Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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I 2 rl'lIU OAiiA DAILY BEE : \OND.AY \ , DEOJD1\rUER \ 2.t , 1894. . -
- Mitcromts : Pie Obstructions on the Burlington -
ton Track Near Oreapoli.
. : Two \'olnl : lrn IUoclvor Stone RIUI Tics
1. , " the 1taiI . Oi R bhltll
Curn , 'uot In Time to
S.iVO the ' riiln , ,
: 1.ATSMOUTI Neb. , nee. 23.-Sclal (
telegram.-A ) scheme to wreck the Bur- .
lington'i . vest bound fast mal train near !
thIs city was frustrated . this afternoon by
the opportune arrival ot a couple ' ot young
men who journeyed from this city to Oreap-
. oils on a railway voocipcle. : ! At n pint
memo three miles north of town the track
had been covered with rocs , while n railway -
way to was also thrust across the track
The obstruction was just beyonll n sharp
curve In the track , and but for the two
young men who Promptly proceelled to clear
, the track , nn awful railway wreck could !
< I not have been averted The local officers '
J journeyed to the scene about two hours later ,
" but no trace ot the wreckers could bo dls- :
" , covered , aside from Homo fresh shoe tracks , '
whIch led off Into the high weeds adjoining
I the traclt. The Burlngton will make an
, , . extra effort to apprehend the perpetrators.
f' llUIIHlmu HIS Ir'l'I I-IN-I.'W.
: John cIitiIitt's , "ullen , , \ tiger 1lRnlfo.t
. , , l."J with Ululy I"Tect
NEBRASKA CITY , Dec. 23.-Speclal.- ( )
: ; , 'John Schmidt shot and fatally wounded [ WI-
lam Kramer his , last night
, . Schmidt met Kramer near the laIter' home ,
) . : " and after bidding him good evening , putted
his revolver and began to shoot. Five shots
\ { were fred In all , four of which teak effect.
; Tim first shot struck Kramer on the chin ,
f ' ranging upward and backward , one took
" : effect In the forehead one In the ear rang-
. . Ing upward , and [ one In the bclc , near the
t f spinal column , from which paralysis resulted.
, Kramer was carried Into the house and
! Schmidt disappeared. lie was found later
- at the Peoria house , where ho had : taken a
? room and retired , and arrested and 10Jged
In Jail. '
II : . Schmidt some years ago married Kramer's
; daughter , but she procured a divorce from
r him , on the grounds iof cruolty. Three
" year ago ho was sent to the asylum at Lint -
t coin , but was dismissed after a year's treat-
: . mont Since his return he has not been
: considered dang rous , and [ his relations with
, p " Kramer were of the mot friendly character.
t" Iramers Is 75 years of age , and his re
; covery Is regarJe1 [ as Impossible. Schmidt
; i" f ' seems to realize what hc has done but expresses -
, presses no sorrow , his only regret beIng that
, : : ho did not find his divorced wife , saying
' that he had Intended to kill her also.
:1 : f ' Dc UIIIICTtaC $ to Qhlet I' Gang of Toughs
: ; I IUd Is I Nearly Hiled as U Result.
: t' CEDAR RAllS , Ia. , Dec. 23.-Speclal (
: { t. : 'elegram.-Word ) Is received here from
. c Dole Plalne te the elect that a gang of
r : , toughs made an. attempt to murder Night
: 'Vatchman Warock at a late hour Friday -
, . " , day night. The felows were raising a disturbance -
' ' turbance In the rear of n saloon and \Var-
neck went back te quiet them. He was
f. EolzmJ ( , thrown te the ground , stamped and
: i , stabbed until he succeeded In drawing his
. . 5 - . revolver and began firing , when the fel-
:7- : , lows ran away. Warnock thinks he hit
" , , one of them , as , he saw him fait and heard
, , ' him ' call to his .ccmpanlons that , he was
klelli Warnock then crawl to the street
: and called for help. Ho Is In a serious con-
: , iltoh , having tlitee broken rIbs. a number
, . . , . ot .overc wounds about the head , besides a
number ot knJe , stahs. His heavy overcoat
? undoubtedly saved his life. lS It pravented'
.il . the knife thrusts ( rein reaching a.vltal ' point.
'j ; . I Is thought he will reaching 1:3 I : sUpposed
.1 , . the fellows are a lot of toughs who went to
! Dele 1Iaino Thursday to pick pockets atc '
A ! ; I' , the jubilee celebration. I Is believed they
it . \ . boarded an eastbound freight shortly ner
'I , . " - thl occurrence.
j . f . . , ' .h\\.l Irovlte _ , ,
, : AShLAND , Neb. , Dec. _ 23.-(8peclal.-A ( )
S' ! . ,
I , , 1 : very pleasant : and unique social was held at
, , the Methodist church Tuesday evening , In
, :
I : the form " "
of a "conundrum social. The
r : "mime" was floe , ali created no end of
: ' \ ; alUEement.
' ( : f There wi be a concert at the opera hDuse
. , . Now Year's eve , for the benefit of the poor
. ' ' or Ashland , given br the youhg ladles ot the
, . , city.
. , < ! city.W. . J. Bryan , E. 1' . Putney and Rev. O.
; ; : ' . ' U. Derry left for I llorado Springs , Mo. , to
; J bo gone for several weeks. Hev. luyck wi
I ; . fill the pulpit nt the Chrhtan church durIng
Mr. , Derry's absence.
. " ; J. W. Loomis , who has been n resident of
, , r : Ashland for a number of years , left last
: ' " . Monday for Lone Oak , Ark. , where he takes
; . . . UII a rermanent ruldence.
GEorge n. Piskctt , editor of the Ashland
. , _ . . News received a box or beautiful flowers
. fowers
. tram Omaha ' "
. Monday 10 decorate a "select
l' , tely" young ! ladle whom he enlorlalned at
' ; , ' the Commercial hotel Monday Evening 11 n
' fashionable tea ' .
'i' part )
; . . The Ashland ' Dancing club held one of Us
, select dances '
, . , at Slmlngton's opera home un-
? . b der the management of II. n. Graham.
. , r ; About tWCflty-flyC couple were present .
. I TIle candidacy at Rv J. W. Sebrook of
f Ashland , pastor of the Methodist gplscopal
1 , / ' church , for the chaplnlncy of the house this
winter , seems to be meeting with no opposition
whatever. No one has tteed the race
, , Igalnst him.
t' Friday night the annual alumni oratorical
Contest takes plpc ! rt the High school build-
: In ! Thera are two prizes $0 to the buid- .
I , and ' 5 10 the second. Ir :
. , 1xt't.'r ' -\I Z'utt's.
. EXETlm , Neb , Dec. 23.-Speelal.-The ( )
" ' Sonl at Veterans at their recent election
, : ' seleded Ellwanl larbour captain , A. D.
Coolms Irst lieutenant , Mike John "ccnll
lieutenant , antI Ols Philps adjutant
Mr. mil Mrs. John Givens of Custer
. . counly Nebraska who have lm'emt visiting
- their daughter drs. Jell lcnnard at this
, , , . Illace for tl pat six weeks have gone to
their former homo In Illinois , where they
- . will visIt the balance of the winter
, & : Friday vmes a very unlucky , day for these
; ilaris , se'eralery ball aclcdent and one
1 " , . death being reported. James Nolan was run
, over and kicked by a here , breJklng one
leg very Imdly and injuring him internally ,
Inj\rlng Interaly
, Miss Mary Piiii jUll10d out of a buggy
- ' and bruised one fet so"sev rely. that I
may have to be amnimutated.
. alllutate.
, , - -
, . Cuss fluiil limo tlock : ( ' ,
. . 111 County Jell c'oll'u"V
I'LATSMOUTI , Neb. , Dee 23.-Speciai ( '
, ' . Telegram.-Judge ) Chapman has decided tile
. . suit of the Seth 'Thomal ' Clock company
. against Casa ccunty , wherein the clock COl-
Jany ) snell for some $900 as payment for the
court house clock , In the couuty's fa\'or.
The court held that the county had already
. , 1aItl for the clock 10 the company's author-
Ized agent , C. M , Wtckersham , and It the
latter . before absconding had failed to set-
, tie with the cock coml.any , It was not the
. count"s affair. 'hi ) clock POI'lo Will tulle
, In IIJpeal to the supreme court
' , The Hotel Riley In this city changed
, hands yesterday , Judge BenedIct af Irook-
p lyn , N , Y. . transferring I to II , W. Slocum ,
i ; , another New Yorker. The consideration
. waa $100,000. Th management will be re-
timed by W. W. CoJes
' . Gaotou t"l Iv" . .
VINTON , Is , Dec. 23.-Slleclal ( Teieramn )
- -N. Gaston , who attempted suicide Thursday
shortly afer being arrested on the charge
ot Intimacy wIth his adopted daughter , 18
, , , still alh'e. Unlen blood Ilolson sets In he
. will Ilrobably recover. The baa entered tIme
1 r lef breSt Ieal the heart and I thought to
I- have struck a fIb and glanced around to tIme
: . back , although Ilhalcans have failed to
, locate it. Gaston still I.rotests he 13 110-
\ , cent or the cl\l \ preferred against him.
. UUOUhi \ ouln1n 011iImlt.
OSCEOLA , Neb. , Dec. 23.-Slleclal.-The ( )
I Moder Woomen lf America held their an-
tf nual electIon at their hash meeting and the
. , . .
i.- 4 _
! ,
following art the officers : J. I. Peterson ,
V. C. : C. W. Gette , W A. : D. W. 10tch-
kIss , 13. : W. 11. Wooden , ' C. : J. I ) . Keley ,
Fi . : E. n. Buckner , P. : J. J. Gaylord , W. ;
3. II. Smith , S. : delegate , J. L. Makeo\'er ; I
alternate , I > . T. Mackie : managers , Rufus
Walker and O. H. McCoy
( irilcty nt Nehr"k" ( :1 : ,
NEBRASKA CITY , Dec. 23.-Speclal.- ( )
The present week promIses to be a lively one
socially. Tomorrow evening the Oto Hook .
In1 [ Ladder company wl\ \ give a grand , mask I
! IUerdo bal at the Standard theater ; Tuesday
evenIng the Cltderela club 'Il ' entertain
its friends and members at time parlors ot the
Grand ( 1aelle : Thursday evening Miss Mattie -
tie Ildd wilt entertain her friends at the
sale place. On Christmas evening It.V. .
Kelly and Miss Margaret : lonl will bo
married at the residence of the briM's lar-
ents. Time groom Is Nebraska City's treasurer -
urer . and the bride the daughter of Mr. atI
Mmmi William Koonlz.
The churches wi all have Chlstmns en-
tertalnlents through the week On Christ-
las morning ntl0:30 : o'clock time choIr nt St.
Mary's Catholic church will sIng the heau-
tutu mass at Sl Cecela , ali nt 7 p. in.
lschQ's vespers wilt be sung for the first
time In this city by the ( tilt choir or St.
Mary'a , assisted by the choir from St. Ben-
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Brown entertained
theIr friends last evening from I to j o'clock
In honor of their guest , Miss Oral Gardner
of Burlngton. la. The rooms were beaut-
fully decorated with cut lowers and the at-
fair Is spoken of as one ot the events of the
Simlte.rlbing All lAlumrimity.
OmTNA , Neb. , Dec. 23.-Speclal.-A ( ) r-
let commlteo was organized In lapllan
last week to solicit aid for the drouth But-
ferers In western Nebraska , with branches
hero and nt Springfield . At 'esterda"s com-
mlteo meeting It was found that snbscrhl-
tons had been coming In wonderfully , us
each at the towns menloned will be able
to load a car at Ilrovlslona. which wi be
chipped to dlrNent destnatons and be
distributed under time direction ot committee-
men from here , who will accompany each car.
Negotiation are now under way for the free
tsnarportaton ot provisions , which consist ot
four , wheat , rye , oats , corn , beans , coal and
Shipments wilt be made on Wednesday
the 2Gth. Time exact desinaton Is not yet
The county commltteo consists of County
Clerk Wilson , County Judge I.angdon and
County Treasurer Hemstedt , with assistants
In each precinct.
crctn ! . , Instco Mil is I nus ,
GRETNA , Neb" , Dec 23.-Specinl.- ( )
Twenty-ono suits arc pending before Justice
Thomas , beIng brought against lapllon
citizens who subscribed to the stock of the
cremery compnny. Shares were put at $00
each Now that the creamery has ben
built , these people do not want to pay. Last
night the first case was given the Jury ,
which has not yet -endered n verdlcl. The
other forty cases wIll bo tried In rotation .
The case Is being tried hero from the
fact that County Judge 1angdon and Jus-
tce of the Peace Drawn ot laplo are both
Implicated , as wdlI as Edgar Howard ot
the Times , A. W. Jnd I. D. Clarlt , bankers ,
ant , In fact n barge per cet at the leading
citizens of 1apllon precinct.
lilnch Iclilnncy II i'rIM" itgatti.
CHEYENNE , Dec. 23.-SpJeclal ( Telegram. )
-Kinch McKinny , the notorious cattle thief
who escaped from the Wyoming penitentiary
at Laramie on October 3 , has been oppre-
bonded at Hyannis , Neb. Ho was turned
over to the Wyoming authorities at Grand
Island yesterday arernoon and was again
landed In penitentiary- - about noon today.
After McKinney mad his escape It appears
that ho returned to his old haunts In the
western part of Nebraslm. McKinney escaped -
caped once front the LJramle att before he ,
had his trial. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hurncd ii 1'Rrm Houso.
VERDON , Neb. , Dec. 23.-Special.-Tho ( )
form residence ot Polk , Burke caught . fo I
from \he'bu"1J1 cnlmneY "and wa&cntirely !
destroyed I was Insured In ho Omaha
" '
Fire Insurance company.
A box of goods Is beIng gathered for the
needy nt Curtis , Neb
rlrmer lit . Snyder L'towlng.
SNYDER , Neb. . Dec. 23.-Speclll.- . ( )
farmer living ten miles north of this place
was plowing with three . teams today.
FIrst nun of New Nor iwo4tern Vast Ian
) eMttrla ) ' l1eii t tip : chod ( Ito.
Two giant railroad corporatons have en-
tere the race for fast mail , ' service , and time
gauntlet' thrown ddwmm by' the Northwester
' ) 'stQD bas been taken UP : by the Burlington ,
with the result that' Oniiha since yesterday '
'Is 200 mIles nearer New "rk so far as train
< rk
srvice- , li , r2rned : Dind / ! the detetmlna-
ton or running Its fast mn11 traIn Into Coun-
cit Dull shortening thejlmo betweln Chi-
cage and Counci Bluffs three hours , there
Is to bo seen a disposition , on the part of the
Northwestern system to become a strong
compelor for ha , mal service between
Omaha and Chicago : , the government con-
tract now being held by the Burlington.
And when thE mal contract Is to be let
In the futura the Burlington wilt find I
ttrong rival In the field for the mol service
between the points named.
Yesterday the Northwestern eaely dem-
onstrte : its nbty t run the fast mal
Ind express train through from Chicago ,
Having the latter city at a a. m. and arriv-
Ing at Council Bluffs at 2:30. p. m. , maltng
time distance cf 485 mies In 1 hours anti
30 lnutes. For several weeks past the mal
has baen running to Missouri Vnley , but
the demand of Omaha business men and Ule
Anorhcun Rxpress company people wer2 Instrumental -
strumental In having time trin run stld
through to th transfer , where . the Irish mal
would take the pouches for Omaha , South
Omaha , Lincoln and the west.
The new service was inaugurated yester-
day , and that the newspaper men of Omaha
and Council Burs might have the pleasure
at ridIng on time fnt through train carrying
mal and express mater exclusively , Gen-
eral Agent H. H. RichIe and City lasenle
and T/clet / Agent George West became hosts
for a party at newspaper men , representa-
tves ot UIQ Nonpareil , Globe , World-ler-
alit ( anti The Bee. Time party went to Mis-
satin Valley yesterday internIng . aud , after
enjoying a well served dinner at the ChEY-
fey , the fast mal was boarded at 1:50 : i' . m.
time trandcr a ! mall nnd express at Missouri l
Valley having delayed time train n minute or
two. Hut to gnglneer Jack Ashton , 1 lre-
lan S. P. Smith and Conductor Charles Van
Gorder the delay was triflimig. The carded
( hinD ot the train between MissourI Valley
and Counci fluffs showed twenty.two miles
In twenty-four mlnlte , and the len know
they were going to have the run ot their life.
In this thEY were not disappolmmted Time
track was In splendl1 [ condition , tIme roiling'
stock the pink at the service , and when As-
, sltant Superiltendent 1.llen told Ashton on
leaving leole that If he was laa Into the ,
Bluffs' I'.q might lS wIl leave his engine to t
runt Mr. Ashton , with a twinkle In hIs
eye , tel fuerJnlendent 1llen he would go
In ahead Qf time , And ho dil , The pace
which Ashton marked out was terrific , and
so rapid dhl his onglne glide over the ninety-
Iloutl rails that at one or two places he was
conJeled to use the air brake and kill thmmie
lel tme
fOl' fear that he would go In tee much ahead
of his card . lie was live minutes ahead of
his time when he left the Broadway staten
of time ' Northwestern six Imlnutes ahead
when the trander was reached old ffeen
minutes ahead of the schedule when the
Irish mal reached the Tenth and Mason
street station al this aIde.
There was something positively exhlirat-
lug about thl sliced developed. The perfect
roadbed and the 1111elll equllllent showed
what 1 railroad could do when exigency demanded -
manded , and as this I the beginning at a
fIght between two great systems for supremacy -
acy It wits Intensely Interestng to watch the
railroad oUclals a they stood In the rockIng
mal care watches In land , now and then
gIving out limo Informaton as to the speed of
the tralnt At 131Y places the train rushed
along I mie 1 mlnutl' In1 from Missouri
Valley Into Councn ' luIs the train was
greeted with cheers from the farmers along
the line. frm trahunen on top of sidetracked
cars , and even the women came out from
farm houses and shook their aprons at the
fat mal , which left nothing In its wake but
a cloud ot dust and a hole In the atmosphere.
Th feat seemed easy u accomplishment aitd
by the new order of things Onlaha bustneu
len will be abe : to annver their eastern
mal the same afternoon ot tt receipt , an
achlevemont only hinted at by visionaries a
' decade ago
; ; : ; : - - , - _ " _ " , _ . . . . & > l
Leadvie's ' G01d ' Belt Proves to Extend
Three Miles in Length
Cre heady nOI.orlCi I'Rhllon t7 hticii-im
Jm1.ortant Boundary Qiicstlomm-hlrItish
Scheme to Sharf lie Yulwn Trallo-
News of the : lrtnvc t ,
Iowa gulch Is the scene ot a great gold
excitenmient . The particulars as yet are very
meager , but enough Is learned to lead to the
helet that the Btrlke vIii prove one of the
most Important aver made In the camp , says
n l alh.lle special to the Denver News. The
property In which the strike was made Is
the I x , owned by J. J. Brown , L. D. louJe
bush and Robert O'Nel , Thn management
owns nInety acres ot ground In Iowa gulch ,
southwest ot the Lillian. They hal sunk a
shaft to the depth of 200 fcet when It was
decided to explore with n Ilamoll drill .
Accordingly the drill was started down. At
300 feet the drill entered n body of gold at
fabulous richness. Time drill was kept going ,
however , and at 350 feet another rich body
ot ore was met. A shaft wIlt bo sunk as
rapidly as possible to meet these bodies.
The management refuses to give anything for
publcaton at present , but , ne\ertheless , I
Is ndmlted that the strike Is ( ho most Important -
portant ever made In that distrIct , and time
discovery wilt lead to 0 grat mnaimy abandoned -
doned properties In this district being .re-
opened. . .
S. Marshal Carleton , general manager of
time Commercial Mlnhig com H ii , . says time
gold discovery In the Iex shaft Is phenom-
enal.Mr. . J. J. Brown , one , at tlmq owners , also
n lag ! owner In the Little Jenny told the
writer that the diamond drill penetrated
. Mr.
thirty to forty feet ot gold quartz.
Drown added :
"Th assays from the entire bldy ot ore
pentrld In the Hex justifies me In saying
that the Little Jenny Is placell' In ' time shade ,
a 11 will not be talked of when the Rex Is
oponed. Time Jenny wi ho forgotteni. "
Mr. Roudebush , I largE owner , also . verI-
fles time reports of the great richness mind extent -
tent at the are. , , , , , .
Mr. Grossmyor'of Denv rdhc now famous
diamond drill operator , who explored the
bonanza looks hoppy.
'fho Rex Is two ali three.quarters miles
southeast from Leadvie , on the north slope
of Long and Derry hill , In lawn gulch , op-
posll the Lillian , gold maine , amid Is south of
the Little Jenny mine. Near the Rex are
the Long and Derry mines and time Derris
and the rank mines , alt producers ot gold
ore.The Leadvie gold belt by this dls-
covcry now proves to extend three mites
north and south , with a varying width of one
to two mlos. amid best judges are now firmly
Its southern extension
of the belief that souther !
croses Empire gulch , where rich gold assays
are being obtained , and possibly Little Union
gulch , on toward the Granite gold mines.
Long and Derry huh , time home of tIme new
bomiamiza has long yielded both gold and sit-
ver In channels In the lme , sometimes open-
Inc Into - larlo chutes but the exploratIon
hmn ; ; not -a superficial character , and It
has remained for time owenrs ot the Hex to
open its treasure vaults on this lower level.
The flex shaft Ics just cast of the Mike
vault and ore Is found under white porphyry
on tim lme and under the same , this last
body ot ore being time third contact encountered -
tered In this shaft. Mr. J. J. Drown , one ot
the principal owners , was for years the
superintendent of the Maid ot Erin mine.
and Is identified with the best mines ot
Lead vle.
Time high standing of both Mr. Drown and
Mr. Roudobush In time mining world I 'suffi-
clnent guarantee for any statements , . om nat _
lag from those gent1omOfl .
Tho' surveys 'of f' the boundary btween
Alaska and British Columbia ha\lng been
completed by the international commIssion
appoInted for that purpose , the mater Is now ,
. and the !
one for diplomatic negotiation ,
claims ot time two parties to the controversy
are so radicaly at , variance that ther Is n ,
prospect that another outbreak of excitement !
will ensue similar to the famous Incident
during which the cry of the people of the
United States was : "Fifty-four , forty or
fight. " England appears to be at , time old
game ot trying to secure the strategic points
for command ot the sea and of time means of
Ingress and egress to Alaska , .whose only
means at communicaton with the outside
world Is the water. The merit of time controversy -
versy and Its vital Importance to the United
States and especially to the Pugot' Sound
country were clearly stated In an Interview
which 0 reporter on thin Seattle Post-Intel-
ligoncor had with V. Wison , who bas just
returned from a tour of Alaska , and who
has thoroughly famIliarized himself wIth the
subject. Mr. Wilson said :
"The Drltsh game Is to gab whatever ter- ,
ritory I takes n fancy to. They did not care
for Alaska or the boundary very much unt
It was known that the banks and bars of
the hnndred ot tributaries to the Yukon
river contained gold. Just as soon as thIs
was known , however , Great Britain started a
dispute about the boundary with the United
Slates and Is now trying to claim a great
deal of territory which she Is net entitled to.
"The old grant from Russia to time United
Stats said time east bourttiar , was ten , ,
marine ! leagues from boundary sl where-
ever ther Is no definite mountaIn rnnge.
Time Uiiled States claims the coast iueans
time shores of all bays and Inlets. The
British claim Is' that tine ten marino leagues
, only run from time ocean shore and that It
doa not follow th'e meanderings of the bays
and Inlets. I this view Is established I
will give them access to , and egress from
' ( Ito rich Yukon region , and then they would
control most of the trade which ' now comes
principally to Seattie.
"Vilhiamn Oglvlo , the surVeyor for the
Canadian goverminmeimt , last summer crossed
Iynn canal at nuser's hay. I this survey
imrcvails It whIt give gngland n splendid harbor -
bar at the head ot the bay which would be
an excellent dltrlbutng point Jar a big sec-
lion or the rich Yukon r glon. The result
of this would be to bring Victoria Into com-
petton with Seattle for Ito trade of that
section. The reason given b ) Oglvo ! for
swltchhg : hU survey at this point Is that
tbee Is mme definite range of mountains In
that viciniy and that tine pint where ho
rnns his line across the cnnal Is ten Jnarlno
leagues from th main sbor .
"Several years ago Ogivie lade the s ate-
mont that the Canadian gverment would
give time United States all of the northwest
territory west of the Yukon and down to
where time forty-firt IIrdlan crOIIU , that
" -
Erelm , provided the United Stntes" would
give Canada the coast country from Port-
land canal to the Lynl canal , a distance
of 400 or GOO mlcs _ Tithe was before the
great rchness : of the Yukon basIn was fully
Imown. lIe must have' been' authorized to
say this. Since then the British , han
changed their views and have set up their
absurd claim to the head of the channel In
order 10 secure the trade of the mining coun-
try and to get In and out of their back coun-
"I think that there should be no bzckdown
In this matter. The country Is our because
we bought I of Russia , . pall for I , and we
should not allow time liritislm
Ihouhl alow Irllsh or any other
country to como In and take It away from
us. Miions of dollars will be taken out of
the Yukon placers In the future , and It would
be hdiotlc of us to let the shore line be
taken from us.
"England Is at her old game of tryIng to
secure the ports through which the cmmerce
of the \orhl must b9 done , so that all per-
eons who do buslnels with or In Alaska
must pay tel to British merchants , British
ships and Britsh cu tom houses. " '
Judge nance who has been In ( coma his
ranch , about thirtY-fve miles up time fig
Lzmramnle . Is authority for , the Itatement that
there Is considerable mIning excitement there
over the dIscovery of what Is belewd to
be the ore containing nimercury front
which quicksilver Is derived. Time discovery -
ery at this location was made by Mr KIll-
maD , who has been prospecting In that see-
lion most of the summer amid tall , says the
Laramie Iloonmerang. I Is located about
thirty-five milks from lAramie and two
mies above Bosweii'a ranch , and about time
, aml dJstance from Mr. nance's place
The vein Is ten or twelve feet wide. As-
says of ore made In Denver and lpml
f" ' _ " ' : , , = - " . " ' 1 " " ' . -
show that ft is cinnabr , carrying gold and
silver. thatllS I
n , rAmAlLF FISlNO ,
In Yeloo park an expert angler can
catch trout aqd boil It without taking the
fish off time hi5dk , says the Cheyenne Sun.
Wild as the st&t'emnt seems , J Is absolutely
correct , and It has been done more than once.
There arc In time lake several small basins
containing boIling springs , although , the water
In the lake Iselt Is almost Icy cold. Trout
abound In ct 'art ot the lake , and , 1 man
staillpI around
can , by stattltk on the rocky ledge
one of the hot springs , catch n trout with
n line , and transfer the fish , holt In mouth ,
to the hot spring behlml him. I will tile
In n few sell\ " all be fairly well boiled In
hal an hour : The number of anglers who
actunll1I1ght ! amid boiled fsh In this
lmiiracQififl. manner may not bn very large ,
but there are several reliable citizens with
whom wo are acquainted who arc prepared
to male affidavit that ther have done so.
Otto Leifer at BIg 1\ney \ IB introducing n
novelty In the stock business , says the Laramie -
nile Boomerang. ITo lately took his fat steers
to Omaha for sale : and having plenty ot feed
nt home purchased 253 last spring calves . all
steers , and shlppC1 them to Wyoming to teed
nnl1 raIse. 1.01 the calves ho Ilaid fem $1.50
to $2.50 per 100 pounds . the average weight
being 333 POunda laklng time average cost
per head $ G.7 nt Omaha. To ship to Opal ,
Wyo. , colt an average ot $1.8 per head ,
bringing time average cosl per heall ot those
steers nt Opal up to $8.72. Mr. Loiter feels
quito confident ot ral\nl this shipping of
Nebraska elves to Wyoming n profitable
business and his success In thrs new depar-
turn will be closely . watched by cattle raisers.
1apllon has organized a relief connmhttee. ,
Beatrice high scrioel has organized I Iy- '
count league.
Evangelist untelnger Is holding rcvh'al
services at Broken Dow.
11ev. Mr. Keppl has been caled to the
Baptist church nt Joimneomi
Hastngs Sons ot Veterans will give a
Christmas day bal at Krause's opera house.
J. 1. Drake of Louisville skipped out not
long ago , le \lug many creditors In the
Rarl Schneider has left many frIends 'mit
Wlnsldo lourlng his loss and whlsilng for
their imioney.
Robert Gel at Clay county has ben ad-
julged Insane nail taken to the insane asy-
lum at Lincoln. <
Work on time Wescott ditch , Is progressing
finely. There are forty or fifty teams at
work on the grade.
Ponca wit' . bo another candidate before
the next legislature for the location ot a
3tato normal school
P. F. Carrel at Hay Springs has bought
Woodlyte sired by Woodland , 2:1 : , dam by
Acolyte , 2:21 : , for $1,80.
A series of revival services at York has
cloed after , running successful for over
five weels. Fifty persons professed con-
version. .
Salno county Is to have a grand circle
hunt on Dec mber 21. Hunters are sum-
mone to meet at 10 a. m. along the line of
n ten-mite square.
Fir , which broke out In time blacksmllh
shop at N. D. Olsen at Edgar , destroyed Mrs.
Thomas' carpenter shop and a two-story
building belollglg to Mr. Olsen.
There Is aJll' hanging around the southwest -
west corner of Minden who appears to have
10 further ot'ict _ In view than to scare
women who l\y r left at home alone tn the
evenings. : ' S
_ ! . .
Paplion Is\q1tl ; ; g' steps for the appolnt- ,
meat of n firiir Inspector , whose special duty
shal be to Imesimect all chimneys In the vii-
lago and seo' to't that they are repaired
whenever repi"dre needed.
On the relid't ) nt the money was going'
Into the wrong , chmaninei the commissioners
ot Nuclmls' c unt have called a halt on
the distributiati It , relief to the poor by pro-
\ work6'n"thfe '
vidingvor 6Ta tre county roads.
P. W. Thomas , . . . . who left a wife and' fIve
children at , qttland , , Ian. , 'to . search for
work In Pawnee county , was unable ; to
earn , enoughmpnpy to keep hlm.sel. , and
tried to pisc. \ ,1 His life 1va saved
.t10 } } P.oO'fh,1 pun1. . j "
. . Miss 1 ! ngllJ.arrhlt , , of Hastigs , who
was dfecim'rge ! frornUmo , ' Lincoln Insane asy-
lun\ some time 'ago 'a's cured has been taken
1a't 'to ' that institution. I. Is said that the
present ataek of insanity was Induced by
her failure to secure a position as a 'school
teacher this fall.
Joseph W. 'Witty and Clayton F. Secod
have purchased the Craig Times from D. A.
Drowstr. TIe flOW editors promise to con-
duct the paper for time best Interests at Burt
and Craig countIes , denouncing anythIng and
everything which they do not believe to be
rIght. The Times will follow the principles
ot the republican party because "we believe
them to bo for lie best Interests ot the
American peopl "
Colorado farmers have appeared at Hem-
Ingford , orer some cattle which they aver
were stolen from them by some men who
brought them Into this state and made arrangements -
rangements to , , winter In Box Butte counly.
They olalm to have found about 100 head of
their anlma : , and nrmed with a writ of re-
plevin ccu'd possession of torty-one head.
The alleged robbers declined to give up the
cattle so easily , and 1 legal fight Is expected -
peeled over the ownershIp of , time animals.
Time residents ot Byron township eight
milea northeast ot PIerre , are making arrangements -
rangements for sinking an artesian well .
A carload of Doret here sheep passed
through Huron a day or two since , to be put
upon tine ranches along thc Missouri river.
Military . authorities at Fort Meade have
been compelled to place a patrol of troops
around time military reservation to prevent
depredations of timber thieves.
Hurley imnprovemommts ot which shin Is
very proud , arc two new four mis , one a
sleam roller process ot the latest Improved
machinery , the oilier on old fashioned hal-
land windmill process .
Time Northwstern Packing company has
fed deeds at Sioux Falls for 2,800 lots In
the vicinity of the half completed packIng'
houses which this company purposes to conl- '
ploto and opera to. The plant. when com-
plel d , with represent an expendIture at eve
Chief Gaul , one at the mst notd Indians
df his time , Is now n "good In13n. [ " lie
died nt lila homo thirty-five mies south ot
time Standing Rock agency. Gaul was one
of the lEaders of the Sioux tribe , and was
limo fighting chief Il comlan1 of time trIbe
at the ( line ot tIme Custer massacre , on time
Little Big horn , Mont. lie was long an 11
Illacahlo foe ot the whites and ono of time
last to sign n treaty ot peace. ills stolclsl ,
courage and ability rendered him a conspic-
UOus figure In his tribe and an object at
Interest to nil who know him.
A telephone line between La Junta amid
Rocky Ford is"1Jthim1ing. ,
Tine test or omen the tOW stamp null at '
McCourl camp o\vs a saving of $4 on the
plates , which , I elpr than expected Water
Is tlO laln drapbacI , In tIme new camll.
Cripple cree1 ,1 aklng n better record at
ore production . )8 month than ever before .
Time cadmp Inay ba ii time $1,000,000 mark In
January , or car ' fe ji ' the now year at any
rate , If present nc.ttvity Is contlnueml. (
J. J. CooperWhmh'a reeeivell and stored In
Lamar 2.GOO bus ,11 of wheat , 2,500 bushels
of oats and a c . tlbad of alfalfa seed brought
In from time la.ids'o the Colorado I'arm amid
Irrigaton cOllll ' lh Prowers county.
The \Vot''rthncry has a capacity for
handling 12,00Q imeutiihs . of mik per day , although -
though thp , pre.t.av.lable SUPIII Is only
about 1,200 pounds of mik per lay which
Is equivalent JO time production of 125 pound
of cheese , ) " ( \ .
Most of ' Wo 'flilnimig and smelter len of
Leadvie ! are at present husly engaged
figuring out the results of the y ar's work.
Considering thu unfavorble shiver legislation ,
thin showing twill be very good , whIch will
largely be 1ue to the gOd ! and lead ( producers
at the camnp. .J
The Iuebo steel works have closed a contract -
tract with John lerry of Canon City for takIng - ,
lag out and loading not less than twelve '
carloads of silica each week from the beds on
Graps creek jUft a short distance above the
hot Springs hot.I Over 3,000 tons have
been .
already ) ahlpped.
The Oreeley Tribune eays that the farmers
under the Greeley and Loveland dich have
finally sotted whnt mIght have led to along
long and ecaly litigation by accepting 1
NOJoilian from Manager Gilmore of time
ditch company assenting to the isle by
the company of 203\ \ ) water rights. The
company claimed time right to sell 840 , water
rights "lile the present water right owner
wished to lmi the cab , 10 180
Settling the Bt ines of an Unsatisfactory
Year and at Future
Looking a Gloomy ,
Cave VI' time 1Iliton to Oct iinnmmim RII Are
New Oh'lnl VI' reenbmiclcs to Got
time lulon HRck In Their
Vaults ' \ gaiii.
NEW YORK , Dec. 23.-'hienry Chews , head
ot the banking house at Henry Clews & Co. ,
writes at the ( situation , In Wall street :
"Wnl street Is now In the midst ot Its
annual retrospective mood , balnnclng accounts -
counts , settling firnis' affairs . and revIewing
the resuls or n very unsatsfactor ) ' business
year . Prom now until New Ycar's Is there-
fore not n period Of active busness , and operations -
eratons are Inguld and limmihted. This nat-
nrly lalles an opening for the ( 'bears , ' who
seek to make the IOSt ot I , but with indifferent -
ferent success. Thin encouraging event ot
the week has ben time declaraton of their
usual dividends by each of the Vammderbilt
hues. This appears to have ben made pas- l
slblo by n large reduction In
reducton oporatng expenses -
penses , In spIte at I material decrease of
In gross enrnlngs amid ot the large mIlling oft
con1nratvo passenger receipts for time
months covered by the '
'Vorld's fair. The
oXIJrts at gold can hardly bo suld to have
lore than a momentary erect ; for the
movement has about been discounted
n1 ! the Oultflow is I dlscountel
outfow ! expected to exceed
what is
! Ustmally
\lllt lis usunly Incident to this season.
a Street
reet can
scarcely be
said to b
cn scnrely Bld be
olltlnlstc as tn the Position of time treasury
In relation to gold It nimticilntes
, I a stendy
decline nntclpnte !
declne time treasnr stock oC the metal
and the ( neellty for the government bor-
rowing nnother $50JWi to replenish its
gold IR
reserve In the
reser\ conrse of I few mouths
congress should devise some means
for averting Clint result , ot wimlchm however ,
there Is not much expectation. Some un-
easiness Is caused by the stbady with-
drwnls of gold front the treasury , materl-
/ly In excess oC what Is I required for cur-
! rQnlred
rent exports of the metal Time drain , cr- up-
pears to come from the banmks mind to be
for their own account amid Is prob'lhl ;
caUSCd by a desire to recoup thmselve9 for
time large umount they ) Jl'ted wih In their
sUbscriptons for the late loan No more
serious motive Is supposel1 to be nt tim
betel of the mo\ement and It is I expected
to prove only transient. !
"In Inancln circles unusual Interest Is
felt In the pending legislation relating to tIme
currency question . So tar as respects Sec-
rotary Cnm'hishe'it bill , thcl'o Is more or Jess
ot a comicurrenee In its
I concurrnce Is proposals to retire
time legal tender cIrculation ( If done retre
conservative way ) , to ChUge [ the basis I
bank note Suarantec , to permit Issns of
notes to the extent of 75 per cent of capital ! ,
to make more effective provIsIon for the
current redemptons ot notes and to admit
the state banIs to th ! privilege of Issuing
notes upon safe cimdltion. 'he zmieasurb ,
Qndlton !
although In I crude form , Is regarded as
affording time basis for 1 reconstruction of
our currency system . anti If there '
OUI cnrenc ! were any
expectation of the bill being enacted with the
nccessary needed mnterlal nmondments It
would be welcomed aa an aId toward the
restoration of business Bunt the bill con-
tnlns certain Ilrovlslons and lack others
which , It Is thought , wilt defeat its cnnct-
uncut or , If It beomes 1 law , would vu.stl ) '
counleract its possible good I'esults. Among
the clauses deemed objectionable Is the re
quirement thnt the banks oC Issue shnl deposit -
posit legal tender nt the treasury to the
amount of 30 per cent of their circulation .
which would largely restrict the net earn-
lags from thC notes and so far lessen the
Inducement for the banks to avail them-
selves ot their privilege of Issuing , besides
which It might keel ' a very Inrge amount of
legal tender In exIstence after the remainder -
der had been retired-an Incident which
would be Inconsistent with tim secretary's
puose to extinguish , nil time legal tender
nots. To those familiar with the principles
and operations of banking the safety fund
clause of the bill , requiring I deposit of
lawful mommy amounting to 6 pr cent of the
outstanding clrlculaUat Is regarded as
highly objectionable on the groum that I
Involve 1 mutual guarantee us bqtween
all banks , In opposition to nil sound prlncl-
Ille of banking , besIdes which this fund
would be wholly superfluous regarded 1' a
sour ot guarantee. With respect t the
pro \ repealing the reserve laws of the
national banks , although not n little may
be said In its favor , yet strictly conservative
financiers arc dispsed to regard It ns nn
unsafe innovation.
"Outside the national banking Interest the
proposal to permit the state banks to Issue
note must be modified to provide strong
6ateguards to meet with al'roval , the terms
ot Issue must necessarily be the same In
the case of both the national and state In-
stttons , but time secretary's bill makes
marked discrIminations In favor of the state
hnnks , which Is universally viewed a unjust
and invidious. The great and universal objection -
jection . however , Is that Mr Carlisle fails
to make any udequnte provision for carryIng -
Ing out time main feature of his planl the re-
timement ot mnn $ O.OO of legal tender
notes. He asks for authority to use for that
purpose any money In the treasury not
otherwise appropriated , but does not men-
tlon authorization to borrow money for
thesis vast liquIdations. His BchemC If
adopted , must Inevitably brealt down at this
point . for beyond the mere possibility of
getting small mounts from surplus Income
he would have no shadow at disposable
meatms . white the notes going Into the 30
mens. whl !
per ont guarantee fund would be simply
liquidation. taken from circulation and wlhbbeld from
lquidaton. these circumstances no hope Is
entertained of r < let from the pending hi
In the rorm In which It was presented to the
houso. All hope of mending the currency
situation Al therefore dependent unon the
chances ot n radical revision of Ullon Car-
lisle's piln. 'Vhat those chance mount
to depends principally upon political con-
siderations. If both parties In congress
I 10th partes
could be brought to waive party mutves
101 work together for realizing Mr. Car-
lisle's main Ilurposes ; with fuller anti more
consistent detais , wo might then hope to
500 a. settlement ot this distum'hinmc money
I n setemlnt the present session
queston Insure
o congress closes. Hut to
lint congrels result the men of imitelhi-
anal the organlzltonl representng
genre nnl
commercial anti iln.aiicini interests
our great anl Ilmnclal
must make ( hiemselves ! heard In tones of
imperative urgency.
Mr. Clew's plan for retiring time kovern-
meat currency In circulation Is set forth
In "NgW thl leter YORT : Dec. 17 , 1891.-To lon , ' " 'II .
11am M. Springer . Chairman Bank- ,
lam and Currency Commitee , "lsh-
Ingtol , D. C. : Dear Sir-Let congress -
puss an act to
gress time issue of $17GG.O In 3 per cent gold bonds
( not coin bonds ) , the interest not 10 excerd
:1 : per cent , $ : iIaist,000 ; to be issued at the
: $10,61,0
discretion ot the secretary ot the treasury ,
lscroton consent or the president , to pro-
yule for absolute needs or the treasury
from time to time , In connecton with and
for the hrotection at the outstllllnl green-
backs which are for that amnount anti to be
issued only by Ilpular subscrIhmtiomm. 'rhe
renimuinhmig * 150,9711 000 or these bond $ to ho
reDnlnlng U5.9790 . .
IlledReel amid held In the Unied States trea
'ury agnlnst the outltaJlng $15.99.0 )
Sherman law treasury notes. to IJ re-
tlerped at lie rte of ' 2,0.0 a month
from the avails of time Imle of the bonds
the sale of bonds Ind rc.lempton of thc e
noteto be made Hlmullneously each
month , .ommenclng July l , 1S5. ' hiem .
bonds could he 'Boht In ' al Ilrohablltr ! at I
pr mlummklng them equivalent to 21 ! Ilr
cent Interest bonll Tint , object In pOllpon-
lag th date to July 1 for the ( commencement -
ment ot the lquidaton of the Shmermnaii
mioteti is to give ample time mnennwhiihtr in
furniuhato a more liberal national bank
note system , winicim will admit of the Issue
of mmcli notes to ( mike tile place of ( lie notes
redeemed. 'rule wilt vreVent ii contraction
Cf (11(1 currency , This I3iierman notes iteiimg
liroviiled for us muhmove set forth , will leftyc
mull time bar sliver stored in the Unitemi
States treasury to protect time hlianti sityor
imotes. Time holders of these nmotes sitoiuhil
be given the option , after Junumury I. ibiti ,
to senth thut'nm in for n'etlemptiomi iii I'ocks '
Cf $5,000 or $10,000 Iii exchange for liar silver
at Chic mnmmrket jric , not , hmowever , to cx.
ceed 1mm amnoummt $2,000,0XJ In any one mnomithu ,
alt redeemed note's to lie emunceileil. 'rime
present nmitlomiah hank currency is certmminly
time best ever ismmueil Imu this or any oilier
country , anti ( lie systeni imoulU be retmmlmmed ,
hut remcdched on a more liberal basis seam
am ; to muhnilt of more profit to time banks and
thereby increase tue issue.
"All ciasses of United States bonds shuouhti
lie tmukemi at liar Os eecurhty for brink mmotes.
'I'hie right should be given to army hank-
state or miutional-to Issue bank notes to the
full ninnount of its capheal on the denmoahi
of United States bonds with the comnptrc'hier
of ( lie currency , anti Issue notes equal In
the mar value of said bonds. Mi time 4 per
cent anti S per cent Issues of United States
bonds should be taken un by the substi-
tutlon of : t ier cent gold bonds , the cx-
chammge to be made at a premium , to be
t'aiti ' atm thi 4s anti 5s. equivalent to a 3
tier cent basis. This wouhti mike only one
grade of Lmniied Stes hunts outstanding ,
with time exception uf time currency bonds ,
which now have but mm short ( lame b for'
maturity , 'alien ( lie ) ' of cotmrse will be
Paid 01 ! , The UnIted States bonds being
timer , all of omie grade , would be recognizeit
huts Unitmh States conols nil over the worltl ,
amid would be marketmtimlo at all time world's
mmione3' centers , They would trail ) ' lie regarded -
garded as ii. fuill equivalent for gohi , anti
would have time quality of au internnttlonintl
ctmrreney hearing interest. UnIted States
bonds would have this imitornntional character -
actor , for ( ito conceit that they hieing esimpon
bonds are transferable like itmoncy , time 1mm-
tt'rest ealciuiatetl tIp to ( hate of transfer ,
\vimereas time hiumrchnse mind sale of Emiglisit
consols is ninlmily couihhiiod to within the
boundaries of Great lritnln , owing' to ( lie
fact that % 'iien they are bought by aim in-
S'cstor tlte' are ahmaimly trmmmmsferretl eacht
time ( lie ) ' clmrtmig'e hiantiR on the books of
record iim Loiidon withiotmt amiy other cvi-
thence of owmiershnip being gI'c'n ,
"If tito mihiove Ptiggestioiis are adopted for
national legislation , it will mint onihy stop
time outflow of gold , but will reverse time
currenit , , nmitl SlCetlilY hiring It thus way.
It the above treatment were applied to
the greenbmtcks amid time 'Sherman' law
treasury notes ( ito ) ' votmltl be Placed her-
tiiatienth' on a gout basis , at ; tIme Uuitttl
States gold bonus backing timemmi would
brimig Chicle' ( mice valtue In golti imi our mar-
hot mmmiii time niarkets of EtmropO at any tlmrme ,
'rio sntne mulso fltPhiCs to ( lie $137,69bol out-
stantlhmig 'Bland' silver notes , as time trails-
for of tIme $ liO,000,0i ) additIonal liar silver
froni time Simermuan hole's to time Blmimiil imotes
'tvouitl make time security behmhiiih , them iii
silver Inmiuiomi , even at ( lie present tiepressemi
market value for ( lie white metal , largely
lit excess at' those obhigntioiis. This would
lie equils'nhent to lilittimig theta nit a. gold
basis also. Tue gold reserve in ( hue trens-
tiry nniglmt easily thien get ( Iowa to $2.000 ,
or even less. withmotmt crestiimg tiny nimiram
whatsoever. I1ENIIY CLE\VS. "
DlSCOU2T RATES hI4thtlEEl ) ,
t'rlce at time T.nntlou , Rz'hamigo Fairly iVeht l.nt ' % % 'eek.
LONDON , Dee. 23.-Tim usual uiemamid at
the end of tIme year had time eitt5'ct of slIghtly
hmn.rdeniimig mnommey and discoumit rates. it
is expected , however , there vili 1)0 a relapse -
lapse with thue coming of tIme mica' year amid
the release of dividends. l'nices at time
Stock exchange vere fairly well muttlntained ,
Tim dealings were chiefly centereti in
time mimmimig , Somitit 4fnicnn aimuires advmtmmc-
Ing. 'rho ' feature of thmi market was hmimy-
immg fnmmi I'mim'is. Comments \veme strong. Cola-
mimi u'ectmritiesvere rather uhmill , Foreign
securities verc firm , , , There was lIttle clmnuigty
imi British railway securities. Annericami railway -
way securitio , ' were irregular. Tue currency
question mnhtitmiteg agnltmst a revival , Erie
aecontils vere 3 ½ 1)01' Cent. lower , Atchilson
niortgmge , M ilwammkee , lemmver Preferred.
Norfolk lweferreh , anti Reamhimmg firsts were
dowti fromu 1 to 1' , per cent , while nit time
others showed shIghmter declInes. Grantl
Trummk imntd Canadian l'aclllc were vIrtually
Uimcimaumged , Argentine and BrazIlIan , securl-
Ucs were sonmewhiat lower.
I'uumbcr of idle LoomnsImmcreae1mig aimd 1'ro-
hiects Are 1umlr ,
MANCHESTER , Dec. 23.-Tim market last
week was very quiet. Time proposed Immdlanm
duties on. cotton and. ynirums temporarily dl-
rerteil business for India. The' inquiry ,
however , was large , but the humus were
made below ( lie muarket. Business to a fair
extent was donme for China , but it was
spotty. Moderate miscellaneous sales were
niade for time minor nmarltets. Prices 'were
easy , though , not quotably chmanmged. lii
yarns the busintess was confined to daily
needs antI prices were mostly slightly lower.
Stocks am. Increashmig. The number of idle
bonus is stilt Immcreasimmg.
, t .hl USIJIENr8.
Time spirit of Christmas was abroati yes-
'terday , and , a a result , the theaters liar-
tlcuiarly felt ( lie gcmmtie , unsehilsit inmhlucnces
vhici are inseparably linked. withi the hmoi-
idays , and big houses were time
rule at both the Empire and Boyd's , notably -
ably at the former home of time modern
school of tIme drama. 'Tlme Railroad
Ticket" was very much im evidence , and
the new farce comedy made a most pro-
flounced hit , and rightly' so , for 1mm many
respects it is one of time brightest farces
now on time road. There is an up-to-date-
ness about It suggestive of wise manage-
menmt , and as the pcoplear'nm ng the very
best of timeir class it would he difficult to
imagine a more satisfying performanmce than
Freemamm'nm funmakers give. , There' ' is little
in the farce itself to need serious. 'eonmuith.
eratiomi , aitimoughi its satIres on ( lie ticket
scalper amid the rain making fake Is extremely -
tremely keen , its wit delightfully fresh.
There are a number of new corners in the
compamy , but James T. Kelly continues to
lead ( lie procession as Chips , a. decidedly
ambitious otllce boy , who succeeds in rais-
lag Cain through three coupons of delight.
Cut fooling. Kelly does little until the last
act , but the encores lie received' and' ' the
new stuff he introduced rmhmowed that there
is one light comedian who appreciates that
success Is only won by hard work. harry
Porter has broadened greatly in lila art
slmice In Omaha a year ago. lie Is funny ,
very funny , anti hits singing of "My i'earl Is
a. Bowery Girl" was a clever bIt of character -
acter work , somewhat exaggerated , but
mione the le 1nterestimm , because of its
over accentuation , William hilaisdehi plays
Robert Tickets and very satisfactorily , too ,
displaying a quiet humor which , caught time
crowd. Franic Gardiner Introduces a dance
specialty 'which met last night with , great
favor. The women ot the cast are headed
by Miss Alice Carle , a. former connie openmi
favorite amid a contralto of merit. She Is
a Imamidsomne woman , a little inchinetl to
austerIty , but shmo gives tone to time clever
organzitioum Which "Doc" Freennn has
brought together under his banner of first-
class perfornmances. Miss Carhe does mint
sing as well as sIte once did , but her richly
trained voice l a pleasant relief ( roam many
of time so-called contraltos now tililmig engagements -
gagements throughout the country , hattie
'm'aters makes a decidedly' bewitching type-
% s'riter iii love , because It lit part of hmer
busimmess. Miss hiageard , as the Fremicim
maid , bubbles over whlt entimuslasni , anti
brings to ( lie Part a very pleasant persomm-
ality , vlich , coupled with dash amid a rc-
fined abrtntlon , gives go to lmor chiumractcr-
Ization , Time others are quite clever , anti
tIme perfornianco , with its iot of new songs
and specialties , canmmot fail to play to big
houses this week ,
1' ,
C , 5arah I. CrI irs.
Only a Scar Remains
Scrofuin Curod-Ulood Puriflod b
- . ' Hood'a Srsrsaparhiin.
'to. i. hlooti & Co. , Lowell , Mass.t
'I ( ii whIm hilensuiro timid I sentl a testimonial
commccrmminig what Ilooti's S.trsaparilha hini.s dona
for may daumgimte , ' , It Is a womulerfnml unothicins
anti I canimot recommend ii too iuigimly , Sarah ,
vimo is fourteen , years old , lmas heart .i -
Afflicted With Scrofula
ever since she was oirn year old , For five years
she hma hmtt a rtmmmmming sore on one iti of her
face. We trieti every rommuedy recomimmimeinted , bum
iiotlming ( lilt her nimy good until we commtmemmcct
tmsiimg hood's Sarsaparihia. My imimurrlcil daughter
amlvIcd inn to use hlooil's Sarsapitrihimi because
Hood'ssiia Cures
it lund cured her of uiyspcpsia. She Imad been
trotmblod with thmtt : eOmfllmlaiumt siimco childhood ,
antI nuiiuco her cure hmo hma hover urea wltliotut a
bottioof lootl's ( Barealmarilimu mm tIme house. We
connmeneeil giving it to Sarah about onmo yea ?
ago , and It has conmquored the runimmtmmg sore ,
Only a Scar Remaining
As a. trace of the dreathfuh duseao , Proviotis to
takimig time mnedlcino her oye.sigimt was affected'
bumt imow site cant see Perfectly. Iii commiieetion
'with hlooti's arsalmnrihimu s'o Immure mimeit hltioul'
Vegebubie l'ilis , amid flmiul tiiemnm the hmest. " Imlits.
IIIA11IA ( rmtnm"rnN , Xoiia , lhiinmois.
Hood's Pills cure mmainsea , sick imoadacimo ,
Indlgestlou , biliousness , Sold by all druggists. j
' l'ionieer of Low
' / , I'rlCc in
! , , '
Full S6t of Tctii , $5 ; warrailled to Fit.-
Tcethi ettracted amid put lii saiuie day. ( 'bitt aitti
Plateau Alloy Fihlin irs , $1 ; SIR'er } flhimcs , SI.
i'mmnm Uoltt , * 2 ; Goll Ci'owmmii , * 11 to Si3-2.'Ie : Urmdgo
Toethi , tU tier tooihm. Fuimest work always. :1 :
1ioor i'axtott 111k. , 16th nmmuti Fnrmmmmimi. 'ret. 1093 ,
i'imflhile , blachthcimd , red , ratmgii nud oil ) ' akin
' amid httntlit , (1 r ) ' , timimm , arid mailing
I hair , and simple baby liieniisimea
are lrevcnteii amid cured by CUT ! .
commA SoAI' , most effective stimm.
purifying and beautIfying SOUl ) in
the world , as rohh as hiurest anti
sweetest of toilet and cursory
soaps. Sold throughout thu world.
' . 'I '
Beginning ( Tonight ) Monday Dec. 24.
Under time dir tion of Mr. Wm , ' It. hinydeti , Ia
the following repertoire :
"I.flAP 3'EilR. "
Christmas and Wethmuesdav Ereniugs , ,
"Till , : IIIiNIIF.'Ti' . "
NIGhT PItICES : First floor. Ii and $ l.CO : lath.
commy , SOc and , 35c. Matinee irices : First floor ,
reserved , $1 ; general admismiomm , The ; balcony , Us
amid 75e ,
Thursday , Dec 27th '
The Pri ctoo Uniersiy !
01001 ilanjo and Mandolin Clubs
hlegumiar pm'Icoe. Seats on sale Dcc. 20.
Auction sale of boxes lce. 2mmd ,
iciiT PoPir'Afl
1. 1'RIcIs.
Telephmommo lash ,
W. J. llU1tGE , Mmunmtgor , ' '
-A RICh lilT-TONIGHT AT 8:1i.- :
Tilt ] UNNIESP 8110W ON EetltTlL
Mathimecs Chmnistuiiamm Day ; miml Vedmioday ,
COmmuimig weelc. lice. PINNIGAN'a BALL.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'What is
Castorla Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's precrIpt1on for Inf'tuits
IUI(1 ChiIIFOfl. It contailiH neither Opium , Morplilno nor
other Narcotic ubstnncc. It Is t httrniles riubstituto
for Paregoric , DropH , Sootluizig Syrups , tImid Castor 011.
.It is Pleasant. itu guarautco Is thirty years' usa by
Ii1Iions ofMotliars , ( Jastoria dcstr yii Worina aiid'allays
foverislimiess. Castorla Ircveiit ' 4'ozuItIhlg Sour Curd ,
cures Diarrinea anti Wind Colic , Castorla rclioyo
toetliliag troubles , cures comhstlpation anid flatulcucy.
Castorla asslitullates tim (00(1 , regulates the iitomack
arid. bowoJ , giving healthy and uiatural sloop. Cas.
toria Is tim Clilidrezi's L'LuiacctL-LIIO DIotIiov' rrlcnd.
Castoria. Castoria.
M is au excellent anedicina for chill' . ' Casteria Is cowell adaptetltochiidra that
dren , ) iothment lie , ' , , repeatedly told rue of Its recomumnermd it nasupurior ( oanuyprscrhpUoa
good cect their children , "
upomi no to me , "
Da. ( I. C. Osnoon , fi , A. Amtcua , 11. D. ,
I..wehi , Mass. Ill So. OxtortiSt. , Brooklyn , N , Y ,
'I Caxtoria ii the hiet renmedy for chuiidrcn of " Our phmysicituis In limo chIldren's depart.
which Iamiact1tittotcd ! , I hmopotimodayis nc.C macnt have spoken highly of their experi.
( ardlatant wlmeuimnotliorJ rllcrntsilortimtiroai core in their outside Practice with Castoria ,
intemvbtofthmuirciIhllren , r' I ( iQ C'aatorin iii. and altimough mo only imavim among our
stendcCthmevarioumsquit'kt.'tnmmmswhmtnlmaru medical suppliea wimat is known as regular
destroyini theIr loved OU'iS , liy turcitmgopimumn , products , yet vo are free to confess tis
morphine , iioothmiu syrup tmid other hurtful merits of Castorhmi hmmts won " , i Look with
agents down their throatg , ( hereby ind1ug favor upomi it , "
( hem to promaaturo graves. " UsmTxD hioau'rri. ice
Da.J. F..Kmscmmmct.o , istp ,
Conway , Arl. At.r.xmi C. Sminu , I'i'es. ,
Time Centaur Company , Ti Murray Street , Now York City ,
r----- - ' - - - - - - ' - - - - - -
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