F . . "i' w-'r. , ' ' - " ' - ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - ' _ - ' ' 'r'r. . . . , , , ' , - . . . -1 ' J" . . ' . . . . . " . ) . _ . ' , r'1. . . 'w" ΒΆ ' ' i\ . 4 n1y1-.T g-'r - A 1 A Ti 1VrT. ' I1T1T' Ar TH OML DAY JD 'rUJ SDAY , DEOE rER 21 1804. . TIlE OMAHA DAILY DE : . ; _ J i. 3toSIVATIIL _ . r0ltor. = - : - - - ' . - - - - - - - - - - , vu1JL1s1IltYMonnNa. : _ / k- = - TImME 01" Et'ISCJI'ION. I DII J ' e ( Without Sun4tiy One Year . . . . $ 8 0 ' - ' , .i , . ( M untay . One YCLt . . . . . 10 ( I. Hx . Months r"'l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 ( . ! ' 1"nlls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ro Sundny nee , On YNlr . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 1/lurdn ) ' flee. Onl Yeut . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 & O Weekly Dpi' . One Ytr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & OFL'IC1S. Omnhn , ' 1" . flpn fluilcUng. , Ipl nl. . Soulh Ornnlit. Corner N nnc Twenty.fourth StL Counel lurs , I : Imrl ( rct. Chicago ome" 317 Chnm"er of ( ThmmnrC. New York. Ho"e 13. I nlHI 9. Trilune nI1 ! , 'Vahlnllon07 ? I , ' Sle t , N.V. . con3tEsI'OilLNCC. I fHIONI LNCI MI cnmmunlcntIoni telnflng to news nn.1 e1I. . Al eommunlentonl telnlnl e.l- tOlal malor should ho , nddl . eMNI To Ihe 1dttor. IIU8IES i.ii-rmts. ' JUBINES J.I ; TIS. Al "uelnoRR Ipters Rn,1 remltnneel 8hol1 ' he iddrtsed 10 The flee pub1Ihtug cfflflpflfly . , IddMBled lee l'bl hlnl cmpnny. . Omnha. , Jrnts. checks an.1 I'oeloleo order to 0 made pnYAhl" 10 tu' o"ler or the Cnm"Any. Till ; mm l'UJ.hHING COMPANY. . . . - - - - - - - - - - - bTATCMflNT 01" ClItCUt.ATIO. George II. Tzsehuek. Ateretnry of The tN' l'uh. J.lln comlilny . helnl , tlly PWOtfl , 11. ' . that the RetlAI number of Cul ( anti complete cO\los of the /.ly Matning , I'\'cnlng nn.t . Hunlay flee rlntcd during the monh or November. 1S94 . was lS f"lnws ! : 1 . . . . ' 2).C : ) 10. J . 2)tlt ) . . . . . 2. . . . . . . . . . . . 2I7 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21C 21.51 3. . . . . . . . . 27,5 1. . . . . . . . . . . 2l.li. 4 . . . : I . b2 : 19 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 4..21.2 ; . . . . . . . . . 21. ) . . . . . . . . . . 21.41 21.51 C. ; . . . . . . . . 21.li3 21. . . . . . . . . 2'1.1.0 ' . ' . . . . . . . . . . 31,2. ; 22. . . . . . . . . 21.1 R. . . . . . . . . . 2.9 ; : 2. . . . . . . . . . 2".2.t " 0 . . . . . . . . . 21,036 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' 10. . . . . . . . . . 21.408 2 . . . . . . . . . 21iI ) \ 1. . . . . . . . . . 22.1' ' ) 2G . . . . . . . . . . 2).12t . 32 . . . . . . . . . . . 2,4SI . 2. . . . . . . . . . . 2).06 ) ; , 13. . . . . . . . . 2JOt 9 28. . . . . . . . . 19.f18 ' fi . . . . . . . . . . . 20,62 % . . . . . . . . . 2.020 ' ) 25 . . . . . . . . . . 2,5iO 30. . . . . . . . . 1 . 82 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . " O.9C.t JCRS dcductlon for unM"llI and returned , de.uelons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . relUrlel . . . . . 1.282 : . Total 101.1. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , C41,3i2 ' nAly n\crge net creuInIIrn . . . . . . . . . . . 21.G12 , u:0\01' : : I TZSCIUCr Iworn to herore and subscribed In ' Swor me II 0) "res- I' ' crce this 3t day uf December. 1 & 91 , i _ ( Heal , ) N.J. ) 'llIb. Notary Putdte. u _ I We Will II't'Seltr ) Imow mOI ( Iholt At'IWIIIIS titan wu do nho\t ) Anicrl . t CIIS , " I IH t ( ; Ilhlc 10 t he II. I wnl of lcef down II M I hHIHSlppl ; ) tlless 1tts and order Il ' ' , ' . resioreti reRIO'cl 1)'omlI ) t i Another weck wi wlll11 1S ! ) 111 I I . most vcolllc ) wi hIl thIs hurtl tmcs 3 I . yel l' n chcel'fll good u 'e. ! . I 11 10 1c hOI1ll that thc shavll of I ClllloreH' ) \\'lnts wi go out or datc frotH ntnl after the first ' ' It frol utl afcl' Il'st Thl'stll II Jiiitutti ' y. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The Iowa mlh'olul commissIon hal 1 r bettor c'oIH\lt the taX1)tYIS Itl RhIV' 1 . Ilers of thlt siltu ( hefol they cousunt to mlHu tw ( freIght r tcs. , . 'oflgressflluht Sll el' Is } CeIJlll . ; f or n Icall Into the court of clulms. I Is / life voslton with $ 1OO n yen : I. snln' ' . Why etn't : : \ . Bryan get such ] , n ser SIUII ? , The IetrOICtltfl ) 1)VOdtlCt or " ' ' - . 'oleul Il'olluct o W7yorntn. g ' ' If growIng to 1\'e ) roportIout3. Tim C . 'wl Ronn cOle when the whole we it . will look to that state for its coal 01 . and lubrIcator. . , . , The 1101 ) tax hus hccole ) Ilnost ol ) . , _ . Bolete In this stnte , hut If every I an , j ' between 18 and no hat to , jtay that do 1- . . .lnr toward mnlntnlnlng government 'i' .i woull let n rO\lHl $20,000 n rcar. : Tue : nps l nibll ; : nuothet' victory bit Chlnele territory. 'rite Son of ileaveit , It nIJ\'S. : . Ils . not I single conlnnnl1ng eC.t ' vorUiy the' I nne. ! ! : No wonder he Is hot after a treaty of Ilcnee. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , George Francis 'frln has sent / pos- tnl cal'l leslnge ) In red and blue to . the luulo , wnrulng hIm Igalnst en- tniiglliig nillatices. A l'cSOUse Jl'OI the Mikado will be looked for wih 1m. t patience. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' [ 'he 1lmllo b. Inclined to look Ullon the Chilese pcnco offerings and over- tmes for a I treaty of peace with n good . 'dCII or , suHlclon. ) 'l'he l.ndo has cwhlent.r read Bret ilarte's version . of' the heathcn Chlnee whose ways are dark nli tricks are vnln ! : irs. PhIL ) Sheridan Is said to he t . 1110st the only wIdow or n great warfl ' chief who has absolutely declined dcclned to nCCQI1t 1I\'HCH ) nnl gifts o all soils , slnco the general's dealh. For this ? Irs. Sh'hlnl Ii tltlel to thc respect nut ! esteem or ' all 1)atrlotic citizens. I Is I .good cxnllle , , We are glad that the remains of Sit . ' ' John 'l'holpson am now safely on shill' ' ; bOI'1 of In occult slenmer. For lt least sIx tbtys , while the vessel Ii Hont. : tug on the ocean wave , we ! hul UO ; . tal'cd } ) the diurnal rot about the tcnd ' " t prviiiiet"s Iogi ' ' to\vnrl the II'omlor's II0gl'I'SS 10wnrl Canadluii Cnnnllnn ; i. b\'lnl gl'ulnill , , Sir . uhn hits hlll inert I : notoriety SIICO ho died HUl ho hnl I . during hIs \\'holo life tinie. 1 . San 1.'t'nnclsco hits ! ulprIHCl herlet r . and gl'nll"ll thu , tire IISUIICO coin Ilnles 1)3' the )11'fm'nllnCeS of ni 11' r ' Ilt'cd lire extiiitiishiIiig appittattit t , ; 'thnt Is Inll to thmw ) .1,000 gallons of wntel' pel' 111110 Inlo a hU'lllg build jng. I the tlevlcl Ii what Is &llncil I for It this city anti nit oilier cities tIIH cl nltl 11 olhel cites wi I S1)Ct'I1IY ( htitroditee nt ht'ttst ono of thits tpelt111'olluco 1II1t thtHo ( ' mnchl\8 ) Into Is tiLe t'xlnlulthlnl up I 1'/\'n / tUH. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , : Mnl ' county treasurers or this Rluto . . W'U ollct'll on the IdtltfOt'ifl which ox $ 1III'IIy II'olIHell ) thnt thc Illm'est In . . , : Cl'llcnt UIIOI ) C'er ' dollar of Ilhlc fmulH should he hn'ncil . . Ihol\l back Into the treasury for th ' IH'lelt of tnxpayor . ] Tlo Illu.cleetol ) hedges have not II I o\el' ' Ilstllt'e bt'll kept , hut whelhur such Ilrollcs . . . have huol mutlo 01' tin i . hy O\'I.t. ' ' ' ' ' cvt'ry county t'I'Uturt'I' It cannot ho I ) ; , RnllRlhl that the people nro I entitle ti to every ccitt or Iuiteiest earned COlt hll't'elt UllCll nl'on ' ' , lJule ( thuds dOe ) ( lct II lII,8 h , y trt'IIl'IJr . . . . ' .l'iw tlllct'II'llO . of our local conl'm- fOlll' ' In WI.1111 i ) the tleNI't'ted e , , . . _ _ t1'onth.sh'll.OI districts of weNI'I'n Ni i- - 'JI'lllm . II cOllenlluhll' . hut the Rtlto ; could hlvo ulolllll better to t1Xlllil 5O , OOO (01' tito ' rooo or 11 relief or such settler 8 , 91 rl'luhl II tlut 1Ctol thul to 1110 * liid the ' ' bet highly colol'ed Itl'\'nton- clnll ' COI'I'I'RlloIHlelCo reproduced In I ; Lending custm'l journals. 'J'lc intl 0- lel.l ) given wi relieve everybody 1 hut 1 I prejudice 1 great t lastly Ileolllo not Ii u. i mllwih the cause of tlostlulou , nnlll J1n1 ; the ftnto I Ititich ) ( \ which I It will \uko \ years to recover. I tJ. , t1l " , . . " ' . " t .r . . . _ . . . ' : ciznrsr.rts. 1.'let wih n love that Is eternal , nntl which nt thlR tune Ol\ls its hIghest and hnltRt ! eXllrcsslon , the great hearl of (11'lstlnlom w lcolcs the return or ( t iurIstuuIns. For weeks Itast I , In every In UtI , .hcl'o the story of the mnn oC N nznrclh Is ImQ\\'n and Ills ch\'ch Is 'Ct'b'll , II'Pllat'atols I have hcel ) la"ll to celebrate thIs Iln"'el'RO' ' of His I birth. Affection nll ft'Iclll11111 hU"e h /ntwrell their olelluJs , the hlmhlcst not less than the grandest , ( ' Xh)10581V0 or the Hllllllt8 whkh the occasIon 118111rcs ( , utiitl 11 mllolf or hOleN there wi mllglo this 10r wih the CII'lsllas dilutes the ( 1\\'ecter volccs ot hallll chllh'CI , whlo those of lulmer 'I'S wilt feel the thrill of pleasure that cnn collie to them halt Olce n Cit . Who can adequately tijtl Ilreclnio time 1110)011011 of the wnve or hallllllcss . thnt ( will sveep over the CI1'1st11 wOI.11 toll ' Ot' estllnte its hllhtclco for good ? Who cnl mcaSI'C thu helclcclt efeelsllon mll01s or 1\'ts h ! lint ( will COIIQ front the nlec- tolnle 111 Idlily olces of this day of tll ( l 'H , the RI'lt or which , to nil who II t ightly Iltlot'slnltl ( It , Is whol ' elu- \'all ! multi clnohll ? There will he sccil SIWI 01 thIs ( OII'IHtIIS , ns there IUIH h hccn ) on every Cht'lslllS for cciit tl'le t , thnt wi In the years to come 11'llg t forth the ( choicest fruit oC hUlnn f aith , loVe amI ' ' . 'I'lie ' fllh : chnl'I 'I'II young hem.tR h Ilule glint 10ln ' will not forget . I i I Is I IH'culm.lr ) of the IUlness whIch collies to us at thIs time lint ( we ehiet'ishi It wih an especal feud u tess. Forgot other sources or unit Illncss j wo Inr , but time joy that the ( CII'IHIIIS gift brings Is Inellcen hIe. llfolllnatel ' thieve Is n serlouR Ride 10 t this (1113' ( . All cannot have I mel'I' _ ' Clmrlstumuas. In our own fair ald I flvolml haiti there arc hlulreds of Ihousluls t who will he fortunate I UI ' hlvo h enough h to eat todny to 1111lelse i hun h cl' , timid lucre ( 110 IUl ' little hc'ts ( bitt will Ynlll ' crave something , how . ever I tilling . to assure thel that It Is Indcell ChrIstmas. I Is pitful thut ( : such Is the fact but It Is one that we h/we / n1vtmys I , though not often In sea itggravatcl n fot'l as nos' I allleals , to om' Ilhlalilroll ' , amI IC all who cal 110 so would heed the 11111enl ) the vomits . ! or Cht'lslllS hnlness ) would he ) ) vllr greatly Ilcl'casell I unity ue said thin I there Is also a prctcal ) "Iw to he tit1cti or thIs season ; that too 111 ' eople ) ) carry thol' expendItures beyonu :1 : the limit whIch their means should ) re. Rcrlbe. ThIs Is doubtless true , but It I Is I 11l'el ' Indl"llual affair , and so far us It Is . nit expression of broad ant ( generous s .npathy [ ) wll the spirit of the occasion II to be commended rther thou condemned. Thcl'O Is notiihtig . however , to be JalneU by considering too closely the somber aspects of this scasol. ) Titer . Is opPol.lmly und time enough durIng all the rest of the year to look on the dark side of human life. ThIl shoult ed he n day of giadtnss , and so I'cgardlng It The lIce extends to all its readers the ! l'eotng that ne\'cr grows old or hlcl.ered ; : "A lel ' Chrhtmas. " THAT DSOlIINolTllW . DUTr. RepresentatIve 'VIKon , chnl'llL or the l \ vutyS Inll menns commllec , has Introduced - troduced a resolution for tim l'eIO\"al or the ole.tenth of I cent duty on sugm' fl'om countries Latyltig an export bount ) I Is to be ' hoped this Inter w ihi be taken In wi up Il' congress ImmedIately - ately ufter the llltay recess anti ticIf tQn taken which will leave no further excuse 01 the part or foreIgn countries , nfcctt.tl to nuintaln the embargo on Amerlcnn mcats ThIs Is n business and trot 1 political mnUm' , and tire duty of congress toward I great American Interest i , the welfare of whIch Is nt take , Is perfccty 11luln. neelll to this subject In hIs annual message the pt'esllent saId : OIn the Interests - terests t of the commerce or both coutiti trIeR and to avoId even the accusation of treaty violation , I recommend the ccd Ileal or so luch of the statute ns Im- poscs thnt t1tit , ' . " lie In the sale eonz ne'ctim dl'eclell ( utentol to the referB once to the mntm' In time report ! or the i Recretnl'r of state , In whIch It Is ad- mttet that the treaty has been ,10- Inted. h " 'JI these ndmlsslOls or the chIef executive and ( lie head or the i State department on record , fully coti eCll time cOltentol of thin Gel'lnl gO\- erllclt , It Is hlposslhlo ) to see but ole i honot'nhlo l ( and sb'nlghtforwlrd cOlse fO' tubs Jore'ument to liurstue. The mis . tithe commited should 10 rectified. nut I thnt wih us little delay lS posslhlc I I ; tirgeti by some that because the , . 11Hcrlmlnltlg ( duty was IlsN.tet In thc sugar schlthllo In SPite of the fact thin It wnR Imown to ho In violation of treaty oblIgations It Is lusm'd.lIeI L the , el'cllstnnccs. ) ) to come to congresi 4 10W nlt Isk for relief wlwl thlt Ielef could have been ohtmiinetl nt the ' ' cOlld leln ohtllnlt Iu'ollel' L tme If Cleveland . and Ot'eshnm h lund imo t _ het'l immure IIXloUI to helll the StIgut I. trust thin ii to IU'otcct ) thit hOloI of the Unlcll States In Its tlelt ' oltilgatlouis . 'i'lmls Ii VO' ' 11'1'0111 shllow reits . olll , too clcall ' II'oIIIICI ity 111'llln : : fet'lng nloil' . 'l'hn fnct It IL Is hlghl ' Iu'ohahle ) ) the treaty ' Wil never though I or , hut wholhO' the ' \ 011'U8 coat imtltted w'Ihlluigiy or Imiadvt'iteuttly It ' mltell wtll 0' Ilul\'lent cm'- tllul ' Is 10t Ils\'t to correct It t It II Illnl'll ( out U ) thl ( IIJI'Cll Ilnl'I ) : ir 111 111mltlll by ourselves. 01 the C'OII'II' ) ' , It WOlll ho t1sglct'f\1 to \I I , ns I IIt0n II'otIHRIIg 10 deal fll'l ' wih all other IItons mind to solic ] I. tolIslY regard 0\1 t'eat ; ) ' obligations , note it to rectify It. l1ut Ir thlH consideration WC'e not slut I. . It'lelt to liovo ICOIJ1'IS to II'olel' lit , . ton ( II this I mntcr , thin tlcmnli of a great IllISh' ' to ue 110WI'd to 1'llln \'llulhlo Ild IIWIIJ mnl'lwll ought to have weIght. 'l'ho c1Jtte'1110111CIII ii m- ( crest of the United States , whIch our I- hittce' ; hllllrets of thollniis ot fl'mol' , has 11111cnieil ) to congress to ahlllon . thl t1scl'lllnltng RUgll' dlt ) ' In orult'i ( lint Amm'l l vat tie mlr Iglln he nll11tcc1 10 1m 1't'ollelu : mal Iwts ( remit which they have heeu c C. eluded. I I ito ( 11'1H11 II hot hectic thIs ( great Interest wi stuffer severe Im 0- jury , ( or whIch there wi he tie sort of t 011Jllntol ) , Not only wi our eatti Itt ! o I.t'llt out ot GI'I'111) ( 1'lmal'l. Ild other Counh'les , but tht'I'o Is \ 'ery /I'eat I t Iu'olmhlty thnt the IIOII' ' of retllntun I wi UO extended to other products. or . . . . . . . _ , . . - . ; > . . w hat value Is this one.tenlh or a. ccitt ' n cet dllerentnl' duty on 8ugmr In conlparl- son wih the posslhle loss to he RIS' talncl l fl'OI lie ( exclusIon ot our moats , OIlOllr/alllc unc other 1)'OlhICtR fl'm . Glrmnnr . and other Elopen countries wlt which we lire In'lllg a tr/Ile / war ? . Besllcs , If lint ( duty was InllORCl at. the ( s\ggestol oC tile tllst there Is all the ( liore l'cnson why It should be re lltnl ) ( ' ( l. . I Is salt ) thrtthe rClu'cst'nllt cs. of the cattle growers who were Sdnt to WIHhlllon to Iu'eselt ) their case anti work for the desired relief are sonic- ! eshctl rclet 110 sOle. whit discouraged nt the olUool" . They 1 i lst l'Clew their efforts 10'0 vigor- olsl ' thal ever when COIgl'ess rels- ! c1hleR , ant In the Iluntme ( lucre olght to be ) I strong expression oC huh- le l sentiment on this ( subject , cspeclll ) f remit the section or the country most tll'cet ' all ( deepl cOlcC'nCII ( In mire t eethmig the ' ' . tCCtl great . ment'lu'Ollcllg hitter- CRt ( coma further Injury ' and IORS. I lucre arc 11 ' inca In conJl'css disposed to gIve this matter 1 IHlllcll bearing ( lucy should bo mnrkcd for future itt- ( catIon. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1'ti 1XG tWit SeIZlI ) : . . l'ot1I..O . I.'OI Sf:7fm m.l.lS. tl1let. the decision of the Paris I tllhlnll or Irhlmton lit the Bering Hln controversy the ( Ulltmi Slates IR hOllll to PflY l something for the seizure of Ih'ltsh seahiiig vessels oullhle the O'lllnr ' thl'ce.mlo lIutIt. 'l'iie CleH' HOI ( or the amount to he multi wns not i utssed U\OI ) IW the trlhlnnl ( , but WIS left l to further nlgotl Unn hotweemi UI ( ' two goteiuimiieflH. ( In his anllal ieR' : ' . sage the Il'csllNI ) t hI fo'mcll cOlgt.css I thlt nn IItct'Hlnlllng had heen renchell I for Ihe ( paymneilt by the 1nlt'll State a or $ -l.ZOOO ! , In full SllsflllOI or al i clnlls which may be mlllc hy GI'eat Bt'llln for t1tlllgeR gl'owlll out or tIm controversy ' ns to fur seals In nelln . , , sea , or the selzule or British ; vessels elgael II tlldlg sells II thosc wlters ( , nml ho expressed his ; convlclon thnt I settemcut ul10n the tells ( meltoncd I would bo nn equllulo Ind Ith'nn. tnJlous ( ! ono. 'l'hc II'eshlent ( theloO'e t'ecomlelulcll ( lit provisIon he mnde for the II'Olllt ) 1fl1Y11)011t or the statcd i SUI. The house or rCII'esl'nlntves havllg . . . cnlcd UIOI the secretary of state fol full Infollnton touching the 11010sed 1 uuyuile1it , lie secretary translllcd the t Ilallel'H to that hotly ' with an expinun - thou. lie said 11 the plan of settle - 1 cut rccollentlet by the Ilrlshlelt , Is not acceptable to congress the it , . mnllluJ conh'o\'ertcl questions lust be dctcrmlned either by the or lnlzlton : or n Joint cotnnuis.slou ' u ' comllHslou 0' by negotiation S between the two goverifincnts. lie stig : gestell ( lint Int011tonnl commissIon S ' mire slow nll expensive , ant that su h ] I course would consume n great Ienl or thorn In collectIng evidence. lIe Ilso saId that the amount proposed to ! e Illtl Is considerably below the tlnmagcs cnlmed uy Great Britain , exclusIve or Interest for a number or ye's. ; In view of these considerations , Secretary GI'cshum eXIH'csst'd ) the opinion that yi Iromnt amI Innl RIlll'nlnt ff tIl' 1 v"vn. . . uumnm , _ _ _ . . . . . _ . . ti otiscoiitroversy . , , Is ( leSillille. . TIm secretary or Htnte ( hits ' been a good deal crltcsell for his position In his matcl amid It Is somewhnt ques- tonnule whethc' congress wi accept the I l 111n ) or settlement recotitmeuded. I would seem tmt the feeling Is hugely e tttet'tluiiiel that ( the sum II'0110sed. ) ) to be paId Is too large , nntl It Is excessive If the stntement ( made by hlopreseitta- th"e Iltt Is corrcct But there Is rons-on 10 t doubt Its beIng cOl'rect. for It Is t hardlS' conceivable thnt such facts as : r. II states could have been overle looked l uy Secretary Greshum anti the olcluls or the State department I they wcrc In evIdence , 01 that liitvitig know- ! OI ! ( of them the ( secretary Called to gl'e them 11'011er eoiishderatlon. I mlst ue assumed that the presIdents and the secretary or state have no dot . sire to 1)8Y n single Iolar more for dumlgos than Is Justly dime , and that In l the ncgotllons they constantly and . z ealously enlcl'orel to reduce the' ' BI'ltsh caim , 'j'hm'c Is not time slight - est 1'ealon t.o SU\1)08e lint ( the agree ment to pay $42.00 was made with . out fail conviction that It was the best hat could ue done Ind that the amoult Is i I fair ; one. Calling the Igt'cement I t bargtthn . therefole , ns some or the i cl'Hlcs of the Icton 1110 done , IR UI- wl'l'anted and unfair. I IR doubtess ; well thaC wcl congress InvestIgate uefore authorizIng IblYliteilt . hut 11 the mean tmo It Is shnllle jlstce to give Secre lu'y t Gl'eshnm credit for huYlug Iole what ho believed to be to the nlvnntlge of the gove'nment. SEI.F.IWLI 11.1. DO SO.1N ; OOOD. 'rho Nntonal Bducutolll Issoclatol , whIch Is to hold its Innual meellg ft t Ce\'cllnil fl'om the Olh to the 21st of 1"chrll'Y next , hns exlellled an itivlta . t hou to Clmimneehior Caumlield to ton ChulcellH CUllell detail Li lomo 1111'enlath'o of the Sllte tuti . vt'rshty to atemitl lila ( ' . vlt'sl ) ltcld lllll'lllt ) edtucn thmll guttimerluug. COlnwntlg on thll : h mtvltuit lout n Lincoln cnll'mllut'I' ' the chn'ls thnt IlhnuJh It II1'Y elenl'lr . . ( 'hlclt ( thlt this uuiictImmg woull he of great Im\Ol'lunco to the tnh.e'sl ' , ulll 1 Ilhough m the Insliuton l'nl.ought to I ho rell'cHlntetl nt evety lotlhlo educrm . . tonll ( gathcl'll In time Cllt.10t only : for Its own sake , hut hecluHe of the t'ccognilon cpllant ' cxtellell to It h ) ; requmest for l't'llrIHOllnth'll t I , the I urer 11'0 ot slulclt IUmhcl's upon the fan , , . Ily hi 80 great thlt Ito 010 can be slul'et ) and time 1'11181'0 ' UIII ) flnts Is I such thut If tutty OUO could ho spurts ii It would be quite 1IIIosslhle to lIar : hIs eximemnmes. eXllelseH. Now , WC cal1ot for the lIfe of 18 RI\ whut Is to hllll I { C I in mmccl hoc Cii mm lieu ii flol tlcslgnutlg I COlllelllt ) rtiprt i' leltuth'e to Itcml this Ict'll/ 11 IH commvliicotl thiuit hue " ' couvllcet thlt 111"et'Hlr w0111 [ I 110 I t hy it. 'l'hem ( 1.tI'lllul ' can he 10 hlutt'all'o ft'ol the II'U8SI'1 of uow stUllllls U\"CI If their muumnutuer RhuI ! exceed time cnllcl ' or thin IlstUtou , Otto IwulotUS hot Illw stummummier , ulll hut Ihst'UCI' of 010 st miler C' t'VII U lemhI' of time fatII ' wi hot vriitt ( nil uchllg void I. ho l'l'lllS wlhlu I wecl Such \'lt'lll aught hu CIC' Ilell II tIme tmumlvu.'rshty at u uuy 1111' Ir In IUncl , of 111'algla 01' thc 1111' : 01' ' ' I ! ol 01 tht I brick ot 1 mal'l : Ilek , 'J'hu 11'e8HI'1 I10n funds , " 01' rim III' the ( want of ( uimds . should trot 1'10\0 u . - ' - . . - - - - - ' . . bntrllr to time .n etnnce oC the hnIn- tl ott. ' ! 'hl coSt if n trip to Cle\'elnlul 1111 ( the IncldQI\Al \ exlt'misesvhlI trot excect 8. ' ! rf & . round trip ticket . wih IUlllnnlJ berth , eon hi' ) locuret f or $ : : mural $ : lj } tY for six doys ought to bc IlpC ) 10 'Im : $ - the hotel bills , Itootw ; hlat'k ! timid stmctcnr fuore. 'lCI cOlts nlllce cimlppeml ' ' 'imi'tus' , SO stldents wi " ' tll'ft'nr thIs oicn'mue withmoumt I t I himitoshmtg I I g I'cnl hll.tshI11i\lin , amtyhody or thrnv- ) l ag a dollar ftmmi. : the ' . hlJ 1 tlolnr mtl Ilh'crsl 1111'10- riatmoim. prla tll. _ 4\ccorll to UiTAssocbmitcd I ; ' IllCSR tts- p tches , Sn luel' d. , Seely , who ) I'udet Jlllr to tho"ll'III'ge ( oC utbtruicthmtg flnts 1\1 imitetltug the books or th\ Nn toln ) Shoe amid Leather hUlk , hums bcen lnlenclll by .TII \ Bcncdlct of the .Umthted States circuit court to eight y ears In the iperuitt'mitimui. ' Abstrauetlmug I'CIIlIIII'o' Ah811ctn fl\ls Is /l'llcel immune for J1'11t lur- cel ' 1\1 eimiin'zzhemmteutt , nnll alterIng hooks h Is the high toned triune for for- gel'J' . I thIs Ilnl Seehy , who nb- sh'lcted $3 1,00 from I New \ York 1)11'1 humid hccn cOlvlctcd of bl'elldn/ Ilto b 1 stOl truth stealing tilt ovel'coat worth $ : : u ; ho would have been scnt to I Ihe t . l'cnltenUI' ' ' for ! burglary ' for 1 tel L ' y ears lena. hard he forgeul a $ ; 0 ( note 01' a $10 hnuilc drnfl to ' his tI I hnlk tI'ur inty remit ul11 ] I RU\'e his faultily fl'OI hellg evIcted he WoUld have heel scnlenccil for about the Rnlu lelgth of tlO for forgery . Blt MI. Seely did 10t Illcl guilty to t slch i cOIIOUJlacC crlmcs 10 enl ' abstracted $ 0,000 flom his emnployert I antI m depositors . like our own Chl\le ' 1oslmei , who was also nn expert ) nt at ) . st1CUI ald alterations , and Ilcch'ctl I 1 llve.ycaur sentencc , whie other mel Ile m RC''IIten' 'cll seltcnces for wulklng aiway wRit 1 hOl'SC. Time 'UI'chlslng delrtmenb or the DOlglls cOlnt ' COlllsslolc'H liars he- come n very ImIlol'lant l\lJlnct to the hlslncss of f 'stcmntc ImhUe CIII.I . IUI poor I'elef , The taxparm's : , as wcl lS the blnelcallcs of lie ( cOlnt ' , Irc l vlul ' concC'lell In the honest titan ngemtnt ! of the supply lepal'llcnt nld II tire tQI\'Cl' . ' of all cOIJntltcs of . the tl\llt multi quality the couluuty Is I ptyhiug : fot. ' ) TIni business 1) ' llslnss of the bu'ca n wi be 101'e extensive thIs wInter than eVe bcfore More Ih..ls Inovitnble. I Globe-Democrat. Since the secollI loan ot 50OOO,0O0 wa s ; fWOO.O negotmateil WI ' negotated the treasury has been lo ' I'CIRury losing d gold' got soy. at tile In rte oC two $ i,550,00o wcelts per dn ) ' . That Is to nearly one-lanif oC time whole one-hal amount ot the loan has . , ' tIIai ) Ileared Title signifies . of 11sap. , slgntle : course that an- other loan be Is inevitable . and tact It cannot Ilstponed beyond next month. . HUl 1hvn the Fire hug. PilJadelphma PresH. Irtss. dolJhll I Is estmateJI\hat 2 : per cent of fires In I coutnry nro1tuue result of . nrclthe incentiarl5n this Is I nnythlng like . a. correct estimat . and the experlen of'insurers estmate. tl t Insurer annuaiiy cot r- mborates It . some ! mtore annual means to I decsive rre o put end an to thIs Idrlme than now exIsts must be put labrorep. l tha [ Corel. ) millions ot 000.000 dollars of per Amnerican5squander year is , tqo great a sum for Gi t , - 0.0 ot criminals. ' 1 . 'l squander on one elaSB ' . Lot Casdai lrol sl. iinoeipoIIs Journnl. I Senator Galiinnr hM Introduced . Uon Galngr a resoli ' looking to tiiepoiitica1 United States aid , Olnado and union inviting ot oi the . ' ' . ! \flOr \ : I } 1 . . , . e _ _ . ! ! our'l " . . - - - - . W } " " " talte. the 'u"uumns ' ' " . In thIs. Inllnth'c maUer. Thcy ' Ui tlniateiy , but wi 'do so Ultmately they will not come In wi on \hc spur ot 8uai resolutlonsas I lcrcsoluUons. . : ; as GalIln.gez ' Introduced. 'WtS muM leave them GaIUne' take the first ncUon. I't. ' . Government Operation of Lao UnIon Pacific. 1enver itepubtlcan. cpullenn. I Is reported thatl the five UnIon Piiciflc receIver who mare now receIving $ Pacifc a ye 'ea cacti for theIr trivial servIces and ! are e xpecting to receIve $18,000 when expeclng $18.0 a final set- tement with them ' Is had , are In favor of I'e- funding the debt owed by that corporatIon to the government a\ 2 per cent per nnnum. lIeI The ) ' are very kind to the corporations upon whose ruIn they are cOllratons , rlgftti at the eople should be considered In thl1 j matter. Time best thing 10 do with thl UnIon Pacific and the Canadian Paciflo Is to t let them be sold under foreclosure and lethe government buy them In and run them as the postomce department 15 now run , for the benefit - ot . the public. - Roar of the Ilt.16ctlll , Detroit Free Press. I 15 I Interesting fact that the most serious complaints about the Australian ballot - lot l system come front the New ngland s states whIch arc supposed-by the dwellers : therein-to be peculiarly the dweleIl t elligence. First came Massachusetts with I the complaInt that the MassachuRets wa so In- trlcate that a majorIty at the voters lost their voles from Inability to comprehend the ; method. Then Vermont and Maine Joined In i wailIng over I similar loss ; and now crel New Hampshire to swelm the mourn . swel mour. fA choruB. The Manchester Mirror and ' American , one ot the leadIng itapers at the a state , calls tor a bill to ' Imper amend i , , lhe law , and ' at It that " says I "ot II the ? cumbersome. cruel corrupting. hateful and I Ibomlnable contrivances whIch cranks and cowards have put Into our states that Is the worsl. " The trouble seems to be that u man who buys a vole cannot be sure that he I gets the goods. Ie . izr' ! iii / . LIT'J .J J1lll. Detroit Free Press : \Vhat Is the trouble . 'Vadlelgh , between you and Ztiisa Hopson.1 a "I called her Sweet Alce' . and she ordered me to Dolt. " - PhIladelphia Record : Dutcher's Clerk- ' 'hat chiropodist ordered some meat sent U p . but 1 have forgotten what kind. Butcher -Send hIm corned beef Phladelphln Times : That girl who Is say InI i up for I sealskin sacque may not be tar'sllhted. but she aecs fur ahead. Judge : She hook him oncoshe shoolt him twIce. yet ho was not forsaken ; third ask Inl l she ucccptedtwas'eil ) shalen betore t akeim . " Chicago Tribune : "What arc you doini r hEI'e l ? " demanded . the peak ioiiceutiun. ) doinG ra are you ? . "Im the noblelt rum 'un at the Mall . " replied the red.nosed lounger , wih 1al. lory : dlgnl . ) ' , Brooklyn Ute : Mr. Delawanna-Are yet Li a regular number ? ZtIcCarIIiy-W'ell yetI guess I can 11 ( thl bill , boss , Mr. Uela- vaiitmua-IIumnpItl You're . IOt much ot I one ' It you can't. JIHlannpols Jounm"Oh. ' \ : . at course , " said the ohl moan . "I' don't blame you for taking the boY'1 part-it Is Just lit IL bOy'a mother to do so. But I'd think I heap more ot him It there were less 1)Ints ( 10 his shoes unlJ moro to his ctrlVcrButiotm. " c\'CsaUon. Cincinnati Trlhune : " 'he tel me that HlH lute left the church since hea tS elected coroner. " ! ret' . tie sall he couldn't conHstlnlY HUppo ! t that part or the Ilrayer that asks J1rotectl , "FalISl sudden death. " TIm JRjNAhit , SI. 1-11' ' . ltei'ubllc. Bre"ad . Al ieoVaauing. FIlls l' he. lent nIght . "Strlns ot Alden ! 1.lst. fair maiden ! List and Jut let ' ihy hel lielrlI JhU" ' ' 'hln)1 he'll rather Much prefer to bnooze "Jo , you jay . there 1 Gel 1\\0) ' there ! Or Il turn time bulldog loosel" . - - , rotoR uz' TIm 'ri nit 1'ItRs. Western Wave : The Omaha flee ha turne the t new paporlat sCrchlghl on some ot the tate home entry , and the act canscs * thel to t squirm like an tel I out or water I"alrbury Enterprise : State Auditor Eugene ' MOore Is getting after those Insurance ugne who are doing business without a certificate ! certfcate f rom the state auditor. Eugene ' Moore all- p car 10 be the right man In the rIght p iece. Hell Cloult Gallen Det : Time State hoard oC f Transportation recommends ( list , ns the tate grain Inaptctor's reports are ni mache 10 and his dutes under the sUllen'lslon oC the board , he OUh to bo nppolnted by the boarl. ! The aplolnlment Is now In the hanls or the go'ernor . Deter have It where It I. the ( railroads wilt not bo so apt to own both boult and Inspector. West Point Progress : Hosewnter , In a. . speech at 1eatrlce , erectualy answers the ( rlngsters who have been hounding him on account oC his alegelt treachery the reo IJlcan parly. lie conclusively proves I , by : . the record . that ( he has nlways been 1. straight oul.anll.oul repuhlcan , but was ai- wcys opposed to the ( Ilsrepulnble gang oC 'bolers thnt have repeatedly looted the ( L tate treneury. Ail honor to hIm for it. l nlrbuy Enterprhe : This Is a gel ( lute i tor Nebraska peOlllo to malto a resolve that , commenelng with the nec' Year , they wi I use only Nebraska flour mlle rrom Nebraska L wheat and In that wny assist In retaIning : the t $300,000 that Is sent out or this state I for flour alone every 'ear. Dy doing so I you \1 not only keep that much mODey nt 110me , but \1 nt the same ( into be tin means ot Curnlshlng just that ninny more Nebraska laboring men with steady employ- ment. all encourage the farmers In raising more wheat. ' Wisner Chronicle : Mr. Hoewater's speech nt 1eatrlce was n convincin refutation oC the baseless lies which the corporatiom m henchmen oC the state have corpraton tred f repeating against him. J reviewed n number - her or cvents In Ito ( political history at the state , and showed the vents played In heat by prominent Nebrankaits lving and dead . I shoull be read by everyone deflrous of being Informed concering men and things : Crequenty ( mentoncl ! In every camopaigmi Mr . Hoowater owed It to hlmselt to malte such a reply to his lefaimiers ali he nCllultell hhnsel In his usual mlsterful mnnner. Grant Sentinel : Audlor ( Moore has turell the light on the doings oC tIm State Hoard ot Purchase and Supplies lu a way which ] must make Secretary ot State Allen ant :1 : those associated with him on the board nnl 1 uncomfortable to say the least. Among the artIcles purchnsd for the leglslaturo ( the cc . tUtor finds sates step ladders , hammers ; , bolts , leather , 'alses. rope , chains hinges I , thermometers , plate glass mirrors $20 gavels - els all $18 inkstands besides Immense tuan - titles oC drugs . dry . tiles queensware goods , Itmiti her anti grocerIes. 1 may be that the legis LI I lature tmeedtd and used ' all these laure neeled ni things , bul to and outsider It bolts I mightily hike there . was something wrong. DavId City Press : Two years ago when Rosewater nnl the demo'llopS got after the ( treasury looters the gang ' had an Iem started In the Assoclaated press reports to the effect that Mr Hosewater was a trifle o ft In the upper story. Mr. Hosewater's mind appears to bo working along the olll lint ' 5 recently. In a speech at BeatrIce last wee it he Indulged In a little comparat\.o won C. The Stale Journal has been more than ot - dinariy solicitous since the election to Imow t I Mr. Hose\ater Is a republican. Mr lost i water gave satisfactory evidence that ho was : ho vent further and showed why the State Journal was repubhican-of a iuartict 1- tar brand. le showed that during I that pu . nod between 187 and the present the State Journal has drawn out ot the ( state ( rca : I- airy the magnificent sum ot $446,466. BesIdes - sIdes , Mr Gore , the editor , drew $4,000 as secretary at the State Board ot Transport : ton , and also $16,000 as IlosLmnster at Lin- coln. Outside ot the $15,000 which It received - ceived last lath . Mr. Hosewater thInk lIe I would have no trouble to show that Ihe State Journal's republcanIsm has brought a hal million dollars to its corers In the past twenty years J certainly look as it the I Jolrnals well known affinity for corporaton politics was founded onhe principle oC I Hosewalcr multiplication . . sa v. , division Ih" U4 ! Oat and , lp . sience. _ , lit . r _ . .U - - . - . . P.vvv " . " " . U" . " . . staLe treasury docs not represent a tithe oC f the stealngs lhat have been going the at the stale caplbl. Wo have already been fevered with doggerel from flbthy but un- less l another report Is circulated ' to the effect that Hosey Is crazy we shall Inist elect his. republcanIsm Is better than the Journal's- Journal's his loyalty not bearinG the taint ot whole- ale boodle. p rEoJ'LII 4NJ . ) T1I.GS , Editor Whlelnw ( ntls 11eaIh lies _ been much Improved by his trip to the Mcditer- ranean. Medier- I The Connecticut automatic gallows Is gaIows doomed to 0 a unpopular as electrocu- ( Ion. There Is no "dull lhud , " Senator Allen of Nebraska has Introduced a resolution to Investigate the senate rca- t aurant . on the ground that the pIe rates are too high That procession ot eminent New York demo ocrats retiring ! from politics 15 poltcs steadIly growing. Dave Hi should apply cloture to the movement. A Chicago jUdge has decided that a pIck. pocket Is not guilty ot any crime It caught with hIs hand In another man's pocket If there was nothing to steal. I John E. flielby . the defaulting cashier ot the ( Central National bank oC Itome N. y" , " t yas . It Is almost unnecessary to , " say a man "at the most exemplary life , " The year 1887 was the banner year In ralroal construction . 13,000 mIles ot tracl being laid This Til year only 1.919 mIles were mies built . the lowest bui. credited to any previous year sInce 1875. Edwin N. Curtis . tim mayor.clect ot Dos- ton , Is 33 years oC age has held no previous - vious office except that ot ciy clerk , Is a lan ot great abilIty . and Inherited abity. Inheried a Cor- tune a few years ago from an uncle I the lon , John J , Ingals has a senatorial boom concealed on his person he Is mighty careless ot the consequences Ht Is bolted for an eastern lecture tour extending front the first ot the year to the middle ot March. After alt . royaly docs not differ from the common herd In one particular. Death costs more titan living . One hundrel lives Were lost through exposure during the planting oC the Husslan czar ; $2.000,000 were spent In ers decorating and wreaths buildings and I like sum In flow- Mackenzie Dowel , who Is to be prime min' later at Canada , Is 71 years ot age , He Is a native ot England , but has Ieel In Canada since he was 10 years old , lie Is wal year le an extreme - ( rome Prollstant , and has been grand master oC the OranJemen In OntarIo and presl. dent ot lie ( Triennial council of the ( world or the many reform schemes rooIng ( In this broad slar-spangled land , roolng surpass wi In popular favor that incubating In the mInd or Congressman Goldzler. After a patient , Ilalltalllng and comprehensive Investgaton In Washington ( lit ) gentleman from Chicago reached the conclusion that the beer jerkers ot Ihe capital are long on collar and shorten on heer. lie proposes to Introluce a bill on the Davarlan 1mb . compelng them to doff the ( collar and fill the glasses within halt nn Inch or the britim 'fhe lendency toward high collars demands heroic reme. dies and Julius Caesar Goldzler Is of the right mold to lead the ( crusade . _ _ _ crusadt. _ 0' CIIICL'iTJIIld . SUNG , . St . Ntcholns While stars ot Chrlstral shilume Lighting the aides Let only loving loolt Htm from your eyes : . w'luimis Joyons belle and of ChrIstma , rlc Spenlt only happy wordl. ' -All mirth nnd chacir . Give only loving gifts . And In love nice : Gladden the pour and sad I For love'l dear sake. . Highest of all in Leavening Power.-Latest U. S. Gov't Report RYa1 I Bake , W Powder .BSOIITE Y ( PIRE _ TiE .mnI.ll'/m l'oITI..T. Detroll Free Press : The decision Is not fnnl , a the parties still item : recourse to the court or appeals . and 08slbly 1 to the supreme courl. lInt . for all that . Il1 ! eII' encourage lao owners cC rival toc" : phones. Chicago Post : The lIeU eollle I Ire on the gronnl. They have lie ( poles , the wires , the l hello machines end the patronage. ( In Iho ( I natnrc or things. two independent telephone - phone systems In one cIty wouhl seem 1m- posslblo , New York Times : We think this decision shows clearly that the patent office should ofco shoul bo ' : thoroughly o\'erhauNI hy means oC n searching official ittvesigatien. ( This Is not the only patent the Issue oC which was lIe- Inye(1 h for many years for the benefit oC lie Del i company . st. Louis Iel'ublc : The monopol days or the lel Telephone cOIllan ) ' arc over. I controls other liatents but ( lucy are nol essental to a good telephone service. The palent on the swItch on the mngnets for ringing tap the cenlrnl otce has nol ox- plrel I yet . but the same result can bo ob- talnN % ! wIth an extra switch , NeW York Worll : The Ieclslon or the Unlell States court In the Berliner Ilalent tilt Is fault or prom Iso or good for the conn- t ry. I Is i to be hoped In the pnblo Interest - crest ( thaI the decision will be ntrml1 by , the I supreme cottrt amid that there wi bo no such delay itS thaI which was Ilermllell ( by federal Ilrocolure'blo the case was I ending before the ( lower court. . Phlndolllhia Press : Twenty ( ) years mor- hnls h ) ten years , hence a telephone will be i al a common IS n Curnnee , I will revolutiont revoluton. Izo i le , For women In particular , over worked within the hou8e , n cheap tehephuoaie I . would mean health . leisure and trcelom I I tram the daily Iressuro ) of going out oC the i house h to buy all that Is needed wIthin I when the cares within the home ore qulle ( t enough to tax amimy woman's energy. Courier-Journal : The decision oC the Boston - ton court Is no doubt In accord wIth the a very right ot the cnse. I Is the interest I or the people that the decision 10 sustahned But ito Hell COIIIny has enormous re- sources. I will first taInt lie ( case to the cIrcuit court ot appeals and then ( 10 the supreme court This will Involve a great I dcal or delay at all events. anal every 'er't ! delay Is worth millions to the hell Tele phone compnny. Chicago Tribune : I may be 110nhtel , however . over , whether the drclslon wIll make such a difference as Is anicipatel. ( Time Amerlcnn II Del Telephone cOII > any wIll still have itt 5 Immcnse nggregaton oc callial nlt thereat advantage or Its plant In working operation . I will thus have all the power and Innuencc which lie mosl money and lie ( occupation t ot the field will bring to the corporation . just as In the case ot the Wester Union Telegraph company , the Standard Oil coin ' pany , or the sugar triaL where they C had contests with compettors , Philadelphia Ledger : The Bel company eVen without Cuudnmental patents , Is forti - fed with specific patents on Inuumerahle Ins proveumients but its greatest securley lies In its already established , exchanges . In the large cities especially it would bo , larJe cites especlnly I woull extremely : I difficult for a rival to gel permissIon to oc . cupy the ( s'reets , or , It successful thus Car : , to establish an cxchango rivaling thaI oC the one long established In the number ot Is subscribers. The Bell company has oit Immeasurable advantage . over all competi - ( era , Ihough strippcd ot its patent ( rIghts. . St. Paul Globe : We remain ot the opinion we have oren expressed that lie ( metropolis at feature ot our patent laws that which "nkes them so odIous , might be remove d and subslantal justice to the Inventor pre served by permitting any person wishing to use or make a patenl device to bring his suIt In a federal court , making 'the patentee a party to esLablsh the value ot the use ot the device or at the right to make and sell It. and that upon securlnJ the payment ot the royalty fixed by the de i . cree , the petitioner might be licensed by the t court to use or make the article. Cerlalnly ( something should be done to prevent the robbery being daily perpetrated under the t sheler or a law daly . . , , , , ntln fR n can. ) nn. ) Iroicr ) one , ' but whose abuse -I is - astaking "nno the ; whole patent system Intolerable. . . o TIE FJUEll.ITlU1" CIIH F Minneapolis Journal : The American Fed- eraton ot Labor , In 'electng John JlcDrlde to the ( prefldency , hiss put Iselt-nder tar less safe leadership than Gompers has given 1t. j Gompers saved the federation a great dcal or trouble and loss by declining \0 yield to the Importunity ot Debs last Bummer at hicago and keepIng out ot that I./tarred s trlke. McBride Is not only a less prudent leuler : , but he Is more inclined 10 favor the socialstc clement than Gonmpera whose In' fuence has kept I under restraint durIng Ito p resent meeting at Deuver. Rocty Mountain News : Mr. McBrIde Is a populist . tIme chief ot the coal miners oC Ohio , and the man to whose exertions arc mainly to be ascribed the 68,00 votes cast tor the people's party In OhIo lt the November - ber election. He wi be a valiant chieftain ror the federation. Under his direction the ruth In the silver controversy wi be driven home to everY member ot the unIons atl- Intel i with the organization , and It Is not to much to hope that his electon means the addition oc many hundreds ot thousands I ot votes to the silver column. The leader I ot nil the great labor organizatons are now genulno silver men , and there Is no reason tb o fear that education on thIs vital issue will be neglected. - 1 iti'rs nm - i.uui.strozis. Norfolk Journal : The next legislature can earn the thanks or the eoplG or ? 'e. barska very easily by cutting down . ensly cuttng aIspro- prlatons to the lowesl possible limit. Broken Bow Beacon : Three secretaries ot the Board or Transpartation cost tle ( state GOOO per anmitint aol ID nothing hut drAw Ihelr salaries The coming legislature can Ilerhals do no mor commuendable service conunentablo 801'leo than to dispense wlh ; the whole gang. Seols 1ur County 10meslea1 : The state lehlature ( will Ialn ; the everlasting pratt. ! ! tUlle ot the whole incas or honesl II olllo' by reducing Ito ( ammimmnt consiuthl rnll hr. Ir- ! c ony Crom 35 to $ G or $ 20. anti placing c attle stealing or killing upcn the ale tootIng - Ing i as horse stealiiig. W'ayne leralThe \ leRlsllluro RheuM pan a law ordering the luble3ton ot the lelslauve h ( poceClhls In two paper In each county or the state having the largest bone nde cIrculation . This would be 1 great ben- cfl to the people , who nosy become beter InCormCI i on the .Iaws or the ( stale. Ionrne Hub : The lIce /nkes sensible sU ! estons In favor oC Ilelln the sato ( constuton anti IlereJ that "the nnierutl. lent m or Ito constitution In essential harticlt- Ilartcu- lars h has become an imperative neeessit . " ' Fhis Is true , yet mao immure ( rime thin It was t eat years ago. The cotmallttition ima aiways b ecat a misfit cml has never been large e iionmght for ( ito state , liarnestort Stan : The next legishatture of - Nebraska vIil , probably , take souse action O tt thte uestlon of roitmctng freight rates , a q tication in which ever' Nebraska merclmatmmt a mid shipper is deeply iuileresteth , IL reinniama t o be seen It ( ho iegiahattmre hans sufilcient n ieaiuhers wimo favor stmcim at reIticioim ( , The i itisiitess interests of ( lila state dentamud soatto c lmnaiga front ( lao hiresent impparemit exorbi- ( ant rates. natal for omuce time bimsiamess moan s huotmitl be recognized amid be given a little r ight. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lull ii'iiti c.l1' cLL.II'S1d. . - km. Ibuffalo Express : No attemnptetl cent. rrwmmise betiseen soumimi and timusoumttl lnlncl. " I sles wIll ale , Tue currency , like ( Ito tariff. u msiust b slaced on a consistemmt basis before ( lie lireselit evils is'iil disappear. Chicago Tunes'imlr : ( lie able assistammee of Secretary Carlisle congress secimis to have succeeded in so mnutldiing thia currency hegis- lation that few of ( Ito repreienatives ( kmmow what mmreasure they mire mstlvanviuug or 01)1)05. log. Time host thing for ( lila congress to do suit-li thmo ctirrcrscy is to let it abase. Gicbe-1)mntocrat : Tue democracy has onee m ooro Proven its Iiicapacity in the larger ques- tioiia of legislation. The tariff bill ltaase is few months ago by this parm' was so bath that the liresitleuit which thto party ciecteet refused to sigim it , amid ( lie currency bitt which time secretary of the treasury framed and the rresitIeamt eaitlorsed is so bath that. a house of represeuttatives s'iticii had over nInety deitsocratic plurality refused to pass it. New York Advertiser : Our present banking - ' ing system has its fatilts , but it certainly served Its ptmrposo lit a ( line of great need ; and not tlio least of its ad'aiitagos vern ( lie invariable 'ahtie of its notes , and ( lie tact that any bank wouid accept ( lie notes of any other haitlt , To say that ( lila will ho the case ummtler the proposed ctirrency scheme of Mr. Carlisle is to reject all our experiences of vast state banking. A better systeirt than ( tie present can no doubt be devised. and it is certainly desirable ( hint It hioultl be done as speeiliiy as is consistent. with perfect safety. But tIme Carlisle currency bill does not fill ( lie want , aitat so we Ocean better for the present to ontluro the ills we have than fly to those we lumen' not of. -0- - XE1n1t.1S1'.i . .i'l ) XJ1ltItSJC.INS. A citizens' reltef couunltteo has been or ganized at Arapahmoe. . Flooth's grocery store at Osborn has been , . . . closed on a chattel mortgage. 'v. it. Neetliiam , hate of time Bloomfield Monitor , hma piurchosed ( lie Ntobrara TrIbune from ILL 5 Miller , WithIn a week abotmt 400 volumes have neert conerioutcu Li ) LiiO aeiiuvi siurary iw Arapahoc by citizens of that place. Editor J. S. Poradis of ( lie hierninglord Guide is nirout to remove to Alliance , inking 's' . with han his jiaper and lila olilco and every- ( hung pertainIng thereto. Charles Cutlialiaam , vito formerly published ( Ito SIdney Tehegrmmpii and has recently been uhlishing tue Herald at llot Springs , S. It. , is about to eatablishm the Cheyenne CountZ Times at Sidney. ii. C. lull is moving ( tao Chadron Citizen and a tlnzt'class job office to Monterey , Moe. , where lie thinks there are excelient pros- pects. Ho has already secured the prIntIng contracts for several important companies in ( lie town. A wonraut at Arcadia gave birth to a child , but , having no food or clothing itt the house , site died wIthin a few days. The neighbors made an effort to save lice iife , but the aid came too late , The woman heaves six young children , \'iiL a Itist , I'iiyVortriugiueat'I Detroit Free i'res. A rise in prices would tiiidoubtedly be one of the ilnsit results of senditig gold to ma premium and gettIng the country on a silver hiisls : nnd a. rise in prices wotild certaInly , give bmtsincss a boom. fiut befome assuming that this wouhd be nn unmnixemi blessing to the coumitry It. Is well to reflect ( hint wages ( nice a long tIme lii following tirices nit tIme iii ) grade amid that a sudden and ccnltlerabie rise iii vrices menus just the annie to the worlcingntnfl as a sudden and considerable reduction in wages , - - - .5" Yotmr Money's "uVortit or Your Money Bnarlc , A Turk Without Turkey Some people don't have any ChrisLrnas ; don't know what it is to fool the a"- 1 III ? ( ] mellowing influetioo that i ho vers around the Gi'eat t , I't ' " Day ; are strangers to I , our old friend Santa - , ' : //j / ; > - II' Claus. Look at those feet 45' ' i/ / / , jox-Santa stands ' , -no - no show there , Look at . - . I , ) imt e ' ) > l , \ the rig hehas on. Can . \ _ : ; : ; ; : : \ " 4 : : - - - ou contemplate any- \ _ _ s _ - : : - : ; _ _ ' ' thing more harrowing - - - - - - - : : : ; than the thought that - - - - > Browning King & Co. . . 'V. , $ . . - ' - i-nust ever be a stranger to that fellow with hishorse , blanket of a suit. You can toll a Proi'es3ivo people by their o1ohss , Where styles change there is progress. Full soon the year of ' 94 will pass through time's , wide open door. 'Twill be no loss , but rather gain , for ' 95 may bring us rain. And that's a change we ought to get , from dried up orops to fields all wet. BROWNING , KING & C01 , Ic'Inb1u ] CIotIulpts , S. ' , ' . ' . Coi'jmem' VlIttruzutlt attil 1)ougitts ) Sta. . : -ff .