. . ' 4 , - - , . . . . . . . . - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - _ . . - . , . _ , . . . . _ . . , , ' " 'n' W , , , . , . ' ! ' " . " " 'J { . . " ' , - - - - - - r------ : T------------- , . S i I J't ' ' 14 * r.'IIE OMAhA \ DAILY BEE : BJlNDAY , DEOE\rBER 30 , ft394. . . ( . ) ( . , ( a ) ( . ) ( . ) ( . ) ( . ) ( . ) ( . ) ( . ) ( . ) ( . ) ( . ) ( i' ' ! . ) ( S ) ( * ) ( * } S ) ( ) l ) ) \ ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) : .tI . ' . . . . : _ . Let Her Go - - . : . - . - . - I she must , anJ advertise in The Bee . : : . ; ' want ads for a new servant girl. . - . : : z . ; COAC.TiilEiVand others , find employment 3 ; ' : - ; cheaper ) and quicker through these l. : ; ' . tic ads. than in any other way ' . & a . . - : : : . ' . . . : IF OUT OF TFORlet our thousands of : : : : . : c readers know it , 1i words for 25c . . : - . . : : - . , - _ ; Want \ ads ordered : in the Evening Bee are pubS . , . . : lshed in the moring free. . . : . ) ( , ( ) ( . ) J ( . ) J ( . ) \ ( * ) ) ( . ) ) ( * t ) ) ( s ) ) ( * ) ) ( * ) ) ( s \ lr ) ? ) ( ) ) ) ( ( ( ( ( ( ( _ _ _ L .f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , I , ; ' L SPBGllL NOTIGBS. I Athertement.9 for thpse columns wl be t k.n t Ad\.rt..m.nts : for the "v.nln . nnlt until 1:0 : I unti . 1. for . the morning anl , Hunda edition. . . check AdcrtIeIM , by ieqticLing n nuthor"11 ' cnn have nn.w.rR I.qurlng ! to n numh.roll letter In care of The lIce . An.w.rs.1 nlllr..ell wl , I. , , telivered , lce. pr.spntnton of the ch.el only. Itt'R. . ,1.I\.td : 11,0n n 'oed . nrst In.erton. Ic I word t . 'h rpnpr. Nothing taken for less than 2c for nrRt Th Insertnn. nllnrlsemenls must run concUtlvelY. . WANTED-MALE HELP. ; _ ' ' PlmSONH IN BACH 1'LACfl VAN''lm-A Imw I'LACI ; to dn writing ; s.n,1 , blnmp for 1.O.pnc book of pirtleulnrs. J. W'oodLur. 121 \ 4211 street , rnrte\lnrs. fl N. Y. CIty . H-191 - 'VA ' 'I : [ 1. lt N , UD TgAMt 'fO HI II. "o' r' ( eet1grtndes , . . Salary $ .5.0 h. $3)0,0 per mnnth , ncenr.llng to nbillty. The llchneld : ttrg. Co. , Webster City , lu. _ _ _ U-MS _ J15 2 ! - } WANTgD , GOOD MIN TO HANDLE bUlIRI- eating . llneecl nnll paint oils , nlone or n. I entnIn..e,1 nis . entn/ sltp Inc. Address 70' G.n.ss.c avenue. CI\'e. lfttld . 0. ' B- - ; 131 20' SAJI SMIN W.\N'lm. $5 A 1)AyNO : lF1.IV- erlcs or collections ; ct . outfit free : shl. line or exeluqlvo. \ddrpss MnnufacIUret. 91 Market - "cu.lv. k.1 . ' l'a. B St. . 1huladelpliia . - . I'hlndol\hil. . Il. _ d - LAllOfllitS SOUTH WOHK. NEAU . tlt- Jlhls. Tenn : stilt ) dllh' . Kramer & O'Hoarn Labor agency , 1th In.1 Farnam st.ept. st.ept.H40 30' aAJ.I RMAN FOR CIAUS. $5.0 TO U2.W Blar ) ' nnl , , 'xppnsps ; , experience not l crss.y : s.nd etanhi Bshop & Klein , St. J.nuIR. M. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - H-421 30' I AG NT AND COHHESIONm NT WANTED IN . every cIty of 5.00) tn represent 3 lIrst-clas monthly trade jurnl ; " on sUhscrllton" rind advertising : lolwrl eommls510n traIl : reference end .J.ooRlt . .nuhe.l : n.rmanpnt husln.s" . . - liable leopit' ; Oily vanted : full partcular" hy nccrPRRlng ColuLlsher , 21 11Ik Row. New . York CI ) . B-42S 30. WANTEI MAIg AND "EMAII' ' : mWH senlat\I , on conitnisslon . In every city and town ; 1)1.ln. . established In 1890. Standard , eslnhlshed Detective agency . 4 North Clark drool Chi. : - cago. - Il-Ill 30' CIICUAHS TO DSTHIUT ! $8.0Q PEn 1.0J ) : guaranteed . 10,0.ry monlh. Send IWo r.r- Icrones and lOc stamJs. [ Ford Mfg , Co. . Chien go. - l-4 30' : WANTIl GOOD MEN IN EVEny COUNTY c to trundle best. .e1n , nrtc.s on the ma.I ! ; , - 101 "artculars address \V. I'resttss Owen. Ch- [ , citgo. 13-444 30' W.\NTED. ENrHmTJC MAN TO MANAGE brunch omco ; 110slton permanent : silr $1,20.0 and eommls"lon ; must furlsh $ GO.O to 8.lsl In carrying stock. Address Manufactur- ? , cr. . box 39. tt LouIs . Mo. Lt-142 3. ' WANTED. JVI SOlICITORS TO IANDU : an artIcle that , eliq on eight : our agents arc / /.nts . making $3.00 10 $0.0 dal ) .1. A. Hldfonl & _ _ Co. . 12 Dearborn - sl..et. Chlcngo. 1-4 O' 'WANTEI GENTJ ; [ MAN OH LADY TO WOHK tiny or evening nt home : neat . st'n.ly work : no ennvnEslng or eIling . A'IMes9 with stamp . i , Cr..tnlosraph Mfg. Co. . 18 W. Madison . Cht- cago. 11-440 30' . ' SAJERMEN FOR EVRRY SfATI TO SEIL A \ specialty to grocery and confectionery trade ; \ , : sp.elaly cent eomml..lon : conreeton.ry bg H.I.r. Ailtiress < \ HoosIer Gum Co. . 1Ichmonl. Ind. 11-439 30' \ 4LESMFN : IN ] \'lnY COUNTY IN TiE state : $5.00 to $10.00 daily easily made : goods . sell ! sight : absolute monopoly ; no compeit- _ , , , _ r' ) ; tlon.Y. . I , . Sawyer Loan Trust 1dl. MIt- , k \ i , Waulioo.WlL ! _ _ 11-438 - 30' MEN AND WOMEN TO WORK AT hOME : I + rty $8.0 to $ IG.O per week for makIng crayon $ rlrlls ; new 111.nt(1 method ; any one who ( n rend or write can to time Work nt home ml spnro tIme . day or I'Inlnl ; send your 111- I ( yress : J .ni wOk nt once. II. A aripp O.r- . T'r , Pa. It- . ntanartist _ Tyrnine : In. 1 : 'lTflD ' HESJD NT SAIESMAN. FAVOR- . 'y ncqunln\11 with letll fUllshlnl goods , tie In omaha and tributary t.rlo10 Ii Vtle n lIne or m.n' jew.lry. Address C : { lre Lord . & Thomas , ChIcago , Ill. 11-476 30. I ANTED-FEMALE HEIP. WANED , A GIRL. T DO mNDnAL HOUSE. wQrl" Call 215 South 11th. O- 1312 31' J WAN-rrDA GOOD GIL FOIL GENERAL h useworl , . 21 Spruce .t. C-418.30' - - - - - - - _ Ii VANTULADYTOWOlttC AT 10 m. $15.0 weclly. No e n\'I.slnl. Sen.1 .tump. Istello st.lo - Montgomery - - , G31 IGtl tit. . Del1er. Colo. JAVJ' : YOU SPAJO TIME \D CAN FUR- fish light work II homl to ladles nt fall pay ; _ _ _ _ _ no canvassing : ni fak ; scud Zo postal I note for supplies to 11Ie 05.00 worth of wOlk : In- struettons . cii' . Chicago I'rers ClippIng bureau. - LkeR'do ' md ! . ChIcago. C 1 VANTEI ) . ' II , VOlt OENEltAI . HOUSE- _ "orll : Irl.h or German Ilreferr.d. A\lly 121 - - , . . ' - - - - - - - - 'Vlrt slrl.t. C-MHI 3t' JiIlRESSEH 01' YOUR NEIG I WOES 0' NEGIBOHS - .lmJ , ; $10.00 per thou.anll ea.h I'ahl Inln , [ $0.0 * wrIters ; enclose stnmp. A < e.lnl Hur'nu , 10V. . 21th street N. Y. < cZ 3) ) ' I A l'EIIMANENT pORITlN AT $18.0 WEEICIX I ! unmlt" ' , < nlY lady who wi worll for us 'Iulet I ) at borne ; ni Ilterlnl free : reply wlh "tnmlWII "I'"lop.'omll's Mutual ] n.'tl CI ) . , Joltet . Ill. C-432 30' - - - - A \Vi3At.ThlYIuthY OFFERS YOUNO OnU.A and la.tlt's In search of mlloYloll genteel wurl . whIch wi enable theni 10 lul < from : .O.O 10 flO 0 pr week ; thls otter wIll met last long ; n rate chance for ambitious women : write for lnrtoular . Address Yule box V , , . - ChIcago. C435 30 _ _ _ _ _ , LADIEH'lShhlNU TO R.'thtN $0 TO $6.0 weekly nt homo call 31S N. lth atreet. ; . - "tre.t.C12 30' , SVANTEI OI FOR O : NI JAI , 10181- : win Ii. 620 S. i 30th. C-4ST 3 - _ _ _ FOR BENT-HOUSES. 11UICS , I' Ie DAlLING. IAn0 : IOCK. 1- hOUSES IN AIL I'I.JITS OiiiE CITY. TIlE O. F. Davis , 'on\an ) ' . 1:05 : Fermium . I-49l ) .ELERNNY & C" I I , CON''INCN''AI. 1,1. : - 1- IIOUIIEd III2NAWA & CO. 10S N 11Th S 110UI1S : IENAW . , lTI . _ _ _ _ _ _ , t-M761 : 1"n lIEN : ? . 10wm OJ > lOMB ANI hAhN ou l'ark U\'O. InquIre at 4 : S. 151h st. sIbSG FNT , IIOUIOIO NINE ItOOMS : pun nn" bath , , loUSI 1 32.1 and I0MS Farum , $21.W ; . else cheap liouaes $5.ua anti $ l0.0. different parts dIV. 1eter L Thomas , 4. . ) lee fl-Mill building. 1M135 - , I-Oil mmT , : OIHN 8J001 1018- ; ATtic - tic .ta\I. % : 8ewat sheet : apply nexl door I-3tI$4.31' 10UICI & STOIICII . F D. WAD. 16 & I louglas , : .31 l rn IIENT-C-htOOM CO'l'AGE , IN GOOD lIE- pair city Witter. $10.00 . per month to good parties . 19 If. flth. Iloek ( comm learam . cur line. Inquire ut Sleet " 'a olo\'e store , next to _ lotolllee. _ _ _ _ D-i63 ' % .0 ; CIGIIT-ItOOlt HOUSE : IhTI 10\t and futinuce. John itVebster , Uoarl ' 'la < o . \uldlng. ! ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1-Mi16 ' -'TAG1 : 01" SIX ROOMS. ALL CONVI2NI- . nres . cehu\le locatIon. three blocks trom opera houae. Enquire on l.mniIses. GIJ * 1. nth - I . T. J. Fllzmorrla. fl-los C ONE ) AT. O3TIIAM HEAT LJNTON IILOCIC. I John 1amln. 91 1lnton blk. D-i9 ' ' 'l 1-IIOOU HOUSE. ; Z1 INNI Y. fl-3t$39 JIS - . .101 : OlmN HOUI . " 'lvi1- 3I1NUTIOS walk frnl coins iioue . vacAnt Iectt\ter % 41h. , O. 4 Ureen room . n. llrker block 11&8 , - - - - - - - CHIMI'L" G1(0)1 CTAm : . WITH BATh. . . i Cht. lklw W 'Iw 0033 Clf\r 1)-BC street. 30 ; _ . f" : - _ , . . - ItOR RENT-HOUBES. Continued. FOR 1UIN' . 8 UOOM COTTAGE : AJ.I , MODe - I COTTAO cia conveniences . 212 CalIfornIa sl. Milton 10gor5 & Son. 14h and Farnani U-198 VOlt I1ENT . CIIEAI' . FOH Tim \\'INTCR. one 6'1001 house . $0.0. three 5 ' room cottages . 3 .0. J. A. Scott , Omaha Nut'l hanll. - D-M21 I.OI I1I1NT . NTW 6.nOOM IICC 10USg ; furnace h.ut ; newly paper.d. 31S N. 23rd. I- . 1r5 FOIL ItENT. NEW 4.100t COTTAGE . ' COIl. 20lh anti HaIrIer streets : c.lar. cistern . city w\.r ; $7. Inquire 1318 I'-nrnam. D-M332 30 FOrt IIENT EIAF'.AN'r' 8-010011 OIOtSlO : ALb , E.m1ANT 8.IOO1 10tSI 1o11 itnprovemneits. 40 N. 2d str..I. 1)-MItO 1 FOR RENT-FURNiSHED ROOMS. NIELY FUnNISIED SOUTH nomt IN- Inquire 1919 Uodee. E- : 08 FL'tLNISlIED 100MS : IIOUSEKI2EPINO. 2026 SI. Mary' u\.nue. . E-161 TWO ItOOMS . SINGE Ol ENSUITE : 100 , . eln : 1920 Capitol avenue. l0-M310 31. I'UIINISIICI ) ROOMS FOIl LIGHT HOUSE- tHNISIID nOO1IS FOI LIHT 10USE- k."lnInquire 1919 UOllge. EM315 NICELY l'UINISlmU nOOMS FOIl GENTLE men only. Inquire 41 South 15th street 3rd floor . lint 2. E-32t-IQ' 3 FUfNISHlm IIOOMS FOIl HOUSEKEEPING for man and wife : rent taken In board. 319 N. 17th stre.t. E-2d322 E-:32 I'UHNISHEU ItOOMS SOUTH FfON' ' 1924 . Douln9 str..t. E-M310 1. NICELY FUIINISIIED OU UNFUIINISIIED FUINJSJI- UNPUHNIHJED rooms cheap . . at 1323 Ioward street : business . part ot city. - 30. I L.\1GE l'nONT ROOM , WITH ALCOVE. 224 N. 13th slreet. E-M463 31' FOIL I1I4NT . A hANDSOME IIOOM . HAND- comely furl.h.d. In choice locality : steam heat : private family ; for one or two persons ; wih or wIthout boa\ < Addr.s E 45. E-466 lIce. 30' DESIRABLE FUfNJSlmD ROOMS : MOmHN' ' convenIences nl IS22 Chicago. E-M4G9 4' BURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. ELEGANT ROOM AND DOAHD J ASON- able. 2406 Cass. I'-MI21 Jl : ' PRIVATE FAMILY WILL ACCOMMODATE four coupl.s furnished room. wih or without hard ; gentlemen preferred. 2011 St. MaiT's avenue. F-Mi04 J3 NICELY I'UINISHEI ROOMS WITH hOARD steam h.at. Utopia H21 Davenport st. F-416-3' SOUTH FRONT ROOM TWO CLOSETS BOARD for two : also small room : fine location : Ir.t- class : reasonable. 206 Douglas Street.F421 F-421 3Q' LAIGE FURNISHED ROOM , WITH lIOAI1D for two ; price rea.onable. 215 North 23 Rtr.et. . I.-m 33 ' ROOMS AND IOOABDFOR TWO : STEAM heat : no other br ers : terms muniterato. 152G S. 311 street. F-MI6 , 31' UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT. 4 UOOMS. SUITABLE FOR HOUSEKEEPING : low r.nt N. 'V. cor . 1lh arid Webster sts. sts.G11 FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES FOIl HENT. TIE 4.STOHY BnC" BUILDING . 116 I'uram .treet. This building has n nre. proof cement basement complete steam heatIng . Ing fixtures . water on all floors , gas .tc. Apply - ply at the ethic ot The Bee. 1-910 AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS WANTED. GOOD. LIVE AGENTS ladies and gentlemen , to . .1 new work Freemasonry . masonry In All Ag.s. A rare opportunity for Freemasons or their wives and daughters. Cal or aildiesa National , hook AJ < ncy. rom 20 'Vlhn.1 block ! corner 15th Md Haney streets Omaha N.b. J-M315 l' WANTED , AGENTS IN EVERY NlmH.\SKA town : something new : county territory slvon. Address , with stamp lock box 21 Fremont N.b. . . .3-M330 I' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SALESMEN OU AGENTS 11AKO MONJ easy selling suits to order $13.5 pants 33 , shirts $ mackintoshes $5. Hunter Tailoring Co. . Cm- cinnati. O. J-3.t9GhFi ( ' TO MAKB nm MONEY StILLING OUR ELEC- trio Telephone. 1.'st seller on .nrth. Sent all complete ready to sel up ; lines ot any II.tnncp. A practical Electric Tel.llhole. Our agents making $5 to $10 [ I day "s ' . ! \.rlly buys ; lug money without work Irl.es low. Anyone can make $75 per monlh. Address . \Y. Y' . harrIson & Co. , Clerk No. 11 , Columbus Ohio. ' WANTED I\DY AGENTS TO SELL THE best wearing and beat s.llng corset on earth ; the Ilygein. For particulars write the \Ve.tor L'st Co" Ht. l.uls. Mo. J WIlY no 1'lmPJ. COMPLAJN 01' IAHD times . wh"1 any womnl or man can male from $5 to Ito a I day "n.I ' . All have hoard ot the wonderful . success ot the Climax Dish " 'a.h.r ; HI many are alit 10 think they enn'l make money selling H ; but anyone can make 10n. ) ' . h.clus"'pn' fnmly wants one . One agent Ira s made H8.36 In tine last three mnoniiis after paying all expenses Inll ItIlng to regular - ular business besides. You Ion't have to caU' VlbS : a. Ron lS 1'oplo know 3ou have II for sale they sean for I Ulsh'IRh r. Alldr.ss ' the Climax Mfg Co. , 45 Starr Aye , Columbus , OhIo , for p .lcular. J WANTIII ] -UCATEn YOUNG LADIES AND others hn\lng spare time . for light wok mit . homo : I'rllulnl ; no canvassing : n3 fuk. ; enclose fo .llmp for mill neeeRsary II begiti. Chicago l'ress Clipping ! ureuu , 3G In Hnlo street . Chicago. J- 34' CIANCT.1 OP A h.IFJO : TIME ; WANTED 1m. ptn.tc. n'sponslhl" lmartie . for state. ciii' . county amid town ug"ncil's for saic of Clark's H.I Cross < Electric Natural [ Medicinal Wall'r , i4aive. HaIR , .Ie. : 111 n beverage ; I naturul I 1I'lelue ; liberal I I Indueemcnts and big money to Iho right hurtles l , Ad.lr.oa Ig Unl.11 Mln , erl Water Co. . lUg flhlIlids . Miclm J-a 3V' AOL' .N WJ\NTCD ) : AL.t'2dINIJM ' NOVELTIES ; Iluothlng new ; 2W per cent 1"01 ; sammiple In 1lubh . 11"1. 10 , ; 1'lrtuclnrs ' free ; m.ecure tern. tory. lusl Aluminum Co" , Medlah temoplu' , Chicago. J-43G 30' AGENTS WANTI ) 11 IdANIJVACTUIIINU MNTS MANUIAClm corporation ; one earned $22.0O In live years : several $ .0W.0 nearly ; free outfit . I' . O. lIlt. New York . N. Y. ) J-45 137. STORAGE. nEs'r STalAGE JULING IN OMAhA , U. S. gO\ bonded aarvlmouso. household goods atored. Lw.t rates. 101.101 L.annworth. M-M 6TOltAGI I.'HANK EWCIS. Ul HAHNO' M -3 STORAGE FOIl I1OUSE11OLD GOODS ; CLEAN STOIAGE 10USEIOLD . . Suit chelp late It. Well . , 11 1.'nram.AG . CITY & CO. CLAIMS. h'RITCIIAIIP. 1 % FAHA A AN'ED-TO : UY. 'A N'1'3l I. 3 SCCONJ'I.\NI U ! 'l 1101 IT pIanos . please state 11Mee , make antI , where 1 Comm bl seen H. B. Scol roOm 40 Itamnge black. N- : WANT TWO Of THHm SECTIONS 01' GOOf land . nol over 10 lathes ftln Omaha . ; Part rash ; balance clear Income prollert " 'llama & Mitten . McC4gue lIulhdiug . N-M349 - - - - - - - - - - wn UY AND 31-11.1. hOUSES ITO lE moved II ) I I , w , Hlnnun < & hOon. 430 N ' r street. SonN- 30' WANTJP TO hWY A 6 on G100A CO' . tOfv ; give decrlption. locatIon und htom pric ! dru E U , lee l- : 30' - _ WANTED-TO BUY . Conlnu It - - "ANTtm , SJCOI.IAND SA\'I ' 01'1 lze . mn'ker and cash NIce ; second-hand , roil tp allIes desk : .I how csses (2 ( or 31. gIve "t. . . Address J 47. J ( oihlc. . N.-1U:0 31' WANTlm A ONg.10nSE ICE : 1'LOiA'.iEC'- nol , hnn.1 Address . with price , C. ' . ehroMr , Mo < nl' , Ja. IN-MIl I WANTED A GOOD Sh4COND-IIAND ThIhll3ShI. : fJcONU.IAND T\U "ANTI lag machIne , ; hOI.e poweeb nlpo corn nnll cob powpr mill.S'rite . with particulars ! , to Hlchnld rnrt.unR Brown , 3i South 1th street Omaha N-Mm . Nd , . I FOR SALE-FURNITURE , FtII1NITUI1I4 AUCTION AT lIlt I AlNAM ! T. Saturdays 10 AUCIN 0 . lt . 0-107 FOil SALC' AT A BACII"It. CAIITS. ! hndes nail furniture which have been but little . uscul anti almost new ; also house for rent. 111 quire 4i H. 2th n\'e. 0-:9:5 FI3I1NITL'Itth OP \ : ) , COMI'LCTIO for housekeeping : \M - 1Ii1It 30' . _ FOR SALE- .IIORSAS , AOONSETC. OI1I4ATEST BARGAIN h1VEltOF'FEItIID. A ( Cht.lmu lI pre..nt. I'nt fnmly horse buggy. 2.sented carriage and harness nt one'Quhrter Value If sold ! once : Inquire at Geislor's bird store. 4C North 16th trcet. 1'-187 6ore. 4 1GtI FOR SALEM1bOELL.NEOUS. IF YOU BUY BUY TIlE BEST : MACIIIN- toshes . rubber boots . arctics . syringes of all klnl. gas tubing ; all best quality. Omaha T.nt antI Awning Co. . 131 Furnam st. Q-5i - - - - - - - - - WIIOMANI'IANOS . mUOOWOnT OnGANS. Woodbrldo hires. . 11 So. 17th. Q-235 1100 AND CIIICICEN FENCE ; IAHD WOOD 10G . C. CICIEN . . 101 Douelns. Q-IO ICE. 20.0 tons of CLEAII LAKE ICE For sate by 8le ) 01 BAILEY & HAY , Kear C ) ' . Nib Q-29S-i FOIL SA 1.1. : . : : I lmm 10STI.IN COWS AND calves ; large , rich milkers. 2824'm1ster. Q- IG2 . 3. FOIl SALE . l'IANO tPIUGlT. KIMbALL . ; eh'nl' for ensh. , N 43. lice. Q-2 3. FOI HALE AT A 1A1IAIN. SMALL MIT murkol mind grocery at South Omalm : sickness ! cause for < Relln . Address O'Neil's meal estate olhiec . South Omahn. Q-H1 . . . 30' - - - - - - - - $00,00. S PElt l1.NT. : 1ST MOITOAUE NOTE : gilt-edged security ; worth $5,000.(03. ( Adlress , 1 10. H.e. Q-4S0 34 MISOELLANEOUS. LOANING OUT 01 SVAL.LOW.TAtL. SITS for ball , nnd parties al low prlc.s. Sugarman IlilDoilgins street. lt-M304 31' 11 10ulns _ 11301 FOn l NT. 2W ACH S FINELY 1IIIO\-ED farni 4 mlh'R from South Omaha. Inquire A. H. ltltctuio . r1 lelrhlch 11 , . I42.1 . 30 OLAIR VOY ANTS. MRS. hit. H. WARO1I4N . CAltOYANT. RElIable . lIable business medium ; 7th year at 1 N. 16th. - 16th.I MME. BENECIA. TIlE MOST WONDERFUL claIrvoyant of the 19th c.ntur IGl Chicago street. S-MS9 J12' S M . BATHS. ET ( ' . MADAM SITJ. r02 S. 13'1. 20 FLOOH 101 3 ; massage . vapor. alcohol . steam . suI- Jlhurlne amid mica baths. T-M456 5' MASSAGE MADAME DEHNAHD , 121 DODGE. T- 161 JI' PERSONAL. DH. T. W. STONE. 810 N. Y. LIFE. TEL. 641. U-Mi1 MACKINTOSlES & RUBBER DOOT8. 13 I.'AR . TIE - BELLE ElPEHLY COHSE' " MADE TO , order from measure. 1909 Famnam street. orer street.UM211 U-M211 DIAMOND PHOTOS . 75C A DOZEN AT PROC- tor' , GIG S. 16th .t. U-iIO J3 VIA VI ; 10ME TREATMENT I"O LADIES. U.alh book nail consultation fr.e. Address or call Vlav [ Co. , 31G lee bldg. Lady attendant. U-513 MASSAGE ELECTRO ThERMAL BAflIS , chlropodl.l. Mm. Post. 319\ \ ! S. 15th . BATIS . .t.U4 COMPOUND OXYGEN CUBES CONSUMPTION . CONSUMPTIN. ashtma bronchitis and catamnlm. Home treatment . ment . $6.0 per month ; 3 tu ' . ' trial free treat- m.nt. Hoom 810. N. Y. LIfe ! Dt& . . Omnha. 13-11713 MATJMONIAL PAPER WITh 1.000 ADVEH- ls.m.nts and Ihotos of marriageable people many rich mailed tree. Address box 245. Brook. Iyn. N. Y. 13-11193 J2Q. WUEIE IS WIDOW MARY FOLEY ln- mery ! or Kansas City . ICln 1 The undersigned holds valuable Informaton for her. 11ev. A. ICtihls . Kansas City . Kan. U-M32 , 3' ANICE . MOTIEHIESS BOY. 8 YEARS OLD , wets I home with n respectable family. Ad- dress E 31. Bee. U-M3J 30' TILE SWEDSI MOVEMENT CURE 1816 CIII. caeo. U-M346 J28' LADES TUUKISI AND ELECTRIC BATHS complexion treatment blSI d.\'elopment. mani- cure and chiropodist. Mme : Post , 3194 South 15th .Ir.et. \ MISS IOT1ADY FRENCh SYSTEM DI1I4SSIIAK- In/ ; latest style ; best work : perfect bit guar- ant..d. 312 Sheeley bloel' . S. 15th. U-,5 I 30. - - - - SEND FOIl I.ITLE BOOK "HOW TO SPEC- ulnte Sucelssfuly In the Grin anti Stol , 1nl'Its : " mailed free. Comsiock Iugiiei & Co. . WaHo buIldIng , Chicago U-4J 30' "GUIDE TO SUCCESSFUL SPECULATION : " CUIATlN how to trade successfully on limited margIns on grain untO stock tnrlots lmied : . mnr/lns . Cont.s & Co. , Rialto Bldg. , Chicago Ill. 13-430 33' - 31' A MIDDLE-AGED WIDOW WISltt4S TO FORM WJSJES T the ncqullnlnncl ot some elderly gentleman . Address 31 41. lIce . U- ! pnt.mln. SKATER GROUND HOJLOW OH PLAIN , AT A. L. Un < elnn < ' . . lOG S. 14h sl'.et. 1J-410 CnOJCD CUT FLO\Vl4IiS AND PLANTS A' lowest Prices l at I. hleni.Iemson's florist . Ar S. IGtl street - U-MIGS 1. MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . 318 N.Y.LIF'E . loans al low rates for choice security In Ne- b.aska and Iowa farms or Omaha city property . W- 15 LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. 1" . O. Cliesney Kansas City . Mo. \V-5I8 W-\ MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate Drennan , Love & Co. , X'uxton blk. W-51 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST HATES. TILE O. F. Davis Co. , 15 1'lram st. W . TIt LOANS ON IMIBOYED & UNIMI'J0VED CITY property , $3,0 and upwards . 6 to 1 per cent ; no del3ys. W. I.'mnam Smith & Co . 1320 ) l'arnam. W-19 CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST LWEST rate I'us.y & Thomas , First Nal'l bldg. W-M248 MONEY 'r LOAN ON OMAHA REAL I ESTATE at 6 per cent. W. B. Mel'le , It Nat bank bId \ ' W'-Ill - VEIY LOW BATES MADE ON UOOD LOANS. . . W. Squire . 24 Iieel3tdil . W-5 CITY LOANS. C. A. STARII . G5 N. Y. W-b81 IIFE' $00 TO $ 5OO. } . 1) . WEAD , 16'fl & w'-cei DOUGLAS 31 LAllL l.ANS. LOW JAT ] S. SIiIALL LOANS , short time. I. I. harder & Co. . lie \-G7 , Bldg. 31 MONEY T LOAN ON IMIHQ\-EU OMAHA property Street Fidelity Trust company , 1i03 W-MG I'nrum : BUSINESS CHANCES COlmSPONDI NCF OH INTERVIEW IS SO. Bolted from parties aatsfed with 8 10 10 per cent In n legitimate business , investment un.ler . full guarantee or principal ! and interest ; stand. Inl and charcter unquestioned. I' . O. Box GO' . city. Y-M717-J4 AN ESI'ECIAILY GOOD CHANCE TO TILE right party who can commall Uo.O or 5 .0.O to ) enter an old established Iu.lnea , Address I' . 0 . Bx < . < , 1. O. ( 605 . ciy. Y-1t716--.14 WRITE BOX 87E NDOAl IA.YM313 : Y-M313 6' I'IIYIIICIAN'i3 I'BACTICI VOlt SAI.I : ONLY ' one In town : nearest town hht mie ; r.n lrl Bouth.m Nebraska ; rich country : \m.rl eans. Address 14 35. l\ ' . V-MIll I' WANTED. A MAN WITI STOCK IW DIY goods or money to join with a stock of KI'U. wih . .rl. . . 0'11 location and trade established , John Ledwiehi . . A\oea. Iowa Y-M31 AN INFLUENTIAL : MAN CAN I1I4ALIZII $5.0.Co antI l'ermanent income rum manager by organleing ! u eotnpnny In Omaha for Nehlslen , for a ' . comJan wel established In other cliii's Inll own.1 hy h'nrnnhncnt Inca ; will ldY good Ilrolti and hear the clusest Inv .lhtaton , Ad- dress the Amerlran EUcrusy ; cOlpuny 423 to < : Society for Sav4ng . uer.y Llldlng , cle\land. . ' O. Y-434 30' - 1\BTm WIHIING 'r COED TO 1"1\1 and help 10 build a new town and settlement. Fine fruits . .Iock rising and mining Tins lOtion Is In a gold nt'giou Plaeer "elna show rich deposits ; lahly explored 1 I.y thin rch depsls nllol uld.'llln. . 'fho Mecca for those nllt.1 wlh rheumatsm . rind cnlarrh. . \hundanc. or w I'r. No cyclones or wind atorl8 Inter i'sIetl l.arties will please rite ; comnliciny to be .ted > wi f'lea. . \ rie cllunr b ( ut-aced. . . Men" . \ . l'sco. Utah. \-1 30' INCI6I4AH13 YOl'I INCOMj : : SEND FOR F'1tt414 book. "How to Tlde Successfully In Urall 01 Small Marimts. " l'erklt & l'o. % 1 lUalt , ChicaGo -MU5 , : ' . - - - - - - - & - - flUSINE3 HANOES , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ' ' 1 _ . Cqtipncd. _ _ _ _ W'ANTEI lOCTOIE1324'RWIIO IS A IIEGIS. terel , tiharnmnclst : .I Joentnn to night man , Address g 48. care O hhAsl ) ' le . < , . I. l 1.3 4 - MONEY TUiAN-CflATTELS. J. B. IAUDOCJ { , ItO&d 47 , nAOO IIOct X-I26 MON'llY TO LOAN .110USlmOI.D I'I'HNJ. MOmy . pianos . horse p\ . or any kind of chattel , . .curly horc. ' po..lble tats. wl..h IOU can pay hack \ any lilac email In any aount. l'IDEI.ITX OAN GUARANTEE CO. , Room 4. Wlhn.1 block. . X- 2 - - - - - - MONEY TO LOAN ON 1tiItNITUflh4. PiANOS horses . wagons. etc. . ot lowest rates In city : no removal of ! os : strictly conlontnl : you can pay the ! oan off nl tiny time er In any amount. amount.OMAHA 10lTGAOE ( LOAN CO. . 30 S. 161h street. X- & 3 MOI Y TO JOAN ON FURNITt'ItlI. JIANO nnd nil klnll or s.curlly. Fred Terry rom 430 Hlmle bloek. < X-3l9 FOR EXOHANGE. 11110\11 IA 1.1 IILOC'iC . ooon P101'mtT\ lightly Inelmherol , for trade. Wllnls & Milan , McCitgue Buiding , Z-M3 . . StrOll . . - - - - - - - - rOll . . . , I. I 14XCll.tNUl\Vl 'n . . . . . . . . . . . . : . n. . LI. ' . . . . TIDJ A. GOOI , " . . . . . . , . " . . . . . . .v. "u. , . . , . . . . . o. . .v. . 10:1nl'ro \ < f rm 11 the SOutii.1uiI.s'I , . J 4. Ibee . 7.IG4 31. WANTI ) TO THA\ : ron GOOD mnGY and geol pianoltOx S55. l1 . . Z-133 30' IUSJNgSR 1,0(1 INNNE. \ I'Ol.lS. 0-IN- Incumblell nail , \'nll".1 at $ .IO.l. three stores all rnle.l , for good el.n. lands In Loin . en5t- era Nehrslln or lnlsl ; eO\hl 1.1 < "om tiney nn block nail wlnt good land nt the tight Ilrlc. Alldross U. I A. ( boding . Locluport ! Iii . Z431 30 TO TnAIF FOIl T\IJWJ'gn. A FINE \ coaling colt . sired br I haIr brother tu 1,1\- luni'co ' 2:10. dam Ii' l'ol " 'est. 2:2616 : ! ; la./o. fat unit rounit , F. S. Un ) ' , lll1rtnn , Neb 10x :2. Z-3.I4tS 31' SiACln : FARM IN INONA COUNTY . Iowl ( mll'I I ) . to trade for house nnll lot In mahn. 01Imrlelllr. . . Address owner . A. I'ertz 2102 Jm street City . < < Z-Int4GT 31' 1"11 I XCIANG , NI' W. VINE . 11AND piano . for lot. Adllr.ss C 4G. lIce. . Z-M170 I. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. - - - IOAItUAINS . 10USS. LOTS AND FARMS . sale or trade. I' . K. Darling . - larl.r UD-52 hlocl FOIL SALE NEW 4-ROOM CO'TAG : eEL- lar cistern city vater : cor 30th and Sahl.r ; $1,2:0,0 : : Ions time. Inquire 1318 Farnam. Sam- u.1 Burns. 1114-530 MODEnN 12.nOOM hOME CIIIIAP. 2019 BNNIW nO-M913 JI3 FOIl SALE AT A BARGAIN . MY 111251- denco between Burt and Cumlng street : will take % In trade. Wm. Fleming 1th and Uoul' lag. . Y IIE-M718--J4 I'OU A LIMITED TJME A FINE RESIDENCE site corner 291h and Dodg. $10,000.00 ( paving $0,00.0 paid ) . Full eommls.lon to Deents. \ . Flem . imig 14h nndlouglas. nEMll-4 EXCHANGES AND SALES ; CITY PI1OPEI1TY . fnrl , merchandise. Gnrvln CTY lrs. , 20 N. Y. Life. lIE-MEl , BARGAINS . SALE on TRADE IN IOUSES lots und farm . . N. Frcnzcr opp. 1' . O. HE-M852 J8 IRRIGATED FARMS NEVER FAIL ; FRUIT. potato grain and Otoclu farms for sale on easy toc' terms : eorrespndencc < solicited. E. B. Palmer . rom 36 , I'eople's bank , . Denver , Colo. nD-M930 WE HAVE FARMS FOR SALE IN ALMOST every county In .nstem Kansas nnd southwest Missouri ; It wi pay you to Investigate our "cash rent plan" ot ' selling farms. 'Ve can give yin better terms than anybody ; farms improved : poss.sslon soon. J. H. Brd ) ' . Crawford . bldg. . Tupekil. - ' Inn. nEM926 JU' A HOLIDAY DAfl3AlN-ThIAThI01tAN NE\V pret . . slx.ronm mOll"n east front one 1001 cottage . one hlock 'frnl Hnnscom Ilark. $3,00 ; ! 5500 discount this weel I. H. lall.r & Co. . Be . E:82.31 _ lIeebidg. - _ . . _ _ ! - - _ _ : FOR SALE A - FAnM. 1 : MILES northwest uf Omaha. niAddi " . . E 3. . Bee. . JS' . ' ltI'2-M339 BEGN TiE Nl1\S YEAR 1tIGlITDUYA : corner lot :3,0.Oj , : nail Ilnckne ) ' ; nice 5.r m cottage , . full hot on 20th street n rlh. $1.40.0. easy "aym.1\s \ ; we have 'em $00.0 and up ; houses t rent. hi. E. Cole Co. . lOG N. 15th. tl ' Hl -MI57 Z StX.nOmi MODERN COTTAO F n nlshed. U. ' II. ' 1I dr' & Cu. ; ! 'Uo "I1/ ' , RE-47830 - ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. AHMATUHES AND CONVERTERS REWOUND ; storage batetries recharged ; electrical and general - eal machinists : superior work guaranleed. Omaha Electrical Worl" 61 and G9 [ S. 16th 5t st. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRACtors - tors for electric lIght and motor plants and All kinds of electrical consruction. Western Eec- trio Supply Co. . US and42OS. 15th st. 1 LIIATIIER DELTING. CIT/iS. A. SCIIIEREN CIAS. SCIIEHEN LEATIEH ' . . . sea R _ iani , , e _ 517 _ _ _ . --n" _ . . - , . _ on o . " UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS 11. IC. DUHKET. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embalmer IG18 Chicago st. . telephone 90. 63G SWANSON & VAIIN. UNDERTAKERS AND embalmers liCl Cumlng st. . telephone 1010. 67 M. O. MAUL UNDERTAKER AND EM- balmer 111 Faram .t. . telephone 225. 63 C. W. BARER , UNDERTAKER , 613 S. 16th ST. 839 OOAL. D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED IlS COAL olco to 2 S. 16th st. . Brown block. 62 SIEJDAN COAL EXCELLENT SUBSTITUTE for hard coal and $3.50 ton cheaper. 1605 Far- anna street : main entrance Board ot Trade. Trde.I ALL KINDS OF hART ) AND SOFT COAL. I. Levi , 1"5 S. 13th street ; telephone 1549. 18-287 J21 HO'lEL . hOTEL IOARICIIR . 13TI AND JONES STS. 15 roms al $1.5 per day to rooms at $2.0 per day Special rates to commercial tra\'elers. Hoom and hoard by week or month. Frank Ililditeh . mannger. f3 AETNA blOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) . N. W. COH. 13th and Dodge. Rooms by day or weck. 63 HORSES WINTERED. ADDRESS IIAUTON & PhELPS , TEL. 104 , 201 N. Y. Lie bId ! 11428D31' I WILL CARlO FOR A FEW HEAD OF horses fOI the winter at $ per head per month. 10rs.s sent for nail returned nl $2 .ach. None but healthy horses taken und only from reo Rponslble partiec. I can give best of refer.nces. Address . lL Ilarl. . . Welch. Grelna. Neb. I JI BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION 10W TO GET A hOME on SI CUIE GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha I. & 13. . Azs'n , 1704 lice bldg. U. M. Nsttnger , Sec. 141 SIAIES IN MUTUAL L. AND 1. ASS'N I'AY 6. 1. 8 per cent when 1. 2. 3 yens 01 < always redeemaLle. 170. Faram sL . Nattnger , Sec. 64 tO'3T. I.mn" 01 , ) I.EATrmr ( POCIUT : 100K CON. mining tOe . elnilii'iu locket ant slur Ind crescent ' dlllon,1 , ring OI1t \ unit Ica".nworth car lne ( r 30th anll ar.nworth and 161h and Chleaso.1.'lnder)1 ) \ ; rewarded by culling at Union National ! I bamk , 33. 30 _ , ' "nl al.'k 1,01'1 A SOLID 00,1 RING , ON W121)NES- . ' ' - . ' return to IOI Hnulh .Iay c'r ' 'hur"lay. : , 1')7uo" urn & 22d sheet and r-.cH'o' reward. M33S 20. IOS' IiE'FS'I2l4Ninh5TII : , AN\ nOGNU 1th and IavemInorbnstrcois , h.tw'en 11:34 : and 12 I , 1. his IHnllll ) ) 10rlnl. I hnnllhaj , 'unlalnluJ a eho1 ! on Ih" l'aekers National Nntonll blk , sumno small . .clano antI a book cmiii ! I""rl. ( belonging . irs the Sisters or the 0"1 . , . ' Sailer , ' i ll , ' leave . shepherd ; InI'rl\'II I "I'as Irl.nle I $ this oilicnr or lIayileom . Uros , ' stole . 4513' ' ) ' LOST , JACI Hl Tlr-.I.lm COIEH I"pl'l dog ; / ' pmiu. . on collar ; reward . M. < A. hall , f35 H. ft11. . un > nu . 1151 < 31 IOS'I A HIO' ! 'r/'jIHlt / $ IUI SIX IttON'l'lIS old , I.'tum or nyinlress 1910 WeLstlr 0" cot for rewani , + 141 3t' TYPE . WRITERS STOI N TY1'IOWRITI3I1S OFFERED : FOIl ale should make you suspicious ; funny they are mObty Smith's. Try one and you wi understand why. 1'1 line of supplies . Smith- Premier Co. , Ilh aid " 'lrlm. telephone 1214. 154 . 14 BIO OLES. )1. O. DAXON , .0 N. 16TU. 63 OMAHA BICYCLE C 32 N. 16TU ST. , 590 A 1 DEANE 8 'CO. , BICYCLES , 116 lAJNA lUI8 1 STOVE ' REPAiRS . STOVE n IAIS I'OI 40.0 Dn"'EIT makes of atoHa. Water attachment und con. nectons I spe'ia1ty , 1:1 Douglas cn. . Omaha love Itepair Works , 150 Omah. ! Jepulr Work. & - - - L JOn lUNTlG , BIOF2I ) Jon I.JNTING CO. . FINE l'lHNTINO JEJD ot all kInds. 1b . It. . Do bhntg ' 163 DltESS'AKING. - - - - mtSSAAICNU IN FAM1LIES. US OHANT. M-168 .718' PIIIISSIIARINU IN loAluIII.1l15. FIT AND tnJ- MAIIN ( . n 49. \e. . : lIES 31' - ' CARPENTERS . AND BUILDERS. c C. MORRhiL CAIOI'liNTClt AND llUl1.DIIR . paper hanging Slid signs brick work nn,1 pIns- terlng. omeo IO S. 1th .t. , telephone 405. 517 - - - - - - - HAY AND GRAIN. . NE\HASICA hAY CO" , WIOESAIg hAY . grain And mill Stuf ! . We are always on the market to buy or sell , 1400.4-6 Nicholas 51. 61 _ . - - OPTIOIANS. OMAHA OPTICAL CO. LEADING OPTICIANS , J. P. Ponder . manager . Eyes examined free. 2 S. 16th 'it. , In 1lnsl.r's drug Btore. . 44 Jy2. , WHOLESALE OOAL. JOHNSON 11110 , WIOLI SALI DtAI IS IN all kinds or cOal. Correspondence solicited. 10 I.'arnam stre.t. r6 MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. G. F. Oglt.NJ CI { . IIANJOST AND teacher ISIO Cnlfor'n ' streel. 91 - - - - - - - - - - nUBIN NOTICiiS. - - - - - - - - - - - - tAMAOID MIIOIS IESIL\lmou , m N. 662 16. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. . . . - - - - - - - - - - - VAN SANT'S SCIIOOL Ole SlonT hAND . N. Y. Life . Omaha. Ask for clrcllar , tl ' - - DENTISTS. fill . l'AUL . DENTIST. 2020 BUIlT ST. 613 ' 11 : it11l'r5. : M'IU T. I INSTHU tNTS placed 01 rlcord Dlccmber W : , 1891 : WAHBANTY DmJS , I lingo ltiomii nimid wife t ci (1' It hllonri ttndI' Indl\ Hug . Ii . block 6. Newport ( 1111 I 10m . . . , , . . . . .S 1'2 A S Iuter anti wife tn S ' 1 10t.r. lot I , \Iodl , I. JI.lle I add , No. Z , lots 18 1111 1' ' . hInd 2 , lot I . , 110 ' 3 , lots 1 rind 8 , block , 4. I'uttel' i & l. . 2 , ( ni.Itl to South OmIJ\\ . 3,0 : < l < A A Uul" and hushanll to 1oills " Mc- I'herson n 31 feet lot 12. al\l s 15 feet lot 13. block J. . IleuIielt'n , 12 suhllv \ . . Ii . . . . . 10,00 l'eter I'lcqnieiir ntil wlr" to 1il I'helinii , lot nl\l 111 Ih.lnn 1.t.r I. , Ile\l.ur , aunt \ to.I'owl.r Plac" . . . . r H K .Inckson nml wife to \ ' 1 lteans . S8xl13 feet In sub lot I of lot 4. In 10.1 .13. . . 4 , ( Qt'lT CLAIM llms. M J. and N J. John.nn to I l , .lolnnson unllv iS lot 1. block 13 , lots 22 and 22 . block 8. Briggs hlok ce . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . : . I DI7IIDS. SpeMnl master to ' 1. Seiby . lot 3. block 1. \V L i'e1hiy's Isl nd" to South mnnhma . . III 1 Same to same . lot 4 , block I. sonic . . . . . 101 Total II0unt ot transfers . . . . . . . . . $8.328 J A _ IE : T nUHEAU. SUES Se CO. , $3o1lcIor3. $ Bee L1fld1I1g. OMAhA Nob. Advice FlE@ . RAIL\VAY ' rr11E CARD Leaves I3U1tLINGTON & MO . 1tIVER.AnrIves LeavesBUlLINGTON 10. IUVEH.IAr'es Omaha \ Union Depot 10lh & Mason Sts.1 Omaha 10:15n : : . : : : : ni.rx'pr.ss : . : : : : : : : : : :3nm : 4:3hpm.hJlk. : Hills . Mont. & l'ug.1 Snd. Ex. 4:10pI : i 4:35pm..Denver Exi , . ets. . . . . . . 4 :0pm : 6Ipm.Nebrska : Local ( except Sunday ) . 1t5.m [ , , . local ( except Sundny.11llamn : : 8Iam.Llncoln : .cnl SUldJy.I ln 2:01pm. : . .Fast Mail l for Lincoln ) Daii' _ = = ' - Leaves ' ICIIICAGO. : DUnINGTONQArii : \ : Omaha \ Union _ 1ellot. lath & Mason Sts.1 Omaha 4:15pm..ChIcago : \ > suill . " ; : . . . 9:10am : : 9 :4.am. : . . . . .Chteaeo Bxpress. . . . . . . 4 :20pl : 1 : Opm..Chlcn/o and Iowa Jocal. . . 8:00am : 1 :3511. : . . . .Ineilc / Junction _ Local. , . . . . . 6:10pm : Leaves ( . ' CAGO.r.IL. . & ST. PAUL.IArrlv \ Jea.st \ U.lot. lOth & Mason StsI Omaha 6:00pm..Cnicago Itml.d. . . . . . 9 :3am : 11IOam..ChiiciiEO : Exliress ! ox. Sun. ) " " Goop : n u-1 Leaves LCIIICAGO & NOIITIIWI2ST'N.IArrlves Leae.CICAGO & Omaha \ U.nl. Depot 10th - \ _ & Mason 515,1 Omaha : . . . . . . . Expr.s. . . . . . 6:30pm : 4:00pm..Vestibuled : 1.lmle . . . . . 1:4010 4:0pm. : . . . . . : . Valley Jocal. . . . .10:30pm 8:45pm : . . . . . Omaha Chicago Special. . . . . 2:5p : , L.a\'c j CHICAGO. H. L&PACIFIC. ArrIves Omaha I Union Depot 10th & Mason 81s.1 Omaha EAST. - 11OOam..Atlar.tlClOXPreSS : ( ex. Sunday ) . . 6:0pm l:0am..Atartc : pm. . . . . Xp Expr..s. . . . . . . 9 :5am : 4:3Cm..Chlcago V.stbuled Limited. . . 1:051'm : l1:35pm.Olclahoma _ _ _ [ _ - EXI' - - lto C. ' D. ex Sun..11:30pm ) - WEST :15am.Oklahomn : Texas Ex. ( ex. Sun..1:30pm : . .ColoradoLimlted. . . . . . . . 4:0m : Leaves I C.IOTP.M. & U. IArrlves Omahal I Depot 15th and Webster St. I Omaha 9:30am..N.bra.kn : la..en/.r ( daily ) . . 8Jpm : 4:35pm..Sloux : City Express ( ex. Sun..1llOam . : 6:10pm..St. : Paul Llml : . . . . . - 9:40am : IeavesF. . 10. & MO. VALLEY : Omaha \ Depot 151h and Webster hOts . I Omaha -ZIOpm. : . . . Fat Mali and ' xprS:55pm : 2:10pm. : . Sat. ) Wo. Ex. lex. Mon. ) . 4:55pm : 9:01am. : . .Norfolk . Expres ( ex. Sunday.10:30nr ) : 4:55pm..remont : Pas. ( ex. Sunday ) . . 1 : Opm : : . . . . . . . . I'aulExprcss. . . . . . . 1:40am : Leaves IC. C. ST. J. & . C B. IArrl"s Omaha I Union D.pt. 10th & Mason Sls.1 Omaha 9:45am..Kansas : City - Day Expo . . . GIOp : 945pm.K. ; C. Night _ Ex.ViaU. P. Tran.s . 6:53am : Leaves I MISSOUI PACIFIC. IArrlves Omaha I Depot 15h and Webster Sls. I Omaha -9:45am. : . . . . . . . . Louts - Express. . . . . . . . 6:00am : 9:30pm..St. Louis ! xpress. . . . . . 6:0pm : 5lOpm.NebrafikaLocal : - _ _ ( ex. . Sun. ) . . 1:10am : x-eI SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. IArrlv.s Omaha _ Depot 15th and Webster Sls. Omaha I GIO"m. : : : : . . .SI. Paul Llmle < ! . ' : : : :4Cam Leaves SIOUX CITY & IACJFl 7 ArrIves . OmnalnalUnion I Depot 10th & Mason Sts.\ \ Omaha 6:15am..Sioux : - City ' Passenger..10:20pm : 6:10pm..St. : . Paul LII j . . . = 9:40am : Leaves I ION-IACFI-j IArrlv i Omaha \ UnIon Depot 10lh & Mason SI81 Omaha IO:003m..ICearney : Express. . . . . . 3:4pm : 10Oam. .le ley 2:00pm. : . . . . . .Overlnnd I.\yer. \ . . . . . . :35fm : 2Oopnihtoatnlco & Strom.h'g gx ( ex. Sun ) , 3:4pm : 2opm.B.atrlce : . . . . . . . . .Paclfc Expr.es. . . . . . . . . .10:55am : EI : p . = . . . . . . . ! asllul , . . . . . . . ! . . . . . 4:1011r : LeavesVAUASII I1AIL'IVAY. 'hrrlv.B ' Omaha \ Union Depot . 10th & Marion Hts.1 Omnha 3:55pm..St. : wuls Cannon Ball..12:35pm : .Ii'I Jf.uIIfs .13 LILt NCR J'JW13ft.I .11 , L'Intfornm , < olle,1y ( ; olor < . o Radicals 01 National haues. DENVII1 Dec. 29.-Tho convention or the State Farmers Alliance has adopted a pohltl- cal program which demands : A national currency , safe , sound and flexIble , Issued hy the general gorermenl only , n full legal tender for all debts , public and private , anll that wlhout the use of banking corporatons : the free and unlimIted coinage of sliver and gold at the present legal ratio of 16 to 1 : thaI the amount of circulating medium he speedily Increased 10 al least $ iO per capita , exclusive of legal reserves : n graduated In- come tax ; thaI national legislation shii be so frame In the future as not to bulli tip ( one Industry at the expense of another ; Ihll postal savings hanks be established by the govermcnt for ( the safe deposits of the earnings - Ings of tine people and to facilitate xchange : thaI land shall not be monopolzC for specmi. latvo plrpose anti alien ownership of IRII sholid be prohibited : government ownership of the railroads . time telegraph and tclclhcms systems _ _ _ _ _ S _ _ _ _ ' elln : Lvldcmmco Allllt Ifrns. CHIOAOO , Pee 29.-At the grand jury inquiry , Iulry into the case of Slale's Attorney Iern Allclph Krause publisher of the Chicago Times fastened one case whcn he stated posi- tlvcily that the state's attorney , throlgh AB slsl3nt Slate's Attorney Bolum , hail "com' poundld" a $1,000 forfeit h011,1 , for a cash pay- ment of $1.500. lie hEll a contract signed by Assistant Htuto's Attorney Doltum 10 show for this aliegation . Asslbtunl Chief of Police Kipiey told of crimInals whom ho could never Kpley Induc the stale's attorney to rlpg to Irlal. No reason for the failure was sh'en. Mayor HOIklns , , Chief of Police Drennan anti Chief o Detectives Shea were subpoenaed , but nol called. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ Oregon Kidney Tea cures all kidny trou. bles. Trial size , 25 cents. All druggists. e- - Arlvhcs ( 'lu.llhaU I TUCSON .rl , , Dee 29.- Mexican sheep herder was . hl'ought Into Bsbeo today suffering ( rom a gunshot wound through tine thigh He ' < 'S he was tacltell by ' Inounted Indiunmi wlnil alone lookIng live llns whlu ! after his sheel' nail when he tool to hint heels the TiIlkns { opened lire on 131111 only one ot the ntltols taking / eteeel. He Ilnuged ! to \ Join several her < lera I hlif mile ( rom limo sl'cne ot the shooting . who took hll to Bls- Imee. In time oplnlun ) oe old Imers this hold , attempt at murder Is but I starter for st-rl ! Indian trouble. Part of Oe.onllu'l Land ofII'h ( has been ret\red to time San ( 'arlos rebon'nUun , Ihelr old tmtminiing grolnds , Ild while they hlve been there only n short 11" . they are beginning 10 cetin alarm In a way . that II eauslnl the . settlers great BATTLE OF WOUNDED \ ) nR ( EE' ' Review of the figbt Whose Fourth Au- nivorsnr Was Ycstcrny , PRCBABLY M\RKED \ AN EPOCI CnlRe of the 1OSl lcntontrmtln nf tin 810\ II11111 or 1111 ) wit it ln\c' tClt or 'rOOld amid . \ 11'1 ( len8100 ot Settlers After the baile of tine Little Pig 10rn , that nlglllar ) ' encounter In which the gal- taut Custer and nlmost his entire (0118111 were wlpcl out of existence time battle of Won\1ICI Inle. near Pine Itldge nllcy. four . I ' ' ' . stalHls In the his' yesterday out years age ) 'cstlrln ) I tory of the frontIer wih the most vivid 1m. Iortnnce . The two battles Irt lmistnrh' the first one because oC its llsatonnl features alH1 its massacre of the entire commnml or an IItrcl1111 leader . The last ole wi long be referred to as prohably the last ; Imilortllt conflict between the Illans 111 the whies , The PeoPle of Omnha w1 particularly ) re- lilelmober for ' ' the battle of memblr man ) years balie . \\'oltliet Knee I was through this city that nil the troops which were so hill ; nielly Slnt to the ( rout Passed , and It \IS thronh The Il 's special reports thlt the 1110pie . of the entire counlr \ ore Inept ; fully In- formll as to the progress of the moves IUll countlr moeshlch enlell with the sanguinary - . ary en ounter. 'fhe battle of Wounlel Jnlo was the cul- mlmton or a lour train of dlsllul.tnr e\lnls which Imad unsettled the minds of lhe ( 111 ns of tIme Sioux tribes. Early In thl summe' a mystcrlols rumor spreal all Ihrouh time norllwlst that nn Imlan Messiah was Hon to malte hIs appearance. The Iesslah woull sweep the limited whites oul of time ImtllWltY of the 1111ns , restore the latter to ni their coveted hllltnr roumls nail ngaln ; place lhcm In eOl1lele Possession of tIme entre contnlnl Time rnmor of t1 ( coming of time Messiah greatly excIted the Imlnns nnl morel them to the ghol Innc < . n dive sion only engaged . . In upon occasions of the cheep- eat gr\.I . I Is after the ! host lance that time 1lllan break away [ rom the Ieslrllts of clvlllla- ton and resume their wurare Ulln their 01. . tme eimemmies the wlmites. Consequent ) . when tIm gOH : nments agents heard of the ghosl dancing they were qUlclt to see the : gr.tve conSlqlences that might l'nSII. At frst the uenls Inlertoolt to dl5s11le time Indians by friendly iuesunsiomi. . l alll ! In this they essayed force. This brought the Inlluns Into opcn ) Insurrecton al11 the ex- ciement among the sa\'ages all over tine such pilch that great northwlsl grew lo n the govlrmenl itself . thlolh the regular arm ) ' . was compeled to stop tIle dancing but only uter the sacrlfco of many 1'e0 on both sides SIGNIFICANT GhOST DANCE. There Is nothing very inspiring or ehabo- rate abolt n ghosl dance. Is terrible slg- nlfcance alone lemls It an Interest. Whel the Indians prepal ( to eflgne In the guest dance they erect a tall pole . oramenle : al the top with shorl strips of brlght-colorell calico. The dancers divest themselves or all orraimments . put emi a white colon shirl over theIr clothing and abstain [ rom fool : or drink. When the dance commcnces time Indians advance toward time pole with Uplifted - lifted hands supplcatng the Great Spirit lo Iwep them In good healtlm. The big mitedl- cine man invokes a player to his deIty and then un Inlghled 111pe Is hell tIP for the Great Splllt 10 541101(0. Whln I Is discovered - clod that the Great Spirit refuses to smolte the proffered pipe of place the IndlanB wall and sob laltng the refusal as an omen that the Great Spirit does not desire peace. Then the dancers join hands In a circle and dance around their hnprovlsll simnlno all the tIme keeping time to a wierd monotonous chanl. After lhey be como dizzy they fall to tile ground In exhauston , and II Is willIe In a Ill etendel trnce that thlY visit the hnpI ! hunting grounds and lear the commands of the Great Spirt .s early ns July 1890 , the Indians com- mencet . the ghosl dance at Tongue river. Agent Cooper 1 man with great Infnlnce among the sa\agls. dlsslndt.1 them for n among tme. hut the excItement gradually spread untl all the northwestern tribes of the Slolx nation were In a fervor of enthusiasm for naton the coming of their Messiah and the long- prOmlbld annihiaton of the hated whites. In October the Sioux near the Pine Ridge agency began the ghost dance. Agent Gal- lagher took a posse of thirty Indian police- men and endeavored to put a stop to the dance. The dancers showed fghl anti Gal- lagher was compeletl to retreat This was the spark that set fire to time slumbering . feelings of discontent among tIne Sioux and time excitement became intc'mmse. At last Agent ltoyer , who sticceedod Gallagher at Ilosebttnh , became alarmed at tine conditloml affairs were rapidly mtssuming LIIIII called on time War department for aid , Time Inovenlent of troops toward I'lmme Ridge comnmuenced on Tmmcsday , November 18. On that unto time Second Infmulmtry lflarClmed out of Fort Omolma , equipped for a winter caur.palgn. Other troops were forwarded by special train. The flee sent its special correspondent - respondent vitim time troops , and - reprezetmta- tlves of tIne Cimicago mmd New York locurspa' pora were also dispatched to the sceimo of time promised hostilities. It 'as real war , immnh no summer canmnain timat tIme governmmmeunt ts engagiumg in. ( leneral hlrooice left the dcpartumment headquarters Imi Omalma nail took coir'nmaumd in tIme ibid until tIme sittnatlom be- caine so grave that General MIles lniimself was sent to the front. On Neveuuler 20 time situation at l'hile Ridge was critical In tIme extreme. General Brooke % 'as in comumnanti of 1.001) otporioncenl soldiers , all of timen , lmmtlimtuo figlmters , with a long record of galliuitry Imeimimici tlmoin. Facing this imarmilful of troops were (1,000 ( cxciieul red- skiums , all artued yitimViumclmester rllies muul fully suimimlieci with nmlflhlflItiOmm. Tine gravity of tine situation demanded the inresenco of more troops , and other regiments were sent to tine front as rapidly us telegraph orders could be isstmecl and sPecial trmiumnu : lie rurm. Forces , vera gatimored from Forts Moatlo , Me- Kinney , Robinson , Niobrara , Riley nnnl Leavenwortim , 'rime two crack cavalry regi- merits of time service , tIme Seuvolotit and the Ninth , time former tIme well kmlowll comilpall. ions of the gmnllaumtCuster anini time Imctter Uno colored warriors so long coiimnoaumcleni by time intrepid I latcim , were dinnpatt'imeil to time scenic. until reghltlemmte imnd ; seen etl- luost contlnmtal ruervico aim time froiitk'r , arid 100th mail brilliant roconils ( or inntIovess against tile PailIteul foes of time nation , RAN TO TIlE hIM ) LANDS. Tim SlolIx oero c'tmtroimcimeml iii time bail laituls. witim tineir omlmuoost tmniuassablo caumyolomi anti defiles. Time Imermlno of teores of rartein- , , , ' . , , ' , . nr. ni I , nil nro,1 a nl 'tar onen , I lie I mm diarms wore IlcfltltmiiiY ) lttllInhieuh with rooui. For a long time tine troops overe lInt nntrnuitg enougim It ) ( chow time .Trmdiatmmn into thu bmnl ; Iarmdni , aloil ovinen tlmoy wore strong t'notigin sucim a c.ainhiaigilvoil imumpracticablo liccailso 'I'Iio sltuahiun rtmsob'enh itself - it. wIts imopelem'mm. self into wimat Major hItlrk ( ' . Imo of limifralo lhiiI iuiiti " \'Ilul V'est" fame , ileciareni to be a grarini bhimif elm imotim sluice. 'h'huO Sioux en. ileavorcil to draw time trociput mob tli lied iarmnis , vimero tlmey ummiglit easily hmavo lit'cum aummbtmscmiuleil mmd wiued off time face of time eartim. Time troops unuhor comTtutbaumnl of Gemm- oral Miles were constantly endeavoring to Inihuce ti Sioux to stmrrormder. For a inontim time waiting garime was lihaycml by time scary Ilglntens on botlm sides , nail blue coat viol witim reclslcin Iii the exerclnte of mntraiegy. 'I'1num caine a utensatiommal iuoclilemit. Sitting iltmli. timti chief preummioter of every Inmilaum uprising for time Ilast twtlmty years , wait lmlUcCh 111311cr arrest by a inosso of himmlian 1)011CC. II is cuummlmaflioillc etlle.'lvorwl ( to rescue iiirmm , and in thu higimt which ( oiiowcul Sittlrmg hluil was kiiieml. This vas time begicmnlng of time cuiuh. Sitting - ting Hull's warriors , to time nuuniwr of nearly 200 , lied to time bath hands , iteadel by Big Foot. It was at once realized that ilme pr- eimco of SItting Iluli's 110011 In time Immnin cariim at lImo hail lands , with time riewni of time kiii- irmg of time chit medicine man , woimid infuriate time avagent to time flgtmtlumg poiimt. A iuatlai' ion of time Ninth cavalry started in iursuit and aim receunlier 22 time entirl hand. wltim tine exception of a few stragglers who a's- caped. were surrouumded. Tluey surremdenmi and ( Inc troops started back to tine agtiumcy witim them. Time news at time surrender ralseul time imopeim of time \Var dcpartimlcumt , arid on receipt of ads'Iceii freimi time seat of war General Schofield at Washington gravely us- incited that oil trouble was ermded mmimii that peace was ommiy a matter of arrallgelmmelmt of detaii , In the meantime tIme bostilea were wrougimt to a still higimer 911011 of frenzy by the sii ? . f den hiIICltrflilCe of a wimite man named A. 0 , liolikihis , 'imo vretntleti to be time long-looked- for indian Messiah. Hopkins ova it fratiul _ _ _ _ _ time 111051 glaring pattern , btmt he was at tim " sonIc tIflbO II weak.minuhetl , imfllf.thClblClltCut fellow. lie donned a white biankel and iititl wIth time Inthhmins , passing time nights Ill throb' tepees and filling their already in. ilaumieil imiinth , 'IUi stories of iris purpose to rut tine lanui of time 'imitcs fluId bnlimg back time buffalo , lie was finally capttmreti ahmu * dhriverl aw-ity by orders of General llrooke. START AFTEII 131(1 FOYi' ( . 0mm iecember 24 timc' uoews CmtlmlO vitlm tIn- expected suddenness timat Big Foot mid time % ' imrnlors of Slttlhmg huh's fernier colnumlanti imaul escaped and were 11101-dug again for time j bnml lands , \\'ltimin arm incur after the receipt of this startiiimg iutfonlmlatlohl at i'libo ltldge , Ccioroei iieimry 011(1 A battalion of time Niiltil cavalry started In litirsuit with orders to Illako a forced nmarclm of forty llliles without rest tintil lie overtook time hoeing imostlles. Time troopers' were Shllphiedl with five days' r.itlons , aflil a Pack traIu laden itlm StipIllicti followed aum inotlr later. 'rime Sevelltlm cavalry so'as given orders to hold itself in reatlitmesa to 1110Cc at a Inonmeult's notice. TIue sittlfltioil 1\,1a mow reaching time noirot vimere nothing but limo lmoost dhethierato reimledlics vomi1ch lreveimt a general engngelmlent betweeim time entire force of G,000 redskins anti time troops. On hecennbcr ) 26 four battalions of time Soveimtii cavalry , tmimder coioolmtand of Coloitel Forsytime , started to time assistallco of Colonel iiellry of tit NInth. New's of a conihict s'ns mmlolmmdmltar- ii ) ' expected. Time StiSliCllSe coittlittied all (143' OIl tine 27th , but or , time fOhit)0'u'iilg ' tin ) ' , tlme 28th , hews was brotigimt to time nkeiocy by a courier that hIig ioot's entire baud hail nguliil been captured. Time troops startcI back to time agency with their caluti'es , nnil oIl tine iulgimt of time 2stim ciocanmipeti at tima head of W'otiimthctl lClmec creek. In annootmnmclng time IICWS of time recaptinro of lug Foot anti imi warriors 'i'ime lIce's spo- dci cerrespoumcheumt Inade time following state. ll100t : ' 'It iools as if time surrertder is not - - . 1003(10 ( wholly in goo.h friltim. Tine Prisouers inako ! 10 offer to give tip timelr rilieui and Rloives , " Tlmat time surrcimdcr was not lit gooui faitimt'as abundantly ( ielmoolmstratetl time lmext ntorituiog , Oim time nioruminmg of lcceumolmer 29 , Colonel ) Fors'tlno miccideul to dirtarimi imis captives lie. fore proceedinmg to time ageimcy. il suimo- umloilcl the calmtlve Sioux froum timeir tePees mmd his cavalryimenm 'vntcitenh s'inile tine suiieio imostiles , wraIuped to tlmeir chums with tlmeir blankets , rainged timoisseives lit a semi-circle arolmimd time froiot of time tepee in winicin Big Foot hay on a sick bed. Time captives were r'rtiereul to go to timeir tepees in snllIads of twcumty to bring tlmeir rifles. Time flrot squad went nrmd returned with twenty rules. Coi. onel Forsythe scented troulmie ir an Instant aumul dlsmuotmitting lmis t eapers , im brocmgimt timeumi to witlmili close range ci time lfO call- tlve iiostiies eu time gromtnd , Timei a sqtmad of soldiers ere seumt to search time 'acmumt telupos. Timey fotniod sixty rifles , all practi- caii' wortlmiessVimllo time search 'mos ill. progress the Indlaims set III ) R wierd chant , time ( till slgmoiflcaimce of winicim was tmllllcedett by tine' soliliers in waiting. As time searciminmg party returned aimd Colonel F'orsytime turned witim almgry face toward time captives to in- . qtmire time meaning of the sullen disposition of time cimarmting savages , a ineuliciimo Inait furtively reached out imis imammd anti scrapln together a anlahi imandftml of brown earth suddenly tossed it 11310 time air. LAST IIATTLII BEGUN. It was time sigumal. Ii , all Instant the 150 Ilmdiamos sprang to their feet , threw' open time blankets , 'imicim comicealemi tlmeir loadml'in - cimesiers , arid witim a yell tired a deadly ye- icy poimit blank into tIne hiume of mlisnmoimntetl , cavalrymen. So sudden was time moveiment timat not tt simot was fired by the troops until after tlmat first volley caimle fion , time ilos- tiles imutlnhled III front. of timeimm. HIlt oimly for' an instant were the rhtmsky troopers of tIme NInth ruiienit. Tlmen time ) ' openemi fire , almost wititout word of commmland. Time figlnt was Imot as long as it lasted , but It lasted but a simort time , Time InulianI fled for tlmo cam- yells and timoy were almot dowmi as times' i'ami. Time entire band was practically extermninatcd , even tine squavs sinaniimg time fate of tIme treaclmerous braves , 'rime troops lost seventeen - teen In killed aumd timlrty4our in wotlnded , several of tIme latter afterwards dyIng. Thmo news of time fight SOOIl reached Pine Ridge and plungeul time agemmcy into tIme great- est. excitement. For a time it was feared ' that time 6,000 Inostilesvimich strrrourmded time agency would opeim a general emmgagement. but as time days wore away the danger be- caumlo less and less inuimminetot , and after a few weeks of threatening denoonmutratiom time em- tire band of itostilent camne into tIme agem1cy and surrendered. In tIme ireantime the battle \Voundetl Kumee spread consterilatlOmm along time north. cr11 frontier. Time settlers were alarmed to the hilgimest degree , anui ( oliowirmg the advice telegrapined by Geimeral lirooke , gatimered Ia the smmmail towns. Tine feeling of insecurity , became so great tlmat Goverrmor lloyd ordered out time state militia , and every available comulmamoy of time Nebraska National Guard i.d went to the front and reunainemi for several weeks until all fear of further trouble sub- . sideiL It is not likely that anotimer battle wiil over be fought between the reds and time whites. Time battle of WOuuIled Knee prac- ticaliy closes time imistory of Indian warfare which imas extended tinrotmglm time three cen- tunics and immore of tIme history of time Amer- ken republic. It is an epocim marker anti stalds as time botiumihary post- between tioa Indian of today and tbe savage of tile past , CULl ) .SA.h1' L'-e .11,1 : , ) ? 1'LiWIl.0. Sesero Weather ltoportcnl fromm , Emist , Vcst nimd .Somitim. I , WASHINGTON , Dec. 29.-FollowIng are hr SOhilo of time IlliilirOlUIll telmblmeratures for twenty-four imommrs record at soutlmrm , ta. tiorms : Clmariesten , 14 degrees ; Savannah , 12 ; Aimgtmsta , 10 ; Atlanta , 4 ; Montgomery , 12 ; Itieniiiarl , 10 ; New Orleans , 22 ; Mobile. 12 ; Jacksonville , 14 , anti Tmmnnpa , 18. Severe ( lni inn Colnrncdo. BRUSH , Cola. , Dec. 29.-TIme weatimer fertile tile past three or four days has been tine severest wimichi hmas been experienced tom' years. Sumow felt to the deimtim of three lnchmes on time 24th , annl timemm again nil inch on time 26th , anmd inst nigimt the mercury m4t , ' dropped 26 1110W zero. Time stock which are ill imastturcs anml mayo some kind of simelter. fare very well , imtmt those wimicin are on tlm range witlmout teed or rnimeltttr mayo a very hard tirmoo of it , lmtmt. up to date timere inns iteca 100 report of uleatims. Zero Vcmrt in cm r I mm I'e in usy I , 'mtmnle. PIT'l'SIIUIIG , Iec , 29.-Tine lowest Point reacimeil by time tlmernmonneter wart 4 degrees below zero at 7 o'clock last evening. A * a , III. today tine signal service reported 2 ne- grees below. Considerable trouble imas been experienceul by a simortingo of tine natural gas. supply. caused by time breaking of a bi main bailing franc tine fields , Iteports train till ) inomutalns : say that mit some poinmtnm tilts rniercury neacimeul 16 degrees below zero , J'mrty ilaloiv Zi'rr , tim % % ' , 'st New Yoric , NEW YOIUC , lec. 29.-Tile coiui inas been exccptionaliyl severe time last twenty-tour imours. Time mercury timis rnorniiitg reacimeti 8 degneehi aioV ( ) zero , At Saranac lake ut time Adiroindack mmmouuottminii , 32 degrees below - low Was reached ; at hiuntirhgtoul Ferry , in time sammie region , time temperature warm 40 be. low zero ; at Genesee time mercury fell 10 dci. rees below zero , , , lillgzmirni iImnsvinig In Iltmiim. IIINVEII , Iec , 29.-All Icnivcr anmi Ri Graiomle aimni Colorado miiihanml tralrmmm trout time west caine in several hours lmtte toulay in conSeqtIetlCe of a blizzard lmn Utah , Tue mitorrni begair yestermlay m1ionmming and con. tinnmnul null day. At Prove , U. T. , a foot ot snow tell. _ _ _ _ S _ _ _ _ 3imrssillnni Shiners Iteject tine itnite. MASSIL.LON , 0. , iec ) , 29-Time Massiliori minIons ima'e retuceml to abide by time declsiort of time board of ariltratiorm fixing imu nate for mlitlng at GO ccnnts pen tonm , Iteaoiutlons. tu'ere auloutcni d050UlnClllg tine cettienmieimt as. an outrage ulmonm tine inilmera , anti favoring a joint 1ineetlng of dimeratorim at an early date , time mines to be closed uimtll after tills. nwetirmg. 'I'tme operators were gremmtiy dis.- ampolntoni , tnnmnl wIIi not pay Irlore timan GO. cents , 10 timeY say. _ _ _ _ _ Simnnt jun 0 % iSo nun Ilimis.'lr. NF'nOItLI4A NS , 13cc , 29-I'eter Mmlrdock. . LI street car rrmotonmmnmmrl , Iantt oycnlimg idiot ida wife and timemi blew out mItt own brains. with revolver , 'i'imeY vene at timelr home nIoulu : nniul imotimimmir s'moH known , of tue imur- nilmie rIced imrmtil Mrs. iipnru , time nrmotiier o time young 'unnmuii. culled itt time imouse. Tins. umml'ortunmmto ty imnaim Ivea net ( lead , bill 1 * fatally wounded acId urnmmble to IoU ut tl affair , Murdock waa dead. - - - -