- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----7---------- ; - - . - - - - - - - - . . - - - - - - . ' - . ; - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - . - - . - - - - - - - - . - . - - - . . - THE OMAhA \ DAILY IIEE : MONDAY. DTOEM111fl1 2t , 1S.f. ! . 3 - - - - - - v - I vWlm OMAHA SUNDAY Bm I ' com-icn 1bUFFS. DFlnCE , - NO. 12 l'EAUL STflEtT DtUnre.1 by canler to any part ot the ell" t < II , W TILTO , Lessee 'I'r.LErnONcs-nuslnell OffiCI No. 43 : nIght tAltor , No. 23. JIl.\Ull .UI'TJU. Granl ) hutch COllncll mutts , reopencl Oct. t. Mayno Heal gstato agency & 3g DroadwlIY. , The mutt City Typographical ! \ union will Ilvo : .ltl ar.nual ball tomorrow evening In Deno's lall. ) . Judge Smith will sentence the prisoners to. I clay who have been convicted at the term tlr dlRtrlet court just drawleR to an eml. A number or newspaper men and others went to MIssourI Valley yesterday morning ! by Invitation , or the ralll\ay officials , and , came back on the new Northwestern last - mall , after taking breakfast al the Cheney house and enjoying ! other courlesles. - - Wo have iOO.OOO to loan uron Improvc,1 , farms In Iowa and wlll take all the gl\l. \ edged ! loans offerEd at low rates. We ito not want wild lands. anti , will not loan In NC- . , braskl. : I.ouro ! & Towle , 235 I'tarl street. ' , , ItENN14tN Jlltt } ! ! . Monilny tim lUg ! 111\1-11011 OOlllls halt I'rlce. Come early In the rorenoon. Only one day to see everything ! In holiday goods. They fillet all go Monllay. Dolls nt half Ilrlce : all our &Oc 7&c and ' 1.00 doll8 Monday 25c. 3&e and IiOe each. Solid Gold IiOc baby rings , 15c each. MlsseR' $1.00 solid geld rings Monday 3e ! ) each. mo lJANOImHCIIIEI SAI.E. Oents' $1.00 quality silk Initial hanker- , ) It chlef8 , each 4c. [ ; \ 1 ' 1lIcs'lllIe Initial handkerchlers 21e each. . . . Thousands or latlles' Swiss embroidered 'handkerchleCs at 9c , l&c , 20c , 25c , 39c : ! and &Oc each. DUY usiiur CIIllISnlAS I'IlESgNTS. Another big , sale or dross goods ' and silks. All our $1.00 benallne ! crepe evening silks , Nile green IJlnk ) and light blue Monday , 4ge yarll. Take home your wife , mother , sister or friend n nice dress pattern for a Christmas . present. Nothing ! will please them more. 'I. You can buy them cheap or us Monday. $10.00 , $ l2.0 and $1,00 [ ; novelty dress Ilat- terns Monday , choice $7.98 suit. TIlE LAST JJ\G \ CLOAK SALE MONDAY. Save your money cited hllY your cloak of us. SI'I CIAL FUR SALI Children's $3IiO white angora fur sets , Monday the last lot goes ! $1.98 set. Open until mIdnight Monday evenln , DENNISON DHOS. Council l3luits. \ . lichucilier's. ' , ' . Recherche-this Is the word thai Just describes what we wish 10 tell you In reference . enco to our Christmas novelties The word Is particularly applicable to our perfumes , both In blllk , put lip In cut glass bottles and omit glass Ilaclcnges. The selections we offer you are rich , and right to the point , and then our toilet and manicure cases arc delicate , tasty and ractIca1. Leather and celluloid novelties of every doscrlption Don't tall to call at Schnelder's. Gas cocking stoves for rent and for salt at Gas Co.'s effice. The laundrIes use Domestic seap. iJflso.\.I I. I'C IC. I GIf.l1'IZS. . - Bernard P. WIckham has returned from Denver. Harry Hardin of Oretna Neb . Is visiting " t.uls relatives , on Firth avenlle. , Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Sweeting or ChIcago are guests or John T. Oliver and family. Lester Eells , W. D. Woodhurst and R. L. Graves are visiting friends In the city. Mica May Davenport , who has been attendIng - 'ng ' the University or Chicago , 15 spending her vacation at home. . rank l\tetca1f , who has been attending , rnedJal : < college : In , Chicago has returned l . ; home for the holidays. . \ I ( l'AUu Julia Officer returned yesterday from . . . , Chlcago for n vIsit with her parents , Mr. " 'flnd Mrs. Thomas Officer , on Willow avenue. w. J. Oration of Des Moines , formerly organist ! at St. Palll's church Is 111' the city , and wll1 remain until after Christmas. Miss Lou Patton and Messrs. W. C. Har- ford and \V. D. Sweesy , all or Manning , are I guests of Miss Marie Ferguson during the helhlays. Notice 10 tile l'ubllc. All persons tailing to report cases ot COII- taglous diseases , vlz. , scarlet fever , scnrla- , llna scarlet rash , diphtheria , measles , crollP. small pox allli chicken pox , to the office oC the city clerk , will bc arrested and fine,1 under the laws ot the State Board ot Health. L. ZURl\1UEIlLEN , JIl. , Secretary Board ot Health. Wo are going ! to move to the Grand hotel , consequently we will sell Christmas goods at cost ; toilet articles brushes , combs etc. , way below usual prices. This Is not talk , but . business. C. W. Taylor. , Ioterllnl bllv"r. The culebrated , Gorllam Manufacturing company goods at reduced prIces. Tea- SPOOll8 at $3,50 per set. All other goods In the same proportion. Engraving tree. t % C. D. JACQUElIlIN & CO. , 27 Main St. : e Ground oil cake $1.30 Idid at Morgan & , Co.'s drug store , 134 Droadway. All holiday goods , at hair price Monday. Doaton Store , Council lIluIYs. . \\\11 \ C.'I..hrute CJhirhict mime 1)ay. Council Bluffs will celebrate Christmas day tomorrow In the usual manner by observing - serving It pretty generally as a holiday. The stores by that time will ha\"e gotten rid of most ot their holiday load , amid will close In thin afternoon , remaining open , In a most case ? ' " , durIng the morning for the beete- fit of the e who may have postponed the unpleasant duty ot blowing themselves until the last mnomnent The courts , city and county offices and banks will remain closed to the outside worlll all day long. An elaborate service has been planned for Christmas morning lit St. Paul's church 'l'ho choir bas been largely augmented for the occasion , anti seine exelIent music may be looked for Among the selections will . be the "To DeulII" and "Jubilate" In 0 , hy J. n. CalkIn , and for the anthem , "Sing oh IleavJns , " by Tours. The Dudley Buck Male quartet will sing "Sleep Jloly. Dabe. " Hector B. J. Babcock will \ preach a sermon appropriate to tIle occasion. 'fhe services will \ < ; ommence at 10:30 : o'clock 8 horhhm CtiaI . This new coal from Wyoming for sale only by 11. A. Cox , 31 Main street. Telephone 48. Ask for circulars. Mixed candy and mixed nuts , Ii cents a pound , at Drown's C. O. D. 20 tIer cent discount on all trmmed : hats , lit Mrs. Hagsdale's. Silver thlmble& , l1ie , at Wolltnan'lI , 409 ! ) Droadway. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Washerwomen use Damestio soap ( , Chell ) ) Vhrl.lnma l'ft'Keute. John Langdon , John Rots and Charles Byrd , three young men who have caused the Iollce ( and their neIghbors no end of trouble , vent Into the Boston store Saturday night on an exploring tour. When they came out they had each a pair et gloves Dud u cap that had not bren paId ror. The theft was noticed and reported to the pollee. The trio or worthies hustled to a pawn shop near by and sold ! the sturr. 4oo Uuschell saw them while they were negotiating wllh the Ilroprietor and reported ) them to the police Und , Langdon and Hess are all In Jail now awaiting a trial In police court tile morning Dn the charge of larceny , When Baby was lI1c1r , we gAVe her Ccstorla. ( Then she was a Child she cried ! for Cnstor\a \ When ho lJccamo Miss WI clung to C4stor1A. 'VheD she bAd ChIldren , she gave them c.utorla -xi- : : : : : ' - NEWS \ FROI I COUNCIL BLUFFS Noisy JallbirdB Causing Numerous Oom. I paints at Police Headquarters , hOW TilE PRISJNERS PAS TIlE TIME - FemRlo Contingent ! I'rc'lnrntlJ' lnt\JrtRln ; Large CrO\.II , on thin Street IIclmy tile Wlrlll % , IIf 1helr Cetls- . Chili 1.lttlo Surllrlso l'l\rl" People living \ In thc vicinity or the city butlle find some caUle for complaint on tic- count or th" actions or the prisoners , and partIcularly the remRle contingent Just now there arc connned In a back room upstairs . stairs several maidens more or less fair , whose reputations arc frayed at the edges. These wOlllen greet every one that pastfs their window with a shower or conversation oC n not particularly edifying sort. 1I0)'s anti ) hair grown men gather beneath the win- dews antI sing sweet serenalles 10 the failed beauties and bandy words with thell1. This Is all \ very romantic , but very unpleasant as well well.The The city marshal and his men have to keep a constant lookout to prevent the men on the outside front passing In goodies : and other things through the bars to the captives In the tower. Yesterday , aClernoon W H. llnpho and his brother had II package of candy . or somethlrl ! or the sort and wer.e just about to tasten It to the end or a string that the gIrls were letting down out or the window when Deputy Marshal Anderson all' peared upon the lcene. He took the pair inside . side , and , after lecturing them searched them to see It I either or them had any saws that they hat Intended ) to pass In. tie found no saw . but one or them carried a large revolver - volver , which enticed him to be locked lip on the chari or carrying concealed weapons. Thee other was released en his agreeing to appear before Judge McGee this morning. HOSTS STOHI , COUNCIL III.UI1l"S , 1.\ I XIIIIIK IInrve Unly One liy Moro And to make It a little more interesting ! , and not so one.shled , we are wllllng to dl- vide the game ! with our customers , and as n special Inducelllent will offer our entire stock ot holiday goods ! at hal price Monday morning at 9 o'e ' ock. This offer Iion't Include books although some very low prices have been put on certain lines to close. Among other lines suitable for Xmas gifts are to bl' found some extremely low prices Wo have made the prices now , and don't mean to carryover one dollar's worth of fancy merchandIse. III All TIlE STORY OF I'IUCES. flOe novelty dress goods 8 yards for $2.)8. ! ) $1.00 fancy dress goods 59c a yard ALL DRESS I'ATTEllNS HALl PHlCg. lee ; hand bags , 25e : ! [ ; each $1.00 hand bags &Oe each. $1.21i hand.palnted hand bags. to close. 33 - . cer1ts. BIg reductions In na pklns. 25c all linen towels lc. ! ) or 3 for IiOc. 33e and 3e ! ) towels , 250 each. 25e : ! silk elastic 12 ½ e a yard. White aprons , 10c , or 3 for 25c. 3c ! ) and SOc white aprons , 25e each. 70e to $1.25 embrolderled aprons reduced to SOc each. 7e [ ; Casclnators. 10 close , 3e ! ) clleh. ALL JE\VIILRY AT HALF l'IUCE. 17e Infants' wool hose , So [ ; a pair. 25c children's cashmere heose 171' a pair. SOc and 65c ladles' casieinere hose , 35c. or 3 paIrs for $1.00. 7e [ ; and 88e cashmere hose , plain anti ribbed , now 48c a pair. AIL FURS hALF PIUCE. BIg reductions In stamped and fancy goods. 7e handkerchiefs , 5e each : SOc a dozen 2c [ ; Swiss hal\lkerchlers. \ now l2ic each. Embroidered sllle and chilTon handleerchlers , worth from 71ic to $1.50 , to close 25c each. SOc initial handkerchiefs , all sllle. 3c ! ) each. 2IiOO gents' neckties , In tecks and fonr-In- hands no two alike , at SOc C11ch. Christmas ties , one In a box , at 75c , $1.00 $1.26 and $1.50 each : no duplicates. New assortment of umbrellas for the 11011. day trade. Silk serge umbrellas sliver amounted bandies . dies , worth $2.60. for Monday $1.89. Fine sllle umbrellas gold and sliver mOllnled handles , worth $3.IiO , now , $2.69. See values at $3.75. $4.50 and $ 6.75. Engraving - graving free. BOSTON STORE FOWLER , DICK & WALKER , Council Bluffs la. Holiday goods , hal price nt the Boston Store , Council Bluffs la. Domestic soap breaks heard water. Frank Trimble 111 Ihe Rylum. Frank Trimble was commItted ; to the asyillm at Mount Pleasant Saturday aCler- noon. lIIr. J. D. Atkins who accompanied him , will reJch berne this morning. He wrote his family here yesterday that he was compened to stop at Burlington for a short rest. Dy some means they got' on the wrong , "train and went around by the way or Qtitiicy , III. , nearly 200 miles out of their way. In his letter Mr. Atltlns exPresses - Presses the tear that Trlmble's mltlll Is very nearly gomie They stopped llt the home of Trlmble's parents at eokUk. : The young ! allorney's condition . was sllch that his friends thollght It advisable to place him under medical treatment as soon as posslb1e , and ho was taken to Mount Pleasant , where the medIcal faculty at the asyillm exam- med , ) the young man as soon as he arrived. I It Is possible that prompt treatment and good care will be thee means of bringing him back to his normal condition. Trlmblo's frlcnds In Council Bluffs now recall a great many things connected with hIs mnenner In the last few weeks that In- dlcate' ' ) something more serious than ordinary - IHnary eccentricity , and lire sure the spectacle . tacle oC the tragedy In the Cltlzen's bank hall very little to do with bringing about thin unfortunate result. Many things are cited to show that his mind was rapidly giving ! way , aiu1 that his condition would have reached the climax all soon as II dltl It there 'had ' been no immediate exciting caus ) . _ _ _ _ About ChrlAtllll' " * l'relents , An elouent minister once pronounce , ) anne finn dcottreo : on the roily or buying Chrlst- mall presents that are oC no earlhly ( or heavenly - emily ) account to any one. Not having the horthand notes ot the sermon , we lire nn- able to give a comnpete ! report , but we agree with the learncII divine auth ) ' are willing to go on record right here liS being In favor or tlie exercise of a little more common sense In the Ilurchase ot holiday presents Buy something useful and ornamental If you can l1uy something th9t will constantly remind thin friend to whom you Iresent ( It oC your eat cc ume. 'Ve meecidestly suggest that If these views mect your approval a nice hair of slippers wonlll be about the correct thin ! ; . Our line Is extensive . We want you to come amid BOO us , and we will "do tllo rest. " WI11 give you a beautiful plush slipper , silk em- broitlered for 66e , and aU the way ull to ,1.00 for the Unest In the worhil It . M. DUNCAN , 28 Main noel 27 Pearl. 1loltdy Hates The Rock Island will \ sell round trIp tick. etc to stations within 200 milts at excursion rates December 22d 10 25th , and on December 31 amid January I , good for return to and In. cludlng January 2d. An Importune 111 II ve. I I heave leased the Ora nIl hotel corner and : . will \ conduct my drug business there after January 1. 1895. C. W , TaYlor , successor ! to Taylor & Co. ' J. F. Wilcox has a fine lot or double while violets In full blool : ) . Also Roman hyacinths and tezehlas A choice lot of hollys and cut nowen. Do not tall to Ilace ( your Chrhtmas order In time. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mixed candy and mixed miuts , Ii cents a pound at Brown's O. O. D. Large stock of opal rings at Wollman's , 409 Uroadway. _ _ _ _ _ _ Davis sells . drugs , paints : and glass cheap DomestIc soap outlasts chtap 10aJ. John Connor lIlIalltll , Mrs John Conner , who lives with her children at 1817 Fourth avenue ( I. OIInxlous on account of the long continued absence Of her hu balld. lie WIU torlllerly ezem- I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - - . . . . . - . . - - pr , IEILEY , . STIGER & CO. , ' ' - - - . Las'f l ' Day Before ChristlTlas. . ' Twenty Pe I f . Cent 206'Discount. , . ' . . . ' . . Our discoupt- _ sale on Black and Colored Dress Goods which has been an unprecedented success --T'vVENTY PER CENT DISCOUNI't t . has induced us to include in this great sale , Monday , our entire stock 0 : , ' of Furs and Cloaks ' , embracing all the latest novelties in long and . S . short Jackets , Capes and Carriage Wraps- _ . Fur ' Muffs-Animal Head Collarettes und Boas-Fur : , ' " :1."r . . , . , Capes-Fur' - . . - " ' : : , " . Trimming ' etc " " ' . NOTWITHSTANDING OUR LARGE SALE ON HOLIDAY NOVELTIES , . line of brellas-Handkerchiefs-MuffleI's-Silk S -our - - - Hosiepy- . : , I. . : . - KID GLOVES FOR BOTH STREET AND EVENING . WEAR - i. " ' ; : ' ' . " . > : . Black and Party Silks-Handsonle Laces-Leather Goods-Collar , : : . : Boxes-Lined and Unlined Kid Mittens--Lined and Unlined Gloves " . : , . : : -Men's Neck Dressing-Fans , which we have a large assortrnent- . { : , : ; : . made up Laces-all the new shades in Chiffons - handsome Eider- ' { > 1 : " . ' . . , . down Wrappel's Dressing Sacques --a choice selection of Nigh _ . DI'esses--and Women's tl'lmmed--in lace ! . _ . - - Underclothing , elegantly - - . , ? > . and fine en1.broideries--Of these and many others--including novel ' r , . . . ' - conceptions in Art Department--oul" stock still contains a large val'i- ! ' t. : : " , ety to select from. . . ! , - . . , } - . ' ' , . ' -Store open Monday Evening till 10 o'clock- .t.- KELLEY , STIGER & CC ; , ' i . S Corner Farnam and 18th Streets. ; . -i I . " played as a fireman on the Union Pacific for a long ! time until he was laid off rrom his regular employment and given work at times only , as a special. October Ii lee started for PennsylvanIa , his former homo , Intending to look for work. He then went to Buffalo N. Y. . and Meadvllle , J > a. , since when nothing has been heard from him. His wife thinks he may have been taken sick and Is now connned In a hospital , or that ho may have met with foul play. She Is unable to account for Ills long failure to write her on any other grounds. Zollcr' . CIJ'lstll1. ! I'rlces. This Is what cash money will do. We have a large stock , and It must be sold 28 Ibs. N. O. sugar , $1.00. 3 cans of corn , 15e ; 6 cans . 25c. . 3 cans tomatoes , 2&c. 1 can table peaches , 15c. The bstln the market , 25c. I 1 gal. can plo peaches , 2 for 40c. 1 gal. can apricots 40c. 1 gal. can apples , 30c. 1 pint bottle catsup , 10c. 1 quart bottle catsup , 15c. All Imported nuts mixed l2'c a lb. Mixed candy , 5e. Choice hand made- candy , 30c to 351' ' Oranges , 20e to 25c . 2 Ibs. lemon waters , 25c. . 2 Ibs. vanilla wafers , 25c. 3 Ibs. lady fingers , 25c. 3 Ibs. butter crackers , 25e. 3 Ibs. coffee cakes , 25c. 3 Ibll. animal crackers , 25e. 3 Ibs. crnckJtells , 2e. [ ; For your present a bread knife and can of baIting powder , 50c. Here'8 what you can do In the flour line : HIIl's high patent flour for pastry , usually sold for $1.26. $1.00. White satin. always sold for $1.25. 85c. Minnesota Gem fiour sold by other deal- ers $1.40. $1.00. Snowflake 7e. [ ; These are only a few of the many bar- gain Items. It will save you at the rate or $3.00 an hour If you come up to 100 Broadway . way to make your purchases for your Christ- mae dinner. Large amount of poultry at correspondingly low prIces. J. ZOLLER , Staple and Fancy Orocerles. I , Try Eagle laundry , 724 Broadway for good worle. Our medium gloss finish oan't be beat , blot we do strictly hand work , domestic nnlsh , when preferred. Telephone 157. : Davis' drug store seems to be the center or attraction for holiday goods , whuihm are being sold at wholesale prices to close out. Sterling dIver manIcure sets Wollman's , 409 Droadway. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IIrowlllcs' nlert"lnmen t. Next Thursday evening a unique enter- ! talnment wilt bo given at Dohany's opera ' house for the benefit or the Christian home , under the direction ot Mrs. W. H. Lynchard and Mrs. C. A. Atkins In the opening scene all the Inmates of time 110mu wlll be grouped upon the 'stage , In order that the audience may have IIn dnportunlty or gaining some Idea as to the magnitude ot the work Ilone by this charitable Institution 'fhe children will all Join In slngln ! a song of greeting. "The Brownies , " who heave been trained by Mr ! . J.ynchard. wlll nresent a nlay In which l'almner ox's little men will i - find amp1e scope for their varied talemmts A number ot Interesllng drills will be gone through wllh under the direction ot Mrs. Aikins , by the older girls ot the hiommme and there wlll also be several recltallons. Time Cox tamlly of Pella , well known among the musicians of the stale , wlll furnish a number or mice- tlonH , violin , cornet and piano. A qlllntet , consisting ot C. A. Atkins , banjorlne : Mrs. Atkins , banjo : Wlliam Drock , autoharp : Walter - ter Luring harmonica and W. Woodward , guitar , wlll render some delightfUl III lisle. Miss Carrie Withrow will be the piano nc- comnpaeeist The entertainment promises to be a highly Interesting one throughout and there arc indications that a large crowd ) of friends of the hOll\o will be present Seats tire now on sale at Bushnell's and should be secured early , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Remember the Dlownles' entertainment at Dohany's Thursday , December 27 , for the benefit or the Christian home. Dourlclus' music 1I0uso has few expenses : high grade planes are sold reasonably. l1G Stutsman street . - - - Miss Anca Hagsdale , trained nurse , 102 VIne street . ASSOCIATE MISSION fOnOOL. - serclus Clullu g ! the \lh'ent.TerlU-'lnuer8 of I'rlzer , The exercises attendant upon the close ot the advent term of the parochial school ot the Associate Mission were held In the n.ssembly room ot the school Saturday even. lug , before an interestetl RUtllence. Thin lirizo In the advanced speaking con- test was awarded to MIss I1erlhlL I'lxtoim for her excellent recitation ot "The Slave Ship. " Miss l.aura Scrogglnll carried off time Cerise In the International spealtlng con- test , her selection being "Oolng After the Cows " No Ilrlze was offered In the primary tIe- partmeiut hut Miss Gladys Jamieson easily 'arrled off the honors , her "J.lttle . Quakcl ' being the gem or the evening. Time gold eemedal , offered to thee pupil ba\- In ! ; the highest IItandlllG' In the higher and advanced classes , was awarded to Miss Majorle Montmorenc . Thee sliver medai which was conlendct1 for lJy the InleTme- Illate laases was won by Msster 'rtiomas. Thl roll of honor as read und lbs ! tlllllllg ot the pupils In the various studies was an- nounced The exercises were closed by sing- Ing 1\Iy Country 'Tis of 1'hee. " AI TU.1I.111' RYt't IjLUI2'IUUS. 'VRntR to Fight In lnglll1l1' for the World's VcItcrweIghit . ClmmJllon ' ; hlp. CHICAGO. Dcc. 23.-"Parson" Davies has , forwarded to the editor of tho. Sporting Life of London two challenges , the' first a wager of ( roe that Tommy RyalL or Chicago cnn defeat any pugilist In En/lalHI / at 142 pounds , give or take two )1ouIHIs. Time winner of the Burge-Wihliams contest Is preferred contest 10 tale place before the club offering the largest'puruue , ( In Englander or America : winner to rtcelve the wager purse and title of welterweight , champion oC the world Second a wager of 1:500 : for n match between Joe CIloynskl I1lHt any heavyweight In England ( Peter Jackson excepted ) , Frank Craig ! ; , ' 'the "Corree Cooler" preferred ; the conlestJlto be for the heav'welght championship at' England and the largest purse otreled by any club. The "Parson" today deposited $ tOOO . ) - In support of these challenges. GLORIOUS TER'O.\.UE. ' . _ 'Ii Tuscumbh and Cllmbrdr : SpP",1 Saturday Afternoon PiaySnq : ui.l1i1 ! heal . CAMBRIDGE , Ia. , Dc. ' 12J-Speela1.- ; ; ( The Tuactimbia and Cambridge teani met yesterday at Athletic park In this cIty for a. match game ot base bath which resulted In a. score of 6 to 6. game being called . at the end of the sixth Inning on account of darkness. The weather was Eplendld and a good crowd turned out to see an Interesting contest. Score : TUSCUMDIA. AU. n. fliT SD. 1'0. A. E. IItIis S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 0 0 0 3 1 0 Apin ! III & cf . . . . . . . . 4 1 1 0 3 I 0 Ilurtleit rf & 211 . . . . . 2 1 1 2 3 2 2 I { . Ersiamed e . . . . . . . . 3 D 1 0 6 2 0 IJrown. p & III . . . . . . . . 1 0 0 1 4 0 4 Maxwell 2b & rt . . . . . 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 Mnleued 311 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 0 a 0 a a l'ace It & 211 . . . . . . . . . 3 1 2 0 0 2 0 E. Ersland , ct & II . . . 3 1 0 0 1 1 0 Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22' G " 5 " 3 is 9 " 7 CAMIJIUDGE. AB n. 11I1. sn. 1'0. A. E. ICleslb ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 2 0 1 5 ( j 1 1 M. Gratton I' & e & sa 4 1 2. 0 1 5 ( j 1 iieckc&p . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 2 1 8 4 0 OsmulIllson.2b & s. & e 4 1 1 0 1 2 1 Chandler . If . . . . . . . . . . 3 1 0 I 0 0 0 Jolllott , 311 & et rf..2 0 0 0 0 0 0 iteyreard ES & rt . . . . . 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 W. Grafton rt & 2b. . . 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 ' \'aili. cf & 311 . . . . . . . . . 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - - Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 6 5 4 18 12 3 TuseumhllL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 0 3 0 06 Cambridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 0 1 0 0 Z- 6 Earned runs : Tut.cumbta 3 : Cambtidge 2. Twe. tlnse hits : K. Erslan ! . Beck . M. Grafton. Sac- rlOee hits : K. grand ! , Osmunllson. Jlllsell on bails : Brown. Maland , Ciiaieiler , Jolllott. lIlt lIy Iltched hall : 11111. Mllllln . lIeynard. Struck out : Aplin. Z : iirotyn Maxwt'II , Mlllanll , g. 1'181I1nl. M. GraClon. Chandler 2' Elliott , lIe- naitiV. . Urafton \\'oltl. Passed italic \ : F.'slanll , 4 ; heck 2 ; Osmunllson. \\11 1 pltchclI : Brown 3 : Oration 2. 1'hlle ot game : One hour IInll five mlnuus. ! Umpire : J. C' . 1.Istleer . . Scorer : ! : Oscar I.'nlland. - - - - - - - Nu" OrlolHIK ChrlKtnma IInlHllcl\p. NEW ORLEANS Dec. 23.-'fhe Christ- man handicap , with $1,000 to the winner , guaranteed , CO leer cent ot entrance anti starting > money to second , 111\11 40 per cent to third , one and one-third miles , to he ran Tuesday , dosed , with fifty nominations. Thee following lire welghtll and entries : ' horse Welgiit. I lioi s' . \Velgiut. BYte . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 110 J. 1' . 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Caits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 : ; Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 \\'lInvkkshlre . . . . . . . . i01 1 Yl'mcn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Cmli ! Cumlbcll . . . . . . . . 10011l1ls" Alice . . . . . . . . . . 81 Ii. F. Fly , Jr. . . . . . . . . 100 AII".II , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 IIllI'tt ( bode . . . . . . . . . . lC8 nlllllli 1'rullslt . . . . . . . Si I Mottle II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1131Cllrullllm ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Henry Owsicy . . . . . . .100 MOntie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dl Nacho B ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110TII ; 'I'a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 1'1I'onl" ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 i\netIla MIY . . . . . . . . .103 'J'llIlIec:1noe : . . . . . . . . . . . 100 \ have I'uhilcr . . . . . . . IGa : ; 'fuscorn . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101 Marshall . . . . . . . . . . . . .118 Imully McKcnzle . . . . . 10.1 Chnt"r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .102 111 II reel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101 $ Ynulllr , Anon . . . . . . . . . 113 $ 'nRtor Morrd . . . . . .113 1'ltlshul ! . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 1'lIlle Bird . . . . . . . . . .111 Chln\l'8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1db : ; Say On . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 : ; 1"llInl'lll Pope . . . . . . . . 101 ! Throllore . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Z lIonnle II . . . . . . . . . . . . 1(0) BnJ Vooisey . . . . . . 10Z Jannlo W . . . . . . . . . . . .100 Cit'mentino . . . . . . . . . . . 122 l.lUlwh ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 IIlIsper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . j Wrlllellchl . . . . . . . . . . . 100 I'uleher C . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 lIIapne \ . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Eva I I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 1 : ; aieiio \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Prince Imllerlal . . . . . 110 Tlrriii'imi . . . . . . . . . . . . . lot Clara lIauer . . . . . . . . . 101 Ciuncey ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 - . , - An"n Jlrewcr 111'111 for 1"n.II1I'lhter. LYNN , Mass , Dcc : : : ; IAnlllllaud ! Brewer who fatally shbtj Gideon J.utlmer , December 13. was given a Mellmlnary hearIng - Ing In the municipal caur : ( yesterday , antI was heltl on the charge 01' manslaughler tor appearance before \thd grand Jury In Salem thee latter part of January , -F . .J' Mexican Exhibit itt J\an.P8 C1t3 : . . ' CITY OI MEXICO Iec.e3.-The : ! : Olllcial Journal publishes W cOIcqnlon ] to Serrano for an agricultural and .cqIJllnerclal . , expos I. tlon of \Iexlcan : products at Kansas City. The stenmshlp St. Pllul toOk $116.40 In sliver and gold bars from l\tazatlan to San ranclsco. . IJ"B.I7'/UW PoJi11U.1ST. Fair , Colder with North 'VIIlIIs for Nebraska TIII"- - . WAShINGTON , Dec. 23.-Por Nebraska and I\ansas-Falr : : colder ; north winds. For Iowa and l\lIssourl-Falr ; colder In western portion ; south winds , becoming ii or t he . For South Dakota-Fair : cold wave : north winds. Local ltceorll. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU , OMAhA : , Dec. 2:1.-Omahl1 : record of temper- alure al1l1 rainfall , compared with the corresponding - responding day of least four years : 1891. 1893. 1892. 1831. Maximum temperature. . . . 42 CO 23 44 Minimum tcmperature. . . . . 28 32 11 28 Average temperature. . . . . 35 46 17 36 Precipitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00 T T .00 Condition of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for the day since March 1 , 1891 : Normal temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2\ \ Excess for the day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Accumulated excess since March 1 , 1891 ! : Normal precIpitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inch Deltelency for the day . . . . . . . . . . . .03 Inch 'rota\.preclpltatlol1 \ stnce March 1. 15.99 Inch ell Deficiency since March 1. . . . . . . . . . 15.46 Inches UCllort from Other StationS at JI : 1' . 1\J. . .3 I ! : : ; ' pm p " (5 - " 2l R coo" " ' cu ST.A.TIOf1lo ' ! ' (5i.3 STATE 01' B P g 3 R WE.Armm. . ' " f'tI ; : 0 .2 . . .co p : ,1 . - - - - - - - - - - Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 42 00 Clear. Norlh I'lalto. . . . . . . 40 68 .OU Clear Valenllne. . . . . . . . . . . . 42 02 .OU Clear. Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3U 30 . ' 1' Cloudy. SI.LoIll8. . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 i8 : .H Cloudy. St. Patti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :122 : .OU Cowly. ! Davenport. . . . . . . . . . . . 32 38 : .IHI ( Cloudy Katutas City. . . . . . . . 48 50 .T Cloudy. Denver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 68 .00 Clear. Sail Lake City . . . . . 348 .00 Cloudy itapiucity. . . . . . . . . . 40 54 .00 Clear. helena. f . t. . : : : : : : : : : : , 3 8i :83 : Ciotidy. : lslllarck. . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2H .OU Clou1y. 51. Vlncom . . . . . . . . 22 24 T SlIowlng. Cheyenne. . . . . . . . . . . 34 : 62 .UO Part Cloudy Ml1eli City. . . . . . . . . . . 31 4'1 .UII Snowll1r. . GlIlvc IOI1. . . . . . . . . . . 04 118 .00 Clear. "T" Indlealeoi trace of precipitation L. A. WELsH , Ollserver. . 1I0norl'd the 1'lJl"rlm lI10lhcrJ. NEW YORK , Dec. 23.-The New York City 'Voman'lI SuffraHe league gave a i)1l I prim mothers' dinner in honor oC the pioneer womcn of New Englnnd In this city yes- terdllY afternoon. Mrs. Lillie Devercaux Blake Ilresided. . Exposmuros Too lIIul'11 for him , NEW YORK , Dcc. 23.-Ex-Pollce Sergeant Bugle Clark died at his home Saturday night and many of hili friends believe that his death resultcd from nervous depression produced by the recent police l3ensatlons. - - - Short l'ollu Storie , I Miss. S. Tilton reports that tier house nt Woolworth avenue was enterell last 'l'uesday while the occupants were away and thut she lost a gold watch. On Saturday night some one entered the chlcl.en coop \\'l\Ilam \ McCloml , 32"J North , Twent.fourlh street , and abstracted Ihere- from eight chlcltens anti two lIucls. At 4 o'clocle yesterday morning a telephone message was received ( at the 11011cc station from Paplllion Iallnl " , that tie hank had heen entered anti \Vlnchester rUle and IL revolver had been taldemm Joe Ilawlclnsvits arrested ! yesterday on II warrant charllnlJ' him with larcomey He Is a lad or 16 years ot age , He Iii thought 10 he IL l11emher of the gUIII that entered 11 grocery store at 1'hlrtluth and Pinkney streets some time ago and ttole some to. bacco. CURES THE bacco.S SERPENT'S STINOS S HEALS RUNNING S SORES. - - ( , ' . ' " We're O1)1igd to you- . . That we had such a rush that we worked night and day to fill Christmas orders-- . Open Christmas Eve till I I , Open Christmas day till noon. . .1EII'Jnl , lGTIl . .INIJiOLJULl . RAYMOND . . . . ' ' - , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . J. ; He Sin as ! I _ S .1. OF COURSE Anti his song Is one of l ill C carnest exultation and ! DOES joy. So wouhl yours be if 'ou IU1ew what . ' ; ) . , . . _ ' hc lIows-that n It n 1\lnll1 \ street is . . . ' stoolcd with 1II00'C bargains in Shoes , ' if Hnts , Ut1lICI'WCIU' and urnishlng Goods than uny other store in Coun- . c . - cll muffs and Omaha. lIe uses but I few notes ' ' and ' . , , yon pCI'ecl\'c , : . , ) 'ou will need but few notcs- . ; . _ _ - - bank notcs 01' coins-to get pus- _ _ _ _ sessloll ! of stylish , handsomc and . , , - . - . . , comfortable thln s. EXpenSes of "op. - - doing business ut H U ) nr" 50 per cent ' : . - - - - ' - . less than further ' ' - = uptown , und this is . $ - - - . - - . - . _ - _ _ - - _ _ One of the many secrets of thc illl- . . . 'I . : -ri-- : , go.i , 'w J ; mcnsc succcss of o. r r..r -w.Ot r : T. B. HUGHES , , f - The Loading Down Town Merchant , . -l , I -CDUNCIL BLUFFS- 1 : - - lid - - - STEAM DYE WOR.KS ' 013 , . f. . . . . . All kinds of Dyeing . ' . . and Cleaning dane In ) the highest style or , the art. Faded and stained fabrics made ' to look liS good as < t new. \Vorl. promptly ' done and delivered In nil parts of the . - counlr ) ' . Send for , iYc I price list J' . ' I . S. ) s L C. it. MitOI1AZ , Ii ' _ J'roprlotor . Bnalaa5 . near North- _ _ _ _ _ western Depot , Council I 1)Iuts , Iowa. Tel. 222. ' .t < - , . 4 ! , . " < - r ; , . 'i' I ! ! " ' - ' ' -t. - < ' _ . ? ' ' ' ' 0- ' ' \ ' . , , _ " ; . " ' , , --r . . . , ' " ' 1. . . . . . - , ' . . _ . , . ; 4C "CUPID ENE" , - MANHOOD RESTORED I This great Vegotabi. , - ViLnUzertheprescrite. I I fi ' } ; . tionof it ramoul1-'rench physician , will quilckiycurn'rouiof ! I' all tier. \ I. vous or 11ls"IL'C8 01 tile gellt'rutlve urgent . , fiach II , l4istMaiebnoI ; , > Insomllla . I'1118ln tile IInck,8cmllln.:1111"11110. , . : / , . Nervous I..bllll\ , . . . . . 'lmpl..8 , , nillness to Marry . shnu.III1Jr Jlrllills , VlulclX'elo aiu , - COlIstlr\Uon. I I stops all lo'tseiu . lIy . day or night , I'rov..nlllnlrk. ) nRq a dlscllBrg" . which If 110t eh..kp,1 lewis . to Hpprmnlorrh and AFTIR all thohiorrorsof'Impotency . II1'lln.N.elclWllcl1thoUvcr : ! , the BEFORE AND kidneys and lien urinary . organs of wllwlurIUea. ( PIDENI otrenglhens anti restores RnJall weak cream 'J'ho I"I'IISOII nfTerprq 11m lIot cl1lell lIy lJoelors h bt'cua ! ninety per ( ' ( 'ntaro tronhlPft with ) ' i'ro.tatIl . CUl'llIl1N is thin ollly known remtI7 to euro wllhout ! aim oluritioe , . woo 1"8lmnlll. , 111. A wrlt"'n IrDnrnnl"e given amid l money returned It filx hflXI' does not ell'ec' . a l'orUllUlclI1 caro. . ' 1.oo : n box . six tur ' 5.O'J , lIy moll. HClld for 'UKIC circular and le llmonlal ! ! . ' , ' Address nIVCi . nDICnn CO. , J' . O. Box pro : : : . tlamm Frauichaco Cal Po'jjj bll . . : I OOODMA N DRUG CO 1110 Farciatet StroetOlUaln. l ' , ; A jlIIUM'S [ Dromo-Calalgo Rplend"l curative eretet tM lIervous orEc1 Itcadactee Brain Elbellllun , Htteptm.(0O'.53 ' , . . . " " ,1111 ! or ( : lOnerol ! X.uruiiat also for ' 'l' ' ' o : , . B matiun m'ei"ia ' ' Ancmin. Gout ; lidnsy JtnticIot. , 1)iarder , for , , Jtcl& Aixhaii . Dye : 00,1 ot'hor exeneica. " l'r/co.l0 / , 23and00tar. llferve"cell C TilE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. 161 Western / r.renl1o. CHICAGO. For sale by all drUKIIsts Omau . . . . iI19S" . GO / . ! ) lU-"GS , J'lnln GO/.U JI.V ( ; ' ' , } : ' 1I1U-'Y 01..IL RIXGM JJI.'I.UOXU lUNGS I'n.tul. ICINGS Tt/UQIlOIH lUNGS A.UWI'U I S'I' RINGS 1l1l11\ lUNGS J . 'lI U.ll.U lUNGS ' O"J\X UI."GS Gil IfNfl'I' INXcS II lid UINGS n'O. oom"tnlltl.l1J . sett2ig , ' ' O/7it0C1iIIH NtlUION 1\11I1c \ yotl1. Selections 1'Odit3P. SEBOUII I-IO\NT : : un 08' NPVIl'n : IN . . , . . . . - - . - - SILVER - - M , WOLLMAN , the Jeweler , 409 Broadway , - - - GEO P. SANFORD A. W. RlCKI.IAN. l're.ldeal Cashier , First National Bank or COUNCIL DLUFF3 Iowa. C1I11ftlll , a - $1UOOOO IJrollts , . . . 12,000 On. ot lb. oldest aDka IQ the stats or luwa. W. solicit your business and colleclon& W. par S per cent OQ Urn. d.poal' ' W. wW lit , "hue" to an soil serve ) ' 01& . - . - W".i,4fw . . , ; . . . . . . . . . , . . , - - . . . . . . _ - - = - , , Thcrc'll be ice .1 : Am ! t't'll be nice . ' togel CLUB SKATES \ FOR 35C : All clnmp ) nlitI as nlll at nll , ' boy ! woulll wallt for It ChrIst intis Ilies- ) . elut 'J'hls Is 1'01' till i ! ho.hut \ hut'J IH uotmit.'thlitg . for till ( ! InlllcH : f BAMQUET LAMPS $1.85 $ Ceitici' I draft , IIlclwl ) ) lnlctl , 1\110 \ ( ' " IIII'/ / I ! 11111'11 I I t i situ tlu ; 110 ChCIIII : .Johll ' itiTitit' , hut the I hest gUIII'lIl1lcctl 1111)(101'11 ( 1nllll ) IIlIlJC. ( , . AIlII II' this \ IH not uuough to gl\'o 1 , 'ou nil ( ) II\lOl.tlllllt ) \ ) . to SolVe ! JOI\I' . Uhl'IHtIllIlS t III'HHcllt ) t III'oIJlulII ) ) 10 I Ito 1 , hl'Ht ) ntivitmiuigtl ( ! fOI' all tutu 1110111. ' , . : .JeI'H ! or Ihu filtitily ti'y tlIIH IIIII ! : ' CARVING : SETS . ; Al ' COST 1 Act Holly , I Iui'd ( m'olc eost ! , 1I111 hliuuie ) I ( unit at thllt. A full 11110 III CHilli' ; lot tI Hla/ t 1.1 / IIm'lI 1 1 t IIIICI flllll'Y hallllles I , 1lllIl1l1flll : I I I , OI'lIIlIIlPlltal I I , use to I. , lit.l'o's 'Ol\l' chnllc to got the . Chl'IHllllUs III'tllWllt thut will givi' . t till IIIUHt HntlHracllolI I'm' Iho hIIHt ! i 1110 ! it'y.-hc'ss tllUll t I ) 'OIl I' rl'lmllls ! I on'l' 1111111 "urol" ( iii' timId i gootito ( . CHARLES SW AINE1 'j'ho 1I111'llwllro 1\1\111 \ , 740 Broadway , . - , " ' --Sl1cc1a' ' NoHccs COUlcU puffli" } " " . I CHaINE\ CI.IANED : : VAULTS CI.EANED. 1:11 Burke . at W , S. homer's 513 DroahYRY. ( IAIST. - H'l.IT.NOHBn - - LI VEil - COLOhtIlD volllle clog ' cueses'eriu ta thin name ot "Hick. " jtetUrm , 10 : _ 38 ; North 17th . .Ir et , : lu' ) Ict ! ; . rewald. - - - - - - - - - - FOR HAI.I' , llOilSBliOiI ) l'UItNrTUItI . CAn. pel . elc. , al prIvate sate Colli lit :136 : und 33W , IJroudway , OVer loI'elll.Jurhu I'urnllurtl Cu. ' . store Bargains ; to MoIl'lI I nuyimug 1.WJ 1U1I . t i 1.10110 '