Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1894, Page 6, Image 7

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    . . . " . . . . . \ : .L.i.J , . . .r..J . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . . . l _ , . , _ . - . , . , . , * ' ' .
. . . ,
. ' . , " ' . . " . . . . . . . . . " . . . -.4 -J- . . ! , . . " " , . ' w. . . . , . . , " ' T , 1 " . , , _ . . , ! " . ' " . ' , < , ' . . , 1. -.n I'T '
( : ; TIE O.LAIA DAILY DUE : SATURDAYDEOThEflElt 29 , 1 80.t.
Grain MarKel' Were Heavy Ycstrday and
IncHncll t Weakuoss .
. -
TIlN ) Wn the JCAllt ot Easy : Cnblrs nn.l
t. I Illc fr Iho Uolhl11 1)UI1tieS-
. OntRn ' 1'lr.l , R i YI-
llthlto .Iarktt .
ChICAGO . Dec. 2S.-Tho Jrln Ilrltels' '
wI-e heav ' today anti Ilclnetl 10 weakness
Ullcl' , easy cubics ant Innuoncul by hollln '
t1tiIIncs. . 'rhe 11rovlalo mnrkolK wore somo-
Ihlng ) oC I g1ad'ome look Cor the bulls . and
- . mate ni utvalc ol 2c II pork and ! lO In
* each lard and ribs.
, and oats closed In the dole-
I Whenl carl . II tole-
1ul dumps at respective declines or Cram ' .c
[ to iic.
After I struggle or thirty minutes In the
wheat lilt lila moring another ' . -c was
l'uhbet oft the Ilrce ) oC that article. The
L early cabcs ! luoled 1.lverlool I shAtli lower
t and steady fit the declne , The addition . to
the crop or the country yesterday was not
II todAy'l recehlls. Chicago got 4\ \ cars , or
rather 22 Cars lor 22 or the inpecteil , were
. , transfrret1 from private to pUhlc ware-
t houses. The receipts here I year ago were
74 cars : lnnelllcls reported 11 car 11\1
Duluth j ( 01' 217 cars 1\ all . compared with
27 Ilsl ( 1"llln ( ) ' and 3Gl n year ago. Clenr-
/nces or wheAL l\tl ( lour from the Atlantic
I ports IloUnlet to 320AO ( hu , The closIng
; cables weic 11 line with thee received I
year ngo. Liverpool was from lji to % tl ( i
I lower. larl ! quoted 2 cellhned tiecln for
] ) ec' ' 1her flour . hut no change II delr ) ' .
q antI . quoted wheat be \ . .10wal nraund. "IlY
Wllettt . Whir ) ) ullone,1 ) at l71c. first a,1'Anee,1 ,
. I trillo t from 61c 10 & Nic. all folowed
that up hy I tlecllo 10 57hc . It aftrwitrd
bobbc'a UII hOd Iown , between t7c nod r,7c ,
. to b7e. alt lulesl trading WItS It 57c .
ILL which there were . however , lore sellers
than buyers.
Corn ns moderately netlve . but wenlt
The lemllHI Wil Wil Ignll very limited . for May
corn , but for No. : altl No. 3 yellow to go
, 11 store there WIK a rather better Inqulr
The range oC fluctuations In : Iuy Wl9 liar-
row. The openln : Ilrlco was 1&\'lc. \ showing
no change since the Ilrevlous afternoon. 1
wits fairly steady Intl 11'1 for I short
time . but weakened , when wheal began to
. I ec 1 II. 1 Boll sparingly iK hIgh Its 4S'c
antI tleclnel to .I Itc. It whIch prIce how-
ever , nol much could he hough 'h latest
, trailing WAS lt from 48',4c to 1S % c.
Oats was purely IL sympathctc market.
Prices were considerably lower , hul onlY I
fairly active session was iassel ) . May
Btartlt where It eltet yesteriay . II 31'c.
. aoll 10wl to 811c Inl closed at 31e.
'fhe provision market ] opened rather tame
nt I ahlde less than yesterday's closing
prices . although tile run of hogs WAS considerably -
allenlbly smaller than had bee looked ro\o
Inclination sell checletl
, The Incllaton to sel was soon ( (
, vhen It was tlscoveretl thAt many of the
recent sellers were disposed to take the
; ' other slte of the mnrct. ] May pork . which
yesterday closed ut UIG. opcnetl with sal
, nt from that dOWI et to $1.r111 ! the latest
. trading wal II $ hi.S5. May - lard opIned at
- $6.0 In,1 closed It H. May ribs started at
- $5.0 and closed ] nt $ o. I
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Artteles.i ] I Ollon. I high. I Low. I CI03J.
\VlieiitNO. 2
; ) LINo.2 . . . . ! 3 ' f3 t2H GSH
May. . . . . ! 7 ( t ! 7HH ! n' 67"
. . . . . , tt9 & 77Gft35
Cg YN ' II 6t' G7 GI 61)
f Corn . o : 2. :
- Dec. . . . : . 46" 4/ 45Gt14 / '
Jan. . . . . . . 46r' 46H 4 ( Mt 4/1
, Mny. . . . 4833 } ' 4B ' 41 4Rt' . ( ;
Oati No.2. .
T nec. . . . . . . 28" ( : RH 28 26"
- ? .lay. . . . . . 3i3 31H 3i4 31H . '
aork per bb ] .
Jan. . . . . . 1 l7 1 424 1 ] 7" 1 41H
May. . . . 1 67J 1 81 117 1 85
LardiOO lbs
' Lrd,100 . . . 6 65 676 665 675
, Nny. . . . . . 6 so 7 00 0 to 700
Short lubs-
Jan . Ibs- . . . . 561 I 70 I 01 570
l . 1.tny. . . . . . . 6 tO 000 0 0(1 000
Cash Quotaton" were I t010ws :
r' FLOUht-Fasy . unchanged.
T WHEAT-No. : sprIng G74f2ic : No. 3 .
t pring . nominal ; No. Z red . G1 34.
COIIN-No. 2 , 4G'e ; No. 3 yellow. 41ti11c.
: OATS-No. 2. Jc ; No : whIte 31c : . o. 3
" . 31' ! 31'o.
' nV1No. 2. 4Sfj4Stc.
L IAIU.EY-o. ) . 4S@tSHc. : No .3 , t C5e ; No.4.
11Iif54'c. - . I. $1.3.
TIMOTHY HIED-i'rime [ , $5.521.
l'IIOVJIIiONS-Mesa pork. per h1 [ . 3l1.37i1.O.
, . 0 llOVJHINR-MeM . pel 10 . prk Shot \eI ribs shIes. lees
$5.7ottl75 ; dry 5'1,1 shoulders boxed. 1@5Iic ;
short clear .hles. hoxel. 6f61 ' e.
\VII1SKY-Disthllers' : finished gods , per gal. .
, , 11:2 SUOAIS-Cl loaf. unchanged.
, tony Te : following were the receillts and shipments
- "A'rttoies. - - - - lleeelpts. - - 91lpmonls.
11'iour bbls. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.000 6.00)
4 Wheat bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . 80.000 4,00J
Corn . bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . 111.000 10,00
b Oats . bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70.00a ) 00,00
lyo.bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.000 OOUU
_ ! a&.ey. ! bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ 23.00i ! 8.0)3 , ,
On the Produce ncluliro : today ' the butter mn-
r kel was quiet : croawery 12e : dairy 103
: 100. EiIB. sleady : 11c. .
NEW YUIUt O3tNEltAf . 11 IUET.
Closing Qlotntln" 01 the PrIncIpal Ooan
moltes and Slullol.
: , NEW YOnK . Dec. Z.-FLOUI-Heeeipts. 12.-
L S ® bbls. ; exports , 1,30 bbls. ! ; sales 6,5 ' pkgs.
7farket generally nominal. Uaker II small do-
! , Inlaid anti n ( southern flour. 1)0 lour , steady ;
ale . [ 0 bbls. Uuokwhent flour , dull ' $ l.SOji.R5.
IOHN MEALQuiet : sales , 2 bbls. , 2.40
r sacks.
: 5elts.JJCKWJII AT-DuU.
r ; IIYI'Nomlnli.
' '
11A11L1Y-ltill .
4 JIAJLEY MIiI.T-flull.
- \vlI1A'r-ltecelits , none ; exports , 31,20 bu :
sales. ) 1.G5O,1 be futures . & 0.0 \ 1w spol. Spol :
: steady ; No , : red , In \ store unl elevator. 6 "e ; '
. afloat . Gic ; r. o. b. . 61c : No.1 northera. Gtc .
delivered ; No. 2 hiuid . del\ered. 70c. Options
j opened steatly . but were sn weakened ly lower
. cables and further liquidation , Inaly sustaining
, I I I"rtnl tally I on eXllorl1 and Iherul ca"le aO
cel'tlnces. hiirgt' 8\hoall exports All ( sh"roge or
I , , 4,0Oou' ) bu. In itotimanla's maize clop ' ; closed at
- 'c net Mcll" ; No. 2 lcd , Jlnlul' . 59j1'J3c
) cosl at r9'ic ; : 1"ebruIY opened at &So. clleJ
- At 60140 ; MUlch l'llened nt 61IU61'e. closell ! at '
: GIc : Mu ) ' . 6ih1Cc. closed at 62e ; June 621J
62'4c. ' cloSid al 62\10 \ : July , G2jtC2c , ' closed at
G2'4o ' : Dccembel' . 6 'HI5Ue. : closet at 69' e.
L'ORN-Itoeclpts [ , VUU ( bu. : e"lorls. 3.10 bu. :
sales . 43 t bu. tulules , 81,0) hu. spot. 611
steady : No. 2. &lto In ele\llor ; bleamer ( niicl .
49\e In elol'olor / o lelh rrell. Oplt " held n
, Inlt opening , LUI lost II sympathy with whlt
r nnl ruled w''I ( Oil .I.y. closing lt I''c net a <
l I "on"e ; Jnmlu' ) ' . LH't ' I .e. elobel al 11c : I.'cb-
: - . . rusty LI4 , . 1c. r"slt ] lt 6H.e : 11) ' . LU:2e.
: ro"ol UI tic ; Deceml"r. 51r. clole.1 . nl tle.
4 OA''H-lerelpls. 9,00 ; bU , : exports , lW bu. ;
, vales Ht ho futures . 41 , ( ) bu , spot . 61Y1
Inl : No. 2 , 3t1. : No. 2 . olell'en'll. 3'3c \ ; No. 3.
; . 33e ! : No. 2 whitt. . t8'4c ; No. 3 . lIe ; track . whllo
I , western , S(42c : Irack . wh'lo ' stal" , 3HUICe. Op-
lions dui ! but steady all ilay : closel ) 8lellly : .Ian.
e uury. 34',4is31tc . do'd ut * 3111 ; February dOKe.1 .
I II 5o . : : I ) ' . Z\W3.c. \ clooe1 ut 3Llke ; Dc.
\ CLfllbE closed 01 14ttc \ .
- 3I.Y-iuiI.
iIlll5-lliiii. :
I.lA'rhi1lt-1)uhi. [
I , \\'OUI.HIla.I .
. JHO\'IHlNHIeet. ) dull. t.rd. firm and
. higher ; western steam , 'IOed II $ .0 : 1 I'e,1 ;
A inies CWO ( _ ttci-ces nl lG.5bT,0i ; city _ al GtP
E : N ; , soles nointiitii : ; tierces Januot ; ; y , options $ i.O , closol I nltec : Febru- ,
1 ? ai' $ .10. nominal : Iclnod , lnn : compound . 5' ! '
U5 c. l'ork cnl ) ' .
4 * lUT1'1:1-1'hml I wslel dairy . 10UIGc : wesl.
.m cn"unery. 1l131c : western todd Y. Vi5r :
11 . 1:1.lnM , lie : Imitation cenmc , . Itjic : tIde
dairy llfllGo : stole crcancly . lGt32l. ' .
i' ; C1LIlf.'i1 I I . -\ul : rleom"IY. ( , , o ; 11,11. 9tjl2c :
1'/\ I skIms . . 31jOe : full 51(11115. 2Uo. .iIo
I UH-HU.oll ; stale nll l'ennsyivan'a. ' $2.5) ;
' receipts 3.Q1 1\IIllj ; weter treh 13j21l10 ;
k. outhern , 22iI2I' .
. Illhern
' ' . . ' _ .
'J'AI.I.O\lul but firm
3'1t'rIt0LlUl-Noiiiinal : United nom-
. ' . ' .
, tOi..Siii4-liliI. :
1'll lltON-luil.
J'I 10N-ILII. ; Ilrul. ; . ' i3.Gttil3iO : plates dull :
r .Il. on 'cIiuiig. l ; tails 11. t. 0. . May . $13.4) :
l Z Ions Ureem"el. ' " ' . : : 2 ; tolls Junual ' . IIS.Oj ;
.t t . tons JIIU"IY 21 . UJ. 5UI. O : 2. toIls Mureii
$13.45 : Il tons April . $13.45 ; 50 Ions Mi ) m. . . .
. ' . t4lIIl'iit-lishl.
p' J.I AU-\Olq ; Irokr ' price Uj ; nebal , ! "
t price $ : .
COl'i'Lit.-Quiel : ; broket" price ' 9.i3 ; exchange
i : price $9.wf9.s5. )
e01''ON 11 1J OU.Uul ; prime cruJ o. :4
. - tJSc. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _
r Ilnl..llol. "heMt Mlrket.
MINNIAl'OLIS. Der. U.-The whet market
, became HI' ) ' .Iul today unll Ihte was 0 "er
quiet Pit lp to Iho clove . wllh about ' " 1"8
ot price frOth ) yesterday ) The northwest I. tie-
, out ut 110 wills other niarlcet . . but II
rt time tH'e"'lt ) weollpu Ihu lel.I ' 1 .1"nKlh I.
hdd. ' ' . 247 . . . .
1.111 1.,111. were tl curs Rnln.1 US
, CCI'S u 'ear UI" ) . Ch'1 : December 6&\.c \ ; Stay .
. . t c ; JUI' . GO1e : oil Im k. 14o. I hlrd , 1)c ;
31. Nu. I o'llh"m , L&"e ; No. ' 2 iiottheiii . tlc.
, , 'rliu hour mulel was very dul antI littis 111
, saId. TIme Irouelon ; hu fallen etC ct'"ler- ' und b lkely to fail off mol" It a dell/lil
dos 1101 spring tip . l'lnt P5101111 SCV5 Uuotsd
d"a 101 .prln& 1IIIelli \ el'l ,
_ . ) . lot ' 83.14533.10' . & eCol'r"lenl. [ ' . . IUL43IO $ : Cuoled I ,
, / okcI , ' . $ _ .100:3 ' : re.l d"l. $ I.GtI
- , 1.7G _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. ( 'on.o Market.
4 NnWOIUC. . U. . % -Opton. opene" stenily '
itt 1 points , ledllO to I 1..1110 aduiice ruled
I fully brmn In,1 ipnerUly Iml ( Icl tOI' lUl
ari4 " 'Crl ) . ' , el"I' , Closed 111'1 ' II nd tin .
thanl It 10 PoInts It i \ 1''alte : . . 13,750
2101:5 InChUdiligi .lioiiuary , $13,4OlS 10 ; February
: llf \ m.t n : flu !
* I&IILI . " IatI : I : Ii2it.4li7ei Ati .
- . .
- - - -
Seplem1er. SIUMll.t ; Dl.mhe" . ' 1.tIH .
fl" > 1 coffee . JUo. , luil . mild , quiet I ( 'orloISli
filPe ; MI " . 1.0 In . f.nlo No" G nail 7 lt
fUe 1& ; T""t.r.y ' , 1,0 bnl" fnnlo ( No. 6 nt 'IC. :
In,1 , f bags fanlM No. t nl IIG.61'i. aIM 12,1)
lags , Mnmenlbo. G ; IM lOA , quiet ; good nvern"o
Sanlos . nnmln.l ; receIpts . 1.1,00) MR" : ,10 k.
3\5,0 , "nl . " ' 1 reI" , a ! .lell'elle1 from New
yesterday . . bags New York stack
York ) , . : 4.70Q " ; "ok IOk
I"IIY. \ork 216,32 .1.1:1. ( ' a\ , ; t'nitel . States stack. 22 , : '
Inla : afloat for the United Hlnl. 2iirO bags ;
minI visible supply for the lnle.1 Sides . 6-
21 lags Rlaln"l 460,702 lings II.t year.
I AM nt'lo , ) e. --1,1 ; Irlce.1 \ pfgjilglmer
tt 3' i fg . lower ; Sales , 20 I' I' ,
hl.\ In : . U ( < 29.-Cioseil , barely "Iotr : Dc.
( emler. net HH lower and . other months net
IH lower ; total pales . 21 o , Itars .
RIO . 1. ( 29.-Nominni I exehatige . 1',1 , ro.
Ceiplil . 8,0 hiss ; dMrl.1 for Ihp United , States ,
elp" hogs ; cleared for 1'urOIIl 4,0 bagsl ; stock ,
21.0 bng. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
OJI.\tA ( ; i1it.tL : : Jt\IUtT ,
CoOli Inn or Trationuti QuotatoH on
. .
< laJln I 11.1 Fit ne ) i'roiiuee.
ll1TTlIt-CuIied ) , Stock 8el cmmon to fair.
HnO : fair tn god country 11q12cl ; cI'ce ] to
fancy , HGe : gal.r..t : creamery , 13120C ; sepa-
rater creamer ) ' . 2m21e. )
1uaH-trictiy : fresh haul . Isijile.
1.1'1 , : l'Ot'i.TIIY-Oil , liens . 4'i'ie : , ] > rlnl
thickens , U1514c l ; , ilucks Ce ; turlteim' , Gc ; heavy
lor ' , , re ; geesCc. .
II'HHU [ : POUI.THy-rhlcen. ! . fair 4'He :
eholl' Inl" . t'At4Cc ' ; ch.lrn sinaI ! , G'.U7e ' ;
ttiike5is. ( sir 10 gotl , 7I ' , : ' : ctoc : !' . 6f
Stc ; choice sliinll ' . G'4,1jc ; .Iuek . lair 10 goal .
G1,7c , ; fancy VUI'J ' ; geese . fair 10 gooh . 6i7e ;
' . ,
fancy tfi9e.
(1ME-irnirie rhl.len. ; . 11cr ,10z. , 1 ;
II I" , Iel , doz. . tiP ) : blue I lug tea ) , Per ,1.1Z. .
* l.Stfll.5 ; grid wing teal , 11'1 iJoz . $ : i'l rtJ ) :
. . . . ' Itfe . . . , canvasl'.icks , .
iltlck lnxt1 her doz. . $1 01fJl.25 : ean\ '
1.0. ) " . . , ; m"lltl < an,1 tel I III h2.r1rc2.s ;
riuall , tIM ; iieer . alilles , , l2th3o : nntelnlm m.l. .
1t,0 . .Ihl.
'Iunl . .1
\1. , i110 < : small rabbits , 12113 : lt Inlbl" . $ .
\1AI'Ilce. : , fat . 70 10 \1 . I , ! . are 'Iuoled
at Cl4e : large and coarse , 3f/1.
( ( 'ii iii4I-\ I : \ I.eln.ln flI cienin . Young /t .
13r ; twIns l'c ' ; Nebraska itO. ) l.wI. , ; full C'1m.
le I I ; Nehrlslm . 1111 J'1n. Ilrl ski hiS . 7USe ; 1.lm.
, , . . No. , lie Swiss , No.
Lurger I , 15e. , :0. J. lIe ; brick :0. I le ;
IA Y-UIlanl , tiny . t9 ; mhlnne , $1.50 ; lowland
18 : I'U ettnw $ G. Color mnlt's Ihp linen on har.
I.lglit shailes sell the beet Only tcp Sld ,
. .
brlnic toil prices.
brlnt II0IONH-0 : Irlc. 1lrils 1 ] . \eI .10z. . We'.o.
vloiTA ilLlS.
TOI'S-Weslem stock . car lots . CO6:0 : ;
small 101. GtIlc. )
Ol.\ iiIANS-iiand.picked . navy . U.(2.o ) :
J.111 beans , . her lb. ] . 1 ! c.
ONiONS-ba 0'11.1. . 6H ; Oc.
e.\ BlAH - On enters. ie.
I .
cii.lItY-l'er [ : < oz. , : : tf4Jc.
8\Vfllfl' I'O't'ATQiH-Iloine : grown , ' : .7 : : Iu-
cal no . $3.O'f3.23. )
1Tt-lel hbl. . $2.
1'AltltOTi-1'er "LI. , $2"l.OWflIt-l'er 10z. $2.7lJ.flO.
ilOitHlit/tliSlt-l'er : Ih. . tJSc. .
l'/tltSNii'S-l'er litil. . I :
ltt'T/tII/tIAS-i'er Ibl. , , U.
I , . \ ltSl.E'o'-l'er [ "oz hunches. , 3.
TL'IN 11-1'1 bhl. , $2.
Ilt'Ll'l' IgAS-Pel lb. . 3te.
OHIN : : II'AH-Ier bu. . U.2UI,3j.
HA\IHII S-I'r , ) oz. . 3c.
LET'rI'rt-1'cr , oz. . ISe.
SI'INACIL-i'er bhl. . .MH,7. .
QUiNCig-Cnhlforntn. per 60-b. ] box U,60 .
l'n.\l'll S-Ndne. [
I'Lt'MS-Cnllfornia . non 1.
i'IttiNtS-None. [
1IUN'S-None. 11\I-\\'lnlll Ncllis , $ ; Vicar. $ .7 ;
Al'i'LlS-Oood [ stock per . bLI. . $3 : Genitons .
$ : .75 : eastern stock $3..0 ; greenings. $ $3.5Q$3.73.
GltAI'Fs-concortl : , none : Mnlagat' ' . Pet' 6 : 10
68.lh. bLI. . gross. 89.0)513.50.
: ' . ' $ l0.0 bbl.
CIANUI IIUIH-Jerse's. fancy . $0GO per
The first carload ot oranges from HI\ersl < e ,
Ciii. . this year was shlpJed 10 San Francisco
( or 'the holiday trade. The fruit WAS sold f. o.
h. at 12.50 n IM'x. 'hls Is Inter ] lan usual fO/
the Irt shipments to be mlde , but II 18 saId
ther Is I deslro to hell the fruit until It L.
ril" '
O1tANOES-Floridas. per box JOs , 17Cs. and
200 . 12.7 : 128. , 82.40412.73.
'J'NOEHINIHPlorldas. per half box , $2.2.
BANANAS-Choleo stock $2.005J2.0 per bunch.
J.EIONS-Mnlnga. $3.7 ; fancy Florida . sizes
250 nn.1 30. $ .0 t4.2 : : new Messinas . sIzes 30
and 3CO. $1.151..0.
J 'JNI AII'J.I S-None.
OYSTEIS-IXL. Be ; medium , lel can lO :
horoeshoe. lIe : extra standards. 15e : extra se-
leels , iSo : company scIccts 20c ; New York
counts . :5c.
NEW J'IGS-Txlrn fancy ICe ; fancy lIe :
choice , 12@13c : California . bags , 7e.
J0NI Y-New York lie : California . 16e ;
strainal 4 to 10-lb. cans per lb. . 10e.
MAILg SYRUP-Gallon jugs per dos $12.
NtJTt3-Almonds , lIe : English walnuts . soft-
shele < lIe : standards . lIe ; lilberts . 9U10 ; Jrnzl
allis , &e ; shelbark hickory nuts. per hu. . $ .60
2.00 : large hickory nuts $ .2'I.5 ; fancy raw
. Ge roasted . 7 . Sc.
Ilealuls. C : rastr \"lluls. n. 418e.
JIDI S-No. 1 green hides , 3c \ ; No. 2 green
hides . 3c ; No. 1 green salted httles . 4',2C : No. 2
green silted hides . 3e : No. 1 green salted hIdes
: 10 40 Ib8. . 4'c ; No. 2 green salted hides. 25 to
40 Ibs. . .3'c : No. 1 veal calf . B to 15 b8. . 1e : No.
: veal cait . B to 15 Ihs. . 6c : No. 1 dry hint hides
6c : No , - 2 dry flat hides tc : No. 1 dry , salted
hlde8 , C ; part cured hides c per lb. . than
fully cured.
HAUEl l11AUT-ClioIce while , per bbl. . $4.50 :
per halt bbl. . $2. 0.
IINC MgAT-I.'ancy. In halt bbls. . per lb. ] .
5e : 10.gai. kegs , 6e : condensel per case oC 3
doz. pkgs. . $ .r.
FISh-Sunfish and perch 6c ; buffalo , 70 ; crap-
pie lie : cattIsh . 12e : black bass. 20e.
CIEn-Pur juIce per libi. . 15.5 half bbl . $3.
SHEEP PElfaGreen salted , each 234160c ;
neen salted sherlngs ( short wooled early skI18) .
end , . Stub : dry shearlngs short ( . wool ee early
skins ) . No. I. each . 51/iOc / ; dry ehearlng ( short
woled early skIns ) . No.2. each lc : dry flint
[ { .1ms and N.hraskn butcher wool pelts . per
lb. . actual weight Stile : dry flint Jusas and
Nebraska mnurrain wool pelts , 1er lb. , actual
WeIght rk drer ; dry ; : ' Colorado U hel wool :
pelts , per lb. , actual weigh I. 4 } 6'C' dry flint
Colorado murmln wool pelts , per b. ( , actual ]
we\ht. U16c.
TALI.OW AND OIEASI -Tnlow. No.1 , 4@
4'c ' : tallow . No. 2 , 3 Htc : grease white A. 4'441
4c : ' gleaso . whie ii . 33.c ; grease . yellow . 11c :
grease . dark,2l.413c _ ; old. butter2412c _ \ : hees-
wax , Irlle. lUZ"e " : rOUll1 tallow . 2c.
FUnSBear. black No. 1 huge. 120.004123,00 :
No. J medium $ : : No. J emaIl . 19.004110.00 ; bear .
black l'eaillngs , No. 1 large . $2.00(15.o1 ; No. 1
medium $10 : No. J small . $1 : bear . black cubs
No. 1 large ' 6.o@R.0 : No. 1 medIum , $500416.00 ;
No. 1 small , U : bear black Montana and Rocky
mountaIn . No. 1 large ) , $ IS.OOI2.001 ; No. 1 medium
$4 ; No. 1 small . $ : bear . black , Montana 'ear-
tings . No. 1 large . $2 : No. J medium. $8 : No. 1 ,
small . 15 : bear . hlnck. Montana cubs No. 1
large 16.5 : No. 1 meduin $ UO ; No. 1 small .
'S : ' bear silver tip . No. 1 large $20 : No. 1
medium . $12 ; No. 1 small . $8 : bear . silver tip .
yearlings . No. 1 large . $ \ : No. 1 medium , $8 :
No. 1 small , $5 ; bear . silver tip . eubs ; No. 1
large , 16 : No. 1 medium . U. [ : No. 1 small . $ :
bear . brown . No. 1 large . 120.004125.00 : No. 1
medium ; $6 : No. I small. $2 ; bear . brown , yearlings -
lings . No. 1 large $0.00112.o : No.1 melum. $ S :
No. 1 small , $6 : bear. brown. cubs. No. 1 large ] .
smal nr\e.
$ ; No. 1 medIum , 15 : No. 1 small . $ : badger .
No. I large $ .o I.50 ; No. 1 medium , Co : No.
1 small . GOe : l.hel. No. I large , $8 : No. I medium ,
$6 : Nu. 1 smnl , U ; fox . 811'11. as to color no-
cording In beauty No. J large . $0 : No. 1
mediutu , ICO : No. 1 small . $5) : fox slyer ' palo .
according to beauty No. 1 large PI : No I
fllediUfli. 130 : No 1 small . 120 ; fox , cross . No. 1
large $ ; No. 1 medium , $3 ; No. 1 5111011. $2 :
mx rel No 1 large $ .0 ; Ne. 1 nledlUnl . $ .2 : :
No.1 atnail . $ : fox gray . No.1 large . 7Ge : No.
I medium , [ 0 ; No. 1 small . 40c ; fox . . kit . No. 1
large , tOe ; No. I medium 40e : No. J small . 300 :
I'nx. No. 1 large . ' 31 ; No 1 medium , 12 ; No. 1
8mal , 11.50 : marten . No. I large . $ : No. J
medium $ I.r : No. 1 small . $ ; mink . No. I
large G041C3c ; No. 1 medium 40e : No. 1 small ,
lIe : 1(110k ( ilark No.1 large ) . Ce : No J melum ,
4Uo : No. 1 small . Mc : mountaIn lon , I"rrect head
nn.1 . feet No.1 huge . 81,00412.00 : Imperteel skins .
2:1 : $ We : otter . No. 1 large ] . $8 ; No. 1 meilum ,
16.o(1.00 : No. 1 small . $5 : otter . pale . No. 1
large . $ : No. 1 melum. 15 ; No. 1 email , $4 ;
raccoon No. J large . 60U70c : No. I medium. , lie :
No. I small , 3e : raccoon . black . lS to beauty .
No. 1 11'1" . 60c'12.o : skunk , black . cased . narrow
striped. No I litrge . Mo : No.1 medium . .Oe ; No.
t atnall . 23c : sltunlc . brat atlipod . No. 1 large ,
22:1 , ) : : wolverine No. I large 1'1 No. I medium ,
$ ; No. 1 small . $2 ; wol. illdlJntaItl , No. 1 large .
$ : No. 1 medium , $ : No. 1 small . $1.50 ; welt ,
Ilitllule . No.1 large C51190c ; No.1 medilIm . 610 :
No.1 5111011. 400 ; beaver . per shin . No. 1 huge .
15.o'G.tJ ; No. I titediuni. $4. : : No. 1 sm81 , n :
bPLI'er kits . No. I Inl\e. $2 : No.1 m"llul , $1.50 ;
No. I small . 75e : nnlahrats , winter . No. 1 large ) ,
$ tftoo ; No.1 mc.lum. ge : No. I small , 7c : muskrats -
1'lls. fall . No. 1 large . HiGo ; No. 1 ineditlm . 7e :
No. 1 atmiall . 6r : muskrats , kits ) , 213e.
SecuritIes Yoterdy 'vrn J.oa Active Thil
01 the J'revlntis " "y.
NI\\ ' YORK Deu. 2S.-The stock market
today was less actco than al yesterday .
sales aggregating less that 86,0 shaves .
Outside of coal shares tiled Baltimore &
Ohio the trading WAS unimportant. Imme-
dlalel" utter the openIng tn Itnclt was
made on the coolers New Jersey Central
wns the main point of attack , being loll
freely , with the result or I break or 2' per
cent In the stock 2I \ per cent In Delaware
& Hudson . 4 11el' celt 11 Delaware & Lack-
awn lnn anti % per cent In heading . There
were 10 fresh rumors unfavorable to any
010 ot the coal crr'tiig roads or to the
coal tnule In general . At the lower figures
there was somu buying In the stocks . caus-
Inl Ilvuncel ot 3 per cnt In New Jersey
Control . 3 . per celt Itt Delaware & I.ack-
aWalnl1 2 t lIeI cent In Delaware & lud-
lon and % t' Iler cent In Reading . In the
Inter dealings New Jersey Central lost
purl of the recovers' . closing nt 1 loss of 1
per cent on the clay .
Ucllwnre & Hudson was offered down to
12. hut no sales were mate ecept regular.
Baltimore & Ohio wa. against I heavy
uPcllnSi 1' per cent lower at Ci . and mak-
Ing a urllr decline at 2 Iler cent al
sales or only 60 shares DI Quletng rumors
were ill . cIrculatIon touching the conhianl"s
Innlclal stalitilag . which were olcia / Iy Ile-
flied. 'rho dC111eb5101 11 the sloclt II mnllly
crctlc to the posiion tlitel l ' the com-
pun > ' ( li" rater .ot the reorganizatIon or
the Scloto Vnl ( ) ' railroad ot Ohio , the plan I
or which I IK claimed takes from the ilitI-
Ilull & Ohio n Portion or Its a8sets. The
stock closed oiii' 3 per cent above the 101-
est Point touched.
'I'he Helelll marlet moved within a nar-
I'W range 01. U \'el' 111\1 volume ot 11:1-
hess , During . the morning the sPeculation
WW stoutly 10 Slrm . uecume heavy otter
mh1IIY. 11t strcngtlienllig hi the Jnnl trat-
ing the mantel closed in good tone , aen-
. , . : I l : ! IlrelfIICllnt ! t. r , : . , IL
. . .
- - - - - - - - - -
per cent rose 1',1 per cent on buying cre.l.
iteti to nn Inside Inlcrest , A report was cur-
rent or the entering Into an agreement b '
General Electric with the Westinghouse
compAny to'mnlntlin prices so A" to Admit
or n fair ProfIt . In the prces dealll General
Electric lost , i pe' cent or the ell ) ' 1m-
pro\emenl. .
Sugar moved within n range oC H per
cent closing lt 11 n vance oC " per cent
on the lay Declines were established or
3 % per cent In IllinoIs Central ( on sales or
10 Eharel ) . I Per cent In St. Paul & Omaha
t per cent In Lake Erie & WeStCl'fl . and
advances were recorded or 11 , per cent In
Carthage guaranteetl . 1 per ler cent In
\merlcnn Tohncr unl , ; 'i per cent In
Incletle ( has prcferred The grangers were
lleglected . moving withIn a range of from
1. : to 14. per cent and closing unchanged for
Jurlnllol. " 11er cent down for 31. Iall
nOt ! from l' 10 I.t per cent up respectIvely
for Hocl hlnn.l Anl , Norlhewpslern. ( There
WI ! n lolerale , increase In the \ollm oC
trading today . with the main trend orAI -
lies 10wnrl lower ligLIres. The feature or
the dealings was the lrOIOlICCI Wl'Aknes
In Hentlnl Iucs. fhe transactions In
these securities reached the large total of
f .73,000. sccmle Irst Ilcomo declined . 2 per
rent 10 22 : Income seconds . I' . per NIl to
Ii : Income ( birds ! . 1 bier cent to 1. antI In-
comc general fours . per cent to 74A
ShUllI rally It tli9 close movPl lie Incomes
up ( raIn r1 to ' 1 f per cent The lolal teltIls-
actions wre $ l,278r,00. The prlnclpll changc
, . ' oC 3
was I decline In Ohio Soulher fll'l
Ilcr cent nll an advance 11 Oregon Improve-
' .
menl firsts oC 2 per cent
The lvenlng : PoI' 1.0n.lon . cablegram
I'venlll !
' 'fhe eetlcrnert ( m1M atlsfnctol'lly
5058l : Iellemel Wil satsfactoriY
conclildeil. The genes .11 tone WIK'el' ' good
10tll ) ' . Prices 111.hetl II thl ( beet , with nn
ullwnrll tentlenc AmerlcllS werl ! lol )
steady to llrimi . but Hlltlng" were lint nil
( Its rtdoptloli of the Olcot cheme. JII-
llt 1loplol waK dowl $2 at the close .
I.'relch exchange ott ] .0I,10n hI te1lnl
tlowlwn again . A ell\ of Paris loan II
antIcipated . In Jnllnr ' . \ It colnes . n 0011-
wilt there from
"llernhle nmoult or gold wi go
New YOI\ or Luntlon.
The following were thc closing quolatons
on the lelll , stocks or the New York ] exchange -
change ( loda :
/tiClllSOIl. . . . . . . 43 8 Noltiilvtist'rll . . . lll )
AIIIIS I''pros : . . I 40 tIn 11M. , . . , . . . 1 : %
Alton , ' 1' , 11 . . . . . 10 :1 : N Y. Crnilrat . . . . . till
Alon ' ,1 . . . . . 11 ' N. V. \ N. P..fl54
Al , bipres , . . . 11 OntarIo . . ! W. . . . . ] Mt
Ilaitilnoru & Ohio M ! % Oreon I Ill p. . . . . . 1 I
Canada l'aciflc. . . MI ) Ol'040i ! Na\ . . . . II )
I.n ( : l Sonlh"rl . 4'S' 0 S. r. l . . U N. . 0
Celltrai l'acIltc. . . 1t l'.iolilc Shall. . . . 21
Ctie. . Ohio . . . 11" I' . . u. . lal. . . . . . . : ! (
'Chicago : Altoil. . . 11 I ) Pittsblit' , . . . . . ll7
C. I.\ . . . . . , . 71 l'lilliiiatl Palace . lr %
Chicaro(1t.3. _ ; . . . . .7n : Inllll . , . . ! . . . } ! t
Coit'sollflatut , Gas ] : 41 Is ! iiclillloiU $ * 'O'er . H
C.C.C..SI.L. : ol"le,1 . . 444 tin pith. ' . . . . . . . 21 (
Colo. Coal , \ Iron . : 7 it. U , W. . . . . . . ] GU
Colon Oil Cprl. . . 2'2'4 ! ' It. n. W. l'r'I. ' . . . 43
Delaware .bt hititi . . 12' : ' . ltock 151111111. . . . . I ( % !
Del. , r.nelt. . 1.11. . Itll'g ! 1oek . Pal I , . . . . . ,
U.\ It. o. "M.I Jl : do "rd. . . . . . . I Cli
I ) . & C. ) . 10. . . . I'S SI. 1. . . . Oiiitha : . . . : : ! t
. :110.'t ( ' ,10 iif'i. . . . . . . 1 I )
'do ifd , . . . . . . 21 Southerii Pacific . 1R !
'Fol'l Wnyno. . . . 1.7 Itefiuiery. . . StIll ,
G. Norlher 11rd. . 101 Temimi. CoIl : ' Iron 35 t'
C. " . : . I. nrt . ' . . 1,1" ) 'rmm Iaele. . . . I. '
locklng Vlloy. . 1 T. & O. Coni. Wd . 7/
Illinois Ccnt' . I. . 83 % ! Union Pacific. . . . . 11
! t. P. & Duluth. . . 11 U. S. gx"resH. . . . 4\
IC. & ' . . phi . . . . . ttl4 W. SI. r. . 1. . . CH
Lko Erie . W".I 1" % do 11M. ) . . . . . . . l'S
tu pf.I. . . . . . . 70Veii Fargo g" . . ll
Lake . Shore. . . . . 701 : WIMor Ullol . 8H
Lead 'rrust. . . . , . : il ! Wheollli & L. II . . tIll
l.ouIvilie , . N. . : : .10 I.rd. . . . . . 3n ! ,
I. . & N. A. . . . . . 0 % M.&St. I. . . . . . . . 28
Malhalan Con. . . 100 , U. . . It. 0. . . . . . 104
. : ) telilphl5&O. . . . 10 G. F. . . . . . . . . . : Ul
Michigan Cent. . . ( / N. I. . . . . . . . . . 18
11. ' , ourllaelfe. 21" \ ( O. ) , . . J. . . . . . 23
Mobile & Ohio. . J7 do p01. , . . . . . . 70
NIBhl'lo Mohle & Olliut. . . 0. ( 11. to T. 0. . . . . 21
National Cordage . 1" T. A. A. & N. M. . I ! ,
do pfd. . Cordain. . . . 101' P. St. r. . & IC.O. . J
N.J . . . . ABU dotiOl . . . . . . . (
N. & W. p10. . . . . . 17 . S. It. R. . . . . . . . 10 % !
North Am. Co. . . : n6 do Pfd. . . . . . . . 3)114 ) ,
Norlheru Pacific . :114 : Am. 'rob. Co. . . . 17 %
No. l'ac. Plello. . . . . :1' do p1(8. . . . . . . 107
U.1'.D.&G. . 0 . . . . :
. :
The total sales oC stocks today w.rl 83.695
shares . Including : Alelicun Sugar . 1,30 : Ciii-
cage Gas 9.900 : DIstilling . 10,200 : New Jersey
Central . 9.100 ; blendIng , .700 ; St. 10 < 1. 1.80 :
General Electric . 3,400.
New York : MoneY Macloot.
NEW YOlK nee. Z8.-MONl 0 : O"J.r.
Easy at \ /Z41'2 per cent ; last loan ] . 2 per cent ;
closed 2 per cent.
closee MEItCANTILE 1'At'Eit-234141 per
STERLING EX'IIANGII-Quiet ( , hut flrni ; ac-
ExrlAGE-Qulel Irm
tOnI ] busIness In hnnke , ' bills . $ ISI ½ $ j4.8S % for
demand. anl $4.87 ½ 414.87 * for 60 olaA : losl"1
rates $1.8S@t.BS .67\4.87 $4.89 ; commercol bills .
.t6W 11.
$ SI.V H Ch1ltTIFbCATES-5i3C. .
' . tor 5s.
GO\1ltNStENT BONDS-Steady except or
which were welk and ' per cent lower ; state
bonds , Inactive ; mlral ) bonds , easIer.
Closing quotations on bonds were as follows :
U. S. ALt. cog. . . . . 17 D.&Jt. G. ' ia. . . . 8254
U. S. 5B.COlp. . . 17 Erin 211. . . . . . . 04
U. S. 48. cog. . . . 11:1 : % ! G. n. & . A. Os . . 07 )
U. S.4s.coup. . . . J14)t ' 07s. . . . . . . 100
U. S. 28. reg. . . . 17 n. . . T. O. 6B. . . lOl
Pacific ( Is of 'I ! , . 100 do 08. . . . . . . . 102 %
Ala. Class A. . . 104 M. K. . . T. 18t 4s. 80 '
Aa. ] Ca88 D. . . . 111 ( do 2 < 4. . . . . . 4Ml
Ala. Class C. . . . . 0- ' lnl:11 : Unloll lbs 103
Ala. Currency. . . . 0N. . J. C. G.u.c ( H. . 15
1. . New Con. .15 . 8)314 - No. PIle. Isla . . . 10
'MIssouri 08. . . 10(1 do2da. . . . . . . 19
'N. O. Os. . . . . . ] 24 N. \V. Cousola. . . . 1484
'N C. 4B. . . . . . . . 101 % 'do S. 2' . Dob. ( s 101
S. O. nonfund . . . . 1 % Ii. G. Wosl. isis . 71 ! (
Tenn. now Set Us 81 51 P. Console 78. ] 3\ }
'Tcnn. lew , . ' set 5B 100 do C. & P. W. ( s. 13
'Tenu . old ha. . . . 10 ( St. L. & 1.M.Gon. 5 . 78 %
'Va. Cenlurle1. . . 594 St. L. & S.F. Oen.U. 103
dodoerred. . . . 1'2 % Tox. Pac. ists. . . . 81 (
AtchIson 4s. . . . 62" do 2ts. . . . . . . 2M (
dot A. . . . . . l1J ( U. P. J8t of ' \l. ) 104
Canada So 2ds. . . 105 % Vest Shore 41. . . IOU
' 0. 1' . lata 01 ' 00. 001 : ! So. It 1' . . . . . . 91
'D. . 0 I. G. 7s. . . l : : !
bid _ _ _ _ _ _
San Francisco MinIng Stock QuotatIons.
SAN FItAN CISCO . Dec. 28.- -Tue omctal closing ]
quotatloas : fur mining stocks today were lS follows -
AIls . . . . . . . . . 21 JIlatice. . . . . . . . . \O
AphnCon. ] . . . . . . 10 Itentllky Con . . . 7
Anues , . . . . . . . . ' I.ady Wush Con . 0
1olohel. . . . . . . 12 :4 ( MexIcan. . . . . . . . 10 (
Hello Isle. . . . . . I Mounl Iliabbo. . . . 10
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Uosl & Hulcimer. . . 04 NavaJo. . . . . . G
Uodlo & 1010hce. . . . . . . 07 Occidental Cou. . . 4
titillion. . . . . . . . 21 Ollhlr. . . . . . . . 1l
Bulol. . . . . . . I I ) Overman. . . . . . . lU )
Cliablemigo Con . . . 3. Potoitl.(1 :
Chalelio . . . . . . . 40 . Savago. . . . . . . 20
Cholat. . . . . . RI ) 8"011101. . . . . . . I
Coim. Cal & Va. . . . : Oi Sierra NuuTaUa . . . lO
Con. Itimporlal . . . 1 Silver 111. . . . . f
Crown t'olnt . . . 71 Unlol COIl. . . . . . GO
Gould & 10Inl. Clrry. . . 3n Utah Con. . . . . . . . 6
lalo & Norcros'i ' . U ( : Yelow Jaoket. . . 88
Silver birs . r ! " 50 % c. Mexican d01ara. OO % $
Sic. Drlle , sight , 7c : t3Ieralhlo.10c. )
Hoston Stock QUotttIoi : I ,
Bostol ftok Qlot\tO : ,
BOSTON Dec. :8.-Cal loans. ] 22i : % per cent :
thun loans . a : Isol Iler cant CloJln prlOeJ ral'
Blocks. amid mllln ; Iharas ;
A. : - ' . &S. P. . . . . 4WeHlhuh. . Elec. . . I\ : "
Am Sugar. . . . . . 8U W. Elm' . old. . . . . .0
Am. Sugar pftl . . un ( ( % Wis. Cettral..3 , :
hay State Gas . . . U I Alchle'l 20s . . . 1O3 . .
IleilTolepliommo. . . lOt AtchIson : -B , . . . . 11J
10slon.baIY. . : II ( ( Now Engiamuit , ( is. . 12
Uoslon , loMalno. . 15)3 ) % 011 , . : I'cIllc Ss. . ! ) %
do & . Illno. . . . . . Ir : ! Wiii. Cent. IRIs.n : ,
C. I.&Q. . . . . . 71 IWIH. . . . . . . . 10\
) 'lehburg. . . . . . A71 Ilosl'mi & lunlnn1 II : : ' (
GOI.II"olrlo. . . an : , Illn l Itostomi. . . 1
Illinois Steel ] . . . 4 ( CattltiletSt Ieela.I
M"xloal Central . UU Cemltcnnt3t. . . . . 110
N. Y , . . N. C"llral. . . . . . : " I 1.1,1 , 11. . . . . . . . H"
Ore. Short Line. . . cR4 ItonIAno. , . . . . 7
Rubber. . . . 1110. . . . . . 4OHeeoh. . . ! . . . . , . 20
Ulion i'ncitlc. . . . IOU Qlilley . ( . , . . . . . 303
West l.nelle. . . . . II' ) 'ralliarack. . . . . . . lU31
IV. Iuit 11(11. . . . . 15 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
New York ] 1111n ( juntatlolls .
NEW yomt , Doc. 28.-Time tel \11 < ara till
closing Ilnlll qlltalol ' 1
liniwo. . . . . . . . . 4 011.1.1. . . . . . . COt )
lulwO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0(11111' ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141) )
Cros'mi .ioiil.f : : : : : : : ng ( r1 [ ( iil.ii . ! : : : . ; : ; : 23
CoIl. CuI & Va. . . :13(1 : QII , kRI I'et. . . . 1(0 $ '
leallwoo'I. ' . . . . 41 do iif.i. . . . . .1000
Gould ] & Curry . . : ! It'rr.t Nevada : . . . , tl
halo ] ,5 \ Norcross. . 85 8Ialral\ : . . . . . . : Ol )
lao\Noreross. lom08Iako. . . . .10ll ) Inlo : Coil. . . . . . 45
MexIcan. . . . . . . /0 ) ) Yellow Jacket. . :5
I.oulol , Stock ( juotmitious.
LONDON . Iec , S.-t II. nl. Cl0111" ;
: , ' . . . . . oti " St. Iaul cool . . . 5814
f1'aellc : . . . . . 10H N. Y. Celiral. . . . . 101 %
. : rie 2ds . . . . . . . 05 I.ell.yh.alla. . . 1121 :
Ill . C..liral. . . . . . 10" n"alnl. . . . . . 71 $
Mexleal ordluary . 34342.lex ' , Cm.low 4B. lB"
nlant'llt Snt.
NI W YOIiI . , Clearings , 1.8,60 $ , : balances .
, G,135OSI.
BOSTON lel. 2S.-Clearlng. $ 2,022,086 ; ital-
slices . $ l,393C6i.
JIILAI.IIIA. nero S.-CleurlnC8 , $11,597-
0& ; balances , $2.0n.oso.
NtW YOitl' . Dee . 28.-I.azartl l'n'erc8 will
Ihll $5.0 joid ] toniorrow ,
Ul4ltLlN Dec. 2i.-Ilxchange ] 01 l.llon. ellht
doa' sIght 2er1 ) 3U ifg. ,
MflMi'iilfl. 1)ec 2S.-Clpal'lng8. $518,149 :
ances . $67,132. New York exchange selling Illr
10 $ premium.
NIH\ OI.I ANS. D'e. 25.-'learlngs . $ ,3iC.C)2. )
New York exchange bank . par 'Gmlerelul. $ i
I'el $ ,0 discount
I'AIUS , Uec. 2S- p. lii-Three per enl
rentes I &e tor the account Cxehange on Lon-
don , : r ITo for cheek"
HT. 1.01)18 . bec 28.-hank ol.arln\o. $ ,493.-
51 : balances , $76,46. lonr ) ' , quiet ; f1 I'el
cenl. Ixehnlge on New York . 6 .
Gold I. 'Iuoled today al Buenos Ayres ul t6 ! ;
Madrid , J ! \ : Lisbon 22.2315 ; 11. Jel.nburl. 5i ;
Athens 71j ; home . 106.40 : VIenna . 103.
CII ICACIO. IeC 2i.-Ciearings . $12,610,000.
MoOr ) ' , H/Hi per cent un . 'ul ; HO per cent an
time. N"w York ( x\m 1 1" . IOu $ ' lellliumn . Hlel
liar . comnierelal 'UC"b $74. ( .
iV/tlllllNOTON . Uee. 28.-1'h. treasury cash
, . . . . . . ot which . .
balance today I. U.2..08.6I. ( $08,539-
C8 Is gold . ( ruin which must I" dellu"I $ .4-
00. . wtli1rawn ( 1.luy. and $ , \ ) wititdrmmwn
e.lerda \ but not herelorore rlllrl 'I.
LONDON . lIce. % -The amount ot Iulion
"le . into the Ilnk ot 1:1\lald un balance ( ud5) '
lies fG.O. Con.olo. fur \ mooney . 10 7,16 ; lor
Iho oCNunl. 10Uar sliver 1\.1 \ i'er ox.
Money . 1 per cenl. ' 01W rule ( r discount In
) market for both short sad (111CC.
tIme " (
tlU . Ii open , . 1.1(1. I. I ' 1 _ -at. Inl tl ce
. . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Receipts for rive DOn1y Hal ef These
Had Lat ' eck.
lOcators 11\0 1 1Rrh "Tlmo ( .Ulnl To-
Gcthel on llec(1tcvrs-Ilogs ( ( aIn
R Trilo ontfhl lmiy flIed
" .1 01I'
. . _ I'flhlAY Dec. 28.
Only 1 : cars or stock arrived today . and
( lie \\eek's receipts thus far root lIP omil'
G.6t7 cat le. 12,2U hOGS and , 515 sileeii . I
shortnge . lS cOI\nl'etl ) with the correspon(1-
lag \lerlod \ or Ilst week oC about 8,3 cattle ,
12.r hogs nod 1. ! ) sheep.
'l'hie cattle Ilrltet was rnr from sAtsCnc-
tory 10 either buyer or seller . 01 account
or the lght Stlp15' ) sellers asked stronger
1)11005 , wIllie bl'er ! clalnell stoutly that
cattle here were already too hIgh lS com-
pared with eastern lilarkets. Dealers '
wih . cnltern larkels. Dealerl were
cOI.eflent ROle ( lIttle ( line ill / livIng lt
nhiytlilng hilce rnh' 1)3818 .
nl lke a tlOtlG lmIf. Prices
In Jelernl wel'e lot n great deal Ilfcrenl
from Thursday . but buslne lacked Ire 11,1
IIA ) nail , 11 wns Into before an'thlng like
I I good clelrnlco wus Imle.
Cow sluf Suit ! readily I nl about ! Ieat
Prices. 'fhe 3tlilil ' was comparatIvely liglmt
Sl\\l' WIS IHht
mInd there was I very rail .lelAltl for nil
grade's'eal , calves were II' ' UHht SUIl\ly ; ni
Ill temlnt nail ruled weal L he Imrlel
for hull , stags ( ( lilt rough steele generally
ruled strong ,
' #
'rhel'c WUH hot n great deal going al In
the Ilocher antI feedel' 11110. ReceIpts were
light I Ill the I , lellltl reetel' Imll,1. I I Ill. Prices geil-
orally ruetl ] lower liartlcularly on low gratle
stock cattle Goo,1 ) lesh\ ' feeders were quotably -
' '
ably stonily , Gootl . II' choice reelct'l are
flollhlo at fll $2.7 to $ .3.25 . fair to good lre
flout $2.30 . $1.2 # oot
frol to $2.70 Iltl01101 grades frum
\01101 #
2.25 down. 1teliresentatI'e sales : '
flbtflSSlII . ' .
DtTSSlm lOgEt.
No. \ ' . Pr. No. Av. ImI. . No. Av. b'r.
1..1040 $2 73 J9. . . 9:0 ' $3 PI. I..IIO ) 13 11. )
5) ! I. ) . 946 30 6..110 3 iIJ ) 1..19J 1..12) 39)
I. . ,11Xt 30 2..1040 37 : 30..12. 3 ! >
9. . . 7GS 30 : 10..IOi 380 48..1224 . 3 1 W
18. . 08 3 2. 2 ' . .18t 3 8 : I'JIlIZ . 4 ( tO
J. . . bl 3 z b0..lISl 38 : 61..mS 4 (
SilIl'b'ING .
19 . . .1' .62 4 50
IG. .100 3 0 1tI1NI1L1 COWS" . .
4. . 710 0 ) 10. . t'St ! ' I Ct ) 1..1020 25
2. . . 910 1 Z ; 2..IU : I C 2J..935 . z
2. . & : 12 ; 8. . . 547 170 33. . . 1141 it ;
I. . 530 1 2. : 2. . 93Q 17 : 5. . 9t2 3 (
I. . 24) O ) ) 12 ; 16. . 91 : 17G 7. . 731 30
4. . . 811 1 21 J. . 200 17G 1. . ,1153 15
I. . 960 ) J 40 J..IH ro 17. 1..IG . . . ,2. , 4 : '
10. . ! ; 141J ] 2.:151 : : i F J3 : : : : 84 : 40
G. . . 03 140 J..109J J $5 2. . 9 : 25
G. . VO4L - 2. . t7r I ! 1..160 ) : 5
I. 1 . GOO 1 W 4..101 190 'J.,11l2 50
G. . 991 I [ 1. . 70) ( ) I 9U 9..112 . . : r
10. . 6. > 150 2. . . 765 I V ) 1. . H7S : Gi
6. . 392 1 r J3. . 9H 2 00 3. . . 093 2 6)
1.J 16 ) ) 2. . 333 20 J.O : ) 2 CO
I. . 50) J i. 1 : . . 983 20 ( 1..1300 2 CO
2..7S6 . 1 5 . I. . ,1331 20 7..109 _ 75
I. . 90 I GJ : . .1028 2 m 2..121' : 85
. 1..710 . J 50 ) r. . VC 22 6..1')66 ' 290
1..10' ' ) I t 1. . hO ' ) 22 , . l..122) .1 W
4. . 5135 ! 1 G ) 9. . 79' 2 : 1..151 : 30
I. . 92Z 160 J..1l } 2 : ;
1. . 30 ) 1 40 4 . . ItL 170 3. . 6043 1 73
3. . 32C 1 45 1. . 610 1752 . . 615 2 0) ) )
3. . . 39C I 60 I. . . 370 1 75 r. . S 2 0
2. . : : l II ) J. . . . 60 175 2 . . 470 2 r
4. . 362 1 r . . .
1..166 17 : .3. . . 110 3 ' 5 1. . .130 4 00
J. . 3' ' ' 210 2.I0 3. o
1.0 J 25 3. . 951) 20 3..Hr. 2 30
2..1345 1 40 1.10 , 2 jJ l..IbSO . 230
2..1240 . I 5 1..13 2'0 1..12 , : 3"
2..13t5 J 60 l..IlSO 2 15 J..IS ) ) 30
1. . 930 J 65 ] . .Jzo 21..1510 . ( 30
J..1320 J 75 J..J030' 2 , ; 1..1.0 30
l..1tJ 17. 2..10 230 : 1..1:30 32
1 . . 00 190 .
S1'/t 31.
1. . 930 20. . ) 11'\ . . cs
2. . 530 20 ' B. . CH , lit'S 9. . 66C 2 C.
4. . 37 2 : I. . BtO 2' 9. . 72 ; 270
3. . 62 23 ; 12..3 25 2J. . 771 270
18. . . 746 2 40 25. . 940 ( 2 571 10. . Iii 275
6. . 42t 245 3. . . 4GO 210 ! 1. . 92 275
1. . G4 26 2. . .754 20 2. . . 555 271
13. . . 692 2 G 3. . : 60 , 2 t5 0. . 80 2 15
6. . C93 2.15 .7. . ' . ' . = _ 65 . 2. . . . & 2 80
WESTtn : CATLE. . _
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
I hul..J30) . $ 8'J ' , - - I cow. . . . . 810 $200 PI.
J helter. . . . 110 2 r 21 cow. . . . . Bn 2 50
: 5
41 r..eders..17B 3 : ' 340 cows. . . . . . TSZ 210
7 btrs tg.10C2 ! 22G . 1 bulls..1337 16
'lv. F' , Everest.
12 I cows. . . . . 70 J W B cOwH..I03 20
IB cows. . . . 7S1 22. B feeders. . .bbOS 26 :
82 feeders. . .1035 321
James l'alm"r.
H feeders . . .II92 3 0 : 76 r"'els. . . 908 305
216 sleC..122 3 r
11008-There was another light run , with tO
material change In the general character oC
the orerlngs flect'ipts have been 1,0 lighter
lila week than last hut this hus had no tendency -
Ilency 10 n'bu'ance Ilrlces radically. Packers bald
IIUt . IL nlck.1 higher than Thursday for 100 < ,
heavy and Imlehel weight hogs . hut Illht the
lighter antI cmmoel grade s , under protest , lS
Il .wlre. tIght _ around steady thgures. MedIum
and heavy lotuils brought form $4.20 up to * 4.47 %
UI $ .4i\
did light and light mixed lomids sold al from
$3.15 10 . U.2. Them was an active denmnd amid
I stronger market for good pIgs antI , Yorkers .
but inferior un.1 Itle ' 1)lgl we'I , slow sellers
and lower. Sales were at trm $ .25 up 10 'S.90
tOI' 30 10 130'lb. stuff. ' 'herl Was lot I. great
amounl oC vim I" the Imle lt any time . hut all
but I few loads ot lIght sllr soki. ' ! llln
was very largely lt from ' 4.10 10 $ t.3 ; , us
against $ .o to $ .2 ; 'fhur.dn and $4.10 10 $ .2 ;
one week ago today. n.plesenlal\1 sales :
No. Av. Sh. PI' . No Av. Sh. Pr.
30 . . . . . 131 . . $3 75 15..171 . . U 15
13..11 . . : 90 h7..221 o . 420
91. . . . .19 . . 3 921 . 70. . . . .207 J20 4 20
! ' . . . . . & 39L 4R..IS4 . . 420
4 . . . .16 . . 40 1..219 210 4 10
75..1 20 40 L7..21 2 4 20
Os . . . . . 361 40 4 0 : 25. . . . 214 . . 420
93..159 120 4 Oi 50..lii . . 1 160 425
B..192 . . . . 40i 6..2G ; 40 42 :
: . . . . .270 . . 410 . . . . . . . . 4 25
7..2t 40 410 . , & . . . .23 . . t 30
92..166 W 410 (7..2 : 120 435
71 . . . . . 158 40 4 10 . CII..265 . 16 435
0 ; . . . , .l' 40 4 10 S..2JI 1) 43 ;
317..178 40 410 56 . . . . . Ill 40 43'
7..ISI . . 4 10 12. . . .t3 ; . . .1 40
. . . . . 80 415 16 . . . . . 103 40 t 40
h7..1&8 ( 12Q 415 Il . . . . . . .5 . . 440
66..17 . . 415 . t6..211 ! . . 445
14 . . . . . 119 . . 415 GI..3IB . . t 41
, . . . . 00 4 I ;
I'WS . \ N10101. ( .
1..2CO . . 2 0 42. . . . . 93 ) . . 335
13. . . . . 43 . . : 2 121. . . . . OS . .34'.i
23. . . . . SI . . 2 r .10. . . . . 79 . . 30)
Ii . . . . . 36 . . : 7 : 19..10 ! . . : : m 51
6Z. . . . . M . . 275 6S..IU' ) . . . : 6'J '
63. . . . 61 . . 2 & : 104. . . . . Ill & 1 36Q
3. : . . . 70 . . a : i 09 : . . . . . . 375
4..12 . . 30 3 12..1' . 27 . . . :116 :
141. . . . .73 . . 305 ( 19..57 . . . .390
60. . . . . 71 . . 325
141 1 h4lllI'-Il"eeiiit. , "ero lIght . consisting ot a
: . ] eon.lolng
luUllo , or 10. < . ot \r ) goal , IHaler weilli , s .
'fhell was . In active ( l'rnantI 11,1 , n consIder-
Ihl ) ' hllhel' lila I kel. 11 ices Ir Iluril ably all or
LI 'IUIII'r hIgher Ihan the close of lust w..le.
I.'nll 10 chalet , 1Hlhr iIIr'IuQtmIlolo ut ' 2.2U3,0 :
fair II good weslrn $2.Ocijl.00 ; l'OnlnOI unl
stock sliecli $1 00112.00 ; good , lu choice 40 (0 (
100.11. lambs . ' 2.r13.h. 1"I''e ' sales ;
No. WI. PI
3 : western wethers . . . . . . . . . , . . . lOt $ 0
Iteceipta Ild II"JnIUII lt Stock .
Olelnl rle.IIIp , ull ul lsposl t Ion ur stock as
shown hy time books or ; Ihs Unlol Stock lards
company ror the tw.'nIY.luul huIS , coilIng . at 3
u'eluel t. . m , . Drl.tmher . 28 : 1591 ) :
dm'1'H. .
1. Cars. heath.
t'tile ( . . . . . . . . . . . . .4. . . ) . . . . . . . . . 76 teol.
.lle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 : .6 ' ( 1
Hheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . ! 333
Dl81'qT1ON. .
'ii .1 I Cattle. hogs. tTheep.
Olnha Pleklnn Co. . . " ( . . . 8 . . . eef. . .
U. Il , Inmlolll ( So . . . . , . . 20 1,076 33S
Swift unl comllal ) . . , . : . : . . WJ J,4S3 . . .
( u.ialty Packing Co. . . ! . . . . 21 321 . . .
\lsol . . . . . . . . . . . t't. ' . . . . . . . . . 227 . . .
M , II'n8 lion . . . . . .r . . . . . . . .507 . . .
Nelson fon.'t. , . . . 50,3 . . . . . .
A. lines . . . . . . . . . . . 'l. ' . 19 . . . . . .
I. Ilecltet ' & IUgen..I. ; 8 . . . . . .
\' Irekel' . . . . . . . . . r . . . . . . . 19 . . . . . . .
J. I. . 1 ley..v . . . ' . . . . ' " '
10mllol & 1..I. . . { . 16G . . . . . .
J. bobmnali. . . . . . . . : ? . / . . . 2 . . . . . .
l.llan./.I. 235 . . . 94 ol'er. . < . . . . . . . ; , . .t.v. . . . . . 70 ) . . .
.z. - - -
Tolul..f , ' . . .I. . 2.1S2 4,210 421
Nol Ylr" 1.lvp blue : , 11\kst.
NIW : YOIK. 13cc. 28.-I\EIWgH-Ierelpts. \
3,0 ° helo' ' ; 2J curs on tale ; steers and ( Xel 111.
dry 'W' ISo 10 ; Sc loner : native steers , [ I"r 10 (
iriune ' $3.90411,41 ; ; . $2i5411.44 ; bulls . 12.2761
.9"5,40 buls. $ (
3.75 ; dry $ ( , , uvs . $ I.45tt3.M. 12.7Gi3.H l 'eatles quote
11) uroJm
AI'rlrul steers al N(1o 1"11 Ih. .
weIght : refrigerator beer nl Mi9Y.e : rXllrl
today . 2,6'J .he.p ; tomorrow. 1,378 beeves , 3,310
Siteeli [ jimitI 2,300 qutiertt lt hpc.
I SAI.\'b48-ItcCt'lpts . . 1. lmeatl ; Ihmlr , ; 1'101. .
1"1 . . 10 I.rlme , , : ( ) tS.Oj ; barar cellos . 1,2
$115111' ) AND $ . Ahtil8-lteceiits ; ' . 7.8b' head : IS
11HW stile ; simeep . lnn : 101 " . 1.61'e ' hIgher ;
sheet ' , "oar 10 Illm ' , 12.03.6 ; leiiIs ) , . Coml01
10 fair 12.75fI4.r .
liOUli-lteeeptj' ( . 408 I10e ; actIve anti lIe
10GH-I.celltj. ; ! . . * 4,71615.00.
Illi.l" CIty JV bIn" Aln ket .
"ANHAH 'J'fU.e. . 28.-'AT''I.l3-lteceipts .
tI' 1",1 ; hhl\l.n. . 20) ) head ; lurk.1 slow .
but steady ; Texas * Iec.s. ' 235fU.i : ; 'J' " . . tows .
ll.WitI.bO ; ) l'ef .Ie.'r" * 3.60,1.20 , . lulh' " tows , '
11.25113.23 ; 11"er. timid trl'lers. , 1tJ.w ; bulls ,
$ IiCMIS-lteceiItts . G. : head ; .hpmenls , none ;
ra , t Wl.itlI ' ' ( .a lower : bulk ot . . UOU I
- - -
- - - - - , ,
t- E are now displaying in our warerooms
WE a stock of Furniture . Carpets and .
ka1 / Stoves that covers the whole Iht of
prices , from the lowest t ( the best.Ve . .
have elegant Oak Suis , beveled glass , highly
po1shed , from $15.00 and t1pvarc1s l'ai'-
-LL. _ ? . . ' 101 suits in all co.crngs from $25.00 and
upwards. Carpets-- have on hand '
! ! malics of Carpets , flm the lIoqucttes to
I I 45c : the Ingrain In fact , evcrything that you
. . I
j ' in first c'lass house It
can see in any frst-cass Ca'ct I '
Price , $22.50 ; worth $40.00. WIll bc to your interest to see our hues. i'
Why ? Because we save you from 25 to 35 per cent on each purchase. ,
- -
We wi open account wih you if you wish us tods . CRED GIVEN ' , ,
Send 100 in postage for '
big Catalogue. , Sol i
agents Peninsula Stoves ' .
. . . . J
false f
also Estat Oak Heaters.
a -
- _ : . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I
4.30 : h.a\lIs ) , 11.0384.40 : flel'Pr. 81.00414.40 :
ml""II , $ 3.954(1.25 ( : lIghts . $ 3.50413.75 ; Yorkers $3.70
643.75 ; II/s. $ .IW3.70. .
liii l4HL'-ltcm'iits , . 2,10 head ; slllpmens ( . 400
h'al , ; nUl kel steady .
There 'VIS No QUOIRllo Chance In PrIces
for Useful 1eet Cattle.
CIIC.GO. Dec. -There was no quomblo
clang" 11 Ilrle for Useful grailes of beef cattle.
\\'itlt fresh lceiPt5 about 2,000 Imea,1 , in excess of
the arrivals of the satne day Inst week , trade
ruled slow , hut minces were generally well Sims.
tamed. MoM of the fair light and medium sicers
\vent at from $3.53) to $4.60 , a. few plain light
steers around $3.23 , and some of the fat 1,50) to
1,100 lli. cattle around $4.75. Some thIn young
steers were taken out for feeding miurroIlej around
$2.60 , and thrIft ) ' , well bled feeders Went around
Ilogi , veeeiIts , fell about 8.000 head eltort of ( lie
arrivals of one week ligo. Tim demand was not
strong , however , and the general ( ratIo .was
quiet , with little change from Tlmumrsday'e eaJo
of Prices. l'rime heavy hogs solo ! rarely up to
84.63 , but good heavy packing and simipphig lots
sold cliiemly at from 84.45 to $4.55 , plain mixed
arounl $4.30 , and lIght weIghts largely at fromn
13.5K ) to $1.20. The late trade was llrni.
Hnrl' prIces for sheep were ( iron , but ( lie market -
ket soomi lost tone and closIng prices were lOc
off ( ruin the values ( if the On ) ' before. The run
Ira , , ample and them were enough late arrIvals
of yeslerday suit on band to swell the total
supply to 15,004) le'd. , ChoIce ( ut wetliers solil
at from $3.15 to $3.65 , most of the good medum
muttone at ( rena $2.85 to 13.85 , and thin to fair
tmilxed lots at from $2 (012.60. Good iamb. sold
at Ibrmn prices. 1"nacy lambs Went at 14.30 , most
of the good to choice lots at from $3.60 to $4.10
and fair lots around $3.23.
Receipts : Cattle , 7,100 head ; calves , 200 head ;
hogs , 20,000 head ; sheep , 11,003 head.
IlOGS-Iteeeipts , 20,0.00 head ; otlicial yesterday ,
17,800 broil ; shipneni , 7,800 head ; left over.
aliout 4,00) IieaiI ; quality fair. Market slow ;
prices stenly. Sales ninged at * 3.8084.30 for
light , * 4.00614.2) ftr rough packing , $3.93414.60 for
mIxed , 14.25411.70 for heavy packIng and shipping -
ping lots.
CA'I'TLII-licceiptm. , 7,500 head ; yest&day , 6,821
lieal. Market steady.
$ IIEEI'-Itcveipis , 11,000 head ; yesterday , 15,093
head. Market unchanged.
St. Louis lAy. , Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS. Dee. 28.-CATTLE-ReceIpts , 700
lieiul ; shIpments , none ; market nominally steady ;
no quotatIons really establIshed , arrIvals being
kept back by ilelayml trains.
llOGS-1eceipts , 5,000 head ; shipments , 1,300
head : market , iubi , easy : best heavy , $4.50 ; giol
nolxed ammil lIght , $4,23414,40 ; Iigs , common and
03)1511 , $300414.00.
SltEHl'-Item'ilits , 3,400 heat ; sllipments , none ;
market active , Mtrong ; native mixed , $3.00413.25 ;
lambs , * 4.23. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Stock In Sight ,
ltecorI of receipts at ( lie four principal mar-
hots ( or Fmida' ; ieeember 22 , 3891 :
Cattle. hogs. Silcep.
South Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,183 3,681 333
( 'Iiicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,530 20,000 11.000
ISansas Cihy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,100 5,200 2,100
lit. Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700 10,000 1,400
Totals , . . . . , . , . , , . , , . , , , . , . . 1l,4S3 33,581 14,833
Failures for llie Year % ViiI Show me Iecremtse
frotua i.nst Year.
NI4W' YORIS , Dee. 29.-Il. 0. Dun & Co.'s
weekly revIew of trade will city : Commercial
failtmmes In 1801 already meportcd number 11.2)2 ,
agaInst 15,243 last year , s'illm iinblitlcs of $ IG3-
215,404 , agulmist $346,770,859 Inst year. Nest. vcel :
( lie iliioil report for 1594 wilt lirobibly Include
about 400 more failures , with iinhiiities of about
$1,000,000. From these accounts banks , bankers.
financial toid ilanPJ > oi tntlon COilil&ttlies are cx-
cliolcil. Manufacturing failures already nunolcr
2,73.3 . , tigaimist 3,422 Inst year , but time usC lities
are only 561,491.287 , against $ l76'JS2O'J1 last Sear.
Tire trading ( allures eli eiuIy , 0011110cr 11,111 ,
ag'i imist I I 512 last year , but the llalii it ies are
, .mii' $87,833,057 , against $120,062,313 last Sear. 'l'lto
statement by seclicns shows a dereaso of about
two.thihrils in tiefaulted iialiilttic In the m'iclle
mmii eenlr.l northern states , tine-halt In time Ivest
anti soiithiuvt'sL 1,11)1 , IL hhiirtl In oilier acctions.
I ioll.iay trade bus mild expectatIons. i'ureiiases
ili.3 bieii numerous , but slilalier (111111 usual in
alnollilt nnd moore maImed to needful articles ,
tlmti iiiitlcii.atlng onlinary trade , 'limo volume
, it limslnei's , melirciocnteil by clearIng iioumme cx-
eliangt'a is 7,7 i"t C'flt longer titan lust year , but
21 .8 per ceilt less tiitmmi Iii. ' Sear iiefOC , and time
, hmti' ( iiu'erag , , for leceiiiiier ham' ii.eii 7.1 i"r
cent moe. , than lust year , but 25,2 per ceilt less
tlnn ; thu year before.
\Vlteat has thtllIlI , % cent , tlmomigli western
meeciple imavo been only 1,712,001 Ijimalmels , against
3.103,032 bushels for the caine week bid ) 'ear , but
siiico August 1 iccellits have beeii little larger
(11db last year timid ( lie visIble supply is ( lie
largest known. Exports In iecemtoei' ( loin boim (
roasts huve been a lIttle larger titan last yemir ,
hut. ( or tile Cr0l ) car about 20.00(3,019 ( bushels
sinai icr. 'Fhie westemii estlmnmite , usually I C-
gnriltil with tiiost coultilenee. Is tllat the crop
% viil mmmcii 515,00(3,000 liushmele , uvimicli will leave
( is. 'xoI , I , with iock ( , rougitt tiler , lmioie than
2)0,0)40,00' ) ) ) bushels , of wimim'ii only 75,00(3,000 IiualiIlls
timtv , ' 111)110 totiroal , Corn hat , deelimled cetil ,
with gootl itceipts. l'Ioo prIce tiC catIon lioN n.t
cliamigeti , html the fmit thmat EeCeilits ( rufli plants.
I Ione t his iiioo tim ilitl'e hiemi gremi Icr S lmati in I 813 ,
whhie stocks iii sight hmre lilid alromiil mire larger
thou lit time 500(110 ( dali , ( hat year , Is an obstacle
tO lii ) ' rise , Sales of wool this month llave leri
17,198,500 , agalrDt 33,043.125 POUn1 1.1st
yt'iir and 21,302,300 l'OUmfllO in b5E5 , and Ohio XX
ittia soul at 11 CentS.
¶ i'hie market for Iron nail steel Is waiting , but
tIme reilucthon Iii wages lot tIme jIlymir 'i'homlisofl
wrks , mveiagiiig 15 per cent , laInIy indicetes
the sonic ililltcuity which Is seen In utoer quar.
tom's , Ihuit hito ilemnanil for consumptiumi itoes not
answer to ( lie Immiacase iii itroiluctlon of pig
Iron. 'Flie slmlg'rimente of rails for eleven mnontlis
mcci' revkone.t at only 700,010 tons , of which only
2)0,00) lions iii ( or new ioails. Numerous lirojects
( UI steI builollllgs are umider constileration , but
no liiiloI hUnt c'mttriict Ii' meiorteii , It gives some
entotmri'gement that the ltiiieliemn iorks ( mayo
secured a contract tO niche al mnor plate for
ittleala. but Ilto order for east P'Ile ( or Japan Is
still Iii ticoulit. l'riceiu have scarcely chi4nge'l
during time week , although lleesniier l'g and
billets are , If anything , a allude weaker , Timers
is a larger demumani it ) tialls , lout Imi Imarmlware ,
mnucimlnt'ry , engimics aimil railway stocks nd ma-
tennIs , time busIness ii. much depressed ,
lilmllinments ot boots and slices ( loin liostoti
have beemi 6451,471 eases in thu past two months ,
tgalmii't , 5,84,239 in 1592 , Imitimerto ( he largest year ,
but time difference about prices still checks op.
eratit'miii. '
Faiiuies ( or this' uctk lteyo been 37(3 in lbs
tYititeil StateS , miguitlet Ill last 3'ear , anti forty.
onto iii t'mitmioda , agaInst loSt year.
l.iverllioI lurketIi , ,
h.lVIlitl'OOb. It'c. 28.-WI IIAT-tlplt , ( mOISt ,
but steady ; , k'iiianiI poor ; No. 2 red. winter , 4.
lid ; No. 2 red , siriiig. stacks s'ximuuuted , No. I
liad , hoiumiltoloa. 85 1ci No. I ( 'alifornia , Sit 2.1.
Futures egemmed imUtet , with iear nod distant
mnomitliii I rarItmilIgs lower unol dIsllnt mitorith , 3
(0 3 fartl'ilmigs louver ; lousiness fully distributed ;
beceI1ilsr , Is ii ) . .imtnuar' , Is 50(3 : l'eI'muary , Is
t'ta'i : Stuiclm , 4 $ 50'I.tmrll , 4s l'i.l ' 0.iiiy , 4a 103 ,
(0ltNSpot. . 'mulct ; Aiiertc'mmn , ; iixt'oi , 1. 44.
Futumes ois'nCil 'itiltI , with near stud distanb
mmic.mmtlis 2 fttI lhmiumga louver ; elaseil easy , tu ills
near amid distant positIons 241J ( arihlngs lower ;
iUsmneaa imsaviest on asar bY ciosiltona ; Vecemu.
her , Is 9.1' January , Is hI ; Fetiruary , Is 3d.
March , 4s lii ; APril. lii 3.1 ; May , Is P.311.
FLOIJIt-lull ; demimmid poor ; St. Louis fancy
whiitar , te 50.1.
I'IIAS-Caaadinn , In lId ,
P1(0\'bSlONS-ilacon , easy ; demand poor :
Cumuberlnnl clii , 28 to 30 his , , ISa ; short rtlis , 28
lbs. , 23s Cl ; long c'eav , light , 150)43 ) lbs. , 32s Id ;
long clear , immuvy , 55 ili . . . 32s ; short clear mlil.
dIes , lme'avy , 55 lbs. , 33s ; clear bellies , 146410 lli' .
42s 6.1 ; molmoulolere , square , 324119 lbs. , ITs. Ilamims ,
short cut. 144116 lbs. , dli , . Ih't'f , extra India
( hess , 52s Cd ; Prilno mess , 60s. 1'rk , , mirlmne tilem's ,
iitio western , GUs ; lirimmie nseliumn , & 3t Sd. Lard ,
( lull ; primno westemu , ISa 3d ; rcllmieil , in pails ,
36s.TALLOWFine North American , lIs.
CIlfllSi1-Quiet ; deimiand poor ; Ilnest white
Jilnericnn , 5 , 6,1 ; colored , lie Cit.
IIIJT'i'Elt-Flnest United States , 73s ; good , COs.
TtYltl'ENTINI4-Smiirils , Ills Gd.
btOSlN-Cnniinon , ls 3,1. ,
COTTON SllC1) 011-Liverpool , refined , iSs Gd.
LINSIIgI ) OIL-lIe 3d.
I'I1TI1OLC'M-lteilneil. 5s.
I1FFIIIGUIIA'i'Olt HlFiF-Foro quartem a , 3il ;
hind quarters , Cd.
1ILL'ACIIINO 1'OWDER-blnrii wood , f. 0. b. ,
Liverpool , 17 lOs.
1101'S-At Lonlon , I'aciiic coast , 2 ils.
Time graIn anil provision exchanges vll1 be
closed from t o'clock Monday , December 31 ,
until Wednesday morning , January 2.
Aggregate of IIuimme Transacteti by time
Associated Ilitmik. Lmuat % 'eeho.
N14\V TOnIC , Dec. 28.-The following table ,
compUed by Iiradstreet's , shows ( lie total clearances -
ances at tue principal cities nail the percentage
of Increase or deciease , as compared uvlum time
correspondIng week last year :
CITIES. Clearlngs.i Inc. Dee.
New York . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 445.115.129 . . . . . . .
Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70,776,193 . . . . . . .
Itoston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74,050,438 ' . . . . . . .
I'hiSladelphia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76,099,114 5.2. .
St. 1.ouls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23,074,021 . . . . . . .
San Francisco . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . 2.6. . .
llnitlniore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,104,1263.6 . . . . , .
i'lttsburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ll,683b81 7.2 .
CincInnati . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.416,3)0 . ) . 4.5. . . . . . .
iCansas Cily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8.039,105 . . . . . . .
New Orleans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ' , ' . . . . 8.1. . .
Buffalo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3,373,108. . . . . . . . . . .
Iutiluvn.akeo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,632,617 3.2. . . . . . .
Detroit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5,162.500 . . . . . . .
LouIsville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5,035.811 5.3. . . . .
Mlnneamolls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4,710.421 . . . . . . .
OMAlt/s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3,543,744 . . . . . . .23.5
l'rovidenc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,312,14)0 ) 7.6 . . .
Cleveland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,319,761 16.9 . . .
Ilouston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G.GCI.OS3 3.5.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . .
St. Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . II. . . ) .
Ienver . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . .
IndIanapolis , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3,634.165 , , . , . , . . .
Columbus . 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,013,70121.0 , , . . . .
llartfomd .2,416,115..5.2 ) .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . .
1tilmnioni1 2,155,049
' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . , , . . . .
W'asiiingon . ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,602,183 , ' , 22.1 , . . . .
Dallas 2,6')4,3H
. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , . . .
St. Joselh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,333,530 , , , . . .
l'eoria . 3,706,50)6
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , 13,8. . . . .
Stemiilimis . 1,614,740
l'ortiamitl , Ore. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l,009'JS3 . , , 5,2. . 37.4
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . 27,8. . .
ltitdmester .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , . . . .
Now haven 1,368,916
Savannah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,03'Jil . 21.5.
Sjiringiield . , . Mass . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,123,007 , , . . . 10.1 . . . .
\Vorc.'ester 3,152,77.
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . .
I'ortiantl Me. 3,1 11,765
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , .
Atlanta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,319,377 , . , 16.1 . . . . . .
Fort \Vorth . , . . . , , . . , , . , , . . , , . , . , , IE.O,53i , , . . 6,3. . ,
Vaco 36.4. . .
Syractmsa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . .
les Moines . .5121,630
01100(1 itapids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 721,0(42 ( . . . , . , , . , . . . .
Seattio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . 11.1. . .
Lowell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . , . , 11,4
, . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . .
Wiimninglon iel. . 653,4lS..5.6
Norfolk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Sioux City
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . .
TItcoflImi Los Angeles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5052,335 fdl'JJG . . , . . . . .
, , . , . , , . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . ,
Saglnau' Such ) '
. . . . . . . . . . ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
Stioltano 22),5'.te..4,3
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .
Jaclmsonvilloo Limmcolmi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . 2.1. . . ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . ,
New lbddord , , .
Wlcilita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . 7.t . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ,
'l'OIieiUL llirmiiingimamn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( , 41,0 26. ) . .
Lcximigton , iSy . . . , , , , . . , . . . . , . . , , . , 271,503 , . . . . . . ,
lilngiiamnpton 2i4,5 °
. . . . . . . . . . , , .
'hay City , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . .
'Fall ltiu'er , . . . , . . , . . , , . . , , ) . . . . . . . .
'Alimomi 0 . 22,5.
. . . . . . . . . . ,
, . . . . . . . , 8..7,9
Cnntoi , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231,792. . . . .
'Sioux Fails . , , , . , . . . . . . . , , . . 21.1. .
'Fremont , . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . )
'hlnalimigs , . . . . . . . . . . . . , ' 21.6 .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .
'Ciiattammougmc ( ( 22.0
' , , , , , , . . . , . , , , . , , . . . .
'i'uigo , , , . . , . , . . , . . . . , , . . , . . .
Namsimviile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,015,551 , , 31.8.
Ilmoiveslomm . 7l4)t)0 ) 2.1.2
. , . . . , , , . . , . , . , . , , , ' .
'Salt J.mslt 1t,7'J.4t440 . 166
. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , .
'itoclcford , . , . , . . . . , , . , , , , , . , 05,2507. . . . . . . .
Jlelemla . . .
, , , , . . . , , . . , , . . , . , , . . . . . .
Hcmminton .
'l'iiianiai.o0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 727.455. . . . . . . . .
'ittiu ( itoclc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213,8)0. . . . . 30,5. . .
Totals United States. . I L31,10i,76) ) 0.1 . . . . . . .
. , , . .
Fixciusit'e ( if New Yomic. 3)1,230,835 12.7
Sluntmejl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & , l5s.bii . . . . . . .
'i'oroiito , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,7L7ICS 7.14
halifax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I 503G,1J1 . . . . . . .
litmmmiiton , , , . . . . , , , , , , . , . . . . . . 580,163 . .5.7 .
Vimimilpeg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 061,5)4 7.2.
Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II 35,4i2.Sii Li
'Not included iii totol ,
11. 1.ouuliu ( it'lierel , lIarltct ,
lIT. LOUI8 , 13cc , 28.-Fi.C113i"bUil and about
000limmal ,
\'ilih.tT-Opened , iepresscd , 5c lower than es.
temday , later litemilni' aI.itly , but closi'l c le-
low tile previous' a ( immal qliomimtiIlti. ( Situ
dull. 3)ecemnbem , Sic ; Jamiutiry , SIc ; 2'ln' , S4
( lSit4e.
COIIN-limll : 'cry little for smile , uu'Ilii local
mam ket ueil miuctaimmed ; No , I maixci , oasis , 421c ;
Decemalier amid .Jammumur' 12c ; Slimy , lltItJISc.
OATH-litlumlg curly , 3iay selling t,053u mibovo
yesterday's ciuse , but later uttcliiitol 3c on limo
utcaiteniag ( If corn ; No , 2 , cash amid leecmiibei ,
lIe ; January , 301e ; lila ) ' , 31'4e.
ltVi--ltmii ) , with no a8eminsos ; lic ( or No ,
2 , east able ,
il. itIl-3Y-Quitt , Bt'ld ) ' .
liiAN-ilrnm ; Gb lii ) for east ( rack ,
FLAX Sil4I-Saioble at ll.3.
C1.CJ''Hll 81i51)-litoady ; choice , 89.50118.50.
Tbstt'I'IIY-l $5II 25 ,
hAY-huh , railer on etntIr.ucd heavy ofler-
ings ; praIrie , $7.25 for clmiale.
' ' ' , ,
JitJ'l't'lmt-QumI , unchanged
E0iS-Ihigiser ; lOc ( Or fresh ,
Li3AI-iuii , steady , 82.1.0 blil.
16l'lL'i'iit-Oferid at 83.07 % ; 00 raise ,
' , ' ' .
COilN' StlIAL-Stea'l )
\\'IIISICY-lI ? .
C0l"fON 'l'lii3-70c.
l'ltt'JSlON-l'0llC , stardartt specs J21.bera' ,
311.62 % . Lam ) , IiiimmlC mteomom , 16.65 ; choIce , iC.72t.
liacon , packed abaulder , , $8 ; longs , 86 8) ; ntis ,
86.52 % ; iberia. 15.15. Dry suited mimeOts , loose ,
ahituIJer , , $1.75 ; longs. $1.75 ; rib , , 85.51 % ; sisorla ,
1 . llanis. sugar cuis.iI , lQ'Ifillc. '
Itl3Cii'T--F11ur , 1,000 1 Ci. . , wheai , 4,005 bu. ;
Corn , 11,00) 1.15 , ' oats , 6t'd ku
Suili'il I.N'1-1'loImr , 8.100 tibia , ; wheat , 5,000
bu. ; curio , noims ; oats , 1,00' ) ku
t.'ottomm 'Iimirkut ,
: Ll. : OIILEAN $ , Dec. ZI.COTTOfl-1'UtUftI
- - - - - - - - _ w _ _ _ -
For delivered prices on Corn or Feed ot
lIlly description ill car loads lots , Writs
01' telegraph
w. H. BOOTH & CO. ,
Kansas City , Mo.
\'eIghts and grades guaranteed.
Commission Merchant
Grain ttiitl Pi'O'iSiOllS.
Private wires to Chicago and New Ynuric.
All business orders placed on C110.tgo
l3oard of Trade. '
Corresiomidemice solicited.
( JIilce , roomn 4 , New York Life Building ,
Olliaha. Telephone 1103.
steady ; sales , 1OP03 bales ; January , 15.17415.19 ;
Felurumnry , $3.275.2S : 3inmchi , 15.865(5.37 ; April ,
$5.3S413.I9 ; May' , * 3.43415.44 : J tine , iI.49411.Gt ; July ,
83.4105.63 : August , $5.5itJ5.G1 ; September , $5.62
bId ; October , $5.63 bId.
lllt , % IS1'RlIhT'S 'ritA DII ltI111W ,
I'rospm'ct for Trade timrlng time itetuimuinIsig
PortIon ( it Winter Is t'nor.
NEW YORK , Dec. 28-liradstret's tomorrow
will say : General trade presents the usuel
lmolilay ( clmnnncU'risties. A majority of wholesale - : ' . , ,
sale dealers and manufacturers mmrc begInning or
have flnislmel taking account of stock and or-
ranging settletnemus ( or ( lie New Year , Time
mcmiin : activity line beeti for Christmas specialties
in retail linen. 'I'iie iimctlcnl concitmiolcon of hell-
tiny trade imas brought nbout a moderate cc-
actIon , and ( lola emioloasizcs tIme dumliness note4
in preceding weeks. Jobbers claim the out-
Ionic for trade durIng tile lmmte winter and early
spring is for very conservative bim'lmig , but in
comae lines , notably heavy textiles , the recent
cold wintimer liami stlmtmlatel stiles and reports
from retailers ulest nail sotmtli indicate that stocka
are low nltmiost beyond precedent. Traveling I
uialesiiien , witim few exceptions , are elf time road.
ltiiston mt'ports 37,60),000 ) hoUndS of wool in that
city , compared uu Itli a stock of 43,500,000 one , ,
year ago , ( lie decremise being cxcltmsivly In do. '
niestlmt varIeties. Immilustm-ies are uoimut , iown in
many imistances to make reIialmH or take stock.
mOOt , ouuing to extremely low minces for Industrial -
trial stopies , ( lie uvoge moventeimi tends down-
wmtrl. Quotation. , ( or motiipie macI climinilise show
more flrnmtmess , with augur , cotton , wheat , corn ,
steel , naval 510cc , . , tobacco , tin and caliper limo-
tlcally uncliaagel in minces. Onis. amnonj
cereals , reeniuls a fr.iotional aIvalmce , while Print
clolims anil other etaiile cottons nie iou er in can-
( ommimy uitlm resimi Ii. of recent mummctlonm , , 1111.1 liorli
anti larI ale lower , uvilli incmeaslng sum.pli'n of
louver mmudea of live stock at westemn mnarkelis.
Coffee , too , Is ulplir'ssol , imnil there time ruinoms
of coumimacts tar lion and steel at a shade umlider
imist week's quotntiomls , although not cunttrmneil.
1 tr'duceol stickm , of .A imoerlrami itvmuilalio i'u'pl ' lee of
wheat , mmotwitlistamiol immg I eports in time visible
mmtmmtemnent of it net illcrUmii ? , tetmd 1 , ) iitmengthien
whe'ni , ttmt tIme siirprisitigly large tohmmi of that
cereal ( ( tour ineitmihil mmmi viiea ( ) sent milrommii , last
uveek lit fully offset by the mlmnimmlcage iii sucim
ei.piirin ( his u t't'lt , ( lie total , hootis coimmots of -
time United Stales , being 1,811,000 iou , , cumimiiarei
willi 3,551,000 ku in ( him , previous week , 2O3COQO
liii. in time correm'smm.lingt'lc . a year ago , 2,917-
000 Iou. two ycoms ago , 3,106 00(3 liu , three years
ago , armii , as contrasteul w'lIii 1,031,00) loU , ( or
( lie last week 1mm tue cnienmlnr m'mmr of 1030.
lolemeantile ( allures iii ( lie UnIted States for
time cmtlc'nilmr : year ( iecctnber 27 , 1093 , to lIe-
ceintoer 26 , 1191) ) ilgrmi'gtmie 12,711 , or 18 Icr cent
l'ss ( lisa In thii panIc year of 3593 , when time
total , 13,160 , wimmu 51 ii'm cent gremer thin In
3192. Ltmmiillties of fimiimig ( ( mailers lists year
aggregate $113,500,000 , a rmltmctloti of 63 tier remit
( rmini 1053 , nmmd aecta Of $71,600,000 , a falling offer
( or 70 Per CCIII ,
liuiecimil relarna to llradatreet's show a net dc.
cm 111i50 WIthin liii' y'ar of atutit 3,0) ) ln.Iiviiluahri . ,
lii ins nmmil cam I'll atiomma cstnblislmt'.i in business
( tim uuigliou t lime coil mmtry , bu t owing to , lecremtse
in time ntmmmibem of ( ailimrcim , tue ( 'nnimn'rclai , lt'muthi
mate its only milo.iut 1.21 In every 100 engitgemt him
tuIlinemlim lii ( Ito ( ' . , ur yemirs lireem'ding 1113. it (4 (
tiiso shown timal 75 limmmmis art' rcl.ired isusmetmds'd , ¶
I lois ICtI I' , ( oimllitii ( .41 us , I t Ii 515 I he ye i' liefom e ,
( twill ) ; $15,482,000 , too comitmmuste.I . uvitim $170,000,054
time bofome ,
year _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'I
% % ' ( , :11 ii rlu't ,
IOWION : , iec , 29.-'rhme Ammmm'rlean Wool mmmi4
comluimi ltviiOm icr amys of time Ctol trade : 'l'ime
ycam' 113 going mum I mmii ( (5u ( ) I uii Ii mc ( millet 111011 itch ;
nimtimng toll 10 d.iio hums iImpenm cii to rullls' Its
( mmtmmiCsb ( ( Timcro Is mm contllmtmoumm ( m cc iouisimmm'sa ,
all ( miougim , 111 51)1010 tlot5's I im'm , 0 Ill U SCi 5' CotilulllO5r-
able males , \'iewiiilr hoc iced as it wlmole , it
mmimy ; ho saul I lint al I reel , , have loceli imuivi mis lit
it m'mmmisll uu'mm50' ; prics rule ( .iimiy . shmummg , lithe dl. .
psilI'ou ' laimig imimmimifest to , ( ' ( lmiC'lI.i nnyhimlng.
Wti ilc' not lioncelvo ally ( luotalolo cimmmnge In tb.
inag' , of vmslUcmi mecori.i , tact week. 'limo comm.
ClilllH of I ii r'itiioi , ' I'll t [ mirermIl' ( is a rensomil toy
gutel bUsiimL'sot ( aftem' limo imolidmm'l' ' . Zolmiiiimfmmehimrers
are uvoriiiig UI ) , tei Ill L'tiy t'iose , Atlmitm , ilimru
uvool a I mm esemml I ii ices Is ' ioi III4 wei I ; I In' ( i'd mis "
seeiils It ) io that I hey mm ra Limes I' It I cmii m . 'flt ill lea , 'n"
'Ihie 101 lee itt I be it eels II (01mm 1 1 I 0 2,41 Ii r ; t his.
, Ioimmestic imimd 450,80) ) hiM , tam tlg mm , mumosit log mu
moimmi of 2.901,10) ii's. ' , mmgmtlnolt a tuiiti of l,145,0llJ
I i's ' , for time hI S'C ( il lug icceit mini mt I oh lii itt 2,100 , .
( XI. ) lbs. for t lIe CCI l ( Rl,1)il4 , ins umti list veer.
'I'ime sales since JomnUum' 1 , 15)1. flInQUImt to 142-
733.055 11,5. , egmilmist 124,171,050 his , a ) car ago.
Sales iii New 'iii k have mminoimmiteil ( o 755,4)4
u.s. Saes $ him I'lmilalcllitsitt iiggreglmio UUG0O lbs.
N'w VorIt immy ( lolnl4 3hmirkrt ,
Nl7V ' 101115 , iec. 24.-Timeru liiis . been very
11(110 ( IleiC lmsiimirmi , .1,11.1 . , Iii mmimy itcuu. riirc'ctI'tmm' .
l'L'iY I Immprrlmmmmt t'ii'qrs iii P irt'st'iit , mmm.l I ho , irdt'r
, lemmimmn.i . flii5 Of ( ' 0)11 I m tic tool Itoh 511110 hera tiemi Ut
tleits'm'.i mails , 'cry g.isl smiles uteic ieach3
tlmrougim iieibve ( les ( oil vim 11mg om dons for cliitlmlng
woolens , ilress gca'Js , underwear , , blla anti gill . , caloreil anti fancy cotiofli.
Lilscimmmusati Uleisriligs.
CiNCINNATI , Dcc , 25-Money , 24$6 $ pew
esnI. New 'utk exchange , lie loremmiiumn. Clear.
lags , $1,945,950. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'Frhscil ' 'uS ii rat .11 mu rks.t ,
SAN FIIANCICO , Dee , 23.-Whi(1AT-laell
Slay , 'JTbC ; cicartul , 47,003 ccntul almeat ,
Ill I , 't'r i'ismiiiristS. $
N11V" 5'Olll , flee. 21.-'l'ime steamer Lucanls
will take out teniornow 133,8,0) , ox. of silver ,
Oregon Kidney Tea cures all kidney ( coo.
bits. 'trial size , 25 centl , All druggists.
163-165 learborn st. , Chicago.
15 Well-al , , New York. 74) * , , tioIofl ,
$ 'IJ'OL WA'TEh emid
I)1'HK lu&u uiii
Vougltt saS Cold. CcrripufldC0QS 8Q1iC1t8. . ,
. . .
- - - - - ' '