- " - . . . " " , , . ' " . - - . , , " " . . " r , . . rr.r"lf < , . _ I 4. . - - - . . TIrE OAIA DAilY BEE : MONDAY , DEOE nJEn 2.1 , 180.1. . - - - . fm OMAIL\ SUNDAY BEt . . : - - - - r - - - - - ' " . _ nOSI'W.\TII. 1.ltor. ' ! . . " ' i.i mu : 'IVI : 'Y'Mo UNO. r y flIIy Ie TmMs ( 01 unt1ay . One ' Year . . . . . I 8 ( OAly J.0 Wihout . One CRI . . . . . . . . . . 10 CO und . . ) lice HUfld2y . L IalIy year. . nnly l'ro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & I ro \ . ' Three Montha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 00 , . HC Oti Yenr . . . . * Rundoy ? On' . . . . . 20 lee. . . Yetr . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5 RAtunl"y lk. . OM Ylr. . . . . . . . . . . . ? ' \Veekly I. le. . One Yrr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . w O JICIS. Omnha The Doe nulhlln . . L 8uth Omaha Coner N Twenly.fourth Stu. Cotincu 1tItiff , 12 1'nrt Itrt. Counrl Ilula 1 Ipnrl Ht.i. tmlcngo OtIIct. 3I Chnrnler fit t'omm"rce. New York. nOmA 31 ) Chnmler . 1 n1 n. Tribune D g. . \Va hln.lon. 101 I. I ' su eet . N. W. . . \ , COlmSPONDNCr. : MI ommitncitInn ? re1tIng tn n'v an.l . all. , newi cl- . toral Al matter hould he rl1ln , . : To tim t1Itor. I k , ater < < . ' . . Jl'fINISS } : l.lTTlmS. Alt tiuln IHter nn rlnllnnrla aholll he pddt . ' Led ' ' < PUbIIIiIn tOhl1lflflY. "II' ( ' to "ho Ire Publshlnl c0l1'ny. Ofl1ftl1Z. Jrtt ! . cheeR hnt 1)OVtOflIU . ' olMr Ii ) - l made "n'n"lo tl the "r.h'r . ot the vflt1pRtIY. } TII mm . I'CI.ISUIG COMPANY. . , . : = . - - - - - - - - - - S1'\TItNT Of cncur.ATION. ! " Ocorgc I ) . ' fzsclIt3elc . oC 1to Pub. or o I. 'r79chudc. rtnry The Ic Iub. . IRhln c/II.nnv ) , being Iuly RWnrn. RI8 tnt , I . Iho nelunl number DC full nnll COUllrt ( cOl"es . , . DC the lally Mornln . I\'enlng : nn,1 IU"lnr Uee . prlntNIuring the month of Novemher. 1 I , was I " SM 1o1los : I tolo\8 'i J. . . . . . . . . 2CO Sr. . . . . . . . . . 21 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . 2 2IT 17. . . . . 21 t 2. . . . . . . 21.:1 . . . r2 3 . . . . ; . : IS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a. . . . . . . 2.1. , ; 4. . . . . . . . . 2lt,2. 1. . . . . . . . . . 2J.451 G. . . . . . . . . 21.r.2 . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ' C . . . . 21,173 1 2'1Ia ' r. . . . . .21,13 . . . . . . . : ' \ ' . . . . . . . . . 31.2r , . . . . . . . . . . . f , . 8. 9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2q.9q 21.G3 ; 23. 21. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,21 , ' . 10. . . . . . . . . . 21,1'IS ' 2. . . . . . . . . . 21. 9 I. . . . . . . . . 22.4S' ( 21 , . . . . . . . . . . 1. . . . . . . . . 20 . j7 2. . . . . . . . . . 2'1.06 ' 13. . . . . . . . 21MI 2S . . . . . . . . . . 19.8 . I. . . . . . . . . 20,162 29. . . . . . . . . . 2.02 15. . . . . . . . 2.G.O 30. ' . . . . . , . . . OD,0S2 ' I Toln , ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .r9.C:1 ; . Lcss il''iUctjofl for unMohl and returnt : ColIIc , ,1"1uclons . . . . . . . . . . \1"011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . < 1,2,2 rothl o1d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 'otal . . . . . . . . . . . .i' MI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Daily average net clc\'nUon. ' . . . . . . . . 21,61 . lOIO : n 11. 'ZSCIUCI. . ; Sworn 10 b 1 tore me nnd Rubscrlbcli In my pre" cnco Ihls 3i1 day ur J'cetnb"r. 1591. ( Scn1) ) < < N. P. 1'11" , Notary I'ubtlc. - Tile cOlh'lctorR fortavItig hl\'e I , Im'll . tle of It II h:1'10Ihdl : the 110m.tl or luule WOI'I.s with the city coiiiicll. 'he % I'eth'll coulII IIS cOlclllet to ! tU11 oroI 'fercl'nl Imotr qucstols to' ' . the ' COIIIICII rallier thllill wrestle lew coulcl mtlel thul wlestc YitiL . . - wi tll. Now IllS see whul the HOII'tl of : - PtiblIcoi'ks will tlo wih thL' Hhlltul arelw Imrll colttt'iltt , which hilts tnl.cl . . \I ) 10 lueh of the tte of the courts : anti 11 : cotilicil. 'J'he outgoing BOII : or 1iticiit ( Ion wi . donutc8s Ilroll hy the exuIle set hr - the OlltgOIIlg counci mil leave : the . dcfcls which It hIltS created : to the tenlm' care or the Incoling hoard. ' Another IUI ) explosion has heen re- . portetl from Clur : Center In thIs state , : ' whih cmsCI : the hnlnln up or n dwell. . , : lug Uld Collie very ! neuI' etlitslng Hm'lous loss of ilfe. We IH'mHle the oil wus : luspeclet. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nebraska Is hound to iiiiice : some : . : noIse at " 'u8hln ton whelhel' congress Is In sessIon or out or session. Coim- gressiiiitiite1klejoill1's advent IS nn athlete Is the sensation or the hour It the lllltiOIitli Clipitni. nutonul CUpll1 ' : Pullman stock Is q\otet at li4 In the t . . New York Stock exchange , Central Pa- I , . - . - elite . at l Hllon Pacific nt 12 ant ; Northern 1Iclfc al : celts on the tol- 1m' , which ' goes to show who hits been . sucking , those ruclfe railroad oranges ' ' < 1'Y. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . I IR au Irrevocable bmw of nature that nobody can till two spaces at the same , v time. I Is al80 un nxlol that no lUSh - ' , can serve two musters nt the Slime , , 1 . tiimie. This Is Why CommissIoner Ut , . Is In no cOIlton t wOl'k Ul ) the state fair for Omahn. , Nearly all the leading cities of thc . - . . country me hCAlnllng to he torn UII : ' . over municipal ) clndllates that Iu'e to be entm'ed fet the spring elections. Olllm Is one of the few cItes that does ' hot lulo to go through tile l ony. One : . election evel'y fall ought to ue enough. ' . 'l'ho Ih't tiling In order after the leg. S i. Islutm't has orgulizell wl he to 11m'Ise ; WI 'H 1111(1 mOlnR for replenishing tile . . Rtnt treIRI' ' . I In 'boly has a plnn ' - that wIH'orlde our state treasury with more elastic cl'relc ) ' he will find 10 touble ill 11slJOslng or It to the com -4 mltees on Inance nntl rti'h11lC. ' I great legIli talent coulls for aiy- thllg In I court of Justice the Income : ' tnx Is ( loolileti. SYitli ex.Senator George tloomel Wlh , , George , F. Ellilhiildii . , Joseph Choate , Frederic -i . , n. Coudm.t III 1uretnIl1hViison el- , : i. _ listed ( nglilst thin t'onsllutonnly of . ; ' the nWnHro the ntO'ler gene'nl' :11 ' : his Isslsllnts ha\'u to hUII ) themselves I the ' expect to win the CIS . Thin Incolllg go\'m'101 111 the outgoing . ' ' going O'U'101' hlro helt a couCm'elce lIt r.llcoln which Ig said to hlre het'l 1utunl ' l t'celble , htmL cveryirndy at Llncoll 11111)1'1 ) oil tiptoe to 1111 ( out what It WIH . nil D1PIlt. 0110 ulon ) a time tiit'VtiVthM . n cOICt'nmco hlwNI ) ) , the O\'l.tUI' of NOI'lh ) Clllhm Intl thai . O\'U'I0' or South Cllolln , and I rmtii. : tel hlH It thnt tiny ' wIIWtll'I.ln'lu'l : ' to the bar wlum they gut. tilrotlglt. _ _ _ _ 'l'lto elevator 1118iR'etlOilOrthilihlIlCe ill. 1ho lovltl' IIHIHl'tOI l'tlhtnuco II. tlOillCel < ( ( hy Coulelhlnl Whe'lcl' Is n : Htll In the right dfteetlon. J\tm'R : placed II 11111hl H for IHhlc ) Ill : 7 iIiS'fltO ) COI\'ellclco Hhoull 1)3' Ullelll i , : ! o Huhjlet to ierIotlle \ hlSllCCtOI to Iii- smite tiztfety , hoth tn the 1I111c its wcl 2 UH the 111 ( iillj)1y1i ( ( nt COIt(11lC1015. ( . ThitmViieeler ! O'IIIIICL' , iiovt ' vt'r , does ' not go fm' enough . I provides for the ! hllll'CUII ) oC sit Ihwatorl hl\hlJ 0'11 , :10101111 : ) ( ) \ carrying CIIU\c1 . . llhouhl IILUtlo 11 elemtol'H , IO batter whnt their capacity Uhily be. 'i'IlO YluIU.1 , ( MHtCI ? , Ilchlllg the Jllw Rhl'u IltlLlgnl , Central l'onlls ' hlre l'llllel ( It. thCI't'IBO of earnings ' fl' thin 1I''SNlt year , ittit I Ito t did lot 'k. ' ll'oyelt the directors of the "llth'I'hlt - 1011(1S froiii declaiiiig a seilll-flItil1h1ti diV. r- , . . lontt (1'01 tleclnl'llg I Hell'llnunldh'- . hleli of a It'L' rent Oil r.llw Shore mul ' 2 llel' ( ' ( Jt on ULllgll Cltll stock , ' , _ whlll douhtl'HS ) ( 'ontllns nt I'lst f'OI , 1' . 2 : to no IWI' CCIII.Vfltt1. . . ' . Wih net lnl'l. hIgH 01 tll. 1I'OII'I.tl'g fl'01 .1 , to U I i1(1' ( , 0 celt 1 ) 'OlIt ' IfCI' ? niyliig 11111'lst al , hOlls ( IIUII to nearly the Ictull cost " of the 1'0111 ultl Imrllg operating \ ex- ' 1)t'lLS&'s , tflX(8 Intl hl'tL'rIUutH , It woult - tC1 thlt the . Ylllel'ult 1'011s 1'0 do lug Iuettvcli , ( 'ouHhlel'llg the Ilml tiitmes. 'l'hl'I'O certainly are 10 other Il vostiuuuti that htyt been ' ' . 2' blo \'ostuoul luv lecu IOl'O 11'Olti. q * , . - . l _ . - - - _ , lmssrmr : TU TtSr lTA ttTIS , I For , the past four mouths tile Iowa flhliVOflhhii niul their SU1ISIiiZCd ( organs In lnlh'onlhl n11 slh1ll11 O' llS II 'I' the ( 111101'llll trade centers hn\'e hcel I. . , . hallelllJ awn ) ' at the IOwa Hnlh'atl COIIISIOI to hllule It to revise tile fregiit Rchutlics situ raise freIght rates. Iii l'cSll0lRO to this chillier for higher rte the COlllsslol has Issletl ( 0. 10' lice " 10 whol It In ' cOlce\ " hint It II'o1Jo e3 to hell a Sllslol tit Des loll ! 'lh\t1a ' , Decelber , 2i , to hear , discuss nlldelol'llle the just- ' ' ' , ' of such nctioii. II IISR Ol' II'oIH'Ity ) slch netol. I goeR . wihout s ( 'IIA that tht , ( lOlliflilIl for the 11sII of freight rates originates with lie mll'lHI Illnje'S nll lot sitii thin ' and ' ' ' . wih fhlppel's IIHI II'OtUCL'I'i. 'Ihl keYhole of the ollllcni was RU1Ilet 01 behalf of the ( railroads . last 'i'Ittirsdny II nit Illh'ess tleU\I.tl ( ( lie- Com thin lellcts or tie COIIQ'clnl lxchllge : or Dcs lolles Ir Mr. W. ( . BI'OWI , general IltgL'l of tilei ls. HOlt'1 1 lutes . or tilt ) ChJngo , BIlllgtol & . Ftihioitt1 , ' Brovim's ef- Qtihimy rlh'o\I : : Inlnge' BlWI's - fort \\'ns lh'eclel ( to cotwllcO the ( 101 chllts all ( ItllllctUle's of the 10wl cllllni hInt thick interest was hOlll sitii the ' ' ' or the mithiroads , Iii ) wih 11'osJell 1111'II\ls 111 ( tilt' i)105i'iiY ) ) ( 01 thc I 1'llh'omls do- ) oldel UIIOI their ability to enl'n 11h'l- ( lelll ! I vas tile same old ( mute which hiss heel hiitried ) 01 hr rllwn ' 01JIIH altl ( . IHlngL'rs : for 'cnl ! ? l1 1' . Blwl StitPeli ( OUt Vitlt the tlUtltftll stntt'nteimt " 11.tetl ell wih the'lthfll slntllclt thnt II Iowa , ns II ni other ogl'lctllal ( he weU heln of the farmer Is slnlls , tle ( being . . CI'lel' I c : ontnl to the In'osllt.I ) or the iner- chant SlId Inlufnctm'm' . lie . also re- posted II ( t11lsl hut ni hl\IO.tnnlle. . \ ) ftlHle IH'ecelelt ) ( to II'OS\I'l.lr \ Is ica- SOilflhle ) titles for tlnlHIIOllnton from lie ( itoltit of production to the IIOllt or comtstiiiiptioit . whethel' local Ol' foreign. On thIs Ilolnl here ( never hits heen nlr disititte. lInt whel the illIthillgtofl InlnAer at- 1'lllt ) > to Illnce rlwnr COIS'UCtOI OR n cOllllement ) of local mlltfnclu'c 1)0- ) Cllse railroads hulll IH'hlges nUI COl' Rt'UCt 0' rllJal' locolot\'es :11 cars he Is sldetlcldlg the mnln issue. ThIeve Is 10 10'0 relalol hetweel mll\l : ( lt'idges 1\1 round houses to I ho 1111. fuel tire or IIIJlelHlts 01 flll wngols thnl tlele Is' to the IH'Oltctol ( of 101' 01 llseell oil In 11s 01 the Hlathlll hug of beef 111 ( hogs ill lackimlg houses. 1.'t'OI , , "el'alleH Ic 1 1)ltcilla : : II ( les ? li. Blowl was cqlnl " illogical II his COlli- 1) ) : 111 S. 1ls citation of figures to show how 111 ' mies or railway were built In Iowa lCtWeei1 188 : nltl lSO ( , the nlollt of money eXllllletl ( for their cOIHtrlctol :11 the lUulwr or men ellllorcl ) In mlway extllslol dmhlA those years : , has no more bearing upon the justness or reaROlahlllCRS of oxlst- lug freight rates thins It would hare the fairness or house upon fll'less cxlRthig hOIRe ents In the ( ' ' of whoat. ren ! ' 11 prevailing price 'i'iiere IR no doubt that the cm. of railway - way extension from 18 ; to 1891 was an era of II'osperl ) : . I was the boom pe- nod . all over the United Slates , Just lS was the Infaton era following the war before the lluic of 1Si : The comistruc- ton of ' the Northern Pacific made a boom 'In those days In Minnesota and Dakota , for whIch the collapse or Jay Cool > brought ou the pelalE'O' \ ' honest railway mallger no\ admits , thut the 1)Sont business depression 111 the Insoh"enc of malY railroads Is largely due to the over building or railroads nntl theIr excessive . clllalza- thou. The greater part of railway extension - tension west of tIe rsslsslppl In the six years : preceding 181 was In the Interest - le'cst of construction rIngs and stocl jou ers. The rOlds were stocked ald bonded for double or C\'OI h'ehlc their actual value anl absorbed hy three or foul systems that operate most of the 1'angC' hues through lown. 1'0 hold out the promise that Iowa wi see another such railroad building em If Silo Will consent to have her pros- emit freight rates raised Is I delusion 1J1 1 smutre. 10wI has 8,175 mnos of railway , whie Ohio has 8G2 mies , New York 8mS , Michigan 7,598 , nll Indiana Ot97 ! illihes. ) lallfesty the llllul systelil of Iowa Is fully devei- OIot , barring a I few 11nks between 1m. Ilrtnnt IOhltts ithiti some branch hues that imiity be required ns feeders for ex- IsUng lines. \Vhieii laiIltger It'o\\'n Ilolltd ) ( to the fact that ( 11 rall'old ex- tenslol wits atemptcll In rowa tiiio rear uccause of existing local freight ltea he scel'l to hlll e 01 the 1g. 10t'alce or cl'edullr of the ( hlslness len or Ihal Hlutu. Ald yet Ills inbihead. hug SOllhishT hns heen ilIgllIy coin- IJllml by low : railroad . orgmms ns u IH'ofolll arglmeut wO.th ' of favorable cOlsllem t 101. 'lhel Is noIlh \ ) 101 point In all that ( haH hccn yet Maid 0' Ilhlltl : 11 ( avot' of thc ralsllg of lowl freight rates , either as I mimeasuire of justice 1111 ( faIr- ness to ItO ( ll\n ; 's 0' UR a 1)'omolor of the hUHhIL'HS ) Ilrlsllrly ) of the Hawl ' Hlate. It is comicede'ml that ( the ' eye I II ( OICl'llld I'e- tlnctol oC lie ( Iowa rates ( lye yeaiu ago WIS 11110 11 tie iitt'reStS of the ll'O- ) dulers amid ulit'rCiimtiIts of lo\a , filth In mll.llg time tltlWtOI ( tile llwar om- I ml slnl clnle(1 ( out lie t donla mid of ( lie ImhUe. ) " 'hcl the IW ! s\.tl\le waH limit Into effect time lll'O:111 : blustered amid tht'eatlll Puller to Ignor the law I' decl't'UHe their train service. 'l'ho 1'- tlnctul wllllto effect , hut the ( l'I'lblo thlugs that were r1rllctcd did not mIl- teriutlize. 01 ito ( cUlt1rr , ( mule Il- ereitsed < 1 IIulllo anti the tnrlllgs In- cl'paHl'tl ( Ilso , although the I . l'Oltll ( WO'O I ( 'OI\1oUl'tl \ to hn\l a larger Ilunlllr for ! the ( ! nll 11'hL' . ! Iho 11\110 of lSf : WIH : followed h ) ' retlltol of touts , lie ( low- I eiiiig of 111't.g fet : mill commluuoditi's ( and : Ito ( ' of ' ' the ' . 10WO'II ( WIJt'S out rahiroa(1s. ' 'l'ho local ml's l'lnlll the 1111 iilft. 'J'ho ' loatl ( woult IOW ho doll n II'olllhlo' hUlltsS itt CXI8tlg rates Illl thelo 10t Ilen I HhO'ta e of ( ' 11)1)5 this 'enr. 'i'lint hits hit tile fl'IL'I' Ultl the 10'chalt its wel its time rahiromuis. 'l'iioy ni 1)1' tlh' shave of tw ( loso. lImit tint 1111111 1llllgt'rH Ilslll thnt. ( the loss 1111 Iw hOiilCVllily ) by the (1Jlet. , 1t'llhlll multi iIltullItfutettuler . SUllllnso hue t vu ton 1'0 11tl 10W , where wl ito Iowa ( ml ruler , the t 111'lllt or wagevorker ho heneltet ) 7 Every Iiolnl' ( of nthllolal ( freight mitten wi go out of tl' Ntale ( to thtt Bostomm Now York timid thQ YI'I Inll foreign ItockhohIL'rs , 1111 ( Whl'l Ilothel' bIg crop Is rllell next fiI Ito ( l'OIUI1 wi resist a rt'HUlpton or the II'csent rl'l with all their mIght and lulu and drmmv I - . _ _ . _ , < " - - - " a. . , _ millions or tribute out or Iowa nt time l'xlwnsl or her II'ollucers mil II1ustlIII eslalihisimunents. I I tile Iowa railway coimnisslotters liMe thai Interests or the p001)11' or their state nt heart thor will athilore to present - emit rates uiI let time rniiroidn'seek : re. dress II the court Ir tile _ % ' can establish time ull'elHOHthronosR ) of the Rchl'tulcH. IFIr1 01. ' AS 1.1 rSIN7' IWXI:1U. : 'rhe nllOUICl'lelt or tile lcnlh of 'L' . M. I lm'flllt caused ) roCo\11 sorrow . untl regret among that ( steadily : ( lecreas- imlg hnml or Illolem's who ( laid the foumi- datols ( of thIs cOllnlwealh amid COl' rQ'lel It from 1 wlhlcrlcs to one of the ( lost II'olfe Intl ) olllou ! ! llles II thQ . 11111011. I1 ' he truthfully as- sC.tetl for the early settlers or No- ulHlm that ther coultetl I10ng their lilt ullltr ) ! us 111 ) : 1Jllnr I , eltcl11lHII t amId IHhlc'Hllh'let ! el lS 11 ' Hcellol of thIs cOllh' ' cOlhl ( hOlst , OJ its cal ue C0\11 tOlnr n\01 the yntuumger selei' ton \'ltslmls ) who have gained 11'0111OICe ) Iltl ( Ielown lit the \lllolS walks or life. T.I. . lnl'lltltl ( wt : 11- leltctullr the ( IICN' ) of Ilr or Ne- liritsktt's 10st gired liuiteers. lie WIts an eccentric cllus , IloHsolHetl of the com'age or his cOlwlcl018 1111 always outsolwl nUI fmlk In his views 01 Illhlc Issues. 11 territorial dutys he WIS ni nciutowiedgctl leule' : or lie hosts of free soil Iltl ( nIU.slnn'I'J' , lie Cough the elJlr . . hates or the tllol I'ellhlcnn IJI.t II cOlrentol mutt ! lug- 181ntu10 , nltl ( would , 10 doubt , hnre heel hOlorel1 wlh the hlglcnt II0sll01 ) wlhll the gift. of the IU\.ty ill this state hit for the fiet ( lint he WIS : the ( gelell solicitor or the Bmllgtol 1011 : sin ! 11' tOIRel ' tle\'oto(1 to the Ill'Hllt of Ills ll'ofesslon. ) ? mlr. ? llllell [ ( . hatl 10 11011. IClll ' 1lullol III ( iteverViti4 I . entail- dale ( for any 0110 I C' ( the very brief tell ( II couigmess lit 1866 , whIch he filled lerely for the sake or cXlletltl the 1111ssl01 of Nebraska into the tiumloit. lit llrlmt ) life 111. I\\lott \ ws I nUUl or lofty moral type t und generous Ilature. Ch\'SVI.Il' ( .MUXJCJI'ii L S7'ITISTICS. Whln Omnh IlrolJlr O\\'lerl feel O\'L'I'\lmleuet \ ) ( 1)V _ the welAht or l\ulcl. 111 ) taxaton , some consolation Ii to he del'I'et fl'OI 1IIIel\)1 \ . statistics oC oilier cities. In tile city of MilWaukee , whIch hns a boulded . debt of over $ , OOO- 000 , the police ant fire funds hsorhcd over $1,000,000 tllrlll tile last yeat , nnd the Intot'est and sinkIng fluId Il'ew out or tile treasury over $ 100,000 111Inl the \H' \ ) lent : 'enl. As against this cnormols drin lwl\kce lerh'et from licenses Int resources oilIer than direct taxation - ton $ 42,000 , Willie the Ilcome from the wntor tclHrtment was $151,000. The city of Itichinond , which his I 10lHlaton ) of about 8,000 , carries n coustlletet nearly all the public build- Ings , nld paid half of nil the IHulc improvements \ In the shape or purlng , sewerage , etc. . Cincinmiati's board of administration honded debt of $ i.OOo equal to 18 1101' cent on her assessed valuation of $14,000,000. That ought to h enough to frighten the real estate owners out of their wits. ' 1he city of 'Vlshlngton oxpc\let over $1Q for street sweolln Int slrnl.ln lust year , a'ut over $2Oo for street lighting. 'he bonded debt or the national capital exceeds $14,000,00 despite the fact that Uncle Sum has estimates the expenses of the various city departments for the first sIx months of tile present yenuat $ Di2- 879.59 , which indicates that the expense of , running tile city gorernmout of Clii- chuHU Is about $2,000,00 a year. People who are lOt familiar with time financlal . condition of New York CIty wi doubtless he IHI'IH'lset to learn that the animual Interest her nllual charge 01 Im' bonded debt exceeds $ , OOOO. The cost of policing New. York City Is $5- 1m,147 : I year , or only OO.OOO less than I COlts London with more than three tiunes thus popiulatloui and areu. tmes popllaton The area of street parIng , cleaning and watering .In London aggregates 75,000 acres , while the 11ca of New York for the same lU'se only covers 27,000 , acres TheBe arc olly 1 few Llolnters . to mU.lclll1 ) fnalclers II these varts. INVO.fl T.I LA I TO lIE T4STID. The equity branch of the supreme court of time DistrIct of Columbia haR been npplet to for un order to restrain the ommlsslonel' of lutelal lereUle il'OI Issesslng timId colectng 1 tax IpOI ( lie Incole of .10hn B. roore of New YOI'k , of tile 11'1 or Moore & Schh' ' . I Is Rtutetl that this Is the Ihst of 1 nllher of attacks 01 the ( Incolu tax ( limit wi bo Ilulo hy No\ York bnslless ICI , who have been mulvisetl h ' of the ( most iuiueuit by Home mostJlncnt 1\1'18tl \Jlncnt Im' 'els of New York lint ( lie tax 11 IncolsttltonQI , Ill who have com- billed to ( test . time Ileslon of its couistl- tltoual . I It Imnoulcetl that ( . .Toscph II. ( ilmoate , Frederic H. Clllm.t , mimi several outer ulliltoilt distin- se\'t'l'll Ihnost l\lulr \ t1HII- Julhll legal I lights . have heen letliled to catty . the liitslon tn ( lie SIIH'Clt ( 'Otirt. Serrl 101lhs ago It WUt 10- termhltl Imoug Now Yotk hmlnllH ; mel to resist lie ( illYuIleiIt 01 the IICOle tax on time glllltl of Its iiiicoitstitui- tonaltJ' , n11 then It WUH lint ( elhwlt legal ollion ) ) WiH sought , wih the ye- stilt limit ( It WiS lCll'IunlllOls In . II'cllrll ! limit the tax rlolatL.g tile COli- stituttiomi. The conHtlllon does lot give the ( gO't'UIWltulliell Iwwm' of tuxa- (1011. I Is cXII't's"I ) ' uiuithmorlzt'tl hy tile COIHtllol to lay dules ( , Imosts mimi exches , Kuhjtc to the restriction ( limit titey Hhll ho nnlfolm tht'olgho\t the ITmlitt'd Slutls , IHI to Ilpose tlllllton 01' other direct ( mixes , sulbJm'et 10 the re- Hti'ietkhi . ! limit ( tl'y shall emily he lall In IU'UO.toU ) to tile Ct'ISIH of 1'lnltt'ltol of thu ( ) OIHllton ( of time Ro''I'11 HtUt'H. I : Is hehl that Income ( mixes Ilst hI classified lS L'Ulllllol or oIlier ( ! red tmu xes , 111 ( 'IU on I ) lie I ill li0si UIHI ) lie ( H\'eI1tl states In ' ' ' ! \ ttll'H II'Ollol'lon ) ) to theft 1llllllton. ) 1111 . t limit th ( ' Il't ot 1811 , hlrlng . 111'I.tulwn to \nlHSt ) the ( tux directly ullon lllh.IIIUIH , II unconsttu- 10nl1 111 void. I It fnrther \gel tlut IC the hl'Olt tlX IK lol a Ih.tct tux , hul wihin . time It'nnlng or the Comm. Ntluton I tut 01' l'xcle , time Ilt IH tiil- constlntonal for w\ll or that unioriii- . I ) ' which thl ( 'onsttuton nllwN 1 mi . 1111sIto % to tie legal Itllsllon of dim- . tIes , Imlogl mll excises. I II also c61' tellletl thl1 HW t lIISt of the net or lSI tnxln hiyi.itiplicittioui , the Incole or htlls of 111'ls nltl or Iloltcnl suilahi. \'IRlo\4 of'tit1es ' \ II clL'lrlr1'onst 11' tonul 'l'll tnx will also he ntnd.etl Ol the r8flfi9 limit ( It 11 not just 111 CIIIUIII 1 , Plltl'ltol ) , nnl I hlerefoieio. ' Inth'e or til ' 1Irllriplo ( 11)01 whl'h nlone the orm'f II'A"\ ' can conRtllollly h'\ . ' ' hlxt' ' ' ere are oilier 11IIts lint ( w1 lie url"tlt lgaiilSt the ( Inw , nlll UI' 10lhtell : , rXfl \ : .s- HI'UII CIRe cln he ) ' , . . , IH'CSCI\totl. r,1 1 I SeeiliS'to ' \ he Illc'lootl lint ( the ( mtiiiuroprluiti4il { ! 1 ; 'neClR1lrJ' to the coihec- lol of the. ! tlS wi he allowed by COl' giess , so qt \ , lie Inw wi he enColcet tllefs time 'coluits . interpose Intl uuhjuulge It to ho lumIolmstilt1ioulai. 'l'iie ' Il onsllutonnl. 'I'le HI'OI array or ellncll iegmii olliniol Iglllst the Inw1'1'llts conl11ence lint ( this wi ue the ( result. 'lho ' fl.throllu banquet of tie .Tuck- ROllolS . , which IH to take ) llce lu tills city 01 the IlnlrelsllY of the hattie \ or New OI'lellts. wi bt loolwt fOI\I1l to wih It good deal I lulcrct. When T. SteiiimigIortotm Int WIIII , Tennll s BI'IU cOle 10 111011. mIte .Tcfm'sonlul Ylrglnll rock , tlct1'ctl ( With ell KCI' tucky hOlhon 1:1 nUI .1ncl.sonlnl 'i'emm. 'lessee flhllt'Jilci ) ) ' btib- lessee Illpl'juc : , we mummy expect u hlh. hHI over fll the fOlltll1 heads of lelocl'ncy Ruch lS has nol been wi- nessetl in twse 11\lts fem ' lunr 'enl ; . I : Is I ushll program. 'fhe IJllclllM or the ( New York Ilhlc school have recch'el 1 severe shock by aim ordetjust Issuetl by SUIJI.lllmllelt .Jmtsper. whose hClrt must ; be us his nume hlllnies ( us hl1t 11 flint , fOI" hhlln 111118 II tie Ilblc schools from collecting ! money for the Il\Llose or lal.ll Chllsllas 01 New YeI"s : IU'Ifpnls to the tencimers. From It strictly cOllllL'ntll Ilolnt or vIew 'fhe Bee in- clles to the ( opinion that ( Mr. .TnsLcr Is eiiihuieimtiy correct. 'I'h. Aiiiericiii Pulley. Chicago Inter Ocenn. John Durns says : "FnIr treatment or the laboring mal and time education or his cliii- Ilren wi solve part oC the lahor Irouhles. " That Is just what the United Stales has been trying [ to do. "Protecton to Amer- ICUll labor " and school houses on every hilltop , and educaton within the reach oC the poorest and humblest home have been the watchwords and maxIms of the best thought or the nation. More has been no- complshed along that Ino than by any other nation upon the globe. D Dollar ( biN 1" ' l'ny" nos ton Advertiser. 11ealtlng oC gas properties . the auction sale of a few shares or the Lowel Gas LIght company at something over $261 n ! shnre. Iustrates how valuable a gas property - prp erty may be made for Inveslors. The Lowell Gas .1ht company II the banner company of the tae . and pays 16 per cent dividendI with regularity. 1 does It easiiy . too. on $1 gn's , hitS Is a fair Illustration or the difference between an Investment and a speculatve ! Has . property. I Is about as old as the cltyp ( Lowell Itself. and It has kept its plan ' up. to the standard so wel that no sum\esldns are made that a decrease - crease In dividends would honeSt the company - pany i , ' _ . _ _ _ uiT7 AesJrnlsiui lef 011. , r " -lsllnrtc ] Slar. The bill Introduced I" the house by Rep- resentattve Fleldner to prevent extortion In 11arlor and slecplhg car rates Is one thai ought to pass. 'ltl provIdes that passengers IHssenJers shal not be hared ' more than one-half a cent per mile for lower berths and one-third cent per mite ' fQr upper herths. I pro- vides also thlt not more than one-hair a cent a mlo-i , ( alt be charged for a seat In a parlor car , and that sleepIng car companies - panics sliall rovldc a' ' safe for the safe keeping 'of ' ii1Ssengers' valuables tree of cost. A penaly' of $10 Is Imposed 'for ever violaton of any or the bui's provisIons In view of the potent influence of free passes , which the Pullman people know so wel how to use. It will be interesting to watclL the tate of this measure. . Dismemberment of time Union Pacific. Philadelphia Press. The dIsmemberment of the Union Pacific by the secession and reorganization of the Oregon Short Line and Utah branches would be a very good thing for California should the 'Frlsco' branch now building to i'loehe . Nev. . front Sal Lake. be pushed through to California. That great state lags behind In railroad facilities. The Southern Pacific of .Iate years has been vIgorous chiefly In heading off competi- compel- ton , These complications with the govern- ment und doubts as to the Issue have checked what enterprise these magnates once possessel. , There are Immense areas In the state which have no rairoad fncl- Iles nt al , whie the coast Ino from San Francisco lo Los Angeles projected twenty year ago and extending through a quite populous region . has never been completed. The government mortgage on the Central ' PaclOc. whie It made n few men very rich at the beginning and gave the PaclOc coast an overland road a'few year sooner than I would have got It otherwise , has hall by its Inluence on the management of the road a bl/hlnl elect on the late development or California. . I . Jo1JIts ' SIC.UiONJNQ. Life : Cobble-Well. I suppose Il have to eat my Christmas turkey In a boarding house this 'ear. Stonc-That's toush. Syracuse Post : McSwatters-What arc YOU going lo hanl up for Christmas ? Mc- Switters-My watch probab Doslon Transcript : "Alas ! " exclaimed TrnSCrllt Fo/I. striking 'It ' empty pockelbook. "Would that man were \te pie crust ; then the shorter he Is the richer he would be. " Truth : Flora-I. cant decide on a Christ- inns gift for Arlhur. "Give him 'ourself. " "He made me promise not to give him an expensIve present. " Judge : Withcrby-Your wife tells me she has just finisher her Christmas shopping. I should thInk you would feel hlue. Plank- InJton-'rhat'f notllnl lo my wife. She feels black and blue < Washington Star : "Santa Claus must do a tremendous amount of trnveiing. " re- marked the congressman's smal hay. "Yes. " was the thoughtful replY ; "and the queer part of I II that he never puts In his account for miieage. " Chicago Tribune : "Great Scott ! " crIed Morph ) ' . meeting . his friend i { units "what In Ihunelel are you going around with your chidren In ( lint fashion for' ! " "Oil thal's all right " repled Kunits. con- Ildentiy . as he Ipoked calmly ut the hand- ClIffs which fltflcll him to his two hope- fuls. "I promlsell the children that l'd take them down to lee lhe Chrlstmu shopping. " Buffalo Corlpr : -Chrlstmas again and 11eollio are ; a\ready \ beginning to buy things for othimra that others don't want Whlte'rhat'f . because people don't go to work the rlghtwaS' . This Is how we do 1 at cur house : tibny a box of cigars for my wife und she burs a half dozen pairs of kid gloves . small "Ize"for me. Then we swap presents . and each Is perfecty satisfied . / . JLNGLLS. . Chicago Inter Ocran. Break , brealt. 4reuik. Is the aounlthat we hear from the sea , And the buying of ChrlslmuH presents Does the sane tor { the lund of the free The naughty 'nittighty little boy Now ne'er forgets 10 pray And halies to Sunduy school to get A gift on Chrlstha day . It.1. pun TW t.'IL.i ToI'm Atkinson Graphic : More laws houht bo repealed by this Incoming legislature thln enRCtCl. Nebraska Is being ! governed a ! " /eell / ! too much. " ewarll Reporter : One of the ( first timings to command the attention or the lelslnturo Is to provide some means of giving alI 10 the drouth'strlckon people In the western part of the state. I anything Is to bo done , let It bo dons hlldlately. North Benll Argus : A great stroke of economy wouhl bo the 10/llnl oft or tIme salnrlea attached to the ofce of secretariEs to time board of transportation . which or- : nccs are simply le/t for the purpose of drawing salaries , ns tIme work could easily be done by one mnn. : Fullerton News : ThiS rellhlenn mem- , hors of Iho ( legislature should declle at once aCr the organization , upon soma f'stem or relief for the trouth surerers or this stale. let together , gontiemimen . talk tt over. agree upon a plan nll pass the bill quickly ns , oossible Good , clean , quick work will be I nplreclalell , hy nil the voters In Nebraska . : Tecumseh Chieftain : I Is to he hoped I that the members of the coming lelsla- tura will turn a 11caf ear and a blind eye to the Insinuatng nll\uces of thie , profes- sional . It Ii sara lobbyist I a assumption lint tIle lobbyist Is working for the bene- nt of the few and against lie interests or the masses. lie Is therefore a dangerous character and oUAht to be suppressed. 1ct the legislature adopt measures to protect Ists. Itself against this species oC corruption- Creighton News : Jell I. . Webster , attorney - torney for the state In tile maximum freight rate bill , declares that the case shouhl be appealed I ( lie slate leglslaluro acts In harmony with tile interests or tha peo- pie , they wi malto an approlrlaton for time purpose of carrying this case to the higher courts to determine whether the corporations shall rule lie state or time state the corporations. No positive evidence has yet been produced to show why the corporations should Iguoro the laws of the state. Ponder Times : The TImes hopes the comIng - Ing legislature will appropriate money to appeal to the supreme court the maxImum freight rate law : pass a law comilelug property owners 10 keel ) down the Husslan thistle ; amend th3 Australian ballot law so that the minoriy Is cnlllel to representatives . sentalves on eleclon boards ; also that two judges of Olpuslte political views slnl ns- slit In making out ballots for voters who arc unable , owing 10 poor sight or ii- enact law providing that lie - Ileracy ; 1 sese sian laws be publshed In all newspapers at the stale's expense. Adams Counly Democrat : I Is said that Governor Holcomb In his Inaugural will recommend the repeal of the present law which permits the farming out oC the public funds lo the highest hldder. ' \e hope this Is not so. 'It might be amend so that time county treasurer will have the placing of the money , instead of the ( board of super- visors. Let lie treasurer require bond or those with whom he deposits and make hIm and his bondsmen responsible for every dollar. The county funds should bo earnIng . Ing something. Permit the use or sinking Cund In purchase of school district and town- ship honds Malt the treasurer's bond am- pIe and strong. Shelton Clipper : There Is n probability that the coming legislature wi restore the bounty on sugar but there Is a prevailing opinion that a bounty should be paid on the beets Instead 01 time sugar. The farmers who have raised beets , especially In this neigllborhiood have been unable to make lhe crop pay and tt would be no more than justice that they should have the bounty Instead or the manufacturers - uraclurers of the sugar. It woult. stimulate sugar beet raising to such on extent Ihat I would soon be demonstrate whetber or not It will pay Iho average farmer to devote n portion of his land and time to this crop which has become such an extensive industry . lustry among the agricultural classes In other counlrles. Fremont Herald : The coming session or the legislature should not bo permitted to end its work until a law bas been enacted that . shall provide means for giving the people - pie of Nebraska the benefit of the advanced Ideas In sanitary science. Among hundreds of suggestions urged upon the attention of our lawmakers , not a single line Is been devoted to the questIon of legislation for protecting the Iv s or our citizens. There' Is no excuse that can be offered by 0 single member of the legislature for opposing a bill that shah under suitable restrictions give the present Stale Board of Health power to enforce prompt compliance with such rules and regulations as It may deem necessary to prevent needless destruction of human life. Kearney Hub : I Is all right to talk of I short and cheap session of tbe legisla- ture. Wo always bear that kind of talk whether there Is any cal for It or not . and wo hear It already as 1 suggestion to the coming session. There Is plenty however , for I long session to do this wInter to con- slime the entire sixty days' tme If the members - bets go about theIr work Intending to do good whie they have the cbance. I the entire session were spent on an Irrigation law , the safest and wisest that can be secured - cured the cost or a sixty days' session would be a mere bagatelle compared to the benefits - fits to the state and there are quito a nuin- ber of Important maters besides irrigation . I the legislature wi give us good work the pcople wi not kick on the length oC tile session. FrelJ0nt Leader : The Leader notces that Tile Omaha Bee Is advocating the abolishment . ment of the Stale Board of Transportation- or rather two of the secretaries of that board. The aleCI State Board of Trans- porloton Is misnomer , for It Is owned body and soul , by time railroad corporations , and Is only an apology for the extortions and ex- cesses. 'Vo are In favor of wiping out such' ' a board entirely until a consttutonal amend- moment can be had allowing the election at such a board by the ( people. The Idea or members of a board drawIng salaries from the slate acting as political cappers for time railroads In the republican party by setting up pegs In favor of their real masters lo control conventions and other political gath- orings Is disgracerul. falrpads should pay theIr own cappers , and time people should discharge ( tie alleged Board of rransporta- tion. ton.Ocne'a Geneva Journal : The slate constitution provides . vides for time taking or a census during time comIng year but there is a proposition gaining support throughout time state to have time legislature overlook this provision ant omIt the laking of a census So Car as Ihe ( slate at large Is concerned . there Is no reason for the enumeration of Its population at thIs timo. There may be a few cites timat t desire a census for the Ilrposo of proving thl'y \ : ama entitled to enter a class different - ent from time one they now operate umidor but there are probably not more than two or three 'of ' these and u special provision could be made 'for ' them. On the olher iiand there are ninny weighty reasons why no census ahould be taken this year. A census would cost time state $50,000 and the state Is already thre quarters or a million In debt. Thousands of people have moved away from the western counties . and time total population at ( lie state would make a very unsatisfactory fooling I token at this time. This falling oU or population In the western part of lie state Is only u temporary - porary one . and an enumeration taken whlo tile exodus Is at Its heIght would be unfair to the state and 10 the localities most ar- feted by it. The legislature will do well to omit providing for the taking of u census at tills time. . A Ullcrerltct Sumorstitiomm. ; Luls\'le Courier-Journal. There 18 a tramhitlon . or a superstition . that thirty 'eurs' aerlce In the national house of representatives Is all Ihat can behind had by one man Most members of time present house discredited that superstition . Ice 'rhey can (10 be nol had. believe that Ihlrly year : ' ser'- Highest of al in Leavening Power.-Latest U. S. Gov't Report Kpyal Powder Baking 4BSOLVTELY PULE _ _ . _ _ H . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rnfr IJRiT11ICI sl'cIwzz. 71.1 11.1 TIC NI'IClil. Auburn Granger : They lon'l seem to be able to read Iosewaler out of the ( repub. lcan party . and their beat efforts nt laugh. Ing hIm out moui't ] seem to scour. Central City Nonpareil : Itosowater's flea- trice ( speech mnlles Interesting reatlng to 01 Nlhra kans. Hoe\nler lets his tln\8 , but ho hiss his good qUAltes as vehl. There never was but one perfect man , and he has been call these eighteen hUlled years. : Blair Piot : HOwaler's rcccnt speech at Beatrice on Nt brukn republcanism lights II ) a gcotl Ilny lark piaces In the past history of this Mate. 1 Is urn doubt mighty Intercslnr reading lot n lot of " } am holer than Ihou" party patriots whose relHlb- Icanlsl Is measlrell by the amount of re\'enuo In slht. Oahll11 Hlpublcan : Mr. Hosewater tl his s\tech \ nt Bealrlce tells why he Is n relHlblcal , nail there are many pOints In It whibh wlrms one's heart toward the COUrAeOIS attitude of Ihe ( man , anti will cause a good ninuiy enemies 10 extend their shaking hand a Ilto may way fOllow. , amid Ilerha/s a warl hald Virgi ala Tlm's : Editor Hosewaler's spCcli nt leatrlce was n masler stroke In the history of Nebraska politics. lie shell be hOlorel for the good work he hiss done , and II lie ( tme of our natiomi's 11erl , Ills way miGht not bo your way but ho gan- orally knocks the IIIS ) from ulller time other fehlut' . lie pa 's no atention 10 the Snal ping of these little one.hors editors nt his heels. Creston ( ( a , ) Allvertser : The Ileople of Nebraska owe a debt of gratituutle to Fui- Ward losewaler , time little ilalt of Ne braska Journalism , who had the courage to bolt the 101inatol of an unworlh man for /o\'ernor. aml b ) compassllg his defeat thus spared Nebraska an UISIcalable ) disgrace. The Omaha le3 Is a thor II the sides or the ranatcs , boollers alil miiomiopoiists , . big and little . which have oppressed the PeoPle of the great slate of Nebraslta. The dcc- ton of Judge Holcomb was a maglincelt triumph of good ' goverliuncmtt . amid It marls a new era In tIme political history of Nc- braska. The pope ! or that slale are 10 be congralllatel that In The Omaha Del and its valant editor . they have a aelllel ( on the walch.tower to glarl , their liberties. liecemitiy Mr. Hosewater Icl\'eree nil address . dress at Beatrice on the sumbject "The Past Present nle Pulure or Hepublclnlsm II Nebraslta. " ' * Mr Resonator gave his republcan auditors some good aulvice the most of which will apply as veil to all par- tics . "Now , fellow citizemis . you arc nil Interested In good government above all timings. You arc citizens of Nebraska nrst. amid republicans aferward ( , and , actlg as patriotic . honest citizens , you will see to It that honest men OCCUPY every ofce In the state , and whcn honest men occupy every ofco In the state Nebrslc ) will forgo ahead and be aie of the most prosperous slates of time union. That Is time program for the to- publcan parly ; put honest men to the front , drop these old wheel-horses that have Played themselves out long ago and have very debatable - batable records Bring young men to time front , let the very best blood In tIme stale come forward and participate In the honors and emnoluimmients . and do not let anybody have a mortgage on all the offices or some of the ofc s during a whole letmo ; let every man have a chance , and give those men preference that have shown merit as good American citizens . as honest loyal republicans - publicans . and have shown themselves worthy oC confidence. and have not mortgaged timemu- selves In railroad - headquarters. . " TIlE XlGIl' .lU"OJE CIII1IST.ILIS. Old , . 'Twas the night before Christmas , when all through the house Not a creature was stirring . not even a mouse : The stockings were hung by the chimney with care In holmes there. , that SaInt Nicholas . soon would be The chtdren . were nestled all snug In their Whie visions ! of sugar plums danced In their heads : And 1amma In her kerchief and I In' my IIJ . r st setel our brains for a long win- ter's nap- When out on time lawn there rose such a chatter I sprng from my bed to see , . what was the ma : Away ler the window I few \te I flash I Tore open the shutters and tht'ew up the sash. The snow. moon 'ctn the breast of the new fallen Glve a luster oC midday to objects below : Whcn , what to my wonderIng eyes should i3utrniniaturo p sleigh , and eIght tiny reindeer . deer ; With a little old driver , so lively and quick , I knew ltte moment It must 1)0 St. Nlclt. And then In a twlnltlng I heard on the reot. The ? prncng and pawIng oC each little hoof ; A h1ioccew ; in my head and was turning arcund , Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with bound. He I sJolte Iot ; a word , but went straight to his work , . .nd filled alt the stockings : Then turned with a jerk anti laying hIs finger aside of ills nose Amid givIng I nod up the chimney he rose He nlrang to his sleigh , 10 his team gave a sprng And away . they all flew Ite tile down of a thistle : But 1 heard him exclaim ere he drove out of sight "Merry Christmas to all . and to all a god nigh " , J'UICR 01' .T"/ ST.4 1R I'll RS& . Itlorno ) ' Era : The Omaha nee Is right In . ' Its nlh'one ) ot the public ownership at the proposed Omaha canal. Wcst Point HelJblCn : Omaha Is cxertng energy to secure the ) location of the stale fnlr. This section of the state would prefec ' Omaha to LIncoln for the stale faIr's lo tmtlon. caton Lincoln News : As we unl1erstnnll the Prea ant sluAlon regarding vt state printInM . tofltracts the Journal \ company ndlnl8 ( list I stole the hor8 . but Points with pride to the fact Ihnl I did not disturb the bar nor the bridle . CraIg Times : The Omaha \Vorhd , lierahul's aliude townrll The lice ts like unto I little log ( barlllg nl the heels of a noblq. unastiff. It cannot hnrt The lice or Its great editor llwnrll Hoewnter , and affords laughing maler for n great many pep Ie. Rearney Democrat The Omnhn lice bas h en figuring UI ) the Lincoln Journals ac- count with . the state treasury : 11urlng the Past twemity years , nlHl nnlls lint time Jour- nl hAS drawn from the state treasury the mngnlncenl sum or $ IIG,446,6O. AmI : ) yet the r. Journal Is not haN ' , apparemitly. blair Piot : Hosewnter charges that the ( State Journal Printing , contracts with lie state during the past twcntythrle years aggregate tile primicely stint of $116,500 , nnml gives flgurcs in detail of each year to sub. stauitiato time charge , and time Jcumrnai 'm'ir- ttlaily nclcmiowiedge tIme soft imapeaciuniont , it maimmilts tlmat 'thmc stAte printing for thuo' , vast twemity-thurco years luau aror aged between $16,000 and 2OOOO a year. " 'l'imis is a little indefinite , but it is enough to make tim aggregate over iOOOOO. Hut ( hue Jommrnai's twamldle about 'conmiietitlon" ammml 'time lowest bidder' ' luardly explaiums time tact that until quite recemutly Its cinch worked to ( lie 'irtmiai exclusion of comupett. tiomm aimnoat invariably. Cedar itapiuls flepuluiican : A geol crop is in prospect for next year. If we get it tim country will he stile to hold together umnUl irrigatIon Is starteul , and by the time another - other muerloums mirouthi conies the people wIll be hmrclaretl ) to 11055 through it iuuihiurt , Ir- rigatiomu is necessary to complete success lit ( lila eotmmmtry , even in years when there is time' mimost rain. It vlhi vrove a great bcuieflt in years wimemi timero Is an average amuomunt of rain , and ( lie salvation of ( lie country iii dry years. Time ulmoro irrigation we have time niore rain we will get , and. the more ralmi ve get time hess water vill be 4 needed for irrigation. Thueso considerations assure ums that mmntler a system of irrhgatioa the water supply vihl miever fail. S Too Coflmfliflua for ( ommtiuieult. Ohol'c.Demnocrat. ' TIme treasury gold fund Is ngain below ( lie $100,000.000 hmnuit , but time country hami be. coune so flCciistOflidi to this sort of tIling umider demulocrutic : mule that it no lomiger at. tracts any iumrticular : nttemmtiomm . "When ' J Spring Comes 7e exclaims the consumptive , "I will be better. " The season changes ; Spring with its ge- niat warmth arrives , Tile patient - tient imagines an improvement - ment , but as the weeks wear away , it proves but transitory. The terrible disease is grad- ualiy1 yet steadily drifting o- ward a fatal termination , But its progress can be stayed. . 4.a ' ' ' i ? . , , . . 1k ' A scientific preparation of OZONIZED COD LIvER OIL , wit'i"- GUAIACOL TilE KIND 1IIYS1C1ANS PRESCRIBE will give that relief which spring could not bring , and if persevered in , vil ! cure th' disease. This is not an idle statement. It is a fact substantiated - stantiated by the testimony of thousands of living witnesses , who have been rescued from untimely graves by the use of this wonderful remedy. KUHN & CO. , 1151/a ohS Jouylas Streets , ( ) MiThI. - = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Your lUoumcy's % Vortlt ot Your Money Back , Only a Day Get a good gifl-ono that's useful. and yet hand- . some-one that's high in style and yet low in price- SUSPENDHRS ChILDREN 'S UMLIREI4LAS- -Fins sills amid satin WH/mit , a u c lm a a Elegant silk , paragon embroidered in all fancy waists , caps , frames , umatumrah wood colors and several ties , hose mind mmoyelty imandhes ; oil prices , styles. . suits , - GLOVES - DrIving 1lANDKlItCiIIEFS. . - ' gloves Ill English -A beautiful line of , buck , fine Mocima , dog Lumen lhiundhcerchmiets , .4 skimm and ciieyerette , iicmnstitchieti a fl d plaimm , in fancy colors / , Dress gloves , light amid plain white. A weights , In undressed very fine saul extra ; , tcac kid , English buck , quality .Iap Silk mi- . dog skin , colt akin tlal Imandkercliiet. , . , , Our regtular 75c. Wo ' and Irormcii iciti , Iuil are going to mnalco a line of Jent'a thriving suueclal price of timba ' and street gloves , Ohio at SOC. - Iur gloves and lined - - t , gloves of mill descrip. TIES-Thmousanuls of ( ions , 'em. Ui tIme late _ _ _ _ _ _ _ styles and new colors. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IiATII ltOiiEs of - - Tarry Cloth and Eider- BOYS' LEGGINGS : down , front 3.OO to -Time boy doesn't live timmit would not like a vair of heather leg- DJt1SSING A ND gings , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ STLJDSNTS' GOWNS , - - 1cIrLclilEIS - MI SMOKING JACKtime umow effects ommd MUFFLEIS - liTS of H mu g I i a ii novelties in long Ira tine line of pure Jacket Cloths , uuihted' simawl kercimiefa miiuui Cashmere and l'ais- satimu trhimmnmed , fromu mitufihers. Extremnciy hey wool unulhiers for ; a&p to $15.00. neat effects , elderly gentlemen , c-Open Chrisrnas Eve till 10. . BROWNING , KING & CO. , . Jioiliubl Clotlilum'n , S.V. . Corimot' Fifteenth tiad Ioigias , Ste. 4