' - t. - ' 's I S S . ' ' + t + + a . , ' . tttttt f + 4tt t44 t1444tt * P I 'tL f ' ' PART ' ' L..4J ' ! i ' THE . OMAHA SUNDAY , B EE. i I - PAGES H 1 TO 8. J . , 1 . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ J S'rABI.SnBD . TUNE _ In , ] 871 OMAhA , SUNDAY [ OnN.G " DEOEMBE1t 2 : , ] sn. ! . , SIXGIJB COPY FIVE CEN'rs. . - LORD RANDY'S ' END . I. Career or the rrlant ChuTohill 003ing in n Terribly Pnthatio Manner 4 - TORY TOWER CF STRENGTH IS I3OKEN i Returning t Die in Englnnd , Paralyzad in IMiDl , Body and Pocket. TO SECURE A MONOFOLY ON SERUM J - t French Firm Seeks a Patent in Great Biltain on Anti-Toxine Methods BI1ain JJUN BURNS' ' COMRADES ARE RrJICED Heir Jnrlio all IIN 1'"I0 s Shol UI' touhleel Urltl""ton , lt Iho pt le- tIcCI lurns end 10lles , alt I ho Uen\'er ( .lhor Conrereneo. ( Copyrighted 16 , by Iress Ilhl.hlng Compan ) . , , Wohl LONDON , Dec 22-New York : , Cablegmm-Speclal Tlegram-Lord , ) Ran- dollh ) Churchi Is I returning ( rain his tour around th world , utterly broken In health. 10 had n htroke or paralysis coming through the Hed sea . on the way train India , and , ac- corlllgto the latest a(1VlCCva both men- tally and IlhYBlcaly afflicted , and Is Bteadly growing worse. The apprehensions or such a seizure caused his physlcan ! to advls ! a long rest and leisurely travel , but worry fatigue nail tropical climates accentuatel the ettaclt. aUact. Churchill has been for many years a victim of an internal malady causIng agonizing pain , to relieve which he resorted to drugs , which . undermined his naturally delicate constitution. Ills speech In the last session of Parlament alorded evidence or Incipient paralysis or the tongue , his elcrts to fight against the deadly affliction exciting much sympathy his retirement - mont from lOhitICS Is now certain. A few years ago he was the most pOlllar ! tory leader tn ngland and the premiership was almost within his grasp , but his retremtt In pique from Salisbury's cabinet In 1887 was a fatal error , the result of which he never retrieved , the consciousness ot which tact contrIbuted to his 11h'slcal collapse. Ills gel prospecting enterprise In JIBhonn was a dire failure . swallowing UII the remnant or his fortune , and for the past tHree years he had given UII hIs house amI resided with his mother. Eng- IBh public life lies not presented a picture or so complete a wreck or a brilliant and Aiir ( ' promising career In the present generation. - YAChTSMEN IN A QUANDRY. The opinion Is generally expressed In yachting circles that the question whether there Is to be a race for America's cup next year mainly depends on the acton of the prInce of Wales at the pending meeting of , the Royal Yacht squadron. His advice dom- mates the club In all matters under dlscus- tc , BleD , and Ir Dunrven genuinely Is desirous J to arrange a contest hc can get Wales to . I' ' . Induce the squadron to .accept the new deed I Is an undoubted fact that there Is a strong clque In the committee bitterly hostile to recognition or the new ( heed , but they would . recogion . not ' proceed to extreme I Wales plainly In- dIctated hIs personal wish for an agreement. The consciousness ( list refusal will lay them pen to the imputation that they desie to evade a contest annoys this Becton greatly , ' and the Yachtman ( newspaper ) . voices their views In Btgmatslng the new dee as a mean and unworthy act. London papers have had an awkward cx- perlence this week over Gladstone's article on evangelical teaching In the current num- her of the Evangelical MagazIne. Critics , dilated on the marvelous Intellectual vitality of Gladstone and his keen doire to be 4 abreast or all the latest phases of religious thought and detected several marked changes or vIews as compared ( with former tendencies. , I Is now revealed that the article was a reprint trans another magazine fifteen years old , though the editor or the pious print LaS . which I was republished hall ! hidden away , ? this Important fact In an obscure part or the ; " Isue , As ni the papers were caught , they aN remarkably silent about the exposure , but It Is said Galtono , Is greatly amused a their astonishing discoveries. WANT A MONOPOLY ON SEHUM : A novel legal poilt was raised here by the attempt or a French agent 10 patent In Eng- I land a process for the Ilrellaraton or antitoxins - toxins Berum The French law precudes : patenting products used In treatment ot disease , anti ] there IB no precedent In England for granting Protection for , curative oub- 'S stances produccl by natural animal process The medical fraternity expresses amazement nt the attempt to secure a 11atent , aB the 5' result would be 10 Ileell anti-toxino at prohlbl- th'o prices. The American firm or lurroughs & Welcome wal the first to produce tim serum In this country , and the object or the agent Is to restrain them and the medical InstttUtiOlls. They will Ilroceel with the manufacture or serum. The success ot the remedy Is being demonstrated fresh every day ( boughs strerl us efforts are being made by anti-vaccination faddists to discredit I The Interview with 1olmes 01 lurnB at Denver 11rovlde(1 Politicians her with a subject - ject for lager discussion during the past few days. Kelr hurdle and other labor leaders , though Ilslnclne(1 ( to talk on the subject - ject In the ahsenco of full details , arc ' unlloubtedl grtted by the attack on Uurns , of whole prestige they are Jealous. The split ' - between thi'EngIish delegates In America Is S.- rcgar'led al fresh evidence of the Incurable dissensions which have heretofore prevented In Independent labor Party rrom becoming a . . - formidable Political factor In this country. 'ruOc ) ' 'II IIUUY ' 'U 'l'tn hlU.tT . , Jel'Ilnl ' of Sir Juhn 'hOlplOI on hoard Iho Ilelholl I I JIUIII for ( 'llalla : , LONION Dec. 22.-Tllo remaIns or Sir John Thompson the late prime minister or Canada , were taken to Portsmouth today und Placed on board I M. S. lenhelm for to Canada . transportatlentoCanada for burial. . t ( 'unltlltll ( 'orihussia . IEHLIN Dec. 22-The Vorwaert Zeiung . today Ilrlnts ) what It claims to be a draft ct . , - the now Huulan constitution which the Ileo- Ille's ) rIhmts party ) ' hiss prepared for RussIa . S I Ilrovlles for In imperial Inllment and a Dot : ror each IJro\'lnce , I act member ot the ImperIal Parliament , I Is Proposed , wi represent - resent 3.000 ( IJeo\le and bo elected by unl- \'cual suflrage . The czar Is to remain IU- prene leall ot the stlte , _ Iulscr 1\11 ills Jewl4ii Subjects. BERLIN Dcc 22.-Thc Frankfurter elung Ilublhbes a letter elated March 29 , 1890 , from lhnroneb Charles do Iocluchlhl to Fenpcror VIIhInni . begging ror Ilrotecton for the Jew ; In Grrl\Y ; , The sccretar ) of the ImpnOr I relll ) ' \\ote : ' 11s busiest ) ' Is 1uable to percen'e that clrculstance lt the , , , ' - : . : present moment can give cause for the cx- pression ot such fear and anxiety. lie regards - gards nil his subjects without reference to class or religious profession with the same paternal benevolence Ills Jewish subject may rely all the more upon his mnJesty's protection Inasmuch as , In accordance wIth the assurance made by the writer's letter . their endeavor will be to yield to no other class or the populatIon In the exercise or true patriotism and civic virtue " 1'AIST 01 TIlE TIUTI WATIn. : "urol'o : ut1:1011 Cur is CI\IIlcto Expose br Annclim Outrages. VINN A. Dec 22.-AdvlceB received here from Constantinople say that the Porte objects - jectB to part at the Instructions given the I delegates of the foreign powerB who are to or follow the Armenian commlBslon. The powers - ers , however wIth the exception or Germany - many , refuse to modify theIr Instructions , and I Is underBtooll thnt Great nrlaln Is now determined to make an impartial inquiry Into the stories or Turkish atrocities , and that she will Insist upon the punishment or the guilty perBons. In additIon , should the preB- ent Inquiry fail to be as thorough lS Great lrltaln expects , she will demand the appoint- ment of a fresh commission. The German ambassador , on the other hand Is reported to be agreeable to the sul- tan's request for a modificatIon or the Instructions - structons given to a German delegate all ho IB said to be trying to arrange for similar modIfIcations on the part ot three other pow- cr8 . Great Britain , France and Hussln. But tim later arc Ball to 'be firmly resolved not to give In to the sultan and not to listen to lsten the request or the German amhassador. During the evening ot Thursday last the situation of affairs at Constantnope : was very strained , alI ] n council or ministers was held at the palnce. The sultan upon that occa- sion was to have cOle to a decision In re- gnrd to the acceptance or rejection ot the Instructions given to the delegates I was expected however , that thc sultan would yield before the determined attitude of the Ilowers. All foreign newspapers containing accounts or the Armenian outrages continue to be contscated nt the Turkish frontier. rronter. WASHINGTON , Dec. 22.-It Is intimated In diplomatic circles hero that the Turkish government Is being rather unjustly crlt- clsed for Interposing obstacles 10 the pur- suit or an Inquiry by United States Consul Jewett Into the Armenian outrages , and that as a mater of fact the porte Is rolowlng this line or acton under pressure or 50mo ono or moro or time great European powers , which have managed t keep In the back- ground UI ( .0 this time. The reasons assigned - signed for this state at ala Irs relate to the very foundations or European politics. The conditions or the powers of Europe which were parties to the Berlin treaty whereby the welfare of the ChrlBtans In Armenia was guaranteed are at present such that any atempt at Joint InterventIon In their behalf would be likely to lead to great fric- ton and In time end even to a war. There- ' fore It Is extremely desirable that the commissIon - missIon which will Investigate Armenian at- fairs should minimize the disturbances to a point where a simple remonstrance to the porte would be sufficient . wihout recourse to the armed demonstration which would surely be required by united publIc opinion of tIme civIlized world were all of the facts disclosed In their naledneRs With a commission - mission composed , of complaisant members appointed by Interested nations this may be easily managed but with an attachment In the shape or an American consul , who will not be In any degree amenable to any pressure which could bo brought to bear ' upon him by the other commIttees , and who would also tel the exact truth time work or time commlssloh would come to naught I I I In tim Blghtest degree conflicted with time findings of tIme Independent AmerIcan Investigator - vestgator , which would carry conviction to the public because or his assured Impar- tlahity. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ taly.IBl'lm : IBl'lm : Iuu.m ) IN A WIWI . Mllchesicr Express Iuns lute I Dcraled l.iigiag.m Trmihem. CREWE , Dec. 22.-Meager details received from CheUord , where the Manchester express - press was wrecked , arc to time elect that the carriages were bally smashed and thrown In all directions by the force or the concussion. Nineteen persons are dead already - ready and over sixty were injured some or tlmenm It Is feared fatally . Many heartrendIng - Ing scenes are reported The accident In reality was caused by the recent storm , which has wrought 00 much damage throughout Eimgiand. Time luggage train was first deried about ( o'clock this afternoon by the force or the gale No notice or danger - ger could be Bent to Crowo and time neighboring - boring stations . Time express struck the baggage cars , causing n great deal of dam- age to both traIns. The' express train was running at full speed at the time the accl- lent occurred It was hours before time debris was removed and traffic resumed , Time wounded are boll ; cared for , by phy- Blcans or lanchester and Crewe. UIJ 1 IUIISI OFIlCEtIS. 10VIB I'reltrhl' wlh forlhmo l'rIICO. IIIIICIIIII'lr MARSEH.I.I , Dec. 22.-Alvlces receh'el hero by mal from MallagnBcar report the arrival - rival at that Island or Colonel Shervlaton , who , It IB said. will take command or the Hovas and other forester BrltBh omcerB who , arc desirous of taking service under time queen ot Mndagascar. The 10vaB arc said tn be receiving a Illanly or ammuniton antI allS , 'l'hme French troops are patrolling the coun- try urouml 'Fmmmimatavo and \ , keeping the HovaB at a dlBlance. The country In the north ned wet or Madagascar Is In a very disturbed condition . There hUB been hevere fighting between time HOVUB anti other tribes Several partIes or Hovas ha\'o been cut to pieces Ir'leh11 1I.crlnwlt : wih . \ltl-1o"lle. I'AHS , Dec. 22.-Tho Chamber or Deputes - ties today voted an expenditure or 8,000 francs for time purpose or promotng InveBt- gallons Into tIme manufacture or ant-toxlne. the new reined for diphtherIa , 1rrcstcd In I'ars ! for Illc"lll. I'AltIS , Der. 22.-An American ex-de- tectve nlmed Dauriac . who was an o'ca- Blonal reporter for the 1.'lgar. has alen arreited on a charge ot atemptng to black- mail M. Sculls . the banker Ilorc 1lrlhllulko : bhucl" . In nreree. AThENS , Dec. 22.-Severe earthquakes IU1ve been felt at Atallnto , time city which recently suffered so severely rrom seismic disttmrbammces . Time shocks were accompanied by rormldablA rumblings. 1'110 011 illlrlacllelt fur 1 Spy , PARIS , Dec. 22.-Schoemibcclc , one or those arrested November 1 un suspicion ot being n German spy . has been sentenced to fyc ' years' Imprlsoumeut and fnel 5,000 francs . - - - - - - , S - - STOR 1 IS GATHERING Reconvening or the Reichstg May Witness n Genuine Oonfct , VON LEVnZW IS MUCh PUT OUT i Only Restrained from . Resigning by Om- sotativo Pressure , SCANDAL OVERTIIECIIANCELLOR'S . SALARY - Paid by the Emperor Out of 1 runl for Needy Veterns , EXPOSURE GREATLY ANGERS THE KAISER Fate or the Antl-Itos'oltmtlonary Bi In time 1.ld8 nf the Cemitrtgls-lcmmmnnml , ( h rent Conee8lon8 tn Secure Their Support ( Copyrlghmted 1894 , by the Associated PresB ) IEHLI = Dec. 22-The political summation continues grave. There Is a lull for the I nmoment but the prospect Is that at the reconvening - i convening or the Helchslag time difference between the government and parlament , which only began to b2 defined when time socialists and radicals by the clover maneuver of Herr Singer , precipitated an adjournment , wIll aBsume the character at u real conflict , Von Levetzow president or tht Helchstag , has wholly identified hlmsel with the government. Thus the Bhelv- hug ot the anti-revolutionary bill was also a rebuff to him and he shows his displeasure In rather a childish way by not observing thee usual custom of wishing the members or the' Reichstag a " : Ierry Christmas and a Happy New Year , " replacing those wishes by an expression or time hope that the naton and thc Helchstag would be spared In the "new year the discreditable spectacle or such a miserable attendance. " In fact Yon Lovetzow felt the mater so keanly that he was duly preparCl to resign last Monday and he was with 1lfculy restrained - strained train carrying out his intention by the conservatives . who pointed out to him that by resigning he would only further embarrass - barrss the government. On top or these rebuffs or the government comes the premature exposure or Hohen- lohe's salary affair. I Is known , In spite of the half-hearted denials at the ofelal press , that Hohenlohe mentioned to the emperor the , I great discrepancy between his previous salary as governor of Alsace-Lorralnj anti his present .saiarY as chancellor , of the German empire. The emperor thereupon offered to male good the deficiency from the so-calied "disposition tunt " This projected arrangement was little less tItan scandal aB the fund referred to Is granted to the em- peror by the Reichstag for a very dissimIlar purpose , namely , to assist veterans of wars who are not otherwise provIded tor. The fund amounts to 3,000,000 marks annually. Prince Hohenlohe accepted the offer , as ad- miled by his own organ , the Post but he was inclined to withdraw his acceptance ot the addition to his salary by the violent agi- tation . which was started by the opposition press Immediately after the facts leaked out The matter , however will not b allowed to drop altogether , for the socialists declare their intention to question the government on , this subject. EMPEROR IS VERY ANGRY. Emperor William , naturally , Is very angry about the affair . which he deems to be a special interference or his prerogatives , and . the manner In which the Reichstag Is treat- Ing his pet measures Is not calculated to , diminish his Ire. Things , In brief hinge on the fate ot the anti-revolutionary bil With- out counting the centrists time government can only rely upon about 176 votes , which Is twent-our less than a majority . Thus , In order to pass - time bill , the government needs to gain the support or the center party. amid the hatter , knowing the valu\ or Its posi- tion . Is little disposed to show l nblke obedi- once to the government's wishes. On the con- trary , the members of the center party have already formulated their demands , and un- hems these arc conceded their support Is ex tremedoubtul. . Acccrelng to the centrist organs , the Ger- manIa and Kolnlsche yolks Zeltung . paragraphs - graphs 130 and 131 ot the anti-revolutionary bill require to be revised anti what Is more Important 10 the centrists time recall of the Jesuits 10 Germany must be granted. As I already Btnled , the anti-revolutionary bill IB real an amendment for the existing crim- Inal code or the emplro. Section 130 at the criminal code reads : "Whoever publicly and In a manner dangerous to the puble peace incites different classes or the population to acts of violence against each other is Ilun- Ishablo hy a fine not exceeding 600 marks , or wih Imprisonment not exceeding two yeau. " To thlB the anti-revolutionary bill would all : "The Bame punlBliment may be In- Ilele ( ] on anyone who , In a manner Ilanger- cue to time IJbic peace Ilblely attacks re- ilgion . the monarchy . the marriage , the tam- ly 01' property with cprelslo/s or abuse. " Section 131 of the criminal code \ reads : d "Whcever publicly llsBemlnutes Invented or distorted facts , knowing they are Invented or distorted havIng In view to render con- temptblo Institutions or the state or decrees or the authorities , I punlhlble wih n tine not exceeding 600 marks witim or wih Imprison- uncut nut \ceedlng two yearB. " The anti-revolutionary but would make section 131 real : "Whoe\'er publicly asserts or clssemlnates Invented or distorted facts , or which he knows , or according 10 time circumstances - cumstances must conclude that they are Invented - vented , having In view to render contempt- ble the institutions at the state or decrees lecreel or time authorities , Is punlhable with a One not exceeding 600 marks (150) ( ) or with 1m IJrlsonment not exceeding two yelr " AIMED AI TIlE PHESS. Time addition ( to section 130 gh'en above forums one or the cardinal points of' time bill and one over which It IB expected Unit the controversy will rage with the greatest fury. It IB termed the "India rubber parBgraph , " and IB so elastic that It can bo stretchl at wi by the executive. Time amendment to section 131 Is directed against the press , and ha Jleretorore attracted - tracted a greater Bharl or atentun from the German newspapers than time ret or the law , I Is claimed that under its provisions the newspapers , organs of all parties alike . would be constantly exposed to prosecutions If the amendment Is enacted. Commencing on this subject , the VOllsclo Zelung brIefly called attentIon to an Instance In whlcb an editor was condemned to two years' Imprisonment - ment for publishing biB belief that the policy or the government would involve al Incrle , - . . - " " " & s - - - . , ' - 5 , . . , , . S ot 200,000 mnrks hnperl l taxation , The paper referred to claim * that before limo editor hall been many month ! , In prison his prediction was far more ' than realized . but time government never rolure ( ] or making , reparation . I Negotiations with the centtilts , with the view ct revising these two' sections or the bill , arc proceeding anti will continue through the holda's , ali time ! vernlcnt hopes to effect nn entent upon that Issue , aB well a upn the question or recalling the Jesuits to Germnny. The Position or the government regardIng the tobacco tax huh , the second Important government measure , Is precisely Blmlar In regal ] to Its situation to tIme anti-revolu. tlonary bl , The centrists , hohlng the bal- nude or power , may be able to dictate further terms for themselves. SOUTH GERMANY lmTTlmED , In the meanwhie signs at estrangement between the emperor anti the suth German courts are not immisslng 'This' week , for In- stance _ an artcle aJllenre\ , In the influential Neusto Nacrlchten or Munich declaring that the sOlth Germans hall been emblterell by many things , but especially because or the artificial cllem created between the e'mmiperor anti the people , Then , again , Prince Ar- nulphm or Bavaria , leutenant general of the first division of Innntry of the Blvarlan arimmy ammO n son or the regent or Bavaria Prince Lulpohl , has declared that he was not wilng to congratulate EmmiperorViiiiamn on New Year's day as haB been his wont. 1 Is also noticed that the newspapers of , ' \\'urtemburg openly comment' upon the rrlc- : ton between the line of " 'utemburg amid the emmiperor and thc ney'jpapers or laden conluln guarded remarks ulll the same sub- Ject. S ject.All All this tends to show that the appoint- ment or special envoys to the courtB of Munich , Stuttgart amid Carlsruime ulount to moro than the omclal pr as was willing to admit , and also that Priuice hfoimenioime's mission - aba to these courts has cmpletely ) failed , Time healh of Prince ihisnarck continues Dsmarck contnues to be satisfactory 10 his IlhYBlclans. lie went directly from Varzln to Frledrlchsruh 'esterday. In accordance with hIs expressed wish , thee was no reception tendered him at any of the railway stations. The prince was accompanied on his journey by Count Herbert I3lsmarck . CounteRnnzau , his daughter , and Dr. Schwenlnger. le was received - ceived at the railway staten , at F'riedrlcimsruhi by the local fire department. , carrying torche3 , but there was no cheering. ' Emperor Wiiam ha's otated the idea or erectIng a monument to' ' th1lemory of the late ProCessor Hermann , VQh Iielmlmoiz. lie has promised the sum ot 10bph marks. According to a < lspaJcbHrom ) Bremen the statement that negotIatIons'are pending be- tweln the German steamshlp1'companles and the English companies to.lbolBh cheap steer- age rates to America , Is Incorrect. neigh & Co. or Manheim. ' .the representa- tves In this country of time Russian petroleum - troleum magnates , den'r : that negotiations arc Itt progress to effect a joint monopoly be- ' - tween the Russian an&iIie Standard Oil com- pany. , Adolph Splekermann t of f'Phiha'deiphula : . "l- though born at Charlolen , erg , and who was condemned to pay a large , thehere for avoid- lag miiary service ; "uceeded In obtaining a fresh trial this , v'Cikand on { urJjlBhlng proof that his rather and blmselt were na- turafized In the United , States the , court , acquitted - quitted him ad saddled the government wIth the costs or the legal . procedings. . The emperor has dlBpaChed Major yon MOlke , his alde-deca\up \ , 'o the court or The Hague to convey to little Queen Wi- helmina , who was bard In } 880 , ChrIstmas . presrnt. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ it. L. sTlcvENso4'srnAThI. ; tiled Suddzlly lt Ils Samoau 10no and Buried its n HOIIIU ! ? mpot. APIA Samoa Dcc. 4-Coespondence of the Associated press per steamer Arawa , via San I Francisco Dec. 22-Tl ; ) . death or Rob- ert Louis Stevenson , the eminent novelist . at his beautrul home , Valh a , already an. nounced tool place on'Monlay last , December - her 2 , In a very sudden mnnner. He had been busy at work until 4 o'clock and had wrItten what arc said to be some of his finest passages , and had lefe his work for dinner. He had gone Into the kitchen with his wire to prepare some partcul ' r dIsh which he had a fondness for , and whie there complained - plained ot a pain In time hip t or his head. Ho went Into his drawing moom . md almost immediately - mediately tel back uncoYBclOus In a chair. Medical advice was obtained but It was useleSs - leSs , al he never reco\ . ' red consciousness and died at 8 o'clock. .The community was greatly affected , and muicim regret IB relt. m\cb Although Stevenson mnet much opposition owing to his political vIews , socially he was highly esteemed Deory lls 1eathm. when In good healh , he had exprtssed 1 wish to bo burled upon the top or Vnca mountain In n most romantic spot 1.400 feet abuve sea level known by the name or time "Traa Sooala" ( or pigeon catching place or Soolla ) , and hlB Interment took place there yesterday In the presence or the Intmate friends or time family . The rebels have declared their Intention of making armed resistance tl time government - mont , and are relning the forts at I.utuanu recently destroyed hy the British antI German war ships. Everything InJlcates Ihat serious trouble may again be Ipoked ? ror. Chief Justice Ide , owing to the continued illness of lila daughter , has gone 10 New Zealand for a t"o months vacation. The . president ' Herr Schmidt , la nctng'aB hlef justice . whereat much dlsBallracllln IB expressed . Owing to Inf9rmaton haying been received by time authorites or a Ibliunent at ammuni- ' ton having been sent rrm'Eurolle , to Samoa , time cargoes or all Incomlug vessels wm be searcimetl and any war.llaterlal { round wl be confiscated . j $ Kng Maletoa Is mlvut 10 marry a girl named Suelna , daughter at one at the great- eat chlerB here , and a member or one ot the largest famniiies . I IB thOlhl Ihls marriage will Blrengthen Maletoa's : Jllon. . ' % Iteaf ( 'Ohumuterfetrtm $ CUIh ! CITY O MEXICO , Dee ' 22-A moat Important - portant arrest has been Pado In the apprehension - hension or Manuel Arria , who , has been running a raIse mint on I large scale for a long time . and whpse agents were diB. trlbutel throughout the republic. Capture was made or Arrlga and a number of his agents and associats . The raIse coin was sold to the counerteller's agents"at the rate or 31 cents on , the dollar. , and , as It was comparatively easy to- "pu h" the money , the concern did . a thriving business . 10.In"lol of tluummgar's Minister IUDA JJSTH , Dc. 22.-Tbe Hungarian cabinet ministers have lent a special meso lenger to the emperor at Vienna to tender their resignations. The ' decision pf the em- peror will he announced on Thursday next. M. Banry IB expected to form the next ' cablnel whim the same mlnlsler excepting Dr. Wekerle , Sziagyi UeroDyml , and Andrll ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MrA. Wllhll " $ "lhllrr Astor Uc tl , LONDON Dec. 22.-Mr. William Waldorf Astor dled.lda ) at'Clieveden 01 the Thames , , . , _ _ , ; : ' ; 'J : - : : ; , : ' OYAIA RIOVES ORTI Detachments Loft to Occupy Fortifctions in Deserted Towns. WEI-IIM-WEI PRACTICALLY DESERTED Could Bc Easily Occupied ihn Effort Wore Made ( in that Direction FOREIGNERS ASKED TO PROTECT CIEFOO Oount Inouye Works 1 9volution in the Government of Oorea , . - MARCH ON MOUKDEN ABANDONED i More Intelligent I'ortol or the , Jlll'alelo I 1"R\'Or time AecclltRlcO or Chlneso Ol"r tare for l'cncr , but time ArlY multi Navy OIIIISO I. YOKOI' IA , Dec. 8-Per ( Btenmer City of Peltng. via San Prnnclsco , Dec. 22.- General Oyama left Port Arthur on necember I , moving northwarl ] toward Ilnchow , which he reachEl on the 2\1. Sumclent force was Iletnehed from the second nrmy 10 occupy tIme rortfcalons , General Oyamna's movements Indicate a purpose to march upon uchow , a to\\n half way between 1lnchow and New Clmanmmg but no definite announcement of his plans has been mnd' pmmblic. AlhouJh \Vei-IIaI-\Vei lies virtually defenseless at thc Bouther side of the entrance on the Gulf or PeChl-I.I , no steps toward occupation have yet been taken , Cheroo IB In I state or utter demoralization so far as the local authorl- ties are concerned. When the rugltves trom Port Arthur began to pour Into the town , ac- ccmpanled by panic stricken runaways trom Wel-Hul-Wel , the Chlncso olcials applied to the orelgn conBuls for the landing or a force rrom the ships at war to deem the plnce rrom the native soldiery. Time reports that nlrbers of Chinese were needlessly Blaughtered at Port Arthur receive mme denial , but It Ihould bo stated that nlhough not contradicted It does not find n place In any of the omclals records at events. The mnrch to Moukden appears to have been dropped out or the Japanese program UNF'ATTIiFUL MINISTER DSMISSED , SEOUL , Corea Dec. 6-Per ( steamer via YOKOHAMA Dec. 8 , and San Francisco , Dec. 22.-The energy with which Count Inouye develops his projects ot reform has a startIng lug elect upon the Corean court On Dec - mber 4 , he had a second Interview with time king from which not only the queen , but also the entire royal family and thc omcers or the household were ' excluded. The vaciatng sovereign was made to understand that I he secret plots to the return of the lngs were alowed to continue , the , capItal would bo again occupied by Japanese troops and ' martial law itroclalmed. The kIlS was . , . at , timeiaterior Informed that- his minister- tbe.lnterlor had beeli genera y concerned In fomenting the Tonghalt insurrections and was advised to dispense with his servlccs. Before the day ended the unralthful mlnster had reo Blgned. TOKIO , D.ec. 8.-Per ( steamer City or Peking , via San Francisco , Dec. 22-I ) the Judgment or the most intelhlngemmt and broad- minded section of time Japanese community could be openly expressed , It would be en- timely favorable to negotiations for peace The ministers or state are thoroughly per- Buaded that mme time Is likely to be more propitious than the present for a settlement that shal secure the greatest material advantage - vantage to their country and at the same tme guarantee entire security for time ruture. Timy believe that additional victories may have the elect of wrInging extensive territorIal concessions rrom their conquered adversary , but they doubt the wIsdom or assuming the responsibIlIties or contInental athmninlstratioem . whIch may prove more bur- dersome than Japan can bear. But the milItary and naval elements supported by the mass of tIme people , are for time moment too powerful to bo resllted , No newspaper has yet the courage to hint at a suspension or hostiies , and the goverment Is not prepared to stuml ngalnBt snch n storm or opposition as would bo provoked by a direct declaration or opinion that the punishment and humIliation or China have gone far enougim But It Is something to know time warlike spirit Is not supreme In the Innermost - warlte sU\reme most 'counBelB or the , empire and that the most sagacious and experienced membersor , , the cabinet are ready to welcome any occasion - i caslon which will promise peace npon the conditons essential to Japanese honor and safety _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ON HIS LAST . ) OUtSI Y. HClmllN or Sir .Johl 'Filomullnaum 1'llcec 01 JhIIH I' hip 101u\1&11 1011 < . LONDON , Dec. 22-The weather cleared UII this morning and under time hrlJht sky time body ot time hate Sir John Thompson heft I.orllon 'for ' Portsmnoutim amid the proround silence or a great crowd or Ileo\lo who stood with uncovered heads In and /bout lie ( rai- road station until time train was out of [ Blghl , Special arrangemento were made along tIme entire route 10 Portsmouth , under which no stop was made until time truln reached its destination , I was compoBe,1 or two hmlle Vans , two first clasH carriages , one saloon carriage , arid a funeral car In time center The later was Bplendldly built or mahogany and teak , all was divided Into two compurt- meats . In tIme smaler or these two com- 11artments , were Beats far the 11albearerB I and at herB , I opened Into he larger compartment - : partment , which was Ilractealy a smal mortuary chapel , fifteen long by Bevel feet wide , anti seven reel high , Atached tl time roof or this comnpartnmcnt under four IghtB , was the Canad'an ' flag gracoruly draping time entire ceing , Through the aIds of Canada's ensign the tour gaB lamps Bhono Bomy. The walB ot thIs compartment were hung wih black cloth , doted wih sIlver stars anti caughl UII by silver cords , to which were aUache(1 ( heavy sliver tasselB. UesllleB time door opening from tIme Bmaler compartment - ment Into the larger one was n black draped seat for the priests who acccmllanied tIme body to l'ortnioutiu , 'ro receive the cotfin 1 mngnlOcelt cala- fallue waR erected ( In tIme ceiter or time mortuary cimapei I was or ceJter wih till- ver borden On time other side or the cata- rallue were three gigantic gilt candelabra itt which were lighted tupers. At the head or time eataalque wets a silver cross , which occupied nearly time whole breadth of time end or the mortuary chapel , ali In front ot I was a gold crucIfx three feet high. Time engine attached to the rUleral train was draped with black and Immedlutely behind It was ona or the brake vanB. I was fled with large wooden anel paller cases contain- lug the wreaths sent by prominent people , coulDlcuOUB amen them beIng the macaid- ' _ , .M' : . . : , . _ , . , . ! . , > 1 ' ' - . :1 : THE BEE BULLETIN. Wenher For'nst for Nebraska- mitt : Wanler : Variable Wh\l , i'nge. 1. I.ot.l 11"101111 Cisurchmili's Irellulo\I , \llnl , II , 1prrlller. : Ilceerses. Orner.lt Ollllu'c8 Norm iuwarul . , ' : III'S 1.11'.0 R I Irtl.IM Mcmmaee . Z. Emi : gi kim "turhh."llr I (1111 O l'IIIIj. I11Ul0 " 'itim Smile itluwers II Iowa . IIMIII' itomiuemmiim' , . Victory .1111 tell. 11.11'lor1111. . Taiks'rmttiuy . 3. % Viiy " 111lorArn lal'II ) ' . COI rC lrl11 Il' t ii Werk. % I or , ) h mmci , mime Tlx letlltM. \Iclkh'jnhl Clillurc I ; ittirieror . . ittmy WClk Iii time Social ' , 'oriul . t1. HCleu1h Chmmpi , ' 1 S'eretary. NI'brllkn Ilcturlo Are flimsy . 8010 In\'o .t Iren.iy Shln'I',1 In Heth. l'mngrcsq ur Ihn , \r abtlJht 1'rlll. ( COllel 111 ! i.uemul Miutti'ms. , t ! I & 'ui lt Still t Ii ( ) in ' thitt. 7. SehCul Chlllrln Ccobr'II < . H. C Imure lies " 11 Chrlsl1'Is. 10. " ( .lltl ; ; Iii Iho .JUI " - . " ly Riphimig I , Iult TCMt for [ ' , slmt I'lrelcn. I 1. l'ur limo ih)3'N 1111 ( urIc . t : . "Iltorlll anti CU1Ienl , 13. Illlstrlrl ur time . 'RI"UI' . . lul ; ] ' , l'lr III . ' I "leloO % 101l1 Trotting Hors" 1mtrimi. t. , SC10 or Iho IClhll I ] ' [ 'tuiui lemit I an c . I I ; . Commui itt . t 0 ' .1 'L'raiie . Il. Olltul Cr 01 < hl"8 .JChhllj ' 1'"Il. C01Icrcai 1111 1'111,11Sows , l' allrl ! ur I ho I.h'o Stock 'fn"te. 10. 'rckly Grist ur Sporting (0,111 , 18. "Cimtrcmiee . " 1'lrt I , l"pter ILl. 19. " ' 011\ : leI Ways miami lice Worlsi 20. Chrlsln\s amid Other 1'llhl'IM. cent wrenth sent by tIme queel , another Belt by the marlutR of Hpon. secretary or state for time colonies. ALL DHAPED IN MOUHNING. TIm railroad station platform . from the doorway to tIme floor of the rlnernl car was draped with blac , and all railroad omclals on duty were dressed In mourIng gar- mentB In adlton , the gunrllR anti other railroad men Iletaled to accompany the hotly to PortBlouth wore special mourlnr unl- Corms , as t time train was conveying the remains - mains or a member or the royal raml1' . Some tme before time remains arrived nt tim railroad staten , crowds ot SIJectators begnn to nssemble , and as the hour for the arrival or the body approached , the police and railroad om cia Is cleared a way for time approach of the funeral cortege , which canto rrom n private mortuary "Ia Baker street and Park lane to Victoria station. One or the OrstIersons ' arrived \Iersons who arrl'ed was the marquis at Lore , formerly governor general of Canada , who closely Inspected the funerl train In conversation wih I repro- sentatve or the AssocIated press the marqulo or Lore asled that I be reported to Canada that he attended the funeral out ot deep ro- Bpect for the deceased , and on account of his unswerving love 'for Canada. The funeral processIon reached Victoria staten at 8:45 : a. m. The coffin was In an open rour-horse imearse which was followed by four mourning coaches. Over time comn was the Canadian flag , and upon the hatter , rested time queen's laurel wreath , which site had pCsonaly ' placed upon the temporary Cfl previous to the removal of the re- mains from Windsor casUe. In the first carrIage following the hearse was Senator Sanford , Mr. Joseph Groso Col- flier C. M. G" , secretary tl time olee ot high commlBsloner , for Canada , and Father LOlglnott of Sl Stephen's chapel , Windsor who officIated by time queen's special request at the funeral services held at time Homan Catholic church on Spanish Place the day after the arrival of the body In London from Windsor castle In the other carriages were the Canadian and homo government officials , all with uncovered heads. As time coffin was silently bore from the ' hearse to thc 'runerl car , In which the taper were then lighted . the marquis ot Lame entered Into conversation with Mr. Colmer and was presented to Senator Sanrord , to whom ho offered his condolences. Punctualy at 9:10 : a. m. the funeral train left Victoria staten for l'ortsrmiouhlm anti time remains of Sir John Thompson entered upon the first stage of . their journey home. JOURNEY TO POtTS IOUTI. POHTSMOUTI , Dec. 22.-Simorthy aftertime the funeral train with the remains or the late Sir John Thompson had heft VictorIa statcn Father Longinotti ' commenced a private funeral service which laRtel , whie the train traveled a long way on its Jour- ney 10 this port. As Boon aB the funeral train was Rignall ( ] outside or Portsmouth , at 1 :20 : n. m" , all the Bhlps In time harbor hai masted their ensigns and time first or time twenty-minute guns boomed a salute acres time watera. At the southern end nil the flags ashore were Ilpped , Shortly after time arrival ot the runeral train , however , there was a heavy downpour at main The officers or H , M. S. Benhl'Jm gave several sharp ortlers and eight blul jackets removed the comn front the train , anti . a processIon war formed , headed by the hlshCp of PortBmouth In full Ilrple robes. lie was followed by a number or elerg'men. Be hind them came the coffIn , here hy the sailors , Ind emi each side or It walked time pal bearers , Messrs. Sanford , Colmer und Just cn one side und Sir Prederlclt Voting . , Mr. John Howard and Mr , HeynohlB , Sir ! Charle3 ' rupper'u ; secretary , on time other Behlnll the coUn waltetl Lord PHhar din- ton , matter or I ho queen's household , who represented Queen Victoria , AlBa represcnt- lug time queen In this procession was Major General Sir John Mclteel , lime rlueen'R equ- ary. After these officials followed time other : mournerB. The lonhelm pm'esemmteui 1 10st ImpreBslvo appearanco. Site waB pain led hlaclt fore alll aft anti her wile gaugway was draped with black ciotim l.'rom time gangway 10 the mortuary charbeJ' , IJepared for the recepton or time comn , n black carpet was laid , Time coln was received emi board hy the oUcerB or that "esBel. I was carried on hoard bet - tseemm two flies or mlrlncs with reversed units , whie time sailors and rurineB or the cruiser drawn up on uI'pel' ' deck saluted , the bedy , A solemn servIce followed In the mortuary cimmapei but only , a few or those present Were able to atend , aB time space at Ihelr disposal was very lmi el. Throughuut time voyage the cofn wi lie on a handsome cntaalquo In time captaln'B roonm . wlieh hus heen drapell with crepe ! hcund Canudlan fags and black clolh ora- mented with sII'er starB In each corner or the chapel htanll larlno sentries , The chief mourner stood arlund the coffin during the religious services . at the conclu- tibet or which time prlctts Incensed the coffin six tmes anll the funeral party left the ship after bilding adieu to Senator Sanrord , who accompanlp the remalnB to Canada , UnhalllJly , during time funeral ceremonies , the wlli had Increased In rorcl until a heavy gale was hlowlnp and It was dcchlcd that Lime lenhelm would not weigh anchor until tcrorrow night. . ! : d.llilt1. . . . ' - , _ _ - . . ' " . . u _ _ . REJECT TE TEATY' ' United Sttes Senate Warned Against Olos' t iug the Deal with the Japanese , ' NECESS\RY FOR AMER'C \ SAFETY Extra-Torritorality Shou1 Eo Mnintinl in the Intere ts or Oitizcns Abroad JAPAN'S ' THINLY LAID ON CIVI1Z'tTION Veneer of Modem Manners Easily Broken Through by the Bnrbniins , SAVAGERY AT PORT A'nlR : AN INSTANCE I UJHCeMlr ] ' . UII111 1111 Cnmitiiumt'I , nnteh- cry Ir thin icfemmst'ii'us thhl O iis- guists mush . \lnrIM lime 1'lrclj1 Oleerl with thin . \rl ] " , YOOl" i MA , Dec. 8-\'la ( Snn Francisco Dec 22.-New ) York WorM Corrcspondenee -8peclnl 'releiramtm-Time ) AmerlcanB amid other foreigmmcrs . resident In .lapamm . are anxIously - Iously awaiting news frcm the United States senate. Alrcntly I the detais or the long con. tnued mlsmcr of unalme.1 Inhlblants at Port Arthur nro IIlng nolse(1 ( about , nl\l Jnll organB , like time Japan Mail , arc hnlltng some of the facts In order to anticipate tim ' renlatons which thc ) ' Ilow the foreign war correspor\lenls have mnde , This Blulden relapse of time Japnneee amumy Into savage- hed has created a reeJnr of anxlet . I Is now In the power or the Unlell States senate to reject tIn' mmew treaty ammti nroservo the extra-territoriality wimicim is mmecessary to' ' protect - tect Atmmemieans agaimmst time stmdden amid furl. Otis otmtbrcaks of barbarians , WAS WhOLLY DAItBAI1OUS. The siammgimtor at I'ort Artimtmr was not niereiy time reault of ringer stirred up by the sigimt of mmmutiiateti Japanese bodies. It lasted four days. Words cannot express time Indignation and muisgust of time Ammielean anti Eumropean mmmihitnry attacimes. lletmtennnt Ohrien declared timat ime wotmiti like to heave time Japanese army imnmemhiateiy , mmd said In time most enipimatic hanmgumagc' , that if time facts were known at Washilngtomm , time War depart- macnt would ummdoubtedly recall hmlnmm , It was an insult to civilized miatiomis to ask timeir represemmtatives to wltnmess navago warfare. Colonel Taylor , tlmo BrItish niedical nuttacime , : tumi old East Indian cammipaigner. saimi' ' tlmat time btntchmerles were barbarous. Nothing could extenuate time cowartliy work after time first fury was over. I bhicve time Japaneae Intended - tended to carry oimt time sentimental and mag- nanlmous promises they posted on the walls of Mancimuria , but Japanese civilization was not deep enotmghm. BLUFFING TIlE UNITED STATES. Time anmnouncentent of time foreIgn office over time signature \'iscqunt Mutu , that Japan " will not respect tim right of time United States to deal witim offences co'nmmmittef by Japanese sailors on American vessels hero ahmow time mmew temper of tIme nation. Japun has been privately notified timat under io clrcumnstances will time American government surrcmmder its rights , and timat any attemnpt on time part of time Japanese courts to exercisti jurisdiction over offences comnmmmitted oa American ships will be futile. Pita war must go on. Japamm's hicod is u. Time soldiers rub time country. Time anti-for- eign party Is rampant. Everytiming has cimaniged since I came imero. Time cry is now for "Territory , " and now time foreign war simips are beginning to si'arm in from nil time , seas. A Russian fleet is expected daily. JAMES CREELMAN. STsIflL ( ( . MANY VICTIMS , EightS of mime Crew out ma StrtmmtlonL Shark Irowmsed S'mtr iImI3'iiuiit , LlVEIti'OOI4 , Dec. 22.-A dispatcim front ilolyimead says timat a bark imas been driven asimoro onm time breakwater thmore , arid It is feared a crew nummiborlng sIxteen mmten imave III been tirowmmed , f/k LONION , Dec. 22.-A severe gale imas been blowing lnce yesterday evening all over Great Ilm'itaIn , and time mail boats have heenm delayeml itt au ports. Numerous mniemo' casualties are reported at sea oemd on aimore _ Chinnmioys have been blown mlown every wimere , amid 1mm somno parts of England time wind imas bcmi biowimig sixty nmiiies an hour. ' Several small vessels oft time coast are e- lOrted to he flying sigmmals of distress , Them heartier Iielnnm Mar has been driven asimorms on time north coast of Ireland , Four of liar crow svero drowimecl , Reports of time stormmi received from all parts of England simow timat inummionse damage imas cveryivimere heurm caumsed by time recent gales. Time ioss will reach terms of timommeammtls of Irnunmis. Many huiitiinmgs imavo been iiownl dowmi auth telegmapim t'ires have suffered greatly , Traffic has benm coenpietehy sea- lefltheti iii mmmnny nieces omm accommnt of time lioo.ie . , Manmy simhits hmavo been driven asimoro by time winths. Thirty or forty persons have already been reimorteti ni'ad tie i result of time ' stormmi , vimile imuntirculmi have been injured , Eight persons , while aitenmptinmg to escape fmommi time hark tlrivemm aslmore at iloEyimeath , i'ero tirowimen ] , A cimirmmney at Simelileiti was blown thown , ammmtl it is reportemi timmmt live per- sorts were hilieti ummth nimuny immjurcri , - - - ( flffUII1' J.V7I1I lI'ltMJJC , Es. . i smears mt Ii ii I I remit aim o f it Bout hum I I eamier i orimu.ssly I iii mm rmI , \VAL.LA W'AiLA , Wasum , , Iec. 22.-Time Oregon Jtnmlironti mmml Nuylgnmtlonm company's ntssanger va' , wrcclced tIne tue mming : at Lcmm- okttn nttttiotm , amhcuu thirty-live rattles cast of \Vntila Vamiinm. Fngirmoc'r It , ItVtmliccm' wars kihietl nmntl Engineer Jessie emnmi I"iremneq Html- ton anti Stuart were inmjuretl. Tiut , train was time r. gulnmr ceusthacuhm I imais bmger tr Sn kane until conmsititeul of a imatgnge , mull , smnoiem' , two day commeimes , two iticehmers mind Receiver ticNeili's immivate ear , ocotmiuleul hmy ' % V , T. Lee , assistant general manager , At Iholles Junii'tion tin udditiunntl locomotive % vau at- I neb ml to mmmako a lieu vy grade on t lie hill I. \Vlmen it reaciteti Lermokeim time trmali , vaa rumimiiumg at time usual sjmee.l and suduienly time rails siirertd , throwing both time englemcs anti lime mail stmm'i baggage cars fromti time trmmck. EnmgimmecrVnmiker wams on time iteumi enmgimie , imnd isis bomiy was ninned between time ennimie' anal Iermmler , mini time escaping' steam hcmiidetl his face , emits anti legs so bauhly timut time flesh ( cii oft , iemtlties Imoti , imis legs vt're basil ) ' Criltilmed , lie lived about. iiuit an hour after being extricated from time wreck. Etmglneer JessIe cit time second enginmo eticuIeuh with only a sitralned back amid arm , Rimmier Stuart , ulmemimnu for Jessie , escaped with shigimt lmruises , while Smitten , who was tIring for \Vaiker , had lila left leg hroken. Forturmatehy , time liatseenger crime remainmetl on time trdck. A SIedlal train was sent out. frummi little to time scene , antI returned this evenmlng , hrinmging time hotly ci Valker tmnml I time Inijurvtl macmm't41laer ieavti t& wife aa , I one child reb1mlnff at hit , , Arbu'klu - - . . , ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - -