- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; ; z--- - - - - - - - - - - " . , . . . - _ _ I- . TILE OMAhA : DAILY BEE SUNDAY Dl . . . : : , DECEMBER 30 , 189.t. ' a : - - - - - - - REMEMBERED IllS RELATIVES . - Generous Provision for the Brothers nm1 Sisters ofEx-BnatorPnir. J.b. - CIlILOREN'S ' SHARE lEFT IN . TRUST - Can Only IInp the Income from the l'rol'ert1 ! anl1 the itato I l Only tn 10 tlvlllod on the Itnth ) of . \1 lila hlhlreu. S. . BAN HANCISCO , Dec. 9.-The death of x.Senator James O. Far at midnight , lS ' announced this momlng , was n surprise to the community , the seriousnes of his Incss having len kel't n secret. lie passed away at his 1lartments [ In the Lick house , the hotel being part of his vast postestlons. I.'alr had been In bed since Ionday I.'or several hours before the end came he was unconscious. The doctors salt that death was duo to dia .etes and Irlght's dtsease. Charles Fair his son , was at the hedsl(1c , when the old genleman breathed his last. M. When It was obvious that life could not last lone frequent bulletins were sent to Mrs . Hermann Oelrlchs and Miss Virginia Fair , the daughters , who are In New York by -harles l nlr. This son was the only r.alve cf the ex ' senator present when he died . James O. Fair was rashloned In a strong mold and was I vIgorous , large man. lie was afieted with diabetes for a dozen years all then Bright's disease developed lie stood the siege or these ailments for a long period antI though his physicians saw ho was settIng weaker some years ago he kept at- II/ulng ' to business and carried himself sur- . - _ . Oly. UI' to last week he was looking after 1 Ihe affairs IJrtalnlng to his Immense hi- Ieresls without any outward Indication that Ihe would release his hell for a long tim' . "In four days , " said Ir Livingston , his famll' physician , "he became unable to leave 1 Ihls room lie had been ailing ror a consider- Ible time and for months he was fully aware If ' his condition , appreciating the ravages rr ho disease Yesterday he seemed improving and hopes were entertained for his recover ) ' . About noon he hud I relapse and sank rtea - ly until his death. " I.E NO mSSAGE TO ANYONE. Dr. Iivingston , who was the senator's near friend as wel as physician , says the ox- enator loft no special message for any oC Ills family or other persons. Before the fatal attack came on him he made a wIll In whIch he revoked the acton he had taken to I\S' Inhlrl his son Charlie. As to the value of the estate , the doctor sahl that two yeam ago when the ex-senator was complainIng of hIs physical suffering he remarked : " 1 wo111 . - not pass another such a night for every cent of my $38,000,000. The doctor added , that Fair knew almost exactly what he was worth at that time. The estate would aggregate about $40,000.000 at a moderate estimate. In the early ' 10's Fair was a per man. le had no prospects In his mines tutu ' ) one had the hardlhooll to predict fotiiia fet him. He went In the stock larklt with Flood Iackay and others. The world knwd the rest. The great manipulators won Calm- bus wealth , . Fair never gave up his mining interests , but he abandoned the speculatIve feature of them and turned to the other ant ( felt ! . lie began to Invest In local real estate and owned acres or It before he died. He owned the LicIt house , but It was simply ! an Item In a long Inventory. He possesjet , some of the blst business ant residence properly In San ranclsco. His rent roll each month i was a fortune for an ordinary man. He was % one of the heaviest taxpayers In the city. He owned forty blocks of land In the north- western part of the city. For months he has employed hundreds of len In Improving It and establishing a desirable water Cront. South of Market street Fair owned several manufoctorlls , some at which he was directly - reety Interested In to the extent of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Most of his wealth , however . was In his mines. He had exclusive ownerRhlp of many , not only In this state , bnt In Nevada. lie owned them at the titimo tme at lila divorce from his wife. Then they were considered of little value. In the last few years a boom gave them value. Nine years ago Senator Fair was worth no more than 9000000. The disposition of the estate Is a mater of exceptional Interest A few mouths ago when Charlie Fair , the only son , married , his father decided to disinherit hum He tore up the will which he had mode and drafted another In which he len his son nothIng and the bulk of his property to charilY. The matter became public property because the elder Fair made I so. When Charles Fair returned from his wedding trip efforts wore I made to effect a reconciliation with his father. Dr. Livingston acted as mediator and Fair and son were once more friends. The senator - miter determined to make a new will. Two ' months ago he naked for the document In which he disinherited his Bon. I was given to him and was at once destroyed. Fair then made another siii. I was 010- graphic and was not witnessed by any onp. WILL FILED FOR PlIQ1IATE. SAN FRANCISCO , Dec. 9.-The will was led In the Huplrlor court this morning. I disposes at an estate the value at which Is estimated at 40000000. Under the provisions - Ions of the millionaire's will tIme greater Ilorton at the estate fails to persons now lving outsIde of Calorll , The biggest ' slices wi go to the two daughters living In - a _ J ( Now York 1/1 other relatives residing In . ' . " Iowa. Though Senator I.'alr was popularly suppose to have more ready money than any ether man In San Francisco . he made very few specific bequests ot money. The only bequests or I Ilblc nature are thmreo aggregating $125,000 , 10 the Orphans' os'lum et Sun Frtmimcisco. Among four eml110yes $ ,000 Is 10 bo divided. There are no other bequests lave those to hear relatives. The Iowa relatives cOle In for a generous shore. To Mr. Rlr'H Ister , Sarah Alider- son. and her husbaml and children , who lIve at Ida Grove , 10. . $250,000 Is blllueothell , to be divided equally olong thom To time family of WIIII Fair . brother at thl , deceased - ceased , also residents or Ida Grove , 10. $50- 000 Is bN1ulathCl. Time family ot 1 < wlrd ) " air another brother residing In Ida Grove , In , are willed $20,000 To Mary Jane I.unlly , laughtlr of tIme testutor's deceased brother , Thomas Fair 1 . antI her chlllren , who reside It Correctiommviiio . In. , $10,000 II bequeathed. Another $10,000 Is willed to time ramly ot JOICS ii , Fair 1 of lila Grove , who Is u son or the deceased brother , Thomas Fair . 'rhe other bequests or money are $250,000 10 the family or a sister , Mary J. Crotlrs , or San Jose , Cal : $50,000 10 the faml ) ' or 1 brother , Andrew Fair . or San Jose Ca\ antI 50,000 to lerlln Oelrlchs of New York , son-In- , law oC the deceaseti IN TRUST FOil I IllS CII.ttN. , Time residue or the vast estate Is left In trust 10 1 hearth oC executors , consisting ot 'a.- Mr Pair's atorey , W. H. Gootlfeliow , James ' B. Angus and l.uls C. Breeze , all or this city , 1111 Tholas U. Orothers , a nllhew , re . .Idln In Sa/ Jose. As trustees without bonds thlY are directed 10 hell In trust and /onage the estate \\lylng or selng amid /akln hnllroVellnt as they mar Ileel lit during the lives of tIr alr's daughters. Mrs. Theresa Oelrlchs ot New York 111 ' Miss Virginia Fair , ale Ivln ! In New York , . amid his lon , Charlls I. . Fair of this city . , . .a . I Is directed that the net monthly income of time estate shall be lqualh' divided olong these three heirs during their iivet. Not until the death of the three chliiren Is the utah to be Inall' divided. Time \NIUlst to the Bon , Charles I. . Fair . ends wih his death , , and his share or the InclO shall revert to his sisters or their i , children , pendJng the Inal distribution . In case eithmer sister dies her inconme shah eiher slstlr tlls. Incole shal re- Volt to her chidren , or In case either die ! Without blue , to the chlllren of the olher , tauKhter , anti In case neither daughter 110\11 1 direct heir , 10 time descendants of the brothers ami sisters of the Ileroasd , , , Upon time fnal tlstrlbuton of the estale. eubBrquent IQ the death pt the three clmlidreim , I II wlld that oneIluarter of time estate 1 Ihol be transferred to time children , or do. Icentants of each of tha two daughters , and time remaining one-half to the brothers . anti ' stators of the deceased , or their descemolammts. In case either daughter leaves no Issue , the e-quarter interest thus willed shah fall tp the hllrl of the other taulhter shal , In case neither daughter leaves issue . to the aescndlnta of the brotherl aimmi ! blstes here- ' totere mimentloimeil. , Senator Fair In lila will declares he II hot married anti baa no chld ' n other than thou mentioned . T &old clalimis ot at- . . ' t4 . . iegetl titles be Icu'e $50,000 to any possible widow , anti $ GO.Oo to any other children , that are decided hy law to M hiB. Jt"th ot l'rciliient iniitIm. KANSAS CITY , Dee. 2.-W. W. Smah ; , president et the Mluourl anti Kansas Tele- phone company , died at his home here this morning ot 'lvulsr disease of the heart. lie had been ill for two years. Mr. Smith was born In Charle ! ton , Inll. . fnY'ven years ago. lie was at one time vice president of the Ilnnis Central & Louisville railroad , with headquarters at Cincinnati , He became Interested In electricity ant took charge of the entire telegraph department of the lug Four roall. Afterwards he became Inler- eAtel1 In telephone . antI was the frAt general manager of the telephone exchange at Indian- apols , He was the Inventor of many 1m. pronments In telephone exchange .ork. l'cchmtq.r'A \ hhlv II I/ . PAIS , Dcc. 29.-The widow of Charles Albert Feebler , the celebrated French actor Is I denlt I"lchter 11111 In New York Algust I , 18i9. S NE13RASK. . MANUFACTURERS. Striving to I"lrelo time . interest In 10mo Indultry. The directors of the Manufacturers and I Consumers' association of Nebraska IleM a Illtng In their rooms In The flea bulling yesterlay oterloon , The following members cf the association were present : W. A. Page , Aaron Cholwlck , Samuel Iees , I 0. 1lbbe , GrgeV. . Mercer , 1. . M. Ihlm enl Don Farrell I , jr. I was explained that time meeting hall been : called by the president at the rlluest at a' ' number of traveling men , who athlressell the Colowlng to Secretary holmes : The under- signed commercial travelers , representing the hushlldS , houses OpIJOs1& our nmlS , Illmlng It advisable that a meeting be hall between the traveling men representing Nebraska houses amI your association , respectfully rl- cutest that a meetng b arranged between IS anti the directors oC your association to Plrrlct arrangements for I convention , the object of which shal be a discussion as 10 the best means or strengthening Nebraska's Interests and encolraglng lucre Crlndly rela- tons among the trade In general J tl Leon- ard , lcCord Brady company : H , E. Wntzke , Uiimmiore & HUhl : : . Meyer. I rel Krug BrewIng - big coml1ny : ' V. I. . Eastmnn , Morse-Coe Shoe company ; M.V. . Hayley , : . g. Smith & Co. : J. Ii. Itch , Wilams & Cross : g. J. Roe Gate City lat company. The following traveln men were present : :1 Meyer . : . W. Hayley , W. L. Eastman amI M. W. Ityerson GAVE TIllER IDEAS. Iresllent l'age called upon the travelng mOi to give their Ileas as to what they would like to have the association 10. : Ir. Meyer salt that his idea was to have the association assist In bringing about a convention at the traveling men cf time state. A good many or the traveling men of the state are already striving to encourage time sale of Nebraska made Qls. On the other hand , a good many have pahl very little attention to the home Inlustry movement all do not know much about It. A year ago there was a good deal said nbout the home Industry movement , but since then It has dropped orf , and Is mmot being pushed as hard as Cormerly. The object at the proposed meet- lug Is to bring about a renewal of Interest In the movemont. At the same time the traveling men could beconic.personahiy acquainted - qualnet : with Neh other and with the manu- Cacturlrs all Jobbers. Mr. Ryerson said that lIe till not have the least doubt but what a meeting or the traveling men would result In a great deal oC Rood to the state. I time traveling men or Nebraska could all bo interested In the heme Industry mOVlment It would do more than any other one thing to help develop the Industrlls oC the state. Irlsltent Page said that he thought I would be a good Idea to hoW a convention lasting two lays It least winding up In the evening with a banquet. The traveling men present thought that It would be aa easy matter to get the great /laJorly of the travelIng men In the eastern port of the state to attend such I convention , I was proposed that the traveling men reprlsentnc houses In all the cities at the state should be Invited Mr. Rbeem said that he was very much In favor of the schmenme . and that he believed It would result In interesting the representa- tves of the jobbing houses at the state In the development of home Industries. Secretary Holmes read cards Cram F. M. Ferguson , representing time Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime conmpany and Frank E. Eng- lsh , representing Parln , Orendorf & Martin company , regretting their Inability to be present at time meeting. Samuel Rees said It It could be carried out successfully he would be In favor of the schome. WILL EAT HOME PRODUCTS. E. P. Davis sold that he thought It would bo well 10 count the cost and then see Ir the Iloney could bo obtalmmed. I It could then go In for it. He thought It would be a good Idea to give a home industry banquet to the jobbers and thllr travelng men. Mr. Mercer sold that there were a great many articles made In the slate with which the traveling men were not acquainted. He beleve II Ihat I would be a good plan for the munufacturlrs to give one of their series of banluets In the honor of the traveling mcn ami jobbers of Nebraska . He thought that I banquet of that kind given to the traveling men woull do as much good or moe than any of the banquets held out In the ! state , After the traveling men hall been 1rought together they could then ( hold their meetngs for the discussion of ways and means for Ilromotng the commercial interests . ests of the slate The following was moved and carried : "Vimereas , Great good can be accomplshed by a conventon of time traveling men of Nebraska lmommses . whore acquaintance can bo formed between them and acton be tuken In the Interest or home trade : there- rare. bo I "Itesolveti , That the association Iwreby In- vies time traveling men representing Ne. braska manuCaclurers und jobbers 10 melt In convlnton In Omaha on blanlt tiate "He ol'ld , That this association wi tcnder 10 time traveling men and Jobbers a banquet of hOle made goods on time evening of bionIc . " dmmte The following were appointed a committee to cal u\on the Jobbers anti ascertain Ir they wilt allow their traveling men 10 at- tll,1 ( I meetng and banqlet as propoltl : O. C. holmes , l. W. Hycron anti M. W. HaylIY. TIre cOl'lmltle ' wil also ascertain \viien It wi be most cOl'lnlent for time tra\lng men 10 atend the banquet. They will report at a mletng to ho hell emi Satur Ilay afternoon. The folowing were elected members of time association : Irchanl , Ilrithge & Co. , mmmiii- mi- ers ut Norfolk , Norfolk I"olndry & Maimufac- luring comllany , 1011In 'alorlng commmpany of Omaha , Iulenty Plow cOI\any , manufacturers - turers of hey cultvalors . at Nebraska City ' ' " , R ltot'cR'cr for the 1'11 Ihaler . ChICAGO , Iec , :9.-Joseph Ulman or New York anti Pimillips , Iolzer & Co. or l.ondol , loday fed a bill asking for a receiver - clh'er for the Walt , Perlolat company , time Chicago rur , Iea\er \ whose place was closed on I chattel morllage last Monday . The New York and London firms are creditors of time Insolvent eoml'any , anti ask that Its affairs be wound up at once. Is S - lubb"lt nf II Trim Tholl""t Iraft , DES MOINES , Dec. 29-Speciai ( Tie- gram.-Jaeob ) Simane , real estate dealer of Coon Rapids , 10. , reported to time Iolce lat evening that he had been drugged and robbed of a draft on the First National ant or Ciii. cage for $10,00. He had gone to the south- eMlern hart of the city to ieok at some prop. erl ) S fol" Old 'alo uf Jealousy amid 101bl. ' lrdrr. IONHOm'I.I.E , Ala" , Dec. 29.-At Iluim- ters Hill . lonrp county , 1oss Malts In a fit of Jealous rage shot and killed his fiance , 1.lnle thuitim. lie ( lien commi lot ! suicide by cutting lila own throat. Some trifling 'cutng throt. Irlflng aten- ton received by the girl rrm an old suitor Ilreclllatet the double S Ingedy. ChPfrllt Ih'lublcal. 11 COI'rntol , ( lln'I NN , Dec. -Speelal ( Telegrammm . ) -'he republican city convention was hlll In Cheyenne tOIIht. lion . Samuel Merrlii \\01 nomlnut tor Ia'or by lerrl Mr. MCI'rl Is a 1 lnlJr of the state senate and a prominent wholesale lumbtr man , . , . - , , - lARD FICII FOR l IREMEN I Men Suffer Grel\ty ' From OoH and Appl\- . rtus Pl\rtly Frozen Up. SE.VERAL CARRIED nOME INS ENSllE one of Them In R Critical Comthitlon-t'ommr lundre1 TholARnc lollara' Worth of l'roiterty ) IAtroclt Icforo the 1uo : : W 'aq Extititmishemi. xtl'IAhed. LOUSVI.I.E , Dcc 29.-Flre broke out between 12 and 1 o'clock this morning In time five-story bulllng of Stuckey , Brent & Co. , general mercllandlse , on Sixth street between Main and Water Three alarms were quickly turned In , as the building Is located In the business part of the city. The entire fire department was eon on the grounds , hut time fire spread rapllly , soon guting the Stuckey-Brent bulllng , and communicating to time rear of the five-story buiding occupied by J. 11. Quast & Co. , boots antI shoe . enl Dareford , Lawson & Co. , Illnery , burnell Its way through to Main ' strcet. In a short tle this bulllng was also completely gutted , and the tire- men devoted their efforts to saving the adjoining - joining buiimlings . The large slx.story wholcsale dry goods house of Robinson , Norton & Co. , odJolls the Cuaste bulling on time wet side , but the wind was blowing from the west , all the Hobilson & Co. building was saved. Hob. Inson , Norton & Co. , hOWe\'el , lose nbout $10,000 on dry goods that were stored In the cellars oC the buldhlRS destroyed , Time wlnther was bitterly cold , antI the freman surcred considerably , being com- pelell to stolid In pools of water whl f htng the flames. Owing to the fact tlt time water tower was CrOZln up , the depart- memitm'as unable to use it. By 4 o'clock the fremen had the tire un der control , ter . was one of time fiercest fires wimicim has visited the wholesale district oC Main street 1.'rol mmmidmmigimt to 4 o'ciock the battle for supremacy ragld between the nhnost frozen fremen and time famls , all I was not cain the plucky threaten under the Ilalershlp of Major lughes were almost prostrtetl by the cell that time progress of the fire was checlted , and the block Cram Sixth to Se\nth streets was saved from destruction . As : result of time frl the buildings occupied by : Stucltey , Brent & Co. emi Sixth street be. tween Main and Water , J. B. Quast 533 Main J. A. Gerot . 531Vest Main street , anti C. I Bliss & Co. , 629 West Main street were completely gutted and tIme entire stocks totally mostroved. Time losses so Car as known were as Col lows : Stuckey Brent & Co" , SOOOO , In stmrance $83,000 ; building owned by Mrs. Mary n , Trevis. 30.000 : J. M Robinson , Norton & Co. . $16,000 : J. II. Quast & Co . $40,000 , Inerance , ; 38,00. Biss & CO,8 loss wi reach $50.000 ; partially Insured. Gerst & Cos loss Is not known , but Is thouRht to be about $30,000. Joseph Hughes , chief of the fro department Is now lying In a critical condition at engine house No.3 , imaving ben carried from the scene of the fire suffering from a congestive chi , brought on by standing In water a Coot deep , and exposure - posure to the extreme cold. Several other firemen were removed , having fallen Cram exhaustion and co\1 TWO NI W YORK FIhtliEN MEET I ) ATI Fire him u Gus Fixture Factory Causes a 1.088 < or Life. NEW YORK , Dec. 29.-Battalion Fire Chief John Dressnan and Fireman John L. Rooney of truck 12 Wlre killed today by the falling of 1 floor during the progress of a fire which gutted several stories of the Gas and Electric Light Fixtures factory ot time Cassidy & Son Manufacturing company , 124 West Twenty-Courth street. The fire did $60,000 worth of damage. Assistant Foreman - man William Hennessy ot Engine Company 18 had I leg broen. and several other fre , ) men were slightly Injured. At 4 o'clock an hour before the fro was discovered. the watchman made his rounds of the building . accompanied by one at the managers of the factory Mr. Howard. The later had been out of the city on business for the firm. and wished to maim on In- specton of the promises-before the workmen came on duty. 'Vhen the tire was tls- covered It hat made considerable progress. The building Is six stories In lmeighmt and extends Ihrough from Twcnty.thlrd to Twent-fourth street. On the ground floor the building extends througi l without ' break , but above there Is n well hole which leaves a space of twenty-five feet between the two buildings directly In the center of the block. When the firemen responded the flames were bursting through the three upper floors or the buiding , All the fire was on the Twenty-tourth street side , and did imot . cross the well opening to the Twenty- third street buiding at any time. The flames must have started In the fifth floor , where the chandelier arms are mado. Thlre are a number at buffing machines on this floor , and I may have been a smouldering spark from one of these that caused the outbreak. Except the second floor , which Is occupied by the furniture manuCacturlng house at H. H. Horner & Co. , the Cassidy compalY occupies the whole buiitlimmg. Chlcf Dresnam svasbn the fourth foor direct , Ing the movemlnts or his men whln suddenly the two upper floors came down There was a heavy water panic on the roofand the flames having weakened its supports I came tumbling town , carrying wih It the fifth floor. The whole mass of blazing tlebrls fell on the firemen pinning Dressnam and Rooney under the girders. Time other men were near the head at the stairs , and with the first cracking at the tmbers hastened toward time stairs They reached thlm In safety. but the stairs fell as they were hur tying lown , and the men fell In a heap on time third floor. Assistant Foreman Hen- nessy's rIght leg was broken , anti Fireman Arman waa also Injured. Their companions - panions dragged them 10 a place of safety. Then a heroic effort was made to rescue nressnam anti Hoonoy. The fames were kept from attaclcimmg time bodies at the two Unfortunate . fortunate men , but they couM not be reaclld by their comrades The smoke ss'itimln the bulhlng was suffocating , and time danger of anal her fall from time upper floors was so great that I wa not deemed prulent to expose the would-be rescuers to deatim l'lU . 1 lf1 Jell 'ru .IIST. house lurnclt Iown nlli time I"url , , \ mOlt Frozen to loRth. WINNEPEO , Mani" , Iec. 29.-A dispatch from Regina , N.V . T. , says that the house ot William Thompson , a farmer , twenty-five mies north of this place , burned yesterday morning , the Inmates barely escaping In their night clothes , Mrs. Thompson and three chidren were bally burned and one cimilti chil died shortly after being taken from the imouse PlacIng his wife and the remaining chlt In a hen house , Thompson set out for 1 neighbor's house , I mie and A quarter away , having only seine rags around his feet , being otherwise nude , alhough the thermometer was 30 Ilegrees below lie reached \\'lbln 100 yards of time neighbor's hous , when ins rel Ixhaust and almost frozen stiff . Fortunately ho teas \ seen antI was carried Into the house and cared ror. When assistance rached Mrs. Thompson and chid time frost hod aIMed 10 the torture of their burns , and It Is doubtful whether they can survive . Thompson Is also In a critical condl ion . lon.GUAIN GUAIN EI \\TUH UUUN ) . juantilios uf " 'h.at , Flour nrl oats Ue- .trlred nt JImlnford. IfmNGJ'ORD , Neb. , Dcc 29-Spe. ( cal Telegram.-Thmu ) Alliance elevator of this city took fire last nlgbt ant bumed to the ground with Its full contents of about COO bushel at wheat , 10,000 POunds of four , 600 buehels or oats amp a great amount or feed The origin or the fire II unknown , as It had stool idle for the Ilast twenty-four hours The elevator was owned by the AI 10nce Milng . complny of Ahilance. No In , Ie Null ! ll n..trIJed. SUN UHY POSTOFFICE , Pa. , Dec. 29- Van Men's non mi at Northumberlanll , two mies from here , was totally destroiel by fire today . The Sunbury department was , " - - - - - called upon and went to the scene of the fire on I special train over the Hnsrltnla raii- road. The fire orlglnatet1 InUl engine rom , Four Ihouanll kegs of nails were testroyed , The .Ioss Is $0.000 , about 1.1 Insured The m1 employed 200 men and' , boyL IUINIU UOWN It'fAN . noun. 1lnntor Destroyed - "t Toll' ' wih I.ou or ' t.lte-A heavy l.e..a. TOLEDO , Dee 29.-Th ttayton & Michi- gan elevator n burned t I o'clock this morning and Is n total Ib 's I ane Chris Dandelion , nn old ; \ rnploye , was In the lop ot the bulling whcn It caught fire anti was unable 10 escoN. Probably no vestige of the both' will ever be round , as time heat was terrlmc. A Fmal residence near by was also destroyd1 anti several other damnagetl. Time elevator contained 625.000 bushels of wheat and 40,000 of corn worth Hleso Thc Ilevator buiding was "aluel at $ GOOOO. Total los $566,800 , on which there Is ' 350 , . 000 insurance. The cause or the fire Is absolutely tin- known , The elevator slooll at the bentl ot the river , on time cast able , antI a stiff breeze was blowing down stream , which ranntt the l/mls so time fire Ilelartlent was absolutlly powerless Within on hour Ihe bul\lng was completely ) ' consumNI and nothing but wrlck- aRC and I bugo heal at smoking grain larks . the sie. Time only thing certain concerning tIme origin of the fire Is that i started In one at the tipper floors . Those on the outside or the building first dlsconrel 1 breaking through the tipper Whlllo\s , When the Inmls hal renchetl considerable heUlwa ) ' the bronzed nml gray bearlletl race of the oM slmoutmamm . Chris Dandelion , was seen at a wimmilomy. A swirl or smoke obscurcll the wlntlow fur a moment anti ho was never seen "gain , The fierce gale carried burning uranus for long dlslances amid several buibi- Ings at a I\stance were thus fIred , but , the fires were extngulshell with slight loss. TENDERLOIN OF HORSE. Novel IRIt/ot Uh'en by mm Newark 'Vet- erlnlry tftIrgcoIm. A banquet of horsllesh was given by Veterinary - erlnary Surgeon James D. Hopkins at Newark , N. J. , on time eVlnlng of the 19th , The Idtchen was glvlI over to the chef amid his assistants , the timing room and lJrls : to time guests , the ladies at the Iloctor's Camly having been banlshcd to the upper region Three waiters kept up constant comlunl , cation between the table amid the kitchen , caton ant DII the doctor kept hlB place at the henll or the table throughout the evening , rcetng each new COllr enl urging hll to cat , or repealng the history of the horse they were cltng anti telling howhollsole horsenesh Is and how he expects It to tale its Ilace In the markets oC the country In a short timime tme ant be sell on its mmierits. Time most mmractical arlument for time In- trodllctioilorse . meaticvcr ; \ , - was te ; , manner In which It was served up on this occasion , enl I sellld clrtaln hint ( the rich as well as the poor woull be convinced at its merits If they could get It cooked as nr. hopkins had It prepared. There was horsetai soup , soup richly flavored amid nourIshing : baled sadlie ot horse wih horseradish sauce , amI brolell tenderloin of imorse . whie the piece do resistance was a rib roast. There was 1 pot roast anl plenty of broiled steaks and breaded cut- leIs , with all Imaginable coups and relishes and a variety at vegetables" _ There was a great deal at jocular conversation at the table and all sorts of horse talk. but not the slightest indication of qmtahmmmlsimmmess. Every- body went there with tIle intention of eat- leg what the doctor had prepared , and the first taste of the palatable soup encouragel oil to go on with time courses A relJreslntalve from 'the ' Hammond I0re Sausage factory In I rthlr Indiana attended time monthly hprse sales at Crown Point. lie made It no ; aecret . and said ho was there to buy all the broken down horses he could " which would be made Into sausage at all dlscrlptomr , dried beer , corned beef frankfurters , etc. IDurlng the day he purchased over a car l Ocl : ' of cripples at from $3 to $5 a imead Horses that have been on the streets there for the , fast twenty-five years brought as high as , $ I apiece. The poorer oC the hot . the buyer says , wi be used for "red-hots" as ffr . h In saloons. In Indiana there Is no law ' against killing and soiling horse meat : , t C'fls ' thought time State Doard at Health will , I toke the mat- ter up. YALE BOYS' CONCERT hotter Titan on Former OccRMlons-GroeUn from Old FrieiitI The friends of "Old Yale" were out last night In full evening tress 10 welcome their favorites at Doyd's theater. The theater was beautifully draped with the blue of Yale and the stage with the AmerIcan flag. The scene was a pretty one , and the Yale glee and banjo club were enthusiastically received by tie select , alhough not large audience. A number of the faces at the club were familiar 10 the Omaha IJeople. having been seen here on previous occasions. A great Improvement was noticed In the character of the entltalnment given compared with former concerts , and Instead or being ama- lelrlsh , as might to a certain extent be ex- plcled , It wa at a higher order , and lS the entertainment progressed each selectIon was received with more enthusiasm and satisfac. ton by the audience. Time "Alma Mater" rendered by the glee club wa a catchy song , and was well re- ceived. The selections of Mr. Laphal and club were favorites. Mr. Green's singing and impersonations were a feature at the con- cert and his Gong , the "Sweetest Story Ever Told , " greatly pleased the autlience and he was compelld to respond to several encores. The selections sung by time "Negro Sweep Quartet" were secoml only to those sung by Mr. Loclciamimi. Time quartet rendered thllr selections In a manner that suggested a great deal of hard work In Ieal rcachlng the perfection perlecton shown. The premier part of the concert were the songs sung by Mr. Lockland , and he showed himsel 10 be an artist of ability. ills songs were all of a catchy nature and were re- celvetl wih more enthusIasm than any olher numbers on the program. The selections of time banjo and Ilndoln clubs were rendered In a much more artiotic artetc mannlr titan those of a year ago. - - S News fur lie Imrm.my. WAShINGTON , Dec. 29.-ifipecinl ( Tele- gram-Iojor ) John C. Mallory , Corps > of gnglneerl , will report to Colonel Charlls T. Alexander , oSHlllant surgeon Henerll , president oC the army retiring boa/'tl , at reUrlnl lt the Ann ) ' building . New York , for examina- ton Ii ) ' the boartl. SleolHI 1.leutennnt Robert J. liowze , Slxlh cavalry ) ' , Is releved tram duty as Judge nil- vocate of the general court rnmtrtimml I con- nl vened at the military prison . Fort Leaven- worth , Ktmn. . and Second 1.lentennnt Wii- lam H Ii , Chapman , 'l'wenUeth infantry Wi- relevld from duty ns member at said court anti Iletolell as judlo advonte thereof , Fifteen day's' extension or Ilavo ot nb- Slnce Is grontld Slconlll.leutlnlnt , Etlss'ard J. 'rimberiake , ir . Second artillery . gdwlrt Leave of absence for two 10nthl , 10 take effect on or aoout January 15 , 1t95 , Is Iranted Captain Daniel , C , Ptlnn , Second ' cavnlry. I The leave grnted Captain / I' dJu/HI M. Webster , Second , Infuntn' . " Dlpartment or the Platte , Is extended twnty.one days By dimectiomi of the ly th''cton Iecfetlry of war 1 board of olcers Is mmppoiited , ' to meet It the cal ot the prealdept , HIreot ; at Fort McIntolh , Arlz'l for timetexmmijmfmtion or ciii. ex/mlnaton 01. cermi for promotion . 11t1 for board : Lieutenant - tenant Colonel JaCoh F . lent hhteenth I Infantr : Major Wlrt 1n'ls , 1"lfh cavalry ; Major Francis Moore , I ' lfll ; cavalry : Cap- tnln Wilam 1 linnister assistant our- Heon : First Lieutenant HobErt S , " 'oolllon , assistant surgeon : Secolll r lrutenant llemmry lenry P. Ferguson , Twent.thlrl Intantry , rc corder. , , ' S / Sn1lnJs Jlnl , Cloposlt nouu , SPOKANT , Wnsh. , Doc. 29.-TIme Commercial - cial Savings hank , 1 small concern , closed its doors today. John WI"hdl at Beanlon Is president antI D. K. McDonall1 " cashier Thmese , with J. C. Jeeler or "Almira , Charles Y. \'afiumam of Spokane and George 1 . gl mons ton tire directors. Time cmipltmml stock Is .r.O. Time last otatermient isSUed October 2. Is as Jolo\s : Capital. $0.se ) : loa 11 , $ l'J.- 15 : cash anti , excimango , $ 32,421 I ; I'roltl ( , $5'JlS ; tel.sls , $33,962. . litc'Imp.l hy it IrokC1 itnml . WICI1I'i'A , Han . , Dee 29.-An tc oJJolo- lion train on the 'Fm-imtco railroad ' ton 'I"llco ralro.ul was ditched near Ilau10nt today ant FIreman Mat Aldridge was killed and Engineer Ion- roe seriously hurt. A broken mali caused tilt wreck. The 'nBin UII nIne cars jumped the track. Th passenger coach re- flmailied on the track , but none or Its occu- pants were injured. ' - 4 . , VSn ; .y.- . . . " . . READY TO STEP OUT : - ( Continued from I lrst Page. ) estate , anti It Is n mater of record that I lJde $10,000 on a deal of real . estate on tIme northeast corner of Liberty and Washington streets . I have been lucky enough 10 make money on other 11181 $ . 1 8m also interested wih my brothers.ln.law In the 'enderloot maine at Webb City . Mo. command "how ? litany " detectives ore under your "Timirtyflve detective sergeants amid thirty detectives , " of "What ? " precinct tll you first have charge "The I"irst preelncl , , " INE' NOTING , O I.ACIOIAI. . "AntI Burns , your warlmnn , levied black- luau on bulllers amid other People while you score there ( ? " "I 1 never knew of it. 1 always fOII\1 hunts to be n conselentols anti hravo man , " Mr. Got Ihln asked time wlnlss a nUlber or qlstons about the collctons ! or monl ) ' for protecton , both In time First 1 Rul me\ enth precincts , but time inspector positvely Icnletl all kmmowletlge of such collectiomma . lie explnlnell how he went , at the direction ot ex-Assistant Dstrict AtornlY Welman , to the French lute Pier to Intercellt Mm-mt . Schubert , the much wonted witness , but she went b ) ' another steamlr anti escaped. Mr. Gel then asked him about the assaul emi Auglstne E . Costello , t\ lmosvspaper ro' porter , who tcstletl that the Inspector ( then cnl'taln ) hall hi 11m on the face with brass knucks on the night of the jh of NO\'cm- her ISSS "I never lt him , and I was s\tn In the stati house when he ' , " stnt6n he'IS brought In Suplrlnte/ullIt B'rnel was then calleti. force ' 'hioss' ? " long ha\e you blln 0/ time police "About thirty-two years. 1 waR appointed captain In ISiO , Inspl'tor In 18S0 , timid was made superintendent on April 12 , IS92 ' ' \\'hat property have yomm ? " , Time slperlnle/lllnt gave the loratol or limo property which he said was all 11 his wife's free amid /1m clear ! , I Imou/tell to $292,500 , mill " 10Ild ) 'OU blome possessed of such an amount of \\'ealh ? " 10W lfl'iINES IAnE illS MONEY . "Wel , rrom the tme that I wns 1lacel lu ehargo of time detective tlepartmeut I was thrown amongst mlny promlncnt " 'al street men anti I bought stocks. Among the stocks I bought were \'nbasim , U/lon Pacfc , West- er Union and Soutlr Ilcl 1 c. The laic Jay Gould WIS my Crie/l , amid ho acted 11 my broker. lie made ' ( or mo $230,000 , ami since his death his son George has made $42,000. I have I letter rrom George , Goull giving time amounts made , which Is In my safe , l/ul J 1 will most wiingly give to tIme comlilee , " "Where tlil you first wt your money ? " "A Crleml oC Senalo/ ' Ilhnenamed Dnr- ridge I very old man who lived In BuchlSS county , left me $1,000. I bought property amid sold I , ant made some mommey. Old Commollore VIlllerblt nskld mo on emma occasion - clslon It I hall any money , 1111 I said yes , I hall $ : , OOO. lIe asked mo for It ali I brought I to imini About six or twelve months afterwards I got $6.000 back , al he hall In- vested It very successfully for me This made me worth Rome $20,000 In 1S15 " - The wltnlss then told a long story ns to how ho hcm" acquainted with Jay Gould. I was throuRh catching a man who wrote threatening letters. : Ir. Gould offered him a present , but ho reCused. Then Mr. Gotmld . ho said , offered to \uy stocks for him and did not want to accept any mmmargins but D'fls insisted. Ho Imt up $10,000 , with time rosul that the amount was increased to $20,000. lie said he coul not remember just where he got time $10,000 , but he had I all right , ho declared . At the present tme he held 5,400 shares of stock some his own and some on mor lns. "Every turn ef the wheel , " said be . "means 5,400 lost or gained , " Ho estimated : he was worth ; 350,000. He refused to tel the nomlS of the stocks , as many people might go down town Monday and lose their mane ) ' . . , "I am willing to give their names In coil- flence to the commitee all cou/sel , but 1 don't want them to be made publc . " Then Mm . Golf asked as to the suppression of prostitution. prosttuton. "When I became acting superintendent I put down about 60 houses In the city. After 1 became superintendent there came a change. These women , when they came be- fore the police commlsloners and said they paid protection . would not be believed. I thlY went before the police Justice they were not believed : If thlY went before the grand jury they were not beleved , I endeavored - deavorld to put an el1 to the evil , anl ordered these houses to be broken up , If possible. " 1 wont to give Dr. Parkhurst all the help I can although he Is bounding me every tmo he gets a clmaimce. Dr. Parlthurst has created 1 public sentmlnt which would never have existed , and without which It would be Impossible to have compelled the owners of Ihese housls to give up their business as they have done " , EFI ORT TO CHECK AnUSES. "When I became slperlntendent I believed the department was honeycombed with cer- lain abuses. In orler to put an end 10 that state of things I transterrell many of the officers to other precIncts . /otablY the Eley- cnth Fourtelnth , Fifteenth , Twenty-second and Twenty-ninth. I I thought the officers transferred were not doing their duty I transferred them again I may say that I made I possible for the committee to con- duct this Investgaton whim the succes that I has ( lone. " ( Applauso. ) "Then , " said Mr. Golf , "your evidence Is that but for the erorts of Dr. Parkhurst and time publc effect oC the Icton of the committee you will be powerless to hut aim end to this state of things. Only for these thh1gS uemI ? " wOIII this corrupton have contirm- uel : I would to some extent " , Why ? " , "Decause I am so ted up. 1 have no power to detail special men In any precinct. I could not move a man from here to Four- teenth slreet wihout an order ( rolls LImo 1)011CC commissioners " polco "But two commissioners have sworn that you exercise all time power " "That Is not so " , " \Vell , as to the blaciunoiing ot timer- chants antI storekeepers ? " "Oh , I I was to attempt 10 suppress the abuses at corporation ordlna/ces 1 woull not be soperlnlcndent ot police In I weelt " Mr. Golf then read an extract from an Interview - terview In which Mr. nyrnes was reported to have said that the agents or the Iarlt- hurst society were l\lll on a/\1 fostering cm-lImit He lt tIme same lme sahl he would department not do all In his power to purge the police " 1 /ever , " said the superlntlnlenl , "malle time statements atrlhutel to Inc In Ihat Inter- view. I reported several eaplalns for not carrylnl ant their mutt ) ' , and asked Ihat a rule be made Hntllrln ! the inspectors 11- 1mb for their districts , hut thll the commissioners - sioners rerused " , "have you ever occelltet 10nlY for /ot carrying out time law ? "I never occel'tetl a dollar In my life unless ' ' honlsty . Wines went on to say that I he hal been dlshoneit he would not have hell his loslton as long as he imami "I wauted 10 resign , but I Illl not think I would be doIng my duty 10 the citizens \y so doing , " Time aUllence here broke Into applause . HANDCAPPED ny PO.ITICS. Wlnlss then ( stated that as long as poll- tics govlrlll the allpolnlments the Ilolce would neyer he Ifclont , Superlntlndlnt Byrnes Ihen IlscuSietl the exclbe law anti , ball It was Imposblble 10 detect violations If len went In unltorms , but Ihat tIme commlslonlrs would not allow alow the men to net otherwise . Ilgarlng the 11001 ) sellers. he said that his hanth were tied until time mayor instructed the magistrates - trates to convict the } eel sellers. As soon as this was done he IJroke tholr business up The Illerence or Com/iuloner Martn with the captains at the tme at the IS92 election was twn referred to , a 1\1 Superlntenlent Byres dcscrlbt- the l etng as follows : "Commmmnbssiommer Martin toll me he was going 10 attend time meetng of police captains I bad calell on the Sunday before electon ( day to Instruct thlm as to ta'lr duties . I loll him I Ihought It better for him not 10 come there ( , lie asked McCave , time repub- lcan commissioner , to COle , but he refused , Mr. Martin Illstet on admlresslnmg the cap. talus , anti 101(1 timemn not to allow time Utmited States mnarsimals to interfere with thiermi , I objectetl to this , anti instructed time mmmen aim to their exact duties , " . "But ( iomnnmiimsiommer Martin swore tlmut ime ss.onlt at your request , ' "lie swore to what was false , " "Anti thmat you asked hmImn to address tIme amen , " "That Is also false. When I refused to let . - - - his instructions go to the captnns they were so PiCLtse(1 that two of them came nth kissed my hand. " Ito denied that ime itnil over interfered svitim him' . Parkimmmrst in hmis researches in time Eleventh precimmct , Smiperintentient Ilyrnes then said timat ime imati written a letter to Mayor-elect Strong tentiering his resignatIon. lie hmammileti time letter to Cimairnman i.exow , wimo transferrctl it to Mr. Goff , Mr. ( loft requested Mr. Moss to rend time letter , which was as folloss's : I.iT1'Rht OF RESIGNATION , "POi.ICE I1RAEmQUAi1TEIIS , 800 MUL- flEithtSTILEET , NE''OhtK , lec. 13 , iS9I-To Colonel V. ' . I. Strong : Dear Sir- I appreciate as fully as ammy luau can time treimmentloums responsibility timat ssIhl comae on you whtti you tissuhrme time dmmtles of mayor anti undertake time reforimi of tIme varlommo tie- Parttiments of time city' governimient , I desire 1101 to be miii obstacle or aim etmmharrmissmnemit to you in tmmmytiming that yea tummy tirolioso to tb ss'Itim tito Police ilePartmmiemit , 0mm tIme con- trnry , I svisim to aid you In any way that I coil , I atistimime that you are hOW eommsbtterhmmg wimttt actiomi yomi might to take at tIme outset of your athmmiimmistmatiomt anti sclmat legislatIon svlil be reqimireti to mnmmke such action iirnc- tieni , I how' , timerefore , place iii ymmr imammtis may request to lie retired froimi the host of suiperimmtemuient , to ho imseti by you or not , at ammy thmmmo after the ist of January as you sco fit , Aimml let ate fumrtimer ammy timat you mmmny tie emmtirely free to coimmmmmammti immy services , ati- 'ice ammtb immfortmimitiomm at nit ) ' titmie iii rc'garti to tIme poi ice tiepartnmemmt . smit Ii which 1 ima5'e beemi so lemmg commmmectmtb , 'omtr ( mlmeliemlt servant , , ThOMAS ih\'ILNES. " There was considerable applause whelm time latter sm-mis commehmmtieti. As time ssItimess was leaving time stammti , ime saId in reply to Semmator Lexow : "Time police force mimmmst be rcorgammizetl. Time preitemit systemmi iii all ss'roimg , " ltecolmmtlomms svero timen itasseti timammkhmmg all wimo imatl teemi coticerimeti Iii tIme tmms'csttgatltimm for time facilities cxtemttied to the commmmmiittee , Time cimnirmmmami timemm timammketl time district at- tom-tiny for tlm cotmrtesies ime haiti extemmmied. Mr. Goff mttntemi ime hmatb exanmitmeti Comtmmmmis- shammer Mmmrimm's ( bookmi mmmii tlmere sins mmmii mmmi entry timmtt neetled cxpiammmtiomm , I Ic timemi minimi lie tumommgiit time I imammks of time commimnittee smere thme to OffIcer Iegammit , svlmo was the first ito- licemmmnmm to commmc ammti give immformmmmmtiomi aim to time ssimolcsaie corrupt : otm Iii time 1101 bce depart- immemit , Clmmmirnmaim Lexoms' alt1 tIme commmmmm'ttee , svimcn timey ssemmt immtu session at Alb.imy , , could adopt aim ) ' ftmrthmer resoimitioima timey timommghmt fit. lie , Oit behalf of ( lie comnmmmittee , expressoti time hope timat time eoimmmmmissiommers wotilml tlemmi faIrly withu Captaimm Creetlomm. ( uOF'F"S l'AItTING ShOT. Mr. Gaff mouth ito desired to immake a few re- mmmarks. lie coimmmimeimceti by payiimg a triiitmtm' to time loyalty ammti devotboim of Imis associmites , Mr. Moss mmmmd Mr. Jeroimme , ammti especimtlly to Mr. Moss , svimo immuti been ( 'ngmmcmi iii time work of exposlimg tIme cortmptiomt exbstlmmg 1mm tIme pa- lice departmmmt'rmt lommg hmefore ite multi Mr. Jerommme imntl , lie timemm Paul lila respects to time tmummmm-rotms clmammnels I iirommgim ss'lm 1dm it e hmmid received - ceived itmformmmatiomm , antI to tIme geimtiemmmemm ss'ito imad gone to time expemmec amid time trouble of emmmployimmg Irivato detectives to wtiteii hmiimm , lest ito mmiigimt Ito smmbject to nssammlt or aim- mmoya mice , Titomm gim t imis tea r catiseti it itmm 1mm tmcim anmmoyatmcc , it never prevemitemi hilimm frommi ills- cimargitmg his ditty , "I have never beemi a Immoral cemmsor , for I mmmii mio better mmmii mme worse timan tIme average nmamm. I imave commme imero solely iii immy capmmelty as a Iassyer , atmil ' tlomm't Propose to mmcl mis mm. timorallst or as a reformmmer , I also desire to express 1mm ) ' wish that time private detectives who ss'ero set by vnrtes : concermmetl to watch will toil every- timiimg timat they have cccii , I ask timat they' sitommiti imot stab mime 1mm time back , bmmt imere and publicly state time truth. " Mr. Golf also referred to tIme abuses 1mm time imiko cotmrts , excise tiepartmmmeimt amid tlepart- nmomit of cimmuritles amid correctiomms , ammti said limo poss'ers of time commmmmmItteo to commmiulete testimimommy simoulti be gremtter , lie timanketi time press for its stlpport. Cimairmmian Lexoss' in it milmort speecim re- tutrimetl timmmnks to time yam-bums omeermi for lime courtesy displayed by tlmemmm , antI also to limo counsel emmgageti in time lmmvestigatlomm , amid declared time commimmmittee adjomirnotl slime die. Antimoimy Coimistock has tutidresseti a letter to time Lexow coimmimmittea regarding time state- memmt mmmdc by a witmmoss mmmcmi Stroep oim Timursday timat lie ( Streop ) lmmttl Paid Commi- stock $1,000 to tiroit a prosectition agmtiimst him for swimmdhing. Mr. Con'mstocic : tsks that , as ito imas been ( ielmled time right to refute upoim time witness stmtmmd time allegations of Streep , wimoin ho characterizes as a perjurer and thrice commvicted critninmal , 1mb letter be giveum tIme sammme publicity as svas time ahlegmu- Lions of time witness , Streep. ' 'Time assault immamlo ulpomi mime by time comm- nivammco anti conscmmt of the cotmnsel of your comnmmiittee , " Mr. Comt'mstoclc writes , "is a Inonstromis perversion of peroommal rigimtmu. " After fumrthmer tiemmunciatiomm of Mr. Golf , Cormistock states at great Ietmgtut whmat ho hits accommiphisimed as agent for time Society for the Suprcsslomm or Vice. lie denies timat lie ever sougimt to obtain time dismmiissal of aim indictnmeimt against Streep , and asserts that in fact lie protesteti against it. Time case of 011mm D. Gray lie reviews in great detail , re- tmewitmg lila charge that indictmmmemmts agaimmot that dofemmdanmt 55cm-c dbsmnissetl at time rec- ommmnmendatioti of Mr. Gaff , while assistant attorney. CHICAGO , Dec. 29.-Rmmdolpim Omitmanmi , vice presitleimt of time Ajax Forge company , practically corroborates time story of Inspector McLaugimhlrm , wimo told Mr. Golf timat lie lmad made cotmslderablo tromiey by time smile of time Jeffrey-Clark switch patemmt to a combine of Cimicago interests In 1888. Genmermml Manager Merrill of time Cimicago , hlurhiimgtomm & Qtmincy raiiroal , said : "It is true we mmse time Jeffrey- Clark ssvitcit , amid have mmmcml it for years , " JUlIe , ! in is Fniiiii ) ' ( , mnrrei , GREENVILLE , , Miss. , 1)ee. 29.-Jutlge 3 , \v . S. Scott lies dead \\'aysimle , a cumnahl statioti ten mimile $ tiOimtii of imere , as time re- suit of ii , fanimily ( IunrrelV. . a , Gioumutoim , miOlt-in-Imiw of Scott did time , ohmootimig , lr. lllmmcIc , muse mu , c'on.imi-luw of Scott was time only witness , FI'o bmmhietmi veme Ireml into Scott's hotly' , amid im ( ibOti instantly , All lttrties are pi'onhirmentiy connected , S Ientli of airs , EiIhllgtom ) , Mm-mi. Rebecca Jam-me Ehlimmgtoim , wife ofVll - lain it. Rliimmgtomm 809 ' , North 'Fsvcimty-fmmrtm ) street , dit'l imait evenimmg , 'i'hme memimalimmi smihi lie ( milton to Jtiuri'miy , Cmmsmm eommmty' , for iii- teinmiemmt 7tiontlmy : , S J'Jl.d. .l I , I'd Rd GU.I I'It , ' , James \ , Ormof Atchiisomm Is at time "tiihiartl , C. Ii. 1)otlge , Spearilsu , , S. i ) , , Is itt time lehloimo. Joimmm Ii. Martlim , Atmiora , lii mlomtmiciicml at time hiarker. J. Lester imimmi wife , Cimicago , are regimuterm'tl at time Darker , Eml T. llrowim , Iemmver , Cole. , is regbstereti at time Barker , Ic. L. Wmmiliimg lii regimuteroti at time Darker ( mUlti Chicago , A. flartmott auth mlammgltter of McCoolc are Paxton gmmests , Fraimic Walters , Morton , Mimmim. , is regis. tom-cd at time Burlier , Joint 'V' , Alartirm nail wife , Lbimcolim , Nob. , immivo t'oommms at limo Barker , 3 , Il.Vebster amid svifo , Llncoltm , Nob. , are stomiming at the limurlier hotel , Mm-mi , McKay of Chicago iii visitlmtg her tlauguiter , Mrs. 1.V. . 'l'ahiaferro , : ioio Masomm street. George Beck , SimerimitmitVyo , , amid Ii , Ii. Vorbmmrgim , Nosseastle , Wyc , , are mit , time Paxtomi , Mr. (7. Ii. Gateim of lcs Mobimes , In. , ss'ami lit Omaha fur a short timmmu yesterday ott buimi items. Mr. anti Mrs. J , T. Bommrmer of Nineteenth mmnmtl Center streets are tIme nrommml imarermts of a girl baby , born Vemhimest1ay , Iecemhier 26. Mr.V. . J , hloyml , assistammt superintemmtiemmt of limo \Vestern Ummlonm , smiths hmoailqmsartors at Chicago , was iii time city yesterday anti wemmt timmougim Time lice buildimmg. A party of four genitiemmiemi caitmo mtp fm-omit Central City yesterday aimti 110W 0 visit to Tile lieu , 'i'hmey were County Attornmoy J. E , lorsiminmer , Coummty Suimeryisor J , .1' . harris , Sheriff J. V. l'orter arid V. ' , % V , Wolcott , editor of tIme Central City Nommparoll. At the Mercer : a , Gallagher , Kansas City ; aeorgo 'F. O'Dell , Salt Lake ; W. Ii. Engiani , M , E , liubbarti , Ltmmcolnm ; E ii , Antirews. hiulmirege ; F' . J. ioimiiioe , Chicago ; ( I , ( I'righmt , hmiuho Falls ; W , S. Strot , Adammms ; Ii. Ii , ( lanmsemm , b. E , Stmmart , St. Louis ; Fianik lienton , Mammviile , W'yo. ; George 'hI , licker , Grand island , Nebr'imiimmmis , iii time ilotels , At I Ito ArcmitIe--W. G. Baker , I 'm oighmbun. At thin % llllamd-Jolmmm Peters , Albiot ; Ira I ) , idurstoim , Ketmrmmey ; l. ! ii. Cofhlni , l.Iimcohim. At time iellomme- A.'hmlpplm , amid s'ife , Fremimont : 1' . E , 1.eiert , Linicola ; F , N. hubby , Nebruttka ( 'ity. At ( hit "iereimuimts--li , A , 1tyemi , llmmnry VinmmoimiiaIer , Liiit'oln ; 1) . M , Owen , Norfolk ; 'l' , J. lirowmmiiehmi , ( Jruzmti lsltummd1 - - - - . - - - - - CREAT 1O\VA \ RATE 11EA1IIM p Review of the Argurnent Made Before flit Oomlnissionors Last Week , DECISION IS EXPECTED BEFORE LONG liomaril Amilomma to Settle time Matter ltcfor * l'eter 1)0) ' ltetlrrq-l'oiiita l'rcseiittd by limo iiotlermm mmii time ltatiroiL ; Attermioy-s , lES MOINI5 , Iec , 29.-Specinl.-Tht ) hearing before time loss'a ltnilwmsy' coummmmiissioi of time application at time railway' commipanici ΒΆ cammie to tutu eiitl last evenIng , ammil time immattem . floss. rests whim time commmtmmisslcmi for decision It is expecteti time drclslon will be reaclme4 itisitli' of time imext two smocks , lit orther tutu Conmmmnlssiommer Dey' , retirimmg mmtemimber , wimu imas givemi immucim mttteimtiomi to time matter , cat Joimm iii time titcisiomi , Time ease lies bees hireseitted s'ery' fully by time attorney's fol time simippers mmii jobbers , ex.Comnmimlssiencr , Cmimmmpbelh a miii Simm it it tutu S. F. , I'romity _ Tim railss'ay Coilmhlailles lmas'e autpareiitly mmot goat ammy ftirtimer titan uvas mmccessary' to immako a case in nccortlaimce uvitim timehr desires , and imave beemi strongly acctiseti of zsmippressImm facts whilcii would Immaterially weakemi timclt PosIt bait , , On Timursdmmy ex-Commmmnlmsiomter Spencet Smmiltli occupIed tIme emmtbrc aftermmoctmm iii timi immtorets of thm Joimbers , lie had a ham-ge mmummmber of tlocummmmemmts at imammtl to ltros'e thmal limo Iowa rates % 'em-c imigimer timami those iii nmijolmmlmmg states , Ammmommg timm-se papers sm'ere about 200 expense hills for freigimi hmamihetl by tIme ltoel Isianml , Mliwnumlcee & St. l'auml , Chicago & Northmwestermi maid hltmribmmgtomi roatlo betsveeim Itolilts iim Iowa , ammtt. immiuls fcr slmimihar tibstamices of siimmiiar commiimichitiei iii hihtaois , Ily' this simowhmmg Mr. Smmmlthm asserted - serted that I Ito thlfferemit'e iii time two states svaa froii : Ct ) to 80 Per cemmt iii favor of liii- imois mimmti ngmiimmst los'mi. Sinmmllar comparisons smere immamle betssenm Iowa rates mmmmti tlmoso In effect \'imicoimsIim , Mlcimlgatm , Miimmmesotmt amid Missommri , mmmmd time smmmme commCmitbomms of relative rates claimimeml to be imelti gooml , Takimmg up 10mm g tI lstnmmce imaum lit , 'tir , Sum it hi protimmeeti cx- 1)01150 imlils simosvinmg timat a rate greater by $1 uvas chmmurgetl lty the trmtmmk hues emi car load shmlpmmmeimts 0mm time sammme class of gontls front ChIcago to ) Mtmimies (356 ( imilies ) thmami suns cimargeti frommu lit'stotm to Clmit'ago (1,0)0 ( ) mimiles. ) I to cialimmed slmmmiiar ( iism'riimmlmmmitbonms svero mimafie omm simipimteimts frommi poimmttu iii otimer sates , numb dimiplayeti mm bIll for mu carloati of oratmges shmipmemI front Stint Framicicco to ICan- Sam City ( i,867 immilem ) and a caricati of saute of time fm-tilt shipped frommi Kanmmimi City to Des Moinmes (366 ( mmmbieo , ) upon ' , dcii the trelgimt charges were nearly the smiimio in amtioummt. l'tlr. ' Simmitim ciiztrgcd that time rail- sway's imati imoemi guilty of mimipilcity anti this- represeimtatiomm I mm II Ii mig uvi t Ii t it a commm imi Issbomi time rate sheets they imad , antI nmakiimg oath timat time ( units commtaimmed therein were time actual rttes : umpomi time commmnmmomllties ommtmmmmer- flied , silica , lit fact , it hiati beemm simowim by time actual expeimse bills fm-out time railways : timoitiselves that time voluntary rates swore 10 to : io per cemmt below time Pimblisimeth tariffs filed switum anti sworim to before time commimnis- siomm. CAMI'hiEid4 ALSO HAl ) FIGUI1ES , ' 0mm Fritlay ex-Coimimissoner ! Cmumnpbell cc- cmmpled five imomtro lit presemmtimmg nrgummients svlmy time rates simouiml not b raIsed , Time gist of hits argummmmemmt watt giveim In these dim- patcimes yesterday. lie reati rate after rate fromim a hock Islantl tariff , mlacIng time illi- nets comnummloslonmers' rates tiand time present Iowa rates , simowlmig time actmmal rates cumargemi by time raIlroads are far imelow time Illinois conmmmtimtsioners' rates , much below time Iowa rates. lie nmiaiimtaimied that the Iowa rates are a imappy tmmemiummm , evemm now too hIgh in tmiaimy cases for a. living busimess in corn- petition ss'itim time concerns in other states favored with sucim rates , A ropresenmtatiyo or the Rock Islammil said that time rates Mr Campbell was qumotimig wer rates for the Johbet factories to Chicago , that they ss'ero forced by canal conmipetition , amid swore given on a large volunme of business. Mr. Canmp- bell quickly retorted that this was a con- ccmmslomm tlmat inocim of time railroad busimiesa was done away below time loss'a rates , in- steatl of "substantially all" being done at imigimer rates. Mr. E. P. RIpley nmnde a brief reply to Mr. Camnpbeii's Iemmgthmy address , atternptiimg to ox- phalli away time apparent iimcommsisteimcy of tim position of tIme railways. lie maid time corn- parisomm whim otimer ciates on local rates per ton ler mmmile swami ummfair , because of time larger tommmmago iii tim territory iii which tIme rates svera cotimimared. Comparing time soft coal rates in iowa with time soft coal rates on time Missouri Pacific to Ommmmiimn , was explaIned as being really aim argummiemit 1mm favor of ad- vaneimmg time rates lii Iowa , because time Mis. , somiri I'aciflc has to immeet time lossim rates iimto Omaha , plums tIme ssvitclmlng charges. The I Missouri PacIfic tins ito coal nearer titan 239 mniiemm. Mr , Ripley taitl time railways would be glad to make cotmmnmiodity rates for iowmu , bitt time lass' mimado it inmjmomslble , because if a rate was reduced iii one instance omm mmmmy coma- mmmodhty it must lie redtmcemb the same all over time State for that class. Time sutumatlon was dbfforemmt iii otlmer states titamm mm Iowa , because lImo rates iii other mitates are pliable , whIle in Iowa titcy were inmfiexible. BI4YTIII6 ON GOVERNMENT CONTROL. Mr , J.V. . lllytlme , genmeral solicitor of time Chicago , llurhimmgtoni & Quirmcy , closed tIme case for time railways. lie said time Iowa rail- svay lassss'as mm comnpiiatiomm of all laws timat existed that bore downm mtponm time railways. lie said it SS'fl5 Ees'ere anti inmilexibie , ammtl hire- vomited concessions to immoot conmmmmiercial con- tiitgemicics , lie mutmiti time railways nmnmmst not ha eXimecteil to get to thic very tloor of the poor house imefore tryimmg io get relief , ' 'I ama ito iommger nfrtmitl of timis talk that time governnmmetmt will teach omit anti take our lmroperty away , 'rime timreat ( mf goverminment owmmcrshill ) has lost mmli its terrors for mime , " calmi Mr. hilytime. ' 'Anti I say timat if limbs Itoilcy of oppresmulomi , of cmmltlmmg off a little hero amid takimmg away mu little them-a is to be kept ill ) , I cay , I weiconemo the day wimeim time goverimmneint shall take our vroperty , commfls- cato it if it sm'ihl , ammd pay ( or it ivimat tim courts swill commipel It to pay umniler time con- mititutlomi amid time law. mimiti melievo us of lbs burmiemm of owmmerelmip. ' ' S Ciiicmmgo Vet , haul it rs mm I Hal t l.mmkn. SAL'F LAKE , Dec. 29.-A gmlaraimty ( mmmi has beomm raiseti imero wiiielm Insures a foot- hail ganmme between time Yommmig Memm's C'hmris. tian nssociatlomm eleven mmcmii time Cimicmigo University elevenm cmi tlm return of time latter from time l'aeibic coast , S , limrvha-L'ipimlihlii itci'ela'rj , Iitmiy , NE\ ' YORK , lec , 29-lit time stilt of Iheumjmummmbni M. F'uwler anmml otimerut agmmimmmit time Jarvis-Coimkibim Mortgage Trimat comimpammy to remove thmo receivers Jumlgo Lacoimuim , bit time circuit court , ima renmdereth a decision dotty- iimg time laotian , "LOST OR LESS. " January Sale ; - C1Ollkaiillr ( ' ' : at , ' ; ? -J " Ii5OO 0' 0 _ will it uy a Clmlntc'hililmi ( homL , 'J8inmm'ltt' * ionmg- itOt UI liii iititteitetj het. timmia lO.OU muity. where'a - ' % I'm ices Iii time higher I imoicimus roltresolIt -L otiutiliy attract I vi - mu igmuimma , Try Us on Fur Garments . . Try Us on Chiidrens' OIoak , fl.kSCOFIELD U I C1OAKS.SUI1S.FUIIS. I'X'rON IILUCU. _ - - - . - - - - - - - , -