. , - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . , . , TilE OMAhA DAILY nEE ; ? trONDAY DECEMI3EU . 17 . 8 : , , 180.1. - ' , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I - - - - - - - - - - OPPORTUNITY FOR OMAHA - Whl\t Would Bo Gained by Trading with the Puget sound People , hOW AN OLD NEBRASKAN \ LOOKS AT IT 1 ; I - . Jlr c and Profitable " , rlnjcs ) Could no JstablshCI : ) that Would flrcaty Jnhnnco - Commlrclal Jntorc5t . at this Point . ' . -1 he I'roinIIng 1tiIttrIa . } . ! 0. of' ' ' . . . , . . . . , , , . , .1' ' . S I John . . Iarman , 0 . trom1nenL lawyer S and banker or Tacoma , wa In HiD city a few days ago. Mr. lartman was once I re- . lenL or Nebraska , having spent eighteen year or his life In } { earne . Several years ago ho removed to the stat or WashIngton , and now almost nil Dr his Interests are In S that state. lie II on a trill to the cast , anll , . he stopped over In this city to open the eYe o [ the Jobbers of Omaha to , the tra\o S ( list II open to them In the state that he relrcents. ( There arc n number or Industries - tries In the country about Puget sound S which are still In their Inrancy but over . liartrnan Is enthusiastic. . which Mr. lartman very enthuslMte. There Is n reason In the world , Mr. hart- .5 man thinks why the protlucts of these In- , rustrles shoull not be exchanged for the lllustrles or this state , and thus n very mlvantageous trade le opened up between r the two slates. "Somo time ago " said , Mr. Hartman , "it woull have been Impossible to start such n trade . but now the Burlngton has cx- . tended Its line to lhiliings . where It cou- lecl with the Northern Pacifc. thus maIl- lag practicaliy . a through line between Juget sound anr Omaha An agreement has been entered Into by the ( two roads by : which I rate has been made. : This rate h the same to nil Missouri river points. 'fhls gives Omaha Jobbers access to a territory that they should nol overlook. The exchange oC Nebraska corn and its products for the lumber and other products S or the Puget sound country would lo mutu- S nly advantageous to both states. As It Is how . St. Paul and Minneapolis are obtaining S fully onha\ the trade oC tl\ state. 'fho freight rates on the Ine3 that now connect Iuget BOIII and Omaha would 10t be greater than on the single Northern Pa- ePic hue that connects that country with S St Paul and Mlnneap ls. : "The greatest industry whIch the Iuget sound Ountry possesses , but which Is still 'oung. Is the lumber Indlstr ' . I do not ; know how large the timber district Is , hilt t Il Is fully 300 mies long and 200 wide. S This Is very thickly covered with trees that ar over 100 feet In height. . The trees S are chlefy'Vashlngton fir , which Is In many ways ataptell to take the ( place of oal , . I ' S Is [ uly as strong ant Is about one.thlrd lighter. The lumber Is made from tiils all S from Il lightness Is . or courac much cheaper to transport than oak. Then. we . are beginning to ship an enormous amount or shIngles. They are made from cedar , the wood or which Is much more durable than pine. DurIng the fIrst year of the shingle Industry In 1889 , 1G.000.000 shingles were - shipped away. Up to the present time this ' year 1GOO.000OOO shlugles have been shiipd . S with the prospect that the lumbcr will reach 2,000,000,000 before the end or the . 'S tear. FISHING INDUSTRY IMPORTANT. . j "Another Industry which Is still In Its Infancy . - fancy . but which wIn time become great Is SS tie fishing. The Japan current runs north S , to the Aleutian islands , and then turns back . down the. American coast rIght Into Puget S sound. The _ water Is cooled ly the floating Icebergs In the north , so that its temperature In the sound Is betwem 40 and 4 [ degrees S not rising above the later point even In the - ummer.- The water Is stocked with sal- . man , sturgeon halibut and other fIsh , and the coldness ot the water makes the flesh . : or the fsh firm and hard , more so that of .5 S these caught on tie Atlantic coast. After the , fsh arc caught they are rrozen almost before they arC dead , and packed In Ice houses , lie : temperature or which Is 7 or 8 degrees below 5 , .i : zero. Whop they reach the market they are rresh. They arc shipped In refrigerator cars. S Almost all thlt have been caught have been p. ' . going t Chicago. When I was here a year , ago I fotced some or these fish that were . . hl ng at 25 cents I pound. The storekeeper .5 ; toll Inc that ho had received - Ulem from S V Chicago. They had been shipped there from ; , Puget sound and then to Omaha. Now S these fish could bo lr ught directly to Omaha an l sold bre al from W to 12 cents a pound S an\ they are bought Cram the fishermen at -S lcsf than 2 cents I pound. S "The hop industry Is ell all large. The largest hop grower In the world Is at the . : sound He has GOO acres grown to hops anti Rru1R mil annually 10.000 bales. each bale weighting - 200 podnds. . lie clears $100 an acre 55 net. The state Is Ilecularly suited to the S cultIvation or liops. There are only a few S countries that can grow them , these being S . England , havana . two places In Germany apart part of New York , a part or California anti I part or Oregon Th cost or raising hops S Washington Is smaller than In any or S . these plaCf I S "Omaha Is In a position to get a part oC . : this trade . anti the attention or the jobbers .5 Ihould le called to it. We In Washington t have no corn products and wo want to get S them In return we are ready to give lum- . ber hops , fish and fruIt The means of effecting - ' fecting the exchange Is at hand. " CC'I ' : - fectng - _ . % : A Ohlll UIJO ) ' " The pleasant favor , gentle acton and sooth- ; lug effects or Syrup of FIgs when In need S or a laxative . anti l ( lie rather or mother le costive or bilIous the most gratifying results S S follow Its use . S' ) that It Is the best family S S remedy known . and every family should S bottle hand have 0 bote on 1 p S I Dedel Institute or Dnlr , Neb , Is the best and only guaranteed cure of the lIquor , mol- ' phlno and tobacco habit . S V P : 8'\TJ' : JHltU"lUSSUOIATIO : . S Uearlcr , Jeeemcr J Ilh neil 101h. For this important convention the Union S l'cil1c will sell tickets nt the rate or one i S fare for the round trip Tickets on sale Tleceniber 17 and 18 , limited to December 21 for return . trip. Mon prominent In the irrigation question . will I.e prelent anll address the convemitlcim. ' All the latest Improments In irrigation machinery wi he on exhibition. This con- : . , enton wi Irovo 1. liberal education on the subject or Irrlgalln In all Its branches. 4 hARRY I' . DEUEr I City Ticket AGent. S IO2 Farnam St. : : : FIIILIdI"S "JHJCI ISI\SU" . EXCURSION , - 'hrOljh 'J'onrla " levIiig 1 Cur to Sai 1 I'ar- I t'lCI 1111 J.OAllt'le. . . S Via Chicago , Rock hlanll & Iaclfo railway , S S ) leaves Omaha every Friday at 1:10 : p. m" , . . "Ia Denver , Colorado Springs , Pueblo Salt ' 1alI O den. Also through tourist sleeper to Iosngoles every WClnesday on our southern route , via Fort I Worth and EI Paso. S Tickets anti Hleephl/ / : car . reservations can be 4 , aecured at the "hock Island" ticket ottlce . ; : For full information ell on or adiltess CIAHLES KENNEDY , lG02 I"aram St. , . O. N. \ \ I' . A. r TII JHtaO' : : HJ'I'UIHt : UUUTJ } "m ( tie hock hllll-.horlut , UIO nuti r5 l.UIAt ' 1 ' line . To :1 point In Kansas Ohlaboma IndIan Tcrritory Texas and all poInts In southern .5. . California . OnlY one night out to all point a. In Texai. The "Texas Limited" leaves Oma. S la lt lll : a. m. daily except Sunday , landing t , 11ueenger lt all polnti In Texas 12 hours In Sc r : advance of all other hines. Through tourist S curs viI I/t. Worth and E Paso to Los An. l - les. l"or full Ilatculara , maps , foider t . i ; cte. , cal at or alre.I" Hock Island ticket tS. "mop 1r atn9f k - - - - ' - IIAS.KIJNIDY l , o. N. W. P. A. : I : I ' - Carter - COlht . Not Uet Out. J. W. CaJter tue lere1 mon who was eOlld _ tI errest d last atiTay for biighai1 ntjr ! Ir i bu afr S Q fior fKht , Is a cad ffitn e\'en In lou . _ Yesterday 1.0 made two attempts to escape ? , _ i : i : each tme setting out of hug ccli. lie man- I U aged to plcl the hocks on the cell door due- - I tug the night , end ho worked is see - saw , game oIl tie oOcers all BundlY mnornIn . - I p comll' out when the ofeers wlre not In - a si&tit ' and locking himself when they ap- - t petP4Ml . The olileers. hud a SUSPICIOn ' of his ) tied lie could 110 nothing Later In lle .f ; & opluel UI" I w r pat of the i chimney that lenll 110wn into the jail , with the int4'nt or either climbing out or concealing - coaling himself therein , but the soot and smoke / cmplell him to give up his plnn. lie then trlell n window but was caught b - fore he made any headway Ho , taken hack to his cell and . safely shnckled. HE THRASUED THE INSPEOTOR. Councilman JolnD Would Not have Ills Work Crttcl eel-ShotR Vlrel. Yesterday shortly after noon the vicinity about Twcnty-ronrth and Lake streets was consIderably shaken up ly a fight that oc- currQd bctween councilman 10lmes and a ' building InsP clor. . _ . Holmes Is ( ha contractor for a building that Is being put up on the west sIde er Twenty- fourtu street , Just south or Lake The spec- IfcatIons were made by Architect Pat Crtedon. The building does not appear above the ground now , but n couple c f weeks ago It was one story In the air. When It hall reached lint height lie Inspector np- pearell on the scene amI discovered that the building waR not being put up strictly according - ! ! cording h the specifications. lie sought out 10imes an,1 iinted out the fact to him , Sonic talk was \ had , but the story cato down. Yesterday the Inspector again made an ex- aminaton and found that the work was again nol according to the specifications. lie called the atent [ n or holmes to the matter. For awhIle they talIed , but they soon caine to blows. No one interfered , and spectators say that when the fIght was finished the inspector - specter was 1:1ly worsted , After bringing about this satlsractrr ! result Holmes wnlled down lie street. The Inspector pulled him- self together and sought to even up maters by shoolng at his c nquerer as he marched along. 10 Ired two shits , but neither tool effect . No arrests were made. NeIther or the lel- I"erents ; could ho found last I evening , and learned. the nnmo or the Inspector could not le . l'oUII. Ointi liii's ittil I. r'rhlay evening Court Omaha No. 1,091 , Independent - dependent Order or Foresters , gave a concert anti ball In Patterson hiali . The c lmlte s that hail the affair In chare had spared no efforts to make It the best thing oC the kind that had ever been given by the court and thor success waa such that many or those present rll It was the finest entertainment thaI lied ever been givemi In the city. At any rate , the occasion was a magnllccnt success In every wny. A good llrogram cr musIc , reclators , antI addresses hall been prepared and every lumber was well ren- tiered At tie conclusion or the program danchl was taken up and continued through n program or fifteen numbers , and the only Inlorrlptc occurred Wh21 refreshments , both dehic'ous ant ample , wer ser\ d. The purpose of the e tellalnm ht Was to boom the membershlll of the court. A special - clnl charter rate dispensation has been gr ntel to h inl the last or this month Crlm October 1 Up to lie present time the court has Increased Its membership more than lO nor cent. The committees that had the mater In charge included : 'f. L. Combs D. II. Tra1 , H. O. Sabine . J. G. Neale W. M. Taylor Low Anderson , Dr. J. M. AikIn , F. C. Craig n. D. Jolimiston D. D. Combs , J. W. Mu'r , The presiding ofcer was S.- T. L. Combs. Clilitiren's SurprIse J'nrty. A surprise ! part was . tendered one tlay lat week to MIss Edna 10)'sen nt 2G17 Seward . ard Street ly a number or her little friends , who were hospitably entertained and en- Joyell themselves perfectly. Present were : ) ) elo Kaiser. Katie Kaiser. Carrie Gibson Bessie Shorthiff . JulIa Shortfr , Sophia Eng- ler , Clara Engler , Kate Jardine . Jessie SImpson Dela Thompson , Minnie Ieacocl , . Arthur Petersen George Emigier . Frnl , J lzpat'lek. Marion Gibson Walter Jardine Paut Robinson , Harvey Frost and Charles Thompson . _ _ _ . _ _ _ l'EUSUX"IL 1.II"IUIAI'lS. cade. H. II. Cherry or Hastings Is at the Ar- cade.N. N. E. Schoolfeld , Sahida . Col. , Is a Paxton guest. James halley , Rapid City , S. D. , Is at the Pnxton. . 'John Murerof Norfolk was In Omaha yes- 1. erday. . : 'V. n. Jenes , Oakland , Ia. , Is at the Merchants - chants . George N. Murphy of Beatrice Is at the Dele . H. Taob Is registered at the Barker from St. I. uls. S. W. Bidding , Jefferson , la. , Is at the M - : q ants. Hrs. n. Merchant or Gering Is a guest at the Arcade L . C. PatrIck , npd ! City , S. D. , Is a Mer- chants guest. < G. Deecher or Columbus Is registered at the Dollone. . Delone. T P. Dunaway and D. Brooks . or Denver are nt the Millard. E. A. Drown and wife or Nelraslla City " ari pelo guests. . , PIHI E. WInters Is registered at the Bar- lI , ' frnm T"rlmnnl _ _ _ u _ on _ _ _ mnn , . 5'w. ; n. n. Bonelrako or' Lincoln Is registered . tered at the Merchants. , Four members or "ProdIgal Father" coni- pn are at the Darller. John A. DavIes of Platsmouth took dinner . nor at the Delono yesterda Ten members oC"Trlp to CI\lnatown" \ corn- pany are domicied al the Darker. President S. H. II. Clark arrIved In lie city last evening to remain a few days H. W. Morse and C. S. Kunan or Shenandoah - doah , la. , were Paxton guests yesterday. non. Eugene Moore or lincoln , auditor of public accounts , was In the city last evening. n. J. Pasch or I"remont and I. C. Spauld- lug or 01'1' . tool. dimmer ul the Arcade yes- terday. - B. H. I'nrcel or Broken new and Harry E. 'Wels or Lincoln are registered at the Merchants. G. W. Whlaller or Kearney James H. Cook or Ian Ison and C. H. Cornell of Val- entn ! registered at the Merchants last oven- ing. Inl.11ss Besslo Clayton and mother , Miss SOllo 1lrby. Miss Margaret Mcionniti Miss Nellie V. Parker are a quartet or ladles stopping ! at the Barker with "A Trip to Chinatown" company. ' 'At the Mercer : Edward J. Koch , M1- wnukeo : William Keene , C. S. l"asselman , New York : P. J. Mcl.ouhln. Deadwood S. D. ; A. O. \Vcst FromnontVlliian : ) Deli . Ios- tomiV. : . H. Whlo , Chicago ; E. C. Culmer Gearing Neb. ; J. H. Perkins , Chicago : W. J. Wallace , Si.ttx City . H. D. Curtis , ramI Island ; J. S. Shaul and 14. I D. Craig . Louisville , Iy : C. B. Harrington - rington , Nebraska City ; W. F. Green , Plate City , Mo. ; n. O. Hce , Denver : C. M. I'-rled- buig. San Francisco : John I. I Winters , I're- lon1 ; P. J. Lester and H. Montague ChI- cage : C. n. Morrison New York . are com- merclul men who spent Suntay at the Uar- ' ker. _ J.UV.IT. JllO'I'IWi. Chief Seavey baa notified the police depart- mont thaI ( on. mUlti after December 20 no moro leaves or absence will bD granted to his men Int1 after the first or next year There Is a warrant at polco ! headquarters for the arrest or Chris peelit coune1man from the P'Ch ward , for assault all battery on his brother , Ge rge , last Friday night The Thulton Rifles will celebrate the first anniversary or theIr organization tonight by a banquet at lie armory 'fhD members and theIr lally friends and the honorary members are Imtviteii. The judge or the crlnlnal court has Issued tin order to the Police department to destroy several barrels or liquor taken 'trom Mike Walelz , who Was accused or selling without it city licetise . ! 1. cl ) Icene. Friends or James Alien , a Missouri Pacific telegraph operator were at lie police sta- ton yesterday t3 report hIm missing. He has not been hem since Saturday , and his mQLher was much alarmed about hIs absence The First InCantry Regimental land expects to receive Its brand now and showy dress uniforms front the state bY January 1. That tf Drum Major I"olett will consist of white ; I pants , dark green coat , w th white trttnniinga ' ant a HWslen halr-slzo fur cap A concert 'I , tour In the sprIng through the state or Iowa l what the land has also . under , consllera- , Hon 10\\ ' . ! . . . 55 Fred V. Bowers , I member or " ' 'he Prod- IS'II I.'ather" company , which arrived here yesterday , reported to the plco that he had left a pocketbook containing $220 In a closet lt the mrkwoo hotel In Des MoInes , Ia. , which place the company left at on early hour yesterday mIming. Chief Detective Haze telegraphed to the Des Moines police t the ' , locate money . ECHOES FROI 1 THE ANTE ROOI I Mount OalvalY Oomnnnder Confers. the ' Order of the Red Ores RALLYING OCCASION FeR , TEMPLARS 31Rlonle Temple UeRIlcllelt with OUter- II Uniorm lnl J.onl OO\'I-LI8Iof Thos\ I'rescnt-J.odge ! elc Work ' ; t ; : r Scret clel.r cws. "Oh , ye princes and rulers , " began tjie commlnll to time faithful or Mount Calvary eomllndery No. I , Knights Templar , cling upon them to meet In special conclave Friday evening at the asylum or the Templare In this : city , for lie purpose or conferring upon five novitiates lie ( order or the Hell Cross , that most ancient order taking its Inspiration from the court of DarIus , who lived and ruled 521 years before ChrIst. As a result Dr the command the asylum of Mount Calvary commal11ery was crowded wih the faithful. The glitter and gel of the order was everywhere In evidence. Sir Knights clothed In the paraphernalia of ther : rank huried through the halls anti rooms or lie ( Iasonlo temple There were visiting Knights from Council luf , from many Important - portant twns In Nebraska cud representatives of other conlnanterles throughout the United States . The ancient ceremony of "dubbing the ICmiighits" began promptl at [ o'clocll and , ' terminated at D , when , In honor of thO occn- slon , a banquet was served In the banquet room oC the temple , covers being laid for 300 , anti then there were not places enough at the series or long tables to accommcdate all the guests , but one of the rooms on the thlrJ floor had to le turned ' Into a temporary banquet . quet hal for the ( overflow. For the first line In the history or Tem- plnrlsm In Omaha the wives sisters , mothers and sweethearts or lie SIr Knights were in- vltel to the banquet , anti , ns a result , the blue lodge room on the third floor presented n very attractive picture , the presence or the ladles nUl the rch : decorations of the KnIghts contributing to the efectven < ss or the scene. WERE AT THEm DEST. Never have the members oC Mount Calvary commandery felt the importance or the occa- sion just so strongly as on Friday night. .Tliey 'ere there to show their wIves aqj sweethearts lie exalted character of tits mosl exclusive fraternity , and , as arc. stilt . those having the banquet all subsequent dancing Iii ! charge fairly outdid themselves . and the wIves who have opposed titer hus- bands' going to Iho In11n will tin Rn nn mn " . - - - - < - - - . . - m _ . _ after the lessons r- the gii- { : The members of the eo llandery , their ladies amid visiting guests were received by Sir Knhhts William T. Robinson Victor White . Henry C. Atdns , Louis H. Kory Ralph W. Brecllenldge , Charles A. Abel - crombie Messdames Henry C. Akin Louis II. Iorty , Victor White. Edwin U. Perfect Robert J. Dinning and Mss ! Llzzlo Parrotte oC the reception committee. Until 9 o'clock the ladles were privileged to play cards or listen to the orchestra , which played a program . gram of concert music. While the worneq were enjoying them- selves In the blue lodge room the ceremony or conrerrlng the ned Cross upon five can- dldates was In progress In the , commander rooms Sir KnIght Louis F. De Lorlmler , , , sovereign master officiating , assisted by , Edwin R. Perfect , prInce chancellor ; Perry A. Lyons . prince master or the palace : George E. Warner , master of cavalry ; ; Robert Carleton , master or Infantry ; Leverett M. Anderson , master or finance : Eben K. Long master or dispatches : Samuel D. Cahdwehi . standard bearer : Thomas F. Godfrey sword bearer ; Alfred M. oeson : warder ; Harry G. Counsman captaIn or the guard : A. ' Elliott Miller . thIrd guard : Benjamin F. Thomas second guard : John E. ' Simpson , , first guard : Ira O. Uhoates , organfst"tho higb prIest on thIs occasion being James W. \ Maynard In addition to a large representation or Mount Calvary commandery there were present - ont from out or town Dr. T. n. Lacey dep- uty grand commander or Iowa : J. D. AtkIns . past commander of Iowa , Rev T. J. Mackay , past commander , or Iowa , Ivanhoe commaldery No.1 , and the . following Sir KnIghts from Council Bluffs : George W. Llpe J. W. Del , P. E. Dunbar John Run- yen , J. C. MItchell . Prank Trimbahi . ,1. A. Cox Andrew McMian , J. E. Zay , J. P. Stevenson , I. M. Treynor and C. . E. Watters. Others were : II. Adams , Horton Kan. : T. C. Shelly. Beatrice Neb. ; Frank S. Pritcii- ett . Poughlleep3le. N. Y. ; J.P. Latta . Blair , Neb. : Louis Iey , Mount Tabor commandery Fremont ; James lit. Clark . Melta com- mamidery Chiadron Neb. j F. H. Sanderson , Esdraelon commandery , Esthervlp Ia. : \v. S. 'Vedge. Deauseount commandery. Baltimore . Md. : ; Richard J. Sharp , Grand Island ; Conrad Bugee Zion commandery , Minneapolis . MInn. : P. C. Lush , Dethel commandery Eln. Ill. ; Julius Kessler , PeorIa , Iii. ; David Campbell , Mount Carmel commandery , No.3 , Auburn . Neb. ; IIV. . Shriver. Bruce commandery , Red Oak Ia. ; P. S. Owen , York , Nel ; J. 'V. Bedford , past commander , Dc Moley commamlery of Missouri ; James L. HInch- man Delta commandery. Clayton Iii. The following past grand officers or the state of Nebraska were also In attendance : Daniel Nelraska II. Wheeler , past grand commander : E. K. Long . past grand commander ; Franl E. WhIte , past grand commander ; George W. Lininger , past deputy grand cOmmall\r \ : ' \ ' . H. Dowen : , present grand recorder or the grand commandery : Henry C. Akin , grand treasurer. Among the ladles present at , the banquet were : Mesdames Sayre PerCect. F. S. Owen , F. M. Ellis . Henry C. Akin . . Victor White . Gustave Anderson . F. E. Winning , Julius Kessler , E. 1arrote. Sweeney , J. T. Wool- hey , J. W. Maynard , Ralph Drecllenrldge , D. H. Wheeler , sr. , C. P. Stoutenboroughi I" C. Tuttle , C. H. Woohiey . J.P. Latn of Tekamahi T. C. Shely , W. S. Strawn , C. W. Allen , Carl lbenson A. Traynor. Council Bluffs : J. II. Jackson , Council Bluffs : G. W. Lipe J. W. Del , I' . E. Dunbar , Hunyan , J. . B. Atkins . II. A. Cox C. E. Waters ( , Council Bluffs : George Crosby . Christian Hartman , Ed laney , S. L. Wiley . T. C. Brunner ; Misses Smith . Parrote , Lulu Tut- Ue , Edna Brown , Woley , Florence May- nard , May Maynard , Shely , Mary McMihian . Grace Akin of St. Louis. AT TiE DANQUET TADLE. The banquet tables were beautifully dec- orated with palms , chrysanthemums and ferns anti after the completion or the menu 'foastmaster Sir Knight Henry C. Akin in- traduced Sir KnIght 11ev. Frank Crane to respond to the toast "Our Departed Dead. " The speech was fled with ! beautIful thoughts "The Grand Commandery or Ne- lra lt" was responded to hy Sir Knight Daniel Ii. Wheeler. "Our Visitors" was next on the program , anti l'as cleverly , handled by Sir Knight E. J. Cornish. 11ev T. J. Maclay caught the guests with his glowing tribute to "The Ladies , " and was followed by Sir Knight W . S. Strawn on "Foreign Countries , " who reviewed 'emplar- Ism In the ohl world , and In his ten minutes bringing forcibly to those present some or the characteristics or the peoples he had met while abread. But the crowning feature or the banquet , and a decided departure for Masonry , was the bright and very clever speech made by Mrs. I. H. Andrews , to the toast "Sir Inlghta. " She spoIl of the knight errantry of old , but saId In thes3 cbs- lag century days there were greater occa- sions for display or knlghthnod than In the days when Arthur and his merry len tied and jousted and made lie round table rIng with their quips and humor And then In closing she real a double quartet or lines whIch were fled with lofty senU- mont and 10y1 tribute to Inlghts Templar the world over. JSlilll ! the helping liiintt. . Several of the secret odrera Dr the .stato or Nebraska have completet or are making arrangements - rangements ( to take care or their del\ltute \ melobn , especially those In the western portion of the state , during the coming wIn- porton . A great deal or suUerlng Is expected In the western counties when the old weather seta in . but these orders propose to lee that not one cr their member shall want for food , clothing fuel or any Ibal. larY or life . Al account or the method that the AncIent Order or United Workmen will pursue ' lisa already - ready been Ilublhed In these column. . T1t9 Tl9 work la being steadily followed ' 'n ' preparation tor the comlcK cold weather , and already au- J [ - - - - - - - - - - S - 'swerl to the npptala.that have been sent out are coming in Circular han betfl sent out from the Odd Fellows hal or Quarand ' ( lodge or the state 10 the secretarlt ot all the loges In the state , bringing titbnatter to their attention. Theo circulars are tq bo followed durIng thl coming week wltbllrct appeals to lh mem- bers. Both aro.I/ed by I. P. Gage . the grlnll secretary , f the grand lodge or the I stale. A rt . Z . hf circular above men- tonelt renls : fQIhdWl : . "Being deirous o learning the actual nets I or our brethren Inth . westernmost \Qdgest \ In , order that we may take steps to rele\ ' any existing distress Q , probable destitution , will ) 'ou lCflS . ! , al once answers to the follow- lag questIons : Js there likely to be want anti destitution among the members of your amons lodge which the IOllgo cannot relieve ? how many needy brothers have you ? Will castoff clothing whleh can be collected among our more ra\'orellodges bo acceptable ? Whie Ils not lkely that wo shall bt able to distribute : any large sums or money , we are anxious to 110 all that lies in ! our power to assure our unfortunate members and lodges or our deep tymlmthy with them In their time or .ls- couragement. No appeal for assistance was presented to the grand lolge nt Its late ses- son ! antI no steps were taken by ( hat hotly to anticipate city probable want among the lodges , but the grand ofilcers' correspomlenco with the brethren unmistakably indicates widespread brethren " npprehenston among the wester ( The lodges In the ( eastern part or the state propose to collect as much money and as many articles as they can anti forward them to the grand seeretnry's ofce , front where they will bo distributed among the needy lodges. the appeal Formal reachEs action them. will not be tnlln until 1.CIo loon lIt'tt : , i4Ii. ! JI"tlunR. The officers elected by the various lodges or the different ordern In the state reported last week are n follows : Columbus-Knights or Pythlas : Chancellor - her comniantler \ \ ' . A. lcAlster ; vice chian- celar commander , John G. Bcher ; prelate , Gus l'nlbaum ; keeper or records and seals , E. G. Brown : master or work , O. C. Shannon - non ; master or exchequer V. It. Weaver ; matter of finance . Frank Wurdeman : master- nt-arms. Louis lell : trustees , 0V. . Pull- lips . John Tannahil and Louis IchI Premont-Forcst City tent No. lO , Knights or Ito laccabees : 1' . C. . Roy Denney : C. . John N. Nevls : L. C. . C. T. C. Lolch : H. K. , Louis B. Co- man : P. K. , John Gumb : Chal , John I. Mc- Gnnls : serg Archie D. SmIth : physician Dr. E. W. Martin : M.-at-A. , Ii. W. Alien : first M. or G. , J. S. Seeley : seconl M. or G. . W. W. DreyCoos ; sentinel , Bruce E. Smith : picket , Robert L. Cramer. Normal camp No. 225. Modrn Woodmen of America : V. C. , J. C. Ferguson ; A. , D. M. Aie : D. , S. J. Hyatt : C. . E. D. Percy ; E. . P. N. float ; W. , W. C. Peterson ; C. . J. D. Markey ; managersL W. H. Haven , J. V. N. Dies and J. \Vlntersleen. . Woolmen anl or the World : W. J. Phillips , C. C. : Soren hansen , A. L ; C. H. Schnfer , clerk : John Mohler. banker ; C. J. Schurtz. escort ; II. C. Itiggert . W. ; F. Ehirncke , S. : w. ii. Haven , mannger. ned Men : Sachem , Charles T. Dlrllce ; senior sagmore Fred L. Nesllt ; secretary . Roy Denney : keeper or wampum Frank lcGveTln ; trustees W. H. Haven , George I" 'Volz and I. Leedom. John A. Logan circle Ladles or the Grand Army or the Republic : President Mrs. D. M. Allen : senior ' vIce president Mrs. D. F. French ; junIor vice , presIdent , Mrs. A. Olds : chaplain , Mrs. Rosa Drown : treasurer Mrs. C. Dalduf ; guard ; Miss Carrie Daldurri ; . see- rotary MIss RosetSuthierland. , Fllertel-Knlght or Pythlas : C. S. Parker C. C.A. ; . L. Goollen , V. C. : H. Baxter P. ; H. H.tBigehow , , K. n. S. : F. H. Penney , M. E. : J. D. Uener , M. W. : n. 'V. McKee , M. A. Live Eagle post No. 17 , Grand Army of the Republic : Post commander . Z. E. Jackson . son ; senior vice O. E. Sterns ; junior vice , A. L. 'Scutt : chaplain , . Alex Martin ; delegates to the department encampment , O. E. Sterns and N. Crabtree. Genoa-S 1Ivan dodge . KnIghts or Pythlas : William Kennedy . , C. C. ; Carl Olson , V. C. : . F.- Wake P. : AIE. Anderson , M.V. . : F. ! Osbre , K. n. a. ; William Pugsley , M. 1" : Eric Johinon'MiB. : . : fit . Sutton , M. A. > E. Srear , trustee. ' HarUngton-Gr Army of th Republic : : Dick Eby , commander ; W. n. Porter , senior vice commander ; W. H. Stephenson , junior vice commander : H. A. Miller , quartermaster and treasurer : Mr. H6senlach , sergeant ; Wil- lam De Garmo chaplain , and . A. Erdenberger . office or the guard. Women's Relief Corps : President. Mrs. II. A. Miller ; vice president Mrs. McGar"ey ; ' treasurer , Mary Nelson ; chaplain Mrs. G. , McGregor ; conductress , Mrs. El Dague ; : assistant conductress Mrs. D. G. Foreman . man : guard , Mrs. Del , Eby : assistant guard , Mrs. Erdenbetger. Kearney-Sedgwick No.1. Women's neler Corps : Jresltent. Mrs. E. Barber ; senIor vIce president Mrs. MaUla ( Deswr ; junior vIce prcsdent : , Mrs. Francea 'Voodrur : treasurer , Mrs. Nina Morey ; chaplain Mrs. Lotte Lyon : guard Mrs. M. J. Stern : conductor . Mrs. Jennl Calhoun ; delegate to department con- vento ( _ ct liaslng ! , Mrs. Clara Refiner ; alter- nate , Jr . Nina niorey. North Bend-Stilly post No. 105. Grant : Army or the Republic : Commander , M. C. Mitchell ; senior vice commandEr , Joseph Hanks ; junior vice commander . John G. WI- S01 : quartermaster D. M. Strong : chapllln , W. W. Hall : surgeon , Isaac langhart : oller or the day L. n Drown : officer of the guard , John Murrell. Women's : Reler corps : President Mrs. Melissa Drown : senIor vice , Mrs. V. Morse ; junior vice , Mrs. Loty Danghart ; secretary , Mrs. E. n. Smith ; treasurer Mrs. Helen Ecllhart ; conductor Mrs. Lilly White : assistant . slstant conductor , Mrs. Efe Kern ; chaplain , Mrs. Marion JcVlcller ; guard , Mrs. Hose Walker. Oscola-'omen's Relief corps : President Mrs. Mary WIlson : senior vIce , Mn. Mary Dense : junior vice Mrs. L. D. Pratt : treas- urer Mrs. Dr. Whalen : secretary , Mrs. Mary E. Saunders : chaplain , Mrs. Lydia E. Sirang : conductor , Mrs. hose Fey ; guard , Irs. W. H. Carson ; delegate to state meet- ing Mrs. H. V , ' . Kennard : alternate , Mrs. G. W. Gregg. Oxrord-OxCord lodge No. 108 , Independ- cot Order of Odll ' Fellows : H. A. Shade , noble grand : John Howell , vice grand ; J. L. Lashbrook , secretary ; Dr. L. M. Drady. treasurer : L. Aloway , A. C. Hops and C. E. hiinman . trustees Papillion-Knighits or Pythlas : 1. W. , I. 0. Selk : C. C. , J.P. Spearman : V. , C. , James Hassett ; prelate Edgar Howard ; M. at A. , J. II. Gotsche : M. or F. , J. D. Slothower ; M. or E. . William Snyder ; K. n. S. Samson I.ees. Pawnee City-InterIor ledge No. D , Independent - dependent Order or Odd Fellows : N. G. , EdwIn WrIght : V. G. . J. B. Collar : treas- urer J. N. Ecllman ; H. S. , hi. S. Jenkins : I , . S. . J. D. Sawyer ; trustees W. M. hillier , Robert Inlls , W. D. Hauer. Wslng City-Royal Neighbors or America : Oracle , Mrs. Maggie Nycum : vice oracle , I Mrs. H. T. Martin ; : chancellor , Mrs. D. A. Minnick : treasurer Mrs. J. H. East ; secre- I tary , Mrs. Kate Dckerson : marshal. Mrs. , Albertne I. . lacpCer : Inside sentinel , Mrs. ' G. F. Neugent ; outsIde sentinel , Mrs. J. O. Slioles Seward-Seward post No.3 , Grand Army or the Republic : ComnmantlerVllliam Hed- ford ; senIor vice .htobert Odel i junior vice A. Coleman ; surgeon , J. D. Blackburn ; chiaplatmi . J. 0. Iayless : quartermaster , John Woods ; officer or the day , C. K. Humphrey ; ofcer or the guard , 'SV I. Barret ; delegate Awarded Highest Hoors-World's Fair. Q R " J CREAM BANG - - PoIiii MOST PERFECT MADe. A pure Grape Cream ofT"rar Powder , FIe ( ornAmmonia , Alum or any other adul" , fp YlARS THE STAt'DARD5 to state encampment , O. Squires ; alternate , Lemuel CI8th. Wausa-hiermione lodge No 165 , KnIghts or lythll : Chancellor commlller , Ii. M. McLoll ; vice chancellor . Uobert I.ynn ; keeper or records and seal , C. P. Rlman ; tirelat ! ! ; 1' " II. Crahan ; master or exchequer , O. Ii. Henard , master or finance , Gus S\an- son : master-at-arms , I { . Melby. , Wan - asrr post No. I Granll Amy or the nepullc Post commanller , A. J. : l'-crgEon ; senior vice commltler , George Shaw ; Junior vic commander , A. W. Taylor ; surgeon ' D. Cunnmnhnm ; chaplain , Ell surgeoP : - iunerIiiastcr , J. W. Dartet ; officer or the day , J. Stringer ; officer or the ( guard , H. 1. Frazel ; ndJutant , A. 1. Chutds , . Wilber-Ingomnar lodge KnIghts or Pylhlas : Master or work , Dr. C. J . Ehler ; chancellor commander , J. E. , Ewing ; vIce chancellor , J. L. Boreck ; prelate , A. S. Sand ; mlster or excheqler , John Zwoncchlq ; master Dr finance . B. J. Sulrk ; keeper of records anti peal , Charles Stnstny ; master-at-nrms. J. Ii. , Bet : trustees N. D. Hayden , P. V. Shabata and Louis Doreeky : organist , Robert Shary. Nciv Royal . \ rlllm ( Inrr . Pioneer council No. 18 , Royal Arcalln , at the laRt meeting electoll the following officers for the ensuing year : Regent , George W. Covel ; vice regent , A. J. Van Iurnn ; orator , George Il. Armstrong : secretary , Thomas G. laHrnne ; collector , J. C , Eugene DU\al ; treasurer , Gnstavo Anderson ; chaplain Ed- wnr,1 A. Pnrmelee : guide , hi. \ ' . Lane : war- den , J. 11. Wright : sentry S. Jorgensen ; trustees Thcmas O. Ingrane , William J. Kennedy , Ailert Ii. Soother . Union Pacific council No. 10G9 has elected the following officers : Itegemit P. L. Gregory - ory : vice regent , A. B. HutchInson ; past regent - gent , I. O. UhOles : orator , Y. B. I Bender : secretary , J. D. Sheldon ; colecto" . C. I. Gyger : treasurer J. E. Preston : chaplain , 11ev . T. J. Iacllay ; guide C. E. Ke'cs : war- thou . W. ' B. Morgan ; sentry , P. P. I'renzer : organist Abel Lansing : trustee for llco ) 'enrl It. Ii. Mceh' ) ' . On the occasion of the installation or the ofcers or Union Ilcfc counci , which oc- ClrH on January 1 , a banquet will 10 given In the rotunda of The .Iee building. Covers will he haiti for 150 11eople. Among the guests present wi be Invited delegates from Fidelity council or Council Bluffs , Pioneer councl or Omnhn , Inoxal counci or South Omaha and Capitol counci or Lincoln. ( , r.111rIY J lect ( ) ' . . George Crook post No. 262 , Grand Army or the Hllblc , last Thursday night elected the following officers : Ciiitnander . Wllnm S. Asltlth : senior vlco commamler , Alfred Bagh : Junior vIce commander , E. Gimore : qunrtermaster , , \ . K. Hhoadcs ; surgeon S. K. SpaldIng ! ; chaphan'iliiam ( A. Wclier ; officer er the day T. I. hell ; olcer of the guard , George W. McCoy : delegates to the department encaiiilflflelit . John lb. Furay . 'S\'il- Inn A. Welker , James " ' . Coburti . J. Wlne- ! arb. The burial corps consisted of the cominijanjer and senior all junler vice com- manders. George A. Custer post elected tlo folowing ofcers : Commander II. H. Durbin ; senior vie conlnnnder , John Jenlins : junior vice cllnanler , J. W. Thompson ; surgeon , E. II. Herman ; quartermaster J. W. Honza : 0- fleer of the day J.P. Henderon ; officer oC the guartl. Mr. Barr : trustees J. D. Sawhi , Charles II. Thomas C. A. Cuscaden : delegates - gates to the department encampnient . Thomuas Jenkins and Inws : alternates . Rhoads CummIngs - mIngs and Butler. Duter. Allllm C.nup's row Qlartet. The quartet or Alpha camp , 'Vcodmen or the World , has reorganized and now the camp boasts or havIng the finest quartet In the city. I has received a new acquisition In the person of David Morris who has re- centy come to this cIty from Pitsburg. 'SVhiile In the later city he sang In Trinity cathedral. He Is said to have a tenor voice or very fine quality , clear and sweet. He , Is especially good on the high notes or the scale and can sing hIgh C wIthout difficulty. Upon his first appearance at the last meet- Ing of tIre camp hs ! singing created a semisa- ticn. The quartet as II Is now composed Is as follows : Leader and pianist Prof. Roe : first tenor , David MorrIs ; second tener , ! r. Leonard : first lass , Joseph Cole : second bass , Robert Diffin. . Golden Rod cIrce vIll , give a grand en ter- . tainnient Ind ball 'In Myrtle hal un Thursday - day - night . December 20. This takes the place of the regular monthly entertainment ef Alphn camll. S . Secret Society ! otes. Mars lodge No. 130 , KnIghts or PyUllas. has chang the place or holding Its annual ball to Chamhers' dancing ball. The -Ialr takes place necemler 28. and It promIses to be very successrul. Saturday night Goodrich lodge .No.- :44 , Independent Order or Odd Fellows . conferred the third degree upon the members or the new lodge recently instituted at Benson thus making them full fledged members oC the order Was lodge No. 183. Independent Order or Odd Fellows , will give a ChrIstmas feast anti bal In Odd Fellows' temple on Wednesday night December 2G. The occasion will he enjoyed only by the members and theIr ( friends , who expect to have a social good time. lme. Recently Myrtle bilge No.3. Knights or Pythla . gave an entertainment In Myrtle hall Members of the several I'ythlan lodges In time city were invited to attend . and 0 great many were present. When lie pro- gram had been concuded rerreshments were served to the guests. After this six or seven numbers were dnced. the party breall' Ing up at 1 :30 : o'clocle. The chairman or the occasIon was A. Hald . limo Ilrllglol ltotito' l'orsomiaily : Coim- duct.1 I'XClrAlol . To California leaves Omaha every Thursday morning. Through to San Francisco and LOJ Angeles without change. Cheapest and best way or reaching any point In Colorado , Utah or California. Tickets and advertising meter at 132 I"ar- nam street M. J. Dowling . city passenger . agent. S New Omnlm J.lmltcl 'I'rgthi , . On and aCer Sunday , November 4 , thl , Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul "electric' lighted Imltell' " will leave Omaha at G p. m. . arrIving In Chicago at D a .ni. nemem. tier thIs train carries dinner a la carte. O. B. CAlmER , Ticket Agent llOI Faram st. COIIIT TUJS TO JIEIOtY- LATEST STILES-LOWE' 11UOE O.ISCOfIElD U I \ COAKSSIIITS.FURS. [ &or l'AxrON 16tb and urnam DLOCJt. Sts" , 0 MA9A LUXURIANT HAIR produced by the CUICURA HEEI& when till ollrs fail . ' 1le ) ' clclUI" ito ( ecall' of irritating . Acaly , crublcd , anti blotchy hiumnor , stiiniiinto humor elllialo c\ . the hair fullcicl. and dOllro ) ' mi cr lcnplc IUII'cl which fl'l'd on thiehia ratid hClcCIUCCCNI when \ the best 1111'elclnlo inth 1 all other remedies tall . told tbroughout Ibo u-cud BAilEY THE DENTIST . Ilonoll' or 1.0w l'rlccH In DBn1Stru IN I OMAI\ . Ful Set of Teeth , $5 ; Waranled \ to Fit. Tcell Cxl roe , ( cit timid 1 mitt 1 In 1:10y. . 00\11111 Flalml Ahoy t'lilimit-N . ol I ; Sliver . t'ltll.tl II\O 00\1 , I.H ; Oohl Crowll.O 101t --22k ; Irhll : ' . . ' ' . : t 'r work cll.O per loolh. t'moKI UIWI'I. : i < ! ' ' . . , ' ( 'ci , lU8 . Floor l'uxlul 111k. Illh anti \ 11 rl'HI ' 101 LABY ATTtNIMNT . LADNll NDAN'J. - YhB Mercer Hotel 1 Cor. 12th n111 Howard Streets , Under I"W Illnn/II'fl'II. / ) wil I I I CIII 1 lIT- ' : : I.1BALS Ild JJT'hl' : lOOM ( IS (11 ( stOl1 liumitd Ilcl electric 1111'(1 ( ( ( tan any lintel iii 011111 \I for tlo intO ot $2.00 per day. Heel ( with blth 1' und , ' ; 1,0. wih thu Mlreor IU tlmo you visit ( Ito city. Taku tIle Uumo.trc"t , cu : met. tllol ) lollot t 12th Uumo. , rOOt Wulter str"o loiot tLakar . t howard street . . &ILLOIJ'JY , " ' " ' ' S J. JlLLO I. 1 J"'I"I' ' . . - - - - - - - - - ' I A Melton Ulster Uster ( SLATE COLOn ) ( CASSUmnl JINIm , _ GIT Elm YAI.UJ ; O.- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - heaping thlnJs all in n bunch - -5--- -aIn't we-wel , I h ju'.t "hnt _ wo Ilromlqell you for Christ- _ _ ) imnS-\'Oti Mlll hn\o nil good _ thlnl ' for lizirthly nny 1101'nt _ S ni-so to spenk-nono wel by - _ _ ) 'olilst ( "ock on tiiet.o ! 5 antI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' 6.0 O ( ) stilts-fl 01 ii11 't ( , vo ? nll Iltl _ 5- _ ihitiii't \Vo teeth ) ' 01 royally on _ - thl'SO 2io : ties ? Now , wo'llry - to hut Into ulster _ S Ilt you nn Ils tor for - little or iioiiiing. $4.00 A Shetan ( Dccp ( i'e' Color ) ( Worth nt lcnst $7.50)S ) S $7.50)A , A slllenlll , lonj I , wnrl ntll _ - di able :10101 ulster for I 1.00 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - llt ( color Illl cussi mere _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . S - ilmmotl. l'nn't Mlrelv ! ot I butter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tel one for I.50-hiuro Is UI- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ othl'r Jlt , elljo value for yeA - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A rctty . tlrcs'y timid wurm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S - ulster for $00. : 11\10 or that . - wooly tlf ( llcII fhctllli - \lolh. lned with substantial : wool mnnterimLl anti orllloltell S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - wIth silk COIted 10011 buckles _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - buclde Sl10 n' om mmnmnemitq . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ all stroll cat timely _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - S S - worth . maIo tItan n 10 dolar - lII. Ulster $5O Uster I ( Silk Com-dcel Loop U Buckles ) . _ . ( \Vortli 1011 $10) ) ' I $10)p - CHEAPER THAN CANAL POWER { _ The OTTO Gasoline Engine jwi . . furnish you power at a cost of 50 I to 40 per cent less than the price proposed t : be charged for power - by the Canal Co , For particulars call on or mvJdrcss , pnrtcular3 cal atress The Otto Gas Engine Works , 321 S. It hSt. , OMAHA , . NEB , : " p WHAT $15 BUYS I The Greate3t Bargains Ever Offered In tlo Furniture . history or Omaha. This Is the Fame grade of 11e.ll that old at $3 ; a few years ago. I cannot lo male ( to order today at lESS than $ 40. We shall sell a limited number ( solely for Christmas ( ratio ) lmited at $15. Wo 10 this sImply 10 bring thin Chrlslmas crowd to 12th and Douglas street Notice 10 points. Nearly [ r ; feet In height Solid Carved Oak tlmrotmghiput. Full overhang of 11 imich' , 27 incItes clear depth for wriimmg. ( hrawers 5 Incites deep. Automatic supports to lid. Anitluo brass trimmings. Iust proof fin'shm. Superbly outfitted ( ecparato locks on draw- era , iemi racks. hoolc files. ) Shelf below for books , etc. This is an opportuimity to give a Christ- mnas gift whIehm could never ordinarily ho bought under $25 at a cost of $15. The number is limited ; only one deshe .old to aimy omie addrcs , Charles Shivelhick & Co. FURNITURE of Every Uon3rlptii Temiuporary l.oe.itioti , 1iCJ ! mimics 1tOS IostJii. truot , MILIIARD IIOTIIL 111.00K. hit'riut's eaie , Thy virtue of an orther of attachment and gmmrumislmmeflt issued out of time district court of time Fourth jumliclal district , uitlmln and for icmUglas county , in an action wherein time Flchil.tmrgS'orsted comnpmmtiy 19 piimimitilf antI Clareimce J. conan 'anti JoInt .1. llehier , nartners aim C. J. Caimnim & Co. , are defeuiti- cimits , I (11(1 ( on ( lie 28th mInI' of Novenmbei , A. I ) . ISM , attach m's iiio vmohert of the uaid C. J. Cammati & Ca , IL miscehlaneous stock of tailtirings , comtrhsimmg of caaiimertt , cheviot anti kiickerbeckcr mmuiiiigs ( , brottd. cloth , worsted cloth , uvercomitlimg , hutomms , thremid , hittings , mind tIme iixture coxmtaiumctl In the store roommi of C. J. Cimmimin & ( o , on Farnamn street hetweui 12li amid 13th streets , 1mm ( lie city of Omahmtu , amid by vim tue of arm order of smile ott nttacuirneiit Isammeil out of time district court , timid to me directed ummder ( hate of the Slit mitt ) ' Of lecrmnhicr , A , 118mi ' , mind duly signed by Frmmriie B. Moomoim , therk of time district court , I uvuhl on ( Ito COthm ( Ia ) ' of Deceniljer , A. 1) . lt'JI , a 10 o'clock a , mit. , of said day , at ( lie above stained store room of C. J. Camman & Co. , sell at Puhilie atmrtioim to ( he highest bIdder for cash , oh of the above descrIbed goods antI ciimmtti and lIz- lures situate amid hieing in saiti store roomo , to satisfy the Fitchburg \\'orscd ( comuimammy time sum of otto thousand anti three dollars ( * 1,003.00) _ , and interest oti $1,000.00 trout lila ) ' , 18)i , at time rate of 0 bier cent nor timiuiumit , and ( he coats of ttultp according to time jufig. nment of the said district court , rendered on ( Ito 8th day pt ) . , Sheriff of D muglas C'ouq Ddl XMAS GIFTS' I-S , ( Lt FOIl YOUR FAThER. MOTIIER , SISTER , IhROThiEht , FRIEND Oht LOVER. SOLID GOLD SPECTACLES , SOLID 00141) IiYEGL.ASSES. Eyes testedrreo ot charge. OPERA GLASSES , front $2.60 to $12.00 , CIIATELAINII CASES , large varIety , BAIIOMEI'IihtS AN ! ) ThERMOMETERS. Au Elegant Line of Novelties , w. I. Seymotmr . , our optician , has bee1 extremely succem.sftui in fitting glasses hmumitiretla of time best ( 'coitlo itt tIme city. Lenses Exehiamiged Fm-co of Charge , The Aloe & Penfod Cc , , LEADING SCIENTIl'IC OPTICIANi , 1408 Farnamu Straet , Opposite h'xoum Jioe ( THE LXON DRUG HOUSE , r RAN CISCAN IDnPs Purely U vegelawo , Prepareti front this crhginal to mnula rre creed 1mm thmo . % rchmivea of Iho I1oly Lamici , hma' : ig an authentic hmitom-y datiiig btic IBoycarti. p POSITIVE GURE ( oral ! Stomach , Kidney and Bowel troubles , especially HRONIO CONSTIPATION Price O ceuta , Sold by all dnmgglmmte , the FrancismanRemedy Co. , 1.34 V1 URE. ZT , , CIIICAOO , ILL. . for Circular , . lliimtrated Calendar. For sale bY ICuhit &C. , 15th & Doiighs RUPTURE' PERMANENTI.Y TTTfl3 ORNO a' iU1thJJ PAY , NOPAYUNTILCURE wt stile iOU iii 8,000 PAIIINTI. I Writefot-hhanltReIereflCes. . . ; xAMiuA'uiOu REC. to Operation. o Detention from BusIness. SgND FOR CIRCULAR. THE 0. E : . MILLER CO. , ,1 &n NOW 144t .dt , Qik