- - - - - - - . , -----TJ-- : : . . , < 1 TIIE rvc . ArT A DAILY ii'i' . crrr AV BEn : SUNDAY , DEOElrlER 30 , 189.i. . FOR - ? TiE PLAIN DEBUTANTE ) : - Society Celebrnks the Yuletide in Gif I Giving , Not in function I VISIT OF COLLEGE ClUeS S/VES ! TiE WEEK ; . Dnneln/ nt InN'1 101" , R TC nt Mn. Colpctrer'-ln. Urnko GIvc " 1 Innc- III ' ' l'arty for her lzugItor- ; 1011/1 ot the ) tve1I. . . Let the homely gin . who Is Just beginning fer frsl season make up her mind early In the winter af to what "set" she means to bo . . . In. There Is no pace ] so large or so smal that people or like tastes In society do not : tend to congregate and seek each others . compnny \'erywhere one Is sue to find the fast set , and the serious set , the musical the literary , the religious , and the athletic setsi anti , however she may make up her ' ' mind before hand t keep clear ot cliques , s'o ' Is sure to find , sooner or later , that she , IIS & , by natural affinity , selected her special friends tram some one ot these sets. . To the ordinary looking ] debutante , who Is < 1 of health and high spirIts , and eager for pleasure-a ! , thank heaven , the average girl Is-the greatest temptation of all Is to join ' the fast set ; the set whose only purui and Interest Is pleasure , and , thererore , seem to her hnornt little eyes to have the best . time of any of them , ; She sees mamma shake her head when the names nr some of the trailers In that sel are - mentlonel . but when she meets them her- * self they peem to her to ho only more than T . usually jolly and kind and not at all differ- it. entln behavior from girls whom mamma ap- a proves of , nail the men of that set are livelier Ind dance wel and say such admiring thing . to her that she jUlllS ! to the conclusion that the fast set are rple as nice as nnyoody , all much more amusing t After a whie she hears them say , and sees - thel do . some little thing that shocts ] her rather , but they arc so good tempered antI : cheerful about IL that she hesitates to take olense at I , and day by day she sees and hears , and gradually grows accustomed to things th.lt would hare shocked her terribly lt nrst , had ! she known them nil at once. , , Day by day she grows to "not mind" coarse jokes anti vulgar deeds , anl from thinking they are no harm she simply passes Into Imitating their behavior ; the decline In her delacy alli modebty being so gradual : that she does not perceive how far she has gone. , Another set that the wie , sweet minded young debutante 11 keep out of Is the hue . Eet who find their only amusements In the : feeblest of novels acl the Saturday mati- . nees. Who flit their empty ) hours mat. wih . furious admiration oC actors and singers , who 1(01 anti care nothing for such addle- : vated admirers. This Is the set that are . , always knocking nbout the streets taking i hours for the smaleH bit of shopphlg. dweii. i _ Ing forever upon idle gossip priding dwel- f selves upon their slang and spoiling their fr. digestions with a continued diet of sweets. e" . gvery girl beginning her first season should take Stock of herself carefully. A shoult ' girl , or 0 rich girl or a witty girl Is likely to be much In demand : but the girl who Is f not _ _ pretty . bas a somewhat bonier task be- successful. lure ler t mnlI ler season pleasaut and ' For one thing she shoulll realize that t ' whlo beautiful debutantes can afford to be ! 1 little careless In dress and still look at- f- tractivo. it behooves her stl - traclvo. I to be always a very , i 0 pInk of perfecton In all matters of the al toilet. since there Is . toiet. 0 certain beauty and . charm In absolute neatness whIch everyone unconsciously feels liar hair should always be beautifully done her nails p rfecty mani- cured . and every pin , pleat nod ribbon cxo acty In IJlace. r - A clever , witty girl finds most thIngs plain ] sailing . but 0 girl without such gifts can 1 charm almost as much wIth sweet temper and careful courtesy , and cheerful willingness to be of use to other ' pcople. wilngness t ; The rich girl too , can , without much diffic dif- culy , command a following . but the poor girl has a harder tm . Yet the poor girl who shows no erwy , who takes her deprl.a- ? tons cheerfully , Is not always standing upon her dignity , and knows the art of being a charming guest and accepting gracefully . , and gratefully many acceptng cannot re- jt ' turn Is In a fair way to do away with many : 10 wih of the disadvantages of circumstance. ThIs sort of girl never places herself In rivalry with those better off than herself In matter t of expense. She makes no attempt to Iml- tate with colon velvets and cheap furs . or Imitation jewels. the beauties of the toileti I of the rIcher girls. She maltes herself con L tent with the single daintiness within her means , anti when alto entertains , makes her hospitable good will and merriment take the ( " place of costY dishes or expensive flowers. : The signs are now manifest that Woman In her onward march has stormed the last L ; citadel of lan and taken to the high hat The high lia. hitherto sacredly reserve I . for men , has ceased to be the reserve - distnguishing . characteristic of their attire. The women's crush hats are different In % . shape from thee of the men. The lattei r laler arc bel.crowned , and I Is understood that' : the correct thing Is that they should hit 0 made of black sl ( . They are lined with ! black satin . They are not SD heavy as the . old crush hnts. Gayer still Is the woman's crush hat. It Is I made of lir.avy ribbed sik , but I Is hinec I on the inside with white satin , and on some a rosette Is placN i ullon the outside. Most of the Women's opera bats incline Inward I Instead of being bel crowned , but some , others - ers arc low croWned. Ihio ( ) iiitahitt Cumeru Club. : , : The casual observer passing 1312 Farnam r street wi notice a modest anti unpreten- c L Cous sign rt'aillng "The reallng Omaha Camera ; Club , " anti vilh . perhaps , at once dismiss . , the subject from his tbought nut to one Interested In amateur photography the letters - ters stand out boldly alul become Impressed ' upon his Ilul so strongly that he Is I promptoll to malt nn investigation. lie ascends I- cends the stairs and finds himself among an , active organizatIon of amnjetir Ilhotogrnphers ) styled "The Omaha Camera Club " This as- ; soeaton ! ! , although comparatively young , has entered the feld ot amateur worl with nn earnestness and fixedness of purpose which &t Insures its position among the most prominent I- 4 nent photograllhlc . . ' clubs Starting In I.'ehru- any , lS9 , with a cinali ! wih I smal baud of hardy amateurs L- : teurs , It bas rapidly Increased In eize anll strength until fly hard ant earnest worker .3 are now enrolled. enrolel. i ; Magnificent rooms have been secured nt the : above number , occupying the whole of the : second hoar , the eneral plan being from south to north The moat pltasant Is the ' reception room , 20x18 feet , where con be ! seen ( lspll'cl upon the tour wals the work of the club , comprulng every subject ImaginablE I- able , from the fine , delicate lines of thE por- ; trait to the artistic landscape In this h rom are hell the meetings of the club , : wail as lantern exhibiions , entertainments , etc. The chairs and seteed are of cane and r wicker work , adding greatly to the tout atlln ! Rrellty en- lemblo of the apartments , A large I'erlon I rug nearly co\'er tht floor , thE bare Epaces being stained cherry color. fn the center stands I cloth top table eight feet long , scat- toned upon which are the latest numbers of i J I various photographlo magazines , the society subscribing for nearly everything of 1m- 4 Parlance In this class of literature. The large bay windows are ornamented with lacs cnrtalns and the large areh on the north is draped with graceful portieres . \ A more cosy and homelike room could t , hardly bR desired. That I Is appreciated Is attested by the llrefence nt all hours of the ' day and late at night of memberd Harch- lag for hldllen facts In sOle partcular : L branch of Ihotographlo work On thE west of thE reception room la the t _ library . 12xUi feet , which Is also used as i c the secretary's room. From here emanate I ! the notcet reminding memherl emanate r . obligations to the association. the Inita- t ton fee being $2 : i , and tie ( dues $ per 100th uI , ; The floor la covered with I Persian rug In , harmony with the reception root 'ii ' . I contllnl the book eases , with bound \ 'c 'iii ; i : t umel oC works on photograph , n wrltog Labia , and a retouching desk The Impre.- . I10n conveyed by a glimpse into Ibis allart- : mont Is that the place hi cony contains jUlt en\Jgb \ to meet all requirements and at the : Baltic time a crowded 11'II.rlnce Is . .oldN. I . On levlng the matn room toward the I , north one paue under a large arch draped I with porteres , and finds himself In I small h ail , OxlO foH On the right oC this Is the dark rom , 10 feet square , containing the ndng : box , washing box , developing trays , flh fink etc . etc. . four person easily working here at the same time . The light Is obtained by running n gas pIpe through the parti. pat- t lon . controlling same by thumb-acrel on the Inshl . On the heft. of the hail la n small room containing mablo topped wash basin , look- Ing I glass , closet etc. This Is used RS a rlreuln/ room , anti can also be darkened for the ( purpose of loading plate holders. After entering the hail one passes Into ! sts the t operating room , 20x40 feet. la The sky- I"ht l : fRees the north and measure 15x20 feet , with a side light four feet high . All the lights are controlell by curtains , thus I tl making It Ilslbe ! to obtaIn any sort of l ighting desired. The club owns a fine portrait - trait t camera 1x1 Ilches ! , with rapid Voit- lander l lens , anti has an abundant supply of backgrounds , IJslng chairs , couch , screens , and other accessories , and new features anti faciites are being constantly added , the aim being to make the ( apparatus boll complete - plete h and scientific . In thl east of this room are situated the sltuatel l okers , , each member having n place to keep his h Indlvltual property. On the west Is the general club locker for the reception of property intended for the general use of the members , such as printing frames , tiaste , \aste etc. In this end uf the room there Is also n handsome h eighteen-Inch Glohe burnisher , with Its i highly 1,0lshld roll , usell fOr wlh his ti high glaze surface which Is so much nd- 1II'et In the fnished picture. The printing house Is a corrugated Iron structure 6dO feet , on the roof In the ( rear ot the rooms , with sloping windows facing the south. A small stove furnishes heat , so printing may be carried on during both win- ter and aummer months. One of the best retoueheu In the ( city makes the rooms her h"adquJ' ers , affording members - hers the assurance of their work being tin- fn- Ishel i lp as well as that of the ( best gallery In i the cl ) ' . COI es 'olience Is heist up between various clubs of like nature In the United States , and the reels are open at all times for the free use of visiting itietuibers of other photographic societies . The Omahl Camera club Is thoroughly organized - ganized , Is succesifutily operated , Its omcers are emclent , hard workers and energetic , al- Ways on the watch for something new , at- trlct.e and Instructive for tht society which they I'epresent. The exhibitions and entertainments - talnments are wel attended. - - - - 111"1'11 ) ( hrl.II" I ii. The Omaha Guards full dress party at the Madison on Christmas eve prevcd an emi- nenty successful ent rtalnment. ( 'fhe I'ooms were decorated with holy anti garlalHls oC Christmas greens which emitted that delicate odor of pines whlclL wo usualy associate with wih a happy Yiiiotkle. The dining room with Its floor as smotlas glass was utilized for dancIng - lug purposes . as was also the ( south parlor , where from the chandelier was suspended a grrat ! sprig of mistletoe extending a sweet privilege , if I not commant , which ! the soldier boys were not slow In respecting. During the dance a refreshing punch anll confectIon- cry was served and at the conclusion of the entertaInment a luncheon was provided , for whIch the company Is under uDlgJlon to Irs. Axteii. Later the party was grouped and photographed by fash lIght. 'he ent rtnln- ment was strictly limited to members of thE company and theIr ladles. The costumes worn by the ladles were In many Instances both dainty and stylish. Mrs. A. K. Squier appeared In 0 white chlton over whie sIlk wih trimmings of old lace. Mra. PIxley , whIte silk mull with pearl o rnanie nra. ornamens. 1Iss Chapman wore n stylish gown of white lace trimmed silk. Miss Evans , a handsome black velvet with pUfs and trimmings In pink Miss Del Axteil , a rich black satin with satn wih bodice of delicate blue chl"ou. Miss Standish wore a becoming chiffon robe over white silk with lace trimmings Miss Grace Marty , a dainty pink chiffon Dver pink silk with pearl ornamcnts. Miss nowle looked very charming In a black net dress over a light blue silk robe. MIss Paris appeared In a dainty gray crepe . wih light gray overdress. The ladles present further Included Miss Landis. Miss Shane Miss Include . S t. Guier , Miss Coon , Misses Phillips , tVi1- c ox . Ponder , Paris , Getty . Miss Grace Den- net Miss ( Norris Miss Skinner , Miss Anna WIIms , Miss Walton and Miss Co\'erdale. low I'rhicton Wiut 1.nt,3rtluIiiel. When the Princeton men were In Omaha two years ago they made friends of the debutantes of the season with great and wonderfal facility , 1 knowledge that only comes from long practice In gliding from stage to box , while some of the other fellows In I the club are amusing the felows . this year the men were equahi expert , the b exes being always equalY the much feted college men. Dut for the Colpetzer recepton In the afternoon many or the men L 'would have suffered by not knowing the faIr ones of Omaha. About thirty girls received I the majority of the college boys at 1rs. , Colpetzer's In the . afternoon , and a. very pleasant time was spent forming the I ver qualntanco of the Princeton men. A large number of guests was present received by : Mrs. Colpetzer assisted by Miss CoIpetzer ( nnd the following : Mrs. Patrick Mrs. Wa- r ca Rogers , Mrs. Milton rln Miton Rogers , Miss Smith , Miss Burns , Miss Konntze , Miss Squires , Miss Cowen Miss Lindsey , Miss Ringwalt , Miss Crounse Miss Curtis , Miss MeKenna Miss HImebaugh , Miss Cady , Miss Johnson , Miss ituseli , Miss Chandler Miss 'ebster : Miss Dank Miss Cool , Miss Peck , Miss Darard , Miss Yates Miss hassle Yates , Miss Baum MIss Saute Daum , Miss Mc- Cleland , Mitts Mary Nash. Although everybody wanted to dance with i "those charming boys , " nObody thought of I i or else had energy enough to carry I t out unt late In the ( afternoon. Then things went with I rush. the hal of the Thurston m Hles was secured anti decorated with the tiger's colors , some music was engaged ant 'I refresilnent provided. Of course the vial tors said nil sorts of nice things about the Omaha people and swore they ( would como again A large number of the fashionable nudlence at Uo'd's alljourncd to the dalclng hal after tie concert was over and danced : unt the club had to leave for theIr ( train ilaic nit iltiticitig J'urty. Christmas day was appropriately 10nnt up by the members of the ( Halcon club and their friends In the evening the members re - cel.ed their friends nt Ciianibers' parlors anll : a program cf sixteen numbers was rendered In an unusually enjoable manner Light ra - fre3hments. 1IIIell11 music and general gee ii fellowship were silperabtintlant. Those In attendance were : Mr. anei Nrt . " ' . S. Wehlon , : lr. and Mrs. n. W. Baler , ! r. ant Mrs. dwln Perfect , Mr. and :1rs. m' Julius Kessler Mr. and Irs. Arthur English , Mr. and Mrs. Marc Peri Ins. : lr. and Mrs. W. S. Wrlley , lr. anti Mrs. F. A. Green , Mi . . ' ant Mrs. I. G. Schwalenburg , Mr. and Mr : . T. D. Lawrence : Ir. and Irs. A. E. 1.'lelcher , \lr and Mrs. J. H. White , Mr. anti : Irs. H. M. Taylor , Mrs. Iett , Mlues Alee Phillip : 3' Stewart , E. Roone . Arnold , AbbIe ! Sherman i' Skinner , Hoot , Miller anti Bertha Stewart : ; Messrs. W. J. Sitratler F. P. Hooley , W. E. Clark of Lincoln , J. O. Sherman , jr. , of Iln- coIn , T. N. Namlaln , jr , " ' . 11 W'iisey , 1 : . . C. Stocking , M. I. Patterson , W. H. Englsh I , S. H. Husl earl Mn . 'ridhail of Des Jolnu. J'rtreesIo tllh l'h'o One oC the most enjoyable events of the ( I pat week was a progressive high five give fl , by Dele Kempter Council , No. G , nt Fuller 'S hail , corner Fourteenth and Douglas hal ant Dougla street a , last Friday evening. Invitations were extended to all the ( members - bees and frIends to meet and spend a SOd si evening , anti about cevemity-five responde : The Ilrlnelpal feature of the ' ' 6\'enlng's entertainment - tertainment was "high five , " In which : 3. Nellie Fisher won the ladlea' first prize , 1r , Wi Hauls the gentlemen's first honor , and 111 Mae Collins and W. C. Ihouk were pr e- sentell with the ( consolation gUts , the IJrlzes offered all being very unlqu Hefrelunents were served , followed by danclag. The social was I grand succes and reflected much credit Ullon the conimi t- tee . composed of Miss 1 ate Dlltelhort , Mrs. Ilnes and Mrs. Brewer for the ( ex- cetlent mnnner In which time affair was conducted - ducted , _ _ _ _ _ Wooden S'cilthiiig. On the ( occasion of their fifth occaion ffh wedding au- nlverssry Mr. and Mrs. James t' . KeeualL gave one of the most enjoyable events ot the season , which occurred en Monday last at their residence , Fort Omaha. The roar us roola wee IV6rwhee brightened wIth flowers and plants. Dancing and card playIng were en- jond j until a late hour when a delicious sup- pe was served. The tables wee arranged to t seal Just enough persons to make every table t a little select party of friends and to , permit a comfort without o.ercrowdlng. 110- freshments f were abundant and consisted dainty dishes sered In an admirable mnnner , The presents , a might have been expctell , were very numerous and valuabll Among those t present wee : Mr. and Mrs. hale , Mr. and : Irs. Gruner , Mr. and Mrs. Jackman , M Ir. and Mrs. Honnn , Mc and Mu Walh , M Ir. and Mrs. Wray Mrs. Bnlleman , Misses Z ehhar . Whiley. Honan , I.otlle and Maud G runer . Ella all lanle Jlckman , Messrs. PIcheck , : MeLintiomi McCabe , De St. CIRlr , Nelson , Dury , McGoin , Daiton . Whalen , 1. Ulnk , Lloyd. Ufnk _ _ _ _ _ _ , For i.Ii'tu Itoy. , happy hollow was the scene yesterday of a charming Ilancng party In honor of the Ynle boys The collegians were taken out to the suburban homo of Mr. nIl Mrs. 3. N. H. 1 Patrick nt 1 o'clock , anti from 1:30 : until 5 the sons of Eli were treated to I charming entertainment by these hospitable people , who hall two sons graduate from this famous i nstitutiomi. The house , In nllton to the Chrlstml decoratiouis . was further enhanced b y the Yale blue , with here and there large fags f to add warmth to the ( Interior coloring There were cozy places for tete.a.tetes , and the t girls of Omaha were not slow to lear from the Yale boys all about their sisters nml cousins anti aunt ! . The mU91c was ex- celent , the ( refreshmcnts delRhUul , and on the whole , the boys have occasion tD remember - ber their visit to Omaha. Among the young ladles present to honor the ( undergrnduates from Ynle were : Misses Hughes , Curtis , Plorence atl les310 Yates , Johnson , Dewey , Gretchen Crounse , Marion [ Crounse , Doane , Kountze , Gerto ICotmiitze Dickinson l , 1cCIelant , Anderson , I elm , Margaret Brown , Chambers Heece , Palmer , Parniahee ] llingwait , Paulne Lowe , Duck , Smih , Vebser ( . Doa ] , Duiryca. Chandler , Irs. hitchcock ] , Irs. llroake lrs. Cowin , frs. Yates , Irs. Barker , fra. loaue Mrs. . John P. Hawldns , Llllse ) Colpetzer , Cathy , Chasc. Among the men train town ( were : Augustus - tus and Charles Kountzc , hierlin. Wison , 1i Palmer , Lieutenant Arraemltii'ill Hogers. At noon yesterday Miss Kountze gave a lovely dinner to twentY-four people thc ma- joriy of whom were Intmate frlenlla of Luther und Herman Kountze , who arc mcm- bers of ( lie Yale Gee and Banjo clubs. The dinner was served at small tables the ( torah decoratons being violets a boutonniere being presented ( to each of the Yale boys . To as- sit In entertaining the dwelers ) at New 1Tn'en's great universiy Miss Konntze had InvIted Miss Brown Miss Cratitise Miss Lint ! sey MIss Hucll , Miss ltingwalt , Miss Chase , lrs. Donne. Learned , MIsS Colpetzer anti Miss In honor of Mr. harry Ied\l : of DetroIt and other visitIng Yale men , Mrs obert R. Hlngwal and Miss Irgwal entertained lt dinner last evening before the Yam con- cert. The house was finely garltured with holy , mistetoe and ! sniihax. The table ] flow- ers were meteor roses and red cartiatlons. There were candles , shades anti ribbons In bright red , In nlison with the holly berries and In nil essentials the house was a delght- ful rcfectlon of the holiday timite. In atidi. ton to the Yale men there were present Miss Kountze Miss Gerte Kountze. Miss 1Iss Ioane MIss Craun . Mr. and Mrs. Warren Itogers Mr. Hcrman Kounlze and Mr. Luther Kountze. malm UurlNot. : . , The bachelors and homeless members of the company provided an entertainment for themselves on Christmas morning In the lurm 01 a smatter . during which was sernd a Christmas punch. The affair was quite Informal , and was hIghly enjoyable. For the afernoon 0 secton of Doyd's had been re. s et ved. The next drill night falling on New Year's e ve. the company wi appear In dress fatigue nnd fall In for 0 "setting up" exercise , which w ill be preside over by the ofcers of the company. The first platoon will bo In charge of Lieutenant Wilson , the second In command of Lleutennnt Broatcli while Cap- tain t Mulord wIll oct as general Instructor. The exercise will further Include the right and heft hand salnte. Several members of the company have lately been gl'lng play to their artistic ability , and have prepared an Omaha Guards' SIJOon. the design , , to be p atented and be the b pltented property of the com- pany. The Omaha Guards- are ever alert and free to respond to command. as well as to nppe l. During the South wel trouble the company fell In at 0 moment's notice and at the word of command . wRIt every man m accounted for and did its duty. Now that t there comes 0 cry of distress from the drouth stricken sufferers of the state , the Guards have again promptly fallen In . and this time voluntarily through their officers L and their chaplaIn Dean Gardner , have ex- ended tIle use of their armory and the s"rvlces of the company toward providing menns for collectIng food funds and raIment for the sufferers. The manner In whIch this cln be best accomplished has accomplshed as yet not been decided upon , but the dean wilj In all proba- : wli al b hity extend the otTer to the Klug's Daughters - t ers of Omaha. I Is thought that In this I way Quite n collection could bo colecton made as I even thor interestedl In Interested contiucting the L conductng Ifalr wCuld be willing to contribute Indi- vidualy something toward the general fund Each member of the Guards can also be de. pended upon for 0 contrIbution In addition L cootrlbulon to their services. additon This morning the chaplain of the com. any will preach a special sermon to the Guards at Trinity cathedral , the eompany appearing In full dress. Miss Druke's ' ; : ; HUlclu ! Pary The danclnr party given for MIss Alici C Drake by Mr. and ( Mrs. L. J. Drake , Wednesday Alce - day , was I delightful affair , not too large a u lumber for comfortable dancing being pros c ut. Fifty young people of Omaha ant iI i Council Bluffs enjoyed the Counci Bufs perfect music ant I well canvassed foors until early Thurslay ant mornIng. Following Is a nearly complete list of those Invltd i : Misses Sue Colpetzer , Hattie Cady Jessie Dickinson and friends Johnson and Clhn of Phiadelphia , Leila Carter , Emma Crandall . Fannlo Daryea , Mae Bartlett . Edna Cowin Freterlclla Wessolls . Louise Squires I , Mae 10unt , MIsses Baldwin and Stewart of Council Buts : Messrs. Henry Clarke , Harry Wilkins , Megeath , Roy Crammer . Ralph Con i tch. 1 red Hamion , George Gibert , Alan hlopkimis George Purvis , Wiber Churistiar i , ' Christan Russel Burt , James Boyd , Charlie Pratt , Burt Haymond , Bert Morse , Harold Carter , Gray Montgomery . Joe Barker , Mosher Cal petzer ( , Hose Towle - - Enjoyed . 'I'linii.hmristiimmug . Miss Hannah I.eary ( entertained a number ' of her frlenlls last Tuesday el'c'ing nt her home , 1720 South Fifteemithi . Jeenth stre t. Light reo freshments were served nnt the evening was malle delightfully entertaining by Instrumental dtlghtfuly ! I- , mental music by Mr. F. D I , Arnoldi and P. I Ethers , . Cards and games were Indulge In i and n very Illcasant evening was spent 'fhose present were : Misses Zfiarguerli .0 Marguerie Carey , MinnIe Carey , Emma Meyer . Hose lalon , Kate Kern , Hannah Hagan , Annie Honey , Minnie Hamrick , GranJ Gordon Mis Durr of Ilastimigs . Marie Kern , Messrs. J. Irummr , Lee lietiford F. 1) . Arnoldi , F. C. , Shatter , AI Cordon , F. Meyer , Lawrence , i Coombs. Leary . lcAulre , Pete ( Eliers , Cuter , Dcrt : I . : II"rulle(1 ut 'cu. Mrs. John T. Cuthers gave an afernoon tea to 1 number of her intImate frIends at i her home , 2021 Locust street , last Thurs- day . Herehments were served , after which there were songs and recitations by the MIsses I.eard and Miss lerns. Those who were In attendance were : Mesdames Eaton , Hedman , Atchinson , Curtis , Starks , Gedney ; : Cohiett , W. D. 1'erelval. J. W . Percival , White , W. Crawford , Brice Crawford , Liar r , McClanahan , Ed JcEcheron , Hobert Id c - lc- Pcheron , Asa I.eard. Salluel I.earll , Owens , Gardiner , Mcna Dmick , Stokes , Copley , Betebenner , lellds and the Mines Elcock , lunlon , and Danch ltedtiiori Wtl nICclvu un New Year' " , Mrs. I'ercy Ford announces a recepilt un ( rain 4 to 7 Tuesday In honor . of : r. recepton ' . . Carter and Mia Chase. Misses Corby , Pried , Meyer , Thomas anll Turner will receive their friends , Informaly , from . until 7 , January I , at the resldenco street of Mrs. Drdsel A. McAhiiater . 2027 Wlrt Misses Cora X Young , Lena Mangum , Beulah Nelson and Edna Robertson will r a- calve from . to I New Years at the residence - dence street , of Miss Young , 28t North Thirteth Every young man In Omaha la Inyled to visit the Younr Mon's Christian acsocl a- ( Ion on Now Year's between ton day , ( lie hours of 4 and II p. m. The association mnembera , asslse1 ! by seventy-five ladles , will receive the t guest , .MI.a . full orchestra wi be pre.ent. In tmevcnlng He. S. Wrigh Butler will prsithuflat In entertainment to be Ilvn In the atdlt rlum. In thin " 1al of Health" gymnui.tc ' exhilblthotis. basket bal g ames anll fcjrt pf Itrengtl will interest al Ilurlng theft .Pton ( hours. 10h , , in I Social ClrclM. , ; ! Mrs. E. E. nrq1 was In Omaha this week MIss Etna Cow n Is at home for the boil- hal- d ays. tays. rI I ) Miss Louise : pir s Is at home for time holhlnys. I' I Miss Ipltrlck Is at home l'ellng the h ohid.iys. . , m Mrs. E. : r. S/11h of Wayne Is the guest of Mrs. Paul EA. : ICnglsh , Miss Louise ' Drake goes to I crt Dallge next week for , a- . short stay. Mrs. J. lrlnkor of Sal Like Is the guest of her sister , Mrs. C. K. Coutant . : Ir. anti Mrs. E. .1. lcVann of Sioux City are spending the holidays In ( owut. Irs. Joseph Ielnrnth of Kansas City Is the ( guest of Mrs. Andrew Hosewater. Colonel anti Mrs. H. C. Cowry from Chicago - ago are spending the ( holhlys In Omaha. Miss Gertrude Brnnch Is at home from Ildale h college for the holiiay vacation. Mrs. ! Benjmin F' . Baker wIll entertain the Don And club Monday [ evening , January 14. Miss AlIce Drake returns to her school at St. Katharne's ' , Davenport , next Welnes- day. day.MIs Estabrok from Clnton , Ia. . and her l mether are guests of Mrs. C. A. Estn- I brook. Miss Johnson , who was the ( guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Yates , returns hem next week. A pleasant areroon lea was gIven by Miss Kate F'oos at 1812 Chicago street last evenIng. I Mr. [ alul Mrs. FV. , Drown at Lincoln Silent Chir1stiiutis In Omaha wlh Mr. . and Irs. liennett. lss May Mount , who 4s nlenllng ( Miss , Grant's school In Chicago , Is at home for the luollelays. Mr. and Mrs LucIus \\'nkeley anti soti Arthur spent Christmas with JUdge and Mrs. Walle Ie . , ) : lr. and Mrs. L. J. Drake go to I rautln ] , ' Ia" , next week and will spend Sunday In that cl ) Irs. Warren Rogers gave a very charming dinner for eight of tn , Princeton men Thurs- lay t night. Mr. anti Mrs. Thomas H. Kimball have gone to Boston for the beginning of the New Year. : . A. P. Hopldns of northern Michigan Is spending the ( holIday season In this city with his family . Sister Mary Verlsslna of [ Clinton , Ia. . Is Sllellng the holdl's with her mother , Mrs. McCormlclt. , Miss Katherine Barker , who has been very ill with pneumonia the past fortnight , Is convalescing. Mrs. .1. SV , Colon Is Improving from her recent Inrs and wi soon be able to re- same liar worl Captain Ray , Indian agent at the Shoshone - shone agency . and wife are at the Miilarti nnt : flard for the holidays. : lr. Ambrose E. Elington will give n box party at the Hans Albert concert at Doyd's Saturday evening. lrs. J. H. Iuchanan returned yesterday from WatertoWD\ \ Wis. , where she spent the ChrIstmas holrnvs. I. . . Mrs. and MISS Hawley returned Monday Cram thc west teierc ! they have been .Isi- Ing for some \veeks. Mr. and Mrs. : Cii'rles II. Sawyer of Kanj sas City , Mo. , 'taret ' Ithe guests of Mr. and M Irs. Harry Ladfenburg ( . Mrs. Wllanf s. . r Hector Is visiting her' sister , Mrs. Churea 1F. l Scovi , at Hyde her'F , Chicago , for a feW drs. Mrs. Sam Guggemeinr from , ( hue ; World's tl Worlt.s fai city Is vlsltngl ep11elm and l rs. Sam Drel- f uss . 2220 FarIm , , street. I Miss Edith Kimball of Denver Is the guest of her cousin , IUsDele / Kimball . and will remain through3ither hioiidays. Miss Anna lluziartl , who Is ( home from college - lege l with her friend , Miss Platt , entertains In i her honor Naw"Near's eve . Miss MarIon l . Fr'o of Kearney Is spead- Ing i lie holIdays WIh ' her friend Mrs. Robert I ' . Hamilton of Kountze Place. The Misses Peck , who are at home from Minneapols for the holidays , return to Mrs. Cle.elalls school Thursday next. Mrs. Graves cf New York Is the guest of her h sister , Mrs George N. Hicks , and will remaln with her during the winter Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Munroe spent ChristC mas with Mrs. Munro's parents , Mr. and : rs. Harlow Barker , In Kansas City . Miss Alexander wi have for her guest In January Miss Leavenwortb of Wahlingford , Conn" , n classmate at St. Walingford . The Jlnnehaha Mountaineers were charmIngly - Ingly i entertained by the Misses Dowen last evening at their home on Dodge street. The Terpsichorean club will glvl 0 dance and banquet New Years night at Erfllng'e I h all . which will be a strictly invItation affair. Miss Emma Homan Thayer has been the i g uest this week ot her sister , Mrs. Catlin . Dn L her way from Salda , Coi. , to Nell York : CI ) ' . Judg and Mrs. E. ir. Chrisman , Miss VIr- ginia Chrisman and Mr. Charles ChrIsman I of Mapleton , la" , am visitIng friends In this I ciy.Miss Miss Jeanie Campbel entertained about twenty-fve of her young frlenlls Friday : evening at her liomne South at hOle on Twenty-ninth L s treet. Dr. G. A. Uronson and Miss Jessie Smith I Smlh of St. .ouls are In Omaha to attend the Chrlsman'Downs wedding whIch occurs January - uary 1 Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Smith , born Jan nlo n Yates , have returned from their wprdlng i journey to Cuba , and are at their homo In : St. Jo&eph. Mrs. George S. Gould , who came In for : the holdays , has decided to spent the winter : Armstrong. wItiu liar parents , Colonel amid Mrs. George Harry P. Potter ant Miss Lizzie Dreck- Inrhlge will be married Monday evening at tbe homo of Ito bride's parents , 2516 Davenport - enport street. Miss Lela Curry and Idles hattie Dancan gave n delightful recellton to a few of their friends at their home , 2624 Davenport street " I rhiIY evening. Miss Danlly len Wernesllay for Reek Island - and , where she wi visIt Miss Hope Curtss I. Miss Lemon of St. Joseph will also be her guest at the same time. lrs. Charles Stevenson of 276 Grant street was cale1 ! to the ( home of her parents ut itoodhotise , iii. , Wellnlday by lie dangerous - gerous illness of her lather. Mr. and Mrs. Barnard amid Miss narart spent ChrIstmas In Lincoln as the guests of Mr. and Mr/ / . Coffrothi . Mrs. Ilrnard wi remain away some ttnie. Last evening jt , the Yale Gee club concert boxes were occupied by Miss GertrUlo Ring. walt , Mr. ' ocupled ) , Miss Daisy Duane , Mr. Arthur Gulou . Miss Grace Hlmebangh , Mr. Edward Muler : ' Mr. anti Mrs llward Dcltlnson , MIss Anderson . Miss Crandall , Miss DIckinson und -Miss Kehn. M. Margaret"Weyniuller wilt give a wed- thing reception for- her niece , Miss Augusta , Spetman , and Mr Albert 11. Head al the I occasion of tlelro.larrlage , January 9 , from 8 to 11 , nt 939 ' 1 1Jortiu 'fwenty-slxth street. air amid Mrs. 1Iad ire to be at hOle after February 1 at 148 , South Twenty.elghtb street , , . . J Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hector gave 0 delght- ful dImmer party j9. t - few friends on Thursday - day ovenlng. 'Fimpie4protteiit were : Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Hansgm , Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Woot , Mrs. Due1 Mt. A. Clark Hedlck , Mrs. F. I ) . Spencer 'lf ' ! ! Airs M. A. Hector of Nebraska City , Mr. Robert Spencer and Miss VIvian Hector. Friday evening the ( Manhntan Social club gave another of Its' ' successful and enjoyable - joyable parties , at which lie following were present : Mr. and Mr. Cobry , Mr. and Mrs. Garriy ( , ! r. and Mrs. CollIns . ! r. and Mrs. Bennett , Misses Hagerty , Burke , Yo\ng , \ Ihrennuan Charm ( . Healey , Garnity . Neslcb ( sh , Fleury , McGuckin. Murphy , McIneary , Carey , Hier , Falconer , t'lzpatrlck , DeCota , Mar- tIn , Colvert , Reynolds Doolng , Wilson , Whelan , McCarthy , l.wry , M. Campbell , S. Campbell , L. Vorwald , B. Yorwald , Casey , Devine Daie ) ' , Quinn of Council fluffs ; Messrs. E. Murphy , Floury , Gilbert , Carey Hocheford , Hal'ety , l''luckln. N. Murphy Gllgau , I.'ort , Clarke , Marel. Holland , Koesters , Jushbat , Foley , Frenzer , Wilson , , . - Ulnton , Riley . DUftllt Fyfe . Reagan , Tim- mona .1. Reynolds T. Reynolds . ! McGrath Potter , Dr. Hncher , Cahalane , McCoy , Car- of mody New , Leighty York , , W. E. Walsh amid 1' . J. Walsh Thursday ) evening next In the Women's club rooms a clever little play , "Lt1 ! , ' Par- tune , " will bo given tinder the auspIces of the Younl Women's Christian association by the following well known ( eple : Mrs. Vhteeler Miss hIggIns of Chlcngo : MIss Taylor Mr WhlbreRd ( , Mr. Gilbert anti Mr Cook Members free , outsiders 1 [ cents admissIon - missIon at- Mr , Dana S. I.lncer hss resigned hll posh. (1- ( ion . as attorney of Ibo ( Union Trust company - pany and will make his home In Chicago , taking a place In the ( frm of Prulng & : lcCuloch. Mr. Lanller will leave emi Tues- day Mrs. Ialier anti the chlcren will leave about February Ii for their ( now wi , to which the ( bet wishes of 1 large circle cf . friends will accompany them. l"ifty-eigiit chiden danced ThurslllY after- noel away In the ( roomy 11rior of Mr. anll Mr. L J. lrake's ) home on Park nvelue , ' the occasIon bellg n nrty In honor of Miss I Jose hlne lrake ) anti Master I.auren lrake ) . The girls ] In falry-Ille gowns ali boys with cavalierly grace male 1 scene 10lg to bo rememberell. Later In the afternoon games were plaell and Interesting refreshments so ry cii. At the residence of the brlde's parents In Springfield , Neb. , nt high , noon , December 25. Ir. F.V. , Taylor and Miss Hose E. Magner were weddell , He\ Mr. UnterwoOl omclatll ! The brile Is one of SllrlngOells most charming young ladles. The groom , Dr. Taylor. Is n well known dentist of Omaha. The couple will reside In Spring- lell until March I , when they will take up . their resIdence In this city. A Ilrely box party was one of thc features of the Christmas matneo nt lloyti'a to see Hobson In "Leap Year. " It , was given by Mr. Rex Morcholse II honor of Idles Jewel Wood RHI Master lillerVooih , who are ' vIs. lung their aunt Irs. Robert Pease , 52.1 South - street. The , Twel\ty-elghth \ 1arty In- clliet Mildred Lomax , Hose Coftnmaui . Inr- net Hunt , Marie CoWman . Wer Cofman of Omnha , and Jewel Wood amid Dillon \\-0011 of Kansas city. ant Christmas evening a delightful party was gIven Miss Leary of Soulh l'ifeenth street. After several ] hours of high five hat been In- culged In nn elegant luncheon was sen'ed. The successful ones In cards were Miss Hooney ant Mr. Aroldi , the consolations going to Miss Meyers and Mr. \'liIte. Those Ilresent were Misses Hegan , Hooney ( , lamer- iclc Meyers . Leary Carey and Messrs. White , lerers , Arnoldi , Drummy , Lawrence , Slater amid several others. In honor or theIr son , Mr. Bert Raymond , ant theIr guest MIss Peck of Platsburg , N. Y. , Mr. antI lrs. C. S. Haymolt gave a charmuimig' dancIng party FrIday o.enlng. The house was pretl ) ' decorated with Christmas greens aunt cut flowers , ant the large rooms gave ample opportunity for 11alclng , Yester- tar niteruiooii . In honor of Earl alt Glen RaymolI , about seventy-five young people were also entertained ( by Mrs. Ha'lond , whose funelons are always cllrming. The first meetng of Mrs. Yates' "dancing class" was held at Hiside Tuesday evenlug : last. The party was a great success the ( bars beIng gootl and there being len In abundance , which always Insures n good timume. There are twenty girls anti thirty mcn belonging to the club . so there will al- Ways be a majority of the sterner sex In attemudance. As there are to bo few dances given this season they wi occur at short Intervals In order tD accomplsh their aim before Lent. MIss Llio Bath entertained the members of the Oxford Social cub In a royal mann- ner last Wedneslay evenIng. Singing and dancIng were the order of the evening , after which refreshments were served , and all members present departed after having en- eyed j a very pleasant evening. Those present - ent were : Misses Wagner , l'auh Craddock BL ath . Casper , E. Leeder SarCelder and J. L eder. Messrs. Cardweil . Howe , Walter , F orbes . Iaufman , Newcomb , Leeder , Conk- In and Paul The Misses Iarbach entertained at their , esidence SOS South Twentieth street last Tuestay evenIng for Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ii. Sawer of Kansas City , Mo" , with 0 high fi ve party. After refreshments fve Ater were served d ancing was Indulged ] In. Among those ser.et present ent were , Mr. and lrs. Laufenburg Mr. anti Mrs , Kerner , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kar- bach i , jr. , Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer , Mrs. Ed Paulen of Arlington . Mrs. Llmmerlcl ( : : , Misses Amanda Karbach , Helen Kheffner . , Alma Schmidt ; Messrs. Arthur , Emi and ; O scar Karbach. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Dassett , 1801 Dnney street. entertained their friends Fri- , day e.enlng , Cards.nnd refreshments were I the order of the ( evening The Invited ones II I w ere . Mr. and Mrs. \V. E. Palmetur , Mr. . and Mrs. C. A. Cotman , Mr. and Mrs. Henry : Cepely , Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Foster Mr. and Mrs , Colent , Mr. and Mrs. Percival , Mr. and I MM rs. Redmau , Mr. and Mrs. nrown. Mr. and I M rs. Darnum , Dr. and Mrs. Morton Mr and Mrs. Root , Mr. and Mrs. Bailey , Mr. and I MA rs. Counsman , Mr. and Mrs. Hlskel , Mrs A ngell . Arthur Aagel , Henry Dassett. Friday evening at 8:30 : a large crowd of frIends gathered at the new home of Mr and Mrs. C. M. Itawltzer . 3012 Oak street Mrs. A. H. Rwlzer and Mrs. W. K. Ja ob : nrranged the surprise , which was attended by Mr. and ! rs. H. Miller , Mr. and Mrs , F. Drown , Mr. and Mrs. O. 'Vliams , Mr and Mrs. Jeff Seymour Mr. and Mrs. Dunn , Mr. anti Mrs. Sclple. Mr. and Mrs. Hogn , Mr nnd Mrs. Jacobs , Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Rawit' Hawl- zer and Mr. Inrtwelght of St. Louis Mr. ant I Mrs. Suter , Ito Misses Johnson , Dougherty , Banger , Schamel , Melee , Rawlzer ( , Mrs Keeler , Mr. Cole Griffith , Sprague . Kirsch- b erg . Winter , O'Toolo , and many others Dancing and cards were the enjoyments of r the evening. At 1 o'clock a very nice ( lunch was served , after which the guests danced The cosy little home ot Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sanden. 4019 Lafayette avenue , presentet quite 0 festive appearance last evening ema the occasion of the celebratIon of the atimuiveu'aury of hue 6211 bIrthday of Mrs Maria Sanden , the estimable wife of ! r. Jacob Sammmien The evening : was very pleasantly whied away In . recall - Ing reminiscence of bygone days , Inter sperse(1 with singing and social chlt-chlt. Quito an attractive feature was the singIng of the little chidren who were present , and were anxlons tD show their love for the old lady by their "ocal performances. Dunn : ii the evening the guests sat down to I mag- nifcent repast , which was evidenty greaty : enjoyed by nil present. Among thOe pros emit were : Mr. 011 Mrs. Robert Sanden I , Miss Anna Sanden. Mr. anti Mrs. J. Holm. Mr and Mrs. G. Nelson , Mr. anti Mrs. V. Van Bel'er , Mr. John Helm and Miss Suzanae Holm. _ _ _ G _ _ _ Eight IlldrellItnn , AsIc lti'iiel . PI JTSIUna , Dec. 29-A IettonIS ( Ilreaentell In court today ( from 60 dcpobltola of George Iuf. Irwin , the discretionary pool ollel'utor , laklng permission to Join In the cqilt ) . proceedings now pending nlllnst Irwin to compel hIm to turn over mine boolts to time receiver IPl0lnted by lie court. The Ictlon ( 111 grntcd , The IloreYK for ! Irwin IU.e often statell ( that ( those rrosecut- lag him represented only I smal propor- ton of hIs depositors. Time 80 ( people who have now jolnelt In the prosecuton had on deposit with Irwin over . t ( ( ) ( ( ) . Imituhmo's lnerl\1 l'ructuctol. nOISE , Idlho , Dec. 29.-Alhert ElIte , cashier of time noise Natonal bank , has prepured for Wells , Fargo & Co. I slate- ment of the ( mineral productIon of Idaho for 1891. The totals are : Gold , $ ,89,0 : sl.er , $2,39O : : lead $3.0,0 ; grand total , $ ,81.0 Sliver , Is ilgured 1 nt fc un ounce und lead 3 cents per pound. The Wels- Fargo statement for i93 showe u prod ducton of $ : .92l.0. _ _ _ - - - - - - - - u 1 : OM.tflt JlmUt ( 'ziri.zs. The lovers of music In Omaha who dlii not accept the opportunity offered to at. tentl ( he concert given b I'ranz Aiielmann's orclmcsra ( at the ' Young Men's Chinisliati am- seciation tiumtlItorlimm last Thitmrsthmy nIght cer. tahnly missetl a concert ( hint was well worth bearing. On ( imat occasion Mr. Amiehmnann matlo lila debut bCfore an Oniaiia nuidiciuce as a mumsical director , anti ( lie immipreeslon Ito left upomi the aumtiience retioumitis to ( ) nutiim' crethtt as veli tie his own. Id r. Atlelniamiri has bcenm a resitlent of tIml city' less ( hiatt a year. Before comIng to Omaha Mr. Atici. mann was vitlu ( ito Gerimman ht.mmitl vhIeh played at time W'oritl's fair. lie has also lilaycil immider ( ho instruction of Itumhilmiatcin atitl other famous niuslciaiis of ( lie okl country. TIn , overture hty ( he full orchestra i'ns rendered with a precision ( lint stamuips Mr. Atlelmnanin as a director of mmmdi force , amiil his ability to control a botly' of mnusiclamia was quite ahiparnmi ( , Time seconti miuimnbtir on the pregnant gave the PCOilhe liii oiuportimnily to jtitlge of Mr. Atiehitisnu's ability as a ciniromiet iiiay'er , \'llm tlmis hiistrumiicn ( his teclimmhquc , Is as micar hterfectlomm as Is sal. doium reached. it 'ais soimi liuspining , anti the iiqtmititty of ( hue tones Prothmcctl rnisNl Mm' , 4ddlmann 50 lien cent In time c'itintatioii of nitleiclamis. Mrs. Ciirles \\'ilhteimii , ( lie noiiramio , was veih recciveil , antI lund to no. sponmil to nut eulcore. Mrs. Muicmitefcnimug's sciectiomi on the liinno was e'cc'eptlomiahiy' good , bumt time accnmmmhiamiiiiment vns ' 'cry or- thinaniiy played , Mr. t'eilcrsoum , time flutist , is vehl leimown to Ouiialmn. tummihIetict' , lila sele. ( Ions were iiiiost ltenleciiy rendered , antI Ito was conipohietl to reslond to repeated emicores. TIte foturthi liubhlc piauto recital by ( lie hiumlills of Mr. Martlmm CahimiVctlmmestlay event. 11mg , lecenibcr 19 , at ( lie \'onian's chub roonia , was one of the InterestIng events of tue nitmalcal seasomm , ltmithm anti Katie \Viley ohiemmed thmi . progr.int vithi a clever cx- ilmnhilo of emmeemnble cemimposiiomm ( , ' 'l.'orest Lila , " by I'Coeiilmng. ' It is not a difficult comiiposition , butt tIme young inthies lilayel vithm nice tliscniiniimiatiomm , Ahiss Amumia'hite idayeti I he unions iso of Manlcal wIt I , rrpi , k to herself. Mls ( lcorgio Kennarti gave ( lie C ( tub of l'eri I Ia ca I leil I lie ' ' I I u iii miii eg 11 In , ' ' i'ltlt exceptlommai ability for so yotmmug a Player. She itlayeti without notes , timid was as easy anti gruuccfiml If as shio had been ac- cusonneii to appearimug before ntmtiiciices , for years. The uimazurha caprice of Mnsonm was imiaycth with taste by Mabel Iharber , although not strictly' iii ( lie teimipo Itt which it is writ- ( en. hut ( Inc surprise of ( lie recital was Corino Piumheen , a young girl 13 years of age , vtuo tllsplayod a really rcuuiarlaiblo npI- ( lutle Ion ( lie Piano. Site gave two mummmiubens in Part One a ghguio by I3achm , and ( lie " "Echo , " by 110ff , both exquisitely phraeeth , her execumtlon timid technique clearly showing artistic inclitiatione of it Itigit orther. Later with Mr. limit- Icr violin , anti Dr. liactenis viola , ( lila star icrformuer of Mr. Calm iiiayetl ( lie grand trio of lgnace Lachmner lit a miianner ( lint wont iotmul applaumso front ( lie large numdicnuce pres- etit , A year ago Mr. Catmmm played tiic sante number with ( he tissistance of viohimi amid viola , anti Its technical tllfhlcuities niay ho iniagineti. Miss ' i'auisen Is it young gemtiims , and with anything like eanefmil ( raining sIte is tleslneuh to make a mtiark in ( lie mmitislcal vorid , Fredericica'cssels phaycti tine Schiu. bert lmnpronnptu in C ' ' very' preully. I'er- Imaps ( lie mnost correct perforniance 'j5 ( hat of Ilemmnleta ( Reevhio interpreted time Moe- eiieles "biontho Sentinienlale" ( atmhtiessly. hut- dah Johnson played another Schubert mmunitber with credit , while Josephine Bell displayed much taste iii the remithitiomi of lienidel's "By Moonlight. " . liens Albortls going away , anti to give , , , . , , . ' m''m'U eet-UIL Lila ifldiiy eniemius have arranged a benefit for tine talented young violinist at Boyd's next Saturday evening. Mr. Albert has niet received the recognition which hIs talents 'arranted , nione's ( lie pity , and after an tuphuill struggle' lie has iinahiy decided to Jeave Omaha for other fields where lila ablilty will be nione largely appreciated. ' For his closing performance in Omaha the following excellent program has been sr- ranged : PART 1. Sonna-G ( Major , for i'iano and Violin. . Ibubenstein Motherato Con Vaniuzionl , AdagIo Finale. Mesam's , Joseph Gahini amid lions Albert , Soprano - ' ( . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Margaret Eaton , Violin Solo-L"anasie , Faust. , , , .W'leniawskt Mr. Charles higgins , Piano Solo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a Darcaroile ( ( roni Fourth Con certo. . . . Stermidale flennet ' b Etude , B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Joseph Gnhm , Violin Solo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a Nocture Op. 0. No. 2. .Chopin-Whihuelm b Souvenir tIe Moscow . , , , , , . , , Wleniawak Mr. Hamis Albert , PART II. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Eatomi , Piano Solo-Caprice lfnihlano ( Die For- m ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ForHelher I Mr. Gahim. ViolIn Solo-Airs . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Albert. Song-For All Eternity..Masciieron ( Mrs. Eaton. ( With Violin Otillgato by' Mr. Albert. ) Violin Solo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a Legentle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \Vlenlawslci b Ziipatendo , Spanish Dance , . . . , Sarasate Iulr. Albert , QuIto a niovol feature of ( lie past week was a chiildreni's musicale at tluc residence of Miss Doyle , 2214 Wirt Street , on Thursday - day , ( lie participants being little ones between - tween ( hue ages of 7 and 11. AmId fragrant decorations of hyacinths anti chrysanthe- mama , the wee niuheians carried out the following program : Piano Solo-Tue DyIng Poet..Goschinlk Fanny Rosenberg , Violin - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roan. Rosenberg , Piano Solo-The Pink..Minnie' 11111cr Song-Baby is Sleeping..hlem'tha Saxniami Duet , Violin and l'ianO-Trtmtmnuuerel. . . . . . tuumnaun lraimmiy amitl Rosa Rosenberg. I'iono Solo-Little Fairy March. , .Strcabbog hJen'tlmrt Saxniuti. Duet. Violin anal I'iuuno. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Mm ( in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( ] Chansomi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Smith Fanny and Rosa Rosenberg. After a dainty iunchoon a few Impromptu numbers were rentlereth , addIng aim extra flavor to a tleilghitfmtl aftornootm. The hittlo ones acquItted themselves well , some of thiennm showing remnarkablaechmtuteai kIhi. 'Fhmo musicale at time First Congregational church at 3 o'clock ( Ida afternoon will lie the last of ( ho series. MIss Mernihmew of St. Louis , Mrs. It. I' . Ely , Miss Jose0 ! Id , Juhinis timid Mr. T. S. 1Vlilthireati vlil funpishi the vocal nummihmens , and lilies Wagoner anti Miss DeGraIf will nlay ( he hmiania amid orgami re- epectively. The following Is the programa ; Orgnn-Lnrghnetto ( rein Second Syin- viuoniy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hieeihuo'omi Dtua1Vaiteii for ( hue Lorth , ( mini hymn of ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miss Jessie Id. Joints tumid Airs , A. 1' . hiy. Orgami-Driduil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mitts Iltttie leUrnff. Vocal Solo-Glory to God ( with orgami ottilgato ) , . , , . . . . . . , , , , . . . . , , , . , , , . , , . . . . 1(0(011 Idles Lhihinn Merriitew. Organi Offertory-i1rayer tumid Cradle Song i.ulIumianr Vocal Soio-O ThoU that Teilest..Ilammulul Mrs. A. P. Ely. Planti-Romnuico mromti Concerto In E Minor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cliopimi MiSt4 Etlitit 14. Wugonmcu' . Orchestral part on tIme orunmi. . Solo-TIme ] ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Mr. 'P. E. Vt'lilbreati. ( Organ'-Chirlstmtis . . . . . . . Mrs. F' . FFonm ] , Organist. The Harmony club wIll huoltl Its annual business meeting next Friday night , whutiti ( lie liolIcy of this ilouniahming younmg orgamiiza. tiomu ivill be discusseth by ( ito full mnemnber- ship. The only poitmt at Issue will lmrohiabiy ho whether ( Ito club will give public conbents L or will devote ( ( self to church intercats as at liresent. UNTY DESiGNS-ia a thousand and one different - D ferent articles for the toilet table--in Gorham's sterling silver mountings--brushes-combs-- the latest conceptions. i5TII JRirELiu AND DDUW.1t , , . p. A Y : : 0 N 0. - tour Iohhrur Walk XViii a nisjesic ( stride of Iniportanci . at Morse's , The very hew prices antI special offerings are what make thorn feel ( Itch' power , Encotirsge them ! you'll lie better otT. Notice the follow- lug ems forerunners of the tmieny big values you'll find , We'll pile on the fuel all day Moathay , anti you can take away sonia big valuies from our clearing sale before haven- ( cry , Ladies' French mantle kid gloves , $1.25 ltimiui , for 7e , illamiket sale , to close our stock , wimile 10.4 or gray 10.1 , 43c mu Pair. ilscoumnt sale of 20 per cent oft our low liners in china anti glassware department. ' Dress goods , silks anti veivets at the sauna tilacotmat of 0 tier cent , also draperies and ' cuirtaimis at time' saute. Nothilnig reserved itt these tlepsrimuemis ; , Ladies' heavy' mimuuher. wear , vest anti pants , at 19c a garment. t.atllcs' Inst black hmoe at tic a haIr , Bargains - ' - gains of exlra value nil through ( lie alore , Monday tsihl be ( lie grandest day foe' bar. galmns ever seen in Ontahma. 'fit maust go out in a inig blaze of inrgain giving. Timesday , New Year's day' , our store will be ciosed all iiay' . Enijoy time feast of hargalmms ( Monday - day ) we offer , antI you will have a happy New Year. TIlE MOIbSR 1)lbY GOODS CO. " " 77" . -t.uit- GRP Mrs. A. B. Wright and Mrs. A. Wilson , hi haet 1ki ( si , New Yomk , unite in t'etir'ing ta thin value e t''fl" him sc'cre attacks of , flithI'Pli stiffereh by thituii , niitl by omue of thuni vimIm Ito. canying 133'mtuptoine at DIt'1t't'l1iItI. . . It has en- timely choral timi' p.itcites itmud la'alei ( Ito sore. iiVa'4 , Sirs. 10 , C. imali , 1070 rxiuigmon ave. , Ne , . . York , enys : " 1 visim to ci.i'uess eO yetI how munch we nppr'einte youti' siteclile 'TT. ' \\e hiuivu , used it In oumr fonmily ainco It urns first ativer. ( macti. it Is inut'ahmtahio , In ( hitit'1'I1 nut ! littON. Cl I IrIS , ,1 mid i e votti1 tint i.e wi I bout it. ' ' Mi's , S. L , lumu'piu' , Ia3 tmaiithe ave. , Brook. lyut , , atys : " 1 Iiatt a severe attitdk at l.A. cilrilPF : , % hmicli left mite vltli a dreadful hiaclc- lag cough. I ( rlett ' ; 7 , ' itnul vae entirely cured tn cue ilay. " , " .1. Leltchm , 1sti. . 412 Central Park , ' , S'est. New Yank , says : 'T' curih me of a 'cry iI.hti ) COhi ) , tiglutnc's ntui.i itains In ( lie cImst amit sore throat. the g'd effects being shown lmu. stile of tweii'e Itnuis. ' ' , , 11ev. 12. 1' . l'ieru-e of ClarIon , Iowa , e.iye : ' 77' has ctirii a tt..l ) COIl ) In my i'lfe , which I have ijeen tieatin for some ( hue ; anti site only tmeti about one-fourth of a lint , 1tmJIi'IIlthS' SI'lClPlC "zr' will "break iiit" a Sttibb'rn ' Coil that "hangs on , " A small bottle ot m'leisnnt pellets : fits your vest tockct. Sol.I by tiruggleis , or sent am , me. cetpt of erice , 2.e , or , foc Ii. IhtJMi'iLitIOYS' MnDncnNfi CO. , cornier \Vliiiamim tumid John , mts. , New Yorm : . I8KARAT tOLD PLATE sI LADIES' ' Oil GENT'S ' SIZE. r' Jta'CUTThh1S OUT and fond it ( ous .t our miamo emit. ! atidres ant ! 0 will eutd you title watch treex. L3' & toroxautimuutton. A Gutir- ! 1wh2ltd' ' , , miiitr for : Years and chaIn tT- ! raittlcharmaent with it. You , , Ja ulL'7 tY i'.4i4exaitiiuto Ii. auth If you thinic It tl15 bargnlmipnycuraantipue price , l.i 12.50. anti I I itt yttluma. I t I beau. ; 1l , ilruilveimgravetl and warranted ; ' 4 the heat tiuita-keepem In ( ho vi ' \'orltm for ( Ito moneyamudeqiimi ! ' ! nappearancetoagetiumni'houitl i , UOitt Watch. Vnito to.dsy tbis i ? ' ' offen ymIi not oppetur ogain. 'I. , tll EASTLAKE MEG. CO. , ( iCA : t ; ; CornerAdamsandStatoSti c CHiCAGO , iILo BREAKFAST - SUPPER. EP P'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA L ' BOILING WATER OR MIL1 , ' IIEAUTY U1TUE PARLORS FULL. LINE Ol EUREKA AND MME. YALE'S . REMEDIES. Sclemmtlfic Treatntucmit with $2.50 1'ttt'chuaso , sl'Eo1Ti OFtElt for TillS WEIlC ONLY. litlr i4imammipooiitg amid icaID 'l'ncnteitoni given wltim a lmotmln Eureka iimuir Tonic. Cures dutntiruiii' atmii futlilit Out nt haIr lii a few imtuurs. 'rultiCisit IIA'i'ii tiommitrmuiemit ucltmslvOly for ladlc't. ( II vo thtcmuu a trIal , Correspiiuiuloflcu amuswuroti trnrsnually , Mrs.A. S. CONVERSE ' 109-110 Bee Building , I1EMOVED 1iOM ItARIIAUII IILOOK. - Brass B8ds1 . - 1i : , , . 'ri.z ; hietlstead keeps time keys of sleep , There is omniy onto Citation in Sleep , but there are mmiany fashmonis iii betleteads. If you make your clmoice with coho reference to your sleep ' ' you cani nnake no mistake. You will ( bent becenuo the owner ot a lhrass Deiletead , Light , strong , mit'at , clean , beautiful , and enduring-wIlD would not pay a small price for uchm adjectives ! Remember ( list for fifty years a Brass lhedsteaui hiatt been like a badge of nobiliy. ( It lies belonged to ( be atmosphere of good breedIng. Time tradition stilt ubitles until ( lie proof of it may his cccii lxi every home of leisure and luxury. It will liannnonuztm with anmy scheme of color or decoration ; it he equally available for a large or nna1i bedrctemn , amid it is , winter or summer , in the city or country , tIne one Itieco of furniture which Cotnfort and Fasiuon both prescribe. Charles Shivorick & o. FURNITURE or Every Doaorlpthi Taniponary' Looatlomi , 3t'pu tutu 1.f Joii'1sii Stroo MILLARD IIOTIIL BLOCK. $101) liuwtmrtl , The above' reward will bo paid by Hall ctitmmy. , ( Nebraska , ( or time uhiprehmtLiktiOti amid diivery to time , roper duets's of sahti count ? Ut Joseph SIit'u anti Micittiel Shea , formmierly of Adanumi county. f'lehirasku , anti wamiteti Ins flaIl toumity , Nebrummdent , for granti harcemmy Midreas George L' , Denim , sheriff flranti Island , Nab. 12G MIt * ,5 , - . - - . _ _ _ _ . : _ _ . -a- .