- - - - " - # _ _ _ I . U - - - TILE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY \ , DECEMBER 24 , 180.t. _ _ _ _ _ _ ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l J - - - - - NEW \ NEBRASKA LEGISLATORS p. Pen Sketches of the Men Who Will Make the Stato' Laws ONE HUNDRED AND TITY - TllEt OF 1 IIM Iclton , and lrprc eltRtvo.I'loct : Who 1".c I.cel Eventful : LIc-3onao Won UI.lICUII on the 1Ictd I If flftt- tIo-iitereitIiig , Iccord . . - , The B/e presents herewith sketches of the I tnembers.elect of the state legislature which a.sCmlles at Lincoln one week from tomorrow. 'fho two houses of the legislature are mad lp ot 133 memlers , thirty-three ot whom are In the senate. The biographies . - 'Jlowlnl will be fOlml full ot Interest : KNOWS AIL ABOUT I1L1UOAT1ON . W. H. Akers , Hntor elect from ScoUs Bluff county , Is one of the men who will he at valuable servlc In shaping Irrigation legislation at the coming session. lie has been a practical Irrigation farmer for eight years lu Scotta 1uI county , and has given . " . to that branch ot agriculture a great : deal of Intelligent study. lie Is 1 farmer ot the more practical sort , and has made a close a stully ot political and economic ijtiesttons. ONC AN ANTI-MONOPOLY flEt'UllLiCA. " ' . I. Bauer , senator.elect from Seward and Buter counties. was her near Akron , 0. , September 2 , 1860. After obtaining the usual common school education he entered Union City Ilgh school ali graduated , after which he went to Ann Arbor tialversity. lie removed to Iowa In 1881 and for some time was engaged as Instructor In Latin In the city schools of Muscatine. He pursued his , law studies In the meantime and In 1884 \ was admitted to practice In the Iowa courts. ' Ito became a citizen of Nebraska In 1885 , and has practiced law continuously since that year. PoltIcaly Mr. Bauer adhered to the republican : party until the refusal of the relublcan convention to renominate Judge Reese In 1892. Since that time he has omit- ated with the p ole's Illependent movement. SERVED WITH CmmIT IN THE \VAI1. Joseph Back , senator.elect from Bufalo and Sherman counties , Is one of the best known citizens of the city of Kearney. He ' was born In VirginIa sixty years ago , and has since resided In Illinois , Iowa ali Nebraska At the breaking out of the war of the re- belon he was a resident of Illinois ant at once enlisted In this I lfty./th infantry ns a I i IJrlvate. By gallant conduct he was gradu- I ally promoted until he received from Governor - ernor Yates I commission ns captain of company - pony K. He Participated In the battles or Shioh , was In the Yazoo campaign and at the siege of Vlclsburg. After the close of . the war he located In Iowa , where ho hived ' until 1876. when he came tG Kearney. lie has served one term lS county treasurer , one term "s mayor of Kearney ali has three times ben elected president ot the Kearney Board of Education. LIVED IEUE TWENTY-FIVE YEARS. John T. Bressler , who wi represent the people of Wayne county In the next senate , Is a natvo of Huntington county , Ponnsyl- vania , having been born In the Keystone state In 1849. lie became a resident of Nebraska In 1870 , and has been an active . progressive farmer sInce that time. He has served Wayne county l treasurer two terms. having been elected to that position In 187 and 1879. LUCKY OIO MAN. George H. Caldwel , state senator-elect for the district composed of Hal and Howard ' counties , was born In Meig county Ohio , In t March , 1844 , and Is therefore 60 years of \ age. lie was raised on a farm. During the war ho enlisted In company C. One Hundred and Fortieth Ohio Infantry , and after the close at the rebellion lived In West Virginia cose some time. lie was admitted to the tme. practice of law In 1876 , and In ito year rol- lowing located In Grand Island , where he opened a law omce. In 1878 he formed a rrtnershilp ' with ex-Lieutenant Governor O. - A. Abbott. 'Hs ' pleasant business relations . with Mr. Abbott cOlltnuml until 1882 , when { / ho was elected judge Qr 111 county. This , Id' ' posltIon ho held for eight years. Since 1890 * .f f. 'poslton prjctcd law with ex.Govlrnor Ab- ' , n' n . nrfnpr . Two years ago he was the . republIcan n ' ; ; ' candidate - for the senate , but was defeated by the fusion candidate , John L. JohnsQn. Tills year ho had the satisfaction - Mr. Johnson. faction of turning the tables on facton FAVORS RAILWAY LEGISLATION. J. N. Campbell , senator elect from the Eighteenth district , Is one of the youngest members of the coming senate. lie was Missouri , twenty- b r In Atchison county , nine yearn ago. lie moved to Nebraska _ 9 while quite a young man , and was always ientfed with the democratic party In this state until the Independent movement attracted - tracted his attentiqn. Ho was a member of the last senate and one of the leaders In the demand for railroad legislation. Ito was the especial champion of the anti-Pinkerton bill , and made a gamut tight for Its pasage. le Is also a friend of the National guard and an omcer In the company at Fullerton. . BORN ON HISTORIC SOIL. Thomas D. Orane. another one at Doug- las connty's senators was born upon the historic soil of New Dedford. Mass. . January 6. 1854. He was educated In his native tIm of the law , state , and adopted profession In whIch ho huts been engaged since June , S 1887. He has been an active republican for ' \ many years , and was elected a member of the house of rpresentatves two years ago , and led the list of candidates , polling the largest vote In the county. CAME ROM THE LAND 0' CAKES. John Crawford senator elect from the Ils- trlct composed of Hol Garfield , Wheeler and Boyd counties , was born In Renfrewshlrc , Scotland , In August , 1831. and with his par- ents came to America and settled In Canalla near the Vermont line at a very early age. lie received his education In Canada ' , and lived In that province until 1862' , when he became a citizen of the Unlel } States , 10- eating In Marquette county , Wisconsin 10 became a resident of Boone county , Nebraska , hi 1819 , nut ! settled In Holt county In the year following. lie Is a prosperous farmer , and never IJarlclpated In politics until 1890 , when ho entered the IOlllst party and was elected one at tim supervisors of Holt county G position ho has occupied four 'ears. STATESMAN AND JOURNALIS1' George Cross , editor of the Falrbury Ga- zcto , has been promotell from the lower house to represent the people of Jefferson county In the senate at the coming leglsll' ture. Ho was born In Kenosha county \\'Is- consln In 18H. He resided In the Badger state until 1870 , when ho came to Nebraska and located at the thriving city which Is still his home. Ho served throughout the War in the FirstVisconsin artillery , and after the coming of peace entered the Wi- consin State unlvenly , froni which he graduated In 1867. He founded the 1.'alrbul'y Gazette In 1810 , and has been its editor con- tnuously ever since that time. He has been . ' . very successful and has made his paper one of the leading republican organs In southern Nebraska. ' L. . WAS ) . 'OHIEHLY A HEPUnLIAN , ' w. F. Dale , one of the Independent senators - ators elect from larlan county , wi enter the next session . with the experience of a term already wel served . Ho was one of the leaders of the Independent side of the senate at the last session and was chairman \ of the commite on appropriations , besides serving on the railroad ant other Imporlant committees . H& was formerly a republican , but Joined the independent movement In 1890. He I ono of the forceful men of the Independent party In this state and was frequently - quonty mentioned Ilrlor 10 the last campaign I a candidate for both lieutenant governor and congress . ONE OF TIE OLD WAR hORSES Alexander Grahlnl Is a veteran , not only b. In republican 110ltcs In Nebraska , but of the late war , through which he served with gal- lantry lie was born In Licking county , Ohio In 1845. When the war broke out he - . . enlIsted In an Ohio regiment , although sev- eral ) 'ear under lh& ( legal age lie served In the army four years , participating : In the battle of Shioh , riding with luel on the raid against Kirby Smith dId mounted againt Krby tld mounte ser- lee In the regiment which captured Morgan , ll rebel raider , participated wit ! : Uurnsld In the battles of eastern Tennessee , was at the siege ot Knoxville , fought In the battles of Hesca and Aloona , and was through the whole Georgia campaign. lie wa severely wounded at the battle or Chatahohe , but \ , aler tour weeks 11 the hospital returned to service anlrenalntJ until pence came . lie has been a resident . ot Gage Clnty since 1880 and hu been an active politician. lie was elected to the slto senate In 1892 . and Is now elected to his second term ltEl'RESE4TS FOUR COUNTIES William : . Gray , from the district comprIsing - prIcing Cusler , Valley , BainG and loup ) coun- ties , Is also a second termer , having served with credit to hI constituents at the lat ee3sloii. lie Is : native a lennsyh'anla , haying - InK been her near lltsburJ In 18n , lIe Was trained for an actIve business life and for thirteen years was enragec In mercantile pursuits. lie was compelled to heave this profeBlon for a more active oul-of.or life and so came wet , settling In Valley county In 188t and engaging In farming. lie owns a wel cultivated hal.secton of choice farm- Ing land and Is as good a farmnr as he Is politician. lie has been one ot the leaders In the farmers alliance movement and Is a strong Indcpendent. LI O'OID NOWNS TiE no PES. Lololl hahn wl serve his second term In the senate from Adams county , having ai- really served . still another term t In the house Ho Is one of the few natives of Germany In the legislature , having been born In that country In )81. lIe has been a resident of Adams county for sixteen years and has al ' ways taken In active put : In politics . ANOTHER LUCKY 010 MAN. J. I. Hitchcock , who will represent the feat distrIct composed at Nemahn and John- son counties In the next ICate , Is one of the provrbIaly lucky OhIo men. He was born In Perry county , Ohio , and spent his boyhood days In that state 10 moved directly from OhIo to Sterling , Neb" , but aferward ! went to Burlnrton , 10. , where he entered a business and law college. After completing hIs studies at' Burlington le returned - turned to Nebraska and commenced his business career by teaching school at the little town of Adams. After two years of educational work he agaIn resumed the study of law , and' ' was admitted to the bar In 1885. He has made his home at Sterling until recently . when he removed to Tecumseh - cumsoh , and Is now In the closing 10nth at his second . term as county attorney at Johnson count ) . IS A NATIVE OF MISSOURI. W. D. holbrook Is the republican senator from the Tenth senatorial district and will represent the people at Dodge and WashIngton - Ington counties In the next session He Is a native of Missouri and was horn on April 17. 1850 , at Scottsvle , Sulivan county . When he was 13 years of age his parents 10vell to Illinois , where he lived In Cobs and \Vodrorel counties for fifteen 'ears. ! r. Holbrook first became 1 reddent ot Nebraska In 1878. When he came to this state he adopted agriculture as a profession , and has always been a prominent farmer or Dodge codnty. Ho was an active and influential - I actve fluential member of the Grange and recently - cently ot .he Farmers centy FarmIrs alliance , but ceased to bo Identified with the latter organization when I pushed Its way Into politics. He has ( never held any official position higher than school director and has always been a consistent , active republican. ONE OF TIE CHARACTERS. E. W. Jelres , senator-clect from the Ninth district , comprising Antelope Boone and Greeley counties . Is a resident of 10race , He Is one at tIme leaders of the intlependent party In his distrIct and vihl be probably , one or the most unique characters - acters In the Benate. Ho Is I tanner and has a personality that wi attract attention. ELECTED IN A POPULIST STRONGHOLD W. J. Lobe - , republican , will represent the people of the Fifth senatorial district , corn- prlslng the counties or Saunders and Sarpy 10 Is 38 years 01,1 , of German descent and was born In tim state of IlnoIs , He has lived In Saunders l'ounly for sixteen years and owns one ot the nest half section farms hal In that . secton county. His abilities as a business man prompted the people of Saunders county to make him their county commis- soner for six successive years , and It . was hIs excellent record as a commissioner that led to his promotion to the legislature. SAID TO DE A GOOD MUSICIAN. Henry C. Lindsay , the republican senntor- elect for Richardson and Pawnee counties , I was born In Columbia county , Wisconsin , on November 8 , 1861 , hIs rather being Hon. Richard Lindsay , one or the leading lawyers of the Badger state. . H. C. Lindsay commenced - menced the study at the law In his tather's omce. was admitted to practice In 1882 and admitted to practice before the Wisconsin supreme court time following year. He folowing removed - moved to Pawn eo City In the fall at 1883 and formed a partnership with Hon Hlmnhr"v nla l..1 M _ _ _ _ " _ _ h ' " . G. _ M. _ _ _ m. . . . _ . . u. b" 'UWUUIi WHn 'bU' - taln CUUUC""UI WHnap - Humphrey was severed In 1888. and In that year Mr. Lindsay was elected county attorney for Pawnee county. He served time people of his rounty In this capacity for capaciy four . years. He was for several years chairman at the republican county central conimnittee. His frIends claim for hIm that he Is a successful attorney , a pleasing orator. a good musicIan and a "royal good fellow. " lelow. ALWAYS A CONSISTENT REPUBLICAN. Edwin E. Mitchell , senator-elect tram Clay and Hamlon counties , Is a rEsIdent of Aurora. He was elected by the republican party , of which he has always republcan - sistent member. SERVED THROUGH ALL TIE WAR. Gilbert E. McKeeby , representative from representatve , Webster county In the coming senate , was horn In Dath , Summit county 0" , November 4 , 1846 , and removed to Wisconsin with hIs parents two years later. Uo grew to man- hood In the Badger state , and while still a student la the Wisconsin State university enlisted In company 0 , First Wisconsin heavy artillery , anrl served through the entire war. He had turned his attention to the study of medicine ant surgery and graduated from Delevue MedIcal college In New York City three years after the end of the war. For fourteen years he followed the practice of his profession at Lodi \Vls. During hIs residence at Lodi he served In time Wisconsin state senate durIng the years 1881 and 1882. lie afterwards move to Nebraska and has lived at lied Cloud for tbo past twelve years. years.A A WELL MERITED PROMOTION . John C. F. McKesson , senator.elect from Lancaster county , was born In Buena Vista , II" , on December 13 , 1858. Immediately at tm close of tim war and after 1 year's resl- tonce In Kansas ho came to Nebraska , loca- tng In Richardson county. He has lived In Nebraska ever since It was admitted into the union as a state. After completng a common - mon school cdueaton ho entered the Ne- brala State University and studied there for six years , passing through all the classes to nearly the completon of the senior year. Iu the meantime he embraced the field of journalism , JoIning with Colonel hyde In founding the 1.lncoll Daly News , hIs labors on that paper makIng It neclssary for him to leave the university before completing his senior year. He continued wIth the laly News for one year and then r.movet to the farm near I llimieralci upon which ho still re- sides . In 1887 ho went to Goodland , Nan , to assume the position ot cashier In the bank ot Russell Bros. In 1888 he returned to LancastEr county , of which ho has been a resident ever since. In the fall of 1890 bo was elected a member of the legIslature on , the repUblcan ticket. Ho was .elected to the house In 1892 , and was one of limo leaders on the repullcan side. He Is skilled In the art of parliamentary strategy and was al- ways In the front rank of time hot bates on time floor . ThIs year ho was elected to time senate by a large majority . SlmVED IN NII\S' YORK. Isaac Noyes , the farmer senator from Douglas county was born In Saratoga county , New York , In 1828 , and was a promInent manufacturer ot wooden ware In that slate for a number of years He served two terms In the legislature a fNew York and removed to Nebraska In 1879. and has since been one of the larst and lost successful farmer of the slate. He has always been an ardent republican. and has been I > romlnenty considered - ered as a gubernatorial candidate Two years ago he was a candidate for the 1105 ! . ton to which h& has now been elected , but his opponent was declared elected by a nar- row margin. He instituted a contest before the legislature , but the decision was against liliii him.ELECTlm ELECTlm FOR A THID TERM Jolm n. Pope of Saline county will serve hIs constituents In the senate for the third tme , having been elected to the Twcnty- first session and reele'e to the last ss- sian. Ho was born at Waukegan , Ill. , In 1856 , spent his earlier youth ou a rarm and re- ceh'o such education a was afforded by tIme oommon schools of which his country Is 60 proud At the age of 21 he entered Dart- mouth college and remained there the reui- site tour years After receiving his degree ho comlenc the study ot law In Chicago and afterwards located at rlend , Neb" , to praU ku poeul(1 1 baa always been Lt - _ - _ _ - _ _ _ ' _ " closely Identft with the republican party In Saline county. PROM A hOMESTEAD TO TiE SENATE. F. M. IaUlbun , state senator from the Twenty.nlnth district , comprising Franklin and 'urnas counties , Is to serve his fIrst term In the legislature at the comIng sessIon . lie was born In 18t9 In time little town of Courtand , In De Nell county , md After obtaining a common school education In In- rhiana he removed to 1lnls , where he remained - mained for five years with the 10yt Bras Manufacturing company. lie afterwards en- tered Knox ) college at Galesburg , ill. . where he pursued his studIes until he graduated with high honors. lie came to Nebraska In 1878 and became a homesteader . lie has always - ways been a leading farmer ot his county. ONE O NEIJ11ASKA'S SONS. Sherman Saunders , snator.elect from the EIghths distrIct , Is a native of Nebraska , and as far as learned the only mlmblr of the senate born In this stabi . lie was born at lichens , Cedar county , Neb. . In August , 1864. After obtaining such an education afforded by time common schools he attended Yanlton college , where he reolvCl his diploma. For time Past tour years ho has been cashier of ) the Farmers and MerChants Stale bank lt Uomfelt , Knox counly. Mr. Saunders re- ceived the largest plurality ever given to any senatorial candidate In his district. BELIEVES IN FILLMORE COUNTY. Charle hi. Sloan Is to represent the Twen- ty.fourth senatorial district , comprising the counties or Fillmore and York , In the oJmlng legislature. lie Is a young man , having been born May 2 , 1863 , near Monl lo , Ia . After fnishing I course In time public schools he completed his education at that wel and favorably known Institution , time Iowa State Alrlculural coileiro. at Ames ali It Is no colele discredIt. to him tosay ' that paldHhls expenses - lenses durIng the three years antI a half he spent lt college by working at manual labor n part at each da ) ' . As soon as ho fnIshe lila course ho secured the prlnclpalshh of the publIc schools at alrmont In this state , hold- Ing time pOlton for three years and lJrsulng time study or the law at the same time. lie was admitted to tIme bar at the end of three years study. 1mm 1890 he was made county at- tornlY or Fimore county and was re.eleetcll In 1892. As a result at his work In Nebraska he owns a floe farm In Fillmore county and a comfortable home at Fairmont . IS A GOOD ! OnGANIZER. Richard Smith , one at Douglas county's trIo of senators , Is a native or Canada and Is 47 years old lIe went wlh his father to Milwaukee In 1858 , when he returned to Canada , where ho remained two years at the end of which tme ho took a position as driver on time Erie canal lie then learned thin pla terer's trade. GoIng to Chicago , In 1871 , he was engaged In business as a contractor . tractor and builder until 1886 , when ho came to Omaha to follow tIme same line or business ness. lie has always been an active repub- lcan and was chairman ot the city central commlleo In 1891 , when ho proved his skill as a political organizer , beIng successful In securing time election of George I' . Bemis for mayor by a plurality of about 4.000. Mr. , Smith has always been In entire sYlpathy with laboring men oC all classes and with labor organizations and was time prlnchml mover In Introducing the system or arbitra- ton Into Omaha. lie Is the ) president ot the Builders and Traders exchange WIELDS TIE SCHUYLER QUn.L John C. Sprecher senator.elect from Col- fax county , wi bo one or the notable figures In the next senate. He Is the editor ot the Schuyler Qui , and naturally a leader. He was born In Arcannum , a. , larch 9 , 186 . and came to Colax county with his parents In 1871. Reared on I farm. 1m obtained the education afforded by the district schools of his county and at the age of 16 was hlmsel 1 teacher In Colax county. lie wIelded the birch for six years , part of the time being In charge at one at the ward schools of Schuyler. In 1886 ho first formed the Idea ot entering the newspaper field , and beIng disappointe In his purpose of buYing an In- leret In time Schuyler Sun he establshed a new paper , time Quill. He was confronted with the usual obstacle In the path of the average newspaper mmman-a lade or funds : but his energetic nature declined to balk at so trifling a maier a3 the want of money. Making - Ing a personal canvass of Colax county , he secured a pretty fair subscriptIon list and enough cash In advance to slat his enter- prise. SInce that time he has made the Qui one of the successful newspapers of the state. Mr. Sprecher Is recognized as one of the leading members of the populist party In Nebraska. PROMINENT IN CHURCH WORK , TOO. William Steuter , senator-elect from Cum- Ing county , Is of German descent and was born In Watertown , Wls" , In 1847. He bas been a resident at Cumlng county ever since 1863 and has 'had a successful business career , beIng the president of the West Point National bank at the present tme , Although this Is to bI his fIrst term In the legislature he bas for many years occupied positions requiring the exercise of good executive ability. His first office was that of county clerk. For fifteen be fften years was a memb at the Board of Education at West Point and Is still president ot that organiza- tion. He also served as chairman of the town board and afterward as mayor of West Point For twent.fvo years ho has been a trustee In the German Lutheran church. Personally he enjoys a wide popularity In his district and possesses the confdenco of all his constituents. _ TIllED TERM AS A POPULIST. H. G. Stewart was one at the leading mem- bers at the senate on the populist aide of the chamber at the session two years ago and will bo leader among the email handful of independent . senators at the coming session - sion He was born In Fen du Lac county , Wisconsin , In 1864 and spent his earlier le on a farm Aler removing to Nebraska In 1876 he resided In Nance county for six years After that he went to Sioux county , where he still makes his homo le has been a farmer nil his life and a successful one In politics Senator Stewart was a republican until about ten years ago , when ho eschewed ! republican politics and assumed an attitude ' independent at all parties. lEo was one of the leaders In the farmers alliance move- ment and was for several years vice iwesi- tent of the slate organization. ALWAYS A LEADING REPUBLICAN. Orlando TeUt of Cass county bas been a familiar figure In Nebraska politics a great many years. lie Is I native of Illinois . being born at Elgin In 1843. He rEceived an excellent - celent education. lie came to Nebraska In the territorial days with his parents. In 1861 he purchased time 480 farm which Is still his homestmd .rd has long been looked upon as one of Cass county's most successful citizens. He has been promInently associated with tim republicans of the state , Is frequently - quently a delegate to the state and congressional - gressional conventions and was elected to the senate In 1878 and 1880. He was re.electcll two years ago and will serve his fourth term at thin coming session PrevIous to the last republican convention lie was looked upon as a candidate for the nomination of lieutenant - leu- tenant governor . but declined to permit his name to be used J. C. WATSON , A WE.L KNOWN LEGIS- LATOI1. John C. Watson , who will represent Otoe county In tIme senate , Is I familiar figure In Nebraska legislative liable , having served his county In every session since 1887 . lIe Is a native of Missouri , having been boris at St. Louis on Seplember 20 , 1850. lIe removed to Miami county , Ohio , and after obtaining his education adopted medicine as his profession In life. lIe soon became con- vinced that the law was more to his taste , and so after pursuing his medical studies for a year went Into a law ofilce . lie was soars admitted to practice , and after removing again to Michigan was admitted to prac- tlo before the supreme court of that state lie has been a resident of Nebraska for many ) ear and has always taken a prosni- nnt part In political life . lie was elected to the legislature from Ooo county In 1881. In 1889 ho was re.elected and was honored with the Epeakerhlp , a position which his acknowledged ability I a parliamentarian peculIarly fitted him. Ills services to the republican party of this state led President harrison to tender 11m the appointment of United Stales attorney for time district of Alaska , a position which he declned , lie has served his Party as chairman ot the state central committee and was appointed judge advocate on Governor Thayer's staff , a I1Sltol which he ala fled under Gov- er era lloyd and Crounse. He Is a candidate - date for time presidency of the next senate IS A NATIONAL BANK PRESIIENT. John B. Wlght , one of the ( aenaton- elect from Lancaster county , I Ilresldelt ot time Columbian National bank at the capi- tal city of the state and II one of the very few bankers In the legislator lie was - ' - ' - ' _ _ , . _ ' : . " - born lt Rochester , N. Y. , on December 10 , 1845. and during th greater 'art of his youth resided at bltltfal . lie moved to Michan ! In 1861 , amhfom that state to Montana , Where he " roughed" I In the ter- riory for six yeare. ! ! lie frt became a resident of Nebraska In ISH , moving to Lincoln , where he 'Jillays ' ! been Prominently - nenty identified with 'l th0 business interests of the second city or'h atate . lie organ- Izell and Is now president ot the Columbian National bank . lIb , IIFG he was electell councilman ali arervnrds served two terms In the mayor's chh\r. \ In 1885 he was elected a member pt ! ' .te house of [ repre- entatives. " The biographical sketbhes of the members- elect of tIme lower house of the legisla- ture make Interesting , , reading. Many of the members have led cvelt ul hives , the details ot which are given bitw : USED TO INSPECT [ SIDEWALKS. James Alan ot tolifhs county was born In Scotland In 1854 , and came to America ' when but 6 i ; years at age , his parents coming directly to Nebraska anti locating on n farm near West Point. lie was assessor of the precinct for tour years and has been one of the workers In that line for yenrs. lie came to Omaha twelve . twel' years ogo. lIe worked five years on the street commlssloner's force and was for threJ rears sidewalk Inspector , anll was afterwards foreman under Street Commissioner llahcomnbe . ALWAYS A FAI1MEI1. William Ashby , republican representative from Clay C6nnty , was born In Champalgne , Ill . , April 16. )857. lie was fortunate In being able to secure a liberal education . graduating from the high school at Cham- 11aln In 1882. 10 entered the University of Illinois the same year and rose hIgh In his classes. In 188t he vas obliged to leave thin university bY reason or thin removal of his parents t Nbraska lie has made farm- Ing his profession ever since coming to this state , with the exception of having taught a few terms at school. ANOTHER mST TEHMEU. Frank Bacon Is one of the deservedly popular republcans of Dawson county and this fact accounts for his election to the house of representatives for time ensuing term. lie Is one at the acknowledged repub- Ican leaders In his county timid Is a hard worker for his party. his election to the legislature Is a well carried reward for his services to the people at his county. A TAX EQUALIZER Mr. Patrick Ii. Barry , who served In the last legislature and took an active part In the impeachment proceedings , was born In Ireland , August 25. 181 , and emigrated to AmerIca In Mardi , 1849 , locating In Boston , he received Ills education In the public schools of that city. In 1861 he joined time union any , enlisting In company E , Third glment , of Thomas Travor's leagher Irish brIgade alI served throughout the Peninsular campaign , under Mr. ' 'olens In the battles at Bull Hun , South Mountain and Antetam , He was "ounded 11 the leg at the battle of Antetam and disabled - abled from duty. In February )863 , he was discharged but re.enlsled In July . 1863 , In the Twelfths Massachusetts Intantry and served under Grant through time Wilderness campaIgn In numerous battles . losing his right arm nt the bate of Planl blond July 7 , 186.1 , In front of Fort lIeu , Petersburg , Va. In lal'ch , 1880. he emigrated to Nebraska . braslm and homesteallEd In Garfield county , mo\'lng to GreellY county In June , 1881. II 1888 Mr. Barry was defeated for the state senate on the democratic ticket. Mr. Barry Is a great believer In the equalization 01 taxation and he will Introduce a bill In the legislature , the object ot which Is to Inaugurate - augurate a system , ' of ' taxation whereby all classes wIll bo tael } ' crding to the amount of property they own' and not on what they owe Mr. Barry Is ) farmer at good standing ; In the communly , and' was elected to the lower house ly I good'ized majority. SCOUTED WInl MAJOR NOUTH. Gus G. Beclier the representatve.elect for the Twenty-fourth district , was born In PhI- ' sen , Bohemia , In lS44 $ and came to America In 1849 His early' ' 'yenrs were passed In St. LuIs , where he' received his education In 1858 the sub3e ] elt rot this sketch moved to Nebraska and sent slx or seven year In Omaha , worleisig for a firm by the name of Hurrord & Brother , dealers In hardware , whose store wa located on Dougias street Becoming somewhat , tired of the monotony of commercial life , 'In ' 1$67 Mr. Decher joined , Major North In , jm , c llng expedlon , and served as both leutennt and captain of the " major's famous. Pawpee scouts , who did sonic excellent work In keeping the turbulent Indians of those days In good order. In 1870 Mr. Deeher entered the rEal estate iili IOD1 business anti establshed the firm : frm of Bechier Jaeggl & Co" , at Columbus , In which business he has remained up to the present time. lie was married In 1869 to Miss Annie Dradford. At different 'lmIs Mr. Decher has held public offices , having served as assessor and city councilman . and from 1888 until 189 occupied the position of treasurer of Plato county. Ho has the confdence or the people of his section at the state , and his popularity Is shown by the fact ot his having been elected to so many offices during his residence In Columbus WAS A GALLANl SOLDIER. Henry S. fleck Is 1 national bank presi- dent , I republican , and I member ot the next house of representatIves . lie Is at German - man descent , and was born In Lancaster county , Ohio , April 12 , 1837. le received hIs education In the common schools of the Buckeye state and at the outbreak of the war enlisted In company I. Forty.thlrd Ohio Infantry , serving under General Pope. He remaIned In active servIce all through the' rebelhion , march I : & with Sherman from At- lanta to the sea Arrrr time end at time war Mr. Deck came to Nebraska , engagIng In mercantile pursuIts at Lincoln. In 1882 he commenced the banking business at Pierce and Is now the president at the ) Irst Na- tonal bank of that city. Ho was elected to represent Pierce and Cedar counties by a plurality at 210 votes over Arnold Ehchmoff , the democratic candidate FAVORS LOWER FREIGhT " HATES E. R. Dee , representatve.elect from Fur- nas county , Is a republican and an anti-moo- ant.mo- nopolst , It ant.electon pledges count. Ho was born In West VirgIn and divided hIs time between farming alI teaching school until 1882 , when he untl came to Ncbrslta and located on a farm near Arpahoo , lie held the office of postmaster under lreshlent Har- risen with complete satisfaction to the Patrons of the office and to the authorities at Wash- Ington During the campaIgn he championed anti-nmonopoiy prInciples and pledged hhqself to do all In Iris power to bring about the passage of a law giving time people at Ne- brasla lower freight rates. NEVER DABBLED IN POLITICS. Emerson BenedIct of Douglas county was boris at Princeton , Ill . , some forty rears ago , and during his boyhood days worked on a steele farm , attending school In thus winter - ter , eventually graduating from the Prince : ton HIgh 2chool. When hardly more than ! a boy he wmt to ChIcago , where he entered a wholesale grocery house , soon becoming the junior partner lie continued In this business until IH78 , when he sold out and Wlnt upon time road for a shoe firm of Bos- ton. In 1886 he ' cameo Nebraska and soon afterwards organlzpd , the 'Vesler Potery company at Loulsyille. Some months later ho sold his Interest In this company to organize - ganize the 'Vestern Gravel compan , At the present time Mr. Benedict I time principal stockholder In the Omaha Portland Cement Portand Cemet Pipe company ltirimg the past eight years he has been lngg l J' contracting. He has never dabbled In politics , this beIng the fIrst time that he has iver been a candidate for office . m " A FINE MAN 'OF BUSINESS 'S" S. J. Bernard , Pawnee county's representa- tive-elect , Is a blacksmith by trade and came to this state froli Colorado , where ho hall been carrying on that business for fourteen years Ten years 'ao ' lie came to Pawnee county and loco ' d , I pn a farm there Ho bas been ' to' successful In this business , and also ; ' 1 stock raIser. lie I very populal' with aiiavhmo have tins gOd fortune - tune to make his aCC alntane . Mr. Bernard possesses excelent'bustness qualcaton . and will doubtless make a first-rate legislator. Ila republcanism Is beyond Iueston , and his honesty and Integrity are urmaesailaiiie . AN EXTENSIVE LAND OWNIIIt John Brady , one of Buffalo county's new memlers , bras been I resident of the city of Kearney since 1866. lie was born on a tnrm In Columbia county , Wisconsin , In 1851 , and Is therefore 43 years of age. lie Is one of the self.made men of this state , as ho spent the earlier part or hil life on a farm , ( b- talling only such education as was to bo had at the vlag ! schools lie worked his way through Wisconsin State university by exercising time strictest economy and earning what money he could In the time not devoted t sludy. After leaving the uni- vrsiy he turned bier attention to educational " " ' . - - . - . " . " < : .Ib ; i l - - 1 work , sari for several years served a principal - , cipal at high schools. Ills frt official imosI- I lon was as county superIntendent of schools in Fillmore county , MlnnesotR. He held this position ten years , always beIng elected by time republican party , He has always been I republican , and as a man Is a deep thinker and a close student of the living questions of the dRY. He Is now engaged In farming nnti ) stock raising , being one or the most ex- tensh'o land owners In Buffalo county As a ptulamentlrllh ht Is said to have but few equals In the state. ENLISTED I Fnm1 NI BtASKA , John M. Drockman , who wi represent Richardson county , backed by the experience gained as a member of the last session , was born In Morgan count . IlnoIs , August 20 , ISH , Growing ul1 to young manhood In that state , he followed the profession oC teachIng until the terrier ) ' at NebraskA was carved out of the Louisiana domain. Then lIe located near Browlvle , where he hived when the War broke out. lie promll ) ' enlisted In the I lrst Nebraska . regiment of cavalry , after- warlls merged Into time Fifths Iowa. HI Was In the battle at Shioh and In this long Mis- slsslppl camplgn , which followed that sanguinary - guinary engagenment. For 1 year he served as a scout tinder Generals Crook and Thomas. After the cole ! of the war he mnrrll alI set led In Hcbardson count ) . , where lie still makes his hmonme . Ho takes an active Inter- est In the welfare of his home county and has served several terms as I conmimilssioner He has been republican since ho was old enough to vote . LIVES IN SE\VAI1D. . lv. A , Brokaw , one ot Sewarll's two mem- hers In thin lower house at the coming ses- sion Is a farmer , living near the little town of Hub ) ' . no Is an enthusiastc Ilemocrat , anti was elected on the fusion ticket over his republican opponent . PHOUD 01 IllS PAnTY. U. C. Brownel , legislative member.elect from Saunders county , Is a le long ro- 11llcal amid Is l.roud . of the record at his party. He Is to servo In the legislature for time first time , but Is a shrewd practical mln , and hopes to distinguish himsel br serving his , consttuents well and falhful ' . ALSO A IJANKEiI J. C. Burch , who will help represent ! Gaga county at the coming session or the leg Isla. ture , wad fern In Niagara county New York , October ii , 1852. Ills blyhooll days were spent on I farm lu l ayeto county , Ohio , alI later ho removCI to Iowa , where ho graduated from time Upper Iowa university - versity In 1874. lie commelced a journalistic career and achieved success for ten years. In 1882 he located In Wymore and engaged In the banldng business with his fathor. He bas long been considered one at the representative - sentatvo repuhlcans of Gage county. LABORINOMAN'S TRUE FRIEND. Joseph Burs , nn able champion of the calico at the laborlugmnn , has again been elected to represent Lancaster county In the lower house. He Is I republcan of the right stamimp and came to this country from Ireland fifty years ago when only 8 years of age His youth mil early manhood were spent In Connecticut , and later resided at Montcelo and Fort Madison . Ia. In 1873 he came to Nebraska and took up his resl- lenco at Lincoln , In which city ho has since lived. His lIfe has mainly been sl1ent In time well business but has taken consider- able Intcrest In politics , having served as city cotmncilnian. ! r. Burs has been S01e- what of an Inventor , the well auger owIng its existence to his Ingenuity. This Inven' tion has been very highly spoken of by experts - ports In well digging. While Mr. Burns Is not often seen In a swallow tall coat , he Is a fluent talker and has a knack ot always arousing enthusiasm whenever ho addresses a polItical gathering. WAS IN ANY DATTLES Edward C Burns , republican member of time lower house for Dodge county , has a war record cqualed by but few of his fellow members. He Is 1 natve of New York state having been born In Ontario county , 1 November 3 , 1838. When quite young he : went with his father and famiy to Kala- I mazoo , Mlch" , where ho lived until ho was : 10 years old , when the family moved to Cohlwater , where his rather died In 1850. 'Vhle a young man ! r. Dnrns learned the blaclsmlth's trade and followed It until the breaking out of the war. He at enc ' en- listed . and saw four years of hard service ) In the Fourth lchlgan regiment. lie served In the Fifth army corps , participating - Ing In the fights at Fairfax Station . Bull Run and 0.1 the Peninsula He was also at Yorktown , Hanover Court House , Layne's Hi , Savage Station ' and ! alvtr ? 11111. Ho was among the prisoners captured on the Peninsula by rebel forces , but was exchanged after being held twenty. two days. lie par- tcipated In the batte of Gettysburg In July , , , , , , . 1863. and In November of that vear was again taken prisoner t' Mine RunVa . , and held at Libby prison four months , after which ho was sent to that other rebel hell , Andersonvle , where he was held for nearly a year longer , when he was paroled and mustered out of service. In tire sprIng of 1869 he came to Nebraska and located In Cumlng county. He lived on a farm until 1888. when he removed to Scrlbnor , In order to give his children bettor educational ad- vantages. He Is a republican of the stalwart - wart kind. AN OLD SETTLER HONORED. David W. Burke time republican candidate for representative from Cumlng county , Is one at the earliest settlers In that county. He has always taken a lively Interest In the admInistration at its affairs. D. 'V. Burke ' Is a native of Canada being born In Perth , Lanark county In 1839. His boyhood days were spent on a farm and he received a country school education . In 1865 he came to time United StatEs , locating In the oil regions of Pennsylvania. lie followed horace Greeley's advice In 1867 , coming west , where ht found employment as a bridge builder for the Union PacIfic railroad. In 1869 he located on his homestead In Logan townsblp In Cum- Inl county. After engaging again In thin bridge building business as foreman for the Missouri Hver , Fort Scott & Gulf railroad In Kansas he Improved his claim In this county and Inade I his permanent home During the wInter of 1871 , ! r. Burke . taught thin first sehcoll what Is now Legan townshIp , In his own house. In 1887 Mr. Burke was elected a member of the first board of county supervisors and was made its first chmahrimiamm. Timen lie Imeld tIme office of cimairman of time road amid bridge committee , after having served as a mnemnber of that comnnmitteo for four years. Always' a staunch amrd fearless republIcan lie liars taken an active part iii time county councils of tlmrst party and line on sovermil occasions represented it in tire this- trict and state conveimtiomms. Ills Syimihatimies have invariably been on ttro side of time anti. rmiommolsoiy element of hmis party. FROM hAMILTON COUNTY , J , B. Caimm , reprcseiitative-elect froimi Hamhi- ton oounty , nerved timmomigli tIme session two yearn ago and brings to time conning session inuclm valmmabie experience. lie is a staunch m'epubhlcams. By profession ire Is a lawyer and emmjoys a lucrative practice at lila home at Aurora. A htEI'RIiSIINPATIVII FAI1MER , Robert.V. . Camphehi , is a ropreaentative farmer of Merrlck county , anti imy thiat tokemi is well timmaiified to be a representative f time people of his county mi time coining sos. slonm of time legislature , lie Imas beemi a real. dent of Merrick county for mimimmmy years antI lies always been a true and ardemmt repubhi. caii , A LEAIINCI SWhiIE. Oscar Carison , Kearmmey'a reprecentative. elect , was born In Sweden in 1850 and lived oil a farm in thmmit country untli 1870 , whren lie caine to AmerIca anti settierl emi a ( arm in hiendersoim coumity , ihhlnoie , In 1879 Ire caine to Neuiracka and boughmt a farmim In Kearney county , where ire Imas lived ever ahirco and to. day Ire has one of time driest 240-acre farms iii thrat county. lie is accounted one of the imiost prosperous amid tirrifty citizemms of Kearmmey commnty and lies ami interestlmmg farmmliy of wife amid nix children. Mc , Cmirhsomi bias rmtudiemi time English language with great assiduity so thsatJme cams now reati imimmb write it far better than many native-hens Anion- cans. lie Is a siman of great integrity aiim ] is highly esteenied by all wimo know hum , HAS HAl ) AN EVENTFI'L CAI1I1EI1. Charles U. Casper is one of tIme , demno crate who succeeded In securing an election to time legislature in tIme recent republican tidal wave in timis slate. hh bias linen a irorninent figure in Nebraska pahlilca ( en a great many years , having always heems oime of the leading anti-mncimopohy democrats of time state , lie is time editor anti propni. etor of the Ilutier County Press , pubhisimeti at lavhml City. Horn in New Jersey , hme lived in time east until time breaking out of time civil war. Although a emiere boy at that time , ire enlisted as a bugler , and served throughouv the long mitrugie. After tire war ire renmiovemi to Iowa county , Iowa , whmere lie hived for a number of years , supporting hinsBelf by emphoymnent as a clerk in a country store anti in other ways , until hia formed a partnership with George V' . ltutb- erford , and commenced the publication at a - - - - - - - - greenback newspaper known as time \'ohce nit the People. In 1876 htsmtherfortl and Casper - per canine to Nebraska , and estabhihmed thieni- selves at David City in the publication of a newspaper. 'ntherformh drifted back east again , bmmt Cas ; i. rotaineti time paper , anti has been contin atisly its editor ever since. lie has served hi county in time state iegla. Isttmre a number of terms , amimIvits in one campaign time democratic candidate for congress - gress in ti old Second ecogressional this- tnict , being defcaith by James baIrd. lie made an excellent record in time Inst session of the legislature as cimairnian of the nays anti macants conunittee , anti It was his carneit fight that lmreventetl the usual raids upon the state treasury. lie was clcceti as one of the litanagers of time iimmpcaclmmuent of Sec. retmiry of State Alien , Commnilssiommer hunt- phrey anti Attorney General hastings. 'While closely in ymmibathy with time opuiist move. muent , lie line always been a straight and consistent democrat , lECLINIII ) TilE OlPICt1 ONCE , Chittrhes II. ( 'imace , repreceimtatii'e fronm Stanton county , was bormm In East Clarendomm , 0. , February 29 , 1S55. lIe went with Isis parents to fluchmaimmmn coimnty , Iowa whiem't 6 years of age , anti in 1S69 relocated in Barton county , Missouri. lie emmmlgnatetl to Nebraska 1mm 1SSI , settling on a ( minim emi time Iltmnmbug , in Stanitorm county. lie has beemi a farmmier lii ) to ivitlmiim ttme blast two years , Simmee tirat time lie hiss resided in Stanton , ins order to give Iris chmlitiris tIme benefit of better etlmmcatiommai nmlvaimtages. lie hiss miever irecim a politician , although atvays arm ardent republican , Always taklimg a gnn.it interest 1mm agrlcimlttmral mimatters , ire has for years been time hiresinlemit ot tire Stmiiton : County Agricultural society. Four years age Ire was offered the legislative nomimhimstiomm , but tIe- chimied to accept , lie was elected thmis last election by a round imlurahitl' . ALSO \'ANTS TO liii SPliAKllt. \V. 0. Chmnpmmman , one of Nebraska's brlgimt. list jotirimahlsts , alit ! a member of time next house front Sahimso county , modestly tells time story of his own lifts 1mm limo following hiam- grahihi : ' 'I was horn in Indlammapolitn , hid , , October 8 , 1SGI , and lived timero until 12 yearn of ago , time hatter thmree of tlrcmn linIng spent as a newsboy in that city , Entered time otlice of a country newspaper at. Cambridge , Ill. , when 14 years of age , to learnt time birimiters' trade , and hma'tc bcemm ivorkimmg nbotmt a. country - try oflbco in omie capacity or aimotimer since , being directly commmiccterl an editor tom- time past ten years. Never was a candidate for army 0111cc , elective or nppoimmtive , mmmmtil I mimado the race for time lcgishrmtmmro this fall , First Vote ivan cast for lliaino amid Logams at thmo age of 21 yearn rsd 27 days. Am now jummior editor of time Crete Viclette. " TIlE GENTLEMAN FROM hITChCOCK. J.v. . Cole , represemmtatlve.eiect fmommm time Sixty-seventh district , is a resident of Cut- hertsomm , isis district including hiitcimcoclc , Dundy , Chase and hayes countIes , SUCCEEDED AS A PHYSICIAN. Dr. J , hi. Conaway , repmesentative.elect frormm Yerk coummty , was born in harrison county , Olmio , Septeniber 17 , 1810 , of Scotch- Irisim descent. lie receivetb a liberal edmnca- tiomi , anid resided iii thro lhmmckeye state mmnitih l'rcsitlomst Lincoln cabled tIme msattonm to arms in 1861. Then Inc enlisted in nmm Ohio cavalry regirimomit , anti by iallant conmimmet was Iwo- mated front time mantles to time captaincy of Company F , Tinirteentim regiment. When PcftcO was hroclahimmed lie entered time medical cohiogo at Ilopedale , 0. , and commenced time study of mmmedicine. After fortifying himself with time advammtages of everah institutions , lie conmrnenced time practice of his profession aflI Inns contimmued it without intemnmnptiomm for more tlman twemmty-flvo years. lie Imas resided in York county chico 1888 , ammd has always affiliated with time repubhicarm party. ALWAYS A STAUNCh REPUBLICAN , A. S. Cooley of Comma coiimmty , served through the nmenmorabbo legislative session of two years ago , and mmmade hits mark as one of the leading members of tire house. lie Is 46 yearn of age , amid it'as born in Joisnatown , 0. Although his father was a rockrlbbcd democrat , Mr. Cooiey has affiliated wIth time republican party ever since lie became a voter , and it Is isis boast that ho has always voted time republican ticket without a acratcim , ho is a farmer by profession. WAS A FORMER MEMBER. J. 0. Cramub of Jefferson county , served four years ago in the legislature. lie is a repubhicamm , well versed in the arts of law making. Ho is prominefltly mncnmtionemi aimiong tim several camsdidates for speaker , amid iviih at. least be given omm of time inilortammt corn- mittesisips. AN OMAHA ATTORNEY. Josepis Crow of Douglas county is a native of Greenmcastle , hod. , and was horn in 1856. Ho graduated at time Do Pauw university in 1876 , was admstitted to time bar in 1877 , and was city attorney for Greencastie for three terms. He caine to Nebraska in 1886 , amid served one term as county attorney in Cheyenne - enno county. lie removed to Omalma iii 1889. ho is an ardent repubhicamm , and a worker. WILL BE ONE OF TIlE LEADERS. John A. Davies of Cass county served his nimaiden term as a legislator two years ago and attained nmuclm Imromnlnenco by his cIa- quent and scatising arraignnment of the boo. die nmethmods that hind lirevahieci for so many years in tue management. of time state iimstitutions. lIe was ammo of the leaders in timmit house amid is bomimid to be a prominent member at the conmimsg session. lie received a college education while a young mmman anti afterward graduated from the law depart- nient of time Iowa State univer.mity. 110 is one of the headimmg candidates for speaker of time house , and isis abilities are universally recognized. CHARLIE CASPER'S PARTNER , M. C. Delaney , representative ( room But- let , is tue leglniative partner of C , I ) . Can- per , lie is a promimment farmer of Butler county anti omme of time leathiimg popuhists. lie is elected to the iegisbaturo for the first term amid goes into time sessions backed by tIme confIdence of hmis entire constituency. FROM TIlE IIADGER STATE. " , Vilhiarn Dempsey , represcimtmmtlve-eiect fronts Box Butte county , is a native of Wisconsin , born in Madisomm , April 6 , 1861. lie hived in Madison for twenty-five years , receiving a good educations , first in tIme public schools and then in time Wisconsin acadeismy. ho moved to Nebraska when 25 years of ago and comnmmiemsceth farming in Box Butte coummty , lie Is the own3er of a firm 250-acre farm , bias never meld cmi elective 0111cc in this state , and Is an enterpniFing anti progressive citizen - zen of iris county , having a concitierablcJj- vestrmsent in tIme yotmng city of Aihiammce , WAS A BOLD CAVALRYMAN , James F. lily , represeistative-ehect to tine lower house from Neimmaina county , was horns iii Otsego cotnnty , New S'ork , iii 1843 , antI , hike time mmmajonlty of time mnmembers of tiiQ legislature , warm raised cmi a farm. In the frill of 1863 iso emshisted in time Twerit-foimrth New York cavalry anti remained 1mm tIme service until after tine clean of time war. \S'hnhho iii time service lie htartichiiateml in time battles of tIme Wilderness , Spottayirania , Nortim Amino , l'amnmnmmlny , Cohn harbor anti Pc- torsburg. At time latter battle lie vaa ne. vorcly roundeth , lie located in Nemmraiia coumity hi 1668 antI mae followed farming ant an avocations ever cince. Altiiotmgh lie inns never before taken an active part in politics lie inns always beers arm entimnisiastic repmmb. lica ii. liftS A CONTEST ON hiANi ) , Nick Fritz. representative-elnot front tIme Slxteemmthm district. Is a democrat , anti will hr've : to ccnmtest tIme right to braid imia seat with his mepmnimhicaim opponent , Meil Jay , Mr. Fritz warm horn In cemitral Germany in 1817 , At time age of 21) Ire came to Amnienica anti Ia- cated first at. Erie , l'a , , rmmsd atermvard ( at Davenport , Ia. his next reaidemmce was at Council Bluffs , from wlnencs ire moved to Inis present haute in Timuatomm county , Mr. Fritz is a cripple , having most a leg In au ummtortummate rurmaway accIdent in 1872 , limit his rummnshng abiiitinms vere In no way immipaired when lie received tiso rmommmlmnatiemm for the leg- iihature , n HID lie ramm for county treas. urer , but was beaten by Iris relmubiican elm. pomment , Iii 1892 lie was inane successful amid has served ins the treasurer's ofhlce two. tennis , his second term drawing to a chose just iii urns to Permit hun to take Ini seat no a hawummake , hAS STRONG CONVICTIONS. Isaac Newton Gear , repreaermtative-elect ( rout time iriftysixtim district , was hiorn in 'fiistoum coumitIimdiamna , April 29 , 1851 , arnri tm'rms time fourth iii a Immmnmily of ( ounteemm dm11. tiren , lie was brought UI ) 0 $ mm fanimmer aimti given aim excellent cammtmmmcmm ircimoal etlucationm , lie followed tbme imrofession of a ( arnie ; mmlii 1873 , when Ire was attracted imy tIme lihienal induceunmenta offereti by Nebraska as a farm- tog regltsum , anti t'ausma ivest , locatirng Iii time \S'ood River valley , mncar the iwesent site of the city of CaIhaway , 1mm Custer county , lie was onigimrally a tlemmiocrdt , but beconming au active ummemnbers of time farumerrm' alhiamice , lie was drawn into this people's independent party. lie is a maui of strong convictions - 1 anti great detenuninalion , antI imlgimly m spe'ctetl imy mmli his nelgimbor. . Sblt'Efl tNDIlt PRESIDENT IIAI1I1ISOIl. Peter Griffith has for time second time been elected by time leputihicaums of i'tti&Imms cotmmmty to represenb thmcmim 1mm time lower chmamnber this winter at 1.tncohus , Mr. ( Iniffiths is a natIve of New York , having fleet seen daylIght in Wyonmmlng county , ems Scptemler 18 , 1838. Until hit' was 19 years of ago Mr. Griffith was engaged in time OCCul'm'ttiofl of fanning , hi ls,5 liii mmioved to Imiercer comuuity , lii. , where he reusmalumeti ltntlh 1S74 , te.mclihmg selmerol nmtti fnmnumning , lie tiieui selected Netmraska as ida next field of opcratlonm , nntl located in Atlanta county , takhmmg tip eigtlmy acres of Instil , which lie lirms increased to 160 , Mr. ( lnlflltim has a grad war recon(1 , hiavimmg emibiattti in 1S62 In time Oiso I huinlerti na.l Second ithiumois , anti acted on ( lemierni hlmmm'risomt's staff , being se Iceteti by time ox.presideimt to serve , in the capacity of clerk a good b.trt of time tiumme , WAS A SUBJECT O1' TIlE QUEEN. Iavitl outline , reirea'umtntive-ehect ( rein Nuckols county , is a Casimidian by bIrths , amid 0110 of the few statesmmmCn of thirst nation lit active bOliticai life iii Nebraska. lie vna born minor Ayr , Ontario , fifty-sIx years ago , nmiml resided in Canada a slnimject of tue queens tuntil iS7S , winess hue caine to Nebraska. UPOn arriving iii Nebraska lie tiigrmgetl In time miii. tmmg iiuslnexs , and hints becmm very successful. lIe is looked upon as omit. of time leading cit" izens of the thirtviusg young town of Su. Iterior , ammd hiss itcemi a mmmemmmber of time city conmmscii several tunes eismce time towum was made a city. lie has twIce been ehecteti mmmayor of Superior , antI is how serving imt eccommnl term in timat iosltlomm , STANDS hIGh IN IllS l'ROFESSiON. Rioter II. liairgrove , omme of Clay commumty's mmmeinberrt-elcct to tim house , was born out Aligtnst 7. ISG1 , at Jmmclcctiumvilhe , lit. Ito at- tcmimierl Jacksommi'thhe college a msmmimmber of termmms anti tIme \'nveriy high school for ccv- oral years. Later im studied law wills Lay. muon , Morriron & W'hnithnck , at Jacksomivilie , mmliii tiueum entered tire law departniemmt of irake lummiversity at lIes Mohmmes , from ivisicim ho gmatiurmtEd with tIme degree of baclmehor of Ian' . lie ilrst opeumeti a law office at \'averiy , ill. , amid afterward remmmoved to Clay eount' iii 1SSS. lie hiss inelti tIme office of city nttoruiey at Smitten several tenmims. lie stands high tim isis i'rofosiomm ' ninth tnijoye a lucrative lwactice. hAS Il/si ) EXPIi11IIINCE. \V. B. usher ivlii represent \Vsmslmingtorm coimnity Ins time comimimng legislature for time ccc. 0usd tinse. lie is mt Pronisi.ntemst bmmsinmess mmmams ot Blair , nuiti inns beeum a resident of that city , unimmce 1STI. lie was harmm \Vtmlworthi cotimity , Ohio , April 27 , 1SIG , and at time age of 21. ) year.i begaum iris career as a druggist. lie mnmovcd to iliair iii lSTl , amid Inns always bcenm onto of tIme loathing businmess mmmcmi of that city. lie hums served as a city councIl. immami four tennis , amid as mmmayor of Blair three tcrnmms. lie is aho president of tlmrm haIler l'roprletory conupammy , amid for many years a mmseunber of time State hoard of Pimarmmmac3' . Two years ago lie was sent to time legislature by time largest majority even gIven to is legislative cammdidate \Vaslnimmg. . ton cotmmmty. lie was rc-ehmcted last Novern- her by a hmaumdsommid uniajority. lIe is amid always has beerm a stalwart republican. lIE'S A F'AI1MEIL , TOO. Henry iiarksomm , one of Lancaster county's five mepmesemmtattvcs , is a farmer amid a repub- hican. lie owns a mine farm near Davey , and althmoughm lie iran miever taken nut active part mm state politics , hmo Inns long been cotnnteml omio of time reliable men in his party tnt Lan. caster county. FROM OLD SAUNDERS.i i Janice Iiaviik , rcpresemitative-elect. from Saunders county , is an indepenmmient , and omme of the biromniumcumt mnmeuiibers of tinnit party in Samnnders. 'fists is hits first term as a iegia. later , AN EX-ARMY SURGEON. Dr. It. D. harris , nieniber-olect. from the Fifty-fourths represenitalive district , has hind an eventful career on time plains. lie was born in Zanesvilhe , 0. , in July , 1818 , amid is by profession a physician amid surgeoni , hiaving been in active practice for twenty. eight years. lie visited Nebraska 1mm 1866 , before time days of tine Union Pacific , and drove an ox teamn overland across time itlatna to California. lie was a resident of tIne Golden state until IS7G , wlnen Inc eumtered tire service of tim United States , serving as an arumty surgeon for timree years with General Miles on Iris frontier campaigns. After bay- log time amnmy lie located at Ogalalla , anti line imracticed medicine and surgery there over since. He is m stmsuuichm republican , and enters upon mis logisiative work with mm great deal of entlsusiasni. lie line made a speciah study of the irrigation question , and hopes to assist in passimmg needed irrigation iegislation for time benefit of the state. DEALS IN LUMBER. ' W. Ii. harrison , reprosentative-ebect. fron , liahi county , was born in Morris , Ill. , Ma ! 19 , 1860. Three years later his parents set. tIed in Falls City , Neb. , but 1mm 1872 they relocated 1mm Pawnee county. Altimough raised on a farm , Mr. Harrison evinced a taste for a business life early in years , and after securing a comnion school education , attended a business college aL St. Joseph , Mo. He conmmmienced time luumsber business as an emnmploye of Liuinm & Co. , at Table Rock in 1879 and from timat time has remained itt the business. In 1884 lme accepted time position as western amnditor anni manager for S. It. howell of Cinicago , and as such mad solo clmarge of thirty lumber yards. 1mm 1891 lie conmmnsenced business for hImself , purchasing extensive yards at Granti island , Elba , North Loup and OrmI. lie is still time owner of these yards. He inns served two years as a member of time Grand Irland city couummcii and was two years ago time republican candIdate for thmo legislature , but was defeated by time fusioum candimlate. EIUCATED IN OMAHA. August. C , hinrte of Dommgiant county was born in L.ouisviile in 1860 ammmi canto to Onmahma with Iris parents in 1864. lIe was educated irs time Oummahna nclsooimm. lie is a carporster by , tmatle , For a mmmuummber of yearn lie has heelS contracting nmnd iiIiervisimig bmmiidlngaand ham ] charge of tine work on time public library , tehellim000 and other prontluienit buildings. lie owns property tnt Omaha amid South Oniahia. lie is a nwmnber of the Builders mmd Tnatlecs exchange amid is esjmeciahiy strong with tire lnmborinmg classes. FAVOIIS RAILROAD I1IIFORM. 'iv , P. higgins , who will for time necorsnl tune represent. Custer couunty in lImo lower house , in one of tIne ytnimigest nuemimimers , hay. ing beeii born iii harrison commuity , Missouri , thirty years ago. lie Inas resided in Custer comimity n.iumco 1885 , antI hurts bonmg been hooked uiion aim one of thro simccenssui ( fmnrnimernm ( rein flint regionn. lie is it Populist nmmd is a mmtrorig , urnllimmeumlusg advocate of i'nmdieah ri'ommna hum railroad operatloii flirt ] rrguiat'ori 'ii Nebraska , A GALLANT VliltMONThiit. fl Ii. hlimntis of Ouch , ivimo lnme , just. hieemi ohreteml by time rebrmniiicaums of Limo 'l'imirty. mmeconmil district to hook after their interest 1mm time house , was hiorum ins Venmmmomit imm 1812 , Iii August , 1862 , lie toumnleu'ttti bile nervicea iii tleformuto of time unioum , emuhistimig iii commanmy iii , First. Ion's cavalry , lie Imaml quite mm iively tune of it during tine ms'nur , tnbcimmg part 1mm mnnimmy battles , After serving tinree yearn amid a hmaif ha received Iris discinarge irs Austin , Tex , , Fehiruary Ill , ISdO , bitt is an cmmthnusi , astic mmseuumiicr of tIne Grant ) Arnmsy of tin's Ito- liublic timid an immnlefattgaiilo ' ivorker let the cause of repuithicantani. lie line held time oillco of director of the first echuoni boarml of Odell , ever since it wra established anti line represented lila district at Limncohuu once hmefore. II WAS /t VAN WYCIC 1tIIPUIILICAN. George llarst. biOptulist. rnenmber of time lower mouse from l'ohk couumty , uttractetl runuohs at. tenmtIoiu as omme of time lemmdermm of' Isle itarty 1mm time house two years ego , lie its a umutivu of lirowms county , Wisconmimi , born there May 13 , 1854. lIe cornea ( remus ( lenmuman stock antI is a oman of imiucim strengths of mind anti force of character. 'rogetiner with bile father's faintly Mr. hurst reuumoveti to time Platte valley ins thmla state Iii 1871 , lie received hilts emhumcatiomu iii Nebraska's bmmibiic scinooha antI ins a wo.l taught. mmmii. lie taught scimool In lila owur tCiWlmSiiiI ) ninny years amid at 0mw finite thought of mmiainiumg iris hiomuio iii Oregon. After remninsluuiuig 1mm that state a couishe of years lie returned so "ehmraska , ammil has shumce mnmarlti l'ohlc county iris imommmo. lie has always taken a decp immterest mu irnhithcs. lie was ( ormrierly a reltuhihlcnmrm , amid orm of time lcinmd that stool by Seuuator Vans Wyck 1mm thu days when the latter was opposeti by the commibiumed strength of tIme corporations of tine btate , I he lists linen a Pohiuilst sinte time or. ganizatlon of timat party in Nebraska , , AN EDiTOR MAN. ' Edgar Howard , time democratic representative tivo ( noun Sarpy couumty , is omne of time Lirlgist young rnewpaper mmcii of time state. lie fornnteniy worked as a pnlmiter iii Onmsahna , but went afterward to Paliillion , where lie as. sunned conmtrol of time 'Fimimes , lie is a hard worker anti has unadmi Imis itaper one Dt thu beet weekly pubiicmitiomma his time state. lie is prominent In deusmocratte state politics e.r.