Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1894, Editorial Sheet, Page 11, Image 11

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'I" ' _ For _ Boys _ and Gzrls. '
fly Willian Mnrrsiy : nm1don ,
IN wlllcn A TIIRn.1.INO TmUMPIt
- At this critical moment I'alttfs
criical Ialu's prompta
nes and ready wit avell hlmsel onll companions -
panions from a terrible rate. Quick a a
flash the Ite Indoo snatched up a loaded
revolver and thrust II at 1'lnle.
The later let ! o or the handle to seize the
4l.w , capon , at the same time pushing Myles
to one slcle.
fly this time one ot the troopers had hold or
the slab and the other was making rcady
for a deadly stroke with hIs tulwar.
The lilow fell , hut Pink cleverly dodged it.
Then , In rapid succcssion he emptied three
chambers or the revolver point blank
The stunning reports put out the match
nod fled the passage with smoke. Above
the thunderous echoes were heard two loud
.p1ashes as the dead or dying rufans reeled
off the jIatform ) .
or platorm.
The outer vault was now swarming with
troopers , and their fierce yells made the boys
I'lnk grabbed the Iron handle , set his teeth
hard , and threw all his strength Into one
mlhty effort ,
With a harsh creaking the slab
started to move TIIIII I swung sulenly
Ihut , and Instanty the will uprear on the
outer side faded to a low , Iml sUncl hum ,
Pink dropped limply back , oxhaustell andS
S I panting. lint he Instantly struggled to his
' . knees and called hoarsely for a lIght .
Jack quickly struck a match and crept forward -
ward , The flame revealCI two masslvo vertical -
cal blots on the face or the slab , and under
each , In the floor or the passagc , was a deep
\ , ? socleet.
The bolts were warped and rusty , hut Pink
attacked them with a spade , and soon drove
them lionie
"saro , al last , lads , " he cried , "I 'unllred
'men won'l Clen that slab now Im glad the
bloody part or thc worlt hI over. "
"You must have shot a good many ot the
troopers , " said Jacle. " 1'1 never rrgel the
races or those last lwo. "
"A Ito moro and they would have lUlled
the slab wide open , " added Myles
"It. 'nd 10 be , " Pink muttered , , "II was their
lives or ours , And now we must he off , lads
The aIr In 'ere aln'l any lo pure "
The boys were eager to ask more que-
tons , but Pink was already crawling deeper
Into the passage on hands 0111 ( knees.
. "lCeep a match burning , Jack , " he dl-
rectcd , "and don't lose the box It never
entered my stupll 'cad to bring lanterns. "
, At a distance ot ten feet from the slab
: the low corridor terminated Into a small
square chamber , from which a flght or
stone steps ascended Into gloomy blackness
Pink led the way up very Blowly , so
thai Jack , who was next to him , could
easily manage the supply ot light.
Al shorl Intervals the steps twisted and
zigzagged In a most bewildering manner ,
and the higher the party mounted the purer
and cooler they found the aIr. Their admiration -
mIraton was aroused by the strength and
solidity ot the stone work and by the In-
trlcale planning of the cavernous passage.
Suddenly they saw I glimmer at gray
light overhead , and a few more steps brought
them to an arched exit from the barrier.
Passing through they round themselves
: on a small projecting balcony , surrounded
. ' by a low parapet.
For several minutes they stood In mute
wonder and delight. Deneath them the great
barrIer dropped sheer seventy reel to the
ground , while Its summit was thirty reel
overhead ,
To right and left the grim mountain walls
seemed to pierce the sky ns they converged
far In the dlstanco. Between them lay the
continuation ot the gorge which Tlppo
Sahib had so effectively barrel to man and
. beast. From such a height and , in the
murky light the narrow strip or forest resembled -
. . bled a long , black ribbon
5. "I wonder It the troopers have gone , " said
Myies "I'd like to have a peep down the !
other side ot the barrIer. "
"Is there no way by which they can cut :
around and gel at us ? " inquired Jnck.
"Not unless they travel about thirty miles
on tool and over the toughest kind at coun-
try , " PInk replied , "and I 'ardly fear thoy'l
try that , since they'vo gl.ead and wounded
to care ror. I I 'ad aimed . a little better
Mogul Mir would 'avo a bullet through 'Is
'eart instead at 'Is arm. "
"And how about the opal ? " exclaimed
Myles. " 1 hope wo don't have to go down
there after It , " pointing Into the valley.
"Dul wo do , lad , " sold Pink , quietly .
"Thai's why I brought the rope along "
"Anll how will wo get back ? Wo can't
Ihln up a seventy-rool rope "
'Vo could It wo 'ad to , " , answered Pink ,
"but II would be 'ardly sore to return
through the barrier. Wo might find the
troopers waitIng on us outside the gratng . "
"Our best plan Is this , lads , " he adled. ,
"Wo'l gel the opal and then push on
through the gorge and the mountains to
the coast That's about fifty miles , anti :
when we strike a seaport we can telegraph
. _ ' . "
. 1'to Mysore
- ; "Just the thing , " exclaimed Iyles. "Wo'l
/"try to hit Mangalore , and como home from
. there on horses. H's a military staten , and
wo're sure to get nn escort , "
"Exactly , " a8ente I'lnk , "anti as the
might take II Into '
troopers HuM 'cals to
cut around through the ghauts , wo won't
lose any time In finishing things UII and
getting clear at the gorge. So 'and over the
rope. "
Jack had one cal and Palu the other
"L 4' I i'
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- - - -
Pink unwrapped them , and knotted each at
short Intervals Then he tell the two together -
gether , and fastened one end to the crenated I
parallet When lowered to Its full length , .
the rope dangle within several feet of ! the
. cround.
The boys glanced uneasily a one another .
"I don'l like the looks at I , " said Myles.
I It sways much I know I'l grow diuy "
"It's bound to tlo that , " said lack .
Pink knitted hits brows thoughtuly for a
inoinoiit. Then he hauled up the rope and
made It six feet longer by /eans at the rule
"Wo're all right now , " be declared , 18 ho
defy fashioned a running noose In the end ,
,4) "Which of you wi go first ? " cnl
Jack pluckily \'olunteerel and the noose
was tthtenet1 under his arms. Ills companions -
panions lowered him over the parapet , and
slowly paid the rope out anl
The lad safely reached the ground and the
was noose then was lowered drawn , up. In lIke manner I'altu
Pink looked crltcaly ! a 1)10. "I'm
afraid 'ou're too heavy fore , " ho nld.
"Can you go It alone now ? "
As there was obviously no other course
Myles declared thai he could , Pink leaned coure
over the parallel and shouted don to l'altu
and Jack to draw the rope taut.
a ' ) In far and tremblng 11ylu began the
descent , not daring to "IUO Into the dlUy
gul over which he was dangling. Dut the
rope swayed very little , and confidence grow
a s knot after knot slipped through his hands.
At last the ordeal was Over And he stool
on firm ground , flushed with triumph.
Pink now hauled up the nose and lowered
al the trap In a bunch. Then the three
las ds behl the rope tight for him , and he slid
sarely and quckly ! down.
"I'm glad that's tver , " he exclaimed , "you '
chaps showed lots ot nerve. I I'e 10 right
head with the res I wo mAY finish bHore
dark , and snatch a bit ot sleep to freshen us ,
ror f the long tramp , " I
" " 'w about the rope ? " inquIred Myles . 'I
"We'l leave II 'nng 'ere , " Pink replied , ,
" No use to tear I down , Hghl about , race ,
! h , ls. Forwordl march I"
In single file the little party followed the
stream UII ' the Horge. I was now Into In the
afernoon and the gloom was Intense. The
ii arrs' strip or blue sky beyond , the lofty
mountnln walls was beginning to pnle
Now and then weird , biood-curdlll cries
were heard In the distance and once sino
hugo animal stirred front Its lair bounded
away through this tttnbor .
"That proves the gorge to 'ave on cutlet , "
mc m uttered Pink , who had his rifle on the hal
cock as he Went nlong.
When Tlppo Sahib's harrier was nearly ,
r . ' _
light-Paitti as lusty a any Tey com-
pilmented Pink on his aptitude for eaves-
dropping and praised old Tlpo Sahlb's ingenuity -
genuiy ,
They clamored to begin work at once , but
Pink \'etoel that by saying : "No , lads ; wo'l
eat what's heft In the bag first . Then wo
can 'andlo the spades all the better , "
lie marched them back to the temple , anti ,
sitting upon a fallen column , they shared
and ate the scanty bits or rood
The daylight-meager anti gray as It was-
still filtered Into the depths ot the gorge
when they rose and crept down to the lower
end or the mound.
To properly attack the supposed exit of the
drain they had to stand knee deep In the
stveam . Pink tired one spade , while Jack
anti lyles took turns with the other. They
were soon so heated wlh tim vigorous exercise -
ercise that they felt no discomfort from
their damp clothes anti , WEt reet.
Rapidly the rots or the grass and the underlYing -
derlYing strata or earth and stone were cut
away. Suddenly a mass of loosened debris
slId down Into the stream , laying bare ( tIm
yawning mouth ot the ( drnln.
I was three feet wIde hy two In height
and was built or great labs or stone. Its
floor was a few Inches lower than the sur-
. .
. .
, * . t _ .
' : s. f , : - > 2--6--
t' ; )
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "LOOI. A TIGEIt ! "
a mile behind Jack sUddenly stool stIll ,
tremblng t like a leaf ,
"I.ooel" ! ! he yelled hoarsely , "a tger . "
"Two ot them , " cried Myles , and , , sure
enough , a pair or hue yellowish animals
were seen racing each other from oppo-
slto sides at the path , and only a dozen
reel f ahead.
Pin Ie's rlOl went to his shoulder , 0111 he
fired at lie nearest or the beasts. The loud
report started a swarm or monkeys and
birds , who chattered amol the tree tOP3.
But this tiger never moved , and the next
Intant i Pink ran boldly ute It ami clapped
It i on lie ( back.
"Whal an idiot I ani" he cried to the (
horrified Inds. "I Ilghl 'ave remembered
where we are The beast Is made or stone ,
and yonder stands a whole troop at them . "
Their rear banished. The boys were dls-
pDCI I to laugh 01 Pink's hasty shot. When
they hind Joined him they wore amazed to :
find themselves at the entrance to an avenue ,
ot stone tigers , which stood In a double line '
about ten feet apart. " :
Each one was or enormous size and was I
magnificently carved out ot yellowish rock.
The avenue was carpeted with wavy grass
anti through the center rippled the stream.
Al the farther end a domed temple loomed
still and dark out or the ( twilight. Dehlnd
each row at tigers the forest was like a
black wall.
I was a wlerl and solemn place and as
the little party went slowly forward a feel- II
log ot superstitious awe stole over them-a
reverence for the remote antiquIty to I
which these Imperishable monuments test-
Pushing oa they reached the end of the
avenue Here the torrent deviated from its
straight ourse to describe an arc around one
side ot an oval-shaped patch or earth and
rock which rose hires or four reel from tht
center ot the valley. I was about ten yards
long and looked as though nature had Intended -
tended II to be an Island.
I3ut instead ot flowing both ways around It
the stream washed only the ( left side. To the
right wa a sort ot semi-circular dry gully ,
and or course Its bottom was somewhat higher
than the level or the water.
On the center at this raised , mound-like
formation stood the temple , surrounded by
tall , rank grass. Being on the right bank
at the stream , Pink and his companions
were able to reach It without wading.
The once majestic structure was now In
ruins. Fallen columns and stones obstructed
the floor . and In the carving or the cornices -
nices birds and bats had made their ncsts.
Tim root wa still supported by a number ot
gigantic stone figures , whew grotesque faces
Icokel lifelike In tIme misty gloom.
" 110w old do you suppose this Place Is ? "
asked Jack
"hundreds ot years , " replied Myles.
"Many or Ihl Ilndoo temples were built In
the twelfth century , and likely this Is one
or thcm ' '
"That's about rIght , lads " chimed In
PInk. "Long before ThlllOO Sahib's time the
Ilndeo rajahs use to be buried 'ere. Every
tIger stands for a tomb , and that's why
the place Is called Tiger tomb. t was sort
ot sacred 10 the people , and they came 'ero
on pilgrimages. 'rlppoo was a Iahometan ,
so 'e buIlt the barrier out of spite "
"And why did ho la1o the passage
through It ? " asked Myles.
"So ' 0 would 'avo a pare place to take
refuge In It the people rebelled against ' 11 , "
was tim ready reply , "and partly on account
ot the opal. Anyway , thai's 'ow Pershal
Jung oxplalncd I In time palace thai nlht "
Au Indefinable something In l'ink's mnnner
suggested that this object or time long and
Ilorlous ! journey was about to be fulfilled.
"Is the opal here ? " Jack eagerly demanded -
manded ,
Pink solemnly notified his heall. Then he
led tIm hays to the right side or the temple
and showed them a fat , peaked rock jutting I :
tour feet out from this baitlc Beneath It the
rebtess stream hall scocped out a sort at a I
pool , where the blue water swirled and I
eddied In a circle.
"Straight ' under the point or thai rtcle , "
salll Pink , "Tlppo Sahib b'aried the opal and
lie other treasure In a brass hex "
The boys stared down with dazzled and
eager eyes Foi' a moment thioy were speech-
less.Then Myles cried , In a tone or 11sappolnt-
ment : "I'll lee to leow how we'ro going to
dig the box out "
"Tho Water must be Ilrely deep " muttered -
tered Jack "and It boils like n whirlpool , "
Pink winked one eye and whistled . "Old
Tlppoo 'ad a way fixed for everything , " he
remarked "That document at 'Is 'a Ilrond : '
trite 10 for , and It won't fall us now. 'Ere ,
lads , I'l show you omethlng. Drop the
guns , but keep tie Illstoh 'andy In your
belts , "
'l'htls order being carried out PInk 6houl
dered the two spades and led the boys to the
extreme upper end of the mouad.
"Now , " he sold , turning around , " 'ere flows
the ( stream to one side and there on the other
Is a dry gully Which nln't very much 'Igher.
Now ! what's the reason tie water never tore
that dry channel open In tInts of teed , and
made an island or this place ? "
The conundrum was too much for the boys
and they frankly laid so
"Wel , " added Pink , "I'l tel you why ,
Under that gully , and running clear along
the side of the mound , Is a eqUare Main at
masonry , Tlppoo Sahib built I , and turned
this stream In while 'e burled the treasure
under the overhanging rock on tie other
side . Then 'e 'eaded the stream back to
li original channel by slopping thl mouth
at the drain wIth a 'cavy stone floodgate
and to 'Ide the work ' 6 covered It with a
layer oC earthi. "
Pink . anti looked
paused triumphantly at
his companions.
"All we've got to do , " he went on , "Is to
cue open the lower end ot the drain , dig the
slab out ot the upper end anll lei the stream
pour through. Just about as quickly ns you
can say Jack Robinson the other channel
wi be 'Igh and dry And then won't we dig
the In ' ' . "
opal UII a 'urn'
Time boys cried out with wonder and tie-
- .
face oC the stream , and as soon as Pink
cleared away the rubbish the water
backed In.
"Thai's enough 'ere , " lie said. "Now for
Ito next ono "
lie hurriedly led the boys to the upper enll
of the gully . Here again they were com-
polled to enter the stream , only this time
the water was hip deep antI they cauht the
full force or the current as It swirled around
the polrl or the mound.
After five minutes ot lIard work the edge
at a Ions , upright stone slab was uncovered.
gate " 'Urrahl" , laths " ! cried Pink "That's tOe tocd-
Now the spade were handled briskly anti
cod after clod or earth and gravel dropped
Into ( the current and was washed away.
A moment later the stream was beating
against the race of the stone and lie ( suctiomi
at their feet told the boys thai the water was
already leaking Into the drain.
, ,
" 'Ere goes , " shouted Pink , "oul or the
. "
way , now.
lie drove his spade Into a crevice botweemi
the slab and tile ref at the drain and pried
II sti wider.
One mIghty jerk , and then down toppled
the stone floodgate with a tremendous splash.
Instantly the stream was diverted from its
course and the mad waters leaped and
roared Into the art c'al channel. So swift
and sudden was the rush or the current thai
Pink hall barely time to spring upm the
mound and drag Jack with him.
Myles scrambled 10 land al the opposite
side but PoIu lost his tooting , and with a
shrill cry on his hips ho was whirled into the
mouth or the draIn .
hut Pink had son the Ito Hlndeo slip ,
anti hG anticipated the catastrophe by run-
ning to the lower end ot the mound. le
threw himself flat over the extt of the drain
and mads a grab wih' ' both hands Into the
raging waters.
An instant later ho staggered to his knees ,
dragging PoIu along with him.
The accident and rescUe were over so
quickly thai Myles and Jack had scarcaly
time to bo alarmed Now they hurried 10
the spot with cries or joy.
PoIu was none the worse for his adventure
except a bad scare Ho qu'ckly recovered
front thnl and began dancing about to dry
his scanty garments.
"It's lucky wo didn't all go spinning
through the drain , " said Pin Ie. "It wasn't
a second after this flood gate fell till the
rush cante. And now let's 'avo a look at
the other side "
In a trice ( ho and the boys were across
this mound and clustered on the rock. They
shouted with delght to see that the channel
was empty except for a tiny , trickling stream
In the center ot UtI ( bed ot sand nn'l pebbles.
One or two incites ot placid water covered
the bottom ot the pool.
"Shall we begin digging ? " cried Myles.
"Nol tIll we start a fire , " replied Pink
"It's too dark without I , and , beside , we
don'l want wild beasts prowling about "
Ho jumpel Into the channel and splashed
across to the low , timbered attoe The boys
followed him , and started to HaUler wood
and dry grass Black nIght had woo
the time the blaze was flashing ruddily up
and down the gorge.
it was a thrilling moment when Pink advanced -
vanced Into the pool and took his stand under
the jutting rock Every eye was on him
as ho began to dig The excavation grew
larger , but nothing could be seen for the
murky water that flile.l It.
When Ito ( sides began to cave In Pink
called on Jack for assistance , and both dug
steadily for ten mlnules , tossing up a great
heap et sand anti gravel
Suddenly a ringing , metallic sound was
heard. Plnlt dropped his sllado and fell on
his knees In the water. Wlh both arms
ho groped to and fro In the submerged
"I 'all 'ohl ot the box " ho cried hoarsely ,
as he rose to his reet. "It's anchored down
with chains at each end , so that floods
couldn't wash It away Look under yonder
bank for a stake , lads , whlo I examlno this
side , "
On the edge or the pool nearest the tom-
pie , and covered with rank weeds , Pink
quickly discovered the head or a thick Iron
spike A moment later Myles made a similar -
lar fnd on the other shore.
Doth were 100senelI with blows ot a spallo
and when they were hauled up a rusty chain
was seen fastened to the extremity of each
aol running deep Into lie ( snnd.
Plnle grabbed ono spike and Myles ! and
Jack the other They advanced toward the
center or the ( pool , ripping up the chains as
they went along. They met at lie ( hole and
paused a moment. They "were breathing
quickly now and their faces were flushed
anti eager ,
'Eaye away , lads , " Pink whispered , husle-
The boys set their teeth anti pulled iiard
Paltu ran and took hold with Pink.
Slowly th ( , chains rose up , dragging a great
weight Soon a shadow was seen under the
water , and then a square , brazen box , cor-
rugatell with the rust of years , came slowly
Into view ;
Eager shouts rang through the ( gorge as
Pink and hits companions dragged box , chains
and alt over to the side ot the fire .
"Open itt I Open iti" \ cried Myles .
"Stand aside , lads , " commanded Pink , seiz-
Ing a spade anti swinging I o\rhead. lie
struck the box n terrific blow on lie ( side ,
and the rusted Ihl few off In two parts.
Ahl what a sigh was beheld then Quarts
ot precious stones , dull and tarnihed thought
they were by their long burial , flashed and
sparkled and glittered In the red firelight.
liens were rubies , carbuncies , sapphires ,
moonslones , diamonds and all othe" varlettes
that the jewel mine or ancient India had
ever yielded. I was like a chapter from the
Arabian NIghts-a reincarnation of the rabu-
bus treasure ot Oolconda
For a moment Pink and his companions
were speechiicu . Jack and Myles trembled
with rapture , and I'altu' & eyes seemed startIng -
Ing from his head. )
" ' ' re's a mine oC wealth , " mulertII Pink ;
"enputt to buy Ducklngham palace anti the
tower regalia-aye , and the Mansion 'ouse' '
'In the bargain. "
"And they are ours , " gapet 1dy1t- I . "Wo
will all be al rich 4 any mllonlr o. . "
"No , lads , thy belong to the government , "
protested Pink , gravely , "to ' l majesty ,
Queen Victoria , " 1
ne stared a moment at the glittering heap
and then thrust his right band deep down
amid the jewels Almost instantly he drew
out a great milky-blue stone a . large as a
' a.
hel's egg.
"Tho magic opal , " he cried , In shr1 u-
citement. lrsore II saved , Inlls. ;
Hardly were the confident words uttered
when a dozen unhorsed troopuprang wIth a
yell from out the thick lmbr , and sur-
rounded the little party on all sides
The leaping fames shone on a cordon or
swarthy , helmeted heads , amt 1 & ve1CI rifle
barrels , and drawn tulwar-n'/th ltal figure
at Mogul :11 standing with hll arm In the
hloolr sling , and a gleam ot satanic triumph
on his mutilated Cace.
"Dogi ot lars I" hl muttered , "Ne"er
will ye see I'sore ngaln. Your alotel hour
or punishment has coinS , ' '
( To he ContnuCI , )
1 ' , J"II ( ' \1111 ' hImtrrh.
( Coltyihght , hIII I , by the AUlhor. )
"I'm nol much or n story teller , " said Mr.
Rabbit , "anti I miever set up for 0110 , but I
will say that I Ilea the rough and tumbla
tales a great deal better time I 10 the kind
where some great somebody Is nlwa's comIng -
Ing In wUh conjurlngs anti other carryiimgs
on. It's on account or m ) ' raising , I cnrrlng
"Wel , stories can't be al ! alike , " rc-
mnrleed Mrs , Meatiows . "You might as well
eXIHct n nldle to PlOY only one tune "
"Tel us the kind I or story you like best , "
saul luster John to Mr. Rabbit ,
"No , nol now , " responded Mr. Habhlt.
"I'l I do that some other tiimie. I happen ! eu
to think just now or a little circumstance
that I used to hear mentIoned when I was
"In the ( country next door there used to baa
a great manr chiickemtt. Some were cr tha
harnanl breed , SOm , were or the kind I they
called game . some were black , some \ere
white , some were brown , some were speckled
and scme hal their feathers curled the w-ong
way. Among alt these there was one whose
nnme , as well ns I can remember , was itlrs .
Blue len . "
"Was she really blue ? " Sweetest Susan
Inquired .
"Wel , not an IndIgo blue , " replell Mr.
Rabbit , after relectng n moment , "nor yet .
a sky blue' She was just a plain , dul
every day blue. nut such as she was , site
was very fine. She belonged to one of the
first [ amlits and movel In the ( very hesl
ircles She was trim looking , so Ive hearl
sold , anti , as she grew ohler , care to have
n Very bal temper , so much so that she use ;
' to t ny al I hawk I he care near her premises
Seine or her nelshbors uscd to whisper It
around that sIte tried to crow like n roostr :
-but this was after site had grown old 011 I
"When Mrs. Blue lien was
lrs Duo ten growing up t
she was very nice anti , artlcuhar. She
couldn't bear to get water on her feet t , iimttl I
she was always shaking dust Crom her
clothes Some sold she was finicky , anl L
some said she was nervous Once when I
site fannell cut little Dilly Dantam , who I
called on hfr one day , a great mnny or her
acquaintances said she wouhl never settit m
down and matte I god houseeeeper. !
"But afer a while Mrs. lue Hen concluded -
eluded that It was about , Uml to have a
ramly f ot her own , so situ 'wrnt away oI
Cram the other chickens and made Iler a
nest In the middle or n thick briar patch
Site made her a nest there and laid an egg
It was new and white . and lrs , Due lien L
was very proud or It. She was so proud , In
fact f , that , although she had made up her
mind to make no fuss over It , she vent
Mrs Puddle Duck was glad 10 wl111e off
with whole bones. nut when she got back
to the branch , Iha spluttered about a good
deal , crying out : g
't ' .hll aba ! quack , Quackl Aha I You arc
there . , are you ? Ahal ) ou'l have : trouble be-
fore you get away Aba I'
"Now , the fact WM that Mrs. PUlldlo Duck
was the very one that hall caused Mrs. Blue
Hen alt the trouble , " said : Ir. Rabbit , noJ
thing his head rolemnly , " \Vatling In the
branch , Mrs. I'utitlio Duck hal seen Mrs.
Hue Hen going to her nest for three days ,
slipping antI creeping through the weeds anti
bushes , nod she wanted to know whal nil
the slipping anti creeping was about. So ,
on the third day lrs , lulldlo Duck Ilhl some
slipping and creeping on her own accounl.
She crept up close enough to tee Mrs . Due
Hen when she ran away cackling .
"Then Irs. Puddle Duck waddled up and
peeped In the nest , There alto saw three
eggs as whie nll as smoth as Ivory , anti
the sight filled her with jealousy. She be
gao to talk to herseJ :
'I 'I know . hmo must bo IIhty proutl , the
stuck up thing. I can see hint by the way
she steps arounll here. Quack , quack I anti
I'l just show her n thing or two . '
"Then anti there Mrs Im110 Duck , nil
muddy as she was , got In Mrs , flue HNI'S
neat and sat on her beautiful white eggs
anti soiled them. Anti even thnt was nol ni
Out or pure spite , Mrs. Imhle Duck lall one
oC her own dlng-Iooklng eggs In Irs. Ditto
hie's nest , all thnl was the cause or al the
trouble. That was time reason Irs. Ilue Hen
rouli four dingy eggs In her nest when
ones there ought to have been three clean white
" \Vell , Irs. Blue ten went on setting , anti
after Sl long n time nine Ito chickens wtre
hatcllc Site was \ 'ery proml ot thiemmi Site
taught them how to talk anti then she wanl11
to gel oft her nest and teach them how to
scratch about and earn their own lving ,
lImit there was stIll one egg to hatch , ali so
Mrs . Blue len contnuel to set on it. One
day she made up her mlml to take her chicks
oft anti leave the egg that wouitln't hatch.
The old Specelcll len happenCI to be pass-
Ing and Mrs. Bue ten nskCl her advice.
But the old Spelelel ten was very mitch
shocked wheu she heard the Partlcimhara.
, ,
" ' \Vhiati with nine chleleensl' she crlel ,
'Why , nine Is an mll number Ioull
never do In the world. latch out the other
. '
"Bul young people arc very impatient , and
Irs. Ditto len WM young . She fretted anti
worried a Head Ileal , hut In n few liars the
tenth egg hatchcd , Mrs. Dine ten felt very
much better after this. ( In fact , she felt so
comfortahle that she dldn'l take lie ( trouble
tc look nt thl chicken that hatchell from the
tenth egg But when aIm brought her cliii-
tiren off the nest she was very much aslon-
Ished to fnll that one or them was entirely
different rrom al the ( rest She was not only
surprised hut shockell , Nine or her chiiltiremi
were as neat-looking lS she could wish them
to be but the tenth one was a slhl to see.
1 had wale eyes , a bill as broad as a caBe-
knIfe , and big nat feet. Its feet were f
big that It waddled when II walked . anti
all the toes or each foot were joined to-
" Irs. Blue Hen had very hugh notions.
She wanted e\er'bOly to think thai she
belonged to the quality . but this wobbly
chicken with a broad bill and n fool that
hall no Instep to II took ] her pride down a
I'eg. Sue kept her children hil as long as
site could , but she had to come out In public ,
after n while , and when she did-wel , Il
lei you know there was an uproar In the
harn'ard. The old Speckled Hen was the
first to begin It. She cried out :
"Look-Iook-Iooe ! ! Look 01 the Due Hen's
chlcleens !
"Then the Guinea hens began to laugh ,
and the 011 Turkey ! Gobbler was so tickled L
ho came near swalowing his snout. Mrs .
nuo : Hen hung her head with shame and L
carried her chidren away off In Ito woods.
"Dut her laUocted chicken gave rise to a
byword In all that country. When any
stranger came along , looking rough and i
JJJ , \ V
. , . I . ' /r-- /
I 'i- ' '
' : .
. . I . ; - II I
\ ' I
- S
- "
- . .
running and cackling toward the house , just
as any common hen would do. She made
so much russ that away down In the spring
branch Mr. Wile Weasel winked nt Miss
1lmy Wink
" 'Do you hear that ? ' says lme
, , ;
" 'I never heard anything plainer In my
life , ' says she.
"Mrs. Due Hen was so proud or her new
white egg hint ( site went back after a while
to look at It. Nobody had botherell I ,
There It was , shining white In the grass.
Site covered It up and hid It as wel as sIte
could and then she went about getting dinner -
ner ready
"The next morning she went to the nest
and laid another egg , just lee the first one.
This happened for three mcrnlngs , but on
the fourth morning , when Mrs. Duo Hen
went back she round four eggs In the nest ,
and all tour appeared to he dingy anti muddy
loolelng. Site was very much astonish and
alarm , as well she might be , for hero right
before her eyes she saw four eggs when she
knew In reason that there should bo but
three , anll not only that ( , they were all dingy
and thirty
"Mrs Due len was so excIted that site
took off her bonnet and began to tan herself.
Then silo wondered ' whether she hal not
made a mlsccunt-whether she had not really
laid four instead ot three eggs , The mere
she thought about It the more confused she
becante She hung her bonnet on a blackberry -
berry bush and tried to ccunl off the days
on her toes. She began to count-'Ono , two ,
threo'-nnd alto would have stopped there ,
but she couldn't. She hall tour toes on her
foot and alto was compeled to count item
all . rhere was a toe on' thb root for every
egg In this nest
"This caused lrs , Blue " hen to feel somewhat -
what more comfortable In mind and body ,
but alto was left In such mi hysterical state
that she went off cacklIng ' nervously and
postponel layIng an egg unl \ too late In the
afternoon. After that Uliro were five In thin
nOlt and she kept on laying ' , ntl there were
ten alogethier ( . Then Mrs , Due len rumpled
up her feathers and got mad wih herself
and went to settIng. I reckon that's what
you cal it. I've bearl s uno cal It 'setting'
' '
and other 'sitting , Once , when I was
courting , I spoke of . a sitting hen , but the
young lady said I was toe prissy for any-
"What Is 'prissy ? ' " askedl Sweetest Susn ,
Mr. Iabbll ( shut llls eyes and scratched '
his ear Then he shoolt hiis"htead slc"ly.
"It's nothing butl girl's word , " remarked ! ,
Mrs. Meadows , by way ot explanation. "It
means that fomebody's trying hard to show
off , "
ol. reckon that's so , " said Mr. Rabbi ,
opening his eyes. lie appeared to be much
rehteved . "VehI , Mrs. Due Hen got mad
and , went to setting. She was In a snug
Illace and nobody bothered bier I was such
a quiet place that she could hear 11r. Wiy
Weasel and Miss 1lmy Mink sosslpplng In
the calamus bushes , and she could hear Mrs.
I'uddle Duck wading In the branch One day
Mrs . I'uddle Duck made EO bold as to push
her way through ( the briars and look In upon
Mrs. Blue lien But her visit was not rel-
ishied . Mis , Hlue len rumple her feather
up and spread out her tail to such a degree
Ind squaled out such a harsh pretest that
ragged , It was lie common saying that ho
was the Duo Hen's chicken ! , "
"Ive heard It many a time , " remarked I
Mrs. Meadows . -
"There was no story In that , " Duster John
"No , " replied Mr. Rabbit. "Jusl some
everyday facts picked up and strung together - ,
gether , " ,
"Speakiitg ot stories , " said Mrs. Meadows , I
"I have one In my mind thnt Is a surc
enough story-one or the old fashioned kind , '
" ' \el , please , ma'am , tel I , " said Duster
John , so seriously that they all laughed except -
cept Mr. Rabbit.
( To bo Commtinued. . )
London Times uses American paper
South Carolina's rice crop Is 70,000,000 :
pounds I
A pneumato typewriter has been Invente '
II England In which compressed air does the
work or the levers In other machines. A 1 ,
smal Tnlla rubber bulb takes this place or
the keys , the pressure or lie finger producing
the hUIJact of tim typo on tIme paper. I II I
much cheaper than any or the existng type a
or bight grade instrutiteitte .
Iii fifty years ocean steamers hove been ,
lengthenell 400 feet , and they a.o three ( lute
al large as they were In 1815. TheIr speed [
has kept pace with finite changes , and It I
Is gratifying to know l that a voyage across
this Atlantic Is now almost as safe and certain i.
tain as a trill on a ferryboat .
North of Berlin a new suburb has been
started for workmneui lcctrlc power will
ho carried to every house , anti n shop wl
a dozsn woremen ! , with apartments for the
proprietor or master , cal be erected for
' 2COO. Relt wi cost $2,00 a week The
suburb Is started by an association of workmen -
men They have secured eighty acres or
land , and will have railroad connection by
the North road "Tradehome" Is the name
of the place.
The striking flint glass workers Intend
to make a better use ot the ' 50,000 they
are aleged to have In their treasury than
supporting the men In Idlouiess They propose -
pose to use I as part capital or a cooperative -
operative factory or factories , Then they
will get the full share ot labor , whatever
that may be , and , even though the enter-
prie should fail , the loss cart bo no greater
than that resulting from Idleness les Ides ,
'I the mel will gain an Insight Into business
expenses that will prove of value to ( item .
An experiment with bal bearings was re-
centy made In Canada , A street car fitted
with bal bearings was drawn I distance
or several hundred feet by men pUlng on
threo. strands of ordinary ewlng thread
A carriage manutncturer put nnother style
ot bal bearings on the axles or a coach
ordinarily puled by four horses. A trained
dog was hItched to the pole and he drew
the coach around the yard with little erort ,
The combination or pneumatic tires and bal
bearings weld evidently relieve much or the
strain now put Ol horses drawing heavy
"ehlcles , and here Is a tip for an entef1rllng
Carriage builder , .
Oregon Kidney Tea cures al kidney trou
bles , Trial size , 25 Cents , All druggists ,
. .
. _ L _ , ' ' 'p
: " " , !
Fn flRUIlO.IYIZZXa xle COUlrS ,
Some Iro/0811 CI"nJ(8 In thin Formation
of Nebraska's Supreme TribunAl ,
An effort wi ba made al the coming 8ts-
slon of tha legislature to reorganize tlO ( 8U-
premo court ot this ( state Two years ago
n atop was taken In this ( direction by th <
caton ( ot the supreme curl commission ,
which boy has aided time court greatly In
the ( dispatch ot its buslncu. lint business
has also Incrasell. The allmlnlstraton or
Ito ( banking law takes nearly one-halt or the (
tmo of the court. The maxlmul freight
law l'r\'ldec that Ulnl court should pass emi
Ito reasonableness ot rateR tinder I , alll I
that law hal been bout valid there Is no doubt
thaI the ( cases arising out or It would have
douhlCI or trebled the business or the court
Another maximum rate law will 1obabi' :
bo passed , which will throw the ( santo burden
Into the saro tribunal , The commllsion will
expire' by the Ilnlnton ( or its crNton In
a Ito over a year . What Is to 0 done ?
Opinions differ , Some deslro n Ulllreme
curl or'e judges , others nn extension
or the commission , withIn still others wish
to tr ) a court dh'lletl into dellrtments
Such a court has recemttiy hen estabhialted
recent ) ! estnblshed
In California , nml those who have watchell
its workings my II Is deciding n very large
nlmbr or cases Such n SCIHml was sub-
mltell to our legislature nt its last session ,
but was IOt pushed. Its friends \ ill try
again at the coming . sesslou , nlli membrs
front this county have consentcd to take
hold or i In rIal earnest.
, \s nhemly outlinetl . It proposc to omenl
rOlr sectols or article 6 , l\own as "Tho
Jlllcni Dpartment.
Secton ( : will 0 anelulec so as to rell ns
follows : "Tho supreme court shal consist
or nine Judges , (1\ldell Into Ilelmrtments or
urea ( JUdges each To dllartment No 1
shah be nssl ned all ch'l actions tried be-
Cora a jury. To dellarlmenl No 2 al actons
In cqul ) ' . To depnrlment No. 3 nil oilier
ntons , maies nnd lroceethini. I any
Iouht arise ns to the proper tlepartment of
atty acton the order or tIm senior judge \ of
the court shah he Inlt When the jUdes era
a Iepartment ( are unnnimous their Ilecslon
shah bo the Ileclslou or the court I the
JUdges be Ilvhlell on ! lrlncllles or law the
acton , maier or proceedln shnl be recon-
sidered by the same dcpnrtmenl nll
the four senior jlHlgs or the other
dcpartments , n mnjorly or whom
shah pronounce the decision or th3
court. lro\lded , whene\'er two jllles shal :
vote to mOllry or overrule a' former decision
or the court , the ncton , matter or proceed-
lug shall bo reconshlerell by lie ( entre court.
Wheuever ito consltutonalty or nn ) ' act
shal ho really Iwolvell Ito acton , mnter ,
or procelllng shall be conslderell by the
entire conrt. A principle of law once cs-
tablshell by either of thc del1rtmenls Is to
ho overruled or mOlfed only by this vote or
al least l\e judges. This SUllreme court shall
ha\o original jurisdiction In cases relntll !
to the re\enue , cvi cases In which the state
shal be a party , imiantiantus . quo warranlo ,
habeas corpus , prohlbilon , and such nilitl-
Inte jurisdictions as may bo provided by
law , "
Section 4 , as amenlel , will reall : "I x-
copt as hereinafer provided , tIme j\HIes \ of
tim supreme ! corut shall be elected by the
electors oC time state at lare-ono for a full ,
! '
term al each annual clecton-anl their
terms ot olle shal be for this perlOI or nine
'ears. No moro than live persons of the
sall political IJrty sfll be eligible nl Ito
sums time to the ( othico or judge or the supreme -
premo court "
Section 5 , as amendel , will real as follows -
lows : "This amendmeut shall take effect on
the 1st day at February , 1597. The judges
or lie ( supreme court whoso terms shall not
have expired wi contnue to hold their
omco for the remnlnder or the ( terms for
which they were respectively elected , and ou
that day may select this department ( or their
future service by filing their choice In lie
omce ot the secretary or stnte. Thereafer
time governor , with the consent of this senate ,
shall appolnl six judges ot the sUllreme court ,
one whose term shall expire In January ,
1899 , one whose term shah expire In
January , 1901 , one whoso term shall expire
In January 1903 , one whoso term shall
expire In January , 1904. ono whose term
shah expire In January , 1905 , and one whose
term shah expire In January , 190G The appoIntment -
poIntment shall designate the department
In which the appclnteo ts to serve . and this
length at his term. All future judges shall
take the department of their predecessors ;
and they are prohibited front removing out
or One department Into another , except by
eleeton ot the peple . " ,
Section G , as amended , provides that length
ot service In the supreme court shal deter-
mine seniority , and thai the senior or
department shall be presiding judge therein
and whcn a larger number shal sit together
the senior of that number shall be preldlng
judge. .
I will be seen thaI In addition to the
necessary details or reorganization two ad-
ditonal features are provided for. lrst- I
Minority representation. This was recog-
nized In the supreme court commission , and
has given satsracton , Since 156 It has
been time law wlh reference to the count or
appeals In New York. President Harrison
recognlzel II In his appointments tl the ( cir-
cult and supreme courts. I Is In time Interest -
crest ( or fair play , as neiher at the political
the nmelulment In
parties can carry proposed
this state against the opposition or all the
others. Anti Ir the democrats and populsts
are to bo called oa to help secure the allop-
ton or a new system why not encourage them
with the hope or participating In the all-
ministration or lie ( system after It shah
have been adopted ? I tIme queston be aSleed ,
hew shall II he enforced ? the answer Is :
In the ( same way that the provision Is en-
forced that a judge or the supreme courl
shal be a resident or the state rer thrle
years prior to his election , or that 10 must
be a citizen ot the Unltell States , or thai ho ;
must bo thirty years or age No person who t
Is ineligible will be a caadldate. The pro-
vision will enforce itself.
The majority party may still elect al I
the judges I its conventions should have
a choice ot men In opposing parties I
could ! make a selecton from such parties , ,
limes such selecton on its tickets nnl sled
them. There Is no Imlalon on freedom or
voting . 1 Is only I a Imlnton at elhlblly
In lie same way as a lack or age or citzen-
ship Is a Imltallon or the eligibility oC many
individuals. There Is no unlimited choice
for thai high omco at lie present time.
'fho second feature Is the prohibiton or
changes from Otto department Ilto anotiier
This Is to IJrOvent log rolling to secure certain -
tain desired declslol I will also tenth to
relIeve ( lie jlllges front the imputation or
log roing , which Is at very great Impor-
tance. I lie courts are to retain the Ilblc
confidence their ( high reputation must bc
secured , amid II Is almost as Important to
shield them from the appearance of WIOlg-
I 1cllg ns It Is to take rrom : them Ito ( power
or wrong doing . This bUgeston Is partcu-
lady Impressive nt the present moment , when
certain very high namel are freely balHled
II the ( mouths ot men In a way and' with
stalemenls ot fact that cause the hea -
patriotic men to grieve. , _ .
_ _ _ _
, . .
ow"r(1 or l"nst1'
Mr. ChuRwatH , who Was taking 1 ride on I I
a Street CU , hal ) just hanlll 1 half tidier ta , I
the conductor , says the ChIcago Tribune
On eounlng the ( change gl\'el to him In return -
turn lie rnhlei out :
"Conductor , you iiitin't keep out your 'mickel ,
% oti've given mite liD cenL , "
"So I hiave , " replied time conductor , cc'tnt-
I ng It himself. "I lutist hta'e tiroppeth a elimni
in tny itickel pocket by nttstnke , Thanks , "
lie took ick ( hi , dime , imt It into its tireps ,
ixtcket , fluid ' .ir , Chiiigwater rotlo to lila ii' itt.
nation suffused w lilt this comfortable giow
( lint contra with thme enutaciotisitessa of having
done a manly , honorable , upright act ,
Attul It vas not until Mr. Cltuigt'tter had
got otT thi car tlta ( it dawned upoti hihmu be
hind Paul to cents for lila ntis.
Rome renehicul its greatest sleet tiuuningthe
fourth cemutuury of our era , witen Its Population
"as estimated at 3G00,000.
Iluive 'oti t'ei. K'lh It ray of slhlllighlt
litss : imt'u'cu it dmii'l'in'th rounhi ? Ilutvo
_ S'tlI iittt ici'ti ( lie hlhlhliolhi ( if Iklh'tIClefi ot
flint ulust 'huiu'li its o'ui ullimehose ?
Sutitto of thtl tiuet ; is tmikeii kite ) thio
hhihigul CVt'I'5' tliuiu 'oll Li'enthlt' ) . 'i\'hiit
it. ( 'Olitfi iii thit _ ' gt'i'utitt ni : ihititmlSL' ? , mlii It
nftt'it tItu'u , thut'y thud htutigiiietit Iii titta
u4VS t t' Iii ,
'l'iib ; k 110W' the CllshhltllltlOll gel'iiin
t'uulot' time htingut.
'I I it' _ ' itt'e ctlii in I ttt.d I II I I me cx Pt't'tol'eL-
I I tlt 0 I' I Ii e ( 'tIiStl ) Ill II t i'i' luI : I ii' Ii i , mi in !
131'o thit'o'ii oil lty coughing. 'i'lupy
$11011 becomuit tIny , hluix vltlt ( lie : iit iluti
nI. ( ' thiu'ii i't'iuls' , for ( twIt' tlt.mttll3' , 'ot'k.
Now , it ftc't' ( lit' gt'l'muh iimt't' tit'elt Iii-
Itmil'd , it' thifl t'unuiltlous mite fui'oi'mtble-
thimtt k , if luy t't.tlSOht ? Ut'tulti ot' cough ,
Ut' it iti' _ Ii t't't'ui I I 8 l , Cii titt' , t hit' I ii ii gut or
molt' lmIsmtges ) iit' ; hit'comue ilhilmtnteti , or
thou' tis4uli' 01' miii' c'thlH mtlriuui'ul , , uuiitl
thus a tttitmthle soil in'ehumit'eul for time
t'ct''lutitlil of ( lie g'tuiis-thit'y ledge In-
. ; tt3 iii l , ' , devthop tttk'kly , anti utultlply
'Itli ' . ' '
; iuuumt'i.iiig i'iIlltlit3' ,
I I' , llo\vt'r , thin luings amiul molt' pIts-
stlge4 it It I et ut I iuu : I I liy coil ii I t I utit , it titi
t lie ( 'Oust it 11 ( luilt 1 $ st u'imtg tiiiti V hgoIOtiH ,
mimi tut'i' , titinluleth , deHro\'s ( _ ( lie hoisoiuoll3
gt'i'uli tuuiul expehu them froilu thus sys-
tt.hii. ?
'J'hie woy , ( lieu , to jn'cvcuit tititi ctii'o
l'tmiSlIuuuIt bit is to lout ( lie hiouiy itt such
it COtIlitltIl ( of lt'I'fel't ) lut'althi ( limit thui
g't'Iil of diseusn : cauinot Ihutti lodguitoist ,
01' If : iht'cntiy lt'.Sti1t ) , thuutt thto , ' 'lh1 be
tlestroyetl. ' .l'ltiu ciIi : be dotie by tiii
use of Ozoniulslon.
Htut , you musk , 'humit Is Ozomitulslomi ,
multi huot' tloi's It 1)t'tj't'ciit niid ctii'e con-
suinitloii ,
We 'ihI tell you.
Ozounulsion Is it sciemltific prepnl'ntion
of coti 1l'er oil , with gunittc'ol. It is a
i'iclt , Iltituid food , 1iuVCi'fUl lii. ; it miutri-
cut , mimiti ( lie only i'emuedy whichi contaiii
O'/.tiie tUtU giunincol.
Ozomue is a COhiiCItSCl form of oxygen ,
Oxygeui , mitt It4 vell lconw'n , In a gnseoii
eiuiiicmit 'luIch Ilelpa to support , life ,
timid forms 22 per cent of thu ntlnos-
vltet'e lii which 'e live. Ozone , or con-
deiiuctl oxygeoi , 'hiemi tmulceii Into the
l ootI In Ozouutulsion , kills ( lie gel'mnu
of coiisuhuultioul ) , timid tItus cures the '
u1ist'iso. : .
Guttlitcol Is a ehueittlcnl imrodlict mntie
ut'oiui tue i'e4111 of ihie Ititti beech trees ,
mmmiii II. lit the volatile leluicliule of Utig
ngwtt w'lelcii timakes me i''siltfllce Iii the
'oou1s so Imivigortutlng to ( hue coitsumnit-
tI'e. It. iticreatseit the mippetite , hesseorn 4
thie cough , iovors the teiuiperattho'e noid
heals the iuuJtii'etl Mut'tlcos of' the lungue.
Ozomnulsioii .eut'e i'olislimnptioil be-
citui4u it stiilaes lit once itt tim veal of the discmiee-thue 3)OISOuiOilS )
gei'lns 'hiieli It'OIilIl'O II. I t him the
l'eIilly : tbove all othuets vhilcli should
be ttikeii for coltIfi , conghitt , coztsumuy.
tion , bi'ouiehuitis , pnetiniouiin , lit grippe ,
asthimuta , anti all inihuuionni'y c'omutpluthuite ;
serofilla , gi'miet'aI debility , loms of 110811
tahIti nil w'utstiuig ( liseas1'4. Cithi LIIIOR
1nhin & Co. , 15th anti Doughis streets ,
Oiuimthin , uintl thui'y vill be plenscul to tell
you lhiOI'tt ithiotit this sciujuithile i'e1)a'tt-
( loll , TIlero bi mb secret ahuut ) itH COifl-
Itositiohl , ituuti IIIiYil'liloli4 II'eCt'Iiie it be-
L'ul.IlsC they kiios' itto IngredielotH and
kiiot' Ihiwn to be good ,
l'icmiei'r of Low
I "
, ,
, 1'ricc hut
'I " ' ' D@nUsIIIU :
Full Set of 'fcclh , $5Varrantcd $ ; \ to Fit
Teeth c'xIntetitl ; auth uitmt Iii ttnimio , hay. fold anti
l'iutt'iti : Alloy 1"liuItiitIt , 80 ; Sliver 1'illhitz , , It
J'iiii , Gold , * 2 ( "oIl " Otowlis , lid to * -22k ; lmridgu
'i'L'Liii , ( II lti tooth , 1'tiicst wet it iilwmiys. 3 ;
hour l'cuxtuii 131k. luiuit miii l"arnamit , 'ri. 1080.
LAI3Y 'rrlNIAN'r.
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A con'iplete and beautiful line ,
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