'F . . , ' _ " " " ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " ' " .i - " ; . ' . .t - , l. "e ( 'rl."A. . . , { . _ . , , ! . ' , . J .J.j I . ' .T . , . .4- " . ' . - . " . ' ; t , I , . ' . . ' , _ . I ; i" _ _ . ' ) - . T . - TilE OMAhA DAILY . ] ETTflDAY : , _ , . DECEM1JiR. , 18 , 189.t. . . _ " . , _ . . _ . : _ 4i . - IA Y hAVE THINGS - CBANGED ' ; . Etnte Board or Trnsporaton Make ! Eid ; 'S for More Influence. SUGGESTIONS IN THE ANNUAL REPORT / ndoul to 1"10 the Appointment Ir th Btnto UrRln JnlleCtor Rnd Weigh- muler TnkeR Out or tin IRUds ot tit ) Uoyernor. - I.TNCOLN , Dec. 17.-peclal.-A ( ) portion ot the biennial report ot the State Board , of Transportaton Is I In the hands of the printer and the document will 800n bo given to the Public. One ot the recommendations made I by the board concernl the ofce at slate * groin Inspeclor. Al the law now slnntl this I ofcer Is appointed hy the governor , but al' ' his reports are made to und his duties under ont unter the supervision of , the noa,1 of Transporta- tion. The recommendation of the board Is that the grin inspector and welghmnler be both appointed by the board and a certain sum appropriated by the legislature for their salarIes. At present It Is a fee office. Heretofore It has been run In a' very unsatisfactory - factory manner and the board believes that the efficiency of the service would be greatly increased by the acton suggeatcII. There has been of late considerable talk Indulged In by Grand Army men In regard to re-electing lion. Church Howe as department . mont commander. In Lincoln his re-election line been allvocatecl ( by Farragut ant Belk- nap IOstC. Appmalox poet . No. 214 , how- ever , appears strony ! opposed to this move , and at a recent meeting of the post the following - lowing was passed : nClolvel , As I II the unwritten law of thc Grand Army of the Iepuhlc thnt lie ( high honor at the national and lelJrt- mcnts Ihnl nat be worn hut one term by the lame comrade , mid as the life of one clole9 with the spars of life of our corn- rIle , therefore we . as n post. are opposed , to the relecton ot any comrade to any office tn the gift or the department encamp- meat of Nebraska Today Governor Crounse honored the requisition - \ Qulslton of Governor AJge11 of Illinois for ) , one Wiiam flanks , alas Graham , nol an- I her arrest at Omaha On March 1 Ihanks In i company with John Dutton Wiiam . Mc- Gowan ant King Wiiam , alas Black lus- sar made an assault upon Policeman Cass Smith In Chicago . anll robbed him of his star , revolver and pouch for the same. The gang was indicted , tried and convicted In Cook county. flanks subsequenty escaped . and has been at large ever since , until cor- raled In Omaha by Chief Seavey. In the supreme court James ICelly . plaIn- tilt In error appeals a case which tIle Nebraska - braska Exposition association won against him In the district court of Lancaster county , r I apears fem the filing that on December 27. 1889 , Kelly signed an agreement to pay $ lO , provIded the Nebraska Stale fair was locate In Lincoln for five years and failed 10 pay the same. The exposition company l- & ecured judgment for $126 11 the lower court. John W. Percval , water commissioner of Lincoln Is In tim supreme curt with an appeal Involving his rights and powers as such .commlssloner. Subsequent to his 'elec- lon Percival appointed one Worthington ns engineer , and on May 9. IS9. . Mayor Austin W. Weir removed Worthington and appointed - pointed A. L. Quay to the position. Percival set up In the lower court that the mayor had exceeded his authorIty , but the court ruled In favor -f the mayor. A mass meeting of Lincoln citizens has been called for next Wednesday evening at the United States court rom to discus the prospect of securing lie location or the slate fair for the ensuing five years. To the cal for the assembly Is affixed the signatures of nearly every promInent business man In the city. city.Dlls for furnishing the material to be used In the proposed extensIons of city water mains were opened In the ofce 'ot the water commissioners today . There were thlrleen' bl"ders. and the range of prices showed that there vas no very successCul combInation , In WrB ver ' the deal. Alien ' J. Prentice . Chicago repro sonltve of n. D. Wood & Co. . Philadelphia , manufacturers ot the Matthews hydrant , was present and submitted a bid for Baldwin & flros. . . that appeared to . be the best on pipe and hydrant I p. S. Deardsley , stenographer In the office I . of the Doard of Transportation , will leave .tomorroW fOI a visit to La Porte 'Fox Mr. Deartsley has been suffering for several weeks from some temporary ailment that necessitates rest aid change of climate. . During his absence Mrs. Dearlsley will per- i form tho'duties of her husband's office . * I Is given on the word of Health Officer , Howe that there Is less suffering from pov- : erty.n this city than for several year In the pat , as the charitable ladles are on the alert. Uo attributes the fact , however , to the fav- orable weather that has prevaied since early fall , and says he treodl the approach of the Inevitable cold snap. t I Wayne V. lL \ A. ΒΆ Vorker. I WAYNF3 .Neb" , Dec. -Speclal-The ( ) Fifth district conference ot ' the Young Men's 'Christian association of district No. 3 at - Nebraska , was held at Wayne Saturday and Suntay. The Saturday afternoon and even- 1ng sessions were. held In the Lutheran r church , and after an address of welcome by I'astor lunkleman and response . those present - ont listened with Interest to the discussion or the Young Men's Christian associaton work among college and railroad men com- mercial travelers , boys the Indian and tor- . elgn speaking men . which was engaged In by Messrs' . Van Gaasbecll , Fisher Malkel and Lovering. Instructive and helpful meet- lags were held for the boys , ladles and men. At 3 o' lok Sunday I m n's mass meeting Was held ot the Baptist church , which was ably addressed by Mr. Haven or Omaha 'h ! farewell meeting at the opera house was wel attended and steps were taken to form a young men's bible class tending towards the organization of a Young Men's Christian association In Wayne , with reading bah rooma and b'mnaslum. , , - ' ' Jeluy 1111 It mm parlor . " SUnlRSE , Neb. . Dec. 17.-Special.-A ( ) steady rain fell bore all day Saturday , the frt for several months. This , together with the hate fal of snow , has wet the ground down several Inches , which wi to a great deal of good . Modern 'Vooilnen of America elected the folowing olcers for the Incoming year : A. Drummond , counsel : James I. Smith , advisor . : lser ; S. n. Neal banker ; D. n. Leard , as- cart ; W. II. Greonelet cerk : ; II. J. Crapen- boft , watchman : WillIam Crapeohmoft . sentry ; Dr. S O. fleeCe , examining physIcian ; C. N. Goldsmith , J. O. Phillup . George S. Schrader , managers. Several Individuals of Surprise and time ladles lf time 'Vomen'8 Christian Temperance union bave been collecting contributions of clothing q\ And provisions for the destitute people In the western part of the state. They lave snot with splendid success , and the goods are now really for Ihlpment. One Ihullrd lnjunotoul Issued 'ASIIANU , Neb. , Dee . h7-Speelai.--A. ( ) ' ' D. Fuller . representing the Ashland Mi and Electric Light cOlpany , caused 10 inJunc- tdl" ions to be placed In time bands of Frank Vhltocl to be served on the Individual men employed by Swift and Company at their Ice plaiit restraining them from taking or cus- I lug to be taken" any water from the com- pany's mi pond. . Time cause of this action on the part Of the inl company II pecuiiar . In view of the fact that tie Wale was on the raise Saturday Ilght. so the backup flowed Into the Ice pond of the Swift 00 1 Ia ny. A great deal of trouble II now anticipated before the mater Se flashy seted , although Saturday I looked very much II It I bad been quietly arranged . . n.ml , , or A'lnu Mct'hsrson. } lmSON , Neb. . Dec 17.-SpeciaL- ( ) ' dam McPherson , aged 6t years . died yea- terdl' very suddenly o heart disease He hiss en a resident of ( liLa section for 1 eJrs. The funeral occurred from the i'rea- ) blterlan church Addressed b7 018hol' 10110UID. FALL CITY , Neb. , Dec 17.-Speclal.- ( Illhop Donacum of Lincoln . In the city bur Sunday and held services at the Cath- 110 church. After service he held a meet- ! In the ctiurth. . aervce whic h. advised the congregation to py In the money that they subscribed for the erection of the convent which was built four ) er ago , and the 111- term of York , Neb. , would bUT the cotvent and pay them back all tie money they have Invested , L. A. nyan , L Wirth , Judge Cappo and Judge Frank Martin were LP- pointed as the committee to look up the male. Since the ( convent hu been built there has been school but two years , and It Is a great expense to the congregation of the church Nellukl VeterAns to Meet. TECUMSEII , Neb. , Dee 17.-Speclal.- ( ) The surviving member Of the two Nebraska regiments , Grand Army of the nepublc , will meet In reunion In this city Friday and Sat- urday L1mcember 28 and 29. The members recember of the local posts end relief corps art mak- Ing arrangement to properly entertain them. Mrs. Kale A. Doyle , wife of U. 1' noylo , died nt her home here Tuesday , aged 29 years , 8 months and 12 days. The funeral was held at the Catholic church Friday morning , nev. Fathers William Murphy anlll Fitzgerald officiating. The remains were Flzgerahl ofcIatng. shipped to Evaston . Ill. . for burial District court II i again In session , having been adjourned from Thursday noon Judge J. n . flush is l In the chair. Johnson county was visited by a good raIn Saturday Mrs. n. W. : fcleo is visiting . ( a son In Teumseh , Okl. Ernest Roberts Is home from a business , trip to Klngnlher Old . E. Speich , formerly or this city now of Washington , D. C. , has been visiting In the . , cly. - Wahnela counci , Independent Order at necl Men , gave I very enjoyable bal and . banquet at time opera house Thursday even- Ing. Ing.Mrs. . Dele Tibbets of Omaha Is the guest of Mrs. A. I3rundage Time young people of the Christian . church held a "conundrum" sociable at tim' church which proved a enjoyable - Friday evening pro'et very enoy- able affair. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Ord ltrovlttcmi . OI1D Neb , Dec. 17.-Spectal.-ThO ( ) Christian Endeavor union of the counties of 10wart , Valley , Greeley and Sherman held their fifth semi-annual convention In the Presbyterian church Friday , Saturday and Sl/lay , December 14 , 15 and 16. The union represents thirteen societies , with a membership of about 500. There was a large attendance of delegates and much Interest manifested In the work of the convention. The following officers were elected for the ensuing half year : E. O. Taylor of Ash- ton . president ; I. . tW. Studley of North Loup vice president ; Miss Mnlel Herr of Ord. corresponding secretary ; Miss Ida L. Sheldon of North Loup secretary ont treas- urer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L.ynns News NotP. IYONS , Neb. . Dec. 17-Special.-A ( ) heavy rain fel here Saturday , beginning I about 2 p.m. and continuing until 8 last : night. About thirty men were engaged all lat week on the water works. The public schools or this ( Burt ) county have organized an "oratorical contest , " which wi beheld In Lyons March 1. A large delegation of teachers oC this county wi attend the Stale association at Lincoln this month. There seems lo be considerable excitement on lie ( reservation over the proposed railroad to be built across the country. Several cap- Italsts are looking , out for lownsles , loca- tons , etc. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Unknown : nn 1'0111 Dead. PLATTE CENTER , Neb. , Dec. 17.-Speclal ( Telegram.-ThiS ) morning a man was found dead about four miles north of here on the bank of Elm creell Ho was wel dressed In a suit of gray clothes. but on examination identiilcation were by the coroner no Identfcaton paper to be found. So far no one In this vicinity has recognized. the remains. A jury was slmmoned to view time body and decde : the cause of death. OlldlUI Elevator Burnel. OAIUJAND , Neb. . Dec. 17.-SpeciaL- ( ) Yesterday morning Frank Dnekus lost his large elevator by fire. Loss $1.000 ; insurance - ance In Omaha Fire of Omaha. $400. I. con- tamed corn fodder and considerable grain. Time ' cor Craig Times has cbanged : hands and Mr. Crig late of Omaha , succeeds D. A. Drewster , this week. . Argabright I10rer Trust Un , AUBURN , Neb. . Dec. 17.-Special ( Tele- gram.-Tlma ) trial of J. W. Argabright commenced - menced this afternoon. The regular panel of jurymen was exhausted about o'cloek' and a special venlro was issued to thl sheri ' I and he started out to gather up fifty juryxnen. I is l expected the jury wilt be completed to- morrow. _ _ _ _ _ _ Irrigation Convention Ueleates. HOLDREGIC. Neb. , Dec 17.-Speclal ( Tel- ' ogram.-The ) following delegates were op pointed to attend the abate irrigation : conven- Lion at Kearney tomorrow : E. fl.Elneel . . ton . . Rhea , E. G. Titus . A. p. Eritkson. O. C. Page , C. II. Roberts , F. H. Porter , Frank HalgreD , L. C. Huck and W. H. MIJs To Survey an trrl&atn& Dlch COLUMBUS , Neb. , Dec. 16.-Spca ( Tell- gram.-A ) surveying party consisting oC Messrs. Kittel and Engineers Gates Nelson and 'Voosley start tomorrow morning to sur- vey a route for the irrigation canal , expect- lag to start about eight mies west. Younl Hlnter SIOt NEBRASKA CITY Dec. 17.-Special Tele- gram.-Frank ) Walbridge , aged 15 , while hunting yesterday , had his left hand almost entirely blown oft by th ; accidental discharge entrely of his ! un. Ills arm and shoulder were ale fled with shot. a Smal Blaze lt G"uII Ishm" . GRAND ISLAND , Neb" , Dec. 17.-Spo. ( clal Telegram.-Flre today destroyed the small cottage of Carl Peterson. 1 Is sup- posed to bo the work of Incendiaries. - Good men are not needed In congress more than good food I In the hous hohl. The best god food Is made with Dr. Prlce's flaking Powder. - . FOR THE STATE PAIR. Itousiug Meottng or 1u91n08& aloe to ne loullul JleotnG field This Evenhig. The jobbers - of Omaha held' a spirited meeting at the Commercial club rooms lat night In the Interests of time project to secure the state fair and a race asoclaU n for this city. The utmost entbus'asm prevaied , every man present being earnest In his advocacy and endorsement of th3 scheme and expressing a willingness to do his full share toward Insuring its success. No dennlte ac- tion was taken , but after a vlgroul die- ton cuas'On of time subject the consensus oC opinion was that all that was necessary to assure the success of the enterprise was a rousing big meetng at the club rtoms this ovoniimg when the various committees wU report on the irorress made In lecurig : report subscriptions . With I full meeting at all Interested business men , the jobber assert there cn b no faiurethat Instead of rais- tlero the stipulated $ OOOO , twice that sum should be raised wittaut leaving time rooms , and thus show to the people of the state that Omaha Is determined . In earnest and , capable of achieving whatsoever Itle 8 proper ' to take hold rf. I the opportunity which now presents itsoif , they thought , Is alo.et to go by unimproved . the busines men will have no one to blame but themselves. There- fore every business man with an Interest In the revival of the city's trade at stake Is i urged to be on hand . tornrrow evening. The pouIarIty of Chamberlaln'l Cough nemody and the high esteem In which It Is held leads us to believe It to be an article of great worth and immerit . We have the pleasure - are of giving the experience of three IJroml- neat citizens of Redondo lheuch . Cal . In the use of the remedy. Mr. A , V. Trudel says : "I have always received prompt relief when I used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. " ? . use Orchard says : "I am satisfied that Chamberlain' Cough Remedy cured my cold. " Mr. J. Id. Jatcer says : " } - three years I have used Ohamberlan' ! Cough Remedy - edy been In satisfactory. my family and its results have always -B Mil l&o1nlol bl'ChU ' ICetter . AShEVILLE , N. C. . Dee 11.-MI. Stev- enson daughter Of tha vice president . was a little better yesterday and the vice preal- dent left for Wuhm1xstoa to r.sain ' a fiW days. There was no change In Miss Slwn- Ion' condition lilt night or this morning. TWO GRANITE STATE EROES Daniel Webster anti John Stark Honored by the New Hampshire People. - DONE IN MARBLE FOR THE NATION - Statue Erected smut leadl for time Formll I'reaontation ThurslJIY Afternoon - Story Showing TIn "ldC 01 Champ Clark's Charactcr. WASINOTON BUREAU OF TIlE DEE. 107 J Street NV. . . WAShINGTON , Dec. 17. This afternoon , In Statuary hail , the hand- some room formerly used by the house of. . representatives , 1 large force at workmen' ' rolled big boxes before the granite bases prepared for the statues removed the wooden remove wooten coverings from the marble effigies of Daniel Webster and John Stark , and then elevated them to their positions , The state of New Jampshlro contributes these exquisite works of art to Statuary Imail. I Is not generally known that Daniel Webster was born In New Hampshire , ant It I discreditable to time state of Ma sachusets that she bas not long since claimed space In Statuary hal for Daniel Webster , the greatest statesman ever sent to the American congress by the Old Day state On Thursday afternoon these statues will be unveiled In time presence of a distinguished audience . The principal address - dress of the occasion will be delivered by Senator Cushman M. Davis of Minnesota , and It is l fair to presume thnt the oration will be n literary gem , for Senator Davis Is regarded as one of the most ' 'scholarly men In the senate today. The senate committee on appropriations l1s been Investigating the cause of the In- creased estimates for the expenses of the Department of Justice , and a remarkable discovery has been nmade. It Ilscovery appears that mate. I appclr. the Increase of the tax on whisky tram 90 cents to $1.10 per gallon hns aroused the cupidity at I number of men who could nol see enough to tempt them to violate time law al the lower figure. They have become will- wi. lag to take greater risks for the greater gain promised , and the Internal officers have ofcers been making so many arrests ot retailers , and others handling "moonshine" whisky In small towns ant villages that the ordinary facilities of the courts hnvo not been suffi. suf- dent to keep palO wih them. All through the "moonsh1ne" region In North Carolina , Georgia , East Tennessee and Alabama , viola- tons of the internal revenue laws have been on the Increase since time tax on whiskY was raised , and It Is keeping the o\'ernment ! officers on the jump to attend to all the illicit whisky cases that they discover , besides - sides keeping the courts extraordinarily busy In trying those that are brought before them CONCERNING CHAMP CLAnK. A newspaper wrier came here recently on a visit from his homo In Mlchl an. To a local paper he contributes the following in- : ( erecting story : There are two shIes to the lire of every man. Saturday afternoon I ever mln. was sitting In afernoon , , , , , , . slttn , the [ alerv nf tm , hnn. . nr " " 'fa"'n"n like ' avii CopjertIeld I ' ; rJI' "I ' ; i I : sics that were never fulfilled and listening to . explanations . thlt we're only meant to mystify . . when one , whose face to me was n new one arose and nt once began to take a prominent part In the debate. His naturally dll way or saying things that appeared to hI funny to everyone except himself son had the house In In uproar. DUI'lnK the course of his remarks Mr. Doutele , who has I peculiar way of his own at InterJetng sentences Into otiter men's speeches , began his old practice. Although this must be annoying practce. I little sorry for him , when the big blue-eyed blue-eye fellow turned on him with the savage re- mark : "Vou keep your mouth shut You ' have more mouth and less brains than any 'other man who ever sat In the AmerIcan congress. " "I wondered who this savage fellow could 'b. and out of curiosity felow of m neighbor. He said : "That's Chump Clark. " ' _ ' , I thought no meow oC the Incident until unt It was recalled to my mind several hours later by the sight of the big square shoul- dora . smooth face piercing blue eyes and Stern jaw of the savage felow' aforesaid. This time I was sitting In 1 down town restaurant and hld just given my order : the speaker of the afternoon was just entering - tering the door . closely followed by a little ragged newsboy with a bundle of paper tinder one arm and his cap under the other. le ha a bright but pale face , and looked ilke lke one who was undergoing n new ex- perlence I soon grasped the situations for graspel situaton the big fellow turned . as the little one hesitated - tated and said In a cheer voice : "Come or son . and we'l have a god feast. " Thus reassured . the boy ( allowed briskly down the long room and dropped his cap and paper on to floor by the tide of the chair Indicated by I wav ' oC the big fel- low's hand. Fifteen minutes later he was eating very much after the manner at Jlme mi. . J. Corbett . who eats lie mnner a grist Hon. Champ Clark , member of cngress . who Is said to have worn two guns in his belt It the age oC 16. they being necessary' to Iteep Kentucky pupils within bounds arY the rules of n country school : who shot a man while attending the Kentucky unt . vel'lty : who was president of 1 college at 2 ; who cut a maim's throat somewhat 1t an insult given . and who had just sat upon I Mr. Doutele In vigorous style , was . In mliii- ' ( Ion to all this , . ' . Idil- ton tl al a phllnthropist. An he watched that boy eat there was more haii- hll- plness and contentment written In the stern lines oC his honest face than I Imagine there would be If he hal received an ova- ton from the house of representatives . 1 had seen , two representatves. DOOSTINO FOR CHARLEY CONNOYER Tobias Castor la here'to urge time appoint- meat of Charles Connoyer l be postmaster at Omaha Mr. Castor called at the Post- ofce department this morning , but Post- 11uter General Bssel had not reached the city , and lelce nothing could be done. Mr. Castor will see th Dostmastel Iemra } tn _ morrow , and express the belief that lila l candidate will be appointed. Secltary Mor- ' lon Is also In favor of Connoyer , and tl en- llorsemclts of time county committee are also ' on file In his behalf . Altogether' , his case Is a strong one , and , It seems quite likely that lloyd and nUltn wi be dropped from con- sideraton In the case , lS was stated seine two weeks ago. Mr. Castor wi remain here until Thursday. and wi probably see the president - dent In Connoyer'8 Interest before leaving for home. He also has some malers requiring his attention In the Indian office and Ponslon office day. which will .e attended to on Wednes- I A GENERAL WAY. The fact that forgery has been comllt In time case of time postomce applications for Marion Ta , becomes more and more ap- parent. Montgomery Del of Marion , whose name was recenty appended to a letter en- doring Candidate : Slianklin has written to I IJeronal friend In Washington to have the cae investigated and to demand , that the pOtmaster general send a secret service agent to thoroughly probe the matter . Mont- Bell has written letters In gomery Del wrllon leters oppe1l- ton t < the appointment of Shankln , ant the forge letter IJUrprl to como from him , wlthtrawlng the charge and endorsing Shanklin. Democratic National . Shankln. Democratc Natonal Committe. man lchartlon of Iowa. who has been here some days on other matters . will leave for Davenport tomorrow . Ho hu not looked Into this forgery case . believing that the P0toce department will attend to I 'atitlt. out any suggestions or assistance from men In political 'life. In compliance with I request from Clman- cdlor J. If. Canfeld Of the Nebraska State' university of Lincoln , Congressman Mercer Is now endeavoring to secure the detail of an officer of the navy to that institution for the instruction of the students In mechanical engineering. Congressman Meiklejohn was on the floor of the house during the proceedings tOday. Mc Meiklejohn Is In excellent health and said he Is feeling In first-class condition . The supreme court Of the United Slats today Issued nn order restoring the case of the Missouri Pactc Railway company ag.lnst the State of Nebraska to cal for argument I before I full bench of nine jUdgu. This case ' was argued two weeks ago today before eight justices of time supreme court , the state of Nebraska being represented by Attorney Gen. oral hastings I Is not likely that time ease will ba again argued during this term of the court a It will be practically impossible to gut I full bench to bear the representation. Cngesra Mercer and wits will tomor- row Cake apartments at the Concord . where Senator Manderson ruldea The POltOIC a Nonpareil . Box Butu county . Neb . baa ben discontinued. Mall will go to Ilemingford. lemlnltor . The National brmnij1.1St. Jtseph ( , Me. . hu been approve a resege agent for the First National bank of f wee City . Neb . and the Union National innk ot Omaha as n re- servo Rent for Blowa State National bank ot Sioux City , J t. Comptroller Ekch has pronouneell the1 . 'iHzen ' National bank of Madison . S. D. , Insolvent . and on December 12 placed It In theihands : , of J , Leslie Thompson , receiver1Iri'S WE EAT TOOkUClI &UOAJt 1uletl or the Artcnlurll UOCJrtmont on Poett4iotmmtmnmptlon. WAShINGTON . D : 17.-The nutritive value and cost at fObdk'ls discussed at length In a bulletin at tiit'I A rlculural department , based on investigatida-mnado by the bureau of animal Industry , L The results of these studies says the bulletIn , confirm the general Impression of hygienists thai our diet Is one- sided and thaL we eat too much. . Owing to time large consumption In. this country at sugar and the large quantities at fat meats , the roe which we actually eat has relatively to little protein and too much fat , starch and sugar. I Is found that the protein on ordinary meats fIsh and milk Is readily anti completely digested , that vegetable foods Is much less completely digested than of animal foods. One.fourlh or one. third of potatoes , whole wheat end rye flour may escape digestion and thus be \seless for nourishment , ant one-sixth ot the protein of wheat flour . corn meal peas and beans may be assumed to bo undigested when cooked anll eaten In time usual way. "Ot the meat exports In the market , " con- tnues the report "some contain very little and some contain no material which builds tissue or yields enery. Animal foods gratify the palate In many ways which time vegetable foods to not , and what Is perhaps - haps of greater weight Is regulating the actual usage of communites by whose do- mant the prices are regulated . They te-1 IsCy a real need by supplying protein and tats , which vegetable foods lack. " : , l'UST.H. SI lt"1E EX\UNi''IONS. i ChAlge by " 'hlel Omaha alll OIlier Large CIIr. . Not atftectel . WASHINGTON Dec. 17.-Tho next regular - rel- lar examination for admission to the classi- fed Postal ) servIce will be held at all of the free delivery offices on the first Saturday oC Jtmne with time exception of time following offices that were classified prior (9 January 5 , 189 : ' Chicago . Cincinnati , Columbus 0. , Dallas , Tex. , Dayton 0. , Denver . vcr , Des Moines . Detroit , Grand Rapids . Mich. , Indianapolis , Kansas City Los An- gobs , I.olls\lo. Iy. . Memphis , Milwaukee , ! lnneapols. Nashville , New Orleans , Oak- land , Cal , Omaha. Portant. Ore" , l'rovidence n. I. , St. Louis Sl Paul . Minn. . San Fran- . cisco and Toledo. In these offices examinations will be held as heretofore on the first Tuesdays of February - ruary ant August and on succeeding days where the examinations cannot be completed In one day. In all other free delivery offices tile reu- lar semi-annual examinations will hereafter b held en the first Saturday of June and December , Provisions will b emate for an extra examlnal0n before the first Saturday of next June It necesasry and If requested by the board or examination. The change of examination bas been found necessary to facilitate the work t"tho central bard of examiners. . . ' . > N03US\TI [ . liYTI1E I'HEIIENT. - - United States Jllgo"XI"I"I to Buccccd Ih\/II / J , ! 10) ' . WASHINGTON , lc . 17.-President Cleveland - land today sent tel Jhetlsenato ) time following ' nominations : l t 11 ! JustcoCharles D , .Qlark of Tennessee to be United , Slates dlsrl r judge ! for the East- ern and middle , .dlstr . lts of Tennessee , vice Davlt M. ICay retr eh : , clumphrey W. Ham- 10n or New Mex.o , 'ito be associate justice 01 the supreme cburt"df'the territory of New Mexico. , I" 'IIO'Z , ' StateTbomas , OIir : of , Michlan to 'be consul for the UniCd Slat s at. Sn Juan del INorteNicaraga' \ UnlfM ( ( I vI at , : " i . CHATTANOOGA\ \ , ' 'mp. ' , Dec. 17.-Charles Dickens Clark , whqF was appointed to sue- coed Jude D : M. ' Key' its United States district judge Instead of ex-G vernor James D. Porter who faied' of confirmation last session , Is a native Qf Tennessee. born In Van Duren county , October 7. 1847. He enlisted In the confederate army when 17. He Is a graduate Lebanon Tena. , law school 1873. He left a county practice In Coffee county , this state , and removed to Chattanooga In .882 , and at once began a successful law. . business. He Is today the acknowledged this and his appoint- head of the bar In city . meat Is the cause of much rejoicing here. ment Ho Is the law partner of Foster V. Brown the recently elected . congressman from this dlslrlct. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'RKhburn " " 'autl ' . lmo . I nfornmntion . . WASHINGTON. Dec. 17.-enatol Wlh- hum of Minnesot today aler 1 resolu- ' ton , which was agreed to. 'lreclng the secretary of state to Inform the senate as to the rates of duty Imposed on flour and breathttufta Imported from the United States Into the Island of Cuba prior to the 1st of September last and , subsequent to tlat ilate : also that he' be required to obtain tram the consul general al Havana 1 state- mont showing the importation of four , Car three month prior and three months I . shmsequent to that date : also .the number Slbcquenl barel ! amid bags oC four Imported Into Hlvanna from the United States and frm ; other countries stated separately Cor the months of Septemblr : October , November' ' ami Decombei 1893 , -and the corresponding1 , December months In 1195. . , \11 hnoct by time I'resiiont . WASHINGTON , Dec. 17.-Tho president has approved the acts , providing for the dedication - caton of tIme Chlcllamauga and Chattanooga national park ant to enable the secretary of' ' the treasury to remit , or mitigate , fines . . pen- alt s or forfeitures . also the Joint resolution at the senate to pay the ole rs and employes and house of represeJtatves their respective salaries for the month oC December on the - 20th Inst. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Makes Work for the Htlto iiepartimieiit. WAShINGTON , Dec. I.-i Is Improbable that the diplomatic correspondence relative to Dluefelds will be lent to congress beforetime the holiday recess. ThmI delay Is caused by no unwillingness on time part of the State department to furnish the information . but on account of the great volume or the cor- respondence. which covers a Period of two years. and will probably melee the largest diplomatic document sent to congress In dlJlomatc many years . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wllt Aim IrcllAU Exclnded. WASHINGTON , De 17.-Senator Quay today 11resentcd I voluminous petition from citizens at Pennsylvania , urging the pass- ale of the pending bill reltrlctnl Immigra- ton by excluding Inarchlsts and other un- desirable apllcanls ror nd0lsslon. Ind es- tabllhlnl IL consular , [ , inspection abroad . Senator Cameron Slpllmented Mr. Quay's big Petition with I number of nlmes Of people praying for rJlq ( tram the European hordes. . ( , Calnot lie Hudle t.flllh \ , limo house . W' ABHINOTON , .Dec 17.-Tho plan ot urging Secretary Carlisle's 1)lan for I re vision of the curretmctJbeforo the holidays has been abadoned 1tlvas ? developed today that many demockotie members of the house were oPlosed. emocratc tl hurried action . Mr. , Crlsl' was against Ilast . and the committee I on rules supported thlt f yjew . No formal notion . tion at the rules comm tee was taken , but ton tacitly agreqai tA drop the Plan for I vote before time h 1a > 's. . Lmllrab1url tust " 'aIt WAShINGTON , Deo'-Secretar Smith of the Interior del 1I ent has written a letter to Senators \volcott and 'roller of Colordo. disapproving < time hi for the 10- clton of the Utes on"land In several ) ' In the western part or their reservaton He says they are still In the blanket stage and unfit to take land In 8verolty. Northern l'oIftu I.ut Urant. WASlllNGTO. Dec. 17.-Tha senate com- mitee on public lands today authorized I favorable report on I bill providing for a commission - mission to examine and segregate the mineral lands In Montana and Idaho with the North. era I'aciflc land grant Uivri ( . "nll.doD ileimrd. WASHINGTON . Dep , 1.-'The ' Hawe com- million was before the senate committee on Judiciar today urging legislation for the bet- tee government at Indll Territory. . Oregon Kidney Tea curs all kidney trout bles Trial size 25 cents. All druggists . CHRISTMAS GIFTS. vVith such a large stock to select from certainly you can select something useful to present to Father , Brother or Son. - - - - - - - Furnishings. 50-- I Hath. : Furnishings. , ' : , MEN'S FINE lRESS BOYS' 1II11GIITON ' AND MEN'S MACO 1 YARN ' Gloves , lined and C Yacht Shapes Winter C Hal hose'j 'j 0 C unUnet-worth i : to $10 Caps.nluent. . . . . . . worlh : . . . . . . . . . . . , MEN'S NIGHT nOBES , noys' PLUSH TUnBAN _ MEN'S WOOLEN hALF p- embroidered coUars nnd - 45 C Cnps- . _ . . .L3OC lose , , In lue9 , tan , ctc- 13 C worth UI' to curt- ; 1.2. . . . . . $1.0 ' "IIcnl..J worlh :0. . . . . . . . . . . . MEN'S NIGHT HOnES M.y p. _ ' : ii's PI.08H CAPS , IN , . . .t4 t'j- MEN'S LINED ANI ( " p- ' embroillcred- 75 C' all the Inlet - $1 " ' 00 Unlined working 25 C worth $1. D. . . . . . . . . : . , , , , C ni $2.0 value-nt. ! sllpe&- . . . . . . . . & ' - " I Gloves , worth fl'i . . . . , . . mN'S SILK TIMIII1OIDMEN'S m-IUIY AND MEN'S SWITZ CONDF ' creel amid plain pBnOJ-25 Fedora ltats-.latest tall $1 ' 0 0 rmN'S nl11 Derby lbbed Under- 05 C worth ender- up to 71c . . . . . . C I anll $2.0 winter , 'alue at. It'les- . . . . . . . "i- ' I . \'far-worUI $ 1 , G . . . . . . V - - _ . . - - ' - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - . , _ _ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . Boys' Suits. Boys' Ulsters. - - - . . CHILDREN'S 2-PIECE SUTS Ages 4 . to 8 year , Strict ! . ) all wool ' casslmcre- . .50 noys' 6 ULSTlms- to 15 yetirs , dark color.I aim' ] g'wd : ( 'd' ' ' Br'\n . / 'curl lnrl : no \ lieSt'c. $ ? . . /ies icJ0 r 50 Cnlrlc- . $0- lflnde especially for us- i/i / . , ' Jkaml ' ' . for ii ) ) l\ade $15 espcclnl at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' = $6.0 value nc'ts'-inatlc at . . . . . . cspccnly . . . . . . . . . o. . . . lS . ' - - CHILDREN'S nmWEH SUITS- . . ages 3 to 8 years-large sailor collars- . agls 'earsIarge saior colars- . " ' ' ' 11015 \JLSTI'I'S handsomely braided- . 10"S'JLSTI'I'S - 5) 1 , brailel- 144 50 ages G to I years-light nil wool fur beaver Uran ilLt- so le\- 3 -eicgnmmtiy mnde mummi tm'iimmmmmcd- , i'ttude espcch.\ly for us- $ _ _ _ _ Brand iii.ts'-imittdc IUJI trhumcl- isiccIally for us $5 _ _ _ _ $ O amid $6.0 values at tS- . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6.0 value Ih'\-la at . . . . . . cspecnl . . . . . . . . . . . . lS . . ChILDREN'S JUNIOR SUITS- ages 3 to 7 'ears-Cnncy cnsslmeres amid BoYs' ULSTEIIS- - , chevlots-adJustnble reefer coliar- , , , . . G to \ 12 UISTEHS rearl-bllci melon , cut extra long , , ' ' ( j" Brund hew- It 00 -nsshneru limmed- . $ 6 00 Mmmdc ' $ 4 _ _ _ _ Blnd llCt'-ilIfldC cspuclnliy for us iJ l\nle especially for t - LI : : . lew-mo . . . . . . . . . . . . cspeclnly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fo. . . . . . lS . . $ io and $8.0Ilues at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . $ .o value at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHILDREN'S DOUBLE - BREASTED . . . HEI-FER SUITS ages 4 to 10 years- . \1) ' 10)S UI STEHS- ' , . , 19 em's-darle , hamidsonmely made and trlmmd- , , I to ) - gry ShethuJI wool M. hantsome J11.O ld new- . ! $5 . 00 ( B1.allt Illnel lned imc'-maimttic , cul extr especially long- for us $ 7 00 MaUL Lspcclahl Y lot tS- . , = Ht.I\l $10,0alue Icw-mu at. . . . . . . . especaly . . . . . . . . . fo. . . . . . . = .0 and . $9.0 values at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - " - - - - - - - - - - WIlson Bros. ' - ' Men's Men's _ \ihite Fancy Shirts , Percale Laundered , V Shirts Full Dress with Collars and Plain , and Cuffs , $1.00 Value , $1.50 Value , 75c 7C c Cor. 1th and Farnam Sts. c BUXT PLEADED NOT GUILTY This Wes . Considerable ofo Surprise t the Prosecution. - ' " ' - t' ' - HAYWARD WilL PLEAD ON SATURDAY Dlxt Has Set , UI' I Strong Dorense-Now Evidence Said to have Ucen Discovered Connecting UIyynrd with a Green Goods timing. : MINNEAIOLIS. Dec. 17.-Claus A. h3lixt . the self-confessed murderer of Catherine Glng was arraigned In the district curt this morning . Ing and In a weak voice pleaded not guilty. The state had rather expected I plea of guilty and asked Dxt : I he understood what ha was doing. He said he did . and the plea was entered. Attorney A. H. O'Del appeared - peared for him. Dlxt having refused to see the attorneys appointed by the court to un- dertak the case. The case was cet for trial January 7 In spite of O'Dell's demand that It b set not earlier than January 27. Dlxt was . a picture of ply and misery In court , and seemed scarcely able to stand. The cass against the two Hay wards In the municipal court were formally dismissed this morning the grand jury having taken action . When Bixt stood up at the bar and his attorney entred the plea or nol guilty County Attorney Nye was much taken hack. Tic spoke sharply to the prIsoner ant naked' If he , understood what he was doln ! Bust : seemed , dazed but finally said . hal defiantly . that ! he did. Mr ; Nyc was therefore forced to face the probability of the trial of the case , wher he had expected a plea ) at guilty. nlxt made no explanation of his acton and the state _ asked _ none. u , _ . Harry . uaywara will l arraigned In the I same court st 5:30 : this afternoomm . 'flits hour I IS chosen to avoid the curious , crowd which I bas been watching for the arraignment for several days. The defense will be on the plea of tern- porary Insanity brought on by the habitual use Of alcoholc stimulants given by another for time purpose of provoking the deed. Mr. O'Del claims to have medcal : ettmony Which ! will bear out this theory. Hayward . he claims was unable to secure the sarvcis : of Bust In the fearful crime until he hall tilled him with 1 pint of whisky , taken almost at one dose . He intends . tends to show timid alcohol had a crazing ef- feet ordinarily on Dlxt and that In this case the effect was more than ordinary . Ills past history shows that ( whlsly affects him so as to mallo him temporarily insane , he claims. Wih this defense 1Ixt can S 01 the stand alli tel the story against Hawart. and that story wi blacken Hayward more than ever All hopes of Hayward , therefore that Dlxt wi not testify against him have practically disappeared for It will be mist's aIm to have I hayward tried frt and convicted , I possible , and this wi let him off with perhalls I too- and. or . as the attorney believes . third degree verdict. ONE O A GREEN GOODS GANG. Al afternoon paper says : The latest development - velopment In the Sling murder case Is the discovery of evidence that leads the authmori- ties to time belief that Harry Hayward Is the western agent or an eastermm goods wesler enter green ! con- cern whose headquarters are at New York , with IJrlnclpal branch at Chlcao. The tnt clew lo this was given by one of the member of the Klng whose conscience was quickened by the murder ot Catherine Glng. A day after the murder Julia Gng , time twin slter of Kite , who resides at Auburn , N. Y. reo celvet an anonymous letter laying that her sister had ben murdered , and that she had better have the mater investigated . A search , the letter intimnated , would bring time facts to light In the case , and time guilty parties to justice. The tone of time letter , as well as several hlats therein , leads . the au- thorites to believe that IC the murder had not been solved as quickly al It was the wrier would have furnished evidence enough t lead to the solution of the affair . The authorIties or NII York did tko up the clew , and following It up discovered Ilat the writer wa a member of a green goods gang which 111 been operating extensively . What additional facts the omcera discv- ere Ilnve been kpet secret , but It has been learned that the connecton of Harry HIY- wart with the organIzation has l'en of long standing and timaj } In his series Of a In various paris of the country Hayward hi handled a larga amount Cf the fictitious cash . sufficient to gain the entire confidence or the gang. The loney which Catherine Gng obtained from Hayward jlt previous to , her death will be' shown 'to have been a portion of the green goods which passed Into her posses- sion from Hayward , who afterwards found It necessary to put his victim out of the way to prevent exposuro. The authorites do not claim that this was the main cause of Miss Gnls removal , but that It was time factor which counted. _ BAlmy HAYWARD DROUGHT OUT. harry T. Hayward was brought over from St. 'Paul ' this afernoon to plead to time Indictment - dictment charging him with the murter of Catherine Ging . but asked a continuance , and was granted till Saturday morning next to make his plea. At 5 p. m. court was opened , with JUdge Hicks on the bench , and Hayward stood before the bar as the clerk read tie Indictment. Hayward gave a slight sneer 'when that official read the document ehargh\g \ him with murder In the first de- gree , for aiding , abetting . counseling , commanding - manding , procuring and hiring Claus A. Bixt to 1(1 Catherine Ging. For a few moments only he paid attention , then he turned abC 1001'01 at ( lao little crowd of attorneys and eyed the crowd with evident Interest. Never OICI did he quail . "tVhAt Is your plea. guilty or not guilty ? " asked the clerk. "If the court please . " broke In his attorney - torney . "we weult ask until ! Saturday morn- lag to plead. " "Very well . " said the court , "If the county attorney toes nol object , we will give until Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. " That was al The prisoner was then lodged In the county Jai , In a cage directly below that occupied by Blxt , his accom- plce. and apparently In the best of spirits , ordered hits supper sent to him as soon as possible. , AUBURN. N. Y. . D3C. 17.-MIss Julia Ong denies that alma has rectived any such letters ns Is mentioned In the Minneapls dispatch today Miss Gng says further that she bas received no Informaton reI. ative to imer sister's murder other ( lien that contained in the newalmapers. Shi& hiss no itimowiedge , she asserts , of Hayward or any green goods ( heal her sister may have beemm engaged in with him , -B Will you have to pay aim income tax ? Economize by uein Dr. Price's Baking Powder , INSTALLED A PASTOR. Roy , S. Ii. McCorzmmlck Vornmmmlmy l'laved In Irirat l'resbycrimmim Pulpit. Services nttenmhing time instahlatioim of 11ev. S. I ) . McCormnick , the new imastor of time First Presbyterian church , were held last. evenimig in the presence of a large number of time meimmbers of time congregation , After time prehiuminary services time seramon was preached by Rev. A. ( I. Marshall of Ies Moines. 'rho doctor cimoso for his text : "Ye simimmo as lights in time world holding foth : the word of life. " lIe said no better text. could be clinton for time occasiomm. 11ev , 5. M. Ware , time muotleretur , read time constlttmtionai questions pheilgi'mg the pmizeur to time work , and requirimmg ilcm.ge of sup. port of time hester ( rota the co'igegntion , Dr. IV , Ilarsima of Tecmmmmmseim real arm im- lmrossive cimarge to the pastor , touelming upon time duty attendant uimoa ( ho elm-urge. 'Fhe tcmmmporai immteresta of a number at peopi' imposed duties that were so onerous that lime conscientious shrank fronm their assuimiptiun , but time responsibilities of time immaim who takes charge of time spiritual interemt' of a hotly of people were as much above ( ' .me leo , . tioral interests as Imeaveim Is abava the cant. , 1)r , John Gordon delivered time charge to thmo people , urging thu necessity of giving their liastOm' loyal amid undivided support aimd cmi- coimragemmient. iim time cimurcit ivork Time prayer of installation was offered by Rev , C. 0. Sterling , anti thmeo time congregmi. lion welcomedtlieir new Pastor individually. Secly l'letIed tiuiity. NE WYOitIC , Dee , 17-Samuel C. Seely , former bookkeeper of the Shoe and Leather National bdnk , charged with aiding time hate Frederick Baker In robbing time batik of $354,000 , wa arraigned in the Ummitod States circuit court today. 'ieadeti guilty and was remanded until Friday for sentence , New idaul teCrlipio Creek. DENVER , Iec , 17-The Midiammd and Terminal - minal railroad , a feeder of time Colorado Mid- hand , bias been completed into Victor , where the pnimmcipal moines In time Cripple Creek dis- ( net are loeatd , and within thirty days trains will b rumumiug to this city from Cripple Crcel . , nnie'L . .ennlelta" , gement , ' 11 ONE YEAR IN' THE MILITIA. hubs Celebrate Aniiversary % o Mustering IntoNobraskis National Guard. The first anniversary of time muctering of time Thmurston Rifles into tlmo Nebraska National - ' tional Guard wa celebrated with a banquet - quet amid , danpilig party at time aringry of time company last aigh. Time occasion was made a great deal of by time members of time company , time poMp and ceremony of military life being much in evidence , the , arnmory splendidly decorated with ( lags and buimting , flowers anti the company colors. At time head of time assembly hall was an cx- cellent picture of the Rifles' patron , lion , John M. Thuratomi , who later in the evening , ; after the boys , timeir mothers and sweethearts - hearts had broken bread , told of time lieroisna and the devotions of time citizen soldier , At 9 o'clock the company mnenmhers and their lady friends sat down to a bountifully spread board , covers being laid for 120 guests. r Upon time completion of time memmu , the toastmaster , Lieutenant John B. Hayward , commanding , Introduced time company quartet - tot , composed of A. Coverdale , F. A. Vial- l'ace , Carl Hoffman and C. M. Richards , who sang a rigId. clever song of welcome , utter ' Lieutenant Hayward imad read several lottera from absent officers who regretted their inability - ability to attend. For a time it looked as if time set pro. gram of toasts would imavo to be completely ignored and a voluntary program substituted - tuted , but time presence of Judge Thurston saved the day. The eheence of Colonel I3ratt , commanding time regimmment , having been explaimmed , time toastmaster was about to pass to some other feature Cf the enter- taiimnment , when the patron of thm Rifles made his appearance. Time reception which was accorded Mr. Timurston was hearty in time extreimme , lie spoke upon time "Citizen Soldier" and elouemmtly traced tue history of "time boys" from time aforetimne , lie reviewed time work ot Limo citizen soldier in the late Indian cain- paign on time nortiiwestenmm border of No- ' brsmmka , amid described how boys carefully amid tenderly mmurtured went. out. to face a serious condition at Smith Omaha , They were boys , beardless boys , but they ivero fired by imuro patriotism and love of country , said Mr. Thmurstomi , the smmmmme actuating in- Iluences that lied led the men of 'CO into tixo field for country , that time American flag aught still fly in time blue of the sky , that a place mnigimt still be reserved for it O the mmmap of time world , lie alluded to his connection with time coimipany , and closed with a strong tribute to American citizen- suit ) mmml ( lie citizen soldier. Clmuplaln S.Vrighmt Butler felicitously told of time 'Fhmurstoim ILiile and his connection with the company , Aim umual , time member of time cloth made a happy speech , for he Is : I rapidly acquirimmg the relmutmition of hieing one or ( ho heat after Claimer talkers in time west , Timen canto Bommie more music , and. dancing termninated time anniversary of time comimpany's muster immto the Nebraska Nationai Guard. - . . Erastus R. Smith , professor of chionmiatry iii habit , Wls. , college , writes : "I fInd emi examination that Dc , Price's liimklmmg Powder is as jmure as epresemmtwl timid I do not imesi. tate to recomiiemmd it for household use. " -B hJ'JTIf'l J'J1. t-1O.VH. 'eteraims of time l.ato War itemnomlrnrecj by tilt , ( i'imernl ( ioi'ermuomt. WASING'i'ON. lec , 17.-Special-Pen. ( sions graimtol , issue of December 5 , were : Nebraska : Origimmul-Mimmor N , Ileemnan , Su. hierior , Nuckolls ; JeremnIal1 Iteshm , Lawrence , Nucleohis ; E'hivard ' Anguiemim. Arujmahoe Furmmmmn : Garner 4. Courtwrigiit , Ceimtru City , Merrick , Aildltional-Joimim C. flamms. . - deli , Norfolk , Mmidlion. hteinsue-llnoch Atikitmit. ltandoiiilm , Cedar ; Charles H. Allen , Grufton , Fiilmmiire. , South lmmkotjm : increamme-/adoclc Clarke , raopi , Minnehatma. loivuel Origiimai-'rhmomae J , Boylaimd , Man. cimtemmter. heimmware : Fre'l Mentor. l.awn 11111. Ilanlin : tiecige IS. Ordway Mar. simahltowli , Marshmmmlh. Renewal - iIarmmlin Starkey , Cobueg , Montgomery , Reissue- Villimtmn 1' . llenuiermdomm , mieccagoil , Cedar Rapitis , han : 1)uimiel Muimnlng , Uranger , lal. his ; Orvihie A. hiuncer , Ochit'yedmin , Osceola ; Walter ! mlinty. Cresco , hlowurti ; ( 'lmruios hi , linilenbuck , l'oi'tianml , Cerro GordoViiiiumrm ; himmrtsockVapeilo , Luuiu. ' ( 'olormulu : lteissue-'i'ilghmmnan A. I lowerd , Itoeweil , El Paso ; Joseph W , Brewster , Carson City , Freinont. North hnkota : iteissue-Dwlgimt TIVil - bur , ZaiammIamm , Morton. -B Okimehommi's t'ICW Adjutimut ( Irnersi , OU'l'iJlUrd , Old. , Dee , 17-General J , C , Jummmiaon , adjutant general of Missouri under - Governor Iminemnaduke , was today UipOlntetl mhjutunt general of Oklahoma by uovernoi Reimfeow , e ,