" " - - - - - . . . I . . ; - 1 THE OMAHA ; DAILY BEE " . , , , . r i _ _ a " ESTABLIShED JUNE In , 1871. OMAhA , MONDAY On.NING , \ ' DEOEMBEIL 24 , 18 { ) SINGLE COPY FIYB OjN L'S. "I GREAT BRITAIN STOHMSWEPT \ - Ships Wrcckel on All Part of the Coast and Many Lives Lost ABOUT ONE HUNDRED PERSONS MISSING . - . , ' ' - Itnny IIU CI In Iuhln nOI the Suburbs ' or fliRt CIt ) Wrecked-Telegraphic COllllnlcnton Interrupted nlth SCotnlc , " LONDON , Dec. 23.-neports from various . . . . parts ot Great Briain show that the gale Is l abating. The storm raged with the greateal fury all day Telegraphic communication wtlh Scotland Is completely Interrupted , whlo the wires In the mhlanll counties and Ireland are more or less damaged. There Is hardly n town ot any size but reports ) personal casualties anti damage to property. Mlnufacturlng towns In the north and west suFfered badly. Hoofs were torn oft and chimneys collapsed , crashing through adjoining hulilngs ) and Idlng and Injuring 4\ a number ot werking people. A number or . fshing boats arc missing. Three boats were swamped of Slornaway and twenty-two oc- tupants drowned. Much damage was done to house In Dublin and the suburbs of that city. city.Ieoplp In the Donegal his are reported to , be suffering terribly , their cottages being wrecked and flooded. The ships America . and the Mary 1. Marshal went ashore near I Greenock. The Arlmlow was driven ashore In Scalpsle bay and has nine feel ot water In her hold. I I expected she will bo a total 1c58. All around the coast vessels are reported to he ) strandell or In the greatest elanger. The ship 11r Michael \as wrecked oft Holy- head and five of her crew were drowned. The other six men on her were rescued with much dilliculty. The rour-masted County of ICinross for lartepool , was seen , - oft that port 1)lnp on her beam ends anti I ' I apparently sinking. ler crew was seen on her wRit life belts on. The actual number of deaths Is unknown , but It Is expect that the list wi not be much less titan 100. The American ship ICennebec from Port Dallely , which had discharged her cargo at Belast , broke adrift and sank a tug and damaged another "essel. flail WINO C.USIU TII % VISECK. Dldnstrousccllclt to the Ilnnchcster I.tt Ten 1.lv.s. LONDON Dec. . , 23.-The Manchester express - press on the London & Northwestern railway , whIch was wrecked at Chelford last night , consIsted of two engines and sixteen coaches fled chiefly with people bound from Mant . chester for London to spend the holidays. ; A number ot freight cars were being shIfted \ near Chelforti . when the wind , which was blowing with great violence , started one ot them back on the rails. The " runaway car was driven slantwise across the main hue just as the express appraoched The engineer ot the express which was run- fling at the ' rate or forty miles an hour , saw dimly nn'ead a hugs obstruction approaching , . - and the brakes wer applul and the engines I , I , reversed , but the momentum ot the heavy ' ' /raln was .o "reat that Its speed was not \ f'itIcClY. ; .checked. The engines and _ " thrc coahhs cler of . gen the poInts before the car struck the depress. ' The teaches which were hit by the wagon were completely smashed , while those fol- lowing were dernlled and partially shattered . ' ' partaly shatered. 'Al the lights were extinguished , and this I added to the fears of the passengers. The scene was n horrible one . the In- i jured passengers screaming the wpunded I . - - groaning and the guards and porters hoarsely shouting for assistance. Men with lanterns were sent to . fag another - other train that was approaching the I scene of the wreck. Fires were lighter along- sldo the line to rescuers enable Ino the rescuers to pursue I their worlc. Those passengers who had not been hurt scrambled but ot the cars and L formed a relief part ) ' . Thirteen bodies were i . taken from the wreck. Some of them were ) badly mutilated . A number of those on the t train had narrow escapes All the omclnls except the fireman or the first engine escaped L death , but most ot them were Injured. The I second engine was derailed anti overternud , .L2) i ItS engineer was only slightly hurt. Medicine and other aid arlrved tram Crow .and the Injuted , who numbered over fIfty , , were attended to. Several ot those Injured ffy will die. One carriage that was derailed by the force ot the collision ' colision , struck and corn pletely'demolshcll a sIgnal box beside the line. A special train brought them to Lan - dODo Ln- FI.UUUS IN IOLI\n. . Htorm . Caulel the Ilvord to O\"rlo\v urn Illch HIIIO hicithits. AMSTERDAM , Dec. 23.-leavy foods : . have been causel by the storm In holland . TIle rlwrs Mans and note rose twelve feet , Inundatng parts ot ilottordam . float : were used In the streets and In the market places , which were hIm ! lales. Many of the d'lees threatenell to give way under the heavy pounllng ot the sea In Severn 'I ' plaos the water succcelled In breaklrt1 \ through , anti the country In the vicinity or the breaks Is hooded. Nine houses collapsed - lapsed , their foundations being untiermineil . At Utrecht several persons were drowned ly the capsizing of u boat. Telegraph and telephone wires were everywherJ , broker ' 1he bark Caroline , from Savannah for 11am - lam- burg , went ashore near l gmollsee and bctmo 1 total wreck Her cargo Is being washrll up on the beach. Part of her crew " were drownell. IlSSI . Dcc 23.-The storm has % caused much lama go throughout : hlelgiuni 1lany of the Belgiln fibbing boats are miss- : 1ng. Tha towl ot Iendermonda at the . , confluence ot the Dender and Scheld t - " ; rtvr8va8 Inundated by the Sehell flowIng of the Icnt.Ier . ' ' fowing Donier. "ho Inhabitant 5 \tro ; aroused by the tocsin and escapet I , but the property loss ts great ' escapel - lages \udegeme , Denderle. Mespelacre , Allleis anti Baen were also Inundated I.UmUnO , Dec. 23.-The river mbe has \ overnown its bnnles all Inumlatell the lower ' Ilarts ot tIre lown. The water Is so doe I ) that tram cars are , unabla to run. I'"nr :1 hlll ' . ' :1'.Srl"I'1 lt 1'lrl. . P/tillS ) ( c. : -Oencrl Tcherlcort , who : J was sent nl lleclnl envoy to announce the accession ot Czar Nlhoils to the throne of flussla , arrived het this afternoon. II c WiS rc"eh' with niIhtars' aferoon. honor. ThIn ) . thousand Ilropio WCO mocmbl along the . sheets throuh whIch the ; IH'neral iassr ti anll hb l was lnitntlIy cheered. fassEI Wil 11'lrty dl'eret. lie viIi see 1e 1'r's.It1ent CUllmlr-lrl'ler tomorrow wi 1'110" \m'rl.l "hll'i $ . \bu1.h"II , MAlHUU , 1ec , : , -ln \ 'ontequeneo or the urgent l.roteltK or the \nle,1 States mlu- mister Ister , the minister of the 'olonlel hal d Ii' clcell to IIIe hnmellale action tn Iht so t. th'ment ot thmt linen leton . ' ' thl Ineu imposed tip ' \nl.I'lcan shllulnu I ) ' the t lulhnrllli 1 ot Cuha . Iml ishvsd 'uno . lU" ' , anti lurthP lines wi he aba I. Chnlt'ra ; ; -I til" , " ' . , JJJ'\OS . \ ' I IS. Dec. Several , 'ascl p ot chuler m" l't'llortNI II ltosanio 11reat prrelutonl IHI'o tlln tuk\1 to I're\'ent Ihe svrcull of the ( tISt'31ft' . p n l' _ _ J.ot'tI HII.IIII'h I hur'hll I I I ii pros t'd. IAJUn.l.m : , 11. . : -I.rc Huncollih ChurchIll Inl b cuml "utorl blnce his U : I- I - - - ' - ri val here. Symptoms or locomotor ataxia hnve nppearcd. Nevertheless he was deter- mlnell to IlroccCI to London , and nceOm- pa nieti hy his wife and Ilhslelun , he st for Paris tonight. ) OIIt\Y'S : l'OI.tTIth'tL . UUrl.UOIC i NOlhll/ Moro W'LIt Ito Jclu.1 or the I Socl"l t Inctdclt. I ' LONDON , Dec. 23.-The correspondent of' the Times at Berlin says ho docs not think , Ilat the political situation In Germany : Is sc gloomy as It Is generally lupposed. lie 'adis that Chancellor von 10henioho has perceived that he has made n rnisnke ! and w ill turn hack before It Is too tate. There I reason to hope that nothIng more will be heard of the socIalIst Incident , except the strengthening or the disciplinary powers of the Helchstag. The Cologne Oazete , In an Inspired article , says that Chancellor von lohenlohe Is not a man to run his head against a wall ; on the contrary , he wilt leave no stone unturned to obtain from the Helehstag by calm negotiations what he requires - quires In order 10 fulfill that on whIch he lays mos weight. Any conflict with the Helehstag would render the ntalnment or his ends dllcul , I not hriipsshblo. Wtl , , \ SSItTT1IfiCOMMiSS1O ( . l'or.ln 1)ch'gtttes " 'Il 11\.0 No Trouble In In\.tlltn the , \rmenlll trnchtlc. . CONSTANTIOPI , nee. 23.-Tho Porte has h agreed to Instruct the foreign delegates who will accompany the Armenian commission - mission that they are empowered , not only to suggest questions to the witnesses , but , also to personally examine tlterni Abulah Pashn has withdrawn from the presldene , of f the eommlsslou nt the last moment , and has been replaced by two officials from the ministry ot justice , who wi start today for hhrzrotirn , where the other members of the commission are already ass mbled. Ab- d ullali's recall Is supposed to be due to the representatons that he Is inferior In rank to t Zedlc Pnsha , who , It Is alleged . com- mited the atrocities , and wi have to be xamined Sir .1 . 'I ' ThnIIJou' . Itcnnhn I : ironite. LONDON , Dec. 23-Time cruiser Iilenslmelrn. having h on board the remains of Sir Juhn Thom'1son , prime mlnlqter of Cttntmtia . stilted rain Portsmolth this morning for linlltrix. . T 'he gale whIch ' lalfnx. ' gale IJ.e\'alol yesterday has tibsitled - - Frr elm Traitor ttitcI.loq. pAnlS , Dec. 2-An unveriled report Is current tint Captain Droyftis who was , cs senteneell to imprIsonment for life for re- vealng French military secrets to foreign ewers has committed suicide In prison. - - - - - - - . a V.I TE.'ttdI.IS . . .111J.U 71WUlI S. In I IbtlrbO' ' COldltol uni Nlt\.cs ere n.ly for Wu r. OAXACA , 1lex. , Dec. 23.-A courier from the Guatemalan border reports that there Is i t : such 1 dlturbol condition ot affairs on the I i fronter that farms Iml ranches are being abnndoned . and the people seeking places 01 sfet ) from the depredations and _ crimes t hat are constantly being committed by the 1)IIts and outlaws foowlnl In the wake ' of the soitliers. The Guatemiiun forces are ; belnu strengthened all along tine line and ] I the Indians and other natives ot the country - try Ire beIng pressed Into mitary service : The volunteer troops of thIs state lS well ar s ot the state of Ihlpas , are equipped and ready tn march to the front r us soon as I war Is declared. ACAPULCO Mex. , Dee 23.-The ex1enlled ] stny In Ihls harhor of the English cruisers Royal Arthur , .Champlon. Satellite and I Nymph Is I mater ot much speculation us to the plans ot EngIuml with Its warshIps In i this part of the l'acilic. Tln . most gen I e rally accOpted belief Is that the commlsI I loners have some designs for the ; govern - ment In connection with the present hound dary dispute between Guatemala and Mex- l eo . anti especially In view ot the uncom- : municatve POlICY being followed by the , commamler ot the loa ts. The probable attitude of the United I Stat.s In the event of meddling on the pail t of England Is also a mutter being Industriously - triously lseussed In some quartera. The : cruls.r have been lying Idle lt anchor In ; this harbor for I month and there Is no In- dlcnton ot an early departure. . - . lIUlJ TO ,4En TII 11 il.a , Tculcsseo lcolllo T.ar Ion n Stoekaelo to _ \\'ltl. . . 1 Double l'vcnt. 1AYNAnDSVI.T.E. Tenn. , Dec. 23.- - Clarence Cox and John Stanley , two men age respectIvely 2G anti 23 , were execulell here l ) yesterday afternoon. The .xecuton was witnessed by fully 3.0 people. Under the laws of Tennessee executions are to b : private , only a few persons spccled by the law l being allowed to witness the execu- tions. Such was not the case toda ) ' . An enclosure had heen erected In a valley one mile from the jail. I was twenty feet wide and forty feet long. 11shJe this the execu- ton wits to take place on 1 double gIOWS. T Sheriff John Shille had sworn In I special i guard of 10 men to protect the prisoners and keep the crowd hack. The crowd , how ever , swims drinking and became unruly ShorU ) ' before 1 o'clock the guards left the stockade for the jail. Whie away the mob made iL I rlsh for the stockade , and In less , tmo unto It tles 10 tel I , the stockade was razed t1 tIne ground , ns It 1 cyciomn C had struck it. ' excitement . hnl I. 'he exciement was intense and It looked for I few moments its It I 110011shed woull be the resul , lut cooler heads prevailed until everything IIsed or aU right _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ sLi's TlB l'OI' } 18 " 'l rr. Ur. hooker H.'nl.s tine lel1It Ills 10lnc88 : I" ! ull'rlll rrum Cntnrrh. NEW YORK , Dec. 23.-Dr. Z. Booller , formerly vice president ot the Amerlean college at htonne and who has recently IIen appointed secretary to the apostolic dele- ! aton In , America , to succeed Secretary Plppl ) , arrived In thl city on the Cunard liner 1UCllhL yesterlla Speaking of tin C pope's hel1h , he lald : "I never law the pope In better health than nt present . anll the report that he II SUffering with catrth Il Is not true. ' 1he lpe bail just received tim a fIrst copies of the oriental encyclical . which l hnd ( been prepareel during the ) last days of my stay at Home , anll copies ot which aI bear to Mgr . Satoihi. The oriental enc'clcal concerns the steps that huve been tallen In I : -ho east to bril : Into the Homan Catholc foht hmnntny of the Inhabiant ! ot Armenia und the countries . wino tholh practcaly Cat holes , still refuse to acknowledge the IHpremUe ) ' ot the hlsholl ot Home. fly en . 4- tablshlng ehocls antI permittng the nath.es of these countries to rdall luany ot their oitl CUSt0l1 In time cele\rton ot amass the ell ! ) hopes to bring hem a into the elmurcim . . - . .Ol..aw ; 0. TIi1IIUII.1XiTO.V. CIIOIlllt , "llulrcr Irlnt time bltemcnt Ih"r l'ChmIm'iit l'lrklll Wi ltctlre. , . CJNCINNAfJ , Dee. 23.-Tine I.nqulrer , r 5- statement rectally nHule that ' terrlng to the Ilntement rpcllt ) , Prcslcent lprkll ! ot ( lie Chleng ' , Iiunlimnt 1- ton & Quine railroad would resIgn on Jun- ual ) I , strongly intimates this rumor ts I founded aim tact I says rnrthermore , that Vice I'rcsldent Oorle U. harris will swn. - cecil to the ; lu'eshlenc , that General \an- niger \ \ ' . I , ' . Mel'rl wi succeed to the vice ' Ilresidenl' In 1)1:1CC \ ' ot Harris ; that . W. C. : 1k-own genera mnnnlr of the lul.ln ton limes In 1 luurl ull Jnnsas , wilt be mI r. Mernil's 5uecessor ; hut Howlnl 1 llot general tl ellht agent cf the St. Louis & I.eoluk Northwclter rnlh\a ) ' iii sticcet d ' . tl' . Irowl , unit wi have hil wl ollc IUCCCCt . JOse\1h \ , Mo. Ir. Wlot is a rellhew or l'reshieimt Perkin . iiL'ltldNG'VON. ha. , lice. 2.-ThQ Hnwk- eo InnounC"1 that limit reliant from l'ln- ) rellort clinnnmti th"t President Perkins of clnnnl Perl ns the Chi- cage . lulllton & Quine mlroall Is Ibout 10 rcigmn Is C nb' n repetition current In I welteln neWSl1pcrs ( cm' le\'lrat week Ilast ) timid Is whol ' without . foundation. 11 I'\l : . iIim ; mimi , I Phi \\antt. . WIII'A. 1an. , nec 23.-A special to i the 1'aglo : fr.n Muscogee ! las 11 Colc , tine n. tet outaw , II said to be lying at the point or deuth In the tastnesses of the Illnn t'ountry' , between that place iso nml I"n Gibson. ills noted sister Loin art 1'll'he,1 there and Is li rslui 111mm. * lIe 1s lufClln/ , from IWo w.und ! untl the IIIPUI ) ' 11\lhall 1\1e trwfll him b ) ' caslawuy hlo tiy hnlllll1. ) 'hl ) ' mire now witim tin tW\nt-four mali . I of the hlcls , unll when they nrll'l l"ullo II 'xlleete'l ' , its ( oak Is II ( tl mltst f f a ftrel { on'\ of his hat - bn'p I synnpntlnlzeinm. Cherokee 111 wal ; Ils' w < ulllelt In . tine hip , anti , both were ca r- (4 . .Iemla .i 1 vet hint ) II s on hItters 1) ' the ir THEIR CLAUB - EXCESSIVE Owner of Ships Sebd : in Boring Sea.Want Too Much Money. COUNTNG ON DAMAGES TO BUSINESS Jcllresentntvo hilt l'tlllnl tine "Probablo 1'lrnlnc " Feature ot time Donminmnils- Unlct SIntl 1 > : IIetcl to l'u1 Half n :1101 , WASHINGTON , I ) . c. , Den , 23.-Seeretnry Gresham's communicaton to congress rela- tve to paying $425,000 for lerlng sea s51zure Is occasioning much discussion among those who Ilve been giving attention to the sub- jc ct. Hcpresentatve II or Illinois , who Introduced tine resolution calling for the In- rormaton , Is not yet satisfied that the Unied States should pay the luml } stll of $ 12 , OOO for the seizure , as he says the positve evidence - dence already adduced shows this amount dt to be extremnnely exc sslve. : lr. Ht points , ( out that the original claims , , as fed , toot up to $439,000 , which Is little lore than the amount ot the proposed cpmpromlse. o this $139.000 , : lr. lt says , 35 , OOO Is for f "probable earnings , " "estimniated catch , " e tc. That is . the ships claim large dam- e gos for what thcy might have earned I thcy t had not been seized , so that three- fourths or their claim Is for ProsPective or remote damages and only omne-fourtn for damnges actually ' sustained. Mr. Ilt sa's'thls ( theory ot Prospective damages was expressly repudiated before the fatuous Alabamn awards cornmnilssion. I was then held that the Unied States could not recover for what a number or American ships might mayo done It they had not been selzell. The congressman SIS this precedent - dent and others settles the principle or Inter- nutonal law , that remote damages cannot be collected. 1 Is also shown that of the eighteen ships claiming damages ten were American ships. Some of these American sealers were flying flng the BriIsh fag merely for the sale or a voiding detection. : lr. 1lt urges that It Is not for Great Britain to collect alleged dam- ages to American slmhi ) . The claIms of these American ships arc Included In the settle- sete. ment m of $42&.000. alhough Mr. Htt says that the United States should deal with its I awn ships In Its own way and not through , Oreat Britain as an ritermediary. After deductng the $357,000 for "probable earn , ' Ings" lt l and further dcuctng the claims or the t ten American ships , : lr. lull hold that there Is very little left of the original c lauim , . and that $42&,000 Is far In excess of what It ought to be. onUNANOB JUICAU UEL'OltT. Satsfactory FrogrcsiIas Uccn Iudo Uur- Ini the iear. W'ASIIINGTON Dec. 23.-The annual re - port of the Board ot Ordnance and lortf- catons , sent to congress yesterday by Secretary - retary Lament , contains descriptions of the i various experiments and tests that have been made during the year ended October 3 1. The year , the board reports has been m one ct positive and satisfactory advance The want ot a , sulabl dlsappearlig car riage for the eight-Inch and ten-Inch high power guns which has so long retarded the , completon ot emplacement has beau - eb- v iateti . so that we now have carriages of rr r American invention unequalled for rapidiy r ot action by anything heretofore Invented. ' The suppply ot seacoast guns ts co.nty ) Increasing i , and the mounts arc fully developed - eloped for each of the calibers. Thnt there are additional candidates for favor need not L delay the supply ot those already tested and I approved for thc sites to which they arm S ' adapted. The development and test of auxiliary de- ft ences . such as submarine mInes mOvabla orpedoes t rapid-firing guns and range and position fInders . are said .to have reached a stage where we huve only to make a choice or the best. All are In good condition and In n high state ot advancem nt. Among the fields to be further explored are the investigation anti development of smolleless : powders , further experiments with high explosIves - plosIves to determine one or mere that a be safely frell with the hlchest velocly ] now obtalr d from high power guns ; new types t ot center.plnte carriages for the eight Inch guns anti ten-Inch guns , with reterence to the greatest cover , compactness and speell of maneuvering ; the possible development c a dIsappearIng carrIage for twelve.lneh guns ; the t development of armored casement bat teries anti turrets for eight-Inch guns . which arc all the department requlrol ot them ; the development and test ot new projectile S and armor plates. The board , tine report concludes , feels justi fed In recommendIng as It now does , that far more liberal appropriations than heretofore - tofore bE made for tine construction and arm ament of our works of defense. The esti - est- mates of the beard for experimental work for the coining year aggregate $300.000 , of rI which $50.000 Is for smokeless powder tests I , and $100,000 for procuring experimental gut in carriages . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ gn 1'OSTOII'iYICES OUT 01' l'OI.JTICS. Conlccteut COIrressleu 'ould l'laco ' ' 11CI tldel CivI Service nu1 , , WAShINGTON , Dec. 23.-nepresentatve Forest , or Connecticut , chairman of the house committee on civil servie , has introduce a bill to "exclude political influence In the appointment ot potmastera. " 1 provides that nil postmasters now In omco or imere after to be allpolnled email hold their ofces during the Hulon. The president Is authorized I. thorized , however , to remove , first , second or thld.clasl I'ostmasters , "tor cause coon munlcalell to time senate" at the session following I- lowing the removal. Tine postmaster general Is aha authorIzed to remove fourthclas postmasters for "caUse communicated In the lettEr of removal. " Secton 3 provides that neither tine preslient or ltulaiter general shall IPolnt or remove a poslmaster upon polItical grounds , "nor small any vostofce : Inspector recommend any applcaton for re. moval or appointment upon volitico : poltcal grounds " The hilt direct that the United States be divided into potoflIce districts , each dim I- Irlct to be t1reshled over b ) ' a poolce in . specter . Where there Is a fourth-class ye I- eancy In' tine district , the inspector publshes attics of the vacancy ami issues blanks for ! apinlicamnts . 'fhe later mus show their cal ; - abilities of electon , healh , business , etc , for the Illace. No reference whatever Is to I be malle to politics amntl no poltcs aUI paper bearing on polities h to be ' poltc received The Inspeotor then mske a report to the postmaster general - eral merit and , tine allpolntment Is made strictly c pin 1lEititI'1' : , \Cll - I'TI 1 'rll : I'J\'IS Stretched 1 l'olimt II tIme ( ' 110 or I hormor , for I ho ( Irigon. WASlNGTON , Dee :3.-Andrw Carnegie called at the na"y department ) "csterday and bad In Interview wih Secretary lie r- bert . His purpose was to kioI what the de. ' partment requires with respect to the lot ot' : ; armor plate lutended for tine forward ha r- bte of the batteship Oregon , the test plate of which had been recolihendell for rejecton lS the result or the unsuccessful trial at Indian II'ad. The secretary howevr , last evenlug decided to accept the entire lot of pates ! Ills reasons for doing so were that the cracking of the 1Iates , In the test was due to a projectile superior to the o'dlnary ser V. let shot ; that the Carnegie company was e a- titled to the same conc"lslons made to the Bethlehem compauy In the case of tine in eighteen-Inch plate , namely , that a crack und'r the first shot only should not of Isel be sufficient for the rejection of the plate , and finally beause the InlJectnra at the I steel works reported that the plate suLnmilt eel - - . : _ : _ : to t test was undoubtedly ' tar inferior to the rest of the lot , Conserltientiy , the entire lot of 420 tons will bo at once shipped to the Union Iron works nnll put In placl on the Oregon , the contractor for which has been chafn ! for some tmb a the . delay Imposed u pen his work -by the nonarrh"al ! of the armor. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TO ItLl'LO O JItIIIGATtON. T ext or t.untol ! linmndcrsoim's tli to Give U\\'CrlICnt I.BuII 10 limo Stnte. WASIII NOTON . Dec. , : 23-Special.-Men. ( ) ton was made II leo specials last week of the t bill Introduced bY Senator Manderson Irovhlng ' for the transfer from the general so\'erment to the state of Nebraska of all puble iib domril within the state , the same to be used In aiding Iriation. The full text ot the bill Is : A bill granting to the state of Nebmslm , for the irrigation and reclamation fa ot Irrllrton reclamaton semi- a mid lands. nail for other an lnnrhnoses , the lltiblic l IUrpoes lands In said tnte. IUblc Be It enacted by the senlte amid house of . rel.resentatvcs of the nnt States of America II COn"re51 asselnhlell , Strtes all 11Ubic lands belonilng to tM Unlol States Iltunto In the stnte of Nl'bmskn be ninth tine same nre hel'b , Irunted 10 tine said state of Nebmskl , for the l1rIJe of Itate the allng lrrlgmittomn and reclamation Irrllaton thereof and of othe\ semnni-rmt'imh ittfll3 ( of ahl ac otheseml'l'hl hLII ! ! state , ulnon the ulon following CCHltOIS , namely. First , 'l'imat stch mititte 1111ICI Ihal Inrocecti , \vith- . Jlreeed wih- out unneCesQm'3' dehl ' , to tilyinle It1 area Int" Inliltol i districts auidm to provide ! arn the dlstllbuton of lurfaeo and tintiergiountl 1 waters to said : tiistnicts amid . further , to engage II the actual worlt of reclaimIng sahl lallis by ccmuluctlmng'miter thereon , by the eonltrucUon of requisitti wells , ctnnmdn , rEservoi' and all other. nccesniry ! irrigation IrrlgIton work ! so as to aecomlllsh actual and sueli eeiful cs cultivatIon or alrlQuluml products . 'so far its such IAI1Is may be capable ] of I'ecllmaton be 1 prper wuler supply ; amid said state imaI1 comntlnuotnsly engage In good shnl eontnuouI . faih , according to tine ability , II the work oW f such irrigation aiimlm'eoiannation , nnmntil time whole al'el CIII1Ie thereof shal have beel reelnlmed for the Imrpos aforesaid Second ' 'hlt If , aLnlY ( lIne after ! the ex- platol Of ten ) 'ear frm the dale of thIs , /ctlln the Judgment ot the president of the l Jmmltt'tI Statcl. said stata Is not pmceetiimng i 01' continuing In good fatth with the work of contnuing IOOI faih h'luaton t or reclamaton , as herein provided , It i t small be imtwfiml ! proVlled 5hnl e lawfll ( or hunt by Ilbl0 Ilroc- , Ilmaton l to so declare . amid congress nmmty thereupn declal.c that tine . United States ( 'esnrnemm the title to nil of such lands hereby gl"untell as small then rernniln wlnohly unrclatmed or not dl remnl1 wholy said state , fc' the losel only ot contnuln tine work of such In.lga- : t han and ! recamlton ] , ant for no other purpose - pose whatever the same to be proceeded with In such manner CS congress mlY then' nftel' In'ovll anti determIne lecordlng to I the Intents and purposem of 'this act. ' 1hlrd. ' 1hat said stl te " may lease or sell I the lamls hereby grunted , am' such portioins m of them as mnnay be necessary , for the 11ur- pOse o rising tine requIsite funds to ac- comllish Irrigation anc reclamation. Pro. : \Ided. That said stale may enact laws pro- maY.nact \lln , for the sate ot the heces arIlnds ; for town sites and for rilit ot way purpostsa Fourth That when Imeh , hinds , or any Portion thereof Ihll hlvebecn reclaimed I urni thereby made subject , to agricultural m Isc . the same small he soil to ICtll1 settlers setters enl ) ' , In tracts not cxcc-lhg 16 acres ot h'rlSlbl i lanti In atllJon : to which each sctlcr shal be entted to acquIre by Imr- chase nonlrrlh'ble lands to such al amount L as will increase his holding to 1 total acre age of not more than &U acreS . all such : entries of irrigable 0' oilier lands to be IHle conf"rmnIy to legal subdivisions , ' such lands to be sold to cach ; 'ettier at the prices and under such regulations lS to ; entry and perfecting of tll ! as shall he fxc anti provided hy the state legislature ; lectslature all Irrlgable lands to be sold to such setters , at prices not exceeding the 'coot. ot reclaim ) l og . anti on suCh terms of payment ann may be prescrlbcd by law' and .nonlrrlgable lands taken by seter ! to , be rated at a pric not exceeding $2.50 ' ; nep ae . Fifth , , Thut all lands \ot subject to Irri- gaton 0' reclamation and useful only for pastoral purpses and not taken ' under the tongolng provisions of tht'"nct , may be soi or leased 1y said ! tat "der such regulations - ulations and provlslon asthe legiatunm l ) C . thereot may prescribe. ! ' . - Sec. 2-That full accurate 'intidetailed I. tul 'ad detaied reports - ports of the operatohs at said state shah i be made on , or before the first day of Jui p ' In each and every year , to the president ot" : the Ull States thrgh the o\ernor 1 thereat , who shall certify to the accuracy , thereof and the preshlent may t\m tme ' , to time demand such OIlier Id further reports - I' potts tlereonl as In his judgment may be 1 necessary and proper , anti failure to male the reports herein provhled , or nny ot them , for six months after written demand thereof - II ot , sushI be sufficient cause for the proclaI , maton 1y the preslden al provided In sec - scc-I ton one of this nct. Sec. 3That all funds derived front th S sale or lease ot lands shall be primarily tie \oted to the reclamation or lands susceptble ; ot irrigation . and any unexpended reslue shal be added to and become 1 part of the permanent schcol fund , or the said state ; and such funds shal not 4e expended 01' i disposed of In any other manner. Sec. 4-That upon the acCeptance , by the lelslature of said state or Nebrslc ot the ! tht terms conditions and pr\'lslons 01 thIs act the same small become op : : ve In said state und tlnereupon nnd rrom the date at such acceptance , all hLW and parts ot law S Inconsistent wih the terms of this act shal l become Inoperative In saId state . Provided That any antI nil claims heretofore initiate 1 under the land II\s ot' the United States shal be perfected thereuadel' by complance With the term thereof ; , nil land . however " the claims to which slush be defeated because - cause or noncomplance with law . shal to . vent to and vest In the said state under the provisions ot this act. Sec. &Thnt upon the ' acceptance ot th provisions or thIs act by saId state or Nebraska and from time to time thereafer aK occasion may . require It shall be the duty of the secretary ot the interior , at th expenee ot the United States , to cruse to bi 0 delivered \ to the properautinorItles of said i ce state all maps recorl s. books all papers or certified copies thereof , tn Case It may be ncceeary to retain the , originals tn the general - oral land omce , which may he necessary to said state tC the proper control , administr- tion and dlsll05t ton ot such lands. Sec. o-'rinat upon the aceeptnnce ot this act by said state ot Nebraska In the manner prescribed by section tour Inereol r this act and the act ot aeceptnnce thereot shal become binding upon the Unite States and said state ; anti thIs act and such acceptance thereof slll not be altenet , . amended or repealed In any manner exce'ti upon the mutual consent of the United State anti ot said state expressed through acts ot the legislature thereQt and through congress. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'rUIIIIiY It IIS''UIIBU , ' Oleh.1 of limo UO'prnlcltlxtoU' to Hott. tIme Armciial Trouhles. . WAShiNGTON , Deo. 23-That the Turkish - kish government Is lee\lng posted upon the : reports In cIrculation conceraImJf the Arnu milan troubles and that It , desires a friendly public oplnlun , seems evideut from the care wIth which It observes time , reports which secure - cure circulation abroad Jtss made lenlal of several printed atoniecf oppression In I ) Armenia , ali today the Turkish mlnlsler furnished to the press .Uspatch from his government contradictng I -several . printed stories . The dispatch Is as toJaWI ( : "it hai been publshed that time arcbl.hop of Marah wss Inl1rlonc at Alep ; that tine bishop of m Jadjln , the' nrchblshop' of Zeloun and Father Jarask of Marub were domed 10 I Ieath ; that Sister Elzb lh % and twenty-Ri \ other prisoners were under' arrest , and that fifteen lesllng m l cr 'lep were sent to I prison. All these aUlerlOQs arc wihout the least foundation In fact , ncr was tine ehurch In Oeylan " closed , l bas I been falsely r 5- ported _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cll'EL.N1)'t4 : OU rue ; 1l4IEU. three Jlulroe\ luc . Hllrd 11 tile l're8- tiammt an,1 111 . delt iIa ComplnUI. \VASI1ING'fON , mO. 23-President Ceve- land and his party of' duck hunter returnCI to the city this moring. The train was due at 7 o'clock , but did net arrIve until nearly I o'clock , all the traIns 011 the line being late. The Ilresident was looking well , being a little browned by hla expbsure to the lun and wind Altogether the psty killed about 300 ducks , the preddent beIng rc.ponslble for rather more : thBn half of them. He I spoke very apprecatvely of his receptIon at Georgetown yest { day D 'rook I izt-1 Imrr'Iiiounsad Hollrs N/tShhi'A , N. Il. , Dec. 2.-The examiner's report ot the embezlement of ( ' ashier 1.'rank A. Mel\ean ot the Indian hlenmi Na- Iona I bank , Llmows I Ihortale ot $ lenll ,7 , r. . ' _ _ r _ kfl N IRE NEGROES SLAUCIITEREDw Murc0r of 1 White Man in Georgia Prothicesp a Reig of Terror . ONE THOUSAND MEN ARE INVOLVED - 1oth Shlcs Ica11rmcd anti n Com.ton 18 Imumninemnt-'thig Iimnthi or Vcat.omn5 UCld1 for Use nt n omenl's tmtlco , QUInlAN , Ga , Dec. 2-The lives of seven negroes have been tnlen In the last t twent-four hours In revenge for that of ono white man anti unless nil signs fall utterly - terly many more lives arc In jeopard Two bodies of eletermlneel men , between 40 and GOO In all , very man being heaviy armed amI each body about equal In numerical strenglh to the other , separated by less than n mie ot country anti liable to clash at any mluutethat I the spectacle presented here In Brooks county tonigint One body Is mace up . or . stern , determined whlo rlen bent on revenge for the brutal I murder m ot one of the best citIzens or this I ctzens c onty. Tine other ts made UII ot negroes , , terror t stricken and fearful lest they amid their t families be made the objects of a slm- lrr fate that has already befallen several I ot their number , and are reatiy to defend , thelmc\s ns wEl as Ihey may bo able . What the next tweut-tour moans will I bring torth no one can predic ; that there i w ill be an open clah SEems much morc I than probable at this wrltn . The authorl- t ics are powerless and practically no efforts I have h yet been made to bring about peace , ave by the relatives of the man whose mur- cer Is the cause of It nil. On Thursday Joseph hem , one ot Brooks county's most prosperous farmers I a mid best citizens , was murderec by a party of negrccs , and It leaked out that ( the IdlIng . i mig of Isom was a mart ot n plot to kill al I the whites who were In the 110SSO which a few weeks ago arrested Jesse Jelreth % for the killing of T. loulden. Isom lived ten I mies north or here In n part of the county where the negroes outnumber the whites , ami the killing caused great excl ment. When It developed that the same gng of r negroes had sworn to kill olher white men I the white gathered together ns I by one aceor,1 and the work ot death anti destruc- ton began. EVEny CROSS ROAD GUARDED. Ot tine seven who arc dead the flannel or only tour could be obtained this after fl000. A reporter visited the scene late this t evening. Every cross roads was found I picketed with sentinels . and every man In the country Is armed to the teeth. When on ot these race excitements occur King Terror rules In the homes of whites as wel ; as blacks ; and thIs Is such a case. There are probably 500 men In arms , cover Ing i an area at about five square nniles . About a mile and a half trom the home ot the Isoms were about 200 whites , all , svel ' al wel arm T d and breathing alt sorts vengeauco , A mile ' further was n crowd ot negroes ot I I : about the same size , armed wih Winches tar "rIOes , pistols . axes , e"bs anti every ; a valabl2 weapon , waiting for the whites to' ' attack them. They are entrenched In and ( around n lot ot negro cabins In the midst ot n thin grove , and the latest informatlot ins Is i that Inc whites s are advancing on them : front two sides. Sam Taylor , Elx Frazer , Sam Pike and Henry Sherard are tour negroes known to have been killed. I Is understood that 'Vaverly l-ke. Jim McCal and I negro named Herring were probably the otiners The country Is comparatvely sparsely set ted , and the facilities for securing Informa- ton are very meager. PIke ts the negro who killed Isom le has been In hilng near where the C has occurred. When the reporter left tine scene there seemed every likelihood ot a pltehcd batte tonight. Captain E. Tlmnn , brother-tn- law of Isom , was , however , doing , g In his power to restrain the whites. H had hurrlell messengers all over the county summoning to his aid . conservative men In I the hope that they would prevent further bloodshed. I will be Impossible to Imow tonight hol well they succeetleol DETAILS OF THE lULLING . Details or.the killing of the seven negroes are very meager. Taylor , Frazer Pike and ' 'Sherard were together about sunset last night. They were regarded ns four of the ringleaders ot the conspiracy to ki and burn , and were being espe- i daily sought for A halt dozen whites : , one ot whom Is said to have been Isoinn's brother.ln-Iaw , came upon them sot I- denly , and ordered them to submit to an I.- rest. One of the negroes answered with a shot that struck one ot the whites , and tour ot the blacks were shot down In their tracks Time other three were caught , on at a time. Many of 150m's neIghbor are In the I crowd , and will not lsten to any peacerul talk They declare that ( for tine sales of f their wives and children ant for their own safety they must stamp out the gang that has sworn to murder , ant tonight that spIrit seems the predominant one , I the fight comes , It will be a desperate ono. The kIllIng ot Iom occurred In lie publc roall , not tar frol hIs home , anti the circumstances - cumstances attending It seemell to throw doubt on the conspIracy theory. Mr. Iso am was hero Thursday , and while In town had some words with Waverly Pik f , a negro hiving In his vicinity. Apparently everything was smoothed over when ho left for Imomni Ic . After arriving there he started with lien : ry Tlmmon , his brother-In-law , for Captain Thnmon's home about hair I mile from Isoni's . They met four negroes . Pike ant \Vest McCal were on horseback , time two Herring boys In a wagon They came near riding over JSOI , who remnionstrated He I said : "Look out ; don't run over me , " and hall stepped out ot the way. Just then PI'e ' drew I pistol , and without a wonl Ired , tine bullet piercing Isommn's heart Pike m and : lcCal fred three bhots at the prc (5- ( ( rate body of homo and then broke for their horses. Pike lalle his escal1e , but : Ie. Cal and the Herrings were arrested , an 11 are In jail . In this present exelement time re Is grave danger of tine three being lyncine ti. - QvnumJ . \ hOUlllm MUll . - VOln'feoIScllr'ucl uf I'rumtl"nt ( .eorgimi Cltlzeimi 7iiimrdrrt'r's t.cll , oeurr1t CII"ell IVO I Jllrd.r.r' : AUGUSTA , Ga : Dec. 23.-1on. W. I. I 1 lellng , speaker of the Georgia mouse , and Jude William I'e\'o ot the county court , have finished addresses to a mob of 30j citIzens that are gathered around the county jai with tine Intenton of lynching Ja ice Wiggins , I Is belo\'et better eouns 1 ha prevailed , amid tin re will be no assault on the jail . Saturday night Wiggins idled a negro , named Anderon Wilams , across tine river - - ' - . ' h - . " . _ . " " , , . _ J' < _ : , In i Carolina. He was traekell to Augusta by a negro spotter , and the Aingnnsta 110lce w ere tolll ot his whereabouts A pouo of polce surroundC1 the house In the upper Part of Augusta and broke In the door Wiggins opened fire on time ofcers wih pistols , one In each hand IHtrctve Joe Murray was shot In the heUl amid Is dying Ma t the inaspital. Polceman Stringer ! alsC shot In Ihe lionel amid cal probably not r ecover. lolcemnn Wrqnn was shot in the ti t leg. John Davis , a spectator was shot tt In i the region of the heart and elell In less than t an Iiour. Time nliro escJped. but I Ito tater was hell hf nip by a ) .outh' nuuC1 : JordAn nml Inll ) ' arrested. , , During the melee At the house amid the fia lgint or the nerro when the fugitive was Uuler fire from many persons over 150 shots weN fired but the ( . frell , man was only slightly woUHled In he left side At I o'clock time crowd at the Jai hall Ilcreasell iI i to 1000. There Is no lealler , alHI It I Is not thought an ) ' attempt will be mlile to t enter the Jai , whIch Is I strong structure - ( nine , and wi Protect him. The sheri maid ma'or vow there small be no Irnchln In Augusta tonigh or any . other ulght. . SSOI ) 11Wl.tW 1.ISl1. Cnlfornln TraIns Mosling , \ nll limit Morn Trouh ! . \ltclmt'I. . SISSON , Cal , Dec. 23.-Tine hloclalle he- twetn t thlR mInce nHl 1unmu ! hns hcen teI110rarl t ) ' ralsC1 Last night 20 snow shovelers amI un extra train tlassell throush Sisson en rnte to thc hlg snow drIft sOte lve t mie ! north of Sissou , ninth this morning the northhouull Ore on tXIH'lS ! Ilssed thruh t , followed Inter by the othel' de- laycli I.assengel' ' trains. 'rho stOl\ haR a bated . but the hHlcnton ! are mat comnshi- erbleore row. snowi fall before tomor- row.nUNSt1n , (31. Dec. 2.TheIoclllele eauset by the hea , ' fall . of Inow , WUR rlsed at noen tOln ) ' . flint the 11ellyell innstl senlel' ( nuns are lDlovln . Tine greut dellth of show on time track broke time ro- t nry plow " 'hle It was beimig nepalreti tine bcllg IClalrel1 i nelatemi passengers were hu"lng IL melT ) ' t lmmie In the sinew. tme SIOW. _ _ . _ TO 1.:1r1.0.Ur.a ' CO.I ; , Two Eastermn S'lllllo"11 10ln Operab tOIR Timer \ II imo ! prhl . ChEYENNE . W'o. , ) ec. : -A syndicate or easterl capitalists Is laldlg lrllarlonR ( to devtlol the extensive coal IlhlR In the 10rtheastern part \Vy'onnilng next sum- mer. Two large clmpanlcs wIth I capital tock of $ :0.0 : each IUl"e becn organileed. ' 1he prlnel11al ofc s of the comnpamny will be locntel l at . \Iallln. Cnook comlan ) ' . ' 1he trustEes ale .John I ) . Plrker , Jumes r Mc- Keeler , J ugene S. glsforth , E her Cimamnis berlnln i amid G. iii. Iix. 'he Aladdin Coal COmlmn wi devolol the ( coal properties I The which purpose mayo imeen of the acqulr..1 Sautineastmirn by the ! yn.lte. coon- nanny' , tine otinec coflioratiomn , is to comnstnmnct . m mii operate IL railroad fronni tine ecal liOdsi I t inrougin Soimthn Dakota. to a lnohmnt on tine i Missouri rIver , presummiably Sioux F'alis , ifUJeDEIfE1eJsIttJ.qs .3I ir. . _ Xmndlamm Territory Deaporatlo to ISo Ilung Ftlminmy lecnineM- WICHITA , Kan. , Dec. 23.-Oliver Jeweli. OOC of time worst desperadoes in the Indian country , w'iio was sentenced to be lnangetl i next Friday' for the murder of Tons Arnolti I and his son in tine Cinerolcce strip , has es . caped fromn \Vootlward , OkI. , jail. Tsvr or three lntnnnnlred ollicers anti citizens 01 r Wohdward and vicinity are ctmt eenrchnlng for him , hint he will probably iet away , am I it Is certain tinat lnis friends from tine in . dian country aided in mIs cacapo , Identified by IJiR Vietimni. ALBIpN N. 'Y , , Dec. 23.-Fned Aien , r I. tough chmtracter about town , was arnestet 1 yesterday 'on the charge of assaulting MIst S Etta 13UId last night The latter was re turning from a visit of charity to a pool n. family , winen Allen tiecoycil Miss Dimmid ti a a lonely spot , where he accomaplisined iii : 5' iU'POSe. He was identifIed by Miss 130(10 ( I today , and on lni , pleading not guIlty , tin a examination wits adjourned. Then people o f AIbton are very much excited over the at - uair 2'RrjWIclI'IIIo 1iJfEIhW. Colonel It L. WatkIns of Cimatanooga , Tenn. , is tiead. Eight million feetof lumber was destroyo. . 1 in ) ' lire at Tonawanda. 1mii J. Nosek was klclccol to death b : V five drunken men at Detroit. a A. Ficke Was kIlled Ii , a Street ca r collision at Los Aingel s , Cal. harry N. Faircinild , a inronilmnent Denre r. politician , is dangerotnsly insane. Adolph Jacobin , wanted in New York to r embezzlennent , iii tinder arrest in Chicago , In a riot at Pineapple , Ala , , torty-tinre 0 miles somntln of Seimna , three men were billet ] I. August Ilurenot nmnd Jo Castile sver 0 iille41 itt Franicilo , La. , by tine bursting o f a steam pline , Nick Smith was killed by Clnarles Bigg S tnt Sineliield , a Kansas City suburb , tine re i _ stilt of on quarrel. At Itacino , Wits. , Robert Smith , aim a Jimnes O'Connor , a. notorious forger , escape aml front tine county jaIl. Gay , wino mmmrmlered two Momitan a deputies in Meeker coumnty while rcslstumn mr arrest , has been caintenred. l'aui Peterson anti Anmlerw Foss , winil e slcatIng , broke tmnrougln time Ice amnd wer eC drowned \Vindom , Mina. George Kimng , a , negmo was lynclned a . Nosy Orlcntns for shmootmng ( on. number ar persons while resistinig arrest , At Cnttlenmburg , ICy. , Cinniries FrederIc ii anti James Lovejoy killed Clark ( jornel I , colored , in a ( ilmilnute os'er curtis , Matitew Fetttonn , in itmienian , was fotmn U near Syracuse , N. Y. , dead. Ito had cvi I- dently beemm mnurdereni anti robbed , Judge 0. S. Bailey' , coloinorer of Garrison :1 : and Winittier hi tine anti-slavery marc ! - ment , was buried at Amesbury , Masn , , b'ui m- dtiy , 1)avlml hiendersonn and Frnmnlc Jeffery an e in jail mit Mummniny'soinoro , Ill. 'I'lney bnnmve con n- fessemi to killing James 'l'owie at Cartem . . smile. lit a qnmnrrei over a womnnnmn nt Mtneicogem , j , ' .1' , , Villlann hider was fatmiiiy sinai , Jamni 11 Fimnnigamn amnd lfimtvc Carver are undc 11r arrest. Tine hmcnme of Chntnrles . Frost at Spring i ivells , 2lic1i. , was blowmn imp isy ilyntimit Ic and Irm'mlenIck Lioyml and Cinnnries lhm-ueaimn nire tinder arrest , Jutigcn U. C. Ballard of 1405 Anigeles , Ciii intis inecmn indicted at Macoil , Mo , , for iasn lag a isogus fin'nft , lie was mmrnested m ot Spriinglk'iti , Mo. 'l'ine F'remuiP outlaw's roiie(1 , tlnti statlamn m it Nowatin , 1. ' 1 , , otn tinn Arkmtneanm Valley , coin min. . leliimmg ( time agent itt tine mntnzzie of revoive rs sunmemitior $200. E , C , Gotlmley , iiesltlent of time Non In River bank of New York City , for wrecloti nit winich Inc was Imnmllcted several years ug 0 is on imhmi way hntcic to tufld trial. 'rime UnItemi States ltci'se anti 'mittla s 0- ciety of New York itnms been ciccltmrcd IIni' solvent nni receivers mnppolnntetl. 'l'iie UI ni' maid bills mtggregate $ U(0Q. George F. Aniintorml , is 'nmnailiamm Pinch laborer living at Vancouver , ii. C. . shot or icilleti mis wife unml two mlninginlers. ii is s'o snm4 edtmietI , itmmhmfor.i Is In jail. ltohnert Itoinse anti MInis ilc'ssio IIny'ilm n ss'cre to lintvmi bei'mn mniarnitd Clii Istmnnine mit Li' mit l'iiris , Ky , Yesterday they' tinmarrelm ( i and tine yotning mamma killed mis swmietimenn rt anti ecapetl , 2llcajniln Itosvse'y' ss'as a bad maim at Jimim C- tlomn City , Ky , lie neitite'l ' 'l'own Marsh mu Fiiis , wino soughmt to nti'rest 1dm. itowmii 1' foiioweti unit seveni eons , srito tileti WI tim their hioots on , Albert Gonden , aged 22 , of Itocklor d , Coosa coumnty' , Ala. , Wins irtlidtcit f0m gam a- ml i ii g him ii inure cotn a ty , mm mmd ImlitCeti mmmii or arrest. IlL' iiangeol himself Iii hits ccii WI Iii lilt ; imtnmntlkencinlef. LewIs Stone of ChIcago iOns givein imimse nit up to time pllce , ineling c'hnarged smith (1 ite intnrder of tw't , w'omien not Jamnnesntoss'n , N Stoine say's lie kuiowu nothmimg of time mamird , r except ss'hut inc smiss' 1mm tIne ptnlnems. 11ev , J. J , 'Votten , pastor of U familmlomnal tie colored cimumchm lii Memphis , sus morrst cot anti taken to 11ylnuiitm , M Isni. svinem e lie on Ce haiti cinaige of a cintmnch , 'llimnm Nina 11 LII cinargemi him with being time ( tither of ii mr child , Green Brooks nfli ( mum Oil , Marion , Cherokee eoumnty , Almmbnmmmnmm1 called at theme 1ot home of 'l'inomnan ! mlvCneiry tn crrect liii : : 'rinoy were tinily armeti slthn kmnivt's , 2.1 a. ( 'reary ist1 a iminot gun , 130th tine 2.1cli' w'iii lie buried us non as ( hits liniluest is immi Id Sunday was gls'cmm a lurid tinge at Inn y'- ton , 0. LouIs 1k inmninlc , umnaule to himovi ii ' for his fiLmily , nttntst mitt bralmns out. A C ol. orenl maim , nnnnmc' not given quarreled WI hIs Smife ntmtl killed lmimnmtif Ifemnry lton fromn 2.licimlguii , wemmt after l'ellcemnnmm Jmnmin Ien Crunnlev imtl stabbed hlmnn seriously , . - - - ' t - : ' - - - T RACES OF' 1RS NOTSON E vidence that She Crosseti the River in a Boat niitl Took a Tr.thi , A CCOMPANIED BY AN UNKNOWN MANe h o % Va W'mlthig , on thin other Sub or time Itisor % shtli mm hltmrso mmmiii iluggy ? - % ' t 1StHi I ii fmimn l'iscillc v ' .1 mimic tiumi , Time exclusive telegram hnublishel in 'Fine lI ce yesterday rnorninng about ( lie dIscovery o f a somnmamn mmd two ciiihiremn at. Clmatlromi , to- g ctlmer with other facts ( lint have been ills. c ovcrctl , hilt mayo hot yet beein lniiinhlSlnCl , ni mbi innnmeim to time robabiiity thmnit Mrs. Not- s oil anti lncr two clmilnircn into still alive. TIne t clcgranmn ninenitioneti stated that a wonnmann anti t wo clnilJrcnn nmnswenling time tieseniptiomi of ( ho mnissling school teacher ninth Iner cimlltlremm hi nd arrived there ainti wore on a ranncim connie f orty-five mules fromnn hino townn , Time hiolIco ln a'o also received a telegrtlin front Clnnnironi f remni 1)eputy Sheriff 'm't' . li hlamioiy , asking i f there was any reward for tine mnnlssiing trio. y in. Conic , time stepfather at Mrs. Notson. ht tis olieneti a reward of $50 $ If the svonnnau a titi cli I Iti rein are finmnmnti , until time ti rinmit y alter- l it was telegralnitoti to that effect. lien was a lso asketl If Inc hnati fonmnnti amy' trace of their \s lterenbonmts. I Ic ntniswered tlnat tie tlnouglnt li e mail , hint tinmni lie svonnlii ntot hn amino iimntll li e lmati cccii lien. As tine si ommnamn amid cliii- tl reii are forty-live or llfiy imdies fronni Cltati- r cni It ssiii take seine thmnne before they cain b e intenttlflemt. Tine deputy slneriff rant niinlied a ( miii tltlscriiitiomn of Mrs. Notsan and given ti irectlons to lmoiti time trio If they' Inroveti to b e Mrs. Noteomn ninth iner two clmliilrenm , SOME FtlRTflEit FACTS. Several other facts have beenn discovered b y those Intereatmiti Imn Mrs. Notsonn , wlnleh i nncilno tlmenn to tlnlnnlc that she mutt mnot seek a swatery grave. They mayo founntl ( lint a w oman ninth two cimiltiremn , lit comnipany with in nnntnmn , boarded a tralmi Inn Coumncll hilmnffa s emnne tunic after S o'cloclc omm tine night tinat Mrs. Notsomi tilsainpeareti. Time ideintity of t imi''omnnamn was met tinily' estnmbllsineth , but It g ave tlnemn groimmids for contmnnninng the searcin. 'i 'ite west bank nnnti side of tIme river hint b een tltonoughniy gomne over , hint tine east. s Ide had meyer bEen otnelncol. 'Finey tlnoughmt t hat it was witlniin time raunge of probability ( list tlm mnilssImng womnnamn cosseti lime river If s Ine imnlenndeni to get asvny. Therefore , time e ast batik of time river was seancined. About i nuif a mum below Gibson , Ion time samnd of tine S r iver banlc , cm iimnprimnt was founti that nip- Ib I leared to have bcenn mantle by time keel of a. b oat , Further searcln disclosed foot pninntmi ( lint hind evIdently been minnIe by tine shoes o f a mnnnimn , a womnnann and a chIld , or Perinalns o f cinlhiren , These footprInts were followed m mii , Tinny led to a mince where tine groimnml s inoweti traces of buggy svimeels amnd hoof primnts of a morse , Time ground was consid- e rably stamnnped , slnowimng that a lnors hind becin etnnmlimng tlnere for a considerable tunic. h oof minolta anti buggy traclcs led fronns thIs i tiace to CouncIl Bluffs. Tine searcin was comntintmed from time depot. I t ss'as founti ( mat tine mnnamn , vomnnamn amid two chIldren s'ino mad boardemi tine maui got off at Pacific Junction , They walteti In time depot at tinls place until the arrival of a coutinbound train on tinct. ICansas City , St. Joseph & Council Bluffs railroad , shorthy afteo 11 o'clocl. , This traIn they bonrde& HER FAThER IiISAPPfiARED , TO One fact that lisa scarcely been nncnntlontl Is consIdered of great welgint b $ ' sonic 'of time friends of Mrs. Notson. This is that her fattier dIsappeared In somesylnat tine same manner as sine did fifteen years ago. Slaco then nothunng deulmnlto inns beemn lneard train , him , , , It has been reported ( lint ito inns been living in central New York , hint this inns not been substantiated , It I definitely known- however , that Mrs. Notson has been recelu- lag letters in lien Private box framni some other nian besides her Imusbanti , amid come of her friends are Incilmneti to tininlc tinat thea. ' caine from her fnntlnen , They canne freqmnently , it is said , amid on tine manning of imer dis- appearaunca sine received one fnommm ( lila unknown - known party. These friends advance the theory that Mrs. Notsomn inns gone to her father and has talcemn tine cimildieni with her , . - JIPJATJt.IIC1itl. .Jtmtlgo Nistiman ColT Will Emnter ( ho 1lc flflI JStt miii lnnliDrtitmmt Fmictur. BALTiMORE , Dcc. 23.-A special to tine News from Clarlosinum'g , 'mV. ' Va , , say's : Judga Nmtthnnn Goff , wino Inane ineen imoiduing court In. South Carolina , arnlvetl nt his inome yester- tiny nmnd miss boom in close ccr.temm'nnce with political friends , Incimniuing Hon. George C. 5 , Davis , v1ici iii iminneif inmi actIve cantli- ( mite for time UnIted States semnate agahonnit ltlklns , ii : want givemn out inst evemmimng tinat Judge Golf wotnlmi in toll inrobabli- ity announce lust candhtinicy for thti Senate witinin tine next twc'nty-foinr Inours. If ito does , Inc ss'iil iroba- bly prove a ( anmrninlaile opponnent. lie haS elgint votes pieilied to mum , antI Semnntor Wimlttabcer tmnol lion , 1' , .1. hlutcininison each mare as mummy mnom'e , Jumigu Uoff's candi- tiacy w'mnltl miraw imenvily fionn 1liclns , anti at the same timnnt Solidify tine follnwers of time candidates , till of whom arc hlc'ontiliemj with tine Goff ss'imng of time party. 'I'ime coin- feromict , inns consent sauna excitement In iso- lltlcml : cIrcles timrouginonmt titis tst'ction. , \VhhlilIiANG , ' V , Va. , Dee , 23.-'he ills- lntttcim front flnltlinon'e tonight qtiotIn Ciarlcmibtmrg , V'tn , , special to ( mo effect ( mat Jutigo Natininn ( bit wIll nmnmmoumnco lmisi cantiinlacy for time ilmnltetl States senate nmgahmnst hilkln. is thnei result of comnbimie of the nntl-llicins Inc. . than tinmi Is belIeved Inerms to be macjo of ss'inolo cloth. 'l'lmoro lii , In ( not , nIt , irohnibility tlnnt Golf vlIi isa mm c'nntiitato ) ton' time semntnte. lie Inns emnpimatlmnnmiiy' stated that time ivonniti imot Inn , 2.lore ( loon three- fourtins of ( bitt nejnmniniicnimn nsnenniiernm of tine leglmiintnnno imnive inmnbhlcly tieciareti them. selves for Mr. IIicImns , J'I'RU ( ) h1 ( ) JIM I.IdIf.S' . iOcccmnt ietmnrnil Cmmii' ( Ilceislomi 11114 Flomtied I imti smnw .J.'t5'y ] Sh.iItoI , 'rHENToN , N. J , , Dee. 23.-Since time recent - cent United States nmtmpncnnno court ticcislors concermnlnng ( mo tm'aflic in olecmtnrgesitne , time lug wcstc'rmn dealers un tintit coininotilty Innv made this Simile tine litmtrlbutiing eemmter , 'rmno tintlry connrnittnmianer , iSlr , McGiiire , sttys I inc'y' tire onot comnpiyimng isithm tine tntc laws , niml amnnonmncene that Inc lmmtenmis to inroseculo lunge nuinminer of llrnns for ovtmslomn. Coni- Idmil en L Ito ti hieenn mntnde mmgnti its t I rim tiers In Jcrcy City , ninth others will follow immne- diatejy , ' _ _ _ 'JrIJh C .V(1 TO.fC11' 'J'IJIIIJ , UJT1V , , $ , Talon tlimn letnsor Hinil , , I f 5orit iii ( tnmmlhimmmmnt , C'ihlViNNJ , D'c , 23.-Spocitmi ( 'i'eie- gram.-'I'ite ) ekiiiml nmneclnmnnmicmi wino are corn- ltloy'ooi Imi tine 1311mm Pacillo iiiojne , at thmI Imlace held mn inieetimn hum aftti noun to ills- cLms"rn tine onIon' clo.iimng tine smiths lifter ( ho first of thto y'ennr , I t wins deildetl to sent ] n. comnnltee ( to Omnumni to lmiicr'lesv mnitlclnnint lit reference to tine e'himmtmtiuit , It iii itelleveil tIme 01cm wIll mow accept tIme leimv&'r teala of wues it' thUS ollicintis wiil cmntlmntio to opera I 0 I lie Chmeyc in me lila ii t , - Cmi I I lorim itt's Ii I micra I 'hm'ti I tim , llltANCiSCO , im'o , 4&-'h'ine gold hirodnnet of Calitt'rmntnt foi' ItI3 ( ss'us $12,122.81 1 arid tIme sliver $ i7l57 , initloling m total of $12jti'JiCS. It is mnot in golml ninth buyer alone that tIne nniiterml svealtim of California coin- imlsls , .lnny otiner motninstamnecs are unlined hurt' , svlmk'im evemn now hiiimng up tine value itt Cnmliinmnlnt's mnilmmeral lmn'uducts to mmlsiut $ I9t1'0 ( ti $ , :0YlOJJl : ( ( ( ltCt' tininninmni , ismid thmey in re I n C rniisi ing i in vol tie. brIe , , tiC 5'lmimky Itn.hmnt'nl. l'IOhlIA , Iii. , 11cc , 23.'l'hto W'inisky Inusi j yeateidny ; nnftennnoonn ntiuet'ti , Prices em , ull c'mnnmimu's of got tie I coin Iter gallon , 'h'hl nt'tlutnliomi got' . into cItvt next Monday. -c - , I mimi I I I intl mit I' . r 5 % ii ii i. . ml , tmI 't tYt'et bus. MNlATO , 2.llrn , , bee , 23.-Thus $ tein 4 S3lbaugli lnm'turin of lromnise cult was e'nmletl vtvteidmmy , tine jury bilingleng In a verdict of 1 nnmnti costs un favor of thu nlniImntiiT ,