Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 26, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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    . - - - - ' . ' ' : I'-.r. . . - - . . _ . . . . .
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" ' . ' 'J. . " , , . ' ' . . ' , - .
Delvere by earl@r to ny pat of the ctty.
n. W. TILTO4 Lusee.
TELEPtONCSUullnfl omef. No 4 ; ttght
4 nigh
. dltot . No. 23.
.IJ.\OI lIC..TJO. , "
Jranll hotel , Council Uuls , reopen ell Oct. 1.
- -
----I' , Mayne Ueal ltate I agency. G3 ! Droadway.
Ell Martin , whoso right name Is IJelel ,
wAs fined $60 and COSU In pllo courl yesterday -
terday for Ilrunltenness all disturbing the I
A large crowd assemblel at St. 1aul's I
church yesterday morning (0 atend the I
Chrlstma ervlce The luslcal porton or
the servle was very elaborate , the choir
. outdoing all Is former erorts nnll Ihowlng
' .
thorough and cOI1cleltouB worl Hector
Babcock preached nn Interesting sermon on a I
subject appropriate to the Ilay.
Uev. T. W. Wiiams I' rrormll a 10ubie
wlldlng ( ceremony ) 'estertny afternoon at
the re llence oC Mr. Stone on Vine atreet In 1
the presence dl 'Ilite a number or relatvca
. nII rrlenls. ! The contracting parties were
) . Wison Shoemnker and ISA l.rh\ln Stone
both or thlA city. and William Smih or r
Omaha and Miss Ella Stone or this city.
A root bal game Is booked for tomorrow r
aUernoel at the " rolnds at the corner or r
1.'IUh avenue anll , Twenty-tirat Itreet , ho
tween tim lh school lenin and the IIigt I
! IIh
school teal or mat year. Many or the members -
bers oC last ) year's team have bl'n playing
with the clubs ot various colegcl and are II
good trim. and the ' ! ! High school boys expect -
peeL the game will bo a hot one.
'Ve have $100,000 to loan upon Improvell I
farms In Iowa and will take al ) the gilt -
% _ - edged loans offered at low rates. We 110
\ not want wild lands , and wi not loan In Nc
. .t , bra ka. Louc & Tow ) , . 235 Pearl streH.
lolla , Hnl" " .
The nock Island wilt ecU round trip tlc ( 1-
ets to stalons within 200 miles at excursion m
rates Dceem"er 22d to 26th. and on December
31 and January 1. good for return to and Including I-
cluding January 2d. ant
Oas co king stoves for rent and for sal at
Oas Co.'s office.
The laundries use Domestic sea (
J'ICII.SON.1 : 1. . .U/C.iTON.
AUrell Slyter Is fpmlng the holidays In I :
Miss Stella Baldwin Is visiting In Mary-
yule . Mo.
Miss Mantle Mangum Is visiting friend 5
In Hell Oal
John P. Organ spent Christmas at his
homo In Neola.
n. H. Cox oC Horton Kan. . Is In the cit y
visiting relatives. ciy
Lee Bennett ot Chicago Is In the city Cor
4 few days' visit.
Miss Janie Baldwin leaves the later part
or this week for Chicago.
Judge A. V. Larimer or Sioux City was
a Bluffs visitor yesterday.
- Miss Bowker or the ely schools Is spendIng I-
lag the holidays II Nebraska.
Mhs Nannle Howarl } has gone to ned
Cloud , Neb. . to spend the holidays.
Miss Freda Jabermaas has gone to Joel
aonviile . lii. . for a visit with relatives.
Misses Mabel and Ma\\ Robinson arc
spending the 1011lays In lianas City Mo.
'Mrs. S. F. Hoblnson and daughters Lee a
anti Florence leave today for Hebron , Neb.
Ed A. Mustier of St. Louts Is In the city. :
the guest oC his father J. Mueller . on Wi- :
. low avenue.
.l. Mrs.
Darclay ot the Washington avenue
school Is spending the holidays with frien is
In Nelson Neb. rrlents
L. A. Torrens of Omaha was In the cii y
yesterday , the guest ot Alexander Wood and ,
Camly on Frank street.
Mrs. M. H. Chamberlain and daughter
left yesterday for Monrovia Cal. . , where they
wi spend the rest oC the winter.
Mr and Mrs. H. W. Haz-en ot the Mount
Carroll . I. . seminary are visiting IL. W. 7
. - , Jazleton and family on Avenue' F.
-p' E. H. Eastman and Fred Grass left last
evening for Ds Moines , to' ' attend the meeting -
ing oC thn State Teachers' association.
Mr. and Mrs. George n. lcLeran ot
Omaha spent Christmas with the tatter
, mother Mrs. , F. Ogden , on Fairview avenu
Mrs. A. Clark who has been visiting , her
daughter Mrs. M. H. Chamberlain. bay en
r tOday for Burlington , where she
the winter. Ca Durlngton will SIJend
Notice 10 the I'ublio.
All persons failing to report cases of contagious -
tagious diseases . vlz. . scarlet fever . scan a.
, tina . scarlet rash dlph\herla. \ measles , eeoc ip .
smal pox and chicken pox . to the office ot
the city clerk. wi be arrested and fin ed
under the laws oC the State Board or Health ,
L. ZUmlEHLEN , m. : .
Secretary Board ot Health.
! her.II" . Coat.
This IPV coal from Wyoming for sale
only by H. A. Cox , 37 Main street. , Telel > hone
' .
I' 48. AsIc for
.a. Asl circulars.
20 per cent discount on all trImmed hats
at Mrs. nagsdalo's.
S' Illrolo Man Says 101'assol Sevol Checks
thut \ % ere Ilogiie.
G. A. Carson oC Marengo Ia. . arrived In
the city yesterday , after several oil nig ; lit
experiences In Omaha. His experience cst
hln just $ G9.D . but ho paid the prlco wih
SIJ one else's money and now dos not
seem inclined to grumble at fate lie walked
with on uncertain tread along North
street , looking for tire police station . andl as
his sight was somewhat
groggy he a led
Officer Wol's assistance , which was read ily
given. having arrived at the city macaim l's
' i office and been Introduced properly to Deputy -
t. uty Marshal Amitlersoim he preceded to unfold -
fold n tale ot woe several feet long. Last
M Iaturday _ _ _ _ _ _ _ he _ said. _ . ho _ determined _ to make
IU" - IUICY COSiY , anl' Elgnell so\'eral checl(8
with the names ot John
wih , Englebert and ex-
Sherlr C. M. W. lglebert or lawn county.
These he pasaell on three men named Fritz-
baugh , Ilnlon and Coldthwatte . all ot Ma-
rengo. Just how many checks he forged he
did not know , but he thought seven. lie was
I > osltvo that they aggregated $70. lie then
"leered himself to Omaha anti began to view
the sunny stile or life by
sile le lamplight . on Ninth
bircot. lie continued this until all the
money was gone excepting 1 cent. Then
he became aware oC the enmptinens oC human
emptness hUlan
things and made up his mlll that ho would
give hlnlelC up and stand whatever consequences -
quences Ilght ensue lie was Klven n cell
In the city mu and Sheriff cel
ciy Jai Sherlr John Bali oC
: arengoyas telegrUllhed to conic Dal and
get his lan I' ' he wantel\ ! film COle
- - -
Try Eagle laundry . 7t Broadway , for good
york Our itiedium gloss finish can't
beat . blt WI do < strictly hand work domestic be
flnish . when Itreferred I . Telephone domestc
* 3 Davis sells druga paints and glass cheap
Domestic soap breaks hard water
\ hot CI..o for 't 'l'rlll' ,
p Yesterday several gentemen with wrinkled
trousers and aicoliobic <
atoholc breaths came over
from Omaha and
began to waylay e\'lryone
they met with requests for alias. The report
, vas circulated that
they were highwAY rob-
btrs and Officer Well , who lt the time was
walking his beat lt the corner Gf Pearl street
anti Ilroadwo . Ilut ehuo. ilo had to run
nine blocks before capturing one ot them ,
who gave hIs name a. mutes
gae Sccney. . On
. . the run he gobbled'iiiIo \
rUI Wlio Stone an . Omaha
gamin , who I Id i claimed belonged to
Bweeiiey'a class. The capture W8 lade In
front of the hose house lt the ( corner of
. . : all street and Kighth avenue. When
Sweeney . anti Stone .arrJved lt the police
etlton and 11 investigation had been made
I was Could that they were nothing wane
than tramps of the most prcnounced type
trod 72 prcnounce
IUI7 rents slowed how thoroughly they
" "
mad "done" the town .
gimitch's Cure Is sold on I gllarantee. it I
CUrls incipient coiiauInpUon. I Is the I
cough cure. , cent a dose : 25c. 6c )
.t ' , .OO. Sold _ ! ) tose ( .
, t I VCIUt : )1\1 ell , : , tl cblap'Lot .
- - - - -
O cdlaflt's Jewelry Store Baidod During the
Supper Hour.
S.cnret About Jorty 0011"tchr" , Three
Trays ct Silver Wntchtl nlli % IIU
Gout lUngs , . \1 Valued Rt
8l , OO-u Clew .
N. P. Conant's jewelry store on Droadway.
near the corner oC Main street , was entered
by burglar last evening between 6 and 6:30 :
o'cloek. At the time fut mentioned W. N.
Young , the druggist , whole estabiisliment I
In i the same room with Conant's locked the
rent door and went to supper , leaving a gas I
jet j burning just Over Conant's show case
Hal an hour later he came back all rOlnd
that t , In the meantime . some one had broken I
In through a rear window and hall gone I
through the show case , taking Its entire can
t ents . with the excepton ot a couple or trays i
oC rings which they e\ldenty hall not tmo
to gather In before being frightened away
The plnller Inclnded between thirty-five and I
Carty gold t'atchds three trays oC silver and I
slverlne vatcIies . and about 100 noun gold
rings. A watch and chain were found just L
outsldo the ( rear window and a gold thimble :
anll ring on the floor near the show case ,
where the thieves had dropped them In their (
fl ight. Mr. Conant eAtmntes his loss at
, . The boldness or the thieves I remarkable -
markable m , since the light was burning ( al i
the titan' . and time rascals , when working ,
could not have been lore than ten feet Crom
the perwns passing on the street. An offer I.
was mace by the Police to locate the gUity
partes and the plunder but tip to a late hour
last l night It was unsuceessrul.
8terllJ 'tiver.
The celebrated Gorham Manutaeturlng
company goO } at reduced prices. Tea
spoons at $ 3.50 per set. All other good a
In i tim same proportion . Engraving free
C. D. J'CQUI nN & CO" , 27 Main St.
GroulHl oil cake $ 1.30 hM. at Morgan &
Co.'s drug store 134 Droadway.
Dourlclus' music house bas few expenses :
high grate pianos are sold reasonably. 11 6
Stutsman street.
Washerwoman use Domestic soap.
I'rcr"r. LoeU I.CII AsocIatIonR. ,
The following communlcalon was receive :1 :
yesterday from a well knowl business man
ot COlnel Bluffs :
News comes from Des Moines to the offer t
that the affairs of time Union Savings aim d
Loan assoelatol arc II baa conclton , and
whlo full reports have not bean recelvp < I ,
enough Is known to warrant the belief that
It i will bo placed II tim hands oC a receiver
amI Its affairs wound imp. In such case Its
many thousand members will doubtless re- i I
c l\e but little . I anything , on their inveRt
menl Many ot these Investors are laboring
men and mechanics who can 1 afford to
lose i their hard-earned savings ant they are
certainly entitled to our sympathy but their
experience should bo a lesson to themselves
and others who are solicited to Invest money
In such concerns.
A mere glance at time plan oC this associas
tOI , as set forth II its circulars would have
been sufcent ! to show that It could ne\el b3
made a source oC either safe
mace or proftable In-
vestment. I Is a semi-mutual assoIaton
Into which its members were to pay 58 cents
a share per month 8 cents oC which were to
go to the ofcers oC the association and lie
remaining 50 cents to be placed In a separate
fund and loaned to brewers at 16.6 per cent
interest 'ior ' the benefit at Il members , the
earnings and payments thus accumulate to
be returned to the members In $100 Insto1-
meats when they reached that amount which
the association "estimated" would be In
about seventy-eight months. Besides this
the association charged an Inlaton fee oC 50
cents per share which richly paid their
solicitors for securing members
I Is difcult to understand how any sane , ,
man would consent to pay n concern ot this
kind 8 cents for taking care oC 60 cents. It
Is equally difficult to understand how I
supposed the remaining 50 cents could be
placed In safe loans at so high an interest
as 15.6 cent and while .
per this whie money elsewhere -
where was b'egging for geed loans at 8 per
cent. Even I this money could be safely
loane at 16.6 per cent little would have
been left lImo
Investor after paying the man-
agers of time association 16 cents for each
dollar loaned. ,
An accurate mathematical calculation shows ,
that 100 months would have ben required
to mature stock notwithstanding the "can-
Eervatve estimate" oC the association that
this would bo done In seventy-eight months.
Cl course no good loans can be placed at
this figure . but It Is an easy mater to pro-
cure this rate and evel more among a largo
class ot doubtful securities and Cram unworthy -
worthy applicants , who cannot borrow from
careful and conservative Investors , , and this
seems to be exactly what was done ; with re-
suIts that confirm the predictions or the
mora shrewd and thoughtful oC our business
meim-resuits that were liable to follow In
consequence oC the dangerous policy ot the
association lit accepting loans front remote
sections where , Instead of personal examin-
aton oC the security offered , It was obliged
to depend upon the recommendaton at locl
boards and agents who could have but iittie
Interest In anything but good commissIons
tl lie ( loans were mado.
Local building associations have always
proved themselves to be safe and iirofltabie
sources at Investments. Time ninth annual
report ot Carrel D. Wright of the labor
bureau reports 5,909 oC these associations In
time United States many oC which have ben
In successful operation for over hal a cen-
tury and scarcely al Instance oC loss among
them has ! en reported while failure among
those oC the class above designated Is be
coming n very common occurance.
_ _ _ _ _ _ D. W. OTIS.
Remember time Drownles' entertainment at
Dohnny's Thursday , December 27. for the
benefit of the Christian home.
1nrnod the Chrllllas TrecM.
Yesterday morning one oC J. H. IcPber-
soil's delivery wagons was bellI drivn
about the city mailing deliveries of Christmas -
mas trees flowers and the bike . when It
caught fire. A lantern hall ! en put In be-
bllll ; In order to keep the plants rrom beIng
CI"St bitten . but It In seine way was tipped
over and the oil spied over the bottom or
the wagon whIch was soOn alt ablaze The
driver hall no Inlllng at what hall happened
unt he Celt the rise or teml > happn his
rear and found that hl coat was singed . If
wa slnget.
time horses bJd not been steady the whole
wagon might have been
destroyed . but as It
was they were stopped without
fopped wihout any great
amount oC trouble and
the blaze
was ex-
tnguished , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,
Oregon Kidney Tea cures all kilney trou- :
bles Trial size 26 cent. . All druggists.
Blue lud She ( lriiy .
The high school 'cadetl have In preparation
n war drama which Is foon to bo SllfUng upn
the public. There will be two evening UPJ per-
formnmmnces . on the 2ath and 29th . wittt a umati-
nee " al the 29th , at Dohany's opera house.
"IU8 and Gray" Is the title at the piece ,
which Is deserlhed 8 btlng imighily effective. !
hlghl' electvt.
A steam curtain Is a novel feature In scenic
effects . and the battle scene , as witnessed
through the eoulI !
oC misty vapor . Is said
to bt very realistic. John J. I"ralney will
play the wi
leading part , The proceeds ot the
Iltertainment will fin ascii iii
wi fI II purchasing
rlluillmelts for the court , . Seal will be on
sale Thursday at Selhers' 1 drug wi .
'Wanted . good girl Cor houhework. Mrs.
Jacob Slams 316 l'latner street Mr.
liecogimlzuit Tht ! At Once.
' ,0 were nit t llng mosquito stories at a
New Jersey summer '
Jeray retort relates harper's
\rawrr. when one IJ Nlcularly audacious
amen - raid : "Oh . tbat's ( notblng. I was ott
the- ( ceabt at 1lrncgat. lat ' summer on ar
fsbhg trip arid while we were out on deck
early In the '
evening sloklug anti ciattlng .
a great eoull : at immosquitoes . nil or them mon-
btrOl1 birds , . clme out CrOI\ shore and miet.
ted Oi the bOat ( i alt do you know alt . II . fC-
tefll minutes Iht hal rlppe4 It , oC e\'ery
Inch 9t cal\'a , . and leU time masts bare as
11'IPoletl' , _ :
) \0 held \p our Ilall In deprecation lt
; . .
' - - - - - -
. - - - . - - - - - - - - - - .
. : - - - - - - - -
: . -
- - - - - - -
- : . - - . - - -
- - - - - - - - - - -
. THE OMA1IA : DAlY nEJ : "TJ DN ] SDA y _ DECl 1BER 26 , 180-t. n
this tale , when another of the party exclaimed -
claimed : "Wel don't be astonished. I
can vouch for that. I , a only a week aCer
that I was on a trip along the coast and the
us sa me " swarm of mosquitoes came ont aCer
The first speaker didn't seem to apprecate ;
this unexpected support , for he muttered :
"Humphl They ibid. eh 1 Well . how dil
you th ? " know they were the same mosquitoes , "
. " 110w dId I know1" pealed the other
wi th a chuckle. "hots' did I know ? Why
th ey all had on can 'a8 . overalls. "
Sutntlutcl nn I mUntnl for n ( loin Un taro
the . loweicr'a Iye.
One at the foreign travelers oC a Camous
jewelry house In this city has just returned
rrom his annual trip abroad , nl11 upon read-
Ing or a cever : shiophifter's trick executed
hcl ere . tel the New York Sun ot a bold and
clever diamond robbery In Paris that borders
on high art
The swindle was perpetrated In I diamond
shOI' on the ( Hue de la Palx , one ot the busiest -
est centers oC the tratie In Paris. A atramiger
came In and told the proprietor that he had
round a stone among his family effects .
which hall been there n great many years
a 11 the value or which ho was anxlou8 to
k now . 10 saul he didn't suppose It could
be worth very lueh , as otherwise It would L
n ot bo found among his family possessiotma.
The jeweer ! took the diamond out or the
s oiled paper In which the stranger brought
I t , antI , examining I closely whim I strong
lass , seemed .
g surprised. lesltatng a moment -
ment he stepped Into his private office to I
show It to another expert. Hetul"llg. he
sall :
"Why. sir , that Is lot only a good stone , '
but able. a " remarkably clear one mind very \alu-
The stranger lauhel Incredulously , remarking -
marking m lightly : "Nonsense ; It lay be a I
fne Imiaton , but certaInly not a real dla-
m 011 , for how would It gel Into the possession -
session oC lY fatally . who were always poor ? r
Anll how could Il lie among our erects m
unllsturbCl for so many years ? "
The jeweler assured him that ( It realy
was a dlamcnd and a gem oC the ( first water
anll added thnt If the owner would leave It I :
Cr a day or two he would show the stole
to t other jewelers and get their opinion .
The owner agreed to this and two days later :
caled ngaln. The diamond. merchant
prompty repeated his assertion a to the
puriy oC the atomic ant added that I was ,
worlh at least 18,000 rrancs.
"Well . " the owner replied , "I can't be- '
leve h you yet . for I am cartain It IUst be
an hultaton , no matter how good It loks ;
but I want to sel I. and I you arc wllng
to t buy I. how much will you pay for It t
and take your chances on Ito stone ? "
" \Vehl . under the elreumstance3 , I wi I
give 17.000 francs for the stone " the merchant -
chant tephied.
"And when can I get the nmOfley or your :
check for It ? '
"You may cal In n day or two. "
The jeweler was not a novice In business ;
moreover . he was n Parisian or the purest ,
t ype , and In maters or business wis as !
shrewd as any oC his brother merchants In
that busy city . lIe tool no chances . and , to
make doubly sure oC his bargaimm he put
the stranger or again and In the Interval
not only removed all possible doubt as to the
genuineness or the stone but also found at
least l two very wiing purchasers at a hand
some advance over what ho had offered I.
Thererore ! , when the strnger pall his fnal
visit time jeweler had time stone In his sate .
and with It a check all filled out. As the
jeweler j turnet to hand the check over to
the stranger the latter said , with half a
sIgh :
" \Vehl . It I must part wih I. let me have
one lost look at it . "
The check still lay on the counte lS the
stranger picked up tim paper containing the
gem amid slowly opened Its folds. Then , after
a long look with a heavy sigii he folded the
paper again and handell It back to the
jeweler. j
As the jeweler started to make out a re-
ceipt for the money the stranger said : "Now
It i Is not very clear In my mind that this can
I be a genuine stone and as I am very peculiar
abut soma timings . please make your receipt
read 'necelved for one imitation stemma 17.000
francs , ' for I can never believe that our
family , ever possessed any hlng else. "
"That Is a strange peculiarity oC yours .
the Jeweler replied . "but I don't know that
It i makes much difference. "
The receipt was made out as the stronger
desired . who signed I , and' ' the jeweler deposited -
posited the paper containing the stone wih
the receipt once more In the drawer 6 f his
saCe. _
The following day a friend called. the recent -
cent purchase was spoken at , and the paper
containing the stone was brought out. As
the jeweler took out the stone his race grew
" 1on Dleu ! " he cred : "My money ! my
money ! "
The closer he now examined the stone the
more evident It grew that lie stone was
really an imitation aCer alt . and as he sank
town In his chair and read the wording ot
hIs receipt and then recalled all the circumstances -
stances and how the stranger took one last
long look at the treasure It became clear :
to him that In that moment ho was robbed
and on imitation substtuted : for the good
stone before hb very eyes.
TheMe \Vollerrul TtiC8IhdIiiS.
It ever r become n divorcee I wonder how
I should ? feel emi meeting lY former husband -
I strolled down Dread \yay the ather afternoon -
noon behind a ! handsome large.eyed young :
actress who recently obtained n divorce from
her spouse a dashing light comedian who ,
has twice essayed a "flyer" around the matrimonial -
menial track.
When near Twenty-third street , lo ! the I
form of the aforesaid actor loomed up comIng -
tag In our direction ,
1 don't know how the sight oC him affected - '
Cected her but I felt my race fushlng wih
excitement and expectation. -
Nearer and nearer
Will there be a scene ?
Now they are almost abreast !
lie lifts his gay Alpine hat wlh debonair
grace all smiles sweetly .
"flow do to , Lizzie ? "
"How are you Frank ? "
And they calmly pursue the "even tenor"
oC their way !
These Thespians are - wonterrul people
) P'If.l TI Eli'OIW..lT.
Fair for Sobraslen Today with Vlrlahlo
\ 111. .
" 'ASIINGTON. Dec. 25.-The forecast for
'Vednesdl ) ' Is : For Nebrlla-I"alr ; vail-
able winds
For 10wl -I alr : north wiimds. becoming
For Missouri-Fair : cooler ; northwest
winds. northwelt
For Suth Dakota-Fllr ; warmer ; val'l-
able wl\ls. becoming soutlmwest.
l.'or Kansas-Fair . except local snow In
the early morning : north winds becoming
" .ocnt Jeeor <
OMAHA , Dcc 2.-lnhl record oC I"mper-
Ierliure amid rainfall , compared with carre-
spending day of the past lour ) 'ell :
1891. 1893. 1892. 1891.
llxhnum temperature . . 30 2 12 Ii
Minimum temperature. . , . 16 156 1
Average temnperattiie . . . 2 19 - 8
l'reclpllton . . . . . . . . .0 .01 .0 .24 !
Condition ot temperuture mind precipitation I
at Omaha Cor the tiny since preelplaton . :
Normal temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Excess for the miay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Accumulated excess since March 1 , 1891 :
Normal "reelplatol . . . . . . . . . . .g Inch
Delclency for the day . . . . . . . . . .0 .0 Inch
Total precipItation since March 1. 1 15.99 Inches
Delclecy since March 1. . . . . 15,9 . Inches
1. . A. WELSh. Observer. ! I
Illoports train Other Stations Rt 8 1' . M. "
> '
a ' "
' , !
I.TIONI \ ' t STATS 0'
.0 B " 3 j WEATIII\ .
. : i'i !
- - - - - - -
Ornaba. . . . . . . . . . 23 30 .00 Cleat- .
' . . . . . . . .
Norto'lalo. . . 10 21 .00 Clear .
Valemitlime , . . . . . a 22 . ( )0 ) Cter
Chtcao . . . , . , , . . . , . '
Chlealo . . . . . 21 30 .00 Clear.
61. l'US. . . . , . . . :1(3 as .00 Coar. .
SI. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 31 Ctar.
.aul. . . . . . . 10 20 .00 Clear.
Da'.eIPr. . . . . . . ye : U .00 Cear. .
Kansimi : City . . , , . . :0 32 : 'r Cear. .
Ciy. .
beaver..8 . II .10 Clear )
Sal\"ko CI ) . . . ' . 20 28 .01) ) Clear ;
; ' , . . . . . . . 26 .01 . Ceal .
/ . Cnear.
. II
ileiena. . , ) , . . , . C/tar. /
le ena. . , . . 20 t'ti .00 Clear .
2t .01
lilsedarele . . . . . . . . lu 26 .oo Clear.
' .10
81. Viiicitii \ . . . . 2 : .u-a Smmowiiitr .
Ctmeyemimmo . , . . , , . . . 810whll.
Chc'eluO. . . : . IU IH 'r Clear
Mit" CIY. . , , " ' . . 12 : U 'I' Clear. . . . . . . _ _ II . 70 .10 ltaintnmr.
"T" hllcale trace Qr INclplalo I.
I A WtL U , Observer.
- , ) I (
r 'b
Twelve Hundred of Th trExpcokd at Des I
. 'r Ic
MOles ' ocy .
_ -t
Week of State Meetng ; } : ylt 10 Jolutell
Out by thn Sclcntts , /uII / . Ieal
JallRtol or the stile liar
" .
DES MOINES , In , Dcf ; ! . -Spccial ( Tele-
grain . ) - The first , meethi'g ' or the State
Teachers association was heM this evening ,
being that of the executive council to arrange -
range the details oC the meeting or the association -
sociaton , which begins In full Coree tomorrow -
row with a meeting oC the < Iueltonal coun-
cii . Iowa Library association and \\'oimman's
Hound Table during time day anti a general
meetng In the e\enlng. xamlnaton for '
state certificates will bo lehl tomorrow and
Thursday. I Is expected 1,200 teachers will
attend the mmteeting.
Thin Iowa Academy or Sciences will hold a
mcetnl tomorrow and next day. There Is
embracel In time membershllJ or the socIety
nil time 10st Iromlnent scientsts In the
state , antI there will bo a large gathering or
them ( In atendaneo on the me tlll.
'he blennlul meetng or the MotleritVooil -
len or the state wi he held In this city :
next Thursday. Timers are about 11,000 Woodmen -
men In time state , amid It Is cpectet that (
there wi ho 360 In attendance at this Iueet-
ing'ednesdny night the local camps \11 I
exemplify the secret work , One or the special -
cial objects of time meeting Is to organize a
state seeety , they having ne\er been so I
oranlzll. Delegle ) to the ( head ? caml to b : i
held In June at MadIson , Wls . arc also to bo
Members at the bar or the state wIll i
gather here on Thursday In large numbers
to rerganize the State Bar association.
l'oUlt a Quarry 01 I'lnolnrbo : 01 Ils
WEDSTER CITY , Ia. , Dec. 25.-Speclol ( I
Telegram.-D. ) D. Bliss . the Iowa electrician ,
was In thIs ely this nioniming the happiest L
man In the tate. Santa Claus hat left a '
present In his stociling that falls to the lot
or hut few mren . He owns a tract or 'Iand I
at Iowa Falls " " '
Fals on which "hone" stone hall I
been discovered a few weeks ago and now he
has developed the fact that be."ath the
"hono" stone there Ii a grade oC marble
second to none In the United States I ad -
mis oC a brilliant polish and the quarry Is
worth a good big fortune for nn option on
the land. \ . Shocmlth ; the promoter who
was instrumental In getting for Webster City
its $20.000 shoe factory and ale its canning
factory has token the mater up with Mr
Bliss and a strck company will be organized
at once to develop the find. I Is possible
that time mill to dress the marble for market
will be erected In this city. A tale wih
promInent cpltalsl ( here disclosed the Cact
this morning that they wi give n lberal
bonus for the roctory.
Some Queston a. to Who Is time Owner of
time l'lnmmnit
MARSHALLTOWN . Ia . . Dec. 25.-Spe- (
clal Telegramn.-The ) itarshmaiI Vinegar and
Pickle works burned to the ground with all
its contents early this morning. Joseph
lolmes was the ' proprl r His dwelling .
adjacent to the plant" 'Was also damaged.
Loss . $25,00 : no Insutan . Mr. Holmes
had just sold out the _ plante to George Hed-
head or Des Moines bit ( ; there Is a question
as to the actual transCer.vhlch ) will doubt-
less cause trouble In 1 ' 1 lgaton , All th
Insuranc9 had eXpired , o'n the 11h ot this
. rnomtii . except elf the si&nce . and had not
been reuewed. The ' 9r'n ' \ t the' fire Is
not known , ; _ . ,
J V !
Said to lIe AboaL Four.ITIoIMaod . Dollars _
Short with ' Ills COII.aIY.
CLINTON . Ia. , Dcc. 25.-Specla ( , , ? Tele-
grani.-Wibbiani ) B. Jordan one L't ' the lead-
Ing dealers In pianos and ' organs has skipped
town and the Chicago Cottage Organ
Chicag company -
pany has taken possessIon oC his stock ott a
$ 900 atachment. A representotvo ( oC that
company says Jordan ' owes them about
4,000. Jordan went away Saturday -night.
lie leaves . a wire and five children and an
unfinished brick residence , already costing
about $5,000. He costng
abut came here about four years
ago front Atlantic . Ia.
Senator Gear torlCusly Ill.
DES MOINES , Ia . Dee. .
: IINES 25.-Speclal ( Tele-
gram.-News ) comes Cram Washington , , D. '
C. . this evening that Senator-elect and pres-
ent COnre5man John H. hear oC tim FIrst
Iowa district has b en' seriously Iii with ;
someth'ng10 ' an apoplectic stroke He was m
unconscious for twelve hours hut has rallied I
and his physIcians say he will recover raled I
to be around again In a few days
A Cowhoy's Ilte Society .Joko , to Enlvel Cllzoll I
A cowboy Cresh from his
herd , went Into :
a Cheyenne chop house recently . relates the
Detroit Sun. Time tables were oil fillet I
with time exception ot one , , at which time fled
oC the plains seated hlmselC. As he pullet I
off his hat and unted time red bandanna
handkerchlet from his throat he looked ella -
dolntuly aroimmid tls-
The nimble waiter brushed
waler an Imaginary :
brent crumb from the cloth whisked
Crol , n bii I
of Care trom time castor and placed It beloro
the festive and untamed youth.
"Tallo It away " he snarled. "I can't cat
that I want rattlesnakes on ' toast ! "
"Rattiesnalces " on toast ! " yelled the waiter
"nattesnalces on toast ! " responded the
cool ,
There was a sliglmt flutter the
slght futer among guests
at the strange order and time cowboy was ;
scanned by many curIous eyes. He assumpl I
a nonchalant air and picked his teeth . whIm
the prong of his Cork. iljii
A cook deWy removed the skin ( noun a
pickerel , and CUtlng a strip the proper miimapo
placed It tn a spider. prOler
Time waiter who had taken the order eamo
tripping back to ( the orter
& bold buccaneer oC the .
panimpas ,
"viui you have your snake well dOle or
" .
rare ? I I
"Rare with oodles oC rmmiik "Uhiill
It. " mik ant
"Gimnle that snake rare-milk and gravy
on the side " was holooed to the cook.
The lariat-wrestler grow nervous.
Tie devU-muy.caro eX relon " Iad left his
eyes ant a soft . sUbdued'melancholy : shade
hat taken its plaee . ' ' Ip fidgeted In his
chulr , ant seemed to b'e l1s vlng himself for
I an ordeal , ; -1
"Here you are . sin" " . saitl the culinary
.aid culnar
Ganymede , placing a dish In which was
I somelhlng nicely colIc4 . which looked like a
fried specimen of the grnuScrotalus. "Have
a lto Worcester saucetuGivea a very floe
fl\'or. Some folks 3iko mushrooms with
their 8nales. Otimers- prefer Cimihi coiorow
A ltte salad dressing preer not go bad.
There's vinegar and olve/ol In time castor.
Wi you have tea 01 Cree7 / Very tine
snake Caught yesteretay . Fat anll tender. ( "
When the yester\ar. , delivering iiinmmseif
oC the eUlogy ot the n'/l the steer-puncher
shoved his chair back , / HIl eyes buled out
ann lie tHcame polo arpund the ( gills. -
"I don't think Il e3i. q1lylblng. I ain't
hUlgy , " he said as im1rose unsteadIly to
his Ceet and reached for file \ , imat unsteatly
"Maybe you'd prefer br'iled mocnsln ? "
insinuatingly suggested the waiter.
"No " he replied . a the waler. paler Ileep-
ned on his race. "I aln't I bit hungry. "
lie cat another glanel at the dish be hal
ordered and mude a break for time door lie
" le
"Corgot to pay at the counter "
I a -
A Vhl.1 lnJo ! )
The pleasant fever , gentle acton Bcd loath.
Ing effects oC Syrup oC Figs when In need
of a laxative . ant I the lather or motber be
costive or bilious the most gratifying results
follow its use . I'J that It Is the best family
remedy known . and every family should
have I bottle on hand
A l'amrilarncimtmtry ' l'olnt
The old parliamentarian die ! not like the
young man who was playing Curt to his
- , . _ a -d $ . . . - _ . ' - _ . .
- - - -
ammgimter1 relates the Detroit Free Press ,
and the next time he came to see her the
pate"1 stepped Into the ( reception room And
akel ! him to depart
"limit slr" began tho' caller In protest.
"Your remarks , sir . " he interrupted , as
he hell the door open , "are not In order A
m otion to adjourn Is not "
moton debatable and the
motion carried .
Br Cyrus . Edson : Tel ! how to Wont Off
the IJiscaic.
Alhough more or less prevalent throuh-
out the year , writes Br Cyrus Bdson , cm- !
missioner at healh of New York pneumonia
Is peculiarly dangerous during the opening
monlhs oC winter With the first frosts me
very marked Increase takes place In the ( nun\- I
her oC cases , and during thIs cell , damp
weather extra precautons shoull , b taken
Pneumonia Is Irobabl ) ' Irotlucell by an
arth germ , and when frost prevails the soil
beneath the house Is the ( only ! rolll which
ins not Irozeim. The genus grallual ) ' work toward -
ward the warl , moist earth , amid the house
really acts as a sort or flue . which rorms a
really mode or egress for thiem. The proper
ventilation of rooms Is therefore aim hnllortant
factor In guarding against pneumonln , one ,
however . which Is too oCen overlooked.
Lack ot personal h'gleno Is the duet predisposing - :
disposing cause or the dlseaEe. Irregular
hours , Insulclent aourlaiiimieiit (1'8Iellsln.
excessive fatigtme . or some disease which has I
lowered time Ieneral tone or the S'stel , all
wenken the power or resisting the pneulonic
germ. 'Vhen the systemic Is run down , a stud-
den eXlosuro to cold may prove ' ( , 'atal , while
In a norlli conditon or time body It woulll
be thrown oil . An Instance which recently
came tinder ! my observation will serve to ii.
lustrto the Ilportanee oC regularity In meals i
as a sarcguarll against dtease '
Two young ladles of my Iclualntanca were
traveling II a railway car next to a man
just recovered from slallox , as was after- '
wards Coulll out. Ono or them hind risen
early all hall breakrastell ( : the other hal
risen into amid hall not. Time on3 who hal
10t eaten caught the disease and the other
escaped Time ladies were twlus and almost
exactly sinmihir In amid
exacty simiar physlqne ant temperament ,
aimel In my lllnlon , the ( temporary weakening
DC the system , caused by thin omissIon oC the
morning nmeai accounted for the disease
being able to obtain a foothold .
There are three periods during which the
susceptibility to pneumonia Is greatest They
are early chidhod , that Is , UI to 7 years or
age ; between the ages of 20 and 40 nail after
alC aCer
00. The power oC reslstanco against IJeu-
monla grows much feebler after GO years ot
age , and ninetenths or the cases prove fatal
In New York we have a good deal or northeast -
east wind during November and Decembl
and the cold , damp weather It generally :
brings Is very favorable to the contraction
of "colds" and the subsequent development
of pmieumnonia The grip left its vlclms ( very
predisposed to pncuimionla ant Il still exists
to sOle extent In a 101ifed forum This Is
the disease with whIch pneumonia most readily -
ly combines , but It Is found In connection
! with diphtheria typhoid fever nmeasles scarlet -
I let fever and many othmers
When a severe or sudden chi has been
contracted the mall thing Is to act quickly ,
anti many a serious illness can be averted
ant valuable life saved by a little intelligence
coupled with pronmpttude. ( I possible , send I
for a doctor Immediately , anti meanwhile
take ten grains or Quinine and five drops
ot spirits or camphor In a little water or on
a lump or sugar. These doses are for an L
adult. Then soak the feet In hot water anti L
jump Into bed Simple as these remedies are ,
they have nipped In the bud many prospectve
cases ot pneumonia.
Whie soaking the feet the body should
be warmly wrapped In a blanket , which
should be kept on until some time after the
person has entered the bcd , In order that free
perspiration be continued and not churched
A good thing to prevent "colds" Is to wear
wool next the skin. When this Is mint possi-
ble on account or the ( irritation sometmes
caused . a mixture oC wool and silk will gen-
orally be round satisfactory. I would not
recommend cotton In any form Cor underwear
as I Is frequently the cause oC a dangerous
cold by becoming wet and keeping the temperature -
perature or the skin below the normal. Care
should be taken that feet do not get wet , or .
IC so . that prompt measures are taken to dry
them and a change of hose made.
Time care taken of the outside oC the body
' must be supplemented by the same care ot ,
the Inside. A modkrd t diet wholesome food
plenty oC rest regular hours , will keep the
whole system In good order an enable I to
throw off the germs of ( lisease . which can
only obtain rootng : when debitaton affords
an entrance for the disease and n fruitful
sol for Its development
S -
, \ Story 01 WhRt Ilhht Ilve Boon Among
. .
Old-Tlmo .Semiiitors.
. An entire Sunday edition might b filled
with stories connected with the late Judge
L Q. C. Lamar says the New Orleans Pica-
yune. Mr. Lamar possessed a remarkable
peculiarity . Unusual excitement seemed to
act upon hIs nerves like an opiate and put
him to sleep. This was strongly ex-
empllfled aCer his remarkable verbal encounter -
counter with the great New Yorker Mr.
Conldlng. Mr. Lamar after scarifying Mr.
Conklng for life . leaving him with burning
yet deferential ' resentment closed as Col-
lows :
"I apologize to the senate for this seem-
Ing unparlamentary language" ( advancing
to the New Yorker and throwing his Index
finger full la his taco ) : "language that no
man , good man . deserves and no brave man
will wear. " Immediately Mr. Lamar walked
to the cloak room on the democratic side ,
lay down on a sofa , and In three minutes
was sleeping as calmly as a babe. Thuore .
was great excitement. I was believed Mr. '
Conklng would pot submit to the laLguage
applied to imimn and tniat . whie he probably
would not cholengo Lamar being nn ath-
beto he would meet him on the streets anal
assault him. The late Senator Zeb Vance ant ,
Hercules In stature who was devoted to Mr ,
Lanmar without the knowledge oC that gente-
man or any other human being shadowel
Mr. Lamar for some days explaining afterward -
word that I Conklng ever struck Lamar. he
intended 10 beat him to death. Mr. Vance
unwoven did not know what Ilse Intmately
acquainted with Mr. Lamar knew In nil
probability Mr. Lamar could have whipped
them both. lie prided hhnsel upon his
muscle and has often said to the wrier : :
"I beleve I am better fitted Cor a nrlze 1
fighter than I am for a eenator " I" was
apprehended by some that ( Conlllng would
chalenge Mr. Lamar Conklng was known
to be an expert wih the short sword Mr.
Lamar sulll afterward to on Intmate friend
In discussing the matter : "If Mr . defIning
had sent tae n chalenge I , should have
chosen short swords "
"Why , Mr Laniar " replied his friend < I"
"Conkling Is al expert with the short I
sword "
"I know timat " replied the nenator "but
I took some lessons wlh the short word
myself when I was In Paris the time that
I was sent by the confederacy on a mission
to Russia "
"Vlmy senator , " the friend replied . "you
have not hall a short sword In your htntl
In twpnty.fve years . " hlnd
i "I know ( Juat . " coolly replied the senator ;
"but I Ihould have chosen . short swords. "
p -
improvenumenti UVC , \lOlt Done Away with
Title JnlhvaynnoI"ICI" .
Those who have travelC much by rail are
mora or less ncqualnted with the hot box . A
hot box . al It Is commonly called . really
means a hot journal belrlng or a hot journal
or botim . I arises sometmes Crol the Ube
oC P00tnimatenial In the
IJOor bearing , sometmes on
account or Imperfect casting . and sometmes
trout too great weight upon the bearing pro-
tuelng frIction and heat.
There are now far fewer hot boxes than
formmmerly says the New York Sun Bore ot
the heaviest cars are now carried upon six-
wheeled trucks thus distributing the weight
of each end oC tie car upon six Journal bear-
Ing Instead or four , and reducing time danger
at excessive friction. Heter materials are
used and the workmanship upon them Is
better . weights to be carried are calculated
more nicely and greater care Is exercised
hi operation . to that the hot box Is not what
It once was A man thoroughly familiar
wIth railroading . who made not long ago a
trip ot 10.00 mniihes . which Included points
a. Car apart as the City or Mexico San Francisco -
cisco and Chicago , said that he did not encounter -
counter a hot box until he was wlthll twenty
, ashes ot Newl York on his return.
'S -
11\\Y U"lroll'tct.
Ministers have quite as many touching Incidents -
cidents as runny ones In their duty ot per-
farming the marrIage ceremony for "all sorts
and conditions oC unan . " One such I told to
. ' _ - - , . - ' - " . - ' - . . . . - - - . -
" .
' " " " " ' ' l'rl' ' ' ' " " 11 " in1"r\9"9l \ . :
Ozomulsion ; ft
i : Ozomulsion is a sccntifc compound of Ozone ,
1 i Guaiacol and Cod Liver Oil. It is different from
1 aU other preparations of cod liver oil for the reason
r that it is a permanent cmulsion-its ingredients do ' " \
I f = not seiaratc'-and . It combines in a palatable form : -
r the most valuable ' nutrient _ ad ) the most 1)OtVerftil
n germ destroyer. powcrul :
: Ozone is condensed oxygen. Oxygen is the :
I : lfe-giving principle of the ail we breathe Ozone , :
f condensed \ oxygen , whcn taken into Ihe blood in :
1r Ozomulsiol , kills the germs of disease by being ab- :
W : sorbed into the blood during the procc&sof nutrition. : H
jyd It also St1pliCS the
I supplcs oxygen necessary for the easy {
ff digestion and quick assimilation of the cod liver I oil . :
. r . Guamcol is a chemical product made from the :
' 1V resin of pine and beech trees , and it is the volatile
princplc of this agent which makes a rcsidcnce in
1 ) : thc woods so invigorting. It increases thc appca.i
f : tie , aids digc3tion. prevents thc development of r .
ff I disease germs , and destroys them if they already :
' , exist -
i Ozomulsion cures disease because it strikes at
l r once at the rCJI cause of the disorder-thc poison- -
ri : OIlS germs which producc it. It is
! The Kind Physicians Prescribe -
F for Colds Coughs , Consumption , Bronchitis , PI1CU-
f monia LJ Grippe. Asthm : , and all Pulmonary :
ft l Complaints i Scrofula , General Debility , Loss of ' l
= i ; Flesh , and All Wasting Diseases.
: :
f- KUHN & CO" " ,
if 15ti : nut Douglas Sts" , -
) 'lU ) ) kJ1JhJb t Iht.J. ) .U UJU d-
My prices have always been lower than any other store in the city
but now I am going t make you a Cnrlstmas present Look
at some of my prices. A .
$10.00 Cook . Stove for. . . . . . . . . . $ 7.50 $ . stool Range for , . . . . . . . $24.00
1200 " II " . . . . . . . . . . 9.00 38.00 " " " . . . . - - . . . . 30.40
1600 c " I 12.80 42.00 " 'I t
Radiant Novelty Base Burners and Elmhurst Surface Burners are as
fine stoves as can be made. Look at the prices ,
$44.00 RadiantNovclty.$36,20 , $32.00 ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ,
40.00 " ' . . . . . . . . . ' 2OO 25.00 " 20.00
38.00 Elmhurst. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.40 j
- And all other stoves in proportion at '
CHAS. SWALNE'S , 740 B'way
_ _ He Sings !
C - '
OF COURSE And his sTung is one of
lIE cutI'nestexultatioisand
. - DOES Joy. So would yours
be if you knew wIi.t
lie kiiows-tlmt 919 Mttlsi street Is '
' stoaked with more bargains Iii Slmoes ,
Jlutt ; , Undersvcai- rind FulllliShiflg
, It (00dS thami any otict ! store in Cotiti.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' cli liltill's utuim.I Omiitlia. lie tises but
; fcv miotes , you perculves , aiuj
, Yost s'iI1 siced but frw motes-
- bault notes or coimas-to gct pos.
sussoti of stylish , hlamIdsoille arid
_ _ _ coisifortablu things. Expenses of
_ _ _ _ doing businuss at flU ) arc 50 pci' cent
- . : _ E- . : - . . = - - less tItan ftirthcr tlptown , and this is
- -
- . , - - - - - - - one of the nittuiy ScIrcts of the liii.
: : ci4 U1CUSI sticcess of
, - r' r T. B. 1:1 UGIIJ3 8
_ _ . - - - - - = - ,
The Loading Down Town Morchaut
-coucii. :
'MACH 1913
All Iclnitia of Dyeing
and Cleaning done in
time highuest style of
the art , Faded and
stained fabrics made
_ _ _ to look as good its
. .
E ! now. Work promptly
. IW9.ffmffiJ = done anti delivered
iii dull parts of the
hI , I P' counmtry. Sent ! tar
, - -F .J7It price list ,
. /i. MAOIIAN.
F- " , r l'z-oprlot-or
111'adlWdiy , near North.
western Depot , Council
Illults , Iowa. Tel. 322.
Youth's Companion by a clergyman who lived
at seine distance fromim thus populous part of
time ( mvii , amid whuo was therefore accumstonieui
to suggest sonic conveyance to thuose couples
who did not comae in a carriage ,
A nmidtlhe-aged muon and wonuman , who booked
as it life rnigimt have been rather hmard for
them , caine one miigiut to be married. Time
corcamony over , ( Ida imulnister said to them :
"Now , I'll tell you where to take a car.
You hmnomv we are a lommgdistaimce froiui every-
vii erel"
Tita maim turned to lila bride with a look of
sudden ss'ectiuess , -
"Ohm , no , " said hue gently , "I guess 'we svon'L
ride. "Vi.'e'hi just walk along a spell mmd talk
It over ! "
5Lr. Iticker hiatt Objections te 11ev Ilu-
h , uil Itcatilug muC ( iii ) 'l'mstmio ,
Truth : "I wish , " said Mrs , hlickor , "that
you wouhmlnm't read your paper at time ( able , "
"I've a faimmt recollection of hearing ( hint
remark before , " said Bicker , without raising
lila eyes.
"Vehi , you wouldn't have imearmi it again
If YOU ) manlnm't Inept niglut onm buryimug yourself
in that horrid newspaper every muiornlmmg ,
leaving mime to- "
"Diddle , ttadtlbe ! " Initerrupteti Mr. flicker ,
turning time page , "You don't titmtlerstanid ,
As a busimiess imman it Is my duty to kecim
alit-east of time times , To cia so I nutuat roath
and digest time current-or-current , weli ,
the papers. "
Mr. Iihclrer gave a grunt of satisfaction ,
supposing imis argument to be conclusIve.
Mrs. Bicker , however , was not repulsed ,
"You have llenty ) of time to read the
paper without doing it at time table-you
kmmow you lmave all time evening , "
"Ohm , yes , to be sure ! " returned Mr.
Dicker , beginning to fume. " 1 don't imave
to dress and carry you' all over time city
evenings , do I ? Probably I don't iuave to
tramnip up to Two hundred and Tenth Street
arid talk to a hot of idiots , do I ? "
"IS'hmy , Dickl Just because we've been to
mother's twice In five mnontiusi Wimenever
you're not at seine meeting or othmem- you
know you read all eve'nimmg , and timat ougiut
to be enougim for any one. '
"hut that's time evenhmug paper. "
"Oh , well. I don't care-you're just as
meani" And Mrs. hiIclcr : began to nltile ,
"There , Mrs. Bicker , I've tlurown it tinder
time table , " said ime' , dropping time paper and
folding his at-ins , "Just to satisfy one of
your brilliant nations I'll ' give up newspaper
reading altogethmcr
"How'Ii tlmat suit you ? I'll sit at time table
armd do nothing but eat , eat , eat. hIke a
hog , hiveniogs I'il darn socks anti every-
thug else ,
"i'll not only never read muumotimer paper ,
- ---J -
President , Cashier ,
First National Bank TI
Capital , - . $100,000
I'gofttg , - - - 12,0013
Onmo of time eldest banks to lime stae of Iowa.
We solIcit your business sod coflecttOou. W
pay S per cent on time depnaltL Wa will be
classed to see and servo you.
- 1 ,
Cokirjei ) p1tifIiii-
climaiNnyd cL.LIANInD ; VAUJ.T8 Cf.IIANIID ,
ii lturkeat W , di. lIomWa , 03 liroatlway ,
LOST. U1'tIT-NOffl . ' .
- $ ) 1.1 % 'Slt COh.OItRIi
pointer dog' mmnswera (0 time asian of "Dick. "
iteturnm , _ ! Nut-ui 17th street , nd get toward ,
VOlt SALII , hlOUtiEltOhi ) ILJhlNlTiJ5l'l ( , CAR'
peat , etc , , dm1 Priratu sale , Cull Ut 436 antI iii
Jiroadway , over Sleytuim.uurfee F'urnliuro Co.'t
store , lIst-gains to save timoylnmg Jtuo mild
- 1
but I'll turn my head away froun ever ,
bulletin board , for fear I many learn whmuil
is gohmmg on in hun world.
"Then I'll go to busintas , anil when a
man asks my opinion of ( lie iohitical situa.
( Ion I'll tell him I bsiteye dotted Swiss
will hie ( hue people's ciiaicei"
"Why , Dick , 'wimat do you mean ? "
"Just what I say , my dear , Your imusband
will he kmmown as time biggest fool 1mm time
city. Ills business will run down and end
in failure ,
"V'o'iI seil time house antI hIre in a tense-
mont. Or perhmaps you swould prefer a siianmly
In harlem. We could have a goat , you hnnow ,
anul I could tend to that.
"liy ( hint timne I'll have 'ust ' enough series
left to do nmcediework anti watch time goat ,
Then , Mrs. Bicker , thuemi yotu'll be luappyl"
Iieoro Mrs. hiicker could utter ( hue remn.
atrance , which hme hind hmeeru preparing Mr.
Iicker lund grumiibeti bits hat and left the
imousu ,
\/imo she picked up time paper Mrs. I3lclnies
found that tbmo uoiiIical article wlmichm luaU on
engaged lmer hmusbanul'e , attention was headed ,
"Scandal In 1(1gb ( Ltf"