Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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    _ _
- a . . . . - - - THE 01trAH.A DAILY n.ME : 'rUESUAY. DEJ . ] [ ] Ur.n. 1R _ 1RnJ. .
r r
n. nOSEWATEn. ndltor.
ii . . ' l'unr.tslll ) EVIIflMO1tN11U.
. _ _
IIy flPe ( Without Sunday ) . One Year . . . . 8 0
J IT tee nnd f3undy . One Year . . . . . 100
Pix Month . . . . . . ) . . . oe . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ( )
ThrN ! Monlhs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 M
8un.lny 1 e . One . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
nlun * Y let. . One Year . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 M
% Veekl3r lee , One Ter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
. Dmha . The tee Iluilding. .
, Soulh Omnhn. Corner N nnd Twent'.fourth St. .
, Counci IflutTh . 1 "enl Slre.t.
. Chicago Otlice. 317 Chamber of Commerce.
New york Uootn . 13. 1 nn,1 , 15. Tribune Bldg.
'Behlnglon. 107 F Htreet , . N. " ' .
comminirntlon to nnd edi .
Al eommunlrotons rebtn" news cl.
tonal matter . .houll I. Rldre'le , " To"he } : ditor.
. ,
All ! ulneA lelerl and rcmltnnees 11,01 ) be
ddreeiI to The Bee 1'ubllhIng company.
atdress.1 le. lubl.hln. com"ny.
Omaha. flrntt. ehek nnd potofflce orleu to
be mnle , 1".Ynhl. to ( tIi , . order po.lolee compAny.
11 I
Tl ) UJI : i'uut.tsiiUU MlANT ,
, ( loorge U. Tzichiiek. secretary of The Bee Pub.
. 1. ' . . . t.iat
l.hln Iompnn ) being duly sworn ay
the nelunl number of tall nnl complete .cople ,
of the Daily Morning. 1\'cnln" end Huntn ) flee
lntrt \ during : thb month of November. 1S4 . was
a 1. folo\u . . . . . . . . 2'ISC ' 14 . . . . . . . . . n.6a
2 . . 21 , ? j . . . . . . . . :
. . .
2. . . . . 1..21.:6
3. . . . . . . . . . 21.2 ; I' . . . . . . . . . 2I .
4. . . . . . . . . 212 19 . . . . . . . . ? . 21,404
G. i ; . . . . . . . . 21,531 21. ) . . . . . . . 21.61
, . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . .
G. . . . . . . . . 21.13 : ! . . . . . . . 2Q.lj
1' . . . . i.2O ) 22 . . . . . . . . . . JI,4U
' . . . . .
. . . . . . . 31,2 , 2. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
I. ) . . . . . . 24,9q 2. . . . . . . . : ) ,21
9. . . . . . . . . 2IS11 2. . . . . . . . . . . ZO:9J
10. . . . . . . . . 21,4)S 2. . . . . . . . . . 21. ' ! .
1. . . . . . . . 2.40 ' " . . . . . . . . . 2).12.1
J2. . . . . . . . 2aS9 27. . . . . . . . . 20.T0 $
. . . , . , . , .
. . . ,
33 . 21.001 2S . . . . . . .
J3. . . . . . 21.1)1
, . . . . . , . . . . . . . , ) . 29 . . . . ld.020
11 . . . . . . . 20.562 . . . . . .
I J . . . . . . . . . 2)0 3. . . . . . . . . 1 , :2
. TotRI . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . " . . . . . . " . . . , t9.Ga :
. ilediictioni unsohl aid returned
I.eRR cOI1 . ,1 Jucton. . . . . . for . . . " " . . . . . n . . . . . . . . 1.Z2
Total . o1d . . . . . " . . , . . " . . " . . . . . . . .CH.32
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
Daily nrKO net circulation . " " " . . . . 21G12
. ' .
Sworn to before mp oml Rul.scrlhNI In my pros-
, nce thin : d ( lay of Demh . IS91.
. Weal , ) t lny N. ( . 1t1L. Notary lublc.
A grand jtl'y , that will Indict Ind
111ctlcnts tllt wi hl'llg cnl'lctons
I Is I tlc cl' 'lng IccII of this sulcrlng Coil- )
I mnliy. _ _ _ _ _ _
The . 10ll'r of DOIlls conlt ' npro.
prlntet Iii 1)1(1 ) of the hullJclt poor
r thouhl ) not ho uscII hy ) falhleHs olcltls
: to fcetnnd wnx flt 111)01) ) ) .
How much wi the ICglslahl'c he
I ISIHll ! to 1IIIH'oll'llle ) ) fol thc rcle of
i tie BI'IIglol . lotl'liitI , which his
: elmwl $ l111.nO ( ; ( ; out of the state
t'CIII'J silce ISn" ? - Don't all Illenk )
r itt ( ) flC1 .
; : The cnlm'gclelt of the IIIi1t fll
- ' ' fOI'co of the works :
wO'ldlfOI'co slclllol'ls
I , : wi 1e or IHI\1tngc to o 11 hl. I Is
title of the 11il1)O1'tflllt I hOle hHlustlles (
thlt lire lillllOllhn a great flittliti-
fnctUIIg cel tel
, .Tobbers and 1ullCSS lel who tool a
; nult to Bllgs are cOlftent that a
l1rolhdng field for lew business was
ftirrowed.Ve this
- fm'rowet. hOlle 11J prove
, tl'll for Omaha Is the natural distrlbu-
. ting point for the great nOlthwest '
t The BI'l1gtol Journal has' rnwn
, $ , I-1U1ILU4) ( out of the state tIClS1' ; '
ti of Nebraska slilce 'rue Bee was strtel1 I
But those ' 110 not ' b '
- K figures rell'esent by
$100,000 the Ih'IIIIIIIgS ) anti plfel'lnj of
! the lWllCllt and jobbers . connected
- with that concern.
f I the Douglas cOUltJ delegation desires -
sires hi do this city ( dstnctye service
L I : will see that ( ' chi use bo put Into the
charter governing metropolitan cities
11111 I 1 Ilennl ) olelso for 1 city
official to' 1ICCCIt 1 railroad or street car
IISS. The railroads , I ) the way , ale
. not the sole olCllel's In this re nlt
. In the estimate made , of the political
: 1mp which the Burlington Journal has
: . . subMlsted Oil for the IU\lt twenty ) years , !
: , , tue amounts 1cliel from Ulcu 811 1
to pay the salary . of Its " 'nshllgtol
Alllliusllet. the guise of chn'lsll'
nlownlce to 1ehrnslm lembers of
congress , 11115 not beel Included. That .
ulole Iloul1 to about $2,000 1 'enr.
This Is the WI ' the Lel1blcul cow has
, , been 11wd by Gml1mother Gero ut
; every tui ' ii .
: : ' 'hle' wits when a 1111ce 01 . the dls.
. , trlct bench of Douglas county was V ( ? .
garre as one of the ] 11jh st hOlors ( ) the
lleople ) of this communl ' could bestow
upon 1nr lila ! ) . Hut Ill l'el'lt years
Ill 10ltiS the IIgnl ) of tile eXllel1
: . station his lIce ! ) outraged 1111 Ill u fuw
nstlUces dragged Into the gutter. I
, ' 8ho111 ( 11 the buslneNs of the bit' 1111
? peoille ) to restore to the district helch
: the reRpect which nil good ctzelt are
: wont ; t accord It.
- In thll boasted om of mUllcl11 [ ) re-
. fOl'm Is It not about Unto tile people of
! Omahn resolve thl t the hOllhmH ( ! of
; ; defaulting 11blc olelll ! shul he called
; tll before the cnphlhl nll Inlle to set-
- to" ? And I ! It also not high time that
; , evil-doors bo iliatle to fear ' '
, m'Idoers 1111e fenL \ j1'1111 jury )
' hllctmelt ? Out of all tIle 1IIIchueltH
. fount agaInst . HCOllh'ls that beset this
. ; , . commnll not t sllgio con\lcton Jilts
' 1uel Lenchet ill recent 'cl'81 ! ; runnl'y
" , 1 , 1S1 ) : will bo n good tle ( for turning
: : over n new lenf.
'l'he legislature originally nllll'oll'ln ) ) ) tml
' $2OOO ) ( for ImlH'lchlPlt I I 111'11ISls. nlil
the Ml1)t'tilllO "Ont I ut It ; Ilown to * I5OCO .
"llwl vas ' eX11'111'11 ) ( : ; I,7.I i II the 11. )
IllClllClt ) h'lnlH t or Ilelllllelt Btuto
otclnls , leaving 11 1WXllullet ) ( hnlnnce
of $ a : i,2I : ) ) . 'lil ( ' ( till it'glsitttlve uiiiu'o-
llPitttItll , : : O ( ( ) 11 ! ) cel ? cn 1'1'lml Ilol !
OIL tile nUIllls ( houls ) , LIt Hlowhl ! I
balance ur li2) : ) I . Is ' ' '
bnlnlCo : : , : ; ij. reported thu t
the ) liulIgry JIJ'llo IJf ii1J-bitCri4 ) II nl1'III '
II'elll'llg ) ) to ill ) ' siege to this 1011 '
Inll will trump \1J \ bogus lulml Ihu
: wH II Ilow't , tllslllto tile tll1e-
, lltlloll ) hlllnco In tile (111111 . Agnilist
all such 0\1 designs UIIOI the state
, trOItSlll'y the legislature IUlt I'l'solull '
set Its ( lIce.
+ , , I : flce. _ _ _ _ _ _
'rho luretltl ) of lillIllitti ' '
! ll'IU 111111 Ilhlth' IUll
. # : . llt'IIo ) tleJ\111nt loclh't l ( In the
lltttlOitlti I J0 ) ' jlu'den lt Wllhil/tun ,
wh'ru 100hilol ill the SII'llg alt (
nil SCI"OII of the year lt tile OXIWIto .
. - of AI < 'lcll tIXI1 ! " 'I'I hll stu.t"11
; the country wih the IlOllnton that
t ' _ . ; _ . . . wo cat too much 'l'hut Ii Just wlmt
y' , . n'ol'go l ' l'Ulct ' 111 hus . been toll !
us for tile Ilst twcnt ) ' Ott1 $ . FIVe
cents wOllh of IIlUlutH I tisy woull
: . lull.o to tUIIII ) ) ' the I'CI'U/l lun with
. lIltIselo 111111 iji ' alii food hut Ion
mUlcle 1111 hl'lll 1001. . so 1011K ItS
. tie helt 01 the ccIIIU.t10Ut , whose
lushlots I Is to regulate the AnHI'lcII
diet , lIves on Chlllllll" , tentlln [ ) t\li
. . fried twl'tbrendl all the yeztr 1'111 ,
- . i would le hopeless to expect tim coui-
: 10n people to live on mush and milk.
' , _ .
. - - '
" - " "
. . , . - . - .
Oppollon to the Cnrt81e currency
bill Is being freely expressed by
lnncct and 1181n088 men SlId numer-
Otis protests against the plnn hnve heen
sent to congrcs9 Willie little heed
Slay bo given to this opposition by the
party In control of the house or relre.
sntntreH , It will 10t be disregarded
- the ' In tile sennte
1)3tile republcnnlluoLty
whenever the measure reaches that
body. There are some 11emucrlts In
the house who are In SYlllthy with
the , republican ylew that this measure
ought not to he rushed Illrougll , but
Imlle tme given for Its consllerton ,
1'IJhU ' urging thnt a bill which Is In.
tended to 11ICtcIl ' revolutionize the
currency 1 'slel or the cluh' ' ought
to be thoroughb' discussed. I Is quite
Il'ohnble ) , howe\er , that the Infunce
of the Idmlnlstruton , which seems
Inxlous to have the measue hl'olght
to I Vote wih ns little 11cn ' its IIOS'
Ilble , will prevail , so thlt the hOI-u
11 ' net Oi I this wcek.
TIle state bunk cU'reneS feature or
the Cm'Usle Illnl Is being llalll"
cLtcscIInt this wi ho somuwhnt
ltllelt ( by the hanldng Illt clI'ency
cOlmltcl ! One of the 1)I'son ) ! he,1rd
ty the conllitee ! Ilst wee was PI'eSI'
detit Corwel of the City haul IIC
lu1nlo ! , who Is also II'eshlclt or the
Nets York Hllie Bunkers' ' ' 't.iitloti :
Its'its tholJht thnt this gen tfI\1 % ,
hy rcaRon of his connecton with
u state hanl" , woull approve
that feature of thc 1l'oloSl'1 )
( ' ol'rL'acy lefol'l 1)1110 ) hut hlslend , h. :
11echl'111 ( i ; to hu the wunlcHt part or
the whole t4ellCllle. lie Rlhl that the
natonal halk note Ilossesscs thl'ue of
the eleilleIlts of ' ' ' ' ' '
elelcnts a 11lI'fccl currelicy- .
Hec\ly , Ilmllute ! couYerthll un11
uniformllity-niml ( lacks lilly the fourth
-ehtsticiiy. ; 'l'he Ilollton of the state
bani . IHO\'lslol wOIIt roh ) the halk )
C1'rclc ' of one of its essentnl nml
most iiuportniit clemen ' ' .
10st hUl10l'III eleIlletIts-llllifol'IIllty
Anothm' ohjecton ) to the state h\lc \
II'O\'lslol wnl that If such halks Is.
sued ch'cuilthlg notes the I hushleRs ) of
the cOlutel'felm' wOlld 1'C'lye 111
thrh'e Itgttlmi ! ns It did hefore
the Wi' . Under the national sys-
tem the Cotlllterfeitillg of batik uotes
hut become nn eXCl'lll I ' daliger-
uus blRluuss nnll had hll1 relluce
to a llllllIliItIill. The state bank f'atn'c
hns bleu 1011lcll by the commitee ,
hut II still open to OiJ'CtiOIl. As
orlglull ' slbmlted the hi Iro\'l et
thnt state banlH ; might Issue cU'I'euc ' .
wihout hllh'nlce unt tie tme tax
becolls dme , wllu thc qlestou of 1
contmu1cu to issue Cllt'l't'11c3' would
be Iletermluell 1)3' the chn1cter of their
UHthodi and 1 declslou reached : 11 to
whether they Rholldln ' tlX ou (2Ircuia-
'tOI , taxlton hehlg cOltngent 1101 )
comlUluce wih treasury regimiatlons.
I Is now Proposed thl t tile treasury '
reluil'elncnts shal be comlllel ] wih
by state balks us a condition Ilrece-
dent 10 the issue of circulatIng 10tes ,
which Is certainly al Imroyement.
I Is also IHOIoset that state bUlle8
shll be prohlhlted ) fl'om issuing
notes below -he telomlllton of $10 ,
placing such bionIcs II tills Imrtcular
on , tile 5101110 footIng with national
bItmIks . SUIW Cootng wih natonnl
The mcns1'e II ; 1lqustolnbly bet-
tm'eJI by these changes , but I Is still
far ft'om being ! 1f Icccptnhle 1IIIn ) of
currency reform. The abolition of the
legal reserve whIch the latonul hnlim
lulU been required to molntl1n for the
security of depositors is n serious do-
feet , amid luOthC' l'Ollt or objection
Is the Iro\lslol which tuxes national
bank note cl'culntol aild . leaves state
hnlls free to Issue clrculutng notes
wlholt lilly such bur cI. One flal'
cul ulthorl ' said or It to 'the housl
commitee , that "as 1 bill to' substitute
natonnl bank notes for United States
Issues I will he' n failure ; us It 11eRents
10 hlducemunts to solid banks
to become Insurcrs or , the ch'-
cliaton of Ilshl'oom Insttutols ,
1U1 the stmliant to orgtnii'ie
state hlnles not subject to United
States Inspection Is ( llleStIoIlaiiO ! . " All
these ohjectons will receive dle Coil-
sklerattoii . I IH safe to say , when tin ,
hi ) goes to the ScuttLe , hec\Ise ) them
the Ilnollr call Insist ullon Its recely-
lug thorough illscllssloil. I wi llle
to 10 very radically chlnged [ I I
IHSeS ) the senlt ( ulll we Hhouhl say
that the chluces arc very largely
ngulnst I getting . through .thut bOIl )
Few lii1ltllelnl p10115 ) ' ) $ In '
eIlulclul plall Il'Ollosed I'CClmt
'CI' Im\'e \ heen 10 gmell ' diii-
( 't'tdIttKI 1)3' l1lctcul fnllclel'sut
hlslu"ss mel : t this oue of Secretary '
CIIIle hnt been .
OUR IWLATWl'S TITI ( ifl014'y .
The G'I'UI1 go\'erlnlnt secls dis.
Ilsld to fnul ) ' utlwL to its tecrl'lS
IgnlnHt tilt IIPOIIlton ) of Amel'lcun
cattle \ull ( dressed llieIttN. 'l'lm efforts
of the Unlt(1 States mlnls\l' ! nt 'el
In tq secure 1 HURllnslol ) of the Ib ; -
Clhlllltnl hl\o heln ) wihout 1111 ,
mil cn/I'ets hlVhlJ mu ii i festt'd nee
e OnCl'l Ill tIle mi tCI' , It Is tUll I lInt
the futm'l ltd loll of the t Ol'llln gO\'I'I'
IClt II lmtvnitei wll Honw tlJi)1'ileIl- ) )
slon 11 Wlshlngtul. 1oul'enl'n lii I Ilde
to the IllClch of the Gurlll chlcelol' :
lu the lt'lchstl/ which he hIHc\ ,
that tIlt ICIC'nll'nt : fP1'11 "el ' strongly
l't'gll'IUng tile ( liicl'llmlilliltioll ugalull
( ieI'llittll sugar Jim the tllrIfl' , nhlti
Gl'mll tUgll' II tll'II' 11 1I' !
1I1Id ) thut lii ) time C\11 of Its htll )
InlntlllOll ( the retaliatory pole ) ( t'r.
mllltliy JIlts ] eIItem'ell UIIOI would lie cx-
tt'llieL I It stated thut UII slUltol
Is clutln ! a1I'l'ut 11111 of Ilxlct . to tile
exporters uf cltlltl hlor , 11 which
thel' II 1 t'crv rnnsllC'lhle h'udo wih
Gel'lln ) Inll lS the (11'lt'I'1 of that
cnunh' II'e unlug tfo ex'hlHlon of
olcomurllrlno , tilel'U Iii [ dangem' of thlt
Irtcle hellA shut out (11 the Glr ,
laI1111'Iet uliess COIII'I'11 takes Iurh
action 18 will leave 10 excul Cor re-
tulnton. I t
I allllem thlt time AUlllcnn mlllnlstel'
Ii 110111 c\l''thilj Ilosllhlo ) to Becm'o
Oil UI1loltol of the order exclutllg
our cattle , 11t whie ho Ii busy ut leI
hIm tIn , ' ' '
lie lecl'otal' of state Is lubol'll
II\t to convince the Gel'nlan 1lllstO'
nt ' ) VLu4hiugtoil that the decree ought
WIHhlu/tOI ce re olht
to be ' . .
10 1"\'oklt. But ullllnst theto ill- )
Deals there z'1508 LP % the duutund'of tile
flrler 01 CcmlUY for better prottc'
ton to their l1tlro t mind under prc-
cut conditions I IJ 1 cry which the
Germnn government Is not willing to
disregard. I hns a good case agaInst
lisp ns the llresllelt ) ( antI secretary ' of
state have confessed I asks the
abolition or the one.tnth fC n celt
duty on Germnn sugar upon the groull
that I Is both nil ulfalr llRcl'lmluaton
and violates . Is
Ilt treaty StILtlitttlOliS. I
eltrely cenJ lhnt the policy It has
alloptell ( regarding our meats Is retahla-
tory . Inll I Is equally obvious that If
wo retain this duty the policy oC re-
tlUntol may 1'ICh OmIt to other pro-
ducts. I Is true that Is n game which
hotl collIltrieg ClOt ) 1)1113' tot , hl ) t 111
lug COlrcRfelHy mlule 1 mistake , Is It
10t our pllin duty to rectify It
Tue citttlcgrowing Intelcs of the
country . , which Is ono of the most 11'
1101.tlnt ) 11eslres ( to retlin the Gellnn
mlrket , which trios ole of gl'owln/
value . This great luterest . , which el'
bllces I large 1110110.ton ) of the flll'
ers of the COlltr - , has asked conJI'eS8
to 10 the one tlllg that 11'IIII'S ) to he :
leceRRar ' to restore to UI the German !
111'lwt lou' 01' lents , 111 the presilelt
hll rccom1endet ( thlt this be Iioue.
' 'hC'e olght to hlve been In hU1elllte
favoritble l'espollse from COIgI'CSI 01
at ally rate some dls\lslton \ lu11fcstcd
to recede from n false poslol and nt
the sille tulle Iu'otect tl ca tte Interest .
te'est of the cOlntrJ' ft'ol what , If 11cr-
Isted 11 , 1USt he n serious IIJury to
It. As this Is purely I political luel' (
ton , I woult Reel that thm'e 8holll
he lelhel dllculJ' 101 den ' lu ilis-
poslu/ of It But this congress C3110t
( 'tliuiy . be hlolght to COlccrl Itself
ahout the IltereRt Imt ( welfare or pro-
( itleclU.
71E I'Lt'7'1. VAN.iL OiVCb ; ' tIOIW ,
Tile Il'oloters of the Plate River
clnal Hcheme nlll1I' to be th.tcrmilell
to ha'e the II'ollosltol ) , which was 11e.
feated at the general electIon last No-
Velmlitil' ) , I'esuhmltet ) ( at u RIICdl1 elec-
tiOll . to . be hell within tile next tilirty
or forty duys. They have succeeded
ill seclrhlg I large Ilubel' of SigIlit-
tures to pettols ch'clinted among our
hURlneRs .men 1111 other classes of citi-
zelO , ur llg the COllh' commlssIIC's !
10 reRuhmlt the In'o1 [ sltlon lt the ' itri1-
' st losslhle ) dl ' . I
ASSllhlg that the Ilettlolers sighed
their nlmes 01 theh' OWI free wi aml
OCCOI'l . It becomes 1 questnl whether
they ! hlve gh'cl tile suhject such comi-
sl erlUol IS It 1erlts , and wlwther
Ihey rcal ' desIre what they have
1)rayel ) for. The most serious ohjec-
ton to tile cmal Iu'oject , as It was Ire-
seated to the voters 11 the defeated
P ) ' 0110slton , was thlt It contelplatet
II'h'utl o\"lelshlp. Ind at the slme
tillie fatiled to ' ' from
tme aied require I UIllnt
the canal C011lUJ' that \0111 COOl-
Illete tile canal and mnlntlin 111 oper-
ate It after It is comnlhtoted. There was
also unother fl w In tile 11'Ollosltol )
which J' ' Olll'llzed the elterllrl"e. I
Is the oplnlol of eminent attorneys that
the .Issue of the cOUlt ' hOlds to the
canal ComlllJ could . have bell enjoined -
joined 11 time courts 01 the groulil that
It Is not such It ovom'k of Intellal Im-
lU'Oyement as Is cOltelplltct bJ the
law luthorlzlll coulteH and cities to
vote aid tot'ls , of Internal 1111r'e -
meut I that view , ; were sustllell ( by
the courts the i iiey expenled for hold-
lug I slecl\1 electon wOlld bu 11 absolute -
solute 'aste.
Now , inasmuch as the legislature will
convene two weeks hencc , nm1 that
body ) woult doubtes enact laws that
wi enable the county 0' tie county
nnd city together , to own , Imld and
operate the II'olloRed cnnnlt certainly
toes seem l.nd\isl tor the cmmis-
sioners to cal a Sllcclll election at thIs
' time. 'hele Is 10 doubt that n' ' large
majority of the prOlerty OWI1OPS of this
county favor the canal project , nml are
willing to be taxed for It But we be-
hove eve voice tile s ntlent of the
reat of those who favor tli .
great nms the , pro-
JoeL when we say that they prefer pub-
Ic ownurshill. I the count . Is to cqn-
tlll te n 11101 dollars to lUg the canal
It cnn afford to contribute another mull-
lon for the purchase of' time plant In
by becoming the owner or the , cmll
place Itself In 108ton ! to iay I tereli
out its bonds OUt of tile llrnlngs .
AnotlO' renRon why publIc ownel'shll
Is ll'femhle Is thnt , It will lrC'ent )
nil C0l11lcatons and cont'orm'sles O\e'
the cll'eS for power 01 avater , l1d
tlB wi prevent the 'tallll'hig ' with
01' cOUlt } cOlmlsslonC's I ) the l'I111
com 11 n.Some . of the ' 'ndyocat of
the cttnai I object to lublc oWI&rshll )
heclse : tiCS' Lilly It wi not Htlulate
luch elltel'prlses I ! illyIng out 5111)111'- .
bun factor towns amid oilier irqjects
) Inl II.tjects
thlt Ilght It\elop Industrial activity .
'l'hls Is all IllOOllSuliiIe. 'l'hero l ! noth ) .
lug 11 Imhle ) oW1ershlll to hl1tc. 10'
gIUlnto Projects thlt dUllenc ) 01 clnll
' ' ' ' . On the other' 111011(1
Ilwm' 01 othcl hUll
the hl 'ln omit. ' towns 011(1
hiiylug olt oJ llUIII' tOW11 a111
hoollnJ of town lot 01 corutellt tell
mIles IWUY fl'OI tile to\1 hOIlR 10 )
good to this CoihillItlutty. At 11) ' rate
uotllug can bo lost by wultluut
the legislature hns taken iletloll.
MIt' . GU.1'lWS JW'J'JUlS.
Snmlll OOIIII'H , fol tweh'e ) ' '
[ 1'l'shlln t of the uWI'I":1 1'll'llllou I
of Llhor ) , has bccn ruth''el frol thut
11011101 by the election of .Juhn : .
hirille , who ut the II'lllt ) ? tll1 II 11'esl.
. 11eut 01' time Pulell :110 " ' ( rlPI' or
'Anierica.Vilethmcr that choice Is 1
wlsu one eve tile uot In jllltol to
Htnh' , hut ) tht , 1.'cdl'l'ntuu hnl toctt'd
tvlsehy In vitnhizlmmg the principal of rota.
tel 'In o I l'O. :1' . ( iolhlpel's hal 1lln
t lugleloHs 111 Itcunt IlrcdO' of tile
affairs of the great Ilsocutol , which
COIII'lses the best 1111 10st Iltclgllt
ml'lhet'lhll of O'llllzut Aml'l'lcml
luhol' A Ui yet the l't\ntol ! of Olt
111 lt the hel II of the } ( lumtou wits
1110St em'tnlu to dlmomlzo its mnle
ant ( fIle , Its ( lid tile [ Hrlctunl ) ll'csl.
dClmt'3' of tilt 1nlhll of Labor tInder [
' 1'crrtmmee . ' ' .
( Y.
'l''I'I''uee PO\lell )
'l'her ore us IlItlily flo ( hIm lu the
len . I over were cuJht Iltl theru
c"I.tnlll ' are IIIY Cllu.hlo 1111 ( Iq'el.
hellle ( IUI lu the 1'111s of O'jaulzed
labor who 1I0Isess the l'ellUbjlo
1IIIltcltonI for any 1111'I'r ' 10RI.
tou creah'tl 1y the federation . Un.
like Mr. 10wll'rl ) who 11110 ni ox.
hlbltol ot hlmsel mould resisted with
ni his might the Iwllcton of his llC'
cessor , Mm' . GOllll'H hnt 1111 tile gooti
Helse to take the lllgo Iii ! \ot Ilurt
nld t cOlt'ntulato hil successor ulon
- -
his ehectIon . In the republic or labor
no BUch thllg . " perpetual ofco 101.
lug can be to'6r(1 ' ( On lie contrary
rotation In oj ! : tends to vitalize the
iOdy and stn11ate the best men II
It to activity IbX ( 1lhllJ olIt the 011111
tllflity to gr'Uf \ nfllbitioii .
tunlY gJ\s their Ilhllon.
Tile St. Patti ' ( lluhor of Commerce
his 111olliell X.'s .ntols deprecating n
l'e\'lslon of thecurrency by congress
and fnvollng'tm creation of a cur-
rene ' C01lillli4 ) \ \ to report n Pi011 of
currency reform wihin n rear. : There
Is Cule n geiipn1 , sentment thnt n
llrl1rl ' conlutell commlsslon-Unt !
II , ole cOInsml of practical financiers
Inll business'nllwoull ( he likely to
Cormuilte n ltilCll better C1'CICJ' [ 111
thll Is to he hOllel ) ( for fl'om this coli-
cress , but the tltculy Is that the
Ilrcselt con ress will imot create 1 colli-
mission or this elmaracter. I It shoull
Provide for 1 cOlmlssol ! It would 0111-
( tlouhtedl ) be tomlna ( ted bJ' iOhitiClttll5. )
1'hls Is the 11'llHslton of Hell'esentl'
t\'e lcCrcl' ' . whleh Ilro\'h1es ) for n
cOlllRllon of nine llleflhi'rS ) . three to
he ltmell 1)3tIle IJIRhient , three 811'
toni to bo Relecled ( hr l ) the vice II'esl-
dent , amId threu memhcrs of the hOUSI ( !
to he 11111Inied ) by the spenlel' ) Of
course such 1 I olllsRlon wliull ( hl1e
1 mljoll ' of ( itillloCI'ats , 111 It Is Ileed-
less to $ I ' timnt timose , '
$113 thlt tlse aplolnted b. the
vice ill'esidemlt. und the slleltl'r ) woulll
lInt rciresc'mlt Ihu I sounll '
lot rell'clent ( loue elelent
. .
of . thlt iltrtY. ) 'l'heJ' would he ) free sii-
Verites nnll state hanl ' '
\C.les Hilte durremlcy leu ,
Innd ( cOlselluenllr would not he Ihle ) to
ngl''e on 1U iiitll. [ O'CO'C' It Is not
prhable ) that loll ) ' commlsllol 11' )
vulmmted Ihutiet' iiemtioei'iit iti
tel Uldel 1 O'I'U tc uSlllces
woull be Ihle to fom'imouiate a cun'l'nc\
1111u Iceel111blo to time UI'Xt 1'\lhlca1 \ ) ;
house of rCII'clentnU\'es. I II Illcult
to ulIIl'lsll11 ( how those who ha"e
no fnlh ill the lhll ) ' or this congress
to revise the currency systemu cal be-
hove thnt nn .thilg HltSrICtor.\ ' Ilght
come fl'om 1 COlllsslol ) of its Creiltioll.
Tile . wisest suggestol Is to let the CU'
relc ' qUlltol Wli until thel'e Is 1
l'ellhlcau cOltl'ess and II'e8Hlelt to
deal wih it.
[ 1 010hl Ihldes malY gemlerous-
hcnrll'dllculll , ' . :0 11111111s ) In hehulr ) or
Worthy ' objects of chlrl ) lre 11lI'mltml )
10 ( toil UIIOI ) leaf ears. lIt flwt this
city has become n lecca for 111gel t
11t hellllcss leople ) [ Iom toil tilt coilmltry
round uboul Thlel'e tote many CUHCS of
11esttuton ( In this city today that IUst
Icceh'e the attention or otmr 1)001)10. )
No estmlte hns lS yet been Illade of
the total unWII _ lt of monl ' and iwo-
visions thlt1 ho rcquh'et to meet
tile exlgclclI ( time WhIter months ,
1very great Icty ( like Omlha Is lur-
enell wih t - destitute . t eollle. Tii'
collie fl'OI fniiio1l Ieal 11 oldcr to re-
ceive benefits flOI : the chnrlu hie ) as-
soelutons thntJ.hl"e hlcoll 1 feitture
of social . life 11 our cites , We venture
to , say tlt tUiu . hleopie of Omahl will '
this wlltm' 11Iiehse fore charlr 11
II'ololton 't9 ' ' 11C0l)0pUiat . tn thnl t wi
: U other lli'1ill ) In the stlte ,
Yet , 11 the Iac ; f ; tills fact IPPClls 0re
coming il fl'ol the l'outh sufferers
: of , 'the bOt ; ? , Q , . llles ' and Pi Jlll Is
eXIeCtel to . . ' .
eXllctel generousIy'I'es1)olli ) " Mamiy
or our cltzeJI.'I\vl 110 so , but there
are others , who . . wi have [ time mater
to the legislature
, which Is eXleclet to
' 1Ike In IpII' prlntoli for the relief
of unfo1'tuultfereiid : . jl1 is of , the western
and northern potiomls . of the state.
Whatever sum may be nplolllated )
Douglas county , 'tUXI11 'C'S'wi 113'1
about one-telth thereof. The lueston
Is , how much should be eXcted of
Omahn In the way of "olultu' con-
tributons to the state ruler fund ? ,
, The late RObert Louis Stevenson was
not merely n fiction writer of uncon
mon merit. He was a writer
work possesses , nn.ndl\llullt ' Ind n
lICCUIIU' exceleuce which give It en-
tming value and 11 miIe I 11 iOPU-
11' with tWo next CwLton of novel
readers us I I lt Ilceut le was ' I
maHtel of style , n consummate nl.tlt
Ill the use of Itlgln e , and If not t
genius , certaInly hat the highest order
of tnlent. Time world or fiction l'cadurs
Icton Icn U.s
wi ll'ofouuIU ' regret his loss.
J',18IJts UP "UY ;
New Orleans PIcayune : The poltcian '
who has been lost In the shule does not ,
think much at the pack he lies been with.
Detroit Trlbune"Got : ven with my wie ; "
"How' " "Smclt the cigars she save me In
the presence of her curtains , "
- '
Phladelphl3 Record : Dutcher's Clerk-
That chiropodist ordered some meat sent UP.
hut I have forgotten what Itlnd. " Butcher-
Send him corned beet.
Adams Freeman : . Most men malte a
rent fuss about doIng ' tile best they can.
With n womnn It's whnt she cnn't do that
bothers ) ler.
Detll Free Press : Sam ( coming In hUr-
rledly-Say. ) Tom , can you change $ i ?
'rOm-hlllD , nothing Im so hard u I
can't change my slrl.
Richmond Dspatch : In some parts ot
Kentucky minIsters dare not preach from
the Acts for fear the male memhers of
their congregation muy go out between
Atlanta Constluton : "Is the major run.
nlnl on his record this year ? '
"Yes : and 113nce nt the celetery will
convince yon that his work covers the
" . " ' ,
, , -
Indlannpols Jpurnul : "This play , " said
the cIty nephlW , t"wus slolen from time
" city "t J
Uncle' Jcslah , mld I grab for his hat.
"II } ' gosh I'm goln' to elt out at' here , "
said ho. "I dOl 'f \'ant to . le mixed UII as
an accomplce 11 ! arolber ) . .
Chlc3go Trlhune:1 "Jnred , " said his wlte
me'kly , "can you fpare me a dollar today ? "
"What for ? " e)1nded ! I. Tyte.l'hlst.
mas. " 1 .1\'ant to . IJuy' , I few things , for Christ.
"Wel , " said Nr3 ; 'yte.Phlst , "didn't I
give ) 'ou I oIU 1 two weeks ago for a
1lrthda ) ' preleIU1 ; ; '
Detroit ( ries l'rc.s.
"Ah " ld'he lady to the trmp ,
"You'\ eaten ot my food ,
AnI till tiwl , 1 that you may
Be tul' .JL gratitude. "
Ills vole Iilowfl deep emotion I
He answt'red with a sigh :
"I can't be full ot srattUle ,
Because I'm full ot pie. "
- - - . - - - .
: - - - - , - , - - - - .
Wood River Interests : Oovernor.elcct liol-
comb sags he realzes thl his troublhlVl I
just commenced . The populists hdvlng elected
only one state officer , the demanllspon him !
for gubernatorial pie are something oppaiilng . ,
Hardy Herald : No , JUdgB Holcomb I nol
the youngest governor this state ever haul ,
but he line al the chance any or his trcI1e.
cesors ever had to make th& best governor
the slate has yet seen , and ,0 hope hB mey
Wa1 Democrat : I Is currently reported
that Governor-elect 10icomb has received
more applcatons for positions supposed to
bo within his gift tram republicans than from
democrats and POI1llsts combined. Tills
hIJwt'er. ' Is In accordance with tile o lrnal
fitness or things , n republican politicians . asa
a mmmle even though renegades that could not
stand Majors , are usually Infuenced by what
they expect to gel out or It.
Madison Oovernor-elect Itolcomli
Ma.lson Reporter : - lolcomh
wears lghty the houor that have been
thrust _ upon him by the people. lie Is ptmr-
sulug the even tenor of his way heedless . of
the rabble horde at. hungry republican law-
yers who want to fIll his place on the bench ,
hCNless also or the persistent multullo that
Is clamoring for appointive positons In the
sweet bye-anll-bye. Now we hear or him
holding court al Keune , again at North
IlaUe and again at his home tn Bloken
iloor Here an ovation Is given there a
banquet Is teuderell himn but always alI
everywhere Mr. Holcomb manifests tn\ same
erstwhie simplicity , dignity and kindliness
of heart In his determination to round out
the year In fulfilling the duly he owes to' '
time people by serving them as judge ho Is :
\llhehl ly the people. They elected him and I
they want his sen'lct as judge as long : S
they can retaIn item
( letting the I W'nrst of I.
. .
ChIcago Time.
Between Judge Brewer's mnxlmum rate
decisIon and . the Proposed amendment ot the
Inlerslnte commerce law by repeal ot its
Int-poolnl clause the American producer
1111 ccnsumer ale goIng to he ground up
Into railroad dividends .
. Uen\h Illw of l'ngllistn.
Sl. l.oul5 llepubiic.
Pugilism knows too much to hive . Andy
I1o'eu's and Can fliordan's deaths have
followed too closely for pUblc semitinient's
matii'nce. ) Pugism will not he alowed here-
aft0r In any oC the United Sintes. ' 10 per-
mIt tnlBh tIghts would be to connive at as-
Mull wlh Intent lo kill. .
'h" Trll.tM HnoI Not.
sprnEn.hl : Itepublican.
doubt but It Is
I just happened so no ,
not altogether fortunate that the first application -
caton ot the Sherman nati-trust law shoul
be ml\de against 1 labor union for conBplr-
' . hiw has been In force four ' " .
acy. The Irw leen years
and was designed to suppress combinations
or cOn I'llacleB of capital. But so far ns
the trusts go 1 has been n dead letter.
.ccomlolUoIR fur t'cntultty.
. . ,
I.Inroln 4ews.
I Is no compliment to the legisators to
say lint there Is Illt of running special
trains to Omaha during the coming session
of tile legislature to please the members
who do not like In'or 'elr's orders.
Neither Is Il much of 1\ compliment lo
Omahn Yet lint ( Is just what h\ being
said The rumol' can harly be deemed
I tribute to the statesmanshlll of the member -
hers of th appronchilitg session
- - .
Wi Ih' WIIIII 11 Time.
Nebraska City l'ress.
When Beatrice exlcnded an invitation to
Editor Hosewater It was looked upon by
many In the lIght of n jolt When he
hired a hal and billed the town Il began to
hook serious , lund when he mmle I rousing
republIcan speech Friday night the earnest-
ness could not he alnsald Editor . Rose- ,
wat has not yet been In Nebraska City
but the Inviaton Is only withheld until his
scrylces can be availed , with n prospect of .
being more urgently needed. . !
J nlgr"UoI If ' 'IIU\Csc. :
Chicago hIeroW.
There Is nothIng In the new treatywith
Japan about the emigration oC Japanese to
the United States. This Is ! mal cr. how-
ever to be regulated hy the laws of the
two countrIes not by treaty The law of
Japan prohibits emIgration to any country
where the subjects of that empire would be
uuwelcome Evidently , In one sense reputable -
ble Japanese would not be "unwelcome"
In the UnIted States but . as of the Mon-
Iolan' racer they come under the prohibi-
( Ions ot the ChInese exclusion act. ,
tons - _ .
benton "R 11.1 Scntencc
Hebron' Journnl
Omlhn has n judge who has become no-
torious for his tyranny and severity. His
name Is Scott Among the recent emana-
lens from his court was the sentencing a
young man to live year ul hard labor In
the penItentiary for stealing two cloaks.
The account does not state the value ot
the cloaks. The supposition Is that the
cloaks were common ordinary garments
wotlh probably 130 or $10 From the severity
of the sentence the supposition would be
that the prisoner had stolen two costly sealskin -
skin cloaks or two Imperial wraps. Had
. Mosher been sentenced In lIke proportIon
for the crimes he committed . the sentence
would have been for I period of ab3ut 2.60
years Another case the same day was the
senteclng ot a young man for three yearn
In the penitentiary for stealing a bicycle.
Was 1 studded with gems ? There ought to
'be more "mnldng the penalty lit the crime. "
Courts , ought to understand that crimes
differ In degree and that extreme severity
Is no more than extreme leniency
Sam 'I'ILtieil' " lropbecy
N"w York Sun.
In : I conversation held some time ate
the civil war between ll 'rhiden an(1 a
genteman who had been I conspicuous clti-
zen or s , seceding state the southern gentleman -
tleman saId that the democratic party appeared -
peared to be permanently disabled and
broken down 1lr. Tilden's reply was characteristic -
ncterlsHc and most InterestIng.
"It seems to be broken down at present. "
he said , "and It Is broken down. Yet I
will come upgaln , and I will once more
gain control \ the gcvermlnlent. But this
sItuatIon wilt nol be permanent. In order
t come Into power the democracy must
have the support and assltance of the south-
ern states : anti that support and asslnnce
may very soon prove to be its ruIn The
souther states will insist upotm rulIng the
democracy utterly , and helng poor , they will
try to foist Into the democratIc program
Ideas and measures contrary to all demo-
cmtc prlncllJle. Against thIs the whole
country will prolest The United States wi
never consent t IJe governed by time south
or by stIck southern hleas. 'rhe democracy
wi be voted down ; and then Il last sluu-
, ton wi be worse than the first. "
'Vhen Mr. Tiden delivered this memorable - I
ble' prophecy he had no Idea that such I I
man lS Grover Cleveland could be rained tl
the head Dt the democracy through any
wild delusIon ot PoPular sentment ; arm ' ) thus
the cahunlty which he foretold has come
upon the country much sooner than he
could have believed It p to be possible .
J flUly of the IIte Cise.
Ilntsmouh .Tournnl .
The position Judge Brewer tacit In the
Nebraska ' maximuni freight rate law that
the cost ot construction and equllnnenl
should govern the earning or churslng
rower at the roads Is a good deal Ite the
11JOs1Lon ' or the gold monomaniacs that "the
cost at Production" ot the precious metals
governs their vaitme In the case ot gold
and silver It II the standard at vulne fxed /
by law which regulates the value It al
the commerce.uslng nations ot the world
were to change tIme law regnlaLng the
umount ot gold 10 he put In a dollar that
would Betlu its value. Wlh silver It Is
just the same Time Ipse dixit ot the law Is
supreme In that remiliec. \VItil railways I
Is different. A railway might Ie built on
time tOIJ ! ot the Rocky mountains which
would cost $10,0 a mile . hut Its freight
charges could not le based emi that cost
but they must hI fixed al the utility ot the
tralc , or Il would get no lHslness anti its
stock would bo at no value whatever
JUdge Brewer or the whole United States
supreme court could not create un equity
In favor or such I rod charging rates based
upon cost ot constructun and equipment.
Neither can he by arbitrary dictum compel
Nebraska IJeOllle to pay rates hnsed on the
cost or construction and equipment at Ne-
lrask" railways. The judge ts 1 good bible
student and Sunday school / teacher , and we
venture to recommend to his attention that
1)ISSSO ot the scriptures which says :
"Whatsoenr ye would Ihat men should do
to you . do ye even so unto them. " I may
give him UI Idea at equity not found In
modern law books.
Highest of all in Leavening Powcr.- Latest U. S. Gov't Report
pya1 Powder
Time wise bank omelet should provide eon-
try boxes
The great trouble Is to make the purse fit
the intentIon.
The , Lexow committee struck I rich streak
at pay dirt lest week
The germs ot uceCS are rooted In the
mal boy , who seeing what he want , belly
asks for it.
necln event have convinced New York
pol co that peddlers' fruit I not as healthy )
as It used 10 be.
A Kentucky court convicted a man on
We.lncsday . for lurter committed on the 11re.
ceding 'rlday. This actIvity gives lynching
a close race
The Syracus and New Orleans "blows"
are more effective In discredhtimig ptmgilihmu
erect\.o lscre.lln pugluu
than tIme ordinary kind Indulged In by the
short.halre.1 fraternity.
A rescro'or built by the city or lhlblleh1hlo
at a cost or $ I,169.r.90 Is pronounced by u.
ports to bo a superb munlclpnl Job In other
words , I won't hold water.
Bishop Taylor aaya . there Is n distillery In
I.lborla which the natves cal the "Good
Jesus Factory , " so closely In theIr minds Is
the lquor : assocIated with Christianity.
When Mayor Strong or New York took the
oath or nOire he kissed n bible that was O\en
nt the Book oC ltevelatIomms . That has beu
nn open book In New York for some tinme.
A lerln genius has luvenled an car cover-
log worrnntel1 10 deallen sounds. Bul It does
not meet the emergency . Whnt the country
hankers for Is n muzzle for cnlamll croaker )
Congressman lrecltnltho Intimates In a
lto speech that the election will purIfy the
democratic port ) The purllcnton began
when the Ashland dIstrict rq1dlntcd the un-
ta\'or colonel.
There are Corl.f'e sun'l\or of the war of
1812 on the roll of the pension ofilce . or whonl
Ifeen are 100 or more years ohl. There are
twelve pensioners or the re\olutonor ) ' wor ,
but they are all wdows. ;
A great opportunity Is open to the New
Woimman The goverment 15 unnble to mnn
the new cruiser Mltimieapolls. A creW of'
full-blown bloomers would lend a plcluresque
charm to the fastest cruiser of her sel.
The development or the microbe theor
In Durnlo led to the creation of two emcee
for bacteria sharps , wIth comUICI salary or
$3.600 n 'ear. lyperdermlc Injections or
political serum Utterly tall to dislodge time
The SentInel at Mlwnuleee celebrated the
golden anniversary of its birth ly occupylug
a magnifcent nlne.story Imoimie The Senti-
nel's prosperity Is time reward at n hal century -
tory or sleepless vigiance on the ramparts or
larry la\\ard of Minneapolis Is said to
be very fastidious about his neckwear , amid It
Is feared the aUlhorles wil nol be able 10
please him In the necltte line. Still . IC
the sheriff Is put to I. IH can bring out his
reserve stock ot novel ties .
George M. McDonald the Napoleon or bO11
investment swlndle8.began serving his term
or Inprlsonmen at Geneva Ill. . last week.
Eleven months In a county Jai Is trifng
punishment for the wldcprenl rolberes : per-
pelrlled by McDonald and his compnny.
Manlfetatons or the New Woman arc mul-
tlplying Ono or them slop1ed n man on time
streets or Detroit . puled a cigar Ind aslwl
for a light. Up In Maine a mnscular woman
15 working UIJ a paying business spanking her
neghbors' : bad boys nlO p cents a Ilank.
SI"III In SUPlllml.
Plwn ! ! In.lpend.nt. .
Tbe truth Is that the supplies for the legislature -
Islnture have been bought In Illvnnce of
the convening ot the legislature l ' the sec-
rotary of state In huge quantIties and
without nny stulalons lS to prices. Bis
have heen led and approved by the secre-
trary of state and passed over to the au lIng
lag committee ot the legislature . which
has taken the aplrovn1 ot lie secretary
of state us sufficIent to show that the sup-
piles were needed , ordered and delivered.
In truth huge quantities ot these supplies
ate now lying In the cellar of the capItol ,
which wer order and paid for } 'enr ago .
ns the present secretary ncknowledegs TIm
legislature has been to blame for allowing
such his to be paid even In the hurry .
busle and contusion ot n session but the
secretary , who deliberately ordered the
wagon loads of unnecessary mnterlil tram
favorite hOuses In LIncoln certlinly deserves -
serves the severest censure In these la8
when hundreds ot our western settlers are
living on the husls ordinariy fed to swine
anti Ian } ' nte.on the' verge of starvatiom' , It
Is proper that thosl of all polLcal beliefs
joIn tn ths demand for I curtaIlment ot unnecessary -
necessary expenses. There should be no
polities where the honesty of public 01-
daIs Is concerned.
concerne. .
A Dc lnrllun of IrlncllJlo' .
' Glob-Democrt.
A'inan can be a Jound und consistent pro-
tectonist without belIeving that the highest
duties are nlwa"s the . best duties.
Minneapolis TJm 8.
The car was very crowded and the isle
was crowded , too
And just then n woman entered and she
boldly elbowed timrough
And she stood In anxious wnltng for some
salnnt mica of fame
To vacate his seat mind grant her a clear
Ute to the same !
For three weary blocks she waited , when a
gentleman arose
And'ldndly whispered to her she might have
his late repose :
.he kind nulterld glee and , she gurgled In n giggling
And urged him to maintain hIs seat In his
serenity ;
She really couldn't take It and he must r-
sume hIs seat ,
She urged him and she pushed him and she
did It wondrous sweet .
tOut I took her ozone from her when he
answered . "Madam dear ,
I wish I could oblIge you , but Ive got to
gel oft here ! "
- - - -
, . ,
! Q:1t NBRlRl - " ' > lS1..tT10 : .
OMAhA Dee. IT-To the editor of The
lice : Now that our state leSlsllturo Is about . "
to convene , for one I respectfully suggest . :
elacments on time following subJecls :
Firt-Authorizing anti requiring aver , .1
county Irtasurer to procure , anti In all ofcial "
proceedings , papers , etc" , to use n seal AI : .
the lAw \ Is , time county treasurer I
requied In some cases to use nit ! afx his I
ofcial seal , anti . as the law does not author.
Ize him to have n seal , the law , a decided
by the courts , notably tn Cases or lax deNIs ,
Is a nullity . >
Secnd-Chnnge the law ot descent ' so that
murlerors llY not reap the rewards of their
crimes The \ 8houll be so chonge.1 that ' . '
one many' not take by descent nor devIse who I
lurder to procure the estate Now :
that limo supreme cOlrl , In time Shell-
enberger case , has finally decided thlt In this
state one may lurder for time express purpose
or 11rocurln property . and then become
'esle.1 . with the ( estate of the lurderetl Iler-
Eon . It Is high tme for time good name of the (
state ot Nebraska that the how be change.t. .
Thlr.I-Hequlrlnc all munIcIpalitIes In
awarding contracts for public work to exact
hernia to the use or the munlcl11aly , to pay
all labor clmtIni0. The law should be so
trained that the board . '
would have a con- '
fesslon of jUdgmenl on wimiclm on default , the I
attorney for the lullcllltl ) ' could confess
jUlgmmt In the district court for the whole
amount or face or the bond . Then all labor-
ers , 01 sufcient proof of their clal1s , could ,
ha\e a Judgmenl len wltoul time expense
and delay oC n suit In court. ,
There Is luch 10 be said In favor nf this
proposition rind its necessity Is Illnful ) lp-
parEt to almost all lalult laborers anti
equaly so to the ofcers of lost munlcll\nl.
ties. A large percenla of lmmmbhimt commtrcts
are awarded to ptrsons mmot resldimig im ( lie
municipality , frcqtlcmmtly not even residents
of time state. Time work is frequently done
tInder agents or sUperihmtendcflts , wimo , wimen
a bad bargain or nmm umiprofitablo comitract
lots been mmmdc , mmnder Instrtmctiomms from tlmeir
enmpho'er sudienly leave just before time work
is completed , leavlmig imo one omm wimoni a
stimnmmmons immay be served , amid also leavIng thIn
laborers liracticallr Without even legal redress
dress , To foilow timese traimip contractors
to otimer jurisdictions , or even to be comapelled
to hiring stilt in a local tribunal 1mm mmman' . yes ,
in macst cases , wIlt eat up tlmo wimola ammiount '
due ammy oime laborer.
citrus' ll'ALImIfI ) isiioit.i ; .
llawsor l'arteti nmmi time St.mimmmmmmr ( ironimmiomi
It , Slimuliow tInter.
NEW t'Olt1 , Dec. 17-Tim Belgian
steammmer hlevillus which arrived last niglmt
from Brazil brougimt as Imassengers front
nalmia Captain ilenimer. Mate Stone and Steward -
ard Warren of time scimooner i , A. Sinipson of
New Yorlc , previously reported asimore at
Aracaju , Brazil , Captaimu bummer reported
that Ime loathed a cargo of sugar at Aracajmo
for New York. Time vessel was ready for sea
some five imiomitims or more , but was unable
to get ; over time bar wltimout tIme asslstmmmmce of
a (1mg , After ( imis long delay time services of
a government tug were cmigimged to tow the
velsel to sea anti on thou imftermmooti of No-
vemmmber 14 sIte got under way and mrocoeded ,
At S p. mu. , imowever , witen on the bar , tIme
tug's Imawsor Parted and the vessel swung
aroimimmi tIme breakers , pounding imeavll and
drIfted ashore. At low water time vessel was
ImigIm amid dry on the beacim , tIle crew walking
aslmoro withm timeir eersonai effects. A small
portiomm of time cargo was salvaged , but time
greater iart was jettonlzed after time vessel
got Into the breakers. The vessel was sold
at auction for a small sum. The Simpson
was of 237 tons register and was owned in
Now York , She was partly lmmsured ,
llattory I ) Flliott TImis Week wltim mm unique , . .
ExlmIbttIomm ,
CHICAGO , Dec. 17-The dcli carnival
wimiclm will be hold this week at Battery B ,
beginiming thus evening , will probably surpass
anything of time kind ever before attempted
iii this city. Mark Tivnin , Rider Haggard ,
Edward 13cilmuny Ella. Wheeler WIlcox , Mrs.
Cleveland and iiundreds Of other notable
peo'lo have tent in contribud'ons Intl dteased ' <
dolls for eximibition at. the carnival , The
stipreme croirt of the United States is shown
at. tIme carnival , with the justices in their
long , black gowns , the clerks and attendants.
They are slmown 1mm a facsImile of the Unitetj
Statca supreme court room , wlmicim was made _
by a welt known artist , The Idea of showIng
time suumrcmne court was proposed by , Mrs.
ItlamlimIng , a daughmter ct Clmief Justice Fuller.
Urge mu Curremmc Commission.
ST. PAUL , Dec. 17-The Chamber of Corn-
marco today adopted resolutions favoring time
creation of a currency commission amid timat
it 1)9 required to report to the president
within a year tlmo changes recommended by
them in our system , The pm-eamnble depre.
cates revision of the currency by congress ,
such reviulon being likely to retard business
by inducing a Period ot uncertainty.
Mayor Iioiiklmms' Tlrost Trouble ,
CHICAGO , Dec. 17.-Friends of Mayor Jcimn
P. Ilopklims are alarmed by a. serious ailment
affecting hits timroat. Arduous ovork during
tit campaign a year ago and this imas made
it dltllctmit to comiquurthio , , disease. Hoarseness -
ness hmas increased to such aim extent tlmat
ho wIll go cast tumnorrow to consult
specialists. .5'
I. ] . il-i ts : opnN : a 8:30 rJfj7 r ' 2(1. f
Holidays. _
.1 , Happiness4'
4' S
S U S i E N D E RS
-i ° lime sIlk and satin KIiRCIII1IFS - All SMOKING JACK-
embroidered in all time mmetv effects amid ETS of English
colors amId several mioveltlos in long , Jacket Ciothm. , quilted
styles. aimawl iterclmlef. and sathim trimmimed , from
mufflers ; extremely $3.50 to $15.00.
- neat effects.
UMI1REL'TAS - _ _ _ _ _ _
Elegant silk , par.mgOn
frames , natural wood BATH ROIIIIS of
handles , all imrices. . Clotim and
MUFFLERS - lix. Terry Eider-
- - tra fine hlmmo Cf imuro down , from $3.00 to
Caslmmnero amId l'nis. $ i500 ,
C H I ij D IL S N 'S hey wool maufilers for
WIAJL , sucim . as elderly gemmtlenmon , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
fancy waIst. , caps ,
ties , lmoie and novelty
GLOVES - Driving
T1ES-Titousands of
'em , All the late gloves In EnglIsim
styles amId new colors , buck , fine Mocha , dog
V skin amid choverette , IIANIlcIiflCiuinFs.
Dress gloves , higimt -A beautltmmi line of
BOYS' LF200INOS weights , 1mm undressed Linomm llammmikercltlefs.
-Time boy doeCn't live Imemnstltchted a im U
tbat would nt like a hid , linglisim buck , plain , in fancy colois
pair of leather leg- dog akio , colt skin and idalu white , A
glngs. and Fremmch kid. Full very floe and extra
- _ _ - lIne of Jcnt'ml drIvIng quality Jail 1)11k igmi-
tIal ilandkorchmlef ,
BOYS , CA1'E OVER. and street gloves. Our regular The. We
COATS-Very I 0 W 1"r gloves and iluei are going to maim a ' 6
lirices oil cape over- gloves of all descrip. special price of this
coats and reefers this tlcns , one at SOc.
week ,
Rohiablo Clotimiers , S. Ye' , Corner Fifteenth amId Douglas Sta.
I ,
. - - . , k. _ _ _ . _ _ _ -