" , " , ' nJL..Jt lJ. . ) "t..ll. " , .U.J. Wl 4' ' ) . ' : "y.\ ; . . . . , , . . . . . " .f" ' ' " ,4'1" " , . , _ U W . , " r' . , .ll ' , . , . . " : - " . , . , ' "TL.r. 1 " , " " . , .1" " . ' . . . . , . . J " . . ' - . . , " . , - _ . : ; : - . . , . " . . . . , " .l " 1- " ' - Fil r . . , , . . ' ! ( r " . . tT ' ' I " p' : r' 2 pnE OMKIIA DAILY nJJE : 1A'lURD.Y , DEO1Th113ER 29 , iS94 - - CTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS I Iherman Avenue Pa vlng Ooutrno the Text for Many Plain Words ClY EI GIEEf.3 ' INDIGNANT COMMENT L'onileiiiiq , Severely the 10arei or Iublo % 'lrR n' 10111 II t COlblne tl l'ro- 'cut Illr"t CIIIoUUln-lllur- luau n'l81Ic"r'l I'I.I , , The rnct that n restraining order proda vented the city council from placing Its ap- proval or the contract or hugh Murphy for rcavlng Sherman avenue lat night did not Ilebar It from enjoying a re4 1 hot selslon over Iho mater Rll ( hllulgln , : In a Rymposlum or retl nre and hentell oratory that lasted until nearly midnight. . garly In the sesBlon the fireworks were ignIted her : with the following resoluton by Par- lesolved , That the chnlrmnn oC the nonrcl or Iuhlc Worle8 he called Ipon to explain why the hoard of Iuhlc Work8 li5oheyed , 1180heyell the rtIollton nnll orllnlnce of the city cOlncl directing RaIl ! onlcl to I.rellrt ) and Iuhlit 11 contract for the paving of I3herbe , man aVenue nnd ! Sixteenth Itreet In llvln . cltrlct No. t.S9 with hugh Murphy nnd , Ruhlit ) tile snle ut the next meeting oC ! Ie city counci , leetn , EsaBer wantell to hear \Vlnspear's explnnatons nt the tm ! but Wheeler ob- jectell and compeled a roll cal on the sus. pension or the rules. The tlo-thlrl1 vole necessary to order the rules suspemlell was obtalnetl by n scratch nnd Mr. Wlnspear was rccognizel . lie Eahl , In the first III ace , that It wan somchhlg altogether unprecedentetl thnt the sergeant.at-nrnis or the council had been tent out early SUtlny moring to serve - notc3 on the members of the boarll that the - final ordlnnnce IH1l been paused. lie hnll toM Mr. Murphy on Monday mornhl to see the city attorney and got his contract ready : and the hoarll would 11ISS on It. 'uesday was Christmas and he expected to act on the contract at the regular meeting yesterday , afternoon. At that time the notice oC the restraining order was served , and , oC course the order oC the court was obeyel Ito adtlel that Instead or b31ng tre1ed like men wh ! knew something oC their bnslness , the member - hors or the board had been contnua , y Impor- tlnel ( anti Intervlewetl In regard to this mal- tr until It had become n burden. I NGNfml SCORES TIE DOAnD City Engineer nose\ater was called upon t ' - 10 tel what he knew about the mutH , and ] made one or the most vigorous speeches that . ho ever made before the councIl. I declared his opinion or the action oC the board In no C uncertain terms anti plainly stated that there was n conspiracy on Coat to Prevent honcst competition and to discrImInate In favor or bidders who chanced to bi on 11rtcularly rrlenlliy terms with the members oC the board. Mr. nosewator said that while he was I glad to have an opportunity to express his C , vIews on the subject hC was reluctant to dose so because ho would be obliged to call In , question some oC the statements that Mr , Wllsllear hall made. For a long time hc I had endeavored to erect a reductIon In the ' prlco or asphalt paving. So tar he hall not t Af been successful on account or soma extraordinary - dinary circumstances that seemed to shut off r al progress In this direction. First among c these was the powprCnl Influences exerted by y the Harbor Asphalt company to protec the g monopoly that It hUll enjoyed. Ht had seen copies of contracts that had been made between - tween this monopoly and other cmpanle both In Omaha and In other cItes , which e . effectually prevented anything me honest . . . compettion , The ' J3nrber company hall a t mopopJy oC , the .Tfl\lllad \ product. and made mOjopQlY 'WIth tM' ' other companies that , wished to use It by which these complles : : could only buy 'n certaIn quantty , and then : they ) had't buy'lt ' froll' the Barber company . . The result was n gigantic trust. Outside oC , these firms with 'which the Barber company MIl contracts none could bid nOlt on pavIng bo- cause they could not obtain the required r hind oC asphalt. When there was any great ' amounL of Ilavlng to 1m done the companies : , who wee In the trust got tegether and dl - vldc the territory to be Paved between them Then the 11rlces to bo offered were fixed by - j- . the central company , and they were always . ' wIthIn a few cents pC cach other , alhough t' there Was from 75 to HiO per cent proft' the contracts. , By : thcse means the trust , . , had kept UI ) thuG price oC asphalt paving al . , , though , nlPull ony formed 15 per cent oC , he 11\lrlal \ , on.y the Price or elone. con crete , sand and other materIals used had de - , ' . creased to n considerable cxtcnt. The prleo of 2.98 per yar1 fQr paving still prevaied 4. when he came Into ofce three years ago , nnd le had become convinced that the only way to obtaIn competition was to let In other 4 asplualts. 11ne3 hal been developed In Call I. Cornia and Venezucla and their product had been successfully used In Washington , Denver t - . . vor , Phladelphhi and numerous other cltle : I. The result In every case had been to open up h . competitIon and secure n great reduction In i the 11rlc oC paving The same thing had % beel , trl d In Omaha , hut had been contnu- ally thwarted by the unseen Influences whIch the , monopoly had been able to exert. I had : . Inculcated the Idea that no asphalt but the ; Trinidad product was worth anything , and t . under theo mIsrepresentatons the ( people had bejn Induced to designate that malerlal ' In ncary ) every Instance Much oC the pavement - . meat laid by the Barber Company Itself was f , . land asphalt , noCably that oC Douglas street , whIch was one oC the lest pavements In the : city. Every contract that ( had been let Cor paving wih the TrinIdad asphaltunu was asphalum i ? . , illegal under thin decisions oC the courts , because - , cause It catered to n trlnt and offered no OIJortunlty for real competition. & ITS SECRET CONSULTATIONS. Hererrlnc agaIn to the hoard oC I'ubhl C r'4 ' ( Works , Mr. Hosowator said that It had at- 4 tqlptot to go through a course or lroced ; . uro unparalleled In the history oC the board Untl this Instance the business or f the board had begn done openly. In flu ] Is case I bad Performed its business behind . : closed doors. I had spent four days In i . , studyIng how to keep the contract from the lownt bidder nIl give It to the highest blddel' It had - I held secret consultatIon Is : wlb the highest bidders consulatons g . In the lowest bidder atl investigating the . merIts oC the bll , Now the chairman was - talkIng or rcadvertslng 10 get lower Ihls , Had hD not been jetting contracts al the t - ycar nt prices from l 11 to 20 per cent higher than Ihls ant why this sudden spasm or . reform - lIe could mike o'it and award a . . contract to John Grant at $2.f3 In two hour but found himself hlnuel unable to prepare I contract e - tract wih HUGh Murphy ) al 2,07 In three duyz , At n meetng In the maor's to ' lie lund ) ofce assured the mayor that he was ac t- , lag In good faIth all that the contract weald . b passed at the meeting Friday . At that . . lme the speaker ( Out the mayor In J . ti tic . hearIng or the city attorney and othet that Mr. Wlnspear was not slncero a1I that 4 when FrlluAy calB I would be found tbat % 8n Injunction hall been obtained. The c\'enl proved , hit , truth oC the statcnieuut . r . Continuing , Mr losowaler dccarcII : that : for the good or the city th , fact lust be e a- tablshed that when I man came before the . hoard with a bill ho should receive fair trea t. ment , This coull nol be wll ) the board di 5. crtnlnated betVln , bIdders . Even I low or bids should bo jhoul received through n rearlvr- ULcll'nt the city WOUlll ba the laser by the U . 13ndl oC dollars In the enll , because It would I ; . - porpuate the combine and again : exclude . . com tllon. The only way to obtain honest nUll permanent compctlol % was to open the I gales and let In 1'1 hunts oC nSIJhal , only : ; providing thst I Ihoull bo first class and f that the payemenls laid should he lS gi ) . 190d t . , IS the boat that lurid enr been laid In the ] . . 11) ' . . - . Th\ quality or the 11aHment d11 not on the Ihll or aSllhal1 that wa , . on the manner In which I was Ilt i i In which the Ilrerenl malaria cii . I would be a great dote - tea . I I was alowed to go out 1cor could Ret a job oC Ja\'llg 1 . n partieuular friend ( of II Lee Works , . and on thIs account contract 10 go to the IU : Id 8uf1rlslngly lower thu tee lore been recrlvll by ti lee ' artors who were In the rcad'ertlzement. They e or $ : ! ,07 was too big he . racial' hnd been tnklnR 2 ; ler cent higher ror strange that they had : at thue )1 haul ( been robblnt ea. e Iresenl , thne. I the Ca : a. 10 Mr Murphy It \ con-I rom $1O,000 ( ) to SI O.O to. the a city on the next ten mies or repaving I that wu done. OBJCTED TO DEING FLAYED. In reply Mr. Wlnspenr remarked. that It looked as though Il was n put up job that he Ihould come there to hear Mr. Roawater nay the Bead of Public Works. As Car al the charge that ho hall not been 80 reluctant 10 aWard contracts to oilier bidders was concernPl ho "alII that this was perfectly tri te. This was the frt time In the history or the city that the board had ( bee asked to nward n contract whIch alowed : the con- tractor to designate his own mnterlal Was It unreasonable to suppose that the board wOIII naturally hesitate to award a contract on such terms 10 emphatically Ileniell the slatment that the board hall Indulged In slar chamber proceedings ali also declared that he had no knowledge or intimation or the restraining order until 2 o'clock 'esler- day afternoon. At this paint Wheeler took the floor to say that , In his opinion , the council had heard all that It cared to hear on thIs sUhject. howell straightway accused him or trying to throttle Creo speech , and intImated that he was ashnmed to have the real facts come to light. 10 was surprised that any member or the cClnel should tale such n course. Wheeler replied that the gentleman was not moro surprised than soiree or his friends had been at sonic of hIs actIons sInce he had been n melber or the council , and that as Car as he was cneerned , uo bulldozer cOIII ljr event 111m from exercising those rights which were given to him by the rules oC the cOlncl , All that thee special meeting had been called for was 10 hear n dlsclMlon be. lween the city engineer and the chairman or tw noar1 of Public Works , the time oC the members was being taken with but very l- te irollt. Saunders added n little heat to the pyro- technics when he remarked that , although the c : ueeecil had Invited an explanation from the Boar h oC Puble Works , It was his opinion tht nn explanatIon was more properly In order from the council. The final ordinance hall been Introduced on Friday night and was 11SBed at n special meeting , held the next day , or which same or the members were not even notIfied. I any questionable methods had been Pursued I had been on behalC of the city council. I was n most extraordinary proceeding to serve the chair- man of the hoard with notice or the passage or the ordinance on Sunday morning , acid , then Impugn his motives because ho had : nct called n special meeting oC the board to : aPllrO\'e the contract In mId winter , when the work could not be done until spring. II City Attorney Connel advised the council , ' thnt It would be wise to respect the order oC i the court until It was modified or set aside , all after some further debate , the whole matter was dropped , and the council 1110- ceeded to business On motion c Parker , the president np- , pointe h Councilmen Holmes , nck anti Lgmly to serve on the special union depot commi- tee , In plaeo oC Parker , McAndrews and las- cal , whose terms expire - . WHERE THE RACE DEGAN. 11 * hol : owann on I'ullhrntel : "nle ) ' , Eden I nlc Uablll. The audItorium or the Young Men's Chris- t han association building was filled last night : , on thee occasIon oC the lecture given by Dshop John p. Newman entitled . "One Thol- sand Miles on Horseback Through the Valley or the Euphrte the Garden or I den , Daby- Ion I and Nlmweh. " As the subject Indicates I the lecture described the valley or the EI- phrates and the varlols poInts or Interest In t ! It. particularly the three objects mentioned . As usual , Bishop Newmnn was very InterestIng - Ing l , and completely held the attention or the ; audience. On the west oC the valley , said the bishop , , . , are thee children o'f : Ismncl , who have never becn conquered and roam over the valeys u nnd the his In quest oC paturago and plunder : der as free as the breath. I Is said thai they even compel the sultan to pay tribute Cor the caravans that pass through the. dos - ert , ono oC thee strange facts or hlstor . On the cast lie PersIa and Armenia anti other or thG orIental countries. Between these two ( I outln'es are two of the most Camous rivers cr thee world flowing downward to , theo sea from n common source- . the Euphrates , caled the Water of DesIre. 1.800 miles II length , f rent 100 to 300 ] yards In width , flowing at : ice rate oC three kots an hour : the Tigris , only 900 miles long , but Car deeper and more , r apid. Between thor are some or the richest pastures on the face ' oC the globe and the ' grand cst and most beautiful scenpry that cn I bo seen nnywhere. In the springtime ono can sea there square miles or fowers every very hue and form In that valley "tho humnn h race began its race. " " In the valley live four peoples . Two or thom aro'Mohammedans , the 'urks and Sar aeens. For the former DshoplNewman had only words oC reprohinthon . No.mnttcr what their condition Is . whether outside civihiza - ton or In palaces ho terms them savages , , . Their government Is systeeiiatized syste itlzc robbery : from the sultan down te thie"howest pasba , ImpoverIshIng i the nation In order that the otclls may live In luxnry. "Somo oC the bloodlet annals oC thee tunes are written In thee Turkish empIre. Eight years ago they : Invaded i Bulgaria , which ought to bo the happiest , cuntry In the world. aced left It I devastated killing the men anti carying the e beautiful women Into thee harems. Yet b , I one word oC Old England thee Turldsh empire ) pire would Cal to Illees hike petter's clay. ; : The bishop positIvely afrmed that the reI , - ports from Armenia are mit exaggerated : The Turks have entered the country , slaugh- toned theo mono assaulted the women , mur- tiered thee mothers and children and carrie thee beautlul women off to the harems. "Yet Christian England. Christian Ittessia Cleric three Gcrmany , Cheristian Italy Cleristlan tan Christan , Christan Aus- I tria leave the power with n wave oC the hand to , put Tnrloy Olt oC Europe and heave the right to say to say to Armenia : 'You shea bo free hike Bulgaria. ' America shal send thunder over to England. This Is the easter question , said thee bishop , and he would solve I by putting Turkey out . makIng - Ing COlslntnoplo as VenIce used to bo and by opening the Dosphorus to all vessels. Armenia - menia Is a bcutCul county wIth men falous ror poetry oratory , literature. and has the merchant prlncC oC the world In n M e- hnmmodan village all Is mth , degradaton , crlenlueahity ; lee an Armcnlan . crlnlnaly 11 village , per. haps not five miles away , all Is thrift , clear : - Iness , Lice hayS and girls go singing through It I thee streets and all thee men and women ar" gentemen and ) ladles , For the Sarneels , who recognize Abraham as their great ancestor , yet trace their line I - age back to Sarah , Lice beautiful , the bishop h hall only words or approbation . They arc , Mohammcans because Mohalmed dlscvered thee old truth that there Is only ole Got I . 'hey are advanced In civilization und con e Iwrce , Another people are the devil worshipers , who once a year worship thee devil In the shape oC a bras rooster by n bacchanal more disgraceful and shnmerul than thee In the I times oC the Greeks ' tmes acid nomans 'fhey ac e Ire not alowe,1 , t [ mcnton his 18me , anti theta I , that sere time ho wi become Icing or the world Next to them are thee Nestorlans who were oxcnlnnnicatell because they foihowe folo\ed Nestorites who did net believe that Mar 'y _ was thee mother 0' llari _ ot God. but oC the man 3oaueE "he fourth hranch are the Hebrews : . 20,000 In lumber , the descendants oC anchor it captIves. Once n. year they getleer around the lamb oC Ezra out the bank IC the Tigris nnl\ \ worship him , At Iho very connuenco oC thee Tigris act It ald Clue Euphrates Is the traditional glrden of Eden On thD point oC the penInsula ts an oh tree hangIng over the water. There Is a tradition throuGhoul the valley , along Mo. heaeuneodans Jews nail Cherheetians . that thIs Is the tree oC life. and I Turkish soldier Is I Guarding It contnual ) ' , ' Bishop Newman gave , n grphlc descnitetla 'ml ' oC theo city of hhaleyhore . the prod.cl crhlton brain of Nobucheednezzar ! the muter builde m or antiquity. 'rhen followed descriptions 0' ; Nhle\'eh nail thee lujJposed site oC the tow of Dabel - - Why does time lew prelient of France r ' _ semblo Dr. Prlce's Cream hlakiceg ralco I'ocvdei ; : - laklng lQIde- llevause ho I" noted for hits etreniie. \ . na r.rcull 10 rOI,1 'I'k. ' IOnlE , Alu. , Dec. , -Ooorgo A. l'lerc . who wal ltcl'etar ) ' or lice Planters , aced Merchnnll Insurance COlluny and em- hezlll : & \,0 lire ) 'eur ago , arrived In UlO nrrlvel 11 this city 1011lY fl'l Abilene , 'ex , He I made a Itronl 1111t ngaleist ( 'traditon , \'urn'lnl the cuss to thee Unied States 11. prenw courl which decided UJlln t him , } 'Ierct gave bond In the sum oC $ , W i wal released . _ - _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ $ SHout ' lee I'n11 1I , COLOHADO 1INGS , Det'Ne vs was recel\ed today of the death oC MiV. . 1"lee'n Mellon Palmer , wife or General 'i V. J. 1llllr , JrUllent of the lUo Gram tie laud Wltern road . The \eal1 occurred Grmle - SPRNGER EXPLAINS - TIE BILL Sucoinct Summary of the AmEded Meaaurosa _ of Secrotar Oarlsle , CI ANGE IN PLAN OF SECURING NOTES - Nntolnl Ranks Not ( :011'01011 : 10 AlOI't the Ni' " Sfltoin but Cnn Con- tmiD Unc or then Old If ' 'ho , Wisle . WAShINGTON , Dec. 28-Hepreseltatvo Springer gave to an Associated press rl porter thee following summary Intended as n popular explanation oC the currency bill as modied by the late Carlslo nmenllments. "In the first place said Mr. Springer , "t he Carlisle lull proposes n radical change Inetl ) manner oC curing the bank note circulaton , 'fhe rapid pa'lelt or the pub- lie del , the limited Ilmber or bonds no\ outlandlng anti thee further fact that many or them arc held In trust capacities In this counlry and as rmanent Investments by perlons residIng abroad , heave rendered the Idnd oC security now required ieieprnctlcable. The Carlisle bi propses for security or the circulating notes or the national banks in stead or Unite States bands n guaranty fund consisting or legal tender notes or cur- . rency certificates to the amount ir 30 per cent ot the circulation applied for ; also n sarely fund to bo raised by n tax of one Ilal h or 1 per cent per annum upon the cir- culatng notes unti It reaches 6 per centum or the whole circulatIon aced . circulaton , as n Curther Re- curlty n first len on all thee assets oC thee lanle aced upon the amount which may b : realzed by thee double liability feature oC : the natonal banking law "Tho guaranty fund oC 30 11er cenlum , the C as sets In theo bank and the personal liability ' labity or thee slocleholders can only go to the payment - ment or the circulating notes oC then bank which Issues them , but thee 5 per cent guaranty - anty fund , raised by n tax upon all the cir- culaton oC Lice country , Is n common fund I out oC which the notes or any failed bank : ma ) ' bo paid IC thee guaranty fund , the as - sets and Personal lIabilities or the stock h elders are not sufficient. 'rhus on n circu- laton h or $200,000,000 the present natonal I bank cIrculation the safey fund would amount to $10,000.000 and this whole fund would I bo drawn upon to pay thee notes oC any bank that Cale . This security Is considered i alpl by the safest nanclers and banleers I of the countr ) ' . "The currency bill os amended does not ] t compel national banks to enter the new sys- t ern . They mar continue under the old I lav w . but I Is thouGht that banking ofclals wi soon see the advantage oC the new plan e and adopt it. . " _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ l'1OUngss 0) TI INDIANS. Hel10rtl rrom thee Vnrloua , Sohooll Estnb- lallll for Their Education. : WAShINGTON , Dec. 28.'The annual re- p orts or the superIntendents of Indian schools : rocelved at the Interior department indicate C a growIng Interest taken In education by the Indians and testy to the good , work nccom- plshed by these institutions. The superln- tendent t at Fort 1ojave , Ariz. , says thea t school has brought about changes In the dress and customs oC the older Indians who : Ivo better and who now almost havana : bly use the white man's dress. The Mojave : S : lving ' off the reservation are very anxIous : to be allotted small tracts or hand , Cron { which hey cannot le driven. There icre bout 1,000 : or these between Fort 'Mojave , Ariz. , and Needles who are self-supporting and wor C sel-supportng and \or Calhruly when money Is In' ' sight. ' Thee future or the Indian race , 'declares tile a tie superintendent of Fort-.YunlaX'lnd : is I school , depnds' on tholrkneWledg : himto : w ork. 'i'eath him-thee , valuo"of " mathlal"hah.do r aIlato a' performed 'b ' , .hlmsol ; and one problem In I the . way of civilizing Inelansl ISI : ' solved . . The .1oqul8 In Arizona arc reported a long ] I way behInd thee Navajoes In their desire to' ' , ear money but are IndustrIous and self - s upporting. ny perseverence and 'kIndness I , ' says Superintendent Goodman , the race an - 'tpathle8 wi slowly be conquered and the tribe educated to take its place with other American citizens. Small pox Is reported In the country adjoining - joining the Greenville , Cal. , school. , Dange r to the pupils 19 apprehended and provision : urged for vaccinating the Indians t the vol L- le h ) ' . ey.Some Some oC the older pupils nt the training school at 1errys , Cal. . who have alrcJey received stefilclent literary and Industrial edu sufclent lerary L- caton to ear their own hiving , remain at the school and enjoy government clothing and subBlstence. Superintendent Dry or this school protests against the practice or alowIng I1pls , to spend I practce lwo months on their reservations . which , he says , Is i lkely to undo much or the good work oC tbo previous ten months. There Is n gowIng freedom among the Semlnotes In Florida and they are graduall I adoptng a better civiiizaton ] . gradualy Many or the Cheerokees , says Superintend ent and ActIng Agent Peter , arc so poor the et they own nelthC plows nor stock to \ tha their. farms and cultivate their entIre cultvnte crop entre wih a hoe and , spade. Thee government hns I never Issued r tons or annuities to them , and they are regarded as better off for havIng : Ing i to rely on themselves. The grcatest curse among them Is a love for liquor , many moonshlners and hack doors disposing ot the whisky manufactured In the mountains to the Indians. Superintendent Jacobson , In charge oC the school at WittenbergVhs. " , recommends the it small quantities or vegetable seeds bo sent 10 parties In that neighborhood for use next : spring ns an experiment and an inducemecer et to the Wlnnebagos to cultivate crops Inste el or roaming . nL large and killing wolves for f bounty . Captain Pratt oC the Carlsle scieo6l l In Pennsylvanll comments on thee provision tn the Indian appropriation bill Corblddlng the ticking oC an Indian chid to n school outside thee state or territory where the reservatiome Is I located wihout the consent oC parents " "No student has ever entered Carlisle In that Carlsle tray , " he asserts , "except then Chlrlchua ; Apaches , who were transferred as prisoners oC war. I seems only just , prloaers , as the government for the most part Is Ilay- lag tieD bills I Is In order that moral pres- Huro. lS the clrcul@taneef varrant , b used 10 place In the IJalhs oC progress the rIsing geieration or Indians , nlraton so that these now on thee wane oC life may be the last oC ther : race so far as Ignorance , incapacity' ani Incapncly ani depend- enc are concerned. " At the Unmpton Institute In VirginIa there are 10 pupIls reported , m sty from the Oneida Sioux and the Seneca , . New York , . tribes. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tltp , . hl'i'i Cnly "O"'I'ful " : fuituuutluns. WASHINGTON , D. C" , Dec. 28-Generah Scheoflehd line received u ircliminary report Jrelmlnary Crone Colonel I.,1vtoll , who' Is makIng u special Ihvestlton or the Ute InJllns , who Ife their rcrer\'nlons In Colorado and crossed Into Ulah. Colonel Lwton says the Indians acted aceoruihueg. to tieolr' henbitee ( unit custom. and ucotlna had Ihelr habll line thlnllnl Uuey hail a perfect right to do ' 1 need I with ceo hostc Ilrpose whatever , 'fhey lead I : Idea or Intfnton of troteldiceg thee white . - troublnJ whie peaIll. nnd according to COlonEl I.awlon. the oldest and best . residents. DC Ihe country thus Innocent ) InvallM teever nlrr have had any uepprehueeesion or trouble. Col. ouch Iwton : acids I that lice numher or In. dIane and , their slocl hens been greatly- . nggerated. and that they are now returning 10 their reservation as 11dly us the Severity ! verity or the wnlhr permits , Irl'II" , I If In"oln i SwlnI.'r. . \ ASIINGTON , Dec 28-Arslstant See- retary Hamln has issued u circular to cus tOl9 colectors directing that unless 1 shall appear by ths Invoice heIdi or lading ant manIC.t or ether satisfactory evidence that merchullse arriving 11 the Umeited States and l'elullh:1 : In general order \tie. out eX111Iutol or appraisement Wll when thee Ihll18 were 100111\ \ ot the foreign 110rt detnp , for Immedtate exportation from' the United StatN' , no cXIrtuton Ihlrtot rhnl be IItrmlted exefpt under entry rr wal'e- house neil exportation In bunch 1n'l ' op- nratseueecnt made as ' In stecle , Ilralleltnt mudI l1cvldrd 11ch c.sel 'fhls onler Is inteceeleel Intellle.1 to meet eases where parties : nport goods fJrCVIUlly Iml.rlt.1 . In order to avoid Ilenal e for under\aIU"I'1 n.II1 I 1'1t 10 Cr"u"1 ror a 1. Ilhh'f WASHINGTON , Dre. 2.-Th State dc- parlment Is under no apprehension as to results ot threatened congressional ! Inqulr Pete the case of nndhlln , who has com- phalnel through the press or his treutmelt ut the hands oC Utehted Statex ' ' ' ' Unled Blate' Mlnlth'r 1':1- roll lat Consbsnhinopie. 1 II I'olntfd out that the mon'C own slatemrntl put him II I fl1041 euuivocal position. Lie ' , he IDot eQuvoca "Dsilon. le says hal 1 : took out n HusAlan pnsort nt Untoum In orcr to trn'el In 'i'terkey . To 110 So he must have U & t oath that he WaS I Hus Ilnn citlzenyt H waA I lec81nr ) ' 11rlm- inpa ecry to hi" UklnA out I United States PM8110r to Iwenr that he was nn American el tizeec. Fnllcr the clrcumstnnceA It Is Anhl Mllhltef .T 're'eli's heAlnnc ' to Issue I luRsllort Wf 'houghl ) ' just ! lell. AsIde from this consideration . however thee TurkIsh - hiad lt government hOI reCuscI\ persistently to 1111t thee right oC Turkish subjects , who expatrlnte tln\rI ! to return to Turkey . nlll a8 our ehwueuprenee , court In the ese or the wnouprme law hens nlrmed than e uebsohtcte' r.ht o n nation to exchlie ' class or . ' , thea nn y iieions from its territory the United States would leem to leave little g round on which to icrotest. ST\'ISj. CS.t . ) von : IMl'OUTS. 101lnlia { . : a(1 ( ' hlA Country In JII'nrtao hocus to thee Contieeneet. W"SINGTO , Dec. 28.-United Slates Consul Lathrop nt Bristol , England , has Cur- cei shed 10 Secretary Morton some Interesting tnbes , showing \ first the corn importing coultrlt oC Europe , from which It appears that eight countries Imported I I I turlng the fis.a cal t year last past , over 131,000,000 bushels oC corn. OC this amount the United King. dent toolc over 70,000,000 , and Germany nearly 33.000,000 : : bushels ; France took 10,500,000 , and 1oInd and Auslrln-lungry each took G , OOOOO ; Belgium took nearly , OOOoO. and Denmnrk and Switzerland nearly 1,7OOOO bushels each. Next , tables Ihowln the Imports or th United Ilnglom , German , Prance antI Holland , mend Crom what eoun- Irles they supplied Ihemselves. Thee bulk oC theo corn Ilportcd Inlo the United King'i dom comes rrom Houtanla anti tieO United Slates , beet theo United States , Canada mend Turkey , In thee order named , are drawn upon to make t net oho-Courth oC lice supply for the United Kingdom. Nearly hal or that Imporlel } into Germany comes from the Unied States and this country , with Hou- mnnla , supplies nearly rour.ffhs or Ger- many's total Imports. HUMIa and Bulgaria ulso contribute a fair proportion to the Ger- mnn supply . America furnishes not more than n fifth oC thee I relch supply , almost the whole oC the rour.nUhs being made UII from Uoumanla , nlssln anti Turkey , In thee order named. In supplyIng holland , America Is slght ) . In thee lead , with noumanla n close ' ecotiel All these statements arc based upon the figures . for the last fiscal year , which In nearly every case allows n mlrked advance over thee year previous. Ono or the ' Centures shown by' theeso tables or slecal Interest - terest to our own falners Is , that whlo Ar. gentno has been 11 Importaut factor In thee Interatonal I wheat market , her export oC ; corn to European countries leave fallen ol g reatly. They aggregated nearly 11,000,000 C bushels In 1893 , and less than 2,000,000 In 1894. 1894.I with occasion surprise to some to know that the Ito kingdom oC Houmanln Cur- nlshe the principal corn importing countrle I of Europe mare than the United States Hou- mania suppled 48,000,000 bushels , and the C Unied States 46,000,000 bushels or that cereal I Cor European consumption In the year 18tH. STAN lY ' 'IE TlMTY. , \uslrln Clnhns This I'rovonts Discnimuhtia' ' tel ( igecicust Her teguir. WASHINGTON , Dec. 28-lr. Von Hengle- muler , thee nw , Austrnlan minister who has I just j arrIved if'lenna } \ , was seen today by a represental\a 'o thee Associated press con- corning the rOIJr ! that Austria would Col- low 1 thee courbo' Germany , first In protestIng - Ing i , ; alnst t0 merlcal tariff on sugars , , and then InIT t llatng ! against the producl t of ths ! country. lice minister gave the frs ] Interview i had yc'htjt-heiun In thIs country. "The t Austrian govnt'ht hens not , up to'ihe present - ent tml.1sald ) : Mr. Van hlenglencnhlurr . "taken any ; ep9 on the AmerIcan tariff . , The relations 'ltbHhe United States have aiwa - w ays ben niastdoardhal. antI 'I leave , no doubt ' they will reeruhn ( so by a eatsractory or- rangement oh tlsugar / duties. The treaty - , letwee } lsfWt''lnd ' this country contains u t hee .moSLfal'olCtIlatlOn lause ' ' tie YOPet ' 1 tO . , assuring' I e ! ch . c , n r ! , , ho , ,1lgher o.r d.lgc.rlmt : : n ating. dlt ; cAn. I bet Impowt" , tial ate p laced 'on ' 5btr lu , , r" , . ' . : > P it .ti " .olut.l At'the thti 1I1Iteaty , 'was made Austria was paying"htLbatsuet : . on . 'sugar. ' The bounty LP sys\em \ ai beefl 'In4o(2rat.on ' for yenrscr ) ! o(2rat.on slnco thee \ inutrywas , In' its Infancy , and the treaty usy'was , most favored naton clause was ! with Cul , r cognition of the bounty system In Anstrla. "The Austrian bohenties are grtualy being low l red as Ih1 ' sugar lteustry becomes more selr-supportng ) and before long the' 'ntre bounty system. will be' done away witie But , the course ,0f , Alstrla , In paying bountes i S cntrely an' Internal , enatter . In no way con cerning othe countrIes. So far " other. "as outside countries aJ/f / , 'coeccerped. : , its regulation nre governed by vlstn treaties , and In the case or the Unied ( , States , the treaty , was made with the bounties Inexlstenee. : Mr. Von Henglemuler was asked ns to the effect or' thee Altercn : tariff In Austrhzc "Thero less apt beentmo to feel the effect oC the new tariff , " he replIed . "but , the McKinley : - Kinley law hnd. a srious effect on our iii - dustres ! Th sugaf Industry of Aceatnld Is i very great , _ rind It will undoubtedly bo : iti - Cected Iy tle' Increased Amerldan duty if- sugar. lint the fixing oC tariff rotes , high or how Is an Internal ; question for the Unli ll States to : determine. and theo only concern of Austria Is to fee that It Is not singled but for higher duties than those allowed to iSst favored nations. " - natons. . 'OlESTUY CONUmS CONVENES. Consllora io Pror.olr : \nllo luring the _ 'not Yceer , WASHINGTON , Dec. 28.-The thirteenth annual session 'ot ' the American Forestry ns- soclaton began ' lucre today at the Department oC Agrlculure There was a smal attend 1- once at the opening session and .ess , after a brief meeting the , convention took a recess u ' and about a dozen oC the lember went t 0 the white house and were Introduced to the president by the secretory or state The report oC pror. Fernow , chairman or the ex- ecutve committee or the association , was read I 18 cald that there has been an Increase or Interest In forestry maters durIng - hag the past year as Instanced by meetings In Albany , Brooklyn and lhe Whie meetngs talns , at which steps were taken looking toI I the preservation or easter forests , Thee I most oC the advance made during the year wan In the passing or thee McRae forestry leiii . This bill , tics report says , was not , altogether sathsfacjory , but was a considerable - ble step forwzii u , and the association would continue to push what has become known as thee Paddock bill . which looks to thee control or tile forests hy' I-special coenneisslon. The Ienae bill has passe the hOlse , but not tics Bonule and I was decide to make strenuous efforts to secure a favorable action In thee senate , " . . ncton Treasurer Fllllr submitted a report show. Ing n balance of $2rJG7 on hand as a current anti pcrmsnen ntunU. The election oC 0111. tiers was held' ( hll rernocn , ' and thee tip- 'F1 ) n1 , . ' Jolntment oC .1) 'Newell- this city eta secretary was ttojinly ] change made. Thee , anoelatan " htd a ' ! meetng with the National : tunegrapheicci 1 socIety at the Nathaniel mU8eUnl' lonlght. Secretary or Afrlculure M rtoh , . as the president oC the Forestry acsoefe1Sirei .o , , made a ahort address , ( ( \ " INUI S't 'N ' 'hl.I ' _ _ U.UJVIII H. 1 ' Goverlllnt O'iitciedis Not " .rrlecI Over lien I"bll" Tux Ceet' . WASIIINGTOaDec. " , . 28.-Assistant At- ASINGTo A. torney Generall \ll \ \ncy \ has ' fed In the dls- Inlet supreme c.ely ' ' a demurrer to lice complaint - plaint of John 10. Moor against Commls. choicer Miller f1t1cinternai revenue bureau , In which he 'ad"tor al 'njuncton restrain- lag : the latJer frol1 coleetng the Income tax aUlhorlzed iy fho , new tariff . The demurrr Is very bflf { nnrnerhl In its terms , set. ting forth hlt nn\ cQmphfnlnt has not made such n aset 9' entItles hIm In any court or equity tp.the relIef sought . At tics request Dr Mr. Whiney Ole CaB la set for hearing on Januarr I. i The case Is attracting little attention , alnong IIOVernlent olclals , many oC whom txprer thee ' opinion that thee complainant - plainant has absolutely no case . ThlY ala ba levee tie plaintiff will nl I impossible to ralae Ihe : enltulonal ( q eJlons In the pre > - cnt crocediccg , because an injunction II not the prol1 remedy In such a car , and ( Is , In $ fact , ep cur ! Irohlbled by the Revised Statutes. 51atut0. J _ 1""rlmtlll"llh I , I anllll u , WASHINGTON , Dec. 8.-The secretary of the navy has prepared I letter reprl- mati4tng Captain Clara or the Cincinnati Cor not b'ing lt his 1''tt when thaI vessel was pOHBln" ! Fneutoa ; 10cl ( Inst fail and shuck b.thO WItL \ BE hARD TO BEAT TillS Rcgulntions for the Return of Chinese Laborers Who Go Back to the Crient WUST RETURN bY PORT or DEPARTURE Ccruncato Olvon Thom COltall' Ni Ho. Icrll.ton or thl I'nrty-Thl h Kept In Chic Cohiecioi'A Ofllee to Iclrn- tly the Jotnrllul ( : clost bets - WAShINGTON , lec , 2S.-The reguntolis ) Cor the admission or Chinese ) alorers , ns pro- \'Idell for by Lice recent treaty between this country and China , leave ben completed b ) the secretary ) ' or thee treasury. Under the regulatons n Chinese laborer who has resided alli registered ice the United States and de- I carted therefrom rend who may leave n law- fUl wife , chlhl or parent Ice thIs cOlnlr ) ' , or P rohe.rty' thereIn ot the 'llle of $ ,000 , or Ilebts or n like amonnt due hIm , will bo per- mited 10 return , IlrovldC that before cle- partnro ho deposits with thee commissIoner oC cusloms or the district In which ho lives n certnc.lto oC registration train the heeternueI tonal revenue colector and n full description or his ram I ) property or debts . The papers i dlest be mlst le nccolnpanlCl by three photographs or the laborer and this statement submltcil b ) hhnl IC found to bo correct , wi bo cert- ned b ) the collector oC customs The paPers , wih thee certificates , are to b transmited to t thee collector or colector customs or the port from which the Chlneso person Is to depart , anti who must return to thee country by theo way or lice Ilort oC his departure. The certified description or the Chinaman will bo flied In ice t ofce or the collector aL the port or exit as n nieana or idecetiflcation. The relur to Ice United States mlt b wihin one ) 'ear or departure c unless sickness or olher disability Ilreventa , In which event the facts are required ) quIred to be certified by thee Chinese consul at the port Crom whIch thc Chinese person may depart for thee United Stales , A certificate - certn- cnte wi be Issuell to the laborer on his Ile- Iarture , which wi not contain n descripton oC the person to whom Issued , beet which will I eCer to the Identfcaton paper by nueeebers. papr This will obviate thee : wil sale or cxchango or certificates aced render the Identfcaton oC the returning Chinese more cerlaln. The collector at the port oC exit : wi b required to transmit to the Treasury deprtmen t weeldy reports ot the Chlneso leaving their respective ports , gIving the name , local resl- denco and occupton or such iermons The collectors will also be required to cancel al certificates or Tctnrlug Chinese and to Cor- ward Lice same to the treasury where the C records are to be kept on me , as especially provided for the purpose. The certificates to C bo Issued will be serially numbercd and Issued - sued by the department to collectors on requisition - quisiton thereror. an account being kept In cache Instance , and collectors will ba required L to exercise unusunl care In all matters per- Jer- talnlug to the Issuance , cancelaton and re- turn to the department oC such certificates. . lISTOHICI , SOCIETY JOVns. interesting I'lpora loHI cut the Closing . r8"01. ASHINGTON , Dee 28.-The American Historicai . 'association concluded Its meeting to < ny. Papers were read by Prof. Harold D. Ilazeltino of Drown " Hazeltno unIversity on "Ap- peals front Rhoda Island Courts to the King In Council ; " Prof. Frank G. Dates or C ' rlel on " .rthetde ? , Island and the Import , or 181 ; " ProC : , Arlhur M. llowry - oC Harvard on "Thu Constitutional COltroversy In nhodl Island In' 1841 ; " Prof. Samuel D. Inre lng' br Harvard on "Party Struggles Over Penn ' sylvania Copstitution . 176 to 1790 : " S. M. Sene" dC Lnn aBter , Pa. , on "The Languag , Manners and History of'tiie Peectisy1Vaht ' I'enhsvahl' ' 'flerneanal" . pror. James A. Wigus or the Oilo"State unlvrslt on " 'Tho Evoltetion' OC Tvnshlp Gorninent In Ohio ; Evolaton' . A. b 'hln or the University 'r Michigan on : "Tho Hlto'nlor of "Vestern Posts by the British After 1783 : " , Wllaln E. 'CUrtis 01 r thIs city on""Exlstng Autographs' Chrls- , , topher CoitencbusY' : . . . At the Folk Lre society meetng paper C ' were read " "by nev. J. Owen 'Dorsoy ' on t "Kfap Folk Lore : " Caplnln John O. . Udurke oC the ' Third United States cavalry on "Mexican Coldng and Mexican Foods ; " Captain Dourle's paper was specialy Inter- estng \ gave many details concerning Mexican customs and manners. Tics AmeriCan SocIety oC Church History also conclndell Its meeting today. A paper 01 "Pitihhip Scieoft" Was read hy Dr. George P. Flshcr , 1 oC Yale universiy and one on C , "Prof. namsey's Christianity In the nomnn Eml1lre" by Dr. anlkner. tnntl Ordord to tile WORt 'heciieet. ( SIUNGTON , Dee . : -The Atlanta hen 8 dropped ( lawn from Norfolk ' . Halpton Hoads. Admiral Meade , commanding the North Atlantic Itoton , has been ' ceotiliec :1 : that the ship Is ready for sezi. anti lea ci been instructed to send her on n cruise In the \Vent Indies. She will relieve the Columbia - lumbia , and the latter vessel wi be or , - dered' b01e from Jamaica . to bo dockcd Staml ) I on Lice sun--palnt It on thee moon -tho superiority or Di' Price's Cream flak Ing Powder. . a J1.l2tJ'l . .1 CO.UI'LETE hP'IdL'JJ . Little Loft hut luau Suite , to the Sluter , 10. , ' , COICprIM , ST. LOUIS , Dec. 22.-'ho Peat Dspatch this afternoon fays : 'l'ho recent fail I- ures oC the CItzens Stock bank and Savings bank of Shater Mo . In the opinion or n wel known St. LOlis bankel' who spent two days at that Illace investigating theIr con citon , Is cue to mlsmanngement. The earn m'thodl which Ala , the Little Hock bunker , used In wrecking the Arlmnsls In- Httuton which he was conneeh'd wih , the export say's , were employed nt Sinter. ' 1le Citizens Stock bunk was ornnlzld In 187 ! with I clpltnl stock or $10,0. it had ( I Hl1plus ot $ lLoo ; . lK liabilities. UM appears 1 from an Invcstaton , are $ ; < ,0. The CaRh ire the } sank was $1,10 ls god assets cvili . In the opinIon ot expertH. teat exceed $ A0O0. 'l'he Su \ ' 111 inceek was cctnu'tecl In 1886 critIc a capital or $50,0 anti Its RUlllul given out ,1 l $15,0 When 11cc < 011 weru clolll In Intclpalon or I lun , cutter the fUspCulon ot theo Stocle bank , Ihere wal $ i6 In its c'nuits. VIUIR. HI liabIlities ar ( ' more than $11,0 w I II Iuhl , and ot " thll alount $13,00 II repol'te "conlnuoul" Iluller ) , or paper on which the bank reulzo,1 need made no account In its reports or on its bool'H Is 'Ihe St. 1,0u1H expert , who , on behalf or a Now York COITel1On < ent , visited Slutel' . Is or the opinIon that ieeocet of thcis mocecy cracs host lee eieectliatiorc. Tue ceiuiguiccr acirueleesion lea neade that Lice board of directors has ceot exeecninech ehtiet'r institeetioce toe' over ii. year. Casieler Lynn of the Seeviregs iank lees not racuticed. hi's 2ltit year , It i not cieargeej hunt eitieer ice or Cushier Field icrcclited by lice faiicere , ice they are wltieotet uuconoy' Cr iror- erty' , . , As ( a as gouc be learned Azerres. Brown & Co. , ownerce ot thee ihiutcr Miihiueg corn- hand , 'it ' livery stOhic , and also enguuged in thee feeding at cattie , were iura'y borrow- ens Ironc the Httviccgce bank. nail it Is' said ticeir Putper , uetnouteticcg to dOOO , Is carrlsul hey the institution ieee cueshe. One of use Stock l.ituck's iuiggcict ehelctor $ is ii , cattle feeeier Cr Sheeter named Eubtnks , svieo hooted a $ ioooo busicueces by Its aid , Wash paper wets heececdiee , it is claimed , hey hsottc bunks. Where it was pececesary to realize ( 'asic it was thee custom to get thee acc'ocneeeuelatioui icote of a reccitlecet of Sister. send it tee hit. loUls , Kccn- uos City or Clcicxugo , svitie ileo bacelt's en- dorsemnent , rend get it diecouueteei. ¶ I'ieis ueys. tern was followed hey hectIc lecenkee to keep opece Ilceir doors long utter theey vere wrecked , No crineinni leroceciures leave betue begun , but ties St. Louis expert iii of thee opinion hunt lice oillcieeica of both bauckee will be orrecete'd efler me , nenrcc tlcoroecgic exam- leeatlorc of thee eciTairea. None of' thee oiilchzeiee heav& been guhity of speculation. flee St. L-.ous ! expert say's. but resonteti to "Allis" methods in order to ccc'ert cc eliseeteter , , S fl'.y firrasLril for Clubbing is l'ostoilhce. ChICAGO , Dee. 28-Iryleeg Lean , a boy in knickerbockerce1 was arrested on alight- beg trouue U. trulci ire ( Yleiceego today ofc thee cicarge of robbing the lostoiileo at iel Ieocne , F'uiton , % 'iis , Wteen ierraigceeel in court hue eccknowledsed hits guilt , and steded that icia aentuition lee to ereeulate 11111 Dalton and head a band of desperadoes. Tice boy was heacedueui over to thee federal authorities. lie secured rio moucey ice lice letters which lee rifled , _ _ _ _ S _ _ _ _ itt iIzly-Tivu lie l'iuey. Wshi. Rev. . T. P. l'leiliipee , M. A. . an lCpiscopah clergymccue of Hyde l'ark , ClclctegO , wheo huas I been viceltinir hIs sheeter , leErs. A , Mont. rnorency4 made Thea flee a pleasamet call yes. terday , Mr. Phillips is cc. flute st.evlmen 01 well iereserred rnanieood , anul , alespite ide age , 1 years1 Is yet a fond lover of ecU pcut a ced heecclthefcet atheletic sports , eeeeeialhy tice g oed ccItt Rnglisle gaceco at cricket , na his p articipatIon icc several excithieg gaeues deer- lut g the Iet sternuecer necephy' attest , A ceo- lub t lcerebhe feature nbouet the gceetietuaee's clny- i ng wets the fact theat Ida score was eeeeecdi b etter than thu nut3orhty of the young nIhP Ic I des engngcti in the caine games , mcccii it cs'ces c ritIc a jeistlilable inide theret hue spoke of lute S tue'priteiuig sleowing. Iutr. I'icihiips Is enelehe m ore tlerete an orehleene'y' ennui. generally' , l et'hceg a coihegee Professor as cveli as cc. mm. i ster cited a. geeetieenrne of canny most esL t mncaisie qualities , hlJZ.tJti ) ( iN TI1I N.i1'tII. _ ( ' . , h uelcn ifchceteffr Ltuebneuocee , ihieei'eht ' tic 1Ceily to ir.ccek Fvc , CIIICAC1O , Dec. 28.-Jnlte Scheaefter iemeeilett whecec lie cvcts sheowue 1'es' ( Intact Itapiths ice. tg trvleV of yesterday' . " 'liy , I never mug- g estoti tice idea. ot ciencuging or nleohlshcieug l ice fourteen-inch balk hiatt game , " ceccid. ice , ' 'aeey' cecore thena I eteggesteti thee tdcet. of c heanglueg lice atraiglet rail guide to eight- i cechc balk line , ot thee oigiet-incic balk lute t o tourteect-tnche balk flue ; any enoro thence I s eeggestecl the itlen of bnericcg thee etucehcor tee t ho latter gacn ( ' . It was then iceeblie anti hirces te t . iuuct uleeccee cctliai ccli of tie ee' cii cc eegt's foe' the , e .cttson thent Lice ehcuceeett of heck euttc'reet ecu l argely' ieeto ccii of these gaunes titat tleey' tleey'l c encceei to lii ? cocetests of skill , \\'heeecu'er a ny expert cvue leceky' u ecotlghc to eceecero lice ( 'oc ( 'teti eositluce Ice any of theet' gnecees tiec c Ofltst vets luractlettlly' over , if thee four. th t outed-inch baihe hiuee gelenec lea eeow helceycel h ens reccehced thee enune uetage uteect otethived l Ice teseftehceetee , neul thee hctcbiic wncct to see c omae , eu-ow gaunt' , 1 macdepose we cr111 be coccI- I ceiled to subunit to thee inevitable , 1 thoce't waect 1'cs or necy ueee eIe to theieck ( heat I C Ud trying to cietceige thee gaccee. ' ' \\'Ieorc u-eked ucbuect I'eee' clceehiecego to ; ilct c usheioee cat'oeuece , Scierueffer saidz't'l c vheeee ivos ct-as intro thee otheet' clay' hue a greed to eccueke a trip to Cahifoi'eeicc. ueceul gite - oxicileitioucs lender i'etrkee"s ceeetuecegorneeei , abel thee latter letes nirt'uithy cetcele some eec- gngeeeceects. I thiiclc we hetut better petty theesu games bforo tnlkheeg nbotct cucy' fter- fleet' nentchees. ives know's we'll lee cact get cc : c ceatcde with cue at aecy' timece , " iOLl.O1it ) I'LIJNOEIL Uil.tNNAN'S I.EAI ) Sceec Ernuccieco' , , , Teuiieet I'reefltie ( ) ceco by l'itcyiieg t lieu iioy h'oucuh'r's I icuiexi' , SAN FRANCISCO , Dec. 28.-Joekoy"Soeep" l'erkiues ne'rlved yesterday acId today roclc C tiercu cvi cud ctg eecocu cc t ec. Icetoe'est I cc thc C cecatehe between \'heitestocee uced l'escntiou . for $2,500 a u'Ithu was intense. W'leitestoeec C ct'ns thee favorite at 1 to 2 , critIc l'esceuhor at - 7 to 5. Thea Pair raced togetheer to the , theree-quarter pole , wlccee Pescreihor , e'iehehcti by' Clcoeme , fell , need Wicitestone wuee , Ciecc C cctici Dick Boheact cc'ere lice otheci' winueiccg - favorites. Steneeeetcnies : First race , lIre anal n littlE' feee'iocugs , sell. . iceg : Joheettey Pay-ice , li ) , Cocie'ceee ( to I ' cvon' ' ; l'rleeeneetla , l0 , Cicorec ( I to 5) ) , secrnet Qteecei ilet' ' , lOu , Coatly' (2'A ( ' to 1) ) , tlcirti. Tiecece : : 1:17.'hcite : Cloteei , Mushy riced Vivace altec I steel , Second race , five feerlotuge , 2-yenr.oldme : C Circe , Ices , t'erklees ( I to 5) ) , cc'on : heel ) , Vigor ut , Coviccgtoet (2 ( to 1) ) , ceeconul ; I ineeford , hoe It , Isocee (1 ( to 1) ) . theit'el , 'riueiet 1:16. : Loteghe- cececre need Exheeiueiecct ) colt uclso rate. Tielrtl race' , t'tbottt six feerlomegee , selling : . Draw Scott , 107 , Carr (8 to 5) , woce ; Reel Olcue , IOu ; . Cleorti (7 ( to 5) , eccoecci ; Scue 1.eeic C Roy' , 102 , huh (10 to 1) ) , thIrd. 'rime : 1:22 : , ' Gold Dtist , Mouroc'itc , Mcejor unit also race. Fouc-thc c-tate , oeee mile , . neatchc race , $2,5 ) a. SIde : \Vleitestotce , 101 , i'ec'kiucs ( I to 2) ) cvoee ; l'eeeendor , 101 , ( 'leorn (7 to 5) ) , cce oued : Ticei : 1:51. : 1'lflic race , six fceriongs , sehileeg : Dick The. . ican ii , l'erkintu (3 ( to 5) ) , won ; Quiet , 109 , Cochran (7 ( to 10 , eeecoued ; Sate Ltccecs , 101 Coatly' (5' ( ) to 1) ) . ticird , 'I'leccu : 1:2il : , Nc ; oticeres eetn. 'l'Iee Spreclcels handicap , thee biggest race C of thee year 0cc theC Pacille coast , whit Cu C rtefl tomorrow , mccl me. btg crjcvU cviii erabre'jhy cieo tice ertcclc hearses strttggle for thee $10OeJI ; iet'Ize. Tie Keectuchey' mutable will cuerilcuc r L eete'c'eeg' bitt for it ccltie Lissaclc , Jitee Fioo ( 1 anti Itajor IticL.auglehice , tell three of wheich e cs'iil start. 'l'iee track is icc c'ery' bath coceeji' . ( Ion. and vitdc thee lighet weights carried iley thee 2-yeae'-ohelea it is cocuuldered a suce'e thciew : for edo of Clcinn's youngsters , The pi'ob. : able starters will be : house W'oiglut , Jioran Welgict . \'assal . . . . , , , , , , . , . , . 523 alaJor McLauglelice , . ' S 9 Cndmua . . . . . . . . . . . . , ' . 123 lIt' . ' .tittgic . . . , . , , , . , ii Cinweciorne . . . . . . . . . . 115 CCtarrnlon . . . . . . . . . . . . cc ( ecienu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In quauudre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C I jMVedalo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ceo cc'cigitton . . . . . . . . . . . . it 2 Wiltlwood . . . . . . . . . . . 11 : e.l Norte . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5 XIssack ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ao cleete excer . ' : . . . . . . . . 10 Jim 1'ioed . . . . . . . .e-a ' ' ] &et'ecchts'nt Now" 'Orloacce. Nhil\V. ORLEANS , Dec. 23-Rigleteentl c day of lice Ce'esceeet , City Jackcy chuhe't 3 neeeieegVcatleer cold amid cheae' ; trncl Ic fair. Results : 1"irst race , six ( cue-longs : Elbee-on (4 ( to 1 ) won , Merritt (2 to 1) ) ceecoeRl , Satietet (3 ( to 1 ) third. Time : 1lrt. : 'Second retce , sehhiceg , six aced a hualt fttr longs : Miss l'eehflns (7 ( to 1) watt , Younc ; Arjore (2 ( to 5) . secoecd , Denver (20 ( to 1) ) third TUne : 1:12cA. : l3hirti. . race , selling , Six tterloecgs : Ueech a Lujce (7 ( to 2) ) won , Iaseucwrty ( I to 1) ) rtecoeee.h , then Wilson (6 ( to 1) ) third. Tiune : 1:16 : , ' 1'oturtie race , selling , oeee tulle : liurrel' : S lhltict'(4 ( t& 5) WO. John 'Dtcnn (5 ( to 2) ) eec abel , ' Uncle' Frank (15 tO 1) thcird. Ticece ; l:1. : l:1..It'ifthc race , five frerlonga : Johnny Icichlal e ( : Lo 5) won , Norecean (4 to 1) ) second , IJucIc ayo(9 ( to 2) ) thehrd. Time1t12 : _ : ½ , 'Corlgcn ; vtii rt : Lottie lucy Iieatrhct. SAN FRANCISCO , Dcc , 23.-Thee dispute ] Ii fm4m Loteisrille'wicicle stated ticat Hd Con - rian leach engaged tweeety-foter tnhls a t Churcheihl Dowees for Ida strieeg of e'ncer created considerable interest neecong heors men heee'e , na It was feared Corrlgnn Wa about to deuutxrt San Fracecisco , Mr. Cacti gate , heowetrer , stnis ticat ho leccee no inteic tion of heaving hhaec Frrtrccinco , rca leo cocislti era it a. good nIece to winter , lie will Izee icis horses here teretil March. wheen ( heel' Wi be sent to Ithemiciee for thn spring cant paigce. H ( lens ecegagph thee stalls n ! Chue-cielll Downs for settee hoc-sea at ieres ent at llawtlcornea and for some yearling a Crone his ( arm at Mithvay' , Ky. Veetorje Foot Drill , % ioucleellouu , , A meeting of tiee Western Iceterstote Foe flail association will he Iechd at tlee Midiaee itotel today , ticce association comprising the teams from , thee ! State universities of Ne . lernskre , Iotvct , Kucnscta anti Mhuuuotmni , Ole representative from cache team will be urea , ent. 'I'lco btccelns wlhl b thee arranging o a schiethecbe of games for scext year , tIc awarding of thee lseeenault ivoct this seceso : i and Icericreps a enodiflcetiore of tdeec recline. Wi , . 11. hirenuicer of lice luwcc university team ar ' . rived last evening and is at thee Deilone , ( , jalekhy Jlecoe'errtl thee Title. BALTIMORE , Dec. 2&-Joepii ( lccnte , thee colored highetwelghet cheuunpioue of the south , cviio c'as beaten by l'aui Johnceute , lice ICangac'oO , hens regained ( Ice litle The Kuccegaron was beaten Icy Joieue Costs in teuc rotteedua W'edneueday ceigiet. heist teiglet Gems beat Cuotte , 'rIce light lasted ten rotcnths and Costs was terribly puecisiceel , Zuulghaer ice Lice Jiilt'ac Teceeme , SAN JOSE , Dec. 28.-Otto oigler , jr , , lens beranee cc. tececniier of tice J'nlcon team anti will receive IL salary' of 30O icer nioceth , Tiuc contract hua.9 bade signed , anti ice ucheoeet ieee clay's Otheel' mecucdeere of thee teacee cviii ucrrlvu franc thee , e'nsL and go ice tceticeictg luee'e , Ire April /.elgiee' cviii start wituc thee tCacu east. Jrlehuueeceuc Vct cc JizciI.ulJuienolut. ) BOSTON , lice. 28-Frauclt hirieu'ley , thee cleampioce baretuceeee'ehgdut or lrehtcued , add Joe Elms , ono of tint cleverest iigietwelgicts lie New Englutnci , fleet ret lIce Crib cleeb rooms hetore ( e.c ) people ( or ma. tsvehve.routeei bout , wheicic reseeltoei icc a draw , hie'ierley cyces a dlsteppointunecet . , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pine Shetiteiluug at ( baceutleunate , OSICALOOSA , Ta , , lice , 2'i.-'l'ictc third day of 41cc shcooticeg torurmercmnecit cries ii. success. Thee Cccrver.Mareletcli match cries thee cheief attraction , Carver cvoee , kiliiuug 91 birch , : Mne'ccieciii , 02' jtruperiecuru reck's , Hoover wuce over ciulighetly' , Cr to 11 , JcegIIaht rules , icheeglc , hsarrei , Si ii I I Cole 1'hia I I ems Ic'ci ii , RACINF1 , Wus. , Dcc , 28.-Pleuiieea , lIce stal. lion , owned Icy J , I , Case , died best celgiet. I'Ieahlas lead u , record of 2:13 : % . ha got cast iue lets ecluil. _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ l'riet hug hJuuacs Cicinhelcuing. AKILON , 0. , Dee. 28-It icc stated lucre hIatt theere is a lu'oject on toot to coueeteine miii of that large prlccting icouses of thee couce try. If lice dccii is oresumruurcted many millions of doihare will liii irevolvech , thee maccoy counlueg slot only from tici couniry , but ( tone 1iurahue. Thee ltetorceatioce conees front one of tice ihirectorca of tics eneecnnceeth Wernher printing concerns ot this city , lie uituteui heat thee matter vouieI hui fuhcy dies- cuasetl at thee anectual meeting of ticeVernier company to be ieelch at Chicago dterireg tdce early part of Jaeeuac'y , Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Children Cry fo Pitoher' Caitorla. Children Cry'ioc Pitcher's Cagtoria EAST OIA1li1 LICIIThD UP - a P lant of' the Monithr Third Plaster Ooinany Totally Destroyca by riro. L OSS IS UNDER TWENTY THOUSAND S everal Auijoinlecg lteelliilccg Saved bf tutu 1'ork of ibm Coucepanices ftouuc ( hcecechece - Nuenber of t'hieshj Iteircupti anti foote licorcheeci. Last ceigiet , lice plant cci the MonItor lhara % h 'laster eonepaeey' Ice East Ottealea was corn. h ihetely elcatroycti by fire , Two ocetbuiltl- i ngs belonging to thee Martict & Morrissey MneeelIacturhueg coicepany were also coecscceneel a nd several cottages icc thee eeeigheborhuooet Wore eecore or less scorched. The hieiihelinga of t ice liiater coenpany' w crc valeueei at Il2,000 l ice Insecracece on crhicie was $ C.500 , while t hee elestrtectioec of thee stock aecd eeiaciehucery will add several theotcsaeuis ncore to theo toss , Thee loss on tlce other bteildlcegs and urop. erty' will ho hc's tieace $2,000 , At abotet 11 , o'clock Jack Chardceer , thee wntcicuelaec of thee Carter \'icite Lead works , e coticed a shceet of fiaueee Inerstlceg froca thee crest side of tieo eccalce bueiidiueg near thee ciciceceecy. lie notified thee Acnertcaee listriet Telegraphc coleepatly' , whc ide teerhetl in thee ahareuc to thee lire departenent. fleet wheen l ease compteucy' No. C arrived oci thee seccee half ic htoccr hater tint fire lcrccl coeceieletccsl its cvorlc. ' l'lee bceiielluegs were beereeccd to the groteccet accet ( Ice two ste'eaucesehclche vere iecceeecehicttely ttereced oei t ere of cisc ocely' icc qcceccchclueg thee bienceiucg eceebers tececl icc ptcttlceg oeet snictii fiacecea thuat were play'hecg ott thee roofs of ueeigicborieeg cottages hose cocecheaucy No. S nc'rlveeh a few mleeeetes hater aced also tureceel two atreacees oue thco lire , 'rite lire starteti ice the ceeahcc building , near thee fturecace roottu. It bunted very rapiiiy , anti soon tice entire bicilelhecg vees ice fiaeeces. No water , cs'icntec'er , coechel be therowet on then buciielieug. Sparks liotv eepoce lice othhe , ecorthi. c vest , acuei it woe sooce enveloped ire fences. Sceuco of lice icystanelers ruaheeti in and saved Lice books aced soeece of thee furtcltuere. Meaee. wheiie a hecel , stored critic eteachcieuery , nuetl cc boric , belonglccg to the Mcertiee & Mornissoy raccccractecrhccg conepatey , to lice sotutlecast , lead also critegict out lire , anti in a short tieces were bureeeel to thce groeuccd. Ttvo cars of coal , belotegiceg to G , L. ( loreecan , and vahueti at $125 , head also caecghct fire. Thee roofs of two cottages , one on-teed by A. K.'alla , aced lice otlcer by' Martite & Mornissey Maccube. Leering coeelpaec ) ' , riced occeupieth by 'IV. eic- Laceghellee Steed \\'tll Morrocoo , were ablaze , but by theis thutce tite fire departcctent arriveti need thee blaze was extingtcisicod. Tiee feer- ucittere In tlco icoteses hcaei been eeuecoved , aced thee loss wat nhceiost solely on thee buihuhiecgs , cuclefly frocee cvater , For soueeo tune it was feareti theat the Car. tar 'iVhcito Load works , s'iciclc 'are directly- thee 'ecorthe , neighet catche lire from flylueg sparks , as the winti was blowiceg froen then soteticcvest , Thce wiced was sect atroceg enough , heonever , anti thee dsccger was sooui least , Ties sleeps of thee Martin & Morrissey' Macetefac. Leering coeecheatey are to the soectlceast , but thee walls are covereel critic sleect iron , so ( heat tieey cvere ceever ice daeeger. It Is impossible to tell lice catese or lIce lire. It started ceear thee fccrnaco rootee , oc- cordiueg to thea accoccuets of several spectators. 'ricere wets was a lire icc thee furnace at , tics tune , but it metal heave beeec very hoer , as no work was clone in the builcihceg alter 12 o'clock yesterday. Tice coenpany occupied two buildings. Thea nenin building was 50x120 feet , anti was of wood , except Lice furnace roocce at lice north end. It was two stories in heeight at then etortht end anti ticree storIes at thee oeetht end ; . In it was the ezecachetnery. for encckiceg. plaster and adamamet , , The stock coeeeprlsctt a large quneetity of sand , lcalr and other articles. Just 'wictet Lice velcro of theis was e aced also of thea flnieeheoei product couid not ba learned , as tint president , manager - ager and debt owner , A. K. Walia , is out of town. TIee'1neiih cc'ae riot doing mnuche work of hate , only occe man belceg eenployed , but. 'ur" beg thee sdeeceener thee employes numbered olgiet or ton. TInt ofilco was a scnaih , 00fle- story building , . - , _ - _ . _ . ' Sz : _ . _ % _ 4 , , _ . _ - f r \ C. , , I I I e I r i r1 " . k - : I . , . ! ' ; M15 , ' Ii aAFreeT' Ivy Poisoning Eight Years of Suffering Porl'oct Cure by Hood's Sarsuptirlfl * "C. I. hood &Co , , Loweih , Mast. ; " Dear Sirs tWo t Icavo tried hooch'S Sarsapa. cilia need dreel It to ho nil yoee claim for it. iIy wito was itoisotced by ivy whelm a young w'oneate , 'teed fur eight years was troubled every seasoa Hood'st& : Cures with the hrcakieeg ouct and tarribho itching and i'ceretlteg ' , I tieoueghit hers was ccc hatl a case as aicyocco ever head. Shin was let Lids thimtresaiug cotcehitioce every year cmlii heo begatc to tales ilootl' Sarsaptenhlha , whcichi hc's ' effected a leer. ( cot ceeru , without leaving mcy scars , anti ales heas hiatt hiattNo No Sign of the Poison Sinco. Sue is s'iehi eecuh lecarty , I leave ticked loath's Sarstpaniiia : teller thee ge ip celtIc good results , aced leOvo ulesu ) 11iyeee it to our toctr cheihehren. Wo are till picture's ' of uCerfeet health aced owe it to Hood's flcersceptlrilia. " J. C. VlteualAx : , Vutce. claila Illinois. a N. 'hi. ' it yoec decide to take hood's ' Sccrcsant. nbiia do ecot Ins iecctuccd to buy ceucy oilier icctux.td , - - -r Hood's Pills are hececed made , and Icerfec $ r" Ice pruporUon anti uheuicaratcce. 25. per box. BAILEY THE DENTIST ielticrTctsoiei.ow - DenHsrj IN OlAhlA. Full Set 01 Teeth , $5Varrantc1 ; \ to Fit 'recIte extracted anti pen In eacuuce eituy. ( bid anti l'lcetcauc Mioy I"mietnvee , lit Hilton hlltied IL i'curu Goid , * ' ; ( bid Cruwics , * 4 co t3trek : turiAlgI 'i'cclhc , hOC et etiotiu. Plccest su'rk , always. a i'lccor l'axeQu eerie. , 10(11 ( centi Fiereeauuu , Tel. 10 LAIV ' ' ' ! 'lics etsuusiecrdt % 'or 'EE' flUL t ) ices ttoieuiuel of ltlC ( Ilii. , hey Hon. Thomas B. Becd , Ex.Spcatcer hiotceca , of ltt'preec.'eei.ctit'eN. .5 , cca'rosaitf to ollireul act i3 10fJei , Co1/i. concord I luau. ccciii ccci . - - - ' airgtuuul&ct ccte'etitega , 1'rie1 711 ceuafs. Per mis by all bookesc'hienl. OF mulled tire rceict5 eel price 1)1 ItANI ) . McUMl & VuL'L , , , IfS atti 1C Atleene Cl. , ( 'iihcauio , htockiieuiaiers' , Meotiuig , omco of ! Lee.Chctrke-Alcthreaesen hlardwas Co. Omalume , Neb. , lice. 7. l89-NOtiOC $ is hcerley given to thee stockholders ul tIme Lee. Clarke-A uedrees'cc hardware cosrupeny that thee atenuui meetIng of lieu stockleoltlers of the comnpucay cviii be ieei'l ' ut thee olhiCCci of thee raid company. 1219. 121 tend 1223 lfurney street , in thee city of Ocnrehce , irt the elsIe of Nebraska , on ' 1 ucesday , January 8 , A. I ) . ibIs , ed , 3 o'clock i' . ccc. , tar tltu purpeso of eleetieect ft board of directors for lIeu coca- party to serve during lice ecesuing year , earl to transact such otieer busireeu 55 may b * presented at ceucic cneetiluif. Attest ; II. .1. LEE , President. Y. M , OLAHI3. Sucr4larYj