fl- + 14 - TIlE OMAhA DAILY nEE : SUNDAY , DECEBEU 23 , 1804. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I . ( . ) . ( . ) . ( . ) . ( . ) . ( . ) . ( . ) . ( . . H . ) . ( . ) . ( . ) . ( . ) . ( . ) . ( . ) . ( _ ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ) ( ) ( ) ( ) t' ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) j . . - . . - . 4 Let Her Go . - . - . - ; : - . - - - - - ilic B e.-l-- : : : I ' - : : If she must , awl advertise in z' t . want ads for a new servant girl -l . * - - - ; : : : ; : ! ; : COA CJ-ZiWEiV and olhers , HOI employment ' 3 ; : cheaper and quiker through these ut- , . : . . - 4.- tIc ads. than in any other way : . : - ? J . - - ' ' : - IF OUT OF TVORI ( let our thousands 01 ' I ; : z ; readers know it , Ii words for 25c : ' : : - " - " . - * ; " * Want ads orderrd ( in tIe Evening 132c are pub. , r . * . : - lshed in the morning free. . . : : ' r ' ) . ( s 2 ) ( . , s ( ) . ( ) . ( * ( ) J ( * ( ) . ( . ) . \ ( . ) . ( . ) . ) .c ) ( . ) . ( . ) . ( ) .c\ ' , ( ) ( S ) ( ) ( ; ( I.l } ( ) ( ) ( " ) ( ) ( ( .c'f ) ( " 1 > > > > i ; SPBGIAh - NOTIGBS. - - . - I AdertIemenIS for the e columns w\ he taken % AI'ert . the erenIfl. nn.1 untfl 9:0 : until 12:30 : p. m. for e\'enlnl. unt . unll ' idIttofl. ' nnll Sundn : p. lU. for the morning numhcr.'d . check. ' . Ad\'ert ers. by I CIUCslng n numherc.1 letter 10 n leler tnn have nMwers nthl..sed . . vllI nlldre..etl ! ( . . so , : In care or The lIce.nflveI w\ . check onlY. or the < be .lelh..r upon Ilresellnlon word ' < vorcl . nr.1 lncrtloll . Ie n _ lc n \ flatei . wotl. In.erlon. thereafter. nnle. Nothing taken for less than 2.e for J Ih.renrer. . "Nl nsertlon. ' . ndvcrtl8ernenth mu't run conseculh'ely. , 4 TheM ndvert.ement mut ' . . - - - - - " B11UATIONS t WANTED. : I HAVI' TItAll : IN om , RTOH HAID- TIA1 . furnltpro ; 1 cover wholc .tnte of Iowa ; I ' wnrc. furllre rnd In ehlm ; cnn you . , . nl.o 2 years on mil : eh\ ' tic , pay ; 4 years live trurcler : no ao . . : I lien wIth n lve lirm ; geed references. . 10 Adtre . n l 22. F Jrm ! CO rcercnees. A-2M : ' . t hoe olilee. ; 2' ; , WANTED-IALE HELP. , WANT Im-A I'nW IEmNS IN nACI PLACe ' .en,1 , .Inmll for 1.O-tnge hook , to0 vrttltig ; : > l/e ) or pnrtleuhnr. ! J. WOOdIJUrY. 121 W 42.1 street , : N. Y. CI ) ' . B-4 , WANTnD. r.oo mN AND TCAMI3 TO StLli our feeil grinders. Salary 115.0'1 ' 10 $3.0 per month rl.I accorihhng to ability. The Llchneld ncconlnl Mtg. Co. , Web.ler City . In. B-M9GJI5. . BALISMIVANTI.D , $ : : ; A DAY : NO Dflt.t V - cries or cotleetlons : costly oull free : shIp line or exelu.lve. Athln'8" Manufactulels . : au Market - i kel St. . Ihlndel"hln. i'a. B SAI SMAN l'OI CIAIS : $1..0 ) TO $2.0 , salary nleex"en8es ; experience not nece.8n ) ; senel sin I" . Usholl & Kline . SI. Louis , Mo. . B-23 23' . . STUNOOIt'tI'Il UIti . nOOKKEEII , IS. SAI.nA- - men nnd teachers desiring positions In Texas are invited 10 nhlrcss , The Texas Buslneos . : . : ' Invl.t . . . V. Judnnl , proprietor , laIIttI4. - Tex. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B-28 2. - WANTEI ) . SAS . : IN IrOn GOOD Smp LINW . men visiting harlwnre Irnte II'ererreelo"i : . commission : ! our"len make 13 10 Ii dotty. Oeo. , E. Lloyd Co. . Jackson antI Cnnnl , Chicngo. . B-2n 2. : flOO1EEL'URH . JOhN H. COINI S WANTS , order for ledger Inde"es. 1IG Fnram < . streel. hJ-M254 21. t % ANTED , MEN WIO CAN GVE US EVI- ( , ; of nlly l eslnblsh general ngency for nrsl-class line of goods . a"tl can invest .t I 8mo cash In merchnndl.e ; we will pay "uch , men eel fair Mlnry and share or proilts. Ap- : ; I phicant Ill'l.e give business experience anti ' vlcnnl worlh. Atitliess , Mnnurnclurer. D &i , tles. Dee ollice. < 13-220 23. r otce. l-220 2' TItAVSLING MEN ; I IAVE A SIDE LINE or you ; new and extra good : grows Into thol- lar while you sleep : state I.re.ent line and t. reute. tex 20. - SIdney , In. 24-229 2' , v . ? ItUSSES --j , : YO un NEIOHlons . ; $10.00 per 1.00 cash paid plain writers ; r . enchisse olnmp. Addressing I3ureau 10V 211h encl.e . . 11-214 23' 1 streel N. Y. l-21 2' : WANTIm ENImOENTC MAN on LADY IN \ every town : 10 such wi give steady 1101- 4 < over emplormenl. 'V. S. Uurkhnrt . Clnen- : . ' . natt , O. l21 23' ! EN AND WOMPN TO WOHK AT hOME ; I ! , ' , pay $8.0 to $ G.O per week for making crayon . portraits : new Patented method ; any one who cnn rend or write cnn do the work lt home In . . Ipnre lme , day or evening : send your address : I send work nt once. II. A. Grlpp German . , , . I , - artist , Tyrone . Pa. 11-1.1218 23. ' ; ' AFEV LIVE MIN WITH $30.0 CASH. CAN \ make from $ : .0 10 130.0 weekly by placing . on shares with 811011 and cigar stores our new and ha'dsnme nut-nnlc Hiol m"chilc just , being introduced. Addreps hanker Machine Co. , " 108 1.'ullon street New York. B-2iO 23' ANTED--FEMALE HELP. WANTlm-Fon.TWO . WEUKS A NEAT GIRL to nsl8t with second work unit to plain sew Ing. Inquire mornings nt No. MO S. 21st n\'e : . : nearSt . Mar"s ave. C-203-21 WANTgD. LADY TO WORK AT 110M13. $15.0 weekl ) ' . No canvassing. Send slomp. Eslele Monlomer. 61 161h St. . Venver. Colo. JAVI YOU SIAIE TIME ? WE CAN FUR- nlsh bight work nt home 10 Indies nt fair pay : no canvassing ; no fake : send : e postal nOle for supplies 10 make ' 5.0 worth of walk : In- .Iruclol" . etc. Chicago Iren ClippIng bureau , Lkesde lIhtbg. , ChIcago C PEIMANCNT POSITION AT $ IU1 WEgKIN Is glrl\'etl any lady , who wi work for us ( juicily nt home : all material rree. Reply with . sllliled coy , Woman's Mutual Benefl Cn. . . t - Jolet , bib. C-236 23. J.ADmS WANTI ) TO WRITE AND DO . bight work nl home : $15,0 weekly : no canvass- Jght log ; send slamll. Mrs. I : . E. M.rcer , Tobeda. . O. , 0-233 23' 023 2. FOn Ii'lIt\ ' $10.00 WOtH OF MY SPECIALties - ties sold by ladies I will give them $ .00 In ' nth : for every 120.00 I will give $0.01 : for every $5.0 I wi give $ : ,0 ; for every $00,00 . I will give 150.00. AIMls" for particulars . . Yale drawer , V. ChIcago C-22S 23. : LADIES CALLING MONDAY CAN SECURE steady 110me worlt. 318 N. 1lh street sln'el.C2GS 2. I WANTI , I.AnY 'rEACIlIiit , IN b'RIVATE family ; smnl wnges. Address John Osborn . Und.rwod. Ia 027 23' : 'ANTED A COMI'ETENT Ol FOIL IOIHI - 'r wOlk. Apply MIs. J. H. VUlonl. 3G12 Lafayette - fayette avenue . t7-i1273 23 fn'ete 1\lue. CM273 Z FOR BEN'l'-HOUSES. hOUSES , I" . K. DAnLINO , lA\EH I.OCIC. l-a3 IIOL'SES IN ALL PARTS OF TIm C1TY TiE JOV81 . Unvl. eompnn ) ' , ISO Fartiam. I-49.l JELKENNY & CO. , U I , CONTINEN'lAI , U.I. , 1-193 hOUSES ; DENAWA & CO. , 10S N 15TH RT. , . 1M161 . 'on BENT. UQUSU 01" 9 ROOMS AND hAhN L on l'nrk awe . Inqule nt 43 S. ISlh sl. 4 D-S5G t Fn liEN , hOUSE NINE nOOMB ; l'Un. nave , bath , elc" nt lId ant Faruatn $7.0) ; also cheap houses $5,0 and $0,0. dl : rent . . ItAI(5 ( city . Iexler L. Thomas , 101 lice D-M135 building . I I . ' 01 ItENT-I)17S1ItAIllli DWEI.IINGS IN all put II of Outaita . E. U. Bheare , 13 I'nxlol ' "locI. , . 13-3341)24' Ic ZOfl HBN1' , 110UlmN 8-nOOM UOUS : ATtic . , tic Itnble 1625 tewnr sheet . UPII ) ' next door , D- 1 & 4.3. 10mmB & S'COfCB. 1" D. WEAD , 16 & Dougla. ' -C VOR ItUNT-6-btOOM COTTAGE . IN GOOD liE- Pair city tvater . $0.0 per month 10 geol . ltsrtleR. 10 N. 81h. 1 blol < fl'l l"nrol , car line. Inquire II Etoelxel' . stove iture . , next 10 postoilice. D-i62 10.0 : lUGI'rWOM HOUSD ; UATI blOOM , r and building. furnace . John It. W'ubstcr 10ard Trade : bulJlli. D-M76 rfAtU 0" SIX RooMs AM. CONV1 NI- encn. d.llallo , location , three bbock5 from : optia hnue Enquire al Premise ( . . Gn a. nlh Or ' , J. Fttgmorrl. D-7 3 . k. 'I.AT. STCAM HEAT. l.tNTON lIl.OCIC . _ . _ _ _ r Jobn 11111 , on 1,11111 bite D-i98 - - - - - - - t . . ' .ODCIN 10-JCO't blOUSE . % 0 1NNI Y , . I-24939 ill _ _ _ _ _ . . .flOO1 MOnlmN HOURI I'I\ ' } MiNUTES - . \llk from cturt house , vacant Jeeelb.r 24th . O. L Green , reel % 8 Barker block D-l6 ' FOn RUNT U1iOANV I"INISHI .ltOOltl C.COAN1' iloM . house . all modern ' improvements. lOa N. 2" . uiuct , _ . U-MIG :3 t. . } nJM ! 'Aa1 : AI.L IdOl ) 1 Con\'cnlence. . % 1 % CalifornIa II. Milton Io ! . ' . I Hoti . . 11h and F'arnuin , D-IU - - - - - - - - - - ONI a-Hom' ' blOUSE 1'01 ItUNT. 35" WCU- Ilereel. . hard and ln water , $ I per . . 8uQtb , D33' , t , , " " - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'I . - _ "k , , ' , , . , " " , " . " . . , , ; , : : : _ _ _ -c. _ " - FOR RENT-HOUSES. Contnued 'on ( RINTCIIEAI' . 1.'OI TIlE WIN1I I. one .S-room ) I\se. $0,01. three -rOI cottages . $ : .0. J. A. Scot , Omall Nnt'l bnnk. D- 1212 Foil ItENT . NBW 8-100M mlc" HOlSI' : ; furnace he"lewly ; papered. 318 N. 2'Iri. D-M2l ! CIIMII RT r ROOM CoTTAGE . WITIATH. . In city. Hhlucet 10 $5.01. 03 California D-221 eti :1 Oct. : OR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS , l'IEABANT SOUTH HOOl FOil GENTLEMAN Inquire 1919 Dodge. M-0S - - - - - - - FUHNISIWD blOOMS : ILOUSEKIIEPING. 20G SI. Inry's avenue. I-M61 TWO ROOMS SINGLE or ENSU1'I : : IOD- er ; 192 Capitol n\'enue. E-MI : . NICELY - I'UHNISIED1'HONTltOIf. ] 81 3'ntnnm. E-M2i721. FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOAR . SOUTh ! FRONT pAnLOn : ALSO SMALL IUIS ; good board ; reusonable. The Hose , 220 ilarney. . l"-:68D2. TIIJE hANDSOMELY 1"IHNISHCD FRONT rooms . with n : c l'cnlences. fol gentlemen only : location very deslmble. Apply to 2019 Hnr.y slrcel. 1"-89-Z' ELEGANT IOOM AND hOARD m ASON- able. 210G Caps. 1-M121 JI : ' PRIVATE FAMILY WILL ACCOMMODATE four couples . fUlnl8hed counts , with or without board ; gentlemen preferred . 2019 SI. Mar"s ovenue. F-MiOI J3 NICELY 1.'lnNISIIm SOUTH ROOM : pm- veto family ; /enllen "rererreel : breakfast Ir eslred. GI North list street " ' - 121 20' ! EI.EANT ROOM WI.L lE VACANT JAN.1 ; lIve mlnntes' from court hou80 : prlnl fnm'ly ; terms rea"onuble. Address E 26. I e 0111cc. 1'-212 : 1'UHNISlmD HOOMB AND BOAnD ; ALSO day bard ; Private family . 621 South 191h 81. F'-M276 29' UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT 4 ROOMS SUITABLE FOR IOUSEIUEPING : low rent. N. W. cor. 171h and Webster sls. G-M151 DESIRAIILII UI1EH ROOMS ; MODERN CONveniences - \nlelces : I'ghl ' housekeeping ; Ilrlmle rnml ) ' . 4SlOCapttoi avenue. U-M232 21' FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES FOR ItENT . DESK noM , 15.0 MONTH. 331 hoard of Trndo. 1-152-26 - - . - FOn IENT. TiE I.STOny DmCK BUILDING . BULDINO. 916 I.'nrnom street. This building has a tire- lre- proof . cement basement complete steam hent- tog Oxtures water on all floors , gM , ele. Apply - ply ot the olce of The lice. 1-910 AGENTS WANTED SALESMEN on AGENTS MAKE MONEY easy selling suits 10 order $ . [ . pants 1. shirts U. mncdnloshes $5. hunter Tailoring Co. . Cln- clunati , O. .I-M961F14' MEN AND WOMEN MAKE 1310 MONEY DG wih the practical plating dynamo Is the electrical machIne used In the great plating fnclorles. Ir..O 10 $85.0 n week made plntnl calY. Plal , ever'lhlnl. No experience ; mnlo prouits. Address W. 1' . Harison & Co. . Clerk prls. . 1. _ Columbus . Ohio. WANTED LADY AGENTS TO SELL TIlE ; best wearing and best selling corBel on earth ; the Hygeln. For particulars write the Western 0rsetCoSt. l.u1s , Mo. J WHY DO PEOPLE COMPLAIN OF HAnD times . when any womnn or man cnn maim , from IS 10 110 n day easily. Alt have heard of , the wonderful success of the Climax fish Washer ; yet mnlY are apt 10 think they enn'l make money selling It ; but anyone can make money . because every family wants ono. One agent has made $478.56 In the Ins three months after paying all expenses and atteutlbng to reg- nCer ! nloeln rg- ulnr business b.slde. You .Ion't have to can- \nas ; ns lon n. people know you have It ror sale they send for a Dish Washer . , tddress the Climax Mrl Co. . 45 Slnrr Ave. , Columbus , Ohio _ for . partictlrs J AGENTS TO SELL "FUELINII " THE great coal saver : exclusive terrier ) ' ; 2 per cent profit : ales immense. Sample 2-cenl slnmp. 812 Noble street I'hiladelphla. I'n. J-231 23' AGENTS WANTD ' T0 BELL STAPLE AnTI. . STApI. de. : quick sales : large pronl" ; exclusive lerrl- tory given ; $0.01 I. day gnmnleeel : samples easIly ennlcl. Iliatnonti . easiy Dlnmond Cutlery Co. , 58 Broall- _ WI y . N. Y. City. J-212 23' W\NTlm. AGENTS EVEnYWHlmE FOR electric ror ( name ) plates . signs etc. ; real- nblo In the dark . " 'rllo for terms 01 free saniples. New Era Co. , 2 Indiana street Chll'llo. Iii. J-221 2. CHANCE 01 A I.IFE TIME : WANTED , EN- eretc. responsible parties for state , city , county end town ngencles for sale of Clnrk's lied Cross Electric Natural Medicinal Water Salvo . Salts . ele. : nol a Mcdlcilol ; 0 wnlerl ' l.dleI18 : liberal Inlue.menls and I'll money to the right parties. Aldress Big < Inplls Itlin- 11n- Cml Water Co. . Rig Rapids. Mich. J-M215 23' W ANTED-'O RENT WANTED , I'UINISHED BOOM WITh OH wlhuut board , for single gentleman . within 10 Ilnu\ . ( torn Ilslolce : 1 > lease slnlo'rms wihin Address Ii ID . lIce. K-Ill 23' WANTEI. l'OUt lI.IMBANT UNFIJIONIHIIIID UNI"ltNISlmD rnolS. cl'ntlll ) ' located . on Parlor or second hour . Address U 31. lIce . h-230 2. WARM , SOUTH FItON'L' BOOM ANt ) IIOARD ANI 10AnD ly ! el\elll antI wire ; private family It.- ( erred . Atitlrees giving nnle , tertits and rer- erence , . \ . lS8 Hnre Street K-2:7 2' VANTl1I HOUSI S ANn 1.'JATH FOR RENT : ulrlrllHhcl llath or louleK rOI' rent so sIwcialt' . rel < H. H. Wnlcl' , 23 Barker 11. . I - 81 elnl ! WANTlm T nENT BLACrSMl11 SHOP and tools . or would mice n steady jab by the day. Address 11th Vurltee , flellance I a. ' K-222 23" WANTED-TO BUY CITY & CO. CLAIMS. PlTCIAID , 12 FIt l M - : WANTlm TO BUY ND HAND 1IELT l'OWmt U hay iress. D. Morgan , S Co. . Orleans . Ill. N-El 23' WANTED l'OI CASH , A HOnS ; MUST BE sound . gentle and n God traveler : give full I'lrtculnrs In Iral letter. Address 11 N-264 . 25 . 23' lice. - FOR . SALE-FURNITURE , FUIN\UIE AUCTION A' un V/iIINAM 8T : FAINAM Saturday " , 10 D. m. Itoht Weil. 0-07 1'on BAJ AT A BACIF1O. CAnIE'fS. shades ant furniture which 14\0 been but little IIt0 used and almost new : also houro for renl. In- _ qUil 40 S. 2lh an. 0-MISS FOR SALE- .HOR8S , WAGONSETO . TilE . XMAS NO. 01" TiE 10nsn ncvmw l now neatly for dlslrlbuton. . comprises IW Inges ; the largest , handsomest nod most valuable publication ever Ih'cl readers oC turf 111cm- lure : Its Illustration , , with large slt11lemenls flr rrnmilg , ore the Ilnest . Its epeelti 1 articles old sketches Ire by the bet writer , . lrOmi- nent bn'ederl oltl drhen , end 1 its statistics ore accurate and complete ; PI let 5c. but free to subacnibets with this oubscrlb.s beginning number : bellnln& wih numbr & the liaise Ic\1 0 \ "erk\ . one ) 'eor. $2.03. Senti your order now 10 the ltotse 3terlew Co. . Chicago ; , nflnow Lll : 23' \ I'JIA7'J'ON . IAIUAIN ; NEW CLOTh . LDATH- cr , paitit IQ ; Inoler , t : . Drmmund C'ge ( :0 . . . . . . I'-MI D2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - mlATIST IAHOAIN G\'CI OFFERIII ) . A Christina , preunt. Fast ( emily hlBe , buggy , Z-.nlet carriage and hants lt une-iusrtcr value If 801" al \ once ; Inquire at Uellcr I bird store , 6 North IGh sIred , -11 - - - - - - - - _ - - - , - - , : , -4-t--- .J _ . , . ; 'u ' , , . , . " . . " > _ .J' ' ' . : . _ . _ . _ . " - . , _ _ _ = STORAGE. STORAGE l'nANI EWI7RS . 11 1AINEY , M-3 STORAGE Fn nOUSEIOLD aools : CLEAN and Cheap I-ate. U. Wels 11 Farnam.IdSOt - BEST STORAGE IIUII.tlh'G IN OMAHA , U. R. gov. bonded warehouse. Houschold goods tored. bn L\'ct < rates . 1013.1015 Leavenworthi Itore. M-5 FOR SALE-MLbOELLf..NEOUS. IF YOU lOUT , JUY TIlE unST MACIN- tofhe , rubber boots . arctics . 'rlnges or all kinds , gas bIting : all tcst qunlHy. Omaha Tent and Awning . Co. , 11 I'nrnnm .1. Q-509 'VI GMNliA-o.si ; vOIT , OMANS. Woobrhlge liroe , Ill So. 1lh. I-25 FbIti'7 mUCIC CAlti.OT. $11 I : 8IAI.I. LOTS , 1"1t 1 ; Ihe day . sand . gravel . cleenln" . \ . $ Weislians 83 hoard of Trnde. 'el. hG. Q-4G \7 I.'on SAlh2-FOll CASll ONLY , TIlE IIIIST S\.C-FOI saloon nxilre anti , CS\ SUpl.I ' business In the \ l1 _ ' G. . Bee. have over 41 country itceountS. - . \.hres" 1100 AND CIIICICIIN FIINCE : IAnD WOOD 100 . C. C1CImN I. . . 901 Douglno ( -to ron SAl.11 A l't'RNACE IN 0001 ltflI'AIlt. : . Cnl nl SOG Sherman avenue. - - (3-itlI6l ; : Fltbllll I BOo . 110W -'r S"I lUI\Tn H\ ? - cessttbly on the grain nn,1 I"ck 1ntkc. : ces.rulY trailing nn limited margins cplnlned. Conlcl & Co. , 1nlo build lug , Chicago , 1.Q Q2 23' MISOELLANEOUS. COME TO TIINAS.Vli W\NT NOITI.mN CO:1 . bitch Inntl No crop Ii ilttres. Stock r.qulre no roOI , Low taxes . , "K)1 ' schnolo. Inla8 , Texas , hits r..o leoPli' ' ; more wItch' Pale business anti factories ; I" letter hul antI offers more hulucc1enl" , In capital Ihnu Iny Texas cl ) ' . Wri" M. l'all.hel. 301 : II 81. . Iallas. Twenl.nlne years In Nebruska . 1-2t 2. OLAIR ANTS. MRS. 1)11 . II. WAltltIlN . CLI\'OYANT. HE- DI. liable bttslnes medium ; 71h ) ) 'ear nl n ) N. lath . MME. nENI ctA , TIlE MOST WONDERF'tJL clnlrvonnt of the 191h cenIU , 161 ChIcago . street ) HMS1 J12. M SSAG . ATB8. ETC. MAlUM H:11'M2 S. l3TlT , 2D FLOOR , rom 3 : nIIFMl''nlor , , alcohol , HI.nm , suI- . . . . T-M20) ) 23' 1.llrlno 111 sea bnlh. 1'-M26) 2J- MASSAGE , MAD.Um REItNAIlt I i21 1)01)011. ! : 31' - - - - PE.SONAL , 1)11. TV. . STONE , 810 N. Y. LIFE. TIlL - G41. U-1139 MACIINTOSIES & nUUDEI BOOTS. 13 I"AIt U-:12 ¶ j7j7j1j111,2411 Il1'I'IIIOLY CORSET MADE TO order frm measure 19 l"arnl street , U-:17 DIAMOND IHOTOH. 1C A DOZEN AT pnOc tor's , GIG S. IGlh sl. U-iIO J3 - - CABINET t'lbOTOS $1 DOZ. ; I.Alo ONE 13.M. CAINgT 1I0TOH S framed . worth $ , . Cowan's . 53. ll'way C. WUI" . " -M436 D27 VIA VI : HOME TItIIA'l'MENT FOR LADmS. health book anti consultation free AiltIres . 01' call Vln\1 Co. . - 31G thee bldg. Lady attendant U-13 . MASSAGE EI.ECTnO T1IEItMAL IIATIIS . chiropodist. Mine. l'ost 319I ! S. 15th at , \ COMPOUND OXYGEN CUIES CONSUMPTIN , ashtnta bronchitis and catarrh. 10nio treatment - mont , $6.0 per month ; 3 dn'a' trial free treol- saent . Room 810. N. Y. Lie Bldg. , Omnho. U- m3 THE BOSTON ( LADIES' ) SWlmISH MOVE- meet Cure , 1816 Chicago st. . I. n .uece. The Indies are responding very mly anti find our methods to Just suit their CIS . Rheumatism , neuralgia . kidney anti liver disease given sveI I del atention. Chronic cases token by the ' monlh. How Is that lain l , ladles In the ' sacrum and Inqulnnl regions ? have It removed before 10 Inle. Consultation fico. Letters answered wit ) . stamp enclosed. Otce hour 9 to 5 p. m. Saturdays 1 to 5 p. m. U-M164D28' MATItIMONIAL IA1EI WITH 1.0 ADVERtisements - tsemenls and Photos of marriageable Iteople man ) ' rich In led free. Address box 215. Brooklyn . . lyn N. Y. U-M193 J20. LADES TUnlISI AND ELECTRIC BATHS complexion treatment , bust development mani- cur and chiropodist. Mme. Iosl , 319,5 South 151h slreet. } IETALIC VAULT AND OFFICE FURNITURE ; 10Iexc" . copies filing cabinets 'IINI'IRE' bUI'IIls : Johr H. Cornea . 11G l"arnnm tU''et.UM . U-IdES 23' THAT PALL NTLEAN . THAT CALLED to see that Int ) that hives on Cnllllni avenue In the Third ward , December 1. tthe wIshes for him please to cal back again : alto thinks Ie Is the gentleman she wants to see ; he must have mn.l" n change 01 hi" face that ( nu8e1 her not to know him. U-M266 23' GENTLEMAN CORRESPONDENT WANTED by respectable girl of 22. Address Illancho Strreb . Plymouth , I'a - Bnnehe SEND FOR LITLE nooc , "now TO SPECulate - ulnlo Successfully In the GraIn and Stock Markets ; " mnle,1 free. Conistock Ju.s : & Co. , Rialto bul.lng. ! Chicago . U-224 2. $50.00 REWARD ; GEORGE JAHII I OF NI- ngam l'nls. N. Y. , died November 21 , J9 ; n reward of 1.0 wi be paid by thc under- 'gned for satisfactory proof of the whle- nbuls or death of his son . Geogo Meredith Uarker. Ely , Dudley & Cohn , attorneys . NI- ngam Falls . N. Y. 13-219 2. GET MARRIED : FOR PARTICULARS AD- dress with stamp , the Prdentnl MatrImonIal thoreau , 403 N. Y. Life. Omnha. U-2G9 2. WANTED . A ROOM MATE : 1.'nONT PARLOR ; 1 ] all cl'enleace" ; central locatIon : board Inll room 120,0 per monlh. Address E 21. U-215 lIce. 23. . . HAVE YOU SEEN IT ? "AnT STUDIES FROM the nude : " n monthly portfolio ror Jo\.r of the lute arts ; len mnnliceni reproductions of ! reproductons Paintings by renowned artists : .lnnullY nlmher now ready ; prIce . lIe. Mailed by AlTI8'S pUDLISIING C" Dept. 10. St Louis . Mo. M-24 2. MONEY 'TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. ANTHONY LOAN & TRUSTCO" 38 Y.LU'E loans nt low rle" for choice security In Ne- bmslea and Iowa farms or Omaha city property ' -515 LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. I" . O. Chesney , I'nnon" City . Mo W-U MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA neat estate Drennon , Love & Co. . l'uxlon blic. W-517 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. TIm IATES O. F. DavIs Co. , 1505 l'ornm sl. W- 18 LOANS ON IMlnOVIm & UNIMPROVED cn'Y property 13.0 antI upwards e to 7 per cent ; no delays. W. Flrnm Smith & Co. . 1320 I"nrnm , W- 19 CITY AND FARM LOANS AT LOWEST rnles. I'usey & Thomas , First Nnl'l 1ldK. ! W-M2j8 MONEY T LOAN ON OMAHA hEAL EST\TB It 6 per cent \V. D. Meikle 11 Nat bank bId W-521 VEIY LOW RATES MADE ON UOOD LOANS J. W. Squire , 2t Dee bldg. - CITY LOANS. C. A. STAnn , 515 N. Y. LIFE. W-581 $ W TO 15,0 F. D. WEAD , lGTH & DOUOIAS % V-034 31 \-4 IAla LOANS , LOW RATES , SMALL LOANS , short tim. . ' . H. n. Harder & Co. , 13cc W-657 Bldg. 31 MONEY T LOAN ON 111lOVm ) OMAHA properly. Fidelity Trust cOlpnlY , li03 1.'nrnl Ilreel. W-MtJ0 TO I.OAN-130.0 ON DOWN TOWN 1111141. lies ProperlY See J. II. Piper , Commercial Nn- tonnl bank building . W08 MONEY TO LOAN -OHATTELS. J. U. HADDOCK nee 1 427 , HAMal I.OCI X-52G MONEY TO I.OAN ON FURNITURE , I'IANOS , horses . wagons . - ate " at lowest rails In cIty ; no removal of goods : strictly connd.ntnl : you amount. can pay the loan ol ot any time or In any 110UII. 110UII.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , BO H. 161h atrot - X-52 MONEY TO LOAN ON nOUREHOI.n FU1tNI. ture pianos her . . wagons. or any kind or chattel security nl lowest possIble rates which you cnn PaY hack at any Imo and In any amount. l"WE1.ITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. . bloom 4. Wlllel block . X- U BUSINESS CHANCES 11XI'OItTATION-EUBOPIIAN W1Ti XTEN. I slvo relations abroad wants enplabl ( wIth $5.0 for exportation of horse. 10 European I market. r per cent 10 investor annually. Au- dress D 53. lee oliice . YI2 COUU'SIONDENCE OH IIITEI1VZIIW 18 SO. leled from patties salsfed wih 8 10 10 per cent II 0 legitImate busIness ; Investment under full gilorauutee of principal and interest : slnnd. tog and character unquestioned. I' , O. Box 505. city . Y-M71 A OENII MAN wln MONEY on CLEAR properly for partner In good . dean , 118)'lng business that scents to be Incrensee1 ; one 10 slay Inside and attend to bola and , ( ol.c- Iona Address E Ii. flee Y-12 23' vAt.'ri1D. A MAN 01' AUI.ITY , WITI tom cal.lal. 10 man8"e branch , one of hue largest manufacturing corporations In Unll' State , : ! curprlloni ' absolutely no rl.k. l.lGE INCOME ASSlnlm , . I'or full 11Ulculllddreu E U $ , lee'Y22G 23' . _ - ' . " - - > . - - , . , . . , . . I . " . . . _ _ ' I : _ : . " - . . - DUBIESCHANOES. C Uire < ' ron SALt ONE O1'1Ifl ' imST PAYING eisr enn , ! In city fet 1IF y invested . Atl- dress l 1. lice. -1o9 23' AN I' SI'I CAII.Y OOOD CIANCF TO TiE right party who can command 1.0.0 or 1..0(0,0 10 enter nn old lnblsheJ bu.ln s. Address 1' . O. Box - , C. 'tlly. ' -M7l $ FULLY EQUIPPED PLANiNG MIt , . LIVE town northeast Nebras\h : exchange for lander or sell. Address rom 1. Freezer block OmRhn , Neb. ' Y-M003-25 . . . Y-MO3-2. TIm ONLY FIRST CRASS nOTm IN TOWN or 3.5 inhabItants In lawn for sale nl n sacrIfice I sold nt oncc. A.ldeS 526 Charles street . Omaha , Y-MI6 Ia' } 'OIt S.\.1 on Tn.1 ' Dmo STOCK IN I ely In central southern Neh , : 3,50) Inhnblnnl8 : ; Ieot 1'"erlllon trde In cIty ; beet or reasons for selling . Address n 13. lIce. Y-Ml70 26 A $12,030.03 STOCl 01" ( iENIUIAI.1.t1)H17. . CON- :1m $2O,1 fTOll 0OFNlmAI. ! slRln of hoots nod . : , OS , dry R/OS. furnlRhlnc , "is. hnts ) . nnel enps nn,1 , "Ioerle" , 10 exchange for city or tnrl I'rulwrl : lanel IU"t lay within 100 tniIes of Omnhn : I have n nice 10 sl"lk. doing tnles best business In Co. . anti I" Jn111 big . hut my henll wi not permit Inc 10 ruin II longer . A. I' . Me\cnnn , HI $ Sh.r- man avenue Omaha Net 1-:190 23 ' 3r0.O STOCK oj ; i hIlly 0001)5 ANn 5110115 for sale In Sluenanthoali In ; largely new gotsls' I 'i bought Ihls ! monlh ; will take haCllh ant clear Innd. Davenport & Vaterninfl . hennn' tlonh , In Y-MISO 26' _ ! Ol Y-I. l'OI 1\nmS ; A 0Ol n IAIC I\ ' , ItI7STAU - rant nntl .Iwe\li eontbint'tl . for rent ; I'I ' Ice , $20.(1 l.e' Yl'lr. Address box 153 . Ilm' , 2t . HACI SNI IA\lAItINl1 ; VOI.11M17 Just null , containing wonelerrul research ; write for .1.crlpt\e clicular . Ueo. I.eclerqtie. 125 lrlkln HI . Chicago Y-21623' \\'ANTlm , AN IIXI'EIlIlINCIII I ) PINTlm. with IOI ) capital , I , take l shore 1111 chnrc In n eIi c"llblahetl httsincss AI11 "s" \ 2. lice. wel - - V-MEG - 25' - FOil 5AIl1 GOOD 1bOTh1l . tN LIVE TOWN : FOi wil S. trade fur n good rnrm. 1.'or "nrleulnrs r.ll.c"S lux 12 , Carroll . In ' -1.l2 4 : FOB EXOHANGE. A GOO\ LOT IN EAST OMAIA TO me- change for young wet k horses or tunIcs. lf'mornlx , 'ounl . . S , 16th. Z2 ' : .O.OO. IMPnOYFHAI.I n.OCI ltGITlo incunibereul 10 trade , for lerehlntl"e. city Iroperor rnrls ; tescllbe your Ilollerl ) ' . Ad- Iroper\ . Z-1.i203 2-I dress . 11 17 , lice Z-1 2 I WANT TO THAI : I.'on NlmHARIA LAND ; write tue. L. H. Ioberls , Detuver. Colo. . 160 . . Z-M247 23' Arait.thoi' , room 22. Z-12I1 2. I'On 1 : " < IANGI , NEW . CIgAN STOCK OF general uuiercitnnilise ; vcll lonl",1 , antI doing I . lerchnntlse wel gtiotl iutincss . for ni Imprnved ( onto : lust bt ) 1001u.lnpo" clear ; south partIculars. Adtess A. 1. I Blwn , - Armington - - . Ill . Z-210 - - 23' FOIl gXCII\NGJ. UUIPnO\'EI tAND IN Htnnlon nn,1 , Antelope t'ottttiles. Ne\rlPkn. for 001 , eleati stock groceries 12.0 10 $4,000. . A. ' . Grahuan \'I.ner. Neb. / - 48 23. $1,0 EQUITY ON IMIHOVgD STOCK ItANGlI . wl'"ler "nil or the stale. 10 Irlle for Omaha I'rolH'rlr ' ; describe ulll address 11 20. Bee. . < Z-219 23. WANT I'AItMS . I AS1I.mN NEll. AND IWA. "AlMR. for good lerchallls , ' . Gnl'll Bros. Omaha , Neb. ! Z-tt230 2 'ro I XCIANOI FOrt OMAHA IHOlgnT\ 40 nero , . IWo mites ( ruin Sllwrlnnll. 1.'ln. 6 . . . N. Y. Life aert's In oralges. 1. H. Ball , 209 I" 1t . /-1.1263 24 GOOD I'NEUMATIC' TIRE M\N'S SAFETY 111- cycle' for - stnndnnl'pewrller : mURI he In gootl contlition. , Address1.4. \\'lsner Neh" wih ( till description. Z-231 23. fiI < escrl\tol. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE BARGAINS HOUSES LOTS AND FARMS . sale or tiade. I" . K. Darling . Darker HE-2 hlock. FOR SALE NEW , lOOM COTTAGE ; CEI.- lar cIstern , city water cor. 30lh and SaltIer ; 11,250,0 ; long time. Inelulre . - 118 Farnam. Snm- uel Durns. nM-30 MODERN 12-I001 HOME ChEAP. 2019 BNNEY . IEM94 JI3 FOIl SALE AT A BARGAIN MY liES- deuce between Burt anti Cumin street : will take Vs In Imde. Wm. Fleming , Ulh antI DOlg- Ins . 1 R11-M7l3 FOR A LIMITED TIME"A-FINE ; RESIDENCE site. comer 391h and Dodge 110.0,0 ( paving paid ) . Full commission , to1ngents. \'m. Flem. I'ul lug . Ulh end Douglas , 1111-1.1719 EXCHANOES AND SALES ; CITY pnOlgHTY. farms , merchandise. 'GarvlDrs. . . 210 N. Y. . 'Garvl/ 1111-1.1253 Lie. ; . : IE-M2:3 BARGAINS . SALE Ott T1ADE . IN HOUSES lot and fnrms. J. NFrenzer : . opP. p. O. . : . . . , JtE-M852 J8 FOR SALE ! LOT & OXISO , 4D AND , 11ASON. ! 12,00 casiu 110.0 per month : prIce , . $ Oo Omohc Bicycle Co. . 32 N. lGlh st. ' lcce nE-891-2 $ IRRIGATED FARMS NEVER FAIL : FRUIT. potato grain and slack farina for sale on easy terms ; correspondence solicited . E. D. I'almer room , 100 , 'ple's bank Denver , Cob.ItEM930 ItE-M930 WE HAVE FARMS FOR SALE IN ALMOST every county In eastern Kansas anti southwest Missouri : It wi pay you to investigate our "cnsl rent plan" of selling fnrms. 'Ve can give you better terms than anybody : farms Improved : possession soon. J. 11. Brady . . Crawford bldg. . Topeka , Ion. RE-M926 J12. . EXTRAORDINARY Offer H sold In three days. 12 acres hiouce barn . 1.0 grapes and apple trees 1,0 blackberries and other small fruit and shade trees on Q at" lie West of So. Omaha ely limits : $0 per ncre : $ .60 cash bal , thtee enrs. . . A Dodge 12J Ho 2.lh at . 11 ) II -210.2 lG ACm IN CENT HAl , NEBRASKA . ChEAP . on monthly payments. Wllnms & Mittan . Mc- Cngo building. Itil-M20i U Ij..O OAItDEN NEAH COIIN'lla m.m.'J.'s anul n GO-ncre rarm In 111t Cu" In. ; will take ont . city propertY iK part IIment un either of Ihem. Johnston & Van InU.n. Cuuocl Illufta. 1111-213 : FOR SALE . I ACRES AIJOINNI Tim CITY or llantburg In. ; $ : O per acre. Altlress , box 13. hlnmburg . In. ltE-23323 TIlE OIIOHTUNITY aI' A LII , : 1'Um ¶ ; A chnlee 10 obtain 2n. ) 10 oi' G nCI'a nelolnlnl Omaha , close 10 pa\e,1 streets , ele. , II one-half value . The sCest Investment anti the Shiest gordon land In the world : call Int tee IH : "e will take you out 1 < sea II nl 2 p. I uny day huts week. hicks 505 N. Y. Life Bldg.ItIlM267 ItIl-M267 23' VACANT LOTS ON 1\YlmNTS : SNAPS. Have nicely located homes worth 12,0'C0 ' ) anti 13.00.1 ' : light .ncumbrnce : wnnt \lcanl lols. . . . , . 1111-El 23 Life Gn.\ln 110. . 210 N. Y. Idg. II - : HORSES WINTERED. ADDRESS BARTON & PhELPS . TEl. , 10' , 207 N. Y. Lie bId ! M128D31. HOHSFS VINTERED . 13,0 ANI I .o pFn monlh. Address hopper Bros. , l7ikiiorz Neh. \ . 1.1-687-27' I WILL CARE FOR A FEW HEAD OF horses lot the winter nt $ per hentl lIeu' monlh. Hones sent for and returned al $ : each None but healthy horses taken antI only from re- spon81ble parties. I can give best or rcrerences. Address , M. J. Welch Oretln , Neb. ItS JI UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS H. I. IIURKIIT . FUNEItAL DlECTOn AND embalmer 1618 ChIcago EI. , telephone 90. 53G SVANSON'ALIEN , UNDEnTAKEnS AND embalmers 1C ComIng at , telephone 1060. [ 37 . l. 0 , MAUL , U ' Dm'fAKlm AND 111.1. "ahler , U1 1'arnain , BI. , telephone 225. 533 ' C. W , BAKER , UNVElTAIEn , GI3 IGlh ST. ; . 3 TYPE WRITERS. , STOLEN TY1'fl\VIIITEItS. OFI"JlIP FOIl Inlo should make you " 1IIIIclou. : funny they are losly Smith' , . Try Ole and you will understand why. I"ul line of U\Iles. Smith. l'rernier Co . Ilh and j'aram , telephone 328 :4 $ . A 0001) CIIItlS'1'1.tAS ' I'IilIHENT . TIm 1 1I. 001 CllST1AS son Inewr\el. 12 , o. , ohn H. Cornet. . 11 llG 1"lrnam street , Hal'l , Safe and . Luck . (1o. . 1.1-253 24. HOTEL . hOTEL BARKER . UTI AND JONES S'fa. 1 rooms II n.5 per day . r mains lt 120 Ier dny. Special rates 10 commercIal travelers. . Room and bnld by week or monlh. 1..unk Ildlch , tnanager. 532 AETNA HOUSE nmnOI'EAN ( ) N. W. COIl. Ulh and Dodge. noms by day or week. 533 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES . AhtMA'rU1us ANI CONVIIItTEItS I WOUND storage balelrled recharged ; electrical and gen e'nl Inehlnlbla ; superior work guaranteed Omaha Electrical \Vorks , 61 and 618 B. ltlh SI . 5'3 EL1CTlCAI. I NGNtCHS ANI CONTHAC- tons for electric light and malarlonll and all kInds of electrical consruction . \\'ealer Elec- trio Supply Cl" US and 420 B. 151h at . 54 OOAL. V T. " (01N'f hAS IEMO\ED IUB COAL , _ . ! "co i. ! - to - 2 S. IGlh II. . Drown block , 552 h3ll16ltIlA NCOAIa . EXCEJ.I.EST SUIISTITLJTL3 IIEIIAN IUUITITU' ! tor hard coal and $ .5 taxi ch.aver. II Far- Darn street . main entrance Board of Trad. . 143 . . . _ - - - - . _ . , . " - _ i- - _ _ . s-- - BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION HOW TO OUT A HOME on REcum GOOI Interest on , avlnl . ApplY 10 Omaha I. . & n Ass'n , 10' Bce bldg. O. M. Nollnger , Sec. 61 SHAI S IN MUTUAIa I. ANI ! n. ASS'N PAY 6. 7 , 8 per Cent when 1. 2 3 years old always redeemable. nOI 'amnm at. , Nnttlnger 8ee. 64S IOYOLES. M. O. 1AXON. 102 N. 16T11 , 6 OMAhA BICYCLE CO 32 N. 16'1 ST. S9 A. 1. DI ANt & CO. , BICYCLES , 116 PAnNAM 174318 l IS OARPENTERS AND BUILDERS C. U. MOI1I1ILL . CAIUENTIm AND llt.DIm. paper hanging nntl signs . brick work anti plas- brIng. Olce 10 S. 1Ih al. , telephone 108. 7 OPTII3LANS. . . I OMAIA OPTICAL CO. l.l AJNO OI'TICIANS J. 1' . Ponder , manager . Eyes exnmlnet free 222 8. 161h 'it. . In Klnslel 0 drg alore.HO HO J ) ' 2' STOVE REPAIRS . STOVE nOIAlrS TOll 40,00) ) 1IFI ' EnpNT mnkes of sO'e9.'ller attachment antI von' leclon" a lerlal . 121 Douglas street I Omaha Slave Ie\nlr ) \Yorks. & :0 _ HAY AND GRAIN NImrASIA IA Y co. , \IOI.t S\B BAY , grain and mi . .Iul.Ve are always on the ! morkel 10 buy or sell . 1402-1-6 Nicholas sl. 51 - WHOLESALE COAL. JOhNSON hIltOS . . WIOII.SAI.\ : AII rS IN nil kInils or coal Correspondence soiiciieti. I' ' ! Fainatn slreel. & DRESSMAKING. mmSSMAKINO IN F'AMILIL'S. 131G o iA NT. M-168 J18' L03T. TWO LIVER AND ! WHITO SPANIELS : LIII- 1"1 rewurti. 602 Cnos street Lot-1.t20t3 21' MUSIC ART AND LANGUAGE. . O. F. G'I.tFNIECI . BANJOST AND teacher , 1810 Cnlfol'n slreel. au SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. VAN SANT'S SChOOL. OP SIIOI1T hAND N. Y. Life SCIOo for SIOrT . 561 - - BUSINESS NOTIOES. DAMAGED MUtOIS HESIL\CIED , il9 N. IG. 562 JOB PRINTING. n1ED Jon IIUNTI:0 CO . FIE PRINTING of nil kind. 1lh sl" De bldg. 56 GRINDING. IAZOHS , SIICARS . CI.IPIEIS , SKATES etc. A. L. Undelnnd , lO S. 11th , . 5 LEATHER BELTING. LEATHEn BELTING. CIIAS. A SCIUEmm & Co . Mrg. . 30G 8 .12th sl. 91 DENTISTS. DR. I'AUL DENTIST , 202 BUnT ST. 549 n. , Lll JIAUIUn' . INSTRUMENTS pJaccd ' on record Dec. 22 , 1894 : WARRANTY DEEDS. G A O.lrm anti wife 10 Lois Ostrom . lot 3. block "K , " Shlnn's 2 < Id < . . . . . . . .1 t I e Wren 10 0 S Iowen. I 30 reel of a . iO.7G reel or lots I antI 2. ClIfton Place. . . 1.00 Bnme to CV Allen , 30 feet of n 71 feet . slme . . : . . . Alen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,10 I.'hlely Trust company 10 S 0 Catly . s IG eom\lny reel of lot 47 , antI n 2G feet of lot 48. Hees Ilnce . . . . . . . . < . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0 C M Morse 11 al. In Carter Cockrel hardware - ware company ) ' . c 10 reel of lots 12 and 13 , block 15. llanscom plnco. . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 C J Johnson antI wife 10 g Id Owen , lots 15 nn,1 16 . block 1. Central pnrk. . . . . . . 102 ) J Persons to 1.lzzle l'ersouts s 20 feet lot I , antI I 20 feel lot 2 . block 24 , South Omaha Int . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,0 QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. M H Comstock 10 Union Investment com- pans' lot I. 1 block 1. Saunders & Ii's add 10 Walnul Hi : lots 12 and 2. block 2. hitchcock's lit nlM ; e 35 reel of w 74 feet lots 7 antI 8 , block 1 ; n 1 feet o w 37 feet lot 7. block 1. E V Smllh's add ; Iota 9 and 12. block \Vllnm I ngedorn's acId , : s 1,5 aw anti no sw 10 lG-10. lot 7. block 5. 2d odd 10 South Omaha ; n y lot 9. block 3. Exchange Plnce : lots 10 and ] block \Vllliam Ilageulorn'a add : w % or s 134 feet lot 6G. Olso' add ; e 23 feet lot S. block 5 Shlnn'a n'ld. . . . . . . . . . 1 DEEDS. Master In chancery 10 Horto Inlhnwny , n ' lots 1 and 2. block 6G. Credit Fonder 2,908 Sheriff to 1.1 J Winch e lot 16 . Hawe's Hherll . . . l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.10 Total amounts of . . . . . . . . $ . .tT = : T : _ rEJ r BUREAU . SUES & 00. , Bolclor Bee ilijilding. OMAHA , Neb Advice FUEEl RAILWAY \ T1E CARD Leaves IBURLINOTON & MO. lUVEn.IArrlves Omuhn \ Union _ Depot , 10lh & Mason Sls.1 Omaha 10l : am. . . . . . . . . . . . Den\er ; Express. . : . . : . . : .9:35nm : 4:3lpni.Blk. : lUlls , Monl. & I'uel Snd. Ex. IOpm : I:3pm. : pm.Dk. . . . . .Denl'er I xllrc" ! . . . . . . IOpm ; 6:45pm.Nebrnskn : Local ( except Sunday ) . 7:45pm : S:151m.I.lncoln : Local . ( except 8ulday.1am ) : Leaves \CICAOO.-Dum.INOTON ' &QiAiFls \ Omaha \ Union _ Depol , 10lh & Mason . Sls.1 Omaha -f:15pm. : . . . . . . . Chicago Vestibule. . . . . . . . 9:50am : 0:45am. : . . . . .Chlcj Express. . . . . . :20pm : 7:50pm..Chicago : anti Iowa Local. . . . 8:00am : 11:35am..l'uciiio : Junction Local. . . . 6:10pm : Leaves ICJIICAGO.MIL. - - & S'r. i'AUL.iArrives Ollhn \ Union Depot 10lh & Mason 61s.1 Omaha 6pm. : . . . . . .Chlcngo 1.lmlled. . . . . . :30am : 1IlOam..Chicugo : : Express text Sun. ) . . 6:00pm : Leaves ICIIICAGO & NOI'fnWEST'N.IArlves 1CAOO OmahalU \ . I' . Uepot 10lh & Mason BIs.1 Omaha :05nm. : . . . . . . . . . .1 nlern Express. : : . . . . ITlOpm 1 : Ciopna..Vestbuletl ) FxP , . . . . . . 940nm ; 6:55am..Mo. : Valley I.oeal. . . . . .10:30pm : :45pm..Omaha : Chicago Specl' . . . . 2:1511m : I.enve CHICAGO , n. IPACIFC. IArlves Omaha I Union Depot 10lh & Mason Sls.1 Omnbn _ _ _ _ _ EAST. l1OOarn.AtlantlC : Express ( ex. Sunday ) . . 6:0.pm : \Oam.tnnte : . . . . . Night I xllress. . . . . . . 9:50am : 4:30pm..Chlcn0 : Vestbuled 1lm1e < . . 1:05pm : 11Epm.OklahIomalIsp. - : _ WES'f. ( ( o C. D. ex Sun.llSopmn ) : - am.Oklnhomn : l & Texas 17x. ( ex , Sun..U:30pm ) : [ : IOpm. . . . . .Colorndo J.IIeI. . . . . . : O/m Leaves I C. . S1' . 1" M. & u. IAulves 1..I\es\ \ Depot 15th anti \\'ehsler Sis. 1 Omaha 0:30.ln : , . .Nebrn lm Pnssener ( daly ) , . . 8:15pm : 4:15pm. : . . Sioux City Expless ( ex. Sun . ) . .lt50.tni : 6:10pm : . " . . . . St. Jnl Limited. = ' 9IOal : Iave"-I-F. ; I ! . - & - MOVAII.IY.-I lArrIves Omnhn Depot 151h antI Webster 515. I Omaha - 2:10pm..Fast : : Mail niin ; xirCI:55pm : 2:101)m.ex. : ( Sat ) \\0. . lIx lex. 1.Ion. ) . 4:55pm : 3:05am : , Norfolk Express ( ex. Sunday ) . ,10:3oamn : 4 :55"m. : . .I'remonl , l'tiss. ( cx Sunday ) . . 7 : Gpm . : . ! . : . . . . . . Inul It press. . . 9:100m : LenvesI { . Co ST. J. & . 1. II. IArrlves Omaha \ Union nepol , 10lh & Mason Sts. I Omaha 9:45am : , . . " , Kansas City - Day - Exprsi. . . . . 6:10pm : 9Cm IOPn 9:45pm.IC.C : _ . Night Ex vIa U. 1. Trans. 6:5am : Leaves 1ISHOU1 l'ACIFIC. IArrh'es Omaha \ Depot 15h anti Webster 5th. I Omaha - 9:45am : , , , , , , . . . ; St. : Louts Express . . . . . . Go : 9:20pm : . . . . . . lIt. Louis I xl.ress. , . . . . 6:05pm : GI0pm..N.bral.a : l.cl t cx. Sun. ) " . . UIOu' : ' Leaves E'IIIOIJX CITY & IACU'W. IArlves Omnhnl Depot nlh and Webster $ ts. I Olohn : pm. . . . .SI. ! 1.lrled.7. . . : 9:10am : - " Leaves IIIOUX CITY & "IAci.l. IArh'c Omaha \ Uniun IepuI , 10lh & 1n,01 Ilsl Omaha 6:53am : . . . , . , , SIoux City h'asaenger..10:20pm : : ! LLOpmn.StI'aulLimnited. . . . . . 9IOnm : Leaves I U ' N-PAcii.'J 1 ArIY" I.enves\ \ Union Deia.t ' . 10UI & Mason Slsl Oruha 10:00am : : . . , , . . . . , itearney - Express , . . . . . . . . 3:15p'm : nr 10Oam 2:0/m. : : . :1' nrgiieas . . . . , . S:3pm : 2OOpmlh-alrlce : & Htrm l'g I'x. : ( ex. HUl ) . 1:45pm : 2:00pm.I..lrlce . , . . . l'uciiio I1xlteS , . . . . . . _ , . 10:55am : 7:30IJn. . .I'lci/c .1:55nm . / 6ISpm. : . . . . . . . . . . . .Fut 1ul. . . , . . . . . . 1:10pm : . Leaves I WAlAHUi'i"WAY. . lArnives Omaha \ UnIon 1)epot , 10th & Mason Sls.1 Omaha 3:55pm..lIt. : Louis Cannon hall..12:31pm : 'ho 1.llltnlll C"lcuhtur. A young man hal been more Industrious tItan dltcreet In his applcatons for an appointment - pointment under one of the stalslcal Ihe relates Truth branches of government , The omeal to whom he was addressIng his efforts was fInally oblged to speak bluntly. "It Is Imponlble for me to do anything for ) ' "I , he sattl . "In the tnt place , I don't know who you are , " "I am a descendant of Benjlmln FranklIn , " was the reply "I'erhaps " he added sar- castcaly , "you know who he was ? " "I do , " the oIclal rejoIned "And I re- spect him . lie was the greatei lightning calculator ( lint this country tins ever Iro. ! " duced , I , . . . _ . - - iU - - -e - - T JIU1UA."I / ) l'IWWlW.US. $ W A YSI rOEIS-Dy Walaco nruc . Cloth 165 pagcs. Inrpr & llros. , New York From Megeath Stationery Company , Omahn. Singularly Intimate 'lcWB or Scotch and Irish scenes , together with vIvId narration and sincere and simple cxpreslon , promise cnllurln popularity for Mr. Ilruce's work ; and its International value has been well expressed - pressed by Principal Palrbalrn , who mid that the AmerIcan root hail "wc,1 the Ihulson wIth the Tweed , " .mol ( all of these ( delghtul and dIstinct records of experIence . observe' ton and reflectIon the following Ire perhnps the mosl notcworlh : "Ono 'Yord , " "Ive's , Dial , " 010 Iltili's Chrlstmns , " " \eslny. " "Inch.Callneh , " "Tho Auld 1rl ' 1 \'el' come , " "Uno do lle , " "ColumbIa's Onr- land , " "Columbln's Son , " "The Century'3 Song , " "The Homestead \\'cl , " "The Gloam- ItIg' ' antI "Life's Pauses. " CHAPTlmS FROM I smm UNW1TI N MIIMOII1S-lly MIne Thncleray ItitchIe. Cloth , 205 pages . harper & Bros. . New York Omnha. I ' rom . Mcgei'tth StatIonery Company , A series or brief I.nl.ers by Anne Tlmnckeray ItItcItie Ilacli chlptcr mnltes U\on thc mlli of tIme render a 1.lcturo ot some striking PcrsonaIit-tlme fIrst , entitled ' 'My Poet , " showing Jasithill whose head Mrs. Hlchle likens 10 the figurehead of a ship . "n jail ) ' . red . shiny , wentller-beatehl lace , WIth large , round , Ilromlnenl features , ornnlcntc,1 with little pomntulY wisps of hair ali a mnsll\e torso cloth,1 In n mnb'1l cent frliell shirt over n 1.lnk lIning , " The second chapter , entitled . titled " \iy Muslclau , " tells how Chopin looketi ! , ali whnl he saId RII how he plnyeI , when . the author ( n little girl at Iho time ) was lalwn to cal on 111111. Bach ot the eleven papers chronicles Its OWI dlstncl III ImletOl- orblo episode , wih delIghtful mcm'l humor nl,1 Ilthol. OEO"I"IU Y HUt.YN-Uy Henry \ngsl , ) ' , Two volumlnes Cloth * 2. Charles Scrlb- ler' " Sons , New York I.'rom Megcath Stationery Com\nny , Omnha. The ICW anti attractive edItion of henry KIngsley's novels has been comllctcll , by the Illlol ot "Oeofrey 1nmln" In two vol 1111108 This makes nve \olumes of the three lloyds , the first being "Un\nshol' Ill two \olumes , ant tIme srcot ! "Austn Imlot" In 0110 Henry Kingsley's worlis stant high h among l ngJsh fiction of the \ast gene 1- tel , and ho Is considered by m:1Y : critics as OccIipyIIlg n superior position alon novelists - Ists 10 that long accorded to his brothel Charles. The lIe % ' Sellbner edition Is PrettY and con\cnlent , the volumes helng smal nnd the type gooll. A BREAD AND BUTTER MISS-fly George l'aoton Cloth 202 . & . , \ag2S. lnrper & Bros. . New York. From Megeath Stationery Comilpaihy Omaha The story of an Engilsh girl , who In thc opening chapter Is Introduced as barely Ii years of age the ehlest daughter In I very poor but well connected . famIly . ant certainly not aaln young person , for she blushes crimson with pride and graticalon when her mother says to her : "You vouldn't be batS 'lOokilIg If you were decently dressed , and I don'l thInk you are devoid ot common sense or I shouldu't trust you alone In a modern country house. " In the course ot the agreeably and witty old story we flnd her p1ncCI In "a moelern country housc"- not alone , but among fashionable neople and exposed to temptations which fully Justify tIm maternal solicitude. TIE CIUSTlAS IIIRF7LINGS-By Ill . E. Bldcon , Cloth . 210 pages. Harper & Bros" , New York. From Megenlh Stationery - Company , Omaha. A novel built upon the pretty fancy that If wo have no children of our own we ought to hire some for Chrlstmas-hrlstmns being thc children's festival : for us I rush and n Ecramble. and I perpetual paying away of money : for them I ! lmpse of fairy tam ! . PUShING TO THE FnONT-Dy Orison Swetl Marden . Cloth , $ 1.50. ; Houghton , MlfhIln & Co. . Doston. ThIs stmllatng book falls In tIme same general class with Smiles' "Self-help" and Dr. Mathcws' "Getting On In the World. " The book teaches that ho who would grasp the key to power musl be greater than his calling and resist that vulgar prosperity which retrogrades ever toward barbarism : that there Is something greater than wealth , gander than fame : that character Is suc- cess , and there Is no other : that a great check book can never make a great man , and that beside the character oC a Washington - ton or of a LIncoln tw millions of many an AmerIcan look contemptible. Many exnm- pIes arc given to show the tniunlpils of gven mediocrIty , the dignity of labor , tile omnipotence - tence of persistence ; that a man may bo rich without money , and may succeed though he does not become president or a member of congress. Apt and telling anecdotea , which illustrate or enforce the author's etatements , are - given with marvelous pro- fusion. THE BOYS' REVOhT-By James Otis. l2mo , clothm , $1.25. Estes & Lauriat , Boston. This story tells most. interestingly how the bootblacks-the street gamin of New York city-went out on a strike for 10 cents a shine and what Callil at It. THE PARSON'S MIRACLE-fly Hezekiab l3utterworth. iGmo. half velium , SOc. Estes & Laurlat , Boston. This dainty volume consists of two charm- ing ChrIstmas stories , typical of the holiday in America , It is copiously iliustrated with beautiful half-tone plates from original drawIngs , printed in tints , and set Into the text. HISTORY OF TIlE UNITED STATES-By Il. Benjamin Andrews. Two volumes. Cloth , gilt top , ; 4. 'Charles ScrIbuor's Sons , New York. From Megeath Stationery Corn- pany , Omaha , Not only tile exienston of our history to a later period , but also its adaptation to the results of later relearchles and discoveries in thiO rich archives of ( hits and othmer nations is ono of ( ho chief ends achieved In these volulucs. Another feature that will Interest ( lie general reader is the prominence given to tile lOlitical ovolutioll of our country , trac. ing thto causes and conditions that have op. crated conspicuously in shaping our political parties , Our social culture , our distinctive habits ttlid general life , The style of the work is that of an agreeable narrative auth its treatment by presentation of its matter In the most natural periods and divisions Is particularly commnendalle , Whietlier used as a text book , as a book of reference or or general reading tIme work will be found en- tertainlng as well as Instructive. AN AGITATOR. IIY CLEMINTINA BLACK. Cloth , 177 pages. harper & Brothers , Now York. From McGeathi Stationery company , Olnahimm , - ZIGZAG JOURNEYS IN TIlE WIIITII CITY-By Ilezelciahi IJutterwortli , Parti. cloth cover , $2. Estes & Lauriat , Bolton. Tue reader Is shown with graphic pen and pencil some of the wonders of the recent ' , "The WIlite great World's fair at Chicago City" t'as an affaIr of sucil magnitude , of such lastIng Importance , that children , even of till older growth , may constantly draw new lessons for many years to caine , liven those noost fainliiar with its Inain features will flnd tIlls valuinG both Instructive antI entertainlllg. A treatise entitled ' 'Physical Exercise , " colislsting in a short synopsis of time German system of gymnnimstlcs , frolmi time POll of F. A. Schmidt , Id. 13. , is publishieti by the North American Gymnastic Union , St. Louis , Mo. I'avIllg aIlti Municipal Engineering , ( lie American magazillo which is cluing so mulch to enlighten ( lie public regarding ( lIe ill- provemnellts of cities , closes Its seventh volume with I lie Iecemnher nutlmhier , which Is UI ) to tIle Ustlill high stantlard of this publica. lion , Among the special articles ned two of oxceptiomlal vaiue , one on "Time Physical i'roperties of Asphalt , " by CaptaIn Doiplius Torrey , and another on "l'avIIlg llrick ; Clays and Methods of Manufacture , " by V. ' . S. ItavenscIOft , C , Ii. Much information regarding - ing lnunicipai matters are given In the various departments. Municipal linglneerillg Company , Indianapolis , Count Leo N. Tohstol , the famous Russian novelist and social reformer , is one of ( lie group of great writers of world-wide reputa- ( Ion wile appear in ( lie lecernbc'r Arena. lie writes a searclling criticism of ( icy de Mau- passant's moral aims and attitude In his storIes. lie shows that owing to hits social and literary environInnts and the prevaiiiiiit Ideas of vhint constitutes ( lie highest. art , Maupailalit altogether lacked lime rIght moral attittldo In his view of life and art , lie alialyses ( ho Impressions to be derived ( fOIn each of Maupassant's important works and finds that they all lack ( ho preservatIve ele- metit of a spiritual and itioral consciousness , lion. George WIlson , the president of ( ho oldest bank in Missouri , writes a paper on "The Silver Question , " wimlchl ho calls "David A. Wells' Dots'nfall , " in answer to Mr. Wells' arguments for nionoinetallsm under the cap- tiemi of "The lownfall of Certain Financial Fallacies , " Rev , Minot J , Savage writes a timely paper pu "The Religion Q holmes' Poems " which Mlii into the series on the religion of the poets of this last half of the century. Ii , 0. Flower opens a series of arti- tides which will tiliCilis tile ago of consent laws of tIme various states , Henry Litchmtorit contributes a strikingly clever sketch of an imaginary transncon bstween Peter thue Great anti Wliliallh Penn. Ileinrich hiensoldt , Ph.h ) , , who has be writing on ocOlIltIsIn In Thiibct nnti has arouseul a hornet's nest of critics , writes a story , "The Palo of Major Rogers ; a lhlltitihihitlC Mystery. " Ilanilin Garland , ( ho brilliant 3'Culllg western novelist anti poet , contrlblltea ft Clhrlstlnas story calletl A \Vomnan in the Canlp , ' ' WhliChI ltaS tIme lflfl ; tory of his earlier "Main Traveled Itoads storits'ilI Allen ironigoole , ( ho sollthern story vritcr , 11118 C Clirlstlihas story of life In the TenIlessee Inotinthins called "Cinch , " There are over 200 pages , nlakillg fill excellent - lent Cimrisnlas nllmber. The Arena I'ublish- ilIg CCInpaIly , iloston , Mass. Thio first authentic cmlii oplmlar acCotilit of ' 'Time Ness' Citre for llphmthieria , ' ' appears in tIle Irceniber ) hithlnber of llabyllooil , It. Is written by lr. Ia. Id'ale , the Illetlical cdi- ( or , almtl his colleluslon that ( ho sermn ( rent- 1150111. ; irounises to be of ilUhIheIlSo benefit , will lie read l'iitil great interest by every imiothmcr of 'oItng children , hr. ) lhyers comltributes a. 'ery stlggestive imper on "blow to llxeinino ( lie Tongue. ' ' All Idea of ( lie 111311) ' ilmtcrest- lug articles CofltailheI ( iii ( hhIs lilmflibel' lila ) ' be gatlmereil frolmI such titles as "llo' to llatlmo Ilaby , " "Ntirsery lcsserts ) , " "A Novel Chlrlstlnas Ceitbration , " Coughs anti CoIs , " etc. Ilnbyhiootl Ptlblislhimmg Conhpally , S Beck- Ihiall street , New York , As it lIO % ' lies before us the D.1cembor Art AlIhatcuIr 5001115 ithlCCI a trcastry of art , both for the art ttitlent-to % 'hmOlhl it is a Ilec- COsit-ltImtI ( lie general reader. On opening it ve 111111 tWo cliarmning color Plates-abso- 111(0 ( faQ 511111kB of costly lflhlttillgs : : ' 'A Stilil- mImer , , I7velhilhg" b' 13. Sanchiez-l'errier , nmul I 'u rpio a mmd ( I olti' ' ( Iallsies ) blntmtI St 11111 III. Then there is a very large life sillily In charcoal , Prillted tilt gray blue itaiter , anti eight hiages of vorkiI1g tleslgns for china 1111(1 gass paimmting , elmlhroiilcry , wood carving , etc. The lractical articles iilcitiiii ) ' 'lrnpcry tIPOlI thia llllilhflhj F'lgtlrs , " ' 'l'eit Stimtlies of I lemttis , " ' 'Flower Drawitmg Ill PClI 111111 111k , " ' 'Flower l'ahilIilg ( in Oil , ' ' 'hntlsclhie l'ailht- lag , " nmid ' 'ieigmiimig for LIthographers , " it II excel lou I. ii e uI , The i i I not rat ions , I tiiieetl , are well vorthiy of the text , incliitilmmg re- I rail Imc ( iOIi S frolIl tulast orpieces of Pal II tl mig itmitl uira'Ing by 011dm artists as Jtlles liretoll , llouamlger ! , Alltia-'i'atlemmla , I)2laihllay ) , JacqIlt' , Albert Moore 1(11th lsitioi'o I'lls , 1ilommtaguo Marks , 23 13111011 SquInre , New 'ork , Frani tim Anlenicaml girl to the German monks that GrIlzller ( Palimts SO s'tihI is a stel ) that shows tIm range of Tile. Qimarterly liltistrator.Vo are th5etl to hlnvillg Clmure do Kay take lmis subjects from far aiiil wide ; but tills article froiii thus ilehil of Imis new work promises a still broader critical ramige. Europe is uthlistmaliy vclt represellteti ill ( his nunhber , fol' tie Kay is followed by Anne Toncey Gibert wIth a direct. and thmohmghitful article on Parisian art , illustrated by Jean breath and Fix 1.lasseau , who are being as 11111011 sioicen of probably as any other Iainto and sculptor iii Paris. TIme dreamy , lOetio child faces of Ilelene Gevres furnisll the subject at an article by Pllilhip 0. hubert , Jr. , and Charlotte Atiamns has cii nplrecin- ( Lye opinion of some of time characteristics of ElIglish art , with I'eentl King's graceful , symnpathietic conlpositions to verify It. George Gibbs discusses time COnIitiOn of ar $ "In'ashiillgton , " and his article is acconh- Pamhiedi 1) ) ' characteristic illustrations train \Vaslilngton artists. "Moilda , " tile novel b George Parsons Lathrop , lrogresses imoystori- ously and gives a sumcmstloml of the anhittion of ( ho strange , weird plot , The short story. . ot the number , "Muhilstick's Motl3i , " by ICato Carter , can not fail to attract those who like the gruesome and utiusual. Tue studios auth portraits of Americati artists , amid tIle studioS of English Royal academies round out as rich and diverse a Itlagazine as any that will greet ( lie new year. Harry C. Jones , 92 , 94 antI. 116 Fifth Avenue , New York. The Christmas ( December ) number of Home and Country , contains a wealth of Illustrations , many of which arc full page and all appropriate to time 5CflSOll , And not least attractive to the clllldremi-evon those of' older growth-among tIle instructive and educational articles this monthi. will be found time story of "The Christmas Tree , " that. da- light of the young throughout. all Christen- dom. Full particulars are given In this article , through Illustration , of how to dress a Chiristnlaa tree , and so cheaply , too , that no home , even the poorest in America , need ho without one at tile coming Yule tide. The poet song " \Vhiat is h-Ionic WIthout a Mother , " but What Is Christmas without tile Christmas - mas tree ? . flame and Country , Jos. W. Kay , 53 East 10th Street , New York. The eparkle of bright music , in a neir ballad by Sir Arthur Sullivan , entitled "Bid Me mit Least Good-Bye , " adds much to the pages of the Christmas Ladies' Home Jour- 1131 , in which the full piano score and words are gIven. Frank Stockton opens one of his clovcrest tales with an equally clever title , "As One Woman to Another ; " Eugene FielO is partictmlarly happy in a striking bit of character verse , to which a whole page with Illustrations is well given ; Frances hiodgsomi Burnett is delightfully reminiscent in telling of "Tile Man Who Most Influenced Me , " who , she says , was an enemy of liens ; John Kendrick - drick Bangs begins ills "Paradise Chub , , in a really funny "take-off" on ( lie equal stiff- rage question , and , In addition to all this , there are not less than twec. articles on the practical side of a woman's life at Christmas time. The Curtis Publishing coin- pany of Philadelphia. LITERARY NOTES. Zola is coming to tliia country to lecture and 1111 Ills purse. In England the dime novel goes by the name of "shilling shocker. " . ' , , Jerome K , Jerome and four other English writers are going to collaborate a story , each 0010 contrIbuting a chapter ititiependently. A copy of thus laws of Jilotininmi , rlnted in Latin lit 1659. has been givemo to the Boston library by Chevalier Alfred John Itodway. Oil one of its pages is the autograph of Shakespeare , Chimtncolior James If. Canfloid of ( lie Uni- veritity of Nebraska , coimtributos all article of tlllCOiflIilOfl imiterest to the December Forillu , entitled ' 'Is the \Vest Iiscontellted ? A Stutly of Local Facts , " which is the result of a close study into ( lie manner of life and material conditions of the leOPlo of No- brasica , Illoro especially of ( lie city of Lincoln. Walter Iilackburn Iiarte's volume of socIal antI literay papers , "Meditations In Motley : A liumimila of l'apers Imbued \Vlthi thio Sobriety - briety of hiiiilnighit , " Is one of time season's books whiichi lIterary folks are discussing , Its dedication is tamltnhttic alIdI curious. It runs : ' 'I comnmenti tills little book to the Ievil antI 1)3mb Chance , time two niost potemit deities iii literary forttlnes , and In all other subullary uilspensatiooit. " 'I'lto book is pub- lishied by the Arena Publitthiing Cololpany , liostomi. Tue Ceuittiry vlll Ilillhishi during time coming year a series of five short novels , each 0110 couipleto in a single oitimlier , Time first will appear in ( lie January number. It is called "A Lady of New York , " and is by Robert Stewart , ai entirely HOW writer , It is a picture of society Ill New \'ork , written with 9 lightness of touch , alhil introducing characters that are familiar ill life , but wilichI leeln (0 immivo ccaped thie novelists heretofore. Perliape one of tile Illost remllarhnb'o as well as time Bloat successful of the liohitlay features Is in harper's Young PCoiie for ' 1)eceniher I 1-the Clirlstlolas liolluber. Tills is a little drama In pantoininie , which is to be acted out by young licoPie to the tic- colllpQlIlllheflt of descriptive Inhale , Thie play Is written by Thiommlas Wharton , Is ii- iuetratetl by Edward l'eiifleld , mid tIme mtmsio Is by Owen Wister , 'limo Illustrations are 4' printed In color , The Chmristmnas ntmmber of Harper's Weekly' will consist of thirty-two pages , includIng au iiitimiiigmated cover , and will contain a. large nuitiber of esiteclolly attractive shiort. stories , John Kentirick hangs vt'ihl contribute a gimost story ; howard l'ylo a novel In outlimme , entitled - titled "Sailors arid Lantismen ; " a new writer , Iteba Gregory I'relat , a powerful anmi dramnatlo story , for wllichi Illustrations viil be made by C , Carleton , Tiit're will be other storIes and features appropriate to ( lie holiday season - son , and drawings by FretlerIo Reiningon ( , Gilbert , Gaul , F. Louis Mora , I'oter S. New- cii , Miss Lydia IChild Emmet , VI. hi. hiytle , I anti others , ElectricIty , tile weekly electrical journal , lUbhishled at C Park i'lace , New York , and which endeavors to treat all subjects within Its province in a popular manner , rendering ( hem easily umitlerstood by limo ordinary reader , is now de'voting considerable at- tonilon to exiioIng electro-mnedicai frauds , This Ii certilimily a subject on which this public needs enliglitenmemmt. 'file real marvels - vels of oleclriciy ( mire such that even the lflOSt Intelligent are hiulnholgged anti awin. died through their reaiiiliesa (0 believe any. thiimlg Josiiblo of wares called "electric. " _ Electricity Ii lierforlning a public seryic. In Its Ilghlt against impostors. . - . . ' . - . , _ ra _ . _ _ , 'i . - _ ; _ I