
school fund ls mode , front this etmatomnent
10lVIr tu IIIV" I' ( onventon lush .
DENVER , Dec. 29.-A commitee of the :
Cuunber ot Commerce Is negotiating for a
alto for a huge conyenfon huldlng which It
Is proposed 10 build in this $ city with a view
to having one or mote Af the nalonal pout I.
cal conventions held hire In 1896. The
plans cal for an auditorIum . wih a seatlu ig
' sealng
capacity of 12,000. ' I
1IOI ' rn % Vood immemm'mm trolvth In lU.ourl.
JRI.'FEItSON CITY , 1' ec. 29-The stale :
camp of time Modern \podmen of AmerIca
has adjourned The first lodge In the slate
was organize at SI. Joseph less than two
years ago and the report of the Ireasurer
tonight slowed a memlerhlll . or over 3,200.
"horl" of Hovimiy 'i'imommtmmI ,
ROME , N. Y. . Dec. 29.-The shorlnge o [
Cashier Delby anl Teler : Gillette of the
Central NatIonal \anie increases as the e : x .
lierts continue theIr investigation of the
hooks. I has now reached an aggregate of
$ .
$70,000. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
6ulll a 10\81Iprr fur LIbel.
CINCINNATI , Dee 29.-I ach of the four
members ot the city bead of admlnlslralon
today sued lime Tribune for $25,000 damaes ' ,
a total or $00,00 for false charge lu , : n.
leeton . with recent contracts for Wa' ' wont ( s
- - - - - " - - -
Heads or the City Doputment Show What
They Have Accomplshed ,
M nny ChnlJtA Are A"vIn I Il AUInll
time 1.111 TtIHlhJ to Sh"y tlt Itflrl'
, \ro : ( .lell II limo Set'ersl lmneho"
of City Uu'crllent.
AccordIng tD time established IJrocelure In
munlchlal affairs , all heads of lellatlenb
are nol beginning to consider the substance
or Ihllr annu91 reports , which Ilst le comim-
pletNI not later than I.'ebruar 1. SOle ot
these t have lecn t1raclcal ) completc.1 amid
w ill scon bo In the hallls at the IJrlnler ,
whie other officials have not started on the
t ask . I Is customary for heals or depart-
lents , In addition to a detailed report of
the transactIons In their departments , to sagM
g est such measures as the ) ' lay consiler
allvls.lble and to recomment an ) changes
that In their opinion wptmid 10 of benefit 10
the clt ) . , As thc year llasl has been a'er ) '
quiet Ilerioll In lunlclpal circles , so tar as
IJhle i Improvemenls arc concerned , this tea-
t ore ot the reports wIll be. capable of con-
densalon , thouh some new Ideas ia ) ' le
suggestll which will le of interest to nil
who are Interested In the welfare of time
c ity- .
City Engineer Rosewater Is working on his
relJOrt , which will I ! an interesting 110cu.
menl. m Among the malers which he will
eonslter In detail will II the questIon of
water IJressure , of which he has been n
s lllent since long before he became city
engineer. Hi suggestions wi le largely
along m the line detaIled In his testmony
herore the Investigating commltce , but he
will g into details mere partcularly anti
submit diagrams showing the present water
system , all Iltcatng the natlre of Ihe
changes which he believes won III be ben- .
t idal. His general conclusion Is that the
maIns m In the lusluess part of tIme city' arc
too small ant that limo hydrants nol ) use
are to complcated a 11 gel out of order
too easiy 10 obtain the lest results.
, : . Hosewater will also cOlsller the hay-
Ilg l question at considerable length , anti In
this t connecton wi trnnscrlbe sOle of time
ulwrilen history of time combination that , In
his opinion , has sstematcal ' rol bed the
city through fraud and official commnlvmmnce.
lie will show time Immense Ilronls that the (
asphal contractors have reaped and the man-
ncr In which Ihey have succeeded In ex-
elutlng all real competItion In the busimiess .
lie will urge that the 10nopoly Ihat has
been enjoyed by the Barber Asphal COn18IY
ant Its different branches cannot le Iroken
In any other way Ulan I ) let lng down the
hals l to all klnls or asphalt , on I' stpulatng
that It shah be first-class In quality and
that the pavement laid shal le as good as
the best.
The report of the Boar of Pullc Works
Is still In contemplation. As this has been a
very light year for publc works , I wil not
require a \olumlnous tocument to represent
time transactions o that bed ) ' ,
In connecton wih his report Commissioner
of Health Savie wi recommend the addi-
ton of several new features to his depart-
ment. Chief amolg these will be an all-
proprlaton for a SUPIJlementary lureau for
time Inspecton or water , Ice and various
articles or foot which mire known to le
subject to aduleraton by dealers. The
recent discovery that dealers In flour were I
mixing more than 12 per cent or alum In
their best grles to give time product a white '
alJearance Is only one of the seve1 ' reasons
why the commissioner will content that
there ought to le a thorough inspection or
al articles of consumption.
Dr. Savie wIll also recommend that a
special inspector 'be ' employed to see to the
disinfecton of the houses where contnglous
diseases have been reported. I Is his ex-
penance that many people arc either too
11001 or too careless to properly perform
this task and thalltlt was made ( lie specIal
duly of an energetic Inspector It would
bo much easier to control the spread or r
The city of Minneapols appropriates $2,000 ( I
a year for this purpose alone and the commissioner -
missioner thInks that Omaha should malt ;
a provision of at least $1.000 to be appled
for a more thorough disinfecton and an cx-
perlnent In the way or the inspection of
foot products He says that while pilot
of manure and refuse may be unsighty
and disagreeable they arc not necessariy the
most dangerous sources of disease. Impure
foot may bo responsible for a great den
or disease anti If there were more rigid
regulatons In this direction the results would
be manifesty satisfactory.
Dr. Savie wilt qiso reiterate Ils prevIous
recommcndatons In regard to a city hospial
In connection with the city jail and
connecton jai an am-
bulance service. lie will also urge time necessity -
sity of estallshing a contagIous disease
hospItal nt some proper location whore al
such cases may 13 Inme,1ately , taken wihout
offering further Inducement to time spread of
the disease ly unnecessary delay.
The report wIll shol that the general
health or the city during the year has boor
exceptionally good. A Ilght epidemic of
smallpox was suppressell with morc success
than might have been anticipated . eOlsller-
Ing the lack of facilities at the eommanll of
the department , alll time cases of other contagious -
tagious diseases have been generally of a i
mlil cimaracter
Time report or City Attorney Connel wi
he In the nature or n general recapiulaton
of time huslness Iransactel In the leg I depart
ment during the year. I will show the cases
pending and these which have been rlsposet
of and will present a complelo record of
all legal transaclons In which the city Is I
interested. I will also show that the expenses -
penses In that deparlment have been cut
In two durIng the year alI that an ellual 1
retueton may le made next year. This Is I
owing 10 the fact that the city has been
successful In a greater majority of cases ,
so that the temants on the judgment funt
have been materialy rellucel ,
The reports or tIme various teparlments
of the Board of Elluealon arc nearly complete -
pleto and will be issued some ( lute In Janu.
ary. That of Clnton N , Powel , tIme retring
preshlent of the heart , will devote u good
teal of space to time more ornamenlal
branches of the school worle , especially time
Ililergartens , music anti drawing. lie wIll
take time Iround that there Is a generl
milconcepton of the I utility a 111 expense
of the klnlergarlen system of educatiomm .
Contrary to time general Impression , the cmi-
lahlshment of time Itndergartens does not
ald u Ilenny to time leifmale expensel of
running the schools. No PUIJls under school
age are admi led anti since these would have
10 be provided for In nny case It costs no
more 10 put them la time Itlndergarten dul-
Ing Ito first year Ihan In lie lowest of time
regular school grades. The argument In
favor of [ the kindergarten Is that ( I a PUIII
Is to spend three or four years In the schools ,
ho or she will he rurther ad\'ancell at time
enll or that period I time fIrst year Is spent
In the Itnlerglrten , than If the chil was
taken at aries into the regular grades . as
was formerly time custom. The Itlndergarten
Iralnlng leaches the child to think and Iralns
time memory so that the plogross Is mich
more satisfactory during the remaining years
of school life.
Mr. Powell will also protesl against the
elimination or time I'resent course II music
and lra wing. These together enl ) represent
a IJer capita expense ot about 25 cents out
of a total of $25 , and h ( malnlulns that they
are essential to the welfare of the scimoois.
Nearly three.quarters ot the PUIlls are cimild.
ron of hoar parents and this affords them
ad\'anlages that they could not obtain In
any other way.
The report will also deal to some extent
wlh time fnulclal quetou , I will take tu ,
groull that there must either le a leehtell
weakening In the eucalolal sYllem or an
Increasell tax on the poerlY owmmera iur-
lag time past len years from $10,000 to $70-
000 ot the $00.000 required for school pur-
poses has been raised hy taxation , and he
contelds that If title amoult was doubled , no
single property owner would feel the difer-
once when lie came lo pay his taxes.
Superintendent of [ Schoola Marble will
makl no report heyoll the one which he
submited to the board at a recent mmieetlng.
The report left by Superintendent F'itzpat.
. . . , . . .
- - - - - _ _ . .
" - - - - - - - - . .k.
. . - . . .
44444..44.4 44444444.4.4.4 -I
, ,
I : IIaveYou t I
, .
i , EverSeenl !
; A ray of sinlight pass across a darkened room ? Have you
, noticed the millions of particles ) ! of fine dust which its rayS 1
, diSclose ? Some of this dust ( is taken into the lungs C\CIY 4
, time yon ) breathc. Whcn \ it contains the ems of [ diseasc ( ,
, as i ofcn does , they find 101gment in the system
, This is how the cOnSlmltion ) germs entcr the lung's. .
, They are contained in the expectoration of the COUSUIHI ) .
M tune patient , and are thrown off by cOlghing. They soon .
; z become drYI ( mix with thc air and ( are then ready ( for their .
i deadly ( work .
, Now after the germs have been inhaled , i the con- t
9 ditions ( arc lavoi'ablc--that is , if by iason of cold or cough'
, 01' any hereditary CauSe , the lungs or air aSSagCS ha'e become -
, come in flanlel ( , or their tissues or a'u"cel Is abi'aded , anti thus 4
, a suitable soil 1)l'cIal'cd ) ) for the reception of the germs4
I they lodge instantly , clcvcIol ) quick ! ) ' , anti 1flhIlttly ) vitli
amazing raidity- )
, If , however , the I ungs aiitl air passages are iii a healthy
, condition , and the constitution is stl'olig and vigorous ,
, nature , unaided , destroys the poisOnous germs aiul exlels ) 4
, them Iroin the system , 4
, ' [ 'lie \\ray , then , to IteVeflt ) aul ( Ct11'C COUS1I Ifl ItiOII ) Is to
, PUt the bOly ( i fl such a COflli ( ( iOU of pei'fcct health that the
9 germs of ( lisease cannot find Iodment , or if already jL'CSeflt ) ,
, that they vi11 be destroyed 'I'liis can be done by the use of
9 a
, Bitt , you ask , what is Ozomulsion , aflI ( how (1OCS ( it l)1C- )
vent and cure consumption ?
; \\Te \ \ will tell you , 4
Ozomusion is a scientific Prclaratioll ) of co'.l hver oil ,
, with guaiacol : it is a rich , liquid food , lowerftll ) as a niitri4
, ent , and the only remedy which contains ozone and guaiacol , 4
, Ozone is a condencd ! oriii of oxygen , Oxygen , as is
9 well known , is a gaseous element which helps to support
, life , and forms 2 per cent. of the atniosphere in which we
, live. Ozone , or condensed oxygen , when taken into the
, blood In Ozomnlsion , kills the germs of consllmltion ) , and
, thus cures the disease.
, Guaiacoi is a chemical 1)rodllct ) made from tile resin of
pine arni beech trees ; and it is the volatile pi'inciple of this
, agent which.inakcs a residence in the woods so invigor-
, ating 'to the consumptive. It increases the apetite ) , lessens t
t the cough , lowers the temperature and. heels tile injured sur4
, faces of the lungs. 4
Ozoinulsion cures consumption because it strikes at
OflCC at tile real cause of tile disease-the poisonous germs
, which produce it. It is the remedy above all others which
I should be taken for
; Colds Coughs , ConsuIfiptioll , .
, 4
I Broildhitas , Pileilmouia , LaGrippe ,
; Asthifia , aild all PllImollal"y Complaluts ; V
; Scrofilla , Gelleral Debility , Loss of Flesh
I and All Yiastiug Diseases , It is
Thokind Physciaos.Prscrib
I - _ _ a" "
, t5Lh and Douglas Sts , OMAHA.
- -
- -
rick covers the year up to Septcmm'.bcr 1 , and
is in somimo iiarIcUlars similar to that of
Mr. I'oWOli. Mr , Fitzpatrick ermipimasizes ( imim
amiggeatiomi that ime mmmdc a year ago , ( bat
there hmoUid be audi a classlflcatiohi of
imelmools 'In respect to grades and classes to
bit atlumitted mis will preserve iii time mmilpor
grades such nunmbexim as will remider tIme
teaching of thi 'se gramhts liotim ciIlcilemit amid
ocommomntcal. in ( Imla commnectiori lie ouflumie.9
a iilarm for time comicemitratlomi of time upmer
grades wimiclt lie estinmates will result 1mm ( ho
saving of oiiotmt $8,700 umer year.
it is also suggested that the ratio of teachers -
ers in ( lie high scimool should be kept do''n
to one for every thirty pupils , as required
by time rules of time board , and in reply to
the commtention timat this could riot bit dommo ,
Imo liresents a ( aide imimowirig tIme atterimlanco
armmi miumimber of teacimers iii time various high
sclmools of Boston.
'Fhme report of ( lie supenlmmtendent shows the
following figures in regard to attendance.
liii. i593 , increase ,
Total enrulilmmPnt. . . . . . . . . i5iIGt 15,4t51 6Gt :
Avt'rmmgtm emmrt'liriwnt. . . . . . i2,3ti 1IG5 73
IaIiy miltentianc. ' . . . . . . . . . ica ala
Pu tils iii itcimool mit ilmi
.i year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hamI 11,313 97t
( tloremI jtuitiis. . . . . . . . . . . . &ti 43 at
iliKim g.umoam enr.liniummt , tl TI IT
Iilgtm jieimottl daily mit-
tentlummeti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gil Ct9 S
Time averagu number of Immmplis per teacher
in tIme hIgh acimoot was twenty-four , anti in
time whole systeimi thminty-eigimt. 'time total
an'.ourmt paId out in teachers' salaries during
time year was 214,329,2i. an immert'aso of
53,353.91 over time precedimmg year , Time cost
of time special branches is estImnmmtetl mis follows -
lows : irawirmg ) , $ ii00 immusic , $1,400 ; kimm.
dorgarterme , $3,751 ,
Secretary Gillaim's report will thiow time
usual detailed account of time tmamimmactinims
of time' year with imommie additional immfonxmiatiomi
with respect to thu flnimmmcimil conditIon of time
board , 'FImo reports of time suimerintermdeimt
of imuiltllmigs amid of time mmupc'rhrmtermtlente of
special depanimomits will commsist of time usual
statement of thm year's s'ork.
Secretary 1)oumme of time Board of I'ark
Commmtlesioneril iii engmigemh iii time lmrelijration
of a reimOrt frormm that. body which will record
lime doIngs of limit year iii time matter of
parks rind houivartie. A good deal has been
accomnphimmlmemi. especlaIiy 1mm the develoimimment
of boulevards. Time mmiost itotalile of these
accomplishments is ( lao opening of the nortk
. . - ' - - - - - - , . , , - . , . - - , - . , - . - - - -
- - - -
bommlovmmrti , which makes a beautiful drivG
Iroimi Nlmmeteemmth nmmmi Clmlctmgo streets , direct
to Miller lmarlc , ThIs is time first lioulevanm !
that hmaa iieemm brought tlewii to time cemmtrai
imart of time city , armml aitimomiglt it lies emily'
iicemm conmpieteil mi short timmmo it tins hecommmta
a favorite drive , 'limo Immtentiamm of time board
is to evemmtmitiPy extenil time hmoimleymirml to con-
fleet s'itim time somitbmeast boulevard wimichi
Icaths to ftlverviesv imam ii.
At Iiimnwood larlc fomir entrances lmave beers
comiatrimeteil itt a cormsitieralmie expense mmmmmi mm.
great axnoumm ( of t''orlc tins hmcemm accommmpiisimetl
In time miirectiomm of laying omit amid imrmprovimmx
time roadways. There ima Imeerm limit lIttle
ilone mit Ilermiie hark , a Itipo ay'stermm for irni-
gatlc'n anml collie minor irmmprovenicmmtmm tehlimig
time Story , At 1ti''ervJc. a good deal has
been accomplished , A vast immmmrmber of olmi
atmimmmps acid iieatl trees have beeim rermiovoti ,
two imiiies of roamiways have hmeemm conmmtrmmmttem
almml ( we aimd cmmmc-lmalf rmmiieii of track , itustlo
bridges imave been emtlmiemi to time attractive
features cit time place and a considerable
armmommnt of imeavy gradin lmmme been dotmo ,
fin artesimmrm .voll will he cotmmpleted timis win-
ten anti imext year It. is proposed to complete
time lake , Ion wimicim the well iii cxpectemi to
supply time water.
SU.'il1' L1.mII'I'ICI ) ii'IIIWJdJtI ) ,
411 limo Cnr * % 'emmt limb , mime iitch , but No
0mm. , ' . % 'ss Hurt ,
L013 ANGlIfldH , Cal. , Dee. 29-A report
has remu'imett imero that time Surmitet I.irnitcd
was wrecked early' ( lila ximonilmmg , mit Ocimoim ,
Aniz. , fifteen mIles ( ruin Ih'mmsorm , A burnt
bridge gas' , , way mnmder time engine , WhIch
carried time hmaiurtc'o of time ( ruin into the
ditch , 'l'ime tritirm was cormmimosei of live
curs , 'rwm , sleeliers were cornimietely Lmurrmeti ,
Time coemipoaite car was also burned , Thu
lmmmtY of Mom , Lmery in the Imrlvuto cmmr'
Cteoimntra , ( or i'aaaderma , escuimeu lmmJury , it
is mimmtct1 that thu other cam-mm were Un-
toUcimeti. Though time mammsemmgm-'r Iliti was
barge , time olticitmimi stay rio emma was immjuremi.
A train was mnmimie up at 'I'uemmon arid muerit to
mime ceiie cit time wreck. 'rime imasscngem's will
bet transferred Ltnd brought to this city tomorrow -
morrow ,
- - S
et Ii I ; .btii I , i sirs it ii vie , m i'm , i'am gus ,
( 'LIIVEIdiND , 0. , iee. 23.Thu CIeveian
Siiipbuilmiirmg comrmpmarmy huts decideti to grammt
its emileyes a 10 her cent increase ill
wages. About 150 mmmli .vhli be affected.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' -