- . - . 'r T _ 8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIlE OJ\lAIIA DAILY DEE : IDUESDAY , OEj\UJEn. : " IS , 18H. ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , . LOORiNG [ OVER ITS LEDGER - - Donrd of Education ! Oounts Its Money ana Mokes Estimates for the Fntnre DEFICIT AN ANNOYING REALITY ' tp.- ! - . - , pccla1 Icctln ! : to lie IIcltl to ConSIder the 8UnMIon - SUI'crlntcndcnt Morble All- "lIrs CRre In Cutting EspcIIscs- l'rlncllata' SalarlcsltcallJnstcll. - At Its regular meeting last evening the T Danrd of EduCAtion paid some attention to the financ'al condition of Omnha's schDol8. Sccretary Gillan presented 11 financial report based upon the most reliable data at. band and showed the board that the sebo 1 year would doss with a deficit of nl Icas . $65OOO. ' The board has ordered a complete and lie. . tailed repert of nil expeiidRres and will ; hold a special meeting next Saturday to lIltcuss the financial sltuntlon. It was voted to end the fall term next Friday Instead of next Monday. Secretary G lien presented a detailed finan. , clal statement , showing the receipts and ex . pendltures of the board from July 1 to December I , and giving an estimate of the probable resources and expenditures for the ' remaining seven months of the school year. Tim receipts , Including the am3trnt on lined In , the gmeral fund July. 1 . $30,277.71i , , amounted to $05,149.5. The disbursements amounted for the same period to $16 , OI2.37. The overdraft , ns shown by the above figures , , amounted , on December 5 , to 7076282. The receipts for the ( corresponding months In 1893 amounted to $69,278.21 , showing n railing air In receipts from tax : collections , police court fines ! allli state apportionment or , t,406.41. The secretary also called atten. - tlon to the fact that owing to n shrlnltnge ' I In the general school funds of the state the I seml.annual state apportionment due In the latter part or Ja'1unry. will show a shrinkage . ago of from $10.000 to $12,000. The secretary - : . tary estimates the receipts for the remaining months or the school year as follows : From saloon licenses $190.000 ; Irom tax collec" lone , $22,000 ; from police court fines , $9,000 : from state apportlcnment $12,000 ; from miscellaneous ! - cellaneous sources $6.000 ; total c/ltlmated / reo celpts , 239000. LOOKING AHEAD A I..ITTI.E. t The probable expendlturQjf for the remain- : lag months of the school year are estimated . ns follows : Six months , at $33,000 per month , $198,000 ; one month , no school In session , $6,000 ; Interest and exchange $30- , 000 ; to maIm up present deficit . 70762.82 : total , $304,762,82. These figures show a probable deficit on July 1 , 1895 , of 6576282. . . Apropos of Secretary Gillan's report Mr. . . GIbson submitted a resolution directing the r committee on finance to prepare a complete and concise statement of the operating ex- . Ilonses of the Omaha pUblic schools such statement to show only the amounts exPended - . ; . . Ilenlled for operating expenses , independent . of the money paul out as Interest on the bonded 'IHlebtellness. ' The resolution was allcpted , and lie board will hold a special . meeting next Saturday evening to consider , , the proposed rellort. , According to a resolution alTered by Mr. . Burgess the salaries of the princIpals or the . , Dodge , Windsor , Franklin . Forest und Pa- dOe schools were readjusted on the followIng - . Ing basis , as per resolution adopted two 'yeeks ago , as follows : Dodge Increased from $100 . to $110 per month , two rooms being added ; i' Windsor increased tram $80 to $85. one . room 2 E , added ; Franklin , Increased from $100 to $105 , ' one room allllell ; Forest . increased from $90 I to' $95 , one room added ; 1'aclc ! decrased , : . ' Ifrom $130 to- $110 , four rObms being discon- tinued. - : Dy another resolution the committee on ? . salaries was Instructed : to Investigate the . . lIuestion b'1prfnelpnls' salaIjs at the Da.ven- , port , Llncolw and Train ' scIfobls . there being . an apparent discrepancy between the salaries paId these principals and the salaries palll to . other principals having charge of the same number of rooms. : . . WANTS DIFFERENT REVENUE. . .I The board adopted the following resolu- ' : , ( ion . offered by Mr. Lowe : , t \Vherea/l , The public school interests or ; 11 ' " .thQ'stnte 'n'e "Paramount to 'nny other .dn- . - glo Interest ; und , 4- . . . , Whereas , Their support , more " "JII1rtlcu- ' 'larly In metropolitan cities , Is mrule 111'1- , manly and largely dependent upon reve- " , \ nlle' derlve from police lines and liquor f Ieenses , the inadequacy of which pource 1 : or revenue hall been fully demonstrated In c . - the past two years ; and : L ' . \Vhereas We believe the time Is at hand r when .the- people should determine whether . . the public school system shall longer be , , ( leD2IldOflt upon such an uncertain source of revenue and Its elllclency lie thereby Im- ; - palrell' therefore - Resolyed 'l'hat It Is the sense of the : Board of Education of the school district or 1 Omaha that the coming legIslature lie . - . , called upon to submit to n vote of the peo- . I , plo n proposition to amend the constitution " . of the stnto so ns to divert said tines und f > . lIcenses to polIce 01' other funds. , , CAUTION IN ECONOMIZING. i' Superintendent Marble submitted a lengthy : ; . . . : * report. lIy way or Introduction ho referred . : ; . , . feelingly to lie recent death or his daughter IV t S and the resolutions of sympathy adopted by . ' . 1.\ ; t'- the board His report was a general lIls- cUlIslon or the school situation In closing ; ho snlll : # , "In comparison with most other cities of 4 ; . ; . my acquaintance , it appears to mo that the , ( : citizens Of Omaha have enjoyed benefits in' - their excellent schoos : of which they have felt the burden very lIghtly It has cost money to elevate the schools thus but the , .method of raising the revenue has relieved ! $ r the taxpayera This standard or excellence . : . cannot be maintained without continued ex- ( . . pendltures , and the stringency of the times ( L will of necessity make the burden seem . , great. u 1\ "The school year has already been reduced " . one-tenth. mailing It necessary to crowd the worlt of ten months Into nine , allli Imposing ( ' I extra work emu teachers and liupils S . "Arter nil , the excellence of the schools In the last analysis Is due to the teachers Superintendents may be useful In suggest- hog and directing ; boards or e.lucatlon render . : elllclent all In all that pertains to manage- ment anti surroundings , but the teacher In contact with the Individual \ child -1s the : cmclent force In education , and the board ' . - send superintendent 110 their ( best work when ? they becuro a good corps or teachers In . ' order to do their best work these teachers L . must lossol8 enthusiasm , ambition , a tine \ : esprit Iln corps. The shortening of the ' ' ( school year : , anti after that the reduction or salaries , ns has been suggested , would t. ; ? , , strike n. . fatal bow at our schools , It seems to me. L "Again , hero are various Improvements , Introduced here In recent years , such as .t' iave ! been olloptell In all Ilrogressive communities - , " munities , tIme kindergarten : , music drawing manual training , physical cullure ( , ete. . and ( ) ach or these has an In"uence outside of - o our I18rtlcnlar sphere and vastly wider , nn ' influence which there Is not hue hero to ; 1IIsCU&l. The cost at nil these Is small In . comparison with the total expense of the , schools , and they give tone and character : . to the educatIon of the cIty . It woulll be t . another fatal blow to our schools to elimInate - - - Inate anyone of them . L "Now , there Is danger , II seems to me . : that In the stress of the ( times great harm . . may bo done by a too sudden spasm of economy and the work of many year ! may be destroyed In a single year We may t lose In one year what It will take hair a ' : score or years to regain It Is better tor the community to endure a little pecuniary : - . . : hardshlll than to jeopardize our schools , and . are not the parents here ready for some sac. rifice In the Interest or the rising genera- tlon oc children T Pavements antI streets : , sidewalks and water works may watt For the cblldren the golen hours are passing , : never to return. " i. , a - . . , Never a taint oc adulteration Is found In : Dr , Prlco's flaking Powder The very ca- i acneo or Ilurlly. I . I' Took In Two CoulterfllltcT" , COLUMIIIJS 0. . Dee 17.-Wllllnm S. Strubnugh and William Dowcl'll were nr- : . ; . I rested at TIlIln today by United States u officers for passinm anti having In their pas , sessloll counterfell mmuoney . I - " l , Bale ot seats for "Virginius" opens Wednes. - . day' < < morning at box chive of layt's ! theater -L _ MAX MEYEIL & Dno co 'holelale Jeweler hilt mind Earnam Streets . ANNOUNCEMENT. havIng soil our entire stock or musical mercll1nlllso to Hayden Dros. of this city 1I'e will hereafter confine our business to WHOI.ESALE JEWELIlY EXCLUSlVE1Y. In our present stock are many handsome articles purchased for the city trade amid unfit for wholesale tock which will be Bold TillS \VEEK AT REThlL AT LESS THAN COST. MAX MEYlm & CO. will continue the wholesale cigar business at 10)S ) Farnam St. . YDINS' , TOY Ula\1tTlII : NT. Bargain ! Dolt Counters ot ltc , llo nUll 2lJo TllrsllllJ' Prices of dolls knocked cut for Tuesday ; our new counters of Sc dolls contullt slightly damaged dolls worth up to 60e. DOI.LS , 15C. On thIs counter choice of blsk , Indestructible - ble anti kill body dolls , worth up to SOc , some of these are $1.00 dolls , slightly soiled DOLLS , 250. This counter will bo'replenlshed tomorrow with big ! SOc and 7lic Iiolh , all perfect , French ! Jointed itatent dolls worth $1.00 , and kill body ' dolls , worth 6Se , nil at 25e. mmsslm DOLLS , 48C , $1.28. 2 special lois , the 481. ones are reduced from $1.00 and U.50 and the $ L,28 from $2.0 , $3.00 and ' 3.0. mON TOY DAROAINS. 33i per cent taken off these Iron toys and all our deslts , blackboards furniture , rocking horses cut In prices HOCKING hORSES , G5C. These are the $1.00 quality ( ntlll another nt 75c , worth $1.50 ; our stock of toys Is nil new and complete The only place In Omaha to find novelties and new stock. hAYDEN DnOS. . S'l'\TE 1It1t10.\TIUN ASSU01AT10oi Itoarmmoy December nUll bum For thIs Important convention the Union Pacific will sell tickets nt the rate of one rare for the round trip. Tickets on sale December 17 anti 18 , limited to December 21 for return trip. Men prominent In the Irrigation question will Ie : lresenl ) and address tIme convention. All the latest improvements In Irrigation machinery will be on exhibition. This convention - vention will prove a liberal education am the subject of irrigation ! In nil Its branches. BAlmy I' . DEUEL , City Ticket Agent 1302 Farnam St. . TillS Duuwr SOUTIUmoi Ilocrc Via the Hocl Islol1ll- hortelt Llno nud Fastest Tlnll' To all points In Kansas Oklahoma , IndIan Territory , Texas and all poInts lu southern Callrornla. Only one night out to all points In Texas. The "Texas Limited" leaves Orna- ha at 6:15 : a. m. daily except SUllllay , landing passengers at all points In Texas : 12 hours In advance of all other lines. Through tourist cars vIa Ft. Worth and EI Paso to Los An. eles. For cull particulars , maps , foldert etc. . call at or address Rode Island ticks : cities 1602 Farnam st. CHAS. KENNEDY , G. N. W. P. A. . IESEmiEItS XOVnSIUN VIa Chicago Rock : Island 6 Pacific Ry. . December 18 tickets will be on sale to all poll1ls In Kansas , Colorado Indian Territory , Oklahoma nod Texas nt n rate or one rare for the roulld trip , plus $2.00 , tickets good for return passage 20 days rom date of snle. For mill particulars call at or address Rock Island Ticket Olllce , 1602 Farnam street. Chares Kennedy , G. N.-W. P. A. . IIARVIIST EXCURSIONS SOUTZ "Ii , thin Wob".h U. 8. On November 20 , December 4 and 18 , the Wabash will sell tIckets at one fare. with $2 adllell. , For tickets 01' a copy of thc ' Hem seelters' Guide ; call , at Wabash oihlce 1502. Fnritnm street or write. G. N. CLAYTON N. W. P. Agt Omaha. . Cheap Hotes _ to Cite 'Vclt. On , December 4.and 18 the Union Pacific will sell ! fIrst classroupd trip tickets to all points In Kansas , Nebraska , Colorado Wyoming - ming and Utah al a rate of one standard first clAss fare for the round trip plus . $3. Rend 'of wonderful profllerlly Of the Irrigated ills- trlcts aong'the ! ' the of the Union Pacific and : : take this oppartunlty 'to See for yoursolf. For further information , ifescriplive printed . .matter , time tables : etc. : , call on or address r ur : nearest , Ickel ! agent or , 11. P. .DEUL , C. T. A. U. P. System , 2.302Farnam St. . 9maha. . ' flue nurllngtoll Houto's l'crlolll\Jly Can- duetI'd Excursions to California leave Omaha every , Thursday morning. Through to San Francisco and Los Angeles without chlIIge. : , , Cheapest . and bct way of reaching any point In Colorado , Utah or Cnllrornla. Tickets and advertIsIng ! matter at 1321 Far- nam street. M. J. Dowling , city passenger agent. , . Cheap FnrmluJ Lnnr18. The Missouri Pacific raIlway will sell 1J0mcseekers excursion tickets .to points south on December )8 , at one taro ( plus $2.00) ) for the round . trip. For particulars enquire at compnny.s 0111cc N. E. Cor. )3th and Farnam , or ut depot , )5th and Webster streets. TIJOS F. GODFREY , J. O. PHILLIPPI , Pass . & Tkt Agt. A.O.F.&P.A . . . , Now Omlha I.lmltetl Tr1\111. On and after Sunday , November 4 , till Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul "electric' lighted limited' will leave Omaha . at G p. m. . arriving In Chicago at 9 a .m. Romemu- bee this train carrIes dinner ' a In carte. C. S. CARRIER , Ticket Agent. 1504 1.'arnam St . Time Millard hotel Is making special rites to permanent boarders. Tnbo : the best In the city. J. E. MAHKEL & SON , Proprietors . "Vlrglnlus" wIll be given In n grand pro- duction at Doyd's Thursllay evenIng for bene- fit of the Associated Charities. Scats all sale Wednesday 1II0rning nt box office . Dedel Institute of Blair , Neb. . Is the best and 'only guaranteed cure of the liquor mol" phlne and tobacco habit. - " S IIlallllll haiti 1o\Yly. The Board of Fire and Police Comnuis- sloners heltl another executive session yesterday - day forenoon amiti remained behind closed doors unlll long past the dinner hour The fire chief question , whch : has occupied a good deal of the ( time of the members during the past week , was the subject of time delibera- tlons. 'V. ' A. Paxton was closeted with the commluloners for over all hour , and It Is un- derstoOlI that : \ he auntie vigorous demand , on the part or several heavy property ) owners , for the retention of Acting Chief Salter at time head of the department Like the Ilrevl- ous meetings , no lIr-al action was taken , and the commissioners wOllld only say that noth. lug had been done. The board will meet again this afternoon nt S ! : i o'clock , when It Is expect a chief will be appointed . All other baking powders arc shown by the World's fair anti California Mlllwlnter fair reports to bo Inrerlor to Ir l'rlce's In purity , atrcngth and excellence. S IIrotl..r In ( ; ourt. Chris Specht was arrested on a warrant sworn out by Gorse Specht , charging him with assault and battery , Ohrls appeared before Judge Derka and sold that he was guilty In 110 tar as striking George was can. cerned , but he alleged that the latter hud been wrillng him threatening letters , de- mending money which was not due \ hihimu lie exhibited a number of these letters to the judge and said thut on rlllay evening be entered a car and found hits brother here The latter began making tun of Chris amid this was snore than his councilmanic dignity could stand so be proceeded to start u riot at once George has a pair of very black eyes us a conoequenee. Spechit was dilieharged. 14X ' , a , For coughs and , throat disorders usa Drown' Bronchial Trochea 1I1\"e' ' never cbanged my mind respecting them , except 1 think better at that which 1 begin thinking well of.- Itey henry Ward hieecher Sold only In boxes . ' " 5- . . . . , . . . , . _ - . _ _ . . .4 - - , or CHILD SOLD TO TilE INDIANS Seven.Year-Old Wbito Boy Rola' a Snlvc by a Degraded Tribe DESTINED TO BE CIIIEF OF THE TRIBE Titenty Wins Already Sclectcl1 for the XOllllllltor and All Honor Sho\1'n hUm -Mel's 1101111 Taken to ltcscuo time LOll. VICTORIA , D. C. , Dec. n.-At Ouklnsh Inlet , on the west. coast of Vancouver island , between lyuquolt anti Cape Scott Arthur Hellinger , a 7.yenr-tld whlto boy Is held liS , a slave. Ills owner nllli master Is Chief Tltlouso oC the ChuckhseU tribe , who ptmr- chased the lad n few weeks ago for $90 cash , expecting to rear the youngster mind Inculcate the traditions of the trIbe so that he may become the heath and founder tf a new and strong Chuclllesett nation. The lad was seen by a number of sealing captains who went to the west coast to sign Indian ) hunlers and who found the boy I tattooed , painted auth garbed In tim costume ' of the young brave amid enthronell In the chle's house at Oull1nsh. Chief Tltlollse cx- plalnell thnt his tribe was rapidly becoming extinct antI It would be the boy's great mission to avert ( lila . He wOIIIIl , the Indian promised , be well carel\ for and allowed 10 wnnt for nothing. He had bean brought Into the trIbe but not to toll. Already twenty ' wives had been selcctell ( for him , lie number allowed to the greatest chief The boy telcl , the captains thmat he hind been solll by a mail claimIng to be his father , bill he Is believed to have been hid- 1 napped from Scnttlc. He says his name Is Arthur. He Is terror-stricken among the Indians , who are the lowest type of aborigines on the Pachfic ! coast Time prev- Inclnl lIOIIc3 arc taIling steps to rescue the lad. _ _ _ S _ _ _ - flakIng powder ) keeps milch better when tIme cans are not quite filled . Yet time powder , should always bo full weight , as _ Is Invariably the case wllh' Dr. Prlce's. . WITH A SEARCH LIGHT. . - Men from Minnesota ' Lookhmmg ! VII Some Uccorll8 to'VIO In Court. Interested parties have been In ( lic city the ( past week securIng evidence to bei , used In the breach or promise sulL of 1\lrs. Stein against Clarence Saulspaugh at Manka , 1\Ilnn. The suit Is bringing some racy developments - velopments to light. Doth or these parties ' were resillmts of Omaha In 188S. Mrs. Stein was then lie wife of a man named McNamara. She went out Into society for ' a time , but soon stories began floating around which caused the doors or time polite world to become - closed against her. She then ( met I Saulspaugh , who was quite dashing young ' man In those palnuy days , and for him she forsook her husbamid , who afterwnrds secured a dl\'orce. She drifted down In the social vortex , nnlIt Is , alleged that she was on intimate terms vlth men about town. Then she and Saulsp ugh left Omaha and went to Minnesota : , where he afterwards fell heir to a large fortune ! including a large hotel. He ran the ! ! hotel and 1\Irs. Stein was Installed as housekeeper. They went out Into so- ciety , and rumor had It that they would get married. But occasionally soma of her former friends and acquaintances would stop at the ( hotel , and knowing the woman's history - tory , made remarks which caused Sauls- p : ugh's relatives to oppose any union with the woman. After getting control of his fortune the young rounder concluded to' settle down , and became engaged to an estimable young lady of Mankato. As soon a-s Mrs. : . Stein heard of this she commenced breach , of promise proceedings for the 8uln.or' $60.9.00. ' Tim case Is now on trial , and the visitors to Omaha arc looking up the woman's record while she was a resident of this clly. . Coolt's , Jtra Dry Imperial Champagne has a delicious aroma 11 Is perfectly pure and naturally rel'mentell. . l'lUlSU.vIL PAJLI Glf.41'JI& - Fred Dostrom Is registered ut the Dark ' from Lincoln. W. 11. Dccltwlth , Evanston 'Vyo. , Is registered at the Paxton. H. J. 1l1chards and wife are registered ut ( lie Barker from Davoimport Ia. F. D. Kinney end D. J. Drebert of South Omaha are registered at the Barker Colonel E. Butler of Miles City 1\Iont. . has taken up quarters again nt , the Barker < holel. - , Prof. W. P. Jenney and wife and J. M. Moore of aplll City S. D. . are Pnxton gues ts. - ' John N. Westborg , deputy city 'comPtro lcr , left last night for a three weeks' trip. LD Salt Lake and other western points Charles A. Miller Miss Nellie Sennett Thomas II. Sellgwlek and Thomas P. hair or the Prodigal Father company are at lie Darker. Chief Clerk J. W. Fend of time city trens- urer's olllce has returned from a It/lp / to Canall ; 'whero he was calle'd by the lleath- or his brotb r. - . , . E. -10. . DIllon and Dyr . ; Nelspn of hosin , Boyd .counly , Neb. , af'n ! ' tIme - clty-anll : stop- ping it the Arcalle. 'Fimey- arc here to bbtaln- asllsta'nee ! Cram the citizens of . the metropolis ! for the destitute people of their county. . The ! suffering ( In lloyd county Is cxlremonll' ! \ ' many or the farmers will reoulre. assistance . , to prevent actual starvation At tlte Mcrcer : W. N. Deklter , Chicago ; C. 1\1. Cranl' ' Canton , 0. ; A. I. . . Heed , Massachusetts ; V. C. Shlckley , Nebraska ; C. S. osselman , 1'rtlallll : ; J. H. pean. . Pocatella , Idaho ; A. M. Chamnberialn New ) Yorlt ; C. 0 , Carpenter , Abllel1o ; 0 , 11. Swingley. Beatrice ; Gb.rge Scribmuer Beatrice : A. J. Gnstlll , Canton , 0. : J. 11. Cryer , Cremolla Farpu : J. P. But , Aurora : C. R. Williamson. Chicago : C. Ii. Winslow , Craw- ford ; L. S. elley , ChIcago ! : Ira Mallory Grand lslallll ; A. H. HUBS , Phoelllx : ; Charles W. Shlvel , St. Iiuis ; W. S. Deasher , 110111- ; rege ; U. Crovel Frelllontj F. l { . Moody , Kansas City. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' Nobrll8kRII' al tllo 1I0tllls. At the 1.1 III a t'll-F. C. eh..ung . , Lincoln ; A. n. Graham , 'Isner : F . It. Gawley , Aurora. S At the Arcalle-D. F. McDonald , PenileI' ; C. B. WlIst and wire , Ph'lIses : N. I.'ollreu , I. . P. JUlld , Cedar ItapidsV ; , g. hall , Box Butte. , At the Mercllants-J. E. Iiaiinsemi Wausa ; F . H. lIIcKerlly , Bell Cloud ; 1\1. 11. Noble , Gibbon ; 'I' . Powers Sutton ; C. C. Nelson RldneYl II C. Spaulding , OnV ; . O. Sears , C. H. amson , Oaklan Nchra8ku In Chl'l\l'o. CIIICAGO , Dee , 17-Speclal ( 'felegram.- ) At Chicago hotels ; Tremont House-Mr. nnd Mrs. J. 111. amid Miss : ! J. UahlwllI , Omuha. Clifton lIousc.--D. F. \'ench C. C. Simmons , Verdomu Palmer House-George g. Cheney , Ommiahma Raratogn-M. . . and Mrs. 1\1. C. Bennett lIIrs. Demore81. 1.llIcolll ; J. H. lIullson , Omaha. Grand ! 'aclllc-B. C. CushhH , lit , 1. . 1'lItrlck. J. n. Adams , " ' 11- lIum Glass , Omaha. Great Northern-B. H. Payne , Omaha : " ' , C. 'lIson , LIncolmi 1\1c. Coy's-J , A. WIIRlen , Omuhai ; 1.\ . Powers ! , Llncolmm S I'cl\tllre. or Modern Europe , Last evening the Chautauqua circle at the First Methodist church discussed "Tue Hurope of the Nineteenth Century . " The EXPECTANT MOTHERS. Tb.t our "olldorlul remedy "kOT ERS nUEIID. " wblch " , . .k. . thUd.blrlh euy ml'T be wUbla tb. r' ' ' ' ' ' ' of aU wo base r..dur.d mite . price to ( I. . Ilollar per boUl. 1Ie.are lit Creeds , counterfeits aDd .ub.tl1ule. . TAKE NOTHING OUT . . . . . MOTHERS FRI END. , . . attn BV ALL DRUGGIIT8. ! . . a-wtt. for book "TO UOT ERS" mailed tr. . . TIlE 1itflF1Wc JUtliULATClK ( ) CI. . 5.1. a > r..tera. AU. . . . . 0. . . _ ' . . . . . . . . . . . . 1IImt4mtstM.u1flil.a.1 ' - : - - - S S S - . " - - discussion was opOnod by Mr. E. flosewater who delivered : ! lim address ' on "The Free Port ! of h2urope"ithle , full text.of which will apneaI' In The nedJthis evening After can- eluding hIs ndl'lres''Mr. lloaewater replied 10 a large numbet'lot'tJuestlons suggested to the auditors by matters dealt ! with In the address . WILL MAKEU'r A TEST CASE. . - State ! AudItor 1IIonl'O Jb ! R Conversation Which Lcnlh Importllllt Itesulte Frank Van Voorhis' of Chicago , nn adjuster for the New York Mutual , Illinois Mutual ) and Phoenix of London insurance companies was arrested "I.'Uerday on a warrant charging him with .1lolntlng ; the Insurance laws. There Is n law tn' this state which makes It Illegal for foreign insurance companIes to do business here without first having cam- plied wlih ( the provisions of the statutes and then taking out a certificate which lies to bo Issued by tllO auditor and publishing a statement of the business every six months. State Auditor Moore happened to be In the city Sunday and he engaged Van Voorhis In conversation lie ascertained that the gentleman from Chicago was here for the purpose of adjusting ( time loss sustained by time Consolidated Coffee company nt Its recent - cent fire , nllll that he represented three com- pnllle3 which had been doing a large 'nmount of business In this state and which hind not COlnlllled wIth the law Mr. Moore has been on the trail of a number of these companies for some tlmp. nUll \ c'm : quieti . alll ) the muunt- tee before O. ! ' county attorney that night. As n consequence Chief Detective Haze swore out a complaint before the pJlce ! judge yesterday - day morning anti soon afterwards arrested Van Voorhis The gentleman was accompanied to the station by Borne friends , who sgned : his bond In the sum of $700. The penalty for such violation Is a flue of $ ) ,000 and Imprisonment - prisonment for six : months ( In jail or both , at the discretion or .the judge. This Is time first case of the kind that lies ever occurred In this tate amid will probably be made a test of the ) aw. . Van Voorhis arrived In the city a. . few days ago In the interest of the above named com- IIlWles anti has been trying to adjust the loss or the Consolidated Coffee company's fira ! . lie hM not succeeded In doing so , but probably would have In a day or two. In speaking or the matter the state auditor said hint he proposed to put a stop to foreign companIes - panics coming In here and doIng n questiona- ble busIness , and said that the ( state hall lOt aside a fund for this IJUrpose. lie estimated that outsille companies were doing n business amounting to $10,000,000 a year In thIs state The trial will occur shortly , as each side Is ready to proceed. S "Deholtl the lilies oC the eld"-they are not whiter than ( Dr. Price's ( renni TInlth"y' - - , H - - _ _ no --.0 Powder. . I . IN THE COURT3. : llottors Attracting the Attention of Judge , mind Jurors. In Judge Ambrose's court John L. Webster Is suing the ( National Dank at Commerce to recover $4,000 attorney ( ees. or this claim $3,000 Is for services In the case growing . Ing out or thc failure of time Nebraska and Iowa Insurance company The bank's dO- I , fense Is that the fees asked were exorbitant. General Cowin Is representing the bank and his old-time love . ror MI' Webster cropped out In the cross-examination of time plaintiff as to his estimate , or the value of his legal 5ervlces. It was a most artistic and lle- IIghteul bit of fencing with words that was fully appreciated by many of the attorneys who heard It andlknew : of the relations be. tween the two eminent legal lights. The jury ' In the.case of Neymeyer against Stephenson , a sultlror damages resulting from the breaking lIown or a cab , enroute to Weston during the stay of Kelley's army at that ' piece last April , after being out forty hours , ailed to agree upon It verdict and was discharged. The Pogo , divorce' calSo , Is still on before Judge Ferguson. , Arguments were heard yesterday In the case of' , Allier - & Sans against ! Mrs.MarlaHehl- 'm ' n. ' The casd has been on' trla1/l1bef / JudgoDmiffl.e ; forusawesk ; and'growarToutof ! , . . , the settlement at the estate of the late , Meyer Hellman. r' Before Judge iCoyr the case of Thomas head against' Perry Dros ! Is" on trial. The plaintiff Is seeking to recover $58.73 , a. bal- nnce alleged to be due 'on , a cattle Ileal. IU.YVE IJ1WS. Buy Out the Jllustu Department of Mox Meyer Eros Co. The largest deal In merchandise ever made In Omaha Hayden Dros. have purchased the entire , music stock and good will of lie Max Meyer Dro. Co. and will place the stock on sale at once. The prices will be the low- est ever heard of In the music tralle. , It Is useless to comment on the variety , time vol- umet 01' the quality or their musical mer- chanllise. The act that Max : Meyer Dro. Co hold the foremost rankin ' this line In the entire west for twenty-two years ought to bo am- pie recommenllatlon. 1\Ir. AdJlph Meyer of the Max Meyer & l3ro. Co. , who has always had time music business under his personal supervision has consented to manage this entire department . for us. HAYDEN DROS. 4 Flied Counter Clmr/t'l As a. result of a fight ! , 'at Twenty-rourth anti Lake streets Sunday noon Councilman holmes tIled a complaint In police court yesterday against Sam Leonard , charging him with shooting with Intent to kill , and ! Leonard IIIcd 11 complaint charging llplmes I with assault and lIattery. . I ' . I "Vlrglnlus" for benefit of tile Associated : Charities nt Doyd's theater Thursday , Doc. i 20. Seats on sale Wednesday at box omce. omce'l - - - COMMIT TUIS TO ) IhlMOItT - LATEST STYLES-LOWEST l'RIVE8 fl.ICOFIELEI' U 1\ I CLOAKS.SUnS.FUR8. CorI6tb and flrnam SIs , OMAHA l'AXrONDLOOK , I Ii F1 NEW fORO & 'Lrr'E1' ' DB. E. O. WESi"fI niVE AllD DUm'1'IIEATIl1t' : Is sold umlor poeltivo written guarimatco . by Rnthorlzld uments only . to euro Weak Memorl : I.ORI of Drain ond'NI'no Power : Lost JRnhoodj quickness ; Hight Losses ; Evil lr ) nms ; Lack ot Lontilencel ; Nenolnesswsitndo \ \ all Drins ; Loss oC I'ower uf the UOlerntivoOrlanR In either Lt lower sex . caused lmyoyer.oxsrtion , Youthful Errors , or Exces8i'o thee of-Tobacco , Opium or Liquor . ' which heads to Misery . Concunmption , Insanity : and loatlm. Dy mol , el a box ; .ix for $5 : wih writanguarantooto cure or refund money We ' . Liver rUle euro tUck Ueitdmocho. liolsness LIver Compltnt. HOur Stomach , Dyslol'lla amid Lver D6thatoa. ) UUAlAN'EEI lS8ued only by Goodman Drug C. Omaha ( ; ; ' - ; - ' - .i1 MARKC NBVER TOO LATE TO MEND -the bad hlbl ! ! mind early vices ofyoung men and Jounl astrous comusequemi- nstrus cnscquen- - c ! Young nen and old mcmi . those who suffer from nervous debility and cximautIon , the ' / wastitig away of the vIi strength Ind . power from hh1en fewer or Intempef- ate hablt can read ly I timid relief for body and mind by writing the World's Iispcnr.amy : Medical Associa- IlsJcnY Assoca. ton ( of Dut'lo , N. Y. They employ 1 full staf of physicians and SJcclal tll. who treat at 0 distance by corcspomlcncc or at the Invalids' 10tel amid Stmrglcal Insttute of BufThio all this class of cl cases. The e who ufal2 front cas spirits , Irritable temper , n "brokcn.lown" ncl'ous sys. tem , amid lch distressin s'mptols I backache , diz1ness , shootug pains lu header or chest amid hmidlgcstiomi , sexual exccsqcs or abuses , nil the resul of cxhauslnl this. eases or drins uon the ! } 'stcl-wi fl11 ) a pernancnt cure after taking the special Ilrcscrlptious cnt them ( rout the Imivalids' lintel amid Surgical Institute . This nssocia. ton of medical men have prepared a book written In plain limit chaste lanlua e , treat- . Ingof the nature , symJtoms ali curability , by home trcatmcnt , of ! ucl dlscaes. The Worl's ' Dispcnary Medical Association , Proprietors of the Imivalitis' Hotel oml Surgical - gical Institute , hitiffaio . N. Y. , will , on re- celpt of this notice , with 10 cents ( inlltnmps for postage ) mai , sealed in plalu cl'clope , a copy of this uscful book. I should be read by every youllg maim , llarcnt anl guar- dlau i _ In the laud . The Key to the Situation -If you Imfcr from Sick or hI. ions Headache , Constpaton , Iudlgeston , nlol\ Attacks , or T an'dernlcment of thc tomnclt , liver and bowels-is Dr. Pierce's llcnsnnt Pellets. Mildly amid gently , but thoronghly and ef- fectvcl' , they cleanse . rcnovte amid regulate the entire ! } 'stcm. One little " Pellet " for a gentle laxative- three for a catlmartic. They're purely vege- table and perfectly annless : these tiny , sugar.coatcd grnuks of Dr. Plercc. - - - - DUFF ' "S PURE IM ? WHISKEY. I A1 Di'uggists. . . .1 ' WHAT $15 BUYS I a ' . , The Grates Dnrgalns Ever Offered In the Furniture History of Omaha. This Is the rme grade deok that sold nt $35 , a few years , ago. , Il cannot bo made to order today' ' at less than $40. We shall sell a limited number ( solely for Christmas trade ) . ' at $15. We do this simply to brjng the Christmas crowd to 12th and , Doug1 street. Notice 10 points. Nearly 5 feet In height. . , Solid Carved Oak throughout. Full overhang of 11 IncM 27 Inches clear depth for wring , , . Drawers 5t inches deep. Automatic supports to lid. Antique brass trimmings. Dust proof tlnsh. ! , Superbly outfitted ( separate locks on draw- cr5. pen racks book files. ) Shelf below for books etc. This Is nn opportunity to give a Christ- mas gift which could never ordinarily be bought under $25 nt a cost or $15. The number Is limited ; only one desk solll to any one addrent . Charles Shiverick & CO. . FURNITURE of Every 003crJpII.1 Temporary Loollon : , HO fuel lOS l.outllR Strt. , MILLARD HOTEl DLOCK OUR STORE WILL DE OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL CIIItISTMAS. XMAS GIFTSI . FOR YOUR FATIIEIt MOT.IH. ! SISTER DIOTlEH , FRIEND OH LOVEH. I SOCI GOLD SPECTACLES . SOLID GOLD YEGLASSES. Eyes tested tree at chnrge. OPERA GLASSES , from $2.i0 ! : to $12.00. $2.00. CHATELAINE CASES large varIety. BAROMETERS AND TIIEItMOMI6TIiRS . An Elegant Line of Novelties . W. I. Seymour , our optician , has been ' extremely successful In ltng glasses to ) ! hundreds of the best people In the city . Lenses Exchanged urea of Charge ! The Aloe & Penfo1d 0081 LEADING SCmNTWI OPTICIANS . 140 l'I'llt Street , . Opposite I'uxtol hotel : THE LION DRUG HOUSE , ' ' W E CUIE J'rllll"1 . ' fUI"II'1 . \ ' Tt'turv HI' J'IllH. I 70U don't believe we can cure your r.I. .me 10 our olee and see what we Cll do for you. We are the cnly speclaiheta who wi take your Came on .mail weekly payment and tur. nl.1 sit medicines Cr..e. Consultation free Cor. rupoodence solicited. Cure guam-anteed In r to SO days. Otlce open on Wedncday and Hatum day evenngs : from 7 to P. Otlco hours 9:30 a. m. 10 1:30 : p. m. IINSMOO1L itusiunY CO. . IHNSZIOOI IEzmr\ nom 111 New York Life Building . Omaha. . 12 Masonic Temple t0 , ' CblcQ . o. & EXACT SIZE PERFEClJ TIE IERCdlHILE IS THE. FAVORITE TEN CENT CIGAR. For ale by alt First Class Dealoz-e. Manufactured by the F. ft. ilCEMERCANTILE CICAR CO , ' &ctry No. 30. . , St. LoulsMo . _ : A _ _ _ . . . . . A Melon Ulster ( SLATE COLOR ) ( CASSlllmrINED - - onJr EIOE ) : VAI.I NO. II- _ _ _ _ _ _ lenllhl ! ; timings all In R bnnch _ _ _ _ _ _ ) _ _ - _ _ ' -nln't. wo-well , It Is jtmt. \ hat - wo IITlnled ) ' 01 for Christ- . - _ _ . 110'-Yol slll have all good _ _ _ , . ' things for Ilrdl ' mummy Illne'nt - 4 ' mill-scm to spoaic-ltmmmo ) well by . _ _ yotm . last week 01 these wol : amid _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' f.rO suis-didn't ire ? amid _ - dhln't \o coil } 'OU royally on ' - _ these 2rc Ics ? Now , wo'l try _ - - to IHt you Into 11 ulter for _ little or 10lhlng. $4.00 A Shotanl ( ' ( Dccp Grey Color ) ( Worth tt least $7.50) ) , ' A cimiemmiliti 101 , Witrmti 011 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 811ellhl Wlrl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dlrnllo Moltonul ' tor for U.OO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -sluto color ald ca sllorl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - lhmmeti . Can't surely got IL better - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - tee OlO for 17,50-here Is mum- ' - other 1 cIIge " 1110 for yeA - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - A 1Jrely , dressy 111 warm - ulster for $0,50 , Indo If tlmat tlt - ' woolly sniff called 8hotllli ' . . - cloHl , hued wih slhstlllli - - . - wool immaterial mumiti ornllelted - with silk corded IUOII blcllos - buckles scum its . ornllontq , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ ' 1\ swell cols. : Surely _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . worth 101'0 ( lieu 11 10 dollar _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bill. - Ulster $ 50 . ( Silk Corded Loop t Buckles ) . ( 'SVortlu nioi"ii $10) ) e.tr _ " " " " ' i' ' ' ' . FOR OREGON' t The - COuntry Where Crops ' .Neve ' Fail . For the second year of business in Omaha The Stearns Fruit Land - COmnanv' is } - - - - - - - - -----L----J TA" pared to fill the wants of those who are deter" l mined to go son ewhere. I still issues is' opular guarantee contract certificates bearing seven per cent per annum" ' interest i , secured by cultivated fruit land in trust. These certificates give the holder a five . year option to purchase 'a growing fruit orchard - chard at a stipulated price not mope than one" tenth of the probable value of the ol'chard at the expiration of the contract , which makes them the best investment of money ever offered and gives the pOOl man a chance to se. cure an income bearing horne on the easiest . tern . For this year's trade i has secured a ljn-j. . . ited number of 01eon farms and hearing fruit , , orchards for sale. I is now prepared to send a small number of families who have the means to go and establish themselves there direct to Oregon under contract to work from now till harvest ' time at clearing land at $1.50 per day ( only those 'w.ho have had experience in clearing a timbered country can be tak en h a w ever. ) I you are thinking going way from 'N e. braska cal on or address the STEARNS FRUIT ! LAND CO. , Room 101 Bea Building , Omlha , Neb 1 , ( : , - , THE NEW COLUMBUS . , . JWEL Time King 18 the "troRle l. lust alcnrto and host ' \'ATCI 1"10 him America All JowclcInvo or 1111WIIt For turlh tim formimutlomi en'lr duo ' limnmiufactmmrcrs NEW COLUMBUS WATCH CO'I COLUMUUS OHIO. , -THe RAN WSCAN F DROPS Purely Vegetable Prepared Cram the original ro mula rre rered In time Archives of the IYol7 Land , blv ; ng hu authentic history dating lIBO" 6eal" A POSITIVE CURE for . a Stomach . Kidney and Bowe troubles , especialy CHRONIC CONSTIPATION . 1100 60 CC'ta. Solo by all druggiatv . ' { Francs\ \ Remedy Co. , 1' VA 'tl' 3' . . CHICAGO I . . for Circular e Jul . \ IIUIrntd Calendaj . Forsalc by Kuhn &Ca. , Stb { & DougllS \0 scnll 11am mlu"fclons , . . l"rencb . Hcmolly CALTH08 f..4. . 1111 a M " 'RoIIUlanlco that C.mimos will . C/OI \ . I'nl' 1..lorl" - " k . 1:11./01' : . \11 GE S CUU : " " ' " ' , " icr ud I : "I"'rl"'nrrl. 1Y . " ' "orooelo USt . , i alllav i satstd. Ad. " . VON MOHL CO. , . . , . , . MOIL . - . -S LI. " . .1'.0 1Coou , t'oto..U , otso - - - - - - - - . . - ' PARTICULAR - FITS ! ! 1 That's one of our strongest points-we are so exceedingly particular about the fit-of every suit , overcoat , and pair . of pants that leaves our stores and that , too , with these prices , Pants - . . . , $3.00 Suits . . . . $13.25 Overcoats . . $10.25 Al Made to Order. You can pay three times as much , and get 10 better liter - or goods-or style ) OVERCOATS LYMOUT 4 ROCK K COMPANY PANTS . . . II 408 North 16th , Omaha I - S--