Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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R TIrE O\f.AIIA : : : D..1.L Y BEE : ! rFHURSDA , DiOEMnTEn. 20 , 189..1 .
: The Performing Birds , Santa O1aus and Ills
0 Live Bthdeer , Punch and 3ndy.
. -
And A ttenct the Trutlcndous Snlo ! ot Top
; . . JJook" , Iolls , urnlturt' . Cnrpeu , J'lc-
turc , . Lhrl lnias bhoc , SJlpl'ers-And
Mnleo YouroIf IInl'l'Y Gcnerally
I _
Denutltully lIIustrntetI story bOOks , for
boys and girls. worth 75c and $1.00 each , go
at 25c.
Beautiful French dolls , with natural hair
and sleeping eyes worth up to $2.50 each , go
at 75c. .
BIg bargains In photograph album9 from
75c to $2.60.
1,000 chlhlren's rocking chairs , worth 75c
anll ( $1.00 each , 10 at 60c.
, 1,000 rocking horses at 75c each
, The largest lIue of Christmas cards In the
city from Ie to 75c.
Christmas tree candies , Dc a box ; 72 In a
Doll buggies IDc up.
A beautiful rug 21x31 Inches given away
. with every purchase In our furniture and
carpet elepartment.
I Al1 our $3.00. $3.60 and $1.00 rockers , your
. choice $2.G5. .
All our $1.7G , $5.GO and $ G.OO rockers , your I
, choice 100. :
All our ' G.GO , $ i.OO and $8.00 rockcr your
choice $5.00.
$1.00 child's rockers , Christmas prlco 65c.
0 $1.GO child's rockers , Christmas price 90e.
p. . $2.00 child's rockers , Christmas price S1.00.
C. S2.2G child's rockers , Christmas price $1.45.
$10,00 ladles' desks , Chrlsl\nas price S5.00.
. IG.OO ladles' desks Christmas Ilrlce $8.90.
$1.00 parlor tables , Chrlslmas price 4r.c.
. $1.60 parlor tables , Christmas price 75c.
$2.00 parlor tables , Christmas price $1.00.
$4.00 parlor tables , , Christmas Price $2.00.
SG.OO Parlor tab1c . Christmas Price $3.00.
. Boys' $ t.fiO hhh cut leather slippers , 7fie.
Ladles' and misses' Imported German slip-
pore velvet und tinsel embroidery 75c.
Ladles and men's velvet slippers fiOc.
; _ Embroidered sllpllers. ladles' and men's ,
' 5c.
' Fancy loather slippers , $1.00. $1.25 , $1S0 ,
: worth UI to $3.00.
l.al1les' oxford tics $1.00 , worth $1.75.
. Wo show more Blippers than all the rest
I of the stores In Omaha.
Ladles' $3.00 shoes $1. O.
Ladles' $5.00 shoes $3.00 , In all new style
i toes.
: ' I.allies' $5.00 cork Bole shoes $2.75.
' . . Men's $ G.OO shoes 300.
' And tremendous bargains In boys' . misses'
, and chlldren's line button and lace shoes.
. .
N. W. Cor. IGth and Douglas.
WITH' ' " 1I01.l.0W III1AD. : ;
A Visitor In Omahl\ ShowS Some Homl\rlm-
blo TrIcks with , it lIullow IIm\ll. :
- ,
A small modest , hIgh-voiced AustrIan arrived -
rived In Omaha yesterday and took up his ;
I abode for a few days In the City hotel , at
. . Tenth and lIarney streets. lIe very soon Interested -
terested a. number at people In hlm.elf by
111s unusual personal peculiarities and by the
performance of of some very clever tricks
Ills real name Is not stated but he goes by
; the name of "Dlsmarck. " lIe claIms to have
been stolen when a child bj , gypsies ant 1
. . raised by them. lIe also declares that his
t , head Is hollow-and he certainly comes ! near
.4 provIng It by his trlcles.
- , , , The man's work , however Is truly wonder
ful. He takes a. steel wire spike lour Inches
long and apparently pokes It Into his nostrils
out ot sight. He has a semi-circular pIece
ot sliver an Incl ! In diameter , which he puts :
In the corner ot his eye , wpr.1s It around below -
low the nose and removes It from he ( other
. ' eye a moment Inter. Other remarknble performances -
tormances are given to show the hollowness
ot his head as he says.
Besides this however he Is a good sleight
ot hand performer and h performs Ids teats
' , close under the eyes ot those who . gather
around him.
"Dlsmarck" will give tree exhibitions In
Drowning , King & Co.'s corner window this
evening and Thursday ev'nlng. !
_ . . To Do Completed InTinia to Handle the
Next Crop.
The details for the formation of 8. company
for the purpose ot erecting another beet sugar
refinery In Nebraska arc rapidly being cornth
pleted. The new factory Is to be located at
Fremont , Is to have a. capacity ot 750 tons
per day and Is to be ready for operation In
time to handle the crop ot 1895. The cornd
pany will have a cash capital ot $500.000 and
Is a Nebraska enterprise , no eastern Investors -
vestors bplng Interested. It Is underIs
tcod that the Standard Cattle company , which
made such a success of Its beet growIng experiment -
periment last season , Is 10 take $100,000 ot
the stock , capitalists of Fremont and NorLh
Band $200,000 and the farmers the remaIn-
t- Ins $200,000. The slack taken by the farmers
C Is to be paid for In beets delivered at the
: . factory , and each farmer Is to be given live
' years In which to pay for his stock. ProG
vision will he made so that the farmer raisIng -
Ing the bees : may deliver them at the factory
and receive one-half of theIr value In cash
. This will enable the farmers who subscribe
to the stock to recelvo cash returns each
year while they are llaylng for their stele. (
A party ot twelve oC tli6 remont and North
Bend people Interested In tim new company
visited the Norfolk factory Monday and made
a careful study ot Its operation.
The pOIJUlarlty of Chamberlaln's Cough
Remedy ami the high esteem In which It Is
held leads us to believe It 10 be an article of
great worth and merit. We have the pleasure -
ure ot giving the experience of three prominent -
nent citizens of Itedondo Beach , Cal. . In the
' use ot the remedy. Mr. A. V. Trudell says :
"I have always received Prompt relief when
I used Chamberlaln's Cough Hemedy. " Mr.
JanIce Orchard says : "I am sathlled that
Chamberlaln's Cough Remedy cured my
cold. " Mr. J. M. Halcher says : "For three
years I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy -
edy In my family and Ita results have always
been aatlsfactory.
. dlxso lISU1 .11 J "TS. .
The entertaining farce comedy , "A Itall-
road TIcket " which will be presented at
, the Empire theater all next week , opening
with a. matlneo Sunday , has scored Immense
lIueeess everywhere . Rarely has a play of
this order received ! such unanimous praise
The story of the 1)lece Is an entertaining
one . and Is I\S follows : Dy the will ot their
" father , Robert and Jack Ticket ale left a
small but equal sum ot money to start In
businos8. The one having the larger bank
account at the clIll ot the year Is 10 receive
two , thirds of his tal her's fortune and the
other the remahuler. Robert becomes the
j best posted ticket broker In the United
I States , anti Jack becomes . 1\ Perfume drum-
J ! oner They are both In love with the same
I girl and she Is so much In love with both that
she refuses to give her answer until the end
_ ot the year : . Robert tired ot waiting falls
In love with his ' shorthanll writer gets mar-
tied and settles down to business. Jack also
marries the Idol of his heart and the fortune
Is I equally divided.
. .
Oregon Jldney Tea cures all kidney trou
bles Trial size 25 cents. All drugglsls.
Marriage Iteeimss. .
TIme following marriage licenses were Is ,
sued yesterday :
Name and Addreis Age.
Norman , , , . Peters . I.lncoln. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Annie C. erhy , Omahll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 I
George J. lIendeTlon.Omahu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 L ,
LIllian ATower Omaha . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 21
George 11. I'ustman , Omulm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21I I
Mary I. Munro Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = 0 )
Arthur itankin Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2t
Mile Freeman Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.
John " ' . Slmaw Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 1'
lIessle L. Flint , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 ;
. . John 11. AndreaBon. South Omaha. . . . . . . . 31 : I
Johanna > Olsen , Soulh Onlllha. . . . . . . . . . . . . : :6 :
JienryV. : . CUl'tloins. Detroit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
ira E. lIarle Omallll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
. .
Oregon Kidney Tea cures all kidney trau.
blss. Trill also , Z5 centa. All drus"I'ta ,
-a _ _ _ _ _ . * . _ , & - - -
ThnrlelR7 Yon eRn Find JJRrI'Rln : In J."ory
, Bcpsrtmi'nt-Chrlstms rrlces.
A "ISIt to the fourth floor 18 all that Is ,
needed to convince you that we have no
competltorll In the musical line. The bar-
gain tables loaded with toys antI the Immense -
mense display nil through the department nf-
ord you a chance to find just what you want I
at any Nice you wish to pay.
Christmas presents for all at Jlnydens' .
35 pounds New Orleans granulated sugar
for $1.00.
29 pounds course granulated sugar , $1.00.
25 pounds fine granulated sugar $1.00.
Sugar cured No. 1 barns , only 9c ; bone-
less ham , 7e ; Boston long cut hams , 6c ;
picnic hams 7c ; sugar cured bacon ge :
salt pork 5c ; lard , Sc per pound ; country
butter , 7c. lOc and 12'c : soda and oyster
crackers , only 34c per pound : fancy lemons ,
20c per dozen : mixed nuts 10c ; dales , 7lhc ; i
c heese . jOe , 12c ; limburger cheese , 12c
and 160. Call at lIayens' ( ] for anything
you want for Christmas.
Special offerings for thee next three days.
Men's I > o's'- and chlldren's clothing at less
than t wholesale price It costs no more to
buy the best from us than Inferior goads
Boys' clothing at less than wholesale prices.
Children's two.plece suits , ages 4 to lfi ,
many of them all wool worth $3.50. at $1.05.
Children's twq'l.cce : stilts , same ages ,
strictly all wool chevlols and casslmercs ,
worth $1.60 , now for 2.GO and $2.75.
Chllllren's very line 2.pleee suits In fancy
wrrstell cheviots and cassimeres worth from
$ 5.00 to $7.60 , now $3.7fi.
Ien's suits will \ be sold the next 4 days
'at less than wholesale cost.
A S7.60 suit for $5.00 .
Our $10.00 and $12.00 suits for $7.50.
Our $ lfi.OO and S18.00 suits for $10.50.
17fi men's overcoats mellon beaver antI
kersey , In blue black and brown , sizes 3t to
38 , the kind we sold fcr $7.60 and $8.fiO , now
$ G.71j.
Very line kersey overcoats , extra long ! and
medium m lengths halt satin back antI satin
sleeve lining : the kind all stores get $18.00
and $20.00 for ; now at less than wholesale
price , $12.7G.
All wool pants , worth $4.fiO , at $2.7G.
Doys' pants , very fine all wool knee pants
wcrth 85c. at fiOc.
Books at cost. $ G.OO encyclopedias $1.00
each. $3.00 encyclopedias ! SOc cllch. Juvenile
book ! lc each. All popular 12 mo. books
lEe each.
1,000 dozen handkerchiefs Gc each : $1.00
handkerchiefs only I SOc ; U.OO man In mon
mirror , GOc ; ladles' comb brush and mirror
set , 49c. All photograph albums at actual
For Christmas Goo'ls.
MAX M1Elt & Ulto. CO.
'holcs\10 : jewelers . 11th RlIII Fnrnam SIM.
Announcement : having ! sold our entire
stock of musical merchandise to hayden
Bros. of this cIty we will \ hcreafter confine
our business to wholesale jewelry exclush'el
In our present stock arc many handsome
articles purchased for the cIty trade and
unfit for wholesale stock , which will \ be sold
this week at retail at less than cost.
Max Meyer & Co. will continue the whole-
sale cigar business at 1018 Farnam St.
- - - -
flee lIurlllll'tol1 touto's l'ergonmmily Cou-
duct d IXClirslonM
to California leave Omaha every Thursday
morning. -
Through to San FrancIsco and Los Angeles
without change.
, Cheapest antI best way of reachIng any
point In Colorado , Utah or Ca1lrornla.
Tickets and advertising matter lt 1324 . Far-
nam street. .
M. J. Bowling , city passenger agent. i :
ChrIstmas nlllt New roars Excursions : ; ,
Everywhere on the Northwestern lne' ( s'
within 200 miles for one and one-third fare
Go Dec. 22 , 23 , 24. 2G , 31. Jan. . . Come ! back
'any time up to Jan. 2.
City office 1101 Farnam st. '
Samuel Burns has just received an In-
voice ot cut glass which should have , been , '
hero a month ago , and has marled It at
prices that will close It out this weelt. An
elegant ciralTe for $3.75 , formerly $ G.OO.
. .
The A1l1hord , .httc1 , .
Is ranking special rates to permanent
boarders. Tabe : the best In the cll ) ' . '
J. E. MAUKEL & SON Proprietors.
Dedel InstItute of Blair . , Neb. , Is the best
and only guaranteed cure or the liquor morB
r > hlno and tobacco habit.
- -
New Theater Cortnln.
While the details ot the plans for the
now theater are not yet ready . for thee publ'c
the new building Is an assured tact. Manager
Durgess Is to have a twenty-year lease , work
Is to be commenced CII April I , 1895 , and the
new amusement temple Is to b3 ready for
dedication on August 15. It will be an enw
ti rely new building and thoroughly modern
In i every re pect. l\Ianag Burgess feels re-
owed now that the question of a new theater
Is finally settled and he Is at the oplnlcn that
the settlement of the question will greatly
Improve I his present season's business Th2
location h has not yet been announced , though
It i Is about settled that the building will be
on Farnam , west at Fifteenth street
_ - _ _ , -
Miner Court ' Matters.
JUdge neysor : took 'tho claim of Mrs.
George Dennett against Douglas county for
services as matrcn r.t the Jail from the jury
and heard the arguments. A decIsion will
be given 'before the close , of the term
John Haldeman Is seeking to recover $1(1,000 (
from the Union Stock Yards company of
SOllth Omaha He was employed by the
company and sent upon a .frel"ht " , car to un-
load l It. While at work an engine switched
Ihe t car knocking Haidelll : to the ground
He lost a leg by the aCcident. The case
Is i 'beng : heard before a Jury In JUdge Key-
sor's court <
o -
For coughs and throat disorders use Drown's
Bronchial Troches. "I a\'e never changed my
mind respecting them , except I think better
ot that which I begin thinking well of.-
Hev. lIenry Ward ! I3eecimer Sold only In
b oxes. .
. . .
- -CT - .
l'J IlSU".I1. I'.l Rd ( JJC.1 J'JlS.
J. Roscnberg Is Ilomlclled at time Barker
C. E. Moore Sheridan , Wyo. , Is at the
J. F. Wellington ot Pine Rldgo is at the
J. A. Partridge and wife Durango Colo. ,
are at the Millard
John Peters of Albion registered at. the
Millard last ovenlng.
Albert Butler has taken rooms at the
Barker for the winter.
rank and Ernest FIsher , prominent noel :
county rallehmen , were In the city yesterday
with several 101l1is of cattle which they sold
at South Omaha.
At the Mercer : E. S. Peffer , , Chino , Cal. ; ;
F. Ii . Parsons , Sioux City ; F. I E. MclCerby
lJureharl1 ; O. A. Eastman , Chicago : P. W.
Seers Havennll , Neb ; O. 11. Swingley ,
Beatrice ; S. A. Davis , Sioux City : W. 11.
lIultgoen , DetroH : P. K. Lang India nola , ,
la. : n. 11. Foster Minneapolis : James M.
llvaus I . Chicago ! ; J.P. Allen , Philadelphia : ,
l'a : F. lCondele , Wahoo ; T. K. Long , V'almoo
1'Ie.bru ' k ' , I ut iii . Hotels
At Iho : \tlllnrd-J. J. Bonl'leeellcr , Sutton :
\V . H. Htrteter Aurora : ' 1' . . \ . Brooks ,
I1uzllu : 'Ullsj ; llwurfl Up.oike ltnr'nrtI
At the Pllxton-W. N. Hlchnrdson , fled
Cloud : H. H. liosve howe : " ' . C. Estes ,
Nt'lIgh ; 11. A. Small , Howllrd Bailey . Keur- I
IIcn ; O. O. h1etmihy Siromsburg.
At the . \rcudW. 11. HJe : : , " 'a'ne : E. 'IV .
Justin , GI'ulIt hlallll : Charles Hullnrl' , Ne-
hrusklCII > "I F. llttlhgreem Iloldrege' " , J. M.
Ilermoan Orlando ; John Martlll , Alliance .
At the rchanls-H. . e. Sllauldllll , Onl ;
John Ashley )
) , lJeeutur : George Crowell ,
Lyons ; H. M. Simons , LIncoln : I' ' . H. lIeul'r-
loan , Arlington ; C. L' . Gootlricli Cellar
Haplds , ' ; James 1 iimmssett I'lIplillon : James
Forbes 1IYllnllls : H. H. Kimciti . IIInghum :
J."r. . Lander . ATl'ulIa : J. II . Cln'ges
Sidney ; W. O. McGlIhle , imperial
. .
- - -
Nebraska . In ( : hlclI/o.
CHICAGO , Dec. 19.-Spcclal ( 1'elegram- )
At Chicago hotels : Palmer House-I.'rank
Murphy Mrs. 'I' . B. Cumming Miss Hamil-
ton C' . N. Ilctz Omaha' n , J. Collman
Ilea trice. Cllrton-Jumes h. Cook , Harrl-
son AUllltorlum-Jo'rllllk A. Kemp , Onsithmn
Grand I'lIclllc-J. O. Johnson. John llickg ,
Omnalmie GorlJ'II-A. I. . Smith South Omaha ;
N. itt . Glbsun , Clark : itir and Mrs. J. O.
JII ) ' . LtimcobnVelllngtonMr . and Mr ! , .
NV . Peters Omaha . .
- - - - : - . _ - ; * ,
! to of the Grandest Bl\rgai k in Holiday
Presents Ever Qffered.
_ , ION
- .
-p.- ,
eaten Store . the .Ono >"bllU1ont In
Onmisiii " Whose 'Rclilties to IIl\bdlo 'Jrowd *
-\\'hl\so Auortmont ' Oood II and '
Extremely Low l'rlccs 1'lenso Mi. '
Chenille table spreads , w'orth $1.GJ ) , go at
08 ) c. , I
I.al1les' silk undcieklrts , worth $5.00 , go , at
$2 .08. .
Ready made heavy flannel tea gowns , worth . ,
. 3.S0 , go at $ I.DB. '
Silk throws , tinsel embroldtred . ! antI fringed
Ivorlh $1.00 , go at 60c. ' .
Ltldles' all silk mittens , fiincy backs ; go at
i I cc.
Ladles' lined kid mittens and gloves with
fur , toP , worth up to $2.00 a pair , go at 760
a nd 98c. .
Silk dress patterns contaIning 12 yards ,
i In all colors , go at $4,98 for nn entire pattern
Wool dress goods Tn patterns , In broad-
cloth , ladles' cloth , covert anti fancy novelties -
ties , In black and colors , enough for an en-
t tire pattern , go on our front bargain square
at $ l.9S and $2.50. '
Purses amId pocketbooks , with sliver mount
Ingg I , worth UI to Sl.fiO each , ge ( at 25c and
3 5e. '
Ladles' silk \ sIlver mounted garters , worth
up to SOc a pair , go at 25c .
Nice large size all silk mUffiers , worth up
to $2.00. go at fiOc. . .
Sill embroidered chiffon handllerchll.'rs ,
worlh 'mtp ; ' ' to 36c , , go , " at Sc.
Very heavy twilled silk mufflers , worth liP
to S2.&O , go at J8c. ! .
I.adles' Swiss embroidered Initial handlter-
chiefs , worth lip to 35c , 10 at lOc.
G.OOO chlldr.en's handkerchiefs , In plain
white and fancy borders , worth up to 25c
each , 10 at 5c. i .
Thousand at Japanese silk embroidered
handkerchiefs , worth up to $1.00 , goIt / lOc ,
lfic and 25c.
Hundreds of fancy silk and feather tans ,
worth IIP.tO $2.0 , go at SOc and D8c.
Ladles' or gents very line quality sllle um-
brehlas worth up to $ G.OO each , go at $1.75
and $2.GO.
Opening evenings till Christmas ,
N. W. ' Cor. 16th and Douglas
- .
Via tile Uocle Ishll\lt-Hlrtcst ; ! Line anti
Fastct Tint , .
To all poInts In Kansas , Oklahoma Indian
Territory . Texas and all points In southern
California. Only one night out to all points
In 'J.'exas. The "Texas Limited" leaves Oma.
ha at 5:1G : a. m. dally except Sunday , landing
passengers at all points In Texas 12 hours In I
advance of all other lines. Through tourist
cars via Ft. Worth and EI Paso to Los An.
eeles. For full particulars maps tolder ,
etc. , ' call at or address nock Island tlclee : S , .
office , 1602 Farnam st.
. - - .
Now OnlRhl1.ll1Iltell Trllln.
On and after Sunday , November 4. thE
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul "electrle
lighted limited' will leave Omaha at 6 "
m. , arriving In Chicago at 9 a.m. nemem-
ber this train carries dlnner a In carte.
C. S. CARRIER , Ticket Agent.
150-t Farnltm St.
. _ -
. .
- Netv I'h\llo 111ao.oo. .
, Wo have decided to coRe out , 20 Sohmer
McPhallr-and . Everett planmf at wholesale t
cost plus freight. No such oller : was ever :
made before In Omaha. See these pIanos before -
fore buying " , elsewhere. Open evenings. F .
F. Ford , 150S Dodge str el. r
. ' \ ' .
. 4" , ' . . _ '
\'otorIUl8 r thee LateWaStiilhibarot1 : i b'y
the ( : on..rlll ( Joverllule ' it.
WASHINGTON Dec. 19-Sjeciah-Pen- ( )
slons granted , Issue of December G , wet :
Nebraska : Original-WIlliam Steele , Nec
raska City . Otoe ; John "tVroan , licenser
CuminS' . Adllltlonal-Lorenzo Dean , jr. ,
South Omaha , Douglus : William D. Leach ,
endiey J.o urnas , Addltlon..J-charles D.
N obles . Plattsmouth , Casso Increae-Geor !
D. Parsons , Hooper nOelg-c. Original wIllows -
ows , .etc.-Victoria E. Jacox , Thunnan ,
Iowa : Orlglnal-Frldolln Blumer Shelby
SI\elb ' : John U. Morse , Kellogg . Jasper.
A 10nal-\'lIIlam Fields , Pacific Junction -
tion , 111 II Is. Increase-Jeremiah Dunn , 1mws
l ayvllle , Puge. Helssue-Noah C. Stutts ,
K eosauqua . Van Buren. Original wll1ews ,
etc.-l\lInervn. A. Crandall , Bacon , 111 a-
htlsktl : Sarah Orin , Des Moines : I'ohk : Eliza-
beth Hlns-aman"Lebanon. Van Duren : Sarah
Klnlead i , Sioux City , \Voodlmry. Mexican
war IHII'vlvors : Increase-John J. Cool ,
Council Bluffs Pottnwattamle.
Wyoming : SUJ1plemenlal-James P. fleece ,
DIg Horn , Sheridan HlJlssue-Thomas , , , .
L aw . Cheyenne , I.arnmle.
South , Dakota : SUIplemental-Harrlson J.
Hod , Mitchell , Da vlson. Itenewal and In-
creuse-Edward II. Springer , Sturgis Meade.
Helssue-Jachnrlas Ester , tlscensed \ , Vermillion -
lion l , Clay.
North Dakota : OrIginal-Hiram linynes
Grafton , \Valii. !
Colorado : Orllnal-Clltlrles , : t1. Libby
Denver Arnl > uhoe. Adllltlonni-Lawrence
J . Footman , Pueblo , Pueblo.
LOCAL Jl1l1 J'1.1'lEY.
Dorn-To Mr. and Mrs. harry Evans , 2GW
Durdotte street , 011 the 17th Inst. , a daughter.
There will be a meeting ct the Municipal
leaue l ! at tim Commercial club rooms this
e vening to discuss charter revision mat-
ter . The meeting will bo addressed by
A. P. Tukey , Alfred Millard anti , others.
The chief of police of St. Joseph has Issued
a card , offerIng " , A reward at $100 for the apprehension -
prehension of C. H. ' Davis , alias Denton , alias
Coulter the man who swindled the St.
JoseIlh bankers . by means cf rased ! drarts.
In spLe.ct the general disposition of prop-
erty owners to avolll laying permanent side-
wallts , a good deal ot permanent walk has
been laid this fall The last estimate In
f aver ot time contractor nmouned 10 I,71G.4S.
Mrs. It. [ 0' . Ho:1gln received a telegram to-
day anne Jnclng Ihe ( serious Illness of her
father f , D Connell who resIdes at Gladhrooke ,
11\ IIIrs. Hodgin went to Gladbrooke last
The appraisers who were appolhted to lIe-
termlne time damage to property owners on
account oJ' the opening of Charles street from
Seventeenth street to Sherman avenue have
/ filed their report , which places the damages
at. $0,000.
The final stlrnate has been allowed for
grading Hckory ! street frolll 'I'hlrtysecond
avenue to Thirty-sixth street and Thlrt ) ' ,
third street from \Voolwortie avenue to Center -
ter street The amount Is $2,439.43 In favor
of Alfred Dralni\rd.
D. I. . . Ander/lon's / grocery store at 3101
Ames avenue was reported as having been
burglarized Tuesday night. 'rhe burglars cut
1\ hole In the back door and carried away
about $100 worth of groceries and rqbbed
the money drawer of $25 In castm
Itasmussen's sh03 shop neal' Elevrnt4 and
Jackson streets was burglarized Tl.esday
Highest lIonorB-World'.1 Fair.
DR. :
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder , P1t ?
torn Ammonia , Alurnorany other adttItifV
night and sevrraltlPl\lrs ot IIhoes were taken
Isaac M. Clark > of hlaigher Neb. . hall
written to Chief En""y BIlking for Information -
hen regarding blrllnf\ooyear-old son , who ran
away from homedutJ March.
The funeral of thehate Mu. Sarah Holmes
wife of Dr. Holme'.4wlll be held from the
fnmlly resIdence , 11108 ( Douglas street at 1
o'clock this aUI'1'OOOI1. ' Hev. Dr. lIelllng1
of the FIrst Baptist church officiating. The
Interment i will belat ! Forcst . Lawn cemetery
A complaint hn been flied / against Jack
Woods , the Cut.Orr"lake saloon keeper chargIng -
Ing h him with Iarcnyas bailee. Time com-
I Inlnant Is a gun dealer on Twent.fourth
s treet . who allegC8 : t bat he let Jack take a
gun a month agoumd' ' hall since been unable
10 t recover his property
The final uthnale"ln favor of E. D. Van
Court & Co. for paving ! the Intersection of
Fortieth and hamilton streets hall been with-
belch by thee city council on account of complaints -
plaints i that Iho contractors have neglected
to t replace the sidewalks which were torn lip
In i laying tIme pavement.
The charges against Councilman Holmes
antI James Leonard , who hall a . light last
Sunday over the construction of a building
near Twenty-rourth and Lake streets , were
dismissed In the police court yesterday afternoon -
noon as neither of the complainants would
appear agaInst the other.
Articles of Incorporation have been flied /
at the Omaha and Missouri River Trans-
portation COlllllan Time Incorporators arc :
M. Nelson C. IL Stastny 'and Edward Em-
mons , three St. Louis gentlemen who pro-
pose to build 1\ line : ot Illeasure boats to run
between Omaha ansI : lUvervlew park and
other Pleasure rcsolts.
A good deal of mall Is being ! received at the
city hall from eastern cities for John Hedell ,
"chief of the lire "
department. John Is not
In time city nor has he yet been appointed ,
but many of time firemen believe that Corn-
missioner Hariman has practically hired
Hedell to take charge of tIme dellartment.
Mr. Hartman left for New York ycstrday.
John Nehne'er , the man who sued Jim
Stephenson for S25OOO damages for having
a leg broken In a runaway last spring was
arrested Tuesdny on time charge ! of drunk'
enness. lie was arraigned yesterday
and pleaded not gllllt . claIming that It was
a piece of spite work to Injure his character
allli hurt his Interests In his damalo ult.
W. It. Hobbs has filed a claim against the i
city for S257.23 for damages alleged to hnve
been sustained by reason of an excavation I
In the street at Nineteenth and Corby lit r
claims that he was driving on Nineteenth :
street one dark night when a portion of the I
pavement gave way. His horse stepped Into )
the hole antI he was thrown from the bUlgy
and severely brulsell. The buggy was alto
JoVles was nt the police sJatlon ycsler-
lay to file a complaint against D. Sachsse
for assault and baltery. Ho says that lie
paid Sachsse some money to get a. case con
tinued In Justice Montgomery's court In
South Omaha , anti yesterday he round out
that thee case had ) not been postpqtJell. lie
says that he then went to Sachsse's office
and demanded that the money be returned 1
and was assaulted
An attempt was made to burglarize 1\Iall I
Carrier Klenlcc's house at 1248 South Six
teenth street Tuesday night during the absence
of .the family. The burglars succeeded In
cuttlimg ! a. . panel out or the door and were
about to enter when a pet dog took n hand
In the mailer and tore a big piece of cloth
from the person ot one of the thieves. The
thieves got nothing" for theIr trouble , tit C
dog frightening themuway.
It has now been nractlcally decided by a
caucus of the republican members of the city :
council that Edwards .wlll bc the next pre
siding ! officer at Jest ( lorganlzatlon. The next
thing In order Is' the ! ! hustle after the chair
manships of the most , Important comnmnitteem
The prospective president has given out no
slate tItus . early Il11the day , but It Is under
stood that Mr. DeehellwllI head the commit
tee on viaducts and lIroad8.
A man who has"been working around the
Home ct the Good'Shepherd came down town :
Tuesday and went Into Hayden Dros. , whet
he boughtr'a bill tot carpenter tools and u
stove , leavIng the articles oharged to the a
'abovc named Institution. tHe . then d
th" n..noo , fl.n _ , , ' ' ' J ' , _ . . " . . s _ u' pawne . . _ _ _
. . . . . . "o. u" " 'I " "UU. . . , .C'HU 'HICCL , nun"
whcr01tbey , were' found yesterday : The ,
police/arc / lookln/'tor'thomall'but"are ! ; 'ot the
opinion that. he hasgone ovbr Into Iowa
1\050 \ HOlliday , an old clored man who
would make a good Uncle Toni , was brought
up In .the police court today to answer to the
charge , ot 'being drunle. . rHe came Int- the
station last night with a mild attack ! ot
snakes and asked that he be protectcd from
a crowd ot "nlggers" whom he said were
tryng : to do him up. lie was locked up tor
safu keeping and was let go by the judge , on
prmlslng not to look on the , amber colored
lIulds any more.
William Stone , a 14-'ear-old boy , who
says that he came to the city yesterday was
arrested last night by Officer Dillon on the
suspicion that he picked the pockets ot
Maggie lIuby , who lives at Fourteenth arm (1 (
Williams streets , while celia was standing In I
the crowd before the Boston store. The
woman claims to heave had $ GO wrapped In I
a red handkerchlet In her pocket. When
Stone was searched neither money nor the
handkerchief was found on his person.
V. D. Walker , ex-police court officer , wa
trleli In the police court yesterday alto r-
1I00n 1 on the ehargo of larceny as bails e .
When Walker was court officer he Is allege
to t have accepted $5 from John Mack a
colored man , who hall been lined for cii 5-
crderly cammduct 10 be appllell on the fin e.
Walker accepted the money , but It Is alleged
never palll 1\ cent of It Into the city for Iho
purpose It was intended Walker admitted
receiving the nioney but said that Ie was
not for the purpose of payIng ! Macle's fine.
Judge Derka reserved his decision In the ]
- - -
EKSTnOM-Alfrel1' ngecl 3 : ; years , Dec. Itt it ,
Emanuel h081111nl. Funeral ThllrsllllY att-
ernoon at 2 : ! o'clocl from Swanson & Va-
lIen'fI unllel'talelng rooms , cor. 171h Vmmcl
Cumlnlr siH. Friends Invited. Mr. I amIifl
was employed by Mr. Stone on West Far-
nam ect
: _ :
I\tt. Capes U I.DB
I . , lip.
j ' I'ur Coats 27.00
, , up.
I Cloth Coats $4.08U :
. up.
Baby Coats SOc
Sf : irmdu .
Ii I Planncletto " 'TIIU-
S ime.'rs7
S Child's Fur Zet
' 1.3B.
Fur ! tttmhIs . .tOe
.tOelIull lilt :
Fur Node SCllrf
$1.'JO : ! llil.
N ice dim tocimes
f 9.08 11)1. )
Lnellos' lIltH ! ;
tuItstLOO up.
1'\X'l'ON 1(1.0tH
, , ' , - -
- " . . . . . . , . . . , . ' "
( iuci A5AW I
: i ; -
. % , , !
'I ' 'I' '
For bllllelllll lip bndlll that hn\o lost
strength III 1\ long Atrllllln , .ltla disease .
I'or nil ages amid both MrS ! " . A boon to
coieviitescoimts "It welt 118 to nil , , .ho fcel
that thotr vigor Is I drellllill/ /
OH'I KuhN , U'I'1:1'lTI
: \ JZI'ST : ; : Ol I.U'I :
A true anti reliable tonic Unit hnlllAh"M time
h'U..IIIItorlu ! , triton "r old IlIlIrmll ) ' whllu
smst'ctemeg 01T lien at melts Intellt III Imet ntr
UrllJJlsu nn,1 grocers ; \vlll stop rocommonel-
1111 ( : "Iller thlllls It yon 1IIIIRt on hl\vllll
1) n IT"M.
For IlIuMlrlltrlt I\mllhlot : nelureM
nUfo'Jr11I'11' \\I111"1J CO. ,
It5)CIILSTIIII. N. \ ' .
Always Reliablc , Purely cgetable.
l'erfecthy tasteless . elegantly contCl' purge
regulate purity , cleanse anti strel1gthcn. UAD
'VAY'S l'lI.I.S for the cure at nil dlsorle.s ol
the Stomach. Doweh Kidneys . Hlnllder. Ner.
vous Diseases lMzxlness Vertigo Costlvenull ,
Piles .
and All Disorders of the Liver.
Observe the following symptoms. resulting frees
diseases ot the digestive ( orgnns : Constilintlon in-
word 1)lIes. fullness at blood In the lmeaa acidIty -
Ity ot the stomach nausea lieac-tburn . disgust
ot food fullness " at , weight at the 5t"noch. sour
ertictationme slnl"n& or l1utlerlng ot time heart ,
choklnlr , or suffocating tiensatlons when In a
i'ln& posture dimness or vision dots or webs
before the EIght fever anti dull Imln In the head
dellclency at perspiration , yellowness or time stile
nnll eyes pain an the aide chest limbs , and
sudden l1ushes or beat . burning In the lIesh.
A few doses ot U.\D"\Y'S 1'11.1.13 will tree
the system at nil the above coined disorders.
Send to DR. UADWAY & CO. . Lock Box : 3a.
New York. for hook at Ad\'lce.
D o. C TOR
t. . SEARLES &
, ( _ _ _ _ ,
, Chronic
' WE \CfYons \
/ - Private
; L : AND
: - - CUBE
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Treatmcnt by Mail , Consultation Frce ,
Cutarrh , all diseases of the I1US 1
Throat Chest.Stol11uch.I.iverHlood
Skill Dud Kidney discuses , Lost
-l\lnl1ltood \ Bud all Private Dis .
eases of Men
atl : 011 or address ,
Dr , Scarle & Searles uu Fiornam Street '
:0 : , Omaha , Neb
II produced by the CUT/cunA REMEnmas wIlen
oil other fall. They cleanse Iho
scalp of irritating scaly crusted '
antI blotchy hurnofO , sllmulolo
the hair tel icIc , mmnti destroy mi.
croseoplc 11IP1'cts which fee'Li on
the Imlr , anll hence \Jeceed \ when
the best ' I > h.lclons ami all other
remedies tail Sold throughout time world
Cl "
. s1l
Cures the effects at
felt-abuse. excesses .
emissions impotency , ,
varleoc'le anll ' cOII.lllla-
lion One dollnr n iox ,
six for $ 5. ; ; For sole by
CO. and LI'SLII : &
1.ESr.1I . Omaha Neb i
_ _ _ IS Tilt : ONLY
Wcnknos and Secret !
Every cure etuarcuiteed ,
20 years' oxpermenou .
B roars 'f ii' C maba.
/look i'reo.
11lth Am . I'arnanm He. . ,
OM.tIl.t. : NEh1. . :
. S
S1tTEH , iltOTiiER )
Eyes testell free Of charge
OPERA GLASSES , from $2.50 to $12.00.
CIIA'I'ErAINE . CASES. large varIety
An Elegant Line of Novelties
'IV I. Seymour our optician , has been
extrell\'h' successful In filling glasses to I
hundreds of the best people In the city.
Lenses Exehangell Free at Cimarge
The Aloe & Penfo1d Co. ,
l'OM Favuauz Stet
Opposite I'axlUu 1/ole / :
l ol' salu ; by all FLm'ct ; Class Doulors Munufacturod by the
Jo'uctory o. 30J , St. LuIMo .
A Molten Ulster
. ,
. -4 GILT EIGR'AT1UR NO. ii- : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- lIenllllll : theings nil In n bUllch _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _
- . - -alll't wo-woll , 11.19 just .hat , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . 1
wo prolillRel1 , you for Christ- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- . thlllgq IIInR-"OIl for leetedly shall IlIlvo nilY Inoncy nil good ! : lit _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = . 1
ull-so to "lIen Ie-nolle , well
- _ Yale . last WlJok Oil these $3 : ; anti by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'G.GO SUlls-dllln't wo ? ulld - ,
_ _ ' dldn't \fe fco,1 3'ttt royally on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ .
. . these to limit 25c you tIes into ' ? Now item ulster , wo'll try for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IItl10 or Itolh'n ' .
$4u00 A Shetland i
( Dccp Gl'CY Color )
( ' nt lcast $7.50) )
- A splendhl lOll ! : , wllrm amid _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , - _ _ _ _ _ _ l1uruhlo $ Iolloll ulstol' for 14.1)0 ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- - -"Into . color IIIIel l'IIqqhucro _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IIl1ed. CIIII't slIrely bol- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ \
- Tot ! n - _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tor one for 'i.M-Hero Is _ _ _ _ _ _
- UII- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
_ _ _ _ _ _ , . "
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
other ; lIt , edge \'uIIIO for yeA - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ A pretty dressy nllli warm
- ulsler for $11. ; ' , 11111110 of tlll\t -
woolly sniff culled hollulIIl ! ; -
- - c101l. . . bitted with blllJstilutlal , : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _
WOOl immaterial ail orllllilloutcd
_ - = with silk corl1ed 10(1) huclclo
- _ bucl.:1e : SUIIIO a9 . ormmmmcmmcmmts _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _
_ nil BII'oll coats Surely _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- - worth . lIIoro thnll U 10 dollar _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
huh. -
Ulster . $ .50 ,
. . .
Silk Corded
( Loop
IJucldcs )
( 'Vorth 11100"n $10) )
_ . , ,
- r . . . , .
I ,
fheu Toil " NoF- ; : - -
- Neither Do 'fhe1J8pin . "t : :
. - !
rTh5 . = YET =
I Solomon -
(7i ) 'I \ in all his glory
fE I \ \ ) ( was not arrayed
( j/\\A
I - ' Like one ofthcse = . ,
4kSUITSder I
I.J.$18 \
Y Qu'll be agreeably surp'riscd at the value
you'll receive. If you want the best , offer us
$25 - $28 or $30.
Do not compare our tailoring with the .
"shoddy" especially worked off at a low
- price by unscrupulous competitors. We
can't afford to offer you a mean style , poor
C workmanship or IIshoddy" cloth . .
, We protect you by returning your money .
if you're dissatisfied. '
, , '
Trousers $5 - $6 - $7 - $8 i
. _
. ,
From fabrics worth nearly ! double ,
'ji" i"
. l .
. . ,
, It
207 South Fifte'3nth Street.
. ' _ _ ' ' _ _ w -